Artikel 4 (Q1)
Artikel 4 (Q1)
Artikel 4 (Q1)
Fate of microplastics under
the influence of climate change
Fatima Haque1 and Chihhao Fan1,*
Plastic pollution and climate change are two major environmental focuses. Having the forming potential
due to ambient plastic pollution, the environmental fate of microplastics shall be inevitably impacted by
global warming. This manuscript discusses the destiny of environmental microplastics and characterizes
their fate considering the framework of the planetary boundary. The major routes for microplastic
discharge include the release of microplastic stored in the ice into the sea when the ice melts as a result
of global temperature increase, flushing of the plastic/microplastic debris from the shorelines into the
adjacent water bodies as a result of increased rainfall, redistribution of the microplastics away from the
source of plastic debris as a result of increased wind, and accumulation of microplastics in the soil as a
result of drought. A perspective on the impact of climate change and microplastic pollution on aquatic
and soil organisms was discussed as well.
Plastic pollution and climate change are two major global threats that impact the pedosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere of the environ-
ment. With the influence of climate change, the elevated temperature leads to extreme weather events such as glacier thawing and increased
ocean temperature, causing sea-level rise and ocean acidification.1 Even worse, the atmospheric temperature increase in some regions ex-
ceeded 1.5 C, only half a degree away from the 2 C temperature rise threshold set by the 26th UN Conference of the Parties.2 On the other
hand, global production of plastics increased from 1.3 million tons in 1950 to 359 million tons in 2018.3,4 Total plastic waste can reach 634
million tons by 2025.5 Global plastic production is on the rise and improper waste management leads to the ubiquity of plastic litter in the
environment. Once exposed to the environment, plastic waste can be sideswiped into microplastics via photodegradation, mechanical
impact, ambient weathering, or microbial degradation.6,7 Therefore, it is important to understand the environmental fate and consequential
impact of microplastics on the organisms since their wide distribution and persistence in the environment is a critical issue of concern.
Environmental plastic could be classified as macroplastic (size >5 mm) or microplastic (size <5 mm). Microplastics may be further catego-
rized into primary microplastic (originally manufactured to a size <5 mm) or secondary microplastic (degraded macroplastics exposed to
various environmental conditions).8,9 Depending on their types, shapes, sizes, and composition, microplastics impose different toxic levels
on the environment and ecology. Microplastics with smaller sizes are more toxic in general as they are more susceptible to uptake by aquatic
organisms as well as plants.10,11 While several review papers assess the transport of microplastics into coastal shorelines and water bodies
(e.g., Browne,12 Luo et al; ,13 Zhou et al; 14), the influences of climate change on the microplastic formation and/or distribution are not dis-
cussed in detail. Therefore, this manuscript throws light on how climate change impacts microplastics’ fate and environmental consequences.
Climate change intensifies the impact of microplastics on the environment by influencing their degradation, distribution, and interaction
with ecosystems. Understanding these impacts is crucial for developing effective strategies to address the microplastic problem in the face of
climate change. Climate change has various effects on the fate of microplastics in the environment. Increasing temperatures can expedite the
degradation of plastic, resulting in enhanced fragmentation and the release of smaller microplastic particles.9 Additionally, elevated temper-
atures facilitate the physical breakdown of plastics through thermal degradation, rendering them more susceptible to other degradation
Climate change can also lead to more frequent and intense extreme weather events like storms, hurricanes, and floods, which can trans-
port and disperse microplastics across larger areas, thereby increasing their distribution in the environment.16 Moreover, climate change con-
tributes to the rise of sea levels and ocean acidification.17 This combination raises the vulnerability of coastal areas to plastic pollution, while
also influencing the breakdown and degradation mechanisms of plastics in marine environments. Changes in ocean currents and circulation
patterns, driven by climate change, can further impact the transport and dispersion of microplastics. Altered currents have the potential to
carry microplastics over extensive distances, thus increasing the likelihood of contamination in previously unaffected regions.18 Additionally,
climate change disrupts marine ecosystems, affecting the behavior, reproduction, and feeding patterns of organisms that interact with
Figure 1. Schematic representation of the goal and objective of this study: the effect of climate change parameters (temperature, rainfall, drought, and
wind) on microplastic fate in the environment
microplastics. The rising temperatures and alterations in ocean chemistry can disrupt the exposure of marine species to microplastics, leading
to the accumulation of microplastics within the food chain.19–21
Overall, comprehending these effects is crucial for developing effective strategies to address and mitigate the microplastic issue in the
context of climate change. There are only a limited number of available literature that discuss the link between climate change and plas-
tic/microplastic pollution. For example, Welden et al.22 and Ford et al.23 examined the impact of climate change on marine plastic pollution
and how plastic pollution and climate change are fundamentally linked, i.e., how plastic generation aggravates greenhouse gas emission and
climate change. Li et al.24 reviewed the effect of environmental and anthropogenic factors on the distribution of microplastics in freshwater
systems. Zhang et al.25 studied the impact of climate change and eutrophication on microplastic distribution in shallow lakes. Similarly, Huang
et al.26 explored microplastic pollution in the aquatic environment and its impact on human health. However, most of these review studies
focused on the fate of microplastic in the aquatic environment. In contrast, this manuscript aims to discuss the fate of microplastics in the total
environment including the pedosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere under the influence of climate change.
