Keywords: Striped snakehead (Channa striata) has enormous fisheries and aquaculture importance due to its high market
COI demand and food value. Recently, Vietnam strain of the species has been introduced to Bangladesh for aqua
Channa striata culture. Therefore, it is essential to develop a reliable molecular technique that can distinguish the Bangladesh
strain from the Vietnam ones as biological invasion by feral exotic fish to the wild may cause enduring damage to
Genetic diversity
ecosystem and species diversity. Fin clips from snakehead samples were collected from six locations and total
PCR-RFLP DNA was extracted. The cytochrome oxidase c 1 (COI) gene fragment was amplified by PCR using the Fish F1/R1
primer set and sequenced for analysis of intra- and inter-strain genetic diversity and detection of single nucle
otide polymorphism to distinguish the Vietnam strain from Bangladesh ones. A total of 15 haplotypes were
identified with an overall haplotype diversity of 0.888. The median-joining network created based on COI gene
sequences clearly differentiated the Bangladesh strain from the strain of Vietnamese origin by a total of 18 single
nucleotide polymorphisms. An In silico restriction analysis revealed AluI was the most suitable restriction enzyme
that produced diagnostic restriction profiles of the two strains of C. striata. PCR-RFLP analysis by the restriction
enzyme AluI created distinguishing restriction profile similar to that in the In silico analysis. This work illustrates
a simple, reliable and inexpensive molecular tool for the identification of the Bangladesh and Vietnam strains of
C. striata by one-step PCR and restriction of the COI gene fragment.
1. Introduction snakeheads was 73,358 MT in 2017-2018, 97% of which came from the
open water sources (DoF, 2018). Snakeheads in Bangladesh include four
The striped snakehead Channa striata (Bloch, 1793) belongs to the major species- C. striata, C. marulius, C. gachua and C. punctata. However,
Family Channidae of the Order Perciformes. It is native to Bangladesh, C. striata is the most common and predominant species contributing
Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, maximum to the total production of snakeheads since C. marulius is
Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam (Chaudhry, 2010). The fish endangered and C. punctata is a small sized fish (IUCN, 2015). The
lives in swamps, ponds and streams; attains a known maximum length of snakeheads in Bangladesh suffered severely during the late 1980s and
up to 75 cm with a common size of 30–40 cm (Talwar & Jhingran, early 1990s from epizootic ulcerative syndrome (EUS) resulting in a
1991). heavy decline in the availability of the species across the country (Barua,
C. striata is a popular and high priced fish and commercially cultured 1989, 1994; Lilley et al., 2002). The current production statistics may
in Thailand and Vietnam. In 2006, the production of capture fisheries have been the results of population expansion after the bottleneck.
and aquaculture of this species was 70, 802 MT and 21, 721 MT, Examining the spatial distribution of genetic diversity, within and
respectively (FAO, 2018). In Bangladesh, the total production of among populations, is important in the management and conservation of
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (M.S. Alam), (F. Projna), (Mst.S. Zafrin), (R. Das), (M.G.Q. Khan).
Received 4 July 2020; Received in revised form 3 December 2020; Accepted 12 December 2020
2468-550X/© 2021 Shanghai Ocean University. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Please cite this article as: Md Samsul Alam, Aquaculture and Fisheries,
M.S. Alam et al. Aquaculture and Fisheries xxx (xxxx) xxx
M.S. Alam et al. Aquaculture and Fisheries xxx (xxxx) xxx
Genetic Analyzer using Big Dye Terminator Cycle Sequencing method reaction mixture were incubated at 37 ◦ C for 3 h for complete restric
(outsourced from Macrogen Inc., South Korea). tion. For generating the restriction profile, 2 μl restricted product of each
specimen was electrophoresed on 8% polyacrylamide gel (19:1
2.3. Statistical interpretation of the sequence data Polyacrylamide:bis-acrylamide). Electrophoresis was conducted at 50V
for 2:30 h and the gel was stained with ethidium bromide and visualized
The chromatograms of individual sequences of each specimen were by a UV-Transilluminator placed in a Gel documentation system.
