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Partly sunny 81/65 " Tomorrow: Humid, shower 77/62 B6 Democracy Dies in Darkness thursday, october 5 , 2023
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Speaker battle
begins as House
tries to regroup
leaderless, adrift, baffled and angry
With work halted, GOP looks at Scalise and Jordan

BY M ARIANNA S OTOMAYOR, pens now that a house speaker

L EIGH A NN C ALDWELL has been deposed for the first
AND C OLBY I TKOWITZ time in history.
the process rapidly accelerat-
the jockeying to replace rep. ed Wednesday when Majority
Kevin Mccarthy (r-calif.) as Leader steve scalise (r-La.), Mc-
house speaker began moments carthy9s second-in-command, of-
after the ousted leader shocked ficially announced a bid for
his colleagues in a closed meeting speaker, as did rep. Jim Jordan
tuesday night by declaring that (r-ohio), a longtime conserva-
he would not run again for the tive gadfly. other candidates
speakership 4 or even name a could add their names to the mix
preferred successor. in coming days, and the rush to
according to multiple people fill the post underlined the persis-
in the meeting, who spoke on the tent intraparty divisions that
condition of anonymity to de- have plagued house republicans.
scribe how the chaotic events Both scalise and Jordan are
played out, the shaken GoP law- deeply conservative. But Jordan
makers immediately formed has taken on a firebrand role 4
smaller huddles with like- aggressively pursuing President
uNChArted terrItOrIes minded peers, beginning the Biden9s son hunter, for example,
process of determining what hap- sEE rEpuBlicaNs oN a4

The high-tech hunt for one of

Scholars: Ouster is sign
the world9s most elusive sharks of a troubled democracy
icolas tomasi has never laid eyes on it. revolutionary technology that is helping

N he has worked these waters for years

without seeing one but has heard the
tales from old-timers 4 of a patient preda-
scientists detect the treasure trove of genet-
ic information animals leave in their wake
and understand the breadth of life on Earth Historians are seeing
<if you want to know what it
looks like when democracy is in
trouble, this is what it looks like,=
tor, hiding under the sand off this french like never before. poor U.S. political health said Daniel Ziblatt, professor of
island9s shores, waiting for the right mo- Before, biologists had to drag nets government at harvard Univer-
ment to strike. through the sea or run electric currents in unprecedented move sity. <it should set off alarm bells
the angel shark does not want to be through the water to incapacitate and count that something is not right.=
found. But it can hide no longer. animals. Now, they can tally biodiversity the vote reflected the enor-
on a hot august afternoon, tomasi low- simply by sampling water, soil or even air for BY S ARAH E LLISON mous power that a small group of
ered a long plastic tube attached to a weight the DNa animals shed in their environ- representatives camped on their
over the edge of a dinghy and into the indigo ments daily. When the house of represen- party9s ideological fringe can
water. around the world from the arctic to the tatives voted to oust Kevin wield over an entire institution,
With the push of a few buttons, an electric top: a diver surveys fish off the coast amazon, eDNa is rewriting the way biolo- Mccarthy as speaker on tuesday, said Ziblatt, co-author of the
pump began sucking up a small portion of of the French island of corsica. gists do conservation, allowing them to spot it was the first such removal in book <tyranny of the Minority.=
the Mediterranean sea 4 and with it, the aBoVE: stéphanie Manel adds a solution invasive pests entering ecosystems before american history, a vivid rebuke it also showcased how difficult it
ocean9s secrets. to preserve a sample of environmental anyone has seen them and to follow ani- of his leadership and an escala- will be for anyone to corral the
the thin stream of siphoned water looked DNa, the genetic information that mals9 migration fueled by climate change tion of the civil strife within the house in a way that9s functional,
ordinary, but floating in it were microscopic animals leave in their wake. without deploying an army of people to republican Party. with major decisions over the
particles laden with DNa from dozens of track them. But historians and political budget and Ukraine funding
ocean animals. if an angel shark was below, But the most promising place for deploy- scientists say it is something ahead.
this device could detect it. ing eDNa may be Earth9s oceans, where more: a warning sign for the congress arrived at this point
today, said tomasi, a project manager BY D INO G RANDONI many species remain unknown and many health of american democracy. sEE spEakEr oN a6
with the Natural Marine Park of cap corse PHOTOS BY G REG L ECOEUR threats, such as warmer waters and ocean
and agriate, we can find rare sea life <sans off thE coast of corsica acidification, are mounting. 8running with scissors9: House Republicans have tired of Matt Gaetz. A4
avoir à plonger.= Without having to dive. in the case of france9s elusive angel shark,
this is environmental DNa, or eDNa, a sEE sHark oN a12 On sidelines: trump did not try to rescue ally as he stumbled to defeat. A5

the take: the ouster exposes anew the GOP9s destructive tendencies. A6

Kaiser health 8Swatting9 hoaxes prey on Americans9 real fear of shootings Ukraine aid9s
workers start Police search for the voice behind a targeted campaign that has terrified students across the nation bipartisan
multistate BY J OANNA S LATER support frays,
3-day strike SAGiNAW TOWNShiP, Mich. 4
snow crunching under their feet,
poll ûnds
breaths coming quickly, the offi-
BY J ENNA P ORTNOY, cers grabbed their duty rifles and BYS COTT C LEMENT,
L AUREN K AORI G URLEY ran toward Nouvel catholic cen- D AN B ALZ
AND A ARON G REGG tral high school. AND E MILY G USKIN
the code had gone out just two
More than 75,000 Kaiser Per- minutes earlier on feb. 7: active Nearly 20 months after russia
manente workers walked off the shooting in progress. invaded Ukraine, bipartisan sup-
job Wednesday, launching a three- they didn9t hesitate. When they port for U.s. military assistance
day strike with direct implications found that the double doors next has frayed, according to a survey
for patients who saw delayed ap- to the parking lot were locked, one released Wednesday by the chica-
pointments and some closed facil- officer rammed them with his go council on Global affairs.
ities across the heavily unionized cruiser and smashed them open. Most americans still support
health-care organization. another stepped over the shat- sending additional arms and sup-
the work action, concentrated tered glass and into a hallway plies to the Ukrainians, but more
in california, colorado, oregon lined with lockers. <Move, let9s division exists over whether the
and Washington state, was billed move, let9s move!= he yelled, in investment has been worthwhile.
by labor organizers as the largest moments captured on body cam- the findings come at a critical
health-care strike in U.s. history. era. moment, as Ukraine, mired in a
representatives of hundreds of Lt. James rich was one of the costly struggle to reclaim occu-
medical support staff positions 4 officers at the scene. he remem- pied territory, seeks further U.s.
from front-line licensed vocation- bers the rush of adrenaline and commitment with no end to the
al nurses and respiratory thera- the strange silence inside the war in sight. President Biden has
pists to dietary services workers school. it felt like a puzzle whose requested $13 billion in new
and housekeepers 4 picketed pieces didn9t fit. military aid, but republicans
from coast to coast, saying they are officers checked every room in stripped the provision from the
saGinaw tOwnsHiP POlice DePaRtMent
overworked and underappreciat- the building. they found nothing short-term spending bill ap-
ed. Many expressed frustration except terrified children and an image taken from video shows law enforcement responding to an active shooter call at Nouvel proved saturday hours ahead of a
sEE kaisEr oN a16 sEE tHrEats oN a14 catholic central High school in saginaw township, Mich., on Feb. 7. the call turned out to be fake. sEE poll oN a7

in the news the eCONOmY

an employer in India
the reGION
a public library in
st Yle
the names of this year9s
BusINess News.........................A10
OpINION pAGes..........................A17
fired 27 customer serv- Front Royal, Va., will $800,000 <genius= OBItuArIes..................................B4
yes, in my backyard A bipartisan majority of the NAtION the wOrld ice agents after finding get a restoration of grant winners were re- televIsION...................................C4

Americans don9t mind nearby solar panels or signs pointed to a a turn toward Ukraine that ChatGPT did the funding that was pulled leased by the MacArthur wOrld News...............................A8

speedy confirmation for by France9s president job better. A10 after its LGBTQ content Foundation. C1
wind farms, a Post-UMD poll found. A20 President Biden9s nomi- looms over a meeting of cyberdefense officials was challenged. B1 CONTENT © 2023
nee to lead the FAA. A2 European leaders. A8 probably violated the low-income families lOCAl lIvING The Washington Post

Morgan state shooting Homecoming events over 80 percent of re- More than 1,000 have pruning and mulching Year 146, No. 53629
First Amendment in and workers in D.C. may
and classes were canceled or postponed after tired four-star officers died so far in Bangla- their efforts to fight mis- get a financial boost af- are among seven steps
work in the defense in- desh9s worst dengue fe- you can follow this au-
gunfire at the campus left five people injured information, an appeals ter the city revised its
tumn toward a success-
dustry, a study found. A7 ver outbreak. A9 court ruled. A11 revenue estimates. B1
and prompted a shelter-in-place order. B1 ful garden in the spring.
A2 EZ rE the washington post . thursday, october 5 , 2023

Biden9s nominee to lead FAA eases through Senate hearing
For home delivery comments
or concerns contact us at the crashes of two Boeing 737 Max
jets that the agency had certified
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send us an email at
Agency9s former deputy as safe; how to rebuild the agen-
homedelivery@washpost.com or call administrator considered cy9s workforce; and ways to inte-
202-334-6100 or 800-477-4679 grate aircraft such as electric air
for long-vacant top job taxis, drones and supersonic jets
800-753-Post (7678) into the aviation system.
Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.),
TO ADVERTISE BY I AN D UNCAN the committee9s chairwoman,
classified: 202-334-6200
AND L ORI A RATANI said Whitaker would be stepping
display: 202-334-7642 into the role at a time when the
President Biden9s choice to FAA needs to continue moderniz-
MAIN PHONE NUMBER lead the Federal Aviation Admin- ing its technology and workforce
istration received a mostly warm while upholding safety.
TO REAcH THE NEWSROOM welcome in a Senate committee After the hearing, Cantwell
metro: 202-334-7300; Wednesday, raising the prospect said Whitaker had performed
metro@washpost.com of a speedy confirmation vote well and garnered bipartisan sup-
national: 202-334-7410; after the agency has gone 18 port. She said she hopes to hold a
national@washpost.com months without a confirmed committee vote on his nomina-
Business: 202-334-7320; leader. tion shortly after an Oct. 16 dead-
business@washpost.com Biden last month selected Mi- line for Whitaker to submit an-
sports: 202-334-7350; chael Whitaker, a former deputy swers to lawmakers9 written ques-
sports@washpost.com FAA administrator and United tions.
investigative: 202-334-6179; Airlines executive, to fill the agen- In a questionnaire submitted
investigations@washpost.com cy9s top job. Whitaker, who has to the committee, Whitaker said
style: 202-334-7535; been widely praised by industry the key to safety efforts would be
style@washpost.com leaders, has three decades of ex- ensuring the FAA has adequate
reader advocate: 202-334-7582; perience in aviation. staffing and demonstrates <con-
michaEl rEynolds/EPa-EFE/shuttErstock
readers@washpost.com If confirmed, Whitaker would stant diligence= in analyzing safe-
step into the agency at a difficult ty data to identify and mitigate Michael Whitaker at a Senate committee hearing Wednesday. President Biden9s nominee to lead the
TO REAcH THE OPINION PAGES time. The year began with the threats. FAA has three decades of aviation experience and is widely praised by industry leaders.
letters to the editor:
letters@washpost.com or call
failure of an FAA computer sys- Whitaker also pledged to use
202-334-6215 tem that led to the first nation- <all available means= to increase way though his term in March control system known as Next- vancements.
opinion: wide halt in air travel since the the number of air traffic control- 2022. He guided the agency Gen. While that work is in its final <Safety will always be the num-
oped@washpost.com Sept. 11 attacks, amid a spate of lers and other key safety and through the relaunch of the 737 stages, the agency continues to ber one priority, but we can9t use
Published daily (issn 0190-8286). near miss incidents involving air- operational employees. Max after the deadly crashes face pressure to update aging that as an excuse not to move
PostmastEr: send address changes to liners. The agency is also grap- The shortage of controllers, called the FAA9s reputation into technology and computer sys- more quickly,= Whitaker said.
the Washington Post, 1301 k st. nW, Washington,
d.c. 20071. pling with a shortage of air traffic which has dogged the agency for question. tems. The failure in January of a Whitaker9s disclosure form
Periodicals postage paid in Washington, d.c., and controllers and is operating un- years and was exacerbated by the Biden initially nominated Den- system that delivers preflight bul- highlights his career in aviation.
additional mailing office.
der a short-term extension of its coronavirus pandemic, had led to ver International Airport chief letins to pilots 4 bringing air In an undated speech included
authorizing law, set to expire at finger-pointing between airline executive Phillip Washington to traffic to a halt 4 revealed the in the file, he talked about the
c O R R E c TIO N the end of the year. executives and the FAA as the the post, but the committee did FAA9s struggle to make progress. industry9s record of turbulence.
Whitaker told the Senate Com- industry scrambled to meet pan- not act on his nomination amid Whitaker is chief operating of- He said he joined Trans World
merce Committee that his three- demic-era demand for flights. questions about his qualifica- ficer at Supernal, a company Airlines as an attorney in 1991,
l The Candace Buckner column year stint at the agency is his most This past summer, airlines re- tions. After a hearing in March, working to build electric-pow- before the airline filed its first
in the Oct. 3 Sports section, important qualification for the duced the number of flights out of when Republicans sought to ered aircraft. He earns $1.2 mil- bankruptcy.
about Washington Wizards post, which would allow him to New York-area airports because highlight gaps in Washington9s lion in salary and bonus pay- Ten years earlier as a college
guard Jordan Poole, incorrectly make an <immediate impact.= of a shortage of controllers to aviation knowledge, his nomina- ments, according to his financial student traveling through Eu-
said that the Golden State <My priority will be the safety manage flight traffic 4 an initia- tion eventually was withdrawn. disclosure. rope, he said he became stranded
Warriors lost in the first round of of the flying public,= he said. tive that will extend into 2024. Whitaker9s path, in contrast, Start-ups and existing aviation at Heathrow Airport for a week
the 2023 NBA playoffs. They lost <They have put their trust in the Sen. Ted Cruz (Tex.), the com- has been smoother, with lawmak- firms are racing to develop the after President Ronald Reagan
in the second round. FAA to keep aviation the safest mittee9s top Republican, noted ers holding a hearing weeks after new class of aircraft, promising it fired air traffic controllers who
way to travel, and the world has the FAA has been trying to boost his nomination. Even aviation la- will combine the benefits of had gone on strike.
looked to us for decades as the its ranks of air traffic controllers bor leaders who have voiced ini- planes and helicopters to whisk He noted the industry faced
the Washington Post is committed to gold standard.= since Whitaker helped lead the tial reservations about Whitak- passengers quietly and cleanly fallout from the 2001 terrorist
correcting errors that appear in the Senators from both major par- agency during the Barack Obama er9s work in airline management across congested cities. Ensuring attacks, as well as budget battles
newspaper. those interested in ties emphasized the need for sta- administration. Cruz said a major said their concerns were dis- safety would be part of Whitaker9s in Congress a decade later.
contacting the paper for that purpose ble leadership at the agency. Whi- challenge is limited capacity at pelled amid conversations with work at the FAA, although federal <It has been a very rocky ride,=
Email: corrections@washpost.com.
taker was introduced by Rep. Sam the FAA9s training academy. He him. rules require he recuse himself he said. <There are no guarantees
call: 202-334-6000, and ask to be Graves (R-Mo.), chairman of the asked whether Whitaker would During the hearing, Sen. Peter for two years from decisions in- in this business. And like most of
connected to the desk involved 4 House Transportation Commit- endorse the construction of a Welch (D), who represents Whita- volving a former employer. you here, I wouldn9t trade a career
national, Foreign, metro, style, sports, tee, who said consistency is key to second school, as the committee ker9s home state of Vermont, said, In his opening remarks, Whita- in aviation for anything!=
Business or any of the weekly sections. ensuring safety. has proposed. <I9ve been to hearings that have ker noted how quickly aviation is Asked on disclosure forms
comments can be directed to the <Unfortunately the only thing <I certainly would,= Whitaker been a little rougher on the per- changing, saying <flying taxis whether he had been investigat-
Post9s reader advocate, who can be that has been consistent at the said. <Looking at those choke son in your chair than this one. I were still only in cartoons= a few ed, arrested, charged or held by
reached at 202-334-7582 or agency since the former admin. points and understanding where think it9s a testament to your years ago. any federal, state or other law
readers@washpost.com. departed is the growing list of the problems lie will be an early qualifications.= Sen. Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) said enforcement authority, Whitaker
acting positions,= Graves said. priority.= Whitaker learned to fly when progress on adopting new avia- disclosed that in 1979, he was
Much of the hearing focused Steve Dickson, the last FAA he served at the FAA, a time when tion technology has moved at a stopped in Louisville for <doing
on rebuilding the FAA9s reputa- administrator to be confirmed by he was responsible for overseeing <glacially slow pace,= asking Whi- doughnuts= in a parking lot. He
tion and improving safety after the Senate, stepped down part an overhaul of the air traffic taker how he would make ad- paid a $10 fine.

Justices appear inclined to punt case on hotel accessibility

on reservation websites. a racial discrimination case un-
The court is being asked to der the Fair Housing Act after the
With case dropped, decide whether disabled people tester was turned away when
majority claims there9s may sue hotel owners to enforce trying to rent an apartment she
the ADA when they do not intend had no intention of renting.
no controversy to decide to stay at the properties 4 and, When the Supreme Court jus-
more broadly, to what extent tices did turn to the question of
people are directly harmed when standing on Wednesday, many
BY A NN E . M ARIMOW they experience discriminatory expressed reservations about
barriers or policies online. Jus- whether to allow a person to sue
The Supreme Court seemed tice Department rules imple- after essentially clicking through
Download The ready Wednesday to put off a menting the ADA in 2010 require a website without an intention to
Washington Post app decision about whether disability hotels to <identify and describe use the services. Several justices
stay informed with award-winning rights activists have legal accessible features= in sufficient suggested there was a difference
grounds to sue hotels they have detail so that people who rely on between Laufer9s digital research
national and international news,
no intention of visiting, with a service dogs or wheelchairs, for and the experience of Black civil
Plus complete local news coverage
majority of justices suggesting it instance, can assess whether a rights activists who sat at segre-
of the d.c. metro area. create would be a waste of time to hotel meets their needs. gated lunch counters with no
customized news alerts, save resolve a lawsuit that has been Laufer9s lawyers and disability Patrick sEmansky/aP intention of eating.
articles for offline reading in my dropped. rights advocates say her efforts as The Justice Department urged the Supreme Court to find that the <So tell me how she is discrimi-
Post, browse the daily print edition <The case before us is dead as a a tester are no different from the case, brought by a disability rights activist who said hotels lacking nated against by the inaccuracies
and scroll through our the discover door nail,= Justice Samuel A. Alito work of Black civil rights advo- accessibility information were in violation of the ADA, is moot. on this website?= Kagan asked.
tab to find stories that interest you. Jr. declared. cates who were allowed to sue Laufer9s lawyer said in re-
Free to download on the app store <This is like dead, dead, dead, when they showed up to inquire quired ADA information on their doesn9t stop any of the other sponse that the case raises novel
and Play store, subscribers enjoy in all the ways something can be about renting apartments they website. dozens of people, however many questions of how a person can
unlimited access. dead,= Justice Elena Kagan fol- did not intend to occupy and For that reason, the Justice there are, who are doing the same experience discrimination on the
lowed. were turned away because of Department urged the justices on thing. So we may have to come up internet, noting that ADA protec-
While the issue of who can sue their race. Wednesday to find that the case is with another case . . . if it9s not tions give disabled people the
over hotel accessibility is impor- But lawyers for the owner of moot. addressed,= Roberts said. <How right to use a hotel9s services in
tant, and probably will need to be the small hotel in southern Justices Sonia Sotomayor and many times do we have to do the same way as a non-disabled
decided at some point, Kagan Maine that Laufer sued in 2020 Ketanji Brown Jackson joined this?= person. The injury, Corkran said,
said, <I guess it just doesn9t seem told the court that she was not other colleagues in suggesting Laufer9s lawyer, Kelsi Corkran is not just the lack of required
like something that a court directly harmed by the online that there was no longer a contro- of Georgetown Law9s Institute for information, but the message it
should be anxious to do= in these omission of information about versy to decide. Constitutional Advocacy and sends that disabled people are
circumstances. whether the hotel was accessible <So tell me why it9s not moot?= Protection, told Roberts that the excluded.
Before the justices was the case because she did not plan to travel Sotomayor asked Adam unexpected developments in her <It9s as if you went up to a
of Deborah Laufer, a Florida to the property and had no per- Unikowsky, the attorney repre- client9s case were highly unusual reservation desk in a wheelchair
woman with multiple sclerosis, sonal need for the information. senting Acheson. and not an attempt to manipulate and the hotel had a practice of
who filed more than 600 lawsuits Backed by the U.S. Chamber of Jackson told Unikowsky he the court. Laufer, she added, will just ignoring anyone in a wheel-
against hotels she researched on- Commerce and other business was <asking us to take on extra no longer file such lawsuits. chair or telling them to call a
line. She accused the hotels of organizations, the hotel owner work to end a case when we9ve all Disability rights advocates say number,= Corkran said. <There is
violating the Americans With warned that such lawsuits bur- agreed it has to be ended.= testers are needed to enforce the a dignity harm in being treated as
Disabilities Act by failing to den small businesses, clog the <I think the court, with apolo- law because the ADA does not invisible and not as a potential
include accessibility information court system and undermine the gies, should take on extra work, provide money damages, mean- participant in the marketplace.=
government9s power to enforce your honor,= Unikowsky respond- ing there is little incentive to file a If the court were to decide to
the law. ed, drawing laughter from the lawsuit among people who are resolve the case, it could look to
Laufer9s case was complicated courtroom. intending to travel and experi- the middle-ground position tak-
this summer after federal judges The court, he added, should ence discrimination while plan- en by the U.S. government, which
WE BUY in Maryland issued an order sus-
pending the law license of her
former attorney in a separate
resolve whether testers like
Laufer have the right 4 or stand-
ing 4 to sue properties they do
ning their trips.
They also note that if a person
must have imminent travel plans
has an interest in the case be-
cause it involves how to enforce
federal law. Erica L. Ross, assis-

ALL BOOKS case. After that disciplinary ac-

tion, Laufer took the unusual
step of dropping the complaint
not plan to visit. He suggested the
justices should have institutional
concerns about the last-minute
to file a claim, any relief from a
court would come long after their
planned trip. Denying Laufer the
tant to the solicitor general, said
the government supports the
right of testers to bring lawsuits
LPs against Acheson Hotels and urg-
ing the Supreme Court to find
abandonment of a case.
Only Chief Justice John G.
right to sue, advocates say, could
weaken ADA protections and
to enforce the ADA only if they
have engaged with the hotel
Blu Ray, DVD, CDs and more " CASH PAID there is no longer a pressing issue Roberts Jr. expressed repeated make it more difficult to sue to websites in a meaningful way
Brought to our stores 10am-6pm every day " No appointment needed to resolve. interest in having the court tackle enforce other civil rights laws. that shows they are considering a
Julianna Acheson, the hotel the standing question at hand. Lower courts are divided. The reservation.
House calls possible for large collections of 1000+ items
owner at the time of the lawsuit, He raised concerns about U.S. District Court in Maine said Justice Neil M. Gorsuch tried
opposed the effort to drop the litigants manipulating the court Laufer lacked standing and to tease out whether that ap-
WONDER BOOK case, saying she wanted the jus- system by ditching cases after the dismissed her case. The U.S. proach was acceptable to Laufer,
tices to decide the issue of wheth- court has agreed to review them Court of Appeals for the 1st whose lawyer said she was mostly
Frederick GAITHERSBURG Hagerstown er testers could file similar law- and about the hundreds of Circuit reversed and sided with comfortable with the govern-
WonderBook.com/sell-us-books 301-977-9166 suits in the future. But Acheson similar cases filed around the Laufer, citing a 1982 Supreme ment9s position.
has since sold the hotel, and the country. Court decision that upheld the The case is Acheson Hotels v.
new owners have posted the re- If the court punts this one, <it standing of a Black tester to bring Deborah Laufer.
thursday, october 5 , 2023 . the washington post eZ re A3

Politics & the Nation

Nanotechnology work earns a Nobel Prize in chemistry
Tunisia before emigrating with
his family to the United States. He
Three scientists made received a bachelor9s degree from
strides in quantum dots Harvard University in 1982 and a
PhD from the University of Chica-
used in TVs, medicine go in 1988. He joined the faculty
at MIT in 1990, becoming a full
professor in 1996. <He is a very
BY M ARK J OHNSON methodical scientist,= said Advin-
cula, who listened to Bawendi
The Nobel Prize in chemistry speak at a conference almost a
was awarded Wednesday to three decade ago. <He was quite pas-
scientists for their fundamental sionate in describing where the
discoveries in nanotechnology, science was going.=
particles once considered impos- Brus was born in Cleveland in
sibly small to make, with applica- 1943. He studied electronic struc-
tions in television screens and ture as a student and earned a
LED lamps and to instruments bachelor9s degree from Rice Uni-
that allow doctors to see the versity in 1965 and a PhD from
vasculature of a tumor. Columbia University in 1969. Af-
The prize was given to Moungi ter his doctoral program, he
Bawendi of the Massachusetts served at the U.S. Naval Research
Institute of Technology, Louis Laboratory until 1973, when he
Brus of Columbia University and left to join AT&T Bell Laborato-
Alexei Ekimov of Nanocrystals ries, where he did the work that
Technology in New York. It would lead to his early discover-
stirred controversy because in a ies in nanotechnology.
highly unusual development, the Ekimov was born in the former
names of the winners were leaked Soviet Union in 1945 and graduat-
in Swedish media four hours be- ed from the Faculty of Physics at
fore they were made public. Leningrad State University in
The development of nanoparti- 1967. He made some of his key
cles, a new class of materials in discoveries while at Vavilov State
which changes in size also result Optical Institute in St. Peters-
in changes in all of the properties burg, a research institute that
of particles, such as color, optical, specializes in optics. He has been
electrical and even melting point, living in the United States for
was first theorized in 1937. more than 20 years.
So how small are the particles? JoNAthAN NAckstrANd/AFP/getty ImAges It is not clear what caused the
Consider how much smaller a Moungi Bawendi, Louis Brus and Alexei Ekimov won the 2023 prize for their work on particles once considered impossibly small to make. leak of the Nobel laureate names,
soccer ball is than the entire which is normally a tightly guard-
Earth. Quantum dots are that trolled using temperature. The can reproduce experiments in the Nobel Committee for Chemis- from diverse viewpoints as part of ed secret. Hans Ellegren, secre-
much smaller than the soccer method allowed him to stop the nanoscience, said Rigoberto Ad- try and a professor of chemistry a collective endeavour, and this tary general of the Royal Swedish
ball. <For a long time, nobody process to create particles of just vincula, a professor at Oak Ridge at the Royal Institute of Technol- year9s prize is a great example of Academy of Sciences, said <there
thought you could make such a the right size and quality. The size National Laboratory and the Uni- ogy in Stockholm. that 4 people working in differ- was a press release sent out for
small particle,= said Johan Aqvist, of the particles is reflected in versity of Tennessee. Advincula <I am absolutely thrilled,= said ent labs, in different countries, unknown reasons= that is under
the chairman of the Nobel Com- their color, which follows a spec- called the Nobel Committee deci- Judith Giordan, the president of approaching a problem from dif- investigation. <We deeply regret
mittee for Chemistry. trum that starts with red for the sion a <really good pick= and the American Chemical Society, ferent angles. We don9t work in what happened,= he said.
But working independently in smallest, then progressing to vio- <long overdue.= after hearing the prize an- isolation in chemistry 4 team- While they are rare, Nobel
the early 1980s, first Ekimov and let, orange, yellow and green as The possibility for the future is nounced Wednesday. <This is a work is both a fundamentally leaks are not unprecedented. In
then Brus succeeded. As often they grow bigger. that the nanotechnology meth- terrific example of theorizing a important aspect of how science 2018, a Swedish newspaper re-
happens with scientific discover- The Nobel laureates continued ods <can be used with artificial phenomenon,= producing it in the is actually done, and one of the ported that the husband of a
ies, however, the breakthroughs the march of nanotechnology, intelligence and machine learn- lab <and then taking it to the next most fun!= member of the Royal Swedish
used cumbersome methods to which dates back more than 150 ing to achieve even greater level of manufacturing.= Giordan Bawendi said he was in bed Academy had repeatedly violated
achieve results that were less years to the work of the English heights,= Advincula added. The said the most exciting applica- asleep when the Nobel Commit- the secrecy rule by leaking the
than ideal (it was hard to control scientist Michael Faraday, who results could include faster ways tions would use nanotechnology tee for Chemistry called to inform names of winners including Bob
the size and quality of the parti- created the first gold nanoparti- to make a medical diagnosis or to make better and more energy of the honor. <Don9t be sorry,= he Dylan, the winner of the 2016
cles), but another scientist dis- cles while mounting thin sheets develop the prototypes for new efficient solar cells, and to create said of the interruption. <Thank prize in literature. The Nobel
covered an elegant method that of gold leaf onto microscope sensors. probes that will allow doctors and you so much.= Bawendi declared Prize, which includes an award of
allowed for widespread use of the slides. Inspired by the possibilities, scientists to view cancer cells. himself <very surprised, sleepy, about $1 million, is given by the
technology. Although the science took dec- the field of nanotechnology is In England, Gill Reid, presi- shocked= and <very honored.= Royal Swedish Academy of Sci-
In 1993, Bawendi revolution- ades to refine, the equipment growing rapidly. <There are many dent of the Royal Society of Different paths led the three ences.
ized the process, devising a way to involved is neither costly nor dif- people working very intensely in Chemistry, congratulated the scientists to their Nobel win. Ba-
create seed, or beginner particles ficult to obtain. Students working this field to develop applications,= three Nobel laureates in a state- wendi, born in Paris in 1961, spent Frances stead sellers contributed to
that could then be carefully con- in a good high school laboratory said Olof Ramström, a member of ment: <Great science benefits his early childhood in France and this report.

Ohio9s DeWine, elected education leaders battle for control of department

elected to the board, displacing tion department as it shapes cur- current composition of the board. op-ed in December, when he bill to fund the government. The
conservative members. riculums, selects textbooks and It will <undermine the ability of sponsored a bill to return control budget bill passed, along with
State board members Last month, some board mem- performs a variety of other essen- school districts or school boards of the state9s education depart- came to be dubbed the Education
sued after new law gave bers sued to halt the law. They tial tasks, like facilitating school to or elected leaders & to exercise ment to the governor. <Education Takeover Rider.
won a temporary restraining or- funding and approving private their judgment over public educa- is in crisis mode in Ohio.= The plaintiffs in the case,
governor total control der, which was extended this school voucher applications. tion,= she said. Ohio voters have selected which include seven members of
week as the judge asked for more The move comes as GOP lead- DeWine and other Republi- school board members since 1953, the school board, say the way the
information from both sides ers in other states are challenging cans have defended the overhaul, when they voted in a referendum bill was passed 4 as an unrelated
BY M ORIAH B ALINGIT while she decides whether to the control of locally elected lead- pinning the failures of the state9s to change the state9s constitution. rider to a budget bill 4 is uncon-
completely halt the law for the ers. In Texas, Gov. Greg Abbott (R) schools on the fact that the board There have been a few unsuccess- stitutional, and that lawmakers
Gov. Mike DeWine (R) and duration of the lawsuit. Addition- ordered a state takeover of the does not answer to the governor. ful attempts to undo the change. did not follow proper procedures
Ohio9s elected education board al briefs are due Oct. 16, and the Houston Independent School In a news conference Monday, The most recent one began last in implementing it. They also ar-
members are battling over who is restraining order has been ex- District, the largest school system DeWine said that putting the year, after voters elected three gue that stripping the board of its
in charge of the state9s education tended to Oct. 20. in the state, allowing the Texas state education department un- members to the board who were power and changing how its
department 4 and whether that But the law was due to take Education Agency to appoint der his authority could stream- endorsed by Democrats. All three members are selected is unconsti-
department exists at all. effect Tuesday at midnight. DeWi- school board members. Okla- line the implementation of state 4 Teresa Fedor, Tom Jackson and tutional.
In July, DeWine signed into law ne said the order did not stop his homa9s right-leaning state super- policies. He also criticized the Katie Hofmann 4 were recruited The lawsuit argued that the
a bill that would strip the State administration from disbanding intendent of schools, Ryan Wal- state board for failing to select a and backed by the state9s teachers governor wants to convert the
Board of Education of most of its the old education department. ters, sought to take over Tulsa permanent state superintendent. union and defeated conservative board from an independent, dem-
authority, including its charge to Rather than leave the state with- Public Schools, undermining the <It9s just a total lack of leader- candidates who had run on cul- ocratically elected body into <an
run the Ohio Education Depart- out an one, DeWine said it was locally elected school board. ship,= DeWine said. ture war issues. Democrats empty shell.=
ment. It creates a new state agen- imperative to create the new de- These battles have become State Sen. Bill Reineke (R), who viewed it as a rebuke of the right- <For decades, parents in Ohio
cy 4 the Department of Educa- partment 4 the Department of more fraught as Republicans sponsored the first effort to over- wing9s education agenda. have gone to the voting booth to
tion and Workforce 4 that would Education and Workforce 4 im- have sought to limit the rights of haul the board, blamed the state A month before the new mem- exercise their right to elect repre-
replace the education depart- mediately. He launched the new transgender students, restrict board for low test scores in some bers were set to take their seats, sentatives empowered to advo-
ment and report to the governor, agency Wednesday. school library books, limit the districts and high absenteeism Reineke put forward his bill to cate for them at the state level,=
not the board. <This injunction is not helping discussion of race and push to across the state. overhaul the state9s education de- the plaintiffs said in a joint state-
The bill also would also make our kids,= DeWine said. <We have integrate more religion into class- <Now more than ever, the post partment, but it failed. The bill ment when they filed the lawsuit
all of the board9s 19 members things to do. We want every child rooms. COVID-19 recovery demands ac- resurfaced again and passed the last month. <We will not sit back
governor9s appointees instead of to be able to read. We want every The latest moves in Ohio are countability, guidance and access state Senate in March, but it lan- and let stand such a brazen pow-
allowing voters to elect 11 of them. child to live up to their God-given part of that trend, said Skye Perry- to professional resources for our guished in committee in the er-grab that flies in the face of
The GOP fought for the changes potential.= man, the head of Democracy For- educators and school boards at Statehouse. Finally, backers of the Ohio residents who value local
after three candidates aligned Now it9s unclear which body is ward, an advocacy group leading the local level around the state,= legislation at the last minute add- input and control over their chil-
with the teacher9s union were in charge of overseeing the educa- the legal fight to maintain the Reineke wrote in a newspaper ed its language to an unrelated dren9s education.=


iNteRiOR DePARtMeNt federal lands. well as repair its own damaged energized. It said that Maui NeBRAsKA officiant accidentally shot his
He cited the need to have more infrastructure, raising questions County had declared that blaze 12-year-old grandson in the
Deputy Secretary time with his family after over how the beleaguered utility <100% contained= and that the Officiant shoots boy shoulder.
Beaudreau leaving spending a total of 10 years at the could cover billions of dollars in fire chief later called it by mistake at wedding Despite the shooting, Gardner
agency during separate stints mounting damage claims if it is <extinguished.= The utility has finished officiating the wedding.
The Interior Department9s under the Obama and Biden found liable for starting the blaze. said there were two fires and it is Michael Gardner wanted to In an interview with The
No. 2 is stepping down at month9s administrations. In a filing to state regulators on not at fault for the one that start his nephew9s wedding with a Washington Post on Wednesday,
end, leaving open a role in the Beaudreau was nominated for Monday, the utility said it had sparked that afternoon in the bang. Gardner, 62, of Odessa, Tex., said
Biden administration that the position after senators from $165 million in annual general same area, ultimately devastating His plan involved shooting a he regretted using a homemade
oversees some of its most fossil-fuel-rich states derailed the liability insurance, which is what Lahaina. While the blaze is still blank from a revolver into the air blank.
controversial decisions on oil, White House9s first choice, it would potentially use to help under investigation, a fire to signal to the roughly 200 The boy9s injuries aren9t life-
energy and conservation. Elizabeth Klein, now director of repay residents for their losses if department spokesperson and people gathered on Saturday that threatening, said Ben Houchin,
Tommy Beaudreau will leave Interior9s Bureau of Ocean Energy it is determined that its witnesses told The Post that the the outdoor ceremony, which he chief deputy of the Lancaster
after two years as deputy interior Management. He was confirmed equipment started the deadly fire reignited amid high winds. was officiating, was about to County Sheriff9s Office.
secretary, during which he by the Senate in an 88-9 vote in Lahaina fire. As of now, that Hawaiian Electric declined to begin. But when Gardner cocked Gardner has been charged with
oversaw the approval of the June 2021, with wide bipartisan would barely cover a small comment Wednesday. back the hammer of the gun, it felony child abuse committed
Willow Alaskan oil project and a support. fraction of the $5 billion in The 264-page filing provides slipped, and the homemade blank negligently and resulting in
deal to protect the Colorado 4 Timothy Puko damage claims, according to the the latest insights into how that he had used, which was serious bodily injury. Gardner, a
River9s water supply. An energy research firm Capstone, which Hawaiian Electric approached closed off with glue, fired from commissioner in Ector County,
lawyer who spent part of his HAWAii continue to grow as residents and wildfire risk before wind-fueled the Pietta 1860 snub-nose Tex., said he turned himself in on
childhood in Alaska, Beaudreau even Hawaiian Electric fires swept Maui, killing at least revolver that he had borrowed, he Monday and was released on a
became a point person on the Company9s insurance shareholders join the slew of 97 people. Hawaiian Electric, said. $10,000 bond. He said his next
administration9s effort to far short of claims filed lawsuits against the company. which serves nearly all of Hawaii9s As the bride was about to walk court appearance is scheduled for
overhaul mining rules, enhance Hawaiian Electric has said that 1.4 million residents, has looked down the aisle, what was Nov. 3, and more charges are
conservation measures and speed Hawaiian Electric is severely its equipment was responsible for to be careening toward supposed to be a day of love in expected to be brought against
up the build-out of renewable underinsured to pay victims of starting a fire on the morning of insolvency. Denton, Neb., turned into one of him at that time.
energy and transmission on August9s deadly Maui wildfire, as Aug. 8 before its lines were de- 4 Brianna Sacks unexpected panic: The wedding 4 Timothy Bella
A4 eZ Re the washington post . thursday, october 5 , 2023

Republicans in House scramble to ûll leadership position

RepubliCAns from A1 strong relationships in the free-
dom Caucus and is embraced by
and refusing to cooperate with Trump9s mAGA base nationwide.
the Jan. 6 committee 4 while But those distinctions could pre-
Scalise has held a more tradition- vent moderate republicans from
al position in the House GoP supporting his candidacy, espe-
establishment, serving as repub- cially among those who repre-
lican whip for eight years before sent congressional districts won
becoming majority leader. by Biden.
Those style differences could Still, Jordan has moderated his
be crucial as the House GoP tries rebellious inclinations some-
to regroup and decides how to what. He was a supporter of
present itself heading into the mcCarthy and has worked com-
2024 elections. fortably within the republican
for now, the House remains House hierarchy as chairman of
unsettled 4 its leadership uncer- the Judiciary Committee.
tain, its future unclear, its mem- <He9s a very popular conserva-
bers angry 4 even as the latest tive across the nation. And I
government spending measure is think that that goes a long way to
set to expire Nov. 18, lining up earning people9s trust, not only in
another potential shutdown this conference, not only in the
fight, and lawmakers disagree Congress, but across the nation,=
sharply over whether to continue said Self, who indicated he is
sending aid to Ukraine. keeping his <powder dry= but
Scalise sent a letter to col- noted his vote for Jordan as
leagues Wednesday declaring his speaker earlier this year.
intention to run for the top job, rep. Kevin Hern (r-okla.),
saying he could unify the frac- who leads the largest faction of
tured party given his <proven conservatives as chair of the re-
track record of bringing together publican Study Committee, made
the diverse array of viewpoints a pitch to the Texas delegation
within our Conference to build during a lunch that he could
consensus where others thought serve in House GoP leadership,
it impossible.= So did Jordan, citing his business experience 4
who chairs the House Judiciary he has operated 18 mcDonald9s
Committee and helped found the franchises in addition to other
ultraconservative freedom Cau- ventures 4 as a key reason he
BiLL O9LeaRy/the WashinGtOn POst
cus, attacking <far-left progres- could bring a fresh approach to
sive policies= that he said <are Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), under consideration for speaker, is surrounded by reporters as he makes his way to a meeting at the Capitol. the job.
destroying our communities.= Hern said some republicans
Though Congress has ad- House republicans, except one: I spot to majority leader, while his Scalise was seriously wounded in have asked him to consider run-
journed until next week, many hope whoever the next speaker deputy, rep. Guy reschenthaler a shooting at a congressional ning for speaker and that he is
lawmakers stuck around Wash- is, gets rid of the 8motion to (Pa.), hopes to take Emmer9s job. baseball practice in June 2017, an looking into it.
ington on Wednesday to hold vacate,9 = mcConnell said. <I think Both are unopposed at the mo- incident that led to an outpour- Several republicans said rep.
meetings with those seeking the it makes the speaker9s job impos- ment, but rep. Elise Stefanik ing of support from members of Byron Donalds (r-fla.), a second-
speakership and others looking sible, and the American people (N.Y.), who has the fourth-rank- both parties. term lawmaker and member of
to move up or into the republi- expect us to have a functioning ing spot in the GoP hierarchy, is many right-leaning republi- the freedom Caucus, is watching
can leadership ranks. Speaker government.= considering a run against Emmer cans trust Scalise9s conservative how the intraparty battle plays
Pro Tempore Patrick T. mcHenry When mcCarthy became for majority leader, multiple peo- credentials and think he is a out to determine whether he
(N.C.), in an interim role, told the speaker in January after a hard- ple said. sincere member of the faction could make a pitch for a leader-
conference that republicans fought battle, he agreed to a Although Emmer is not a de- loyal to former president Donald ship role. He was seen in the
would gather for a candidate <How do we get past the demand by republican oppo- clared candidate for speaker, Trump, a view they never held republicans9 conference room
forum Tuesday and then hold a nents that let any lawmaker offer some of his colleagues think he is about mcCarthy. Tuesday evening, checking in
vote for speaker during a meet- anger and anxiety a motion to vacate the speaker- positioning himself in case there Yet Scalise could have down- with the huddles that formed
ing Wednesday. ship and remove him from the is insufficient support for Scalise sides for various factions of the after mcCarthy9s announcement.
If a consensus candidate we9ve had? How do we job. rep. matt Gaetz (r-fla.) or Jordan. Some of the GoP party. far-right lawmakers may But the situation remains
emerges, which is still a big introduced such a motion Tues- rebels who ousted mcCarthy had be unhappy that he has spent so highly fluid. rep. Chip roy (r-
uncertainty among a conference govern? What9s the day, and eight republicans approached Emmer about seek- many years in leadership, argu- Tex.) said he just wants someone
that is divided and wounded joined all Democrats to make ing the speakership even before ably making him part of the old who can pull everyone together
after the mcCarthy ouster, House vision moving forward, mcCarthy the first speaker in they made their move against guard. At the same time, having and <go win,= but he added that it
members will head to the floor as history to lose his job that way. mcCarthy, arguing that he has mAGA bona fides may cause would take members having the
early as Wednesday to begin the and how are you going much of the rhetoric Wednes- appeal and relationships across problems for Scalise with GoP will to work together across their
speakership election. day by Scalise, Jordan and other all factions of the conference. moderates who worry their view- factions.
The House paralysis is affect- to change? How are you potential speaker hopefuls, as Emmer is close with former points will not be considered. rep. marcus J. molinaro
ing other branches of govern- well as their supporters, focused freedom Caucus chair rep. Andy Another concern for some re- (r-N.Y.), whom many republi-
ment, since no legislation or going to do business on unifying the republican cau- Biggs (r-Ariz.), for example, and publicans is whether Scalise cans have cited as an emerging
other measures can come to the cus. <I think the new speaker will would probably get his backing would face challenges given his leader among the moderates,
floor. Addressing the turmoil, the in a way that bridges have a tremendous opportunity as well as that of other lawmak- recent diagnosis of blood cancer. said republicans must choose
president said the federal gov- to put this conference back to- ers who supported the mcCarthy The speakership can be a gruel- someone who can guide them
ernment has <a lot of work to do= these divides?= gether, earn the trust and move ouster. ing job, and it comes with de- through the 2024 elections, not
to reach a spending agreement in us back to where we should be,= Emmer served two terms as mands of constantly being on the just a placeholder in the speak-
Rep. Marcus J. Molinaro (N.Y.),
a few weeks, but <more than rep. Keith Self (r-Tex.) said. the chair of the National republi- road to fundraise for House re- er9s chair.
on the GOP path forward
anything, we need to change the But whoever gets the job will can Campaign Committee, help- publicans. mcCarthy excelled at He added that the republican
poisonous atmosphere in Wash- still need to contend with the ing republicans regain the fundraising and broke records. conference faces questions that
ington.= GoP hard-liners who have called House majority, though narrow- Scalise9s allies dismiss such go beyond the speaker fight.
<We have strong disagree- for disruptive actions, including ly, and forming relationships that worries. <Steve is a fighter and <How do we get past the anger
ments, but we need to stop seeing shutting down the government, could be an asset if he seeks the he9s as feisty as can be,= said rep. and anxiety we9ve had? How do
each other as enemies. We need rather than compromising with speakership. Tony Gonzales (r-Tex.), who pub- we govern?= molinaro asked.
to talk to one another,= Biden Democrats who control the Sen- many republicans on Tuesday licly backed Scalise soon after the <What9s the vision moving for-
said. ate and the White House. night started encouraging Sca- mcCarthy ouster. ward, and how are you going to
Across the Capitol, Senate mi- As Scalise and Jordan sought lise to run. Known as mcCarthy9s Jordan has long been courted change? How are you going to do
nority Leader mitch mcConnell to build support for their leader- happy warrior, Scalise has re- by the right wing of the confer- business in a way that bridges
(r-Ky.) weighed in, praising mc- ship bids, other republicans mained loyal despite some ten- ence to run for speaker, and some these divides?=
Carthy and offering a rare com- jockeyed for lower-ranking posts. sion between the two men, and pushed him as an alternative to
ment on internal matters. majority Whip Tom Emmer many in the party see him as the mcCarthy when republicans Jacqueline alemany and Mariana
<I have no advice to give to (minn.) is seeking to move up one logical successor to mcCarthy. took over in January. He has alfaro contributed to this report.

House Republicans are sick of Gaetz, and they9re not being quiet about it
BY J ACOB B OGAGE know when they have the votes,= Again, Democrats backed the
he said Tuesday evening. measure, which the Senate also
rep. matt Gaetz stood in an The GoP disdain for Gaetz, adopted just ahead of a deadline
unfamiliar spot Tuesday as he aside from the handful of hard- for a shutdown.
pressed his case to boot rep. Kevin right republicans who joined his Gaetz was livid. And his GoP
mcCarthy from the role of House motion to vacate the speakership, colleagues were furious, too 4 but
speaker 4 the Democratic side of was clear all day Tuesday. with him. <I think there9s some
the chamber. <You all know matt Gaetz,= mc- reason to doubt whether or not
By the time Gaetz (r-fla.) final- Carthy told reporters after he was matt Gaetz is serious,= rep. Dusty
ly made good on his long-standing ousted. <You know it was person- Johnson (r-S.D.) told reporters on
threats to force a vote to topple al.= Tuesday. He called Gaetz9s crusade
mcCarthy (r-Calif.), his republi- Graves assailed the floridian a miscalculation that would
can colleagues were so fed up with on the House floor for soliciting undercut republicans9 narrow
him that they wouldn9t let him campaign donations on the back House majority.
debate from within their caucus, of his motion to vacate the speak- <This was a vote for chaos,= Ba-
banishing him to the minority ership. <It9s what9s disgusting con said. <I think it hurts our
Democratic side of the room. about Washington,= he said. country, our Congress. republi-
Gaetz9s successful fight to re- <That9s not governing,= mcCar- cans will be weaker for this come
move mcCarthy from the speaker- thy added. <That9s not becoming next November. And I thought the
ship has cost him in his own con- of a member of Congress. . . . It was behavior of these eight folks [who
ference, lawmakers say. The GoP all about his ethics. But that9s all voted against mcCarthy] was
on Tuesday was considering expel- right.= shameful.=
ling Gaetz from its caucus. rep. mike Garcia (r-Calif.) re- After the vote, Gaetz said his
<I9d love to have him out of the ferred to Gaetz as a <republican party needed time to go through
conference,= rep. Don Bacon (r- running with scissors.= <the grieving process.= first, he
Neb.) told reporters Tuesday. <. . . And rep. Derrick Van orden said, was denial, as GoP leader-
He shouldn9t be in the republican (r-Wis.), seething on the House ship hoped they could pry away
Party.= steps after the vote, said: <I will votes to save mcCarthy9s gavel.
rep. michael Lawler (r-N.Y.) always put the best interests of the It wasn9t clear that lawmakers
RiCky CaRiOti/the WashinGtOn POst
told reporters Wednesday that he United States of America and my were in denial of the outcome, but
thought Gaetz should be expelled constituents above my own per- Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) at the Capitol on Tuesday. <You all know Matt Gaetz,= Rep. Kevin McCarthy they did appear to be reeling.
from the party9s conference but sonal feelings. And clearly matt (R-Calif.) told reporters after the former speaker9s Gaetz-led ouster. <You know it was personal.= <Give me a minute, guys,= rep.
that he had not taken any actions Gaetz can9t do that.= Byron Donalds (r-fla.) told re-
to begin that process. rep. Garret Gaetz was mcCarthy9s main ob- richard Hudson (r-N.C.). The flo- seek to depose mcCarthy, when he votes on its passage. porters after the vote as colleagues
Graves (r-La.) said repercussions stacle to the speakership in Janu- ridian sat unperturbed. said the speaker was <out of com- Gaetz threatened to invoke the offered him consolation drinks
for Gaetz would be <pursued in the ary, leading a band of rebels who mcCarthy was elected speaker pliance= with the deal he struck in motion to vacate if mcCarthy did and cigars back at their offices.
conference.= refused to vote for the longtime after midnight in the 15th round of January. not back away from that deal and <Let me think through some
Within a House GoP that has in GoP minority leader for the first voting when Gaetz and other Gaetz demanded mcCarthy rec- instead pass 12 appropriations things.=
recent years devoured its own 4 13 rounds of roll calls. In the 14th right-wing hard-liners voted <pre- tify those supposed breaches by bills with draconian spending Gaetz and rep. Tim Burchett
ostracizing members who have round, Gaetz softened his stance, sent,= lowering the threshold mc- instituting steep budget cuts dur- cuts. And if mcCarthy made an (r-Tenn.) said they drew the ire of
spoken out against former presi- but only slightly. He voted <pre- Carthy needed to win office. ing the September fight to fund end run around Gaetz and relied colleagues on their way out of the
dent Donald Trump and the Jan. 6, sent,= not a vote against mcCarthy But by then, mcCarthy had the government and abandoning on Democratic votes to keep the House chamber.
2021, attack on the Capitol 4 so far but also not in favor 4 and not struck deals with those hard-lin- a spending deal mcCarthy had government open, Gaetz would in- <I got cussed at and sneered at,
only Gaetz seems to be at risk of enough to hand him the speaker9s ers that hemmed him in. The most made with President Biden in voke the motion, too. and I get it,= Burchett said. <I9ve
formal dismissal. gavel. noteworthy concession: A single June. The president and speaker over the weekend, that9s exactly been down this road before. I9ve
Asked whether he was afraid of mcCarthy approached Gaetz on member could bring a <motion to agreed to suspend the debt limit in what happened: mcCarthy handled bullies before in my life.=
being exiled, Gaetz responded the floor, then walked away, vacate the chair,= or call for a vote exchange for limiting growth in pushed through a deal to extend As the conference went into a
with the same brashness he appearing dejected. meanwhile, to remove the speaker. federal discretionary spending. government funding into Novem- closed-door meeting Tuesday to
brought to the House floor during rep. mike D. rogers (r-Ala.) Gaetz threatened to wield that Conservatives quickly soured on ber at current spending levels but determine the GoP9s next move,
the debate over mcCarthy. stormed over and lunged at Gaetz power for months, then made that arrangement, which drew without billions of dollars in aid Gaetz said, members were <head-
<If they want to expel me, let me before being restrained by rep. clear on Sept. 12 that he would large numbers of Democratic for Ukraine that Biden wanted. ed toward bargaining.=
thursday, october 5 , 2023 . the washington post eZ re A5

Trump stayed on sidelines as speaker9s gavel slipped from McCarthy9s grip

BY M ARIANNE L E V INE, used each other at times to gain McCarthy attended a 2019 UFC
M ICHAEL S CHERER support in different parts of the fight together in New York.
AND M AEVE R ESTON Republican coalition. McCarthy Their relationship reached a
also had found himself walking a low after Trump failed to tell his
As Kevin McCarthy battled this tightrope, as when he supported supporters to stop attacking the
week to keep the job he would the reelection of House members U.S. Capitol for hours on Jan. 6,
eventually lose, one very powerful who had supported Trump9s im- 2021. McCarthy later said Trump
ally did not come to his rescue: peachment after Jan. 6, 2021. bore responsibility for the attack
Donald Trump. <I stay close to him. We have a and should be censured, but not
For years, McCarthy (R-Calif.) good relationship. But he and his impeached, infuriating the former
prided himself on his close rela- team don9t have a veto power on president. Weeks later, Trump per-
tionship with Trump, defending what we do,= McCarthy would tell suaded McCarthy to visit him at
the former president through donors during the midterm cam- his Mar-a-Lago resort and then
countless controversies and cajol- paign season. posed for a picture with him, the
ing him to support the former Trump meanwhile had sought first major step in Trump9s regain-
speaker9s own political priorities. advice from McCarthy, relying ing his stature among party lead-
He challenged Trump9s 2020 elec- heavily at times on the Califor- ers in Washington.
tion defeat and swallowed his ob- nian9s counsel when it came to During McCarthy9s speakership
jections to Trump9s conduct in the legislative maneuvering and con- fight in January, one of the people
lead-up to the Jan. 6, 2021, attack gressional endorsements. familiar with the relationship said
on the U.S. Capitol. He navigated <McCarthy was the majority that Trump initially made calls to
around some of the former presi- leader when President Trump was holdouts without being asked di-
dent9s congressional endorse- in office,= said Rep. Wesley Hunt rectly by McCarthy to do so.
ments even when those candi- (R-Tex.) 4 who has endorsed Trump later took credit for assist-
dates appeared destined for de- Trump 4 before the ouster vote. ing McCarthy with clinching the
feat. Within the past few months, <They clearly built a relationship gavel, saying on social media:
he helped Trump9s team secure and built a rapport.= <The Fake News Media was, be-
coveted changes to the California A second person familiar with lieve it or not, very gracious in
JaBin BoTsford/The WashingTon PosT
GOP9s primary rules. And in re- the relationship acknowledged its their reporting that I greatly
cent weeks, he had all but en- Then-President Donald Trump speaks with House Minority Leader McCarthy in April 2020. Both men ups and downs but said it had helped Kevin McCarthy attain the
dorsed Trump9s nomination for have used each other at times to gain support in different parts of the Republican coalition. proved resilient, even if the men position of Speaker of the House.=
the 2024 presidential race, an un- did not always align philosophi- The two men also have traded
usual move for a top congressional voted against McCarthy, only end that he would not weigh in fore speaking with Trump and tell- cally or personally. top staffers. Brian Jack, a former
leader this early in a contested three have endorsed Trump for directly on the contentious Capi- ing a conservative website that McCarthy was the first member White House director of political
primary season. 2024. Rep. Bob Good (R-Va.) has tol Hill showdown. During a cam- Trump was <stronger today than of House GOP leadership to en- affairs for Trump, became one of
But as McCarthy9s speakership endorsed Florida Gov. Ron DeSan- paign stop in Iowa on Sunday, he he was in 2016.= dorse Trump for president after it McCarthy9s top political advisers
teetered on the brink Tuesday, tis; Rep. Ken Buck (R-Colo.) is a said he had <always had a great But McCarthy had been moving was clear the New York business- during the 2022 midterms, before
Trump stayed resolutely on the Trump critic; and Rep. Nancy relationship= with McCarthy. <He closer to Trump as the former man would be the GOP nominee returning to Trump9s orbit as a
sidelines as his acolyte, Rep. Matt Mace (R-S.C.) defeated a Trump- said very nice things about me and speaker faced a showdown with for 2016, becoming a Trump del- senior adviser on Trump9s current
Gaetz (R-Fla.), engineered a vote backed primary challenger. the job I9ve done, so I appreciate hard-liners in his conference who egate at that year9s party conven- presidential campaign.
that ultimately ejected McCarthy Now, Trump, the runaway poll- that,= Trump added. are political followers of the for- tion. Weeks later, McCarthy was During the 2022 midterms,
from his leadership post. Trump9s ing leader in the Republican race, After McCarthy was removed in mer president. When the fight captured in a private audio re- Jack, as an employee of McCar-
biggest contribution to the debate faces a new chapter of uncertainty the historic vote, Gaetz suggested over a government shutdown was cording saying that he believed thy9s, prepared polling and re-
came in the form of a mildly word- on Capitol Hill. People familiar that Trump was on his side: <I growing last month, he made a Russian President Vladimir Putin search on House districts, which
ed social media post that simply with their dynamic said the two would say that my conversations point of attacking Trump9s princi- was paying then-candidate have been part of ongoing discus-
asked: <Why is it that Republicans men worked well together in pri- with the former president leave pal rival for the GOP nomination. Trump. <Swear to God,= McCarthy sions informed by data with candi-
are always fighting among them- vate, with an understanding of the me with great confidence that I9m <President Trump is beating said. McCarthy aides said he had dates and campaign committees
selves, why aren9t they fighting the transactional advantages that doing the right thing.= McCarthy Biden right now in the polls. He9s been joking. about where Trump should go and
Radical Left Democrats who are each brought to the table. Yet, that disputed that notion in a news stronger than he has ever been in Under then-Speaker Paul D. when, according to a close Trump
destroying our country?= relationship also contributed to conference. <I doubt if that9s true,= this process,= McCarthy said on Ryan, McCarthy continued to play adviser.
McCarthy9s ouster capped a tu- the ill will Democrats had toward McCarthy said when asked about Fox News9s <Sunday Morning Fu- the role of the House leadership9s Yet, it was Gaetz who took a
multuous tenure as speaker that McCarthy: On Tuesday, not a sin- Gaetz9s assertion. tures= in September. <And, look, I main contact with Trump, repeat- victory lap Tuesday evening. Dur-
ended less than nine months after gle one voted to help save him Gaetz told reporters Monday served with Ron DeSantis. He9s edly traveling with the former ing an appearance on Fox News,
it started. Trump9s limited support from the ire of a breakaway group that he had spoken to Trump but not at the same level as President president and later dialing in to Gaetz continued to taunt McCar-
for the man he famously called of hard-right House members. did not disclose the details of their Trump by any shape or form. He Oval Office meetings. On noticing thy as he highlighted the strength
<my Kevin= on the eve of his inau- On Tuesday night, Trump9s conversation. One Trump ally said would not have gotten elected on an Air Force One flight that of his own relationship with
guration encapsulated a relation- campaign did not comment on the former president was upset [governor] without President Trump ate only red and pink Star- Trump. <You know who you won9t
ship that has ebbed and flowed McCarthy9s defeat and instead about efforts by some House Re- Trump9s endorsement.= burst candies, McCarthy sent a jar see on the campaign trail at a big
over the years. And it reflected the pointed to his social media post. publicans seeking to expel Gaetz Those comments did not go un- of only those colors as a gift to the [Trump] rally? Kevin McCarthy,=
caution Trump typically exercises One person close to Trump, who, from the GOP conference. noticed by Trump, one person fa- president. Gaetz said on the <Ingraham An-
in contested situations where like others, spoke on the condition Trump also was angered by miliar with the relationship said. After becoming minority leader gle,= a Fox News show. <Because, if
weighing in more forcefully 4 as of anonymity to comment candid- some of McCarthy9s comments. In McCarthy had often played in- in early 2019, McCarthy made Kevin McCarthy took the stage at a
he often does on a range of issues ly, suggested that the outcome a June interview with CNBC, Mc- terpreter and pitchman for Trump courting Trump a top priority, per- Trump rally, he would be booed off
4 carries political risks. might have been different if Mc- Carthy suggested that his support among more skeptical elements of suading him to endorse every GOP of it like [Senator] Lindsey
Yet, it9s not clear that a Trump Carthy had endorsed Trump early for his old governing partner was his party while at the same time incumbent in the House. Trump Graham.=
intervention into the House chaos on in the former president9s quest in doubt. <Is he the strongest to portraying himself as someone recorded more than 50 telephone
would have saved McCarthy9s gav- for the 2024 nomination. win the election? I don9t know that who influenced the president at rallies and endorsements for Mariana alfaro and Colby itkowitz
el. Of the eight Republicans who Trump signaled over the week- answer,= McCarthy said then, be- critical moments. Both men have House GOP candidates. He and contributed to this report.

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McCarthy9s ouster exposes the destructive tendencies of the Republican Party

Nine months into neither the White House nor the
their reign as the Senate, and have such a narrow
majority party in majority in the House, they must
the House, cooperate with Democrats to get
republicans have anything passed, and to do that
brought the they must accept less than they
Dan Balz legislative body to want.
The Take a halt and That seems like Civics 101, but
themselves to an it9s more than just the rebels in
inflection point. By ousting rep. the House who resist that course.
Kevin mcCarthy (Calif.) as A recent Economist/YouGov poll
speaker and exposing anew the showed that more rank-and-file
destructive tendencies of their republicans say they want their
most extreme members, representatives to stand on
republicans now risk being principle <no matter what= than
returned to minority status by say they would rather they
voters in next year9s election. compromise to get things done.
from the day they were all That is a recipe for stalemate and
sworn in this January, their grip disappointment, and so theatrics
on power was tenuous, far more become attractive. Democrats, by
so than almost anyone was 3-1, said they favor compromise
predicting a year ago when talk to get things done.
of a red-wave election was in mcCarthy spent last week
vogue. They did win the majority trying to pull his conference
in the 2022 midterm elections, together to produce a spending
but by the narrowest of margins bill that, even if doomed in the
in a surprising under- Senate, would have shown that
performance. To succeed as republicans could agree on
legislators, they needed cohesion, something. When he suddenly
discipline and leadership. shifted course on Saturday and
Instead, they produced chaos moved a short-term spending bill
under a speaker who was so through the House with the help
weakened after getting the job of Democrats, a bill that was
that he could not lead effectively. quickly approved by the Senate,
one other factor has brought he may have guaranteed his
the House republicans to this ouster. Good luck to whoever
point. That is the person and emerges as the next republican
example of Donald Trump, the speaker.
JaBin BoTsford/The WashingTon PosT
former president. Trump put rep. Bob Good (Va.), one of
governing by chaos on steroids (if Capitol police officers stand outside the speaker9s office after the House voted to remove rep. kevin McCarthy from the speakership. Gaetz9s chief allies in the move to
one can call what he did push mcCarthy out, told CNN9s
governing) and in doing so rebellious faction on the right. make them happen. regroup. what mcCarthy confronted manu raju on Tuesday evening
produced a group of mini-mes, Two of his predecessors, former Back then, mcCarthy was one mcCarthy learned no lessons when, on the 15th ballot in that what happened that day was
symbolized most by the politician speakers John A. Boehner (ohio) of a trio of <young guns,= youthful from either President Biden or January, he was elected to the a <blow to the status quo.= That9s
who brought down mcCarthy on and Paul D. ryan (Wis.), rising stars among House former speaker Nancy Pelosi (D- post for which he had hungered a mild way of describing what he
Tuesday, rep. matt Gaetz (fla.). eventually departed in disgust. republicans. ryan was another Calif.). During Biden9s first two for years. In his case, he lacked and a few of his colleagues did.
This is the kind of leadership the mcCarthy was tossed out 4 the and a third was former years in office, when Democrats ballast 4 a politician for which The blow was far more to the
party now offers the country. first speaker ever to suffer that representative Eric Cantor (Va.). had a slender majority in the power was the principal goal, status of the republican Party.
on monday night, a photo was humiliation after the shortest Now all three have been felled, House and no margin for error in rather than a vision and And what is the party today? It is
posted on X, formerly Twitter, of tenure in history. Cantor in a 2014 primary election the Senate, the president found convictions about why he wanted a party whose leader for its
Gaetz on the steps of the Capitol Nor is he the first republican that caught him by surprise and ways to produce bipartisan that power. presidential nomination sits in a
surrounded by an enormous speaker in recent times to fall in ryan after growing weary from support for legislation when Veteran republicans watched New York courtroom, who faces
scrum of reporters and cameras. the wake of missteps. Newt fights with Trump and hard-right possible and used party-line Tuesday9s events unfold with a four other trials for criminal
As someone noted, this was what Gingrich (Ga.) quit the post after rebels. discipline when he could not sense of both déjà vu and disgust. indictments ahead, and who
the florida republican always his party suffered a defeat in the of the three, mcCarthy9s defeat corral republican votes. for Gaetz and the other promises vengeance and
dreamed up, the brightest of 1998 midterm election during an was the most ignominious. Like mcCarthy, Pelosi republicans who assured retribution if elected in 2024. It is
spotlights. He embodied the impeachment proceeding against Ahead of Tuesday9s floor vote that governed with a small majority mcCarthy9s ouster, this was a also a party with a tight group of
worst of performative politics, President Bill Clinton that lacked brought him down, mcCarthy and faced internal divisions in short-term victory. They struck rebels in the House who have
which have come to typify this public support. had vowed to keep fighting. After her caucus. But she was the the king and, for now, killed him. shown that they can make
era. The rewards 4 fame, The arrival of the tea party the vote, rather than face another strongest speaker in modern But they have no obvious second turmoil the order of the day in
television time and adulation of class after the big 2010 victory humiliation by trying to regain times, and her ability to exercise chapter. Congress.
the base 4 now go to those who signaled a change in attitude his post, mcCarthy announced he power kept Democrats on a path It9s not that some of their goals That doesn9t mean
shout the loudest rather than among elected republicans. They would step aside, leaving the forward. Biden and Pelosi 4 reining in spending or republicans will lose the election
those who do the most good for were members who were elected republican conference in even suffered some setbacks, but both, tightening up the U.S.-mexico in 2024, given how closely
the country. with the express purpose of more disarray, with no consensus with the experience gained over border 4 are wholly without divided the country remains
mcCarthy was not the first gumming up the gears of successor in sight and business in years in leadership positions, merit. Yet they are unwilling to politically. But nothing that
recent speaker to find his government. They came to stop the House now ground to a halt found ways to succeed. acknowledge the obvious 4 that happened on Tuesday can be seen
leadership hectored by a things from happening, not to for a week as republicans try to Neither, however, faced quite at a time when they control as helpful in achieving that goal.

Scholars see worrying trend in removal of House speaker

speAker from A1 The members who voted |e 8 Republicans who ousted McCarthy represent a ryan, both of whom struggled <The one big thing everybody
against mcCarthy are in the with stiff resistance from their tends to get wrong is most people
for myriad reasons, all of which extreme minority, not only with- small minority of Americans right flank. look at the parties and they think
build on one another, scholars in the House overall but within <What mcCarthy faced today the parties are very strong and
say: Social media and cable news their own party, she added. is another domino in the many polarized,= said Ian Shapiro, a
incentivized politicians to per- <They do not have the votes dominoes that have fallen over professor of political science at
form for the camera, not for their [for their own policy proposals], Tim the last decade or so,= Postell Yale University. But the parties
Tn-02 r+18 84% 5% 5%
constituents. Aggressive gerry- and they know that,= she said. Burchett said. themselves have grown weaker,
mandering created deeply parti- By voting en masse against The House republicans who he argues, because they are con-
san districts where representa- mcCarthy, Democrats highlight- Matt objected to the budget and to trolled by those on the fringes.
MT-02 r+16 82% 1% 5%
tion is decided in primary con- ed the dysfunction in the repub- rosendale mcCarthy9s speakership may The potential for primary
tests, not general elections. lican Party, which they have have had legitimate concerns challenges has long existed, but
Weakened political parties be- pointed to as a reason the GoP about spending and deficits, Pos- what is new is the steady rise of
Ken Buck Co-04 r+13 75% 2% 14%
came captive to their loudest and should not be trusted again with tell said. But <now they are no congressional districts that are
most extreme members. the majority after next year9s longer incentivized to bargain reliably republican or Demo-
Taken together, those factors election. But Democrats also with one another,= he said. <They cratic. Such districts choose their
handed a small number of law- risked contributing to the broad- Matt gaetz fL-01 r+19 70% 13% 7% are incentivized to remain in representatives during primary
makers the power to throw one er dysfunction in the House. conflict.= elections, with the general elec-
of the three branches of govern- Some mcCarthy allies urged He attributed those incentives tion little more than an after-
ment into disarray and, for now, Democrats to do something un- Bob good Va-05 r+7 69% 20% 4% in part to televised committee thought.
paralysis. precedented and save a speaker hearings that make legislators <The activists on the fringes of
The band of eight republicans of the opposite party out of into budding social media stars. the parties are the people who
who rejected mcCarthy, most of concern for the stability of the nancy sC-01 r+7 69% 18% 8% Congressional committees <are turn out in primaries, so those
whom are members of the hard- institution. Democrats rebuffed Mace no longer venues for Congress to are the people deciding those
right freedom Caucus, were op- their appeal: In their eyes, have dialogue with administra- districts,= said Shapiro, co-
posed by 216 of their fellow GoP mcCarthy had spearheaded an andy Biggs aZ-05 r+11 66% 3% 19% tive agencies. They are there to author of <responsible Parties:
representatives, all of whom vot- illegitimate impeachment inqui- get viral memes,= he said. Saving Democracy from Itself.=
ed to keep the speaker in place. ry, tried to subvert the House mcCarthy told reporters Tues- other democracy advocates
The rebels collectively repre- committee investigating the eli Crane aZ-02 r+6 54% 2% 19% day night that he believed say the loss of faith in the
sent just 1.8 percent of the coun- Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capi- Gaetz9s motive was <all was about government itself has created a
try, all in safely republican dis- tol, and acted in bad faith during getting attention from [the me- vicious cycle, one in which some
tricts. But with Democrats voting budget negotiations. He wasn9t source: U.s. Census Bureau, Cook Political report CLara enCe Morse/The WashingTon PosT dia].= The speaker9s allies had elected representatives appear
in lockstep against a speaker worth saving. earlier scolded Gaetz for fund- determined to prove that the
who they said had repeatedly mcCarthy has not endorsed a deepening the dysfunction in the crisis in the House is just going to raising off his effort to oust government doesn9t work by ac-
broken their trust, that was would-be successor, leaving re- chamber. kick it a little further in that mcCarthy even as the speaker9s tively undermining it.
enough to secure mcCarthy9s de- publicans to scramble to find a many lobbed allegations of the direction,= said Alex Keyssar, a fate was still being decided. <We can and should have vig-
feat in a closely divided House. viable candidate. Barring an un- sort normally reserved for mem- professor of history and social To some conservative think- orous debates about spending
Led by rep. matt Gaetz of likely and unprecedented con- bers of the opposite party, accus- policy at the Harvard Kennedy ers, the failed vote to pass a priorities and national debt,=
florida, mcCarthy9s antagonists sensus speaker who receives sup- ing mcCarthy9s opponents of School. spending bill that immediately said mark medish, co-founder of
said they were voting to end port from both parties, aspirants seeking attention, aiming to <You are taking a set of institu- preceded mcCarthy9s ouster re- Keep our republic, a nonparti-
runaway federal spending and will need to earn the favor of boost their fundraising and gen- tions and you are weakening flects a government that has san civic education organization.
protest government dysfunction. nearly the entire republican erally wreaking havoc. them and then pointing to their grown so big it is imperiling the <But if we are inclined to repeat-
<Washington must change,= caucus, which ranges from rela- <my colleagues here today weakness.= country9s health. The budget <is edly call into question the func-
Gaetz insisted from the House tive moderates representing dis- have a choice: be a chaos agent or The eight republicans who just too big for any democracy,= tioning of the state, we are on the
floor. tricts won by President Biden to get back to work,= said rep. revolted against mcCarthy repre- said David Ditch, senior policy road to unraveling as a republic.=
Scholars said the actions of the hard-right faction that just Ashley Hinson of Iowa, a mcCar- sent districts that do not look analyst at the Heritage founda- As disconcerting as the events
Gaetz and his allies have only toppled one of its own. thy ally, ahead of the vote. like the rest of the country, tion. of the past few weeks have been,
deepened the dysfunction, leav- Gaetz set off Tuesday9s vote by After he was deposed, mcCar- according to a Washington Post <America is much larger in more worrying is what might
ing the House rudderless and moving on monday to vacate thy himself voiced fears about analysis. They are, on average, terms of population and geogra- come next. History has shown
with no clear path to effective mcCarthy9s speakership. The how to legislate in an environ- 71 percent White, compared with phy than England or Japan or that government dysfunction
leadership. Although a govern- fourth-term floridian said he ment where the leader is captive 59 percent of the U.S. popula- Germany, and we have more can be a prelude to the erasure of
ment shutdown was narrowly was acting in response to mcCar- to his own side9s most intransi- tion, and 8 percent Black, com- ideological and cultural diversi- democracy altogether, with au-
avoided over the weekend, an- thy9s decision over the weekend gent faction. pared with 14 percent of Ameri- ty, which makes it harder for us thoritarianism rising in its place,
other looms next month. future to turn to House Democrats for <my fear is the institution fell ca. Their districts are also deeply to have consensus to agree on said Harvard9s Ziblatt.
assistance to Ukraine as it fends help in passing a 45-day stopgap today because you can9t do the red: They averaged a score of +12 policy prescriptions,= he said. <What precedes a democratic
off a russian invasion is also at spending bill that avoided, for job if . . . you have 94 percent or republican on the Cook Partisan Political backlash against the breakdown is political stalemate
stake. now, a government shutdown. 96 percent of your entire confer- Voting Index, a measure of a rise of a multicultural democracy and extreme dysfunction where
<We are watching a very small mcCarthy had failed multiple ence, but eight people can part- district9s partisanship. has stoked the country9s divi- there9s a sense that nothing can
number of folks from the House times to win enough votes in his ner with the whole other side,= he As unprecedented as Tues- sions, academics agree. So has get done,= Ziblatt said.
republican conference have an own party, with hard-right mem- said Tuesday evening. <How do day9s vote was, this moment is a the tendency for people to sort <When governments can9t re-
outsize role in promoting a lot of bers 4 including the eight who you govern?= continuation of a trend in Ameri- themselves into urban and rural spond in genuine crises, it has a
congressional dysfunction and voted against him Tuesday 4 It is a question that scholars can political culture, said Joseph divides, as well as the way con- delegitimizing effect, and it re-
fiscal dysfunction,= said Laura blocking his efforts. are posing as well, seeking expla- Postell, a political scientist at gressional districts are orga- inforces the sense among citi-
Blessing, a senior fellow at the Tuesday9s debate and the con- nations and historical anteced- Hillsdale College in michigan. nized by partisan state legisla- zens that we have to resort to
Government Affairs Institute at versations that preceded it were ents. He pointed to the troubled ten- tures 4 many of which are other means.=
Georgetown University. <This is unusual for the willingness of <If American democracy is al- ures of previous republican controlled by republicans.
a move for volatility and not a mcCarthy allies to openly scold ready suffering and weak from speakers of the House such as But that9s not to say the parties Clara ence Morse contributed to this
move to pass legislation.= their own GoP counterparts for various maladies, this unruly John A. Boehner and Paul D. are ultimately in charge. report.
thursday, october 5 , 2023 . the washington post eZ sU A7

Study: Over 80% of four-star military retirees work in defense industry

BY M ISSY R YAN cials and military officers every ior officials or acquisition offi- riod before senior officials can be fense companies within the first report include Gen. Joseph f.
year, generates the appearance 4 cials in 2019. employed by certain contractors four years after they leave the Dunford Jr., who became a Lock-
more than 80 percent of four- and in some cases the reality 4 of The GAo concluded that while and tighter rules for employment military and ban sitting officials heed martin board member after
star officers retiring from the U.S. conflicts of interest in the making defense contractors benefit from by foreign governments. from holding stock in companies stepping down as chairman of the
armed forces go on to work in the of defense policy and in the the practice, it could <affect pub- A report this year issued by that receive more than $100 mil- Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Gen.
defense industry, a new study has shaping of the size and composi- lic confidence in the government= Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-mass.) lion in Pentagon contracts. Terrence o9Shaughnessy, who be-
found, underscoring the close re- tion of the Pentagon budget,= by creating a perception that showed that, last year, Boeing, Warren, in a statement to The came a senior adviser at SpaceX
lationship between top U.S. brass authors William Hartung and military officials may favor a Lockheed martin, General Dy- Post this week, said that some 4 which launches military satel-
and government-contracted com- Dillon fisher wrote in the report, company they see as a future namics and raytheon were officials, including Defense Sec- lites as part of its business 4 after
panies that has drawn scrutiny on a copy of which was obtained by employer. among the companies that em- retary Lloyd Austin, had made retiring from his post leading the
Capitol Hill. The Washington Post before its A separate pattern was docu- ployed lobbyists who once served public pledges not to work for the U.S. Northern Command.
Twenty-six of 32 four-star ad- publication. mented in a 2022 Washington as senior military officials, law- defense industry after leaving the The report9s authors make
mirals and generals who retired The analysis includes former Post investigation that explored makers or congressional staffers. Pentagon. <The revolving door their own recommendations, in-
from June 2018 to July 2023 were officers employed by consulting the lucrative business deals hun- Warren has argued that such between the Pentagon and the cluding a full ban on former
later employed in roles including firms with clients in the defense dreds of former military officers relationships warrant closer defense industry severely under- four-stars9 employment with
executive, adviser, board member industry and financial firms with have conducted with foreign gov- scrutiny because of the scale of mines public confidence and our companies that receive $1 billion
or lobbyist for companies with significant investments in that ernments. the Pentagon9s business with de- national security,= she said. a year or more in Pentagon con-
significant defense business, ac- sector. many of the employers While former Pentagon offi- fense companies: The Defense The Quincy Institute found tracts; the expansion of required
cording to the analysis from the cited in the report also have cials face some restrictions on Department accounted for some that patterns of post-government disclosures by companies that
Quincy Institute for responsible nondefense business interests. post-government employment, 60 percent of all federal govern- employment for four-star officers hire former officials; and expand-
Statecraft, a think tank that advo- The findings shed new light on they are not prohibited from ment contracts in 2021, accord- have evolved over time, in that ing the definition of what activi-
cates restraining the military9s a phenomenon examined in a working for weapons or defense ing to Warren9s report. retirees are often now employed ties qualify as lobbying.
role in U.S. foreign policy. 2021 report from the Government companies. A Senate proposal from War- with start-ups or companies that The Quincy Institute9s support-
<The revolving door between Accountability office, which The Quincy Institute9s findings ren, along with a parallel House finance arms manufacturers in ers including the ford founda-
the U.S. government and the found that 14 major defense con- come as some in Congress seek to bill from rep. Andy Kim (D-N.J.), addition to traditional large de- tion, the rockefeller Brothers
arms industry, which involves tractors, mostly weapons compa- impose additional constraints, would prohibit former top offi- fense contractors. fund and the open Society foun-
hundreds of senior Pentagon offi- nies, employed 1,700 former sen- including a longer cooling-off pe- cials from working for big de- former four-stars cited in the dations.

Has Ukraine aid been it9s the right amount or too little,
though majorities of republi-
cans in recent polls said the
to the conflict, with 34 percent
saying the fighting will go on for
<over a year,= another 34 percent
Support for military aid to Ukraine has
fallen steadily among Republicans
Q: In response to the situation involving Russia and Ukraine, would you
worth the cost? GOP, United States was doing too
In absolute numbers, the Unit-
saying it will last two to four
years more and 15 percent saying
it will last five years or more.
support or oppose the United states sending additional arms and military
supplies to the Ukrainian government?

Democrats part ways. ed States has provided much

more military and financial as-
sistance than have other coun-
Zelensky continues to be
popular in the United States,
with 67 percent rating him favor-
Republican Democrat Independent

tries, though in terms of aid as a ably, down from 81 percent in

poll from A1 while 20 percent thought such percentage of gross domestic march 2022. His ratings among 80 77%
aggression will become more product, smaller nations have republicans have fallen 26 63%
possible government shutdown. likely and 40 percent said U.S. done more. points over that period, but 55 60
The issue will remain one of assistance won9t make a differ- Public opinion in the United percent continue to have a posi-
the central debates in Washing- ence. States heavily favors mutual re- tive impression of him, as do 61 40 50%
ton as existing funds run out and Americans continue to express sponsibility. Just 3 percent of percent of independents and 84
lawmakers must decide whether support for the NATo alliance, adults in the Chicago Council percent of Democrats. 20
to approve additional assistance which has been strengthened as poll said the United States has a Americans are nearly united in
amid growing opposition among a result of the Ukraine war. greater responsibility than Euro- blaming russian President 0
republicans. In Congress, most About 3 in 4 (77 percent) said the pean countries have in helping Vladimir Putin for the war, with march July 922 nov. 922 sept. 923
GoP leaders have expressed sup- United States should maintain or Ukraine defend itself against about 9 in 10 Democrats, repub- 2022
port for continuing to help increase its commitment to russia. licans and independents saying
Ukraine, but the latest survey NATo. That has ticked down overall, 66 percent said the he deserves <a great deal= or <a Republicans, Democrats difer on whether Ukraine
data underscores the degree to from 81 percent in 2022 but is United States and its European fair amount= of blame. overall, military aid has been worth the cost
which the party9s rank-and-file consistent with levels recorded allies should be <equally respon- about 3 in 10 blamed NATo and 3 Q: |e Us has provided about $43 billion in weapons, equipment and training to
have either soured on or begun to over the past decade. roughly 9 sible= for helping Ukraine and 30 in 10 blamed Zelensky while 1 in Ukraine since Russia invaded the country last year, which is about 4 percent of
question the mounting expense. in 10 Democrats, along with percent said European countries 4 blame the United States. the $1.77 trillion dollars included in the Department of Defense annual budget.
overall, the Chicago Council about 7 in 10 independents and should be more responsible. The Chicago Council survey Do you think Us military support has been:
poll found that 63 percent of U.S. republicans, support maintain- Among republicans, 46 percent was conducted online Sept. 7-18
adults support providing addi- ing or increasing NATo commit- said European countries should among 3,242 adults nationwide. OVERALL REP DEM IND
tional arms and military supplies ments. be more responsible, while 52 The sample was drawn through Worth the cost 53% 38% 69% 51%
to the Ukrainian government. The poll tested opinions on percent said both should be Ipsos9s KnowledgePanel, an on-
That is comparable to 65 percent two hypotheticals involving the equally responsible. going survey panel recruited not worth the cost 45 61 29 47
last November but down from 72 NATo alliance: a russian inva- The Chicago Council poll through random sampling of U.S.
percent in July 2022. sion of Germany and a russian found mixed support for aiding households. The margin of sam- source: sept. 7-18, 2023, Chicago Council on global Afairs survey of 3,242 U.s. adults with
Among republicans, support invasion of an ally like Latvia or Ukraine indefinitely. one ques- pling error for overall results is an error margin of +/- 2 percentage points. error margins are larger among subgroups.
stands at 50 percent, a drop of 18 Lithuania. The poll found 64 tion found 49 percent agreeing plus or minus two percentage
emIly gUsKIn / tHe WAsHIngton Post
percentage points since July percent saying they would favor that <The United States should points.
2022 and 30 points since the sending U.S. troops if russia urge Ukraine to settle for peace
opening weeks of russia9s full- were to invade <a NATo ally like as soon as possible so that the
scale invasion. Democratic sup- Germany,= while 57 percent said costs aren9t so great for American
port stands at 77 percent, barely the same if russia were to invade households, even if that means After serving retail and wholesale all over this country,
changed from 79 percent in the
summer of 2022. Among inde-
<a NATo ally like Latvia, Lithua-
nia, or Estonia=
that Ukraine will lose some terri-
tory.= A similar portion (47 per-
Persico Oriental Rugs are announcing a
pendents, support has fallen Democrats are roughly equal cent) said the United States Going Out of Business Sale.
eight points, to 60 percent. in their support of defending should support Ukraine as long
The survey was conducted in Germany and Baltic allies, while as it takes, even if Americans Since the founder of our beloved company of 60 years of
mid-September, before Ukraine9s republicans are much more sup- have to pay higher gas and food business passed away recently, we must liquidate our
leader, Volodymyr Zelensky, trav- portive of defending a country prices as a result. remaining inventory: Persian (Esfahan, Tabriz, Qum, Nain, Heriz)
eled to the United States to press like Germany (64 percent) than But a separate question that
his country9s case at the United one like Latvia, Lithuania or did not mention the sensitive Indo 3 Pakistan 3 Turkey and etc. in all sizes, shapes and styles.
Nations and on Capitol Hill, Estonia (48 percent). issue of gas or food prices found He was one of the top Esfahan manufacturers.
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The Chicago Council poll Ukraine based on education. The arms and military supplies to
found that 53 percent of Ameri- Chicago Council poll found that Ukraine until it reclaims all the
cans overall believe the infusion 75 percent of college graduates territory that russia has cap-
of U.S. weapons, equipment and support sending additional arms tured.= meanwhile, 39 percent

training 4 totaling $43.9 billion and military supplies to Ukraine, said, <The US should encourage
since last year9s invasion, accord- compared with 60 percent of Ukraine to negotiate with russia
ing to the Pentagon 4 has been those with some college educa- to end the conflict, even if it
worth the cost, compared with 45 tion and 53 percent of those with means allowing russia to keep
percent who said it has not. high school degrees or less for- territory it has captured in
Nearly 7 in 10 Democrats said the mal education. While 64 percent Ukraine.=
support has been worthwhile, of college graduates said U.S. most Americans, 55 percent,
while about 6 in 10 republicans military aid has been worth the say neither russia nor Ukraine
said it has not. Independents costs, that dropped to 49 percent has the advantage in the war, up
were divided about evenly on this for those with some college and from 46 percent last November.
question. 44 percent of those with a high At that time, 26 percent said
Americans are skeptical of the school diploma or less. Ukraine had the advantage and
argument advanced by the Biden Apart from the Chicago Coun- an identical percentage said rus-
administration and others that cil poll, between 34 percent and sia had the advantage. Since
supporting Ukraine militarily 41 percent of Americans said in then, perceptions of Ukraine9s
will deter aggression by other recent Post-ABC, Quinnipiac standing has slipped, with 29
nations. The poll found 40 per- University and fox News polls percent saying russia has the
cent who said America9s backing that the United States was pro- advantage and 14 percent giving
of Ukraine would make powerful viding too much assistance to the edge militarily to the Ukrai-
countries less likely to try to take Ukraine. These surveys found nians.
over weaker countries elsewhere, majorities or pluralities saying few expect a forthcoming end
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Ukrainian service members carry a U.S.-made MK19 grenade launcher during a training exercise in Show this coupon - Save an extra 10%!
September. A new poll found that 63 percent of U.S. adults support more military aid for Ukraine.
A8 EZ rE the washington post . thursday, october 5 , 2023

The World
Has the war changed Macron? Allies would love to know.
The French president has strongly backed Ukraine to join both NATO and the E.U. in recent months, but allies wonder if this change is for the long term

PARIS 4 French President Em-

manuel Macron is not particular-
ly known for mea culpas. So,
when he delivered a moderately
repentant speech on Russia and
Ukraine, ears perked up.
Since Russia invaded, Macron
has drawn ire 4 and eye rolls 4
for clinging to the idea that Rus-
sian President Vladimir Putin
could be talked down.
Now here he was, more than a
year in, telling a crowd in Slova-
kia that Western Europe had
failed to listen to the east on
Russia and praising NATO, the
alliance he once said was experi-
encing brain death.
When France then offered
stronger-than-expected support
for Ukraine9s bid to join the mili-
tary alliance, some started to
wonder: Had the war changed
Allies are still wondering.
The question of where Macron
and France stand on Ukraine will
loom large this week as European
leaders gather in Spain to discuss
how to bring Ukraine and other
countries closer in the months
and years ahead.
France wants to be at the fore-
front of the conversation on Euro-
pean Union enlargement. It es-
pouses strong support for Ukrai-
nian membership in NATO. And
it says it will stand with Ukraine
<until victory.=
The positions are surprising
because France has often ex-
pressed ambivalence toward
NATO and has previously blocked
plans to bring more countries
into the E.U. Some analysts have
likened it to a <U-turn,= or a
French <zeitenwende,= referring
to Germany9s major shift on de- chrISToPhE PETIT TESSon/EPa-EFE/ShuTTErSTock

fense spending after the invasion.