Given the previous context, the main objectives of this study are to 1) delineate the destiny of the environmental microplastics, we need to
understand what the major sinks for microplastics are to assess the fate of microplastic in the environment; 2) illustrate the environmental
impacts of climate change outcomes, namely temperature, rainfall, drought, and wind on the fate of microplastics. This section discusses
how various climatic factors impact the microplastic sinks as well as the (re)distribution of the microplastic in the environment; 3) provide a
perspective on the effect of climate change parameters and microplastic accumulation on aquatic and soil organisms. The research gaps
are identified, and future research directions are proposed. The impact of climate change on microplastic was considered less when exper-
imental works were designed or field monitoring studies were involved. Microplastic transport across the terrestrial environment, aquatic
environment, and the atmosphere follows a transport route that is similar to any given biogeochemical cycle,27,28 but a deeper exploration
of the impact of climate change on microplastic is missing.
Our previous work, Haque and Fan,29 covers the fate and transport of microplastics in the environment as a whole, specifically addressing
the hydrosphere, pedosphere, and atmosphere. Its aim focused on providing a comprehensive understanding of the fate and transport of mi-
croplastics in these three zones, along with their ecotoxicological impact on aquatic and soil communities. It also deliberates future research
directions and plastic waste management strategies to control microplastic pollution. In contrast, this study primarily explores the impact of
climate change parameters (temperature, rainfall, drought, and wind) on the fate of microplastics in the environment. The main objectives
involve defining microplastic destiny, examining the influence of climate change outcomes on microplastic fate and redistribution, and
providing a perspective on the effects of climate change parameters and microplastic accumulation on aquatic and soil organisms. While
both works address the fate and transport of microplastics, the work by Haque and Fan29 provided a broader overview of the environmental
fate in the hydrosphere, pedosphere, and atmosphere, while this current manuscript focuses more specifically on the influence of climate
change parameters and their effects on microplastic fate and distribution. Additionally, this manuscript highlights the gaps in current research
regarding the impact of climate change on microplastics, aiming to deepen the understanding of these interactions and mechanisms.
This study proposes a perspective on the effect of climate change parameters (i.e., temperature, rainfall, drought, and wind) on microplas-
tic fate (dispersion/distribution/redistribution). Each climatic factor was examined and discussed to provide a deeper insight into possible
interactions and mechanisms between microplastic and various environmental systems. This review also explores the knowledge and scien-
tific gaps in the current undergoing of experimental designs, which hardly considered the climate change impact to assess the threats of mi-
croplastics to the environment. Figure 1 illustrates the objective of this study: the effect of climate change parameters (temperature, rainfall,
drought, and wind) on microplastic fate in the environment.
Table 1. Plastic degradation pathways and their connections with climate change factors
weathering is the major mechanism responsible for microplastic formation. Generally, natural plastic degradation is a slow process (i.e., thou-
sands of years), which explains why there are limited studies to evaluate the degradation of plastic and the formation of microplastic under
environmental conditions.30 Environmental weathering results in plastic degradation, breaking long-chain polymers into smaller ones. Weath-
ering mechanisms including abiotic degradation such as UV radiation, heat, and chemical reactions lead to plastic breakdown or fragmen-
tation via mechanical stress or chemical oxidation.6,7
Another notable degradation mechanism is the biotic degradation caused by enzymatic processes as well as biodisintegration in which
plastics are fragmented into small pieces, for example, the composting processes.31 Detailed reviews of the degradation pathways of
different types of plastic were given by Shah et al.,32 Singh and Sharma,33 and Zhang et al.9 The microplastic crisis would be worsened as
a result of global warming and climate change. The interplay between these two pressing issues creates an unhealthy cycle that intensifies
the impact on ecosystems and environmental health. Table 1 summarizes the different plastic degradation pathways, along with how climate
change can aggravate the microplastic crisis. One of the primary mechanisms by which global warming exacerbates the microplastic crisis is
through the acceleration of abiotic degradation processes. As temperatures rise, plastic materials break down at an increased rate, leading to
the release of even smaller microplastic particles into the environment.34 This not only amplifies the contamination levels but also makes it
more challenging to mitigate their effects.
Climate change also contributes to the problem of microplastic pollution through its influence on ocean currents and weather patterns.
Rising sea levels and altered ocean currents can transport microplastics over greater distances, spreading contamination to previously unaf-
fected regions. Additionally, extreme weather events such as hurricanes and storms can cause plastic debris to be distributed over vast areas,
further increasing the dispersion of microplastics.35 Moreover, global warming impacts the ecological balance of marine ecosystems,
affecting the organisms that interact with microplastics. Rising temperatures and ocean acidification disrupt the reproductive cycles and be-
haviors of marine species, potentially altering their exposure to microplastics.36 This disruption can lead to the accumulation of microplastics
within the food chain, posing threats to both aquatic organisms and humans who rely on marine resources. To address the worsening micro-
plastic crisis, concerted efforts are required to mitigate the impacts of global warming and plastic pollution.
In Figure 2, a graphical illustration of the destiny of environmental microplastics is presented. Originating from mismanaged plastic waste,
a substantial portion of environmental microplastics forms after experiencing weathering process, followed by redistribution through atmo-
spheric and oceanic currents. Subsequently, atmospheric deposition and gravitation process results in microplastic accumulation in various
environmental compartments. A more detailed description of the microplastic accumulation in aquatic habitats (including sediments), glacier
habitats (including ice caps in remote zones), and terrestrial soils can be referred to in the supplementary materials.
As stated previously, the atmospheric current or oceanic circulation is the major driving force that displaces microplastics to distant areas
before their accumulation in various environmental compartments. Therefore, the fate of environmental microplastics can be classified into
two categories: the one that is suspended in the circulated currents and the other that settles due to depository or gravitation processes. The
criteria that control the microplastics in suspension or deposition may be diverse and complicated. Theoretically, the specific weight, shape,
and surrounding environment are the major factors that determine the possibility of sedimentation of suspended microplastics. The environ-
mental conditions such as flow speed of the climatic currents, buoyancy, and viscosity of the carrying media are also required to consider for
assessing the fate of environmental microplastics.