inspected visually for reading errors (if any) using the software Bioedit
5.0.9 (Hall, 1999) and a consensus sequence was obtained for each DNA 3. Results
fragment of each specimen. Nucleotide sequences from all the specimens
were compared and aligned among themselves using the ClustalW 3.1. MtDNA diversity in C. striata populations
software implemented in MEGA 7.0 (Kumar et al., 2016). We used
Kimura-2-Parameter model (Kimura, 1980) for calculating the sequence A total of 62 sequences of the mitochondrial COI gene fragment from
divergence among the haplotypes. The standard genetic diversity C. striata specimens, 53 from five locations in Bangladesh and 9 from
indices, such as mean nucleotide composite, the number of transitions Vietnam, were aligned of which 53 sequences of sizes 647bp or larger
and transversions, polymorphic sites (Ps), number of segregating sites were used for further analysis. The 53 sequences were grouped into 15
(S), the number of haplotypes (H), haplotype diversity (hd), and haplotypes with an overall haplotype diversity of 0.8880 ± 0.0190.
nucleotide diversity (π: Pi) and the mean number of pairwise differences Among the 15 haplotypes, 11 haplotypes were found only in a single
(k) for each population were calculated using DnaSP 5.10 (Librado & population (private haplotypes). The numbers of segregating poly
Rozas, 2009). We used an exact test (Raymond & Rousset, 1995) of a morphic sites, parsimony informative sites and singleton variable sites in
contingency table based on haplotype frequencies and pairwise com the data set were 39, 26 and 13, respectively. For all the sequences of
parisons of the FST using analysis of molecular variance (Excoffier et al., Bangladesh and Vietnam specimens, the average frequencies (%) of the
1992) implemented in Arlequin 3.5 (Excoffier & Lischer, 2010). A hi nucleotide thymine (T), cytosine (C), adenine (A), and guanine (G) were
erarchical molecular variance analysis (AMOVA) was performed in 29.44, 29.00, 24.11 and 17.45%, respectively, with the A+T content
Arlequin 3.5 to test the significance in overall population genetic dif higher than the G+C content (Table 1).
ferentiation and partition the variance within and among populations. A The haplotype diversity (Hd = 0.889 ± 0.084) of Muktagacha pop
median-joining network of the haplotypes was drawn using NETWORK ulation was found to be the highest, followed by the Bhairab, Sutiakhali
Ver. (Bandelt et al., 1999). and Mohangonj population, respectively, while, the nucleotide diversity
(Pi = 0.0053 ± 0.0017) of Sutiakhali population was found to be the
highest followed by the Muktagacha, Bhairab and Mohangonj popula
2.4. In silico RFLP and PCR-RFLP analysis
tion. The lowest haplotype diversity (among those obtained) was found
in the Vietnam population (0.378 ± 0.181). However, no haplotype
An In silico analysis involving 115 restriction enzymes was performed
diversity (0.000 ± 0.000) and nucleotide diversity (0.000 ± 0.000) was
for the evaluation of a suitable restriction enzyme to differentiate the
observed in the Naogaon population. The number of polymorphic sites
Bangladesh and Vietnam strain of C. striata. The 15 COI haplotype se
in the Sutiakhali population was the highest (S = 13) followed by the
quences of 647bp each, two from C. striata of Vietnam origin and 13
Bhairab (S = 7), Muktagacha (S = 6) and Mohangonj (S = 2) population,
from Bangladesh origin, were subjected to In silico restriction digestion
respectively. The number of polymorphic sites in Vietnam population
analysis using a web-based restriction site analysis tool (Restriction
was 1 (Table 1).
Comparator: molbiotools.comrestriction comparator.html) to predict
the product sizes in each of the haplotypes. For validation of the In silco
RFLP data to differentiate the Bangladesh and Vietnam strains of 3.2. Haplotype distribution
C. striata, we conducted a PCR-RFLP analysis involving the specimens of
Bangladesh origin and Vietnam origin. For PCR-RFLP analysis, PCR was The GenBank Accession numbers of the 15 haplotypes detected in the
conducted in a reaction volume of 25 μl following the same conditions as present study and their distribution among the six populations analyzed
used for generating sequencing template (described above). The crude are presented in Table 2. Out of the 15 haplotypes, two haplotypes (H1
PCR product was digested with AluI in a restriction digestion reaction and H2) were found to be specific for the Vietnam population, four (H3,
volume of 50 μl containing 5 μl 10× CutSmart buffer (New England H5, H6 and H8) were specific for the Bhairab population, three (H9, H10
Biolab), 23 μl of PCR product, 1 μl of AluI restriction enzyme (New and H11) were specific for the Sutiakhali, and two (H13 and H15) were
England Biolab) and 26 μl of deionized water. The tubes containing the specific for the Muktagacha population (Table 2). The highest six
Table 1
Summary statistics of molecular diversity among five Bangladesh and one Vietnam population of C. striata (N- number of sequences; Ps-polymorphic sites; #h-number
of haplotypes; Hd-haplotype diversity; pi-nucleotide diversity; k-average number of nucleotide differences, ts-number of transitions; tv-number of transversions).
