Proposal Template 1
Proposal Template 1
Proposal Template 1
Elements to Address
1) Program information
a. Type of program
i. For undergraduate majors, indicate whether BA, BS, BFA etc.; also indicate whether this is a
new major degree offering, or an additional emphasis within an existing major degree
offering. Note: for emphasis degrees, the emphasis name is included on student transcripts as
follows, and students may complete multiple emphases.
BA/BS in [degree name]
Concentration in [emphasis name]
ii. For graduate programs, indicate whether MA, MS, PhD, EdD, or other professional degree.
iii. For certificates, indicate whether embedded or standalone
b. Proposed program name:
c. Proposing unit/college:
d. Unit level contact person for proposal (in addition to sponsoring college dean)
e. Proposed six-digit CIP code
f. Expected delivery modality (e.g., fully online, primarily in-person, etc.)
g. Expected campus (e.g., extended campus online, Lowry, Greeley campus)
h. Expected funding source (state or cash).
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2) Rationale (evidence of need/demand) for the proposed program.
Please provide any/all relevant considerations. Key questions to address include
• Who is the target audience? In particular, what reasons or evidence do we have that it will (a)
attract new students to UNC (students who might otherwise matriculate somewhere else), (b)
retain or better serve existing students/students in our current demographic who might
otherwise transfer, drop out, etc.
• What distinctive contribution will the program make to UNC’s academic portfolio. In particular,
how does the new program relate to the mission of UNC, the college, and the unit. What
existing UNC programs will it supplement, complement, and/or compete with (including other
programs offered by the same unit/college and programs in other units/colleges)? Will the
proposed program replace a program currently offered at UNC?
• What is the employment landscape for graduates from the new program?
Any other evidence of need/demand should be included in this section.
4) Curriculum details
Please note: every undergraduate degree program consists of three parts: (i) the 31/37 credit hour
Liberal Arts Curriculum, (ii) the major curriculum, and (iii) university-wide electives to get to the
minimum requirement of 120 credit hours. For undergraduate degree programs, including
emphases within existing degrees, only information about required courses in the major curriculum
needs to be included here (this includes courses required for the major that double count as LACs).
For minors, certificates, graduate degrees, and professional development programs, provide all
program requirements.
a. Complete the table below or provide the same information in another format. Course lists
(including the # of credits for each course) should be provided in the table (left most column)
unless they are provided elsewhere in the proposal (i.e., in the curriculum map above or as part
of faculty capacity response below).
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Category # of credit hours % of total
Existing or repackaged curricula:
*Provide a list all courses from the existing inventory of
courses at UNC that will be required in the program.
Revised or redesigned curricula:
*Provide a list of courses for which content will be revised
for the new program and address any impacts on other
New curricula:
*Provide a list of new courses for the program that haven’t
been offered at the institution.
TOTAL: credit hours required for the program 100%
Note: in completing this section, please make sure the program is consistent with all
rules/requirements specified in the current undergraduate or graduate catalog (e.g., upper division
credit hour minimums, double counting, etc.).
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7) Target enrollment estimates:
• Provide the information requested in the table below and explain how numbers were
generated. What is your plan for unrolling the program if target enrollments are not achieved?
• Identify the enrollment point at which additional faculty hires would be needed.
• Identify the enrollment point at which other additional resources (space, equipment, specialized
software, IDD or other staff support, etc.) would be needed.
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