UART/FIFO IC Datasheet
Version 2.0
Document No.: FT_000288 Clearance No.: FTDI #199
Future Technology
Devices International Ltd
FT232H Single Channel Hi-
Speed USB to Multipurpose
Neither the whole nor any part of the information contained in, or the product described in this manual, may be adapted or reproduced
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supplied on an as-is basis and no warranty as to their suitability for any particular purpose is either made or implied. Future Technology
Devices International Ltd will not accept any claim for damages howsoever arising as a result of use or failure of this produ ct. Your
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information that may be subject to change without notice. No freedom to use patents or other intellectual property rights is implied by
the publication of this document. Future Technology Devices International Ltd, Unit 1, 2 Seaward Place, Centurion Business Pa rk,
Glasgow G41 1HH United Kingdom. Scotland Registered Company Number: SC136640
1 Typical Applications
Single chip USB to UART (RS232, RS422 or USB Instrumentation
USB Industrial Control
USB EPOS Control
USB to FT1248
USB MP3 Player Interface
USB FLASH Card Reader / Writers
Set Top Box - USB interface
USB to I2C
USB Digital Camera Interface
USB to Bit-Bang
USB Bar Code Readers
USB to Fast Serial Interface
USB to CPU target interface (as memory)
Royalty free VIRTUAL COM PORT Royalty free D2XX Direct Drivers
(VCP) DRIVERS for... (USB Drivers + DLL S/W Interface)
Windows 10 and Windows 10 64-bit Windows 10 and Windows 10 64-bit
Windows 8 and Windows 8 64-bit Windows 8 and Windows 8 64-bit
Windows 7 and Windows 7 64-bit Windows 7 and Windows 7 64-bit
Windows Vista and Vista 64-bit Windows Vista and Vista 64-bit
Windows XP and XP 64-bit Windows XP and XP 64-bit
Windows XP Embedded Windows XP Embedded
Windows 2000, Server 2003, Server 2008 Windows 2000, Server 2003, Server 2008
Windows CE 4.2, 5.0, 5.2 and 6.0 Windows CE 4.2, 5.0, 5.2 and 6.0
Mac OS-X Mac OS-X
Linux (2.6.39 or later) Linux (2.6.32 or later)
Reel: Taped and Reel (LQFP = 1500 pieces per reel, QFN = 3000 pieces per reel)
Tray: Tray packing, (LQFP = 250 pieces per tray, QFN =260 pieces per tray)
The timing of the rise/fall time of the USB signals is not only dependant on the USB signal drivers, it is
also dependant system and is affected by factors such as PCB layout, external components and any
transient protection present on the USB signals. For USB compliance these may require a slight
adjustment. This timing can be modified through a programmable setting stored in the same external
EEPROM that is used for the USB descriptors. Timing can also be changed by adding appropriate passive
components to the USB signals.
Table of Contents
1 Typical Applications....................................................... 2
1.1 Driver Support ........................................................................... 2
1.2 Part Numbers ............................................................................. 3
1.3 USB Compliant ........................................................................... 3
2 FT232H Block Diagram .................................................. 4
3 Device Pin Out and Signal Descriptions ......................... 8
3.1 Schematic Symbol ...................................................................... 8
3.2 FT232H Pin Descriptions ........................................................... 9
3.3 Signal Description .................................................................... 10
3.4 ACBUS Signal Option ................................................................ 12
3.5 Pin Configurations ................................................................... 13
3.5.1 FT232H pins used in an UART interface ........................................................ 13
3.5.2 FT232H Pins used in an FT245 Synchronous FIFO Interface ............................ 13
3.5.3 FT232H Pins used in an FT245 Style Aynchronous FIFO Interface .................... 14
3.5.4 FT232H Configured as a Synchronous or Asynchronous Bit-Bang Interface ....... 15
3.5.5 FT232H Pins used in an MPSSE ................................................................... 15
3.5.6 FT232H Pins used as a Fast Serial Interface .................................................. 16
3.5.7 FT232H Pins Configured as a CPU-style FIFO Interface ................................... 17
3.5.8 FT232H Pins Configured as a FT1248 Interface ............................................. 17
Pin Pin functions (depends on configuration)
Pin Pin Serial 245 245 ASYNC SYNC Serial Style
# Name (RS232) FIFO FIFO Bit-bang Bit-bang MPSSE interface FIFO
17 DTR# D4 D4 D4 D4 GPIOL0 D4 MIOSI4
4 TriSt-UP
18 DSR# D5 D5 D5 D5 GPIOL1 D5 MIOSI5
5 TriSt-UP
19 DCD# D6 D6 D6 D6 GPIOL2 D6 MIOSI6
6 TriSt-UP
20 RI# D7 D7 D7 D7 GPIOL3 D7 MIOSI7
7 TriSt-UP
ACBUS * **
ACBUS ** **
ACBUS ** **
ACBUS * **
ACBUS ** ** ** **
ACBUS ** **
7 WRSAV# # # # # GPIOH7 V# #
** **
ACBUS ** ** ** ** ** **
8 8
** **
ACBUS ** ** ** ** ** **
9 9
Pins marked * require an EEPROM for assignment to these functions. Default is Tristate, Pull-Up
Pins marked ** default to tri-stated inputs with an internal 75KΩ (approx.) pull up resistor to VCCIO.