By inspecting the available studies in the literature, most of the research articles were conducted based on their pre-defined research do-
mains, i.e., local studies, regional investigations, or global evaluations. To be more specific, most of the studies consist of experimental works
focusing on pre-determined purposes such as environmental monitoring, mechanisms of microplastic degradation, transport, toxicological
implications of microplastics, etc. A compilation of these local studies was applied to deducing the investigation concerning a large-scale
issue, such as regional or planetary explorations depending on the number and geographical distribution of the individual study cases.
Microplastic pollution has been an issue of concern since decades ago, and its impact on the environment has been repetitively empha-
sized considering the global distribution and persistence of microplastics. In the literature, many review studies (please refer to the supple-
mentary material for these studies) keep on underlining the long-term implications of microplastics on ecological integrity and environmental
quality from a global perspective, showing a future trend of exploring microplastic issues using the framework of planetary boundaries.
The concept of planetary boundary framework was first suggested by Rockström et al.,41 who proposed a framework to address limits to
the impacts of human activities on the Earth system, which may not be able to function sustainably beyond these limits. To apply the planetary
boundary approach successfully, three key factors need to be considered: (1) the scale of human action about the sustaining capacity of the
Earth, (2) the understanding of the essential terrestrial processes including human actions, and (3) the resilience and its links to complex dy-
namics and self-regulation of living systems. This research approach became well recognized and its application can be found in various da-
tabases when addressing global concerning issues, including sustainability, nutrient cycle, water use, and so many others. Also, Steffen et al.42
indicated the importance of cross-scale interactions and the regional-level heterogeneity of the environmental processes when addressing
global issues using the framework of planetary boundaries. In their study, two core planetary boundaries (nine boundaries were proposed in
their original study)—climate change and biosphere integrity—were identified to have the potential to drive the Earth system into a new state.
However, very few studies (the study by Arp et al.43 is one of the limited examples) have been found for microplastic study from a global
perspective. In line with the previous discussion, the framework of planetary boundaries could be an excellent tool and forward-thinking
approach for microplastic research. The planetary boundaries framework identifies nine critical Earth system processes that, if crossed, could
lead to irreversible and detrimental environmental changes. In short, the framework of planetary boundaries advocates the philosophy of
limits-to-grow, limiting the environmental stresses to support the system growth of the Earth. As we can observe nowadays, many global is-
sues of the environment prevail (e.g., climate change, nutrient cycles, water supply, the impact of atmospheric aerosol, etc.), not being
confined within one identified planetary boundary. Therefore, cross-discipline thinking coupled with a planetary boundary framework could
be attractive when tackling the global environmental issue of microplastics.
Additionally, solving microplastic issues requires diverse expertise. With the implementation of the planetary boundary approach, collab-
oration among experts from different fields, such as ecology, chemistry, geology, and social sciences could be fostered. While the use of the
planetary boundary approach holds much promise, challenges exist in implementing it effectively. Obtaining precise data on microplastics’
distribution, behavior, and long-term impacts is demanding due to their ubiquity and minute size.
As stated previously, the parent and degraded plastic waste would be transported by surface runoffs to freshwaters, and thereafter to the
oceans.49 An increase in atmospheric temperature would increase plastic degradation in their transport processes. The impact of global
warming on microplastic movement was investigated by characterizing microplastics in the rainfall, melting glaciers, as well as non-glacial
runoff. One trillion pieces of microplastics at most were estimated to be released from sea ice into the Arctic Ocean in a decade due to
ice melting.18 Microplastic pollution in a remote lake basin on the Tibetan plateau resulted from glacial melting and the released microplastics
iScience 26, 107649, September 15, 2023
Sanggou Seawater, sediments, Typhoon The seawater was treated with sodium MP concentration in the seawater Wang et al.73
Bay (China) and cultured oysters hydroxide to remove the organic matter, and sediments increased by 40% after
(Crassostrea gigas). followed by sieving and drying the the occurrence of typhoons. This
collected MP at 60 C. The sediments implies the impact of climatic
were dried at 60 C, followed by treatment factors on the fate of MP. MP
with hydrogen peroxide to remove the of size 0.05–0.1 mm was found
organic matter, and suspended in saturated in the tissues extracted from oysters,
sodium chloride to separate the MP by which is smaller than the size prior to
density difference method and dried on a the typhoon (0.1–0.5 mm). MPs were
Petri dish at 60 C (two-step extraction characterized as PP, PS, and PET. SEM
method). The soft tissues of the oysters, scan shows the presence of heavy
including the digestive tract were removed metals in the oysters’ tissues, suggesting
and MP was extracted using the two-step the possibility of MP acting as carriers
extraction method. MP was characterized of heavy metals and enhancing their
using a microscope, FTIR, and SEM. assimilation by marine organisms.
Northern Gulf Sandy sediments Temperature MP was recovered from the sand samples The presence of MP and high temperature Beckwith et al.36
of Mexico were collected using the density separation method using have a negative effect on the incubating
from coastal a saturated salt solution. MP was characterized nests and hatching process for turtles.
nesting sites for based on shape, size, and color.
turtles (n = 10).
