Fall Protection Plan

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za 15 Oranjerivier Drive
www.tripleweave.co.za Terenure, Kempton Park, 1619
Co. Reg No 2010/016479/23 Tel: +27 11 393-1197/+27 11 047-1563
Vat No: 4290261363 Cell: +27 79 336-3004



a. This Fall Protection Plan (FPP) has been developed accordingly and is determined to
be relevant to the activities that will be commencing on Triple Weave Construction
sites for(Mvula Trust) Sidinane Secondary School.
b. Innocent Phalane has been appointed as the Fall Protection Planner for Triple Weave
Construction sites.
c. This plan must be implemented and must be made available to inspectors on request.
Supervisors are charged with the responsibility that the FPP has been communicated
to the workforce and ensure adherence thereof.
d. Work at heights will not be allowed in any elevated positions during incremented
weather conditions.
e. Personal Protective Equipment for Fall Protection must be SABS approved and
inspected monthly and recorded in a register by the appointed person.
f. All employees issued with Fall Protection PPE must undergo training in the correct use
of such PPE. Supervisors are responsible to provide such training.
g. Triple Weave must provide suitable FPP, risk assessment and proof of training to their
employees. This FPP must be complied to as per health and safety regulations ans must
be monitored by the Site Supervisor or Project Manager.
h. Compliance to this plan will be monitored by the Fall Protection Supervisors and Health
and Safety Officer through out the project.
i. Employees found to be acting in direct contravention of the FPP will be delt with in the
prescribed manner either following company disciplinary procedures.
j. Everyone coming on site must be permitted to do so by the Site Supervisor/ Manager
and the FPP must be communicated to them. A register/ proof of communication of
such must be kept in the health and safety file.
k. No civilians working around the area must park their cars where Work at Heights is in
progress. A safety board must be put to warn the public of such work conducted.
To create a safe working environment through the identification and prevention of hazards, risk,
tasks, scopes of work and working environments associated with Working at Heights.
This FPP applies to all Triple Weave projects and its employees performing Work at Heights.

• Fall Protection Planner: Appointed competent person to develop and maintain a FPP.
• Structure: Any building, steel or reinforced concrete structure (not being a building),
railway line or earthworks, dam wall, mast tower, tower crane, batching plants, pylon
surface and underground tanks, earth retaining structure or any other structure designed
to preserve or alter any structure designed to preserve or alter any natural feature, and
any other similar structure.
• Excavation Work: means the making of any man made cavity, trench, pit, or depression
formed by cutting , digging or scooping.
• Competent Person: any person having the knowledge, training, experience and
qualifications specific to the work or task being performed.
The first step in this approach is to assess the workplace and the work itself in the earliest
design/engineering stages of the project/ site so that potential fall hazards can be eliminated at
an early stage. By doing so, employees are not exposed to these potential hazards and work can
be conducted with little exposure to fall risks.
The second outlook in a continuous fall protection is to assess the scope of work and the
potential conditions. If fall hazards cannot be completely eliminated during the first step, Triple
Weave Management must take a proactive approach to the prevention of falls by improving the
conditions of the workplace. In this step, any hazard that arises outside the design phase of the
project are identified. This is achieved by assessing the workplace and its conditions with the
idea of implementing fall prevention measures such as guard rails, edge protection, handrails
and so forth. In this way, all hazards that were not delt with in the design phase can be addressed
and a safe working environment will be achieved through the implementation of these systems.
i) EXCAVATIONS < 1M (Geneeral open excavations found on site i.e trenches, etc)

a) Persons could fall into the trench and injure themselves.

b) Machinery/ Plant could drive over/ into the trench causing damage to both the excavation
and the machine.
c) The public/ public vehicles could get injured or damaged when falling into or driving into
the trench.
d) Trenches too close to scaffolds and/ or other structures can cause these structures to be
come unstable or to collapse.
e) Excavators and other machines colliding with scaffolds or other structures causing persons
and material to fall or get damaged.

a) Demarcate the trench with danger tape or webbing and display signage to warn of
b) All Triple Weave employees and anyone visiting the site should undergo Site Specific
Induction to be made aware of possible hazards on site.
c) Excavation in public areas must have a physical barrier of 1m high, warning signs and
warning lights at night.
d) Excavations to be done at a safe pre-empted distance away from any structure.
e) Excavators and other plant to operate at a safe distance from structures and other
f) Only the appointed competent operators to operate plant/ machinery.