But many allies still wonder role in providing materiel and positive coverage in the Polish
why it took so long for Macron to intelligence to Ukraine. press, but officials and experts
come around, or whether he will His prescription: a stronger remain wary.
match word with deed 4 and European role in defense 4 a Some wonder if, <he might be
weapons 4 as the war grinds on. longtime priority for Macron 4 posturing as the biggest friend of
One senior European official and credible security assurances Ukraine, while letting others be-
said they won9t be convinced until for Ukraine. come the bad guys,= he said.
France steps up longer-term sup- At the NATO summit in July, When he describes changes in
port. <Money always speaks to France offered strong support for French thinking to Polish inter-
commitment quite well,= said the Ukraine9s bid to join the alliance, locutors, Zerka said, he hits <a
official, who spoke on the condi- surprising some allies, and joined wall of incredulity.=
tion of anonymity to discuss sen- the pledge of the Group of Seven <The reason they are skeptical
sitive ally dynamics. nations to offer longer-term secu- is that they wonder, 8If France
<There9s a question of whether rity assurances. Macron also an- changed its opinion so quickly,
it9s been a change in tactic, not nounced that France would deliv- can it reverse?9= he said.
strategy,= said Rym Momtaz, a er long-range SCALP missiles to
Paris-based consultant research Ukraine. Waiting on 8concrete steps9
fellow at the International Insti- French officials do not see the In the weeks and months
tute for Strategic Studies. changes as a U-turn, but an <ac- ahead, allies will be watching to
<Tactics can open margins of celeration= of a shift that was see what Macron delivers.
maneuver,= she continued. <But already underway. <There9s a French officials said they are
the question is how he will use deeper trend, which was decided now fleshing out an agreement
this 4 nobody has the answer for strategic reasons, which has with Ukraine as part of the G-7
yet.= been accelerated by the war,= said security pledge. That deal will be
one official, who spoke on the a <crucial indicator of whether
Leading a larger Europe condition of anonymity to offer a France has overhauled its policy,=
Macron has long aspired to candid view on French thinking. said Momtaz, of the International
lead Europe, but he missed the SPuTnIk/aFP/gETTy ImagES A more hawkish position on Institute for Strategic Studies.
moment on Ukraine, leaving the FROM TOP: French President Emmanuel Macron welcomes Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky Ukraine would be good news for She wondered if Macron had
push to toughen up the Western upon his arrival for their meeting at Élysée Palace in Paris on May 14. Macron meets with Russian Washington. <If France is a leader indeed changed his mind on
alliance to Poland and the Baltic President Vladimir Putin in Moscow on Feb. 7, 2022, for talks on Ukraine and NATO. in driving Europe to spend more NATO, or has simply decided that
nations. and do more, that is fully in line he should show Russia he has.
In the run-up to the full-scale changed his thinking. tried to position France as a lead- French president <realizes that with what successive administra- <The jury needs to be out until we
invasion and the early days of the Before February 2022, Macron er on E.U. enlargement. French this is going to a big, geostrategic tions have wanted to see,= said Ian have proof, concrete steps,= she
war, he outraged allies by con- was skeptical of adding members and German officials recently in- change and that France could Lesser, the vice president of the said.
tinuing to talk to Putin. After- to the E.U., in part due to concerns troduced a report, written by a benefit, so he is making a shift.= German Marshall Fund of the Joseph de Weck, the author of a
ward, when it came to weapons about provoking Russia, said Ma- team of experts, that explored United States. German-language book on Ma-
and money, he ceded leadership rie Dumoulin, the director of the how Europe might adapt to new Shaping a new security order The apparent French pivot has cron, will be watching to see if
to U.S. officials and even Britain9s Wider Europe program at the members. Macron has also repositioned indeed quieted some criticism these issues remain front and
Boris Johnson. European Council on Foreign Re- Macron now wants France to himself on NATO. In his May from allies. But there9s still a center for the French president.
French officials counter that lations. That seems to have be <at the vanguard= on enlarge- speech in Bratislava, Slovakia, he dearth of trust and lingering <Macron9s problem often in the
France9s response was strong changed. ment, said Mujtaba Rahman, walked back his brain-death re- questions about the depth of this past is that his foreign policy is
from the beginning. They note, In June 2022, Macron visited managing director for Europe at mark 4 sort of 4 saying Putin commitment, especially if the inconsistent. He is tempted by
for instance, that France was Ukraine alongside German Chan- the Eurasia Group, a political risk had jolted NATO back to life. conflict continues its grinding tactical opportunities, but he
quick to act after the invasion, cellor Olaf Scholz, Italy9s Mario consulting firm. Macron told the crowd that he, descent into a lengthy war of hates making choices,= he said.
deploying troops to Romania Draghi and others. After touring Since the February 2022 inva- personally, had never been naive attrition. For now, at least, the president
within days. the sites of alleged Russian atroci- sion, Macron saw his ability to about Russia, but Western Eu- Pawel Zerka, an expert on both understands <that this is the way
But some concede the presi- ties, they vowed to support lead in Europe <constrained by rope had indeed failed to heed France and Poland at the Euro- history is going and that he
dent9s messaging has been incon- Ukraine9s E.U. candidacy. the perception that France was warnings from the east. He also pean Council on Foreign Rela- should join the bandwagon and
sistent. And few deny the war has In recent months, Macron has not a good ally,= Rahman said. The acknowledged America9s central tions, said Macron9s speech got lead it.=


DOMiNiCAN RePUBLiC mayor9s office of Santo Domingo PAKistAN the <irresponsible and reckless almost completely by 2040, a would fuel black-market trade.
Este. act, apprehend and hand over briefing paper said. 4 Reuters
Bodies of six babies Identity cards at the scene Pakistani army says the culprit to Pakistani <A 14-year-old today will never
found at cemetery were linked to the neonatal unit Taliban killed two authorities,= the military also legally be sold a cigarette,= Prime Police say suspect in Bangkok
of Juan Bosch City Hospital, said. Minister Rishi Sunak told the mall shooting used modified
Authorities in the Dominican authorities said. A Taliban guard opened fire on On Tuesday, Pakistan Conservative Party conference, blank-firing handgun: The
Republic said Wednesday that an Marilelda Reyes, the hospital9s civilians at a border crossing announced a major crackdown where he announced the plan. teenage boy who allegedly shot
investigation is underway after director, said the bodies of six between Pakistan and on migrants who are in the Smoking costs Britain9s health two people dead and wounded
the bodies of six newborns were newborns were delivered Afghanistan, killing two people, country illegally. services $20.6 billion a year, he five others inside a major
found discarded at the entrance Tuesday to funeral home La including a 12-year-old boy, the 4 Associated Press said, adding that the government shopping mall in the center of
of a cemetery in the capital, Popular for proper burial. Pakistani military said. also needed to act on youth Thailand9s capital used a blank-
Santo Domingo. However, authorities have not Another child was wounded in BRitAiN vaping. firing handgun that had been
The four female and two male confirmed whether those bodies the shooting at the Chaman The government would modified to fire real bullets,
babies still had hospital tags are the same as the ones found border crossing in Pakistan9s Sunak proposes plan consult on restricting the flavors police said Wednesday. The
around their feet and wrists and Wednesday near the cemetery. Baluchistan province. to stop youth smoking and descriptions of vapes and suspect was arrested less than an
there were no signs of violence, A man who answered the The military said in a look at regulating vape hour after the first gunshots
said medical examiner Angi phone at the funeral home statement that Pakistani troops Britain9s government on packaging and presentation, Tuesday afternoon at the large
Vicioso, who was at the scene. Wednesday identified himself <exercised extreme restraint= to Wednesday proposed banning according to the briefing paper. upscale Siam Paragon mall in
She said the babies were born only as Misael and declined to avoid more casualties in the younger generations from ever Campaign group Action on Bangkok. Video on social media
on different dates and that some identify the owner of the shooting. buying cigarettes, a move that Smoking and Health welcomed showed a long-haired teenage
were stillborn and others had company. He also declined to The army did not say anything would give the country some of Sunak9s plans, saying they could boy in the custody of police. Thai
died hours after they were born, comment, saying only that an on the Afghan Taliban guard9s the world9s toughest smoking hasten the day when smoking media reported that the 14-year-
according to an examination at investigation was underway to possible motives for opening fire, rules and hurt the sales of major was obsolete. old was a student at a Bangkok
the scene. determine whether what and there was no immediate tobacco firms. The tobacco industry criticized private school. Police Chief
One body was found occurred was the responsibility comment from Afghanistan9s If passed into law, the smoking the proposals. The Tobacco Torsak Sukvimol said he had a
uncovered, and five others were of the funeral home or the Taliban government. age would rise by one year every Manufacturers Association said record of being treated for
inside a plastic bag, said Fausto caretakers of the cemetery. Pakistan has asked Afghan year, potentially phasing out they were a <disproportionate mental illness.
Ortiz, security chief for the 4 Associated Press Taliban authorities to investigate smoking among young people attack= on adults9 rights and 4 From news services
thursday, october 5 , 2023 . the washington post eZ Re A9

Francis blames U.S., 8irresponsible9 lifestyles in plea on climate Ukrainian

Pope says world9s poor
journalist did earlier in his papacy.
<In the eight years [since the

are paying price for

West9s high emissions
missing for environmental encyclical], many
things have happened outside
and inside the church that have

2 months weakened its power,= said Luis

Badilla, editorial director for Il
Sismografo, a Vatican-related
BY A NTHONY F AIOLA blog. <The position on Russia.
AND C HICO H ARLAN Ineffectiveness on pedophilia. . . .
Francis9s words now can feel like
VATICAN CITY 4 Warning that speaking in a desert.=
Reporter not heard from
<the world in which we live is In the new document, Francis since leaving for territory
collapsing and may be nearing focused on what he described as
the breaking point,= Pope Francis a broken multilateral system for
occupied by Russia
issued a renewed call for climate global decision-making and
action Wednesday, singling out avoided calling on Catholics to
the United States for <irresponsi- take specific steps to combat BY B RYAN P IETSCH
ble= Western excess and decrying climate change.
the <weakness= of world leaders Some observers suggest he has Victoria Roshchyna, a Ukrai-
for failing to take bold steps. missed an opportunity. For in- nian freelance journalist, has
Eight years after his landmark stance, a study led by Cambridge been missing since she went on a
environmental encyclical, <Lau- University found that a call by reporting trip to Russian-
dato Si9,= in which he scolded Catholic bishops in England and occupied territory in Ukraine
climate change deniers and Wales to reinstate the old prac- two months ago, raising con-
VIncenZo PInto/AFP/getty ImAges
called for an <ecological conver- tice of not eating meat on Fridays cerns among family, colleagues
sion= among the faithful, Francis Pope Francis walks among flowers in St. Peter9s Square in 2019. Francis on Wednesday released an had a significant impact on be- and advocates that Russia could
released a follow-up, known as apostolic exhortation criticizing world leaders for failing to take sufficient action on climate change. havior and saved the equivalent be holding her captive.
an apostolic exhortation. Consid- of 55,000 metric tons of carbon Roshchyna was last heard
ered a lower-level document, it States, Francis also made a point net-zero emissions by 2050. The stantial changes,= the pope emissions over a year. from on Aug. 3, according to the
was far more concise 4 12 pages, to praise U.S. bishops for aptly Vatican also reports that it recy- wrote. Catholic views are mixed on International Women9s Media
compared with his 180-page en- expressing that <our care for one cles most of its trash, makes Francis 4 who took the name Francis9s climate efforts. Some Foundation,
cyclical. Its impact, too, may be another and our care for the compost for its gardens and has of the patron saint of ecology 4 conservatives criticize the pope which said in a
more limited. earth are intimately bound to- banned single-use plastics. stands out among popes in his for his environmental focus, say- statement that
Francis summarized accepted gether= 4 though that quote Francis devoted a section of push to make environmentalism ing he is pushing the faith be- it was <ex-
science and again took aim at from the United States Confer- the document to his expectations a core part of the faith. yond its religious boundaries. In tremely con-
skeptics who deny human-made ence of Catholic Bishops was just for this year9s United Nations After making some unwel- a notably political moment, in cerned for her
climate change. He strayed be- a paraphrasing of the pope9s climate summit, or COP28, come interventions related to the 2017, he gifted a copy of his safety.=
yond climate, couching artificial language in <Laudato Si9.= scheduled to start in late Novem- war in Ukraine, and amid the encyclical to a visiting world Elisa Lees
intelligence as representative of a Francis9s call in 2015 brought ber. The annual conference 4 Catholic Church9s continued fail- leader: President Donald Trump. Muñoz, the
worrying inclination to <increase applause from climate advocates, where countries lock heads over ings on clerical abuse, he is According to the Pew Research Victoria IWMF9s execu-
human power beyond anything who saw him as helping to build policy details and fight for incre- returning to a theme on which he Center, 54 percent of American Roshchyna tive director,
imaginable.= In what reads much momentum for what would be- mental progress 4 has been a remains an authoritative voice. It Catholics say the planet is warm- said in a phone
like a policy paper 4 apart from a come the sweeping Paris accords source of disillusionment for en- is also one that is highly relevant ing mostly because of human interview that Roshchyna9s col-
smaller section of religious refer- to curb global emissions, adopt- vironmental activists. And this to the younger generations with activity 4 in line with the aver- leagues 4 other journalists cov-
ences toward the end 4 the ed in December of that year. A year9s summit is hosted by the whom he has sought to connect. age among all American adults, ering the war 4 have expressed
<green pope= denounced the Vatican delegation that attended United Arab Emirates, a country Cardinal Michael Czerny, a but well behind the 90 percent growing concern about the dis-
scale of emissions from high-- the Paris negotiations was credit- with cutting-edge renewable senior Vatican official seen as figure among atheists. appearance.
consumption cultures and ar- ed with helping to influence projects that has grown rich by close to Francis, said in an inter- <It is safe to say that many <That they went public with
gued that the world9s poor were commitments from Poland and pumping oil and has one of the view: <This . . . is not just for Catholics still do not view care this is really indicative of their
paying the price. Catholic countries in Latin world9s largest carbon footprints Catholics or other pious and holy for the environment as a central desperation,= she said, as draw-
<If we consider that emissions America. per capita. people. It is for the world com- aspect of what it means to be a ing attention to such a case can
per individual in the United In his new document, Francis Among the many fault lines, munity.= Catholic,= said David Cloutier, a sometimes be <considered a
States are about two times great- noted how little world leaders less-developed countries say they He continued: <To the power- professor of moral theology at provocation= by the missing per-
er than those of individuals living have accomplished since then need dramatically more financial ful, Pope Francis dares to repeat Catholic University. <They view it son9s captors.
in China, and about seven times and blamed an absence of mech- help in preparing for and coping this question: 8Why do you want as an optional activity that some The Daily Beast on Wednesday
greater than the average of the anisms to hold countries to their with the consequences of a to preserve today a power that Catholics might be involved in on published a report from Kyiv
poorest countries, we can state commitments, along with a <fail- warmer climate 4 the result will be remembered for its inabil- the side, not a central commit- about the disappearance by Anna
that a broad change in the irre- ure of conscience and responsi- primarily of emissions from the ity to intervene when it was ment. But Pope Francis clearly is Nemtsova, a Russian journalist
sponsible lifestyle connected bility.= world9s wealthy countries. urgent and necessary to do so?9= trying to move the church in that whom Lees Muñoz described as a
with the Western model would Vatican City9s own climate <We must move beyond the But Francis9s positions on cli- direction.= friend and colleague of Roshchy-
have a significant long-term im- commitments do not stand out in mentality of appearing to be mate change no longer offer na9s.
pact,= the pope wrote. their ambition. Like Italy and the concerned but not having the much surprise, and he may not stefano Pitrelli contributed to this <I think it9s time to raise hell
While criticizing the United European Union, it has pledged courage needed to produce sub- have as captive an audience as he report. and publish,= Nemtsova told Lees
Muñoz. <At least if she9s in the
basement, they9ll stop torturing

More than 1,000 dead in Bangladesh9s worst dengue outbreak Roshchyna told her family on
Aug. 3 that she had made it
through border checks but did
not say where she was, according
BY K ELSEY A BLES to the Daily Beast report. She had
departed from Ukraine on
Bangladesh9s most severe den- July 27 bound for Russian-con-
gue fever outbreak on record has trolled territory in eastern
killed more than 1,000 people Ukraine, traveling through Po-
since the beginning of the year, a land and Russia to get to the
grim milestone in the surge of the contested region, Nemtsova re-
mosquito-borne illness, which ported, citing Vladimir Rosh-
scientists have said could worsen chyn, Roshchyna9s father.
as a result of the effects of climate Roshchyn told Nemtsova that
change. Ukrainian security services had
At least 1,030 people have died, informed him that his daughter
and more than 210,000 have been had been captured by Russia.
infected in Bangladesh since Ukrainian officials did not re-
Jan. 1, according to government spond immediately to a request
data published Tuesday, putting a for comment.
strain on the South Asian nation9s Roshchyna was held captive
fragile medical system and send- by Russia in March 2022, after
ing officials scrambling to miti- she was captured by Russian
gate the spread. Among the dead forces in eastern Ukraine. She
are more than 100 children under was held for 10 days in
16. The country recorded just 281 Berdyansk, and later chronicled
dengue deaths for all of last year. her time in captivity in a report
Globally, recorded dengue cas- for the Ukrainian news outlet
es have increased eightfold from Hromadske.
2000 to 2022, according to the Her father told Nemtsova that
World Health Organization. he had told Roshchyna to avoid
Raman Velayudhan, who leads going to the front lines of the war
the WHO9s program for the con- following her kidnapping in
trol of neglected tropical diseas- 2022. He offered to pay her not to
es, said in July that about half of go, but she insisted on continu-
the world9s population is now at ing to report from the most
risk of the infection. Asia repre- treacherous battlegrounds,
sents about 70 percent of the where atrocities often go unseen
global disease burden. because of the extreme danger to
In an August report, the WHO journalists and human rights
said the situation in Bangladesh advocates.
was abnormal <in its seasonality That persistence may have
and early sharp increase= in cases been unwise, according to other
mUnIR UZ ZAmAn/AFP/getty ImAges
when compared with previous journalists and observers, who
years. Conditions in Bangladesh expressed dismay on Facebook at
are becoming <more favorable= for dengue, and treatments typi- Roshchyna9s decision to venture
for the transmission of dengue, cally focus on easing pain and into Russian-occupied territories
the organization wrote, as a re- managing symptoms. Early de- after she had already been held
sult of <excessive rainfall, water- tection can lower fatality rates. captive once.
logging, flooding, rise in temper- The Americas also experienced According to the Committee to
ature and the unusual shifts in significant outbreaks this year, Protect Journalists, a New York-
the country9s traditional sea- particularly in Brazil and Peru, based press freedom organiza-
sons.= the latter of which battled the tion, at least 17 journalists have
Dengue is spread mainly from largest outbreak in its history been killed in Ukraine since
the Aedes species of mosquito 4 this spring and summer. Medics Russia9s full-scale invasion began
which can also spread the Zika in Sudan warned last week that last year. The toll includes Ukrai-
and chikungunya viruses 4 and cases of dengue were spreading nian journalist Maks Levin, who
is most often found in tropical as a result of seasonal rains, Reporters Without Borders says
and subtropical climates. In Reuters reported. was executed by Russian forces,
Bangladesh, dengue cases have The virus is also appearing in according to an investigation by
typically coincided with the rainy new areas, and in June, the the organization. He was found
season from May to September European Center for Disease Pre- dead after he went missing in
and higher temperatures, accord- vention and Control sent a warn- March 2022. Ukrainian writer
ing to the WHO. ing about mosquito-borne ill- Victoria Amelina died after a
Most people infected with the nesses. strike in June on a restaurant
virus won9t experience symp- In Bangladesh, cases have popular with journalists and aid
toms, but for those who do, high been reported across all 64 dis- workers in Kramatorsk, near the
fever, headaches, nausea, body tricts of the country, with the front lines of the war.
aches and/or a rash are common. crowded capital city of Dhaka The IWMF recognized Rosh-
In rare cases, dengue can be fatal, particularly affected. chyna with its Courage in Jour-
and those infected twice are at In response to the crisis in nalism award last year. Roshchy-
greater risk for what9s known as Bangladesh, the U.K.-based hu- na said of reporting on Russia9s
<severe dengue.= Mortality rates manitarian organization Save the invasion of Ukraine: <I do not
can be as high as 13 percent in Children said in a statement: <We consider it courage but rather my
moHAmmAd PonIR HossAIn/ReUteRs
untreated patients, according to must remember that every case professional duty.=
the U.S. Centers for Disease Con- of dengue is not just a statistic; TOP: A patient receives treatment for dengue fever at Mugda Medical College and Hospital in Dhaka,
trol and Prevention. it9s a person who deserves a the Bangladeshi capital, on Tuesday. ABOVE: Dengue-infected patients stay under mosquito nets at the siobhán o9grady contributed to this
There is no drug intervention healthy and happy life.= Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College and Hospital in Dhaka. report.
A10 ez Re the washington post . thursday, october 5 , 2023

Economy & Business

ChatGPT did a better job than his stab. He ûred them.
Artificial intelligence chatbots will upend how call centers and customer service hotlines operate. Countries like India and the Philippines are worried.
BY P RANSHU V ERMA on economies across the world, higher customer satisfaction and
especially in countries like India lower worker turnover. In his
Suumit Shah never liked his and the Philippines, where call study surveying more than 5,000
company9s customer service centers provide millions of peo- call center agents using artificial
team. His agents gave generic ple with modest-paying work intelligence software, access to
responses to clients9 issues. and where surveys have shown the tools increased productivity
Faced with difficult problems, automation could render over a by 14 percent, with novice work-
they often sounded stumped, he million jobs obsolete. The change ers seeing the largest gains and
said. is sparking a debate in the Global highly experienced workers find-
But when Shah saw that Chat- South about what, if anything, ing negligible improvement.
GPT could respond to questions they can do to prevent a mass He said companies should
with intricate, lifelike responses, workforce disruption. take note of these findings.
he knew it could fix the customer <You will & end up seeing a lot <Don9t look first to automate,= he
service hotline of his India-based of jobs be eviscerated,= said Shar- added. <Think about where you
e-commerce platform, Dukaan. ad Sharma, co-founder of the can augment things.=
Shah used the software to iSPIRT Foundation, an Indian Virginia L. Doellgast, a labor
improve his in-house customer nonprofit technology think tank. relations professor at Cornell
service chatbot Lina, training it <And the fewer jobs that will University, argued the technol-
largely on his company9s help remain will be different kinds of ogy will make jobs more difficult:
center content. In December jobs.= Easy customer service problems
2022, he let the ChatGPT-pow- Outsourcing gained speed in will be handled by artificial intel-
ered bot field nearly all messages the 1990s as global economies ligence chatbots, leaving more
and found his customers were became more open and comput- complicated issues for humans to
largely happy. ers made it easier for work to be deal with.
By June, he had fired 27 of his done anywhere. American com- Remaining workers will deal
customer service agents and re- panies, looking to control costs, with more difficult tasks that
placed them with Lina. began shipping jobs that were take longer to solve. If corporate
<It was [a] no-brainer for me to necessary 4 but not core 4 compensation structures are tied
replace the entire team with a abroad, where cheap labor was in to metrics, such as shorter call
bot,= he said in an interview, ample supply. volume, they could be financially
<which is like 100 times smarter, Countries such as India, with penalized.
davide bonazzi foR The WashingTon PosT
who is instant, and who cost me well-educated, English-speaking If artificial intelligence makes
like 100th of what I used to pay to young workers, became a popu- it easier for novice workers to
the support team.= lar destination for these back- ingenuity. most people can comprehend,= than any other country,= Sharma perform better, she said, that
Call centers, which started be- end jobs 4 most notably in In a September survey of more she said in a news release, <and is said. <That is the conversation could also justify companies hir-
coming popular in the late 1990s, customer service, information than 300 IT and call center threatening to take away jobs that is taking place.= ing less expensive, less experi-
provide cheap offshore labor to technology and data-processing leaders, 80 percent said conver- and turn employment growth But AI and labor rights experts enced talent, leading to wage
handle mundane corporate tasks roles. sational AI products will be a upside down.= are torn on the impacts. deflation across the industry and
for Western companies. Now, The economic impacts were <must have= for their companies In India, companies are al- Erik Brynjolfsson, a professor less satisfying customer service.
amid a larger wave of automa- significant. In the early 2000s, going forward, with 52 percent of ready testing out how to replace at the Stanford Institute for <Why would you need to hire a
tion, this work is being out- Western companies employed polled firms reporting they had customer service workers and Human-Centered AI, said auto- really experienced center worker
sourced once again: to artificial just a few thousand people in the already invested in the technol- call center agents with large mation could be a boon to the who costs more money for their
intelligence. Philippines, but as of 2023 that ogy. language models, said Sharma, industry. As part of his research skills when you could get the
Backed by advanced technol- number has ballooned to over 1.6 The shift has countries who though he declined to disclose on AI9s impact on call centers, he same performance out of a less
ogy, chatbots can interact direct- million, according to industry rely on call center work bracing which companies he was aware found that many companies are experienced one,= she said.
ly with customers and solve analyst figures. In India, out- for change, politicians, econo- of that were doing these kinds of augmenting their agents9 jobs But for entrepreneurs like
problems independently 4 no sourcing jobs now contributes to mists and workforce develop- tests. with AI software instead of fully Shah, cost matters above all.
human necessary. nearly 10 percent of the country9s ment experts said. He noted that with agents automating them. After the success of his Dukaan
Start-ups, banks and consum- gross domestic product, industry In May, Imee Marcos, a senator using AI to augment their work, Brynjolfsson said a suite of AI chatbot, he created a spinoff
er goods corporations say the analysts said. in the Philippines called for an the amount of workers needed to software tools helps call center product that allows others to
technology can help them cut The emergence of generative inquiry into the potential dis- handle the same volume of calls workers do their jobs better: transition to an all-AI-powered
costly customer service costs artificial intelligence 4 technol- placement of workers by technol- will dwindle. transcription software analyzes hotline.
while providing clients with per- ogy that undergirds AI chatbots, ogy, especially in the country9s The effect to the economy will call conversations in real-time Not every customer service
sonalized service. They argue AI image makers and voice-cloning outsourcing sector. She noted an be undeniable, he said, and Indi- and provides agents with ideal employee should worry about
will give remaining call center software 4 threatens the indus- Oxford Economics and Cisco an outsourcing companies will solutions; other tools identify being replaced, but those who
workers more support, helping try. Customer issues are likely to study, which estimated that digi- need to adapt artificial intelli- angry customers and provides simply copy and paste responses
them feel fulfilled in their jobs. be solved by software that can tal automation could render gence into their operations techniques to calm them down. are no longer safe, according to
But economists and workforce analyze millions of data points to 1.1 million jobs in her country quickly if they seek to keep jobs This support allows workers to Shah.
development experts say the find the most common solution obsolete by 2028. from going elsewhere. <India has tackle difficult problems with far <That job is gone,= he said. <100
shift could have a profound effect to a problem, rather than human <AI is developing faster than to embrace augmentation faster more ease, he said, leading to percent.=

Prosecutors paint Bankman-Fried as a liar; defense calls him 8reasonable9

which version they believe. improper is not proof beyond a he ultimately lost about $100,000,
Bankman-Fried is accused of reasonable doubt,= Cohen added. a significant portion of his sav-
Opening statements defrauding customers and inves- Rehn also previewed testimony ings, when the platform collapsed
present widely divergent tors in the FTX crypto exchange by from three key witnesses 4 Caro- and he was unable to withdraw
funneling more than $8 billion of line Ellison, Gary Wang and Ni- any of his assets.
pictures of crypto figure their money into risky side bets, shad Singh, all former top lieuten- Jurors then took in the begin-
luxury real estate and political ants of Bankman-Fried9s 4 who ning of testimony from Adam Ye-
contributions. He has pleaded not have pleaded guilty to crimes asso- didia, a college friend of Bank-
BY T ORY N EWMYER guilty to seven charges, including ciated with their conduct at his man-Fried who worked at FTX as
AND E LI T AN wire fraud and conspiracy to com- crypto companies. a software developer and lived
mit money laundering and securi- Rehn referred to Ellison 4 for- with the defendant and other col-
NEW YORK 4 Federal prosecutors ties fraud. mer head of Alameda Research leagues in a Bahamian penthouse.
described former cryptocurrency Nathan Rehn, an assistant U.S. and Bankman-Fried9s sometimes- Yedidia said that he quit the com-
entrepreneur Sam Bankman- attorney for the Southern District girlfriend 4 as a <front= while the pany in November when he
Fried to jurors on Wednesday as a of New York who delivered the executive <called the shots= be- learned that FTX customer funds
fraudster who knowingly stole bil- government9s opening statement, hind the scenes. had been used to pay back loans to
lions of dollars from his customers repeatedly referred to Bankman- But Cohen later cast doubt on Alameda creditors 4 and that he
and investors, as arguments in his Fried as a liar who sacked custom- their motives, telling jurors to be hasn9t spoken to Bankman-Fried
criminal trial got underway in a er deposits to fund his lavish life- wary of their testimony given that since. Yedidia is expected to con-
downtown Manhattan court- style and accrue wealth and influ- they want to earn more-lenient tinue testifying Thursday.
room. ence. <Behind the curtain, Sam sentences by cooperating with the Jurors are also set to hear this
Jane RosenbeRg/ReuTeRs
Bankman-Fried9s lead attorney, Bankman-Fried was not who he government. Those comments fol- week from Wang, an FTX co-
Mark Cohen, rebutted those appeared to be,= Rehn said. <He Sam Bankman-Fried in court this week. The defense described him low a submitted request by the founder and chief technology offi-
charges by presenting a starkly was committing a massive fraud as a <math nerd.= The prosecution accused him of <massive fraud.= defense on Tuesday morning to cer who has pleaded guilty to
different picture of a well-inten- and taking billions of dollars from block testimony from FTX cus- fraud charges and is cooperating
tioned 4 if at times overwhelmed thousands of victims= and <spend- there was <nothing wrong= with lain= the prosecution portrayed, tomers, investors and co-conspir- with prosecutors. Regulators have
4 executive who made good-faith ing it on himself.= the relationship between the two Bankman-Fried is a <math nerd ator witnesses, arguing they were said Wang created the software
decisions as he built two multibil- Cohen, meanwhile, gave a de- entities. who didn9t party or drink,= Cohen irrelevant to the case. code that allowed Alameda to si-
lion-dollar businesses on the fly in tailed history of the rise and fall of Bankman-Fried and his team, argued. And even as his crypto The jury also heard from the phon FTX customer funds.
just a few years. the defendant9s two businesses 4 Cohen said, were <building the empire entered a tailspin in No- first witnesses of the trial. Marc- Rounding out the witness list this
A jury made up of 10 women the crypto trading platform FTX plane while they were flying it,= a vember, Bankman-Fried contin- Antoine Julliard, a London-based week is Matt Huang, co-founder of
and two men, finalized Wednes- and the crypto-focused hedge dynamic he called common to ued to pursue <reasonable busi- commodities broker, described Paradigm, a crypto-focused in-
day morning, will sift through six fund Alameda Research, which start-ups, noting that FTX never ness practices,= Cohen said. being drawn to invest in crypto vestment firm that backed FTX.
weeks9 worth of evidence and wit- provided the liquidity for the plat- named a chief risk officer. <Taking something out of con- with FTX based on its outward
ness testimony to determine form9s launch 4 to argue that Far from the <cartoon of a vil- text and in hindsight and calling it appearances of legitimacy. He said Tan reported from Washington.


RiDe-sHARing roughly the same as the previous Private payrolls rose by sector shed 13,000 positions. combined insurance with the case, one of several to allege
year. 89,000 jobs last month, the Employment in the professional doctors9 practices, drug benefits rampant racial harassment at
Uber to offer package <With the busy holiday smallest gain since January 2021, and business services industry and other businesses to create Tesla9s flagship Fremont, Calif.,
return service in U.S. shopping and gifting season fast the ADP National Employment decreased by 32,000 positions. the largest U.S. health services assembly plant.
approaching, we know returns Report showed on Wednesday. 4 Reuters company by revenue.
Uber drivers will collect your are inevitable 4 whether it9s the Economists polled by Reuters The United Nations called for
unwanted gifts and return them wrong size, the wrong color, or had forecast private employment Also in Business A Black former factory worker greater oversight of commodities
in the ride-booking company9s the wrong gift idea entirely,= the would rise by 153,000. Data for Two top liberal Democrats for Tesla lost his bid on traders, saying unregulated
latest addition to its app, the company wrote in its release. August was revised slightly asked antitrust regulators to Wednesday for a third trial in his activity is worsening the global
company announced Wednesday. The service costs $5 per trip higher to show 180,000 jobs examine UnitedHealth Group9s race discrimination lawsuit food crisis in the wake of
Uber has added a <return a for most users or $3 per trip for added instead of the previously planned $3.3 billion purchase of against the electric carmaker, Russia9s invasion of Ukraine.
package= feature to its app in members of Uber One, the reported 177,000. home-health provider Amedisys after a California federal judge Profiteering from financial
almost 5,000 cities across the company9s subscription service. The report also showed wages and challenge deals that bring rejected his claims that the activities now drives revenue in
United States, allowing 4 Aaron Gregg for job changers increasing medical providers under the company9s lawyers had engaged global food trading, yet
customers to leave out up to five 9 percent year-on-year in same ownership as health in misconduct and tainted his commodity traders circumvent
prepaid and sealed packages to eConoMY September, slowing from insurers. The Justice trial. U.S. District Judge William regulations by being regarded as
be returned to UPS, FedEx or a 9.7 percent in August. Department opened an in-depth Orrick in San Francisco in a manufacturing companies
local post office. Private employers The slowdown was driven by probe into the deal in August, written order upheld a rather than financial
The company cited research hired fewer workers large corporations, which and the letter from Sen. $3.2 million verdict that a jury institutions, the U.N. Conference
from the National Retail purged 83,000 jobs. Small Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and awarded to plaintiff Owen Diaz on Trade and Development said
Federation in February finding U.S. private employers added businesses added 95,000 Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) in April, denying his motion for in a report on Wednesday. Food
that roughly 4 of 5 customers the fewest workers in more than positions, while medium-size renews attention on the a new trial while also rejecting commodity traders have reaped
younger than 30 tend to find 2½ years in September, with enterprises9 payrolls increased investigation. The lawmakers Tesla9s bid to cut the award in record profits as Russia9s assault
returns <very annoying.= In a large establishments shedding by 72,000. stopped short of telling half. The decision is a mixed on Ukraine restricted
separate study, the federation jobs, but that likely exaggerates Manufacturing lost 12,000 regulators to block the result for the electric carmaker, agricultural flows and sent
reported that the average return the pace of slowdown in the jobs, while the trade, deal. UnitedHealth has staving off another lengthy trial prices soaring.
rate in 2022 was 16.5 percent, labor market. transportation and utilities while drawing new attention to 4 From news services
thursday, october 5 , 2023 . the washington post eZ Re A11


Google expands AI tool kit in Pixel 8 phones, reûecting a growing obsession

BY C HRIS V ELAZCO Pixel phones 4 that9s a nearly info, you9ll be able to rate summa- moment in time that never hap- well, whatever it thinks should go The catch: For now, it seems
unprecedented amount of time to ries with a thumbs down and offer pened in the first place. there.) this feature is the only place you9ll
Google has been trying to sell ensure gadgets have up-to-date some additional feedback. (Like- To be clear, Google says, the The catch: Sure, there9s always get to hear that almost startlingly
its vision of smarter devices since software. (iPhones, by compari- wise, you can give a thumbs up to feature will never create a smiling the potential for creating images natural AI voice. Google hasn9t yet
its first Pixel phone in 2016. Seven son, typically get about five years particularly good ones.) face from scratch 4 it can only that are, on some level, discon- mentioned if the virtual, voice-ac-
years later, the company is still of major iOS updates after they9re The catch: This feature only detect and swap in faces from nected from reality. But on a more tivated Assistant baked into the
fighting to make its mark. released.) works when you9re viewing web- across six photos if they were practical level, some early exam- phones will get a similar upgrade.
Last quarter, Apple and Sam- The larger Pro model also sites in the Chrome browser or in taken within seconds of each oth- ples we saw of the new Magic
sung accounted for 78 percent of comes with an unusual tempera- the Google app. That means you er. But to me, at least, there9s still Eraser in action just didn9t look An AI proofreader
all smartphones shipped in North ture scanner, which the company can9t ask the Google Assistant to, something viscerally unnerving very good 4 we spotted some Some folks who use Google
America, according to research hopes will become an indispen- say, summarize a lengthy PDF file about that. unnatural textures where the tool Docs for work can already lean on
firm Canalys. And Google? Just 4 sable health tool once it receives before your next meeting. You Unsurprisingly, Google doesn9t filled in spots previously occupied an AI to help smooth out trouble
percent. So, how is one of the clearance from the Food and Drug also can9t summarize news arti- see things this way. Shenaz Zack, by a person. We9ve seen these spots in their writing, so it9s no
biggest names in Big Tech sup- Administration. cles that live behind a paywall 4 if director of product management kinds of results before, and hon- surprise to see something similar
posed to win over the jaded Amer- The drive to push AI even deep- you try, the summarize feature for Google9s Pixel phones, told estly, we were hoping for a little land on smartphones, too. What9s
ican phone shopper? er into its phones may offer just balks at your request. The Washington Post that she better. different here is where that AI
By leaning more into artificial Google a way to catch up to rivals thinks of the feature as a way to lives 4 on Pixel phones, it9s in
intelligence. Google on Wednes- that consistently outsell them, Best Take for photos <re-create= moments she wasn9t A more natural-sounding call Google9s default Gboard key-
day unveiled a pair of new smart- not to mention a potentially con- Who among us hasn9t taken a fast enough to shoot in real time. screener board.
phones 4 the $699 Pixel 8 and crete way to hook consumers on group photo, only to discover Fair enough, but since we haven9t For years, Pixels have had a Call As you type, you9ll see the key-
$999 Pixel 8 Pro 4 which come the value of AI tools. But that only some people blinked or looked been able to thoroughly test this Screen feature that answers the board auto-correcting obvious er-
with some features that rely on works if the tools themselves are away at the crucial moment? feature yet, consider the jury un- phone, asks whoever9s calling rors same as always. But when
the kinds of generative AI and worth using. Google9s Best Take feature of- decided on how weird this is for what they want and transcribes you finish pecking out that sen-
large language models that have Here9s what to know about the fers a solution for these situa- now. the response for you. This time, tence, you9ll see an option to <fix=
become all the rage among start- AI features you may get to use tions: When you view a less-than- though, Google9s updated tool spelling and grammar errors (like
ups and tech titans this year. soon. ideal picture in the Photos app, A more flexible Magic Eraser sounds nearly indistinguishable those pesky there/their/they9re
No, that doesn9t mean Bard you9ll be given the option to select Google first introduced its from an actual human. (If it didn9t mix-ups) all at once.
lives on a phone now 4 that9s Instant story summaries more appropriate faces for people Magic Eraser tool 4 which lets identify itself in a demo as a The catch: We know that in
coming later. But it does mean Sifting through a long webpage from photos taken around the you erase stray people or objects <Google virtual calling assistant,= some cases, Google uses what we
your next phone may be able to, when you really just want the same time. Google Photos will from photos 4 on Pixel phones we wouldn9t have been able to type to train its AI. We9re told
among other things, instantly gist? With help from some of then stitch those selected faces two years ago, before letting any- tell.) that9s not happening here 4
summarize webpages, craft per- Google9s large language models, into that picture, giving you a one with a Google One subscrip- That assistant is also better at there9s <no training of models
fect photos from a few less-than- Google Assistant can quickly scan more perfect image to slap onto tion use it. analyzing what the person on the based on your input,= said Brian
stellar ones and automatically and summarize articles, recipes your socials. Now, though, you can do more other end is saying. If it can tell Rakowski, Google9s vice president
translate text in foreign languag- and other long swaths of online The catch: Where do we start? than just erase photobombers they need some kind of specific of product management for Pixel
es before reading it aloud. text. Rather than just improving the from your pictures; with a tap- feedback 4 say, confirmation for a phones. Still, if you want to make
Granted, there9s more to these That said, the company isn9t clarity of a captured moment, and-hold, you can select subjects doctor9s appointment 4 you9ll get sure you9re not inadvertently do-
devices than just Google9s focus guaranteeing that every auto-gen- Best Take weaves together a dis- in those images and reposition a small on-screen bubble that, ing work on Google9s behalf, the
on AI. From now on, the company erated summary is bulletproof. In tinctly new one, one face at a time. wherever you like. (As you do that, when tapped, prompts the assis- safest move might be to avoid
is committing to seven years of the event that the system halluci- That means a photo you eventual- Google Photos will do its best to tant to pass along that confirma- features like these where you find
operating system updates to its nates and spits out erroneous ly come to cherish may depict a fill in the gap left behind with, tion. them.

Here9s what the UAW is demanding and what each automaker is obering
BY J EANNE W HALEN GM9s contribution of 6.4% of
wages to 401(k) accounts and
The United Auto Workers and boost by 25 percent the money
Detroit9s Big Three vehicle manu- the company contributes per
facturers have been locked in hour worked toward health care
tense contract negotiations for in retirement. GM would not
weeks. Frustrated by the state of restore defined-benefit pensions
negotiations, the union on Sept. and company-financed health
15 began striking at one factory at care in retirement for all work-
each company, and has been ers.
steadily expanding the strike to GM has offered to boost temp
more factories and warehouses workers9 starting wage by 20
to try to raise the pressure. percent, to $20 an hour, but has
Full-time UAW workers at the not agreed to the union9s demand
Big Three earn about $18 to $32 to convert all temps to perma-
an hour, depending on seniority nent status.
4 wages that have lagged far The UAW says that GM still
behind inflation. They also get isn9t meeting the union9s de-
annual profit-sharing bonuses mands on cost-of-living adjust-
that have totaled tens of thou- ment to wages. And GM hasn9t
sands of dollars per worker over agreed to allow workers to strike
the last four years. Temporary over plant closures.
workers earn $16 to $19 an hour
and don9t get profit-sharing pay- 4. Stellantis offer
ments or other bonuses. The manufacturer of Jeep,
The union and automakers Chrysler and Ram vehicles is
have drawn closer in their de- offering a 20 percent wage raise
mands and offers for a new, over the life of the contract,
four-year contract but are still far including 10 percent immedi-
enough apart to prevent a deal. ately when workers ratify the
Here9s where the talks stand: deal.
For 401(k) accounts, Stellantis
1. UAW demands is offering a 6 percent company
The union started out de- contribution plus a 50 percent
manding a 40 percent raise in company match of an employee9s
wages over four years, and has contribution, up to 6 percent.
come down to 36 percent. It also And it is offering $1 per hour
demanded that the automakers saRah RIce/getty Images worked toward post-retirement
reinstate regular cost-of-living United Auto Workers members picket outside a Jeep plant on Sept. 18 in Toledo. Workers have been striking since mid-September. health-care expenses.
adjustments to wages to protect Stellantis is proposing a 20
against inflation, a benefit the costs for retirees. than 20 percent= over the life of Ford also offered to boost its battery factories will offer the percent increase to temps9 start-
workers lost in 2009. And it The union has also demanded the contract. It also meets a key payments to 401(k) retirement same pay and benefits as existing ing wage, to $20 an hour, but it is
wants an end to a tiered system of a 32-hour workweek (with pay for UAW demand by restoring the accounts by making a 6.4 percent factories. not agreeing to the union de-
employment that leaves newer 40 hours); the right to strike over regular cost-of-living adjust- contribution of all hours worked, mand to convert all temps to
workers on a lower wage scale, plant closures during the course ments to wages that UAW work- including overtime. In addition, 3. General Motors offer permanent status.
with lesser benefits. of the next contract; and, in the ers lost in 2009. it would contribute $1 for each GM is offering a 20 percent The union on Sept. 29 said
For retirement benefits, full- event that an automaker does Ford would also eliminate the hour worked to help fund the wage raise over the life of the Stellantis had made important
time workers hired after 2007 get close a plant, provisions that tiered system of wages, putting worker9s health-care expenses in contract, including 10 percent in concessions relating to cost of
401(k) accounts with a company would force the company to con- everyone on one pay scale. It has retirement. the first year. In a key concession living allowances and the right to
contribution equaling 6.4 per- tinue paying workers indefinitely agreed to convert all current Ford has not agreed to restore to the union, GM has agreed to strike over plant closures, but
cent of a worker9s base wages. to do community service. temporary workers to permanent defined-benefit pensions and boost its auto parts warehouse neither side disclosed details.
The UAW wants the companies to status within 90 days. And it company-financed health care in workers up to the higher wage Previously Stellantis proposed a
restore defined-benefit pensions 2. Ford offer granted the union the right to retirement for all workers. Ford scale that vehicle assembly work- formula that would pay employ-
that workers previously received Ford9s latest offer would raise strike over any plant closures says it is also opposed to a UAW ers earn. ees when inflation exceeds 3
and to pay all the health-care wages for full-timers by <more during the life of the contract. demand to guarantee that future The offer would maintain percent.

Appeals court cuts down cyberdefense agency9s contact with tech companies
BY C AT Z AKRZEWSKI threats, in part through commu- Amid the litigation, key univer- after voting ended, when former panies, instead telling companies visited the September order after
nicating with social media com- sities are discussing how they can president Donald Trump fired the whether the posts were true or the Republican attorneys general
The U.S. Court of Appeals for panies during the 2020 elections. continue tracking election-relat- agency9s chief, Christopher false. who initially brought the case
the 5th Circuit on Tuesday ruled The ruling clears the way for ed misinformation, and public Krebs, in a tweet. Krebs had refut- <The platforms9 censorship de- requested a rehearing, arguing
that a key cybersecurity defense the Supreme Court to decide health agencies have frozen pro- ed Trump9s claims that election cisions were made under policies that the court overlooked <signifi-
agency probably violated the whether to take the case, after the grams intended to improve the systems were manipulated and that CISA has pressured them cant evidence= showing CISA ran
First Amendment in its efforts to Justice Department asked the jus- quality of medical information previously celebrated the 5th Cir- into adopting and based on CISA9s afoul of the First Amendment in
coordinate with Silicon Valley to tices to put the 5th Circuit ruling online. cuit order that did not limit CISA determination of the veracity of coordinating with the FBI.
protect elections from online on hold. It9s a significant reversal The Tuesday decision expands communications as <reassuring.= the flagged information,= the de- The court, however, did not
hoaxes, in a decision that could of a September decision by the an order issued in September, In Tuesday9s order, the 5th Cir- cision said. grant the plaintiffs9 request to
have sweeping implications for same panel, which found that which argued that a number of cuit judges said CISA served as CISA declined to comment on apply the injunction to the State
government efforts to secure the though CISA flagged posts to the other government agencies 4 in- the <primary facilitator= of the the litigation, but executive direc- Department or to reinstate the
vote in 2024. platforms, there was not suffi- cluding the Biden White House, FBI9s interactions with social me- tor Brandon Wales said the agen- part of the July injunction bar-
The panel of three judges nom- cient evidence that the agency9s FBI and key government health dia companies, and they allege cy does not censor speech. The ring government officials from
inated by Republican presidents activities crossed the line and agencies 4 violated the First the agency worked closely with agency seeks to share informa- participating with academic-led
wrote that the Cybersecurity and were coercion. Amendment by improperly influ- the FBI to <push the platforms to tion on election literacy with the initiatives to address disinforma-
Infrastructure Security Agency The litigation, Missouri v. encing tech companies9 decisions change their moderation policies public, he said. tion, including the Election Integ-
<used its frequent interactions Biden, is at the center of a grow- about removing or limiting posts to cover 8hack-and-leak9 content.= <CISA does not and has never rity Partnership and the Virality
with social media platforms to ing conservative legal and politi- related to the 2020 elections and The companies9 policies on censored speech or facilitated Project.
push them to adopt more restric- cal movement that has cast a pall the coronavirus. such content came under scruti- censorship; any such claims are Missouri Attorney General An-
tive policies on election-related over efforts to fight misinforma- Some advocates and First ny after Twitter, now known as X, patently false,= Wales said in a drew Bailey (R), a key plaintiff in
speech,= revising an injunction tion online. This case and recent Amendment scholars viewed that cited those rules in its controver- statement. <Every day, the men the case, accused CISA of being
issued last month. probes in the Republican-con- decision as a significant improve- sial decision to block users from and women of CISA execute the the <nerve center of the censor-
The decision bars CISA as well trolled House of Representatives ment over a temporary injunc- sharing a controversial New York agency9s mission of reducing risk ship enterprise= and said the state
as its director, Jen Easterly, and have accused government offi- tion issued by U.S. District Judge Post story about Joe Biden9s son, to U.S. critical infrastructure in a will not back down in defending
several other top agency officials cials of actively colluding with Terry A. Doughty on July 4, which Hunter Biden. The decision was way that protects Americans9 its citizens9 constitutional rights.
from taking actions that <coerce platforms to influence public dis- applied strict limits to CISA, the later reversed by Twitter, and freedom of speech, civil rights, <We look forward to defending
or significantly encourage= tech course, in an evolution of long- departments of State, Homeland company leaders have repeatedly civil liberties, and privacy.= your First Amendment rights at
companies to remove or reduce running allegations that liberal Security, Health and Human Ser- said it was a mistake. The 5th Circuit panel 4 which the nation9s highest court,= he
the spread of posts. CISA, which employees inside tech companies vices, and a number of other The judges also said CISA went includes Judges Edith Brown tweeted.
was established in 2018, has favor Democrats when making government agencies. beyond relaying flagged social Clement, Don R. Willett and Jen-
played a prominent role in efforts decisions about what posts are CISA9s role in efforts to protect media posts from state and local nifer Walker Elrod, who were tim starks and ann e. marimow
to secure elections from online removed or limited online. the 2020 elections ignited days election officials to the tech com- appointed by Republicans 4 re- contributed to this report.
A12 Ez rE the washington post . thursday, october 5 , 2023

New DNA tools

help reveal the
ocean9s secrets
ShaRk from a1
luiS MiguEl EStEvEz/ShuttErStock

eDNA helped scientists rediscover an animal The angel shark, or Squatina squatina.
many thought to be lost for good, and gave
ocean managers key information about where
it lives so that they can protect it. joined manel and mouillot on the Victoria IV.
<They are always surprised that from a But biologists are doing more than just
sample of water, you can detect the species,= tracking endangered and invasive species.
said Stéphanie manel, a professor at the École Today, they use eDNA to diagnose infections in
Pratique des Hautes Études who was showing insects and reconstruct entire food webs by
Tomasi how to collect DNA. combing through feces.
<But this is DNA,= she said. <DNA is there. So <We got to the point where we could detect
it9s not magic.= one or two molecules,= said Colin Simpfendor-
Her ambitions extend beyond the angel fer, a shark scientist at James Cook University
shark. Her goal is nothing short of <a map of in Australia conducting his own eDNA work.
the biodiversity in the mediterranean.= <That9s how powerful those sorts of techniques
can become.=
Fallen angel <What eDNA can deliver for conservation is
It used to be easy to find an angel shark. massive,= he said. <It is revolutionizing a lot of
A 19th-century zoologist in the British Isles the work that we do.=
wrote that it <haunts our coasts in abundance.= Yet the field is still new, and going through
once widespread from Scandinavia to the growing pains.
Western Sahara, it was so plentiful in Europe9s DNA is the blueprint for life, composed of
seas that the crystal-blue water off Nice in the TOP: Stéphanie or something else, he said. 8a young science9 four bases 4 adenine, thymine, guanine and
french riviera is named Baie des Anges, or the Manel siphons for the past several years, manel and mouil- manel first got interested in eDNA after cytosine 4 strung together in an order distinc-
Bay of Angels. water samples to lot9s team has been siphoning water along the geneticists found invasive frogs in french tive to every type of organism. To match DNA
With a flattened body and eyes on top of its search for angel Corsican coast to find the shark9s genetic wetlands. much of the first eDNA work, in fact, collected from the environment to a specific
head, the common angel shark, or Squatina shark DNa. finprint and map its whereabouts. In late was done in freshwater ecosystems, where species, researchers must check samples
squatina, lies on the bottom of the ocean, aBOVE: alicia August, a 56-foot trimaran named the Victoria DNA lingers in abundance. against a reference database.
burying its body in the sand. for hours it waits Dalongeville uses IV cut a course along the island9s northwestern more recently, scientists have refined ways Yet the databases available right now are
in shallow waters, until 4 whoosh! 4 it pops an underwater shoreline to continue the search. of extracting strands of genetic material from incomplete and disjointed. To confirm that
its head up, opens its jaws and sucks an pump for collecting After dropping the tube into the blue water saltwater, soil and air. Depending on condi- particular sequence of A9s, T9s, G9s and C9s came
unsuspecting fish into its mouth. eDNa samples. on that hot August afternoon, the eDNA team tions, DNA can last for days in the ocean after from angel sharks, for instance, manel and
for as long as humans have known about waited as a pump whooshed water through a an animal has shed it. mouillot9s team had to test their method on
the shark, they have exploited them. The fist-sized amber capsule. Inside, an accordion- <When we started, nobody believed it would angel shark tissue provided by fishers in
roman naturalist Pliny the Elder lauded its shaped filter collected tiny DNA-laden parti- work,= mouillot said of their marine eDNA Corsica and by an aquarium in Spain.
rough skin for its ability to polish ivory and cles. work as the boat chugged along Corsica9s rocky There is also a lack of standardization for
wood. After half an hour running the pump, Toma- coast, lined with modern steel wind turbines filtration methods as well as a lack of commu-
But it was the advent of modern fishing that si snapped on rubber gloves and poured a and medieval stone towers once used to watch nication with other scientific disciplines, said
really did the carnivorous fish in. That lie-and- bottle of clear solution into the amber capsule, for pirates. Louis Bernatchez, editor in chief of the scien-
wait strategy for ambushing prey also made it preserving the genetic material so it could be <Everyone thought we are crazy. It9s a waste tific journal Environmental DNA. many of the
easy for fishermen to scoop it up in trawls sent to a lab onshore. of money.= scientists sampling tissue from animals and
scraping the sandy sea bottom, even when There, the snippets of DNA would be multi- In the mediterranean, the team was on the sequencing DNA don9t focus on the parts of the
trying to catch other fish. plied using a polymerase chain reaction, or lookout for another invader: the rabbitfish. genome that eDNA methods are good at de-
Slow to grow and reproduce, the fish9s Uncharted PCr 4 a technique also used for detecting the The rabbitfish doesn9t look much like a tecting.
population plummeted and the mediterra- coronavirus in humans 4 and then compared rabbit. But it shares with its land counterpart <It9s still a young science,= said Bernatchez, a
nean lost a key predator. Today, the common
Territories to DNA from a database to see what species one crucial and devastating trait: It reproduc- professor at Laval University in Canada. <It
angel shark is no longer common, with the A look at the new were swimming below. The plunging cost of es like crazy, overwhelming ecosystems. The just keeps improving.=
International Union for Conservation of Na- frontier of ocean analyzing DNA over the past decade opened fish has infiltrated the eastern mediterranean Then there are the privacy concerns. Wild
ture listing the species as critically endan- exploration, and ways the door for this work. through the Suez Canal, one of some 3,500 animals aren9t the only ones shedding DNA
gered. to harness the sea9s So far, the team has used eDNA to find at harmful invasive species costing society more everywhere. Humans do, too. Spikes in the
By 2015, its last stronghold appeared to be power for least seven spots along the Corsican coast than $423 billion a year. It hasn9t been spotted viral genetic signatures in sewer water, for
the Canary Islands off northwestern Africa. regeneration. where angel sharks were still patrolling, ac- near Corsica. But it9s only a matter of time, instance, are allowing health officials to pre-
The shark had disappeared everywhere else. cording to a paper the team published in may. scientists say. dict coronavirus outbreaks.
or so scientists thought. But more may be lurking undetected. <It9s inevitable at some point,= said rick In a paper this year, University of florida
But locals in Corsica knew better. <I9ve seen <Because it is endangered, the DNA is rare,= Stuart-Smith, a marine biologist from the biologist David Duffy and colleagues showed
the bite,= Sébastien Leccia said. As a teenager, manel said. University of Tasmania in Australia who sleuths can recover medical and family infor-
he remembered a man showing him a scar on
his arm. <We knew,= said Leccia, now an official
with the office of the Environment of Corsica. FROM LEFT: The
<But it wasn9t studied.= Victoria IV
Until by 2019, a fisherman shared pictures expedition
of the odd, flat fish caught off the northeastern approaches a
coast with biologists. Some were juveniles, research station.
suggesting a hidden shark nursery. Another Graham Edgar,
series of photos from a diver further confirmed right, and Rick
Corsica9s angel sharks were no myth. Stuart-Smith
But those fleeting images only painted a record data for the
partial picture. Where else around Corsica did reef life survey
the angel shark swim? Did these sharks stay program.
put, or mingle around the mediterranean? In
2020, during coronavirus lockdowns, the
sharks started <to come back to the shore,= said
David mouillot, a University of montpellier
professor collaborating with manel. Had the
decline in beach and boat activity during the
pandemic made angel sharks less shy?
<We don9t know whether it9s covid, climate=
thursday, october 5 , 2023 . the washington post eZ re A13

mation from genetic traces left in the environ- ABOVE, FROM meant to be no entry, the fish are telling me
ment by humans, suggesting one day police LEFT: A Pelagia no.=
departments and insurance companies may jellyfish, a painted A map shows
be able to spot genetic disorders and surveil comber (Serranus plotted points of One last look
populations using eDNA. scriba), and a where angel shark As the Victoria IV clipped up a stretch of dry
<Essentially what we have shown is that Mediterranean DNA was found. coastline, Mouillot drew in a breath of ocean
humans are not really very different,= Duffy moray (Muraena air. <I9m very excited to swim,= he said. <Do you
said. <The same technologies that can allow us helena) seen in the smell the angel shark?=
to recover a tiger9s DNA from the environment waters off Cap Sure, eDNA is the shiny new technology. But
actually can recover human DNA as well.= Corse. there is nothing quite like seeing a shark face
to face.
Going deep Snapping on flippers and swim caps, Mouil-
And eDNA still can9t capture some vital lot and Manel plunged into the water near a
information. It can9t say much yet about the smattering of beachgoers enjoying the last
quantity or body size of fish 4 though re- days of summer. This sandy cove is near one of
searchers are working on linking the amount the spots the eDNA team had detected the
of DNA they find in the water to the abundance shark in two years ago.
of a species. And there are other fish that don9t To find an angel shark, look for its silhou-
shed a lot of DNA to begin with, making eDNA ette. Often, the only thing to see is its outline in
detection difficult. the sand. <You don9t see the angel shark,= said
Some fish <don9t piss a lot,= Stuart-Smith Jose A. Sanabria-Fernandez, another reef div-
said. <They don9t have soft skin or mucus.= er looking for the shark. <You see the shape of
Finding some creatures requires taking a the angel shark.=
plunge. Stuart-Smith bobbed his head up and The pair swam at a brisk pace along the
down and side to side, letting out big puffs of coast, overhead strokes and eyes down, scan-
glistening air bubbles from his scuba gear. In ning for the outline of the shark under the
one hand he held a pencil and in the other, a sand. After several minutes of searching,
piece of special waterproof paper. Mouillot stopped.
Swimming along a 50-meter tape measure <Many beautiful fish,= he said, bobbing in
laid along the seafloor, he counted every the water. <But no angel shark.=
rainbow wrasse, painted comber and other The eDNA samples collected on the trip may
vibrant fish he could spot. His colleague reveal the sharks once they are analyzed in the
Graham Edgar passed him going the opposite coming weeks. But he and Manel care about
direction, snapping pictures of the seafloor. more than just the angel shark. Their latest
Once Stuart-Smith got to the end of the tape survey involves an eDNA method called me-
measure, he spun around to swim the line MOlly O'hallOran fOr the WashingtOn POst tabarcoding that can detect not just one spe-
again 4 this time gently brushing away sea- cies, but also whole groups of animals.
grass with his hand and plunging headfirst amateur divers alike to conduct underwater surveying marine life is that no method is <People need to be aware that you need to
into crevices to get a better look at the life on surveys the same standardized way. Their perfect,= said Edgar, also a University of Tas- protect species,= Manel said. <The angel shark
this stretch of rocky seafloor near the small catalogues, which include not only the species mania marine biologist. is maybe an emblematic species.=
island of Giraglia at the northern tip of Corsi- but also the abundance and body sizes of Back on the deck, the pair enter data into The pair want not just to measure biodiver-
ca. different reef fish at thousands of sites around their laptops. No angel sharks. No fish, in fact, sity but also bolster it, by someday moving
In one of the cracks he spotted a cardinal the world, has provided marine managers with bigger than six inches. In other areas off the some of Corsica9s sharks to the French main-
fish, a neon-orange animal that looks like a crucial baseline data. coast of Corsica where Stuart-Smith went land coast and giving Nice9s Baie des Anges its
living piece of gummy candy. This old-school approach can complement diving, fish were also small and skittish, a sign angels back.
<Nothing out of the ordinary,= Stuart-Smith, eDNA analysis. Visual surveys, for instance, of overfishing even in areas that are supposed Mouillot acknowledged the political and
who is also co-founder of the Reef Life Survey, aren9t very good at spotting sea creatures to be protected. Both eDNA and visual surveys legal hurdles. <It9s a very controversial idea,= he
said back aboard the Victoria IV. swimming in deep waters or hiding under can let government agencies know if fishing said.
This is a tried-and-true method for survey- rocks. And other fish simply flee at the first restrictions are working or being ignored by <It would be the greatest challenge of the
ing sea life. For the past 16 years, the Reef Life sight of divers. poachers. end of my career,= he added, <because it means
Survey has trained professional scientists and <The first thing to recognize when you9re <They were all very shy,= he said. <If it9s that we can reverse the decline of biodiversity.=

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A14 eZ re the washington post . thursday, october 5 , 2023

shaken by

The 911 call that led police there
had been a hoax.
It got stranger. At least eight
other schools across michigan
were targeted with similar hoax
calls that morning.
for weeks, rich would wake up
in the middle of the night, replay-
ing the incident in his mind. His
colleague had a term for what hap-
pened: terror without a body
Even months later, one question
gnawed at him. Who was behind
the calls?
That same question has trou-
bled police departments across the
over the past year, more than
500 schools in the United States
have been subjected to a coordinat-
ed campaign of fear that exploits
the all-too-real American danger
of school shootings, according to a
review of media reports and doz-
ens of public records requests. The
eMily elconin For tHe wASHington poSt
Washington Post examined police
reports, emergency call record-
ings, body-camera footage or call
logs in connection with incidents
in 24 states.
The calls are being investigated
by the fBI and have generated an
aggressive response by local law
enforcement 4 particularly after
officers in Uvalde, Tex., came under
criticism for waiting more than an
hour to confront the gunman dur-
ing the may 2022 elementary
school massacre.
In state after state, heavily
armed officers have entered
schools prepared for the worst.
Students have hidden in toilets,
closets, nurse9s offices. They9ve bar-
ricaded doors with desks and re-
frigerators. medical helicopters
have been placed on standby while
trauma centers have paused sur-
geries, anticipating possible vic-
tims. Terrified parents have con- Kin MAn Hui/Ap SAginAw townSHip police DepArtMent

verged on schools, not knowing if CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: Cormac Lynn, schools superintendent of Nouvel Catholic Central High School in Saginaw, Mich. Police officers forced their way into
their children are safe. Nouvel Catholic following a fake active shooter call. A family shares a tearful reunion after a school shooting hoax in San Antonio on Sept. 20.
The wave of school shooting
hoaxes is without precedent, edu-
cation safety experts and law en-
forcement officials say. It9s part of a it free and accessible. The compa- TextNow, asking for all the infor- obtained, the perpetrator connect- cases. hoax calls made between Septem-
larger phenomenon known as ny <does not condone the use of our mation the company had about ed to TextNow via virtual private When the school shooting hoax ber 2022 and April 2023. Grigoras
<swatting,= where callers report platform for harassment, fraud or two numbers linked to the inci- networks, or VPNs, which obscure call took place in November, mack said there was a strong probability
nonexistent crimes with the goal of other illegal activity that jeopar- dent: call logs, internet protocol a user9s location. recognized the voice from the earli- that the caller used a device or app
triggering a police response 4 dizes public safety,= said Derek addresses, account setup data. But there was also a tantalizing er bomb threat. She quickly called to alter their voice in real time.
preferably by SWAT teams 4 at the Ting, TextNow9s co-founder, in a Then she moved on to Google and clue: When the TextNow account the number back. She heard the However, it was also highly likely,
homes of enemies or celebrities. blog post in August. <However, Apple, asking for everything they was created, the user connected via same male voice say, <Hello? Hel- Grigoras said, that the same per-
The shooting hoax calls often when serving millions of people of had on the email addresses that an internet protocol address as- lo?= son was speaking in each record-
come in waves, with multiple various backgrounds and needs, created the TextNow accounts. signed to Ethio Telecom, a major <Hey, why are you calling ing.
schools in a state targeted on the you cannot solve every challenge The result was a trove of data telecommunications company in schools and doing that to kids?= The swatter9s use of technology
same day, and most are <remark- with the biggest hammer you can that offered a minute-by-minute Ethiopia. The user9s Gmail account mack recalled saying. <You know is notable, said James Turgal, a
ably similar,= said Drew Evans, the find.= window into the activity of the was also traced to Ethio Telecom. it9s wrong. Where you at?= former senior official at the fBI9s
superintendent of the minnesota perpetrator 4 or perpetrators. The mesay Woubshet, a spokesman for The person hung up. information and technology
Bureau of Criminal Apprehension. A familiar voice logs revealed hundreds of calls Ethio Telecom, said the matter was branch who is now vice president
more than 20 schools in the state Three months before the hoax over a roughly two-week period, under investigation by the coun- A kind of compulsion at optiv, a cybersecurity firm.
were targeted in two separate inci- calls in michigan, something strik- many to police departments, try9s federal police. The Ethiopian The link to Ethiopia was a cru- <Gone are the days when someone
dents, one in September of last ingly similar unfolded in northern schools and even restaurants. The federal Police did not respond to a cial 4 if incomplete 4 break- on a hard-line phone would call in
year and another this february. Louisiana. A male voice described caller mostly dialed numbers in request for comment. through. Just because a call origi- a bomb threat because they didn9t
<This is a really serious crime,= by police as having a <foreign ac- the United States, but there were for mack, the finding pointed to nated from an Ethiopian IP ad- want to take their final that day,=
Evans said. <It places everybody in cent= reported an active shooting also a few dozen calls made to an even bigger pattern 4 and an dress doesn9t necessarily mean the Turgal said. <That was ye olden
a situation of potential danger to in progress at a high school in Australia and Canada. even more prolific swatter. In April perpetrator is calling from that days.=
have police officers rushing into a Bossier Parish, near Shreveport. one TextNow number was 2022, she had investigated a bomb country, experts said, noting that Another enigma was the caller9s
school.= Patrol officers raced to the scene linked to school shooting hoaxes in threat hoax call targeting a local online marketplaces sell access to motivation. The perpetrator of the
many of the calls have followed a but found no threat. at least six states: Alaska on Nov. 2; school. It, too, was made with a such addresses. school shooting hoaxes could be
distinct pattern, according to po- The detective who took the case, California and Texas on Nov. 4; TextNow number that was traced In November 2022, TextNow driven by hostility, money or some
lice reports and recordings re- Capt. Shannon mack, relished the maine on Nov. 15; ohio and Louisi- to an internet protocol address in blocked the entire country of Ethi- combination of the two, experts
viewed by The Post. chance to investigate the call. Her ana on Nov. 16. Ethiopia. Even the voice on the 911 opia from its service, the company said. on platforms such as Tele-
A male voice says that he is probe would unravel fresh details According to the records mack call sounded the same in the two said, after determining it was a gram, there are groups offering
inside a school and that multiple of the shooting hoax mystery, turn- source of significant malicious ac- swatting services: one viewed in
students are shot. many times, he ing up clues and dead ends. A nationwide campaign of fear tivity. The previous month, NPr August by The Post touted the pos-
claims to be a teacher. He says he is A 15-year veteran of the sheriff9s Schools targeted by shooting hoaxes in had reported that a TextNow num- sibility of <extreme harassment=
in a particular classroom or a bath- department, mack has developed a each state over the past school year ber using an Ethiopian IP address for $100 a day and bragged about
room, and tells the police to hurry. self-taught expertise in cases in- was connected to bomb threat being able to close any school.
Number of schools
He speaks with a heavy accent, volving internet-based phone ser- AK Me hoaxes against schools. TextNow But the volume of school shoot-
police reports note. The calls first vices. <That9s my niche,= said mack, 1 3 6 10 15 20 30+ also removed its app from app ing hoaxes may also suggest a kind
come in on non-emergency lines 49. She likes that it9s technical and Vt nH
stores outside North America, of compulsion. <I think they can9t
and are not recordings: The speak- sometimes tedious. She especially making it slightly more complicat- stop,= said Keven Hendricks, an
er interacts with dispatchers and loves the feeling of <tracking some- ed for users elsewhere to access the investigator and cybercrime ex-
responds to their questions. one who thinks they can9t be wA iD Mt nD Mn Mi ny MA ri service on their phones. pert who has worked on swatting
When local authorities tried to tracked.= Still, the hoax calls kept coming. cases with police. <This is what this
trace the fake school shooting calls, At first, people used such ser- or ut wy SD iA wi in oH pA nJ ct North Carolina, West Virginia, person does.=
they quickly ran into obstacles. Po- vices to harass or intimidate a New Hampshire in December. mack9s investigation turned up
lice reports show that the caller spouse or enemy, believing they michigan, oregon, minnesota in another potential clue. Google
used free internet-calling services couldn9t be identified, mack said. cA nV co ne Mo il Ky wV VA MD De february. Kansas, ohio, massa- handed over the contents of the
that allow anyone with an email Then the numbers began to show chusetts, Wisconsin, Utah, Penn- Gmail account associated with the
address to make calls that appear up in cold-calling scams to swindle AZ nM KS Ar tn nc Sc Dc sylvania, New York in march. Wyo- number used in the hoaxes. It con-
to be coming from a U.S. number. people. It9s only in the last few ming and Illinois in April. In may, tained emails from TextNow and
In incidents in at least 12 states, years that mack has started to see the hoax calls targeted at least 14 other internet telephone provid-
The Post found, the numbers were the VoIP numbers used for swat- oK lA MS Al gA schools in Tennessee, just weeks ers. There was also an email from
provided by TextNow, a Canadian ting. after an actual school shooting left Instagram for the holder of a par-
company that offers free calls us- <Nine times out of 10, it9s a Text- Hi tX Fl six people dead in Nashville. ticular account.
ing voice over internet protocol, or Now number,= mack said. Catalin Grigoras, director of the That Instagram account has no
VoIP. After Bossier Parish received the National Center for media foren- posts, but several others with near-
TextNow says it works proac- school shooting hoax call in No- note: |e data includes incidents where multiple schools were targeted sics at the University of Colorado at ly the same name and imagery con-
tively to prevent bad actors from vember, mack sought several and situations where calls were linked to a broader pattern of hoaxes. Denver, conducted a technical tain violent rhetoric toward the
using its service while also keeping search warrants. She started with HAnnA ZAKHArenKo/tHe wASHington poSt analysis for The Post of five of the United States and White people.

|e hoax calls terrorized schools over the past school year Number of schools
each circle represents the number of schools targeted in a single state on one day at least 30

|e wave of
school shooting in october, more than Schools in at least seven states were targeted in February, the calls resumed, in March, calls hit iowa, Massachusetts
hoaxes began in 20 schools were targeted in December, but the pattern appeared to targeting schools in states such and new york, where more than 30
mid-September in South carolina on one day pause in January as Vermont, Michigan and oregon schools were targeted in a single day

September october november December January February March April May

2022 2023

HAnnA ZAKHArenKo/tHe wASHington poSt

thursday, october 5 , 2023 . the washington post EZ RE a15

One account mentions Bob9s on platform for months. Mumford said.

Sheridan, a mom-and-pop break- In the first half of May, TextNow In Michigan9s Saginaw Town-
fast restaurant in Kenosha, Wis., in said, it took several new steps. It ship, the police say they9re eagerly
a post from January 2022 that blocked users from making calls awaiting a call informing them
claims a <missile= was launched from a web browser when using a that the FBI has caught the culprit
there. VPN, the company said. It also in the shooting hoaxes. <Hopefully,
That same month, the Kenosha prevented users from creating new there will be some closure, so at
County Sheriff9s Department re- accounts on a device that was pre- least that person won9t do it again,=
ceived five calls on its non-emer- viously flagged for abuse. Lt. Rick Herren said.
gency line saying multiple people Tristan Huntington, the compa- At Nouvel Catholic Central High
had been shot or injured at Bob9s. It ny9s senior vice president, said School, the doors rammed by the
was a male voice, with a heavy TextNow adapts its processes to police cruiser were swiftly re-
accent, using VoIP numbers, Sgt. block bad actors but described it as paired. Other damage will take
Colin Coultrip said. a game of cat-and-mouse. <The longer to heal.
Following a query from The moment we make a change and we Lydia Schade, 17, was in her pre-
Post, Instagram removed the ac- tell people about it, then immedi- calculus class when the lockdown
counts for violating its policy ately there is some kind of work- announcement came over the
against inciting violence, said a around,= he said. loudspeaker and she saw her
spokeswoman for Meta, which op- Some experts are critical of Text- teacher9s face go white. She knew it
erates Instagram and Facebook. Now, where people can sign up for wasn9t a drill. As she huddled in a
an account with only an email ad- corner, she thought of her late
A game of cat-and-mouse dress. <Why are you letting any call grandmother, who used to tell her
This spring, detectives in Illi- go through when you don9t know to be strong, to be a warrior.
nois added another piece to the who9s making it?= asked Fred Pos- Her enduring memory of that
puzzle. In April, at least 12 schools ner, a communications consultant day is the moment when students
in the state were targeted by a wave and VoIP expert. were released, one by one, from the
of school shooting hoax calls. De- school gym. It is the fear etched on
tectives in the towns of Carbondale A campaign of fear the faces of the parents waiting
and Marion determined the calls For more than a year, law en- outside that she remembers.
were made from a TextNow num- forcement agencies across the Cara Schade with her daughter, Lydia, a senior at Nouvel Catholic Central High. Lydia, 17, was Tim Novak, a parent at Nouvel
ber and asked the company for country have fed information in her pre-calculus class when the school went into lockdown because of a shooting hoax. Catholic, recalled the agonizing
information about the account. about school shooting hoax calls to minutes when his son Max, then a
TextNow provided records to the FBI, hoping to leverage the senior, wasn9t responding to his
the police showing that the ac- bureau9s superior investigative re- text messages. Novak said he
count holder made calls from the sources. But it9s not clear how inside a 8swatting9 attack measures to remain anonymous,= knows all too well that the hoax
phone number for four days. As in much headway the agency has the FBI had <determined the origi- could have been real. He stopped
previous incidents, the user took made. On Nov. 15, schools and police departments across maine were nating source.= speaking, unable to continue. His
steps to obscure their location, For the FBI, the probe is akin to targeted with hoax calls in a three-hour window. Capt. Tanner Jensen, the cen- eyes filled with tears. <It9s because
connecting through a VPN or a peeling the layers of an onion, said ter9s director, declined to elaborate it happens so often,= he said.
timE of firSt
proxy server, another tool that con- Todd Hillis, chief intelligence offi- call (ESt)
aGENCY OR sCHOOL on the presentation or provide fur- A little over a year before the
ceals a person9s location. cer at IACI, an information-shar- ther details about an ongoing fed- shooting hoax in Saginaw, a stu-
7:45 a.m. York High school, York
This time, however, there was a ing association that identifies eral investigation. <I have full con- dent in Oxford, Mich., about 80
difference: The IP address used to threats to cybersecurity. 8:03 a.m. sanford High school, sanford fidence they9re taking this serious- miles away, opened fire at his high
create the account was traced to a Some popular VPNs outside the 8:19 a.m. sanford Regional Communications Center, sanford ly,= he said. school and killed four people. A
Comcast router in a town north- United States only retain logs of 8:28 a.m. Portland High school, Portland The FBI, too, declined to com- week after the hoax, a gunman
east of Houston. The subscriber customer activity for a brief peri- ment on what exactly the Utah killed three students at nearby
was a 71-year-old woman, accord- od, or do not cooperate with Amer- 8:30 a.m. Portland Police Department, Portland report was referring to, where the Michigan State University.
ing to a police report. Experts say ican law enforcement at all, Hillis 8:36 a.m. Brunswick High school, Brunswick hoax calls were coming from and The morning of the hoax, Cor-
that it can be relatively easy to said. He estimated it would take six 8:37 a.m. Brunswick Police Department whether it had identified a sus- mac Lynn, the schools superinten-
compromise unsecure home rout- months or longer for the FBI to pect. It also did not respond to dent who oversees Nouvel Catho-
8:54 a.m. Winslow Police Department, Winslow
ers and that they doubted the obtain such data through a mix- broader questions about its inves- lic, was on the phone in his office in
woman had any knowledge of the ture of persuasion and treaty re- 8:59 a.m. Brewer Police Department, Brewer tigation into the school shooting an adjoining building when he saw
plot. quirements between countries. 9:07 a.m. Howland Fire and ambulance, Howland hoaxes, its effort to combat such police vehicles with lights flashing
The woman lives in a neighbor- Even then, he said, the user9s 9:08 a.m. Lincoln Police Department, Lincoln incidents or its creation of a new and sirens blaring race into the
hood of modest, prefabricated actual location may not be clear. database of swatting incidents in parking lot. He immediately hung
homes. When approached by a <You can make yourself several 9:13 a.m. Houlton High school, Houlton May. No arrests have been an- up.
Post reporter on a recent sunny layers deep if you are so inclined,= 9:15 a.m. Houlton Police Department, Houlton nounced in connection with the When Lynn reached the main
afternoon, she reacted with confu- Hillis said. <The onion gets more 9:30 a.m. madawaska High school, madawaska hoax calls. floor of the school, he saw officers
sion. She had not been contacted and more layers on it, and it gets 9:32 a.m. madawaska Police Department, madawaska Meanwhile, several other hoax in tactical gear with weapons
by the authorities, she said, and harder and harder.= calls have occurred. Last month, raised, yelling at him to put his
had no idea that her router was A rare glimpse into the federal 9:47 a.m. Ellsworth Police Department, Ellsworth two schools in Nashville were tar- hands up. They pointed their guns
connected to the case. investigation came in May. An ana- 9:53 a.m. Belfast Police Department, Belfast geted with fake active shooter at him and told him to lift his shirt.
The persistence of the swatting lyst at Utah9s Statewide Informa- 9:58 a.m. Rockland Police Department, Rockland calls, said Kristin Mumford, a He carefully complied.
hoaxes pushed TextNow to tighten tion and Analysis Center made a spokeswoman for the Nashville <The cops weren9t in a drill. We
9:59 a.m. Knox Regional Communications Center, Rockland
its policies. Although the company presentation to local lawmakers police. The calls originated outside weren9t in a drill,= Lynn said. The
had stated for years on its website about the swarm of school shoot- 10:08 a.m. Lincoln County sheriff9s Office, Wicasset the state, and the police noted that experience was <as real as you can
that the use of VPNs was not sup- ing hoaxes that took place in the 10:16 a.m. Eastport Police Department, Eastport <there have been hundreds of simi- get without an act of violence.=
ported by the service, the hoax state two months earlier. The 10:24 a.m. Calais Police Department, Calais lar threats in other American cit-
perpetrator had used that type of analysis said that while the perpe- ies.= A connection to the larger Peter Holley in Houston contributed to
secured network to connect to the trator had used <sophisticated source: Bossier Parish sheriff9s Office tHE WasHiNGtON POst trend <has not been ruled out,= this report.

Marty Baron
Author, <Collision of Power=
Former Executive Editor, |e Washington Post

Friday, Oct. 6 at 12:00 p.m.

Baron joins editor and author Tina

Brown to discuss his new book about
working with Jef Bezos, covering the
Trump administration and leading a
news organization during a time of
change and disruption.

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A16 eZ Re the washington post . thursday, october 5 , 2023

Labor organizers say Kaiser action is largest health-care strike in U.S. history
KAiSer from A1 pandemic when the area was a roxanne Hawn, 55, a writer
ghost town to fill prescriptions who lives near Golden, Colo., said
that staffing problems prevent even as his co-workers got sick or she pushed back her husband9s
them from giving patients the best left the profession. appointment by months because
possible care. <It9s just become impossible to of the strike. It had been sched-
Unions had been locked in a keep up,= he said of the constant uled for Wednesday at a Kaiser
contentious debate with the non- flow of prescriptions flooding in facility an hour from their home,
profit private health-care giant electronically. <You have less peo- and she said she didn9t want to go
over wages, outsourcing and staff- ple to do the daily work and less through the trouble if there9s any
ing shortages for six months be- people to do patient interaction.= chance it would be canceled.
fore the strike began. Kaiser offi- With inflation, Hawa has also Hawn said she has been im-
cials maintain that health-care seen co-workers commuting long pressed by the level of coordinated
providers across the country have distances after being priced out of care Kaiser provided to her sister,
struggled to attract and retain the area. This has eroded the a two-time cancer survivor. But
workers in recent years 4 even as work-life balance that Kaiser has she said she comes from a union
the pandemic emergency receded. prided itself on providing work- family and can9t bring herself to
Citing <a lot of progress,= Kaiser ers, he said, echoing concerns cross any picket line, even as a
said in a statement Wednesday from other participants in the la- patient seeking care.
that both parties continued to bor action. <We9re lucky in that our ap-
meet until late Tuesday to reach a Kaiser Permanente serves pointments are not dire,= Hawn
solution after contracts for union- about 12.7 million customers 4 in- said.
ized workers expired Saturday. cluding 835,000 Washington-area others have had no problem
Kaiser also pledged that hospitals members 4 and operates 39 hos- keeping their appointments. Car-
and emergency departments pitals and 622 medical offices, ac- issa mcQueen, 38, is a script super-
would remain open even as doz- cording to its website. visor in the film and television
ens of clinics and other pharma- The strike at Kaiser arrives dur- industry in Los Angeles who sees a
cies temporarily closed. ing a year of heightened labor Kaiser mental health professional
Keven Dardon, a striking Kaiser activity in the United States. more to treat attention-deficit/hyperac-
employee who registers patients than 445,000 workers have tivity disorder.
amanda andRade-Rhoades FoR the Washington Post
at Sunnyside medical Center in walked off the job this year so far, mcQueen said Kaiser called
Clackamas, ore., said his depart- making it one of the biggest years Pharmacists and optometrists picket at Kaiser Permanente in Springfield, Va. Nationally, more than asking to delay her Thursday ap-
ment has been cut from roughly for strikes since 2000, according 75,000 employees walked off the job Wednesday, saying they are overworked and underappreciated. pointment, but she responded
60 to 40 full-time employees since to Bloomberg Law9s database of that she legally has to come into
the start of the pandemic, even as work stoppages. staffing levels have dwindled. wages and make other invest- that since the start of covid, she the clinic to receive her medica-
<we get messages every quarter In Hollywood, 160,000 actors raising wages amid high inflation ments in staffing to attract em- has seen many of her colleagues tion. Kaiser put her on hold for 10
that patient volumes are going have been on strike since July, has also been a top priority. In the ployees and reduce patient wait quit for less stressful and more minutes before allowing her to
up.= demanding higher wages and health-care industry, where times. lucrative jobs, while those who keep the appointment, she said.
He said that with reduced staff, guardrails against the use of artifi- strikes can disrupt critical ser- Kaiser officials say employees remain see their workloads in- Her care has been top-notch,
patients often have to wait up to 25 cial intelligence. meanwhile, vices, many work stoppages are earn comparatively higher wages crease as their wages lose purchas- she said, but providers have told
minutes to check into the hospital, some 25,000 autoworkers are on not open-ended as is common in and benefits and received nearly ing power with the rising cost of her they9re overworked to an un-
giving them less time with their strike for the first time against all other sectors, and last only a few $1 billion in special benefits dur- living. sustainable degree.
providers and sometimes forcing Big Three automakers 4 ford, days. ing the pandemic. The nonprofit Some of her colleagues have <I9ve been very, very happy with
them to reschedule appointments. General motors and Stellantis. <The reason you are seeing so ran a net loss of $4.5 billion in started working second jobs to my care overall, but it still often
<The big thing is we9re burnt Powered by a tight labor market many strikes is you are seeing so 2022 on $95.4 billion in operating make ends meet; others can only feels like the priority is some kind
out,= said Dardon, who makes and the surging popularity of many workers strike and win. The revenue, marking a sharp turn afford to live hours away, near the of external financial motivation
about $32 an hour now, 14 years in. unions, recent strikes 4 and even copycat effect is so strong precise- from the previous year9s positive Kansas border. With her husband rather than the overall health and
<People are doing double and tri- strike threats 4 have led to big ly because strikes work,= said Eric net income of $8.1 billion. The or- out of work, Coleman, who makes well-being of my community,= mc-
ple the work. & And you look at concessions from major U.S. em- Blanc, an assistant professor of ganization said it faced higher ex- around $28 an hour, is in the Queen said.
jobs in fast food, and everything is ployers at the bargaining table labor studies at rutgers Univer- penses because of inflation, high- process of applying for a second In negotiations, the coalition
$20 an hour and up. We clean this year. Last week, negotiators sity. <Workers across the U.S. econ- er care volumes from treatment job at Pizza Hut to keep her house- has requested a $25-an-hour min-
blood and disinfect bodies.= for the screenwriters guild omy have been turning to strike that had previously been deferred, hold afloat. imum wage across the health-care
Passing drivers honked their reached a tentative agreement action because they9ve been put and a <highly competitive labor Kaiser told Colorado patients in giant, as well as annual pay in-
car horns in support for about 75 with Hollywood studios to end a into a squeeze by economic cir- market.= About three-quarters of a Wednesday notice that it might creases of 7 percent for the first
Kaiser pharmacists and optome- nearly five-month strike. In July, cumstance at the same time they the company is represented by a see higher call volumes because of two years of the contract and
trists, some wearing lab coats and amid the threat of a massive work have more wind in their sails to union. the strike, possibly resulting in 6.25 percent for the latter two
scrubs, as they marched back and stoppage, 340,000 UPS workers fight back.= The strike is expected to further longer wait times. It listed more years.
forth in front of Springfield medi- won their strongest contract in The Coalition of Kaiser Perma- impinge on its finances. fitch rat- than 20 of its labs, imaging centers In its latest offer, Kaiser has said
cal Center in Springfield, Va., on decades, securing 48 percent rais- nente Unions, which represents ings senior director Kevin Hol- and pharmacies that will close it would raise minimum starting
Wednesday morning, chanting es for part-time workers over five 85,000 Kaiser health-care workers loran said Wednesday that the during the strike, mostly in the pay to between $21 and $23 an
<Hey, Kaiser, you can9t hide, we years. 4 including about 3,800 employ- strike <will very likely result in Denver and Boulder areas. The hour, with annual raises of be-
can see your greedy side.= The Health-care workers have also ees in the District, maryland and cancelled procedures, reduced company also said it will bring in tween 3 and 4 percent. The coali-
group was among about 400 levied their share of work stoppag- Virginia 4 is negotiating the first volumes, and a brief but sharp <licensed and qualified contract tion of unions said starting pay
workers in Virginia and D.C. who es this year. Spanning New York to contract since before the pandem- decline on provider revenues this staff= in some cases to augment varies by position and region, but
planned to stop work for one day. Texas to California, these strikes ic, which workers say worsened week.= the workforce. many Kaiser employees earn less
David Hawa, 58, an ambulatory have largely centered on frustra- working conditions and exacer- Paula Coleman, a clinical lab Some Kaiser customers facing than $20 an hour.
care pharmacist at the Springfield tions that nurses and other health- bated already dire staffing needs. assistant who oversees blood and disruptions vowed not to cross the
center for 28 years, said he report- care professionals are being asked The coalition of unions has argued urine testing for Kaiser and is on picket line in solidarity with strik- amy nakamura contributed to this
ed to work every day during the to care for too many patients as that Kaiser needs to offer higher strike in Englewood, Colo., said ing workers. report.

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thursday, october 5 , 2023 . the washington post eZ re a17

CharLes Lane

Blue America
asks for
high court help
on homelessness
f the estimated 577,000 homeless people in

O the United States, as of last year, roughly

40 percent lived in California, Oregon,
Washington and Arizona. California, Oregon
and Hawaii ranked first, third and fourth nationally
in per capita rates of homelessness. Unkempt, often
unsafe tent cities clog parks and sidewalks in Los
Angeles, San Francisco, Portland and Phoenix.
And all of the above states and cities are under the
jurisdiction of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the
9th Circuit.
This is no coincidence. Rulings of the 9th Circuit
make it hard for local officials to control homeless
encampments, according to two dozen recent friend-
of-the-court briefs filed at the Supreme Court by state
and local governments, business leaders and law
enforcement officials in the West (and elsewhere).
The broad coalition includes GOP attorneys
general of 20 mostly red states 4 but also Califor-
nia9s liberal Democratic governor, Gavin Newsom,
and progressive Democratic cities such as Los
soPHi gullbranTs for THe WasHingTon PosT
Angeles, San Francisco and Portland. They are all
but begging the justices to hear a challenge to the
9th Circuit filed by Grants Pass, a small Oregon city,
in hopes the Supreme Court will use the case to
restore power to local officials and safety to public
At issue is a unique 9th Circuit rule, established
Toxic information is harming democracies
for the nine westernmost U.S. states in 2018, that
enforcing a ban on public-property camping can be
an unconstitutional <cruel and unusual punish-
ment= if the campers lack alternative shelter.
4 and my starving daughter
Homeless rights organizations urged the famous-
ly left-leaning 9th Circuit toward this conclusion by BY L AURA T HORNTON accounts of <thinfluencers= and anorexia <coaches.= Congress could create an independent regulator to
arguing that it9s wrong to <criminalize= poverty. Thus, we see social media overflowing with clips of provide audits and oversight, and force changes to
They assert that curtailing enforcement makes he night nurse at the hospital9s eating disor- girls showing off their ribs and challenges to see if platform architecture 4 safety by design. It could
cities and towns likelier to provide long-term
solutions, in the form of housing and services.

At issue is a unique 9th Circuit rule,

T der unit is a quintessential mama bear 4
tough, but with a sparkle in her eye 4 and the
starving girls follow her around like cubs. As
she let me out through security one night in early
August, she was ranting about social media compa-
their knees are wider than their thighs. My daughter
4 who understands how these images fueled her
disorder and who consented to my writing about her
4 has described the <meal plan= contests online, with
girls bragging about how little they eat.
pass the Kids Online Safety Act, which would require
platforms to automatically enable the strongest safe-
ty settings, allow minors to mute algorithmic recom-
mendations and give parents more oversight. It could
also hold platforms accountable for harm, as the
nies 4 <the monster,= she called them. Worse, the platforms are aware of and profiting European Union has done.
I spent many nights in that hospital because my from this, as whistleblower Frances Haugen, former- The courts can also weigh in 4 and they will have a
established for the nine westernmost 13-year-old daughter was disappearing before my ly of Facebook, helped expose. The platform9s own chance thanks to a class-action lawsuit filed in Septem-
eyes. My cheerful, funny, energetic girl had returned analysis shows it harms children. ber 2022 that alleges that the design of social media
U.S. states in 2018, that enforcing a from a summer away a ghost of her previous self 4 Those of us working against malign information platforms has endangered the health of children.
sallow skin, sunken eyes, skin and bones under bulky operations are intimately familiar with the ways these The private sector has a role to play, too. Compa-
ban on public-property camping can clothes, her mind in a fog. platforms operate: Bad, angry information is promot- nies can either call out social media and advocate to
It was no easy feat to get her into residential care. ed over the good. Engagement is prioritized over protect children, as seen in a heart-wrenching Dove
be an unconstitutional 9cruel and As I was informed by the specialists in my area, there authoritative, constructive content. On YouTube, ad about toxic beauty content. Or they can collabo-
has been an <explosion= of girls (and some boys) even when there are multiple complaints and warn- rate with platforms such as Instagram in ways that
unusual punishment, if the campers starving themselves, making spaces precious. Why? ings, false content often remains in active circulation. send harmful messaging to girls, as the Brandy
I9ve asked literally every professional I9ve met 4 Hostile actors undermining our democracy and Melville clothing line has done with modeling con-
lack alternative shelter. nurses, nutritionists, therapists. The answer: ex- society tap into fear and build community, and can be tests and small-size-only expectations.
treme diet culture fueled by social media. cultlike in their ability to brainwash. The same is true Those who want to protect children can also go on
Of course, eating disorders predate the internet, of the online cult of eating disorders, in which offense and build preemptive campaigns 4 as people
This is a novel use of the Eighth Amendment, and our culture is saturated by body-shaming and <starvation chat groups= gather fellow travelers, and in my profession have done, trying to get ahead of
typically invoked to limit specific punishments, unhelpful images. But as one specialist explained to eating disorder gurus exploit their followers9 fears 4 disinformation. Working in the former Soviet Union,
such as branding or life without parole for juvenile me, because of social media, the degree and depth of planting the idea that you will be hideous and an I was frustrated by how funny, emotive and heartfelt
offenders 4 not the laws themselves that penalize warped information that increasingly young chil- outcast if you are not thin. The word my daughter the Kremlin9s information operations were, while the
certain behavior. Apart from a single 1962 case, dren are consuming these days are unparalleled. uses most about food: <scary.= United States pathetically countered them with dry
Supreme Court precedent for the 9th Circuit rulings The irony is that, for years now, my work has I am not absolving myself of responsibility for my 10-point fact sheets. Similarly, videos, chats and
is thin; and Grants Pass, in its own petition, makes a focused on the harms of bad information infiltrating daughter9s condition. I know that many children are images that encourage eating disorders are much
persuasive case that the regional court vastly our body politic. When I lived in Eastern Europe, I on social media and not anorexic (thank goodness), more engaging to a 13-year-old than medical research
overreached. tracked the impact of Kremlin information opera- and other concerns are at play with my child. I haven9t on body dysmorphia.
The appeals court ruling against Grants Pass, tions geared at turning Georgians away from democ- slept in a long time. I will never know if my daughter Civic groups, educators and health institutes can
finalized in July, was especially aggressive, given racy and the West. In my current work, here in the would have been fine without social media. Perhaps attempt to correct this by flooding the zone with
that the first punishment provided for in its anti- United States, I have examined the proliferation of not. But my daughter has ideas that can have no other entertaining, body-affirming clickbait that builds
camping law was a civil fine, with criminal sanctions dis- and misinformation about covid-19 and analyzed source. girls up rather than rips them down (as the Butterfly
possible only after repeated violations. What9s more, how Twitter (now X), Facebook and other platforms There have been ample stories like mine, articles Foundation has done in Australia with its <body
the 9th Circuit allowed the town9s homeless to sue as have fueled social division, conspiracy theories and written, research conducted and congressional hear- kind= campaigns). Imagine: retraining the algorithm
a class, regardless of whether any particular individ- distrust in democracy. ings held. So why are we still here? to favor the good.
ual had actually been cited for living outdoors. Distracted by the harms of the online world in all If the business incentives of platforms are at odds As for us, my daughter9s phone is in a dumpster.
Bad as the 9th Circuit9s doctrine is, it has gotten these ways, I missed the threat inside my home. But with our well-being, we cannot expect them to She might get one (without social media) someday to
worse as interpreted by lower district court judges. as I plunged into my family9s new life of anorexia, I self-regulate. Yet efforts at external regulation have talk to friends. And I wish the tech giants and
Confusion has festered as each new judge assesses was instantly struck by the parallels between my faced political inertia or opposition, and the influ- politicians fighting against reforms would spend one
the quantity and quality of publicly provided shelter work and the personal crisis we were experiencing. ence of money in our body politic. (Take, for instance, afternoon where my daughter is. Look at these
space that would suffice before authorities could Yes, it9s the platforms. Senate Bill 680 in California, which would have held children suffering, listen to them and the profession-
clear homeless campers out of public areas. The Center for Countering Digital Hate conducted social media companies responsible for promoting als saving their lives, and walk away vowing, <Not one
In many cases, localities have spent heavily on research showing that when its accounts on TikTok harmful content about eating disorders, self-harm more.=
safe, clean shelter space. But without clear legal paused briefly over and <liked= content about mental and drug use 4 and which failed after aggressive If you or someone you know needs help, utilize the
authority, they have no leverage to require the health or body image, within 2.6 minutes, they were lobbying by the tech industry.) National Eating Disorders Association screening tool
homeless to use these facilities. fed content about suicide, and within eight minutes, In tackling threats to democracy, our Nordic and access 24/7 Crisis Support via text (send NEDA to
According to a brief submitted by San Francisco they were fed content about eating disorders. The friends have embraced the <whole of society= ap- 741-741).
and its mayor, London Breed (D): <San Francisco has Tech Transparency Project9s <Thinstagram= research proach, involving all sectors 4 legislatures, the judi-
seen over half of its offers of shelter and services found that Instagram9s algorithm amplifies and rec- ciary, private enterprise, civil society. The same must The writer is senior vice president, democracy, at the
rejected by unhoused individuals, who often cite the ommends images of dangerously thin women and happen in the United States. german Marshall fund of the united states.
district court9s order= 4 an order interpreting the
9th Circuit's ruling 4 <for their justification to
permanently occupy and block public sidewalks.=
The League of Oregon Cities avers: <Between May
2022 and July 2023, Portland, Oregon officials
report that they made 3,399 offers of shelter beds to
Here9s a better way to teach kids to read
homeless individuals and were declined
2,560 times= 4 a rejection rate of 75 percent. BY S USAN E NGEL might we promote it in schools? For starters, it looks And it9s not just the sheer quantity of conversation
In short, the law that prevails out West is the law AND C ATHERINE S NOW different in each discipline. When reading fiction or that matters. The information embedded in those
of unintended consequences. The presumably well- poetry, deep comprehension involves using subtle discussions shapes unfolding literacy skills. When
meaning 9th Circuit has left <California9s elected he tribulations of teaching after a pandemic cues in the text to make inferences about the adults talk substantively about events and objects,
officials . . . without options,= in the words of
Newsom9s brief, as unsafe encampments remain all
but untouchable at the expense of <efforts to make
the spaces occupied by unhoused people safer for
those within and near them.=
T have reawakened concern that American
children are not learning to read. Schools are
scrambling to rebound from the recent
plunge in test scores 4 but they9re scrambling in the
wrong direction. Educators have fixated on phonics
characters9 underlying emotions. It requires under-
standing the genre and connecting the material to
the era in which the writer lived. It also involves
identifying common themes between texts.
When reading in the sciences, deep comprehen-
children are afforded a significant educational ad-
vantage: Their growing bodies of knowledge boost
their reading skills.
Schools shouldn9t wait until kids are old enough to
follow Odysseus9s journey or analyze the Pentecostal
Newsom9s cri de coeur to the justices, like the to treat covid-19 learning loss. In doing so, they are sion consists of calling up relevant background influences in James Baldwin9s work to teach them to
others from blue-state politicians, is ironic, given his shortchanging something of equal importance: the knowledge and integrating it with information from become strong readers. Though very young children
recent denunciation of the Supreme Court9s con- role knowledge plays in helping children become the text. The more foundational knowledge children are not developmentally ready to sound out words
servative majority as <radical= and <hellbent on good readers. have about a given domain 4 the solar system, and interpret sentences at the same time, they are
rolling back basic rights.= Although learning to identify sounds, letters and natural selection or human physiology 4 the easier it ready to engage in lively discussions about what
But if the justices put hurt feelings above sound words is necessary for reading comprehension, it is is for them to grasp new information and theories. they9ve read or what has been read to them. Children
law in this situation, they will be letting down not enough. Effective readers connect what is on the Children build upon these pillars of reading under 8 can easily speculate on why <The Cat in the
Americans 4 both homeless and housed 4 who page with what they already know. Unfortunately, comprehension as they mature. By the time they Hat= is naughty, why the stepmother of <Hansel and
need something more than the current state the law U.S. schools emphasize decoding words over helping reach 12th grade, these practices allow students to Gretel= is wicked or why leaves turn bright colors in
allows for in the 9th Circuit. The justices passed up a children acquire knowledge. not only understand what they9re reading but also to autumn.
chance to review the 9th Circuit9s position when To be clear, not all kids suffer from poor reading critique it. High-schoolers will read history or jour- Probing conversation is key to helping children
Boise, Idaho, asked them to do so in 2019; there was skills. International comparisons indicate that nalism and ask: Who wrote this, and what agenda become good readers. Such discussion leads to
no contrary ruling in another circuit to create the American children below the age of 10 are competent was the writer promoting? How strong is the evi- reading comprehension skills that transcend the
kind of <split= that often triggers Supreme Court at identifying words and summarizing the main dence for each factual claim? And does logic link shallow standards we9ve set. Phonics are undoubted-
intervention. topic of a text. those facts to the conclusion? With the right ap- ly a building block of reading, but schools are
There still isn9t one; the Supreme Court can and However, once kids enter middle school 4 and proach, we can teach students that skillful reading preoccupied with this method. To truly fix learning
should act anyway, given what9s happened over the standardized tests begin measuring deeper levels of goes beyond understanding the literal meaning of a loss, we must help kids gather information and teach
past four years. Businesses, residents and homeless reading comprehension 4 scores nose-dive. By age text: Deep comprehension means utilizing prior them the tools for expanding their knowledge. This
people themselves, across an area where nearly 1 in 15, only 14 percent of U.S. children excel at reading, knowledge to dynamically engage with writers and is how we produce young students who can read, and
5 Americans lives, are suffering avoidable harm and nearly 20 percent are failing to read at a baseline their work. read well.
because of one outlier circuit court. proficiency. Most ninth-graders in the country are The process of teaching kids to read better
Restoring local power to ban camping in parks not skilled at absorbing and using information through knowledge acquisition must start early. susan engel is a senior lecturer of developmental
and on sidewalks will not solve a crisis rooted in obtained from written material. When it comes to Data gathered in homes, at schools and in labs show psychology and founding director of the Program in
poverty, addiction and untreated mental illness. But literacy, schools might be getting students to fourth that 1-to-3-year-old children who have conversations Teaching at Williams College. Catherine snow is a linguist
it will give governments tools to address the prob- grade, but they9re not getting them past eighth grade. with older people learn to read more easily than and professor of cognition and education at the Harvard
lem 4 and deprive them of excuses if they fail. So, what is deep reading comprehension, and how children who do not. graduate school of education.
a18 eZ re the washington post . thursday, october 5 , 2023




haiyun jiang fOr The waShingTOn POST

Then-Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) on Capitol Hill in July.