Parameters Naogaon Mohangonj Bhairab Muktagacha Sutiakhali Vietnam1
N 8 8 9 9 10 9
#h 1 3 6 6 6 2
Hd 0 0.6790± 0.8330± 0.8890± 0.7780± 0.3780±
0.1220 0.1270 0.0840 0.1370 0.1810
Ps 0 2 7 6 13 1
Pi (π) 0 0.0013± 0.0032± 0.0036± 0.0053± 0.0003±
0.8214 0.0008 0.0006 0.0017 0.0006
K 0 0.8214 2.0560 2.3330 3.4444 0.2220
Ts 0 2 5 4 9 0
Tv 0 0 2 2 4 3
G+C 0.4606 0.4627 0.4626 0.4629 0.4640 0.4660
A+T 0.5394 0.5373 0.5373 0.5371 0.5360 0.5340
M.S. Alam et al. Aquaculture and Fisheries xxx (xxxx) xxx
Table 2
mtDNA COI haplotype distribution in the samples of five Bangladesh and one Vietnam populations of C. striata.
Haplotype Accession No. Naogaon Mohangonj Bhairab Muktagacha Sutiakhali Vietnam1 Total
H1 MT269924 8 8
H2 MT269925 1 1
H3 MT269926 1 1
H4 MT269927 3 4 2 1 10
H5 MT269928 1 1
H6 MT269929 1 1
H7 MT269930 4 1 1 1 7
H8 MT269931 1 1
H9 MT269932 5 5
H10 MT269933 1 1
H11 MT269934 1 1
H12 MT269935 3 1 4
H13 MT269936 1 1
H14 MT269937 8 1 1 10
H15 MT269938 1 1
Total 15 8 8 9 9 10 9 53
haplotypes were found in the Bhairab population and the lowest - only 3.5. In silico RFLP and PCR-RFLP analysis
one haplotype (H14) was found in the Naogaon population. The single
haplotype of the Naogaon population was, however, not specific, rather The In silico digestion of COI sequences allowed the comparison of
it was also shared by the Mohangonj and Muktagacha populations. the relative restriction profiles between the Bangladesh and Vietnam
Haplotypes H4 and H7 were shared by four of the five Bangladesh strain of C. striata. We tested a total of 115 restriction enzymes including
populations except the Naogaon population. No haplotypes were found eight-base cutters, six-base cutters, five-base cutters and four-base cut
to be shared among the Vietnam and Bangladeshi populations of ters. Many of the enzymes did not have restriction sites in any of the COI
C. striata. sequences from C. striata, some enzymes cut the Vietnam sequence but
The median joining network constructed involving the 15 haplotypes not the Bangladesh sequences and vice versa (data not shown). We
of 647bp COI sequences of 44 Bangladesh and nine Vietnam individuals found a few enzymes, which cut sequences of both origin and resulted in
of C. striata is shown in Fig. 2. The network comprised of two major sub- the same or different restriction profiles. The AluI (recognition site, AG/
networks corresponding to Bangladesh and Vietnam specimens of CT), was found to show the most distinguishing RFLP profiles to identify
C. striata, respectively. Haplotypes H1 and H2 belong to the Vietnam the Bangladesh and Vietnam strains. We therefore used AluI for PCR-
population, whereas haplotypes H3-H15 belong to the Bangladesh RFLP analysis of C. striata.