• Supervisors (1 to 5)
• Operators (2, 4, and 5)
• Employees affected by the excavation operations (1 to 5)
Civilians visiting the site must be inducted.
Task Specific Risk Assessments to be developed and communicated to affected workers.
ii) EXCAVATIONS> 1m ( Deep open excavations found on -site i.e. swimming pools, foundations,

a) Persons could fall into the excavations and injure themselves.

b) Machinery or plant could drive over or into the excavation, causing both damage to the
excavation and the machine.
c) Public or public vehicles can get injured or damaged when falling into or driving into the
d) Excavation too close to the scaffolds and other structures can cause them to become
unstable and/ or collapse.
e) Excavation walls giving way and ground collapsing on workers.
f) Material and equipment placed too close to the excavation sides falling on top of
employees working inside excavations or causing sides to collapse.
g) Employees or equipment falling to lower levels when ladders are used to enter into or
exiting the excavation.

a) Demarcate the trench with danger tape or webbing and display signage to warn of
b) All Triple Weave employees and anyone visiting the site should undergo Site Specific
Induction to be made aware of possible hazards on site.
c) Excavation in public areas must have a physical barrier of 1m high, warning signs and
warning lights at night.
d) Excavations to be done at a safe pre-empted distance away from any structures.
e) Excavators and other plant to operate at a safe distance from structures and other
f) Only the appointed competent operators to operate plant/ machinery.
g) Excavation walls to be sloped to maximum angle of repose, if not possible, the sides
should be adequately shored and braced. Excavations to be inspected on a daily basis.
h) Materials and Equipment to be placed at a safer distance away from the edges of the
i) Ladders to be secured at the top and the bottom, placed at prescribed angle and must
extend 1m past the top of the excavation. Ladders must be inspected monthly and
visually on a daily basis before use.
j) Tools or equipment to be lowered into the excavation by rope. Triple Weave employees
are advised to place handtools in the tools belts when using ladders, not in hands
whilst climbing u or down.

• Supervisors (1 to 9)
• Operators (2, 4,&5)
• Employees affected by the excavations (1 to 5, 8 and 9).
Items to be covered in general induction with all employees.
Task Specific Risk Assessment to be developed and communicated to affected employees.
iii) UNSAFE WORKING AREAS (Possible tripping hazards, etc)

a) Persons falling over rubble/ offcuts/ materials, etc due to poor housekeeping.
b) Material/ Equipment falling from unprotected edges.

a) Maintain good housekeeping principles at all times.

b) Stacking and storage of material to be controlled in demarcated areas.
c) Excess material on site to be continually removed.
d) Building rubble to be continually removed.
e) Housekeeping along with stacking to be monitored daily by all Site Supervisors
f) All Equipment/ material to be stacked at a safe distance from the edges.
g) Stacks are not allowed to exceed recommended height or size, i.e. not higher that 1third
of the shortest base of the stack.
h) Stacking of articles to be done in a safe manner, on firm foundation, not in access ways or
on staircases nor near edges.
i) Articles of the same size and shape to be stacked together i.e 2.5m ledgers on 1 pallet and
1.5m ledger on another.


• Supervisors (1 to 8)
• Employees (1 to 8
Items to be covered in general induction with all employees.
Task Specific Risk Assessments to include stacking at heights. Developed Risk assessments to be
communicated to affected workers.
iv)ROOF WORKS (The conducting of various trades on roofing structures, i.e. Steel erection)

a) Employees falling from an elevated position.