The House is a mess.

It doesn9t have to be.
After Mr. McCarthy, there are ways to cut the chaos.

ELL, I made history, didn9t I,= Rep. Kevin ing the road forward on the budget as well as on the
McCarthy quipped Tuesday after becom- unresolved matter of military assistance to Ukraine. l E TTErs TO ThE Ed iTOr
ing the first speaker of the House voted Mr. Jeffries and other Democrats, in turn, would have to
out of the office. Perhaps the only upside lend at least tacit support 4 in the form of voting letters@washpost.com
for the nation9s suddenly destabilized legislative branch <present= on matters such as the speaker9s election,
is that the House of Representatives has a clean slate which would disempower the GOP ultras by changing
now; the personal animosities that some lawmakers 4 the math needed to elect the chamber9s leader 4 without We shouldn9t fear books not acted on these proposals.
including a crucial bloc of his fellow Republicans 4 hold demanding a pound of flesh. I believe a bipartisan majority of
toward Mr. McCarthy (Calif.) are no longer relevant. And In this hyperpartisan era, that much comity and What is happening to the freedoms the Congress supports ending these shut-
his desperation for the gavel is no longer exploitable. The pragmatism might be too much to hope for. Even less framers of our democratic government down fiascos. But it is not enough to
chamber has a chance to make itself more functional. likely, though also in the national interest, would be for worked so hard to establish and hun- want to end government shutdowns.
Though Mr. McCarthy9s speakership heretofore was moderate members of each party to assert themselves. dreds of thousands of Americans have Congress also must act and adopt one of
hardly distinguished by principled decisions, as opposed Only eight Republicans were reckless enough to vote died to protect? The Sept. 24 Metro arti- the many solutions we have known
to appeasement of his slender majority9s far-right fringe, against Mr. McCarthy; more than 200 others under- cle <Warren County library gets tempo- about for decades.
his downfall ironically came as punishment for a good stood that chaos isn9t conducive to sound policymak- rary reprieve as book debate continues= Jason V. Morgan, Vienna
deed: his surprise weekend decision to shake hands with ing; 32 of those are members of the Problem Solvers reported that Samuels Public Library in
Democrats on a short-term budget deal, keeping the Caucus, which is dedicated to bipartisan solutions. Front Royal, Va., with roots dating to
government open but drawing a leadership challenge They come much closer to representing America9s 1799, is being pressured to restrict young We agreed on interrogation
from a small number of ultraconservatives. The eight broad middle than does the GOP fringe 4 or even the people9s access to books with LGBTQ+
mutinying members of his party, led by Matt Gaetz (Fla.), rest of the House Republicans. If they were willing to themes or lose 80 percent of its operating The Sept. 30 front-page obituary on
were angry that Mr. McCarthy committed the apparently partner with Democrats more often, they could be a funds, which come from the county. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), <Cen-
unforgivable sin of bridging the partisan divide in the more formidable voting bloc capable of sidelining What is to be feared from such books? trist stalwart of the Senate forged a path
national interest. House GOP radicals. Youths who are contemplating their sexu- for women in politics,= paid appropriate
It would have taken just a handful of Democrats to No matter the circumstance, nobody should accept ality should be able to receive sound laudatory tribute to the senator9s lifelong
keep Mr. McCarthy in the speaker9s chair. But some of the speakership without more job security than Mr. Mc- information from a reputable source. For record of selfless public service. I greatly
Mr. McCarthy9s less praiseworthy actions came back to Carthy had. To become speaker in the first place, he many, doing so has been lifesaving. For admired Ms. Feinstein9s fierce determina-
haunt him. Democrats could not forgive Mr. McCarthy9s courted the right fringe by agreeing to amend the youths who are clear about their sexuali- tion to always do what she considered
groveling before Donald Trump after the Jan. 6, 2021, <motion to vacate= rule so that any one member could ty, reading about LGBTQ topics still pro- best for her country and for her fellow
attack on the Capitol, a legitimate grievance he aggravat- force the chamber to consider firing him. Whoever vides helpful information and will not citizens. And, contrary to popular belief,
ed by opening a bogus impeachment inquiry against comes next should insist that the bar be much higher. change who they are. Ms. Feinstein and I had far more areas of
President Biden. He refused to offer Democrats any The last time House ultraconservatives foiled Mr. McCar- The freedom to read reliable, science- agreement than disagreement when she
concessions in exchange for their help keeping him on as thy9s ambitions, during the 2015 speaker9s race, then- based publications of whatever kind is was chair and vice chair of the Senate
speaker. Instead, Mr. McCarthy claimed on national Rep. Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) set conditions on agreeing to basic to the freedoms we enjoy in a de- Intelligence Committee and I was direc-
television that they wanted to shut down the govern- take the gavel after Mr. McCarthy9s bid fell flat among the mocracy. The Bill of Rights, which pro- tor of the CIA.
ment. More grace, and less partisanship, might have ultras. tects citizens from government9s en- Unfortunately, I was misquoted in the
resulted in a different outcome. Getting at least that much right is not some arcane croachment upon their natural and in- obituary when it stated, <Then-CIA Direc-
It9s unclear how the House will pick a new leader, matter but a national necessity. The House GOP9s next alienable rights, was inspired by Thomas tor John Brennan insisted that the inter-
though two candidates, Majority Leader Steve Sca- leader will immediately face negotiations with the White Jefferson and drafted by James Madison rogation techniques 8did produce intelli-
lise (La.) and Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan House and the Democratic-controlled Senate on funding right here in Virginia. Perhaps they are gence that helped thwart attack plans,
(Ohio), have come forward. On the off chance anyone in the government, with a shutdown as the price of failure. spinning in their graves to know that capture terrorists, and save lives.9 = I said
the House is interested in ending the chaos, one way to If the next speaker is not at least marginally more book-banning is gaining a foothold in that the <detention and interrogation
do it would be for whichever Republican next takes the empowered, as opposed to constantly fearful of another their state. program= 4 not the techniques 4 pro-
speakership to deal with Minority Leader Hakeem ouster attempt driven by online activists or conservative County leaders are not elected medical duced such intelligence. Moreover, I was
Jeffries (N.Y.), soliciting Democrats9 support and outlin- media personalities, the chaos will continue. researchers or doctors, nor are they emphatic that it was <unknowable=
trained in the complex subject of sexuali- whether any <cause-and-effect relation-
ty. Left alone by politicians, kids are able ship= existed between the enhanced inter-
|e GOP9s chaos caucus is tiny to quietly access information they need, rogation techniques, which were applied
|ere are more republicans in the moderate bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus. and libraries and schools can be the safe, to less than half of the detainees held, and
supportive communities that allow our useful information subsequently provid-
Only 8 210 republicans
students to become the well-adjusted, ed by those detainees. I also publicly
republicans voted to keep
clear-minded and respected adults they called the techniques <abhorrent.=
voted to McCarthy as
oust Kevin the Speaker
were born to be. Ms. Feinstein and I were in sharp
McCarthy The United States must continue to be agreement on this point.
a nation of cherished, established free- John Brennan, Fairfax County
doms; we become anything less at our The writer was director
peril. of the CIA from 2013 to 2017.
Jane McKeel, Falls Church

Circuses don9t need animals

32 republicans 3 republicans Congress has options
are members of the bipartisan did not vote Regarding the Oct. 3 Style article
Problem Solvers Caucus The waShingTOn POST The United States is again suffering <Come one, come all: Ringling9s back in
the embarrassment of nearly having a town=:
government shutdown. Delays in fund- Given the undeniable groundswell of
ing would have caused disruption and public opposition to beating and whip-
uncertainty. But there is no reason we ping animals into submission, tearing
should allow disputes to grind so much babies from their frantic mothers, and
of our government operations to a halt. keeping intelligent and social elephants
We have had proposed solutions, in chains, audiences are eager to see
such as allowing agencies to incur shows such as the new Ringling circus
obligations but not expend funds dur- and other cruelty-free productions.
ing a lapse in funding, for almost at long These fresh and innovative perform-
as we9ve had government shutdowns, a ances make it clear that animals don9t
result of a disastrous opinion of Benja- need to be caged and forced to perform
min Civiletti, President Jimmy Carter9s demeaning, painful and confusing tricks
attorney general. His opinion that a to <entertain= people.
lapse in funding meant that govern- So why are the Shriners still putting
ment agencies had to cease operations animals in harm9s way in their circuses?
reinterpreted the Antideficiency Act to Jennifer O9Connor, Largo, Fla.
our ongoing detriment. Within a few
months, the General Accounting Office
(now known as the Government Ac- ð read more letters online: wapo.st/letters
jabin bOTSfOrd/The waShingTOn POST
countability Office) had proposals to Letters: letters@washpost.com
Reps. Matt Gaetz and Kevin McCarthy speak after the House failed defuse the shutdown time bomb. De- Op-eds: oped@washpost.com
for the 14th time to elect a speaker in January. spite multiple shutdowns, Congress has Submissions must be exclusive to The Post.

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thursday, october 5 , 2023 . the washington post eZ re a19

george F. Will Jim geraghty

Ahoy! Populist
It9s an armada passions,
of crony not Trump,
capitalists! rule the GOP
esley Jones, a Republican ou know what9s odd? The Re-

W U.S. senator from Washing-

ton, 1909-1932, should be can-
onized as the patron saint of
industrial policy. His contribution to
such mischief, which is enjoying a rebirth
Y publican Party is, by and large,
terrified of Donald Trump, and
yet there was little sign that
any of the House Republicans seeking
to oust Kevin McCarthy from the
of respectability, is in its second century speakership worried about what the
of doing damage. former president thought of their
His advocacy of the Merchant Marine machinations.
Act of 1920, a.k.a. the Jones Act, includ- And Trump was oddly quiet as the
ed the usual cant about serving national campaign against McCarthy unfolded.
security and the public interest general- Asked at a campaign stop in Ottumwa,
ly. The act began, however, as garden- Iowa, on Sunday, whether he would
variety political parochialism. It sur- support a move against McCarthy by
vives because it is defended by the Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz, Trump said: <I
<reliance interests= 4 industries teth- don9t know anything about those ef-
ered to government favoritism 4 that forts, but I like both of them very
tom Brenner For the Washington Post
industrial policy, a.k.a. protectionism or much.= He said he thought it was <too
crony capitalism, invariably produces. Then-House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) speaks to journalists at the U.S. Capitol on Sept. 26. early= to comment, even though the
Industrial policy involves government matter was expected to come to a head
supplanting society9s myriad private col- within days.
laborations 4 i.e., market transactions 4 Karen tumulty Trump9s unwillingness to go to bat for
to allocate resources and opportunities McCarthy could reflect his distraction
as government thinks best. Such policy
empowers government, which is politics
in every fiber of its being, to supplant
markets in shaping the future, deciding
McCarthy9s legacy: Damage to with his civil fraud trial in Manhattan
or the consistent pattern of loyalty
being a one-way street with Trump. (He
did note of McCarthy, <He said very nice
which industries and products should
prosper. Jones wanted Washington
state9s shipping industry to prosper, with
the help of the other Washington. He
the House and his former o>ce things about me and the job I9ve done,
so I appreciate that.=) But there9s one
other angle worth chewing over.
Every once in a great while, Trump
particularly wanted to protect his state9s throws out some argument that his
shippers from foreign competition serv- n appeaser, as Winston slogans, such as <curb wasteful notably rudderless and chaotic. On usually adoring base just flatly rejects.
ing ports in Alaska 4 over Alaska9s
strenuous objections.
The Jones Act today requires that
cargo transported by water between
U.S. ports must travel in ships that are
A Churchill memorably sug-
gested, is someone who
feeds a crocodile in hopes
that it will eat him last.
It was inevitable that House
government spending= and <fight
inflation and lower the cost of
That Republicans couldn9t co-
alesce behind something more sub-
his watch, the country came to the
brink of what could have been a
catastrophic default on its debt. His
hard-right members regularly hu-
miliated him by blocking vital GOP-
The former president
was oddly quiet as
U.S.-flagged and are at least 75 percent Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) stantive than that was a sign of backed measures from even coming
U.S.-owned and -crewed. The ships also would be swallowed whole by the trouble ahead. to a vote on the House floor 4
must be assembled entirely in the United small minority of far-right extrem- Sure, the job that McCarthy took among them, recently, one to fund the campaign against
States, with all major components ists he had done so much to empow- 15 ballots to win came with a high the Pentagon. It was only with the
U.S.-fabricated. Passed immediately after er, including by changing the rules degree of difficulty: a paper-thin help of Democrats that he managed Kevin McCarthy unfolded.
one war, the act was rationalized by in a way that effectively gave any one majority, a deeply polarized political to muster enough votes Saturday to
anticipation of another. Supposedly pro- of them the power to call a snap vote climate and the unwise commit- prevent a government shutdown.
tecting the domestic shipping industry to remove him. ments he had made to a small band And yet, he continued to try to For a brief while during the pandem-
from foreign competition would stimu- What is tragic is the degree to of radicals who had the power to appease the hard-liners, including ic, Trump boasted about the effective-
late merchant marine shipbuilding suffi- which, in the actions he took to get unseat him. Those concessions nev- by unilaterally opening an impeach- ness and the quick development of the
cient for military emergencies. Predict- the job and in the nine months he er won him anything more than a ment inquiry into President Biden vaccines against the coronavirus. But in
ably, however, protecting the shipping managed to hold it, McCarthy dam- deepening contempt on their part. based on allegations 4 but no December 2021, when Trump said he
industry from competition increased aged the House as an institution and In today9s world, the speaker no evidence 4 that the president had had received a booster shot, it was one
costs of shipped goods (costs passed debased the speakership itself. That longer holds the leverage to reward benefited from the business deal- of the few times a crowd at his rallies
along to U.S. consumers), decreased pres- will be the legacy he leaves when his allies and punish enemies by con- ings of his son Hunter. booed him. Rather than try to convince
sure for efficiencies and contributed to portrait joins the others, starting trolling which members wield pow- In a grievance-filled news confer- his base, Trump dropped the matter.
the shrinking of U.S. shipbuilding. with Henry Clay, that line the wall of er 4 through choice committee ence after he announced his deci- Earlier this year, in a Fox News inter-
Colin Grabow and Scott Lincicome of the ornate Speaker9s Lobby just assignments, campaign contribu- sion not to try to get his job back, view, Trump said of the vaccine: <I
the Cato Institute (see below) report that outside the House chamber. tions and the like. Now, even the McCarthy said, with dark humor: <I really don9t want to talk about it
two years after the Jones Act was passed, <The power of the speaker is to set most junior member with a sizable made history, didn9t I?= Indeed, he because, as a Republican, it9s not a great
a government report found that a the agenda,= McCarthy9s formidable social media following and a will- has left a mark 4 a scar on the thing to talk about, because for some
U.S.-built ship cost 25 percent more than predecessor, Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), ingness to say outrageous things on institution and the office 4 that will reason it9s just not.=
a comparable vessel built abroad. And once said. <The power of the speaker cable television can raise money and be hard to erase. Trump doesn9t lead his supporters;
after a century of the act? <A U.S.-built is awesome. Awesome.= build a power base of his or her own. So now comes the search for a his supporters lead him.
tanker costs 300 percent more than one But exercising that power re- There was a time when most replacement. The only safe predic- Maybe Trump is waiting to get a feel
built abroad while a U.S.-built container- quires a clarity of purpose that goes Americans probably couldn9t have tion at this point seems to be that for how McCarthy9s jettisoning 4 and
ship has a price premium of 400 percent.= beyond one9s own ambition 4 some- told you who the current speaker 4 the process will be an ugly one. the ensuing House chaos amid the
U.S. shipyards have collectively produced thing McCarthy never possessed. In say, Carl Albert or John McCormack During the debate over whether to scramble to replace him 4 is going over
fewer than three a year since 2000. last year9s midterm campaign, 4 was; the job went to an inside remove McCarthy, Rep. Bob Good with the base. Then he will decide
The Jones Act9s strictures for which saw his party positioned operator in what appeared to be a (R-Va.) declared that McCarthy had whether, as a Republican, it9s a great
<U.S.-built= ships include: <major compo- within striking distance of regain- permanent majority. Now, however, never seemed to stand on any thing to talk about.
nents= of the hulls and superstructures, ing the majority, McCarthy unveiled the speaker is both well-known and principle but his own ambition. Not that McCarthy is particularly
and at least 98.5 percent of the hull and what he called the House Republi- without any job security. Six of the <We need a speaker,= Good said, popular with the MAGA crowd 4 after
superstructure components9 steel weight cans9 <Commitment to America.= seven who preceded McCarthy were <ideally, someone who doesn9t want all, as the speaker, he was the <estab-
must be fabricated in the United States. It claimed to be a blueprint for forced by scandal or political set- to be speaker.= lishment= 4 and Gaetz is the outsider,
People acquire expensive law degrees to governing, echoing the GOP9s sto- back to relinquish the gavel. Given the wreckage of McCarthy9s the rebel, the bomb-thrower. Trump
have careers writing such stuff. The ried 1994 <Contract With America,= Still, McCarthy9s leadership 4 if brief tenure, it seems fair to ask: could have defended McCarthy, but
0.5 tacked onto the 98 does, however, but it was merely a one-page list of you can call it leadership 4 was What sane person would? maybe Trump9s base would see that as
perhaps reveal a sly sense of humor. the former president losing his way,
This, however, is not amusing: The going soft and getting too comfortable
quality of the U.S. merchant fleet has with <the swamp.=
national security implications. In Eu- For now, the episode is yet one more
rope, a large, long war of aggression is Perry Bacon Jr. entry in the history of loyalty to Trump
raging, with the survival of the inspiring little loyalty in return. Since
aggressed-against nation depending on
U.S. weapons, munitions and other ma-
terials. A much larger war could erupt in
Republicans are in disarray. And still winning. the moment Trump became the Repub-
lican nominee in 2016, McCarthy has
been almost unstintingly on his side.
Asia, especially if the aggressor doubts There was the occasional slip-up, as
the U.S. ability to sustain a protracted ouse Republicans had an un- speaker. And on the campaign trail, Perhaps incumbent President Jeb Bush when McCarthy said he felt Trump
Jerry Hendrix, a retired Navy captain
and senior fellow of the Sagamore Insti-
tute, an Indiana think tank, notes in the
Atlantic: <In 1977, American shipbuilders
H usually hard time electing a
speaker in January, and now a
bloc of them has forced
Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) from the
post. It9s not clear who will be the next
Trump is again dominating a Republican
primary over the objections of many of
the party9s elders.
Contrast that with the Democrats.
Rep. Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) was the top
or John Kasich wins reelection in 2020.
But that would be a more moderate
Republican Party 4 which many con-
servatives don9t want.
The appearance of disorder and disor-
could win the 2024 election but he
didn9t know whether Trump was the
<strongest to win the election.= He
changed his tune quickly after that.
McCarthy hasn9t formally endorsed
produced more than 1 million gross tons speaker. Congressional Democrats, non- Democrat in the House from 2002 to ganization on Capitol Hill obscures a Trump for president yet, but last month,
of merchant ships. By 2005, that number partisan commentators and even some 2022. Reps. Steny H. Hoyer (Md.) and consistent story: The right wing of the he walked right up to the line: <Presi-
had fallen to 300,000.= In 2022, it was less current and former Republican officials James E. Clyburn (S.C.) were also on the party keeps getting stronger, often at the dent Trump is beating Biden right now
than 33,000. Norwegian and Dutch yards are describing the party as in chaos. And leadership team for nearly two decades. expense of the old guard. in the polls. He is stronger than he has
delivered about 147,000 and 118,000, this is nothing new. Over the past With Pelosi9s backing, Rep. Hakeem That shift right has led to lots of ever been in this process. . . . I served
respectively. decade, backbencher Republicans in the Jeffries (N.Y.) became the party9s leader infighting and had some electoral costs. with Ron DeSantis. He9s not at the same
The number of oceangoing cargo ships House and Senate and President Donald in the House last year. Joe Biden, of But it also yielded real policy benefits, at level as President Trump by any shape
of at least 1,000 gross tons and meeting Trump in particular have deposed con- course, served as vice president for eight least if you are very conservative. A or form. He would not have gotten
Jones Act requirements has declined gressional leaders, forced fiscal cliffs years. The Democrats9 presidential pri- Kasich administration almost certainly elected= as Florida9s governor <without
from <193 to 99 since 2000, and only 78 of and government shutdowns, and taken mary in 2020 was very fractious. Other- wouldn9t have gone as far in trying to President Trump9s endorsement.=
those 99 can be deemed militarily use- other actions that led to weeks and wise though, the party generally has curtail immigration as Trump9s did. Both Trump certainly didn9t stick his neck
ful,= wrote Grabow and fellow policy months of news coverage describing the been fairly respectful of those at the top in 2011 and this year, the most conserva- out to defend McCarthy, but he also
analysts Inu Manak and Daniel Ikenson Republican Party as deeply divided and and unified since the election of Barack tive House Republicans were able to didn9t publicly sign off on Gaetz9s effort
in 2018. <Facing exorbitant replacement disorganized. Obama as president. force government funding cuts by delay- to oust the speaker. For a man with
costs, ship owners are compelled to And yet, the Republican Party is doing But unity and deference to those at the ing the raising of the debt ceiling the strong opinions about everything under
squeeze as much life as possible out of pretty well electorally and accomplish- top aren9t everything. Since this new, raising of the debt ceiling. The 45-day the sun, Trump looked ambivalent.
their existing vessels. . . . Excluding tank- ing many of its policy goals. Party unity fractured Republican Party came into government funding bill adopted last If he had wanted to keep McCarthy in
ers, the ships in the Jones Act fleet might be overrated, and the Republicans being while the Democrats have general- week didn9t include funding to support the speaker9s chair, he probably could
currently average 30 years old, fully are more unified than they appear in ly stuck with the same leaders and Ukraine9s fight against Russia, frustrat- have. Trump could have unleashed a
11 years older than the average age of a weeks like this one. strategy, the Republicans have won five ing McConnell, because Trump-aligned torrent of rage at Gaetz on his Truth
ship in the world merchant fleet of other Since George W. Bush left office in (2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2022) of the House conservatives objected. Social platform, as he does toward just
developed countries.= 2009, the Republican Party has become seven House elections, three of the seven The Bush brothers, Boehner and Mc- about anyone who defies him or even
The authors above were writing for the more right-wing than what came before Senate elections (2014, 2016, 2018) and Connell don9t seem to like this version of bothers him. Heck, if Trump had called
Cato Institute. The libertarian think tank and, perhaps relatedly, much less re- one of the three presidential races the Republican Party much. But I sus- Gaetz and told him to back down, Gaetz
located near Capitol Hill, where crony spectful of those at the top. In 2013, (2016). They totally control 22 states and pect many conservatives who aren9t on might well have surrendered.
capitalism originates, disparages the Sen. Ted Cruz (Tex.) and others in the dominate the Supreme Court. They have Capitol Hill but have considerable power But Gaetz never seemed afraid that
Jones Act. As does the Mercatus Center, party9s right wing forced a government severely curtailed abortion rights, drasti- are pretty satisfied. Rupert Murdoch, by attacking McCarthy he risked
which incubates market-oriented ideas shutdown, despite the reservations of cally cut corporate taxes and accom- Leonard Leo, Charles Koch and others Trump9s wrath.
at George Mason University. then-House Speaker John A. Boehner plished countless other conservative have helped create a Republican Party Now the congressman has set off a
Cato obtained, through the Freedom of (R). The Ohio congressman resigned as goals. that is constantly moving to the right, civil war within the House GOP. Hours
Information Act process, documents re- speaker two years later, with the House9s Yes, it9s likely that a less chaotic despite the objections of its official before McCarthy lost the vote to retain
lated to a 2020 meeting of a committee conservatives looking to depose him. In Republican Party would have done even leaders. his speakership on Tuesday, Trump 4
that advises, on behalf of the U.S. ship- 2016, Trump won the Republican presi- better electorally. The Republicans prob- As a person on the left, I hope I9m still unwilling to tip his hand 4 wrote
ping industry, the U.S. Maritime Admin- dential primary despite the resistance of ably would have won control of the wrong about all of this. Maybe the on Truth Social, <Why is it that Republi-
istration, which oversees the industry. most of the party9s elected officials and Senate in November if the candidates Republican Party has just gotten lucky; cans are always fighting among them-
The committee9s recommendations in- power brokers. Two years later, Boeh- preferred by Senate Minority Leader all of this disarray will eventually catch selves, why aren9t they fighting the
cluded: <Charge all past and present ner9s replacement as speaker, Paul Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) were nominat- up to them and Democrats will easily win Radical Left Democrats who are de-
members of the Cato and Mercatus Insti- D. Ryan (Wis.), resigned, with members ed in every state, instead of some of both houses of Congress and the presi- stroying our Country?=
tutes with treason.= Such brainstorming of the party9s right wing also unhappy Trump9s favorites. Maybe the Republi- dency next year. But I doubt it. The Hmm. If only the most powerful
from industrial policy9s defenders indi- with his leadership. cans would have won the House by more Republicans are likely to be very compet- person in the Republican Party could
cates their assessment of their argu- Now, it9s McCarthy who has been seats in 2014 or last year if voters could itive in next year9s elections 4 no matter have done something to influence these
ments9 persuasiveness. forced out, after only nine months as trust the party to govern competently. who their speaker is. events.
A20 eZ re the washington post . thursday, october 5 , 2023

climate & environment

Better to buy soaps and shampoos minus the water content
Looking around standard items off my in-person
my bathroom a shopping list. The products
few years ago, I arrive at my doorstep just a few
noticed two times per year, and they9re easy
things. Almost to store in compact spaces.
everything came Eventually, I9ll try replacing
Climate in a plastic almost all my household
Coach container. And products with these new
MiChael J. despite being formulations.
Coren labeled soap,
conditioner or The future of toiletries
shampoo, most products9 first Will these products be enough
ingredient was water. to change the market? Perhaps.
Why was I spending so much But regulation will probably be
money on plastic containers needed to make plastic-free the
filled with water rather than the default option.
active ingredients? I began Traditional manufacturers
rethinking the contents of my enjoy a steady supply of cheap
bathroom. plastics, along with enormous
The first thing to go was my economies of scale. The fracking
shaving kit. Instead of shaving boom in the United States
gel, I sprang for shaving soap produces huge amounts of
pucks. While slightly more ethane, one of plastic9s chemical
expensive upfront, I got a closer, building blocks. Billions of
smoother shave with my dollars have been invested to
stainless steel safety razor. turn it into packaging. Robin
Then I started thinking about Waters, at the data and analytics
lotions, conditioners and creams firm IHS Markit, told Yale
in the bathroom. Most were once Environment 360 that unless
sold as powders, tablets and plastic production slows, <they9ll
concentrates. But as plastics just find something else to wrap
became more popular, adding in plastic.=
water and repackaging personal But manufacturers are being
care products in bigger forced to find alternatives 4 or
containers became far cheaper pay for the problem. Colorado,
and more convenient for Maine, Oregon and California
manufacturers, creating a lot have all passed extended
more waste. producer responsibility
<No one really asked for programs requiring
plastics,= says Judith Enck, illuSTraTion By emily SaBenS/The WaShingTon PoST; iSTock manufacturers or other
president of Beyond Plastics and responsible parties to collect,
a former regional administrator including cellophane and bubble for miles to refill reusable Not all the early formulations dispensed stuff you know. recycle and manage their
for the Environmental wrap quickly became the containers at a co-op in San Regni sourced worked well. Toothpaste tablets from unPaste, packaging, similar to programs
Protection Agency. <We9re preferred way to ship goods. Francisco. <We9ve had some ups and for example, sell for about $10 that now cover paint, carpets,
spending a lot of money and a lot Today, global production of But she wanted to find a way downs,= she says. For example, for a two-month supply and batteries and mattresses. More
of greenhouse gas emissions plastic exceeds 450 million to make zero-waste shopping many shampoo bars without come in various flavors. That than a dozen other states are
shipping water all around the metric tons, roughly 122 pounds easier. So in 2016, she founded cleansing agents known as made ditching the old tube easy. considering such programs. One
world.= for every person on the planet Fillgood, a store focused on surfactants are essentially soap I tried a few shower bars and of the most ambitious, in
As customer demand shifts, every year, and growing. reducing single-use plastics from and too acidic for hair, leaving landed on Sustainabar9s Washington state, requires
and single-use plastic bans loom, It has also made a colossal home, bath and body products. people with bad experiences. shampoo and conditioner. It 90 percent of packaging
manufacturers are now racing to mess. Plastics are everywhere, Many of her products are But over the past few years, works great on my (admittedly materials to be reused or
reformulate their products. In including inside us. The typical powders, pellets and she says, more large and small low-maintenance) hair. One $10 recycled by 2040.
the process, customers are person ingests considerable concentrates. They come in brands have introduced no- bar lasts about 80 washes, Manufacturers have
rediscovering the appeal of quantities of microplastics as the minimal paper packaging waste products that rival or even equivalent to two bottles of responded by reworking their
earlier formulations for home material breaks down into ever- because removing water from outperform conventional commercial shampoo. It lathers products and packaging with
and personal care products. smaller particles 4 as much as the products eliminated the need formulations at competitive and cleans exactly like the biodegradable plastics, fiber-
Once limited to co-ops or 5 grams, or about a credit card9s for containers. For liquids, prices. Regni estimates since standard shampoo I used and paper-based materials, and
health food stores, these worth, per week, according to customers can refill from 30- 2016 these have helped her previously. The conditioner creating formulas without water.
products are now appearing in one estimate from the World gallon drums that are sent back customers avoid 200,000 plastic leaves my hair soft and without But unless they can match
the aisles at Target and Walmart. Wildlife Federation. Scientists to the distributor. containers. residue, not unlike the today9s performance 4 grab a
So I gave them a try. Here9s why are finding microplastics Fillgood9s primary customers <People are not going to expensive, salon-brand formulas bottle at the store, bring it home,
they9re worth a look. throughout our bodies, including were once zero-waste fans like transition to products that are I9ve tried. use it and toss it 4 the new stuff
in breastmilk and brain tissue. Regni. But today, a new not as good and efficient. If it I also felt silly buying a new is a hard sell. Cost and
Plastic everywhere And so far, plastic recycling demographic is coming into her doesn9t work as well, it9s not bottle of hand soap every time I convenience favor plastics, says
For centuries, humanity remains mostly aspirational. store in Berkeley, Calif.: <People going to work out.= ran out. So I ordered refill tablets Muhammad Rabnawaz, an
mostly relied on glass, metal, Just 9 percent of the world9s that have never heard of zero- from Blueland, a fast-growing associate professor at the
wood and ceramics to ship plastic waste was recycled in waste stores,= she says. How to get started company founded in 2019 that Michigan State University School
things around. That had 2019, according to the How much waste does this In my home, I went product says it has sold more than of Packaging. <Right now,
drawbacks. Shipping small, Organization for Economic prevent? It varies by product. by product: toothpaste, 10 million nontoxic products. companies are going in every
individually sized foods and Cooperation and Development. Shampoo bars replace two to shampoo, conditioner and even The tablets are designed to be direction,= he says. <We got used
liquids was often expensive. For In the United States, only about three bottles of liquid shampoo, liquid hand soap. For each one, I dropped into a reusable to convenience, and the
some products, it was impossible 4 percent of plastic ever lands in 552 million of which end up in found dozens of mostly plastic- dispenser, which is then filled customer doesn9t want to let it
to do economically. a recycling bin, a number that is landfills each year, estimates and water-free alternatives. with water. go.=
Single-use plastic changed declining as more is landfilled, Johnson & Johnson. For The experience wasn9t always Some products were more Yet the definition of
this. After growing explosively burned or tossed as litter. Nearly concentrates, Unilever, one of the same, but I found these expensive upfront, but many convenience may change. It9s
during World War II, the plastics half of this plastic waste is the world9s largest consumer products performed just as well, paid for themselves over time. inconvenient, after all, for
industry repurposed itself to packaging. goods companies, says its dilute- only differently 4 with none of Did I miss the convenience of microscopic remains of
serve the booming consumer at-home laundry detergent, a the waste. plastic? No. The experience toothpaste tubes and shampoo
economy. Plastics were durable, What9s the alternative? 6x concentrate, uses 70 percent Toothpaste tablets, for wasn9t worse 4 just slightly bottles to infuse the air we
light, cheap, endlessly versatile Stéphanie Regni was less plastic and reduces example, took some getting used different. And I discovered other breathe, the water we drink and
4 and disposable. frustrated by the disposable distribution emissions by to. They need a few seconds to conveniences. Since most even our bodies. Or to stoke
Extraordinarily cheap and plastics surrounding her at the 83 percent 4 although most dissolve in your mouth before concentrates or solids come as climate change merely by buying
convenient plastic packaging grocery store, so she would drive emissions come from materials. they work like the tube- low-cost subscriptions, I took the soap.

Poll ûnds a majority of Americans don9t hate living near solar, wind farms
BY newables remains popular among Many Americans appear to rec- Comfort with solar and wind farms spans urban and ing to make a significant dent in
E MILY G USKIN many Americans, experts say ognize the critical role renewable rural areas wind energy development in this
AND S COTT C LEMENT progress can be impeded by a energy sources play in reducing country,= she said.
small, yet vocal, opposition, which emissions and combating climate Q: Would you be comfortable or uncomfortable if each of these Ricky Richards, 64, of Clifton,
As renewable energy becomes can be driven in part by the senti- change. According to the Post- were built in your community? (Percent saying comfortable) Tex., cited the potential negative
more widespread in the United ment of <Not in My Backyard,= or UMD poll, the more concerned effects on property values and the
States, large and bipartisan major- NIMBYism. people say they are with climate OVERALL URBAN SUBURBAN RURAL environmental impact on land as
ities of Americans say they change, the more likely they are to reasons he felt very uncomfort-
75% 79% 74% 71%
wouldn9t mind fields of solar pan- feel comfortable with wind and able with a large solar or wind
els and wind turbines being built solar farms being built in their farm in his rural community
in their communities, according <I9m only 27, but I9ve communities.
Wind turbines 68 66 69 69
southwest of Dallas.
to a Washington Post-University Patrick Reynolds, 48, who lives <I have neighbors now who
of Maryland poll. seen climate change. in Fort Worth, said he is very com-
nuclear power plant 33 35 30 38
used to have a view out their front
Three-quarters of all Ameri- fortable with large-scale solar or porch of a green pasture, now they
cans say they would be comfort- And if we keep wind farms in his community.
Source: July 13-23, 2023, Washington Post-university of
maryland poll of 1,404 adults with an error margin of +/- basically have a 300-acre mirror in
able living near solar farms while <It seems to be better for the 3.5 percentage points, including 549 people in urban their front yard that reflects light
nearly 7 in 10 report feeling the trending this way, environment and better for the areas, 635 in suburban areas and 220 in rural areas with into their house,= said Richards, a
error margins between 5.5-9 points. emily guSkin / The WaShingTon PoST
same about wind turbines. And health of humanity,= said Reyn- civil engineer who identifies as a
these attitudes appear to remain it worries me.= olds, a Republican. He added that Republican.
largely consistent regardless of Samantha Brown, he is in the process of installing Most Americans, including Democrats and Republicans, For community members who
where people live. According to a Bronx resident who is comfortable solar panels on the roof of his have concerns about renewable
the poll, 69 percent of residents in with installing solar panels home. say they would be comfortable with solar panels and energy infrastructure being built
rural and suburban areas say they and wind farms <I9ve always had a love for the wind turbines in their communities near where they live, experts say
would be comfortable if wind tur- environment,= he said. <I believe if one effective action is early and
bines were constructed in their you take care of the environment, Q: Would you be comfortable or uncomfortable if each of these regular engagement. Vine said his
area, as do 66 percent of urban <Deploying lots of renewable the environment will take care of were built in your community? (Percent saying comfortable) organization has arranged region-
residents. electricity is not a slam dunk,= said you.= al roundtables that bring together
General comfort with green en- Doug Vine, director of energy Samantha Brown, who lives in OVERALL DEM REP IND local governments, academics, en-
ergy infrastructure crosses party analysis at the Center for Climate the Bronx but grew up in Upstate 75% 87% 66% 72% vironmental groups, community
lines, with 66 percent of Republi- and Energy Solutions. <We know New York, agrees. <I9m only 27, but representatives and project devel-
cans saying they are comfortable things like permitting reform and I9ve seen climate change. And if we Wind turbines 68 79 59 67 opers to dive into various issues
with a field of solar panels being NIMBYism are a challenge for re- keep trending this way, it worries related to renewables.
built in their community and 59 newable electricity and transmis- me. . . . What will things look like nuclear power plant 33 25 44 33 <That9s the secret sauce in mak-
percent comfortable with wind sion projects. The closer that these for my [future] children one day if ing sure that these things come
turbines. Among Democrats, 87 projects get to where many people things aren9t mitigated?= Source: July 13-23, 2023, Washington Post-university of maryland poll of 1,404 adults with together,= he said.
percent are comfortable with are, the more challenges that can The rural community where an error margin of +/- 3.5 percentage points, including 531 Democrats, 325 republicans and The poll was conducted by The
431 independents with error margins between 6-7.5 points.
solar farms and 79 percent with arise.= she grew up used grants to install Post and the University of Mary-
wind farms. By contrast, fewer solar panels that now provide en- land9s Center for Democracy and
than half of Democrats or Repub- A need for renewables ergy to the local public schools. <There9s opportunity for solar of rural residents. Civic Engagement from July 13 to
licans would welcome a nuclear The United States is the world9s And they also have wind turbines anywhere,= she said. <You can inte- July 23. The sample of 1,404 U.S.
power plant in their community. second-largest greenhouse gas that she says brought revenue to grate solar onto existing build- The weight of opposition adults was drawn from the NORC
In the United States, wide- emitter, and one-quarter of the local industries. <We are a relative- ings.= The number of people who op- AmeriSpeak Panel, an ongoing
spread support for renewable en- country9s carbon dioxide emis- ly poor community in rural Ameri- That comes across in the Post- pose projects is typically small, but survey panel recruited through
ergy appears to have been fairly sions come from electricity gener- ca, and we embraced solar,= she UMD polling data, too. The poll their views can have outsize ef- random sampling of U.S. house-
consistent over the years, said ation. President Biden has set a said. And while her upstate com- finds 79 percent of urban resi- fects, said Stokes, who recently holds. Overall results have a mar-
Leah Stokes, an associate profes- goal of eliminating carbon pollu- munity has <a lot of hills and dents feel comfortable with a field published a study on opposition to gin of sampling error of plus or
sor of environmental politics at tion from the U.S. power sector by space= to install solar panels and of solar panels being built in their wind energy in North America. minus 3.5 percentage points; the
the University of California at San- 2035 4 a target that necessitates a wind turbines, she sees the poten- community, as do 74 percent of <It isn9t what the majority of error margin is larger among
ta Barbara. But while backing re- massive shift from fossil fuels. tial in the Bronx as well. suburban residents and 71 percent people think, but they are manag- subgroups.

METRO thursday, october 5 , 2023 eZ su B

high today at John KELLY9s WAshInGTon VIRGInIA oBITUARIEs
approx. 4 p.m.
Watch out below! an a state panel investigating endel Tulving, 96,
8 a.m. noon 4 p.m. 8 p.m.
81° abundance of acorns the 2019 virginia Beach a cognitive psychologist,
precip: 5% is raining down this shooting calls for localities transformed the study of
62 74 81 73 ° ° ° Wind: sE
6-12 mph <mast= year. B3 to improve security. B3 human memory. B4

D.C. SNAP Virginia

could get library9s
boosted aid funding
Excess revenue may also restored
help those excluded from
pandemic relief funds poLicies on LgBTQ
Books unchanged
Deal in Front Royal
Low-income families who rely removes threat of closure
on food assistance and workers
who were excluded from pandem-
ic aid, such as undocumented im- BY G REGORY S . S CHNEIDER
migrants, are expected to receive
millions in boosted benefits and The Samuels Public Library in
cash, respectively, after the Dis- Front Royal will get its funding
trict ended up in better financial fully restored and avoid having
shape than expected this fall. Warren County supervisors con-
Not everyone thought it would trol its handling of LGBTQ-relat-
actually happen. It was a contin- ed books under an agreement
gency plan situation, where D.C. signed Tuesday by library and
could only fund the programs if county leaders.
there was money to spare at the The deal removes the threat of
end of the fiscal year. And it closure that had hung over the
seemed like a big if. The city had phoTos By Marvin Joseph/The WashingTon posT library since June, when the
trudged through a tough budget mothers of students who attend morgan state University in baltimore offer hugs outside thurgood marshall hall on Wednesday. county withheld most of its fund-
year, pleaded with federal workers a shooting tuesday night left five people injured and prompted a massive police response and a shelter-in-place order. ing for the coming year after a
to come back to its empty office group of conservative activists
buildings, and grasped for new sought the removal of LGBTQ
ways to revitalize downtown as
the commercial real estate market
Reeling after shooting, Morgan State cancels books aimed at young readers.
The standoff marked the first
time the national conservative
Yet after all that, the District9s
chief financial officer delivered
some good news as the fiscal year
classes and some homecoming festivities movement against books for chil-
dren about gender and sexual
orientation had threatened a
came to a close Sept. 30: Although public library in Virginia, though
some long-term risks remain wor- Baltimore university will also increase security measures after gunfire left five people wounded several school systems have
risome 4 such as a projection that wrestled with the issue.
25 percent of D.C.9s office and com- Under the new arrangement,
mercial building space will be va- BYL AUREN L UMPKIN, in Baltimore. He said the Samuels agreed to include a
cant by 2026 4 for now, the office J ASMINE H ILTON school would also increase se- member of the county supervi-
revised the city9s 2023 revenue es- AND J USTIN J OUVENAL curity measures. sors on its executive committee, a
timates upward by $178.8 million. <Please understand that the subset of the 15-member board of
That was largely thanks to higher- Morgan State University safety of our campus is of the trustees, which has always in-
than-expected sales tax and corpo- took the unprecedented step utmost importance and our cluded a representative from the
rate income tax revenue. Wednesday of canceling or resolve in ensuring that we county board. The library trust-
Now, that increase will allow postponing homecoming ac- have a secure campus is para- ees also agreed to consider candi-
D.C. to temporarily boost food tivities as police continued to mount,= Wilson wrote in a dates suggested by the county
assistance benefits by nearly investigate who was behind a message to the school commu- supervisors when seeking to ap-
$40 million, and give $20 million shooting on campus Tuesday nity. <We strongly believe that point new library board mem-
in direct cash assistance to certain night that left five people in- this moment calls for reflec- bers.
workers who were locked out of jured and prompted a massive tion, thus allowing our stu- The county had sought to gain
federal pandemic aid, such as un- police response and a shelter- dents, faculty and staff the control of the library board,
documented immigrants. in-place order. opportunity to focus on their which operates as a private non-
<It actually shows the strength University President David mental wellness.= profit and has roots dating to
SEE sNap oN b3 K. Wilson said he was taking Homecoming is a major 1799. But the library9s trustees
the step 4 and canceling celebration on campus, but rejected the takeover attempt,
classes for the rest of the week this was the third straight year saying they had instituted paren-
4 to ensure the safety of stu- that gunfire had marred the tal controls in response to the

Md. ûnds dents on the campus of the

historically Black university
a window on the seventh floor of morgan state University9s
thurgood marshall hall was damaged during the shooting.
annual festivities.
SEE shootiNg oN b2
The controversy and would not con-
sider further steps that they
regarded as discriminating

interim against LGBTQ patrons.

In a nod to both the recent
SEE libRaRy oN b2

leader Raskin, others urge IRS to waive In poll, Marylanders prefer
penalty on Md. 529 prepaid accounts tough stance on youth crime
AND N ICOLE A SBURY partment of Juvenile Services
Over half say strict laws analysis, which shows juvenile ar-
The Maryland State Board of D OUGLAS- G ABRIEL rests were down by 17 percent in
Education on Wednesday unani- can 8better help children9 fiscal 2023 compared with fiscal
mously appointed Carey Wright, a Members of Maryland9s con- who commit offenses 2020.
former schools chief in Mississip- gressional delegation are asking A majority of almost every dem-
pi who began her career in Mary- the Internal Revenue Service to ographic group polled by Gonza-
land, to serve as interim state su- spare families invested in the les Research and Media Services,
perintendent while a national state9s prepaid college savings BY O VETTA W IGGINS in this case men, women, Black
search is conducted to replace the plan from a hefty tax penalty they people, White people, Republi-
departing Mohammed Choud- could face to access the money in A new poll found that most cans and independents, said strict
hury. their accounts. Maryland residents, including laws should be in place to combat
Wright is known in the educa- The request comes months af- Black Democrats, support a juvenile crime.
tion world as the Mississippi su- ter Maryland9s state treasurer tough-on-crime stance toward Democrats were the only demo-
perintendent who raised student said his office would retroactively youth violence, favoring laws that graphic group surveyed as nearly
reading and math performance in apply a 6 percent earnings rate to include detention and boot camps split on the question, with 46 per-
a state that for decades had abys- prepaid accounts that had been for juveniles over laws that pre- cent preferring strict laws and 47
mal results on the National As- frozen for more than a year after scribe social programs and coun- percent preferring lenient laws.
sessment of Educational Progress, what the 529 agency called a seling. Nearly 62 percent of Black Demo-
a standardized test sometimes calculation error that incorrectly Fifty-nine percent of Maryland crats said they preferred strict
called the <gold standard= of stu- inflated balances. residents said strict laws would laws. Democrats make up a strong
dent assessment because it is seen During the suspension of earn- <ultimately better help children majority in Maryland and Black
as the most consistent nationally ings, 500 families rolled over the under 18 who commit crimes= people make up a large voting bloc
representative measure of U.S. principal balance of their ac- while 35 percent said laws charac- of the party.
Bonnie Jo MounT/The WashingTon posT
student achievement since the counts into Maryland9s tradition- terized as more lenient, which Public safety has commanded
1990s. She retired from the post in al 529 plan. But they must file a Rep. Jamie b. Raskin (D-md.) and other lawmakers are advocating acknowledge society bears re- attention from legislators in re-
June 2022 and now lives in Balti- claim with the state to get the for families invested in the state9s prepaid college savings plan. sponsibility for much of the be- cent months as elected officials
more County, according to an in- retroactive earnings, then roll havior, would be the best strategy, field reports of problems bubbling
terview she gave to Maryland that money over again. <This is a matter of basic fair- able financial and emotional according to a Gonzales Research up in their communities. During a
Matters. By law, owners of 529 accounts ness for thousands of our con- hardship on many parents and poll released Tuesday. recent Maryland House Judiciary
<We9ve got a grand opportunity are limited to one tax-free roll- stituents,= said Rep. Jamie B. students,= the lawmakers wrote in The findings come as the state Committee meeting, Del. Karen
here to ensure strong, equitable over per beneficiary within a 12- Raskin (D-Md.), who led the the letter to the IRS. <We ask you legislature weighs how to address SEE poll oN b3
outcomes for all of our students,= month period. Additional roll- group of lawmakers in sending a to help alleviate this situation a surge in youth gun violence and
Wright said after the state board overs during that time would be letter Wednesday to the agency. facing many of our constituents.= carjackings, and as law enforce-
vote. <And I just want you to know subject to a 10 percent tax penal- <We hope the IRS can act.= Lisa Getter Peterson, an ac- ment officials and some legisla- Theresa
I intend to take advantage of that ty. Lawmakers, citing the <unique Raskin signed the letter along- count holder who has helped or- tors seek to unwind recent laws
opportunity.= and unexpected circumstances= side Reps. David Trone, C.A. ganize parents, brought the tax that have taken a more systemic or Vargas
The decision comes at a critical related to the 529 accounts, are Dutch Ruppersberger and John issue to the attention of congres- holistic approach to addressing
time for Maryland as it begins a urging the IRS to let families Sarbanes, and Sen. Chris Van Hol- sional lawmakers over the sum- juvenile crime.
historic $3.8 billion program to execute additional rollovers from len 4 all Democratic lawmakers. mer. Youth crime in the state is down
transform the state9s public educa- their prepaid accounts without <The [prepaid college trust] <Why should account holders overall, mirroring a national She is away. Her column will resume
when she returns.
SEE WRight oN b2 penalty. account errors caused consider- SEE maRylaND 529 oN b4 trend, according to a recent De-
B2 eZ su the washington post . thursday, october 5 , 2023

For ûrst time, Morgan State calls ob homecoming events

SHooTinG from b1

university said it was canceling a

concert, a pep rally and a parade,
while a football game and a gala
would be delayed. Wilson said it
was the first time in the school9s
history the events had been called
Tuesday9s shooting happened
around 9:25 p.m. near Thurgood
marshall Hall, a dorm, shortly af-
ter another homecoming event,
the mister & miss morgan State
University coronation.
Baltimore Police Commission-
er richard Worley said at a news
conference Wednesday that the
gunfire was probably the result of
a dispute between two groups but
that none of the victims were the
intended targets of the mayhem.
four of the victims 4 ages 18 to 22
4 were morgan State students,
and the fifth was not identified.
All suffered non-life-threatening
It was unclear how many peo-
ple opened fire during the shoot-
ing that sent students fleeing
across campus, but Worley said at
least three had weapons. Police
have not released descriptions of
the people involved in the shoot-
ing or detailed the nature of the
dispute that prompted it, but said
video evidence and interviews
had given them a sense of what
<We know there was more than
one person with a weapon, but the
problem is ballistics has to tell us
how many guns were shot,= Wor-
ley said. <one individual was a
target of two individuals who had
JuliA nikhinson/AP
weapons. We don9t believe that
individual was hit.= Morgan State University Police Chief lance Hatcher speaks at a news conference after a shooting on campus. The university had events scheduled this week to celebrate
morgan State is the largest homecoming. because of the shooting, it announced Wednesday that it was canceling a concert, a pep rally and a parade, while a football game and a gala would be delayed.
HBCU in maryland, with more
than 9,000 students. nation at the Carl J. murphy fine tempted mass killing. They cor- The walkways outside the stu- into song, crooning, <We worship with shootings in recent months.
The Baltimore campus was Arts Center. There were dancers doned off buildings and deployed dent center, usually full of activity, you, our Lord. You are worthy to An assailant fatally shot a faculty
largely deserted Wednesday, and a and singers performing among a SWAT team to search the cam- were mostly empty Wednesday. be praised,= until nearly everyone member at the University of North
somber mood prevailed. hundreds there to celebrate a de- pus. Video posted on social media Kevin rowland said he was on sang along. They rocked slowly Carolina at Chapel Hill in August.
felicia Edwards stood outside a cades-long tradition. The event showed officers searching a dorm his way to the business school back and forth in the creaking A shooter killed three students
dorm waving a sign that read ended around 9 p.m. room occupied by students after building, where volunteers were wooden pews. and wounded five others at michi-
<free Hugs from a morgan mom= Yates, who uses they/them pro- yelling <police!= The lockdown handing out food and offering Charity Couzens and Karisse gan State University in february.
as rattled students trickled out nouns, said the event had been was lifted on campus around shelter to students affected by the Corke-Salandy, both freshmen, maryland Gov. Wes moore (D)
past yellow police tape. joyful. But the scene quickly 12:30 a.m. Wednesday. The uni- shooting. rowland said he was said they felt comforted after the opened a routine state govern-
many took Edwards up on the turned to terror. versity canceled classes for the nearby last october when a 20- hour-long service. ment meeting Wednesday by
offer. <I was getting ready to start day. year-old student was shot on cam- Later Wednesday, Baltimore praising morgan State as a <na-
After learning her daughter heading toward my car, and the <The young people that went pus. The year before that, an 18- mayor Brandon Scott led a com- tional treasure= that produces en-
was safe, Edwards said she woke next thing I know . . . we saw through this trauma were ex- year-old student was shot near the munity walk through Coldstream- gineers, nurses, educators, entre-
up Wednesday thinking of ways to people start running,= Yates said. tremely cooperative,= Worley said. school9s montebello complex. Homestead-montebello, a neigh- preneurs and public servants.
help. She put on a blue-and-or- Some said there was a shooting. <They helped us in every way they <It9s bad to say, I9m used to it,= borhood that borders the univer- He lamented gun violence and
ange morgan State hat and match- Yates and friends started off to could, especially when we had to rowland said. sity. The mayor frequently hosts encouraged people to come for-
ing T-shirt and headed to the cam- the student center as police in come into their buildings and About 50 people gathered in- these walks, with department ward if they know anything about
pus. <A lot of parents aren9t here; helicopters announced a lock- dorm rooms.= side the school9s small chapel heads and residents, through the attack.
they can9t get here like I can,= she down. By the time they got to the Wilson said in a message to Wednesday. neighborhoods across the city. <We as a society, we cannot
said. center, the building9s doors were campus earlier Wednesday that They passed around a micro- The walk came shortly after allow this to stand,= moore said at
<Are you okay?= Edwards and locked. The garage was still open. <we will march on with determi- phone and shared tearful prayers. morgan State announced its deci- the start of a Board of Public
two other women asked two stu- <me and my friends, we were nation to keep moving on.= <Keep your head up, morgan; sion to cancel homecoming activi- Works meeting. <Because if we
dents. kind of sitting ducks,= Yates said. But that wasn9t easy. you are amazing,= said one wom- ties. allow this to stand, we are all
<Yeah, we9re okay,= a student in <At that point, everything was on Breya Link, 19, walked into the an, an alumna. She remarked on <While we all know and under- going to fall. We both have to deal
a blue hoodie said. lockdown for everyone.= Thurgood marshall Hall for the the <excellence= she saw at the stand how big homecoming is and with the very real issue of why it is
Behind her, and several floors Yates and their group of about first time since the shooting. She coronation and how quickly the how important of a thing it is for so easy for people to get their
up, were the remnants of a large 10 friends waited in a raised hall- was staying with her aunt else- community came together to pro- many people, the most important hands on firearms and why it is so
window that had been damaged way inside the parking garage at- where in Baltimore on Tuesday tect one another after shots rang thing right now is the well-being easy for those who have their
by bullets. As of Wednesday morn- tached to the student center be- night and hesitated to return to out. <The enemy9s plans didn9t of their students,= Scott said, vow- hands on firearms to be willing to
ing, Edwards had given about 20 fore eventually fleeing the cam- her dorm. work,= she said. <God made sure ing to support the school with pull the trigger on another human
hugs. pus. <It9s insane,= she said. <People that every child went home last <whatever they need as the inves- being.=
michael Yates, a 20-year-old ju- Police initially thought the got shot inside of my building. It night.= tigation continues.=
nior, had attended Tuesday9s coro- shooting might have been an at- could have been me.= Another chapel-goer broke out other campuses have dealt erin Cox contributed to this report.

Samuels Library has its funding restored with LGBTQ policies unchanged
library from b1 solution that benefits the entire tured the community. many of up to the supervisors because,
community.= the Clean Up Samuels Library <as a republican, I do not
Supervisors Chairwoman group clamoring for books to be believe in government over-
upheaval and the library9s pol- Vicky Cook said in the release removed and for the county to reach of any kind at any time. &
icy changes, the agreement says that she is <pleased that Warren take over were affiliated with a I believe the library has been
the library <shall continue to be County Board of Supervisors local Catholic church and the more than accommodating.=
responsive to public concerns as and the Samuels Library Board conservative Christendom Col- The Board of Supervisors, he
exhibited by recent changes to of Trustees have come to an lege, but last month a group of said, <should agree with the
the Library9s collection with the agreement that will continue 42 Catholic churchgoers 4 at terms Samuel9s library sets up.=
addition of the New Adult sec- our partnership of providing an least one of whom was on the Less than a month later, the
tion for ages 16 and older hous- outstanding library service to faculty at Christendom 4 sub- board largely did.
ing mature content. This collec- our community.= mitted a petition saying they <our group, of course, is ec-
tion shall be housed in the Adult Despite an organized cam- disagreed and stood by the li- static,= said front royal resident
area of the Library.= paign for much of the year to brary. Charles Stewart, who is active
<This is a positive outcome overwhelm the library9s staff Around the same time, rob- with library supporters. <I think
for all Warren County resi- with requests to remove some ert Hupman, a farmer and the pressure got to be a little
dents,= melody Hotek, president 141 books, virtually all of them chairman of the Warren County much for the supervisors.=
of the library9s board of trustees, related to LGBTQ themes, Sam- republican Committee, posted mark Egger, who started the
said Wednesday in a news re- uels Library has never been a statement on facebook calling campaign to remove books and
lease announcing the agree- more popular. Its visitors are up for an end to the campaign has been one of the library9s
ment. <We would like to thank 15 percent and the number of against the library. <Let9s stop most vocal critics, said via
the Warren County Board [of ] donors up 25 percent from 2022. this nonsense from being email: <my only comment is MAtthew BArAkAt/AP

Supervisors for listening to citi- The controversy caused the dragged out any longer,= Hup- this: 8A boy cannot become a Under an agreement signed Tuesday, the library, which operates as
zen input and negotiating in library9s director to resign over man wrote, adding that he ap- girl, and a girl cannot become a a private nonprofit and traces its roots to 1799, will avoid having
good faith to reach a workable the summer, though, and frac- plauded the library for standing boy.9 Put that in your article.= county supervisors control its handling of lGbTQ-related books.

Md. to reveal interim education chief ahead of the vote. The people
spoke on the condition of ano-
nymity because they were not
cy, accountability, and partner-
Wright started her career as a
of Special Education and Student
Services for montgomery County
Public Schools, but she then left
authorized to comment on the teacher in Prince George9s County the maryland school district to
WriGHT from b1 til next June while serving as a work environment, driving away decision. Public Schools, maryland9s work as the chief academic officer
senior policy adviser to the panel. veteran staffers and micromanag- In maryland, the State Board of second-largest district. She also and deputy chief for the D.C. Pub-
tion system 4 a job Choudhury He also will be allowed to consult ing the department. Choudhury Education hires the superinten- spent more than two decades in lic Schools9 office of Teaching and
was hired to do. But he lost sup- for outside entities with board had not been a district or a state dent, and the governor appoints Howard County Public Schools as Learning. In 2013, she was named
port on the 14-member governing permission. superintendent before being members to that board. Gov. Wes a teacher, principal and director of as mississippi9s state superinten-
board for a second term as super- Choudhury withdrew from hired in maryland, and board moore (D) has appointed six so far. special education and student ser- dent of education.
intendent. Board leaders an- consideration for a second term members now want to bring in moore said in a statement vices, according to her LinkedIn Wright will earn a salary of
nounced last week that he would last month after a problem- someone with deep leadership ex- Wednesday that he is confident profile. $350,000 and is scheduled to start
leave his post by oct. 6 but would plagued two-year tenure in which perience, one of the people with Wright would be <a dedicated She later was hired as the asso- by oct. 23. Her term will conclude
keep his $325,000-plus salary un- he was accused of creating a toxic knowledge of the decision said leader committed to transparen- ciate superintendent for the office June 30, 2024.

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thursday, october 5 , 2023 . the washington post eZ Re B3

Look out below! An acorn cacophony is raining down this heavy 8mast9 year.
I9m running out year? Agricultural research Service, being eaten in masting years
of ways to No, I9m not alone. said there9s a possibility that and therefore germinate and
describe the <It is gangbusters,= said trees synchronize their seed compete for space, sunlight and
sounds the acorns Francis Smith, natural production via volatile soil.=
are making as resources planner at the chemicals released from their In other words, there are too
John they rain down maryland forest Service. <It is foliage or that they many acorns for the animals to
Kelly's upon me. just a very heavy mast year, even communicate via their roots. eat them all. And if a fat mast
Washington When they beyond just the acorns of the But the real trigger for a mast year is preceded by a lean year,
separate from the oak species. I have folks year is the weather, Wood said. acorn-wise, there may be fewer
oak trees, there9s reporting their hickory trees are A hot, dry, sunny growing predators to begin with. of
a ripping sound, dropping hickory nuts all over season followed by a warm late course, that means the opposite
like an iceberg calving. When their yards. And pawpaws 4 I winter and an early spring is also true: more acorns leads
they hit the porch roof, it9s like a have a farmer in Anne Arundel, correlates with the seed to more acorn eaters.
hailstorm. When they hit a they9ve been there for a decade, production of individual trees. <The sudden increase in
gutter, it9s the clang of a gong. and in her woods she9s never It can also indirectly lead to nutrients and energy from an
When they hit the flagstone seen pawpaw produce and drop synchronization among many abundance of seed results in
patio, it9s a rifle-crack. When as much. trees. substantial elevation of
they land in the soft grass, the <And there9ll be understory <This synchronization is not populations of seed-feeding
sound reminds me of the gentle trees, too. Dogwoods, black gum only affected by current spring animals such as squirrel, mice,
thump of a lazily tossed baseball and redbuds are full of seed weather, but weather conditions deer, turkey, feral hog, black
falling into a worn leather mitt. buds.= during the previous growing bear, certain bird species and
There really haven9t been too That explains the papery, John Kelly/the Washington Post season and sometimes the certain other mammals,= Wood
many gentle thumps lately. peapod-like seedpods hanging Acorns prepare to plummet in Montgomery County. Multiple tree growing season two years wrote.
frankly, it9s been like an from the redbud in my species are producing a bumper seed crop, especially red oak. earlier,= Wood wrote in an email. But more animals that feed
artillery barrage in my corner of backyard. At least those don9t Experts may not understand on seeds mean more animals
montgomery County. The oak make a racket when they fall. encountered at Bridgewater blanketing our yard. Every time exactly how it happens 4 that feed on animals that feed
trees around us are spewing Joshua McLaughlin, College in the Shenandoah our dog goes outside, he pauses. <mother Nature is the one who on seeds. Wood said an increase
acorns like bullets from a manager of the Virginia Valley. I think Archie wonders if he knows the tricks of her trade,= in ticks, fleas and mites can lead
Gatling gun. Department of forestry9s tree <The guy calls and says, 8Josh, should eat the acorns 4 the Smith said 4 but they have a to an increase in diseases
Being a moderately educated nursery in Augusta County, said I don9t have enough sacks to get cicadas from 2021 were so pretty good idea why: Every transmitted by the bloodsucking
lover of nature, I know this white oak acorns are running all the red oaks,9= he said. yummy 4 before deciding living creature wants to increase insects, such as Lyme disease.
happens every few autumns. It9s behind last year9s numbers, but mcLaughlin suggested he use they9re not for him. the chance its DNA will live on Well that9s just great. I9ve
called a mast year, when, for red oaks are off the charts. a 4-foot-by-4-foot container It9s a bit of a mystery how a in future generations. been wondering if this mast
reasons no one is quite sure of, mcLaughlin oversees the used for carrying seedlings. bunch of trees decide to Wrote Wood: <masting year means I need to wear a
trees produce more seeds than collection of donated acorns <He came back, and he had it produce masses of seeds. Bruce confers an evolutionary helmet when I go outside this
usual. But am I alone in from across the state to grow at full to the top of red oak acorns. Wood, a retired research advantage in that seed fall, when it appears I9ll need to
thinking we9re experiencing the nursery. recently, a crew I9ve never seen that before.= horticulturist from the U.S. predators are satiated to such a wear bug spray next spring and
something like peak acorn this was overwhelmed by what they Acorns are certainly Agriculture Department9s degree that more seeds escape summer.


Report: Security for shootings lacking

ton, a former deputy secretary of active shooter drills that test the
Public Safety and Homeland Secu- effectiveness of communications
Commission calls for rity, wrote in an introduction to during a crisis and a requirement
requiring drills, better the report. to make building blueprints avail-
one category dealt with the un- able to first responders, the com-
tech to minimize risks derlying motive of the shooter, mission recommended.
DeWayne Craddock. The commission also sought to
Craddock, a longtime engineer address some of the confusion
BY A NTONIO O LIVO with the city9s Department of Pub- during the Virginia Beach shoot-
lic Utilities, had struggled on the ing, where local police had
Virginia localities should be re- job and complained of mistreat- problems getting key card access
quired to conduct active shooter ment at his job for several years, to the building where Craddock,
drills, ensure that police have easy according to a 2021 fBI report. armed with a pair of .45-caliber
access to their municipal build- In the weeks leading up to the handguns, was in the midst of his
ings and invest in technology that shooting, Craddock was dealing rampage.
would allow officials to detect with a vendor payment problem in The state legislature should
weapons and track the where- which the city attorney9s office had adopt minimum security mea-
abouts of a shooter, a state com- become involved, the fBI found. sures for all state and local govern-
mission convened after the 2019 He sent a terse resignation letter ment buildings to ensure that first
Matt MCClain/the Washington Post
Virginia Beach shooting has rec- to one city official before starting responders get access to all parts
ommended. his rampage. of any building, the commission Investigators gather at the Virginia Beach municipal center on June 3, 2019, a few days after a
The shooting by a disgruntled The state commission recom- said. disgruntled engineer killed 12 people at the government complex 4 all but one of them city employees.
Virginia Beach engineer who mended that municipalities re- <This lack of standardization
killed 12 people at the government quire that all new managers un- was a problem at Virginia Beach bono attorneys, while a similar mission, to have subpoena power,= the victims9 families and the mu-
complex 4 all but one of them city dergo training that includes how for first responders,= the commis- commission created in the after- the report said. <Subpoena power nicipal employees physically and
employees 4 exposed security to recognize the signals that an sion9s report said. math of the 2007 Virginia Tech affords those talking to the emotionally scarred by the event.
lapses inside local government fa- employee is troubled and where to The approach to alerting em- shooting had a $460,000 budget Commission protection against The commission agreed that a
cilities, rattling officials in Vir- go to get him or her help. ployees of such threats should with eight pro bono attorneys retaliation.= mechanism for some sort of state
ginia. Grievances by troubled employ- mirror the rapid text alert systems assisting, the report said. Virginia Beach officials did not compensation should be estab-
In a report submitted last week ees should be directly handled by in place at colleges and univer- Getting information from Vir- immediately respond Wednesday lished, recommending the adop-
to Gov. Glenn Youngkin (r) and trained human resources person- sities in Virginia, the commission ginia Beach employees was chal- to a request for comment. tion of a Virginia mass Violence
the General Assembly, the state nel, instead of an Hr department stated. lenging, the commission said. finally, the state commission Care fund for all victims of mass
commission tasked with investi- liaison to employees, which is the A portion of the report dealt Two of those workers refused to sought to address some of the shootings in the state.
gating the shooting issued 52 rec- current industry practice, the with the commission9s frustra- cooperate, citing fear of retalia- frustrations of those affected by <Such a bill should guarantee
ommendations aimed at minimiz- commission9s report said. tions with the process of investi- tion by the city, with one saying <if the shooting. medical care for victims in perpe-
ing such risks in the future. To better guard against a shoot- gating what led up to the shooting he did talk to the Commission he Some of those individuals have tuity,= the report said.
<Tragically, this was one of ing inside public buildings, the and how it could have been might be fired,= the report said. pressed for a $40 million dis- The General Assembly allocat-
many mass shootings in the Com- General Assembly should set prevented. <Consideration should be bursement from the state to deal ed $10 million to assist victims of
monwealth of Virginia,= the com- statewide standards of safety for The commission had a budget granted to afford commissions, with the lingering impacts, saying mass shootings in the state budget
mission9s chair, ryant Washing- such facilities, including regular of $35,504, with no access to pro such as the Virginia Beach Com- the city has failed to provide for signed by Youngkin last month.

D.C. SNAP recipients expected to get denly with less money to spend on
groceries each month, in some
cases significantly less.
year they say we9re not going to
have enough 4 and then every
year, it9s there,= Lewis George said.
downs, noting the economy was in
a different place. <Now, DC is open
and job opportunities abound;

boost thanks to city9s excess revenue Henderson9s bill, Give SNAP a

raise, passed in December, creat-
ing a local SNAP supplement to
Nadeau said Tuesday that the
excluded workers had reason to
worry 4 she was wary of giving
however, the Council will still take
a vote on using $20 million of
future revenue to fund a program
enhance families9 food-assistance them <false hope,= she said, be- intended to support workers
SNAp from B1 mented immigrants, others ex- with D.C. Hunger Solutions, benefit by 10 percent 4 an amount cause they had been burned by the when there were no opportuni-
cluded from unemployment assis- which advocates to increase food Henderson acknowledged was city before. The council had previ- ties,= Jenny reed, director of the
of the District economy at the mo- tance or other pandemic aid in- access. In 2019, about 94,000 Dis- modest but could still help fami- ously budgeted $20 million for the office, said in a statement in 2022.
ment,= said D.C. Council member cluded certain domestic workers trict residents relied on SNAP, ac- lies, especially after the expiration workers in 2022, requiring Now even further removed
Christina Henderson (I-At Large), or <cash economy= workers. cording to the Center on Budget of the emergency benefits. Still, EventsDC 4 a quasi-governmen- from that 2022 vote, Nadeau said
who led the legislation to boost <This is going to be really good and Policy Priorities. By 2020, that Henderson said that in a tough tal agency with connections to the she disagreed with any suggestion
Supplemental Nutrition Assis- for all of our communities. folks number spiked to roughly 135,000 budget year, she anticipated diffi- hospitality industry 4 to adminis- that the help is no longer needed.
tance Program (SNAP) benefits. are going to be able to use that to residents. culty funding the legislation, at ter the money with the help of <one of the arguments at the time
<Admittedly, I didn9t actually think pay off debt, to make purchases Lamonika Jones, executive di- least permanently 4 and cash as- nonprofits. But just as they were was people are going back to work
that the $40 million in excess rev- they9ve been delaying 4 it9s going rector of D.C. Hunger Solutions, sistance for excluded workers ramping up to distribute the mon- 4 they don9t really need it any-
enue would come to fruition given to be a critical lifeline,= Nadeau said residents on SNAP 4 over- faced a similar challenge. ey this spring, Council Chairman more. What that didn9t take into
everything going on.= said. whelmingly east of the river in As a solution, council member Phil mendelson (D) said that the account was that people had
Council member Brianne K. Both programs were intended Wards 7 and 8, she said 4 were still Janeese Lewis George (D-Ward 4) mayor had repurposed the funds cashed out their savings. They had
Nadeau (D-Ward 1) said she didn9t, to address the dual impacts of the struggling to afford groceries even led an amendment in the budget since they were unspent. taken extreme measures like not
either. She said the workers she pandemic and a strained economy with a federal emergency allot- that would trigger funding for The executive9s office of Budget paying rent just to make ends
has heard from, who could receive that caused high inflation and ment that increased their benefits both programs as long as the fu- and Performance management meet,= Nadeau said. <Even this
hundreds of dollars in direct pay- may have made it harder for low- during the pandemic. ture revenue was available. Lewis had previously been critical of the money is coming late.=
ments, are ecstatic that the checks income families to bounce back. That enhanced federal aid ex- George said the economic forecast council9s pursuit of cash assis- The 10 percent enhancement in
could finally be coming after years Henderson said she began dis- pired in march 4 leaving tens of never worried her as she pushed tance as D.C. was trying to open up SNAP benefits would run from
of advocacy. Along with undocu- cussions during the pandemic thousands of D.C. residents sud- for the contingency plan. <Every after the pandemic-era shut- January through September 2024.

Poll ûnds most Black Democrats in Maryland favor strict laws on youth crime
poLL from B1 Under current state law, young that never made it out of commit- dress rising gun violence. quately suited.= be laid.=
people accused of violent crimes tee. The measure was supported Schiraldi said JAmA, the Amer- Smith said Tuesday that the meanwhile, the poll found that
Toles (D-Prince George9s) who is are automatically charged as by the moore administration. ican medical Association9s jour- juvenile jurisdiction ends at age maryland residents are largely
Black, gave voice to a shared frus- adults and can be waived down to maryland Juvenile Services nal, released a study this summer 21, which means that if someone pleased with moore as he marks
tration, saying: <We need to stop juvenile court. fifty-seven percent Secretary Vincent N. Schiraldi, a that found that young people tried rapes or kills a person at age 17 and nearly a year in office, giving him a
making excuses for these kids. of maryland residents polled said nationally recognized criminal as adults have shorter life spans. remains in the juvenile system, he 60 percent approval rating. Presi-
They know exactly what they9re they oppose legislation that would justice reformer who joined the <The evidence is still there for it,= or she can go free at age 21 without dent Biden received a 57 percent
doing.= allow a teenager accused of rape moore administration this year, he said of doing away with auto- a record, without supervision and job approval rating from mary-
The poll, which surveyed or murder to have his or her case has supported an end to the auto- matic prosecution in adult courts. without a requirement to partici- land residents. over three-fourths
818 registered voters, was con- tried in juvenile court instead of matic prosecution of teenagers as <Whether the politics are there for pate in services. of Democrats, 53 percent of inde-
ducted from Sept. 18 to 28. The being charged as an adult. Thirty- adults. you, you guys are the elected offi- He said that services should pendent voters and 30 percent of
margin of error is plus or minus eight percent of the respondents <The outcomes for kids in the cials, not me.= continue to age 25 and the ser- republicans approve of the job
3.5 percentage points. The poll said they support a change to the adult system are terrible. They are maryland Senate Judicial Pro- vices need to be comprehensive, moore is doing.
also found that more than half of law that would automatically more subject to abuse in an adult ceedings Committee Chairman noting that the state does not have <Governor moore9s 30% ap-
maryland residents oppose an ef- charge a young person as an adult. facility, sexual and physical,= and William C. Smith Jr. (D-montgom- a drug and alcohol treatment fa- proval rating among his maryland
fort, recommended by the mary- Last year the maryland Juve- they <have worse outcomes,= Schi- ery) said he agrees that youths cility for juveniles. <I want to get 8Grand old Party9 constituents is
land Juvenile Justice reform nile Justice reform Council rec- raldi said last month when asked should be charged as juveniles, to yes but our system needs tre- one of the best marks we9ve seen a
Council and supported by the ad- ommended that all cases involv- about the proposal during a hear- adding that <it would be wholly mendous reform before we can republican voter bloc confer on
ministration of Gov. Wes moore ing juvenile defendants begin in ing to discuss juvenile crime and irresponsible for us to pass a piece get there,= he said in a text mes- an elected Democrat officeholder
(D), to ban charging youths who juvenile court. Sen. Jill Carter (D- what actions the legislature of legislation of that sort at this sage. <The system is not ready. We in a long time,= Patrick Gonzales
commit violent crimes as adults. Baltimore City) proposed a bill should consider next year to ad- time because our system is inade- need to push for the foundation to said in the findings.
B4 eZ re the washington post . thursday, october 5 , 2023

Raskin calls potential waiver of 529 tax penalty a 8matter of basic fairness9
marYlaND 529 from B1 future tuition payments by pur- about $155,000. Come July, the waiver.= (D) said his office has been proac- ter Gov. Wes moore (D) signed
chasing semester credits by the accounts will no longer earn any The IrS has relaxed its rules tively working with raskin and legislation to overhaul the agency
be penalized for something they semester, the year or multiple interest as the state winds down before. supports the effort to deliver tax that runs the state9s two college
couldn9t control?= she said. years. As a result, there are 3,697 the trust. rolling over the plans, Last summer, the agency relief to account holders. on savings plans. Lawmakers and
Getter Peterson noted that the prepaid trust beneficiaries who Dubsky said, makes the most waived penalties for nearly Wednesday, the treasurer9s office account holders criticized mary-
tax penalty would also harm fam- have more than one account, ac- sense but could cost him $15,500 1.6 million people who struggled opened a portal to let prepaid land 529 for obfuscation and in-
ilies with multiple prepaid plans cording to the maryland state in taxes. to file their tax returns on time account holders submit claims competence in its handling of the
if they want to roll over some or treasurer. <It9s a lot of money to throw during the pandemic. The IrS for the retroactive earnings and earnings debacle.
all of those accounts. michael Dubsky, who lives in away,= Dubsky said. <I9ll be forced automatically issued more than encouraged them to do so by Dubsky and Getter Peterson
The maryland Prepaid College Carroll County, md., has three to make a decision before July, $1.2 billion in refunds or credits. Dec. 31. praised Davis for bringing about
Trust, unlike the state9s tradition- prepaid plans for his daughter but I9m willing to wait to see if A spokesman for maryland Davis took the helm of the a resolution that lives up to what
al 529 plan, lets families lock in and four for his son, totaling Congressman raskin can get a State Treasurer Dereck E. Davis maryland 529 agency June 1, af- families were promised.

EndEl Tulving, 96

Psychologist9s research
reshaped understanding
of human memories
BY M ICHAEL S . R OSENWALD <Think of it like this,= ran-
ganath said. <Where is the best
Endel Tulving, who trans- place to find a parking spot?
formed the study of human mem- That9s a question for semantic
ory with revelatory observations memory. But where did I put my
about how the brain stores and car today? That9s a question for
retrieves information 4 for ex- episodic memory.=
ample, differentiating from Dr. Tulving came to this idea
knowing what a shoe is to re- through his work showing that
membering the purchase of limit- the brain records and retrieves
ed edition Nikes 4 died Sept. 11 at information on two separate
a retirement home in mississau- tracks, a finding that meant infor-
ga, ontario. He was 96. mation seemingly forgotten
The cause was a heart attack, could be recalled with the appro-
according to his daughters, Linda priate cues.
Tulving and Elo Tulving-Blais. He once showed his students
Dr. Tulving, a cognitive psy- how this worked by asking them
chologist who taught at the Uni- to quickly remember 20 words 4
versity of Toronto for 35 years, such as violin, yellow, desk 4 and
almost single-handedly pushed write them down. most were only
his field to think of memory as able to remember about 10
something more than just one big words. Dr. Tulving, according to
pile of information, memories his entry in a collection of Cana-
and experiences. His peers re- dian scientist biographies, then KeiTh BeaTy/ToronTo STar/GeTTy imaGeS

called him as a towering figure in picked up one student9s list and Dr. Endel Tulving9s proposals, especially the difference between episodic and semantic memory systems, were considered controversial
psychology and neuroscience. found the word <yellow= was when he made them in the 1960s and 970s, but the studies he used to prove their work were regarded as transformative.
<one could make the case that missing.
there is memory before Tulving <Wasn9t there a color on the sense of bringing back to con- ther was a judge, and his mother worked as a farmer9s hand before during the pandemic.
and memory after Tulving,= said list?= he asked. scious awareness, a single thing owned a furniture store. enrolling at the University of Anna-Lisa Cohen, a Yeshiva
University of California at Davis The student replied: <Yellow!= that he has ever done or experi- He was 17 when the Soviet Toronto, where he received a University professor of psycholo-
neuroscientist and psychologist Dr. Tulving9s proposals, espe- enced in the past,= Dr. Tulving Union invaded Estonia during bachelor9s degree in psychology gy, wrote in The Washington Post
Charan ranganath, the author of cially the difference between wrote in American Scientist in World War II. He and his younger in 1953 and a master9s degree the about how Dr. Tulving9s notion of
the upcoming book <Why We episodic and semantic memory 1989. <He cannot remember him- brother became separated from following year. <mental time travel= could help
remember.= systems, were considered contro- self experiencing situations and their parents and were conscript- He received a doctorate in <transport ourselves to a better
<In my opinion, he9s the most versial when he made them in the participating in life9s events.= ed to Germany. The brothers did psychology from Harvard in 1957. place, or at least a different mo-
important cognitive scientist of 1960s and 970s, but he gradually But he does recall facts from not see their parents for more His parents came to live with him ment in time.=
the 20th century.= proved their worth with several his life 4 semantic memories. than 20 years and spent most of in Toronto for several years be- Cohen wrote of a gathering
Dr. Tulving is best known for ingenious studies. <K.C. knows that his family that time wondering if they were fore moving back to Estonia. with friends 4 outside 4 in
proposing that humans have two one was a study using positron owns a summer cottage, knows alive. Dr. Tulving married ruth mik- which they shared travel memo-
forms of memories, which he emission tomography 4 PET where it is located, and can point <I did not know where to kelsaar, an artist, in 1950. She ries, including <the time one of us
described in a chapter of <organi- scans 4 that showed different out the location on a map of write,= he told the Toronto Star in died in 2012. Survivors include swam, screeching, through bat
zation of memory,= a 1972 book he areas of the brain were associated ontario, and he knows that he 2006. <I did know our old home their daughters and five grand- infested caves in Playa del Car-
co-edited with Wayne Donaldson. with each form of memory. An- has spent summers and week- had burned down, because the children. men, mexico.=
one was semantic, a form of other was interviews he did with ends there,= Dr. Tulving wrote. whole town was burned down.= While memory is typically as- <In that moment, we saw the
knowing: that George Washing- an amnesic patient named Kent <But he does not remember a Dr. Tulving finished high sociated with the past, Dr. Tulv- blue of the ocean and we could
ton was the first president of the Cochrane. single occasion when he was at school in a German refugee ing thought of it 4 especially taste the cold cerveza served at
United States, that cats look dif- K.C., as he was known to the the cottage or a single event that camp. After graduation, he episodic memory 4 as moving the local beach bar,= Cohen wrote,
ferent from dogs. The other was, scientists who studied him, suf- happened there.= worked as a U.S. Army translator forward. reaching back for spe- using the Spanish word for beer.
as he coined the term, episodic: fered severe brain injuries in a Endel Tulving was born in and briefly studied medicine at cific moments, which he called <for an instant, we were no lon-
the experience of eating a deli- motorcycle accident. Petseri, Estonia, on may 26, 1927, the University of Heidelberg. In <mental time travel,= could help ger present, but, rather, trans-
cious croissant after shopping on <K.C.9s case is remarkable in and grew up in Tartu, the coun- 1949, he moved to Canada with unravel what to do in the present ported to another time and
the Avenue des Champs-Élysées. that he cannot remember, in the try9s second-largest city. His fa- several other Estonians and and future. This idea came up place.=

