Peter and Jane 2B

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Have a go

Readers get the most out of the

Key Words reading scheme when they

follow the books in the pattern 1a, 1b, 1c:
2a,, 2b, 2c: and so on.

Senes b practises new words

Senes c links to phonics and writing

The a, b, and c series are all written using

the same carefully controlled vocabulary.
The Ladybird Key Words Reading Scheme
has three series, each containing Key Words
twelve books. Reading Scheme

The ‘a’ series gradually introduces and

repeats new words.

The parallel 'b' series provides further

practice of these words, but in a different
context and with different illustrations.

The 'c' series uses familiar words to teach

phonics in a methodical way, enabling
children to read more difficult words. It also
provides a link to writing.

Ail three series are written using the same

carefully controlled vocabulary.

Pub3l3l'.Od t)y Liidybird Books Llc3

A Penguin Compel ny
Pengiuin Books Ltd., 00 Sl/and, Lon-dw WC2R ORL, UK
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written by W. Murray
LADYBIRD and theda vice of a latfybfd are Iraderonrhs of Ladybird Bcoki: Lid Illustrated by J.H. Wingfield
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ISBN: 970-1^d2-23-764

PrtnlOd in China
You like trees.

You and I like trees


V r '
.•f 1 nM

want 9
You like Peter.

ike Peter.

We like Peter

we We

like Jane.

We like Jane.


Here are shops.

We like shoos.

We like tou shoos

You want fun.

I want fun.

This is fun.

fun this This


This is Pat.

ike Pat.

Pat likes fun.

We like this dog

20 Pat

Here is some water. . like the water

Here is Peter

22 some water
Here you are,
Jane and Peter.

Here is some water.

1 Look in the water.

You are in the water

look Look
Here is Peter.

He likes water.

He has the doq.

The doc is

in the water,

He likes it.

he He it
Jane has a ball. It is for Pat.

Pat is here.


He wants the

Here is a tree.

Pat looks into the tree

He looks for Peter

and Jane.

They are in the tree.


30 into they They

Come and look.

Peter comes, and

they 00k


Look here, says Jane

Look here, Peter.

says comes Come 33


Here are some sweets.

Some are for Peter

and some for Jane

They have some sweets.

Theu like sweets

sweets have
Peter wants to jump Can you jump this?

and Pat wants to Jump. says Peter to Jane.

ney jump for fun.

^ ff
Yes, says Jane.

Yes,l can jump this.

1 want to jump.

Look. Peter, look

I can jump this.

yes Yes
Peter and Jane

go to the shop.

They go into the

for some fish.

Peter has the dog,

and Jane has the fish

The fish qo into the water.
says Peter.

Into the water they go No, no, no, soys Jane

to the dog.
Pat wants the fish.

.i. .
PsLer and Jane havs fun.

Here comes Peter

Here comes Jane

Here they come

We like this, they say.

Hsrs they go.
Yes, we want to go home,
Jane wants to go home, they say.
Peter wants to go home
and the dog wants
to go home.
m ^

50 home 51
New words used in this book How do I use this scheme?
The Ladybird Key Words Reading Scheme uses
the most frequently met words in the English
Page Page language - Key Words as a starting point for
learning to read successfully and confidently

4 you 26 he it
Why are Key Words important?
8 want 28 for
• 12 Key Words make up one quarter of
10 we 30 into they
those we reed and write.
14 are 32 says come • 100 Key Words make up haif of those we
16 can fish 34 sweets have read and write.
18 fun this 36 to jump • About 300 Key Words account for three
20 Paf 38 yes quarters of those we read and write.

22 some water 40 go By learning to recognise these words on sight,

24 look 42 no children will be able to 'decode' most sentences
50 home much more easily and quickiy
How do I get started?
• Draw your child's attention to the shape of
each word: where are the tall Where
are the letters with parts that drop down?

• Encourage your child to recognise the letters

that make up each word.

• The pictures in this book are intended to make

the words easier to understand. Point to the
pictures on the page as your chiid says the
words to build the connection between words
Total number or new words: 27
and what they describe.
Average repetition per word: 9
The Original

Key W^rds
Reading Scheme
Written by W. Murray

100 Key Words make up half of all those

we read and write.

• Series a introduces new Key Words

• Series b practises Key Words
• Series c develops Key Words using phonics
and writing skills

ISBN 978-1 -S4422-376-

Printed in China


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