b) Equipment/ Materials falling from an elevated position could cause major injuries

a) Unless A safe working platform can be utilized then workers must have a full body harness
(double lanyard with shock absorber) attached to a secure structure or system, to prevent
them from falling and to reduce the effect of a fall.
b) Safe access (ladders) must also be provided to the working areas
c) Existing roofing sections must not be overloaded with workers or materials and must be
protected against possible damage.
d) Roof sections which are not able to support any loads must be clearly identified with signs
and closed off with a physical barricade.
e) Triple Weave employees are not permitted to work on the roof in dangerous inclement
f) Work to be done according to Tigerbrand specifications and Safe Work Procedures.
g) Roof work must be done under constant supervision of a competent supervisor.
h) Low slope roof works- Employees engaged in work activities on low slopes roofs, with
unprotected sides and edges 1.5m or more above the lower level, shall be protected 100%
fall prevention/ protection by utilizing guardrail systems, personal fall protection systems,
safety net systems, or warning lines.
i) High Slope Roof Work- Triple Weave employees engaged in work activities on high slope
roofs, with unprotected sides and edges 1.5m or more above a lover level shall be provided
with a 100% Fall Prevention/ Protection by guardrail systems, personal fall protection
systems, safety net systems, or lifelines systems. Personal Fall Protection systems must
remain secured at all times, whilst the fall exposure of 1.5m or more is present.
j) All material/ equipment to be kept with confinements of the platforms/ roof.
k) Tool belts to be utilized by workers
l) Areas underneath to be kept clear, demarcated, warning signs displayed and a spotter to
be provided.

• Supervisors and employees affected by the operations.


• Items to be covered in general induction with all employees.

• Task Specific Risk Assessments to be developed and communicated to affected workers.
• Workers to be trained in the safe use of the system along with the emergence plan.
v) LOADING PLATFORMS (Cantilevered Loading platforms and Façade scaffolds’ loading
platforms) POSSIBLE RISKS:

a) Cantilever loading platform collapsing due to overloading or not being erected in

accordance to specifications
b) Scaffold’s loading platform collapsing due to being poorly built or overloading.
c) Materials, Equipment/ Tools falling to a lower level could cause injury to persons.

a) Platform to be erected according to design and specification.

b) Platform to be inspected formally commissioned prior to using the platform.
c) SWL to be clearly visible on the platform.
d) Scaffold to be erected in accordance with design of the platform.
e) Scaffolding Contractor to ensure that the scaffolding platform has adequate reinforced
ledgers on all 4 sides of the platform. Supervisor to inspect platform prior to signing of the
f) Scaffold Contractor to ensure that the scaffold tower is adequately braced on all 3 sides of
the tower and that it is adequately tied to the façade scaffold. Supervisor to inspect scaffold
prior to signing of the scaffold.
g) Spreader beams to be placed below the pallets before lowering the pallets on to the
platforms. Beams to extend past the ledgers.
h) All platforms to have toe-boards installed on the 3 sides that are exposed i.e. not the side
linked with the façade scaffold. Supervisor to inspect scaffold prior to signing of the
i) No person shall alter any part of the loading platform without the adequate training and
consent of the Project Manager. Scaffold to be inspected on a weekly basis and after
inclement weather. Scaffold to be signed off as being safe for use prior to use or loading
j) Lifting and lowering of loads should be one in accordance with the general SWP- Lifting
Procedure. No standing underneath suspended load, no lifting on inclement weather, etc.
k) All tools and equipment to be secured from falling i.e. tool belts, lenyards.

• Supervisor (1 to 11)
• Banks man (1-9)
• Scaffold Contractor and other employees affected by the operations.

• Items to be covered in general induction with all employees.

• Task Specific Risk assessments to be developed and communicated to affected workers.
vi) STAIRCASES (Temporary and permanent staircases found on site)

a) Persons may trip and fall injuring themselves


a) Staircases with 3 or more landings must have handrails on both sides. Staircases must have
secure and safe landings where workers can rest.
b) Temporary staircases must be erected according to manufacturing specifications and must
be suitable for the task at hand.
c) Workers may not carry material up or down single route temporary staircases (only small
d) The sides of temporary staircases must be sufficiently closed off to prevent workers and
material falling through.

• Supervisors and Project Managers

• Triple Weave Management

• Civilians getting into the site must be inducted.