JamEs HogE, 87

A veteran of the big city tabloid wars

BY M ICHAEL S . R OSENWALD Pam Zekman, one of the re- that resulted in violent clashes
porters on the team that pro- between picketers and employees
James Hoge, who tussled with duced a 25-part series on the reporting for work.
unions, politicians and rupert corruption, recalled the idea had Unable to resolve disagree-
murdoch while running tabloid originally and unsuccessfully ments over wages, overtime and
newspapers in Chicago and New been pitched to editors at the staffing levels, mr. Hoge threat-
York City, then had a second, Tribune while she worked there ened in early 1991 to shutter the
more highbrow career in interna- on the investigative staff. After paper. That march, British pub-
tional relations rousing the es- she joined the Sun-Times, she lisher robert maxwell stepped up
teemed but sleepy foreign Affairs found it <wonderfully refreshing= to buy the paper and negotiated a
magazine, died Sept. 19 at a that mr. Hoge embraced the idea. labor deal with the paper9s
hospital in manhattan. He was 87. The series, published in 1978, unions. mr. Hoge stayed on for
The cause was a cerebral hem- was nominated for a Pulitzer several months before leaving.
orrhage, said his wife, Kathleen Prize, but an ethical debate over The following year, the Council
Lacey. the paper9s undercover reporting on foreign relations named mr.
mr. Hoge, who was once fea- sank its chances. Hoge editor of foreign Affairs, a
tured in an Esquire article head- In 1976, while still working at policy and international affairs
lined <The Dangers of Being Too the Sun-Times, mr. Hoge was journal started in 1922. Given his
Good-Looking= and was some- appointed editor of its sister pa- lengthy career in tabloid journal-
times likened to robert redford per, the Chicago Daily News, ism, a medium not generally
in his WASPy handsomeness, which published in the after- conducive to lucid policy analy-
stood out in journalism in other noon. The marshall field family, sis, the choice was seen as a
ways. Along with being exponen- which owned both papers, put surprise by some media onlook- harry hamBurG/GeTTy imaGeS

tially more debonair and stylish the Sun-Times up for sale in 1983. ers. James Hoge speaks at the Overseas Press Club when he was publisher of the New York Daily News.
than typical newsroom inhabit- mr. Hoge organized a group of But mr. Hoge had been an The Chicago Sun-Times won six Pulitzer Prizes under his prior leadership there.
ants, he also pushed for stylish, investors to buy it but lost to active member of the Council on
engaging writing during his murdoch, the Australian press foreign relations, and its board lished political scientist Samuel guy who loved being a lawyer, but Hoge Adams, robert Warren
three-decade career guiding tab- baron who owned the New York thought he could enliven the P. Huntington9s influential essay who also had a visceral response Hoge and James Patrick Hoge; a
loids through a tumultuous pre- Post. magazine and make it more read- <Clash of Civilizations?= arguing to newspapers,= he told Vanity son from a relationship with TV
internet era in the newspaper <There was never any question able, both in design and text. (In a that cultural and religious con- fair. <He9d spread the papers out journalist Cynthia mcfadden,
industry. whether I would stay,= mr. Hoge nod to concerns about his back- flicts would dominate the world on the floor and he9d say, 8Look at Spencer Hoge; a stepdaughter,
His meteoric rise began at the told The Washington Post after ground, he presented council following the Cold War9s end. He that, will you!9 or he9d say, 8read Kienan Lacey; a stepson, Devin
Chicago Sun-Times in 1958, first losing to murdoch. <We both leaders with a mock front cover also published the <Tiananmen that column!9 or he9d just laugh.= Lacey; 11 grandchildren; and a
as a Washington correspondent, knew it was impossible.= featuring supermodel Cindy Papers,= revealing secret discus- mr. Hoge graduated in 1954 sister.
then, at age 29, as city editor, Tribune Co., publisher of the Crawford and cover lines reading sions among China9s leaders on from the private Phillips Exeter mr. Hoge9s younger brother,
followed three years later by his Chicago Tribune and New York <Boris9 Babes= and <Sexiest Eth- crushing student protests in Academy in New Hampshire. He longtime New York Times jour-
appointment as managing editor. Daily News, hired mr. Hoge as nic rivalries.=) 1989. studied political science at Yale nalist and editor Warren Hoge,
By 44, he was publisher. The publisher of the New York paper, mr. Hoge immediately sig- <What foreign Affairs pro- University, graduating in 1958. died in August at 82.
paper won six Pulitzer Prizes which was losing a tabloid battle naled that the magazine would vides,= mr. Hoge once said, <is a Three years later, he received a Throughout his life, profiles of
during his leadership. with murdoch9s Post. become more timely, delaying his unique, nonpartisan forum for master9s degree from the Univer- mr. Hoge noted his patrician
In addition to adding sections <I want to be the man who has first issue until after Bill Clinton9s wide-ranging ideas on America9s sity of Chicago, paying his way upbringing. He found them an-
covering food, real estate and on his epitaph he saved the Daily election as president in 1992. role in the world.= through school while working noying.
fashion to attract suburban read- News,= mr. Hoge told Vanity fair <The issue is being designed to By the time he stepped down part time at the Sun-Times. <Sure, my father made a good
ers, mr. Hoge hired aggressive in a 1989 article that called him <a offer the new president a lot of 18 years later, the magazine9s mr. Hoge9s marriages to Alice living, but I never got a penny of
investigative reporters to com- man so gifted and handsome that free advice,= mr. Hoge told the circulation had nearly doubled to Albright, a descendant of Chicago inheritance,= he told Vanity fair.
pete with the Chicago Tribune. people would actually gape in Tribune. 160,000 copies per issue. Tribune founder Joseph medill, <If you look like a WASP and talk
His staff persuaded him to green- admiration.= mr. Hoge commissioned re- James fulton Hoge Jr. was and Sharon King ended in di- like a WASP, there9s a kind of
light a plan to buy and secretly Despite his <magnetic pres- ported pieces, shortened the born in manhattan on Dec. 25, vorce. He married Lacey in 1999. inverse racism. That is short-
run a downtown saloon so report- ence,= as Vanity fair put it, mr. length of its major articles from 1935, and was raised on Park They lived in an apartment on changing us who are like that. my
ers and photographers could doc- Hoge struggled to turn the paper 7,000 to 5,000 words and in- Avenue. His father was a lawyer, Park Avenue. major motivation has never been
ument crooked city inspectors around. He also went to war with creased the frequency of issues to and his mother was a homemak- In addition to his wife, survi- making a ton of money. To me, the
taking bribes and kickbacks in the paper9s unions, which in late six per year from four. er. vors include three children from fun of the game is big-time jour-
envelopes left on the bar. 1990 went on a five-month strike During his tenure, he pub- <my father was a high-energy his marriage to Albright, Alicia nalism.=
thursday, october 5 , 2023 . the washington post eZ re B5


giorgio napolitano, 98 BURRELL DOWNS
Former president en served her country with distinction. In
trouble spots all over the world, including
Korea and Vietnam, and Alaska during a ma-
jor earthquake, Helen combined her skills
BURRELL (Age 85)
Of Washington, DC entered eternal rest on
Friday, September 21, 2023. Mrs. Burrell,
an ordained minister and retired Feder-

was elder statesman

with compassion for her patients with little
thought for herself. al Government paralegal (DOE and DOS)
was born in Craigsville, VA, and grew up
After retirement she worked as a nurse at in Staunton, VA. She settled in DC where
Fernwood Nursing Home in Bethesda, MD, she worshiped, raised her family and mar-

of Italian politics and volunteered at Andrews Air Force Base

Family Clinic and the Church of Christ the
King where she made many life-long friends.
Helen was a woman of great faith and ûerce
loyalty to country, community, and family.
ried James Burrell. She spread love and
good advice to everyone she met. Funeral
services will be held on Friday, October 6,
2023 at Tabernacle Baptist Assembly, 1900
Tucker Rd, Fort Washington, MD 20744. For
She had endless enthusiasm for the Wash- additional information concerning funeral
ington Commanders, sports of all kinds, and services, please visit https://www.tri-state-
BY E MILY L ANGER short-lived like those that came funeralservices.com.
her beloved miniature schnauzers.
before and after it, was widely
Giorgio Napolitano, the long- credited with steadying the coun- She is survived by her brother Salvatore
(Mary Rae) and many loving nieces and
serving Italian president and a try9s economy. Monti was suc-
nephews who will miss her greatly. She was
also <Aunt Helen= to countless numbers of
pillar of stability in the hurly- ceeded by prime ministers Enri- others she met and cared for during her
May 25, 1978 -October 5, 2021
LT. COL USAF (RET.) JOHN NICHOLAS CATSOURAS Beloved daughter, sister and mother
burly of his country9s politics, co Letta and then Matteo Renzi Helen C. Costabile Lt. Col USAF spectacular life. A Funeral Mass will be held Memories of your smile, humor, goodness
(Ret.) of Silver Spring, MD, Saturday, October 7, 2023, at 10:30 a.m. (Age 83) and sense of fairness sustain us each day.
most notably in 2011 when he before Mr. Napolitano9s retire- passed away peacefully on Sep- at the Church of Christ the King in Silver On Monday, October 2, 2023,
of Rockville, MD. Beloved hus- Mom, Dad, Morgan, Sean and Gavin
helped guide the nation out of ment. By then, he was known tember 27, 2023. She was 96 Spring, MD. Interment at Arlington National
band of the late Helene C. Cat-
years old. Born in Hazleton, PA, Cemetery at a later date. In lieu of ûowers,
economic crisis and beyond the admiringly in some circles as <Re Helen moved to the D.C. area contributions may be made to the Church souras; father of Efûe Suggs,
turbulence of Prime Minister Sil- Giorgio= 4 King Giorgio. of Christ the King. Please view and sign the Thomas Athanason and James
and began her nursing career at George- Athanason; brother of Doro-
town University Hospital. She joined the guestbook at
vio Berlusconi9s years in power, Giorgio Napolitano was born Air Force in 1955. As both a clinical and www.COLLINSFUNERALHOME.com thy <Nicki= Lucas. Also survived by other
loving family and friends. Visitation will be
died Sept. 22 at a clinic in Rome. in Naples on June 29, 1925, three ûight nurse during her military career, Hel- held at Saints Constantine & Helen Greek
He was 98. years after the fascist leader Orthodox Church, 721 Norwood Road, Sil-
ver Spring, MD, 20905 on Monday, October
His death was announced by Benito Mussolini rose to power. 9, 2023, from 10 to 11 a.m., followed by
the current Italian president, Mr. Napolitano9s mother was of FEDERIGAN the Funeral Service at 11 a.m. Interment
at Gate of Heaven Cemetery. Memorial
Sergio Mattarella. The cause was noble heritage. His father was a contributions may be made to Saints Con-
for the Manila Mail, the erstwhile newspa- stantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Church.
not immediately available. lawyer, a path that Mr. Napolita- per covering the National Capital Region. www.COLLINSFUNERALHOME.com
In the years since the end of no followed as he pursued his Gloria was an accredited Certiûed Public
Accountant upon passing a national exam-
World War II, Italians have seen studies at the University of Na- ination held a few months after obtaining a
dozens of governments rise and ples. Bachelor9s degree from the Far Eastern Uni-
versity in Manila. In the United States, she
fall, the state of their politics An anti-fascist, Mr. Napolitano continued her quest for professional work
often subjected to gentle ribbing joined the Italian Communist at the International Bank for Reconstruction
and Development, part of the World Bank On Monday, October 2, 2023, DEATH NOTICES
if not outright mockery on the Party and was first elected to the Group, in Washington, DC. In between her of Silver Spring, MD. Beloved MONDAY- FRIDAY 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
jobs at the External Debt Division, Gloria ob- wife of Glenn Bryan Davis for SATURDAY-SUNDAY 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
international stage. Chamber of Deputies, the lower tained her MBA from the George Washing- 43 years; mother of Chad and
Brice Crackel. Sister of Bruce To place a notice, call:
Amid that chaos, Mr. Napolita- house of the Italian parliament, ton University, near her area of work.
Sittner. Daughter of the late 202-334-4122
Gloria9s tenure at the World Bank involved
no, a onetime leader of the Ital- in 1953. twice-a-year missions to several member Christian Sittner and Ida Postiglione. Rel- 800-627-1150 ext 4-4122
countries in Latin and South America, Africa, atives and friends may call at the Chapel EMAIL:
ian Communist Party who later Such was his commitment to at Riderwood Village, Maryland Hall, 3120 deathnotices@washpost.com
Eastern Europe, and Asia, where, as a mem-
embraced the tenets of social the Communist cause that he ber of a group of specialists, she examined Graceûeld Road, Silver Spring, MD, on Tues-
and audited the paying capacities of the af- day, October 10, 2023, from 10 a.m. to 11 Email and faxes MUST include
democracy and European inte- supported the Soviet quashing of fected countries. She retired from the World a.m. Funeral Service at Chapel at Rider- name, home address & home phone #
gration, emerged as a person of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution. GLORIA MARIA TALASTAS FEDERIGAN Bank after 30 years. wood Village to follow at 11 a.m. Interment of the responsible billing party.
at the Columbia Gardens Cemetery. In lieu Email deadline - 3 p.m. daily
undisputed seriousness, the defi- But by the following decade, he Gloria Maria Talastas Federigan, 80, of Mc- Gloria continued her quest for travel, along Phone-In deadline
Lean, Virginia, passed away on Thursday, with her also-retired husband, by landing a of ûowers, the family suggests making a
contribution to the Parkinson Foundation 4 p.m. M-F
nition of an elder statesman. had begun to turn against Mos- September 28, 2023, at the Inova Fairfax job with United Airlines at Washington Dull-
of the National Capital Area https://par- 3 p.m. Sa-Su
Hospital surrounded by her family. es Airport. Her position as reservations spe-
When the country9s often war- cow, the Times reported in a Gloria was born in Manila, Philippines, on cialist lasted until her mandatory retirement kinsonfoundation.org/ or similar organiza-
ring political factions could agree profile. He spoke out against the December 20, 1942, but spent her teen age of 65.
years in Balanga, Bataan Province. She was Gloria is survived by her husband of 54
on little or nothing else, they brutal Soviet response to the the daughter of the late Gloria de los Reyes years Roberto (Bobby); her three children: MONDAY-SATURDAY
found accord on Mr. Napolitano, Prague Spring movement in and Pedro Ponce Talastas. In addition to her daughter Marya Gloria (Minette), son Robert Black & White
who had spent decades in Parlia- 1968.
parents, she was predeceased by her older
brother Hermenegildo, her nephew Eugene
Peter and wife Judith, and son Bret Joseph;
her two grandchildren Jacqueline Reyna and
FINLAY 1" - $155 (text only)
2" - $355 (text only)
ment and had held office as Mr. Napolitano eventually left Paul, and granddaughter Hannah Joy. Katharine (Parker); her siblings: sister Rosa 3" - $505
In her lifetime, Gloria was loved, cherished, Lourdes Medina and husband Jovan, Sister DAVID FRANCIS KERR FINLAY 4" - $555
interior minister. the Communist Party, helping to and respected by all who knew her. She was Eusebia of the Religious of the Sacred Heart, Finlay David Francis Kerr died peaceful- 5" - $700
an accomplished portrait and still-life artist; her brother Maximino and wife Merle, and ly on September 29, 2023, aged 80 at his ------
Mr. Napolitano was elected to form the Democrats of the Left. a pianist; a baker and a rated chef, with a tal- her brother Eugenio and wife Caridad (Cha- home in Pine Plains, New York. Much loved SUNDAY
his first seven-year term as presi- He served as speaker of the ret); and her many beloved nieces and neph- partner, brother, uncle and great uncle. Black & White
ent learned and savored from Cordon Bleu 1"- $185 (text only)
in Paris; a rare-books and Filipiniana collec- ews. Celesté Glo. The Deepest of Love. There will be a private family funeral and
dent in 2006, at age 80. When the Chamber of Deputies and as tor; and a journalist, writer, and columnist Funeral Services are private. memorial services to be announced later. 2" - $390 (text only)
3" - $560
parliament deadlocked on the interior minister under Prime 4" - $590
5" - $765
selection of a successor, he be- Minister Romano Prodi in the
came the first Italian president 1990s. REMY 6"+ for ALL Black & White notices
elected to a second term and Mr. Napolitano was married in LONG $155 each additional inch Mon - Sat
$185 each additional inch Sunday
served a total of nearly nine years 1959 to Clio Maria Bittoni, a Leonard is survived by his cherished wife, MONDAY-SATURDAY
before he retired in 2015. lawyer. Besides his wife, survi- Leticia, and their three beloved children: his Color
3" - $650
daughter De9Ara, and his two sons, both of
With its seat at the Quirinale vors include two sons, Giovanni whom proudly carry his name, Leonard Long 4" - $700
III, and Lennard Long 4 a testament to the 5" - $855
palace in Rome, the Italian presi- and Giulio. A complete list of ------
enduring legacy of a name passed down
dency is often regarded as a survivors was not immediately through generations. SUNDAY
ceremonial office. But Mr. Napol- available. He is also remembered by his devoted sib-
3" - $685
4" - $785
itano demonstrated that with By the end of his time on the lings, Carol, Cynthia, and Clinton Long, and 5" - $955
political savvy and personal grav- public stage, Mr. Napolitano had by his nephews, nieces, cousins, mentees,
and steadfast friends. Together, they form a 6"+ for ALL color notices
itas, it could be used to wield been named a senator for life, rich tapestry of lives, each thread interwo- $260 each additional inch Mon - Sat
ven with the love and affection he shared $290 each additional inch Sunday
substantial power. one of his country9s highest hon- throughout his life.
He was credited with leading ors. But in his earlier days as a Notices with photos begin at 3"
We invite you to join us in commemorating (All photos add 2" to your notice.)
the country through one of its moderate Communist, he was a his remarkable life 4 a life that enriched
our world and left an indelible mark on our ALL NOTICES MUST BE PREPAID
most severe crises of the modern man in the middle, enjoying the
era in 2011, when Berlusconi, the full trust neither of his fellow Suddenly, on Wednesday, September 13, All notices over 2" include
scandal-plagued billionaire me- party members nor of the West. LEONARD L. LONG JR. Funeral Arrangements 2023, our beloved Robin, the Mother of: complimentary memorial plaque
In Memory Date: Friday, October 6, 2023 Ronald Hughes, LaRue Purry and Hakeem
dia tycoon who for years had At one point, Mr. Napolitano July 12, 1956 - September 29, 2023 Viewing: 10 a.m. Remy entered into her eternal rest. She is Additional plaques start at $26 each
been the dominant figure in was denied a visa to visit the It is with profound sorrow that we announce Service: 11:30 a.m. (Live stream will be avail- also survived, by her Grandchildren; Bria, and may be ordered.
the passing of Leonard L. Long, Jr. He has re- able: shilohbaptist.org/livestream) Azzim, Paris and Xavia and her Great-
Italian politics, stepped down United States because of his turned to the embrace of the Divine, leaving Location: Shiloh Baptist Church Grand-daughter; Ayanna, two sisters, ûve All Paid Death Notices
behind a legacy of immeasurable impact. A Address: 1500 9th Street, NW brothers, nieces, nephews, cousins and appear on our website through
amid a debt crisis. Communist Party membership. Morehouse Man, distinguished attorney, and friends. Family will celebrate her life and www.legacy.com
Mr. Napolitano ushered in a In an editorial on the matter, The loyal resident of Southeast D.C. 4 Leonard For more information, please email: receive friends, on Friday, October 6, 2023,
epitomized excellence and radiated love. leonardlongservice@gmail.com at Meridian Hill Baptist Church, 5354 Sher-
new prime minister, economist Washington Post described him iff Road, Capitol Heights, MD 20743, for a
Included in all death notices
Optional for In Memoriams
Mario Monti, and a technocratic as <a man of considerable intel- viewing, from 10 to 11 a.m., and services,
will immediately follow. Services entrusted
government of experts. lectual distinction= and observed to; RN Horton Funeral Home. PLEASE NOTE:
<Now is the time to show
maximum responsibility. It is not
that <to bar him on grounds that
he constitutes a menace to the
SHRIER Notices must be placed via phone or
email. Photos must be emailed. You can
the time to pay off old scores nor republic & is ludicrous.= no longer place notices, drop off photos
and U.S. and international government rela- and make payment in person.
for sterile partisan recrimina- Mr. Napolitano was ultimately tions; international supply, transportation, Payment must be made via phone with
and trading; energy security and emergency debit/credit card.
tions,= the New York Times quot- permitted to visit the United preparedness; renewable energy (including
heading pioneering solar thermal and pho-
ed Mr. Napolitano as saying at States. Henry A. Kissinger, the tovoltaic ûrms); corporate ventures and new
the time. <It is time to reestablish former secretary of state and business development; and research and
engineering including patented innovations.
a climate of calmness and mutual national security adviser, was
respect.= said to have called him his <favor- Later, as a business developer and manage-
The Monti government, while ite Communist.=
ment consultant, Adam started and acquired
energy, environmental, and chemical ûrms,
and advised government agencies on eco-
nomic reforms. He had a special interest in
emerging market economies, especially in
Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union, and
China. years, including serving as the press director
of the US Agency for International Develop-
A consummate and beloved teacher for 22 ment (A.I.D.). John was predeceased by his
years, until retirement at age 84, Adam was parents, Sergey Metelsky and Mildred Ponda
adjunct professor at American University in Metelsky, siblings, Helen Metelsky Rosenblatt
ADAM LOUIS SHRIER (Age 85) Washington, DC, and at the School of Inter- and Milton Metelsky, and niece and nephew,
Adam Louis Shrier of Washing- national and Public Affairs at Columbia Uni- Judy Lopatosky and Jan Rosenblatt. John is
ton, DC passed away peacefully versity in New York City. survived by his wife of 60 years, Sonia Seaton
with family in New York, NY, on Metelsky of Silver Spring, MD; children, Sun-
September 30, 2023, following a Adam adored his wife of 62 years, Diane. dance Metelsky of Greenbelt, MD and Johnny
stroke at the age of 85. They loved to travel, visiting over 100 coun- Metelsky (Denise Lacen) of North Bergen, NJ;
tries and all seven continents. Always ready grandchildren, Béla Wolfgang Zoltán Seaton
Adam9s life began on March 26, 1938, in War- to try or learn something new, Adam attend- Williams Metelsky Oehser of Laurel, MD and
saw, Poland. When Nazi German and Soviet ed university classes well into his 80s. His Zina Xena Metelsky Oehser of Bethesda, MD;
forces invaded Poland in September 1939, jokes and stories were legendary. A devoted and nephew, Robert Metelsky (Shujun Ge)
he and his family escaped across Europe, son, brother, husband, father, and grandfa- of Burlington, CT, along with many friends
Asia, and Mexico before settling in Queens, ther. Adam is survived by his wife Diane K. and extended family members. John was a
NY. Adam subsequently earned degrees in Shrier, MD; his children Jonathan and wife member of the National Press Club for over
chemical engineering from Columbia Uni- Stephanie, Lydia and husband Michael, Cath- 50 years. Memorial donations may be made
versity, MIT, and Yale University, as well as erine, and David; and his grandchildren Max in John Metelsky9s name to the National
a law degree from Fordham University. He and partner Lydia, Gideon, Ethan, Tamar, Press Foundation, https://nationalpress.org/
also conducted postdoctoral studies at Pem- Aleksandar, Jason, Ian, Julia, and Henry. JOHN MICHAEL METELSKY (Age 96) donate/. Visitation on Friday, October 6 at 3
broke College, Cambridge University, UK. John Michael Metelsky, of Silver Spring, Mary- to 5 p.m. and 6 to 8 p.m. at Gasch9s Funeral
Services previously held. In lieu of ûowers, land, died on Sunday, October 1, 2023 at Holy Home in Hyattsville, Maryland. Funeral on
Adam contributed professionally to the ûelds memorial contributions may be made to the Cross Hospital. He was 96. John was born on Saturday, October 7 at 10 a.m. at Glenn Dale
of chemical engineering, energy, internation- Kosciuszko Foundation, (TheKF.org) 212-734- August 11, 1927 in Bristol, Connecticut. He United Methodist Church followed by inter-
al law, business, and higher education. He 2130. Services entrusted to Sagel Bloomûeld graduated from George Washington Universi- ment at 12:30 p.m. at Fort Lincoln Cemetery
spent 25 years at Exxon Corporation (now Danzansky Goldberg Funeral Care. ty (BA in Journalism, 1961) and American Uni- in Brentwood, Maryland. Details at https://
ExxonMobil) engaged in corporate planning www.sagelbloomûeld.com versity (MA in Communications, 1967). John www.gaschs.com/
worked for the Federal Government for 38
gIorgIo cosulIch/getty Images

Italian President Giorgio Napolitano addresses the press after

nominating Enrico Letta to form a new government in April 2013. WHITAKER PEKATOS
ert was actively involved in the Civil Rights
Movement. Robert relocated to Washington, In 1956, he was drafted into the U.S. Army
DC, where he met and married Jane Cath- and served with distinction, including de-
erine Jones and was a Computer Engineer- ployments during the Beirut, Lebanon crisis
Did you hear |e post today? ing Systems Analyst for 35 years. In 1993,
Robert became a Permanent Deacon in the
Roman Catholic Church.
and the Cuban Missile Crisis. It was during
this time that he returned to Greece to mar-
ry Alexandra. They welcomed their ûrst son,
He is survived by his wife Jane; his children, Spero, while stationed in West Germany.
Susan, Peter, Matthew, and Matthew9s wife Their family grew in 1964 when their second
Washington Post podcasts Kate; and his grandchildren, Hannah, Elijah,
Luke, Ellie, and David.
son, James, was born. James was later diag-
nosed with autism. Nickolas and Alexandra
A visitation will be held on October 6 from demonstrated boundless love and care in
6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Joseph Gawler9s Sons. A providing for him.
funeral mass will be held on October 7 at In 1964, Nickolas left the U.S. Army and
12 p.m. at Saint Ann Roman Catholic Church started an upholstery business in Alexan-
followed by burial at the Gate of Heaven dria, Virginia, originally named Devaris Up-
Cemetery. holstery, which was later renamed Devaris
Further information may be found on Jo- Fabrics. Nickolas was a successful busi-
seph Gawler9s Sons website. nessman, providing for his wife and children
and his parents in Greece. He was an active
member of the Greek AHEPA organization
DEACON ROBERT WILLIAM WHITAKER and a dedicated supporter of Cephalonian
Robert William Whitaker died on September NICKOLAS PEKATOS Global initiatives. His commitment to pre-
30, 2023 at age 84 years. In Loving Memory of Nickolas Pekatos serving his Greek heritage and contributing
A mathematics graduate from Duke, Rob- August 22, 1933 - September 26, 2023 to the community was unwavering.
It is with profound sadness that we an- Throughout the years, Nickolas and Alex-
nounce the passing of Nickolas Pekatos, a andra enjoyed the tradition of returning to
beloved husband, father, and grandfather. Greece every summer for vacation since
He passed away peacefully on September 1973. In 2011, Nickolas Pekatos retired and
26, 2023, at the age of 90. sold his successful business. In 2021, his
Nickolas was born on August 22, 1933, in heart was broken when his beloved wife of

When the need arises, pre-war Kefalonia, Greece, a place that held
a special place in his heart throughout his
life. His early years were marked by the
63 years passed away.
Nickolas Pekatos will be forever remem-
bered and cherished by his loving sons,
let families ond you in the tumultuous events of World War II and the
Greek Civil War. During this time he complet-
ed his education, displaying the resilience
Spero and James; his daughter-in-law, Lucy;
and his grandchildren, Christine Marie, Alex-
andra Mary, and Nicholas John.
Funeral Services Directory. and determination that would become
hallmarks of his character. He became a
director and counselor at a boys9 town and
A viewing to celebrate Nickolas Pekatos9s
life will be held at 4 to 8 p.m. on October 8,
2023, at Everly-Wheatley, 1500 W. Braddock
camp for war-orphaned children, where he Road, Alexandria, VA. In lieu of ûowers, the

Politics " History " Culture " More

s0108 2x3.75

To be seen in the Funeral Services Directory, ûrst crossed paths with the love of his life,
Alexandra Elefantis, who would become his
family kindly requests that donations be
made to the National Autism Association
please call paid Death Notices at 202-334-4122. partner in building a life together ûlled with
love and compassion.
or Saint Katherine9s Greek Orthodox Church
in Falls Church Virginia. He will be buried in
In 1953, tragedy struck Kefalonia when a his home village of Potamianata, Kefalinia

wpost.com/podcasts major earthquake devastated the island.

As a result, Nickolas received a visa and in
1955, made his journey to the United States.
May his soul rest in eternal peace, and may
his memory be a blessing to us all.
B6 EZ RE The washingTon posT . Thursday, ocTober 5 , 2023

The Weather
washingTonposT.com/weaTher . TwiTTer: @capiTalweaTher . facebook.com/capiTalweaTher

Slightly cooler today Friday saturday sunday Monday tuesday OFFicial rec OrD
Partly sunny Humid, Rain Partly sunny Partly sunny Partly sunny
Another rather nice one. Perhaps a shower temperatures AVERAgE RECoRD ACtuAl FoRECASt

smidgen cooler than recent days but

still rather warm for the time of year.
Under partly cloudy skies, highs
should end up pretty close to 80 in
most spots. Winds blow from the southeast about
5 to 10 mph.
81° 65 ° 77° 62 ° 68° 52 ° 65° 47 ° 67° 49 ° 68° 50 °

FEElS*: 81° FEElS: 77° FEElS: 66° FEElS: 64° FEElS: 66° FEElS: 69°
CHnCE PRECiP: 5% P: 80% P: 90% P: 10% P: 10% P: 10%
WinD: se 6312 mph W: ssW 6312 mph W: WnW 10320 mph W: W 10320 mph W: sW 8316 mph W: W 6312 mph
HumiDity: Moderate H: Moderate H: Moderate H: low H: Moderate H: Moderate
Sa Su m tu W | F Sa Su m tu W | F Sa
Statistics through 5 p.m. Wednesday

reGiO n natiOn Weather map features for noon today.

national Dulles BWi
High 83° 12:49 p.m. 84° 4:00 p.m. 83° 2:40 p.m.
low 64° 7:00 a.m. 55° 6:00 a.m. 58° 6:26 a.m.
Harrisburg Philadelphia
81/64 normal 74°/57° 72°/50° 73°/51°
81/65 Record high 94° 1954 90° 2013 92° 1954
Hagerstown Record low 34° 1974 26° 1974 31° 1974
81/64 Dover Diference from 303yr. avg. (national): this month: +7.6° yr. to date: +1.8°
Davis Cape may Precipitation PREViouS yEAR noRmAl lAtESt
Washington Annapolis
74/56 81/65 74/64
77/64 oCEAn: 65°

Charlottesville ocean City

80/62 76/66
oCEAn: 67°
79/63 Virginia Beach
77/67 national Dulles BWi
norfolk oCEAn: 68°
78/67 Past 24 hours 0.00" 0.00" 0.00"
total this month 0.00" 0.00" 0.00"
Kitty Hawk
normal 0.48" 0.51" 0.54"
oCEAn: 72° total this year 26.09" 25.87" 31.17"
normal 32.32" 33.67" 34.76"
Pollen: high air Quality: Moderate
grass low Dominant cause: ozone
trees low
Weeds low UV: Moderate Moon Phases solar system
mold High 4 out of 11+
rise set
sun 7:07 a.m. 6:45 p.m.
Blue ridge: today, partly sunny; areas of morning fog. Moon 11:01 p.m. 2:06 p.m.
t-storms Rain Showers Snow Flurries ice Cold Front Warm Front Stationary Front Oct 6 Oct 14 Oct 21 Oct 28
High 59 to 68. Winds south3southeast 6312 mph. tonight, yesterday's national World
last new First Full
Venus 3:29 a.m. 4:43 p.m.
patchy clouds. low 53 to 57. Winds south 438 mph. Friday, high: Zapata, tX 100° high: omidiyeh, iran 112° Mars 8:16 a.m. 7:19 p.m.
Quarter Quarter
<310 30s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110+ low: Susanville, CA 23° low: Eureka, Canada 31° Jupiter 8:09 p.m. 9:53 a.m.
a little rain, except dry in central parts. High 57 to 63. for the 48 contiguous states excludes Antarctica saturn 5:08 p.m. 3:51 a.m.
atlantic beaches: today, partly sunny, humid; a shower natiOnal today tomorrow Des Moines 74/46/s 55/40/pc Oklahoma City 81/55/c 74/43/s WOrlD today tomorrow Islamabad 91/66/s 93/68/pc Rio de Janeiro 82/72/pc 81/76/t
in spots in the south. A nice day for outdoor activities. High Detroit 73/57/r 70/46/pc Omaha 70/44/s 58/37/r Addis Ababa 75/51/s 75/50/s Istanbul 76/62/c 76/65/s Riyadh 104/76/pc 101/76/pc
74 to 78. Winds east3northeast 6312 mph. tonight, mostly Albany, NY 81/60/pc 70/61/c El Paso 89/64/pc 84/61/c Orlando 90/72/t 90/73/pc Amsterdam 64/56/c 66/62/c Jerusalem 81/63/pc 79/61/s Rome 79/60/pc 79/61/pc
cloudy, humid. low 63 to 67. Winds east3northeast 438 Albuquerque 77/52/pc 79/49/s Fairbanks, AK 42/30/c 37/29/i Philadelphia 81/64/pc 78/63/c Athens 81/61/c 81/66/s Johannesburg 90/60/s 91/59/pc San Salvador 83/70/t 84/70/t
mph. Friday, a passing shower. Anchorage 43/37/r 52/39/r Fargo, ND 59/44/sh 55/36/sh Phoenix 100/73/s 104/79/pc Auckland 65/56/pc 65/53/pc Kabul 82/56/s 80/56/s Santiago 67/43/s 66/40/pc
Atlanta 82/66/pc 81/57/c Hartford, CT 79/58/pc 72/60/c Pittsburgh 83/62/pc 69/49/r Baghdad 90/72/s 91/71/s Kingston, Jam. 91/79/t 91/79/t Sarajevo 70/48/pc 70/42/pc
Austin 85/67/t 87/61/pc Honolulu 87/74/sh 88/73/sh Portland, ME 69/57/c 68/59/c Bangkok 89/79/t 90/78/t Kolkata 89/79/t 90/79/c Seoul 67/46/s 71/49/c
Waterways: Upper Potomac River: today, sun, some clouds. Wind Baltimore 81/64/pc 79/64/c Houston 80/70/t 86/65/pc Portland, OR 77/57/s 83/58/s Beijing 73/49/c 75/48/c Kyiv 64/51/pc 62/46/pc Shanghai 78/62/s 76/66/pc
southeast 438 knots. Waves less than a foot. Visibility unrestricted. Billings, MT 58/36/s 58/43/s Indianapolis 68/56/r 66/45/pc Providence, RI 73/59/pc 72/62/c Berlin 62/50/sh 67/59/pc Lagos 86/76/t 84/76/t Singapore 93/79/s 92/80/t
" Lower Potomac and Chesapeake Bay: today, partly sunny. Wind Birmingham 84/68/pc 81/54/c Jackson, MS 86/66/c 86/54/pc Raleigh, NC 80/62/pc 79/60/c Bogota 69/49/sh 67/50/r Lima 72/63/c 70/61/pc Stockholm 48/32/pc 51/36/r
east 438 knots. Waves 132 feet on the lower Potomac and the Bismarck, ND 57/38/c 49/30/pc Jacksonville, FL 86/68/pc 83/65/c Reno, NV 77/46/s 80/46/s Brussels 63/51/c 69/54/pc Lisbon 88/65/s 91/66/pc Sydney 73/53/s 67/55/s
Boise 73/49/s 75/51/s Kansas City, MO 79/46/s 62/40/pc Richmond 79/63/pc 78/64/c Buenos Aires 75/57/s 76/54/pc London 66/57/c 71/56/pc Taipei City 84/78/r 89/76/r
Chesapeake Bay." River Stages: |e stage at little Falls will be
Boston 75/61/pc 68/63/c Las Vegas 88/66/s 91/66/s Sacramento 91/57/s 93/55/s Cairo 90/74/s 88/71/c Madrid 87/61/s 88/61/s Tehran 78/55/s 74/60/s
around 2.80 feet today, falling to 2.70 Friday. Flood stage at little Buffalo 83/63/pc 68/52/r Little Rock 73/60/t 82/49/s St. Louis 77/54/sh 68/46/pc Manila 85/77/t 87/77/t Tokyo 77/63/pc 78/64/s
Caracas 80/66/t 79/64/t
Falls is 10 feet. Burlington, VT 83/57/pc 73/60/c Los Angeles 96/66/s 97/67/s St. Thomas, VI 89/81/c 90/81/pc Copenhagen 61/52/pc 62/54/c Mexico City 81/56/c 81/58/pc Toronto 79/61/c 74/53/r
Charleston, SC 83/67/sh 81/63/sh Louisville 77/63/sh 75/49/c Salt Lake City 70/47/s 74/49/s Dakar 90/80/pc 90/80/pc Montreal 84/60/pc 76/60/r Vienna 71/52/pc 71/51/s
Charleston, WV 84/62/pc 70/51/r Memphis 72/64/c 80/50/pc San Diego 83/62/s 84/64/s Dublin 63/60/sh 68/59/c Moscow 56/49/sh 52/35/sh Warsaw 62/47/c 62/56/pc
today9s tides (High tides in Bold)
Charlotte 81/62/pc 79/59/c Miami 90/76/t 89/74/sh San Francisco 89/63/s 86/62/s Edinburgh 61/57/sh 62/54/r Mumbai 89/78/pc 89/77/pc
Key: s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, r-rain,
Washington 12:51 a.m. 8:21 a.m. 1:35 p.m. 8:04 p.m. Cheyenne, WY 59/34/s 53/33/s Milwaukee 75/52/pc 63/46/sh San Juan, PR 91/79/t 92/79/t Frankfurt 64/45/c 69/48/pc Nairobi 80/59/pc 81/59/pc sh- showers, t-thunderstorms, sf-snow ûurries,
Chicago 74/52/r 61/46/pc Minneapolis 64/43/c 51/42/sh Seattle 67/51/pc 74/52/pc New Delhi 97/74/s 98/76/s sn-snow, i-ice
annapolis 5:02 a.m. 9:52 a.m. 4:21 p.m. 11:37 p.m. Geneva 70/47/c 71/46/pc
Cincinnati 74/60/c 73/44/r Nashville 80/65/sh 79/49/sh Spokane, WA 73/48/s 72/48/s Oslo 59/44/s 53/40/c Sources: accuWeather.com; uS Army Centralized
Ocean city 12:15 a.m. 6:23 a.m. 12:50 p.m. 7:36 p.m. Ham., Bermuda 80/75/sh 83/77/r Allergen Extract lab (pollen data); airnow.gov (air
Cleveland 80/62/r 71/49/r New Orleans 89/74/c 86/69/t Syracuse 85/65/pc 74/59/r Helsinki 54/32/pc 51/41/pc Ottawa 81/63/c 70/56/r quality data); national Weather Service
norfolk 2:25 a.m. 8:23 a.m. 2:54 p.m. 9:44 p.m. Dallas 84/63/r 85/56/s New York City 76/64/pc 70/63/c Tampa 91/73/s 89/75/pc Ho Chi Minh City 91/77/r 90/77/t Paris 69/46/c 73/48/pc * AccuWeather's realFeel temperature®
combines over a dozen factors for an accurate
Point lookout 1:30 a.m. 6:16 a.m. 12:08 p.m. 7:23 p.m. Denver 67/39/s 56/37/s Norfolk 78/67/pc 76/64/pc Wichita 82/50/s 65/38/pc Hong Kong 94/79/c 91/77/pc Prague 64/44/pc 66/52/c measure of how the conditions really <feel.=

the District VirGinia

Man sentenced to over 4 years for Jan. 6 assaults Loudoun school board
45-year-old also charged
member9s suit alleging to the ground.
People in the crowd were film-

with murder in separate

Illinois car crash
disability bias dismissed ing. Woods turned and smiled for
the cameras.
The next day, Woods texted a
friend that he believed Donald
Trump would still prevail, citing BY K ARINA E LWOOD reviewing the ruling and consider-
the QAnon conspiracy theory that ing our options.=
BY R ACHEL W EINER sees the former president as a A federal judge has dismissed a Corbo had sought an accommo-
messianic warrior. discrimination suit filed by a Lou- dation in 2021, which the county
Two months after admitting he <Dont give up hope at all,= he doun County School Board mem- attorney recommended the board
assaulted a police officer and a wrote. ber against the board, saying her approve, the complaint states. But
journalist during the Jan. 6 Capi- After the car crash in Illinois, efforts to compel the board to al- the board did not grant it even as
tol riot, Shane Woods was speed- Woods was hospitalized with spi- low her to participate in meetings practices adopted during the pan-
ing down Interstate 55 in his pick- nal and foot fractures. According virtually lacked legal standing. demic have prompted govern-
up at 101 mph when he was to police, he was overheard telling Denise Corbo (At Large) filed ments to rethink meeting access.
stopped by a police officer outside SAngAmon County JAil/AP a visitor that his goal had been to the lawsuit in June, alleging that Board policy requires majority
Springfield, Ill., according to court Shane Woods, who pleaded guilty to felony charges in the Capitol drive into a semitrailer truck. The the board had failed to accommo- approval for all remote participa-
records. The officer said he could riot, faces murder charges in Illinois after a Nov. 8 car crash. owner of a heating and cooling date her disability. Corbo, who was tion requests. At the beginning of
smell alcohol on the driver9s business outside Springfield, elected in 2019, has multiple phys- each meeting, the board consid-
breath, but Woods denied drink- crash, Woods was sentenced Hours later, as rioters were be- Woods told his probation officer in ical impairments, according to the ered Corbo9s request to participate
ing. Woods said he was <done= and Wednesday to 54 months in prison ing forced out of the Capitol build- the D.C. case that he had not paid suit, including chronic Lyme dis- remotely. The requests were re-
was <going to end it= because he for his crimes on Jan. 6, 2021. That ing, Woods and others turned to taxes since 2017. ease and autoimmune diseases peatedly declined, the suit said.
was facing years in prison and sentence will begin after any pun- menacing reporters covering the Two other people were injured <that substantially limit her major In those instances, the board
likely tax evasion charges. ishment he receives in Illinois. attack. They climbed over bicycle in the collision. Along with first- life activities,= including her abili- allowed Corbo to view and listen
According to police records, Woods, 45, came to D.C. that day racks separating camera crews degree murder, Woods is charged ty to attend board meetings. to meetings through video confer-
Woods then got back on the high- armed with a knife, after telling a from the crowd. The journalists in Illinois with driving under the U.S. District Judge Leonie encing, but it did not allow her to
way in the wrong direction, going friend, <it9s going to be biblical,= fled, and rioters, including Woods, influence involving death, aggra- Brinkema said Friday that the make statements, ask questions or
up an exit ramp and straight into according to prosecutors. First, he started destroying the equipment vated driving under the influence court would not hear her claims, vote. The suit also said that Chair
oncoming traffic. The resulting attacked a Capitol Police officer they left behind. Some poured wa- involving great bodily harm and which also sought $2 million in Ian Serotkin <refused to assign her
crash killed a 35-year-old woman who was part of a small group ter on cameras and tried to set aggravated fleeing a police officer. punitive damages. to any committee.=
who was on her way to visit friends trying to hold back rioters on the them on fire. When a Reuters re- He is set to go to trial in January. In a statement, Corbo9s attor- Corbo had not attended a meet-
in St. Louis. When Woods9s blood grounds around 2 p.m., as the porter picked up his video camera In a court filing, defense attor- ney, Matthew E. Hughes, said: ing in person in more than a year
was drawn at the hospital, it had building was being breached. She and tried to get away, Woods ney Dwight Crawley said Woods <While I strongly believe that the when she filed the suit. She is not
an alcohol content of .177 4 more had just been hit with bear spray chased him. Getting a running <comes from a fractured home= facts support the conclusion that running for reelection.
than twice the legal limit. when Woods rammed her into a start, Woods slammed into the and has <untreated mental health Ms. Corbo was unlawfully denied
Now facing murder charges in metal barricade; she later said it cameraman9s shoulder and sent issues . . . exacerbated by his drug the right to participate based on Salvador Rizzo contributed to this
Illinois related to the Nov. 8, 2022, felt like she was <hit by a truck.= him and his equipment crashing and alcohol abuse.= her disability, at this time we are report.

MarylanD Lt. Cmdr. Tim Gorman, a Penta- training fighting dogs, exchanging Moorefield and Flythe for years,
gon spokesman, said in a state- videos, arranging fights and wa- and in November 2018, county

Pentagon o>cial is charged with ment Monday that the Defense

Department was <aware of the
criminal complaint= filed against
gers, and comparing methods of
killing dogs that lost fights, the
affidavit states.
animal control was alerted to a
report of two dead dogs in a plastic
dog food bag in Annapolis, about

participating in dogûghting ring Moorefield in federal district court

in Baltimore.
<We can confirm that the indi-
Online records maintained by
the dogs9 owners showed that
Moorefield had been involved in
six miles from Moorefield9s home,
Daly wrote. In addition to the dogs
in the bag, investigators found
vidual is no longer in the work- dogfighting <since at least 2002,= mail addressed to Moorefield,
BY T OM J ACKMAN chief information officer for com- five pit bull-type dogs at Flythe9s place, but we cannot comment Daly wrote, and evidence of Daly9s affidavit stated.
AND D AN L AMOTHE mand, control and communica- house, court records show. The further on an individual personnel Moorefield9s training for fights, or When Daly spoke to Moorefield
tions for the secretary of defense9s FBI, the Agriculture Department matter,= Gorman said. He did not refereeing other owners9 dog- on the day of the raid, he acknowl-
A senior member of the Defense chief information officer, court and other local and federal agen- say whether Moorefield had been fights, was found periodically over edged that he operated under the
Department communications staff records and Moorefield9s LinkedIn cies raided both houses Sept. 6, suspended, terminated or allowed the years, including extensive mes- name Geehad Kennels and that
has been arrested and charged page show. He was arrested Sept. finding weighted collars and heavy to retire. saging lining up fights and prize local animal control and law en-
with participating in a dogfighting 28 on a charge of promoting and chains used to increase fighting An affidavit written by FBI Spe- money. Evidence indicated that forcement had previously visited
ring in the D.C. area for more than furthering an animal fighting ven- dogs9 strength, according to a fed- cial Agent Ryan C. Daly indicated some fights occurred earlier this his property, the affidavit states.
20 years, federal authorities dis- ture, along with a longtime friend eral affidavit. that authorities have been investi- year, despite the arrests of others Flythe <admitted to having en-
closed Monday. The ring regularly who allegedly admitted his partici- Both men were released after gating the dogfighting ring, which in the ring, and that Moorefield gaged in dogfighting in the past.=
trained dogs for fights, held pation in dogfighting, Mario D. being arraigned last week. On called itself <The DMV Board,= for and Flythe were <experimenting Two lawyers who entered ap-
matches with thousands of dollars Flythe, 49, of Glen Burnie, Md. Tuesday, a federal grand jury in- years. Nine fellow dogfighters with different types of perform- pearances for the men Wednesday
bet on the outcomes, and executed Investigators found battery dicted both men on charges of were indicted in Virginia last year, ance enhancing drugs to improve did not immediately return mes-
dogs that didn9t die during match- jumper cables, which allegedly conspiracy to engage in an animal and eight have pleaded guilty and [their] chances of winning dog- sages seeking comment.
es, court records state. were used to execute dogs at fighting venture, possessing and cooperated with investigators. fights.= A phone number for Moorefield
Frederick Douglass Moorefield Moorefield9s house, along with five training animals for fighting, and Members communicated on the Anne Arundel County authori- was unavailable, and Flythe did
Jr., 62, of Arnold, Md., was a deputy pit bull-type dogs at his house and other related counts. Telegram messaging app about ties had received complaints about not return a call seeking comment.

thursday, october 5, 2023

Style ez re C


CritiC9S NoteBook

TV is dead! Long live TV?

his is a uniquely confusing moment in the television landscape.

T history of the small screen.

The Hollywood strikes, one of which
has finally ended, haven9t just been about
the next contract (or the fall TV season). They9re
also part of an existential fight over what televi-
boom may be
over, but its
That landscape has already, of course, been
altered. If prestige shows such as <Breaking Bad=
and <The sopranos= expanded our understand-
ing of what the medium was capable of, stream-
ers spent the past decade supercharging the
sion9s next iteration will be. industry9s experimental streak. The antihero
The battle is being fought against the backdrop experimental dramas were followed by a wave of great, quirky
of two seismic shifts: the much-discussed decline shows that were freed from the constraints of
of prestige television and the beginning of the end
energy persists appealing to mainstream audiences. This prolif-
of television9s disruption by streaming services. eration of boutique TV wasn9t limited to stream-
The former has arguably been underway for BY L ILI ing 4 HBo and FX were major innovators, too 4
years, while the latter exploded into full view in L OOFBOUROW but was driven by disrupters greenlighting
recent months, as streamers panicked over profit- weird, exciting ad-free content in a race to
ability and the deluge of new content dried up. acquire new subscribers. It was a TV gold rush,
Together, they are poised to radically alter the sEE CritiC9S Notebook oN C2

Book world
MacArthur Foundation names grant fellows theater review

A close look at With 8Jaja9s,9

FTX founder, Recipients list includes artists
as well as activists working
a wonderfully
but not crypto on various social issues woven story

Toward the end of Michael Lewis9s se- Ian Bassin would rather talk about the NEW YORK 4 Writing what you know
ductive new book, <Going Infinite: The 2024 election 4 <one of the most conse- works out wonderfully well for play-
Rise and Fall of a New Tycoon,= about the quential= in the history of this nation 4 but wright Jocelyn Bioh in <Jaja9s African
epic collapse of the cryptocurrency ex- right now he must talk a little bit about Hair Braiding,= a sparkling ensemble
change FTX and its enigmatic founder, himself. His grandparents used to tell him, comedy as tautly woven as one of the
sam Bankman-Fried (sBF, as he9s known), repeatedly: <Just try to make something intricate hairdos in Jaja9s Harlem salon.
Lewis describes flying in 2022 from Cali- worthwhile of yourself.= Perhaps not since <Hair= itself have
fornia to D.C. As the plane descended, standing in his kitchen a few weeks ago, flowing locks and what are attached to
Bankman-Fried, who was then one of the with the MacArthur Foundation on the them made such a becoming impression
wealthiest people on the planet and a other end of the phone, Bassin wished he onstage. Bioh 4 who notes in the pro-
massive donor to political campaigns, told could tell his grandparents the news. gram that she9s been wearing braids
Lewis that he had explored whether it The 47-year-old had won a big prize: a since she was 4 4 has composed a
would be legally possible to pay Donald <genius grant= fellowship from the John D. character-rich play, bubbling with per-
JOHn d. And CATHerIne T. MACArTHur FOundATIOn
Trump to not run for president in 2024. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, sonality and marking Bioh9s Broadway
Through an unknown channel, Bankman- recognizing his work with Protect Democ- When composer Courtney bryan received a call from the foundation, she was debut as an occasion worth toasting.
Fried9s team unearthed, Lewis writes, <the racy, an organization he co-founded in under the impression they wanted her to weigh in on another candidate. so, here9s to director Whitney White
not terribly earth-shattering news that 2016 to help strengthen American democ- and the 10 blazing actors of this Manhat-
Donald Trump might indeed have his racy and combat authoritarianism. The 2016 presidential election made can produce a complicated mix of feelings: tan Theatre Club world premiere, which
price: $5 billion.= Lewis, who at this point This year9s class of 20 fellows 4 whittled clear to Bassin that <we were living honor at the recognition, shock at the had its official opening Tuesday night at
had spent a great deal of time with Bank- down from thousands of nominees, some through a global democratic recession,= he money, reflection over the reasons for their the samuel J. Friedman Theatre. Led by
man-Fried and his colleagues, does not over a period of years, and publicly an- says. Protect Democracy was his response. work. In California9s East Bay area, Diana Dominique Thorne as Jaja9s bright, un-
appear to have found this extraordinary nounced Wednesday 4 includes artists, The organization9s software Voteshield is Greene Foster snuck away from her col- deremployed daughter and Zenzi Wil-
claim worth looking into further. scientists, legal scholars and activists. designed to fight election fraud. Its Nation- lege-age children and their friends to re- liams as the salon9s temperamental sen-
It is not the only moment in the book They fight climate change, examine gene al Task Force on Election Crises prepares turn the foundation9s phone call. she is a ior hairdresser, the cast brings a buoy-
that leaves the reader wanting to know expression and create music. They write for unprecedented election catastrophes. demographer who studies abortion 4 spe- ant, insouciant spirit to the bustle of a
more 4 more about whether Bankman- novels and study machine learning. Its Law for Truth project files defamation cifically the adverse affects of not receiving day in the life at Jaja9s. (The name is
Fried truly believed he was capable of And over the next five years, they will lawsuits to help people harmed by con- a desired one, which is more common now pronounced with hard J9s.)
bringing Trump down, more about what each receive $800,000, in quarterly install- spiracy theories about the 2020 election. in a post-Roe v. Wade era. New York City-born, Ghanaian Ameri-
sEE book World oN C3 ments, to use as they see fit. The grants, given every year since 1981, sEE MACArtHUr oN C8 sEE tHeAter revieW oN C3
C2 ez re the washington post . thursday, october 5 , 2023

TV9s boom cycle is over. But what comes after the crash?
CRITIC9S NOTEBOOK from C1 distorting shows making inter-
esting use of the conventions of
and one broadcast television reality TV. Simultaneously ham-
struggled to keep up with. pered and supercharged by self-
That was Peak TV 4 a term knowledge, some of these shows
first coined by fX9s John have been extraordinary. They
Landgraf in 2015 to describe a have wrecked expectations.
problem: too many TV shows. one example is <Jury Duty,= the
That was back when 400 or so finely calibrated, improvised
scripted shows aired in a year. breakout hit on freevee that
Last year, which will probably be pranked a man by making him
the literal peak of television pro- think he was a juror in an actual
duction, there were 599. trial when everyone concerned,
Now television9s boom cycle including the judge, was an actor.
has gone bust, and Peak TV is It became a massive hit on Tik-
winding down, like prestige TV Tok, where the target9s unflagging
did before it. There are hints of decency, despite all that was
what might come after. The con- thrown at him, made him famous
traction now in progress suggests and beloved. The series also
(given the kinds of projects being earned James marsden an Emmy
canceled) that streamers are em- nomination for playing a vacuous
bracing more conservative, less version of himself.
experimental programming even <Jury Duty= forms part of an
as they look for the next <Game of ethically fraught but addictive
Thrones.= There will probably be emerging genre 4 <semi-reality
more revivals. more reboots. And, TV,= maybe? 4 that suggests audi-
if some executives have their way, ences might be ready for reality
a heavier reliance on formulas TV to get, oh, prestigious. Inter-
and algorithms, perhaps assisted ested in questions of authorship.
by new technologies such as arti- Absorbed in the thorny problem
ficial intelligence. of its own production. The genre
But the wild, weedy over- includes Nathan fielder9s <The
growth of the Peak TV era is rehearsal= on HBo, which began
yielding fruit, too. Ambitious as a reality show in which fielder
stuff, some so weird and conven- offered people needlessly accu-
tion-averse that it fails, some so rate reproductions of real-life sit-
ethically fraught that watching it uations so they could rehearse
work disturbs as much as it difficult situations in advance,
PriMe videO
thrills. Antiheroes are over. So are and became something much
dramedies. So, perhaps, are Dominique Fishback, left, and Billie Eilish in <Swarm,= Janine Nabers and Donald Glover9s near-perfect horror comedy for Prime Video. stranger. It also includes Jason
boundary-pushing comedy spe- Woliner9s <Paul T. Goldman,= a
cials, which may have crested offering better, more ambitious would be rare going forward. ners= is heading into its sixth back to tested formulas, there9s Peacock meta-documentary
with Bo Burnham9s <Inside= and fare for a lower cost. Now it looks The way we used to talk about season on ABC, <And Just Like still a discernible avant-garde based on a deluded man9s self-
Jerrod Carmichael9s <rothaniel.= as though they might instead TV, in person and online, was a That&= just got renewed for a dedicated to going a little further published memoir about the end
But there9s still experimental en- embrace a counterintuitive but golden age unto itself. It was third, <Night Court= and <That than Peak TV ever did. of his marriage that exposes his
ergy, and it9s popping up through predictable retrogression. Their moving to see folks processing art 990s Show= for a second, while The Peak TV era burned hubris and gullibility, even as he
the cracks even as broadcast tele- victory over broadcast television and pleasure and plot, jointly and <Weeds= and <Nurse Jackie= pre- through the burden of represen- directs humiliating reenactments
vision languishes and streamers, now near-complete, many seem sociably developing something pare to come back. The TV land- tation (usually a first-wave chal- of his life. These shows usually
panicked by losses, scramble to poised to turn streaming into a like a collective critical appara- scape feels like it9s haunted by TV lenge), got past the attendant end up breaking the fourth wall
salvage pieces of the TV model less pleasant user experience that tus. And to see television chang- ghosts. Timothy olyphant resur- clichés and found something in- to include their actual creators,
they broke. replicates some of the more an- ing in response 4 talking back to rected raylan Givens this year in teresting and chewy on the other often in unflattering ways. They
I think of this latest wave, noying aspects of cable and its fans and critics, sometimes <Justified: City Primeval,= and side. much of it remained correc- flirt with control and indict and
emerging in the post-apocalyptic broadcast TV 4 complete with directly. fans will always exist, this fall will mark the return of tive in spirit, however; if a show9s enhance the television definition
aftermath of the Great Television ads, fewer choices, rising prices but most of the forums for that <frasier,= 30 years after that spin- protagonists belonged to a mar- of <reality.=
Disruption, as Post-TV. and increasingly bland offerings kind of dedicated, obsessive TV off 4 among the most successful ginalized group, for example,
Whereas Peak TV was epito- pitched to a theoretical main- talk (including Twitter and the in television history 4 first pre- there was a tendency to fore- Streaming after the flood
mized by the dramedy 4 a poi- stream audience. A.V. Club) have decayed, almost miered. If that9s not nostalgic ground the ways the oppressive The story of emergent micro-
gnant compromise of a genre, so In 2022, it was reported that past recognition, if they9re even enough, it9ll be set back in Boston, dominant culture drove the con- genres is important. But the big-
nuanced it sometimes lapsed into streaming, which had for years still around. An entire invisible and the first two episodes will be flict. ger story, the one that could
tepid indeterminacy 4 Post-TV been nipping at the heels of apparatus that enabled the ascent directed by James Burrows, who This new wave sources its con- fundamentally transform the in-
takes big, definitive swings. If broadcast television and cable, of television to something like art co-created <Cheers.= flicts differently, sometimes from dustry, is the sort of existential
Peak TV centered marginalized finally drew a higher viewership (or at least film) is collapsing. Kathy Bates might be fantastic entirely within a community, or a war in progress over whether
perspectives to explore how they share than both, in the same <Succession9s= audience was in the new <matlock.= I9m hopeful genre. I9m thinking of master- programming in the future will
coexist with and despite racism month, for the first time. Yet relatively small. But facing ex- her undeniable greatness will be pieces such as <Beef,= Lee Sung remain a human concern, with
and misogyny, Post-TV goes fur- Netflix lost more subscribers tinction, too, are the Big Shows, transformative. But let9s face it: A Jin9s stunning, hilarious, brutally actors and writers, or become
ther, sometimes all but forgetting than it signed on in the first such as <Game of Thrones.= Puny lot of this year9s original scripted specific exploration of a particu- mostly (or indeed purely) algo-
that a dominant culture exists. If quarter of last year, which precip- though these audiences were television has been pleasant and lar kind of Southern Californian, rithmic.
Peak TV had winky, self-referen- itated an industry-wide panic compared with the sitcoms of the predictable, a return to tried-and- intra-Asian American rage that That9s an extreme formulation.
tial reality shows, Post-TV super- compounded by streaming losses past, they felt like juggernauts. true formulas. <Poker face= is no doesn9t find Whiteness (for exam- But long before they started pan-
charges the frame and turns the at Paramount, Disney and NBCU- The sense of occasion they pro- <russian Doll.= It isn9t ground- ple) interesting enough to define icking over profits, studios were
camera on the creators. niversal (amounting to more than vided had value, even if the shows breaking or transcendent. It isn9t itself against. or <mrs. Davis,= a doing body scans of extras so as to
With luck, television9s next era $8.3 billion). These losses weren9t sometimes didn9t. We live in a even particularly ambitious, but Pynchon-esque adventure about have their digital likenesses and
will retain something of the inno- exactly new; Disney9s streaming time when any given person9s it9s exactly what you9d want from the Holy Grail and motherhood using available technology to
vation made possible by this one. service had lost $630 million just reality is significantly shaped by rian Johnson and Natasha Ly- that has revolutionized my un- <resurrect= deceased actors. The
Without it, and if the worst ten- the year before. What changed the inputs their personalized al- onne. <Hijack,= likewise, is an derstanding of what television Writers Guild of America and
dencies animating the fight be- was the Wall Street consensus on gorithms serve up, and although admirably predictable thriller can do. (Damon Lindelof, one of Screen Actors Guild-American
tween the unions and the studios how tolerable those losses were the Big Shows certainly couldn9t that lets you relax into Idris Elba9s the co-creators of <mrs. Davis,= federation of Television and ra-
prevail, television might face a and why they were happening. get Americans to agree on what9s charisma. <The Night Agent= is a stands out as a formidable figure dio Artists strikes were the prod-
future shaped more by AI and The pivot was abrupt. orders real, there was some comfort in better show, but workmanlike: a in television, one who has not just uct of a climate where content
ChatGPT than by the writers, for new shows plummeted. Can- knowing that a big slice of the straightforward political thriller survived but also shaped all the producers desperate to cut costs
actors and creators who made TV cellations of existing series country could companionably oc- from beginning to end. <The Dip- eras discussed here.) are quite likely to explore how
seem capable of something like soared. Deals with established cupy a shared unreality, at least lomat= is fun in an algorithmical- few such shows will be perfect, much they can rely on new tech-
high art. creators fell through. There were for the space of an episode. ly informed sort of way, more though those two come close. nologies such as AI and ChatGPT
layoffs. The market for new Studios have spent fortunes on <The West Wing= than <The <Swarm,= Janine Nabers and Don- instead of (for example) writers.
The great streaming shows dried up, and a scarcity would-be Big Shows, but no com- Americans,= with just a hint of the ald Glover9s horror comedy for We could, at least in theory, go
explosion 4 and implosion mind-set materialized overnight parable phenomenon has sur- kind of romance I associate with Prime Video, stars Dominique from Peak TV, a moment known
Peak TV quickly got co-opted, in an industry that had, for more faced. We do, admittedly, still period dramas. fishback as a mild-mannered, for the free rein it gave creatives,
as so many useful terms are, to than a decade, been buying like have <House of the Dragon,= the These are all entertaining hungry and totally ruthless devo- to one in which algorithms effec-
describe something slightly dif- crazy and handing out deals right <Game of Thrones= prequel, shows. They are also (sometimes tee who literally slays on behalf of tively supplant them.
ferent: a stunning proliferation of and left. which did great numbers. But pleasingly) formulaic. the singer she idolizes. As a for now, at least, the creators
great, idiosyncratic shows that there9s something just a little & broadside against fan culture, the are fighting back, and not just on
got to exist because there was so 8Succession9 and the end unhealthy about that, isn9t there? The Post-TV era series falls a little flat, but fish- the picket lines. And if Post-TV
much output. Thanks to the cre- of prestige TV Not just derivative, but symptom- Ambitious TV isn9t dead. If back9s Dre is unforgettable: spec- describes shows still pursuing
ative leeway many streamers of- Under the circumstances, it atic of an enormous archive of anything, its experiments are get- tacularly awkward, believable, bold experiments in a climate
fered, a lot of very beautiful series seems only right that <Succes- properties built to feed off estab- ting even more bold, pointed, specific. <Yellowjackets,= the that doesn9t particularly encour-
got made, among them <Catastro- sion,= the drama about ultrarich lished fan bases. I9d cheekily call self-referential. A subset of shows show about a high school girls9 age them, some older properties
phe,= <Transparent,= <fleabag,= siblings squabbling for control of this <Zombie TV= if there weren9t is emerging that runs on the kind soccer team stranded after a might make the cut, too. <Black
<The Leftovers,= <reservation their dad9s media empire, ended six spinoffs of <The Walking of creative profligacy that defined plane crash, is notable for how mirror,= for instance, a Netflix
Dogs= and <Atlanta.= for viewers, just before the strikes began. The Dead.= (Along with three <Dexter= these past few years in television carefully it excludes <the patriar- show that peaked back when
this was pretty amazing: no ads, show is widely cited as prestige spinoffs, four <Yellowstone= off- but that can also only exist in its chy= from its frame. In fact, the streamers were on the rise, re-
cheap subscriptions and endless television9s last gasp. shoots and four variants on <Bil- wake. frame 4 which notoriously turned this year with an aggres-
offerings on demand, many of There was a belatedness to lions.=) A decade spent running hun- causes the protagonists to start sive revision of its usual brand.
them good to great. An enormous <Succession= that made its recep- Some genuinely great stuff has dreds of stories through a public eating their teammates 4 was Several episodes replaced its
range of aesthetic sensibilities tion strangely nostalgic. It felt come out of this trend. <Better addicted to discussing things on- chosen not just because it would trademark nightmarish techno-
was suddenly being catered to. like a product from a slightly Call Saul= was as good as <Break- line does things to consumers facilitate the cannibal plot but futurism with pure, supernatural
There was a sense of creative and earlier time, and you could al- ing Bad,= and <Andor= was superi- and creators. Audiences became also because it would allow a horror.
consumer plenty 4 the same most hear people missing 4 in or to almost everything in the incredibly sophisticated; <West- story about conflict between very But the tech dystopias weren9t
sense that9s not so gradually slip- advance 4 the feeling of talking Star Wars universe. If <Velma= world= fan forums, for example, flawed women to exist without entirely absent: In the first epi-
ping away. about a show like this. The nostal- crashed and burned as a weari- correctly guessed several plot those distorting effects. <We sode of its most recent season,
Streaming services have spent gia wasn9t just for good television somely self-referential spinoff of twists in the fabulous puzzle box didn9t want it to be about being <Black mirror= made the villain a
the past decade trying to per- with snappy dialogue; it was also <Scooby-Doo,= <Wednesday= of a first season, causing writers women in a man9s world,= one of Netflix stand-in armed with a
suade consumers to abandon ca- for the kind of deeply engaged TV more than made up for it by to (sometimes disastrously) re- the showrunners, Ashley Lyle, powerful, identity-stealing algo-
ble and broadcast television 4 to chatter that used to be every- becoming one of Netflix9s most- draft the show. A spiraling feed- told the New York Times maga- rithm. That episode, <Joan Is Aw-
become cord-cutters 4 on the where. Each episode of <Succes- watched shows this year. back loop between savvy viewers zine. ful,= is a fun bit of human pluck.
understanding that they9d revo- sion= was received as an event at a Yet the sheer abundance of and producers doesn9t just stop, A second, perhaps related epi- But it feels a little like an entry
lutionized the model and were moment when it was becoming recyclings and revivals seems to so a strange bifurcation is under- phenomenon of Peak TV has been in the annals of <semi-reality TV=
committed, in the long term, to clear that occasions of this sort signal a downturn. <The Con- way: Even as streamers scurry a crop of experimental, reality- that Netflix allowed it.

CrAig BlAnkenhOrn/MAx AMAzOn Freevee hBO

FROM LEFT: Sarah Jessica Parker as Carrie in Max9s <Sex and the City= sequel, <And Just Like That&,= which was renewed for a third season. Ronald Gladden, left, and James Marsden in <Jury Duty,= which
forms part of an ethically fraught but addictive emerging genre. Jeremy Strong in the series finale of HBO9s <Succession,= a show that has been widely cited as prestige television9s last gasp.
thursday, october 5 , 2023 . the washington post Ez rE C3

Locks to love about Bioh9s 8Jaja9s African Hair Braiding9

THeATer review From C1 plete, the staff reflexively tries to waiting for, with little cat-toy-
hide.) like baubles in her hair and
can Bioh has tapped a deep Just enough of the salon work- extensions of a hue better known
comedic vein in plays set in West ers9 personal stories are elucidat- in <Barbie= than in nature.
Africa and in the immigrant com- ed to accommodate our inquir- Bioh9s comedy is in service,
munities of her hometown. ing minds: Aminata (Nana men- though, of the more affecting
<Schoolgirls, or the African mean sah) and her troubled marriage; characteristics shared by the
Girls Play,= the 2017 seriocomedy miriam (Brittany Adebumola), women of <Jaja9s=: a stubborn
that put her on the map, explored who had to leave her daughter in resilience, a Chekhov-echoing
colorism and body image at a Sierra Leone; Ndidi (maechi faith that their taxing handiwork
girls9 academy in Ghana; <Nolly- Aharanwa), forced out of her old will pay off. This bittersweet fac-
wood Dreams= followed in 2021 salon by a fire. other customers, et of the play seems to betoken
as a sendup of the Tinseltown all played to the hilarious hilt by Bioh9s not-so-sunny perspective,
aspirations of the Nigerian film Kalyne Coleman and Lakisha which emerges as the 95 minutes
industry. may, are running jokes about the of <Jaja9s= wind down, when she
As with her 2021 adaptation in absurd expectations, highhand- introduces a harsher reality.
Central Park of Shakespeare9s ed demands and short fuses cli- It is Jaja herself, in the person
<The merry Wives of Windsor,= ents bring with them. (one of of the effervescent Somi Kakoma,
Bioh shifts her gaze in <Jaja9s= to them cannot be dissuaded from who bears the brunt. You sense in
manhattan and struggling work- the view that her artificial tresses her fate the dramatist9s anger, as
ing-class people from Senegal, make her a dead ringer for Be- she pulls the rug of joy out from
Sierra Leone and Ghana. Her yoncé.) under <Jaja9s= and forces us to
obvious affection for her charac- Costume designer Dede Ayite confront a colder truth about the
ters is tempered in many instanc- devises looks for the women dangers immigrants face. The
es by a recognition of their foi- ranging from demure to outra- customers9 braids may hold, it
bles: their vanity, their insecuri- geous. Playing all of the male seems, even when the braider9s
ties, their often petty competi- characters 4 husbands, door-to- life unravels.
tiveness. In other words, they9re door salesmen, pitchmen on the
all patently human, and always salon TV 4 michael oloyede gets Jaja9s African Hair Braiding, by
mAttHEW murPHy
theatrically so. his own share of remarkable Jocelyn Bioh. Directed by Whitney
The playwright does at the end brittany Adebumola, left, and dominique Thorne. get-ups. But it9s Nikiya mathis White. set, David zinn; costumes,
of this wickedly entertaining eve- who is the design hero of <Jaja9s Dede Ayite; lighting, Jiyoun Chang;
ning give in to the urge to high- <Steel magnolias,= or, more po- hot summer day in 2019, when and sometimes physically debili- African Hair Braiding=: She9s the music and sound, Justin Ellington;
light her characters9 plights a bit tently, of a master such as August the unreliable air conditioner 4 tating: the proceedings are there- show9s hair and wig designer, video, stefania Bulbarella; hair and
too baldly (sorry). other than Wilson portraying the cabbies in a salon rendered by set design- fore primed for irritability and responsible for the eye-popping wigs, nikiya mathis. About 95
that, though, she and White so dispatched from a Pittsburgh er David Zinn as a pink rotating occasional freakouts. (When a assortment of African braids minutes. through nov. 5 at samuel J.
skillfully orchestrate her work- storefront in <Jitney.= box 4 heightens the tensions. customer played by rachel Chris- sported by the cast. The custom- Friedman theatre, 261 W. 47th st.,
place comedy that you9re put in In <Jaja9s African Hair Braid- Braiding with hair pieces of vari- topher asks for micro braids, a er Zenzi Williams9s Bea has com- new york.
mind of the beauty parlor in ing,= we9re flies on the wall on a ous lengths is labor-intensive style that takes all day to com- ing in late in the day is worth manhattantheatreclub.com.

8Going Inûnite9 spotlights Bankman-Fried but fails to capture crypto9s nuances

booK world From C1 man-Fried was 8, his mother said search, a trading firm that exploit- charges had never emerged, the A more nuanced breakdown of read. An extension of a Bloomberg
that she <had given up on the idea ed discrepancies between the pric- lack of any financial controls at what went wrong 4 or any big-pic- Businessweek cover story that he
actually happened at FTX. At mo- that his wants and needs would be es of crypto in different markets. FTX should have sent employees to ture argument about crypto 4 published in 2021, it focuses largely
ments, Lewis seems so willing to let anything like other children9s.= She In the wake of FTX9s implosion, the door. And in 2018, it did. would have bolstered Lewis9s book, on the meteoric rise of the <stable-
Bankman-Fried off the hook, even recounts a time she took him to an it has become fashionable to dis- Alameda research was making which ends up focusing mostly on coin= tether, which he convincingly
after he was charged with fraud amusement park. <Are you having miss EA as a pretext for the compa- money by arbitrage trades on the Bankman-Fried9s story and per- portrays as a license to create digi-
and money laundering, for which fun, mom?= he asked after several ny9s alleged fraud. But Lewis per- cryptocurrency ripple. When it sonality, and lacks some of the fin- tal money out of nothing, and
he is on trial this week. supposed amusements, <by which suasively portrays FTX and Alame- was discovered that $4 million er-grained financial analysis of his which went on to prop up the price
There was a time, especially in he meant, Is this really your or da research as heavily influenced in ripple was missing, and previous books, such as <Liar9s Pok- and infrastructure around bitcoin
2020 and 2021, with bitcoin and anyone9s idea of fun?= by EA, especially in their earliest Bankman-Fried had neither expla- er= and <The Big Short.= readers to this day. Tether, which has had
other cryptocurrencies skyrocket- Bankman-Fried9s lack of con- days. Bankman-Fried recruited nation nor concern, the entire looking for that might instead turn numerous clashes with regulators,
ing in price, when you could make nection to his peers and unusual key employees from EA circles, in management team and half the to Zeke Faux9s <Number Go Up: was the brainchild of Brock Pierce
the most bullish crypto claim with- interests as a child were of little part because they were the closest employees left. Bizarrely, they later Inside Crypto9s Wild rise and Stag- (and two others), an improbable
out challenge. But since the spec- personal connections he9d ever found the missing ripple; it had gering Fall= (Crown Currency, character who was a child actor in
tacular tumble of FTX, many a made, but also because they were been inadvertently locked up in $29), in which Bankman-Fried <The mighty Ducks.= Faux9s cast of
bearish claim will be accepted bound to be more loyal than the other crypto exchanges. makes several dramatic appear- misfits and con artists never fails to
without challenge. The most com- At moments, author average financial executive work- You can9t read Lewis9s book ances, including one where he all entertain.
mon narrative now is: How didn9t ing for an obscure company that without thinking that, on some but confesses his role in the crimes None of these books grapple
you know from the get-go that Michael Lewis seems moved from Berkeley to Hong level, Bankman-Fried believes the with which he9s charged. It9s one of meaningfully with the stubborn re-
cryptocurrency was a scam? In- Kong to the Bahamas in a few short <missing= $8 billion that led to the better choices in the fertile crop ality that cryptocurrency, for all the
triguingly, Lewis9s book began life so willing to let Sam years. FTX9s bankruptcy will be found, of crypto books, which includes fraud it has engendered, is not
in the before times and arguably If anything, Lewis paints EA as a too. It9s the most likely explanation <Easy money: Cryptocurrency, Ca- going away. Faux argues that his
ends there, too. That is, he met Bankman-Fried off the borderline cult. And that may have for why he insisted on going to sino Capitalism, and the Golden Visa card makes cryptocurrency
Bankman-Fried in late 2021, at the been part of FTX9s problem: If your trial, rather than taking a plea (as Age of Fraud= (Abrams Press, $28), unnecessary; even if he is right,
apex of his wealth and influence, hook, even after he was team truly believes that they9re his colleagues did), even when by <The o.C.= actor turned writer tens of millions of people across
and got sucked in: <His ambition helping the world by amassing Lewis notes that less than half of 1 Ben mcKenzie and journalist Ja- the globe own it and even more still
was grandiose, but he wasn9t,= Lew- charged with fraud and piles of money, they may not pay percent of those charged with a cob Silverman. Both <Easy money= want to. A speculative gamble, fear
is writes. <. . . I was totally sold.= much attention to how poorly the crime by the U.S. government in and <Number Go Up= take the op- of inflation, dissatisfaction with
once the indictments thundered money laundering. company is being run. There was 2022 were acquitted. At times, posite approach of Lewis, position- government-controlled money
down, Lewis scrambled to rewrite. no conventional board of directors. Lewis seems so deeply enmeshed ing themselves as <I told you so= and the fees that traditional banks
Since his access to Bankman-Fried There was no chief financial offi- in Bankman-Fried9s corner that he, narratives. attach to simple transactions (such
was already orders of magnitude more than individual concern as cer. Even the org chart was a well- too, thinks the money will turn up. You can skip <Easy money,= as making cross-border payments)
greater than any other writer had, he moved into his 20s, but then he kept secret; Lewis writes that it He spends much of the end of the which is pretentious and factually will continue to drive demand for
he automatically got a richer por- stumbled into the world of crypto was handed to him <with a whisper book second-guessing the choices sloppy, but Faux9s boisterous, mas- crypto. In the early days of russia9s
trait. trading, in part because of his in- that might accompany the transfer and interpretations made by John terfully written book is worth a invasion of Ukraine, the world
Lewis is known for giving read- terest in utilitarianism and the of a classified document.= In the ray, the CEo appointed to run FTX watched as millions of dollars in
ers such deep, emotionally driven movement known as effective al- early days, the funding came from after it went bankrupt, rather than crypto aid zapped instantly to help.
stories that they often end up as truism (EA), which posits that any EA investor loans that were charg- drilling down into the company9s The tales in these books certainly
Hollywood films, such as <money- person9s worth should be mea- ing 50 percent interest; Lewis fraud (admittedly, no easy task). goINg make a powerful case for desper-
ball= and <The Blind Side.= Plenty sured by how much net good they notes that <in their financial deal- Bankman-Fried has argued, and INFINITe ately needed smarter regulation of
of that is on display in <Going Infi- accomplish in their lives. Bank- ings with each other, the effective Lewis at times echoes, that the The Rise and crypto, but it9s a high-tech genie
nite=; through Lewis9s vivid por- man-Fried9s interpretation of this altruists were more ruthless than company was never technically in- Fall of a New that won9t be forced back into its
trayal, readers get a thorough look philosophy, he has said, was to russian oligarchs.= solvent. That could be true, but it Tycoon blockchain bottle.
at Bankman-Fried9s brainy but de- maximize his earnings so he could Some might argue that a crypto hardly matters now; Bankman- By michael
tached childhood. He had no real donate gobs of money to charitable exchange is inherently dodgy be- Fried is not on trial for going bank- Lewis James Ledbetter is the editor and
friends and struggles to list any for causes that would save lives. He did cause cryptocurrency is largely rupt, he9s on trial for fraud and W.W. norton. publisher of the substack newsletter
Lewis by name. By the time Bank- this by co-founding Alameda re- imaginary, but even if the criminal money laundering. 288 pp. $30 Fin.

Gayle King, Tom Hanks among those that has only grown a billionfold
since then, and we see it every-
where,= Hanks added. <I can tell

warning followers about AI deepfakes you that there [are] discussions

going on in all of the guilds, all of
the agencies, and all of the legal
firms to come up with the legal
BY ANUMITA KAUR or used it! Please don9t be fooled AI-generated content. ramifications of my face and my
by these AI videos.= many companies are rethink- voice 4 and everybody else9s 4
on monday, a <CBS mornings= representatives of King <have ing or reducing ethical AI re- being our intellectual property.=
co-host warned thousands of requested that the fake video be search, often as part of broader Beyond Hollywood, social me-
social media followers that an taken down several times,= said cost-cutting, even as new appli- dia stars are calling out the
AI-rendered image of her was Samantha Graham, a CBS News cations of the technology are technology for its dubious im-
falsely promoting a product that spokesperson. <Gayle was made booming. Some schools have pacts.
she has no connection with. A aware of this by friends who banned access to ChatGPT, an AI YouTube star mrBeast, whose
day earlier, an oscar-winning reached out to her about it.= bot that can churn out responses real name is Jimmy Donaldson,
actor told people to <beware= of Academy Award winner Tom or answers to students9 school- shared an AI-generated video of
an AI image of himself floating Hanks warned his 9.5 million work in mere moments. AI imag- himself Sunday. Like the ones of
around on the internet. The followers of a similar scam Sun- es such as the ones Hanks and King and Hanks, the video de-
same day, a YouTube star with day. King called out are becoming picted a false Donaldson, who
188 million followers said AI- <There9s a video out there harder to distinguish from real has 188 million YouTube follow-
JoE mAHEr/gEtty imAgEs; EvAn Agostini/invision/AP; FrAzEr HArrison/gEtty imAgEs
doctored content was trying to promoting some dental plan ones as tech companies improve ers, making claims that the real
shill for a <scam= using his with an AI version of me. I have their AI products, giving way to Tom Hanks, left, Gayle King and Jimmy donaldson, who posts to Donaldson doesn9t endorse.
likeness. nothing to do with it,= Hanks misinformation 4 in the case of YouTube as Mrbeast, have recently been the targets of deepfakes. He called it a <deepfake scam
The three celebrities 4 with posted to Instagram. these celebrities, false advertise- ad.=
large followings in their respec- It is unclear what entities ments. The technology may take tion. In an FAQ about the strike would be 32 years old, from now <If you9re watching this video,
tive realms 4 started a week of were behind the deepfakes, or jobs from already disadvantaged authorization, the union said until kingdom come. Anybody you9re one of the 10,000 lucky
high-profile reactions to AI-al- false images purporting to be groups as well. AI9s ability to mimic these cre- can now re-create themselves at people who will get an iPhone 15
tered images that underscore real, that featured King9s and It9s a sticking point in Holly- ative expressions is a <real and any age they are by way of AI or Pro for just $2,= the video adver-
the increasing contention re- Hanks9s doctored footage. wood, too. The use of AI is immediate threat to the work of deepfake technology,= Hanks tisement told viewers. <I9m mr-
garding the use of artificial intel- Hanks9s representatives de- among the issues on the bar- our members.= The guild also told Buxton. Beast and I9m doing the world9s
ligence and its ability to repro- clined to respond to The Wash- gaining table between the wants to prevent studios from <I could be hit by a bus largest iPhone 15 giveaway. Click
duce people9s likenesses regard- ington Post9s questions. His post Screen Actors Guild-American being able to train AI to create tomorrow, and that9s it, but per- the link below to claim yours
less of their consent. did not name the alleged dental Federation of Television and ra- performances from an actor9s formances can go on and on and now.=
Gayle King of CBS News post- company that depicted his like- dio Artists (SAG-AFTrA) and existing work. on and on. And outside of the Donaldson criticized the Tik-
ed a warning to Instagram on ness, and he didn9t share the major Hollywood studios. The Hanks has expressed worry understanding that it9s been Tok-based video on X, one of
monday, sharing a snippet of a video. King9s post showed a logo actors union remains on a about the technology, too. In an done with AI or deepfake, several sites that have struggled
video that used her likeness for a for <Artipet,= for which a web months-long strike against stu- interview with the Adam Buxton there9ll be nothing to tell you over the years to contain such
purported weight loss product. search showed little online pres- dios, even after the Writers Podcast this year, the actor said that it9s not me,= he said. <That9s misinformation. <Are social me-
<People keep sending me this ence Tuesday evening. Guild of America recently ended AI allows fake versions of actors certainly an artistic challenge, dia platforms ready to handle
video and asking about this The conversations, legal re- its strike. to proliferate 4 and, if allowed, but it9s also a legal one.= the rise of AI deepfakes?= he
product and I have NoTHING to course and regulations around SAG-AFTrA seeks protec- the public may not know or care. <We saw this coming. We saw asked. <This is a serious prob-
do with this company,= King the technology remain murky, tions for its members from hav- <right now if I wanted to, I that there was going to be this lem.=
wrote, stamping the words <fake with few concrete laws in the ing their likeness, voice or per- could get together and pitch a ability to take zeros and ones
video= across her AI depiction. United States or around the formances used without their series of seven movies that inside a computer and turn it gerrit De vynck contributed to this
<I9ve never heard of this product world targeting unauthorized consent or without compensa- would star me in them in which I into a face and a character. Now report.
C4 eZ re K the washington post . thursday, october 5 , 2023

TV reView

Season 2 of 8Loki9 is a return to form for Marvel Studios

tas to the character that makes
you want to know more about
Looming threat of DC who he really is 4 even if he
makes it the perfect time doesn9t want that for himself.
This could easily be a show where
for follow-up9s arrival people just care about Loki. But it
isn9t, because Wilson steals a
good amount of the scenes he9s in.
BY D AVID B ETANCOURT Sophia Di Martino returns as
Sylvie, a variant of Loki whom
Disney Plus9s greatest Marvel he9s in love with (because, of
Studios flex was back in 2021. course, the only person Loki
In January, a world nearly a could love more than himself, is
year into quarantining was intro- himself ). Sylvie9s significance is
duced to <WandaVision.= The se- in who lies at the wrong end of
ries was a social media darling. her blade. She killed He Who
Think Kelce/Swift but with su- Remains at the end of last season,
perpowers. despite a warning that such an
Then came <Loki= later that act would release multiple ver-
year, which dared to be even sions of him, or variants, onto the
better than <WandaVision= (no universe.
easy feat) and perhaps set an One such variant is here now in
unfair standard for Marvel shows Season 2, played by Majors, who
that followed. <Loki= was Tom returns to <Loki= as Victor Timely,
Hiddleston9s love letter to a com- a man in the 19th century who9s
ic-book-loving fandom who trapped in an era where technol-
adored his turn as key villain ogy can9t match the power of his
turned antihero 4 a star perform- genius. Victor Timely is a poten-
ance that made him an undeni- tial reflection of Kang, the ulti-
able cog in the Marvel Studios mate Avengers villain Majors is
machine. scheduled to play in future mov-
<Loki= was not more of the ies after debuting as the character
same god of mischief antics of in <Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quan-
old. The series traded the charac- tumania.= The mystery is whether
ter9s Asgardian royalty and arro- Majors will continue to play the
gance and opened his eyes to character after his recent legal
greater stakes when he was troubles.
charged with overseeing the <Loki= was always meant to be
greatest and most undefeated a bridge to the next big Avengers
Gareth Gatrell
power of all: time itself. movie, with Majors9 involvement
The first season of <Loki= Tom Hiddleston, foreground, portrays Loki in the Disney Plus show of the same name, which is back for Season 2 on Thursday. as the variants of He Who Re-
worked because it was so differ- mains being a part of the journey.
ent from anything we9d seen the on the first four episodes made couldn9t be more perfect, or more branches of time where he is a Wilson continues to be a Neither Majors nor Marvel Stu-
character in before. The series available to critics, it9s the best needed. stranger even to those closest to shockingly perfect fit for the dios has mentioned his future as
took Hiddleston, a relic of Marvel Disney Plus original from Marvel Whatever it is that has been him. The only way to fix things? MCU as the TVA9s Agent Mobius. Kang since his arrest earlier this
Studios9 glory days, and made Studios since & <Loki.= ailing the MCU of late, this new Find one of the <variants= of He If your geek bingo card didn9t year. At least for now, he appears
him new again within the Marvel In a series that is all about time, season of <Loki= is the elixir and is Who Remains and try to stop a have the guy from <Zoolander= to remain an active part of <Loki.=
Cinematic Universe. This Loki the timing of <Loki9s= return can9t very much still a prime Marvel flood of multiple realities busting and <Wedding Crashers= rising Season 2 of <Loki= is a return to
somehow had a conscience. Not be understated. Studios viewing experience. loose. up the ranks of your favorite form for what fans expect from
even Robert Downey Jr. has been The MCU isn9t under attack per In Season 1, Hiddleston played Hiddleston9s out-of-character Marvel characters, you9re not Marvel Studios. Hiddleston can9t
given a baptism to come back as se, but it9s no longer a critic-proof the trickster god imprisoned by heroics as Loki this season are alone. Mobius learned in <Loki9s= do the heavy lifting for Marvel
something so completely differ- party, either. Cries of superhero the Time Variance Authority, a mixed with reminders that he9s first season that his whole life as a Studios forever 4 eventually
ent within the MCU. (Not yet, fatigue, whether you believe them policing agency created by an one of the MCU9s greatest villains. time cop had been a lie. He was someone else has to step up 4 but
anyway.) The result was simple. or not, persist. Despite those entity called He Who Remains Loki9s evil side is a hibernating someone before the TVA. But he there9s nothing wrong with him
Loki as a time cop, alongside the cries, the threat of James Gunn, (Jonathan Majors) to protect the bear that, once poked, proves why has no recollection of it. Now, saving the day right now.
never-not-funny Owen Wilson, his new Superman and DC Stu- sanctity of time and make sure Hiddleston plays such a good bad instead of finding out who he
was simply good television. dios is right around the corner. nothing alters it. At the start of guy to begin with. Hiddleston9s really is, Mobius buries his head Loki Season 2 begins streaming
Now it9s time to flex again. For the first time, Marvel Stu- Season 2, the timeline is in sham- Loki isn9t about that life anymore. into being the best time cop he thursday at 9 p.m. on Disney Plus,
<Loki= is back for a second season, dios9 power seems up for grabs. bles, and Loki is glitching be- But he9ll show you the horns if can be. with subsequent episodes releasing
streaming Thursday. And based The timing of Hiddleston9s return tween the reality he knows and you push him hard enough. Wilson brings comedic gravi- weekly.

T eL eV i s io n LA TiMes CrossworD By Barbara Lin

10/5/23 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 1 Marketing
4.1 WRC (NBC) + NBCNe.. + Hollywo.. + Law & Order: SVU + Found + Dateline NBC + News target for K9nex
4.2 WRC (IND) Bones Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Roseanne Roseanne Nanny Mighty Makers
5.1 WTTG (Fox) + Fox 5 + Pre-Ga.. + NFL Football Chicago Bears at Washington Commanders (Live) + News
5 Mass transit
7.1 WJLA (ABC) + Wheel + Jeopardy! + Bachelor + Bachelor in Paradise + News
9.1 WUSA (CBS) + InsideEd. + ET + Buddy Games + Big Brother (Live) + Challenge + 9 News
9 Immature
14.1 WFDC (UNI) + Rosa + Eternamente + Tierra de esperanza + Minas de pasión + Noticias
20.1 WDCA (MNTV) + FamFeud + FamFeud + Fox 5 News + FamFeud + FamFeud + FamFeud + Puzzler + Dateline

22.1 WMPT (PBS) + Context + Key + The Yorkshire Vet + Doc Martin + Marriage + Farm
14 Notion
26.1 WETA (PBS) + PBS NewsHour + Press + Midsomer Murders + Midsomer Murders + Amanp..
15 White-bellied
32.1 WHUT (PBS) + DW News + Dmv-Beat + Exposing Disparity + POV + POVSh.. + Legacy + BBCNe..
50.1 WDCW (CW) + Neighbor + Neighbor + FBoy Island (SF) + Whose.. + DC News Now + Seinfeld 16 Send in
66.1 WPXW (ION) + Chicago P.D. + Chicago P.D. + Chicago P.D. + Chicago P.D. + Chicago 17 Evergreen
A&E The First 48 The First 48 Interrogation Raw (:05) Accused (SP) First48 seedlings?
(5:30) Movie: Movie: The Exorcist ++++ (1973) Jesuits try to rescue (:45) Movie: Jeepers 19 Meaningless,
Poltergeist (1982) a possessed girl (Linda Blair). Creepers ++ (2001) as a gesture
Animal Planet Finding Bigfoot Finding Bigfoot Finding Bigfoot Finding Bigfoot Bigfoot 20 Tangled
BET Payne Payne Movie: Get Rich or Die Tryin' ++ (2005) Martin
Southern Charm Southern Charm Southern Charm Southern Charm
21 Scratch (out)
Bravo 23 __-Mex
Cartoon Network King/Hill King/Hill Burgers Burgers Burgers American American AmericanAmerican 24 Nearly invisible
CNN E. B. OutFront (Live) Cooper 360 (Live) The Source (Live) CNN (Live) CNN pest
Comedy Central The Office The Office The Office The Office The Office Office Office Office
Office 25 Medal metal
Discovery (5:30) BattleBots BattleBots (SP) Sinkholes Sinkholes 27 Shade tree
Disney (6:30) Movie: Tangled ... (:15) Hailey (:40) Hailey Marvel's Ladybug Ladybug Ladybug Villains that9s been
E! Botched Botched Botched Botched E! News pruned too
(4:30) Baseball MLB Baseball Miami Marlins at Philadelphia Phillies (Live) SportCtr severely?
ESPN Baseball (Live) (Live)
MLB Baseball Arizona Diamondbacks at Milwaukee Brewers (Live) NFL Live SportCtr 32 Accords, e.g.
ESPN2 (Live) 35 Irish __
Food Network BeatBobby BeatBobby Beat Bobby BeatBobby BeatBobby BeatBobby Bobby's Triple Threat BeatBobby 36 Writer Dillard
Fox News Ingraham (Live) Jesse Watters (Live) Hannity (Live) Gutfeld! Fox News 37 Pie __ mode
(6:30) Movie: Monsters, Inc. Movie: Monsters University +++ (2013) At first rivals, The 700 © 2023 Tribune Content Agency, LLC. 10/5/23
Freeform +++ (2001) Mike and Sulley became the best of pals. Club 38 Cook quickly
Movie: The Avengers +++ (2012) Superheroes team up to save Movie: The Avengers +++ 41 Smidgen 3 Aired again 31 Lamarr in the 43 MLB stat 53 Olympic venue
FX the world from disaster. (2012) 42 Part of a 4 Research National Inven- that9s good 54 Mirrored
(6:00) Movie: Raise a Movie: A Very Venice Romance (2023) Golden Golden Golden network when it9s low
Hallmark Glass to Love (2021) Girls Girls Girls
subjects with tors Hall of Fame 55 Fancy-
Movie: A Christmas to Remember (2016) Movie: Time for You to Come Home for Murder ...
44 <What are you whiskers 32 Sleep in a tent 45 <Glad to take schmancy
Hallmark M&M Christmas (2019) doing!?= 5 Garment that 33 Lotion additive questions= 57 Film spool
(6:15) Movie: Cesar Movie: Gangs of New York +++ (2002) A young man in (:50) Ringleader: Bli 45 Stern greeting? may match 34 Where a 47 To counterpart 58 Excited about
HBO Chavez ++ (2014) 1860s New York plans to avenge his father. 46 Fruit tree in the slippers zipper may 48 Target numbers 59 Floors
HGTV No Demo Reno No Demo Reno No Demo Reno Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters royal orchard? 6 Like Death get caught? 49 Bill 61 Frankenfood
History Mountain Men Mountain Men (:35) Alone Australia (:35) Mountain Men
50 Easy-to-wash Valley
Castle Castle Castle (:05) Castle (:05)
38 Exhaust-ive 52 British initials
Lifetime Castle carpet 7 Old fashioned check? automaker who 63 <Curb Your
MASN Pro Football Plus Collegiate Summer Baseball 2023 NECBL All-Star Game Bensinger 51 Gumbo pod rocks? 39 Charge partnered with Enthusiasm=
MSNBC The ReidOut (Live) All In With (Live) Wagner (Live) Last Word (Live) 11th Hour 54 Ctrl-__-Del 8 Elements of 40 Whiskey choice Charles Rolls network
MTV Jersey Shore Jersey Shore Family Vacation Jersey Shore All Star 56 As well fiber optic
Nat9l Geographic The Story of Us The Story of Us The Story of Us Movie: Bobi Wine: The People's ... 57 <How We Do communications
NBC SportsNet Hometow.. Capitals Washingt.. Caps Line Beyond the Caps Line BeyondT.. Hershey Bears: (Party)= singer 9 NFL city with WEDNESDAY9S LA TIMES SOLUTION
Nickelodeon Movie: Monster High 2 (2023) (P) Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends 60 Clean out the smallest
NWSN On Balance Cuomo Dan Abrams (Live) Banfield Cuomo
62 Recently population
Movie: It +++ (2017) Maine children unite to fight an ancient, evil Movie: Pet Sematary ++ (2019) 10 Sleep cycle
Paramount clown. (P) developed
(6:30) Movie: B...A... Movie: Fear the Night (2023) (P) (:35) Movie: Follow Her (2022) (:15) conifer cultivar? 11 Indefinite
Showtime (2022) (P) Movie: ... 64 Checkups ordinal
Syfy (6:30) Movie: The Conjuring 2 +++ (2016) Paranormal Movie: The Protégé ++ (2021) (P) 65 Help when one 12 Sharp quality
investigators battle demonic possession. 13 <Mr. Roboto=
TBS Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Tacoma.. band
(6:00) Movie: This Is Movie: El Norte +++ (1983) Guatemalan children face Movie: Border 66 Proactiv target
TCM Elvis ++ (1981) betrayal and exploitation in L.A. Incident +++ (1950) 67 Last stop, often 18 Quartet
TLC Fat Fabulous Sister Wives Sister Wives Sister Wives Sister 68 <Star Wars= film member
(5:15) NHL Hockey Boston Bruins at New York Rangers (Live) NHL Hockey Colorado Avalanche starring Alden 22 Levels,
TNT Movie: O... at Vegas Golden Knights (Live) Ehrenreich briefly
Travel Paranormal Cam. Ghost Town Ghost Town The Dead Files Dead Files 25 Tight squeeze
69 Pro choices?
TruTV Jokers Jokers Jokes Jokes Jokes Jokes Tacoma.. Tacoma.. Jokes 26 __ garden
TV Land Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond (:05) King
Down 28 Rose Parade
TV One CosbySh.. CosbySh.. Different Different Different Different Different Different Different
USA Network Law & Order: SVU Movie: Ghostbusters +++ (1984) Movie: Ghostbusters... 1 Some embed- setting?
VH1 (6:30) Movie: Forrest Gump ++++ (1994) Movie: Forrest Gump (1994) ded images 29 Island floral
WNC8 Smile Paid Prog. 7News at.. Paid Prog. SportsTalk WorldNe.. WJLANe.. Paid Prog. National 2 Checking the arrangement
LEGEND: Bold indicates new or live programs + High Definition age of, say 30 <Later!=
Movie Ratings (from TMS) ++++ Excellent +++ Good ++ Fair + Poor No stars: not rated
thursday, october 5 , 2023 . the washington post EZ RE C5

Ex-friend says I did 81,000 things9 to hurt her, but won9t elaborate. What to do?
Dear Amy: I am other two members of our but in my opinion, it is about what I was doing, I cannot go back if things do not disappointed that you did not
Ask Amy in a group of four group, but not my husband and extremely cowardly to confront overlooked the lack of protocols change there, but I am not sure suggest she consider confiding
Amy women who have me. As far as I know, she does someone partway, crack open a for safety and training, how to address these issues. in her parents, a trusted aunt or
Dickinson played bridge not see or talk to the other two, box of mysteries, then slam it attributing it to the growth and Should I write a short response uncle, a school counselor or a
together almost either. I am quite devastated by shut. learning of the nonprofit, indicating I have concerns, or a minister at her church with her
every week for this and communicated my If there is an extreme especially in recent years. longer one outlining them as questions and concerns about
more than 25 years. A year ago, feelings. I am very hurt the other difference in temperament and When I tried to address issues constructive criticism? Or sexuality and virginity. There is a
one of the women in our group two are going to the wedding personality between the two of as they arose, however, I felt should I let it go and move on lot of peer pressure in school. I
abruptly cut all of us off. when I have been so slighted you (you are outgoing and unheard. Nothing was done. I altogether? would not dismiss the help and
Through texts and emails, she and hurt. I am not sure whether assertive while she is shy and have not felt appreciated or 4 Disappointed Volunteer insights people outside her circle
told us that she cannot be I can keep the hurt from passive), she may have felt respected by staff or even other of friends could offer!
friends with us anymore. She affecting the remaining dominated or silenced. You volunteers. A few months ago, I Disappointed Volunteer: You 4 Jeff in Denver
would not make time to see us in relationships. I would like your could ask your other friends for was injured because of the should respond by outlining
person. take. any insight they may have. One actions of another volunteer. your specific concerns about this Jeff in Denver: Some of these
She seems to be particularly 4 Hurt advantage of their glancing This person did not apologize or organization. Keep your tone adults might not offer
mad at me, so I emailed her contact with this person is that show any concern for my well- neutral, but definitely describe supportive advice, but I do agree
trying to find out what had Hurt: I am not sure it is fair to they may bring back some being. After I filled out an any health and safety violations with your suggestion overall.
happened. She started with a judge these other people for valuable information. incident report, the staff did not you witnessed during your time
paragraph about all my accepting an invitation you were check on me. there, as well as the lack of Amy9s column appears seven days a
wonderful qualities, then said denied. This former friend has Dear Amy: A few years ago, I I told them I was taking three adequate training. Tell them you week at washingtonpost.com/advice.
we can no longer be friends. She (perhaps deliberately) set a started volunteering one day a months off to focus on family value their mission but will not Write to askamy@amydickinson.com
wrote that I have done <1,000 mystery in motion, and it will week for a small local nonprofit and other responsibilities. I got a be returning as a volunteer. or Amy Dickinson, P.O. Box 194,
things to hurt= her over the corrode your other relationships food organization. This is not my message from the volunteer Freeville, N.Y. 13068. ù You can also
years, but she would not tell me if you let it. Then you will have first experience as an involved coordinator asking whether I Dear Amy: <Teen With No follow her @askingamy.
what they were. lost three friends instead of one. volunteer, and, of course, I have enjoyed my time away, and Experience= worried about
Her son is getting married I cannot dive in and decode this also been in various workplaces. would I like to return? As much gaining sexual experience in © 2023 by Amy Dickinson. Distributed by
soon, and she has invited the strange turn of events for you, Although I enjoyed and felt good as I care about the cause, I high school. I am surprised and Tribune Content Agency.