Pin marked *** default to GPIO line with an internal 75KΩ pull down resistor to GND. Using the EEPROM
this pin can be enabled USBVCC mode instead of GPIO mode.
Copyright © Future Technology Devices International Limited 9
UART/FIFO IC Datasheet
Version 2.0
Document No.: FT_000288 Clearance No.: FTDI #199
** If pin 40 (VREGIN) is +5.0V, pin 39 becomes an output and If pin 40 (VREGIN) is 3V3 pin 39 becomes
an input.
When used in Input Mode, the input pins are pulled to VCCIO via internal 75kΩ (approx.) resistors. These
pins can be programmed to gently pull low during USB suspend (PWREN# = “1”) by setting an option in
Name Type UART Configuration Description
13 TXD OUTPUT TXD = transmitter output
14 RXD INPUT RXD = receiver input
15 RTS# OUTPUT RTS# = Ready To send handshake output
16 CTS# INPUT CTS# = Clear To Send handshake input
17 DTR# OUTPUT DTR# = Data Transmit Ready modem signalling line
18 DSR# INPUT DSR# = Data Set Ready modem signalling line
19 DCD# INPUT DCD# = Data Carrier Detect modem signalling line
RI# = Ring Indicator Control Input. When the Remote Wake up option is
20 RI# INPUT enabled in the EEPROM, taking RI# low can be used to resume the PC USB
Host controller from suspend.
21 OUTPUT TXDEN = (TTL level). Use to enable RS485 level converter
RXLED = Receive signalling output. Pulses low when receiving data (RXD)
27 OUTPUT from the external device (UART Interface). This should be connected to an
** TXLED = Transmit signalling output. Pulses low when transmitting data (TXD)
TXLED to the external device (UART Interface). This should be connected to an LED.
Table 3.6 UART Configured Pin Descriptions
both low.
Enables the current FIFO data byte to be driven onto
D0...D7 when RD# goes low. The next FIFO data
byte (if available) is fetched from the receive FIFO
buffer each CLKOUT cycle until RD# goes high.
Enables the data byte on the D0...D7 pins to be
written into the transmit FIFO buffer when WR# is
27 WR# INPUT low. The next FIFO data byte is written to the
transmit FIFO buffer each CLKOUT cycle until WR#
goes high.
The Send Immediate / WakeUp signal combines two
functions on a single pin. If USB is in suspend mode
28 (PWREN# = 1) and remote wakeup is enabled in the
EEPROM, strobing this pin low will cause the device
to request a resume on the USB Bus. Normally, this
can be used to wake up the Host PC.
During normal operation (PWREN# = 0), if this pin is
strobed low any data in the device RX buffer will be
sent out over USB on the next Bulk-IN request from
the drivers regardless of the pending packet size.
This can be used to optimize USB transfer speed for
some applications. Tie this pin to VCCIO if not used.
60 MHz Clock driven from the chip. All signals should
be synchronized to this clock.
Output enable when low to drive data onto D0-7.
This should be driven low at least 1 clock period
before driving RD# low to allow for data buffer turn-
Table 3.7 FT245 Synchronous FIFO Configured Pin Descriptions
Bit-bang mode is an FTDI FT232H device mode that changes the 8 IO lines into an 8 bit bi-directional
data bus. This mode is enabled by sending a software command (FT_SetBitMode) to the FTDI driver.
When configured in any bit-bang mode, the pins used and the descriptions of the signals are shown in
Table 3.9
Name Type Fast Serial Interface Configuration Description
13 FSDI INPUT Fast serial data input.
Fast serial clock input.
Clock input to FT232H chip to clock data in or out.
15 FSDO OUTPUT Fast serial data output.
Fast serial Clear To Send signal output.
Driven low to indicate that the chip is ready to send data
The Send Immediate / WakeUp signal combines two functions on a single pin.
If USB is in suspend mode (PWREN# = 1) and remote wakeup is enabled in
the EEPROM, strobing this pin low will cause the device to request a resume
on the USB Bus. Normally, this can be used to wake up the Host PC.
28 SIWU# INPUT During normal operation (PWREN# = 0), if this pin is strobed low any data in
the device RX buffer will be sent out over USB on the next Bulk-IN request
from the drivers regardless of the pending packet size. This can be used to
optimize USB transfer speed for some applications. Tie this pin to VCCIO if not
Table 3.11 Fast Serial Interface Configured Pin Descriptions
Name Type UART Configuration Description
INPUT Bi-directional synchronous command and data bus, bit 0 used to
/OUTPUT transmit and receive data from/to the master
INPUT Bi-directional synchronous command and data bus, bit 1 used to
/OUTPUT transmit and receive data from/to the master
INPUT Bi-directional synchronous command and data bus, bit 2 used to
/OUTPUT transmit and receive data from/to the master
INPUT Bi-directional synchronous command and data bus, bit 3 used to
/OUTPUT transmit and receive data from/to the master
INPUT Bi-directional synchronous command and data bus, bit 4 used to
/OUTPUT transmit and receive data from/to the master
INPUT Bi-directional synchronous command and data bus, bit 5 used to
/OUTPUT transmit and receive data from/to the master
INPUT Bi-directional synchronous command and data bus, bit 6 used to
/OUTPUT transmit and receive data from/to the master
INPUT Bi-directional synchronous command and data bus, bit 7 used to
/OUTPUT transmit and receive data from/to the master
21 SCLK INPUT Serial clock used to drive the slave device data
25 SS_n INPUT Active low slave select 0 from master to slave
Slave output used to transmit the status of the transmit and receive
buffers are empty and full respectively
Table 3.13 FT1248 Configured Pin Descriptions
For functional description of this mode, please refer to section 4.