Mallnow, Lebus Sandy loam soil Temperature Water stable aggregate (%) of the This laboratory study confirmed Liang et al.79
(Germany) was used for the soil was determined. that the presence of MP fibers
experimental and increased temperature (28 C
design using compared to the control of 25 C)
polyacrylic fibers. decreased the percentage of
water-stable aggregates,
resulting in poor soil quality.
Laboratory Nile tilapia fish were Temperature The fish samples underwent analysis to At temperatures greater than 36 C, Hasan et al.80
experiment exposed to MP assess their hemato-biochemical parameters, fish ingested the highest amount of
(Bangladesh) polyamide and different identify erythrocytic abnormalities, and polyamide, and their hemoglobin
temperatures of examine the histopathology of their gills and and RBC number decreased as
30 C, 33 C, and 36 C. intestines. MP was extracted using hydrogen compared to fish samples not
peroxide followed by filtration. MP was exposed to MP.
characterized under a microscope.
Table 2. Continued
Location Sample collection Climatic factor Analysis Result summary Reference
Mississippi Water samples (n = 10) Flood MPs were extracted using sieving As a result of flooding and freshwater Scircle et al.81
Sound (Gulf techniques and characterized inflow, MP concentration decreased,
of Mexico) using fluorescence microscopy indicating the horizontal distribution
and laser direct infrared. of the MP entrained in the surface
water. Oysters, found in the sampling
site, were exposed to polyester,
acrylates/polyurethanes, polyamide,
polypropylene, polyethylene, and
Ho Chi Minh City Dry and wet atmospheric Wind and Rain MP was retrieved using the density separation Atmospheric fallouts confirmed the Truong et al.78
(Vietnam) 3fallout samples (n = 3) method and characterized using a presence of MP (70–900 pieces/m ),
stereomicroscope and FTIR. indicating the role of wind and rain in
the fate of MP. MP was predominated
by fibers and sizes ranging from 300
to 5000 mm.
Trent University Freestream wind speed Wind An experiment was set up using quartz MP fibers were found to be more Bullard et al.82
Environmental was sampled. (mimicking sand found near coastal shores) prone to transport by wind
Wind Tunnel and soil as the substrate bed, and MP compared to microbeads.
(TEWT), Ontario, (PE and PS) of different shapes, sizes, and
(Canada) densities were added. The wind velocity
was controlled to study the velocity profile
and fate of MP.
Shiraz, southwest 6 h after the dust storm, Dust storm The dust samples were sieves, and MPs The majority of particles were fibrous, Abbassi et al.83
Iran. dust samples were were extracted using the density separation with an average diameter of
collected from windscreens method with zinc chloride followed by vacuum approximately 20 mm, and more
or backscreens of 5–10 filtration. The MP was characterized using a than 60% of them were shorter than
cars from 22 locations. microscope, Raman spectrometer, and SEM-EDX. 100 mm in length. HYSPLIT modeling,
satellite imagery, and geochemical
iScience 26, 107649, September 15, 2023
(Continued on next page)
Table 2. Continued
Location Sample collection Climatic factor Analysis Result summary Reference
iScience 26, 107649, September 15, 2023
Laboratory study The growth of Lepidium Acid rain Lepidium sativum was exposed to artificial PET and acid rain negatively Pignattelli et al.84
(Italy) sativum (garden cress) acid rain (pH 4.5 made of sulfuric acid and affected L. sativum resulting
was investigated. nitric acid) and PET. The effect of PET and in lower pigment,
acid rain on the plant was determined in aminolevulinic acid, and
terms of pigment change, antioxidant proline production.
concentration, and aminolevulinic acid
and proline determination.
Beijing, China Rainfall runoffs and urban Rain MP was retrieved using digestion with MP levels in pipeline rainwater Zhang et al.85
pipeline rainwater runoffs hydrogen peroxide followed by filtration. runoff varied from 1.6 to 29.6 MP
were collected from main They were characterized using a per liter, with 0.7–6.0 MP per liter
roads, office complexes, stereomicroscope and m- FTIR. originating from rainfall, accounting
residential areas, and for 24%–77.4% of the total. The
agricultural experiment majority of MPs were smaller than
stations. 1 mm, comprising 38% in rainfall
and 44.5% in rainwater runoff. It
was concluded that urban pipeline
rainwater runoff is a major route
for land-based MP transport to
surface waters.
Tai Po, Lam Tsuen Water samples. Rain MP was retrieved using digestion with MP concentration in the river Cheung et al.56
River, Hong Kong hydrogen peroxide followed by sieving. surface water was twice the
(China) They were characterized using FTIR. amount found in the coastal
sea surface water after a
three-day rainfall period,
and the microplastic amount
decreased to one-tenth after 2 h
suggesting the washing off of the
microplastic from the river to
the coastal sea.
Nam Co Basin Rain fallout, lake water, Wind and MP was retrieved using The water sample contained Dong et al.50
(Tibetan Plateau) glacial runoff, and non- Temperature digestion followed by fragments and fibers of MP.
glacial runoff. sieving. They were PP was found in the glacial
characterized runoff. Air mass trajectory
using micro-FTIR. analysis showed that MP
can be transported over a
distance of 800 km, and
glacial and non-glacial
runoff could contribute
to 560 kg of MP.
ll iScience
Figure 3. Fate of microplastic under the impact of different climate change parameters
were usually light weighted and small sized.50 Another noted example is the microplastic pollution in the lakes of Svalbard due to the melting
of arctic ice.51 Meanwhile, global warming increases the soil temperature of the permafrost as well,52 leading to the release of microplastics
into the soil and water bodies due to melting processes.53 The annual freeze-thaw cycle numbers would cause further degradation of the
microplastics into nanoplastics due to light irradiation or physical erosion.54 The nanoplastics have smaller particle sizes and are readily ab-
sorbed by soil organisms. They would easily percolate into the deep soil layers and the groundwater to affect the soil biogeochemical cycle.53
Also, the rivers originating from the glaciers or snow caps can transfer the microplastics into downstream water bodies. Yang et al.55 reported
that an alpine river originating from the Himalayas between China and Nepal contained microplastic in the flow (102–302 microplastics per
cubic meter) as well as in its sediment (30–85 microplastic per cubic meter).
