Chapter 1: Defining marketing for 21st Century Negative – consumer’s dislike a product and may
pay to avoid, such as with dental work
Nonexistent – consumers are unaware of or
uninterested in the product or service
Latent – There is no product on the market that
- Marketing creates demand for a product, which can satisfy consumer needs
in turn drives revenue.
Declining – Consumers purchase a product less
- Greater demand creates the need for
and less frequently, or not at all. For example, the
companies to hire new workers, while revenue
sale of albums (vinyl and CD’s) are declining
(top line) contributes to a company’s bottom
line (profits), which allow the company to be
more fully engaged in socially responsible Irregular – A products demand varies by time,
activities. such as on a seasonal basis.
Marketing – is the activity, set of institutions, and Full – Consumers are buying all the products that
processes for creating, communicating, delivering, enter into the market.
and exchanging offers that have value for
Overfull – There are more buyers than product
customer, clients, partners and society at large
Marketing Management – the art and science of
Unwholesome – Consumers are attracted to
choosing target markets and getting, keeping, and
products that have undesireable social
growing customers through creating, delivering,
consequences, such as cigarettes or gambling.
and communicating superior customer value.
What is marketed
- Economist describe a market as a collection of
buyers and sellers who transact over a
Goods particular product or product class.
- There are five basic markets –
o Manufacturer,
Places o resource (financial, labor, raw
Experience – a trip to Disney world, fantasy camp, o intermediary (wholesalers, resellers,
a cruise etc.)
Events – trade shows, the Olympics, Super Bowl, o consumer
etc. o government.
Properties – includes real estate as well as stocks
and bonds Simple marketing system
Industry – a collection of sellers
Organizations – use marketing to connect with Market – a collection of buyers
Integrated marketing
Who is responsible for marketing
- Product and services
Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) - Communications
- Channels
- CMOs must have strong quantitative skills, to
accompany their qualitative skills. Must be Performance marketing
entrepreneurial as well as a team player.
However, the CMO nor the marketing - Sales revenue
department can be solely responsible for - Brand & customer equity
marketing. It must be undertaken by the entire - Ethics environment
organization. - Legal
- David Packard of Hewlett-Packard is quoted as - Community
saying: “Marketing is far to important to be left
to the marketing department.” Relationship marketing
- Customers The Four Ps of Marketing Mix
- Channel
- Partners Product
- is the task of hiring, training, and motivating Chapter 2: Developing Marketing strategies
able employees to serve customers well. You and plan
can’t promise excellent services it you can’t
deliver excellent services. Value Delivery Approach
Core Competencies
- Product features
- Firms must focus on what they do well, things
- Promotion
that are the essence of the business.
- Merchandising
1. Contributed to perceived customer benefits - Pricing
2. Useful in a wide variety of market - Sales
3. Difficult to imitate - Channels
- Service
Holistic market
Corporate Strategic Planning
Value Exploration – How the firm identifies new
value opportunities. 1. Define corporate mission
2. Establish SBU’s
Value Creation – How efficiently a company
3. Assign resources to SBU’s
creates more promising new value offerings
4. Asses growth opportunities
Defining Corporate mission - New business
- Downsizes
- Answering Pete Ducker’s classic question - Elimination of older business
- Who is the customer The Strategic-Planning Gap
- What is the value of the customer
- The lowest curve projects expected sales over
- What will our business be
the next five years from the company’s current
- What should our business be
business portfolio. The top curve is the desired
- What is our business
sales over this period. As the company wishes
to grow faster than its current businesses will
Mission statement
allow, the company must seek new
1. Focus on a limited number of goals opportunities.