4 Function Description
The FT232H USB 2.0 Hi-Speed (480Mb/s) to UART/FIFO is an FTDI’s 6th generation of ICs. It can be
configured in a variety of industry standard serial or parallel interfaces, such as UART, FIFO, JTAG, SPI
(MASTER) or I2C modes. In addition to these, the FT232H introduces the FT1248 interface and supports a
CPU-Style FIFO mode, bit-bang and a fast serial interface mode.
Functional Integration. The FT232H integrates a USB protocol engine which controls the physical
Universal Transceiver Macrocell Interface (UTMI) and handles all aspects of the USB 2.0 Hi-Speed
interface. The FT232H includes an integrated +1.8V/3.3V Low Drop-Out (LDO) regulator. It also includes
1Kbytes Tx and Rx data buffers. The FT232H integrates the entire USB protocol on a chip with no
firmware required.
MPSSE. Multi- Protocol Synchronous Serial Engines (MPSSE), capable of speeds up to 30 Mbits/s,
provides flexible synchronous interface configurations.
FT1248 interface. The FT232H supports a new proprietary half-duplex FT1248 interface with a variable
bi-directional data bus interface that can be configured as 1, 2, 4, or 8-bits wide and this enables the
flexibility to expand the size of the data bus to 8 pins. For details regarding 2-bit, 4-bit and 8-bit modes,
please refer to application note AN_167_FT1248_Serial_Parallel Interface Basics available from the FTDI
Data Transfer rate. The FT232H supports a data transfer rate up to 12 Mbaud when configured as an
RS232/RS422/RS485 UART interface up to 40 Mbytes/second over a synchronous 245 parallel FIFO
interface or up to 8 Mbyte/Sec over an asynchronous 245 FIFO interface. Please note the FT232H does
not support the baud rates of 7 Mbaud 9 Mbaud, 10 Mbaud and 11 Mbaud.
Latency Timer. A feature of the driver used as a timeout to transmit short packets of data back to the
PC. The default is 16ms, but it can be altered between 0ms and 255ms.
Bus (ACBUS) functionality, signal inversion and drive strength selection. There are 11
configurable ACBUS I/O pins. These configurable options are:
The ACBUS pins can also be individually configured as GPIO pins, similar to asynchronous bit bang mode.
It is possible to use this mode while the UART interface is being used, thus providing up to 4 general
purpose I/O pins which are available during normal operation.
The ACBUS lines can be configured with any one of these input/output options by setting bits in the
external EEPROM see section 0.
USB Protocol Engine and FIFO control. The USB Protocol Engine controls and manages the interface
between the UTMI PHY and the FIFOs of the chip. It also handles power management and the USB
protocol specification.
Port FIFO TX Buffer (1Kbytes). Data from the Host PC is stored in these buffers to be used by the
Multi-purpose UART/FIFO controllers. This is controlled by the USB Protocol Engine and FIFO control
Port FIFO RX Buffer (1Kbytes). Data from the Multi-purpose UART/FIFO controllers is stored in these
blocks to be sent back to the Host PC when requested. This is controlled by the USB Protocol Engine and
FIFO control block.
RESET Generator – The integrated Reset Generator Cell provides a reliable power-on reset to the device
internal circuitry at power up. The RESET# input pin allows an external device to reset the FT232H.
RESET# should be tied to VCCIO (+3.3V) if not being used.
Baud Rate Generators – The Baud Rate Generators provides an x16 or an x10 clock input to the
UART’s from a 120MHz reference clock and consists of a 14 bit pre-scaler and 4 register bits which
provide fine tuning of the baud rate (used to divide by a number plus a fraction). This determines the
Baud Rate of the UART which is programmable from 183 baud to 12 Mbaud. See FTDI application note
AN_120 on the FTDI website for more details.
EEPROM Interface. If the external EEPROM is fitted, the FT232H can be configured as an asynchronous
serial UART (default mode), parallel FIFO (245) mode, FT1248, fast serial (opto isolation) or CPU-Style
FIFO. The EEPROM should be a 16 bit wide configuration such as a 93LC56B or equivalent capable of a
1Mbit/s clock rate at VCCIO = +2.97V to 3.63V. The EEPROM is programmable in-circuit over USB using
a utility program called FT_Prog available from FTDI web site. Please note that the 93LC46B is not
compatible with the FT232H device.