populations. The Vietnam haplotypes are separated from the Bangladesh There were two cuts at positions 231bp and 536bp in the COI bar
haplotypes by 18 mutations which were specific for the country speci code sequence of the Bangladeshi strain of C. striata, resulting in three
mens. Haplotypes H9, H10 and H11 belonging to Sutiakhali population bands of sizes 305bp, 231bp and 111bp. On the other hand, there were
formed a subcluster among the Bangladeshi populations (Fig. 2). three cuts at positions 231, 386 and 536bp, resulting in four fragments of
sizes 231, 155, 150 and 111bp in the COI barcode sequence of the
3.3. Population structuring Vietnam strain. It is to be noted that all of the eight GenBank sequences
of C. striata of Vietnam origin (for accession Nos. please refer to the
The population genetic differentiation index (FST) values among the previous section) showed the same in silico restriction profile. The
population pairs were found to be high. Out of the 15 pairs of compar 305bp fragment is unique for the Bangladesh strain which is absent in
ison, 14 FST values were found to be significant. The FST values between the specimens of Vietnam origin. On the other hand, the 155bp and
the single Vietnam and five Bangladesh populations were very high, 150bp fragments are unique for the Vietnam specimens which are absent
ranging from 0.9040 to 0.9941 while the FST value between the in the specimens of Bangladesh origin (Fig. 4a, 4b, 4c). Thus, we found a
Mohangonj and Bhairab population was found to be the lowest and not one-step PCR with restriction endonuclease AluI digestion allowing the
significant (p > 0.05) (Table 3). The results of AMOVA attributed differentiation of the Bangladesh and Vietnam strains of C. striata.
82.57% of the variance to among-populations with an overall FST value
of 0.8257 (P = 0.0000) (Table 4). Among-population variance was, 4. Discussion
however, reduced to 31.17% (FST = 0.3339; p = 0.0000) when the
Vietnam specimens were excluded from the AMOVA (Table 4). Population genetic structure of a species may provide critical infor
mation for developing conservation and management strategies for
natural fish populations. Though C. striata in Bangladesh is categorized
3.4. Diagnostic single nucleotide substitutions between Bangladesh and
as a taxon of least concern (IUCN, 2015), the species had suffered
Vietnam C. striata
severely in an outbreak of EUS between 1988 and 1994 (Barua, 1994;
Lilley et al., 2002). In the present study, we examined the genetic di
We identified 18 diagnostic single nucleotide polymorphisms that
versity using mitochondrial COI gene sequence in an attempt to distin
could differentiate the Bangladesh and Vietnam strains of C. striata. The
guish the indigenous (Bangladesh) and exotic (Vietnam) strains of
SNPs were consistent in all the 44 sequences of Bangladesh origin and
C. striata as well as to assess the genetic diversity of selected C. striata
nine sequences of Vietnam origin (Fig. 3). In order to further check the
populations. This is the first report on the genetic diversity analysis of
reproducibility of the results, we collected eight COI sequences of
C. striata in Bangladesh.
C. striata originated from different regions of Vietnam submitted by
different authors to the GenBank (Accession Nos. MK368522.1,
MK368523.1, MK368524.1, MK368525.1, KT001934.1, KT001935.1, 4.1. Mitochondrial DNA sequence variation and genetic diversity
KT001938.1, MH721193.1) and found that 14 out of the 18 SNPs were
still diagnostic between the Bangladesh and Vietnam strains (Results not In this study, we analyzed 647 bp fragment of the COI gene in five
shown). indigenous and one exotic (originated from Vietnam) populations of
M.S. Alam et al. Aquaculture and Fisheries xxx (xxxx) xxx
Table 3
Pair-wise FST values (below diagonal) and their respective p values (above diagonal) of six C. striata populations.
Sample Vietnam1 Bhairab Muktagacha Mohangonj Naogaon Sutiakhali
M.S. Alam et al. Aquaculture and Fisheries xxx (xxxx) xxx
Table 4
Results of hierarchical analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) within and among five Bangladesh and one Vietnam population of C. striata.
Sources of variation d.f. Sum of squares Variance components Percentage of variation Fixation Index (FST)
M.S. Alam et al. Aquaculture and Fisheries xxx (xxxx) xxx
significant. The among-population variance obtained in the present the PCR product amplified by the universal FishF1/FishR1 primer set
study is very much consistent with the findings of Vrijenhoek (1998) without sequencing. As mentioned in the results section, we have tested
who reported among-population variance for migratory and GenBank sequences of eight C. striata originating from different regions
non-migratory fishes as 15% and 32.4%, respectively, as C. striata is a of Vietnam and found the same In Silico restriction profile.
non-migratory or local migrant species.