Increased rainfall results in enhanced surface water runoffs that translocate the microplastics from terrestrial soils to the aquatic environ-
ment.46 In a climatic event of three-day rainfall, the microplastic concentration in the river surface water was twice the amount found in
the coastal seawater in Hong Kong, and the number of microplastics decreased to one-tenth after 2 h, suggesting the microplastics being
washed off from the river to the coastal sea.56 Xia et al.57 indicated that microplastic concentration increased from 7.4 microplastic per liter
to 30 microplastic per liter (4 times higher) in the surface water after heavy rainfall. Rainfall can move atmospheric microplastics into the
aquatic environment by trapping them in the raindrops.58 Also, rainfall may affect the hydrodynamics of water flow and resuspend the micro-
plastics in the sediments,59 showing an inverse relationship between sediment and suspended microplastics. Several noted examples of mi-
croplastic transport due to rainfall events are summarized in Table 2. As mentioned in a previous section, coral reefs can outgrow microplastics
and serve as a sink to store microplastics. Acid rain can lead to coral reef bleaching and increase the release of the stored microplastics,
rendering the microplastic redistribution.60
A laboratory study using a sandy wet-dry cycle in a soil column to mimic rainy-dry seasons confirms the vertical movement of the microplastic,
showing a linear relationship between the soil depth and the number of wet-dry cycles.61 However, a field-scale study is required to confirm
the laboratory observations. Despite the negative effects on aquatic organisms and soil organisms,20,21,62,63 microplastics have been shown to
possess positive effects on plant communities in a study when the soil system suffers from drought.64 Due to limited enzymatic activities in soil,
drought can reduce nutrient cycling and microplastics can diminish the nutrient loss by less leaching (70%).48 Soil water content is another
factor that influences the fate of microplastics. Microplastics can move deep down into the groundwater or be washed off to the surface water
bodies in case of heavy rainfall. In the case of drought, microplastics would stay in the soil pores and aggregate.48,65 Such an aggregation
phenomenon improves not only the soil water-holding capacity during drought but also the nutrient retention in the soil, increasing their avail-
ability for plant uptake. For example, the presence of microfibers increased the plant biomass of onion shoots and arbuscular mycorrhizal
fungi colonization in soil, favoring root symbionts’ growth.64 The positive effect of the microplastic in drought might occur on plants like
onions, but a negative effect was observed on wheat or grass.65,66 More research is needed to fill this knowledge gap on how certain plants
react in the presence of microplastics during drought.
The atmosphere offers a pathway to move the microplastic over tens of kilometers to distant areas and wind speed facilitates the transport of
microplastics from the terrestrial zones to their ultimate sinks,67–69 such as the Arctic,70 the Tibetan Plateau,71 French Pyrenees,67 as well as to
the urban areas in the western United States69 and European shorelines.72 For example, typhoons in China increased the concentration of
microplastics in its neighboring aquatic environment.73 The wind translocated microplastics to the Antarctic ice sink, and the microplastic
was considered an airborne pollutant that migrated to distant areas up to the Antarctic snow cap.74 Airborne microplastics are known to
have direct radiative effects75 and are a contributing factor to local atmospheric heating or cooling. Their light-absorbing properties enable
a further increase in the local atmospheric temperature.76 In the polar regions, airborne microplastics would result in cryosphere melting
which released the entrapped microplastics from ice. Dong et al.50 estimated that airborne transport could be the traveling mode of micro-
plastics to the remote lake basin in the Tibetan Plateau (alpine lake environment). There is a positive correlation among wind speed, micro-
plastic transport, and microplastic accumulation in surface water.77 Once reaching remote locations, atmospheric microplastics would travel
along with rainfall into ambient waters and snow beds, or reach different cities.78
In the environmental matrix, the aquatic habitat may serve as the primary sink, where microplastics can suspend in the water column, sink to
the bedrock, and accumulate in sediments, depending on the properties of the microplastic and environmental conditions. The increased
rainfall and wind due to global warming would enhance the water circulation to facilitate microplastic transport to distant aquatic zones
such as the Arctic sea. Increased wind velocity leads to the atmospheric transport of microplastics to glacier habitats. Elevated temperature
propels the loss of accumulated microplastic from the melted ice caps. Flooding and drought determine the fate of terrestrial soil microplas-
tics which either move between the marine habitat and terrestrial soils (due to flooding) or remain entrapped in the soil (due to drought).
While the impact of climate change on the fate of microplastic in the environment is evident, microplastic pollution and climate change
together can have an ecotoxicological effect on aquatic and soil organisms. The impact of microplastics on aquatic and soil organism has
been well reported. In the open literature, the investigations by Egbeocha et al.,19 Wright et al.,20 Guzzetti et al.,21 Rillig and Bonkowski,62
and Guo et al.63 are a few of the available studies that reviewed the impact of microplastics on soil and aquatic organisms. Meanwhile, Prata
et al.86 explored the impact of airborne microplastics on humans. However, most of these studies did not consider the combined impact of
climate change and microplastics on ecotoxicity and the ecosystem.