+1.8/3.3V LDO Regulator. The +3.3/+1.8V LDO regulator generates +1.8 volts for the core and the
USB transceiver cell and +3.3V for the IO and the internal PLL and USB PHY power supply.
UTMI PHY. The Universal Transceiver Macrocell Interface (UTMI) physical interface cell. This block
handles the Full speed / Hi-Speed SERDES (serialise – deserialise) function for the USB TX/RX data. It
also provides the clocks for the rest of the chip. A 12 MHz crystal must be connected to the OSCI and
OSCO pins or 12 MHz Oscillator must be connected to the OSCI, and the OSCO is left unconnected. A 12K
Ohm resistor should be connected between REF and GND on the PCB.
In this case the FT232H is configured as UART operating at TTL levels and a level converter device (full
duplex RS485 transceiver) is used to convert the TTL level signals from the FT232H to RS422 levels. The
PWREN# signal is used to power down the level shifters such that they operate in a low quiescent current
when the USB interface is in suspend mode.
In this case the FT232H is configured as a UART operating at TTL levels and a level converter device (half
duplex RS485 transceiver) is used to convert the TTL level signals from the FT232H to RS485 levels. With
RS485, the transmitter is only enabled when a character is being transmitted from the UART. The TXDEN
pin on the FT232H is provided for exactly that purpose, and so the transmitter enables are wired to the
TXDEN. RS485 is a multi-drop network – i.e. many devices can communicate with each other over a
single two wire cable connection. The RS485 cable requires to be terminated at each end of the cable.
Links are provided to allow the cable to be terminated if the device is physically positioned at either end
of the cable.
This mode uses a synchronous interface to get high data transfer speeds. The chip drives a 60 MHz
CLKOUT clock for the external system to use.
Note that Asynchronous FIFO mode must be selected in the EEPROM before selecting the Synchronous
FIFO mode in software.
A read operation is started when the chip drives RXF# low. The external system can then drive OE# low
to turn the data bus drivers around before acknowledging the data with the RD# signal going low. The
first data byte is on the bus after OE# is low. The external system can burst the data out of the chip by
keeping RD# low or it can insert wait states in the RD# signal. If there is more data to be read it will
change on the clock following RD# sampled low. Once all the data has been consumed, the chip will drive
RXF# high. Any data that appears on the data bus, after RXF# is high, is invalid and should be ignored.
A write operation can be started when TXE# is low. WR# is brought low when the data is valid. A burst
operation can be done on every clock providing TXE# is still low. The external system must monitor TXE#
and its own WR# to check that data has been accepted. Both TXE# and WR# must be low for data to be
This mode does not provide a CLKOUT signal and it does not expect an OE# input signal. The following
diagrams illustrate the asynchronous FIFO mode timing.
While SS_n is inactive, the FT1248 reflects the status of the write buffer and read buffers on the
MIOSIO[0] and MISO wires respectively. Additionally, the FT1248 slave block supports multiple slave
devices where a master can communicate with multiple FT1248 slave devices. When the slave is sharing
buses with other FT1248 slave devices, the write and read buffer status cannot be reflected on the
MIOSIO[0] and MISO wires during SS_n inactivity as this would cause bus contention. Therefore, it is
possible for the user to select whether they wish to have the buffer status switched on or off during
inactivity. When SS_n is active a command/bus size phase occurs first. Following the command phase is
the data phase, for each data byte transferred the FT1248 slave drives an ACK/NAK status onto the MISO
wire. The master can send multiple data bytes so long as SS_n is active, if a unsuccessful data transfer
occurs, i.e. a NAK happens on the MISO wire then the master should immediately abort the transfer by
de-asserting SS_n.
Section 4.6.2 illustrates the FT1248 write and read protocol operating in 1-bit mode. For details regarding
2-bit, 4-bit and 8-bit modes, please refer to application note AN_167_FT1248 Parallel Serial Interface
Basics available at http://www.ftdichip.com.
Copyright © Future Technology Devices International Limited 26
UART/FIFO IC Datasheet
Version 2.0
Document No.: FT_000288 Clearance No.: FTDI #199
If any of the MIOSIO [7:4] signals are low then the data transfer width equals 8-bits.
If any of the MIOSIO [3:2] signals are low then the data transfer width equals 4-bits.
If MIOSIO [1] signal is low then the data transfer width equals 2-bits.
Please note that if both of the MIOSIO bit signals are low then the data transfer width is equal to the
width of high priority MIOSIO bit signal. For example if both of the MIOSIO [7:3] signals are low then
the data transfer width equals 8-bits or if both of the MIOSIO [3:1] signals are low then the data transfer
width equals 4-bits.
In order to successfully decode the bus width, all MIOSIO signals must have pull up resistors. By default,
all MIOSIO signals shall be seen by the FT232H in FT1248 mode as logic ‘1’. This means that when a
FT1248 master does not wish to use certain MIOSIO signals the slave (FT232H) is still capable of
determining the requested bus width since any unused MIOSIO signals shall be pull up in the slave.
The remaining bits used during the command phase are used to contain the command itself which means
that it is possible to define up to 16 unique commands.
