p13-15 Self-Study DVD-ROM
p13-15 Self-Study DVD-ROM
p13-15 Self-Study DVD-ROM
Minimum 750MB of hard drive space
Adobe® Flash® Player
If you need help with installing the DVD-ROM, please visit: www.cambridge.org/elt/support or later
Unit menus
Choose a unit. Use the navigation bar to
go to different areas of the
Practise the new language
from each lesson.
Create vocabulary and
grammar tests for language
Listen and practise in the Student’s Book.
new language. You can
also record your own
pronunciation. Listen to the main recordings
from the Student’s Book and
read the scripts.
Watch the Review Video and
do the activities.
Check your answers.
Read the instructions. Sometimes activities then
give you extra help or the
Audio Script.
Click play to listen to
the audio.
Submit your answers
when you have finished
Record your own the activity. Your score is
pronunciation of words recorded in My Progress.
and sentences. Send these
recordings to the My Work After submitting your
section of the e-Portfolio. answers, see the correct
See p15. answers.
Check you know the words and Build a portfolio of your work as
phrases from the Student’s Book. you progress through the course.
Grammar Reference
Click to
return to the
Choose a unit to see e-Portfolio menu.
all the grammar in that
Student’s Book unit.
Click to
return to the
Choose a unit. e-Portfolio menu.
Click to turn
the card over
and check the
My Tests