In this section, we presented the perspective regarding the impact of climate change and microplastic on organisms using relevant evi-
dence from the literature, as illustrated in Figure 4. Microplastics reach the Arctic seas, either by airborne transmission or via glacier melting
(i.e., various microplastic transportation pathways), exposing the arctic seabirds, fish, and benthic organisms to microplastics.87–89 In another
scenario, at the temperature of 20 C, the presence of microplastic does not significantly affect the fish (Pomatoschistus microps, a common
species found in the estuaries and coastal waters of Northern Europe and the Mediterranean Sea) mortality (8%, not a significant difference).
However, as the water temperature rises to 25 C as a result of global warming, 33% of fish mortality occurred due to temperature increase and
microplastic presence.90 Seemingly, climate change and microplastic generation may impact the survival of aquatic organisms, which affects
the population of aquatic species, either altering their number or pushing them to the edge of extinction. Other noted examples also indi-
cated that the global temperature increase has a cascading effect on marine turtles’ numbers; microplastic increases the dune’s temperature
and consequently inhibits turtle growth.36 Microplastics have various mechanisms through which they can raise the temperature of dunes.
Firstly, their dark color, typically black or dark brown, enables them to absorb and retain more solar radiation than natural sand particles.
The heightened absorption of sunlight results in elevated surface temperatures in areas where microplastics accumulate.91 Secondly, micro-
plastics can modify the physical characteristics of dunes. When mixed with sand, microplastics can alter the surface texture, diminishing the
dune’s reflectivity, also known as albedo. A lower albedo means that more solar energy is absorbed rather than reflected into the atmosphere,
which further elevates the temperature.92 Additionally, microplastics can influence the thermal conductivity of dune sediments. Compared to
natural sand, microplastics possess lower thermal conductivity, which means they are less effective at transferring heat. Consequently, micro-
plastics may act as insulators, trapping heat and causing temperatures to rise within the dune environment.93 The combined effects of
enhanced solar absorption, reduced albedo, and modified thermal conductivity resulting from the presence of microplastics collectively
contribute to increased temperatures in dunes where these particles are present. Loss of coral reefs due to coral bleaching is also concern-
ing,60 which not only releases the stored microplastic back into the sea but also results in coral extinction.
Biofilm formation on the surface of microplastics is an often-observed phenomenon, where various photosynthetically active bacteria (for
example, Rhodobacteraceae spp.) or cyanobacteria grow on the microplastic surface.94 The formation of biofilms depends on environmental
parameters such as temperature, light, nutrient availability, water circulation, as well as hydrodynamic conditions.95 In the extreme events of
climate change, such as higher temperature, intense light irradiation, and enhanced ocean circulation, the biofilm formation on the micro-
plastic varies, and the carbon-storing capacity of the oceans would be impaired by altering the circulation of organic matter and nutrients.96
Additionally, sediment resuspension due to enhanced ocean recirculation would enhance lake eutrophication by resuspension of the
Figure 4. Impact of climate change factors and microplastic pollution on aquatic and soil organisms
The effect of global warming and microplastic accumulation in the soil impacts the soil’s biophysical properties such as bulk density and
water-holding capacity, which further affects the microbial activities as well as stability to form aggregates.97 Cracking in the soil as the plastic
filming increases the rate of evaporation and leads to soil moisture loss,98 affecting the plant’s growth (de Souza Machado et al., 2019).99
Knowing that the effect of microplastic on the soil ecosystem has not been investigated as widely as the effect on the aquatic ecosystem,
we discuss the impact of microplastics on the soil environment under the influence of climate change. High microplastic concentration in
soil (e.g., greater than 1000 mg per 100 g soil) is likely to inhibit the growth of earthworms.100 When polyethylene terephthalate (PET), a major
constituent in plastic bottles and plastic bags, enters the soil system, it can impose chronic toxicity on plants. For example, garden cress
(grass) growth was inhibited, along with reduced biomass and leaf number, and unbalanced total chlorophyll content affecting the photo-
synthesis performing potential of the plant when exposed to PET and acid rain.84
At a higher temperature, the existence of microplastics in the soil can increase aggregate formation in the presence of soil fungi (i.e., Mu-
cor fragilis) as the growth rate of fungi is enhanced, resulting in the release of the binding agents that hold the soil particles together.79 The soil
aggregate formation was affected by the fungi in the soil. For example, Chaetomium angustispirale is known to degrade the cellulose in the
soil at a higher temperature, reducing aggregation in soil.101 Although the reason why the microplastics do not negatively impact the soil’s
aggregate-forming capability of the fungi is not well explored, one probable reason might be that the microplastic, especially the microfiber,
can entangle the soil particles together and increase aggregation. The aggregation might serve as a radiative surface to increase the soil
temperature and improve fungi growth. However, there is a threshold temperature up to which fungi can produce the optimum amount
of binding agents; thereafter, a further increase in soil temperature above the threshold would decrease fungal activity. O’Brien et al.102 em-
ployed duckweed as the sample plant to explore the interaction between the plant-microbe-climate change microplastic, using a mixture of
microbes from its microbiome, temperature, and carbon dioxide as the climate change parameters, and tire wears leachates as the micro-
plastic. In the absence of microplastics at a higher temperature and carbon dioxide concentration, a positive mutual symbiotic relationship
between the microbes and duckweed was observed, and this relationship shifted to negativity in the presence of microplastic. Anyhow,
knowledge of the microplastic presence in soil is still needed to draw deeper insights into the interaction among the microplastic, soil,
and fungi.102
In summary, the presence of microplastics in the aquatic or terrestrial soil habitat poses a threat to aquatic and soil organisms, and its eco-
toxicological effect is enhanced due to changing climate change parameters. The existence of climate change and microplastic pollution
together impacts the organisms inherent to the glacier habitat since the microplastics will no longer be entrapped in the ice. The presence
of microplastics and climate change impact seems to have a negative ecotoxicological effect on aquatic organisms. However, it may also have
a positive effect in some soil habitats, depending on the soil environmental conditions and the presence of certain soil microbes. Therefore,
understanding the combined effect of climate change and microplastic pollution on the environment and its biota is of prime importance.
