Inglisz Test

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Test Unit 5

Group B
Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____
Total: ___/50

LISTENING I’m taking a course to improve my career

1 TRACK 6 You will hear five people
talking about domestic chores and
1 I only found my _____________________
household rules. Match statements
A-F with speakers 1-5. There is one after a number of years of doing jobs that I
extra statement.
2 There was a _______________________
A My parents are stricter than most.
in the number of students studying politics
B Introducing rules didn’t have the
expected result. last year.
C The rules are for all of us, not just 3 I’m jealous of _______________________.
the younger generation. They have much more time to focus on
D My sibling is less happy than I am.
their passions.
E I argued because the rules were
not gender neutral. 4 What made you decide to follow that
F The rules aren’t quite as strict as particular ________________________?
5 People who _______________________
are lucky. It’s obvious to them what job to
Speaker 1 2 3 4 5

_____/5 3 Complete the sentences with the

missing words. The first letters are

If you don’t have a comfortable workplace,

2 Match the words in A and B to make you should ask to work from home
collocations. Then complete the instead.
sentences. You may need to change the
form of the verbs and pronouns. There 1 We’re very impressed with your attitude.
is one extra word in A.
You never g__________ up.
2 She really found her n__________ when
A improve apply part- one
career have sharp she went into teaching.
B a vocation increase path 3 Unfortunately, many people lack
one’s career prospects true calling
timers p__________ in their jobs so a lot of time
and money is wasted.

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 4 SECOND EDITION (B2/B2+)
Test Unit 5
Group B
Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____

4 The temperature in summer usually 5 ‘Why don’t you ask the teacher for help?’
remains c__________. It doesn’t change Jonny suggested.
too much. Jonny suggested ___________________
5 There’s been a r__________ decline in ___________________________ for help.
the number of people studying medicine,
there will be a shortage of doctors in the _____/5
5 Complete the sentences so that they
make sense using appropriate forms of
the words in brackets. Add any
necessary words. Use no more than six
4 Complete the second sentence so that words.
it has a similar meaning to the first. Use
reported speech. Greg (tell/I/be) told me to be there on time.

'I will be there on time!' Greg told me. 1 The woman ________________________
Greg told me that he would be there on
time. ________________________ (claim/be/
our new boss) and we believed her, just
1 'Why are you still working there?' Joe
like that!
2 The CEO __________________________
Joe wanted to know _________________
_________________________ (insist/
_____________________________ there.
close/whole factory) down but everyone
2 'All my failures are your fault!' he said to
opposed his idea.
3 My parents ________________________
He blamed ________________________
________________________ (warn/I/not/
___________________________ failures.
quit) my job without finding a new one first.
3 'Don’t worry about my raise too much,' he
4 She ______________________________
told me.
_________________________ (suggest/
He told me ________________________
sign/the contract) as soon as possible and
__________________________ too much.
I did as she said.
4 'We’re looking into various career
5 His teacher ________________________
prospects,' explained Tim.
__________________________ (urge/he/
Tim explained ______________________
study) hard for the end-of-year exam.
____________________ career prospects.


© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 4 SECOND EDITION (B2/B2+)
Test Unit 5
Group B
Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____

USE OF ENGLISH 7 Translate the phrases in brackets into

English. Use no more than six words.
6 Complete the second sentence so that
We all congratulated him on getting
it has a similar meaning to the first. Use
between two and five words including (pogratulowaliśmy mu zdobycia) a new job.
the word in capitals. Do not change the
word given. 1 I’ll _______________________________
I’m trying to avoid helping my dad with the
(zabiorę się do sprzątania) my bedroom
gardening. GET
I’m trying to get out of helping my dad with after we’ve eaten lunch.
the gardening. 2 The man __________________________
(zaprzeczył, jakoby skłamał) about his
1 Sometimes I find it hard to tolerate my
younger brother. PUT
3 A wise woman once _________________
Sometimes I find it hard to ____________
____________________ (poradziła mi,
________________________ my younger
żebym słuchała) to my own heart.
4 They finally managed to ______________
2 Oh no! We’ve used up all the coffee. OUT
_______________________ (przekonać
Oh no! We’ve ______________________
go, żeby został) in the job until we found
____________________________ coffee.
someone to replace him.
3 I’m going to be busy doing this work until
5 The shop keeper ____________________
at least six o’clock. UP
______________________ (oskarżył mnie
I’m going to be _____________________
o kradzież) a chocolate bar. I couldn’t
_____________________ this work until
believe it!
at least six o’clock.
4 Are there any famous people you admire?
Are there any famous people you
_______________________________? 8 Read two texts about teaching certain
skills and choose the correct answer,
5 I’ve had a great idea. COME
A, B, C or D.
I’ve ______________________________
Text 1.
a great idea.
Grangeton in Derbyshire isn’t actually a real
town but it has most things that you might
expect to find in one. When a new head
teacher took over at the Grange Primary