CMD[3] BWID 2-bit BWID 4-bit CMD[2] BWID 8-bit CMD[1] CMD[0] X
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1-bit Bus
CMD[3] X X CMD[2] X CMD[1] CMD[0] X
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2-bit Bus
CMD[3] 0 X CMD[2] X CMD[1] CMD[0] X
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
4-bit Bus
CMD[3] X 0 CMD[2] X CMD[1] CMD[0] X
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8-bit Bus
CMD[3] X X CMD[2] 0 CMD[1] CMD[0] X
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
For more details about FT1248 Interface, please refer to application note AN_167_FT1248 Parallel Serial
Interface Basics available at http://www.ftdichip.com.
When SS_n is inactive the write buffer and read buffer status is reflected on the MIOSIO[0] and MISO
signals respectively. When the master wishes to initiate a data transfer, SS_n becomes active. As soon as
SS_n becomes active the SPI slave immediately stops driving the MIOSIO[0] signal and SPI master is not
allowed to begin driving the MIOSIO[0] signal until the first clock edge, this ensures that bus contention
is avoided.
On the first clock edge the command is shifted out for 7 clocks, on the 8 th clock cycle a bus turnaround is
required. The bus turnaround is required as the slave may be required to drive the MIOSIO[0] bus with
read data. The data phase occurs in response to the command and so long as SS_n remains active. The
data phase in 1-bit mode requires 8 clock cycles where the MIOSIO[0] signal transfers the requested
write or read data. The MISO signal indicates to the master the success of the transfer with an ACK or
The status is reflected through the whole of the data phase and is valid from the first clock edge. If the
master is writing data to the slave, then on the last clock edge before it de-asserts SS_n must tristate
the MIOSIO[0] signal to enable the bus to be “turned” around as when SS_n becomes inactive the
FT1248 slave shall begin to drive the write buffer status onto the MIOSIO[0] signal. When the SPI slave
is driving the MIOSIO[0] (the master is reading data) no bus turnaround is required as when SS_n
becomes inactive it is required to drive the write buffer status to the FT1248 master.
See application note AN2232-02 Bit Mode Functions for the FT232 for more details and examples of using
both Synchronous and Asynchronous bit-bang modes.
Any data written to the device in the normal manner will be self-clocked onto the data pins (those which
have been configured as outputs). Each pin can be independently set as an input or an output. The rate
that the data is clocked out at is controlled by the baud rate generator.
New data must be written, and the baud rate clock should tick to change the data. If no new data is
written to the chip, the pins configured for output will hold the last value written.
Asynchronous Bit-Bang mode is enabled using the FT_SetBitMode D2xx driver command with a hex value
of 0x01.
With Synchronous Bit-Bang mode data will only be sent out by the FT232H if there is space in the
FT232H USB TXFIFO for data to be read from the parallel interface pins. This Synchronous Bit-Bang mode
will read the data bus parallel I/O pins first, before it transmits data from the USB RxFIFO. It is therefore
1 byte behind the output, and so to read the inputs for the byte that you have just sent, another byte
must be sent.
For example:
Figure 1. Pins start at 0xFF
Send 0x55, 0xAA
Synchronous Bit-Bang Mode differs from Asynchronous Bit-Bang mode in that the device parallel output
is only read when the parallel output is written to by the USB interface. This makes it easier for the
controlling program to measure the response to a USB output stimulus as the data returned to the USB
interface is synchronous to the output data.
Synchronous Bit-Bang mode is enabled using Set Bit Bang Mode driver command with a hex value of
WRSTB# = this output indicates when new data has been written to the I/O pins from the Host PC (via
the USB interface).
Name Description
t1 Current pin state is read
RDSTB# is set inactive and data on the parallel I/O pins is read and
t2 sent to the USB host.
RDSTB# is set active again, and any pins that are output will change
T3 to their new data
t4 1 clock cycle to allow for data setup
WRSTB# goes active. This indicates that the host PC has written new
t5 data to the I/O parallel data pins
t6 WRSTB# goes inactive
Table 4.3 Synchronous Bit-Bang Mode Timing Interface Example Timings
RDSTB# = this output rising edge indicates when data has been read from the I/O pins and sent to the
Host PC (via the USB interface).
The WRSTB# goes active in t5. The WRSTB# goes active when data is read from the USB RXFIFO (i.e.
sent from the PC). The RDSTB# goes inactive when data is sampled from the pins and written to the USB
TXFIFO (i.e. sent to the PC). The SETUP command to the FT232H is used to setup the bit-mode. This
command also contains a byte wide data mask to set the direction of each bit. The direction on each pin
doesn’t change unless a new SETUP command is used to modify the direction.
The WRSTB# and RDSTB# strobes are only a guide to what may be happening depending on the
direction of the bus. For example if all pins are configured as inputs, it is still necessary to write to these
pins in order to get the FT232H to read those pins even though the data written will never appear on the
USB Parallel I/O I/O pins
MPSSE is fully configurable, and is programmed by sending commands down the data stream. These can
be sent individually or more efficiently in packets. MPSSE is capable of a maximum sustained data rate of
30 Mbits/s.
When the FT232H is configured in MPSSE mode, the IO timing and signals used are shown in Figure 4.14
and Table 4.4 These show timings for CLKOUT=30MHz. CLKOUT can be divided internally to be provide a
slower clock.