Based on the review presented in this study, major inferences are discussed herein. The aquatic habitat is threatened as a sink for micro-
plastics in the current scenario of climate change due to several factors. Firstly, rising temperatures and increased UV radiation can accelerate
the degradation of plastics, leading to the release of more microplastic particles into the aquatic environment. This increases the overall
abundance and concentration of microplastics in water bodies. Secondly, climate change can alter ocean currents and circulation patterns,
affecting the transport and distribution of microplastics. Changes in currents can result in the accumulation of microplastics in specific areas,
such as coastal regions or gyres, posing a higher risk to aquatic organisms in those habitats.
Additionally, extreme weather events like storms and floods, which are becoming more frequent and intense due to climate change, can
cause the redistribution of microplastics. These events can transport microplastics over long distances and introduce them to new aquatic
ecosystems, increasing the potential for contamination. Furthermore, climate change-induced sea-level rise can exacerbate the problem
by bringing more plastic waste from coastal areas into the aquatic environment. Coastal regions are often hotspots for plastic pollution,
and as sea levels rise, more plastic debris can enter rivers and estuaries, ultimately reaching the oceans. The combined effects of climate
change and microplastic pollution can disrupt the ecological balance of aquatic habitats. Microplastics can be ingested by marine organisms,
leading to negative physiological effects, reduced feeding efficiency, and altered reproductive processes. These phenomena can have
cascading impacts on the entire aquatic food chain, from primary producers to higher level predators, ultimately threatening the health
and biodiversity of the ecosystem. In conclusion, climate change intensifies the threats posed by microplastics to aquatic habitats by accel-
erating plastic degradation, altering ocean currents, increasing the frequency of extreme weather events, and promoting the influx of plastic
waste from coastal areas. Understanding and addressing these challenges are crucial to safeguarding the integrity and resilience of aquatic
ecosystems in the face of climate change and microplastic pollution.
Rising temperatures associated with climate change lead to the accelerated melting of glaciers. As glaciers melt, a large quantity of water,
along with the microplastics trapped within them, is released into downstream environments, resulting in the redistribution of microplastics
from glacier habitats to other ecosystems. Glacier habitats have traditionally acted as sinks for microplastics, trapping them over long periods.
However, as glaciers recede due to climate change, the stored microplastics are released, contributing to the contamination of downstream
environments such as rivers, lakes, and oceans. The thawing of glaciers also exposes previously buried microplastics, which can further
contribute to their release into the environment. These microplastics can be transported by meltwater and carried over long distances, poten-
tially reaching ecologically sensitive areas. The implications of microplastic release from melting glaciers are concerning for both the environ-
ment and organisms that inhabit these ecosystems. Microplastics can negatively impact aquatic organisms, including fish, invertebrates, and
other wildlife, through ingestion, disrupting their feeding habits, reproductive systems, and overall health. Therefore, the accelerated melting
of glaciers driven by climate change not only threatens the integrity of these habitats but also exacerbates the distribution of microplastics,
amplifying the environmental challenges posed by plastic pollution.
Based on the review presented in this study, it was inferred that the terrestrial habitat is impacted as a sink for microplastics in several
ways. Firstly, the increased frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, such as heavy rainfall and flooding, can result in the trans-
port of microplastics from land to water bodies. The microplastics that were originally present on land can be carried by runoff and enter
rivers, lakes, and oceans. Secondly, rising temperatures can accelerate the degradation of plastic in terrestrial environments. As temper-
atures increase, the physical breakdown of plastics through thermal degradation can occur more rapidly. This can lead to the fragmenta-
tion of larger plastic items into smaller microplastic particles, which can then be carried by wind or water currents and transported to
different locations.
Furthermore, changes in precipitation patterns and drought conditions associated with climate change can affect the distribution
and transport of microplastics in terrestrial habitats. During dry periods, microplastics may accumulate in soil and sediment, making
them more susceptible to wind erosion and subsequent transport to other areas. Conversely, heavy rainfall events can cause soil erosion
and the release of microplastics into water bodies. Additionally, climate change can alter the behavior and distribution of organisms in
terrestrial ecosystems, which indirectly affect the fate of microplastics by influencing the interactions between microplastics and biota.
Overall, the combination of increased transport through runoff, accelerated degradation, changes in precipitation patterns, and shifts
in ecosystem dynamics poses a significant threat to the terrestrial habitat as a sink for microplastics in the current scenario of climate
As global warming continues to be a significant threat to the earth, many actions have been taken to curb the influence of climate
change, such as adopting renewable sources of energy or sustainable use of land.103 However, glacier melting and the release of micro-
plastics are still inevitable due to the increase in global temperatures, since glacier snow has been identified as another ultimate sink for
microplastics. Therefore, monitoring microplastic redistribution from melting ice caps should be conducted as well. Similarly, future
research on terrestrial soil habitat should also include monitoring microplastics in the pedosphere. Understanding the fate of micro-
plastic in the soil as well as its impact on soil biota, especially plants, is important to prevent microplastic from reaching humans via the
food chain.