Thursday, October 5, 2023

MOVIE DIRECTORY (!) No Pass/No Discount Ticket www.washingtonpost.com/movies
Miúcha, the Voice of Bossa When Evil Lurks 5:00 The Vaccine War 3:25-10:30 The Ex-Files 4: Marriage Plan When Evil Lurks 5:30-8:30 On Fire (PG-13) CC: 4:30 Alamo Drafthouse Cinema - The Exorcist: Believer (R) Gran Turismo: Based On a True
DISTRICT Nova 9:30 Exorcist: Believer - The IMAX 2D Talk to Me (R) 9:00 12:00-3:30-6:40-10:00 Exorcist: Believer - The IMAX 2D Creation of the Gods I: Kingdom One Loudoun 5:00-6:00-6:30-7:00-8:00-9:00- Story (PG-13) 11:30-2:45-6:05
AMC Georgetown 14 Invisible Beauty 4:20 Experience (R) CC: 5:00-8:00 Fukrey 3 11:35-7:00 Exorcist: Believer - The IMAX 2D Experience (R) 5:00-8:00 of Storms 2:00-5:30 20575 East Hampton Plaza 10:00-10:30 The Nun II (R) 1:00-3:50-6:40
3111 K Street N.W. Dumb Money (R) 12:00-2:10-8:45 Moscow Mission (Mosike It Lives Inside (PG-13) 10:25- Experience (R) 6:00-9:00 Stop Making Sense (PG) CC: 2:30 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie The Blind (PG-13) 12:00-6:00 A Haunting in Venice (PG-13)
Regal Westview & IMAX
Barbie (PG-13) CC: 2:00-4:40- Stop Making Sense (PG) xingdong) 8:00 1:20-4:10 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie 5243 Buckeystown Pike The Ex-Files 4: Marriage Plan (PG) 2:55-4:50-6:45 Saw X (R) 1:35-3:35-6:35-9:35- 12:40-3:25-6:25-9:10
7:30 7:05-9:15 The Creator (PG-13) OC: 9:45 Dumb Money (R) 12:05-2:50 (PG) OC: 3:15 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie 3:30-9:15 Expend4bles (R) 3:00 10:30 My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3
Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie AMC Academy 8 Dumb Money (R) OC: 10:15 Saw X (R) 2:05 Regal Germantown (PG) 12:00-1:00-2:40-6:10-8:40 When Evil Lurks 5:00-6:30 It Lives Inside (PG-13) 2:00 She Came to Me (R) 6:00-8:40 (PG-13) 11:50AM
(PG) CC: 2:00-3:15-4:15-6:30 Saw X (R) CC: 12:45-3:40-6:30- Skanda - The Attacker (Telugu)
6198 Greenbelt Road The Blind (PG-13) 12:00-3:00- 20000 Century Boulevard Expend4bles (R) 11:45-2:20-5:20 Exorcist: Believer - The IMAX 2D The Exorcist: Believer (R) Fukrey 3 2:35-6:00-9:40
Expend4bles (R) CC: 2:15 9:45 6:00 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie Experience (R) CC: 5:00-8:00- 7:00-10:10 2:10 It Lives Inside (PG-13) 9:35
Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie A Haunting in Venice (PG-13)
The Equalizer 3 (R) CC: 4:15-8:45 (PG) CC: 1:20-2:15-3:45-4:45-6:45 The Exorcist: Believer (R) CC: The Exorcist: Believer (R) 7:00- (PG) 11:30-1:00-2:00-3:20-4:10- 12:40-3:20-6:20-9:00 10:30 Stop Making Sense (PG) 3:35 Regal Ballston Quarter Dumb Money (R) 1:15-4:10-
The Royal Hotel (R) CC: 7:45- Expend4bles (R) CC: 1:10 7:00-8:30-10:00 7:30-10:00-10:30 6:00-7:10 Mother Teresa and Me 7:00 Dr. Cheon and the Lost Talisman The Creator (PG-13) 3:20-3:55- 671 North Glebe Road 7:05-9:50
10:05 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie She Came to Me (R) 6:00-8:40- Expend4bles (R) 12:00-2:40- 7:30-9:00 6:30-9:05 Saw X (R) 12:10-3:15-6:20-9:25
The Creator (PG-13) CC: 1:00- Dumb Money (R) 11:50-2:30- Barbie (PG-13) 12:40
The Creator (PG-13) CC: 2:00 4:10-7:30 (PG) 6:30 11:20 5:30-8:10 5:30-8:20 Moscow Mission (Mosike A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) The Blind (PG-13) 2:15
Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie
The Nun II (R) CC: 11:00 The Exorcist: Believer (R) OC:
The Nun II (R) CC: 2:00-4:10-6:30 5:30 The Kill Room (R) 1:05 The Equalizer 3 (R) 12:30 The Exorcist: Believer (R) xingdong) 8:00 4:15-7:15-9:45 (PG) 12:40-1:10-2:10-4:00-6:00 Stop Making Sense (PG) 12:00-
A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) CC: Dumb Money (R) CC: 1:30- The Lion King (1994) Disney100 Jawan (Hindi) 1:20-5:10-9:00 5:00-8:00 AMC Potomac Mills 18 Dumb Money (R) 2:30-5:40- Blue Beetle (PG-13) 6:50 2:30-5:00-7:30-10:00
3:00-5:40-8:10-10:30 4:00-7:10 AMC Magic Johnson (G) 10:40-1:10-3:35 The Creator (PG-13) 11:40-12:40- Saw X (R) 1:50 2700 Potomac Mills Circle 7:45-10:05 The Creator (PG-13) 11:25-2:50-
My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 Expend4bles (R) 12:20
The Exorcist: Believer (R) CC: Capital Center 12 Skanda - The Attacker (Telugu) 1:10-3:00-4:20-6:30-7:30 The Blind (PG-13) 1:20-4:10 Barbie (PG-13) CC: 1:10 The Exorcist: Believer (R) 6:10-9:30
(PG-13) CC: 2:15 10:10AM The Creator (PG-13) 1:30-5:00-
5:00-7:45 800 Shoppers Way The Nun II (R) 1:40-4:30-7:20 The Creator - The IMAX 2D Expe- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: 6:00-8:45 8:10 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie
Bottoms (R) CC: 3:00-5:20-7:45- Saw X (R) CC: 2:30-5:30-8:15 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Peddha Kapu 1 2:15 A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) rience (PG-13) 12:50-4:00 Mutant Mayhem (PG) CC: 3:30- Saw X (R) 2:45-6:15-9:30 (PG) OC: 1:45
10:05 Stop Making Sense (PG) 11:10AM The Nun II (R) 1:40-4:40-7:30
The Exorcist: Believer (R) 7:00 Mutant Mayhem (PG) CC: 11:50-2:50-5:40-8:20 Exorcist: Believer - The IMAX 2D 6:00-8:40 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) Saw X (R) 4:15-7:20-10:10-10:40
Dumb Money (R) CC: 5:15-7:45- 1:00-3:30 The Ex-Files 4: Marriage Plan Mother Teresa and Me 7:00 Experience (R) 7:20 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie (PG) 10:25 The Exorcist: Believer (R) 5:00-
10:15 AMC Annapolis Mall 11 10:55-2:20 12:30-3:30-6:30
Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie Fukrey 3 1:30-4:50-8:40 The Creator (PG-13) 1:40-3:00- (PG) CC: 1:00-2:30-4:45-7:15-9:30 Angelika Film Center Dumb Money (R) 2:10-5:10-7:50 8:00-11:00
The Exorcist: Believer (R) CC: 1020 Annapolis Mall Road (PG) CC: 1:20-1:50-3:40-4:10 When Evil Lurks 5:00-7:40-10:20 It Lives Inside (PG-13) 8:30 8:00 Expend4bles (R) CC: 1:30- Mosaic The Exorcist: Believer (R) 5:00- Regal Manassas & IMAX
5:00-7:40-10:20 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie Blue Beetle (PG-13) CC: 2:00 Rules Ranjann 6:00-9:35 7:00-9:30
(PG) CC: 11:00-12:20-2:05-4:30- Expend4bles (R) CC: 2:45- Dumb Money (R) 11:35-2:20- Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie 2911 District Ave 6:00-8:00-8:30-9:00 11380 Bulloch Drive
Saw X (R) CC: 4:40-7:30-10:15 Moscow Mission (Mosike 4:55-7:40 (PG) OC: 3:30 The Equalizer 3 (R) CC: 1:20-4:20
Oppenheimer 70mm (R) CC: 2:00 6:45 xingdong) 10:55 Barbie (PG-13) 11:25-1:55- Saw X (R) 1:10-1:40-4:10-7:20 Barbie (PG-13) 12:10-3:00-
5:20-8:00 The Exorcist: Believer (R) Saw X (R) 12:10-4:50-6:00-8:50 Jawan (Hindi) 4:30 4:25-9:40 The Blind (PG-13) 4:00-7:00
Strange Way of Life (R) CC: 7:00- Expend4bles (R) CC: 11:40-2:15- The Equalizer 3 (R) CC: 1:00- 5:55-8:40
Cinépolis Gaithersburg 5:00-8:00 The Exorcist: Believer (R) 6:20- The Creator (PG-13) CC: 1:30 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie When Evil Lurks 5:00-7:50 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie
8:50-10:40 4:45-7:15 3:40-6:25-9:10 629 Center Point Way
The Equalizer 3 (R) CC: 11:00- Saw X (R) 12:10-3:10-4:40-6:10- 8:30-9:10 The Nun II (R) CC: 2:15-5:00-7:45 (PG) 11:10-12:25-2:40-4:55-7:10 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie (PG) 11:05-11:30-12:30-1:30-2:10-
She Came to Me (R) CC: 6:00- The Creator (PG-13) CC: Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie 7:50-9:05
8:30-10:40 1:35-4:10-6:50-9:20 Xscape Theatres A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) CC: Expend4bles (R) 12:00-2:35 (PG) OC: 3:20 3:00-4:50-5:50-7:30-10:00
2:15-5:25 (PG) 12:00-3:00-6:00 The Blind (PG-13) 3:50 1:40-4:10-6:45-9:20
Stop Making Sense (PG) CC: The Creator (PG-13) CC: 11:05- The Nun II (R) CC: 1:30-4:10- Brandywine 14 The Origin of Evil (L'origine du Regal Dulles Town Center Blue Beetle (PG-13) 12:00-5:35
1:20-4:20-7:20-9:45 The Equalizer 3 (R) 12:40-3:20- Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie 7710 Matapeake Business Drive Mother Teresa and Me 7:00 mal) (R) 6:30 Expend4bles (R) 11:30-2:10-4:50-
3:15-5:30 6:00-6:50-8:45-9:30 3:40-7:00 (PG) OC: 12:20 21100 Dulles Town Circle
When Evil Lurks 5:00-7:30-10:00 The Royal Hotel (R) CC: 7:00-9:50 It Lives Inside (PG-13) CC: 6:30 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) 7:25-9:55
The Creator (PG-13) 12:00-2:40- Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie
The Creator (PG-13) CC: 2:00- The Nun II (R) CC: 1:50-4:25- Dumb Money (R) CC: 1:00-3:35- Regal Hyattsville Royale Mutant Mayhem (PG) 11:25-1:45- (PG-13) CC: 3:30-6:00 12:05-2:25-4:45-7:15 (PG) 1:45-4:20-6:50 The Equalizer 3 (R) 2:55-8:40
10:20 6:00-9:20 6505 America Blvd. 4:25-6:45-9:15 Fukrey 3 1:10-8:15 Invisible Beauty 3:50 Jawan (Hindi) 12:20-7:10
5:00-8:00-11:00 6:10-8:45 A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) Blue Beetle (PG-13) 3:30
Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie It Lives Inside (PG-13) CC: 8:30
Dumb Money (R) OC: 2:45 A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) CC: The Exorcist: Believer (R) CC:
Barbie (PG-13) 12:10-3:00- Dumb Money (R) 11:35-2:05- Expend4bles (R) 12:00-2:35-9:00 The Creator (PG-13) 12:00-3:15-
The Exorcist: Believer (R) CC: 12:00-2:30-5:00-7:30-10:00 6:00-8:45 6:00-8:50 (PG) 11:00-1:10-1:50-3:40-4:20- Dumb Money (R) CC: 1:00-3:45- 4:35-7:05-9:40 The Equalizer 3 (R) 12:45 6:25-9:30
It Lives Inside (PG-13) CC: The Exorcist: Believer (R) 5:20- Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie 6:40-9:00 6:30-9:15 The Inventor (PG) 1:30 The Nun II (R) 12:50-3:35-6:20
5:30-8:10-10:50 Saw X (R) CC: 3:15-5:00-6:10 6:20-8:20-9:20 Jawan (Hindi) 3:00
(PG) 12:00-1:40-2:40-3:20-4:20- Expend4bles (R) 11:45-2:15-4:45- Saw X (R) CC: 3:15-6:20-9:30
Alamo Drafthouse Cinema -
11:00-1:30 The Creator - The IMAX 2D Saw X (R) 1:20-2:20-4:20-7:20- 7:15-9:45 The Exorcist: Believer (R) CC:
Strange Way of Life (R) The Creator (PG-13) 12:30-7:20 A Haunting in Venice (PG-13)
DC Bryant Street Dumb Money (R) CC: 12:15-2:50- Experience (PG-13) CC: 1:30 5:35 7:00-8:40 Gran Turismo: Based On a True 11:15-1:45-4:15
9:00 Blue Beetle (PG-13) 2:50-8:55 The Equalizer 3 (R) 11:40-2:10- 5:00-8:00
630 Rhode Island Ave NE 5:30-8:10-10:45 On Fire (PG-13) CC: 2:45 The Creator (PG-13) 11:00-1:00- Story (PG-13) 12:20 The Vaccine War 4:00
Saw X (R) CC: 11:10-2:00-4:50- When Evil Lurks 5:00-7:30 Expend4bles (R) 1:40-4:40-7:40 Expend4bles (R) 12:10-2:55- 5:10-7:40-10:10 The Blind (PG-13) 4:00-7:00
Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie Dumb Money (R) 2:00-5:00-8:00 The Creator (PG-13) 10:40-11:20- The Kill Room (R) CC: 7:00-9:30
4:00-7:00-9:15-9:30 The Nun II (R) 11:45-1:55-4:35- It Lives Inside (PG-13) 8:20
7:40-9:00-10:30 Exorcist: Believer - The IMAX 2D 5:40-8:40 Stop Making Sense (PG) 10:55- 7:45 Dumb Money (R) 11:10-2:10-
(PG) 3:15-4:15-6:15 Landmark 1:00-1:40-5:00-6:20-8:00-9:20 The Lion King (1994) Disney100
The Equalizer 3 (R) 3:00 The Exorcist: Believer (R) CC: Experience (R) CC: 5:00-7:45 The Equalizer 3 (R) 12:00-3:05- 2:00-4:15-6:25-8:30-9:55 A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) 5:00-7:50
5:00-7:50-9:30-10:30 Bethesda Row Cinema 5:55-8:50 The Nun II (R) 11:15-2:05-4:35- (G) 2:00-4:20-6:40-9:00 The Exorcist: Believer (R) 5:00- The Exorcist: Believer (R) 6:00-
The Exorcist: Believer (R) The Creator (PG-13) OC: 8:30 7235 Woodmont Avenue 7:25-10:05 On Fire (PG-13) CC: 2:10 2:05-4:45-7:30
7:00-10:15 The Blind (PG-13) 4:00-7:00 Saw X (R) OC: 9:00 The Creator (PG-13) 12:00-12:50- 7:30-10:00 Mother Teresa and Me 7:00 7:00-9:00-10:00
Stop Making Sense (PG) CC: Barbie (PG-13) 4:30-7:45 2:10-4:10-5:50-7:30-8:35 Dumb Money (R) 10:50-1:40- Stop Making Sense (PG) CC: 2:40 Saw X (R) 11:20-2:20-5:20-
Flora and Son (R) 3:30 The Exorcist: Believer (R) 9:15 4:40-7:20-9:50 When Evil Lurks 5:00-7:40 CMX Village 14 My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3
11:30-2:40 Oppenheimer (R) 4:00-7:00 The Nun II (R) 1:10-4:25-5:50- 8:10-9:20
The Creator (PG-13) 3:30 Saw X (R) 8:00 The Exorcist: Believer (R) 5:00- Expend4bles (R) OC: 4:10 1600 Village Market Boulevard (PG-13) 11:30AM
The Creator (PG-13) 7:00 8:40
A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) AMC Center Park 8 AMC Montgomery 16 5:40-6:20-7:40-8:20-9:10-10:20 The Creator (PG-13) CC: 3:30- Barbie (PG-13) 1:30-4:10-7:15 Dumb Money (R) 1:00-3:45-9:45 The Blind (PG-13) 11:40-2:30-
A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) A Haunting in Venice (PG-13)
3:45-6:45-10:30 4001 Powder Mill Rd. 7101 Democracy Boulevard 5:00-7:30 12:35-3:25-6:15-9:00 Saw X (R) 11:50-1:20-2:40-4:10- 6:45-10:00 Oppenheimer (R) 11:30-6:15 The Exorcist: Believer (R) 5:00- 5:15-8:00
Dumb Money (R) 4:45-7:45-10:30 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie 6:00-7:00-8:00-9:15-10:00 The Creator - The IMAX 2D
Barbie (PG-13) CC: 2:15-4:30- My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 It Lives Inside (PG-13) 6:55-9:30 5:30-6:50-8:10-9:40 The Exorcist: Believer (R) CC: Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie Experience (PG-13) 1:00
Saw X (R) 4:00-7:15-9:15 (PG) CC: 1:50-2:45-4:20-6:45 7:15 (PG-13) 4:05 The Blind (PG-13) 11:05AM 6:00-9:05 (PG) 11:35-12:20-1:00-2:45-3:20- Saw X (R) 1:15-4:10-9:30
Expend4bles (R) CC: 1:20-4:40 Dumb Money (R) 12:20-3:10- Exorcist: Believer - The IMAX 2D
The Creator (PG-13) 4:30-6:30- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Dumb Money (R) 7:15 6:00-8:50 Peddha Kapu 1 2:45-9:35 The Kill Room (R) OC: 4:30 5:00-7:20 The Creator (PG-13) OC: 4:00
8:00-9:30-10:00 The Equalizer 3 (R) CC: 1:40- Saw X (R) OC: 7:10 Experience (R) 5:00-8:00
Mutant Mayhem (PG) CC: The Exorcist: Believer (R) The Exorcist: Believer (R) 5:00- Skanda - The Attacker (Telugu) AMC Shirlington 7
Expend4bles (R) 12:00-2:35-
The Exorcist: Believer (R) 3:50-7:10 3:15-5:15 5:00-7:45 10:55-6:05 5:05-7:40 Dumb Money (R) OC: 6:30 Regal
6:30-8:00-9:30 2772 South Randolph St. Springûeld Town Center
6:00-9:45 The Creator (PG-13) CC: 1:00- Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie The Creator (PG-13) 4:15 Saw X (R) 1:30-2:55-5:40-7:35- The Creator (PG-13) 11:30-2:30 Regal
4:15-7:15 iPic Pike & Rose Barbie (PG-13) CC: 2:15 6859 Springûeld Mall
Angelika (PG) CC: 2:00-3:30-4:30-6:00- Dumb Money (R) 4:30 8:30 11830 Grand Park Avenue The Nun II (R) 12:05-2:40-5:20- Fairfax Towne Center
Pop-Up at Union Market The Nun II (R) CC: 1:15-4:15-7:00 7:00-9:30 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie 8:05 4110 West Ox Road Barbie (PG-13) 2:50-9:10
Stop Making Sense (PG) 8:00 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie (PG) CC: 12:05-2:40-5:00-7:30
550 Penn Street NE - Unit E Dumb Money (R) CC: 1:30- Blue Beetle (PG-13) CC: 3:30 (PG) OC: 12:45 A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) Oppenheimer (R) 1:20 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie
4:30-7:00 Landmark at (PG) (!) 3:15-6:15-9:00 The Equalizer 3 (R) CC: 12:05- (PG) 1:40-4:20-7:00-9:40
Bottoms (R) 2:20 Expend4bles (R) CC: 2:00 Annapolis Harbour Center Saw X (R) OC: 12:10 The Equalizer 3 (R) 3:45-6:45- 11:50-2:20-4:50-7:35 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie
The Exorcist: Believer (R) CC: The Equalizer 3 (R) CC: 8:15- 1:50 Blue Beetle (PG-13) 9:00
Dumb Money (R) 2:30-5:00-7:30 2474 Solomons Island Road Unit H-1 Regal Laurel Towne Centre 11:00 My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 (PG) 1:40-4:20-7:00
5:00-6:30-7:45 11:00 The Creator (PG-13) CC: 1:00- (PG-13) 12:35-3:00-5:25-7:50 Expend4bles (R) 12:50-4:00-
The Creator (PG-13) 2:00-4:45- Barbie (PG-13) 1:05-7:05 14716 Baltimore Avenue The Creator (PG-13) (!) 3:00-4:00- 4:00-7:00 Expend4bles (R) 12:40-3:10-
7:00 Saw X (R) CC: 2:00-4:45-7:30 The Creator (PG-13) CC: 2:10- It Lives Inside (PG-13) 5:40 5:40-8:20 6:50-9:40
Oppenheimer (R) 1:10-3:40-6:55 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: 6:45-10:30 The Royal Hotel (R) CC: 7:10
Stop Making Sense (PG) AMC Columbia 14 5:30-6:45-8:45-9:45-10:30
Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie Mutant Mayhem (PG) 12:20-2:50 The Nun II (R) 4:00-7:30-10:45 The Nun II (R) CC: 11:55-4:30 Dumb Money (R) 11:45-2:15- The Equalizer 3 (R) 12:50-3:30- The Equalizer 3 (R) 11:40-2:40-
4:40-7:40 10300 Little Patuxent Parkway The Nun II (R) CC: 2:20-7:30 5:10-7:45 6:00 5:40-9:00
(PG) 1:00-4:00-4:30-7:30 Oppenheimer (R) 1:40 A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) CC: The Creator (PG-13) 12:00-12:30-
Avalon Theatre Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) CC: 2:45-6:00-9:45 The Exorcist: Believer (R) The Creator (PG-13) 12:30-
Expend4bles (R) 1:50-4:20-7:25 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie 2:20-4:50-7:20 3:50-7:10-9:30
5612 Connecticut Avenue Mutant Mayhem (PG) CC: 1:05 2:45-5:30-8:15-10:50 The Creator (PG-13) 1:15-4:10- (PG) 1:30-2:10-3:50-6:30 Dumb Money (R) 3:30 5:30-8:15 3:50-7:10
My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 Dumb Money (R) CC: 2:45- The Nun II (R) 12:40-3:40-6:40-
Scrapper 12:45-3:00-5:15-7:30 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie 7:10 Blue Beetle (PG-13) 12:10- The Exorcist: Believer (R) (!) 7:00- 5:20-8:00 The Blind (PG-13) 3:15 The Nun II (R) 6:10
(PG) CC: 1:15-2:15-3:30-3:45- (PG-13) CC: 2:15-5:45 Stop Making Sense (PG) 11:55- A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) 9:50
Dumb Money (R) 12:00-2:30- A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) 3:20-9:20 7:45-9:15-10:15 Saw X (R) CC: 12:00-2:50-5:40- A Haunting in Venice (PG-13)
4:30-6:35-9:00 It Lives Inside (PG-13) CC: 11:00 Saw X (R) (!) 2:30-6:30-10:00 2:10-4:30 12:30-3:00-5:30-8:10
5:00-7:30 1:20-3:50-7:00 Expend4bles (R) 1:20-4:00 8:30 12:30-3:10-5:50-8:30
Expend4bles (R) CC: 2:00-4:00 Dumb Money (R) CC: 2:30-5:15- My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 The Creator (PG-13) 11:30-12:45- My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3
Landmark The Equalizer 3 (R) 4:45-7:30 The Exorcist: Believer (R) CC: Mother Teresa and Me 7:00
The Equalizer 3 (R) CC: 6:00-9:00 8:00-10:45 (PG-13) 2:00 VIRGINIA 5:00-7:50 1:40-2:30-3:55-4:45-7:10-8:00 (PG-13) 1:00-3:40
Atlantic Plumbing Cinema The Royal Hotel (R) CC: 7:00-9:30 The Blind (PG-13) 2:25 The Creator (PG-13) 12:00-1:00- My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3
807 V Street Northwest Dumb Money (R) 1:45-4:40-7:40 3:00-6:00-9:10 Saw X (R) 1:50-4:35-7:30-8:10 It Lives Inside (PG-13) 8:30
The Creator (PG-13) CC: 1:45 The Exorcist: Believer (R) CC: AMC Courthouse Plaza 8 AMC Tysons Corner 16 The Exorcist: Believer (R) 5:30- Dumb Money (R) 12:10-2:40- (PG-13) 12:50-3:40-6:20
Barbie (PG-13) 4:00-7:30 5:00-6:30-7:45-9:15-10:30 The Exorcist: Believer (R) Gran Turismo: Based On a True 2150 Clarendon Blvd. 7850e Tysons Corner Center It Lives Inside (PG-13) 11:30-
The Nun II (R) CC: 6:35-9:20 5:00-7:30 Story (PG-13) 5:30-8:30 7:00-8:15 5:10-7:40
The Creator (PG-13) 4:10-7:00 A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) CC: Saw X (R) CC: 2:45-4:45-7:45- Barbie (PG-13) CC: 12:20 The Exorcist: Believer (R) CC: The Exorcist: Believer (R) 5:00- 2:30
A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) 10:45 Stop Making Sense (PG) 1:30- The Nun II (R) 12:50-3:40-6:40- Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie 5:45-8:35 Cinema Arts Theatre Dumb Money (R) 11:50-6:10
1:05-3:50-6:35-9:25 4:45-7:20 9:30 9650 Unit 14 Main St. 7:50-8:40
4:40-7:50 Mother Teresa and Me 7:00 Oppenheimer 70mm (R) CC: (PG) CC: 11:55-2:50-5:10-7:30 Saw X (R) CC: 12:00-3:00-5:55- Saw X (R) 1:10-4:10-7:20 The Exorcist: Believer (R)
Bottoms (R) 4:20-7:10 Old Greenbelt Theatre A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) War Pony (R) 9:45-12:05-7:40
My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 2:30-4:45-6:30-9:00
Expend4bles (R) CC: 12:00-2:30 8:50 Stop Making Sense (PG) 12:20- 5:00-8:00
Dumb Money (R) 4:50-7:40 (PG-13) CC: 1:20 Creation of the Gods I: Kingdom 129 Centerway The Creator (PG-13) CC: 1:40- Barbie (PG-13) CC: 12:35-3:20- My Sailor, My Love 9:45-12:10- 2:50-5:10-7:30 Saw X (R) 12:10-1:00-3:10-
Fair Play (R) 7:30 It Lives Inside (PG-13) 5:40-8:10 2:40-4:55-7:15
The Exorcist: Believer (R) Dumb Money (R) CC: 1:30-4:15- of Storms 8:30 Dumb Money (R) 12:05-2:40-
4:50-8:00 6:55
Regal Fox & IMAX
5:00-7:20 6:50-9:25 She Came to Me (R) CC: Dumb Money (R) 5:30 A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) CC: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) The Blind (PG-13) 3:30-6:30
6:00-8:45 5:20-8:00 12:45-3:20-5:50-8:20 Mutant Mayhem (PG) CC: 10:00-12:20-2:25-4:45-7:20 22875 Brambleton Plaza
Landmark E Street Cinema The Exorcist: Believer (R) CC: Phoenix Theatres Marlow 6 The Exorcist: Believer (R) 5:00- It Lives Inside (PG-13) CC: 4:40 Regal
555 11th Street Northwest 5:00-8:00 Stop Making Sense (PG) CC: 2:05 1:40-4:15 Golda (PG-13) 9:55-2:35-4:40 Saw X (R) 12:10-3:15-6:20-7:20-
3899 Branch Avenue 6:20-7:45-9:00 Virginia Gateway & RPX
The Ex-Files 4: Marriage Plan Dumb Money (R) CC: 12:05-2:40- Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 9:25-10:40
A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) The Blind (PG-13) 4:00-7:00 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie Saw X (R) 1:10-4:20-7:20 8001 Gateway Promenade Place
3:45 5:20-8:00 (PG) CC: 12:50-3:15-5:35-7:55 (PG-13) 12:15-2:45-4:50-7:00 Barbie (PG-13) 12:00-7:00
3:25-7:25 Strange Way of Life (R) CC: (PG) 1:30-4:30-7:00-9:15 The Blind (PG-13) 4:10-7:00 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie
7:30-9:30 When Evil Lurks 5:00-10:15 Saw X (R) CC: 12:05-2:10-5:00- Expend4bles (R) CC: 12:05- Dumb Money (R) 9:50-12:00- Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie
Fair Play (R) 3:15-5:00-7:10 Expend4bles (R) 2:00-4:35 (PG) 11:00-1:45-4:20 (PG) 11:00-12:10-1:40-2:40-
Bottoms (R) 3:00 The Creator - The IMAX 2D Moscow Mission (Mosike The Equalizer 3 (R) 1:00-3:35- Regal Rockville Center 7:50 6:25-9:00 2:20-5:00-7:30 4:20-7:00
Dumb Money (R) 7:35 Experience (PG-13) CC: 2:45 xingdong) 8:00-10:00 6:05-8:30 199 East Montgomery Avenue The Exorcist: Believer (R) CC: The Equalizer 3 (R) CC: 11:40- Flora and Son (R) 10:05-12:25- Expend4bles (R) 12:50-3:40- Expend4bles (R) 11:10-2:10
Barbie (PG-13) 12:30-3:10-6:10 5:00-7:45 2:20-4:10-7:35 2:30-4:35-7:10 6:40-9:20
The Exorcist: Believer (R) Oppenheimer 70mm (R) CC: 1:45 AMC St. Charles Town Ctr 9 The Creator (PG-13) 3:00-6:00- The Equalizer 3 (R) 12:50-3:40-
Stop Making Sense (PG) CC: 11115 Mall Circle Oppenheimer (R) 8:30 Oppenheimer 70mm (R) CC: The Royal Hotel (R) CC: 7:00-9:25 The Equalizer 3 (R) 3:30
5:00-7:35 9:00 Cinemark Centreville 12
Jawan (Hindi) 12:20-4:10-8:00 6:40-9:50
Amerikatsi 3:25-7:25 1:00-3:45 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie The Exorcist: Believer (R) 5:00- Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie 12:50-3:10-7:00 Jawan (Hindi) 12:15 6201 Multiplex Drive The Creator (PG-13) 11:30AM
When Evil Lurks 5:00 (PG) 1:50-4:10-6:50-9:20 Strange Way of Life (R) CC: 7:20 The Creator (PG-13) CC: 1:50 The Creator (PG-13) 2:05
Stop Making Sense (PG) (PG) CC: 12:30-3:00-5:30-7:00 7:00-7:45 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie The Nun II (R) 11:50-2:30
Exorcist: Believer - The IMAX 2D Blue Beetle (PG-13) CC: 2:15 Saw X (R) 3:30-6:30-9:30 Expend4bles (R) 12:10-2:50- The Nun II (R) CC: 12:40-3:35- The Nun II (R) 3:00-10:00
3:15-7:45 AMC Hoffman Center 22 (PG) 12:10-8:10 Chandramukhi 2 (Tamil) 8:40 A Haunting in Venice (PG-13)
Flora and Son (R) 4:40-7:20 Experience (R) CC: 6:00-9:00 The Equalizer 3 (R) CC: 1:30- 5:40-8:10 206 Swamp Fox Rd. 6:20-9:05 Blue Beetle (PG-13) 3:20 12:25-3:25-6:25-9:20
Regal Cinemas Majestic A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) CC: A Haunting in Venice (PG-13)
Dumb Money (R) 4:20 The Creator (PG-13) CC: 3:15- 5:15-8:00 Stadium 20 & IMAX The Creator (PG-13) 12:40-2:30- Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie The Equalizer 3 (R) 12:00; 2:40 12:40-3:20-6:00 Mother Teresa and Me 7:00
6:20-9:25 The Creator (PG-13) CC: 1:45- 3:40-5:30-8:40 (PG) 1:00 12:25-3:05-5:50-8:30
=Regal Gallery Place 900 Ellsworth Drive The Creator (PG-13) 1:10-4:20- Mother Teresa and Me 7:00 My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3
Saw X (R) CC: 1:20-4:15-7:15- 4:15-7:30 A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) The Creator (PG-13) CC: 1:15; Mother Teresa and Me 7:00 (PG-13) 12:30-3:10-5:50-8:50
701 Seventh Street Northwest Barbie (PG-13) 12:25-3:15 7:30 My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3
9:40 A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) CC: 11:50-2:20-5:10-7:40 3:30-6:30-9:30 The Vaccine War 1:05 It Lives Inside (PG-13) 9:30
Barbie (PG-13) 11:40-3:00- Oppenheimer (R) 12:20 A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) (PG-13) 11:20-2:10-4:40-7:30
The Exorcist: Believer (R) CC: 2:15-5:00-7:45 My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 The Exorcist: Believer (R) CC: My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 2:20-4:40-7:20-10:25 Dumb Money (R) 12:00-3:00-
5:50-8:40 7:00
Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie (PG-13) 6:00 (PG-13) CC: 1:30 Fukrey 3 1:10-4:30
Dumb Money (R) CC: 12:30-3:15- (PG) 12:30-1:30-4:15-6:00-7:00 It Lives Inside (PG-13) 8:50 7:00-9:45; 7:30 Mother Teresa and Me 7:00 6:10-9:10
Oppenheimer (R) 12:40 It Lives Inside (PG-13) CC: 1:25 It Lives Inside (PG-13) 10:10
Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie AMC DINE-IN Rio Cinemas 18 6:00-8:30 Blue Beetle (PG-13) 4:45 Saw X (R) CC: 1:00-3:45-6:45- Talk to Me (R) 10:30 Saw X (R) 2:50
The Exorcist: Believer (R) CC: Bottoms (R) 3:30 8:00-9:00-9:30 Dumb Money (R) CC: 3:50- Miss Shetty Mr Polishetty
(PG) 12:20-3:10-5:20-8:05 9811 Washingtonian Center Expend4bles (R) 12:40-3:25- Dumb Money (R) 5:25-10:40 The Exorcist: Believer (R)
5:00-8:00 Dumb Money (R) 11:30-2:10 6:30-9:10 (Telugu) 11:50AM
Barbie (PG-13) CC: 1:30-4:20- 6:15-9:00 Barbie (PG-13) CC: 2:00-5:00 The Exorcist: Believer (R) 10:45 Dumb Money (R) 11:30-2:20- 6:00-9:00
Expend4bles (R) 11:30-2:10- Saw X (R) CC: 1:00-4:00-7:45 The Exorcist: Believer (R) 5:00- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Exorcist: Believer (R) CC:
7:30-10:10 7:15-10:00 The Equalizer 3 (R) 4:20-7:05- 5:00-7:50 Saw X (R) 12:25-1:05-1:45-3:05- 5:00-7:50 The Blind (PG-13) 11:45-2:45-
Expend4bles (R) 2:00-4:45-7:30 6:40-7:50-9:30 Mutant Mayhem (PG) CC: 4:45
The Equalizer 3 (R) 1:50 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie 9:50
Saw X (R) 1:20-4:20-7:10 The Blind (PG-13) 4:00 5:20-6:50-8:20-9:45 Gaddi Jaandi Ae Chalaangaan 9:55
The Creator (PG-13) 12:00 (PG) CC: 12:15-2:30-3:00-5:00- The Nun II (R) 1:45-4:30-7:15 The Royal Hotel (R) 7:00-9:40 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie Rules Ranjann 6:00-9:35 Maardi 2:30 Stop Making Sense (PG) 11:40-
7:00-9:00 Creation of the Gods I: Kingdom (PG) CC: 3:00-4:00-5:30-6:30-9:00 The Creator - The IMAX 2D Expe- 2:10-4:40
The Nun II (R) 11:20-2:50 Cinemark Egyptian 24 and XD The Creator (PG-13) 1:15-4:30- of Storms 11:40-3:00-6:40 rience (PG-13) CC: 12:10-3:20 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie Saw X (R) 11:05AM
Expend4bles (R) CC: 1:45-4:20- 7000 Arundel Mills Circle 7:45 Blue Beetle (PG-13) CC: 3:15 (PG) 12:55-2:50-3:25-4:30-5:55 The Exorcist: Believer (R) When Evil Lurks 5:15-8:15
A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) The Ex-Files 4: Marriage Plan Expend4bles (R) CC: 2:00-4:45 Oppenheimer 70mm (R) CC:
12:10-3:20 7:15-10:10 The Creator (PG-13) 12:10-12:40- Gran Turismo: Based On a True 12:20-3:20-6:30-9:30 Expend4bles (R) 1:50-4:55-10:50 6:00-9:00 The Creator (PG-13) 10:50-2:20-
The Equalizer 3 (R) CC: 1:00- 1:45-4:05-8:00
It Lives Inside (PG-13) OC: 6:40 The Equalizer 3 (R) CC: 2:00- 3:20-3:50-6:30-7:00-9:40-10:10 Story (PG-13) 1:45
Regal Waugh Chapel & IMAX 3:45-6:30-9:15 The Lion King (1994) Disney100 The Nun II (R) 12:05-2:05-4:00- The Creator - The IMAX 2D Expe- 5:30-8:40
Dumb Money (R) 12:30-3:30- 4:45-10:00 The Exorcist: Believer (R) 5:00- The Nun II (R) 12:45-3:30-6:20- 7:40-10:00 rience (PG-13) 12:30-3:50 Saw X (R) 1:20-4:30-5:20-7:30-
1419 South Main Chapel Way The Creator (PG-13) CC: 2:30 (G) 2:50
6:25-9:10 The Creator (PG-13) CC: 12:45- 6:00-8:00-9:00-11:00; 5:30-6:30- 9:10 Dumb Money (R) 12:20-2:55- The Blind (PG-13) 1:00-4:00 8:20
4:00-7:15-10:30 Barbie (PG-13) 12:00-2:50 Gran Turismo: Based On a True On Fire (PG-13) CC: 5:05-7:15
The Exorcist: Believer (R) 8:30-9:30-11:30 Chandramukhi 2 (Tamil) 1:40 Stop Making Sense (PG) CC: 8:30 Skanda - The Attacker (Telugu) The Exorcist: Believer (R) 5:00-
Gran Turismo: Based On a True Saw X (R) 10:30-10:50-1:25- A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) Oppenheimer (R) 5:00 Story (PG-13) CC: 1:30 The Exorcist: Believer (R) 5:00- 1:30-9:00 7:10-8:10-10:00
6:00-9:00 1:35-3:55
Story (PG-13) CC: 12:30-3:45 1:45-4:20-4:40-7:15-7:35-9:45- 12:20-1:20-4:05-6:40-10:00 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie The Nun II (R) CC: 1:00-3:45- 5:45-6:30-8:00-8:40-9:30
Saw X (R) 3:10 6:30-9:15 When Evil Lurks 5:00-9:30 Chithha 5:30 Smithsonian -
The Blind (PG-13) 12:40-3:50- The Nun II (R) CC: 2:15-5:00- 10:15-10:35 Fukrey 3 1:50-5:10-8:30 (PG) 12:00-1:10-3:50-6:30 Airbus IMAX Theater
Exorcist: Believer - The IMAX 2D Cinemark The Creator (PG-13) 11:40-2:50-
7:10-10:00 7:45-10:30 Stop Making Sense (PG) 2:35 It Lives Inside (PG-13) 9:00 The Equalizer 3 (R) 11:45-2:30- A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) CC: 6:10-9:35 14390 Air and Space Museum Parkway
A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) CC: Barbie (PG-13) 10:05-3:40 5:20-8:20 1:15-4:00-6:45-9:30 Experience (R) CC: 6:30-9:20 Fairfax Corner and XD
Stop Making Sense (PG) 1:00- Dumb Money (R) 1:10-3:45- The Creator (PG-13) CC: 11900 Palace Way Exorcist: Believer - The IMAX 2D Journey to Space (NR) 10:20-
12:00-2:45-5:20-7:55-10:30 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: 6:40-9:25 Expend4bles (R) 11:50-2:45- The Vaccine War 3:00
3:45-6:35-9:40 6:05-9:15 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie Experience (R) 8:00-11:00 1:05-3:50
My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3
When Evil Lurks 5:00-7:45-10:20 My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 Mutant Mayhem (PG) 10:20- The Exorcist: Believer (R) 10:05
(PG) 12:00-12:30-1:05-2:30-3:00- Rules Ranjann 6:00-8:00-9:30 Aircraft Carrier: Guardian of the
Expend4bles (R) OC: 4:50
(PG-13) CC: 12:30-3:00-5:30- 1:20-4:10 5:00-8:00 The Creator (PG-13) 12:30-3:40- (PG-13) CC: 1:00-6:45 AMC Worldgate 9
Seas 12:25-4:25
8:00-10:30 Fukrey 3 2:30 13025 Worldgate Drive 5:30-8:00 The Exorcist: Believer (R)
The Creator (PG-13) 12:50- Oppenheimer (R) 10:55-2:55-6:55 Saw X (R) 12:45-3:50-6:50-8:40- 6:50-10:00 7:00-10:00 To Fly! (1976) (NR) 10:55-1:45-
It Lives Inside (PG-13) CC: 1:30 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie 9:30-10:00 A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) It Lives Inside (PG-13) CC: 1:15 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie Blue Beetle (PG-13) 2:55-8:55
6:10-9:20 Expend4bles (R) 12:25-3:10- Regal Kingstowne & RPX 3:15
Dumb Money (R) CC: 2:00- (PG) 11:15-11:40-12:05-1:45- The Blind (PG-13) 12:55-4:00- 12:20-3:00-6:00 Dumb Money (R) CC: 1:15-4:00- (PG) CC: 3:45-4:45-6:00-7:00
It Lives Inside (PG-13) 1:20- 4:45-7:30 6:45-9:30 Expend4bles (R) CC: 8:00 5:50-8:30 5910 Kingstowne Towne Center The Dream is Alive (NR) 2:25
4:00-9:15 2:10-4:15-4:40-6:45-7:10 7:00-10:00 Mother Teresa and Me 7:00
The Exorcist: Believer (R) CC: My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 The Exorcist: Believer (R) CC: The Creator (PG-13) CC: The Creator (PG-13) 12:05-12:35- Oppenheimer (R) 2:20 The Creator - The IMAX 2D
The Exorcist: Believer (R) 5:00- 6:00-9:00 Blue Beetle (PG-13) 11:50-3:30- The Creator - The IMAX 2D Experience (PG-13) 5:15
10:05 Experience (PG-13) 2:15 (PG-13) 11:40-2:20 6:00-9:00 4:00-7:00 3:15-3:45-6:55-10:05 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie
6:30-7:00-8:00-9:30-10:00 Gran Turismo: Based On a True (PG) 12:05-1:05-2:40-4:20-6:35- Blue Planet (Il pianeta azzurro)
Saw X (R) CC: 12:00-3:00 Expend4bles (R) 11:45-2:25-5:05- She Came to Me (R) 6:00-8:50 It Lives Inside (PG-13) 9:30 Sound of Freedom (PG-13) CC: A Haunting in Venice (PG-13)
Saw X (R) 11:50-3:40-6:50-9:50 1:30-4:45 Story (PG-13) 12:45-3:55-7:05- 7:00 (NR) 11:30AM
Strange Way of Life (R) CC: 7:30 7:45-10:45 The Lion King (1994) Disney100 Dumb Money (R) 12:20-3:30- CC: 4:40-7:20
The Creator - The IMAX 2D The Equalizer 3 (R) 11:00-2:00- (G) 1:00-3:35-6:10 6:50-9:50 Strange Way of Life (R) CC: My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 10:15 Blue Beetle (PG-13) 6:30-9:45 University Mall Theatres
MARYLAND Experience (PG-13) CC: 1:45 4:55-7:40-10:30 Creation of the Gods I: Kingdom The Exorcist: Believer (R) 6:00- 7:30-9:30 (PG-13) CC: 4:25 The Nun II (R) 12:50-3:40 Expend4bles (R) 12:35-3:20- 10659-A Braddock Road
AFI Silver Theatre The Kill Room (R) CC: 7:30 The Creator (PG-13) 10:00-1:10 of Storms 1:00-8:15 9:00-10:00 The Blind (PG-13) 4:00-7:00 Dumb Money (R) CC: 4:45-7:15 A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) 6:15-9:00 Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie
Cultural Center The Lion King (1994) Disney100 The Nun II (R) 10:40-1:35-4:30- Skanda - The Attacker (Telugu) Saw X (R) 12:10-1:00-2:30-3:10- Oppenheimer 70mm (R) CC: 8:00 The Exorcist: Believer (R) CC: 1:10-3:50-6:45-9:25 The Equalizer 3 (R) 2:25-5:20- (PG) 12:30-2:35-4:40-7:00
8633 Colesville Road (G) 12:15-2:40 7:20-9:55-10:20 3:05 6:10-9:00-9:05-9:40 She Came to Me (R) CC: 5:00-7:45-8:30 My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 8:10 The Creator (PG-13) 1:00-4:00-
Flora and Son (R) 1:00-6:45 On Fire (PG-13) CC: 4:15 A Haunting in Venice (PG-13) Shelter in Solitude 7:00-9:30 The Creator - The IMAX 2D 6:00-8:45 Saw X (R) CC: 5:30-8:15 (PG-13) 12:20-2:50-5:20-7:50 Jawan (Hindi) 9:20 7:15
Stop Making Sense (PG) OC: 3:00 Stop Making Sense (PG) CC: 10:35-1:30-4:25-7:05-10:00 Stop Making Sense (PG) 12:50- Experience (PG-13) 1:30 Carlos (R) CC: 1:30 Oppenheimer 70mm (R) CC: It Lives Inside (PG-13) 10:20 The Creator (PG-13) 12:30-3:55- Dumb Money (R) 12:20-2:40-
Babygirl (NR) 5:00 2:00-4:30-9:30 Mother Teresa and Me 7:00 3:20-5:50-8:20 The Blind (PG-13) 4:00-7:00 The Kill Room (R) CC: 6:30-9:00 4:15-6:45 Dumb Money (R) 1:00 7:10-10:30 4:50-7:30

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C6 EZ RE the washington post . thursday, october 5 , 2023





f J 10 9 2
g 3
f K Q J 10 6
g KQ7
f 64 f 83
g K9752 g A Q J 10 4
g J543 g A 10 9
f AKQ75
g 86
f 532
g 862

The bidding:
1g 1f 3g 4f
All Pass
Opening lead 4 g 5
U nlucky Louie blames his
constant bad results on
bad luck, despite all the evi-
dence to the contrary.
<Louie is trying to change
his luck,= I told Cy the Cynic.
<he9s been in his backyard
looking for four-leaf clovers.=
<He won9t find any,= Cy
growled. <I happen to know
he can9t count as high as
been today9s East in a penny
<I was West,= the Cynic
said, <and led a heart
against four spades. Louie
took the ace and shifted ... to
a trump.=
Declarer drew trumps
and forced out Cy9s ace of
diamonds. Cy led a club to
Louie9s ace, but declarer took
the rest.
<We needed four tricks,=
Cy said sourly. <Counting to
three seems to be Louie9s
Louie must assume that
Cy has either a trump trick
or the ace of diamonds;
still, the defense will need
two club tricks. At Trick Two,
Louie must lead the 10 of
clubs. South wins in dummy,
draws trumps and leads a
his club return sinks the
You hold:
Your partner opens one
spade, you respond 1NT
and he bids two hearts. The
opponents pass. What do
you say?
ANSWER: To approach a
count points; visualize pos-
sible hands for partner. If he
has a minimum such as A K
5 3 2, A Q 6 4, 3 2, 8 6, he
will be a favorite for 10 tricks
at hearts; if the trumps break
2-2, game will be cold. Since
he may have even more
strength, bid four hearts.
4 Frank Stewart





thursday, october 5 , 2023 . the washington post EZ RE C7



You are a generous
person with strong
convictions. You
can9t do enough to
help. You fight for and defend
the rights of others. This
is the year to create solid
foundations in your life. Take
charge of your health. Exercise
is important. Work and stay
grounded and levelheaded.

making important decisions
from 2:30 a.m. to 9 a.m.
today. After that, the Moon
moves from Gemini into
(MARCH 21-APRIL 19).
An older family member might
have excellent advice for
you today. Certainly, it won9t
hurt to listen. Privately, you
also might do some serious
thinking about the future
regarding your home and
(APRIL 20-MAY 20).
This is an excellent day to
study and learn because
you have a disciplined mind.
You won9t overlook details;
furthermore, you have the
mental endurance and focus
to finish what you begin.
(MAY 21-JUNE 20).
This is a solid day for finances
because you9re in a sensible
frame of mind. If shopping, you
will buy long-lasting, practical
items. If you can get financial
give it serious consideration.
(JUNE 21-JULY 22).
Today you have a strong
respect for rules, regulations
and your duties. You9re willing
to do whatever is expected
of you, especially in practical
terms. This is why your own
physical comforts and needs
will seem to be relatively less
(JULY 23-AUG. 22).
STEVE KELLEY & JEFF PARKER STAN LEE & ALEX SAVIUK This is the perfect day to work
DUSTIN THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN alone or behind the scenes. In
fact, it9s an excellent day to do
any kind of research, because
you have the right mindset to
pursue what you need to find.
You won9t overlook details.
You9ll be like a dog with a
(AUG. 23-SEPT. 22).
Discussions with friends
and members of groups will
probably be about serious,
practical matters today. This
is a good day to think about
what you want for yourself
(SEPT. 23-OCT. 22).
Today an important discussion
might take place, especially
with someone older. This
person might even be your
parent or a boss. In any event,
people notice you today, and
there9s a strong chance they
will know that this discussion
is taking place.
(OCT. 23-NOV. 21).
This is the perfect day to
and learn something that is
important. You won9t mind
it. In fact, it will please you
to focus on something in a
meaningful way.
(NOV. 22-DEC. 21).
This is a good day to
check details about wills,
inheritances, shared property,
insurance issues and banking.
Someone older or more
experienced might have advice
for you.
(DEC. 22-JAN. 19).
A serious discussion with
a close friend, spouse or
partner might take place
today, which is a good thing.
Close relationships require
definitions of boundaries and
(JAN. 20-FEB. 18).
You9ll find it easy to work hard
and accomplish a lot today,
because you will put your work
ahead of your personal wants.
This is because you have a
strong sense of duty today
whatever needs to be done.
(FEB. 19-MARCH 20).
This is an excellent day to
teach children. It9s also a
good day to practice or hone a
particular technique, whether
it9s related to the arts -- for
example, music -- or sports.
This is because you will find it
easy to be disciplined.
4 Georgia Nicols



More online: washingtonpost.com/comics. Feedback: 1301 K St. NW, Washington, D.C., 20071; comics@washpost.com; 202-334-4775.
C8 eZ re the washington post . thursday, october 5 , 2023

8Genius9 fellows will be given $800,000 over ûve years

MACARTHUR from C1 man stuck in the mud and muck,
and there9s no cell service,= he says.
<It9s a mix of being happy that I Somehow, a text finally snuck in,
was able to do research that useful and he spent the next couple of
and sad that we9re at a point where days trying to reach the founda-
we9re having this conversation,= tion.
says foster, 52, a professor at the makuakane is one of eight art-
University of California at San ists in this year9s class, which also
francisco. As states decide wheth- includes Ada Limón, 47, a prolific
er to pass their own abortion bans, poet in Lexington, Ky., who focuses
foster wants the recognition to on grief and wonder, and Tucson-
shine light on her findings 4 in- based author and University of Ari-
cluding that those who are denied zona professor manuel muñoz, 51,
abortions are more likely to be who writes fiction about the mexi-
unemployed and live under the can American communities in Cal-
poverty line. ifornia9s Central Valley.
<my hope is they will take the Courtney Bryan, 41, a composer
scientific evidence and not just and pianist who teaches at Tulane
vote on this on the basis of politics,= University, blends various genres
she says. on a broader level, she such as jazz, classical, opera, spiri-
hopes it will show <that it9s possi- tuals and gospel in pieces that re-
ble to do good research, even on flect on the African American ex-
controversial topics.= perience. Her 2015 piece <Sanc-
The fellows are 12 women, seven tum= reacts to police brutality and
men and one nonbinary individu- incorporates recordings of chants
al. They hail from across the coun- from the ferguson, mo. protests
try, from Arizona to New York; four and part of an interview with mar-
live in the Boston area and two lene Pinnock, a Black woman who
each live in Los Angeles, San fran- was beaten in Los Angeles by a
cisco and New orleans. California Highway Patrol officer.
New macArthur fellow Lucy Bryan9s famed phone call actual-
Hutyra, 47, created right Place, ly came as an email, because her
right Tree4Boston, an app that cell automatically forwards num-
helps city planners know where to bers she doesn9t know to voice
plant tree canopies to help combat mail. When she finally spoke to the
carbon emissions. Hutyra is an en- foundation, she was under the im-
vironmental ecologist who studies pression they wanted her to weigh
the effects of urbanization. in on another candidate.
At 35 years old, Jason D. Buen- She was the candidate 4 though
rostro, a Harvard cellular and mo- if you overheard her, you might
lecular biologist, is the year9s think she was talking to a telemar-
youngest fellow. He developed keter.
DNA sequencing methods that <When I9m shocked about some-
can, among other things, help re- thing, I9m not very expressive. I
searchers understand how cancer was kind of very monotone until
cells evolve 4 which may lead to the end of our conversation,= Bryan
more effective treatments. says. <The part that got me emo-
maría magdalena Campos- tional was thinking about what it
Pons, the oldest fellow at 64, is a would mean to my family and my
multidisciplinary artist serving as community. Then I felt the heavi-
PhotoS by JohN d. ANd CAtheriNe t. MACArthur FouNdAtioN
the Cornelius Vanderbilt Endowed ness, in a good way.=
Chair of fine Arts at Vanderbilt Though she9s on vacation in
University. Born in Cuba, she ex- rome as the world learns the news,
plores personal and collective his- her thoughts are in her native New
tories across Caribbean nations orleans 4 and how she can use the
through sculpture, drawing, paint- <I think of this award as an award for hula, because a lot of people have stipend to help the artists of her
ing, photography, video and per- hometown.
formance. no idea what it is. They think it9s a simple-minded dance done in a grass <What I want to do with it is give
Civilization might be struggling back,= she says.
to preserve both democracy and skirt. But it has really profound effects on many people I know.= The 2023 MacArthur fellows:
the environment, but marlies Car-
ruth, director of macArthur fel- E. Tendayi Achiume, 41, legal
Patrick Makuakane, above, founder of Na Lei hulu i ka Wekiu, a San Francisco-based dance company
lows, calls the <kaleidoscope= of scholar
talent and passion <an invitation to Andrea Armstrong, 48, incar-
be hopeful.= ceration law scholar
Some of that hope can be found rina foygel Barber, 40, statisti-
in Patrick makuakane, who has cian
devoted his life to preserving and Ian Bassin, 47, lawyer and de-
promoting the dance art of hula. mocracy advocate
The 62-year-old, Honolulu-born Courtney Bryan, 41, composer
kumu hula (or master teacher) and pianist
started Na Lei Hulu i ka Wekiu, a Jason D. Buenrostro, 35, cellular
San francisco-based dance com- and molecular biologist
pany, in 1985. receiving the honor maría magdalena Campos-
as his home state heals from this Pons, 64, multidisciplinary artist
year9s deadly wildfires 4 and as his raven Chacon, 45, composer
company is still recovering from and artist
the pandemic 4 couldn9t be better Diana Greene foster, 52, demog-
timed. rapher and reproductive health re-
<I think of this award as an searcher
award for hula, because a lot of Lucy Hutyra, 47, environmental
people have no idea what it is,= ecologist
makuakane says. <They think it9s a Carolyn Lazard, 36, artist
simple-minded dance done in a Ada Limón, 47, poet
grass skirt. But it has really pro- Lester mackey, 38, computer
found effects on many people I scientist and statistician
know. for many of us, hula is life.= Patrick makuakane, 62, kumu
The new fellows were cold- hula and cultural preservationist
called in late August and early Linsey marr, 48, environmental
September, and allowed to tell only engineer
one person before Wednesday9s of- manuel muñoz, 51, fiction writ-
ficial announcement. er
<It9s one of the horrible things,= Imani Perry, 51, interdisciplin-
makuakane jokes. <They give you ary scholar and writer
this fantastic award, and you can9t Dyani White Hawk, 46, multi-
tell anybody but one person for like disciplinary artist
three weeks. I9m like, 8oh my God.9 A. Park Williams, 42, hydrocli-
It9s hard!= Diana Greene Foster, a professor at the University of California at San Francisco, wants the recognition from the MacArthur matologist
makuakane, though, is lucky he Foundation to shine light on the findings of her research concerning abortion. Ian Bassin, who co-founded Protect Democracy, an Amber Wutich, 45, anthropolo-
got the call at all. <I was in Burning organization to help strengthen American democracy and combat authoritarianism, is one of the 20 grant recipients. gist

Couple disagree on whether their discussions are automatically conûdential

Adapted from an time, if she confides in the wife then you see whether you can
online discussion. on the side, she will ask her not function as a non-miserable
to repeat it to me, which, of couple within them. If so, yay. If
Dear Carolyn: course, is clearly beside the point not, then you either break up,
The other day, my and the opposite of what I want. argue recurrently about this stuff
girlfriend and I Am I being unreasonable here? till the end of time, or decide the
Carolyn were at dinner 4 Private other person9s company is worth
Hax with some friends it to you to warrant moving your
of ours, a couple. I Private: Thinking that my or lines.
was deeply anyone9s confirmation of your Because she9s not budging and
shocked when our friends asked reasonableness will make any you haven9t broken up and want
me for an update on a major difference here is unreasonable. me to tell you you9re right, it
career decision I9m in the middle Are you entitled to privacy? appears you9ve both chosen the
of making. I had not told them Yes. Do you have a right to ask <have this recurring argument
anything about it, though my people to keep your confidences, till the end of time= path. Which
girlfriend and I have talked either on specific things or in you9re welcome to do, though I
about it daily for weeks. general? more the former than hope you9ll spare others from
I gave them a non-answer and the latter, but still, yes to both. having to listen to it, and
laughed it off, but it has led to Yet these don9t govern what definitely not have kids. You
some serious relationship others choose to do. They9re might be happier, though, if you
tension. my girlfriend does not statements of principle only. accept neither of you is budging
see why it was a big deal that she In this situation, your and move on to open discussion
NiCk gALiFiANAkiS For the WAShiNgtoN PoSt
mentioned my job situation to girlfriend apparently didn9t of Plan B, whatever that may be.
her friend 4 the wife in the other know you felt this way about
couple. She didn9t realize it was your major decision. That seems both made the rookie mistake of how you9re going to handle each your own way and let the other Write to Carolyn hax at
supposed to be private. I, pretty normal to me, both ways: thinking that if you think it, then other9s information. You can one deal with it. I.e., she keeps tellme@washpost.com. get her
meanwhile, think things You just assumed People Don9t it must apply to everyone. (Aw, decide to apply your standards to blabbing, you keep guarding, column delivered to your inbox each
discussed between us are Share These Things because something you have in common your business and hers to hers 4 and you both keep getting morning at wapo.st/gethax.
assumed to be private unless we that9s your view, and she just &) i.e., you both respect each other9s annoyed with each other. or
agree otherwise. assumed People Share These Now that you both know it natures and keep your news various other permutations. õ Join the discussion live at noon
We got as far as her Things because that9s her view. doesn9t work that way, you each private and blab hers freely. or once you9ve both decided Fridays at washingtonpost.com/live-
exasperatedly saying that next They9re both valid views; you have an opportunity to decide each of you can decide to live where to draw your own lines, chats.

SPORTS thursday, october 5 , 2023 m2 d

Take two:
Phillies are
bound for
the NLDS
phillies 7,
marlins 1

PHILADeLPHIA 4 As it turns out,

the secret to building an ideal
postseason baseball team, the
kind that can win enough for six
mind-numbing months and then
flip a switch in the seventh, was
never in the numbers. It never sat
hidden in data, waiting for the
right formula to spit it out.
no, the secret to building that
rare baseball machine lies some-
where no self-respecting baseball
genius would allow himself or
herself to look. The secret to
winning in October is 4 and
always has been 4 in the vibes.
Admittedly, nothing is more
dangerous than making declara-
tions after a best-of-three series,
nothing more reckless than chal-
lenging those contrarian baseball
fates while they still have time to
strike. But after a rollicking run to
the World series in 2022 and two
gleefully rowdy wins over the
Miami Marlins at Citizens Bank
Park in the past two days, the
evidence is as incomplete as it is
indisputable: The Philadelphia
John mcDonnell/The WAshIngTon posT Phillies are uniquely suited for
About a quarter of the way into the season, quarterback Sam Howell and the Commanders have mostly met expectations 4 and have reasons for optimism and concern. October not because of their line-
up or rotation, their bullpen or
backroom strategizing. They are
uniquely suited for October be-
AnALySiS cause they do not endure the
emotions it stirs. They require

Growing pains and spurts

those emotions to come alive.
Wednesday night9s 7-1 win in
the clinching Game 2 looked and
felt more like a collective
see PHillieS On d3

Rivera says Commanders are in a good spot, still early in a season that has featured highs and lows MLB playoffs
BY S AM F ORTIER weather rocky stretches from key It is still early in the season, and his toughness, physically and nL first round
young players, including quarter- we got an interesting game com- mentally, and his resilience. How- game 2: phillies 7, marlins 1
The Washington Commanders back sam Howell and cornerback ing up on Thursday [against the ell unraveled against Buffalo and game 2: D9backs 5, brewers 2
finished the first quarter-ish of emmanuel Forbes Jr. But it9s Chicago Bears].= bounced back the next week to
nL division Series
the season 2-2, fulfilling the most clear, in snap counts and play- Howell, a first-year starter, has lead a two-minute comeback
realistic expectations with two calling, the Commanders are us- thrown jaw-dropping touchdown drive against one of the league9s Phillies at Braves
wins over not-great teams (Ari- ing the early portion of the season passes and held, held, held the best defenses on the road. saturday9s game 1: time TbA, Tbs
zona and Denver) and two losses to prepare those young players for ball while looking for more of Washington has bet big on Diamondbacks at Dodgers
to great teams (Buffalo and Phila- greater tests later on. them (which has, in large part, Howell9s continued rapid growth.
delphia). <We9re growing, developing,= fueled his league-leading 24 <As sam goes, I think we'll play saturday9s game 1: time TbA, Tbs
Washington, despite having an Coach Ron Rivera said of the first sacks). But more than anything accordingly,= Rivera said. AL first round
experienced roster, has had to four games. <We9re in a good spot. else, the first four games proved see CommANderS On d4 game 2: Twins 2, blue Jays 0
game 2: rangers 7, rays 1
Bears at Commanders | Today, 8:15 p.m., prime Video, WTTg (ch. 5) AL division Series
Rangers at Orioles
saturday9s game 1: 1 p.m., Fox/Fs1
Twins at Astros
saturday9s game 1: time TbA,

8GameDay9 Once again, U.S. women

put the fan are sitting atop the world

it9s a bully. ANTWeRP, BeLgIum 4 Months

ago, before the United states de-
cided which gymnasts to send
here for the world champion-
In 2015, I profiled ships, the outcome of the wom-
On anchor Rece en9s team final seemed certain.
Football Davis as he For the Americans, gold medals
prepared to take have become practically inevi-
godfrey over hosting table because they enter with a
duties for significant advantage thanks to
<College their difficult routines and ex-
GameDay,= esPn9s wildly traordinary performances from
successful saturday morning their leader, simone Biles. so win-
college football pregame show. ning is simply the expectation.
The story focused on Davis The U.s. women9s run of domi-
replacing the show9s original nance continued Wednesday at
host, Chris Fowler, a task most the sportpaleis, where they se-
IllUsTrATIon by mIchAel DomIne/The WAshIngTon posT; phoTos by geTTy ImAges
would assume daunting. But cured an unprecedented seventh
nAomI bAker/geTTy ImAges
<GameDay= executive producer straight team title at the world
Lee Fitting wasn9t having it. He championships. They had to Simone Biles helped the U.S.
waved off any dramatic stakes
about swapping anchors on such
a popular show.
Inside the NBA9s 8only real rivalry9 weather several mistakes and an
injury, but their familiar cushion
provided more than enough as-
team win gold at the world
gymnastics championships.

<People ask me that all the surance that they would finish with a 2.199-point edge over run-
time: 8Why does the chemistry In the hunt for scoops, it9s a battle between ESPN9s Woj, Athletic9s Shams atop the podium. ner-up Brazil (165.530) 4 still a
work?9 = Fitting said then. <And I The Americans9 winning streak large gap in a sport that separates
don9t really have the answer; it BY B EN S TRAUSS tweeted the news. Puzzled, the plained, according to the report- at the world championships be- competitors by fractions of a
just does. We don9t take reporter asked his colleague er. gan in 2011 and now includes five point but a smaller division be-
ourselves too seriously. We9re not A couple of years ago, an nBA shams Charania what he Like many of the journalists squads led by Biles, but this year9s tween gold and silver than the
bigger than the sport. 8GameDay9 reporter had a scoop. It wasn9t thought. who spoke to The Washington margin was tighter than that of Americans9 dominant finishes of
works because everyone has the anything major, just a roster-fill- Charania, known by his first Post for this story, the Athletic the previous six victories. The the recent past.
show first 4 period. And the ing free agent signing, but for name, is the Athletic9s answer to reporter spoke on the condition United states (167.729) finished see GymNAStiCS On d2
sport of college football first 4 someone covering an nBA team, Woj, tasked with breaking every of anonymity, fearing the profes-
period. It9s the college football it was important news for his nBA transaction. And shams had sional repercussions that lurk in
fan first.= outlet, the Athletic, to break. so a hunch what happened: The a business so dominated by two
What bothered Fitting was the reporter did what reporters agent gave the news to Woj after men. When they do talk, journal-
that <GameDay= had become the do: He asked an agent to confirm the reporter asked for confirma- ists and nBA officials are un- It9s not impossible, but Following a career year,
focus of attention, not the game the scoop. tion. equivocal that the scoop wars of a 3-0 loss at Austin Fc lane Thomas wants to
it was built to celebrate. A few minutes later, Adrian <Confirming news with certain the modern nBA are controlled
eight years later, <GameDay= Wojnarowski 4 or Woj, as esPn9s people is the same as texting it by Woj, a 54-year-old newspaper essentially ends D.c. stick around and see the
see oN footBAll On d6 star nBA reporter is known 4 straight to Woj,= shams ex- see NBA iNSiderS On d5 United9s playoff hopes. d2 nats9 rebuild through. d3
d2 eZ m2 the washington post . thursday, october 5 , 2023

United9s playoff hopes in need of 8almost a miracle9 now

29-team league completes the the game about not giving up first. Goalkeeper Alex Bono was its past three matches. Stewart mairs.
austin fc 3, regular season. cheap goals,= rooney said. <We9ve left helpless again. Birnbaum <Wayne is frustrated. Every- The organization wants some-
d.c. united 0 It will take <almost a miracle,= done that with all three goals, but barked at right back Andy Najar, one9s frustrated,= Bono said. <Ev- one in place soon because that
rooney said. the goals in the first half were who should have provided cover eryone is disappointed. At this individual will have a voice in
D.C. sits in 11th place. Nine very poor. The first half wasn9t on the back side. point in the season, where every- whether to retain rooney, whose
BY S TEVEN G OFF make the playoffs. Not that Unit- good enough. I could9ve taken 11 <We shot ourselves in the foot,= thing is heightened and the pres- guaranteed contract expires in
ed belongs anywhere near there. players off at halftime.= Birnbaum said. <Can9t give up sure mounts, those are the mo- December.
AUSTIN 4 D.C. United9s dim play- It9s winless in six matches and rooney made five changes to goals that early in a game like ments, as a group, you9ve got to There is an option for 2024, but
off hopes were all but crushed in victorious once in its past 11 the lineup that came back twice this. It was a must-win, and giv- step up.= both sides would have to agree to
the first 21 minutes Wednesday at (1-5-5). The last time it qualified in a 2-2 draw at Vancouver on ing up those were a backbreaker.= Here9s what else to know about it. rooney has sought a long-term
Q2 Stadium. one Austin fC play- for the postseason was 2019, Saturday. At the start, both sides United striker Christian United9s loss: extension.
er was left alone in the penalty rooney9s last season as a D.C. played with the hunger needed to Benteke 4 who scored four goals The Gm would report to upper
area for a goal, then another, and player. break out of their ruts. only the in the past two matches to move Gm search continues management, not to Kasper, who
just like that, against hosts who <We have had opportunities to hosts, however, were efficient 4 within one of the mLS lead 4 United9s search for a general is expected to move into a rede-
had not won in almost three seize more points this last stretch and they did it against comical wasted two excellent chances. manager should be complete in a fined role next season, according
months, Wayne rooney9s bum- and haven9t done it,= captain Ste- defense. rooney called it <school- Desperation set in. rooney few weeks, people familiar with to a person close to the situation.
bling bunch was staring at an- ven Birnbaum said. <We9ve been boy defending.= made three changes at halftime. the situation said. In her two seasons, rushton
other long offseason. lucky to be in position where we In the 11th minute, Will Bruin Benteke stumbled again, failing most of the finalists have mLS worked under Kasper.
United is not officially out of are right now 4 well, where we provided the lead with an eight- to beat Brad Stuver from close experience and, at least early in
the mLS race, but with this 3-0 were before this game. We knew yard header. The unmarked strik- range. He thought he had scored the process, San Jose Gm Chris Roster news
calamity, the end is near. the importance of this game.= er timed his run perfectly as in the 56th minute, but the off- Leitch and Houston technical di- Defender Brendan Hines-Ike
D.C. (9-14-10) has played more Austin (10-14-8) scored in the Sebastián Driussi chipped the side flag had rightly gone up. rector Asher mendelsohn were (12 matches, nine starts) was
games than all others vying for 11th and 21st minutes against ball over the defense. Stuver made two more fine on the list, those people said. placed in concussion protocol
the last two Eastern Conference light resistance, then added an- D.C.9s woes continued in the saves before Austin extended the United has been without a Gm and unavailable. His status for
berths, and even by beating visit- other midway through the second 21st minute. Alexander ring lead in the 64th minute. matt since Lucy rushton was let go last Saturday9s game remains unde-
ing New York City fC in its finale half to end an eight-game winless crossed to Driussi, who was so Hedges outmuscled Éric Davis to october, leaving roster decisions termined.
Saturday, United is almost cer- streak in league play and 10 in a alone in the heart of the box, the Emiliano rigoni9s corner kick to Dave Kasper, the president of
tain to be overtaken that day or row in all competitions. Argentine forward had time for a and headed it in from 10 yards. soccer operations and sporting new York city Fc at d.c. United
oct. 21, when everyone else in the <I spoke to the players before second attempt after scuffing the United has conceded 10 goals in director, and technical director Saturday, 7:30 p.m., Apple TV Plus


FIFA spreads 2030 World Cup hosting over six countries, three continents
F ROM NEWS SERVICES fIfA had not been expected to Spain, Portugal and morocco. miguel Almiron, Dan Burn, Sean one more than feyenoord. Celtic l mLS: malte Amundsen
AND STAFF REPORTS choose the host until next sum- Each of the host countries9 na- Longstaff and fabian Schär. has zero points. scored the winning goal of the
mer. The plan still requires final tional teams, as well as the three Newcastle leads Group f with In Group G, defending cham- game in the 86th minute as the
The 2030 World Cup will be approval from the fIfA Council, South American host countries, four points, one more than PSG pion manchester City struck late Columbus Crew snapped the New
held in six countries on three con- but that is seen as a formality. will receive automatic berths in and two over AC milan, which on goals by Julián Álvarez (84th England revolution9s 15-match
tinents as part of the 100th anni- Spain staged the 1982 World the tournament 4 a standard played a scoreless draw at Borus- minute) and Jérémy Doku (stop- home unbeaten streak this season
versary of men9s soccer9s marquee Cup, while Portugal and morocco courtesy given to hosting coun- sia Dortmund. . . . page time) to get past host with a 2-1 victory in foxborough,
competition, the sport9s global are first-time hosts. tries. In Group E, Álvaro morata Leipzig, 3-1. . . . mass. . . .
governing body said in a surprise The first multination World 4 Steven Goff scored twice to help Atletico ma- City is three points clear of frankie Amaya and Elias ma-
announcement Wednesday. Cup was held in 2002, hosted by drid rally and secure a frantic 3-2 Leipzig, with red Star Belgrade noel scored as the New York red
Spain, Portugal and morocco Japan and South Korea. With the Newcastle routs PSG at home win over Dutch club feyenoord, and Young Boys both bringing up Bulls went ahead 2-0 early and
will host the bulk of the 48-team, tournament swelling to 48 teams Two years after being bought with goalkeeper Jan oblak put- the rear after drawing 2-2 in Ser- then held on to beat first-place
104-match tournament, and Uru- in 2026, though, the need for mul- by Saudi Arabia9s sovereign ting in a superb second-half per- bia. . . . Cincinnati, 2-1, on the road. . . .
guay, Argentina and Paraguay will tiple hosts has grown. The United wealth fund, Newcastle pulled off formance for the hosts. . . . Substitute ferran Torres In other games, the host Chica-
stage one match apiece in celebra- States, mexico and Canada will the biggest win of its new era by In the group9s other match, scored to give Barcelona a hard- go fire routed Inter miami, 4-1, as
tion of the first World Cup, in stage the competition in three beating struggling Kylian mbap- Lazio pulled off a last-gasp, 2-1 fought 1-0 win at Portuguese club Lionel messi missed another
1930, which was played in Uru- years. pé and Paris Saint-Germain, 4-1, away victory over Celtic thanks to Porto in Group H. The win moved game for miami with a leg injury;
guay, fIfA said. The 2030 tournament will kick on Wednesday in the English an added-time Pedro rodriguez Barcelona three points clear of its Atlanta United beat the Philadel-
<In a divided world, fIfA and off at Estádio Centenário in mon- club9s first Champions League header in a pulsating match that hosts for first place. . . . phia Union, 3-2, in Chester, Pa.;
football are uniting,= fIfA Presi- tevideo, Uruguay, site of the 1930 home game since 2003. was knotted at halftime. Shakhtar Donetsk is tied with host Charlotte beat Toronto, 3-0;
dent Gianni Infantino said in a final. fIfA has yet to decide the The scorers on one of the great Lazio and Atletico share the Porto on points after a 3-2 road and the Houston Dynamo and
statement. allocation of 101 matches in nights at St. James9 Park were group lead with four points each, win over Antwerp. host montreal played to a 1-1 draw.

Unparalleled greatness: owns in Texas, and she delivered

an outstanding showing on beam
in the team9s final routine of the

U.S. women soar to gold competition. Her coach Cecile

Landi, who competed for france
at the Atlanta olympics in 1996,
watched that performance as
GymNaSticS from D1 2021, Biles has thrived here. on Biles prepared for floor. Landi9s
floor Wednesday, her landings on arms shot into the air with joy
other groups of U.S. gymnasts difficult tumbling passes were when de Jesus dos Santos stuck
have enjoyed the same outcome precise and controlled. By post- her dismount to secure the medal,
at the world championships, but ing a 15.166, the U.S. team9s best france9s first as a team since 1950.
this team <had the most grit, performance of its uneven com- Biles then followed with her
courage and fight, especially after petition, she ensured the Ameri- own standout moment, doing her
everything that transpired out on cans would finish on a positive part to keep the Americans9 win-
the floor,= Biles said. <. . . We had note. ning streak alive. This competi-
so many different emotions going This gold is Biles9s 33rd world tion wasn9t a start-to-finish high-
throughout the day, and it wasn9t or olympic medal, tying the gym- light reel for the Americans, but
Team USA9s best day.= nastics record of Vitaly Scherbo, <we did what we needed to do
The American women are the who represented the Soviet tonight,= Shilese Jones said.
standard-bearers, but after Josce- Union, the Unified russian team During the previous years of
lyn roberson suffered a left leg and Belarus in the 1990s. By the the Americans9 streak, they had
injury during warm-ups for end of the week, Biles probably never finished fewer than three
Wednesday9s first rotation, Le- will surpass Scherbo. points ahead of the silver medal-
anne Wong unexpectedly had to <I think each and every time ists. The margin was narrower
step in on vault and floor. Wong you are crowned world cham- than usual last year (3.201 points)
struggled through her beam rou- pion, it feels a little bit different,= 4 when Skye Blakely fell on beam
tine. Biles was steady as usual, but Biles said. <I9m still surprised that and Biles hadn9t returned to com-
her scores weren9t as high as they I9m still going. . . . It feels just as YVeS HeRmAn/ReuTeRS petition 4 and it dipped a bit
could be because she opted not to good as the first one, just because the United States won a record seventh consecutive team title at the world gymnastics championships. lower this time.
perform her most difficult vault, we broke records. We came to- At times over the past decade,
the Yurchenko double pike, and gether. We had fight.= to win barring a stunning melt- um. Brazil, which had never country. the U.S. women powered through
she missed a connection on beam. Team competitions can be un- down. Even Wednesday9s mis- medaled as a team at the world China, which finished fourth, major competitions with one hit
But when the United States predictable because all routines takes weren9t enough to threaten championships or the olympics, was in podium position for much routine after another, obvious re-
needed her to make it through a 4 and all mistakes 4 count the team9s hopes for gold. leaned on its star, reigning world of the meet, but its low difficulty minders of their dominance. But
floor routine to clinch gold, Biles toward the final score. Yet in large The races for silver and bronze all-around champion rebeca An- scores on vault, its final appara- a shaky outing that ends with a
was at her best. Competing inter- part because of Biles, the Ameri- were more dramatic. Britain, the drade. Her floor routine was ex- tus, allowed france to surge gold medal provides a different
nationally for the first time since can women stand so far above silver medalist last year, stum- cellent, and then she stuck her ahead. Its medal depended on kind of optimism: It proves the
a mental block led to disappoint- their peers that they enter as bled on multiple apparatuses, difficult vault to clinch a break- melanie de Jesus dos Santos, who Americans can make mistakes
ment at the Tokyo olympics in runaway favorites, all but assured leaving an opening on the podi- through silver medal for her trains at the club Biles9s family and still prevail.


dIG E S T nFL 8:30 p.m. copa Libertadores semifinal, second leg: boca juniors at palmeiras »
8:15 p.m. chicago at Washington » Prime Video, WTTG (Ch. 5), WBIG (100.3 Fm) beIn Sports
pRO bASKETbALL NBA executive a <liar.= nHL pRESEASOn TEnnIS
4 Ben Golliver
disgruntled Harden The WNBA is coming to the
7 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
Washington at columbus » WFeD (1500 Am)
boston at new York Rangers » TnT
5 a.m. ATp: Shanghai Masters, early rounds; WTA: china Open, early rounds
» Tennis Channel
reports to 76ers9 camp San francisco Bay Area with its 10 p.m. colorado at Vegas » TnT 12:30 a.m. ATp: Shanghai Masters, early rounds; WTA: china Open, quarterfinals
first expansion franchise since (Friday) » Tennis Channel
James Harden9s self-imposed 2008. nbA pRESEASOn
exile from the Philadelphia 76ers Two people with knowledge of noon dallas vs. Minnesota » nBA TV WOMEn9S cOLLEGE SOccER
ended Wednesday when the the decision confirmed the cOLLEGE FOOTbALL
5:30 p.m. Texas at central Florida » eSPnu
6 p.m. Wake Forest at Syracuse » ACC network
disgruntled guard reported to the WNBA9s plan to expand to the Bay 7 p.m. Sam Houston at Liberty » CBS Sports network 7 p.m. Georgetown at Xavier » Fox Sports 1
team9s training camp in Area to The Washington Post 8 p.m. Western Kentucky at Louisiana Tech » eSPnu 7 p.m. Auburn at Alabama » SeC network
Colorado. under the condition of 8 p.m. north carolina State at Virginia Tech » ACC network
After repeatedly threatening in anonymity because they were not GOLF 8 p.m. northwestern at Wisconsin » Big Ten network
August to <never be a part of an permitted to discuss the 7 a.m. dp World Tour: Links championship, first round » Golf Channel
organization= that employed upcoming announcement. USA noon LpGA Tour: Ascendant, first round » Golf Channel
76ers President Daryl morey Today first reported the 2 p.m. Korn Ferry Tour: Tour championship, first round » Golf Channel men at the PGA Tour9s upcoming basketball players can enter their
4 p.m. pGA Tour: Sanderson Farms championship, first round » Golf Channel
because of a dispute over his development. event in Las Vegas. names into the transfer portal
unfulfilled offseason trade A post on the league9s official The Shriners Children9s open and retain immediate eligibility
request, the 10-time all-star account on X, the social media goal was to add two franchises told them she was pregnant, announced that Thompson for the following season from 60
skipped the team9s media day platform formerly known as and that it would take 18 months creating an <abusive and hostile= received an unrestricted to 45 days. . . .
monday and its first day of Twitter, hinted at an to get a team on the court after work environment before exemption into its tournament LSU safety Greg Brooks was
training camp Tuesday. But announcement coming the league decided on a city. ultimately trading her to the Los that begins oct. 12. diagnosed with
Harden, who has sought a trade Thursday. 4 Kareem Copeland Angeles Sparks because of her Thompson, 28, will become the medulloblastoma, a rare form of
to the Los Angeles Clippers, Expansion would bring the WNBA player Dearica Hamby pregnancy. seventh woman to compete in a brain cancer, his family
joined 76ers camp at Colorado WNBA to 13 teams 4 and the new filed a gender discrimination The WNBA, Hamby said, PGA Tour event and the first announced. He had emergency
State University in fort Collins squad will be the first added complaint last week with the subsequently failed to properly since Brittany Lincicome did so surgery three weeks ago to
on Wednesday. since the Atlanta Dream joined 15 Equal Employment opportunity investigate her allegations. The at the 2018 Barbasol remove a tumor between his
Harden, 34, averaged 21 years ago. Commission against the league league ultimately imposed a Championship. cerebellum and brainstem.
points, 6.1 rebounds and a league- The new franchise, which the and her former team, the Las penalty against the Aces and Thompson has 11 victories on Brooks started 13 games for
leading 10.7 assists last season for Associated Press reported would Vegas Aces, according to a copy of suspended Hammon for two the LPGA Tour after beginning the Tigers last season, and
the 76ers, who lost in the Eastern be controlled by Golden State the complaint obtained by The games. her professional career at age 15. finished the season with five
Conference semifinals. Warriors owner Joe Lacob, is Washington Post. 4 Molly Hensley-Clancy passes defended and 66 solo or
The NBA fined Harden slated to begin play in the 2025 In the complaint, Hamby cOLLEGES assisted tackles. He also played in
$100,000 for his pointed season. alleges that the Aces and their GOLF The NCAA Division I Council the first two games this season.
comments about morey, which Commissioner cathy coach, Becky Hammon, LPGA Tour player Lexi approved a smaller window 4 From news services
included calling the longtime Engelbert had said the WNBA9s retaliated against her after she thompson will compete against during which football and and staff reports
thursday, october 5 , 2023 . the washington post eZ m2 d3

MLB Roundup

Brooms busy as Texas, Minnesota and Arizona sweep through first round
Texas advanced to a division the third time this year, allowed l TWiNs 2, BlUE JAYs 0: In ninth as the Twins9 bullpen on the National League West
rangers 7, series at AL East champion Balti- six hits while striking out eight minneapolis, Carlos Correa sin- worked 71/3 scoreless innings in the champion Dodgers in the opener
rays 1 more starting Saturday. The rays9 and walking none over 62/3 in- gled home a run in a two-run series. of a best-of-five Division Series on
scoreless streak reached 33 in- nings. fourth inning and minnesota The Blue Jays, who lost their Saturday in Los Angeles.
nings, one shy of the postseason García9s leadoff homer began a swept Toronto in two games in seventh straight playoff game The NL Central champion
A SSOCIATED P RESS record held by the 1966-74 Los four-run fourth inning against Ef- their first-round series. since the AL Championship Series Brewers have dropped nine of
Angeles Dodgers, before Curtis lin. Josh Jung had an rBI triple The Twins advanced 4 for the in 2016, left nine runners on base their last 10 playoff games.
Adolis García and Evan Carter mead9s rBI single in the seventh. and Carter hit a two-run homer to first time in 21 years 4 to play the after stranding nine in Game 1.
homered to back Nathan Eovaldi, Texas won a postseason series right for the rangers, 7-0 in post- defending World Series champion l DiAMONDBACKs 5, Padres9 Melvin to return
and the Texas rangers beat the for the first time since 2011, when season games at Tropicana field. Astros. Game 1 of the best-of-five BREWERs 2: Zac Gallen settled Bob melvin, who has one year
punchless Tampa Bay rays, 7-1, on the rangers reached the World Carter hit .306 with five homers AL Division Series is in Houston down after a shaky start and Ari- left on his contract, will be back as
Wednesday in St. Petersburg, fla., Series before losing to St. Louis. and 12 rBI over 23 games after on Saturday. zona9s bullpen stepped up at the manager of the San Diego Padres
to finish a two-game sweep in Tampa Bay followed a stellar making his major league debut Correa, who helped the Astros end, helping the visiting Dia- despite a disappointing season,
their first-round American start with a fizzling finish. The Sept. 8. to three World Series appearances mondbacks sweep their first- General manager A.J. Preller said.
League playoff series. rays opened the season 13-0 and He reached base in his first six before signing with minnesota as round series with milwaukee. The announcement came three
Garcia and Carter, a 20-year-old led the AL East from opening Day postseason at-bats, doubling a free agent, went 3 for 7 with a Ketel marte put Arizona ahead days after the star-laden Padres
rookie who became the second- before being overtaken by the ori- twice and drawing three walks. hit-by-pitch in the two games. for good with a two-run single finished 82-80. The season began
youngest postseason player in oles in mid-July. Attendance for Game 2 was Sonny Gray yielded five hits during a four-run rally in the sixth with lofty expectations after the
franchise history, homered off 16- Tampa Bay lost its seventh 20,198, another below-sellout over five innings for his first career inning. club increased its payroll to
game winner Zach Eflin, who straight postseason game. crowd at Tropicana field but up win in the playoffs, and Jhoan The Diamondbacks, who two around $258 million on opening
failed to save Tampa Bay9s season. Eovaldi, beating the rays for slightly from Tuesday9s 19,704. Duran struck out the side in the years ago lost 110 games, will take Day, the third highest in baseball.

Feeling at home, Thomas wants to see it all through with Nats nfL notes

Following a career year at the plate, the outfielder hopes to stay put, lay down roots and be a pivotal part of the team9s rebuild Taylor gets
BY J ESSE D OUGHERTY ago, he seemed mechanical, quiet
and serious, posting an .853 oPS
for an hour recently, Lane
Thomas and Chase Henry Thom-
as sat on the same side of a booth
for the final six weeks, going from
a part-time player to an everyday
role in center. But in the past six
with Colts
on Capitol Hill, sharing french
toast and a decade of baseball
stories. They met in middle
months, Thomas has become one
of the more social players in the
clubhouse, mingling with a few
after layoff
school and married last winter. relievers one day, holding court
Their conversation pattern is not with the whole infield the next. A SSOCIATED P RESS
finishing each other9s sentences Late in the season, when the
4 more weaving together memo- Nationals were in Baltimore, he Jonathan Taylor returned to the
ries with small interjections, the walked by manager Dave marti- practice field Wednesday for his
listener guiding the speaker from nez9s office and told him he first workout in 10 months.
one scene to the next. looked a bit older. (martinez had Now he must prove to the Indi-
In one moment, they are back turned 59 the day before.) marti- anapolis Colts coaches he can car-
at the pool in Knoxville, Tenn., nez playfully shouted that Thom- ry the workload Sunday against
Lane watching the 2014 mLB as was out of the lineup, then Tennessee.
draft on Chase9s laptop, Chase muttered that that wouldn9t be a The all-pro running back and
sitting on the lifeguard9s stand. good idea. 2021 NfL rushing champion was
Lane, a skinny outfielder, saw his Earlier in September, Thomas activated from the physically un-
name and bio strip across the became the first player to hit at able to perform list before a light,
bottom of the screen: Lane least 20 homers and steal 20 scaled-back practice, which gave
Thomas, right fielder, fifth-round bases for the Nationals since Taylor his first real chance to take
pick for the Toronto Blue Jays out Bryce Harper did so in 2016. snaps with rookie quarterback
of Bearden High, 144th overall. Around the trade deadline, Gen- Anthony richardson.
He had never played right eral manager mike rizzo repeat- <It9s pretty simple just handing
field. But no matter the position, edly called him an all-star-caliber the ball off, knowing where to
Thomas knew the Blue Jays John mcDonnell/the WaShInGton PoSt player, saying he would rather step,= richardson said when asked
would pay him enough to skip Power exploits allowed lane Thomas to dress in style in the dugout on a number of occasions this year. keep building with Thomas than how long it would take the two to
college. He and Chase were sup- flip him for a prospect or two. get in sync. <It9s also learning the
posed to spend the summer on center field for an afternoon Tennessee Walking Horses, Everyone else wanted to scream <It would mean a lot to see this running back, learning how he
fort Loudoun Lake, hang with game at Busch Stadium. teaching Thomas to ride them in at him, 8You9re good for any- through, to be here when this wants the ball given to him, how
their friends, then pack up and A common theme: The chaos competitions. But no matter the where!9 = team starts winning again,= said he wants passes thrown to him.
head to nearby University of of trying to make it to the majors venue, they always made sure to With the Blue Jays, he played a Thomas, who has only played for maybe a couple days, maybe.=
Tennessee in the fall. So as he and stick. But after Lane Thomas squeeze baseball in. mike re- lot of second base before they last-place clubs in Washington. The Colts (2-2) are banking on a
walked over to her, he was al- hit a career-high 28 homers this called his racing buddies marvel- traded him to the Cardinals for <I9ve sometimes imagined what quick, seamless transition.
ready crying, even before saying season, leading the Washington ing at Thomas9s arm when Lane international bonus slot money that would be like, and it9s cool to Taylor did not speak to report-
the four words that would chart Nationals with an adjusted oPS was 5, maybe 6 years old. on in 2017. With the Cardinals, he see myself in the middle of it. ers Wednesday before or after
the rest of their lives. that was 14 points above league Saturdays, they would hit inside debuted in 2019, hit well, then We9re getting there.= practicing for the first time since
<I just got drafted.= average, he and Chase can take at mike9s equestrian center, mike fractured his wrist a month be- Beyond this season, he is un- going on injured reserve Dec. 20.
<Whoa,= Chase recalled saying least one or two deep breaths. He sitting on an overturned bucket, fore the playoffs. for the next two der team control for two more He then missed all of the team9s
back. feels at home with the Nationals, Lane whacking balls the entire seasons, his average hovered years and arbitration-eligible offseason workouts following an-
<And I really grew up in that his third organization in nine 250-foot length of the building. near .100 for St. Louis, reducing again this offseason. If he hits kle surgery, spent all of training
moment,= Thomas said over years, especially after they chose After Lane9s junior year at him to a pinch hitter and late- again next spring and early sum- camp on the physically unable to
breakfast in September, Chase to to hold on to him at the trade Bearden, his coach, John rice, game defensive sub. mer, he is likely to be the subject perform list with lingering pain in
his right, 32 weeks pregnant with deadline. Yet he will never kick convinced him to try out for He had trouble feeling part of of more trade rumors 4 a win for the ankle and opened the regular
a boy. <I felt like I became an the feeling of having to prove Team USA. Thomas didn9t think the team. He would quietly sit at the Nationals after they acquired season still on PUP.
adult way sooner than expected. himself. he was good enough to make the his locker, not wanting to goof him for a on-his-last-legs pitcher l RAMs: Los Angeles wide re-
The game will age you fast.= <You9re always scared,= Chase team. rice and Thomas9s dad around when his numbers were who made 12 more starts before ceiver Cooper Kupp returned to
The stories don9t stop there. said. <But, you know . . . = disagreed. And once Thomas so bad. Then in July 2021, with retiring. A strong arm has in- practice after missing the first
There was the time Lane drove to <You9re maybe not looking spent the whole summer with the just minutes before the trade creased his defensive value in four games of the season with a
marietta, Ga., to work out for the over your shoulder after one bad program, playing in North Caro- deadline, the Cardinals flipped right field. If he can improve hamstring injury.
Blue Jays, then raced back early game,= Lane said, speaking from lina, California and Taiwan, ma- him to the Nationals for pitcher against right-handed pitchers, Kupp rejoined his teammates
the next morning to make it in experience of looking over his jor league scouts rushed to Knox- Jon Lester. He could finally walk more and cut down his when the rams (2-2) began prepa-
time for senior prom. There was shoulder after bad games. <But, ville to meet with father and son. breathe again. strikeouts, all the better. moving rations to host the unbeaten Phila-
that hotel in West Virginia 4 <oh you know, I guess you know that <We9ve been through every- <It was an opportunity,= Chase forward, Thomas9s competition delphia Eagles on Sunday.
no,= Chase says 4 that had no you9re replaceable until you sign thing,= mike said. <They invited said, turning to look at Lane. <for is the small handful of top out- The former Super Bowl mVP
sheets, no comforter and bugs on that long-term deal.= 144 guys to try out for that Team me, I just saw a renewed energy field prospects in the Nationals9 entered the 21-day window for ac-
the walls, leading Lane, then a USA team when he was 16. He in you, like the life that was system: James Wood, Dylan tivation from injured reserve
minor leaguer with Toronto, to 8it was an opportunity9 made the cut down to 44, then missing was suddenly back.= Crews and robert Hassell III, for along with rookie linebacker
buy a sleeping bag and zip him- About halfway through that 20-some, then winds up in Tai- starters, then Andrew Pinckney, ochaun mathis, who also hasn9t
self into it on the mattress. And hour in the diner, they both wan winning it all. I told him: Wanting to 8see this through9 Daylen Lile and Elijah Green. played this season. The 30-year-
there was the start of the 2021 leaned forward and pressed their 8You9ve been the best player on Here9s a weird chicken-or-egg But same as ever, that only old Kupp strained his hamstring
season, when Lane, then a fringe elbows to the table. Their eyes the field your whole life. What9s thing in baseball: To thrive, it means Thomas9s biggest compe- early in training camp and aggra-
major leaguer for the St. Louis widened. They were talking the difference now?9 = helps to be loose, to be yourself. tition is himself. He is long past vated it in late August.
Cardinals, finished a game in about how much Lane Thomas9s <When Lane started seeing But it9s often hard to be yourself feeling as if he doesn9t belong. l Bills: Some things never get
memphis, was called up around father, mike, loves his son. himself more like his dad saw without thriving. Thomas9s two- finding comfort, though, might old for Von miller, even at the age
midnight, then drove until about While Thomas grew up, mike him, that was huge,= rice re- and-a-half-year arc with Wash- take the rest of his career. of 34, and a month late from open-
6 a.m., stopped to sleep a few was a professional drag racer on called. <Lane thought he was only ington is an example of this. <You9ve never really made it,= ing his 13th NfL season.
hours in a hotel, then started in the NHrA circuit. He also bred good for Knoxville, Tennessee. When he arrived two Augusts he said. <But I9m going to try.= miller, Buffalo9s top pass rusher,
had yet to pull on his pads and
helmet to practice for the first
time in more than 10 months

Phillies advance to NLDS Nola seemed to be feeling the

stress of it all when he failed to
finish five innings in each of his
Wednesday when he began experi-
encing a familiar 4 and welcome
4 mix of nerves and anticipation.

by overpowering Marlins first three starts of September.