MPSSE mode is enabled using the FT_SetBitMode D2xx driver command with a hex value of 0x02. A hex
value of 0x00 will reset the device. See application note AN135 – MPSSE Basics for more details and
The MPSSE command set is fully described in application note AN108 – Command Processor For MPSSE
and MCU Host Bus Emulation Modes.
The FT232H will assert the TCK line and wait for the RTCK to be returned from the target device to
GPIOL3 line before changing the TDO (data out line).
For further details on MPSSE adaptive clocking please refer to AN_108 Command Processor For MPSSE
and MCU Host Bus Emulation Modes.
When the FT232H is configured in Fast Serial Interface mode the IO timing of the signals used are shown
in Figure 4.17 and the timings are shown in Table 4.5 Fast Serial Interface Signal Timings.
FSDO 0 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 SRCE
Start Source
Bit Data Bits - LSB first Bit
FSDI 0 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 DEST
Start Destination
Bit Data Bits - LSB first Bit
Figure 4.20 shows example of two Agilent HCPL-2430 (see the semiconductor section at
www.avagotech.com) Hi-Speed opto-couplers used to optically isolate an external device which interfaced
to USB using the FT232H. In this example VCC5V is the USB VBUS supply and VCCE is the supply to the
external device.
Care must be taken with the voltage used to power the photo-LED. It must be the same voltage as that
which the FT232H I/Os are driving to, or the LED’s may be permanently on. Limiting resistors should be
fitted in the lines that drive the diodes. The outputs of the opto-couplers are open-collector and require a
pull-up resistor.
Note that bits 7 to 4 can be arbitrary values and that X= not used.
The timing of reading and writing in this mode is shown in Figure 4.21 and Table 4.8.
Figure 4.23 shows a configuration using two individual LED’s – one for transmitted data the other for
received data.
In Figure 4.24 transmit and receive LED indicators are wire-OR’ed together to give a single LED indicator
which indicates any transmit or receive data activity.
Note that the LED’s are connected to the same supply as VCCIO.
The Send Immediate portion is used to flush data from the chip back to the PC. This can be used to force
short packets of data back to the PC without waiting for the latency timer to expire.
To avoid overrunning, this mechanism should only be used when a process of sending data to the chip
has been stopped.
The data transfer is flagged to the USB host by the falling edge of the SIWU# signal. The USB host will
schedule the data transfer on the next USB packet.
When the pin is being used for a Wake Up function to wake up a sleeping PC a 20ms negative pulse on
this pin is required. When the pin is used to immediately flush the buffer (Send Immediate) a 250ns
negative pulse on this pin is required.
1. When using remote wake-up, ensure the resistors are pulled-up in suspend. Also ensure peripheral
designs do not allow any current sink paths that may partially power the peripheral.
2. If remote wake-up is enabled, a peripheral is allowed to draw up to 2.5mA in suspend. If remote
wake-up is disabled, the peripheral must draw no more than 500uA in suspend.
3. If a Pull-down is enabled, the FT232H will not wake up from suspend when using SIWU#
4. In UART mode the RI# pin acts as the wake up pin.
After a reset the required mode is determined by the contents of the external EEPROM which can be
programmed using FT_Prog.
The EEPROM contents determine if the FT232H device is configured as FT232 asynchronous serial
interface, FT245 FIFO interface, CPU-style FIFO interface, FT1248 or Fast Serial Interface.
Following a reset, the EEPROM is read and the FT232H configured for the selected mode. After device
enumeration, the FT_SetBitMode command (refer to D2XX_Programmers_Guide) can be sent to the
USB driver to switch the selected interface into other modes – asynchronous bit-bang, synchronous bit-
bang or MPSSE – if required.
When in FT245 FIFO mode, the FT_SetBitMode command can be used to select Synchronous FIFO
(FT_SetBitMode = 0x40). Note that FT245 FIFO mode must be configured in the EEPROM before
selecting the Synchronous FIFO mode.
The drive strength selection, slew rate and Schmitt input function can also be configured in the EEPROM.
The MPSSE can be configured directly using the D2XX commands. The D2XX_Programmers_Guide is
available from the FTDI website. The application note AN_108 – Command Processor for MPSSE and MCU
Host Bus Emulation Modes gives further explanation and examples for the MPSSE.
1. The Synchronous 245 FIFO mode requires both the EEPROM and application software mode
2. The application software can be used to reset the fast serial interface controller
* If devices are stored out of the packaging beyond this time limit the devices should be baked before
use. The devices should be ramped up to a temperature of +125°C and baked for up to 17 hours.
5.2 DC Characteristics
The I/O pins are +3.3v cells, which are +5V tolerant (except the USB PHY pins).
Note: Failure to connect all VCCIO pins of the device will have unpredictable behaviour.
The I/O pins are +3.3v cells, which are +5V tolerant (except the USB PHY pins).
* The I/O drive strength and slow slew-rate are configurable in the EEPROM.
6 FT232H Configurations
The following section illustrates possible USB power configurations for the FT232H.
All USB power configurations illustrated apply to both package options for the FT232H device.
