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p13-15 Self-Study DVD-ROM

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Self-study DVD-ROM Instructions

Installing the Self-study DVD-ROM to your hard disk System requirements

● Insert the face2face Second edition Advanced Self-study DVD-ROM into
your CD/DVD drive. The DVD-ROM will automatically start to install. Follow the Windows
● Intel Pentium 4 2GHz or faster
installation instructions on your screen. ● Microsoft® Windows® XP (SP3),
● On a Windows PC, if the DVD-ROM does not automatically start to install, open Windows® Vista (SP2),
Windows® 7 and Windows® 8
My Computer, locate your CD/DVD drive and open it to view the contents of the ● Minimum 1GB RAM
DVD-ROM. Double-click on the CambridgeApplicationInstaller file. Follow the ● Minimum 750MB of hard drive space
installation instructions on your screen. ● Adobe® Flash® Player
or later
● On a Mac, if the DVD-ROM does not automatically start to install, double-click on the
face2face DVD icon on your desktop. Double-click on the CambridgeApplicationInstaller Mac OS
● Intel Core™ Duo 1.83GHz or faster
file. Follow the installation instructions on your screen. ● Mac OSX 10.5 or later
● Minimum 1GB RAM
Support ●

Minimum 750MB of hard drive space
Adobe® Flash® Player
If you need help with installing the DVD-ROM, please visit: www.cambridge.org/elt/support or later

Unit menus
Choose a unit. Use the navigation bar to
go to different areas of the
Practise the new language
from each lesson.
Create vocabulary and
grammar tests for language
Listen and practise in the Student’s Book.
new language. You can
also record your own
pronunciation. Listen to the main recordings
from the Student’s Book and
read the scripts.
Watch the Review Video and
do the activities.

Get help on using the

Go to the home screen.
Self-study DVD-ROM.

Look at the Phonemic

Go to Cambridge
Symbols chart and practise
Dictionaries Online.
the pronunciation of vowel Check My Progress to see your Explore the
and consonant sounds. scores for completed activities. e-Portfolio. See p14.

Check your answers.
Read the instructions. Sometimes activities then
give you extra help or the
Audio Script.
Click play to listen to
the audio.
Submit your answers
when you have finished
Record your own the activity. Your score is
pronunciation of words recorded in My Progress.
and sentences. Send these
recordings to the My Work After submitting your
section of the e-Portfolio. answers, see the correct
See p15. answers.

Start the activity again.

© Cambridge University Press 2013 face2face Second edition Advanced Photocopiable 13

Self-study DVD-ROM Instructions


Find all the Grammar

Reference from the
Student’s Book.

Find words and phrases

from the Student’s Book.

Check you know the words and Build a portfolio of your work as
phrases from the Student’s Book. you progress through the course.

Grammar Reference

Click to
return to the
Choose a unit to see e-Portfolio menu.
all the grammar in that
Student’s Book unit.

Choose a grammar point

from the Student’s Book.
Add a note to a
grammar point and
click to see
the note the next
time you start the

Word List Choose a lesson to see the words from the

Student’s Book. Then choose a topic to see
the main vocabulary sets in each lesson.
Click to
Choose a word to see return to the
its definition, an example e-Portfolio menu.
sentence and the lesson
in the Student’s Book
where it first appears.
Listen to the word in Add a note to a
British or American word or phrase and
English. click .

Click to add a new

word to the Word List.

14 face2face Second edition Advanced Photocopiable © Cambridge University Press 2013

Word Cards Choose the Choose to have the Word Cards Click to move all the cards
number of words. in alphabetical order or shuffl ed. back to the middle pile and start again.

Click to
return to the
Choose a unit. e-Portfolio menu.

Click to turn
the card over
and check the

Drag a card to the correct pile,

I don’t know this! or I know this!

My Work Click to return to

the e-Portfolio menu.

Add a new piece

of work that you Open the folders to
have saved on see the list of work that
your computer. you have saved in the
My Work section of the
e-Portfolio. Click twice
to edit or open a file.

Note: Recordings you have

saved from exercises using
the are saved in
My Work. See p13.

My Tests

Give your test

a name.

Choose the Vocabulary

Choose the number
and Grammar that you
of questions you
want in your test.
want to do.

Click to save your

Click to add a timer test.
to your test.

© Cambridge University Press 2013 face2face Second edition Advanced Photocopiable 15

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