But he made a few mechanical
tweaks and finished with back-to-
miller tore a ligament and suf-
fered cartilage damage in his right
knee during a win at Detroit on
back starts of six-plus innings and Thanksgiving Day.
PhilliEs from D1 deficit quite like the burly desig- two or fewer runs. He made the l JAGUARs: Veteran left tackle
nated hitter. on Wednesday adjustment 4 just in time for the Cam robinson and wide receiver
celebration, like two and a half night, his rBI double in the third schedule to throw him a longer- Zay Jones returned to practice.
hours of practiced choreography inning gave the Phillies a lead than-usual layoff ahead of his robinson is back after a four-
between a team and a fan base they never gave back. biggest start of the season. game suspension for violating the
determined to soak up every sec- Schwarber is the perfect exam- The layoff didn9t matter NfL9s policy on performance-en-
ond. Something about postsea- ple of why the Phillies often seem Wednesday. Nothing extraneous hancers, and Jones missed the
son crowds at Citizens Bank Park, greater than the sum of their seems to matter to the Phillies in past two games because of a knee
especially the ones that have sere- parts, a veteran who is just as october, when the mission is sim- injury.
naded this iteration of the Phil- excited to participate in uncouth ple and the sprint is short. It l BRONCOs: randy Gregory
lies, drowns out regular season celebrations on the dugout rail- didn9t matter that the outcome missed more games than he
worries, one by one, until they ing as anyone. In fact, no one on was hardly in doubt by the time played during an 18-month stint
hardly matter at all. the Phillies, from stoic J.T. real- Bryson Stott hit a grand slam in with Denver in which he had al-
Sarah StIer/Getty ImaGeS
for example, one of the strains muto and Zack Wheeler to rookie the sixth inning, smashing his bat most as many surgeries (two) as
of anxious dialogue around this Johan rojas, from veteran Nick Bryson stott launched a sixth-inning grand slam to help the Phillies to the ground as if he had just won sacks (three).
team all year surrounded the Castellanos to new guy Trea Tur- advance to a showdown with Nl East rival Atlanta in the NlDs. Game 7 as 45,738 fans left their The Broncos (1-3) parted ways
leadoff spot in the batting order. ner, ever seems too cool for all the feet. It didn9t matter that he with the immensely talented but
manager rob Thomson put slug- fun. Pitching is important, too, of the city became a destination for struck out in his next at-bat 4 often-unavailable pass rusher, de-
ger Kyle Schwarber there, then Talent helps, of course, and the course. But the Phillies didn9t big stars and the team trans- because they cheered him off the ciding to release him 4 even
left him when he struggled, ex- Phillies are good in part because have the most heralded rotation formed into a joyful bunch. He is field then, too. though they9re on the hook for the
perimenting here and there as they have plenty of that, too. in october last year, nor do they a reminder that none of this was These Phillies have not won the $10.9 million remaining on his
pundits squirmed about the un- Some wondered whether the this year. What they have are two preordained or simple, that what World Series. They will not be 2023 salary.
orthodox aesthetics of having a marlins9 lefty-heavy pitching staff ace-caliber starters who have yet has coalesced in this clubhouse is studied for their baseball genius, Gregory played in just 10 of a
player in that spot who struck out might help them neutralize to let them down. Wheeler was as rare as it is magical 4 and that not like some other winning fran- possible 21 games during his time
nearly 30 percent of the time and Schwarber, Bryce Harper and dominant Tuesday. Aaron Nola it is temporary. Every start Nola chises of this era. But they have with the Broncos.
hit .197. other lefty sluggers enough to had his best start in weeks makes now might be his last as a something the data can9t explain, l FAlCONs: Atlanta signed
But he left him there in part pull an upset. But the Phillies Wednesday, allowing three hits Phillie. The 30-year-old will be a something that sends them into a defensive lineman Eli Ankou to its
because Schwarber gets on base have right-handed power, too. and a walk over seven scoreless free agent after the season 4 division series matchup with the active roster.
and in part because Schwarber realmuto hit a 404-foot homer in innings. probably a coveted one, given his Atlanta Braves, dominant dar- Wide receiver Josh Ali was
has always had a knack for setting the fourth inning. Turner9s single Nola was here during the lean track record, though the Phillies lings of the regular season, look- placed on injured reserve after
the tone. No one threatens the drove home Schwarber in the times, the ace of the downtrodden certainly have the resources to ing like the team that might be missing last weekend9s game in
other team with an immediate third. Phillies of the late 2010s, before win a bidding war. october darlings in the end. London with an ankle injury.
d4 ez sU the washington post . thursday, october 5 , 2023

NFL week 5

Chicago Bears (0-4) at Washington Commanders (2-2)

Time: 8:15 p.m. TV: Prime Video, WTTG (Ch. 5). Radio: WBIG (100.3 FM). Line: Commanders by 51/2.
For in-game analysis, live stats and discussion, check out our live updates at washingtonpost.com/sports.

C O m m ANd E R S BEA R S

1 Jahan Dotson WR 5-11 182 1 Justin Fields QB 6-3 228
2 Dyami Brown WR 6-0 195 2 DJ Moore WR 5-11 210
3 Byron Pringle WR 6-1 203 4 Eddie Jackson DB 6-0 206
4 Curtis Samuel WR 5-11 195 8 Cairo Santos K 5-8 175
5 Tress Way P 6-1 220 9 Jaquan Brisker DB 6-1 200
6 Joey Slye K 5-11 213 10 Chase Claypool WR 6-4 238
8 Brian Robinson Jr. RB 6-1 228 11 Darnell Mooney WR 5-11 173
12 Jacoby Brissett QB 6-4 235 12 Velus Jones Jr. WR 6-0 200
13 Emmanuel Forbes Jr. CB 6-0 180 13 Tyler Scott WR 5-11 185
14 Sam Howell QB 6-1 220 14 Nathan Peterman QB 6-2 225
17 Terry McLaurin WR 6-0 210 15 Trent Taylor WR 5-8 178
20 Quan Martin DB 6-0 195 16 Trenton Gill P 6-4 219
22 Darrick Forrest S 5-11 200 17 Tyson Bagent QB 6-3 213
23 Chris Rodriguez Jr. RB 5-11 224 18 Robert Tonyan TE 6-5 240
24 Antonio Gibson RB 6-2 220 19 Equanimeous St. Brown WR 6-5 214
25 Benjamin St-Juste CB 6-3 200 20 Travis Homer RB 5-10 202
29 Kendall Fuller CB 5-11 198 21 D'Onta Foreman RB 6-0 235
31 Kamren Curl S 6-2 198 22 Elijah Hicks DB 5-11 200
34 Christian Holmes CB 6-1 205 23 Roschon Johnson RB 6-0 225
35 Percy Butler S 6-0 191 24 Khalil Herbert RB 5-9 212
36 Danny Johnson CB 5-9 190 26 Quindell Johnson DB 6-2 208
39 Jeremy Reaves S 5-11 200 27 Greg Stroman Jr. DB 5-11 180
47 Khaleke Hudson LB 6-0 220 29 Tyrique Stevenson DB 6-0 204
50 Andre Jones Jr. DE 6-5 258 30 Joejuan Williams DB 6-3 212
51 David Mayo LB 6-2 240 31 Jaylon Jones DB 5-11 190
52 Jamin Davis LB 6-3 234 32 Terell Smith DB 6-0 207
53 Ricky Stromberg C/G 6-4 313 33 Jaylon Johnson DB 6-0 196
54 Camaron Cheeseman LS 6-4 237 35 Khari Blasingame FB 6-0 233
55 KJ Henry DE 6-4 255 37 Duron Harmon DB 6-0 205
57 Cody Barton LB 6-2 237 44 Noah Sewell LB 6-2 253
63 Nick Gates C 6-5 312 48 Patrick Scales LS 6-3 226
69 Tyler Larsen C 6-4 335 49 Tremaine Edmunds LB 6-5 250
71 Andrew Wylie G/T 6-6 309 53 T.J. Edwards LB 6-1 242
72 Charles Leno Jr. T 6-3 302 55 Dylan Cole LB 6-0 240
73 Trent Scott T 6-5 320 57 Jack Sanborn LB 6-2 234
75 Chris Paul G 6-4 324 58 Darnell Wright OL 6-6 333
76 Sam Cosmi T 6-6 309 62 Lucas Patrick OL 6-3 313
77 Saahdiq Charles G/T 6-4 322 64 Nate Davis OL 6-3 316
78 Cornelius Lucas T 6-8 327 65 Cody Whitehair OL 6-3 316
80 Curtis Hodges TE 6-8 240 67 Dan Feeney OL 6-4 310
82 Logan Thomas TE 6-6 250 69 Ja'Tyre Carter OL 6-3 311
83 Jamison Crowder WR 5-9 177 74 Aviante Collins OL 6-4 292
85 Cole Turner TE 6-6 240 75 Larry Borom OL 6-5 333
86 Mitchell Tinsley WR 6-1 205 84 Marcedes Lewis TE 6-6 265
87 John Bates TE 6-6 259 85 Cole Kmet TE 6-6 260
90 Montez Sweat DE 6-6 262 90 Dominique Robinson DL 6-5 253
91 John Ridgeway III DT 6-5 321 91 Yannick Ngakoue DL 6-2 246
92 Abdullah Anderson DL 6-4 295 93 Justin Jones DL 6-3 309
93 Jonathan Allen DT 6-3 300 94 Rasheem Green DL 6-4 279
94 Daron Payne DT 6-3 320 95 DeMarcus Walker DL 6-4 280
95 Casey Toohill DE 6-5 254 96 Zacch Pickens DL 6-4 300
96 James Smith-Williams DE 6-4 265 97 Andrew Billings DL 6-1 311
99 Chase Young DE 6-5 264 99 Gervon Dexter Sr. DL 6-6 312

kamil krzaCzyNski/assOCiaTeD Press

d E P Th C h AR T Justin Fields had one of his best games passing for the Bears on sunday, but he hurt the Commanders last season with his scrambling. dEPTh ChART

QB Sam Howell Jacoby Brissett QB Justin Fields Tyson Bagent
RB Brian Robinson Jr. Antonio Gibson By Th E Nu mBE R S RB Khalil Herbert Roschon Johnson
WR Terry McLaurin Dyami Brown WR DJ Moore Velus Jones Jr.
WR Jahan Dotson Byron Pringle WR Darnell Mooney Velus Jones Jr.
WR Curtis Samuel Dyami Brown WR Tyler Scott E. St. Brown
TE Logan Thomas John Bates mINuS-62 POINT dIFFERENTIAL 9.1 PERCENT SCRAmBLE RATE TE Cole Kmet Robert Tonyan
LT Charles Leno Jr. Cornelius Lucas FB Khari Blasingame
LG Saahdiq Charles Ricky Stromberg in four games, Chicago has the league9s second-worst point last week, Bears quarterback Justin Fields had his best career game LT Larry Borom Aviante Collins
C Nick Gates Tyler Larsen LG Cody Whitehair Ja'Tyre Carter
RG Sam Cosmi Chris Paul differential, minus-62, which is actually somewhat impressive, as a passer, and the emphasis on throwing seems intentional. Offensive C Lucas Patrick Dan Feeney
RT Andrew Wylie Trent Scott considering early returns suggest this could be another banner year for coordinator luke getsy is calling fewer designed runs for Fields, and he is RG Nate Davis Ja'Tyre Carter
RT Darnell Wright Aviante Collins
parity in the NFl. scrambling at a career-low rate of 9.1 percent. (it was 15.6 percent in
DE Chase Young James Smith-Williams it9s tough to divvy up blame between the hapless offense and wet- dEFENSE ANd SPECIAL TEAmS
DT Daron Payne John Ridgeway paper-towel defense. The Bears rank last or nearly last in so many other But Fields9s legs are still the most dangerous part of his game. last DE Yannick Ngakoue Rasheem Green
DT Jonathan Allen Abdullah Anderson DT Andrew Billings Zacch Pickens
DE Montez Sweat Casey Toohill differential categories. season, during an ugly Washington win on <Thursday Night Football,= the DT Justin Jones Gervon Dexter Sr.
LB Jamin Davis Khaleke Hudson DE DeMarcus Walker Dominique Robinson
LB Cody Barton David Mayo quarterback gashed the Commanders on the ground. he nearly set up a LB T.J. Edwards
NB Benjamin St-Juste Quan Martin TWO SACkS late game-winning score with a 39-yard scramble. Those memories seem LB Tremaine Edmunds Dylan Cole
CB Kendall Fuller Christian Holmes LB Jack Sanborn Noah Sewell
SS Kamren Curl Jeremy Reaves The Bears9 defense only has two sacks, tied with the New york giants to be preventing Coach ron rivera from taking lightly what looks like a CB Terell Smith Greg Stroman Jr.
FS Darrick Forrest Percy Butler SS Jaquan Brisker Quindell Johnson
CB Emmanuel Forbes Jr.
for the fewest in the league. Not much has changed since coordinator terrible team. FS Elijah Hicks Duron Hamon
P Tress Way alan Williams resigned and Coach matt eberflus took over as defensive <last year, he gave us hell,= rivera said of Fields. <We can9t allow that
CB Tyrique Stevenson Greg Stroman Jr.
K Joey Slye P Trenton Gill
H Tress Way play caller. to happen. We9ve got to be disciplined. . . . you can9t fall asleep on a K Cairo Santos
LS Camaron Cheeseman LS Patrick Scales
KR Antonio Gibson Byron Pringle The Bears don9t blitz much, and the front 4 headlined by end yannick young team like that because they don9t know the difference. They go out H Trenton Gill
PR Jamison Crowder Jahan Dotson KR Velus Jones Jr. Tyler Scott
Ngakoue 4 does not generate much pressure. When the Bears do create every week, [and] they want to win every week.= PR Trent Taylor Velus Jones Jr.
pressure, it comes in an average of 2.61 seconds, according to Trumedia,
which is the eighth-slowest rate in the league. This is a great matchup for 4 Sam Fortier
sack-prone Commanders quarterback sam howell.


Week 1 Week 4 Week 7 at Giants Week 10 at Seahawks Week 13 vs. dolphins Week 16 at Jets
at Commanders 20, Cardinals 16 at eagles 34, Commanders 31 (OT) Oct. 22, 1 p.m. (CBs) Nov. 12, 4:25 p.m. (Fox) Dec. 3, 1 p.m. (Fox) Dec. 24, 1 p.m. (CBs)
Week 2 Week 5 vs. Bears Week 8 vs. Eagles Week 11 vs. Giants Week 14 Week 17 vs. 49ers
Commanders 35, at Broncos 33 Today, 8:15 p.m. (Prime Video, WTTg-5) Oct. 29, 1 p.m. (Fox) Nov. 19, 1 p.m. (Fox) Bye Dec. 31, 1 p.m. (Fox)
Week 3 Week 6 at Falcons Week 9 at Patriots Week 12 at Cowboys Week 15 at Rams Week 18 vs. Cowboys
Bills 37, at Commanders 3 Oct. 15, 1 p.m. (CBs) Nov. 5, 1 p.m. (Fox) Nov. 23 (Thurs.), 4:30 p.m. (CBs) Dec. 17, 4:05 p.m. (CBs) Jan. 6/7; date, time and TV TBD

ANALySIS he has remained confident and points added, Washington9s spe-

measured, and his teammates re- cial teams units have been the

Commanders have cause gard him as pretty much unflap-

pable. But there is some uncer-
tainty. To grow, Howell will have
second worst in the league (ahead
of only miami).
Can rivera keep his job? It9s

to feel good and to worry to break some long-standing ten-

dencies, such as taking a lot of
sacks and not protecting his body
one of the season9s key subplots.
rivera9s bets on Howell and Bieni-
emy have had promising early
when he runs. returns, and if the team wins, it
CommAnders from d1 has more touches than any other Can the defense get back on seems possible Harris would re-
skill player (66), and he has track? Precedent suggests yes. In tain him. But how much does
Here9s a look at the Command- turned eight of them into explo- two of his three seasons, Del rio9s rivera need to win? Is making the
ers after four games: sive plays (defined as runs of 12 or defenses have rebounded from postseason enough? Would he
more yards or catches of 16 or slow starts to become one of the have to win a playoff game?
standouts more yards). At the same time, he league9s best. The unit has plenty or, if everything goes sideways,
eric Bieniemy: The offense has maintained a physicality that of talent and a zone-match would Harris fire rivera in-sea-
has been average 4 its 20.8 points can fire up the sideline and hasn9t scheme with tools to prevent ex- son? There9s evidence to believe
per game are tied for 16th in the lost a fumble. plosive plays. The quarterbacks so: Harris has fired two coaches
NfL 4 but that9s a significant the Commanders faced in the first midseason with the New Jersey
improvement from the previous disappointments four games were much tougher Devils, the NHL team he owns.
regime. The ceiling is higher, too, Jack del rio: The defense has than the four up next (Justin
as evidenced by its 35 points in failed to start fast, one of the JOhN mCDONNell/The WashiNgTON POsT fields, Desmond ridder, Daniel Forecast
Week 2, the team9s highest output coordinator9s top preseason eric Bieniemy, in his first season as Washington9s play caller, and Jones and Jalen Hurts for the The second quarter of the Com-
since 2019. offensive players have goals. It has allowed 26.5 points first-year starting quarterback sam Howell are on the same page. second time this season). But the manders9 season will feature the
higher expectations, and defen- per game, the fourth most in the Commanders9 defense has to NfL9s two worst teams by point
sive players believe the unit can NfL, despite forcing more turn- guys in front of them.= He added: Biggest surprise prove it9s better than what it has differential: Chicago (minus-62)
pick them up on a down day. The overs and getting occasional <Just because you draft a guy in There have been no major shown so far. in Week 5 and the New York
confidence boost is a credit to dominance from the line. once the second or third round doesn9t scandals. Even with an ownership How do you fix the special Giants (minus-76) in Week 7. At-
Howell and Bieniemy, the first- again, explosive plays are doom- necessarily mean he9s an auto- change, the lack of off-the-field teams? The trouble started with lanta, the Week 6 opponent, is
year coordinator. ing the unit, and even though matic starter.= news during the season is note- shaky long snapping by Camaron facing questions about whether
de montez sweat: The free most seem tied to breakdowns in rT Andrew Wylie: Before the worthy because chaos was con- Cheeseman. Then the punt unit to bench ridder, its second-year
agent-to-be is setting himself up the secondary, the responsibility season, multiple analysts said stant in the final years of Daniel started allowing big returns in big quarterback, for backup Taylor
to get paid. Sweat has been argu- for yet another slow start falls on Washington was betting on Wylie Snyder. Early on, Josh Harris & moments. (The average is now Heinicke.
ably the best player on the team9s Del rio. to play better than he ever had. In Co. have mostly done normal 13.4 yards per return, the fifth The rematch with the Eagles in
strongest unit. He ranks first or 2023 draft class: Even though Kansas City, he benefited greatly football-team-owner things, such highest in the league.) Then Tress Week 8 will not only be a test for
second on the team in forced forbes is going through growing from scheme help and a quarter- as investing in fedEx field, host- Way, one of the best and most Washington9s players, who just
fumbles (two), sacks (three), tack- pains, at least he9s playing. The back who rarely took sacks. In ing a large alumni homecoming consistent players on the team, fell short at Philadelphia, but for
les for loss (four) and pressures other rookies aren9t; they9ve tak- Washington, with a weaker line and continuing a legislative effort shanked a punt in overtime at the home crowd as well. Eagles
(15). en just 13 total snaps on offense and a young quarterback, his to make the rfK Stadium site a Philadelphia, setting up the fans have taken over fedEx field
His contributions go beyond and defense. That9s the lowest struggles have been magnified. realistic option for a new venue. game-losing field goal. Kick and for years, but so far this season,
the box score, such as setting the total for all non-first-round rook- It9s fair to ask whether that9s his Linebacker Jamin Davis, who9s punt returns are infrequent and Washington sold out its first two
edge against the run, and if he can ies on any team. And barring fault or Bieniemy9s; the coordina- appealing a reckless driving con- contributing little. home games with a fair number of
be consistent, it would be a big injury, there9s no clear path onto tor made it a priority to bring him viction, will go on trial in march. The Commanders have missed Commanders fans in the build-
boost to a struggling defense. the field for second-round safety in. But it9s clear the right tackle two of eight field goal attempts. ing.
rB Brian robinson Jr.: The Quan martin or third-round in- has not elevated the line. He has Pressing questions one was not kicker Joey Slye9s Washington will want to rack
second-year running back, who terior lineman ricky Stromberg. allowed pressure at seemingly the Can Howell continue to grow? fault 4 the 49-yard attempt was up wins before a challenging
mostly has been a between-the- rivera said the rookies other than highest rate, and he has been The quarterback9s response to the ruined by a skidded snap 4 and third quarter of the season: at
tackles bruiser, has flashed unex- forbes aren9t playing much be- flagged a line-leading three times Buffalo meltdown suggests the the other, from 59 in Denver, Slye New England, at Seattle, vs. New
pected explosiveness. robinson cause <we9ve got some pretty good (two holdings and a false start). answer is yes. After every setback, pushed wide right. By expected York Giants, at Dallas.
thursday, october 5 , 2023 . the washington post ez sU D5

The NBA9s biggest rivalry like a digital billboard and among

its most important hires.
Under the Times, the Athletic

is battle of news breakers has sought to replicate ESPN9s

insider model. David Perpich, the
Athletic9s publisher, told The Post
last year that he had expected
nBA inSiDErS from D1 In 2007, Woj landed at Yahoo, coverage of big events such as the
where he became the most-read Super Bowl to be popular but that
veteran from Connecticut, and NBA columnist in the country. it was outpaced by free agency
his former protégé, Shams, 29, Twitter revolutionized reporting and trade interest. A former
who launched his career from his around that time. Suddenly every Times sports editor, Jason Stall-
parents9 house in the Chicago NBA reporter could break any man, said he was <dazzled= by
suburbs. news instantly, and Woj leaned Shams9s work. And since the Ath-
Their dynamic has become a in. To friends, it was a testament letic9s new editor in chief, Steven
fascination of the league, with to his doggedness. <He talked to Ginsberg, took over this year, he
fans lining up to cheer them on X, the third assistant coach on the has stressed to staff the impor-
the social media platform former- bench when no one thought to do tance of breaking more news,
ly known as Twitter, and to keep that,= Vaccaro said. He once told a multiple Athletic staffers said.
score of their performances on journalism class that the secret to The Athletic re-signed Shams
the internet and even in NBA breaking news was talking to a last year and is paying him be-
locker rooms. Paul George to the source as much as possible with- tween $600,000 and $700,000,
Clippers? Woj. rudy Gobert has out asking for news. according to two people familiar
covid? Shams. Kevin Durant to As he rose, though, critics de- with the terms. The Athletic also
the Warriors? Woj again. Both rided Woj9s willingness to write recently hired Dianna russini
boast millions of X followers (6 scathingly about sources who away from ESPN to be its NfL
million for Woj, 2 million for seemed not to cooperate (such as insider, and she is paid more than
Shams). Both are recognized by LeBron James). The New repub- Shams, according to multiple
every NBA fan with an X account. lic reported in 2014 that the NBA people familiar with the terms.
They so own NBA news that once fined former Pistons execu- (Shams9s representatives contact-
one former league executive told tive Joe Dumars $500,000 for ed ESPN during contract negotia-
The Post that they are the only leaking league documents to Woj. tions to gauge interest, though no
mAt HAywArd/getty imAges
NBA reporters who matter. A Dumars was the subject of several substantive talks took place, ac-
former Athletic executive said it flattering stories. Shams Charania started his media career as a teenager, breaking small stories about trades and cording to a person with knowl-
might not even be worth having In 2011, Woj reached a new contracts. At 29, he earns nearly $2 million as the top nBA insider for the Athletic and Stadium. edge of the outreach.)
an NBA vertical without Shams. level of fame when he tweeted Last year, gambling company
Shams has starred in an AT&T teams9 draft picks ahead of their fanDuel hired Shams to be a paid
commercial, and Woj has been a announcement on ESPN, deflat- contributor on its TV network,
T-mobile pitchman. The sugges- ing the draft9s drama and embar- tipped off Woj with his scoop. has built his life around the job, marveled at how quickly news marking a new frontier for insid-
tion is that they are always con- rassing the NBA and its media <I couldn9t break news that I avoiding dates to focus on scoops. spreads when Woj or Shams er reporters. Ahead of the NBA
nected. partner. It showed the power of had,= Berger said. <I thought I Around the league, he is legend- breaks it, saying there is no better draft this year, Charania tweeted
It doesn9t hurt that each is Twitter and was, in many ways, a could compete on hard work and ary for his fire-hose approach to way to get a narrative out than to that a player was gaining steam to
known by a single-syllable mon- glimpse of the future of sports relationships, but I was wrong.= texting: dozens of texts at a time seed it with Woj or Shams. Ethan be drafted second, causing bet-
onym, nor that Woj was once a media. mcDonough did not respond to get a single piece of news or Strauss, a former NBA reporter ting lines to swing wildly. The
mentor to Shams, hiring him for to a message seeking comment. just to keep in touch with sources. for ESPN who now writes a news- player wasn9t selected second,
his first big job. Now, multiple The protégé Berger left the business and now one Shams source said he reach- letter on Substack, reported that and fanDuel bettors wagering on
NBA reporters and officials de- Shams, who is Pakistani Amer- works as a health and wellness es out whenever the source9s fa- Woj has sent around a document Charania9s info lost.
scribe their relationship as some- ican, grew up in Chicago9s north- coach. vorite team is winning games. <I highlighting his reach on social That apparent conflict of inter-
thing akin to Darth Vader and ern suburbs, his rise a digital-era Some viewed this dominance once got a birthday text from media compared to rivals such as est was troubling enough in the
Luke Skywalker, the tension be- sprint that bore no resemblance as the culmination of years of Shams out of the blue,= said a Shams. Times newsroom that a staffer
tween them spilling across their to Woj9s newspaper days. He was source building and work ethic. person who worked in an NBA Woj and Shams are also useful raised the issue in an all-staff
respective galaxies. one editor cut from his high school basket- Woj, who takes red-eyes at every front office. <I have no idea how to front-office members trying to Slack channel after The Post cov-
said the Athletic doesn9t want ball team but, still obsessed with opportunity to avoid missing he knew my birthday.= circumvent the league9s tamper- ered it. <I was pretty surprised to
Woj tweets dropped into compa- the game, reached out to a local news, had been cultivating assis- Woj is often described as a ing rules, according to two former see a NYT spokesman defending
ny Slack channels because Shams website looking to do some bas- tant coaches and front-office mafia don around the league, executives. one said he had sig- a sports reporter for The Athletic
doesn9t like to see them; ESPN ketball writing. <I remember ask- staffers as sources for decades. while Shams is more of a golden naled his team9s interest in a who also takes money from a
reporters, in turn, are discour- ing if he had permission from his Now they were getting promoted retriever. Partly because Woj can player by telling Shams, knowing sports gambling website while
aged from tweeting Athletic sto- parents,= his editor once recalled. to bigger jobs. Those relationship be so polarizing, there is an open- he would deliver the message to a reporting on sports,= read the
ries or inviting Athletic guests Shams parlayed that into a gig skills didn9t only apply to sources, ing for Shams. <If you don9t like team or an agent. The reporters Slack note, which was shared
onto their podcasts. Neither re- at a national website, realGm, his friends say: Just like he built Woj, you talk to Shams,= a former also know what every team and with The Post. <That tangled rela-
porter acknowledges the other but the Bulls wouldn9t credential up Shams, he helped malika An- ESPN editor said. agent is up to, as well as which tionship could cause all sorts of
publicly. a teenager, so he drove to milwau- drews climb the ranks from a Shams is more likely to induce teams might soon have job open- ethical problems . . . but what was
<It9s the only real rivalry left in kee for games. He once tailed the college reporter to an ESPN star. eye rolls from other reporters ings, making them valuable also odd to me was that the NYT
the NBA,= NBA reporter frank Bucks9 Brandon Jennings to the others saw success fueled by around the league for some of his sources themselves. owners, one was then in a position where it
Isola said. <Everyone else likes players9 parking lot to ask him Woj framing stories in ways that reports. He recently tweeted that agent said, ask Woj for hiring was defending behavior that it
each other.= about his impending free agency. are plainly helpful to sources. He the Suns and their <driven, dy- recommendations on coaches would almost surely condemn if
It would be naive to think of In his earliest days, Shams is a pioneer of shouting out namic ownership= were <solely and general managers. <You can9t the perpetrator was an NYT
Woj vs. Shams as a petty feud. The broke news about G League con- agents and agencies when a play- focused on a championship= after have them mad at you because Sports reporter.=
NBA has billed itself as the league tracts or 10-day deals with small- er signs. When Kevin Durant firing their coach. And while Woj then you don9t have access to In response, Perpich wrote the
of the future, digitally savvy and er-name players 4 stories so re-signed with the Nets, Woj en- is viewed as closer to coaches and their information,= a former exec- Athletic shares core values and
popular with younger fans. more small that other reporters couraged his followers to <read general managers (he talks to utive said. standards with the Times, stands
than any sport9s, its popularity is weren9t interested. <Who freak- more= at Durant9s own website. players, too), Shams has cultivat- <These aren9t one-sided rela- behind Shams9s work and is con-
fueled by player movement 4 ing cares about breaking a two- When he broke the news that ed relationships with players tionships,= said Dan marks, who tinuing to evaluate guidelines for
who9s getting drafted, who9s sign- way contract?= asked David falk, former Celtics coach Ime Udoka such as Kyrie Irving and James spent nearly a decade in the outside work.
ing where, who9s demanding a a longtime NBA agent. <But it9s a was facing a suspension for vio- Harden and is making inroads Bucks9 front office. <The reporters The larger point, NBA report-
trade. Being first to that news great way to curry favor with an lating <unspecified= team guide- with a younger crop of owners, get scoops; they get traffic. on the ers and officials said, is that Woj
keeps fans9 attention on your agent.= lines, his initial report noted that including Alex rodriguez. flip side, you get insight into job and Shams, and their perceived
platform, which is what makes He tweeted his stories at Woj Udoka had just led the team to In cultivating that access, opportunities or favorable cover- value to fans, media executives
the stakes so high for Woj, Shams and complimented his columns, the NBA finals. Not long after- Shams, too, has been accused of age. There are Gms who get fired and the league, have changed
and their respective employers. too. His big break came in 2014 ward, Shams reported that Udoka favoring his relationships to get where you look at it and Woj will NBA journalism. Woj was once a
Woj has a five-year contract when he was in college at Loyola was accused of an improper rela- news: Athletic staffers com- say it9s mutual. But he9s saying must-read columnist, but much
worth around $7 million per year, Chicago and broke the news that tionship with a co-worker, plained to editors about a Shams mutually parted ways because it of his coverage now is news.
the New York Post reported, while the Bulls had traded star Luol though he called it consensual story on Irving9s decision not to seems better for that person.= There is a belief that everything
Shams9s pay is approaching $2 Deng. Woj noticed. <Big-time sto- before reporting that Udoka also receive a coronavirus vaccina- or, as falk put it: <Woj built a Woj and Shams do now is in
million from salaries at the Ath- ry break by the best young report- made unwanted comments. (Woj tion, in which he wrote that network of moles. It9s a group of service of the next scoop, and
letic and TV network Stadium, er in business,= he tweeted. later broke the news that Udoka Irving, according to anonymous people who have decided they they have become so good at it
according to multiple people fa- The next year, Woj pitched sent crude text messages to the people in the piece, wanted to be have more loyalty to Woj than to that beat writers, who used to
miliar with the terms. media companies about launch- woman.) a <voice for the voiceless.= the teams they work for.= battle for news, have mostly given
With those stakes has come ing his own basketball vertical, Woj9s relationship with front- People in the NBA say both up chasing it.
controversy. Last year, the New with Shams as part of the team. office veteran Neil olshey was reporters badger them to give Worldwide leader in scoops Woj and Shams are less jour-
York Times purchased the Athlet- <Shams was openly acknowl- one of those Woj carefully culti- them news, even five seconds ESPN has built its coverage of nalists in the traditional sense
ic, making Shams one of the most edged as his apostle, and Woj vated, after they met two decades ahead of their rival. But while the country9s biggest sports than they are part of the league9s
famous (and highest-paid) re- didn9t discourage that,= said ago at a high school basketball there is plenty of tittering when around three breaking news re- whirring machinery, both public-
porters at the company. The someone who was pitched by tournament. olshey eventually Woj or Shams tweets news eight porters: Woj, Adam Schefter ly and privately. Woj is represent-
Times allowed him to do work for Woj. <He encouraged you to think became the Gm in Portland, seconds ahead of the other, (NfL) and Jeff Passan (mLB). It9s ed by Creative Artists Agency,
a sportsbook, fanDuel, which of him that way.= where he told beat reporters that league stakeholders are really evidenced by the salaries they which also represents a whole
irked rank-and-file Times staff- When Yahoo launched the ver- he gave his news to Woj because strategizing. receive 4 Schefter makes $9 mil- roster of players, coaches and
ers. People in the NBA, mean- tical, Shams was a key hire 4 the beat reporters <couldn9t help Agents and front offices talk lion per year, according to the general managers. Shams is
while, have wondered if Woj while he was a junior in college. him,= according to two people about which reporter to feed New York Post 4 that they have repped by the montag Group,
helps his sources almost as much According to people familiar familiar with the remarks. over news to or how they might keep become the most important peo- part of the Wasserman agency,
as he breaks news. with their relationship, Woj in- the years, Woj has given olshey news from getting out. front ple in the newsroom. Even if they which represents players, coach-
Still, as important as Woj and troduced Shams to executives the benefit of the doubt in his offices have shrunk the number break news on X, executives can es and Gms, too.
Shams have become, a kind of and agents. But the partnership coverage, which has been noted of people privy to information to program a day9s worth of news <The role of the media is to
omerta permeates their world. wasn9t always smooth. one point by former Blazers star Damian keep Woj or Shams from report- and still drive digital traffic with police the powerful,= said former
Both turned down repeated inter- of contention was a Complex Lillard, too. (olshey declined to ing it, executives said. one former their scoops. Clearly, fans are ESPN NBA editor Henry Abbott,
view requests, as did their repre- magazine profile of Shams that comment.) Gm said he once had his IT team interested, too. who launched a new media com-
sentatives and many of the featured a splashy photo spread, However the scoops come, peo- check an employee9s emails to see <I think you have to believe pany, TrueHoop. <They have to
agents, officials and reporters a star turn that Woj thought was ple around the league said a if he had been leaking and found that your brand matters 4 that kiss the a-- of the powerful:
who work with them. Ap- distracting from the work, ac- report by Woj carries more he had been emailing Woj the Woj9s association with ESPN 8Please text me first when you9re
proached in the lobby of a hotel in cording to people who were told weight than one by anyone else, team9s internal business. gives it more importance and making a trade.9 You9re begging
Las Vegas during the NBA Sum- about the incident. including Shams. mostly, though, league officials gravitas and that he brings peo- for scraps. They confine their
mer League, one agent was asked In 2017, ESPN hired Woj. Ac- Shams left Yahoo for the Ath- have accepted the dynamic and ple back to the platform when he insight into the league to these
about the two reporters. <Snitch- cording to John Kosner, the ESPN letic and Stadium in 2018 and tried to leverage it. multiple peo- breaks news,= a former ESPN transactions, which are the cot-
es get stitches,= he replied. He was executive who led the move, the joined fanDuel last year. He, too, ple involved in NBA business executive said. <That he9s creating ton candy of news. We miss the
probably kidding, but he wasn9t offer was to bring his entire team, more engaged sports fans, and doping and the money launder-
laughing, and he definitely didn9t including Shams. Several mem- the more you9re engaged in ing and everything else that9s
talk. bers of Woj9s team joined him at sports, the more you9re going to happening in the NBA.=
ESPN, but Shams, who was under consume ESPN.= Abbott believes the league
Becoming 8Woj9 contract, wanted to stay. He and Building coverage around holds fewer news conferences
Woj grew up in a working-class Woj were officially competitors. Woj9s scoops has led to tension. and talks to fewer reporters be-
Catholic family in Bristol, Conn., multiple former and current peo- cause it can give everything it
near where the ESPN campus The home of 8Woj bombs9 ple involved with ESPN9s NBA wants to Woj or Shams.
sprouted up in 1979, when Woj In the summer of 2015, falk, coverage said reporters feel they Isola, the veteran NBA report-
was 10. He was a die-hard Celtics who made his name (and fortune) should avoid stories that could be er, said that the problem was
and red Sox fan and played repping michael Jordan, had a unfavorable to a Woj source, and more on the rest of the NBA press
baseball in high school, but he client hit free agency. Several colleagues said they have the corps, which could be digging
was always a basketball junkie, teams were in the running, but impression that they shouldn9t more into controversial stories
known in pickup games for his the player, Greg monroe, ulti- tweet negative things about such as Ja morant9s concerning
scrappy play and passable jump mately chose milwaukee. When teams because it doesn9t help Woj behavior and Udoka9s firing. <It9s
shot. falk called then-Bucks owner break news. The idea, multiple a personal thing and not an easy
His first big scoop came during marc Lasry to tell him the good people echoed, is you should be story,= he said. <But it9s there.=
his sophomore year at St. Bo- news, he asked him to keep it extremely careful with the pipe- Last week, Shams tweeted
naventure. He learned the new quiet until he relayed it to the line of news. breaking news that Lillard was
coach of the basketball team, but other teams. Tim macmahon, a longtime traded to Toronto. But he was
with the school9s newspaper only Before the phone call was over, ESPN NBA reporter, said he had wrong. Lillard was actually trad-
publishing weekly, he was wor- Woj had tweeted the news. <I was never been waved off a subject ed to the Bucks, which Woj glee-
ried about losing the scoop. Along livid,= falk said. and that Woj often helped him fully reported. Inside ESPN, col-
with classmate mike Vaccaro, falk wasn9t the only one to confirm stories. <He9s an intense leagues and executives viewed it
now a sports columnist at the notice Woj9s influence. Ken Berg- dude,= macmahon said. <To do as a perfect example of Woj9s
New York Post, he placed the er, a former NBA reporter for that job you have to be wired a value, making ESPN the authori-
story with a local TV station. Newsday and CBS Sports, said certain way. I don9t know when he ty on the biggest story of the day.
After college, Woj covered Con- that around that time he reached sleeps.= Shams deleted his tweet. It was
necticut basketball before he was out to Phoenix general manager Shams and the Athletic are a blip, to be sure, but within a few
hired as a columnist in fresno, ryan mcDonough to confirm playing a different version of the hours he had tweeted a link to a
Calif., and then at the Bergen some news. Within minutes, Woj same game. It launched in 2016 new story that he co-wrote: <How
record in New Jersey, where he had tweeted it. only after Woj9s with a simple model: hire sports- the Damian Lillard-Bucks block-
AdAm PAntozzi/getty imAges
was twice named columnist of the tweet did mcDonough text back writers with big Twitter follow- buster came together.= And then,
year by the Associated Press to confirm, which convinced After a stint at Yahoo Sports, Adrian Wojnarowski departed for ings to drive awareness and, in no doubt, he went looking for his
Sports Editors. Berger that mcDonough had ESPn in 2017 and became the preeminent voice for nBA news. turn, subscriptions. Shams was next scoop.
d6 EZ M2 the washington post . thursday, october 5 , 2023



NFL MLB playoffs Rangers 7, Rays 1 wEDNESDAY9S RESULTS

wEEk 5 bOYS9 SOccER
THURSDAY9S GAME Best of three Semien 2b ......................5 1 1 1 0 1 .111 Jackson Reed 0, School Without Walls 0
Chicago at Washington (-51/2), 8:15 Seager ss........................4 1 2 1 1 1 .500
SUNDAY9S GAMES DIAMONDbAckS ELIMINATED bREwERS, 2-0 Grossman dh ..................5 0 1 0 0 2 .111
García rf..........................5 1 1 1 0 1 .200 Blair 1, Churchill 0
Baltimore (-4) at Pittsburgh, 1 Game 1: Arizona 6, at Milwaukee 3 Northwest 2, Quince Orchard 1
N.Lowe 1b ......................5 0 1 1 0 2 .200
Jacksonville vs. Buffalo (-51/2) in London, 9:30 a.m. Game 2: Arizona 5, at Milwaukee 2 Walter Johnson 1, Bethesda-Chevy Chase 0
Heim c ............................4 0 1 0 0 0 .250
Carolina at Detroit (-91/2), 1 pHILLIES ELIMINATED MARLINS, 2-0 Taveras cf.......................4 1 1 0 0 1 .333 Watkins Mill 2, Poolesville 1
Houston at Atlanta (-2), 1 Game 1: at Philadelphia 4, Miami 1 Jung 3b ...........................4 2 3 1 0 1 .375 pRIVATE
N.Y. Giants at Miami (-101/2), 1 Game 2: at Philadelphia 7, Miami 1 Carter lf ..........................2 1 1 2 1 1 .750 Collegiate 4, Virginia Academy 0
New Orleans (-1) at New England, 1 TOTALS 38 7 12 7 2 10 4
Tennessee (-1) at Indianapolis, 1
Cincinnati (-3) at Arizona, 4:05 RANGERS ELIMINATED RAYS, 2-0 RAYS Ab R H bI bb SO AVG MARYLAND
Philadelphia (-41/2) at L.A. Rams, 4:05 Game 1: : Texas 4, at Tampa Bay 0 Bethesda Chevy Chase 5, Walter Johnson 1
Díaz 1b............................4 0 1 0 0 0 .125
Game 2: Texas 7, at Tampa Bay 1
Kansas City (-4) at Minnesota, 4:25 Arozarena lf ...................4 0 1 0 0 1 .375 pRIVATE
N.Y. Jets at Denver (-11/2), 4:25 TwINS ELIMINATED bLUE JAYS, 2-0 Ramírez dh .....................4 0 1 0 0 1 .125 Archbishop Spalding 7, Urbana 0
Dallas at San Francisco (-31/2), 8:20 Game 1: at Minnesota 3, Toronto 1 J.Lowe rf ........................4 1 1 0 0 0 .250 Potomac School 4, Georgetown Day 1
bYE: Cleveland, L.A. Chargers, Seattle, Tampa Bay Game 2: at Minnesota 2, Toronto 0 Paredes 3b......................4 0 2 0 0 2 .375 Roland Park 4, Severn 1
Margot cf........................4 0 1 0 0 1 .167 Sidwell Friends 3, Georgetown Visitation 0
MONDAY9S GAME DIVISION SERIES Mead 2b..........................3 0 1 1 0 2 .333 Stone Ridge 3, Maret 2
Green Bay (-1) at Las Vegas, 8:15 Best of five; x-If necessary Walls ss..........................2 0 0 0 0 1 .333
Caminero ph-ss ..............1 0 0 0 0 0 .000 VOLLEYbALL
wEEk 6 NATIONAL LEAGUE Pinto c ............................3 0 0 0 0 3 .000 MARYLAND
THURSDAY, OcT. 12 bRAVES VS. pHILLIES Magruder def. Bethesda-Chevy Chase, 3-2
TOTALS 33 1 8 1 0 11 4
Denver at Kansas City, 8:15 Saturday9s game: Philadelphia at Atlanta Douglass def. Surrattsville, 3-0 (25-2, 25-11, 25-18)
Monday9s game: Philadelphia at Atlanta TExAS..................... 000 412 000 4 7 12 1 Eleanor Roosevelt def. Parkdale, 3-0 (25-14, 25-9, 25-11)
SUNDAY, OcT. 15 Wednesday9s game: Atlanta at Philadelphia TAMpA bAY ........... 000 000 100 4 1 8 1 Huntingtown def. La Plata, 3-0
Washington at Atlanta, 1 x-Thursday, Oct. 12: Atlanta at Philadelphia Oxon Hill def. CMIT South, 3-0 (25-10, 25-12, 25-19)
Baltimore vs Tennessee in London, 9:30 a.m. x-Saturday, Oct. 14: Philadelphia at Atlanta E: Heim (1), Mead (1). LOb: Texas 7, Tampa Bay 6. 2b:
Paint Branch def. Wheaton, 3-2
Carolina at Miami, 1 Seager 2 (3), Jung 2 (2), Semien (1), Paredes (1). 3b:
DODGERS VS. DIAMONDbAckS Wise def. C.H. Flowers (25-16, 25-11, 25-16)
Jung (1). HR: García (1), off Eflin; Carter (1), off Eflin.
Indianapolis at Jacksonville, 1 VIRGINIA
YOung kwAk/ASSOCIATED PRESS Saturday9s game: Arizona at Los Angeles RANGERS Ip H R ER bb SO ERA
Minnesota at Chicago, 1 Monday9s game: Arizona at Los Angeles Freedom (South Riding) def. Stone Bridge, 3-2 (28-26,
New Orleans at Houston, 1 Eovaldi .......................... 62/3 6 1 1 0 8 1.35
Washington State is one of two Power Five football programs to be Wednesday9s game: Los Angeles at Arizona Sborz............................. 11/3 0 0 0 0 1 0.00 28-30, 25-18, 23-25, 15-5)
San Francisco at Cleveland, 1 x-Thursday, Oct. 12: Los Angeles at Arizona Private
left without a home conference after recent waves of realignment. Leclerc..............................1 2 0 0 0 2 0.00
Seattle at Cincinnati, 1 x-Saturday, Oct. 14: Arizona at Los Angeles Glenelg Country def. Roland Park, 3-0 (25-11, 25-17,
New England at Las Vegas, 4:05 RAYS Ip H R ER bb SO ERA 25-23)
Arizona at L.A. Rams, 4:25 Eflin..................................5 8 5 4 2 3 7.20 fIELD HOckEY
Detroit at Tampa Bay, 4:25 Poche ...............................1 3 2 2 0 2 18.0 MARYLAND
Saturday9s game: Texas at Baltimore, 1
ON FOOTBALL Philadelphia at N.Y. Jets, 4:25 Sunday9s game: Texas at Baltimore
Armstrong .......................1 1 0 0 0 1 0.00
Marriotts Ridge 1, Howard 0
N.Y. Giants at Buffalo, 8:20 Littell ...............................2 0 0 0 0 4 0.00
Tuesday9s game: Baltimore at Texas Mt. Hebron 2, River Hill 0
bYE: Pittsburgh, Green Bay x-Wednesday9s game: Baltimore at Texas wp: Eovaldi (1-0); Lp: Eflin (0-1). Inherited runners- VIRGINIA

8GameDay9 lifted up fans. MONDAY, OcT. 15

Dallas at L.A. Chargers, 8:15
x-Friday, Oct. 13: Texas at Baltimore
Saturday9s game: Minnesota at Houston
Sunday9s game: Minnesota at Houston
scored: Sborz 2-0. Ibb: off Eflin (Seager). Hbp: Littell
(Carter). T: 2:39. A: 20,198 (25,025). Alexandria City 2, Lake Braddock 1
Annandale 3, Jefferson 0
Fairfax 4, West Potomac 0
Herndon 1, Washington-Liberty 0

Now it9s punching down. NCAA

COLLeGe FOOTBALL Tuesday9s game: Houston at Minnesota
x-Wednesday9s game: Houston at Minnesota
x-Friday, Oct. 13: Minnesota at Houston
Twins 2, Blue Jays 0
Springer rf......................4

Belt dh............................4
bI bb SO AVG
0 0 0 .222
0 0 3 .000
Madeira 3, Brookewood 0
St. John9s 10, Holy Cross 0
Best of seven; x-If necessary
wEDNESDAY9S RESULTS Guerrero Jr. 1b ...............3 0 0 0 1 0 .143 pRIVATE
on Football from D1 <WHo CArES? WHo CArES?= NATIONAL LEAGUE Bichette ss .....................4 0 2 0 0 1 .500 Churchill 296, Richard Montgomery 298, Walt Whitman
SOUTH Biggio 2b-lf.....................4 0 1 0 0 2 .125
Monday, Oct. 16: 302, Wootton 326
to a canned laughter response. Jacksonville State 45, at Middle Tennessee 30 Kirk c ..............................4 0 2 0 0 1 .333
Tuesday, Oct. 17: Northern 350, Huntingtown 355, Calvert 397, Patuxent
wEST Kiermaier cf ...................2 0 0 0 0 1 .400 409
has a significantly different He then carried his beef onto his FIU at New Mexico State, late
Thursday, Oct. 19:
Espinal ph-2b .................2 0 2 0 0 0 1.00 Northwest 157, Damascus 163, Magruder 195, Clarks-
Friday, Oct. 20:
atmosphere. fitting is gone, daily talk show (airing, of THURSDAY9S GAMES x-Saturday, Oct. 21: Chapman 3b....................3 0 0 0 1 2 .143 burg 197
x-Monday, Oct. 23: Varsho lf-cf ....................3 0 0 0 0 2 .000
mysteriously let go at the 11th course, on ESPN), decrying SOUTH x-Tuesday, Oct. 24: TOTALS 33 0 9 0 2 12 4 fOOTbALL ScHEDULE
hour before this season started. Washington State9s <sensitivity.= Sam Houston State (0-4) at Liberty (4-0), 7 THURSDAY9S GAMES
Western Kentucky (3-2) at Louisiana Tech (3-3), 8 AMERIcAN LEAGUE TwINS Ab R H bI bb SO AVG D.c.
Among other changes, ESPN is In his defense, it9s possible Sunday, Oct. 15: Julien 2b .........................4 0 1 0 0 1 .167 Bell at Phelps, 6
fRIDAY9S GAMES Monday, Oct. 16: Ron Brown at Anacostia, 6
gambling on the addition of Pat mcAfee thinks he is doing what EAST Wednesday, Oct. 18:
Polanco 3b-2b.................3 0 2 0 1 1 .286
Lewis dh .........................3 1 0 0 1 1 .333 MARYLAND
mcAfee, a former NfL punter he was hired to do, given his Cornell (2-1) at Harvard (3-0), 7 Thursday, Oct. 19: Kepler rf .........................4 1 1 0 0 2 .250 Calvert at Huntingtown, 7
MIDwEST x-Friday, Oct. 20: Kirilloff 1b ......................1 0 0 0 0 1 .000
turned seasonal pro wrestling parallel career in WWE. In pro Nebraska (2-3) at Illinois (2-3), 8 x-Sunday, Oct. 22: Solano ph-1b ..................1 0 0 0 2 0 .000
Gaithersburg at Magruder, 7
Richard Montgomery at Rockville, 7
personality and football analyst. wrestling, a scripted feud is SOUTHwEST
x-Monday, Oct. 23: Correa ss ........................3 0 2 1 0 0 .429 Wheaton at Bethesda Chevy Chase, 7
Wallner lf .......................1 0 0 0 0 0 .000
mcAfee is waging a weeks-long meant to elevate both characters Kansas State (3-1) at Oklahoma State (2-2), 7:30 wORLD SERIES
Castro ph-lf ....................3 0 1 0 0 1 .250 fRIDAY9S GAMES
Best of seven; x-If necessary D.c.
public war with Washington in conflict. There9s a logic there Friday, Oct. 27:
Jeffers c .........................3 0 0 0 1 1 .000
Taylor cf .........................3 0 0 0 0 2 .167 Armstrong/Kennedy at Friendship Collegiate, 6
State, one of the two Power five that elevating a rivalry by SOCCeR Saturday, Oct. 28:
TOTALS 29 2 7 1 5 10 4 Cardozo at McKinley Tech, 6
Monday, Oct. 30:
college football programs left increasing its vitriol draws Dunbar at H.D. Woodson, 6
Tuesday, Oct. 31:
TORONTO ............... 000 000 000 4 0 9 1 Jackson Reed at Eastern, 6
homeless by the machinations of attention, which is a form of MLS x-Wednesday, Nov. 1:
x-Friday, Nov. 3: MINNESOTA ........... 000 200 00x 4 2 7 0 MARYLAND
conference realignment. investment in the subject. And EAST w L T pts Gf GA x-Saturday, Nov. 4: E: Bichette (1). LOb: Toronto 9, Minnesota 9. Arundel at Meade, 6
Cincinnati ........................19 5 8 65 54 37 bLUE JAYS Ip H R ER bb SO ERA Atholton at Reservoir, 7
It9s a plight that makes Wazzu there9s also the whopping $85 Orlando City ....................16 7 9 57 50 37 Blair at Walter Johnson, 7
Philadelphia ....................15 8 9 54 56 39 Berríos .............................3 3 1 1 1 5 3.00
the least deserving target for any million ESPN reportedly threw Bowie at C.H. Flowers, 4
Columbus ........................15 9 8 53 64 44 hO Ck ey Kikuchi .......................... 1 3 3 1 1 1 0 5.40
Broadneck at Old Mill, 6
ESPN pundit in this moment. at mcAfee, a deal struck amid New England ...................14 7 10 52 52 39 García............................ 11/3 0 0 0 1 3 0.00
Centennial at Glenelg, 7
Atlanta............................13 9 10 49 63 50 Swanson ......................... 2/3 0 0 0 2 1 0.00
Chesapeake at South River, 6
Sadly, Washington State is also waves of layoffs. He has to Nashville .........................12 10 9 45 36 29 NhL preseason Romano......................... 11/3 1 0 0 0 1 0.00
Chopticon at La Plata, 7
the one school that might best assume he isn9t being paid to go Chicago............................10 12 10 40 39 48 TwINS Ip H R ER bb SO ERA Clarksburg at Wootton, 7
CF Montréal ....................11 16 5 38 31 49 ATLANTIc Gp w L OT pts Gf GA Crossland at Largo, 7
define what once made unnoticed. New York City FC ..............8 10 14 38 34 37 Gray..................................5 5 0 0 2 6 0.00
Ottawa.......................... 6 5 1 0 10 20 12 Douglass at Potomac (Md.), 6
D.C. United ........................9 14 10 37 43 49 Varland ........................... 1/3 2 0 0 0 1 0.00
<GameDay= something greater But this isn9t pro wrestling; Tampa Bay.................... 5 4 1 0 8 15 10 Eleanor Roosevelt at Bladensburg, 7
New York...........................9 13 10 37 32 39 Thielbar........................... 2/3 1 0 0 0 0 0.00
Detroit .......................... 6 4 2 0 8 22 15 Fairmont Heights at St. John9s Catholic Prep, 6
Stewart............................1 0 0 0 0 2 0.00
than the sum of its television this is just punching down. Charlotte FC ......................8 11 12 36 40 50 Toronto ......................... 6 3 1 2 8 19 16
Jax....................................1 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 Friendly at Gwynn Park, 6:30
Inter Miami CF ..................9 16 6 33 39 50 Florida........................... 6 3 3 0 6 17 14 Glen Burnie at Crofton, 6
parts. There are very real Toronto FC ........................4 18 10 22 26 54 Buffalo.......................... 6 3 3 0 6 18 20
Duran ...............................1 1 0 0 0 3 0.00
Great Mills at Patuxent, 7
A quick bit of history: circumstances facing Montreal....................... 5 2 3 0 4 13 16 wp: Gray (1-0); Lp: Berríos (0-1); S: Duran (2). Inherited run- High Point at Oxon Hill, 7
wEST w L T pts Gf GA Boston .......................... 5 1 2 2 4 12 16 ners-scored: Kikuchi 1-1, García 1-0, Romano 2-0, Thielbar 2-0. Lackey at Westlake, 7
Beginning in 2003, fans of the Washington State and oregon x-St. Louis City SC ..........17 10 5 56 62 40 Hbp: Romano (Correa). wp: Gray. T: 2:51. A: 38,518 (38,544). Leonardtown at Northern, 7
usually moribund Washington State, many of which ESPN Real Salt Lake .................13 11 7 46 43 45 METROpOLITAN Gp w L OT pts Gf GA Marriotts Ridge at Howard, 7
x-Seattle .........................12 9 10 46 37 31 New Jersey ................... 6 6 0 0 12 27 13 Mt. Hebron at River Hill, 7
State football program were helped create. x-Los Angeles FC ............12 10 9 45 44 35 Columbus...................... 6 3 2 1 7 21 19 diamondbacks 5, Brewers 2 North County at Annapolis, 6
Houston ..........................12 11 9 45 43 36 Washington .................. 4 2 1 1 5 14 16 North Point at St. Charles, 7
determined to get that season9s Up to this point, ESPN9s x-Vancouver....................11 10 10 43 51 47 Philadelphia.................. 5 2 2 1 5 10 15 DIAMONDbAckS Ab R H bI bb SO AVG Northeast at Severna Park, 6
nine-win Cougars team some editorial stance on its corporate Portland ..........................11 11 10 43 44 51 Pittsburgh .................... 6 2 3 1 5 13 16 Carroll rf .........................4 1 2 0 0 0 .571 Northwest at Paint Branch, 6:30
San Jose..........................10 10 12 42 37 41 N.Y. Islanders ............... 4 2 2 0 4 14 14 Marte 2b.........................3 0 1 2 1 2 .250 Northwestern at Suitland, 7
love on <GameDay.= They effect on the sport has been to x-FC Dallas ......................10 10 11 41 35 34 Carolina......................... 4 2 2 0 4 11 11 Pham dh .........................4 1 1 0 0 1 .125 Oakland Mills at Long Reach, 7
brought a WSU flag to the show9s play dumb, as exemplified by an Sporting KC .....................10 14 8 38 42 48 N.Y. Rangers................. 5 1 4 0 2 11 18 Walker 1b .......................4 1 0 0 0 1 .375 Poolesville vs. Boonsboro, 6:30
x-Minnesota United..........9 11 11 38 39 41 Moreno c ........................1 0 0 0 0 1 .200 Seneca Valley at Quince Orchard, 6:30
set, which was in Texas that Aug. 26 <GameDay= segment by Austin FC ........................10 14 8 38 46 50 cENTRAL Gp w L OT pts Gf GA Herrera c ........................2 0 0 0 1 0 .000 Sherwood at Damascus, 6:30
x-LA Galaxy.......................8 11 11 35 45 54 Gurriel Jr. lf ....................4 0 1 1 0 2 .125 Southern vs. North East, 6:30
week. Wright Thompson. In the piece, x-Colorado.........................5 15 11 26 24 47
Dallas............................ 5 4 0 1 9 23 9
Thomas cf.......................4 1 1 1 0 1 .125 Springbrook at Northwood, 6:30
Minnesota .................... 4 3 1 0 6 12 13 Watkins Mill at Blake, 6:30
A tradition was born, and he claimed <every school that x-Late match St. Louis........................ 6 2 2 2 6 14 20 Longoria 3b ....................4 0 0 0 0 2 .125
Whitman at Churchill, 6:30
Chicago ......................... 4 2 1 1 5 9 12 Rivera 3b ........................0 0 0 0 0 0 ---
through a network of Wazzu fans sacrificed history and tradition wEDNESDAY9S RESULTS Winnipeg ...................... 5 2 2 1 5 14 12 Perdomo ss ....................2 1 0 0 1 1 .250 Wilde Lake at Hammond, 7
across the nation, ol9 Crimson to find a richer conference did so at Austin FC 3, D.C. United 0 Colorado........................ 5 2 3 0 4 13 16 TOTALS 32 5 6 4 3 11 4 VIRGINIA
Arizona ......................... 7 2 5 0 4 19 25 Alexandria City at South County, 7
has flown at every taping of in an attempt to survive.= That9s at Charlotte FC 3, Toronto FC 0
Nashville....................... 4 0 3 1 1 7 17 bREwERS Ab R H bI bb SO AVG Annandale at Justice, 7
New York 2, at Cincinnati 1
<GameDay= since, no matter the a fundamentally false statement Houston 1, at CF Montréal 1
Yelich lf ..........................5 1 3 0 0 0 .500 Brentsville at Warren County, 7
pAcIfIc Gp w L OT pts Gf GA Contreras c .....................5 0 1 0 0 2 .333 Fairfax at Woodson, 7
location 4 just because. over that indirectly insults the Columbus 2, at New England 1
Los Angeles .................. 7 5 1 1 11 22 18 Santana 1b .....................2 1 1 0 2 1 .286 Falls Church at Mount Vernon, 7
time, the stunt became part of audience by assuming we9re at Philadelphia 3, Atlanta 2 Edmonton ..................... 7 4 2 1 9 18 17 Canha dh.........................4 0 3 0 0 0 .375 Freedom (Woodbridge) at Colgan, 7
at Chicago 4, Miami 1 Calgary.......................... 7 4 2 1 9 27 22 Frelick cf.........................3 0 0 1 0 1 .250 Gar Field at Potomac, 7
the fabric of the show: You knew stupid. Now, <GameDay= has Orlando City 1, at Nashville 0 Anaheim ....................... 6 4 2 0 8 20 18 Adames ss......................3 0 1 1 1 1 .571 Hayfield at Edison, 7
Colorado at FC Dallas, late x-Seattle....................... 4 2 1 1 5 11 11 Donaldson 3b .................3 0 0 0 0 0 .286 Heritage at Broad Run, 7
that no matter where the set was evolved from being indirectly San Jose ....................... 5 2 2 1 5 12 12 Turang 2b .......................2 0 0 0 0 1 .000 Herndon at Chantilly, 7
Minnesota at Los Angeles FC, late
raised, the flag of the most insulting to directly insulting in x-Vancouver ................. 4 1 2 1 3 7 17 Winker ph.......................1 0 0 0 0 0 .000 John Champe at Loudoun County, 7
LA Galaxy at Seattle, late Kettle Run at Meridian, 7
Vegas ............................ 5 1 3 1 3 10 15 Monasterio 2b................1 0 0 0 0 1 .000
geographically isolated Power a matter of weeks. St. Louis City SC at Vancouver, late Taylor rf..........................4 0 0 0 0 1 .125 Lewis at Jefferson, 7
x-Late game Lightridge at Independence, 7
five school would be flying, and Is mcAfee screaming at a TOTALS 33 2 9 2 3 8 4
Madison at Westfield, 7
when <GameDay= finally arrived school flag on a cable TV show Austin FC 3, d.C. united 0 TUESDAY9S RESULTS ARIzONA ................ 000 014 000 4 5 6 0 Manassas Park at Skyline, 7
Washington 5, at Boston 4 (OT) MILwAUkEE........... 200 000 000 4 2 9 0 Osbourn at Unity Reed, 7
in Pullman, Wash., in 2018, it some kind of unconscionable D.c. UNITED 0 0 0 Tampa Bay 2, Florida 0 at Amway Center Osbourn Park at Freedom (South Riding), 7
AUSTIN fc 2 1 3 LOb: Arizona 3, Milwaukee 9. 2b: Carroll (1), Yelich (1). Park View at Woodgrove, 7
was a celebration. sin? No, but it reads terribly. It9s first Half: 1, Austin FC, Bruin, 3 (Driussi), 11th minute;
at Dallas 3, Colorado 1 HR: Thomas (1), off Peralta. Patriot at Gainesville, 7
Back to the current state of one thing to operate as an at Chicago 4, Detroit 2 DIAMONDbAckS Ip H R ER bb SO ERA
2, Austin FC, Driussi, 11 (Ring), 21st. Potomac Falls at Stone Bridge, 7
Second Half: 3, Austin FC, Hedges, 1 (Rigoni), 64th. at Los Angeles 4, Anaheim 1 Riverside at Briar Woods, 7
affairs: The trouble started when unseen financial force ripping Gallen...............................6 5 2 2 3 4 3.00
Goalies: D.C. United, Alex Bono, Luis Zamudio; Austin San Jose 2, at Vegas 0 Thompson ........................1 0 0 0 0 1 0.00 Robinson at West Springfield, 7
Lee Corso, the 88-year-old up the fabric of a sport to FC, Bradley Stuver, Damian Las. wEDNESDAY9S RESULTS Ginkel.............................. 1/3 3 0 0 0 1 0.00 Rock Ridge at Dominion, 7
Yellow cards: Klich, D.C. United, 83rd. Saalfrank ........................ 2/3 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 Tuscarora at Loudoun Valley, 7
longtime <GameDay= analyst, streamline your holdings. It9s D.C. United, Alex Bono; Steven Birnbaum, Eric Davis at New Jersey 5, N.Y. Rangers 2 Sewald .............................1 1 0 0 0 2 0.00 Wakefield at Langley, 7
(Pedro Santos, 90th+5), Andy Najar (Ruan, 46th), Detroit 2, at Pittsburgh 1 Washington Liberty at Marshall, 7
fumbled through a remark about another to point and laugh at Derrick Williams; Gabriel Cordeiro Pirani, Chris Durkin at Columbus 5, Buffalo 3 bREwERS Ip H R ER bb SO ERA West Potomac at Oakton, 7
the Sept. 23 game between the orphan you created, and it9s (Theodore Ku-DiPietro, 46th), Mateusz Klich, Russell at Edmonton 7, Calgary 2 Peralta .............................5 3 4 4 2 5 7.20 Woodbridge at Forest Park, 7
Canouse (Yamil Asad, 90th+1); Christian Benteke, Jose Seattle vs. Vancouver at Abbotsford Centre, late Uribe ............................... 1/3 2 1 1 1 0 6.75 Yorktown at McLean, 7
oregon State and Washington even worse when your Fajardo (Erik Hurtado, 46th). Milner............................ 12/3 1 0 0 0 2 0.00 pRIVATE
State, the two members of the millionaire talent is offended Austin FC, Bradley Stuver; Julio Cascante, Jon Gallagher, THURSDAY9S GAMES Peguero............................1 0 0 0 0 1 0.00 Annapolis Area Christian at Severn, 3:30
Leo Vaisanen (Matt Hedges, 54th); Ethan Finlay, Alex- Washington at Columbus, 7 Megill ...............................1 0 0 0 0 3 0.00 Archbishop Spalding at Gilman, 4
Pac-12 left behind by that the orphan is angry about ander Ring, Jhojan Valencia, Owen Wolff (Daniel Perei- Detroit at Toronto, 7 wp: Gallen (1-0); Lp: Peralta (0-1); S: Sewald (2). Inherited Gonzaga at DeMatha, 7
realignment. its predicament. ra, 80th); Will Bruin (Nicholas Lima, 62nd), Sebastian Florida at Tampa Bay, 7 McDonogh at Pallotti, 7
runners-scored: Saalfrank 3-0, Uribe 1-1, Milner 2-0. Hbp:
Driussi (Memo Rodriguez, 73rd), Emiliano Rigoni (Gyasi Mount Carmel at St. Mary's (Annapolis), 7
N.Y. Islanders at Philadelphia, 7 Sewald (Donaldson). wp: Uribe. T: 2:58. A: 41,166 (41,700).
Corso referenced the It9s hard to imagine that Zardes, 73rd).
Boston at N.Y. Rangers, 7:30 National Christian Academy at Bullis, 7
upcoming game live on the air as happening on the old Carolina at Nashville, 8 Paul VI at St. Mary's Ryken, 7
Riverdale Baptist at Landon, 4
<The Nobody Wants Us Bowl,= a <GameDay.= There are a handful NWSL Ottawa at Winnipeg, 8 Phillies 7, Marlins 1 SEED (Baltimore) at Maret, 7
w L T pts Gf GA St. Louis at Dallas, 8 St. Stephen9s/St. Agnes at Episcopal, 8
phrase Washington State Coach of great television shows San Diego ........................10 7 3 33 29 22 Minnesota at Chicago, 8:30 MARLINS Ab R H bI bb SO AVG
Jake Dickert heard as <The covering sports. None carried Portland ............................9 6 5 32 40 27 San Jose vs. Los Angeles at Delta Center, 9 Arraez 2b........................4 0 0 0 0 0 .125 SATURDAY9S GAMES
Gotham FC ........................8 6 6 30 23 21 Arizona at Anaheim, 10 Soler dh ..........................4 0 1 0 0 2 .125 D.c.
Nobody Watches Bowl.= the fully formed identity of North Carolina...................8 7 5 29 28 22 Colorado at Vegas, 10
Bell 1b ............................4 0 1 1 0 1 .500 Digital Pioneers at KIPP Legacy, noon
Chisholm Jr. cf ...............4 0 0 0 0 2 .000 KIPP College Prep at Paul Public Charter, 2
After beating the Beavers later <GameDay.= None has Washington ......................7 5 8 29 26 28
fRIDAY9S GAMES Burger 3b........................3 0 1 0 0 0 .286 Theodore Roosevelt at Ballou, 1
OL Reign............................8 8 4 28 26 24
that day, Dickert lashed out at transcended the format, let Orlando .............................9 10 1 28 24 25 De La Cruz lf ...................2 0 0 0 1 0 .167
Nashville at Carolina, 7 J.Sánchez rf ...................3 0 0 0 0 1 .200 MARYLAND
Corso and ESPN, blaming the alone in such an honest way, by Houston ............................6 6 8 26 15 15 New Jersey at N.Y. Islanders, 7 Central at Surrattsville, 2
Angel City .........................6 7 7 25 24 28 Berti ss...........................2 0 1 0 0 0 .200
Pittsburgh at Buffalo, 7 Stallings c ......................2 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Einstein at Kennedy, 2:30
latter for the sudden implosion being so present for and Louisville...........................5 6 9 24 22 20
Seattle at Edmonton, 9 Edwards ph.....................1 1 1 0 0 0 1.00 McDonough at Thomas Stone, 7
Chicago..............................7 10 3 24 25 41
of the Pac-12. He9s not wrong: In reverent of its subject9s myriad Kansas City .......................7 12 1 22 22 31 Calgary at Vancouver, 10 TOTALS 29 1 5 1 1 6 4 Parkdale at Laurel, 2
Wise at DuVal, 2
these matters, the network quirks that it9s divinized right fRIDAY9S MATcHES pHILLIES Ab R H bI bb SO AVG pRIVATE
operates with a mafioso9s alongside the sport it loves as Washington at OL Reign, 8 Schwarber dh .................4 1 1 1 0 3 .250 Bishop Ireton at Archbishop Carroll, 2
deftness, never committing the much as the fans do. Orlando at Louisville, 7:30 TeNNiS Turner ss ........................4 0 2 1 0 1 .571 Georgetown Prep at Benedictine, 2
Bohm 3b .........................4 1 1 0 0 0 .250 Good Counsel at St. John's, 2
act of realignment directly but Years of media coverage SATURDAY9S MATcHES Harper 1b........................2 1 0 0 2 1 .167 Indiana School for the Deaf (Ind.) at Model, 7
Gotham FC at Portland, 5 ATP/WTA Realmuto c .....................4 1 2 1 0 0 .375 John Paul the Great at Bishop O9Connell, 2
strongly <encouraging= those detailing the logistics required San Diego at North Carolina, 7 Castellanos rf.................4 1 0 0 0 1 .250 Kiski School (Pa.) at Potomac School, noon
who do from the next room over. to deliver such a carnival to Chicago at Kansas City, 8 cHINA OpEN Stott 2b ..........................4 1 1 4 0 3 .250 Northern Virginia Home School at Sidwell Friends, noon
At National Tennis Center; in Beijing Pache lf...........................3 1 0 0 1 1 .200 Rock Creek Christian at Trinity Episcopal, 7
Dickert wasn9t alone in his every odd corner of the country purse: $3,633,875 Rojas cf...........................3 0 0 0 0 2 .167 Virginia Spartans at Virginia Academy, 2
Surface: Hardcourt outdoor
criticism. former Washington built the show9s value PRO B A Ske T B A L L TOTALS 32 7 7 7 3 12 4
State quarterback ryan Leaf, proposition, so much so that MEN9S SINGLES 4 cHAMpIONSHIp MIAMI..................... 000 000 001 4 1 5 1 TRA N S A C TiON S
Jannik Sinner (6), Italy, def. Daniil Medvedev (2), pHILA...................... 002 104 00x 4 7 7 0
one of the program9s most notoriously tribal college WNBA playoffs Russia, 7-6 (7-2), 7-6 (7-2).
E: Burger (1). LOb: Miami 3, Philadelphia 4. 2b: Berti
famous alumni, spoke out about football fans celebrate fIRST ROUND wOMEN9S SINGLES 4 ROUND Of 16 (1), Realmuto (1), Schwarber (1), Bohm (2), Turner (2). NfL
the incongruence of ESPN9s fan- <GameDay= arriving in their Best of three Jelena Ostapenko (13), Latvia, def. Jessica Pegula (4), HR: Realmuto (1), off Robertson; Stott (1), off Nardi. Arizona cardinals: Designated OL Dennis Daley to return
LIbERTY ELIMINATED MYSTIcS, 2-0 United States, 6-4, 6-2; Liudmila Samsonova, Russia, MARLINS Ip H R ER bb SO ERA from injured reserve and CB Garrett Williams to return
centric, on-campus brand town as if they have already won Game 1: at New York 90, Washington 75
def. Marta Kostyuk, Ukraine, 6-4, 6-7 (7-4), 7-5; Iga Garrett .............................3 3 2 2 1 5 6.00 from the reserve/non-football injury list to practice.
Swiatek (2), Poland, def. Magda Linette, Poland, 6-1, baltimore Ravens: Designated RB Keaton Mitchell to
bullying a school otherwise something that weekend. Game 2: at New York 90, Washington 85 (OT) 6-1; Elena Rybakina (5), Kazakhstan, def. Mirra Andree-
Robertson ........................2 2 2 2 0 4 9.00
return from injured reserve to practice.
Nardi ............................. 11/3 1 3 2 1 2 13.5
helpless to its circumstances. And for a long time, they had AcES ELIMINATED SkY, 2-0 va, Russia, 2-6, 6-4, 6-1. Chargois .......................... 2/3 1 0 0 1 0 0.00 buffalo bills: Designated OLB Von Miller to return from
Game 1: at Las Vegas 87, Chicago 59 Scott ................................1 0 0 0 0 1 0.00 the reserve/physically unable to perform (PUP) list to
Leaf 9s comments irked 4 <GameDay= came to see their Game 2: at Las Vegas 92, Chicago 70 practice.
<GameDay= stalwart Kirk team, not yours. No matter SUN ELIMINATED LYNx, 2-1 pHILLIES Ip H R ER bb SO ERA carolina panthers: Designated G Austin Corbett and TE
Game 1: at Connecticut 90, Minnesota 60 Nola..................................7 3 0 0 1 3 0.00 Stephen Sullivan to return from injured reserve to
Herbstreit, who continued the where the trucks pulled up, fans Game 2: Minnesota 82, at Connecticut 75
ATP Kerkering .........................1 0 0 0 0 1 0.00 practice.
argument on social media. happily met the program on its Game 3: Connecticut 90, at Minnesota 75 SHANGHAI MASTERS Soto..................................1 2 1 1 0 2 9.00 chicago bears: Signed DB Christian Matthew to the
practice squad. Released DB Macon Clark from the
While embarrassing to terms, turning out before dawn wINGS ELIMINATED DREAM, 2-0 At Qizhong Forest Sports City Arena; in Shanghai wp: Nola (1-0); Lp: Garrett (0-1). Inherited runners- practice squad.
Game 1: at Dallas 94, Atlanta 82 purse: $8,800,000 scored: Nardi 1-1. Ibb: off Chargois (Harper). Hbp: Nola Denver broncos: Released DE Randy Gregory. Promoted
varying degrees all around 4 with posters and face paint to Game 2: at Dallas 101, Atlanta 74 Surface: Hardcourt outdoor (Berti). wp: Chargois. T: 2:30. A: 45,738 (42,901). RB Dwayne Washington from the practice squad to the
Dickert9s misreading of the assist in the evangelism. SEMIfINALS SINGLES 4 ROUND Of 128 active roster. Signed WR Michael Bandy to the practice
Brandon Nakashima, United States, def. Bernabe Zapata squad. Designated DB P.J. Locke to return from injured
quote and Herbstreit9s need to You felt good watching Best of five
Miralles, Spain, 6-1, 7-6 (7-3); Dusan Lajovic, Serbia, def.
L O C A L GO L F reserve to practice.
white knight for his <GameDay,= and when the show LIbERTY ELIMINATED SUN, 3-1 Stan Wawrinka, Switzerland, 6-4, 7-6 (9-7); Bu Yuncha- Houston Texans: Designated RT Tytus Howard, DB
Game 1: Connecticut 78, at New York 63 okete, China, def. Miomir Kecmanovic, Serbia, 6-7 (8-6), Brandon Hill and P Cameron Johnston to return from
international cable visited your school, you felt Game 2: at New York 84, Connecticut 77 6-2, 2-1, ret; Yoshihito Nishioka, Japan, def. Daniel MANOR injured reserve to practice. Placed C Kendrick Green on
Game 3: New York 92, at Connecticut 81 Jackie Lutz of Westwood Country Club won the WDCGA injured reserve. Signed DE Derek Rivers. Signed DT
conglomerate bosses 4 all great. But more importantly, you Sunday9s game: New York 87, at Connecticut 84
Altmaier, Germany, 6-4, 3-6, 7-6 (7-2); Dane Sweeny,
2023 Tournament of Champions with a net 74. Taylor Stallworth to the practice squad,
Australia, def. Taro Daniel, Japan, 6-2, 6-3; Thanasi
parties involved could have felt validated. Even if you AcES ELIMINATED wINGS, 3-0 Kokkinakis, Australia, def. Fabio Fognini, Italy, 6-2, 6-4; Jacksonville Jaguars: Designated DL Dawuane Smoot to
Jaume Munar, Spain, def. Rigele TE, China, 6-2, 6-4; return from the physically unable to perform (PUP) list
reconciled and moved on. cheered for a perennial loser or Game 1: at Las Vegas 97, Dallas 83
Fabian Marozsan, Hungary, def. Arthur Rinderknech, to practice.
Game 2: at Las Vegas 91, Dallas 84 Los Angeles chargers: Claimed CB Essang Bassey off
Certainly, the old <GameDay= just some forgotten directional Game 3: Las Vegas 64, at Dallas 61 France, 7-6 (8-6), 6-2; Mackenzie McDonald, United A u TO RA C i N G waivers from Denver.
States, def. Corentin Moutet, France, 6-2, 6-3; Yannick
ethos would have demanded it. nobody in this big, messy sport, fINALS Hanfmann, Germany, def. James Duckworth, Australia, Miami Dolphins: Designated CB Nik Needham and G
6-4, 6-7 (12-10), 6-3; Marton Fucsovics, Hungary, def. Robert Jones to return from injured reserve to practice.
Dickert even apologized publicly. <GameDay= built its mythos on Best of five; x-If necessary
Denis Yevseyev, Kazakhstan, 6-4, 6-2; Zhang Zhizhen,
NASCAR Cup Series New England patriots: Designated OL Riley Reiff, DE
Instead, mcAfee pushed the celebrating you for celebrating AcES VS. LIbERTY China, def. Richard Gasquet, France, 6-1, 6-2; Marcos pOINTS LEADERS Trey Flowers and S Cody Davis to return from injured
Sunday: Las Vegas at New York, 3, ABC Giron, United States, def. Daniel Elahi Galan, Colombia, reserve to practice. Signed DT Trysten Hill to the
argument further last week that. Through Monday. practice squad. Released P Corliss Waitman from the
Wednesday: Las Vegas at New York, 9, ESPN 6-4, 6-2; Cristian Garin, Chile, def. Aleksandar Kovacevic, 1. William Byron, 3136. practice squad.
during the show9s recognition of How does a tradition like ol9 Sunday, Oct. 15: New York at Las Vegas, 3, ABC United States, 6-4, 7-6 (12-10); Roman Safiullin, Russia, 2. Denny Hamlin, 3108. pittsburgh Steelers: Promoted TE Rodney Williams from
x-Wednesday, Oct. 18: New York at Las Vegas, 8, ESPN def. Andy Murray, Britain, 6-3, 6-2; Yu Hsiou Hsu, 3. Christopher Bell, 3080.
ol9 Crimson, jeering loudly over Crimson persist? Because they x-Friday, Oct. 20: Las Vegas at New York, 9, ESPN Taiwan, def. Max Purcell, Australia, 7-6 (7-5), 4-6, 6-4. 4. Ryan Blaney, 3078.
the practice squad to the active roster. Signed WR Dez
Fitzpatrick and TE Noah Gindorff to the practice squad.
Davis and company, yelling: were told they mattered. 5. Chris Buescher, 3077.