Though we have discussed the possible routes of microplastic transport in this manuscript, there are limited experimental studies to
confirm the transport pathway through water, soil, or air.104 Experimental studies on the fate of microplastics should be encouraged.
Laboratory-scale experimental designs can include water column or soil media studies to understand the fate of microplastic in the
habitats. Also, a closed air-box system can be designed to understand the impact of wind speed and flow direction on microplastics.
These experiments can further be assembled into a complex system to understand the interactions between the three environmental
media (i.e., water, soil, and air) on microplastic fate. Parameters such as precipitation rate, wind velocity, soil types, and types of micro-
plastics can be manipulated to examine the interactions between these factors. The integrated experimental system would provide
knowledge on the widespread dispersal of microplastic not only to the remote glacier regions but also to distinct areas which are
not even susceptible to plastic pollution. Laboratory-scale experiments can verify concepts, but their validation needs to be confirmed
at the field scale. Therefore, field environmental monitoring should be conducted as well.
Another prioritized research direction should encourage studies on the biological and chemical interactions of the microplastic with
their environmental matrix (aquatic and terrestrial habitats). The aquatic and soil biota, primarily microorganisms, can attach to the mi-
croplastics and excrete extracellular polysaccharides that lead to microplastic aggregation, resulting in microplastic sinking to the
seabed or getting retained in the soil. Experimental studies should be conducted to explore the mechanisms for the above-mentioned
phenomena. Additionally, the parameters for risk assessment of microplastic exposure to aquatic and soil organisms need to be
explored under the influence of climate change.
Integrating planetary boundaries into microplastic research is crucial for a comprehensive understanding of the environmental impli-
cations and effective management of microplastics.43 Planetary boundaries define the limits within which human activities should op-
erate to maintain a stable and resilient Earth system. By incorporating these boundaries into microplastic research, we can ensure that
our efforts align with broader sustainability goals and minimize the negative impacts on the environment. These boundaries encom-
pass various dimensions such as climate change, biodiversity loss, freshwater use, land system change, and chemical pollution. There-
fore, future research on microplastics should acknowledge the interconnections between different planetary boundaries and consider
the potential trade-offs and synergies addressing microplastic pollution and other environmental challenges. Taking a holistic
approach, researchers should incorporate the concept of planetary boundaries into the design of their experiments and investigations.
This involves recognizing the specific environmental dimensions and impacts associated with microplastics and assessing how they
align with the planetary boundaries framework. For example, researchers should evaluate the potential chemical pollution caused
by microplastics and examine its implications in relation to the boundary related to chemical pollution. Furthermore, it is crucial to
develop methodologies that allow for the quantification of the impacts of microplastics within the identified planetary boundaries.
This could include assessing the concentration and distribution of microplastics in different environmental compartments, evaluating
their effects on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, and considering their contribution to chemical pollution.
These research directions can move the efforts toward a comprehensive understanding of the complex interactions between microplastic
pollution and climate change, ultimately informing strategies and actions to mitigate their combined impacts on the environment. These rec-
ommended prioritized research directions should be able to provide deeper insights into the impact of climate change on the fate of micro-
plastic among its various habitats, as well as its synergistic ecotoxicological effects.
To study the effects of climate change on plastics, particularly in extreme conditions, researchers can employ accelerated weathering ex-
periments using model microplastics. In these experiments, the researchers simulate the environmental conditions associated with climate
change to understand how plastics behave and interact with the surrounding environment.
Choose plastic materials commonly found in the environment, such as polyethylene or polypropylene, as they exist in a significant
portion of environmental plastic pollution. The size, shape, and composition of the plastic samples should be considered to ensure
they resemble real-world scenarios.
Create controlled environments that simulate extreme conditions associated with climate change. Factors to consider include temper-
ature, UV radiation levels, humidity, and exposure to air or water. These conditions can be achieved using environmental chambers,
solar simulators, temperature-controlled incubators, or outdoor exposure setups.
Decide on the duration of exposure to extreme conditions, considering the accelerated nature of the research. This involves the se-
lection of an appropriate time frame that reflects the anticipated effects of long-term climate change within a feasible experimental
Assess the physical and chemical changes occurring in the plastic samples under extreme conditions. This may include measuring
degradation rates, changes in mechanical properties, fragmentation, surface morphology alterations, and chemical breakdown of
the plastic materials. Techniques such as spectroscopy, microscopy, thermal analysis, and mechanical testing can be used for charac-
Investigate the environmental impacts of plastic under extreme conditions. This includes studying the leaching of additives, the release
of microplastics, and their interactions with organisms and ecosystems. The investigation may include conducting toxicity assessments,
evaluating biological effects, and observing ecological changes caused by plastic exposure in simulated extreme conditions.
Compare the results obtained from the simulated extreme conditions with observations from real-world environments experiencing
climate change. This helps validate the relevance and accuracy of the research findings and provides insights into the potential effects
of climate change on plastics in different contexts.
By following these steps, researchers can effectively mimic the effects of climate change on plastics and gain valuable insights into the
behavior, degradation, and environmental consequences of plastics under extreme conditions. This knowledge can inform strategies for miti-
gating plastic pollution and guide policy-making efforts aimed at addressing the challenges posed by climate change and plastic waste.
Supplemental information can be found online at
This work is supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan under the grant numbers MOST 108-2313-B-002-026 and 109-2313-
B-002 -049 -MY2.
F.H.: Formal analysis, Investigation, Writing-Original Draft, Writing-Review & Editing, Visualization. C.F.: Conceptualization, Methodology,
Project administration, Writing-Original Draft, Writing-Review & Editing.
The authors declare no competing interests.
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