• Task specific risk assessment to be developed and communicated to affected workers.
vii) LADDERS (Steep Ladders and Extension Ladders)

a) Persons / Equipment/ Materials falling to lower level.


a) Ladders must be in a safe working condition with all parts properly secured.
b) Ladders must have no-skid devices.
c) Extension ladders must not be over extended.
d) Ladders must extend900mm over relevant landings.
e) Workers may not climb ladders while carrying material-(tools must be in a suitable carry
bag/ tool belt).
f) Additional worker to hold down the ladder and where possible ladders must be secured to
the structure.
g) Ladders must be inspected monthly onto a register by the appointed person.
h) Ladders to be used for access and work from ladders to be kept to a minimum.
i) Where large tools/ materials need to be taken to a higher level, this should be done using
other safer means of access i.e. Stairs, using rope or cranes to lift equipment/ material onto
higher level. (depending on the weight and size)
j) Risk Assessment on ladders to be adhered to at all times.

• Supervisors, Ladder Inspector and employees


• Items to be covered in general induction.

• Items contained in the risk assessment to be addressed with relevant workers.
viii) DROP OFF EDGES (Areas such as slab edges, floor edges and concrete decks under

a) Equipment/ Tools/ Materials or persons falling to lower levels.


a) All drop off areas on any level must have a physical barricade strong enough to prevent a
worker from moving over the edge. (not danger tape alone).
b) Edge protection (double handrails) must be erected around the decking levels and must be
placed after the decking panels have been put in place (prior to reinforcing activities).
c) Edge barricading must be maintained daily and be replaced immediately after work is
carried out in the area.
d) If edge cannot be barricaded then workers in the area must have safety harness (chain or
rope type) attached to a secured structure or system, to prevent them from going too close
to the edge.
e) Workers that work on or over the edge must have a full body harness, attached to secure
structure or system, to prevent them from falling and to reduce the effect of a fall.
f) Signs warning workers of drop-off areas must be posted in prominent areas.
g) Toe boards to be erected on all platforms where there is a risk of object falling onto people.
h) Where practicable, catch net/ aprons must be erected on drop-off areas where there is a
risk of material striking people walking and working underneath.
i) Triple Weave must ensure that all workers working in an elevated position are medically
and psychologically fit to do so. Written proof i.e. Medical Fitness Report must be available.
j) Employees who suffer from dizziness, vertigo or any other Medical/psychological condition
or who are using medication that could affect their working ability or that could endanger
their lives. When working in an elevated position, such conditions must be reported to the
supervisor or Triple Weave Management and should refrain from working in elevated
k) All persons working in an elevated position must do so from a safe platform/ ladder as if
working from a safe scaffold.
l) Employees who work in unsafe elevated positions must do so with the use of a full body
harness that must be attached to a secure anchorage point. (No safety belt allowed on
m) Training regarding safe use of harness must be obtained from Triple Weave Site Supervisor.
n) Triple Weave must ensure that harnesses are properly worn and attached to a secure point
or lifeline that will be easily able to hold the imposed weight and force of the falling
person/s and their equipment.
o) All static edges are to be protected with a physical barricade that could withstand the
weight and force of a full grown man falling against it.
p) Edge protection must be installed at a height not less than 900mm or higher than 1m.
q) Materials/ equipment/ tools are not to be stacked close to an unprotected edge. Stacking
of this sort shall only be done when there is a solid toe board in place.
r) All persons working in an elevated position must ensure that all tools/ equipment is
secured to prevent them from falling to a lower level i.e. by using tool belts and securing
tools to themselves by using rope.
s) No one is allowed to work directly above another person. Spotter to warn of overhead
work and areas must be demarcated and signs to be displayed in prominent areas.

• Triple Weave Supervisors and Employees

• Triple Weave Management

• Items to be covered in general induction with all employees.