Figure 6.1 illustrates the FT232H in a typical USB bus powered design configuration. A USB bus powered
device gets its power from the VBUS (+5V) which is connected to VREGIN. In this application, the
VREGIN is the +5V input to the on chip +3.3V/1.8V regulator. The output of the on chip LDO regulator
(+1.8V) drives pin 38, (VCORE), and pin 37, (VCCA).
The output of the on chip LDO regulator (3.3V) supplies 3.3V to the VCCIOs, VPLL and VPHY through pin
39, VCCD. Please note that when the FT232H running on +5V (VREGIN), the VCCD becomes an output.
1. In this application, pin 40 (VREGIN) is the +5V input to the on chip +3.3V/1.8V regulator.
Since the VREGIN is +5.0V, pin 39 (VCCD) becomes 3V3 output and supplies 3.3V to the
2. The output of the on chip LDO +3.3V/1.8V regulator (+1.8V) drives pin 38, the FT232H core
supply (VCORE) and pin 37, the VCCA.
Figure 6.2 illustrates the FT232H in a typical USB self-powered configuration. A USB self-powered device
gets its power from its own external power supply which is connected to VREGIN. In this application the
VREGIN is the +5V input to the on chip +3.3V/1.8V regulator. The output of the on chip LDO regulator
(+1.8V) drives pin 38, VCORE and pin 37, VCCA. The output of the on chip LDO regulator (3.3V) supplies
Please note that when the FT232H running on +5V (VREGIN), the VCCD becomes an output.
Note that in this set-up, the EEPROM should be configured for self-powered operation and the option
“suspend on ACBUS7 low” is enabled in FT_Prog. This configuration uses the ACBUS7 pin, when this
function is enabled ACBUS7 should not be used as a GPIO in MPSSE mode.
Figure 6.3 illustrates the FT232H in a typical USB self-powered configuration similar to Figure 6.2. The
difference here is that the VREGIN is connected to the external 3V3 LDO regulator output which supplies
3.3V to the VCCIOs, VCCD, VPLL and VPHY. Please note that when the FT232H running on +3V3
(VREGIN), the VCCD becomes an input. In this application the VREGIN is the +3V3 input to the on
chip+3.3V/1.8V regulator. The output of the on chip LDO regulator (+1.8V) drives pin 38, VCORE and pin
37, VCCA.
Note that in this set-up, the EEPROM should be configured for self-powered operation and the option
“suspend on ACBUS7 low” selected in FT_Prog. This configuration uses the ACBUS7 pin, when this
function is enabled ACBUS7 should not be used as a GPIO in MPSSE mode.
Figure 6.4 illustrates how to connect the FT232H with a 12MHz ± 0.003% crystal. In this case loading
capacitors should to be added between OSCI, OSCO and GND as shown. A value of 27pF is shown as the
capacitor in the example – this will be good for many crystals but it is recommended to select the loading
capacitor value based on the manufacturer’s recommendations wherever possible. It is recommended to
use a fundamental mode, parallel cut type crystal.
It is also possible to use a 12 MHz Oscillator with the FT232H. In this case the output of the oscillator
would drive OSCI, and OSCO should be left unconnected. The oscillator must have a CMOS output drive
7 EEPROM Configuration
7.1 EEPROM Interface
The FT232H uses configuration data from an external EEPROM. The EEPROM must be 16 bits wide
(93LC56B) and powered from the same net as the core supply of +2.97 to +3.63 volts. Adding an
external (93LC56B) EEPROM allows the chip to be configured as a serial UART (RS232 mode), parallel
FIFO (245) mode, FT1248, fast serial (opto isolation) or CPU-Style FIFO.
The external EEPROM can also be used to customise the USB VID, PID, Serial Number, Product
Description Strings and Power Descriptor value of the FT232H for OEM applications. Other parameters
controlled by the EEPROM include Remote Wake Up, Soft Pull Down on Power-Off and I/O pin drive
If the FT232H is used without an external EEPROM the chip defaults to a USB to asynchronous serial
UART (RS232 mode) port device. If no EEPROM is connected (or the EEPROM is blank), the FT232H uses
its built-in default VID (0403), PID (6014) Product Description and Power Descriptor Value. In this case,
the device will not have a serial number as part of the USB descriptor.
8 Package Parameters
The FT232H is available in two different packages. The FT232HL is the LQFP-48 option and the FT232HQ
is the QFN-48 package option. The solder reflow profile for both packages is described in section 8.3.
Pb Free Solder
SnPb Eutectic and Pb free (non green
Profile Feature Process
material) Solder Process
(green material)
Average Ramp Up Rate (Ts to Tp) 3°C / second Max. 3°C / Second Max.
