Air Accumulator Operation Manual

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埃 宏


Egypt HH
Air accumulator
Operation manual

Sichuan Honghua Youxin Petroleum Mechanism Co., Ltd. China

Air accumulator
1.功能与用途 Function and purpose



The air accumulator is a pressure vessel used to provide air for the

equipments that need air, such as gauges and other equipments, which can

stabilize the air pressure and maintain the air volume in the system

2.设备规范 Equipments specifications

GB 150-1998 钢制压力容器

GB 150-1998 Steel pressure vessels

HG/T 20592~20635-2009 钢制管法兰、垫片、紧固件

HG/T 20592~20635-2009 steel pipe flange, gasket and fasteners

TSG R0004-2009 固定式压力容器安全技术监察规程

TSG R0004-2009 Supervision Regulation on Safety Technology for

Stationary Pressure Vessel

JB/T 4709-2000 钢制压力容器焊接规程

JB/T 4709-2000 Welding specification for steel pressure vessels

JB/T 4711-2003 压力容器涂敷与运输包装

JB/T 4711-2003 Coating and packing for pressure vessels transport

3.使用说明 Instructions


Since the air inside the tank is highly compressed, it will be a

disaster if explosion happens, so, attention should be paid to the items

following during the process of using.

3.1 空气贮罐应在当地劳动部门注册登记后方能投入使用。

3.1 Before put it into use, the air accumulator has to be registered in the

local labor department first.

3.2 空气贮罐应在顶部配置满足要求的安全阀,安全阀下面严禁配装


A safety valve (fully conforms to the requirements) should be equipped

on the top of the tank, and a stop valve is highly prohibited to be

equipped below. Do not use the air accumulator with a overpressure.

3.3 空气贮罐应在便于观察的方位配置合适的,且在有效校准周期的


At the positions which are convenient for observation should be equipped

with a appropriate, properly calibrated pressure gauge

4.安装 Installation

4.1 设备安装就位以及系统配管的过程中严禁在设备承压部位动火


No welding is allowed at the pressure-holding positions after the air

accumulator has been installed already and/or during the process of

assembling pipes.
4.2 按图纸装配安全阀、压力表及外部连接管道。

Assemble the safety valves, pressure gauges and exterior connecting

pipes according to the drawings.

4.3 清除内部脏物。

Clean out the dirt inside.

4.4 进行水压试验,排水。

Perform hydraulic test and discharge the water.

4.5 待用。

Use preparation

5.维护保养 Maintenance

5.1 定期进行检修、排除底部污水。

Regularly examine and repair the equipment and discharge the bottom


5.2 定期检查压力表的灵敏度,超过检验周期必须重新校准。

Regularly check the sensitivity of the pressure gauge, recalibrate the

gauge if the period exceeds.

5.3 在压力表准确的情况下,如超过起跳压力安全阀仍不开启,或起跳


On the condition of the pressure gauge is accurate, if the safety valve

still can not turn on with the set pressure has exceed the standard value or

can not turn off when the set pressure is released, it has to discharge the

air accumulator and disassemble the safety valve to perform the


Add: Sanya Road (South), Guanghan
Economic Development Zone, Sichuan
Name: Sichuan Honghua Youxin Oil
Machinery Co., Ltd
电话 Tel:0838-5198073
传真 Fax:0838-5198073
邮编 PC:618300

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