• Task Specific Risk assessments to be developed and communicated to affected workers.
ix) ERECTING AND DISMANDLING SCAFFOLDING (Erecting& dismantling scaffold by scaffold

a) Equipment/ tools/ Materials or persons falling off of scaffolds to a lower level.

b) Scaffold could collapse on to persons working below.

a) No gear, debris or other materials shall be dropped from elevate heights. These materials
must be lowered with a rope or by hand on the inside/between the scaffold and the façade
of the building.
b) Safety harnesses. Preferably the double lanyard type, shall be secured at all times when
working at elevated heights and should be secured above the wearers head to minimize
the height of a fall.
c) Scaffolds may be erected, altered or taken down under the supervision of the appointed
inspector or supervisor (responsible person) appointed in writing.
d) Scaffolds erected on sand or gravel base jacks must stand on adequate sole boards.
e) Scaffold standards shall be properly secured and effectively braces, and all scaffold tubes
must be in good condition, free of corrosion and undamaged.
f) Loose or non-rigid scaffolds must not be used, and defects must be rectified and reported
to the responsible person.
g) Scaffolding shall be erected in such a manner as not to block any throughway.
h) Dangerously protruding ends of scaffold piping or boards shall be clearly marked and
identified with danger tape.
i) Scaffolding platforms higher than 2 meters above the ground must be provided with
substantial guardrails and toe boards.
j) Every scaffold plank shall be supported and secured to the frame as to prevent materials
and tools from falling.
k) Always avoid bringing scaffolding into contact with the overhead electricity.
l) Do not leave tools or equipment in elevated positions as they may fall and cause
multiinjuries to worker’s bellow.
m) Left over material after erection should be returned to the storage yard and staked neatly.
n) Scaffolding should be tied to the existing structures as soon as possible during the erection
prosses and then at every 32 m2.
o) Heavy equipment/materials may not be placed on scaffold platforms unless they have
been constructed for that purpose. Scaffold platforms may not be overloaded.
p) Employees are not permitted to work on incompletely built scaffolds. Workers to be
notified with safety tags or signs ‘Scaffold not Fit for Use’
q) Scaffold shall not be altered while work is in progress.
r) No persons shall be permitted on scaffold during inclement weather if it is dimmed to be
unsafe by the responsible supervisor.
s) Area underneath the scaffolding shall be free from rocks, stones, breaks, materials or other
equipment at all times and should be kept leveled.
t) Triple Weave employees working on the scaffold should not only be competent but should
be assisted by a competent person in his daily operations in order to ease the handling
u) Scaffold inspections are to be conducted on a weekly bases or after inclement weather.
v) Inspections must pe carried out by a competent inspector, who shall keep a register of all
scaffolds erected by him or under his supervision.
w) Scaffolding must also be inspected after a mishap resulting in an injury, tilting or
overloading, after alterations or prior to dismantling.
x) All scaffolding shall be declared SAFE with a ‘Safe to Use’ sign attached to it.
y) Triple Wave supervisor to conduct pre-task planning on sequence of scaffold that need to
be erected/dismantled, entire team must strictly adhere to h scaffolding
erection/dismantling procedure.
z) Area within the dismantling/alteration procedure is under way must be demarcated and
symbolic signs displayed that states no unauthorized workers are not permitted enter the
rea are clearly visible.

• Triple Weave Supervisors

• Employees affected by the operations

• Items to be covered in general induction with all employees

• Task Specific Risk Assessments to be developed and communicated to affected workers.

xi.RAISED PLATFORMS: (Work carried out in platforms which are raised mechanically)

a) Employees falling from an elevated position.

b) Equipment/Materials falling from an elevated position could cause major injuries.

a) Raised platforms comply with legal requirements.

b) Raised platforms must be erected and dismantled according to manufacturers and legal
c) Raised platforms must only be utilized by trained and competent workers.
d) Raised platforms must be utilized according to the manufacturer’s specifications.
e) Workers may not climb out of the platform unless there is a safe structure to exited onto.
f) Raised platform to inspected daily on to a register by the appointed person.
g) All materials to be kept within the confinements of the platform.
h) Tool belts to be utilized by the workers.
i) Area underneath the platform must be kept clear, demarcated, warning signs displayed and
a spotter provided.

• Supervisors, Appointed Inspector and Employees affected by the operations.


• Items to be covered in general induction.

• Tasks Specific Risk Assessments to be developed and communicated to affected workers.
• Workers to be trained in the safe use of the system along with the emergency plan.

I............................ the undersigned hereby acknowledge that the above stated topic has been
communicated and explained to me and I understand the information communicated.

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