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The Planning Commission of the City of Gaithersburg, Maryland, will 1966 GREENSPRING DRIVE, SUITE LL2 Russell S. Drazin, Attorney
conduct a public hearing on Amendment to Schematic Development
Plan ASDP-9629-2023 on
LUTHERVILLE, MD 21093 4400 Jenifer Street, NW, Suite 2
Military Police of the 410-238-2840 Washington, DC 20015
Federal District (PMDF)
OCTOBER 18, 2023
or as soon thereafter as this matter can be heard in the Council Cham-
Finance Department bers at 31 South Summit Avenue, Gaithersburg, Maryland. 6922 9TH STREET, NW OF REAL PROPERTY
The applicant requests approval of the Amendment to Schematic De-
velopment Plan, ASDP-9629-2023, located at 103 and 203 Spectrum Unit A at 2116 4th Street, NE
BIDDING NOTICE Avenue. The applicant is requesting to amend previously approved By virtue of a certain Commercial Deed of Trust, Security Agreement , Assignment of Washington, DC 20002
Schematic Development Plan SDP-9269-2022 to adjust the property
ELECTRONIC INTERNATIONAL AUCTION 3 PEI NO 33/2023 boundary lines to the south and east of the property. Leases and Rents and Fixture Filing from LFH Investments, LLC a Maryland limited liability Lot 2036 in Square 3562
Process SEI-GDF nº 00054-00021722/2023-11. The Logistics and Finance company dated October 13, 2022 and duly recorded October 17, 2022 as Instrument No.
Further information may be obtained from the Planning and Code
Administration Department at City Hall, 31 South Summit Avenue, be- 2022104829 (the <Deed of Trust=) among the Land Records of the District of Columbia (the Unit B at 2116 4th Street, NE
Department from the Military Police of the Federal District makes it public to tween the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, or by <Land Records=), which Deed of Trust also constitutes a security agreement and creates Washington, DC 20002
interested parties the opening of the aforementioned event, whose object is the visiting the City9s website at: https://www.gaithersburgmd.gov/govern-
ment/projects-in-the-city . a security interest in all ûxtures described in the Deed of Trust, a default having occurred Lot 2037 in Square 3562
future and possible acquisition in the domestic or foreign market of 04 (four) in the payment of the indebtedness secured thereby and the covenants contained therein,
Robots units for Anti-Bomb Operations for the Special Operation Battalion Bomb Jasmine Forbes, Planner and at the request of the party secured thereby (the <Noteholder=), and in accordance Unit C at 2116 4th Street, NE
Squad of the Military Police of the Federal District - PMDF, through the Price planning@gaithersburgmd.gov with Public Law 90-566 and following mailing of the Notice of Foreclosure Sale of Real Washington, DC 20002
Planning and Code Administration
Property or Condominium Unit recorded among the Land Records on September 11, 2023 Lot 2038 in Square 3562
Registration System, according to District Decree no. 39.103/2018, aiming to as Instrument No. 2023078118 and the recordation of the Afûdavit of Non-Residential
ensure the maintenance and modernization of PMDF Bomb Squad teams, as NOTICE
Mortgage Foreclosure recorded among the Land Records on August 18, 2023 as Instrument Unit P-1 at 2116 4th Street, NE
Managing Agency, and from the Civil Police Agency of the State of Rio de Janeiro Notice of Adoption of No. 2023071506 the undersigned Trustee will sell, at public auction, within the ofûce Washington, DC 20002
Charter Amendment Resolution No. 11-23
- SEPOL/RJ, Military Police of the State of Paraná - PMPR, Military Police of the of ALEX COOPER AUCTIONEERS, INC., 4910 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE, N.W., SUITE 100, Lot 2039 in Square 3562
State of Pará - PMPA, Military Police of the State of Bahia - PMBA, Pernambuco Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to pursuant to Article XI-E of WASHINGTON, D.C. 20016 on
the Constitution of Maryland, Sections 4-303 and 304 of the Local
Social Defense Agency - SDS/PE, and the State Agency of Justice and Public Government Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland, and the Unit P-2 at 2116 4th Street, NE
Charter of the City of Rockville, the Mayor and Council of Rockville, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2023 AT 12:34 PM Washington, DC 20002
Security of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul - SEJUSP/MS, Civil Police of the State Maryland, on September 18, 2023, duly adopted Resolution No.11-23
Lot 2040 in Square 3562
(Charter Amendment No. CA2023-00065, to amend Section 2 of Arti-
of Bahia - PCBA, State Agency of Public Security of Alagoas - SSP/AL, Military cle II, <The Mayor and Council,= of the Charter of the City of Rockville The real estate located at 6922 9th Street, NW, Washington, DC and legally described as
Brigade of the State of Rio Grande do Sul - BMRS and the State Agency of Public so as to modify the procedure for adopting ordinance by increasing
the number of Councilmembers needed to request a public hearing
follows: Unit P-3 at 2116 4th Street, NE
Security of Mato Grosso - SSP/MT, as Participating Agencies according to the on an ordinance when it is introduced and increasing the number of Lot Numbered Seventeen (17) in Square Numbered Twenty-Nine Hundred Sixty-Seven (2967) Washington, DC 20002
speciûcations and conditions within the Term of Reference dealt in Annex I of the
Councilmembers needed to afûrmatively vote to waive the layover
and agenda requirements to adopt an ordinance.
in the Subdivision made by John Wischhausen, as per plat recorded in the Ofûce of the Lot 2041 in Square 3562
Surveyor for the District of Columbia in Liber 64 at Folio 75.
Notice. Estimated Cost: R$ 53,748.999,10 (ûfty-three million, seven hundred This amendment shall become effective and be considered a part of Property Address: 6922 9th Street NW, Washington, DC 20012. Unit P-4 at 2116 4th Street, NE
the Charter of the City of Rockville on November 7, 2023, unless on
and forty-eight thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine Reals and ten cents). or before September 28, 2023, there shall be presented to the Mayor Tax Parcel ID No: Washington, DC 20002
Type: Lowest Cost. Closing date for receipt of proposals: 08/Nov/2023 at 2:30 and Council of Rockville, or mailed to it by registered mail, a petition
meeting the requirements of Article V, Section 2 of the City Charter.
SSL. 2967-0000-0017 Lot 2042 in Square 3562
pm (GMT - 3 Brasília/DF time). Expenditure element: 4.4.90-52. Copies of the FIXTURES AND TANGIBLE PROPERTY
Notice can be found on the websites: www.gov.br/compras and www.pm.df.gov.
Mayor and Council of Rockville
By: Sara Taylor-Ferrell, City Clerk/Director of Council Operations
Pursuant to the Deed of Trust as evidenced by a Financing Statement recorded among 315 W Street, NE
br. UASG: 926016. Information: (55) - (61) 3190-5557 / (55) - (61) 3190-5559 said Land Records as Instrument Number 2022104830 and upon occurrence of a default Washington, DC 20002
850 851 thereunder, the Secured Party, Carstensz Loan Holdings, LLC, as the holder of a security Lot 60 in Square 3562
and at the email: dlf.licitacao@pm.df.gov.br, with copy to: splpmdf@gmail.com. Montgomery County Prince Georges County interest and lien on all of the tangible and intangible assets of the Debtor, will sell at
The event will be conducted in accordance with article 193, item II of Federal Law IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR public auction on the same date and at the same time and place, ALL OF THE FIXTURES Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust
No. 14.133, from 01/April/2021. MARYLAND MARYLAND and TANGIBLE PROPERTY, ETC. of the Debtor located on or about the Real Estate (that is (<Deed of Trust=) dated September 30, 2021 and recorded
Brasília/DF, September 13, 2023 SHANNON MENAPACE James E. Clarke, et al.
subject to the security interest and lien of Carstensz Loan Holdings, LLC and not owned by on October 28, 2021 as Instrument No. 2021143456
Substitute Trustee Substitute Trustees any third party.) from 2116 4th Street LLC and Eckington Court LLC, as
SIMONEY ALVES SOARES - CEL QOPM Plaintiff Plaintiffs TOGETHER WITH any and all buildings, structures, improvements or appurtenances grantors, to Daniel Huertas, as trustee, securing that
Expenditure Controller V. V. now erected on the above-described land, including, without limitation, all equipment, certain Commercial Deed of Trust Note in the principal
apparatus, machinery and ûxtures of any kind or character forming a part of said buildings, amount of $225,000.00, default having occurred under the
Keisha Marcia Harris and
Wynora Antoinette Harris structures, improvements or appurtenances, and any furniture, furnishings, equipment, terms thereof, and following the mailing and recordation
Newspapers carriers SUPERIOR COURT OF THE
Civil No.: 432508V
Defendant(s) machinery and other personal property owned and located in, upon or about the above- of a Deed of Appointment of Substitute Trustee removing
PROBATE DIVISION Civil No. C-16-CV-22-000237 described land and any buildings thereon all as more particularly described in the aforesaid Daniel Huertas as trustee and appointing Russell S. Drazin
needed to deliver WASHINGTON, D.C. 20001-2131 NOTICE OF SALE
Deed of Trust (the <Property=). The <Property= does not include any property owned by any (<Substitute Trustee=) as successor trustee, an Afûdavit
2023 ADM 1053
11784 Carriage House Dr # 58, MD RULE 14-215 (A) tenants at the Property. of Non-Residential Mortgage Foreclosure, and a Notice of
The Washington Post Patrick Michael Kildea, Jr.
Silver Spring,
ORDERED, by the
Court for Prince George9s
Circuit TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. The Property will be offered as an entirety only. The bid that
yields the highest price for the Property will be accepted by the Trustee (unless the sale is
Foreclosure Sale of Real Property or Condominium Unit, at
the request of the current noteholder, Substitute Trustee
Adam E. Moskowitz, Esq. Notice is hereby issued by the County, Maryland, this 18 day
in the 7315 Wisconsin Avenue, Circuit Court of MONTGOMERY of September, 2023, that the
foreclosure sale of the property
postponed or cancelled) and all bids will be provisional until acceptance. Notwithstanding will sell at public auction at the ofûce of Harvey West
COUNTY this 18th day of Sep-
#800 West
Bethesda, MD 20814 tember, 2023 that the sale of described in the deed of trust the foregoing, the Trustee absolutely reserves the right to postpone the sale and/or cancel Auctioneers, Inc., 5335 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, Suite 440,
DC, MD and VA area the property mentioned in these
proceedings, made and reported
docketed herein and located at
3615 Gramby St, Hyattsville,
the sale at any time until the auctioneer announces that the Property is <sold= and the Washington, DC 20015, on
NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND by SYDNEY ROBERSON, Sub- MD 20784 made and reported Trustee receives the deposit in the required amount and form. A deposit in the amount of OCTOBER 17, 2023 AT 2:00 PM
NOTICE TO UNKNOWN HEIRS stitute Trustee, be ratiûed and by James E. Clarke, Christine $25,000.00 will be required at the time of sale as a condition to bidding. Such deposit must ALL THOSE LOTS OF GROUND AND THE IMPROVEMENTS
conûrmed, unless cause to the M. Drexel and Joanna Foronda,
be by cashier9s check or certiûed check or in such other form as the Trustee may determine in THEREON (if any) situated in the City of Washington,
Excellent part-time income Mary Linda Kildea, whose ad-
dress is 8303 Rising Ridge Way,
contrary thereof be shown on or
before the 18th day of October,
Substitute Trustees, be RATIFIED
and CONFIRMED, unless cause his sole discretion, which check shall be payable to <Mark H. Wittstadt, Trustee.= The deposit District of Columbia, known as Unit A at 2116 4th Street,
2023, provided, a copy of this no- to the contrary be shown on or
opportunity! Bethesda, MD 20817 was ap-
pointed personal representative tice be inserted in WASHINGTON before the 18 day of October, must be increased to 10% of the purchase price within 2 business days after consummation NE, Washington, DC 20002 (Lot 2036 in Square 3562), Unit
of the estate of Patrick Michael POST a newspaper published in 2023; provided a copy of this Or- of the sale and delivered to the Substitute Trustee in the same form of funds as the initial B at 2116 4th Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002 (Lot 2037
MONTGOMERY COUNTY, once in der be inserted in THE WASHING-
Transportation required Kildea, Jr., who died on April 19,
each of three successive weeks, TON POST, once in each of three deposit. The Noteholder secured by the Deed of Trust (or any related party) shall be exempted in Square 3562), Unit C at 2116 4th Street, NE, Washington,
2021 with a will and will service
without Court supervision. All before the 18th day of Octo- (3) successive weeks before the by the Trustee from submitting any bidding deposit. The Trustee will, as a condition of the DC 20002 (Lot 2038 in Square 3562), Unit P-1 at 2116
ber, 2023. The Report of Sale 18 day of October, 2023. The
unknown heirs and heirs whose
states the amount of sale to be Report of Sale states the amount sale, require all potential bidders except the Noteholder to show their deposit before any 4th Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002 (Lot 2039 in Square
whereabouts are unknown shall
enter their appearance in this $152,000.00. of the sale at $258,000.00. bidding begins. The retained deposit of the successful purchaser shall be applied, without 3562), Unit P-2 at 2116 4th Street, NE, Washington, DC
To apply, go to proceeding. Objections to such
appointment (or to the probate KAREN A. BUSHELL BY THE COURT: interest, to the successful purchaser9s credit at settlement; provided, however, that in the 20002 (Lot 2040 in Square 3562), Unit P-3 at 2116 4th
of decedent9s Will) shall be ûled Clerk, Circuit Court for Mahasin El Amin event the successful purchaser does not consummate the purchase in accordance with the Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002 (Lot 2041 in Square
deliverthepost.com with the Register of Wills, D.C., MONTGOMERY COUNTY Clerk of the Circuit Court #793
terms of sale as herein provided, such deposit, will be forfeited, and after payment of all 3562), Unit P-4 at 2116 4th Street, NE, Washington, DC
Building A, 515 5th Street, N.W.,
3rd Floor, Washington DC 20001,
Sep 21,28,Oct 5 2023 0012436414 Orlans 22-002333 expenses and commissions due in connection with the defaulted sale, the balance shall be 20002 (Lot 2042 in Square 3562), and 315 W Street, NE,
on or before 3.21.2024. Claims 851 Sep 21,28,Oct 5 2023 0012436422 applied to the indebtedness due under the terms of the note and Deed of Trust. The terms of Washington, DC 20002 (Lot 60 in Square 3562), and more
815 against the decedent shall be Prince Georges County sale must be complied with, and settlement consummated thereon within 25 days from the fully described in the Deed of Trust (together with any and
1447 Autos Wanted Legal Notices presented to the undersigned IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR
with a copy to the Register of IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR
PRINCE GEORGE9S COUNTY, PRINCE GEORGE9S COUNTY, day of sale unless extended at the sole discretion of the Trustee. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE. all personal property secured thereby).
DONATE YOUR CAR/TRUCK/RV SUPERIOR COURT OF THE Wills or ûled with the Register of
Lutheran Mission Society of MD DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Wills with a copy to the under- MARYLAND MARYLAND The balance of the purchase price over and above the retained deposit, with interest thereon
Compassion Place ministries PROBATE DIVISION
WASHINGTON, D.C. 20001-2131
signed, on or before 3.21.2024,
James E. Clarke, et al. Diane S. Rosenberg, et al at the rate of 12.99% per annum being charged from the date of sale through the date The property will be sold in an <AS IS= condition, with no
help local families with food, or be forever barred. Persons be-
clothing, counseling. Tax deductible. 2023 ADM 001121 lieved to be heirs or legatees of Substitute Trustees 4340 East West Highway, of receipt of the balance of the purchase price, will be due at settlement by bank wire warranty of any kind, and subject to conditions, restrictions,
Suite 600
MVA licensed #W1044.
Richard B. Treanor aka
the decedent who do not receive Plaintiffs
Bethesda, MD 20814 transfer; and if not so paid, the Trustee as stated above will forfeit the deposit and reserves agreements, liens, and encumbrances of record affecting
410-228-8437 a copy of this notice by mail
V. Substitute Trustee the right to resell the Property at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser, after such the same 3 except those encumbrances of record that
Richard Bryant Treanor within 25 days of its ûrst publica-
www.CompassionPlace.org Plaintiff(s)
Sean Treanor tion shall so inform the Register advertisement and on such terms as the Trustee may deem proper, and to avail himself and are extinguished by operation of District of Columbia law
815 410 Marietta Pl. NW, of Wills, including name, address Estate of Shirley A. Stroud ,
Legal Notices Washington, DC 20011 and relationship. Surviving Tenant by the V. the Noteholder of any legal or equitable rights against the defaulting purchaser. by virtue of the foreclosure of the Deed of Trust. Without
Bar no. 1032448 Entirety of
Thomas Melvin Stroud, Ashley Minor The Property is sold subject to the rights, if any, of parties in possession, if such rights have limitation, the property will be sold subject to that certain
Mary Linda Kildea priority over the Deed of Trust or have been granted non-disturbance or similar rights, and to
Crown Castle is proposing to
Temple Hills, MD 20748
Deed of Trust dated September 30, 2021 and recorded on
install a 35-foot communica-
NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND Nicole D. Stevens Defendant(s)
Defendant(s) any and all covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements, rights of way, and limitations of October 28, 2021 as Instrument No. 2021143455 from
tions light pole at the following Civil No. C-16-CV-23-002290 record. The Property will be sold <WHERE IS= and in <AS IS= condition without any warranty 2116 4th Street LLC and Eckington Court LLC, as grantors,
site: 10007 Fields Road, Gaith- Case No. C-16-CV-23-001609
ersburg, MD 20878 (39.117233,
Thomas Michael Guiffre aka
as to condition, express or implied, and without any representation or warranty as to the to Daniel Huertas, as trustee, securing that certain
Michael Guiffre, whose address
-77.205757). Crown Castle is 11000 Sandy Hill Dr., Fairfax MD RULE 14-215 (A) NOTICE accuracy of the information furnished to prospective bidders by the Trustee or any other Commercial Deed of Trust Note in the principal amount of
invites comments from any Notice is hereby given this day
interested party on the impact
Station, VA 22039 was appointed ORDERED, by the Circuit Court for
Prince George9s County, Mary- 18 day of September, 2023, party, if any, and without any other representations or warranty of any nature. Without $1,621,395.00.
personal representative of the
of the proposed action on any estate of Richard B. Treanor aka land, this 19 day of September, by the Circuit Court for Prince limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Property will be sold without representation or
districts, sites, buildings, struc- George9s County, Maryland, that
tures or objects signiûcant in
Richard Bryant Treanor, who died 2023, that the foreclosure sale
of the property described in the the sale of 2019 North Anvil warranty as to (i) title to the Property, (ii) the nature, condition, structural integrity, or ûtness Purchaser will take title to the property subject to all taxes,
on January 20, 2022 with a will
American history, archaeology, and will service without Court deed of trust docketed herein Lane, Temple Hills, MD 20748, for a particular use of any improvements, ûxtures or personal property included within the water and sewer charges, and other utility charges, if
engineering or culture that are made and reported, will be
listed or determined eligible for
supervision. All unknown heirs There now is pending before the and located at 7306 Epping
Avenue, Fort Washington, MD ratiûed and conûrmed, unless Property, (iii) the environmental condition of the Property or the compliance of the Property any. Purchaser assumes the risk of loss or damage to the
and heirs whose whereabouts
listing in the National Register of are unknown shall enter their
Superior Court of the District of
Columbia an action, Case No.: 20744 made and reported by cause the contrary thereof be with federal, state and local laws and regulations concerning the presence or disposal of property from the date of sale forward. Purchaser shall
Historic Places and/or speciûc shown on or before the 18 day
reason the proposed action may
appearance in this proceeding. 2018-CA-000132-R(RP), STER- James E. Clarke, Christine M.
Drexel and Joanna Foronda, Sub- of October, 2023, provided a hazardous substances, (iv) compliance of the Property with the Americans with Disabilities be responsible for obtaining physical possession of the
Objections to such appointment
have a signiûcant impact on the (or to the probate of decedent9s
to affect title to the property stitute Trustees, be RATIFIED and copy of this notice be inserted Act or any similar law, (v) compliance of the Property with any zoning laws or ordinances property.
quality of the human environ- in The Washington Post a dai-
ment. Speciûc information re-
Will) shall be ûled with the Reg- located at 4627 Minnesota Ave- CONFIRMED, unless cause to the
contrary be shown on or before ly newspaper printed in said and any and all applicable safety codes, or (vi) compliance with any tenants9 rights or
ister of Wills, D.C., Building A,
garding the project is available 515 5th Street, NW, 3rd Floor,
nue NE, Washington, DC 20019.
A copy of the action is available the 19 day of October, 2023; County, once in each of three similar laws, and acceptance of the Deed to the Property by the successful purchaser shall TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of $200,000.00 by cashier9s
by contacting Monica Gambino, successive weeks before the 18
Washington DC 20001, on or be- in the Civil Division Clerk9s Ofûce provided a copy of this Order
day of October, 2023. The Re-
constitute a waiver of any claims against the Trustee or the Noteholder concerning any check will be required of purchaser at the time and place
fore 4/5/24. Claims against the be inserted in THE WASHINGTON
tle.com, 724-416-2516 during decedent shall be presented to
of the Court. A written answer, POST, once in each of three (3) port of Sale states the amount of of the foregoing matters. The successful purchaser recognizes that any investigation, of sale. Purchaser shall settle within thirty (30) days of
normal business hours. Com- including any claims or defenses,
ments must be received at 2000
the undersigned with a copy to if any, must be ûled in the Civil successive weeks before the 19 the foreclosure sale price to be
examination, or inspection of the Property is within the control of the owner or other parties sale. TIME SHALL BE OF THE ESSENCE WITH RESPECT TO
the Register of Wills or ûled with day of October, 2023. The Re-
Corporate Drive, Canonsburg, the Register of Wills with a copy
Division Clerk9s Ofûce, Superior port of Sale states the amount of in possession of the Property and not within the control of the Trustee or the Noteholder. SETTLEMENT BY PURCHASER. Balance of the purchase price
PA 15317 within 30 days of the Court of the District of Columbia,
date of this publication.
to the undersigned, on or before 500 Indiana Avenue, NW, Room the sale at $288,000.00. Mahasin El Amin
Clerk of the Circuit Court
Conveyance shall be by Trustee9s Deed, without covenant or warranty, express or implied. to be paid in cash or certiûed funds at settlement. Interest
4/5/24, or be forever barred. The risk of loss or damage by ûre or other casualty to the Property from and after the time of
Persons believed to be heirs or
5000, Washington D.C. 20001, on
or before the 30th day of Novem- BY THE COURT: Prince George9s County, to be paid on the unpaid purchase money from the date of
legatees of the decedent who do ber 2023. Mahasin El Amin Maryland #793 sale shall be the sole responsibility of the purchaser. The Property shall be sold subject to all sale to the date of settlement at the applicable interest
not receive a copy of this notice Clerk of the Circuit Court #793
by mail within 25 days of its ûrst
Sep 21,28,Oct 5 2023 0012436424 taxes, ground rents, public charges, assessments, sewer, water, drainage, and other public rate set forth in the debt instrument secured by the Deed
publication shall so inform the Orlans 22-007029
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR improvements, if any, whether assessments have been levied or not. The Noteholder and of Trust. Purchaser shall be responsible for payment of all
Register of Wills, including name,
address and relationship.
Sep 21,28,Oct 5 2023 0012436442 PRINCE GEORGE9S COUNTY, Trustee assume no liability for fuel, gas, electricity, utilities, and other operating charges settlement costs.
WASHINGTON, D.C. 20001-2131 accrued before or after the sale and all such charges shall be the sole responsibility of the
2023 ADM 001162 Thomas Michael Guiffre aka
Michael Guiffre
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR Diane S. Rosenberg, et al purchaser from the date of sale. All costs incident to the settlement and conveyancing The noteholder and its afûliates, if a bidder, shall not be
4340 East West Highway,
MARYLAND Suite 600 including, without limitation, examination of title, conveyancing, all recordation taxes and required to post a deposit or to pay interest.
Florence B. Green
Nicole D. Stevens
Bethesda, MD 20814 charges, all transfer taxes and charges, title insurance premiums, notary fees, settlement
ROBERT A. JONES, et al Substitute Trustee fees and all other costs incident to settlement shall be at the cost of the successful
To: Alyssa Thompson
To: Unknown Father Plaintiffs, Substitute Trustees Plaintiff(s) In the event that purchaser does not settle as required
STANDARD PROBATE purchaser. The District of Columbia Government may impose transfer and recordation taxes for any reason, purchaser shall be in default. Upon such
V. v. on any assignment of the successful bid prior to recordation of the Trustee9s Deed. The
Notice is hereby given that a
petition has been ûled in this
You are hereby notiûed that
a guardianship case has been
default, the deposit shall be forfeited to Substitute Trustee
Court by Compu-link Corporation ûled in the Circuit Court for LIVING SPRING INSTITUTE LLC The Estate of successful purchaser shall be solely liable for payment of such additional transfer and and all of the expenses of this sale (including legal fees
dba Celink as attorney in fact for Montgomery County, Maryland,
Case No. C-15-JV-23-000391.
Defendant(s) Glendora Queen aka
Glendora Marie Collins-Queen
recordation taxes, if any. If the Trustee cannot convey title, the purchaser9s sole remedy is a and costs, and full commission on the gross sale price)
Reverse Mortgage Funding LLC
for standard probate, including All persons who believe them- Civil Action No. Estate of Glendora Queen return of deposit. Further particulars may be announced at the time of sale. shall be charged against and paid out of the forfeited
C-16-CV-23-001327 2104 Redwood Terrace
the appointment of one or more selves to be parents of a male
child born on February 28, 2022, Temple Hills, MD 20748 deposit. Substitute Trustee may resell the property at the
personal representatives. Unless
a responsive pleading in the form in Silver Spring (Montgomery NOTICE Defendant(s) Mark H. Wittstadt, Trustee risk and expense of the defaulting purchaser. The defaulting
of a complaint or an objection in County), Maryland, to Alyssa Notice is hereby given this 18 purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds or
accordance with Superior Court Janelle Thompson (DOB April 1, day of September, 2023, by the Case No. C-16-CV-23-001093
Probate Division Rule 407 is ûled SUPERIOR COURT OF THE 1988) and Unknown Father (DOB: Circuit Court for Prince George9s proûts resulting from any resale of the property. Defaulting
in this Court within 30 days from
Unknown) shall ûle a written
response. A copy of the Show
County, Maryland, that the sale of
the property mentioned in these Notice is hereby given this 18 purchaser shall be liable to Substitute Trustee for legal fees
the date of ûrst publication of
this notice, the Court may take WASHINGTON, D.C. 20001-2131 Cause Orders may be obtained proceedings and described as day of September, 2023 by the and costs incurred by Substitute Trustee in connection with
the action hereinafter set forth. 2023 ADM 000877 from the Juvenile Clerk9s Ofûce 7241 Hanover Parkway Suite Circuit Court for Prince George9s such default.
In the absence of a will or proof at 50 Maryland Avenue, Rockville, C and D, Greenbelt, MD 20770 County, Maryland, that the sale
satisfactory to the Court of due Dianne Augustus MD 20850 and phone number will be ratiûed and conûrmed, of 2104 Redwood Terrace,
execution, enter an order deter- Name of Decedent (240) 777-9530. If you do not ûle unless cause to the contrary Temple Hills, MD 20748, made If Substitute Trustee is unable to settle as set forth herein,
mining that the decedent died a written objection by November thereof be shown on or before and reported, will be ratiûed and Sep 30,Oct 3,5,7,10,11 2023 0012437616
intestate appoint a supervised NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT, 6, 2023, you will have agreed to the 18 day of October, 2023, conûrmed, unless cause to the purchaser9s sole remedy at law and in equity shall be limited
personal representative. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND
the permanent loss of your pa-
rental rights to this child.
provided a copy of this NOTICE
be published at least once a
contrary thereof be shown on or
before the 18 day of October,
to a refund of the deposit and the sale shall be considered
Alyssa L. Szymczyk, Esq. week in each of three successive 2023, provided a copy of this no- null and void and of no effect whatsoever.
Counsel for Petitioner Anne Marie Augustus, whose weeks in some newspaper of tice be inserted in The Washing-
1602 Village Market Blvd 310 address is 135 Berry Patch Lane, general circulation published in ton Post a daily newspaper print-
Leesburg, VA 20175 Chapel Hill, NC 27514 was ap- said County before the 18 day ed in said County, once in each Substitute Trustee reserves the right, in Substitute Trustee9s
703-777-7101 pointed personal representative
of the estate of Dianne Augustus,
of October, 2023. The Report
of Sale states the amount of the
of three successive weeks be-
fore the day 18 day of October,
sole discretion, to reject any and all bids, to withdraw the
Nicole D. Stevens who died on July 2, 2022 with a sale to be $196,000.00. 2023. The Report of Sale states property from sale at any time before or at the auction,
REGISTER OF WILLS will and will serve without Court
supervision. All unknown heirs Mahasin El Amin
the amount of the foreclosure
sale price to be $281,000.00.
to extend the time to receive bids, to waive or modify the
and heirs whose whereabouts CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT deposit requirement, to waive or modify the requirement
are unknown shall enter their
appearance in this proceeding. To: Alyssa Thompson
Mahasin El Amin
Clerk of the Circuit Court
that interest be paid on the unpaid purchase money, and/or
to extend the period of time for settlement.
Give a
Objections to such appointment To: Unknown Father Prince George9s County,
(or to the probate of decedent9s SIWPC File# 82899 Maryland #793
Will) shall be ûled with the Reg- You are hereby notiûed that
ister of Wills, D.C., Building A, 515 a guardianship case has been Sep 21,28,Oct 5 2023 0012436416 Sep 21,28,Oct 5 2023 0012436428 Additional terms may be announced at the sale. The
5th Street, NW, 3rd Floor, Wash-
ington DC 20001, on or before
04/05/2024. Claims against the
ûled in the Circuit Court for
Montgomery County, Maryland, giv that successful bidder will be required to execute and deliver to
Substitute Trustee a memorandum or contract of the sale at
Give the Give the
Case No. C-15-JV-23-000390.

ûnder the conclusion of bidding.
decedent shall be presented to All persons who believe them-
the undersigned with a copy to selves to be parents of a male
the Register of Wills or ûled with child born on February 28, 2022,

the Register of Wills with a copy
to the undersigned, on or before
04/05/2024, or be forever barred.
Persons believed to be heirs or
in Silver Spring (Montgomery
County), Maryland, to Alyssa
Janelle Thompson (DOB April 1,
1988) and Unknown Father (DOB:
giv of giv of every day Russell S. Drazin, Substitute Trustee

DENTAL INSURANCE from Physicians
legatees of the decedent who do
not receive a copy of this notice
by mail within 25 days of its ûrst
Unknown) shall ûle a written
response. A copy of the Show
Cause Orders may be obtained
discovery discovery Giv subscriptions
Search our database of tested
recipes by ingredient or name.
publication shall so inform the from the Juvenile Clerk9s Ofûce
Mutual Insurance Company. Cover- Register of Wills, including name, Giv subscriptions Giv subscriptions washingtonpost.com/my-post
at 50 Maryland Avenue, Rockville,
age for 350 plus procedures. Real
dental insurance 3 NOT just a dis-
address and relationship. MD 20850 and phone number washingtonpost.com/recipes

(240) 777-9530. If you do not ûle washingtonpost.com/my-post washingtonpost.com/my-post

count plan. Do not wait! Call now! Anne Marie Augustus a written objection by November
Get your FREE Dental Information Kit PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE 6, 2023, you will have agreed to Oct 3,5,9,11,13 2023 0012435625
with all the details! 1-855-337-5228 Nicole D. Stevens the permanent loss of your pa-
dental50plus.com/MDDC#6258 REGISTER OF WILLS rental rights to this child.
S0390-1x1.5 S0390-1x1.5 S0390-1x2
840 840 840 850 850 850 850 850 850
Trustees Sale - DC Trustees Sale - DC Trustees Sale - DC Montgomery County Montgomery County Montgomery County Montgomery County Montgomery County Montgomery County
1966 GREENSPRING DRIVE, SUITE LL2 Russell S. Drazin, Attorney Russell S. Drazin, Attorney 16215 Redland Road, Derwood, MD 20855
LUTHERVILLE, MD 21093 4400 Jenifer Street, NW, Suite 2 4400 Jenifer Street, NW, Suite 2
410-238-2840 Washington, DC 20015 Washington, DC 20015 Trustee9s Sale of valuable fee simple property improved
by premises known as 16215 Redland Road, Derwood,
MD 20855. By virtue of the power and authority contained
in a Deed of Trust, dated June 25, 2016, and recorded in
Liber 52576 at Page 274 among the land records of the
By virtue of a certain Commercial Deed of Trust, Security Agreement , Assignment of Leases
2701 Linden Lane
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Account ID 13-03532774
2725 Cassedy Street
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Account ID 13-03532945
County of Montgomery, in the original principal amount
of $562,500.00. Upon default and request for sale, the
undersigned trustees will offer for sale at public auction at
a giv
and Rents and Fixture Filing from 1416 A Street SE LLC, a District of Columbia limited Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust the Courthouse for the COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY, at Judicial
liability company dated July 30, 2020 and duly recorded August 13, 2020 as Instrument No.
2020098535 (the <Deed of Trust=) among the Land Records of the District of Columbia (the
<Land Records=), which Deed of Trust also constitutes a security agreement and creates
(<Deed of Trust=) dated December 23, 2021 and recorded
on December 30, 2021 in Book 64943 at Page 337 from
AVAMERE NPS STABLES LLC (<Borrower=), as grantor, to
(<Deed of Trust=) dated November 18, 2021 and recorded on
November 24, 2021 in Book 64693 at Page 58 from AVAMERE
NPS CARPENTERS LLC (<Borrower=), as grantor, to RUSSELL
Center9s Monroe Street Entrance, 50 Maryland Avenue,
Rockville, Maryland, on October 18, 2023 at 1:00 PM , all
that property described in said Deed of Trust including but
a security interest in all ûxtures described in the Deed of Trust, a default having occurred
in the payment of the indebtedness secured thereby and the covenants contained therein,
and at the request of the party secured thereby (the <Noteholder=), and in accordance
with Public Law 90-566 and following mailing of the Notice of Foreclosure Sale of Real
RUSSELL S. DRAZIN (<Trustee=), as trustee, for the beneût
of WCP FUND I LLC (<Lender=), as beneûciary, securing
that certain Commercial Deed of Trust Note (<Note=)
dated December 23, 2021 in the principal amount of
S. DRAZIN (<Trustee=), as trustee, for the beneût of WCP
FUND I LLC (<Lender=), as beneûciary, securing that certain
Commercial Deed of Trust Note (<Note=) dated November
18, 2021 in the principal amount of $4,012,000.00, default
not limited to:
Tax ID# 04-00045496
Property or Condominium Unit recorded among the Land Records on September 11, 2023
as Instrument No. 2023078122 and the recordation of the Afûdavit of Non-Residential
Mortgage Foreclosure recorded among the Land Records on August 18, 2023 as Instrument
$3,135,000.00, default having occurred under the terms
thereof, Trustee will sell at public auction at the front
entrance of the Circuit Court for Montgomery County located
having occurred under the terms thereof, Trustee will sell
at public auction at the front entrance of the Circuit Court
for Montgomery County located at 50 Maryland Avenue,
Said property is in fee simple and is improved by a dwelling
and is sold in <as is condition= and subject to all superior
covenants, conditions, liens, restrictions, easement, rights-
No. 2023071505 the undersigned Trustee will sell, at public auction, within the ofûce
WASHINGTON, D.C. 20016 on
at 50 Maryland Avenue, Rockville, Maryland, on
OCTOBER 6, 2023 AT 10:05 AM
Rockville, Maryland, on
OCTOBER 6, 2023 AT 10:00 AM
of-way, as may affect same, if any.
TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of 10% of the sale price, cash
or certiûed funds shall be required at the time of sale. The
IMPROVEMENTS THEREON situated in Montgomery County, IMPROVEMENTS THEREON situated in Montgomery County,
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2023 AT 12:36 PM Maryland, commonly known as 2701 Linden Lane, Silver Maryland, commonly known as 2725 Cassedy Street, Silver balance of the purchase price with interest at 6.00% per
Spring, MD 20910, and more fully described in the Deed of Spring, MD 20910, and more fully described in the Deed of annum from the date of sale to the date of payment will be Giv subscriptions
The real estate located at 1416 A Street, SE, Washington, DC and legally described as Trust, as well as ALL PERSONAL PROPERTY encumbered by Trust, as well as ALL PERSONAL PROPERTY encumbered by paid within TEN DAYS after the ûnal ratiûcation of the sale. washingtonpost.com/my-post
follows: the Deed of Trust (collectively, <Property=). the Deed of Trust (collectively, <Property=).
Lot numbered Eighty-Nine (89) in Square numbered Ten Hundred Fifty-Eight (1058), in the Adjustments on all taxes, public charges and special or
subdivision made by Alcione Vinet and Denise Vinet, as per plat recorded in the Ofûce of the The Property will be sold in an <AS IS= condition and subject The Property will be sold in an <AS IS= condition and subject regular assessments will be made as of the date of sale and
Surveyor for the District of Columbia in Plat Liber 206 at Folio 184. to recorded covenants, conditions, restrictions, agreements, to recorded covenants, conditions, restrictions, agreements, thereafter assumed by purchaser.
For purposes of assessment and taxation the above referenced property is now known as Lot and senior liens, if any, and with no warranty of any kind. and senior liens, if any, and with no warranty of any kind.
Numbered Eighty-Nine (89) in Square Numbered Ten Hundred Fifty-Eight (1058). If applicable, condominium and/or homeowners association
FIXTURES AND TANGIBLE PROPERTY TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of $360,000.00 by cashier9s TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of $400,000.00 by cashier9s dues and assessments that may become due after the
Pursuant to the Deed of Trust as evidenced by any Financing Statement recorded among said check will be required of the purchaser at the time and check will be required of the purchaser at the time and time of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser.
Land Records and upon occurrence of a default thereunder, the Secured Party, Carstensz place of sale. The balance of the purchase price to be place of sale. The balance of the purchase price to be Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps,
Fund II, LLC, LLC, as the holder of a security interest and lien on all of the tangible and paid in cash or certiûed funds within ten (10) days of ûnal paid in cash or certiûed funds within ten (10) days of ûnal transfer taxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident
intangible assets of the Debtor, will sell at public auction on the same date and at the same ratiûcation of the sale by the Circuit Court for Montgomery ratiûcation of the sale by the Circuit Court for Montgomery to settlement are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of
time and place, ALL OF THE FIXTURES and TANGIBLE PROPERTY, ETC. of the Debtor located County. Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase money at County. Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase money at the essence for the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be
on or about the Real Estate (that is subject to the security interest and lien of Carstensz the rate in effect under the debt instrument secured by the the rate in effect under the debt instrument secured by the forfeited and the property may be resold at risk and costs of
Fund II, LLC and not owned by any third party.) Deed of Trust from the date of sale to the date of settlement. Deed of Trust from the date of sale to the date of settlement. the defaulting purchaser. If the sale is not ratiûed or if the
TOGETHER WITH any and all buildings, structures, improvements or appurtenances Secured Party, if a bidder, shall not be required to post a Secured Party, if a bidder, shall not be required to post a Substitute Trustees are unable to convey marketable title in
now erected on the above-described land, including, without limitation, all equipment, deposit or to pay interest. deposit or to pay interest. accord with these terms of sale, the purchaser9s only remedy S0390-1x5
apparatus, machinery and ûxtures of any kind or character forming a part of said buildings, is the return of the deposit. Trustee9s File No. 21-289182.
structures, improvements or appurtenances, and any furniture, furnishings, equipment, Purchaser shall settle within ten (10) days of ûnal Purchaser shall settle within ten (10) days of ûnal
machinery and other personal property owned and located in, upon or about the above- ratiûcation of the sale by the Circuit Court for Montgomery ratiûcation of the sale by the Circuit Court for Montgomery William M. Savage, et al., Substitute Trustees.
described land and any buildings thereon all as more particularly described in the aforesaid County. TIME SHALL BE OF THE ESSENCE WITH RESPECT County. TIME SHALL BE OF THE ESSENCE WITH RESPECT LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP,
Deed of Trust (the <Property=). The <Property= does not include any property owned by any TO SETTLEMENT BY PURCHASER. Cost of all documentary TO SETTLEMENT BY PURCHASER. Cost of all documentary 10021 Balls Ford Road, Suite 200,
tenants at the Property. stamps (recordation taxes), transfer taxes and settlement stamps (recordation taxes), transfer taxes and settlement Manassas, Virginia 20109
TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. The Property will be offered as an entirety only. The bid that expenses shall be borne by purchaser. Taxes, ground rent, expenses shall be borne by purchaser. Taxes, ground rent, (410) 769-9797
yields the highest price for the Property will be accepted by the Trustee (unless the sale is water, and sewer, if applicable, are to be adjusted for the water, and sewer, if applicable, are to be adjusted for the
postponed or cancelled) and all bids will be provisional until acceptance. Notwithstanding current year to the date of sale and assumed thereafter by current year to the date of sale and assumed thereafter by
the foregoing, the Trustee absolutely reserves the right to postpone the sale and/or cancel purchaser. purchaser.
the sale at any time until the auctioneer announces that the Property is <sold= and the
Trustee receives the deposit in the required amount and form. A deposit in the amount of
$25,000.00 will be required at the time of sale as a condition to bidding. Such deposit must
be by cashier9s check or certiûed check or in such other form as the Trustee may determine in
his sole discretion, which check shall be payable to <Mark H. Wittstadt, Trustee.= The deposit
In the event purchaser does not settle as required for any
reason, purchaser shall be in default. Upon such default,
Trustee may ûle a motion to resell the Property at the risk
and expense of defaulting purchaser. Purchaser hereby
In the event purchaser does not settle as required for any
reason, purchaser shall be in default. Upon such default,
Trustee may ûle a motion to resell the Property at the risk
and expense of defaulting purchaser. Purchaser hereby Sep 28,Oct 5,12 2023 0012434893
must be increased to 10% of the purchase price within 2 business days after consummation
of the sale and delivered to the Substitute Trustee in the same form of funds as the initial
deposit. The Noteholder secured by the Deed of Trust (or any related party) shall be exempted
consents to entry of such resale Order without further
notice. Defaulting purchaser shall not be entitled to any
surplus proceeds or proûts resulting from any resale of the
consents to entry of such resale Order without further
notice. Defaulting purchaser shall not be entitled to any
surplus proceeds or proûts resulting from any resale of the
a giv
by the Trustee from submitting any bidding deposit. The Trustee will, as a condition of the Property, and the deposit shall be forfeited to the Trustee Property, and the deposit shall be forfeited to the Trustee TRUSTEE9S SALE
sale, require all potential bidders except the Noteholder to show their deposit before any
bidding begins. The retained deposit of the successful purchaser shall be applied, without
interest, to the successful purchaser9s credit at settlement; provided, however, that in the
and all of the expenses of this sale (including attorneys9
fees and full commission on the gross sale price) shall
be charged against and paid out of the forfeited deposit.
and all of the expenses of this sale (including attorneys9
fees and full commission on the gross sale price) shall
be charged against and paid out of the forfeited deposit.
333 Casey Ln, Rockville, MD 20850
Trustee9s Sale of valuable fee simple property improved
event the successful purchaser does not consummate the purchase in accordance with
the terms of sale as herein provided, such deposit, will be forfeited, and after payment
of all expenses and commissions due in connection with the defaulted sale, the balance
shall be applied to the indebtedness due under the terms of the note and Deed of Trust.
Purchaser shall pay all attorneys9 fees and costs, and all
other damages of any kind or nature, incurred by Trustee
and the secured party, and their respective agents,
employees, successors and assigns, in connection with any
Purchaser shall pay all attorneys9 fees and costs, and all
other damages of any kind or nature, incurred by Trustee
and the secured party, and their respective agents,
employees, successors and assigns, in connection with any
by premises known as 333 Casey Ln, Rockville, MD 20850
. By virtue of the power and authority contained in a
Deed of Trust, dated November 20, 2009, and recorded in
Liber 38813 at Page 270 among the land records of the
The terms of sale must be complied with, and settlement consummated thereon within 25
days from the day of sale unless extended at the sole discretion of the Trustee. TIME IS OF
THE ESSENCE. The balance of the purchase price over and above the retained deposit, with
such default.
If Trustee is unable to convey title, purchaser9s sole remedy
such default.
If Trustee is unable to convey title, purchaser9s sole remedy
County of Montgomery, in the original principal amount
of $557,844.00. Upon default and request for sale, the
undersigned trustees will offer for sale at public auction at
interest thereon at the rate of 12% per annum being charged from the date of sale through
the date of receipt of the balance of the purchase price, will be due at settlement by bank
wire transfer; and if not so paid, the Trustee as stated above will forfeit the deposit and
reserves the right to resell the Property at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser,
at law and in equity shall be limited to a refund of the
deposit and the sale shall be considered null and void and
of no effect.
at law and in equity shall be limited to a refund of the
deposit and the sale shall be considered null and void and
of no effect.
the Courthouse for the COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY, at Judicial
Center9s Monroe Street Entrance, 50 Maryland Avenue,
Rockville, Maryland, on October 18, 2023 at 1:00 PM , all
that property described in said Deed of Trust including but
after such advertisement and on such terms as the Trustee may deem proper, and to avail Purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining physical Purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining physical not limited to:
himself and the Noteholder of any legal or equitable rights against the defaulting purchaser. possession of the Property. Purchaser assumes the risk of possession of the Property. Purchaser assumes the risk of Giv subscriptions
The Property is sold subject to the rights, if any, of parties in possession, if such rights have loss or damage to the Property from the date of sale forward. loss or damage to the Property from the date of sale forward. Tax ID# 04-03338365 washingtonpost.com/my-post
priority over the Deed of Trust or have been granted non-disturbance or similar rights, and to
any and all covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements, rights of way, and limitations of Trustee reserves the right, in his sole discretion, to reject Trustee reserves the right, in his sole discretion, to reject Said property is in fee simple and is improved by a dwelling
record. The Property will be sold <WHERE IS= and in <AS IS= condition without any warranty any and all bids, to withdraw the Property from sale at any any and all bids, to withdraw the Property from sale at any and is sold in <as is condition= and subject to all superior
as to condition, express or implied, and without any representation or warranty as to the time before or at the auction, to extend the time to receive time before or at the auction, to extend the time to receive covenants, conditions, liens, restrictions, easement, rights-
accuracy of the information furnished to prospective bidders by the Trustee or any other bids, to waive or modify the deposit requirement, to waive or bids, to waive or modify the deposit requirement, to waive or of-way, as may affect same, if any.
party, if any, and without any other representations or warranty of any nature. Without modify the requirement that interest be paid on the unpaid modify the requirement that interest be paid on the unpaid
limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Property will be sold without representation or purchase money, and/or to extend the period of time for purchase money, and/or to extend the period of time for TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of 10% of the sale price, cash
warranty as to (i) title to the Property, (ii) the nature, condition, structural integrity, or ûtness settlement. settlement. or certiûed funds shall be required at the time of sale. The
for a particular use of any improvements, ûxtures or personal property included within the balance of the purchase price with interest at 6.00% per
Property, (iii) the environmental condition of the Property or the compliance of the Property Additional terms may be announced at the sale. Purchaser Additional terms may be announced at the sale. Purchaser annum from the date of sale to the date of payment will be
with federal, state and local laws and regulations concerning the presence or disposal of will be required to execute and deliver to Trustee a contract will be required to execute and deliver to Trustee a contract paid within TEN DAYS after the ûnal ratiûcation of the sale.
hazardous substances, (iv) compliance of the Property with the Americans with Disabilities of the sale at the conclusion of the bidding. of the sale at the conclusion of the bidding.
Act or any similar law, (v) compliance of the Property with any zoning laws or ordinances Adjustments on all taxes, public charges and special or
and any and all applicable safety codes, or (vi) compliance with any tenants9 rights or Russell S. Drazin, Trustee Russell S. Drazin, Trustee regular assessments will be made as of the date of sale and
similar laws, and acceptance of the Deed to the Property by the successful purchaser shall thereafter assumed by purchaser.
constitute a waiver of any claims against the Trustee or the Noteholder concerning any
of the foregoing matters. The successful purchaser recognizes that any investigation, If applicable, condominium and/or homeowners association S0390-1x5
examination, or inspection of the Property is within the control of the owner or other parties dues and assessments that may become due after the
in possession of the Property and not within the control of the Trustee or the Noteholder. time of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser.
Conveyance shall be by Trustee9s Deed, without covenant or warranty, express or implied. Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps,
The risk of loss or damage by ûre or other casualty to the Property from and after the time of transfer taxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident
sale shall be the sole responsibility of the purchaser. The Property shall be sold subject to all Sep 21,28,Oct 5 2023 0012436604 Sep 21,28,Oct 5 2023 0012436500 to settlement are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of
taxes, ground rents, public charges, assessments, sewer, water, drainage, and other public the essence for the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be
improvements, if any, whether assessments have been levied or not. The Noteholder and forfeited and the property may be resold at risk and costs of
Trustee assume no liability for fuel, gas, electricity, utilities, and other operating charges the defaulting purchaser. If the sale is not ratiûed or if the
accrued before or after the sale and all such charges shall be the sole responsibility of the Substitute Trustees are unable to convey marketable title in
purchaser from the date of sale. All costs incident to the settlement and conveyancing accord with these terms of sale, the purchaser9s only remedy
including, without limitation, examination of title, conveyancing, all recordation taxes and
charges, all transfer taxes and charges, title insurance premiums, notary fees, settlement
fees and all other costs incident to settlement shall be at the cost of the successful TRUSTEE9S SALE
is the return of the deposit. Trustee9s File No. 23-293792.
William M. Savage, et al., Substitute Trustees.
3745 Glen Eagles Drive, Silver Spring, MD 20906
purchaser. The District of Columbia Government may impose transfer and recordation taxes
on any assignment of the successful bid prior to recordation of the Trustee9s Deed. The
successful purchaser shall be solely liable for payment of such additional transfer and Trustee9s Sale of valuable fee simple property improved by
premises known as 3745 Glen Eagles Drive, Silver Spring,
10021 Balls Ford Road, Suite 200,
Manassas, Virginia 20109 a giv
recordation taxes, if any. If the Trustee cannot convey title, the purchaser9s sole remedy is a
return of deposit. Further particulars may be announced at the time of sale.
Mark H. Wittstadt, Trustee
Give MD 20906. By virtue of the power and authority contained
in a Deed of Trust, dated May 18, 2021, and recorded in
Liber 64382 at Page 46 among the land records of the
(410) 769-9797

a giv County of Montgomery, in the original principal amount
of $775,860.00. Upon default and request for sale, the
undersigned trustees will offer for sale at public auction at
the Courthouse for the COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY, at Judicial
Sep 30,Oct 3,5,7,10,11 2023 0012437615
that Center9s Monroe Street Entrance, 50 Maryland Avenue,
Rockville, Maryland, on October 18, 2023 at 1:00 PM , all
that property described in said Deed of Trust including but
Sep 28,Oct 5,12 2023 0012434873
not limited to:
Montgomery County 850
Montgomery County 850
Montgomery County delivers Tax ID# 13-03392112 day
every Said property is in fee simple and is improved by a dwelling
and is sold in <as is condition= and subject to all superior
covenants, conditions, liens, restrictions, easement, rights-
4006 Denfeld Avenue, Kensington, MD 20895
Giv subscriptions

day of-way, as may affect same, if any. washingtonpost.com/my-post

TRUSTEE9S SALE TRUSTEE9S SALE Trustee9s Sale of valuable fee simple property improved by
9254 Brown Church Road, Mount Airy, MD 21771 906 Venice Drive, Silver Spring, MD 20904 TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of 10% of the sale price, cash premises known as 4006 Denfeld Avenue, Kensington, MD
or certiûed funds shall be required at the time of sale. The 20895. By virtue of the power and authority contained
Trustee9s Sale of valuable fee simple property improved by Trustee9s Sale of valuable fee simple property improved balance of the purchase price with interest at 6.00% per in a Deed of Trust, dated June 7, 2018, and recorded in
premises known as 9254 Brown Church Road, Mount Airy, by premises known as 906 Venice Drive, Silver Spring, MD Giv subscriptions annum from the date of sale to the date of payment will be Liber 56298 at Page 25 among the land records of the
MD 21771. By virtue of the power and authority contained 20904. By virtue of the power and authority contained in paid within TEN DAYS after the ûnal ratiûcation of the sale. County of Montgomery, in the original principal amount
a Deed of Trust, dated November 14, 2006, and recorded washingtonpost.com/my-post
in a Deed of Trust, dated August 16, 2012, and recorded of $651,000.00. Upon default and request for sale, the
in Liber 44711 at Page 346 among the land records of the in Liber 33388 at Page 633 among the land records of the Adjustments on all taxes, public charges and special or undersigned trustees will offer for sale at public auction at
County of Montgomery, in the original principal amount County of Montgomery, in the original principal amount regular assessments will be made as of the date of sale and the Courthouse for the COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY, at Judicial
of $220,000.00. Upon default and request for sale, the of $424,000.00. Upon default and request for sale, the thereafter assumed by purchaser. Center9s Monroe Street Entrance, 50 Maryland Avenue,
undersigned trustees will offer for sale at public auction at undersigned trustees will offer for sale at public auction Rockville, Maryland, on October 18, 2023 at 1:00 PM, all
the Courthouse for the COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY, at Judicial at the Courthouse for the COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY, at 50 If applicable, condominium and/or homeowners association that property described in said Deed of Trust including but
Center9s Monroe Street Entrance, 50 Maryland Avenue, Maryland Avenue, Rockville, Maryland, on October 18, 2023 dues and assessments that may become due after the not limited to:
Rockville, Maryland, on October 18, 2023 at 1:00 PM, all at 1:00 PM, all that property described in said Deed of Trust time of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser.
that property described in said Deed of Trust including but including but not limited to: Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps, Tax ID# 13-01260037
not limited to: transfer taxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident S0390-1x5
Tax ID# 05-00349670 to settlement are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of Said property is in fee simple and is improved by a dwelling
Tax ID# 12-00924836 the essence for the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be and is sold in <as is condition= and subject to all superior
Said property is in fee simple and is improved by a dwelling forfeited and the property may be resold at risk and costs of covenants, conditions, liens, restrictions, easement, rights-
Said property is in fee simple and is improved by a dwelling and is sold in <as is condition= and subject to all superior the defaulting purchaser. If the sale is not ratiûed or if the of-way, as may affect same, if any.
and is sold in <as is condition= and subject to all superior covenants, conditions, liens, restrictions, easement, rights- Substitute Trustees are unable to convey marketable title in
covenants, conditions, liens, restrictions, easement, rights- of-way, as may affect same, if any. accord with these terms of sale, the purchaser9s only remedy TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of 10% of the sale price, cash
of-way, as may affect same, if any. S0390-1x5 is the return of the deposit. Trustee9s File No. 23-293422. or certiûed funds shall be required at the time of sale. The
TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of 10% of the sale price, cash balance of the purchase price with interest at 6.00% per
TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of 10% of the sale price, cash or certiûed funds shall be required at the time of sale. The
or certiûed funds shall be required at the time of sale. The
balance of the purchase price with interest at 6.00% per
annum from the date of sale to the date of payment will be
balance of the purchase price with interest at 6.00% per
annum from the date of sale to the date of payment will be
paid within TEN DAYS after the ûnal ratiûcation of the sale.
William M. Savage, et al., Substitute Trustees.
10021 Balls Ford Road, Suite 200,
Manassas, Virginia 20109
annum from the date of sale to the date of payment will be
paid within TEN DAYS after the ûnal ratiûcation of the sale.
Adjustments on all taxes, public charges and special or
paid within TEN DAYS after the ûnal ratiûcation of the sale.
Adjustments on all taxes, public charges and special or
regular assessments will be made as of the date of sale and
Adjustments on all taxes, public charges and special or
regular assessments will be made as of the date of sale and
thereafter assumed by purchaser.
(410) 769-9797 regular assessments will be made as of the date of sale and
thereafter assumed by purchaser.
If applicable, condominium and/or homeowners association
a giv
thereafter assumed by purchaser.
If applicable, condominium and/or homeowners association
If applicable, condominium and/or homeowners association
dues and assessments that may become due after the Give dues and assessments that may become due after the
time of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser.
Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps,
dues and assessments that may become due after the time of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser.
time of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser.
Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps,
transfer taxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident
Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps,
transfer taxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident
to settlement are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of
a giv Sep 28,Oct 5,12 2023 0012435250
transfer taxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident
to settlement are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of
the essence for the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be
forfeited and the property may be resold at risk and costs of
to settlement are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of
the essence for the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be
forfeited and the property may be resold at risk and costs of
the essence for the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be
forfeited and the property may be resold at risk and costs of
the defaulting purchaser. If the sale is not ratiûed or if the that
the defaulting purchaser. If the sale is not ratiûed or if the
Substitute Trustees are unable to convey marketable title in
accord with these terms of sale, the purchaser9s only remedy
the defaulting purchaser. If the sale is not ratiûed or if the
Substitute Trustees are unable to convey marketable title in
accord with these terms of sale, the purchaser9s only remedy
is the return of the deposit. Trustee9s File No. 22-291728.
Substitute Trustees are unable to convey marketable title in
accord with these terms of sale, the purchaser9s only remedy
is the return of the deposit. Trustee9s File No. 18-278340.
is the return of the deposit. Trustee9s File No. 21-289183.
William M. Savage, et al., Substitute Trustees.
William M. Savage, et al., Substitute Trustees. 10021 Balls Ford Road, Suite 200,
William M. Savage, et al., Substitute Trustees.
10021 Balls Ford Road, Suite 200,
10021 Balls Ford Road, Suite 200,
Manassas, Virginia 20109
every Manassas, Virginia 20109
(410) 769-9797
Giv subscriptions
Manassas, Virginia 20109
(410) 769-9797
(410) 769-9797
day sweater or tank top?
Stay one step ahead of the weather with the Sep 28,Oct 5,12 2023 0012433679
Giv subscriptions
Sep 28,Oct 5,12 2023 0012436411 washingtonpost.com/my-post Capital Weather Gang
Sep 28,Oct 5,12 2023 0012436413
S0141 2x3

S0390-1x4 S0390-1x5
851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851
Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County
BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC
6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101
Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852
(301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555
Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust
dated August 16, 2004, recorded in Liber 20464, Folio 750 dated April 13, 2005, recorded in Liber 22181, Folio 367 dated March 1, 2007, recorded in Liber 27507, Folio 666 dated May 4, 2007, recorded in Liber 28505, Folio 464 dated December 30, 2009, recorded in Liber 31300, Folio
among the Land Records of Prince George9s County, MD, among the Land Records of Prince George9s County, MD, among the Land Records of Prince George9s County, MD, among the Land Records of Prince George9s County, MD, 490 among the Land Records of Prince George9s County,
with an original principal balance of $261,600.00, default with an original principal balance of $304,000.00, default with an original principal balance of $613,600.00, default with an original principal balance of $65,000.00, default MD, with an original principal balance of $413,374.00,
having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees default having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub.
will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for
George9s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, George9s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, George9s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, George9s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, Prince George9s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro,
20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on MD, 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on
OCTOBER 24, 2023 AT 10:39 AM OCTOBER 24, 2023 AT 10:37 AM OCTOBER 17, 2023 AT 11:32 AM OCTOBER 17, 2023 AT 11:28 AM OCTOBER 17, 2023 AT 11:22 AM
buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince
George9s County, MD and more fully described in the George9s County, MD and more fully described in the George9s County, MD and more fully described in the George9s County, MD and more fully described in the George9s County, MD and more fully described in the
aforesaid Deed of Trust. aforesaid Deed of Trust. aforesaid Deed of Trust. aforesaid Deed of Trust. aforesaid Deed of Trust.
The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in
an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions
and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and
with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind.
Terms of Sale: A deposit of $35,000 in the form of certiûed Terms of Sale: A deposit of $46,000 in the form of certiûed Terms of Sale: A deposit of $40,000 in the form of certiûed Terms of Sale: A deposit of $5,000 in the form of certiûed Terms of Sale: A deposit of $44,000 in the form of certiûed
check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of the check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of the check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of the check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of the check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of the
purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase
price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money
at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or
any modiûcations thereto, from the date of sale to the date any modiûcations thereto, from the date of sale to the date any modiûcations thereto, from the date of sale to the date any modiûcations thereto, from the date of sale to the date any modiûcations thereto, from the date of sale to the date
funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash
within ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of the sale by the Circuit within ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of the sale by the Circuit within ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of the sale by the Circuit within ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of the sale by the Circuit within ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of the sale by the Circuit
Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the
purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before
Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural
taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private
charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive
foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and
front foot beneût charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and front foot beneût charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and front foot beneût charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and front foot beneût charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and front foot beneût charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and
thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible
for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer
taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser.
The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the
ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/
or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed
by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is
responsible for obtaining physical possession of the responsible for obtaining physical possession of the responsible for obtaining physical possession of the responsible for obtaining physical possession of the responsible for obtaining physical possession of the
property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property
from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit
of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including,
but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower
entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid
off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale
shall be null and void, and the Purchaser9s sole remedy, shall be null and void, and the Purchaser9s sole remedy, shall be null and void, and the Purchaser9s sole remedy, shall be null and void, and the Purchaser9s sole remedy, shall be null and void, and the Purchaser9s sole remedy,
in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without
interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of
ratiûcation, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that ratiûcation, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that ratiûcation, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that ratiûcation, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that ratiûcation, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that
property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub.
Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by
the purchaser9s default and purchaser shall have no further the purchaser9s default and purchaser shall have no further the purchaser9s default and purchaser shall have no further the purchaser9s default and purchaser shall have no further the purchaser9s default and purchaser shall have no further
liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any
papers ûled in connection with its failure to settle within ten papers ûled in connection with its failure to settle within ten papers ûled in connection with its failure to settle within ten papers ûled in connection with its failure to settle within ten papers ûled in connection with its failure to settle within ten
days of ratiûcation and expressly agrees to accept service days of ratiûcation and expressly agrees to accept service days of ratiûcation and expressly agrees to accept service days of ratiûcation and expressly agrees to accept service days of ratiûcation and expressly agrees to accept service
by ûrst class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser by ûrst class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser by ûrst class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser by ûrst class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser by ûrst class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser
as identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted as identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted as identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted as identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted as identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted
purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds
resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from
improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser.
Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable
title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratiûcation title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratiûcation title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratiûcation title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratiûcation title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratiûcation
of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the
Purchaser9s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the Purchaser9s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the Purchaser9s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the Purchaser9s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the Purchaser9s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the
deposit without interest. (Matter No. 29642-1) deposit without interest. (Matter No. 349150-3) deposit without interest. (Matter No. 361899-1) deposit without interest. (Matter No. 362859-1) deposit without interest. (Matter No. 176712-2)
Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al.,
Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustees

Oct 5,12,19 2023 0012437294 Oct 5,12,19 2023 0012437292 Sep 28,Oct 5,12 2023 0012436492 Sep 28,Oct 5,12 2023 0012436490 Sep 28,Oct 5,12 2023 0012436488

BWW Law Group, LLC Rosenberg & Associates, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC
6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 4340 East West Highway, Suite 600 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101
Rockville, MD 20852 Bethesda, MD 20814 Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852
(301) 961-6555 (301) 907-8000 (301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555


Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust
dated September 27, 2016, recorded in Liber 38806, Folio from Paula L. Payne and Paulette Lawann Payne dated dated November 17, 2005, recorded in Liber 25512, Folio dated February 27, 2006, recorded in Liber 24596, Folio 477 dated March 5, 2007, recorded in Liber 27435, Folio 560
472 among the Land Records of Prince George9s County, March 15, 1996 and recorded in Liber 10681, folio 218 374 among the Land Records of Prince George9s County, among the Land Records of Prince George9s County, MD, with among the Land Records of Prince George9s County, MD,
MD, with an original principal balance of $112,917.00, among the Land Records of Prince George9s County, MD, MD, with an original principal balance of $199,000.00, an original principal balance of $76,000.00, default having with an original principal balance of $315,000.00, default
default having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. default having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. default having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees
Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince George9s will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince
Prince George9s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, Prince George9s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, Prince George9s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, 20772 (Duval George9s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD,
MD, 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on MD, 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on MD, 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on

OCTOBER 24, 2023 AT 10:41 AM OCTOBER 24, 2023 AT 10:30 AM OCTOBER 17, 2023 AT 11:34 AM OCTOBER 17, 2023 AT 11:30 AM OCTOBER 17, 2023 AT 11:26 AM

buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince buildings and improvements thereon situated in Prince buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince
George9s County, MD and described as Condominium Unit George9s County, MD and more fully described in the George9s County, MD and described as Unit Eight A in the George9s County, MD and described as Unit No. 7252-A-2 in George9s County, MD and more fully described in the
Numbered 6918-200 in the subdivision known as, PHASE aforesaid Deed of Trust. Tax ID #12-1236926. condominium known as <Phase 8, The Oaks at Sixty-Fifth HOLLY HILL CONDOMINIUM and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust.
ELEVEN HUNTING RIDGE CONDOMINIUM and more fully The property, which is improved by a dwelling, will be sold in Condominium II= and more fully described in the aforesaid aforesaid Deed of Trust. The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in
described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust. an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions Deed of Trust. The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions
The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and
an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions with no warranty of any kind. an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and with no warranty of any kind.
and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and Terms of Sale: A deposit of $10,000 in the form of certiûed and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and with no warranty of any kind. Terms of Sale: A deposit of $28,000 in the form of certiûed
with no warranty of any kind. check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of with no warranty of any kind. Terms of Sale: A deposit of $5,000 in the form of certiûed check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of the
Terms of Sale: A deposit of $10,000 in the form of certiûed the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the Terms of Sale: A deposit of $14,000 in the form of certiûed check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase
check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of the purchase price to be paid in cash within ten days of ûnal check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money
purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase ratiûcation of sale by the Circuit Court for Prince George9s purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or
price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money County. Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase money price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or any modiûcations thereto, from the date of sale to the date
at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or at the rate pursuant to the Deed of Trust Note from the date at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or any modiûcations thereto, from the date of sale to the date funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash
any modiûcations thereto, from the date of sale to the date of sale to the date funds are received in the ofûce of the any modiûcations thereto, from the date of sale to the date funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash within ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of the sale by the Circuit
funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash Sub. Trustees. There will be no abatement of interest in funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash within ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of the sale by the Circuit Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the
within ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of the sale by the Circuit the event additional funds are tendered before settlement within ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of the sale by the Circuit Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before
Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the or if settlement is delayed for any reason. The noteholder Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER.
purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before shall not be obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser. purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural
settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private
Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural of all real property taxes, including agricultural taxes, if Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive
taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private applicable, and any and all public and/or private charges taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and
charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and front foot beneût charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and
foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and foreclosure sale, including water/sewer charges and ground foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and front foot beneût charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible
front foot beneût charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and rent, to be adjusted to date of sale and paid at execution of front foot beneût charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer
thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible the deed, except where the secured party is the purchaser, thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser.
for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer and thereafter assumed by the purchaser. Condominium for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the
taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. fees and/or homeowners association dues, if any, shall taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/
The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the be assumed by the purchaser from the date of sale The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed
ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ forward. Cost of all documentary stamps, transfer taxes ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is
or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed and settlement expenses shall be borne by the purchaser. or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is responsible for obtaining physical possession of the
by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is Purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining physical by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is responsible for obtaining physical possession of the property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property
responsible for obtaining physical possession of the possession of the property. Purchaser assumes the risk of responsible for obtaining physical possession of the property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit
property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property loss or damage to the property from the date of sale forward. property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including,
from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit Additional terms to be announced at the time of sale. from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower
of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, If the Sub. Trustees are unable to convey good and of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid
but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower marketable title, the purchaser9s sole remedy in law and but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale
entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid equity shall be limited to a refund of the deposit without entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale shall be null and void, and the Purchaser9s sole remedy,
off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale interest. If the purchaser fails to go to settlement, the off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale shall be null and void, and the Purchaser9s sole remedy, in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without
shall be null and void, and the Purchaser9s sole remedy, deposit shall be forfeited, to the Trustees for application shall be null and void, and the Purchaser9s sole remedy, in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of
in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without against all expenses, attorney9s fees and the full in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of ratiûcation, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that
interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of commission on the sale price of the above-scheduled interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of ratiûcation, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub.
ratiûcation, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that foreclosure sale. In the event of default, all expenses of this ratiûcation, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by
property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. sale (including attorney9s fees and the full commission on property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by the purchaser9s default and purchaser shall have no further
Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by the gross sale price of this sale) shall be charged against Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by the purchaser9s default and purchaser shall have no further liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any
the purchaser9s default and purchaser shall have no further and paid out of the forfeited deposit. The Trustees may then the purchaser9s default and purchaser shall have no further liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any papers ûled in connection with its failure to settle within ten
liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any re-advertise and resell the property at the risk and expense liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any papers ûled in connection with its failure to settle within ten days of ratiûcation and expressly agrees to accept service
papers ûled in connection with its failure to settle within ten of the defaulting purchaser or may avail themselves of papers ûled in connection with its failure to settle within ten days of ratiûcation and expressly agrees to accept service by ûrst class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser
days of ratiûcation and expressly agrees to accept service any legal or equitable remedies against the defaulting days of ratiûcation and expressly agrees to accept service by ûrst class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser as identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted
by ûrst class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser purchaser without reselling the property. In the event of by ûrst class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser as identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds
as identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted a resale, the defaulting purchaser shall not be entitled to as identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from
purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds receive the surplus, if any, even if such surplus results from purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser.
resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from improvements to the property by said defaulting purchaser resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable
improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. and the defaulting purchaser shall be liable to the Trustees improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratiûcation
Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable and secured party for reasonable attorney9s fees and Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratiûcation of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the
title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratiûcation expenses incurred in connection with all litigation involving title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratiûcation of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the Purchaser9s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the
of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the the Property or the proceeds of the resale. Trustees9 ûle of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the Purchaser9s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the deposit without interest. (Matter No. 363561-1)
Purchaser9s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the number 21-000714-MD-F-1. Purchaser9s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the deposit without interest. (Matter No. 345082-3) Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al.,
deposit without interest. (Matter No. 333833-3) Diane S. Rosenberg, Mark D. Meyer, et al., deposit without interest. (Matter No. 207422-2) Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Substitute Trustees
Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Substitute Trustees Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Substitute Trustees
Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustees

Sep 28,Oct 5,12 2023 0012436489

Oct 5,12,19 2023 0012437247 Sep 28,Oct 5,12 2023 0012436491
Oct 5,12,19 2023 0012437296 Sep 28,Oct 5,12 2023 0012436493
Prince Georges County 851 Prince Georges County 851 Prince Georges County 851
Prince Georges County 851
Prince Georges County 851
Prince Georges County 851
Prince Georges County 851
Prince Georges County 851
Prince Georges County 851
Prince Georges County
Rosenberg & Associates, LLC Rosenberg & Associates, LLC Rosenberg & Associates, LLC Brock and Scott, PLLC BWW Law Group, LLC
4340 East West Highway, Suite 600 4340 East West Highway, Suite 600 4340 East West Highway, Suite 600 5431 Oleander Drive 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101
Bethesda, MD 20814 Bethesda, MD 20814 Bethesda, MD 20814 Wilmington NC, 28403 Rockville, MD 20852
(301) 907-8000 (301) 907-8000 (301) 907-8000 (301) 961-6555
www.rosenberg-assoc.com www.rosenberg-assoc.com www.rosenberg-assoc.com SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES9 SALE OF
Greenbelt, MD 20770
4217 KINMOUNT RD. 3138 BRINKLEY RD., APT T3 6906 BUCHANAN ST. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a 110 AUTUMN LAKE WAY
LANHAM, MD 20706 TEMPLE HILLS, MD 20748 HYATTSVILLE, MD 20784 certain Deed of Trust to RICHARD T. CREGGER, Trustee(s), FORT WASHINGTON, MD 20744
dated August 14, 2006, and recorded among the Land
Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Records of PRINCE GEORGE9S COUNTY, MARYLAND in Liber Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust
from Bernadette M. Short and Benjamin L. Short dated from Tapiwa Gwaze dated October 24, 2018 and recorded in from Francis B. Campbell dated April 24, 2008 and recorded 25835 , folio 241 , the holder of the indebtedness secured dated August 23, 2001, recorded in Liber 14956, Folio 298
December 21, 2006 and recorded in Liber 26918, folio 172 Liber 41595, folio 471 among the Land Records of Prince in Liber 29643, folio 214 among the Land Records of Prince by this Deed of Trust having appointed the undersigned among the Land Records of Prince George9s County, MD,
among the Land Records of Prince George9s County, MD, George9s County, MD, default having occurred under the George9s County, MD, default having occurred under the Substitute Trustees, by instrument duly recorded among with an original principal balance of $218,732.00, default
default having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell at public auction at terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell at public auction at the aforesaid Land Records, default having occurred under having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees
Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for the Circuit Court for Prince George9s County, 14735 Main St., the Circuit Court for Prince George9s County, 14735 Main St., the terms thereof, and at the request of the party secured will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince
Prince George9s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, Upper Marlboro, MD, 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located Upper Marlboro, MD, 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located thereby, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for George9s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD,
MD, 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on on Main St.), on on Main St.), on sale at public auction at THE PRINCE GEORGE9S COUNTY 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on
OCTOBER 17, 2023 AT 11:12 AM OCTOBER 17, 2023 AT 11:08 AM OCTOBER 17, 2023 AT 11:02 AM OF THE COURTHOUSE COMPLEX 14735 MAIN ST, UPPER OCTOBER 10, 2023 AT 11:36 AM
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with the ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with the ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with the OCTOBER 23, 2023 at 9:45 AM ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any
buildings and improvements thereon situated in Prince buildings and improvements thereon situated in Prince buildings and improvements thereon situated in Prince ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND and improvements buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince
George9s County, MD and more fully described in the George9s County, MD and described as UNIT LETTERED AND George9s County, MD and more fully described in the thereon situated in PRINCE GEORGE9S COUNTY, MD and George9s County, MD and more fully described in the
aforesaid Deed of Trust. Tax ID #20-2172666. NUMBERED T-3 IN BULDING NUMBERED EIGHT (8), OF A PLAT aforesaid Deed of Trust. Tax ID #02-0168310. described as follows: aforesaid Deed of Trust.
The property, which is improved by a dwelling, will be sold in ON CONDOMINIUM ENTITLED <HUNTCREST CONDOMINIUM= The property, which is improved by a dwelling, will be sold in The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in
an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust. Tax an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions CONDOMINIUM UNIT NUMBER 679, IN A HORIZONTAL an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions
and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and ID #12-1333764. and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and PROPERTY REGIME KNOWN AS <GREENBRIAR CONDOMINIUM and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and
with no warranty of any kind. The property, which is improved by a dwelling, will be sold in with no warranty of any kind. - PHASE III= ESTABLISHED BY A CONDOMINIUM with no warranty of any kind.
Terms of Sale: A deposit of $36,000 in the form of certiûed an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions Terms of Sale: A deposit of $27,000 in the form of certiûed DECLARATION RECORDED APRIL 21, 1977 IN LIBER 4750, Terms of Sale: A deposit of $19,000 in the form of certiûed
check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of FOLIO 774, AS AMENDED BY DECLARATION RECORDED check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of the
the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the with no warranty of any kind. the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the JUNE 17, 1997 IN LIBER 4775, FOLIO 474, AND AS SHOWN purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase
purchase price to be paid in cash within ten days of ûnal Terms of Sale: A deposit of $10,000 in the form of certiûed purchase price to be paid in cash within ten days of ûnal ON A PLAT OF CONDOMINIUM SUBDIVISION ENTITLED price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money
ratiûcation of sale by the Circuit Court for Prince George9s check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of ratiûcation of sale by the Circuit Court for Prince George9s <GREENBRIAR CONDOMINIUM - PHASE II=, RECORDED IN at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or
County. Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase money the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the County. Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase money PLAT BOOK NLP 96 PLATS 93 THROUGH 100, INCLUSIVE, any modiûcations thereto, from the date of sale to the date
at the rate pursuant to the Deed of Trust Note from the date purchase price to be paid in cash within ten days of ûnal at the rate pursuant to the Deed of Trust Note from the date AMONG THE LAND RECORDS OF PRINCE GEORGE9S funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash
of sale to the date funds are received in the ofûce of the ratiûcation of sale by the Circuit Court for Prince George9s of sale to the date funds are received in the ofûce of the COUNTY, MARYLAND TOGETHER WITH THE FACILITIES within ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of the sale by the Circuit
Sub. Trustees. There will be no abatement of interest in County. Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase money Sub. Trustees. There will be no abatement of interest in AND OTHER APPURTENANCES OF SAID UNIT, WHICH UNIT Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the
the event additional funds are tendered before settlement at the rate pursuant to the Deed of Trust Note from the date the event additional funds are tendered before settlement AND APPURTENANCES HAVE BEEN MORE SPECIFICALLY purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before
or if settlement is delayed for any reason. The noteholder of sale to the date funds are received in the ofûce of the or if settlement is delayed for any reason. The noteholder DEFINED IN THE DECLARATION AFORESAID, AND INCLUDING settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER.
shall not be obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser. Sub. Trustees. There will be no abatement of interest in shall not be obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser. THE FEE IN AN UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN THE COMMON Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural
TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment the event additional funds are tendered before settlement TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment ELEMENTS OF SAID REGIME APPURTENANT TO SAID UNITS taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private
of all real property taxes, including agricultural taxes, if or if settlement is delayed for any reason. The noteholder of all real property taxes, including agricultural taxes, if AS SUCH INTEREST IS SET OUT AND DEFINED IN THE SAID charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive
applicable, and any and all public and/or private charges shall not be obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser. applicable, and any and all public and/or private charges DECLARATION AS THE SAME MAY BE LAWFULLY REVISED OR foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and
or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive AMENDED FROM TIME TO TIME. front foot beneût charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and
foreclosure sale, including water/sewer charges and ground of all real property taxes, including agricultural taxes, if foreclosure sale, including water/sewer charges and ground thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible
rent, to be adjusted to date of sale and paid at execution of applicable, and any and all public and/or private charges rent, to be adjusted to date of sale and paid at execution of Said property is subject to a prior mortgage. for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer
the deed, except where the secured party is the purchaser, or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive the deed, except where the secured party is the purchaser, taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser.
and thereafter assumed by the purchaser. Condominium foreclosure sale, including water/sewer charges and ground and thereafter assumed by the purchaser. Condominium The property will be sold in an <AS IS WHERE IS= The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the
fees and/or homeowners association dues, if any, shall rent, to be adjusted to date of sale and paid at execution of fees and/or homeowners association dues, if any, shall condition without either express or implied warranty or ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/
be assumed by the purchaser from the date of sale the deed, except where the secured party is the purchaser, be assumed by the purchaser from the date of sale representation, including but not limited to the description, or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed
forward. Cost of all documentary stamps, transfer taxes and thereafter assumed by the purchaser. Condominium forward. Cost of all documentary stamps, transfer taxes ûtness for a particular purpose or use, structural integrity, by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is
and settlement expenses shall be borne by the purchaser. fees and/or homeowners association dues, if any, shall and settlement expenses shall be borne by the purchaser. physical condition, construction, extent of construction, responsible for obtaining physical possession of the
Purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining physical be assumed by the purchaser from the date of sale Purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining physical workmanship, materials, liability, zoning, subdivision, property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property
possession of the property. Purchaser assumes the risk of forward. Cost of all documentary stamps, transfer taxes possession of the property. Purchaser assumes the risk of environmental condition, merchantability, compliance from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit
loss or damage to the property from the date of sale forward. and settlement expenses shall be borne by the purchaser. loss or damage to the property from the date of sale forward. with building or housing codes or other laws, ordinances of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including,
Additional terms to be announced at the time of sale. Purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining physical Additional terms to be announced at the time of sale. or regulations, or other similar matters, and subject to but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower
If the Sub. Trustees are unable to convey good and possession of the property. Purchaser assumes the risk of If the Sub. Trustees are unable to convey good and easements, agreements and restrictions of record which entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid
marketable title, the purchaser9s sole remedy in law and loss or damage to the property from the date of sale forward. marketable title, the purchaser9s sole remedy in law and affect the same, if any. The property will be sold subject to off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale
equity shall be limited to a refund of the deposit without Additional terms to be announced at the time of sale. equity shall be limited to a refund of the deposit without all conditions, liens, restrictions and agreements of record shall be null and void, and the Purchaser9s sole remedy,
interest. If the purchaser fails to go to settlement, the If the Sub. Trustees are unable to convey good and interest. If the purchaser fails to go to settlement, the affecting same including any condominium and of HOA in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without
deposit shall be forfeited, to the Trustees for application marketable title, the purchaser9s sole remedy in law and deposit shall be forfeited, to the Trustees for application assessments pursuant to Md Real Property Article 11-110. interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of
against all expenses, attorney9s fees and the full equity shall be limited to a refund of the deposit without against all expenses, attorney9s fees and the full ratiûcation, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that
commission on the sale price of the above-scheduled interest. If the purchaser fails to go to settlement, the commission on the sale price of the above-scheduled TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of $3,500.00 payable in property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub.
foreclosure sale. In the event of default, all expenses of this deposit shall be forfeited, to the Trustees for application foreclosure sale. In the event of default, all expenses of this certiûed check or by a cashier9s check will be required from Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by
sale (including attorney9s fees and the full commission on against all expenses, attorney9s fees and the full sale (including attorney9s fees and the full commission on purchaser at time of sale, balance in immediately available the purchaser9s default and purchaser shall have no further
the gross sale price of this sale) shall be charged against commission on the sale price of the above-scheduled the gross sale price of this sale) shall be charged against funds upon ûnal ratiûcation of sale by the Circuit Court of liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any
and paid out of the forfeited deposit. The Trustees may then foreclosure sale. In the event of default, all expenses of this and paid out of the forfeited deposit. The Trustees may then PRINCE GEORGE9S COUNTY, MARYLAND interest to be paid papers ûled in connection with its failure to settle within ten
re-advertise and resell the property at the risk and expense sale (including attorney9s fees and the full commission on re-advertise and resell the property at the risk and expense at the rate of 6% on unpaid purchase money from date of days of ratiûcation and expressly agrees to accept service
of the defaulting purchaser or may avail themselves of the gross sale price of this sale) shall be charged against of the defaulting purchaser or may avail themselves of sale to date of settlement. The secured party herein, if a by ûrst class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser
any legal or equitable remedies against the defaulting and paid out of the forfeited deposit. The Trustees may then any legal or equitable remedies against the defaulting bidder, shall not be required to post a deposit. Third party as identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted
purchaser without reselling the property. In the event of re-advertise and resell the property at the risk and expense purchaser without reselling the property. In the event of purchaser (excluding the secured party) will be required to purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds
a resale, the defaulting purchaser shall not be entitled to of the defaulting purchaser or may avail themselves of a resale, the defaulting purchaser shall not be entitled to complete full settlement of the purchase of the property resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from
receive the surplus, if any, even if such surplus results from any legal or equitable remedies against the defaulting receive the surplus, if any, even if such surplus results from within TEN (10) CALENDAR DAYS of the ratiûcation of the improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser.
improvements to the property by said defaulting purchaser purchaser without reselling the property. In the event of improvements to the property by said defaulting purchaser sale by the Circuit Court otherwise the purchaser9s deposit Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable
and the defaulting purchaser shall be liable to the Trustees a resale, the defaulting purchaser shall not be entitled to and the defaulting purchaser shall be liable to the Trustees shall be forfeited and the property will be resold at the risk title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratiûcation
and secured party for reasonable attorney9s fees and receive the surplus, if any, even if such surplus results from and secured party for reasonable attorney9s fees and and expense, of the defaulting purchaser. All other public of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the
expenses incurred in connection with all litigation involving improvements to the property by said defaulting purchaser expenses incurred in connection with all litigation involving charges and private charges or assessments, including Purchaser9s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the
the Property or the proceeds of the resale. Trustees9 ûle and the defaulting purchaser shall be liable to the Trustees the Property or the proceeds of the resale. Trustees9 ûle water/sewer charges, ground rent, taxes if any, to be deposit without interest. (Matter No. 316069-4)
number 22-000422-MD-F-1. and secured party for reasonable attorney9s fees and number 22-001868-MD-F-1. adjusted to date of sale. Cost of all documentary stamps and Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al.,
Diane S. Rosenberg, Mark D. Meyer, et al., expenses incurred in connection with all litigation involving Diane S. Rosenberg, Mark D. Meyer, et al., transfer taxes and all other costs incident to the settlement Substitute Trustees
Substitute Trustees the Property or the proceeds of the resale. Trustees9 ûle Substitute Trustees shall be borne by the purchaser. If applicable, condominium
number 23-000279-MD-F-1. and/or homeowner association dues and assessments will
Diane S. Rosenberg, Mark D. Meyer, et al., be adjusted to date of sale. If the sale is rescinded or not
Substitute Trustees ratiûed for any reason, including post sale lender audit, or
the Substitute Trustees are unable to convey insurable title
or a resale is to take place for any reason, the purchaser(s)
sole remedy in law or equity shall be limited to the refund of Sep 21,28,Oct 5 2023 0012435684
Sep 28,Oct 5,12 2023 0012436471 Sep 28,Oct 5,12 2023 0012436460 the aforementioned deposit. The purchaser waives all rights
and claims against the Substitute Trustees whether known
or unknown. These provisions shall survive settlement Upon
Sep 28,Oct 5,12 2023 0012436465 refund of the deposit, this sale shall be void and of no effect,
and the purchaser shall have no further claim against the
Substitute Trustees. The sale is subject to post-sale review
of the status of the loan and that if any agreement to cancel
Rosenberg & Associates, LLC Rosenberg & Associates, LLC the sale was entered into by the lender and borrower prior
4340 East West Highway, Suite 600 4340 East West Highway, Suite 600 to the sale then the sale is void and the purchaser9s deposit
Bethesda, MD 20814 Bethesda, MD 20814 shall be refunded without interest. Additional terms and
(301) 907-8000 Rosenberg & Associates, LLC (301) 907-8000 conditions, if applicable, maybe announced at the time BWW Law Group, LLC
www.rosenberg-assoc.com 4340 East West Highway, Suite 600 www.rosenberg-assoc.com and date of sale. Sale is subject to the attestation by the 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101
Bethesda, MD 20814 Borrower in accordance with Section 5.A of the Governor9s Rockville, MD 20852
SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES9 SALE (301) 907-8000 SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES9 SALE order of 10.16.2020 . File No. (19-15617 ) (301) 961-6555
Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust 10110 WOODVIEW DR. Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Substitute Trustees 2306 GREEN GINGER CIR.
from Ronald S. Ransom, Jr. dated July 26, 2016 and recorded BOWIE, MD 20721 from Gloria Rubio and Carlos Lazo Reyes dated June 9, ACCOKEEK, MD 20607
in Liber 38650, folio 415 among the Land Records of Prince 2006 and recorded in Liber 25722, folio 687 among the
George9s County, MD, default having occurred under the Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Land Records of Prince George9s County, MD, default having Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust
terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell at public auction at from Aliya Y. Canton dated December 29, 2011 and recorded occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell dated August 3, 2005, recorded in Liber 22690, Folio 258
the Circuit Court for Prince George9s County, 14735 Main St., in Liber 33256, folio 390 among the Land Records of Prince at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince George9s among the Land Records of Prince George9s County, MD,
Upper Marlboro, MD, 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located George9s County, MD, default having occurred under the County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, 20772 (Duval with an original principal balance of $436,000.00, default
on Main St.), on terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell at public auction at Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on Oct 5,12,19 2023 0012435723 having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees
the Circuit Court for Prince George9s County, 14735 Main St., will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince
OCTOBER 17, 2023 AT 11:10 AM Upper Marlboro, MD, 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located OCTOBER 17, 2023 AT 11:00 AM George9s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD,
on Main St.), on 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on
buildings and improvements thereon situated in Prince OCTOBER 17, 2023 AT 11:04 AM buildings and improvements thereon situated in Prince OCTOBER 10, 2023 AT 11:38 AM
George9s County, MD and more fully described in the George9s County, MD and more fully described in the
aforesaid Deed of Trust. Tax ID #05-0294843. ALL THAT FEE-SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with the aforesaid Deed of Trust. Tax ID #21-2327229. ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any
The property, which is improved by a dwelling, will be sold in buildings and improvements thereon situated in Prince The property, which is improved by a dwelling, will be sold in buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince
an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions George9s County, MD and more fully described in the an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions George9s County, MD and more fully described in the
and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and aforesaid Deed of Trust. Tax ID #13-3026119. and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and aforesaid Deed of Trust.
with no warranty of any kind. The property, which is improved by a dwelling, will be sold in with no warranty of any kind. The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in
Terms of Sale: A deposit of $29,000 in the form of certiûed an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions Terms of Sale: A deposit of $30,000 in the form of certiûed an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions
check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and
the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the with no warranty of any kind. the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the with no warranty of any kind.
purchase price to be paid in cash within ten days of ûnal Terms of Sale: A deposit of $45,000 in the form of certiûed purchase price to be paid in cash within ten days of ûnal Terms of Sale: A deposit of $36,000 in the form of certiûed
ratiûcation of sale by the Circuit Court for Prince George9s check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of ratiûcation of sale by the Circuit Court for Prince George9s check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of the
County. Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase money the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the County. Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase money purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase
at the rate pursuant to the Deed of Trust Note from the date purchase price to be paid in cash within ten days of ûnal at the rate pursuant to the Deed of Trust Note from the date price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money
of sale to the date funds are received in the ofûce of the ratiûcation of sale by the Circuit Court for Prince George9s of sale to the date funds are received in the ofûce of the at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or
Sub. Trustees. There will be no abatement of interest in County. Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase money Sub. Trustees. There will be no abatement of interest in any modiûcations thereto, from the date of sale to the date
the event additional funds are tendered before settlement at the rate pursuant to the Deed of Trust Note from the date the event additional funds are tendered before settlement funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash
or if settlement is delayed for any reason. The noteholder of sale to the date funds are received in the ofûce of the or if settlement is delayed for any reason. The noteholder within ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of the sale by the Circuit
shall not be obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser. Sub. Trustees. There will be no abatement of interest in shall not be obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser. Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the
TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment the event additional funds are tendered before settlement TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before
of all real property taxes, including agricultural taxes, if or if settlement is delayed for any reason. The noteholder of all real property taxes, including agricultural taxes, if settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER.
applicable, and any and all public and/or private charges shall not be obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser. applicable, and any and all public and/or private charges Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural

or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private
foreclosure sale, including water/sewer charges and ground of all real property taxes, including agricultural taxes, if foreclosure sale, including water/sewer charges and ground charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive
rent, to be adjusted to date of sale and paid at execution of applicable, and any and all public and/or private charges rent, to be adjusted to date of sale and paid at execution of State-of-the-art foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and
the deed, except where the secured party is the purchaser, or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive the deed, except where the secured party is the purchaser, front foot beneût charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and
and thereafter assumed by the purchaser. Condominium
fees and/or homeowners association dues, if any, shall
foreclosure sale, including water/sewer charges and ground
rent, to be adjusted to date of sale and paid at execution of
and thereafter assumed by the purchaser. Condominium
fees and/or homeowners association dues, if any, shall
PRINTING. thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible
for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer
be assumed by the purchaser from the date of sale the deed, except where the secured party is the purchaser, be assumed by the purchaser from the date of sale taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser.
forward. Cost of all documentary stamps, transfer taxes and thereafter assumed by the purchaser. Condominium forward. Cost of all documentary stamps, transfer taxes The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the
and settlement expenses shall be borne by the purchaser.
Purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining physical
fees and/or homeowners association dues, if any, shall
be assumed by the purchaser from the date of sale
and settlement expenses shall be borne by the purchaser.
Purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining physical Impeccable ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/
or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed
possession of the property. Purchaser assumes the risk of forward. Cost of all documentary stamps, transfer taxes possession of the property. Purchaser assumes the risk of by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is
loss or damage to the property from the date of sale forward. and settlement expenses shall be borne by the purchaser. loss or damage to the property from the date of sale forward. RESULTS. responsible for obtaining physical possession of the
Additional terms to be announced at the time of sale. Purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining physical Additional terms to be announced at the time of sale. property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property
If the Sub. Trustees are unable to convey good and possession of the property. Purchaser assumes the risk of If the Sub. Trustees are unable to convey good and from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit
marketable title, the purchaser9s sole remedy in law and loss or damage to the property from the date of sale forward. marketable title, the purchaser9s sole remedy in law and of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including,
equity shall be limited to a refund of the deposit without
interest. If the purchaser fails to go to settlement, the
Additional terms to be announced at the time of sale.
If the Sub. Trustees are unable to convey good and
equity shall be limited to a refund of the deposit without
interest. If the purchaser fails to go to settlement, the
How can we but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower
entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid
deposit shall be forfeited, to the Trustees for application
against all expenses, attorney9s fees and the full
marketable title, the purchaser9s sole remedy in law and
equity shall be limited to a refund of the deposit without
deposit shall be forfeited, to the Trustees for application
against all expenses, attorney9s fees and the full help YOU? off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale
shall be null and void, and the Purchaser9s sole remedy,
commission on the sale price of the above-scheduled interest. If the purchaser fails to go to settlement, the commission on the sale price of the above-scheduled in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without
foreclosure sale. In the event of default, all expenses of this deposit shall be forfeited, to the Trustees for application foreclosure sale. In the event of default, all expenses of this interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of
sale (including attorney9s fees and the full commission on against all expenses, attorney9s fees and the full sale (including attorney9s fees and the full commission on ratiûcation, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that
the gross sale price of this sale) shall be charged against commission on the sale price of the above-scheduled the gross sale price of this sale) shall be charged against property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub.
and paid out of the forfeited deposit. The Trustees may then foreclosure sale. In the event of default, all expenses of this and paid out of the forfeited deposit. The Trustees may then Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by
re-advertise and resell the property at the risk and expense sale (including attorney9s fees and the full commission on re-advertise and resell the property at the risk and expense the purchaser9s default and purchaser shall have no further
of the defaulting purchaser or may avail themselves of the gross sale price of this sale) shall be charged against of the defaulting purchaser or may avail themselves of liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any
any legal or equitable remedies against the defaulting and paid out of the forfeited deposit. The Trustees may then any legal or equitable remedies against the defaulting Booklets papers ûled in connection with its failure to settle within ten
purchaser without reselling the property. In the event of re-advertise and resell the property at the risk and expense purchaser without reselling the property. In the event of Brochures days of ratiûcation and expressly agrees to accept service
a resale, the defaulting purchaser shall not be entitled to of the defaulting purchaser or may avail themselves of a resale, the defaulting purchaser shall not be entitled to by ûrst class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser
receive the surplus, if any, even if such surplus results from any legal or equitable remedies against the defaulting receive the surplus, if any, even if such surplus results from as identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted
improvements to the property by said defaulting purchaser purchaser without reselling the property. In the event of improvements to the property by said defaulting purchaser
Posters purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds
and the defaulting purchaser shall be liable to the Trustees a resale, the defaulting purchaser shall not be entitled to and the defaulting purchaser shall be liable to the Trustees resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from
and secured party for reasonable attorney9s fees and receive the surplus, if any, even if such surplus results from and secured party for reasonable attorney9s fees and Flyers improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser.
expenses incurred in connection with all litigation involving improvements to the property by said defaulting purchaser expenses incurred in connection with all litigation involving Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable
the Property or the proceeds of the resale. Trustees9 ûle and the defaulting purchaser shall be liable to the Trustees the Property or the proceeds of the resale. Trustees9 ûle Business Cards title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratiûcation
number 22-000237-MD-F-2. and secured party for reasonable attorney9s fees and number 21-000147-MD-F-1. of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the
Diane S. Rosenberg, Mark D. Meyer, et al., expenses incurred in connection with all litigation involving The property will be sold subject to a 120 day right of Postcards Purchaser9s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the
Substitute Trustees the Property or the proceeds of the resale. Trustees9 ûle redemption by the Internal Revenue Service. deposit without interest. (Matter No. 353453-1)
number 22-002172-MD-F-1. Diane S. Rosenberg, Mark D. Meyer, et al., And More Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al.,
Diane S. Rosenberg, Mark D. Meyer, et al., Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustees
Substitute Trustees

Sep 28,Oct 5,12 2023 0012436467

Sep 28,Oct 5,12 2023 0012435719 Sep 21,28,Oct 5 2023 0012435685
Sep 28,Oct 5,12 2023 0012436461

A Division of The Washington Post

851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851
Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County 851 Prince Georges County
BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC
6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101
Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852
(301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555
Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust
dated October 9, 2007, recorded in Liber 29343, Folio 528 dated November 18, 2019, recorded in Liber 43338, Folio dated June 30, 2006, recorded in Liber 29483, Folio 468 dated May 7, 2004, recorded in Liber 19690, Folio 707 dated May 5, 2010, recorded in Liber 31678, Folio 546
among the Land Records of Prince George9s County, MD, 309 among the Land Records of Prince George9s County, among the Land Records of Prince George9s County, MD, among the Land Records of Prince George9s County, MD, and re-recorded in Liber 42852, Folio 93 among the Land
with an original principal balance of $400,000.00, default MD, with an original principal balance of $415,850.00, with an original principal balance of $247,500.00, default with an original principal balance of $138,000.00, default Records of Prince George9s County, MD, with an original
having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees default having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees principal balance of $90,000.00, default having occurred
will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell at public
George9s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, Prince George9s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, George9s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, George9s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, auction at the Circuit Court for Prince George9s County,
20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on MD, 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, 20772 (Duval Wing
entrance, located on Main St.), on
OCTOBER 10, 2023 AT 11:32 AM OCTOBER 10, 2023 AT 11:28 AM OCTOBER 10, 2023 AT 11:24 AM OCTOBER 10, 2023 AT 11:20 AM
OCTOBER 10, 2023 AT 11:14 AM
buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any
George9s County, MD and more fully described in the George9s County, MD and more fully described in the George9s County, MD and more fully described in the George9s County, MD and more fully described in the buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince
aforesaid Deed of Trust. aforesaid Deed of Trust. aforesaid Deed of Trust. aforesaid Deed of Trust. George9s County, MD and more fully described in the
The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in aforesaid Deed of Trust.
an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in
and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions
with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind. and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and
Terms of Sale: A deposit of $32,000 in the form of certiûed Terms of Sale: A deposit of $41,000 in the form of certiûed Terms of Sale: A deposit of $28,000 in the form of certiûed Terms of Sale: A deposit of $9,000 in the form of certiûed with no warranty of any kind.
check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of the check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of the check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of the check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of the Terms of Sale: A deposit of $6,000 in the form of certiûed
purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of the
price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase
at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money
any modiûcations thereto, from the date of sale to the date any modiûcations thereto, from the date of sale to the date any modiûcations thereto, from the date of sale to the date any modiûcations thereto, from the date of sale to the date at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or
funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash any modiûcations thereto, from the date of sale to the date
within ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of the sale by the Circuit within ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of the sale by the Circuit within ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of the sale by the Circuit within ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of the sale by the Circuit funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash
Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the within ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of the sale by the Circuit
purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the
settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before
Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER.
taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural
charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private
foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive
front foot beneût charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and front foot beneût charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and front foot beneût charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and front foot beneût charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and
thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible front foot beneût charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and
for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible
taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer
The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser.
ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the
or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/
by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed
responsible for obtaining physical possession of the responsible for obtaining physical possession of the responsible for obtaining physical possession of the responsible for obtaining physical possession of the by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is
property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property responsible for obtaining physical possession of the
from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property
of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit
but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including,
entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower
off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid
shall be null and void, and the Purchaser9s sole remedy, shall be null and void, and the Purchaser9s sole remedy, shall be null and void, and the Purchaser9s sole remedy, shall be null and void, and the Purchaser9s sole remedy, off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale
in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without shall be null and void, and the Purchaser9s sole remedy,
interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without
ratiûcation, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that ratiûcation, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that ratiûcation, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that ratiûcation, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of
property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. ratiûcation, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that
Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub.
the purchaser9s default and purchaser shall have no further the purchaser9s default and purchaser shall have no further the purchaser9s default and purchaser shall have no further the purchaser9s default and purchaser shall have no further Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by
liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any the purchaser9s default and purchaser shall have no further
papers ûled in connection with its failure to settle within ten papers ûled in connection with its failure to settle within ten papers ûled in connection with its failure to settle within ten papers ûled in connection with its failure to settle within ten liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any
days of ratiûcation and expressly agrees to accept service days of ratiûcation and expressly agrees to accept service days of ratiûcation and expressly agrees to accept service days of ratiûcation and expressly agrees to accept service papers ûled in connection with its failure to settle within ten
by ûrst class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser by ûrst class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser by ûrst class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser by ûrst class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser days of ratiûcation and expressly agrees to accept service
as identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted as identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted as identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted as identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted by ûrst class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser
purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds as identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted
resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds
improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from
Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser.
title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratiûcation title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratiûcation title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratiûcation title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratiûcation Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable
of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratiûcation
Purchaser9s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the Purchaser9s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the Purchaser9s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the Purchaser9s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the
deposit without interest. (Matter No. 84278-1) deposit without interest. (Matter No. 355507-1) deposit without interest. (Matter No. 54207-1) deposit without interest. (Matter No. 359374-1) Purchaser9s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the
Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., deposit without interest. (Matter No. 353555-1)
Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustees Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al.,
Substitute Trustees

Sep 21,28,Oct 5 2023 0012435681 Sep 21,28,Oct 5 2023 0012435678 Sep 21,28,Oct 5 2023 0012435676 Sep 21,28,Oct 5 2023 0012435674
Sep 21,28,Oct 5 2023 0012435670

BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC
6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 BWW Law Group, LLC
Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101
(301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555 Rockville, MD 20852
(301) 961-6555
BOWIE, MD 20721
Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust
dated October 14, 2009, recorded in Liber 31099, Folio 379 dated September 13, 2016, recorded in Liber 38861, Folio dated April 15, 2003, recorded in Liber 17420, Folio 165 dated June 6, 2022, recorded in Liber 47844, Folio 193 Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust
among the Land Records of Prince George9s County, MD, 326 among the Land Records of Prince George9s County, among the Land Records of Prince George9s County, MD, among the Land Records of Prince George9s County, MD, dated July 25, 2006, recorded in Liber 28526, Folio 561
with an original principal balance of $297,470.00, default MD, with an original principal balance of $266,000.00, with an original principal balance of $191,173.00, default with an original principal balance of $280,721.00, default among the Land Records of Prince George9s County, MD,
having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees default having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees with an original principal balance of $412,000.00, default
will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees
George9s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, Prince George9s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, George9s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, George9s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince
20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on MD, 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on George9s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD,
20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on
OCTOBER 10, 2023 AT 11:34 AM OCTOBER 10, 2023 AT 11:30 AM OCTOBER 10, 2023 AT 11:26 AM OCTOBER 10, 2023 AT 11:22 AM
OCTOBER 10, 2023 AT 11:16 AM
buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any
George9s County, MD and more fully described in the George9s County, MD and more fully described in the George9s County, MD and more fully described in the George9s County, MD and more fully described in the buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince
aforesaid Deed of Trust. aforesaid Deed of Trust. aforesaid Deed of Trust. aforesaid Deed of Trust. George9s County, MD and more fully described in the
The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in aforesaid Deed of Trust.
an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in
and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions
with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind. and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and
Terms of Sale: A deposit of $24,000 in the form of certiûed Terms of Sale: A deposit of $24,000 in the form of certiûed Terms of Sale: A deposit of $13,000 in the form of certiûed Terms of Sale: A deposit of $28,000 in the form of certiûed with no warranty of any kind.
check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of the check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of the check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of the check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of the Terms of Sale: A deposit of $40,000 in the form of certiûed
purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of the
price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase
at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money
any modiûcations thereto, from the date of sale to the date any modiûcations thereto, from the date of sale to the date any modiûcations thereto, from the date of sale to the date any modiûcations thereto, from the date of sale to the date at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or
funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash any modiûcations thereto, from the date of sale to the date
within ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of the sale by the Circuit within ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of the sale by the Circuit within ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of the sale by the Circuit within ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of the sale by the Circuit funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash
Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the within ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of the sale by the Circuit
purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the
settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before
Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER.
taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural
charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private
foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive
front foot beneût charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and front foot beneût charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and front foot beneût charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and front foot beneût charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and
thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible front foot beneût charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and
for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible
taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer
The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser.
ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the
or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/
by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed
responsible for obtaining physical possession of the responsible for obtaining physical possession of the responsible for obtaining physical possession of the responsible for obtaining physical possession of the by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is
property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property responsible for obtaining physical possession of the
from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property
of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit
but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including,
entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower
off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid
shall be null and void, and the Purchaser9s sole remedy, shall be null and void, and the Purchaser9s sole remedy, shall be null and void, and the Purchaser9s sole remedy, shall be null and void, and the Purchaser9s sole remedy, off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale
in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without shall be null and void, and the Purchaser9s sole remedy,
interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without
ratiûcation, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that ratiûcation, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that ratiûcation, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that ratiûcation, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of
property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. ratiûcation, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that
Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub.
the purchaser9s default and purchaser shall have no further the purchaser9s default and purchaser shall have no further the purchaser9s default and purchaser shall have no further the purchaser9s default and purchaser shall have no further Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by
liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any the purchaser9s default and purchaser shall have no further
papers ûled in connection with its failure to settle within ten papers ûled in connection with its failure to settle within ten papers ûled in connection with its failure to settle within ten papers ûled in connection with its failure to settle within ten liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any
days of ratiûcation and expressly agrees to accept service days of ratiûcation and expressly agrees to accept service days of ratiûcation and expressly agrees to accept service days of ratiûcation and expressly agrees to accept service papers ûled in connection with its failure to settle within ten
by ûrst class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser by ûrst class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser by ûrst class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser by ûrst class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser days of ratiûcation and expressly agrees to accept service
as identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted as identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted as identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted as identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted by ûrst class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser
purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds as identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted
resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds
improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from
Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser.
title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratiûcation title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratiûcation title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratiûcation title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratiûcation Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable
of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratiûcation
Purchaser9s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the Purchaser9s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the Purchaser9s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the Purchaser9s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the
deposit without interest. (Matter No. 356787-1) deposit without interest. (Matter No. 356296-2) deposit without interest. (Matter No. 342604-4) deposit without interest. (Matter No. 361411-1) Purchaser9s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the
Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., deposit without interest. (Matter No. 352065-1)
Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustees Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al.,
Substitute Trustees