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 4 SECOND EDITION (B2/B2+)
Test Unit 5
Group B
Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____

School, he found that both students and staff special projects such as when the council
had become demotivated and disinterested. voted that the shops should sell food from
He knew that the school needed something different past times.
special and Grangeton certainly is. Grangeton is now considered a great
Grangeton has businesses and services like success and a model of how to use
any other town but these are all run by and children’s creativity to involve them in the
for the school’s students, five days a week, learning process. Even people who you
every week of the school year. There is may expect to be critical of such non-
a town council and a mayor, who is elected traditional education methods are unable to
each year from the Year 6 students. The find fault with what the students do.
council makes all the important decisions on
how the town is run, just like in any normal 1 From reading the text, we know that the
town. Grange School students
So, what can you find in Grangeton? There is A have to reach Year 6 before they can
a newspaper, a museum and two shops. work in Grangeton.
A café opens on two mornings a week but it is B are more motivated by Grangeton than
a Parisian café and French is the only the teachers.
language that customers can use when C are doing better academically because
ordering food there. There is another reason of Grangeton.
for Grangeton, apart from motivating the D decide for themselves how Grangeton
students. Although they are only primary will be run.
students, with a maximum age of eleven, the
school believes that they are the right age to 2 Grange School is unusual because it
gain some early work experience. Normally, A gives young students a chance to learn
students have to wait until they are fourteen work skills.
before getting any work related experience, B sends students out to gain experience
and even then, it depends on the school. The in local companies.
students of Grange School are too young to C offers foreign language learning at an
go to companies to work but, with their own early age.
businesses to run, they don’t have to leave D has younger students than most
the school premises. The school also invites primary schools.
guests to talk to the students and help them.
The BBC helped them to set up a TV and 3 Having Grangeton
radio station and local politicians talked to A has taken up time that could be spent
them about democracy and decision making. learning.
The school is able to find the time to do all B has given the students an interesting
this because the work the students are doing way to practise their normal school
is closely related to the school’s education subjects.
curriculum. As well as practising a foreign C has lead to criticism from some people.
language in the café, the students use Maths D has provided employment for people
when running their businesses, English when from outside the school.
writing their newspaper and even History in

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 4 SECOND EDITION (B2/B2+)
Test Unit 5
Group B
Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____

Text 2. Whoever is in charge, it is clear that

A WORRYING LACK OF BASIC SKILLS businesses are no longer willing to spend
time and money teaching young people
A recent survey of 3,000 companies has found
how to communicate and cooperate with
that employers have a major concern. They
their colleagues. Youngsters need help
say that more and more young people do
before they apply for their first job and
not have the basic skills necessary to get
schools and the government should be doing
on as employees. These skills include such
all they can to provide this assistance.
things as being able to communicate
effectively and work as part of a team.
4 Which of these is true?
Because of this, many employers think it is
A Students nowadays are required to get
risky to offer work to inexperienced young
some form of work experience during their
people, preferring to hire staff who have
school education.
already had experience of a working B Not all political parties believe that
environment somewhere else.
offering work experience to school
In order to help to prepare young people for
students is a good idea.
work, business leaders and employers are
C Companies are often unwilling to take
asking the government to include work
on young people who lack work
experience as part of the curriculum in all
secondary schools. Some schools do offer D Employers talk directly to schools about
work experience to their older students but
what training they think students should
they don’t have to. As it can cause problems
with timetabling and because schools are
judged on exam results rather than how well
5 Both texts talk about
their students do once they leave education,
A businesses which have helped school
work experience is not seen as a priority by
students learn about work.
many head teachers.
B motivating school students by allowing
Politicians of all parties have come out in
them to make more decisions.
support of these proposals and schools are C helping school students to run their own
encouraged to invite business people to talk
to their students and to offer more careers
D giving work experience to school
advice but, so far, no laws have been
changed. Not surprisingly, opposition party
politicians have promised bigger changes if _____/5
they are voted back into power in the next


9 Do the writing task.

Absolwenci szkół średnich coraz częściej szukają pracy zaraz po egzaminach końcowych. Czy,
twoim zdaniem, lepiej jest kontynuować naukę na studiach bezpośrednio po szkole średniej, czy też
© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 4 SECOND EDITION (B2/B2+)
Test Unit 5
Group B
Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____

najpierw zdobyć pewne doświadczenie zawodowe, a potem podjąć decyzję, czy studiować, i jeśli
tak – to na jakim kierunku? Napisz rozprawkę na ten temat, w której uwzględnisz różne aspekty
(np. koszt i czas trwania studiów, trafność wyboru kierunku studiów, doświadczenie zawodowe,
rynek pracy).
Wypowiedź powinna zawierać od 200 do 250 słów i spełniać wszystkie wymogi typowe dla formy
wskazanej w poleceniu.

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 4 SECOND EDITION (B2/B2+)

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