- Temperature Min (Ts Min.) 150°C 100°C
- Temperature Max (Ts Max.) 200°C 150°C
- Time (ts Min to ts Max) 60 to 120 seconds 60 to 120 seconds
9 Contact Information
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Tel: +44 (0) 141 429 2777 Tel: +1 (503) 547 0988
Fax: +44 (0) 141 429 2758 Fax: +1 (503) 547 0987
E-mail (Sales) sales1@ftdichip.com E-Mail (Sales) us.sales@ftdichip.com
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E-mail (General Enquiries) admin1@ftdichip.com E-Mail (General Enquiries) us.admin@ftdichip.com
Web Site
System and equipment manufacturers and designers are responsible to ensure that their systems, and any Future Technology
Devices International Ltd (FTDI) devices incorporated in their systems, meet all applicable safety, regulatory and system-level
performance requirements. All application-related information in this document (including application descriptions, suggested
FTDI devices and other materials) is provided for reference only. While FTDI has taken care to assure it is accurate, this
information is subject to customer confirmation, and FTDI disclaims all liability for system designs and for any applications
assistance provided by FTDI. Use of FTDI devices in life support and/or safety applications is entirely at the user’s risk, a nd the
user agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless FTDI from any and all damages, claims, suits or expense resulting from
such use. This document is subject to change without notice. No freedom to use patents or other intellectual property rights is
implied by the publication of this document. Neither the whole nor any part of the information contained in, or the product
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of the copyright holder. Future Technology Devices International Ltd, Unit 1, 2 Seaward Place, Centurion Business Park,
Glasgow G41 1HH, United Kingdom. Scotland Registered Company Number: SC136640 .
Appendix A – References
Document References
AN_108 – Command Processor for MPSSE and MCU Host Bus Emulation Modes
AN_113 – Interfacing FT2232H Hi-Speed Devices to I2C Bus
AN_114 – Interfacing FT2232H Hi-Speed Devices to SPI Bus
AN_129 – Interfacing FT2232H Hi-Speed Devices to a JTAG TAP
AN_135 – MPSSE Basics
AN_167_FT1248 Parallel Serial Interface Basics
Terms Description
List of Tables
List of Figures
Figure 2.1 FT232H Block Diagram ................................................................................................... 4
Figure 3.1 FT232H Schematic Symbol ............................................................................................. 8
Figure 4.1 RS232 Configuration .................................................................................................... 20
Figure 4.2 Dual RS422 Configuration ............................................................................................. 21
Figure 4.3 Dual RS485 Configuration ............................................................................................. 22
Figure 4.4 FT245 Synchronous FIFO Interface Signal Waveforms ...................................................... 23
Figure 4.5 FT245 Asynchronous FIFO Interface READ Signal Waveforms ............................................ 25
Figure 4.6 FT245 Asynchronous FIFO Interface WRITE Signal Waveforms .......................................... 25
Figure 4.7 FT1248 Bus with Single Master and Slave. ...................................................................... 26
Figure 4.8 FT1248 Basic Waveform Protocol ................................................................................... 26
Figure 4.9 FT1248 Command Structure ......................................................................................... 27
Figure 4.10 FT1248 1-bit Mode Protocol (WRITE) ............................................................................ 28
Figure 4.11 FT1248 1-bit Mode Protocol (READ) ............................................................................. 28
Figure 4.12 Synchronous Bit-Bang Mode Timing Interface Example ................................................... 30
Figure 4.13- Bit-bang Mode Dataflow Illustration Diagram ............................................................... 31
Figure 4.14 MPSSE Signal Waveforms ........................................................................................... 31
Figure 4.15 Adaptive Clocking Interconnect.................................................................................... 32
Figure 4.16 Adaptive Clocking Waveform ....................................................................................... 32
Figure 4.17 Fast Serial Interface Signal Waveforms......................................................................... 33
Figure 4.18 Fast Serial Interface Output Data ................................................................................. 34
Figure 4.19 Fast Serial Interface Input Data ................................................................................... 34
Figure 4.20 Fast Serial Interface Example ...................................................................................... 35
Figure 4.21 CPU-Style FIFO Interface Operation Signal Waveforms ................................................... 36
Figure 4.22 CPU-Style FIFO Interface Example ............................................................................... 37
Figure 4.23 Dual LED UART Configuration ...................................................................................... 37
Figure 4.24 Single LED UART Configuration .................................................................................... 38
Figure 4.25 Using SIWU# ............................................................................................................ 38
Figure 6.1 Bus Powered Configuration Example 1............................................................................ 43
Figure 6.2 Self-Powered Configuration Example 1 ........................................................................... 44
Figure 6.3 Self-Powered Configuration Example 2 ........................................................................... 45
Figure 6.4 Recommended FT232H Oscillator Configuration ............................................................... 46
Figure 7.1 EEPROM Interface ........................................................................................................ 47
Figure 8.1 48 pin QFN Package Details .......................................................................................... 49
Figure 8.2 48 pin LQFP Package Details ......................................................................................... 50
Figure 8.3 48 pin LQFP and QFN Reflow Solder Profile ..................................................................... 51
Modified the IC mark, Figure 8.1 and Figure 8.2; Update contact
Version 1.8 2012-12-13
Added detail to QFN drawing regarding the center pad; Corrected figure
Version 1.81 6.4; Added clarification for which signals are 5V tolerant; Clarified 2013-01-04
ACBUS default functions on P8
Version 1.85 Correct the MPSSE timing spec in table 4.4 2018-07-23
Version 1.9 Updated Figure 8.1 and Figure 8.2 package dimensions 2019-05-27