Sep 21,28,Oct 5 2023 0012435683 Sep 21,28,Oct 5 2023 0012435680 Sep 21,28,Oct 5 2023 0012435677 Sep 21,28,Oct 5 2023 0012435675
Sep 21,28,Oct 5 2023 0012435671
Prince Georges County 851 Prince Georges County 851 Prince Georges County 851
Prince Georges County 852
Anne Arundel County 852
Anne Arundel County 853
Calvert County 853
Calvert County 873
Prince William County 873
Prince William County
BWW Law Group, LLC Brock and Scott, PLLC Samuel I. White, P.C. Brock and Scott, PLLC NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SALE
262 Manassas Drive, Manassas Park, VA 20111
6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 5431 Oleander Drive 448 VIKING DRIVE, SUITE 350 5431 Oleander Drive
Rockville, MD 20852 Wilmington NC, 28403 VIRIGINA BEACH, VA 23452 Wilmington NC, 28403 By virtue of the power and authority contained in a Deed of Trust dated
April 20, 2004 and recorded at Instrument Number 200404290072193
(301) 961-6555 in the Clerk9s Ofûce for the Prince William County Virginia Circuit
SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES9 SALE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES9 SALE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES9 SALE OF Court, Virginia, securing a loan which was originally $151,000.00. The
appointed SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE, Commonwealth Trustees, LLC will
OF REAL PROPERTY AND ANY KNOWN AS KNOWN AS KNOWN AS for Prince William County located at 9311 Lee Avenue, Manassas, VA
IMPROVEMENTS THEREON 7213 HUCKLEBERRY CT 1712 Shady Side Drive 4010 Sixes Rd November 03, 2023 at 1:00 PM
Clinton, MD 20735 Edgewater, MD 21037 Prince Frederick, MD 20678 improved real property, with an abbreviated legal description of the
following described property, to wit:
5010 WHEELER RD. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a
OXON HILL, MD 20745 certain Deed of Trust to CAROL R. LEET, Trustee(s), dated certain Deed of Trust to LARRY RICE, Trustee(s), dated certain Deed of Trust to , Trustee(s), dated December 31, LOT 748, SECTION 3, MANASSAS PARK, AS THE SAME APPEARS
December 15, 2005, and recorded among the Land Records May 24, 2002, and recorded among the Land Records of 1969, and recorded among the Land Records of CALVERT AT PAGE 414 AMONG THE LAND RECORDS OF PRINCE WILLIAM
Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust of PRINCE GEORGE9S COUNTY, MARYLAND in Liber 24080 ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY, MARYLAND in Liber 12561, folio COUNTY, MARYLAND in Liber 5644 , folio 748 , 07/15/2020 COUNTY, VIRGINIA. SUPPLEMENTAL DEDICATION RECORDED IN
dated February 28, 2006, recorded in Liber 24783, Folio 46 , folio 151 , the holder of the indebtedness secured by 144, the holder of the indebtedness secured by this Deed the holder of the indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust CONVEYED TO COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA RECORDED IN
among the Land Records of Prince George9s County, MD, this Deed of Trust having appointed the undersigned of Trust having appointed the undersigned Substitute having appointed the undersigned Substitute Trustees, DEED BOOK 422 AT PAGE 447.
AND as more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust.
with an original principal balance of $252,000.00, default Substitute Trustees, by instrument duly recorded among Trustees, by instrument duly recorded among the aforesaid by instrument duly recorded among the aforesaid Land
having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees the aforesaid Land Records, default having occurred under Land Records, default having occurred under the terms Records, default having occurred under the terms thereof, TERMS OF SALE: The property will be sold <AS IS,= WITHOUT REPRE-
will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince the terms thereof, and at the request of the party secured thereof, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the and at the request of the party secured thereby, the SENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND AND SUBJECT TO conditions,
restrictions, reservations, easements, rights of way, and all other mat-
George9s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, thereby, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at public undersigned Substitute Trustee will offer for sale at public ters of record taking priority over the Deed of Trust to be announced
20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on sale at public auction at THE PRINCE GEORGE9S COUNTY auction at THE ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY COURTHOUSE auction at THE CALVERT COUNTY COURTHOUSE LOCATED AT at the time of sale. A deposit of $20,000 or 10% of the sale price,
whichever is lower, will be required at the time of sale, in the form of
COURTHOUSE LOCATED AT FRONT OF THE DUVAL WING LOCATED AT 8 CHURCH CIR, ANNAPOLIS, MD 21401 ON, 175 MAIN ST, PRINCE FREDERICK, MD 20678 ON, certiûed check, cashier9s check or money order by the purchaser. The
OCTOBER 10, 2023 AT 11:10 AM OF THE COURTHOUSE COMPLEX 14735 MAIN ST, UPPER OCTOBER 16, 2023 at 10:00 AM OCTOBER 23, 2023 at 2:00 PM balance of the purchase price, with interest at the rate contained in
the Deed of Trust Note from the date of sale to the date said funds are
MARLBORO, MD 20772 ON, ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND and improvements ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND and improvements received in the ofûce of the SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE, will be due within
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any OCTOBER 23, 2023 at 9:45 AM thereon situated in ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY, MD and thereon situated in CALVERT COUNTY, MD and described as ûfteen (15) days of sale. In the event of default by the successful bid-
der, the entire deposit shall be forfeited and applied to the costs and
buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND and improvements described as follows: follows: expenses of sale and Substitute Trustee9s fee. All other public charges
George9s County, MD and more fully described in the thereon situated in PRINCE GEORGE9S COUNTY, MD and or assessments, including water/sewer charges, whether incurred pri-
or to or after the sale, and all other costs incident to settlement to be
aforesaid Deed of Trust. described as follows: BEING KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS LOTS 3461, 3462 AND BEGINNING FOR THE SAME AT A POINT ON THE SOUTH SIDE paid by the purchaser. In the event taxes, any other public charges
The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in 3463, AS SHOWN ON A PLAT ENTITLED <SECOND MAP OF OF AFORESAID PUBLIC ROAD LEADING FROM BOWENS TO have been advanced, a credit will be due to the seller, to be adjusted
from the date of sale at the time of settlement. Purchaser agrees to
an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions LOT 26 BLOCK BB, AS SHOWN ON A PLAT ENTITLED <PLAT WOODLAND BEACH, DISTRICT NUMBER ONE, ANNE ARUNDEL MUTUAL ON DIVISION LINE BETWEEN THE LAND OF ROSE pay the seller9s attorneys at settlement, a fee of $470.00 for review of
and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and OF CORRECTION, PLAT ELEVEN , SUMMIT CREEK=, AS PER COUNTY, MARYLAND, SHEET NO. 2=, NOW RECORDED L. HOOPER AND THE LAND HEREBY INTENDED TO BE the settlement documents.
Additional terms will be announced at the time of sale and the suc-
with no warranty of any kind. PLAT THEREOF RECORDED AMONG THE LAND RECORDS OF AMONG THE LAND RECORDS OF ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY, IN CONVEYED, AND RUNNING WITH THE SAID HOOPER9S LAND cessful bidder will be required to execute and deliver to the Substitute
Terms of Sale: A deposit of $20,000 in the form of certiûed PRINCE GEORGE9S COUNTY, MARYLAND IN PLAT BOOK 160, PLAT BOOK 8 FOLIO 13, SAID LOTS BEING LOCATED ON THE AND NORMAN A. BOWEN9S LAND IN A SOUTHWESTERLY Trustees a memorandum or contract of the sale at the conclusion of
check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of the PLAT NO. 77 WEST SIDE OF SHADY SIDE DRIVE, AS SHOWN ON SAID PLAT. DIRECTION, 74 YARDS TO A STONE, THENCE RUNNING IN
purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase A SOUTHERLY DIRECTION, 15 YARDS TO A STONE, THENCE FOR INFORMATION CONTACT
Rosenberg & Associates, LLC
price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money Said property is subject to a prior mortgage. THE PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO A PRIOR MORTGAGE. IF RUNNING IN AN EASTERLY DIRECTION, 65 YARDS TO A STONE (Attorney for the Secured Party)
at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or AVAILABLE THE AMOUNT WILL BE ANNOUNCED AT THE TIME PLANTED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF A ROAD LEADING FROM 4340 East West Highway, Suite 600
Bethesda, MD 20814
any modiûcations thereto, from the date of sale to the date The property will be sold in an <AS IS WHERE IS= OF THE SALE THE PUBLIC ROAD AFORESAID TO BATTLE CREEK, THENCE 301-907-8000
funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash condition without either express or implied warranty or WITH THE SAID ROAD IN NORTHWESTERLY DIRECTION, www.rosenberg-assoc.com
within ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of the sale by the Circuit representation, including but not limited to the description, The property will be sold in an <AS IS WHERE IS= 65 YARDS TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING Oct 5,12 2023 0012433592
Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the ûtness for a particular purpose or use, structural integrity, condition without either express or implied warranty or THREE-QUARTERS OF AN ACRE (3/4), MORE OR LESS.
purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before physical condition, construction, extent of construction, representation, including but not limited to the description, IMPROVEMENTS THEREON KNOWN AS 4010 SIXES ROAD,
settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. workmanship, materials, liability, zoning, subdivision, ûtness for a particular purpose or use, structural integrity, PRINCE FREDERICK, MD 20678 NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SALE
Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural environmental condition, merchantability, compliance physical condition, construction, extent of construction, 8147 Community Drive, Manassas, VA 20109
taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private with building or housing codes or other laws, ordinances workmanship, materials, liability, zoning, subdivision, The property will be sold in an <AS IS WHERE IS= By virtue of the power and authority contained in a Deed of Trust
charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive or regulations, or other similar matters, and subject to environmental condition, merchantability, compliance condition without either express or implied warranty or dated December 14, 2018 and recorded at Instrument Number
foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and easements, agreements and restrictions of record which with building or housing codes or other laws, ordinances representation, including but not limited to the description, 201812170089434 in the Clerk9s Ofûce for the Prince William Coun-
ty Virginia Circuit Court, Virginia, securing a loan which was originally
front foot beneût charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and affect the same, if any. The property will be sold subject to or regulations, or other similar matters, and subject to ûtness for a particular purpose or use, structural integrity, $126,750.00. The appointed SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE, Commonwealth
thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible all conditions, liens, restrictions and agreements of record easements, agreements and restrictions of record which physical condition, construction, extent of construction, Trustees, LLC will offer for sale at public auction at the front steps of
the Circuit Court for Prince William County located at 9311 Lee Avenue,
for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer affecting same including any condominium and of HOA affect the same, if any. The property will be sold subject to workmanship, materials, liability, zoning, subdivision, Manassas, VA 20110.
taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. assessments pursuant to Md Real Property Article 11-110. all conditions, liens, restrictions and agreements of record environmental condition, merchantability, compliance November 03, 2023 at 1:00 PM
improved real property, with an abbreviated legal description of the
The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the affecting same including any condominium and of HOA with building or housing codes or other laws, ordinances following described property, to wit:
ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of $5,000.00 payable in assessments pursuant to Md Real Property Article 11-110. or regulations, or other similar matters, and subject to All of Lot Twelve (12) IRONGATE, Section 4-A, as the same is duly
or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed certiûed check or by a cashier9s check will be required from easements, agreements and restrictions of record which dedicated, platted and recorded in Deed Book 530 at page 71 and
by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is purchaser at time of sale, balance in immediately available TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of $20,000.00 PAYABLE ONLY BY affect the same, if any. The property will be sold subject to corrected in Deed Book 533 at Page 104, among the land records
of Prince William County, Virginia.
responsible for obtaining physical possession of the funds upon ûnal ratiûcation of sale by the Circuit Court of certiûed funds, shall be required at the time of sale. CASH all conditions, liens, restrictions and agreements of record
property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property PRINCE GEORGE9S COUNTY, MARYLAND interest to be paid WILL NOT BE AN ACCEPTABLE FORM OF DEPOSIT. The balance affecting same including any condominium and of HOA AND as more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust.
from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit at the rate of 10.88% on unpaid purchase money from date of the purchase price with interest at 8.125% per annum from assessments pursuant to Md Real Property Article 11-110. TERMS OF SALE: The property will be sold <AS IS,= WITHOUT REPRE-
of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, of sale to date of settlement. The secured party herein, if a the date of sale to the date of payment will be paid within SENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND AND SUBJECT TO conditions,
but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower bidder, shall not be required to post a deposit. Third party TEN DAYS after the ûnal ratiûcation of the sale. There will be TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of $19,500.00 payable in restrictions, reservations, easements, rights of way, and all other mat-
ters of record taking priority over the Deed of Trust to be announced
entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid purchaser (excluding the secured party) will be required to no abatement of interest for any reason. Adjustments on all certiûed check or by a cashier9s check will be required from at the time of sale. A deposit of $20,000 or 10% of the sale price,
off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale complete full settlement of the purchase of the property taxes, public charges and special or regular assessments purchaser at time of sale, balance in immediately available whichever is lower, will be required at the time of sale, in the form of
certiûed check, cashier9s check or money order by the purchaser. The
shall be null and void, and the Purchaser9s sole remedy, within TEN (10) CALENDAR DAYS of the ratiûcation of the will be made as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed funds upon ûnal ratiûcation of sale by the Circuit Court balance of the purchase price, with interest at the rate contained in
in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without sale by the Circuit Court otherwise the purchaser9s deposit by purchaser. There will be no abatement of taxes, public of CALVERT COUNTY, MARYLAND interest to be paid at the the Deed of Trust Note from the date of sale to the date said funds are
received in the ofûce of the SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE, will be due within
interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of shall be forfeited and the property will be resold at the risk charges and special or regular assessments for any reason. rate of 2.875 % on unpaid purchase money from date of ûfteen (15) days of sale. In the event of default by the successful bid-
ratiûcation, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that and expense, of the defaulting purchaser. All other public If applicable, condominium and/or homeowner association sale to date of settlement. The secured party herein, if a der, the entire deposit shall be forfeited and applied to the costs and
expenses of sale and Substitute Trustee9s fee. All other public charges
property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. charges and private charges or assessments, including dues and assessments that may become due after the bidder, shall not be required to post a deposit. Third party or assessments, including water/sewer charges, whether incurred pri-
Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by water/sewer charges, ground rent, taxes if any, to be time of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser. purchaser (excluding the secured party) will be required to or to or after the sale, and all other costs incident to settlement to be
paid by the purchaser. In the event taxes, any other public charges
the purchaser9s default and purchaser shall have no further adjusted to date of sale. Cost of all documentary stamps and Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps, complete full settlement of the purchase of the property have been advanced, a credit will be due to the seller, to be adjusted
liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any transfer taxes and all other costs incident to the settlement transfer taxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident within TEN (10) CALENDAR DAYS of the ratiûcation of the from the date of sale at the time of settlement. Purchaser agrees to
pay the seller9s attorneys at settlement, a fee of $470.00 for review of
papers ûled in connection with its failure to settle within ten shall be borne by the purchaser. If applicable, condominium to settlement are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of sale by the Circuit Court otherwise the purchaser9s deposit the settlement documents.
days of ratiûcation and expressly agrees to accept service and/or homeowner association dues and assessments will the essence for the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be shall be forfeited and the property will be resold at the risk Additional terms will be announced at the time of sale and the suc-
cessful bidder will be required to execute and deliver to the Substitute
by ûrst class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser be adjusted to date of sale. If the sale is rescinded or not forfeited, and the property may be resold at risk and costs and expense, of the defaulting purchaser. All other public Trustees a memorandum or contract of the sale at the conclusion of
as identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted ratiûed for any reason, including post sale lender audit, or of the defaulting purchaser and the purchaser agrees to charges and private charges or assessments, including bidding.
purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds the Substitute Trustees are unable to convey insurable title pay reasonable attorneys9 fees for the Substitute trustees, water/sewer charges, ground rent, taxes if any, to be FOR INFORMATION CONTACT
resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from or a resale is to take place for any reason, the purchaser(s) plus all cost incurred, if the Substitute Trustee9s have ûled adjusted to date of sale. Cost of all documentary stamps and Rosenberg & Associates, LLC
(Attorney for the Secured Party)
improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. sole remedy in law or equity shall be limited to the refund of the appropriate motion with the Court to resell the property. transfer taxes and all other costs incident to the settlement 4340 East West Highway, Suite 600
Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable the aforementioned deposit. The purchaser waives all rights The purchasers waives personal service of any papers ûled shall be borne by the purchaser. If applicable, condominium Bethesda, MD 20814
title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratiûcation and claims against the Substitute Trustees whether known in connection with such a motion and expressly agrees to and/or homeowner association dues and assessments will www.rosenberg-assoc.com
of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the or unknown. These provisions shall survive settlement Upon The purchaser agrees to accept service by ûrst class mail be adjusted to date of sale. If the sale is rescinded or not Oct 5,12 2023 0012433383
Purchaser9s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the refund of the deposit, this sale shall be void and of no effect, at the address provided by the Purchaser as identiûed on ratiûed for any reason, including post sale lender audit, or 877 265
deposit without interest. (Matter No. 360531-1) and the purchaser shall have no further claim against the the Memorandum of Sale. If the sale is not ratiûed or if the the Substitute Trustees are unable to convey insurable title Spotsylvania County Home & Garden
Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Substitute Trustees. The sale is subject to post-sale review Substitute Trustees are unable to convey marketable title in or a resale is to take place for any reason, the purchaser(s) TRUSTEE SALE Eliminate gutter cleaning forever!
Substitute Trustees of the status of the loan and that if any agreement to cancel accord with these terms of sale, the purchaser9s only remedy sole remedy in law or equity shall be limited to the refund of 5500 Peters Lane, LeafFilter, the most advanced
Fredericksburg, VA 22407 debris-blocking gutter protection.
the sale was entered into by the lender and borrower prior is return of the deposit. the aforementioned deposit. The purchaser waives all rights Spotsylvania County Schedule a FREE LeafFilter estimate
to the sale then the sale is void and the purchaser9s deposit The sale is subject to post-sale conûrmation and audit and claims against the Substitute Trustees whether known today. 15% off Entire Purchase.
In execution of a Deed of Trust 10% Senior & Military Discounts.
shall be refunded without interest. Additional terms and of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, or unknown. These provisions shall survive settlement Upon in the original principal amount Call 1-844-566-3227.
conditions, if applicable, maybe announced at the time but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower refund of the deposit, this sale shall be void and of no effect, of $153,468.00, dated January
and date of sale. Sale is subject to the attestation by the entered into a repayment agreement, reinstated, or paid and the purchaser shall have no further claim against the
15, 2009 recorded in the Clerk9s
Ofûce of the Circuit Court of the Dogs for Sale
Borrower in accordance with Section 5.A of the Governor9s off the loan prior to sale. In any such event, this sale shall Substitute Trustees. The sale is subject to post-sale review Spotsylvania County, Virginia,
in Document No. 200900001411,
Sep 21,28,Oct 5 2023 0012435668 order of 10.16.2020 . File No. (21-05133 ) be null and void, and the Purchaser9s sol remedy, in law or of the status of the loan and that if any agreement to cancel at the request of the holder of
equity, shall be the return of the deposit without interest. the sale was entered into by the lender and borrower prior the Note, the undersigned Sub-
stitute Trustee will offer for sale
Trustee9s File No. (79136) to the sale then the sale is void and the purchaser9s deposit at public auction at the entrance BERNEDOODLES 10 weeks old,
JOHN ANSELL, JEREMY B. WILKINS, shall be refunded without interest. Additional terms and to the Spotsylvania County Judi- 1st shots, dewormed, 5 available,
$800. call or text 540-229-8944
ROBERT A. OLIVERI, AMANDA DRISCOLE, Robert A. Jones, et al SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES conditions, if applicable, maybe announced at the time cial Center, 9107 Judicial Center
Lane, Spotsylvania, on Novem- rjy1953@gmail.com
PAUL HEINMULLER, and date of sale. Sale is subject to the attestation by the ber 7, 2023 at 9:00 AM the
Substitute Trustees Borrower in accordance with Section 5.A of the Governor9s property described in said deed,
located at the above address and
A181, A316, A311, A183, A425, A426, A461, A463, A508 order of 10.16.2020 . File No. (22-02247 ) brieûy described as:
Lot 20, Section 1, Oak Grove
Terrace, with any improve-
AKC registered. $2500 per puppy.
Subject to any and all cove-
ROBERT A. OLIVERI, AMANDA DRISCOLE, nants, conditions, restrictions, Ready after Oct 16. Vet checked,
wormed. Call / text 540-560-6792
PAUL HEINMULLER, JOHN C. HANRAHAN, easements, and all other
matters of record taking pri-
KRISTOPHER HAWKINS, ority over the Deed of Trust,
BWW Law Group, LLC Substitute Trustees if any, affecting the aforesaid
6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 Oct 5,12,19 2023 0012435329 property.
Rockville, MD 20852 856 856 Sep 28,Oct 5,12 2023 0012433943 TERMS OF SALE: CASH: A de-
posit of $20,000.00 or 10% of the BOSON TERRIER Females Pups
(301) 961-6555 Frederick County Frederick County 851 851 sales price, whichever is lower, 8 weeks old, CKC, $750. Call or text
Prince Georges County Prince Georges County cash or certiûed check will be
required at the time of sale, but
no more than $10,000.00 of cash
PRINCE GEORGE9S COUNTY, will be accepted, with settlement
OF REAL PROPERTY AND ANY MARYLAND MARYLAND within ûfteen (15) days from the
IMPROVEMENTS THEREON date of sale. Sale is subject to
Robertson, Anschutz, Schneid & Crane, LLC
James E. Clarke, et al.
Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustee, Oct 5,12,19 2023 0012436204 post sale conûrmation that the
borrower did not ûle for protec- CAVALIER KING CHARLES
4306 SHELL ST. 11350 McCormick Road, EP 1, Suite 302 Plaintiffs Plaintiff,
852 852 tion under the U.S. Bankruptcy Puppies, colors 3 black and tan,
CAPITOL HEIGHTS, MD 20743 Hunt Valley, MD 21031 v. v.
Anne Arundel County Anne Arundel County Code prior to the sale which af-
fects the validity of the sale, as
1 ruby, ready Nov. 1st $2500
Call or text 540-974-5777
470-321-7112 Robert Joseph Chapin AKA DORETHA V JOHNSON, et al,
well as to post-sale conûrmation
Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Robert J Chapin Defendants.
of the status of the loan with
the loan servicer including, but
dated May 14, 2007, recorded in Liber 28048, Folio 679 TRUSTEES9 SALE OF Defendant(s) Richard E. Solomon, et al. Richard E. Solomon, et al. not limited to, determination of
Case No. C-16-CV-23-000197 Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustees
among the Land Records of Prince George9s County, MD, VALUABLE FEE SIMPLE PROPERTY Civil No.
whether the borrower entered
into any repayment agreement,
with an original principal balance of $270,000.00, default KNOWN AS C-16-CV-23-002629 NOTICE Versus Versus reinstated or paid off the loan COCKAPOO PUPS- 6-8mo old, male
and female available. Buff, black, and
Notice is hereby issued this
having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees 2410 ELLSWORTH WAY, UNIT 2B NOTICE PURSUANT TO 3 day of October, 2023, that Shawn Brady Michael K. Moody
prior to the sale. In any such
event, the sale shall be null and black and white spotted, fully vacci-
will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince FREDERICK, MD 21702 MD RULE 14-215 (A) the sale of the property in this Defendant Defendant void, and the Purchaser9s sole nated and dewormed, 2 year health
guar, additional training and spayed/
George9s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, Under a power of sale contained in that Deed of Trust dated ORDERED, by the Circuit Court
for Prince George9s County, ROAD LANHAM, MD 20706, No. C-02-CV-23-000181 No. C-02-CV-23-001103
remedy, in law or equity, shall be
the return of his deposit without neutered packages as well as ground
20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on June 16, 2008, and recorded in Liber 7013, folio 0553, of Maryland, this 18 day of Sep- reported by Jennifer Deardorff, interest. Additional terms may delivery available Email
tember, 2023, that the fore- Attorney for the Substitute Trust- NOTICE NOTICE be announced at the time of drkellyb@aol.com text 540-808-8042
the land records of FREDERICK COUNTY , with an original closure sale of the property ee, be ratiûed and conûrmed, Notice is hereby issued this Notice is hereby issued this sale. Pursuant to the Federal Fair
OCTOBER 10, 2023 AT 11:12 AM principal balance of $193,857.00, default having occurred described in the deed of trust unless cause to the contrary
be shown on or before the 3
Thursday, September 28, 2023
that the sale of the property
Thursday, September 21, 2023
that the sale of the property
Debt Collection Practices Act,
docketed herein and located at we advise you that this ûrm is a
under the terms thereof, the appointed Substitute Trustees 500 69th St, Capitol Heights, day of November, 2023, pro- in the proceedings mentioned, in the proceedings mentioned, debt collector attempting to col-
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any will offer for sale at public auction at THE FREDERICK MD 20743 made and reported vided a copy of this Notice be made and reported by Rich- made and reported by Kevin lect the indebtedness referred
buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince COUNTY COURTHOUSE LOCATED AT 100 W. PATRICK ST, by James E. Clarke, Christine M.
Drexel and Joanna Foronda, Sub-
inserted in Washington Post, a
newspaper published in Prince
ard J. Rogers, BE RATIFIED AND
CONFIRMED, unless cause to the
Hildebeidel, BE RATIFIED AND
CONFIRMED, unless cause to the
to herein and any information
we obtain will be used for that DOBERMAN PINSCHER - AKC reg, 10
George9s County, MD and more fully described in the FREDERICK, MD 21701 ON, stitute Trustees, be RATIFIED and George9s County, Maryland, once contrary thereof be shown on or contrary thereof be shown on or purpose. mo old lrg male, black & rust, basic
obedience trained, exc home protec-
aforesaid Deed of Trust. OCTOBER 24, 2023 at 10:15 AM CONFIRMED, unless cause to the
contrary be shown on or before
in each of three (3) successive
weeks on or before the 3 day
before the 30th day of October
2023 next; provided, a copy of
before the 23rd day of October
2023 next; provided, a copy of SAMUEL I. WHITE, P.C., tion. $3500. Call/text 304-433-4444
The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND together with any the 18 day of October, 2023; of November, 2023. The report this Notice be inserted in some this Notice be inserted in some Substitute Trustee or vandaliakennel@frontier.com
an <as is= condition and subject to conditions, restrictions buildings or improvements thereon situated in FREDERICK provided a copy of this Order
be inserted in THE WASHINGTON
states the amount of sale to be
newspaper published in Anne
Arundel County, once in each of
newspaper published in Anne
Arundel County, once in each of This is a communication from a
and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and COUNTY, MD, located at the above address and more fully POST, once in each of three (3) three successive weeks before three successive weeks before debt collector.
with no warranty of any kind. described in the aforementioned Deed of Trust. successive weeks before the 18
day of October, 2023. The Re-
Mahasin El Amin
Clerk #769
the 30th day of October 2023
next. The report states that the
the 23rd day of October 2023
next. The report states that the
SAMUEL I. WHITE, P.C. (17880)
Terms of Sale: A deposit of $13,000 in the form of certiûed port of Sale states the amount of Oct 5,12,19 2023 0012438025
amount of sale of the property at amount of sale of the property 448 Viking Drive Suite 350 French Bulldog Puppies,
check, cashier9s check or money order will be required of the TAX ID# - 02-186144 the sale at $117,000.00. 8725 AUTUMN RIDGE COURT,
ODENTON, MD 21113 to be
Virginia Beach, VA 23452
757-457-1460 -
shots, to go.
purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase BY THE COURT: $297,000.00. be $278,000.00. Call Between 9:00 a.m. and
price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money The property and improvements will be sold in an <AS Mahasin El Amin
Clerk of the Circuit Court #769
Scott A. Poyer Scott A. Poyer
5:00 p.m.
or visit our website at
at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or IS= physical condition without warranty of any kind and MARYLAND Circuit Court For Circuit Court For www.siwpc.net
any modiûcations thereto, from the date of sale to the date subject to all conditions, restrictions and agreements of Orlans 23-003381 Anne Arundel County, MD. Anne Arundel County, MD.
Oct 5,12 2023 0012434705
funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash record affecting the same, including any condominium or Sep 21,28,Oct 5 2023 0012436418 Diane S. Rosenberg, et al
4340 East West Highway,
Oct 5,12,19 2023 0012437665 Sep 28,Oct 5,12 2023 0012436730
within ten days of ûnal ratiûcation of the sale by the Circuit LAB RET CROSS PUPS & ADULTS
homeowners association assessments pursuant to MD Real Suite 600 855
Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the Property Article § 11-110 and § 11B-117 . Bethesda, MD 20814
Substitute Trustee IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR Charles County Apartments 8 weeks - 5 yrs. Vet checked, parents
on prem, health guar. 240-620-2013
purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before Plaintiff(s) ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY
Condos H Co-ops W www.VictoriasPups.com W
settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. TERMS OF SALE: A non-refundable bidder9s deposit of V. James E. Clarke, et al.
SE DC - 3335 C St. SE, Unit 35, 2BR
Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural $16,000.00 by cashier9s/certiûed check or such other form Substitute Trustees
509 K St NE. Sect 8 welcome, For
taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private as the Substitute Trustee may determine, in their sole Estate of Aisha S Washington
6978 Hanover Parkway, Versus more information Call 202-635-1766
charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive discretion, required at time of sale except for the party IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR Unit 201
Sheryl K. Barnes, AKA 245
foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and secured by the Deed of Trust. Risk of loss on purchaser PRINCE GEORGE9S COUNTY, Greenbelt, MD 20770
Defendant(s) Sheryl Barnes Electronics MINIATURE BERNEDOODLES - $1500.
8 weeks old. Mom and dad on site.
front foot beneût charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and from date and time of auction. The balance of the purchase Defendant
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR FREE high-speed internet for those Ready to go home now. Call Baker
Family Farms 240-729-8553
thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible price together with interest thereon at 6.250% per annum James E. Clarke, et al.
Substitute Trustees
Case No. CAEF22-26713
No. C-02-CV-23-000660 CHARLES COUNTY, that qualify. Government program
for recipients of select programs
for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer from date of sale to receipt of purchase price by Substitute Plaintiffs NOTICE
NOTICE incl. Medicaid, SNAP, Housing Assis- Pet Services
taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. Trustees must be paid by cashier9s check within 10 days v.
Notice is hereby given this 18
day of September, 2023 by the Notice is hereby issued this Diane Rosenberg, et al. tance, WIC, Veterans Pension, Sur-
vivor Benefits, Lifeline, Tribal. 15 GB
4340 East West Highway,
The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the after ûnal ratiûcation of sale. The noteholder shall not be Circuit Court for Prince George9s Thursday, September 21, 2023
that the sale of the property Suite 600 internet service. Bonus offer:
ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser. There will be Estate of Larry D. Taylor AKA County, Maryland that the sale of
6978 Hanover Parkway, Unit in the proceedings mentioned, Betheda, MD 20814 Android tablet FREE with one-time
Larry Dehaven Taylor Substitute Trustee $20 copay. Free shipping & handling.
or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed no abatement of interest due from the purchaser in the event Defendant(s) 201, Greenbelt, MD 20770, made and reported by Christine
M. Drexel, BE RATIFIED AND Plaintiff(s) Call Maxsip Telecom today!
by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is that additional funds are tendered before settlement or if made and reported, will be rati-
ûed and conûrmed, unless cause CONFIRMED, unless cause to the 1-888-592-5957 Are you a pet owner? Do you want
Civil No. C-16-CV-23-000586 V.
responsible for obtaining physical possession of the settlement is delayed for any reason. All real estate taxes to the contrary thereof be shown contrary thereof be shown on or
before the 23rd day of October
to get up to 100% back on Vet
Bills? Physicians Mutual Insurance
property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property and other public charges and/or assessments to be adjusted NOTICE PURSUANT TO on or before the 18 day of Oc-
tober, 2023, provided a copy of 2023 next; provided, a copy of Joshua E Dudley Switch to DISH and get up to a $300
gift card! Plus get the Multisport Company has pet coverage that
MD RULE 14-215 (A) 12 Mattingly Avenue
from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit as of the date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. ORDERED, by the Circuit Court this notice be inserted The Wash- this Notice be inserted in some
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in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without responsible for obtaining possession of the property. Time made and reported by James Mahasin El Amin $234,951.91. Circuit Court for Charles Coun-
ty, Maryland, that the sale of
interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of is of the essence for the purchaser. If purchaser defaults, E. Clarke, Christine M. Drexel Clerk of the Circuit Court
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ratiûcation, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that deposit will be forfeited and property resold at the risk and and Joanna Foronda, Substitute
Trustees, be RATIFIED and CON- Maryland #793 Circuit Court For
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reported, will be ratiûed and
property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. cost of the defaulting purchaser who shall be liable for any FIRMED, unless cause to the Sep 21,28,Oct 5 2023 0012436429 conûremd, unless cause to the
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days of ratiûcation and expressly agrees to accept service audit of the status of the loan secured by the Deed of Trust day of October, 2023. The Re-
port of Sale states the amount of ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY James E. Clarke, et al.
successive weeks before the
18th, day of October, 2023.
by ûrst class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser including but not limited to determining whether prior to the sale at $228,000.00. Substitite Tristees The Report of Sale states the
William M. Savage, et al.
as identiûed on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted sale a bankruptcy was ûled; forbearance, repayment or Substitute Trustees Versus
amount of the foreclosure

BY THE COURT: sale price to be $179,400.00.
purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds other agreement was entered into; or loan was reinstated Mahasin El Amin

Versus Michael Anthony Murphy and
resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from or paid off. In any such event this sale shall be null and Clerk of the Circuit Court #769
Amy L Murphy AKA
Lisa E. Yates

Clerk of the Circuit Court
improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. void and purchaser9s sole remedy shall be return of deposit

Orlans 22-008771 Christina Marie Lubunyz Amy Lynne Murphy Charles County, Maryland
Defendant Defendants
Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable without interest. File No. (21-104114) Sep 21,28,Oct 5 2023 0012436441 Sep 21,28,Oct 5 2023 0012436432
title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratiûcation No. C-02-CV-19-002238 No. C-02-CV-23-000798
of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the KEITH YACKO, DAVID WILLIAMSON, NOTICE NOTICE
Purchaser9s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the BRYSON STEPHEN, THOMAS GARTNER, Notice is hereby issued this Notice is hereby issued this
deposit without interest. (Matter No. 334397-1)
Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al.,
Substitute Trustees Give a Thursday, September 28, 2023
that the sale of the property
in the proceedings mentioned,
Thursday, September 21, 2023
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in the proceedings mentioned,
Give a
Substitute Trustees
giv that made and reported by William M.
Savage, et al., BE RATIFIED AND
CONFIRMED, unless cause to the
contrary thereof be shown on or
made and reported by Christine
CONFIRMED, unless cause to
the contrary thereof be shown
giv that
delivers before the 30th day of October
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October 2023 next; provided, a
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the WashINGtoN Post tHe diStrict editiOn thursday, october 5, 2023

Local Living

Fall into place

Seven autumn tasks for a successful spring garden PAGe 4

Home To rinse or not to rinse? We Gardening How to harvest and preserve On Parenting My toddler 8threatens9 Home Sales The latest
tested experts9 dishwashing advice. 6 this year9s seeds to use next season. 11 me. Did he get it from my abusive ex? 15 transactions in your area. L1
l o c a l l i vi n g
Jenny rogers How to
deputy editors:
amy Joyce, Marisa Kashino,
Mari-Jane Williams
art director:
Can I repair peeling veneer on a bathroom vanity?
shikha subramaniam BY J EANNE H UBER
twila Waddy Q: The veneer on our bathroom
vanity is separating where water
Photo editor: drips down. Is there a way to fix
Maya Valentine this?
staff writers: A: Unfortunately, there is no
easy or sure way to repair the
Jura Koncius, rachel Kurzius
damage to your vanity. Like
columnist: Meghan leahy many other furniture and
email: localliving@washpost.com cabinet pieces these days, it9s
telephone: 202-334-4409 made of a type of particleboard
wrapped in a thin layer of vinyl.
Mail: Known as thermofoil, this veneer
local living section, is thinner and more flexible than
the Washington post, 1301 K st. the plastic laminate that9s been
nW, Washington, d.C. 20071 used for decades on cabinets
built of particleboard or
advertising plywood.That kind 4 known as
ron ulrich, 202-334-5289 high-pressure laminate because
on tHe cover of the process used to make it, or
by an early brand name, Formica
illustration by José l. soto/the 4 has to be glued on, and it9s
Washington post; istock suitable for only flat or gently
curving surfaces.
Thermofoil costs less and
offers more design options, so it9s
found on more pieces these days.
Washington post illustration; reader photo
The vinyl is thin, so when
manufacturers heat it and put it
in a vacuum press, the laminate
conforms to even intricate
shapes that a computer- the fibers are wood, they swell nicking the laminate.
controlled milling machine cut when they absorb moisture. But If you succeed, spread contact
into the underlying unlike with natural wood, which cement over the plastic and the
particleboard, usually a type shrinks back when it dries, section of particleboard where
known as medium-density particleboard that swells never the laminate lifted. Dap
fiberboard, or MDF. This means goes back to its original shape Weldwood original contact
thermofoil cabinets or furniture because of the random cement ($2.99 for 0.67-ounces at
can resemble frame-and-panel orientation of the wood strands. Michaels) comes in a little tube
construction or even bead board, (Plywood is less susceptible to with an applicator tip, but have a
features once possible only with permanent damage.) small disposable paintbrush
high-end cabinets and furniture But the underlying Swollen particleboard is very handy to smooth the glue evenly
made of natural lumber. difficult or even impossible to over both surfaces. They should
If delamination occurs with problem with your repair, so it9s likely you will need look glossy. Wait about 15
high-pressure laminate, it9s to replace the vanity if you don9t minutes for the glue to dry
usually limited to the thin strips vanity 4 and with want to live with how it looks enough to become tacky. Then
that cover edges. If the laminate now. But before you invest in press the plastic back into place.
on a larger surface, such as a many thermofoil that, you might try this. It will bond instantly wherever
door front, comes loose, it lifts First, gently pull back the the two surfaces meet, so to avoid
up as a flat piece. Thermofoil is cabinets and even some thermofoil as far as it easily gives a bubble, press the lifted section
the washington post . thursday, october 5 , 2023

much more susceptible to way. Do not force it or the plastic in place starting from where the
delaminating or bubbling up, laminate cabinets 4 might snap off. With a sharp veneer is still attached toward an
especially when exposed to heat. chisel, gradually pare away the outside edge. No clamps are
Problems often show up on isn9t with the veneer as wood fibers that are bulging out. needed. If this doesn9t work and
cabinets over a coffee maker or Have two hands on the chisel, you decide to replace the vanity,
toaster, or next to an oven.On a much as it is with the with one pushing forward and look for something other than
vanity, an edge near a hair dryer the other guiding the cut and thermofoil.
runs is especially vulnerable. It9s particleboard acting as a break so you don9t Even some companies in the
relatively easy to reattach high- lose control and cut more than business of selling thermofoil
pressure laminate or thermofoil underneath. you want. If you are right- cabinets and furniture estimate
with contact cement, provided handed, your right hand will be the life span at only 10 years, in
the underlying surface isn9t the pusher, in the back, and your part because it is so difficult to
damaged or distorted. left hand will be the guide, repair. Bathrooms are one of the
But the underlying problem positioned at the front of the most frequently remodeled
with your vanity 4 and with chisel, close to its cutting edge spaces in a house, but the job
many thermofoil cabinets and but behind it so you don9t get cut. shouldn9t need to be done that
even some laminate cabinets 4 Starting at a side edge of the often.
isn9t with the veneer as much as damaged piece, pare in circular
it is with the particleboard motions toward the end of the ý Have a problem in your home?
underneath. Particleboard bulge. Take off only a thin layer send questions to
consists of randomly arranged at each pass. If you are lucky, you localliving@washpost.com. put <how
wood fibers, glued together and may be able to trim off all the to= in the subject line, tell us where
pressed into flat sheets. Because swollen particleboard without you live and try to include a photo.
the washington post . thursday, october 5 , 2023
Fall garden tasks make for a smoother spring
the washington post . thursday, october 5 , 2023


BY K AREN H UGG International Society of Arboriculture, Keep trees healthy by pruning diseased branches 4 but don9t compost them after.
says there are common signs to look for to
With cooling temperatures and rainier determine if a disease is present. <Dieback
weather, fall gives us a new set of tasks in in the crown of the tree, oozing sap or leaves or branches. If you see curled, weakened or dead branches and cause
the garden. Raking leaves and planting pitch, or foliar damage can be indications wilted or browned leaves on a branch, cut them to break and fall, sometimes from
bulbs are often at the top of the list, but of disease.= Also, look for dark spots, white away that branch. Afterward, safely burn great heights. They can severely damage
some less obvious chores add a few last powder or unusually crinkled leaves. In it or put it in the yard waste bin for pick shrubs or small trees below. In worst-case
touches of beauty to the garden while cases where the tree shows extreme signs up. You don9t want to compost diseased scenarios, they can fall on a car or home.
preparing it for spring. Here are seven to of distress, call an ISA-certified arborist material, as your compost pile may not get To identify a dead branch, you can
focus on before winter arrives. for advice. hot enough to kill the spores. Again, clean prune off a small piece and check the ring
If an arborist isn9t in your budget, then tools afterward. of wood. If it9s brown with no visible ring
Remove diseased material rake any leaves and branches you suspect If a tree or shrub has been showing of green, it9s probably a goner. Prune that
Extreme heat, humidity, and drought are unhealthy. When nearby perennials leafless gray branches for weeks, that from the tree, making sure to cleanly cut
can increase a plant9s susceptibility to seem affected, cut those back. Toss every- often means those branches are dead. It9s at the branch collar. If the branch is too
black spot, anthracnose, and other diseas- thing in a closable lawn bag or bin. Then a good idea to prune those away. <Remov- high to be accessible, hire an arborist.
es. They spread when rain runs down wipe your rake, trowel or pruners with ing dead tree branches, back to the branch
infected plants, so it9s important to clean isopropyl alcohol to reduce the spread of collar, can assist a tree9s natural ability to Pull blooming weeds
up leaves, branches and seedpods on the spores or bacteria. close off wounds,= Lambert says. <It can Pulling weeds, especially blooming
ground near them. This will prevent a also improve aesthetics, increase light and ones, can also prevent disease and de-
harder-to-control epidemic come spring. Prune dead wood airflow, and reduce potential hazards struction in the garden. Chickweed, hairy
Steve Lambert, owner of Lambert Tre- Certain diseased plants, usually trees from falling branches.= bittercress and ragweed can all set seed in
escapes and a certification director at the and shrubs, may hold on to their afflicted A strong winter wind storm can crack fall. Also, a single dandelion casts up to

200 seeds per flower, so digging it out needed for bigger breeds.
prevents hundreds of potential new weeds You can also spread seed on your
the following spring. existing lawn to thicken and strengthen it.
Garden designer Erin Lau of Erin Lau Lau says this is why it9s important to rake
Design recommends focusing on field leaves from turf. <Raking the fallen leaves
bindweed and common catsear. These off a lawn or ground cover will allow that
<are worth digging out entirely to prevent area to get sun and air. Otherwise the
spreading by seed in spring,= she says. leaves may kill the lawn below.= Also,
With a hori hori or trowel, loosen the dense, healthy lawns are less susceptible
plant from the soil and gently lift it out to pet damage and sprouting weeds.
without breaking the roots. If you don9t
have time to dig out the weeds, cut or Protect spigots and drain hoses
pluck off seed heads wherever you can. Because water expands when it freezes,
Then carefully and quickly put them in a it can crack a pipe, hose or spigot. If your
nearby bin so you don9t jostle and acciden- spigot is made of plastic and/or more than
tally spread seeds. several years old, protect it from extreme
temperatures with a foam faucet cover. If
Mulch you live someplace with extra-harsh win-
Remember, weeds usually don9t sprout ters, you can tie rags around the spigots
if they don9t have sunlight. After clearing before adding the foam cover for extra
diseased material and pulling weeds, protection.
mulch the soil to tamp down any remain- Similarly, hoses need to be drained and
ing seeds or disease spores. Compost or stored in a garage or basement. Other-
finely shredded bark works well. You can wise, long bouts of temperatures below 32
use ground-up leaves, but you want to be degrees can weaken or crack their casing,
sure those leaves are disease-free. Regard- leading to leaks. Draining and storing
less of material, apply a couple inches to your hoses can prolong their use by
form a natural blanket over your growing several years.
space. Don9t mulch too deeply because To drain, simply unscrew the hose and
that deprives roots of needed water and either straighten it out on a slope or, if you
oxygen. don9t mind getting a bit wet, gently coil it
Another reason to mulch is to prevent and let the water flow out the bottom. You
the ground from freezing around tender can even keep the large twist-ties hoses
roots. If you planted a marginally hardy are often sold with to secure the coil and
vine or young tree sapling this summer, hang it in the garage. Come spring, you9ll
mulch will help insulate it from winter be headed to the garden instead of the
cold and preserve nutrients in the soil. hardware store.
Lambert says mulch also helps roots
retain moisture. But he cautions to not put karen hugg is a certified ornamental
mulch directly against a tree9s trunk. <This horticulturist and the author of <Leaf your
can trap excessive moisture, softening the troubles behind: how to Destress and Grow
PhotoS by iStock
tissue and increasing risk of disease and happiness through Plants.= She also writes for
pest infestation.= One dandelion casts up to 200 seeds, so digging it up now saves a headache later. Wired, Shondaland and thrive Global.

Fill in bare spots

If you don9t put desirable plants in bare
spots in the garden, weeds will plant
themselves. So, before kudzu, loosestrife
and spurge take over your blank patches,
plant plants. Take advantage of fall sales
and buy discounted plants, then fill in
gaps generously.
If you9re not sure what you want in your
empty spaces yet, Lau says you can cover
them with grass clippings or a cover crop.
Or you can plant ground covers in the
short term. Creepers such as wild thyme,

the washington post . thursday, october 5 , 2023

sweet woodruff and carpet bugle all form
thick mats of greenery and can easily be
transplanted if you find an option you like
Spread grass seed
Speaking of bare spots, if you have dogs,
especially a young pup, you might find
yourself with several areas of worn-out
lawn. An active dog can easily tear up dry
grass during a summer drought, so much
so that you end up with large swaths of
dusty dirt by September.
To prevent that dusty dirt from turning
into muddy puddles in winter, generously
sprinkle grass seed and lightly cover with
peat or a fine loamy soil. Fall provides
generous rain for those seeds to sprout.
Don9t forget to cordon off the newly
planted areas. Short, inexpensive fencing
that can be inserted in the ground will
deter smaller dogs, while a taller, heavier If pets damaged your lawn, protect it by laying seeds now to help it thicken, which will make it more resilient. Prevent weeds in
option that hooks onto posts may be other areas by filling in empty spots. Creepers such as wild thyme and sweet woodruff form thick mats of greenery.
Should you pre-rinse dishes? We put expert advice to the test.

here9s all kinds of wis-

T dom, advice and direc-

tives surrounding your
home. Much of it, we take
as gospel: Change your HVAC
filter every three months. Clean
your gutters at least once a year.
Don9t ignore signs of leaks.
But when it comes to washing
dishes, the conventional wisdom
meets significant resistance.
experts almost uniformly
agree that dishes do not need to
be rinsed 4 and, in fact, should
not be rinsed 4 before going in
the dishwasher, saying it wastes
water and might make your ma-
chine operate less effectively. The
Good Housekeeping Institute,
which spent more than 374 hours
over four months testing 17 dish-
washer models loaded with the
dirtiest dishes they could conjure,
none of them pre-rinsed, con-
firms this advice.
<For the most part, they do
really well,= says Carolyn Forte,
the institute9s Home Care &
Cleaning Lab executive director.
Despite the rigorous evidence,
many of us, myself included, can-
not stop rinsing. The suggestion
that it9s unnecessary provokes do-
mestic disputes and perhaps dis-
proportionate anger. <That9s
bulls---!= a colleague shouted
when I mentioned that experts
say pre-rinsing isn9t necessary. WashIngton Post IllustRatIon; maRI-Jane WIllIams, maRIsa KashIno, JuRa KoncIus, Rachel KuRzIus

This fascinating disconnect experts say you shouldn9t pre-rinse your dishes, but many still do. We tested this and ran our dishwashers with and without pre-rinsing.
warranted further study.
Through testing and interviews, I for food residue. have some evidence to show to they9re running the dishwasher in the dishwasher for another
found that there are many factors her rinsing husband. It9s a bit of a after every meal, and every meal round, but the overall batting
4 logistical, psychological, per- The results sore spot, she says, because she is a sit-down meal,= says KC Davis, record of the dishwasher is very
sonal, marital 4 that cloud the objectively, the results were thinks he wastes a lot of water. who runs the online mental high, and I have a lot of apprecia-
issue of dishwashing. slightly mixed and unremarkable. <every time he rinses off the health site struggle Care and tion for it.=
Tester no. 1 (KitchenAid, with dishes, I say 8There9s no need to do wrote <How to Keep House While As for Tester no. 4, I saw the
The test rinse aid) said that there was no that, dear.9 It is a point of conten- Drowning,= The advice doesn9t results 4 yet I9m still pre-rinsing.
In a small and completely non- difference between the loads. tion,= she says. <I get annoyed, but take into account small or busy Why? Why does objectively cor-
scientific test, I asked co-workers Both were spotless, which tracks there9s only so much you can do. households, she says. If you9re not rect dishwashing advice not im-
to see how our dishes fared with with her typical experience. You can9t change the habits at this going to be washing the dishes press so many of us?
and without rinsing. Two of us Tester no. 2 (Ge, no rinse aid) point.= immediately, Forte suggests run-
expert advice can go
the washington post . thursday, october 5 , 2023

were pre-rinsers; two said they ended up with food residue on For Tester no. 2, dishwashing is ning the rinse cycle on your ma-
don9t rinse, but their spouses do. one of her glasses and a few dirty not just about whether the dishes chine (if it has one). It will loosen sideways in the real world
We used the four dishwasher bowls in the unrinsed load. This will come out clean; the act of any tough dirt while still using Cleaning advice has to be fil-
brands we have at home (Bosch, tester suspected that the issue putting un-rinsed dishes into the less water than rinsing every- tered through the tools and cir-
KitchenAid, Ge and Whirlpool) with the bowls may have been machine provoked a visceral re- thing at the sink. cumstances of our real lives. The
with Cascade platinum plus de- because those dishes were not sponse. Tester no. 3 brought some per- advice to skip pre-rinsing as-
tergent, which gets high marks facing the sprayer (further testing <Loading the unrinsed dishes sonal history to the experiment. sumes you are using a good deter-
from the Good Housekeeping In- confirmed this). and silverware into the dishwash- she grew up rinsing the dishes gent and a good machine 4 and
stitute. Tester no. 3 (Whirlpool, with er was super gross!= she noted in before loading, but after she read that you9re using the machine
We all ran two loads. For the rinse aid) spotted a bit of tomato her findings. <The runny eggs and that it was unnecessary and that correctly.
first, we each dirtied eight plates sauce residue in a mug, but other- tomato sauce dripped every- detergent works better when That starts with your reading
and six bowls with red sauce and wise, her dishes were pretty clean where, getting onto my hands and there9s some food for it to adhere your manual (hahaha) to make
egg; eight glasses and four mugs after the unrinsed and rinsed puddling on the inside of the to, she changed her approach. sure you9re using the right setting.
that had been filled with whatev- loads. door.= Touching all of that while Her husband, though, does rinse. <normal,= a frequent go-to cycle,
er liquids we had around, includ- Tester no. 4 (me, Bosch, with she was loading 4 and the poten- so in any given load, some of the has evolved into more of a light
ing coffee, milk and orange juice; rinse aid), observed a few specks tial for smelliness if the dishes sit dishes have been rinsed, others wash setting as dishwashers have
and 15-25 pieces of used silver- of red sauce here and there, but for a day or more in her household have not. she plans to continue become more energy efficient,
ware. We did not rinse and ran a otherwise didn9t see much differ- of two 4 make not rinsing a not rinsing. Forte says. It9s often best to use
normal cycle. For the second, we ence between the loads. nonstarter for her, even after the <To me, the dishwasher is very the <Auto= cycle, which senses
repeated the formula, but gave But the qualitative results of testing showed she doesn9t really much a tool that makes my life how dirty the dishes are and ad-
everything a light rinse before the test proved more interesting. need to rinse. easier,= she says. <I would say, like, justs accordingly (and in this
running our machines. We evalu- Tester no. 1 wasn9t impressed <A lot of times when we think of every other load, there9s a little case, she adds, pre-rinsing can
ated the dishes after each load with an experiment that con- the advice for an appliance like piece of crud remaining on uten- work against you because the ma-
and also looked at the bottom of firmed her standard no-rinse that, people are thinking of the sils, and I just put that in the sink chine will sense that there9s not
the dishwasher, near the drain, practice. But she was pleased to classic family of four, where and wash it by hand or put it back see dishes on 7
Home Dc

Dishes frOm 6 those models didn9t have the el- flict, it did become routine, and
bow grease to do the heavy clean- old habits are hard to break.
much dirt and not work as hard). ing, so you did need to pre-rinse, And loading dirty plates just
The filter also needs to be she says. Kids being kids, though, doesn9t track in my head 4 if I
checked and cleaned regularly, they would look for shortcuts in struggle to scrub off dried mac
and you should use a dishwasher their chores and perhaps skip the and cheese or oatmeal, how can a
cleaner monthly to dissolve min- rinsing, only to have their parents dishwasher knock it loose? Also,
eral buildup and flush the system. yell at them. sometimes I don9t get perfect re-
Plus how you load (or overload) <A lot of us have this core sults (likely because of a dirty
your machine and where dishes memory of it being a fight or a filter or an overloaded machine,
are placed can affect the results, struggle in our house,= she says. forte suggests). It9s easier to rinse
as Tester No. 2 found. many people also carry bag- stuff off before I run the cycle
In addition to these logistics, gage around cleanliness, Davis than deal with the hardened resi-
we bring unquantifiable baggage adds, seeing it as a reflection of due after it9s gone through a cycle.
to the question of rinsing dishes. their character. Good, upstanding my non-rinsing colleague
<It9s been passed down,= forte adults, after all, keep a clean points out that if one or two items
says. <Dishwashers were one of house. Or at least, that9s what come out with a bit of crud on
the last appliances that people we9re conditioned to think. So not them, it9s not that hard to hand
really embraced.= That9s because rinsing still feels like taking the wash them in the sink or let them
you could easily wash your dishes easy way out and carries the run through another cycle. She9s
by hand, and it perhaps seemed weight of guilt. <If it9s too conve- not wrong. But that9s her, and I
inconceivable that a dishwasher nient we almost feel like we9re not am me. We each bring our own
could get them really clean. Previ- doing it right.= history and personality and germ
ous generations came to see dish- I know in my head that rinsing tolerance to the sink every time
washers more as sanitizers than wastes water 4 an increasingly we run a load of dishes.
actual cleaners. Newer models precious commodity 4 and time. To the pre-rinse holdouts, in-
use much less water than older This test proved that unrinsed cluding myself, I say it9s worth
units (about three to four gallons dishes come out largely clean in trying to shake this habit. The
for an Energy Star-rated appli- my machine. The factors that can environmental stakes are too
ance), making it even more diffi- keep that from happening are high. But go easy on yourself if
cult to believe that they can get entirely in my control. But we you end up rinsing spaghetti
the job done. hand-washed dishes when I was a sauce off your plates out of habit,
Davis suggests our obsession kid until we moved to a home or if you absolutely must rinse
with rinsing may be rooted in our with a dishwasher when I was in those eggy forks before you touch
childhood memories. many high school. That machine (and the prongs during loading. And
adults are young enough that they my mom) demanded that I rinse. no one really expects you to read
Jura Koncius/Jura Koncius
had a dishwasher growing up, but While it wasn9t a source of con- that manual.
Dishes without rinsing in dishwasher. (Jura Koncius)

the washington post . thursday, october 5 , 2023

DC Home

Benjamin C tankersley For the Washington Post

What9s in a name? For new apartment buildings, quite a lot.

the washington post . thursday, october 5 , 2023

BY R ACHEL K URZIUS would be where Frasier Crane Branding agency Grafik named ous business. Developers pay mar- cult things we do.=
would live,= he says. Boom. They the Signet, a luxury apartment keting and branding firms any- It has to be memorable but

eal estate company Boz- had it: the Frasier. building in McLean. The agency where from $5,000 for just a name broadly appealing. Distinctive,
zuto had a specific mis- The process of naming a condo also considered <Cygnet,= alone, to more than $50,000 for a yet easy to say and spell. You need
sion in mind when it building in nearby McLean was which is a young swan, but complete branding package to sell to ensure that Googling the name
hired branding agency similar. Its developer, JBG smith, decided to make the spelling a new building or community. At will bring people directly to your
Grafik a few years back: Its new called on Grafik to craft a moniker more intuitive. best, a good name differentiates a website. And names are inherent-
apartment building in Alexan- that felt <high end= and <elegant.= property from other offerings and ly subjective, so an entire team
dria, Va. had a <rich and mascu- They wanted the name to conjure generates excitement about what could work day and night on a
line feeling,= recalls Hal swetnam, how it would feel to walk through it might feel like to live there. At series of options only for the client
Grafik9s chief creative strategist, the front entrance into luxury. worst, a name can immediately to shoot each one down for no
and Bozzuto needed a name to Grafik landed on the signet, date a new development or offend reason other than they just don9t
evoke that vibe. like the engraved ring. But they the surrounding neighborhood like them.
swetnam9s team got to work, also considered a homophone of and potential residents. And just as there are naming
asking the client questions such that word 4 cygnet, which is a A great name <has the highest trends for restaurants (en vogue
as <What kind of music would you young swan 4 <because there was return on investment of anything right now: two-word monikers
expect to hear in the lobby?= The a lot of talk about graceful ani- you will do to market any place connected by a plus sign), so, too,
brainstorm took a few weeks, mals,= says swetnam. Ultimately, because it9s used over and over have particular conventions fall-
which is typical. Among the possi- they opted for the jewelry rather and over,= says Dave Miles, presi- en in and out of favor in real
bilities swetnam and his col- than the bird because the spelling dent of Milesbrand, which does estate.
leagues tossed around: the stew- seemed more intuitive. <You have marketing for real estate develop- <There are so many communi-
art, the Algonquin, the Bronwyn. to think that through,= he says. ers and home builders. But nam- ties named something Ranch or
<We joked one day that this In real estate, names are seri- ing is also <one of the most diffi- see naMeS on 9
Home DC

names from 8 When an apartment communi- Guild, says as a rule of thumb, he is name to describe a community
ty called SoBo Place was an- extremely wary about naming a could very well be intentional to
Something farm. We don9t need nounced in South Boston (a.k.a. project after <somebody who had keep some people out.=
any more of those,= miles says. Southie) in 2016, irate residents a ton of land in the 1700s.= While the connotations of
While he understands why a place unleashed their vitriol 4 where He recalls one developer who <plantation= are obvious, most
might adopt the name of a physi- else? 4 online. In Washington, the was intrigued by Notley Young, a words are more debatable, which
cal attribute like a nearby river, lampooning came swiftly a few wealthy landowner whose prop- makes the process of naming com-
<we9ve tried not to do that because years ago when a developer mar- erty along the Potomac river is plicated. Hayden recalls a time he
that really is so generic.= keted buildings on a slice of the now the site of the National mall. worked with a developer on a
on the flip side, you may have historic U Street Corridor as being Hayden9s client was considering a series of buildings named after
noticed a lot of <Districts= pop- located in <North End Shaw.= And <There are so many number of Young9s children and musical terms. for the fourth one,
ping up as of late. Take, for in- in New York, protesters descend- grandchildren9s names for the his team offered the word <Can-
stance, the <reservoir District,= ed on the office of a real estate communities named new building. But it didn9t take on.= But the client balked, think-
the new name for a swath of D.C. agency trying to market part of much digging for the Brand Guild ing it conjured images of war and
land that9s been under develop- Harlem as <SoHa.= Something Ranch or team to discover that Notley9s violence rather than a composi-
ment 4 and mired in court fights Developers are smart to tread land was a tobacco plantation, tional technique.
4 for years. carefully around a place9s history, Something Farm. We worked by more than 200 en- <We9re putting forth names that
The land is home to the mc- which is why consultants like me- slaved people. The developer we think appeal to the building9s
millan reservoir, but in certain gan Anderson often get pulled don9t need any more of wisely moved on. audience, to other people in the
corners of the city, just the word into the process. Anderson is the Names, after all, can cause very region,= says Hayden, but <often-
<mcmillan= raises blood pres- director of exhibits and interpre- those.= real pain. maxine Bryant, director times, it just comes down to
sures. So, when construction be- tive planning at HAI. Developers for the Center of Africana Studies whether or not the developer likes
Dave Miles, president of real-estate
gan, it was crucial to call it some- hire her to amass information at Georgia Southern University, the name.=
marketing firm Milesbrand
thing else. reservoir District <all from land records, deeds, century- wrote an opinion piece for the Still, there are some tricks that
of a sudden starts to convey a very old fire insurance maps and old Savannah morning News earlier branding folks have devised to
different sense of what the future newspapers, in part because they this year calling for residential give their favorite names the best
brings,= says Bob Youngentob, ex- hope something from an area9s areas to remove the word <planta- chance. When presenting options
ecutive chairman of EYA, one of past will generate meaningful tion= from their names. to a client, miles likes to share his
the project9s developers. name ideas. <In deeds and things When she was buying a house personal pick third: <Show them
rebranding a previously unin- like that, we can find old family two years ago in Savannah, <there something maybe a little more
habited area like the mcmillan names and that can be really excit- were several homes that I really expected, show them something a
site is one thing. Trying to rename ing, especially if it9s a more rural liked in gated communities that little scary, and then show them
an entire neighborhood 4 partic- property,= she says. were named 8plantation9 4 I something that9s at the top of the
ularly one whose residents feel But doing your homework can wouldn9t even visit them,= she says list.=
like they9re getting pushed out 4 also thwart a public relations di- in an interview. <As a Black per- It9s an effective strategy, he
is an entirely different undertak- saster. Lance Hayden, vice presi- son, I cannot live in a community says: <I9ve been known to sway the
ing. dent of creative at the Brand called plantation. & Using that room.=

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Dc Home

Your house9s history is waiting to be found

BY G ABE B ULLARD what a house used to look like.
<You find someone who lived in a
arilyn Welch is an au- house 30 years ago and they have

M thority on the history

of her town, Mascout-
ah, Ill. She knows
where the only Sears Roebuck
house is. She can point out which
an entire photo album with tons
of great photos of the house,=
Allen says. A local historical soci-
ety or neighborhood association
may have similar artifacts. They
of the many Victorian homes was are likely to have information on
designed by the influential Amer- the surrounding community, too.
ican architect George Barber. She Smith consulted the archives
even knows how much my par- at the University of Louisville to
ents9 house cost to build ($1,250 round out his research. <There
in 1895). But there9s one question was a grade-school teacher in the
she gets over and over again from early 920s who gave an annual
visitors to the town9s museum. assignment to write about your
<People come in and say, 8I live street,= he learned. <So I found a
at such and such 4 do you know if number of third-grade essays
anyone ever died in that house?9= about life on Everett Avenue . . .
she says. and all the things that were hap-
Her usual response: <Well, yes, pening in the early life of that
they probably did.= neighborhood.=
Any house that9s been around If you9re totally lost and keep
long enough has probably hosted hitting dead ends, asking for help
at least one death, and potentially on relevant Facebook pages or
a birth. Subreddits can be the digital
In her decades researching and equivalent of sending up a rescue
writing, Welch has dug into the flare. <You9re looking for some-
history of many houses. She iLLuSTraTion by JoSé L. SoTo/The WaShingTon PoST; iSTock
thing on your building and you
hasn9t found money stashed in can9t find it, but somebody who
the walls (<they always think Michael Allen, a historian and you are lucky enough to find an 90s, and she9d grown up in the lived there 30 years ago gets a
there9s something hidden,= she executive director of the National architect9s name associated with house, which her parents bought nostalgic hair and goes and looks
says of sleuthing homeowners) Building Arts Center. <It9s better your house, you can check if they in 1921. for the address and they find that
but she has found information to be like, 8Hey, I9m just research- donated their papers to a library <She got a little weepy and she you are looking for something
that adds a different kind of value ing my house and I don9t know or school. pointed out where the piano used and then you start getting little
4 not just the knowledge of when anything.9= If your courthouse has an ar- to be when her dad played it and details,= Allen says.
a house was built and who lived A courthouse9s archive of deeds chive of building permits, you where they put their Christmas
there, but a sense of how people will show who owned a property might be able to find records of tree,= he says. <It was just a thrill Leave your own
lived in a place and a time. <The and when. Depending on the age renovations or additions, but it9s to feel that, to have her back in trail of records
house has seen everything,= she of the house, this information not guaranteed; many older re- that house, in those walls.= Records for new buildings are
says. <All the secrets of the family. might be on a computer, paper or cords have been thrown out and Smith knew a man named Her- more cleanly digitized today; new
Good times and bad times.= microfilm. Certain houses have permits may not have been re- man Cross had owned his house houses will have a long digital
Uncovering this history is collections of documents called quired for construction in certain for decades, but he learned about document trail for owners to find.
something like a treasure hunt, abstracts that <go all the way back places or times. Herman9s daughter Bessie Google Street View can show
with twisting trails of documents to that land patent when it was through a combination of census photos of addresses going back
and countless wrong turns. To purchased from the federal gov- and newspaper records. The Na- years. But this doesn9t necessarily
keep going means believing ernment,= Elder says. tional Archives hosts a searchable mean the people who live in your
there9s something to find, even if Of course, not all of your <You just have them for database of every census through house a century from now will
it9s not a ghost, a safe full of silver home9s past residents were neces- 1950, while local libraries and have an easier time learning
coins or a document that gets sarily owners. To find renters and a while and then pass sites such as newspapers.com about it.
your address on the National other tenants, you can ask a host hundreds of small local pa- Your thousands of digital pho-
Register of Historic Places. library for historic phone books them along.= pers. tos are stored in private databas-
the washington post . thursday, october 5 , 2023

<When somebody calls you to or, if they exist, copies of the city Louisville resident Gray Smith <It9s like a gold mine of infor- es and shared on social media
have you look up the history of directory. <It9ll show you if they said of houses mation,= Allen says. <They9re not posts that are more likely to be
their house, it9s because there9s owned it or if they rented it and covering the big national news. forgotten than passed down like a
maybe a famous person associat- it9ll usually also show you where They9re covering the new bank photo album. Phone books are no
ed with it,= says Audrey L. Elder, a they worked,= Elder says. Another place to check for building or the house that9s get- longer a useful record of who
former real estate agent who re- If you9ve traced your home changes to your property is on ting built. They9re covering the lived where in between census
searches local history around her back to the dirt, then it9s time to historic maps. The Library of lives of people in much more years. Local newspapers are
Missouri town. <I let them know trace its construction and any Congress has an archive of San- depth than a metropolitan paper struggling to survive, let alone
that there9s gonna be something renovations. Deeds sometimes born Fire Insurance maps, which would.= support the staff to cover the
wonderful & It might not be that.= reveal improvements to a house show where buildings stood, A newspaper search doesn9t small comings and goings that
4 what9s bought as a single story what they were made of, and need to be limited to names. Allen give texture to the life outlined on
Start with a legal in 1900 might be two stories reveal how street names and searched for his address in a deeds and building permits.
and physical history when it9s sold in 1920 4 but the house numbers changed over newspaper archive and learned a Smith compiled a book of his
You9re probably going to have specifics of changes beyond that time. past resident had been the owner research 4 the things he found,
to leave your home to learn its can be <a needle in a haystack After a trip (or several) to the of one of the first motorcars in St. the improvements he made. The
history. Even in places where hunt,= Allen says. There9s almost courthouse, you9ll probably know Louis. <That9s not super thrilling, process gave him a different per-
documents are digitized, the certainly not a repository of every roughly when your house was but I thought it was interesting,= spective on the home and some-
physical county courthouse can blueprint for every house in your built and who owned it, but this is he says. <That helped me figure thing to leave for the next owners.
be a trove of information. county. Often, there aren9t blue- just the start of the search. out the garage was original.= <You don9t really own them,= he
Documents may be stored prints at all. <If you have a historic Another source of information says of houses. <You just have
across several offices, so it9s a 19th-century rowhouse in any Go beyond deeds and maps is someone like Bessie Cross. them for a while and then pass
good idea not to get too specific American city, chances are there About 15 years ago, a very Firsthand interviews with people them along.=
when you start asking around. was no architect involved 4 the special visitor gave Gray Smith a who lived in and around a house
<Playing dumb is actually very contractor designed the building tour of his own home in Louis- can turn up stories, memories gabe bullard is a writer who covers
useful in these situations,= says on-site and built it,= Allen says. If ville. Bessie Cross was in her early and the occasional glimpse of culture and technology.
Home Dc

can be done by using a bowl or

bucket. Whack or bang the stem of
the seed pod against the side of the
container so the seeds come loose;
the best seeds typically fall off
readily, Taylor says. You can also
place pods in a bag or pillowcase
and carefully hit or toss them
around so the seeds loosen. Adolf-
Thompson says this works well for
sunflowers. Wear gloves to protect
your hands.
3. Next up comes winnowing,
which is the process of separating
the seeds from the chaff 4 a dry
protective cover around a seed 4
and fluff. Milkweed pods, for ex-
ample, have a lot of debris,
Thompson-Adolf says, and need
to be winnowed.
You can use a fan, or even puffs
of breath, to blow away the debris,
she says. Or filter seeds through a
set of screens.
4. Let seeds dry out for a few
more days before storing them.
How to store seeds
Store your seeds properly so
they stay viable and don9t become
moldy or germinate. There are
three words to keep in mind when
choosing your location, says
Thompson-Adolf: Cool, dry and
iStock After all, seeds are alive. <The
These green beans are drying before they9re stored. Seeds and beans need to be dried to preserve them for planting the next year. Even if seed wants nothing more than to
they feel dry to the touch, they could still hold water, which may spoil them. perpetuate and bring new life into
the world,= says Taylor, so avoid
humid environments and mini-

Save this year9s seeds for next spring9s garden mize light.
<Even if the seed doesn9t need
light to grow, light can affect the
viability of a seed over time,= Mur-
BY L AUREN D AVID occurs by insects, birds, wind, hu- or hybrid. ier. phy says.
mans or other natural sources,= Envelopes and glass jars are the
s the garden harvest sea- says Julie Thompson-Adolf, au- Choose your plants wisely How to collect and dry seeds preferred methods for storing.

A son winds down, plants

are starting to transition
into their next critical
stage: producing seeds for future
use. Yes, you can order new seed
thor of <Starting & Saving Seeds:
Grow the Perfect Vegetables,
Fruits, Herbs, and Flowers for
Your Garden.= <Plants pollinated
within the same species will pro-
Not all seeds are created equal-
ly, even among a group of the same
type of plant. <Choose plants that
performed well in your garden
throughout the season, produced
The steps outlined here provide
broad guidance. Different seeds,
though, may require somewhat
different treatment. For specific
information about a particular
Taylor saves seeds in glass jars,
Murphy uses envelopes and
Thompson-Adolf doubles up, put-
ting the seeds in an envelope be-
fore placing it in a glass jar. Label
packets each year from catalogues duce seeds genetically true to type big, beautiful, blemish-free fruit plant, consult books on seed sav- the seeds so you know what you
or hit up your local big box store and that are similar to the parent or pretty blooms, and avoided dis- ing, university extensions or mas- have when you9re ready to sow.
for the latest varieties. But collect- plant.= These make excellent can- ease,= says Thompson-Adolf. ter gardeners in your region. Gen- Include the variety, harvest
ing the seeds of your favorite spent didates for saving because the And pay attention to seed size. erally speaking, when a seedpod month and year, and any special
sunflowers, green beans or basil seeds are reliable and produce the <You're looking to take the biggest turns brown, it9s an indicator the notes, such as how well it per-

the washington post . thursday, october 5 , 2023

for next year is a fairly straightfor- same plant each year. seeds because those will tend to seeds are ready for collecting, says formed in terms of flavor or
ward task that can help you save Hybrids, on the other hand, perform better when you grow Taylor. blooms.
money and connect you to nature have been cross-pollinated be- them the following year,= says 1. Cut the stalk housing the And as with anything new, be-
and the life cycle of each plant. tween two seed lines, often for Thompson-Adolf. seedpod and lay it out to dry for a gin seed-saving slowly. <Start
It can also ensure successful specific traits, such as better taste, Also consider the processing couple of days. <I9ll take a stock of small,= says Thompson-Adolf.
plants, because you9re using seeds yield or disease resistance. Al- required for the type of plant cabbage, kale or collards & with <Pick a few plants to start with for
from specimens that have been though you can save hybrid seeds, you9re working with. For some the dried seed pod and put them seed saving so you don9t get frus-
proven to thrive in your yard. it isn9t recommended because plants, including beans, brassicas, somewhere to dry out a little more trated or overwhelmed.=
<When we save our own seeds over they are unpredictable. There is carrots, corn, lettuce and radish- in our basement, well-ventilated
time, [they] become adapted to no way to know which character- es, going to seed is the next stage [area] or table around our porch, Lauren David writes about gardening
our unique microclimate,= says istics will carry on to the next in the life cycle. Preserving their out of the direct sunlight,= says and sustainability.
Emily Murphy, regenerative or- generation. seeds is known as dry processing Taylor.
ganic gardener and author of <There9s going to be so much and involves cutting seedpod For green beans, for example, õ Chat Thursday at 11 a.m. Emily
<Grow Now: How We Can Save variation the second year when stalks, drying them, separating Murphy says, <When they dry on Evans Eerdmans, New York design
Our Health, Communities, and you plant hybrids,= says Owen Tay- the seeds from the rest of the plant the vine, they9re this nice tan color, historian and founder of Eerdmans, a
Planet 4 One Garden at a Time.= lor, co-founder of Truelove Seeds, and removing plant debris. Plants they9re dry to the touch and feel fine and decorative arts gallery, joins
Here9s what to know about col- a company specializing in open- that produce seeds inside their kind of papery. At that point, clip staff writer Jura koncius for our online
lecting seeds, and how to preserve pollinated herb, vegetable and fruit, on the other hand, including them off the vine.= She prefers to Q&A on decorating and household
them for future use. flower seeds. Hybrids also can be tomatoes, cucumbers and melons, collect in the afternoon, once any advice. Submit questions at
infertile. require wet processing, which in- lingering morning dew has evapo- live.washingtonpost.com.
Know the type of seed If you9re not sure what type of volves more steps, such as fer- rated.
There are two types of seeds: seeds you used for your current menting the seeds first. If you9re a 2. Once the seedpod is dry, it9s ý At Home newsletter Go to the
open-pollinated and hybrid. garden, check the package if you first-time seed saver, it9s best to time to thresh, which is the pro- Home & Garden page to subscribe to
<Open-pollinated seeds derive still have it. The label should indi- stick with dry processing, says cess of separating the seeds from our email newsletter, delivered every
from plants in which pollination cate whether it9s open-pollinated Thompson-Adolf, because it9s eas- other plant material. Threshing thursday.

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Real Estate 13

homE oF thE wEEk

Once a stable, then an auto shop: D.C. home has a rich history

he house at 318 Seventh
St. NE, on D.C.'s Capitol
Hill, had a life before it
became a home, and
reminders of its recent
past as an auto repair shop 4
after it was a buggy repair shop 4
were preserved when it was reno-
vated early in this century. The
brick structure, built in 1930, is
on the market now for $1.35
Mark Merlino, a builder and
architect who has worked in the
D.C. area for more than three
decades, learned of the property,
then being used as storage space
for an adjacent building, in 2000.
It had no electricity, water or
sewer connections. It had recent-
ly been an auto repair shop, but a
double barn door was a reminder
of its time as a stable, carriage
house and a repair shop for
horse-drawn buggies in the mid-
20th century.
Merlino saw the building9s po-
tential and bought it in 2003 for
<That just comes to you,= he
said. <You don9t get an opportuni-
ty to get many spaces that are as
unique as that. It9s a trapezoid [a
four-sided figure with one pair of
parallel sides] stuck in the mid-
dle of a triangular shaped block.=
Merlino spent two years emp-
tying the building, securing pow- phoToS bT gREgoRy MaRTIN
er and water supplies and draw-
ing up plans for the interior, ABOVE: The house retains an investment property and
which included replacing a lad- details from its time as an auto knew others would be more lu-
der to a hayloft with stairs to a repair shop. LEFT: The kitchen crative, but <fell in love with the
second-floor living space. The has full-wall tiling. BELOW: character and history,= real estate
auto repair shop9s wooden hoist The living room has exposed agent Kara Fenclau said.
is an eye-catching presence at the beams. A pale green front doorway
second-floor landing, and ex- opens to a foyer with a closet. A
posed beams and compressed-air skylight, two stories up, is visible
tubes are visible overhead. from the entrance. The living
A longtime renovator, Merlino room has brick walls, painted

the washington post . thursday, october 5 , 2023

made use of salvaged materials,
from other work sites, in this
$1,350,000 white, and built-in shelving next
to a fireplace. A full bathroom on
renovation. 318 Seventh St. NE, Washington, this level has a claw-foot tub. The
<Some of it I had for 15 years D.C. 20002 kitchen has a breakfast bar and
before I got a spot to stick them,= Bedrooms/bathrooms: 3/3 glass-fronted cabinets with red
he said. <And that was a good spot trim. The dining room, with a
Approximate square footage:
to stick stuff because nobody was built-in bench and matching ta-
complaining they didn9t like it.= ble, has exposed brick on one
The reclaimed materials in- Lot size: 973 square feet, plus 647 wall.
clude handrails, now on the sec- square feet for the patio Upstairs, the primary bed-
ond-floor landing, from a site in Features: The original structure room suite has three built-in
Baltimore; closet doors from a was built in 1930 and converted to closets and an en suite bathroom.
garage in downtown D.C.; kitch- a residence in the early 2000s. In Two more bedrooms on the sec-
en doors from a D.C. church; the meantime, it was, among other ond level share a hall bathroom.
radiators on the second level; things, a repair shop for horse- The house comes with a small
and a cast-iron whale that once drawn carriages and, in relatively
patio, in front, on a lot that is
embellished an oven at a Balti- taxed separately.
recent years, an auto repair shop.
more seafood restaurant and <If I owned the home myself,=
It has four skylights, heated floors
now decorates the fireplace man- Fenclau said, <I would be caught
tel. and parking for two cars. between a rock and hard place of
Merlino sold the property in Listing agent: Kara Fenclau, whether to use [the lot] for park-
2017 for $1.17 million, and since Nomadic Real Estate ing or to have a nice patio area to
then it has been an owner-occu- put up string lights and enjoy a
pied residence and a rental prop- drink at night.=
erty. One owner was looking for
DC Real estate
buying new

Three- and four-level townhouses in Hyattsville

Gateway West
Address: 3601 stella blue Dr., hyattsville,
builder: stanley martin
Type of home: townhouse
Price: $464,990-$542,990
number of units: 131 (95 sold, 36 available)
How many models: 3
bedrooms: 2-5
bathrooms: 3-6 ABOVE: Gateway West has 131 units,
with another 200 planned. LEFT: The
Square footage: 1,611-2,615
kitchen of the Jenkins model unit has
HOA fees: $56 a month black fixtures. BELOW: The primary
Property website: stanleymartin.com/ bathroom in the Jenkins model unit.
decorated model unit has two powder
rooms and three full baths. The powder
rooms are on the second floor and the loft
Features level. The first-floor full bathroom and the
Gateway West is a development of 131 Photos by benjamin C tankersley For the Washington Post third-floor hall bathroom have shower-tub
three- and four-level townhouses in the combinations, single-sink vanities and
small suburban city of Hyattsville, Md., in white subway tile shower surrounds. The
Prince George9s County and less than 10 primary bedroom on the third floor comes
miles from downtown D.C. with an en suite bathroom with a walk-in
Gateway West was built on undeveloped shower and a double-sink vanity.
land less than a half-mile from the Mall at All bathrooms have white tile floors,
Prince George9s and the Hyattsville Cross- quartz countertops and dark-stained wood
ing shopping center. Tashia C. Mack-Moye, cabinets that match those in the kitchen.
the general sales manager, said in an email
that the development <stands out as a Parks
prime choice for young professionals and The development has a park with a
families seeking modern living in a revital- playground, woodland-conservation areas
ized neighborhood.= and trails connecting Gateway West to
Sales of 131 townhouses began in Janu- surrounding neighborhoods. University
ary, and 95 units have been sold, with 36 Park Town Park is less than a mile away.
still available. Construction of a second Riverdale Community Park, on the north-
stage, which will add 200 townhouses, is east branch of the Anacostia River, and
expected to begin in January, with sales Kirkwood Neighborhood Park, on the
beginning in May 2024. northwest branch of the river, are each
Gateway West has three townhouse about two miles away.
models: The Hugo is 16 feet wide and has
two to four bedrooms and a one-car garage; Nearby shops and restaurants
the Jenkins is 20 feet wide and has three or The Mall at Prince George9s and the
four bedrooms and a two-car garage; and Hyattsville Crossing shopping center are
the Louisa is 22 feet wide and has three to kitchen fixtures, GE appliances and Tim- outs and fixture finishes. All full bathrooms each about a half-mile away. Whole Foods
five bedrooms and a two-car garage. berlake maple cabinetry. Buyers have a have quartz countertops. The bathroom in on Baltimore Avenue in Riverdale Park and
the washington post . thursday, october 5 , 2023

All the townhouses have brick and vinyl choice of cabinet and tile colors. Options the Jenkins and Louisa primary bedroom Trader Joe9s on Calvert Road in College
siding, small front yards and rear decks off include a second-floor gas fireplace and a suites has a walk-in shower. The Hugo Park are each about a mile away. Organic
the second-floor, which is the main level. fourth-floor loft. A roof deck is part of the primary bathroom and all secondary bath- Market in Hyattsville is about two miles
First-floor garages are at the front of the loft option in the Jenkins and Louisa units. rooms have shower-tub combinations. away.
Louisa floor plan and the rear of the Most powder rooms have pedestal sinks.
Jenkins and Hugo floor plans. Kitchen The Hugo has one or two powder rooms Schools
All units have an entrance that opens to All units have kitchen islands with sinks and two or three full bathrooms. The Elementary: University Park
a foyer on the first floor. In addition to a and below-countertop dishwashers. They decorated model has a powder room on the Middle: Nicholas Orem
garage, on this level, the units have living all have three-door refrigerators. The Jen- first and second floors, a hall bathroom and High: Northwestern
space that can be used as a recreation kins and Louisa furnished model homes an en suite primary bathroom on the third
room, a bedroom or a flex room. Some floor have an optional upgraded appliance pack- floor and an en suite bathroom on the loft Transit
plans have a full bathroom or powder room age with a 36-inch gas cooktop and two floor. The full bathrooms have white quartz Hyattsville Crossing Metro station, on
on this level. wall ovens. The Hugo model has a slide-in countertops, white cabinets, chrome fix- the Green Line, is half a mile away. The F6
All units have luxury vinyl plank flooring 36-inch range that fits within the cabinets. tures and a gray tile floor. Metrobus, which goes to the Metro station,
in the first-floor living space, throughout Appliances are stainless steel, back- The Jenkins has one or two powder stops at Belcrest and Toledo roads, a block
the second floor and in the third floor hall. splashes are white subway tile and coun- rooms and two or three full bathrooms. away.
Carpet is standard on stairs and in bed- tertops are lightly veined quartz. The Hugo The decorated model unit has powder
rooms. Stairs can be upgraded to oak model has white Shaker-style cabinets and rooms on the first and second floors and a What sets it apart
treads, and vinyl plank flooring is an nickel fixtures. The Jenkins model has hall bathroom and an en suite primary Mack-Move said that the community
option in bedrooms. white Shaker-style cabinets with black-fin- bathroom on the third floor. The primary offers <modern living in a revitalized neigh-
The second floor in all units has nine- ish fixtures. The Louisa has brown stained- bathroom has a double-sink vanity and a borhood= and that buyers <are drawn to
foot ceilings and open-concept floor plans. wood cabinets and nickel fixtures. walk-in shower with upgraded frameless Gateway West for its transit-oriented con-
Some layouts have powder rooms on this glass. venience, fostering an urban lifestyle with
floor. Other floors have eight-foot ceilings. Bathrooms The Louisa has one or two powder easy access to D.C.=
The units have Kohler bathroom and Buyers have a choice of bathroom lay- rooms and two to four full bathrooms. The 4 Benjamin C Tankersley
Family 15

Did my toddler learn threats from my abusive ex?


Q: My 31/2-year-old son says things like <If you don9t do X, I

will throw you out of this house!= <If you don9t give me
this toy, I will break this house down!= when he is mad or
frustrated. He will say this to me, grandparents, his
cousin and aunt. We are his safe space, and he does not
indulge in this behavior outside of home. But I believe it
is deep-rooted. When I was in the same house as his
father, who was narcissistic, verbally abusive and
threatening, his father did the same things to me. He
would threaten me if I questioned his actions or
intentions, saying things like: <Since you have the
audacity to talk to me like that, why don9t you and the
sick child drive yourself to the doctors appointment?=
Even though my son was really small, could he have
picked up on it? I am on my journey of healing from a
bad marriage. But it is very shocking to me how children
can take in so much from their surroundings. But maybe
I am wrong. I want to hear what you have to say about
this behavior, and how I can help my toddler transition
out of this habit and move on to better behavior.
illuSTrATion By MAríA AlconAdA BrookS/The WAShingTon PoST; iSTock

A: I am sorry that you were in a is wired to feel safe (like every abuse he witnessed,= she said. relationships generally.= Notice
relationship that made you feel other child on earth), but has had <Even happy moments may that he is using threats related to
so small, and I would like to the extra burden of watching an trigger a sense of threat, because childhood (<I will break this
congratulate you on getting out unsafe relationship between his it sounds like it9s hard for him to house down!=) instead of
of it. Many people don9t parents. Even though you were relax.= repeating exactly what he heard
understand how insidious verbal the one who was threatened, it is So, when we understand that your ex saying to abuse you. So he
abuse is or how an abusive like your son was threatened the abuse your son witnessed is mimicking the spirit of the
partner can hold such sway over along with you. A young child isn9t seeped into him, it can clarify abusive dynamics.
intelligent and capable adults. mature enough to say to why it is critical that you receive What can you do to support
Even after you leave the abusive themselves, <This is about them, the best support that money and your son? Reagan and I both
partner, the healing has only not me.= Everything is about a time can offer. And yes, time is of strongly recommend a play
begun for everyone in the family, young child; it is developmentally the essence. Naturally, we don9t therapist who specializes in
spouses and children alike. typical. want to see your son acting like Even though you were attachment and trauma. While
First, you mention that you are So to your question, yes, your his other parent, but the good the playing may not look like
on your own journey of healing young child is likely reacting to news is that his brain is very the one who was much from the outside, it is
and I could not have been what he has experienced at a very young. The sooner he can co- important to remember that a
happier to read that. While your young age. <When witnessing regulate, feel safe and learn how threatened, it is like young child9s primary way of
son could have definitely picked intimate partner violence, they to express his anger, the more learning is through play, so it

the washington post . thursday, october 5 , 2023

up cues from his other parent, sense the threat and instinctively likely that the abuse does not your son was tracks that this is where some
you are the one who needs the do what they need to do to feel have to take on a life of its own, healing can take place.
most immediate support. Why? safe,= said my friend Laura spinning into other behavioral threatened along with Additionally, it is wonderful
You are one of the most Reagan, a psychotherapist issues that will hurt your son9s that you and his grandparents
important adults who need to co- specializing in trauma. <The schooling, friendships and you. A young child isn9t are not punishing or threatening
regulate with your son to help memory of the danger they relationships with other adults. your son. Understanding that his
him find his bearings. This witnessed, and their helplessness As for trusting yourself when it mature enough to say to behavior is a sign of needing
means that when your son is to do anything about it, is held in comes to your son and his safety will be the lens through
feeling frantic, angry, panicked, their implicit (nonverbal) emotional needs, please do more themselves, <This is which you will navigate these
frustrated and mad, you can memory.= She goes on to say that of this. I know that after leaving choppy waters. Keep at it.
meet his emotions with calm, he may be reacting to signals an abusive relationship, trusting about them, not me.= Above all, feel optimistic that
centered, focused attention. from you and your nervous your intuition can feel shaky, but healing can happen here, for
Don9t accelerate his emotions by system, and his nervous system is I am going to invite you to keep both of you. Take it one day at a
punishing him, reasoning with picking that up. <It often shows staying curious about what your time, and surround yourself with
him or shaming him, and don9t up in sensorimotor (sensory and gut is telling you. people who build you up, support
downplay or try to stop his movement impulses) and While 31/2-year-olds are very you and celebrate your parenting
feelings by ignoring him, giving emotional forms. The child may emotional humans, this is wins. Good luck!
in to his demands, escaping him be reacting to signals from the different. <These unresolved
or becoming overly emotional mother9s nervous system that his experiences continue to impact õ Also at washingtonpost.com
yourself. Instead, because you are nervous system is picking up his developing nervous system,= read the transcript of a recent live
healing, focus on showing up for implicitly. He may sense his Reagan says. <It9s typical of Q&A with leahy at
him in a way that is confident mother9s emotions of anxiety and children who have witnessed live.washingtonpost.com, where you
and calm. fear, sadness, loneliness or other intimate partner violence to can also find past columns.
This is of utmost importance emotions that may trigger a reenact the power dynamics they ýSend parenting questions to
because your son9s nervous system reminder to his system of the past witnessed, both in play and in leahy at onparenting@washpost.com.
Dc Family

Patience is a skill. Here9s how to teach your kids.

BY S TACEY C OLINO chart for him that depicts every
day up until his birthday. <The
t9s no secret that patience chart has other exciting dates on

I doesn9t come easily to kids.

And the challenge to develop
it may be increasing in our
modern world, given that kids
have immediate access to so
it so he9s motivated [to] go
through it and not just anticipate
the end,= says Vogel, a mother of
five boys and an artist and galler-
ist in Long Island.
many things that have led them to Besides helping him realize the
expect instant gratification 24/7. big day is coming closer, checking
They have constant internet off a date on the chart each night
access and on-demand TV servic- has allowed him to practice pa-
es. They don9t have to wait to see tience, she says.
how a photo will turn out after it9s Validate your child9s feelings.
been developed; they can see it <There may be times when you
right away on a digital camera9s need to be compassionate and
window or their phones. And they say, 8This is really hard for you,
can reach their parents wherever honey, and I9m sorry,9= Cole says.
they are, thanks to texting. This is a form of <emotion coach-
<It9s a now generation 4 every- ing,= which can be effective in
thing is instant and accessible helping kids develop patience
and kids are used to having every- among other self-regulatory
thing quickly,= says Michele Bor- skills. Research has found that
ba, an educational psychologist including emotion coaching in
based in Palm Springs, Calif., and parenting programs helps reduce
author of <Thrivers: The Surpris- children9s disruptive behaviors
ing Reasons Why Some Kids and improve the relationship be-
Struggle and Others Shine.= Yet tween kids and their parents.
this new reality comes at the Discuss the outcomes of deci-
expense of kids developing the iStock sions. Depending on your child9s
ability to tolerate waiting or de- age and ability to verbalize their
lays without getting upset. capacity for patience, they have tool kit to go to, to help us be feelings, it may be valuable to talk
Kids aren9t born with patience. less depression and more positive patient,= says Kimberly Cuevas, about whether they9re happy with
It9s a quality they develop over moods. an associate professor of psycho- a particular choice they made or
time. <Young kids are supposed to Here are some ways you can logical sciences at the University wish they9d made a different one.
be egocentric because their whole help your kids cultivate patience: of Connecticut. As a parent, you A 2019 study in the Journal of
world is revolving around them,= Play games that involve pa- can model how you use these Experimental Child Psychology
Borba explains. This is partly tience. Outdoor games such as tools 4 by taking a deep breath found that experiencing regret
because parents and caregivers Red Light, Green Light or Mother, before acting when you9re frus- about a choice helps 6- and 7-
are constantly attentive to a May I? help kids learn when to act <Patience is teachable trated or using time spent in year-old kids learn to delay grati-
child9s needs and safety, and part- and when to wait. Inside, playing traffic to listen to calming music fication when they face a similar
ly because of how their brains card games such as Go Fish or as long as the person or think aloud about your next one in the future.
work. The goal is to gradually board games such as Candy Land vacation. Seeing this behavior To get the conversation started,
help kids build self-control as or Chutes and Ladders are great teaching it is patient may inspire your child to follow you could comment upon how
their brains mature and develop. ways to help kids learn to wait your lead in similar situations, your child seems to feel after
<We live in a social world and their turn and handle frustra- themselves.= experts say. deciding to spend their birthday
we can9t have everything we want tions, Borba says. Build in pauses. When you ask money right away, then ask how
Michele Borba,
when we want it 4 that9s where Redirect your child9s atten- your child a question that re- they do feel about their decision
educational psychologist and author
patience and self-control come tion. To help a child be patient quires more than a yes-or-no re- or what they learned. By encour-
in,= says Pamela Cole, a professor while waiting in line, for example, sponse, encourage them to wait at aging this kind of self-reflection,
of psychology and human devel- create distractions by playing a least three seconds before an- Borba says, you9ll be helping
opment at Penn State. <The years hand game (such as Rock Paper swering, Borba suggests. Besides them develop the ability to delay
the washington post . thursday, october 5 , 2023

between toddlerhood and kinder- Scissors) or an I Spy game or allowing your child a chance to gratification in the future.
garten are critical for developing singing a song together. think of an appropriate response, Use positive reinforcement.
patience.= Sohaib Hasan9s almost-3-year- this pause helps curb the impulse <Recognize when your kids have
By age 6 or 7, kids can start to old child often becomes frustrat- to blurt out the first thing that been patient and tell them you
think about their own behavior ed while waiting for her turn at comes to mind. Along with pa- appreciate it,= Cuevas says. <This
and the consequences of that the playground. <We9ll engage in tience, these are key aspects of will help motivate your children
behavior and better understand a fun activity like counting birds self-regulation, Borba says. to do that again.= You can also do
the concept of patience, says Pa- or finding shapes in the clouds,= Rely on visual aids. Offer con- this by <telling the other parent or
mela Davis-Kean, a professor of says Hasan, a father of three girls crete ways to count down the a friend how well your child did
psychology at the University of in Karachi, Pakistan, and founder waiting time 4 such as using an with patience while your child is
Michigan. <Patience is another of OhMyClassroom.com. <This oven timer or an hourglass- within earshot,= Borba says.
name for self-regulation, which is makes the waiting time more shaped sand timer 4 while Hopefully, your child takes pride
both behavioral and emotional.= enjoyable and helps her cope with they9re waiting for a snack or your in that behavior, which will en-
While schools are a major set- her impatience.= attention, for example. This is courage a repeat performance in
ting where kids learn patience 4 Research has found that using especially helpful for younger the future.
often because they have to wait in the attention training technique kids, for whom a particular span <Patience is teachable as long
lines and take turns 4 parents 4 which involves focusing your of time may feel abstract. as the person teaching it is pa-
can also help kids build it. And it9s attention on different sounds in When Yaeli Vogel9s 4-year-old tient themselves,= Borba says.
worth the effort, because <a pa- space to divert attention from son began asking for a new mag- <You9ll never get instant results. It
tient child is a happier child,= your feelings 4 improves kids9 net toy, she suggested it would be takes patience and it takes time.=
Borba says. <He9ll be less stressed, ability to delay gratification. a great gift for his 5th birthday.
have better self-control, and Model patience when you9re He liked the idea until he realized Stacey colino is a writer specializing
make fewer rash decisions.= An- frustrated. Sometimes adults his birthday was several months in health and psychology. on X, she9s
other perk: Research suggests struggle with patience, too. <The away. Because he kept asking for @colinoStacey.
that when people increase their difference is, as adults, we have a the toy, Vogel decided to create a

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