4.6. Validation of in silico analysis by PCR-RFLP analysis for strain
4.3. Network analysis differentiation
We constructed a median joining network to reveal the phylogenetic The ability of In Silico RFLP of the COI gene to identify the
relationships among the haplotypes of the studied six C. striata pop Bangladesh and Vietnam strains of C. striata was validated by real PCR-
ulations (Fig. 2). The clustering resulted in two distinct lineages from RFLP experiments. Using the enzyme AluI on crude PCR product, we
haplotype network, which suggests that the two lineages could have found the same restriction profile as was obtained through the In silico
evolved from genetically different ancestors. The haplotypes belonging analysis (Fig. 4).
to the Vietnam population formed a separate cluster completely There are two cuts at positions 231bp and 536bp in the COI barcode
different from the Bangladesh populations (Fig. 3). sequence of the Bangladeshi strain of C. striata resulting in three bands of
sizes 305bp, 231bp and 111bp. of which the 305bp fragment is internal.
4.4. Diagnostic single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) Depending on the total size of the PCR fragment generated by the Fish
F1/R1 primer set the two terminal fragments may, however, change
The mtDNA genes have a very high sequence evolution rate, 10–20 their positions. On the other hand, there are three cuts at positions 231,
times that of comparable nuclear genes (Wallace et al., 1987). The rate 386 and 536 bp resulting in four fragments of sizes 231, 155, 150 and
of mutation accumulation, and thus genetic divergence among the 111bp in the COI barcode sequence of the Vietnam strain. Among them,
population, is expected to increase more rapidly when the effective fragments 155bp and 150bp are internal which are absent in the
population size is reduced and genetic drift is increased (Lanfear et al., Bangladesh strain. Since 155 and 150bp fragments are very close in size,
2014). This rapid divergence leads to the accumulation of mutations only one band may be visible at this position but the band would be
exclusively in one population, which may serve as diagnostic single relatively thicker compared to the other two bands (≥231bp and
nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) (Rianti et al., 2015). SNP represents ≥111bp) which indicates that there are two bands at this position
the most widespread type of sequence variation in the genome, which (Fig. 4). Therefore, we have detected diagnostic restriction fragments
has emerged as valuable genetic markers for revealing the evolutionary that can differentiate the two strains of C. striata. The 305bp band is
history of populations (Brumfield et al., 2003). It is clear that the diagnostic for the Bangladesh strain and the 155/150 band is diagnostics
occurrence of SNPs within a gene creates different variants or alleles of for the Vietnam strain. In order to reconfirm the diagnostic properties of
the gene, which tend to be inherited unchanged across generations. the AluI restriction pattern, we collected another batch of 12 fish of
One of the objectives of the present study was to detect nucleotide Vietnam origin from a different farm and found the same results. It is
mutations in the mtDNA COI gene that are diagnostics and could be used worth mentioning that based on the COI gene sequence, we have ob
to differentiate the Vietnam strain of C. striata from the Bangladesh tained a single AluI restriction profile for all the specimens of Bangladesh
strain. Alignments of 647bp COI nucleotides revealed 18 polymorphic origin though we have observed significant differentiation among the
sites distinguishing the Vietnam strain from the Bangladesh strain of five Bangladeshi population. This finding indicates that the same AluI
C. striata. Due to a relatively high interspecific and low intraspecific restriction pattern may be obtained if fish from other sources in
variation, the COI gene sequence is efficiently used as a species identi Bangladesh are analyzed suggesting the PCR-RFLP is a reliable tech
fication marker for a wide range of animals. The present study, however, nique for identification of the Bangladesh strain of C. striata. Baffoni
established that the intraspecific variation in the COI gene sequence can et al. (2013) developed a PCR-RFLP technique for efficient discrimina
also be used as a strain identifying marker. Developing diagnostic SNP tion of the species and subspecies in order to differentiate the most
markers to distinguish the native and exotic strains of a species has widely distributed Bifidobacterium species and subspecies of the genus by
important practical implications. For example, Kitanishi et al. (2018) PCR-RFLP analysis of the hsp60 gene fragment.
developed a simple SNP genotyping method to assess invasions of In conclusion, the present study has revealed significant differenti
non-native haplotypes in the pale chub, Opsariichthys platypus in Japan ation among the analyzed populations. Considering the fact that many
while Verspoor et al. (2012) suggested that mtDNA SNPs could be exotic species/strains introduced for aquaculture may escape into the
detected by restriction enzyme digestion and used as potential simpler wild and hybridize with the native counterparts there is an growing need
and more cost-effective markers for assignment of European salmon, for the development of rapid and reliable methods for detecting non-
Salmo salar to region and river of natal origin. native conspecifics. We have detected 18 diagnostic SNPs that has
created an opportunity to develop genotyping methods that could
4.5. Strain differentiation by In Silico and PCR-RFLP mapping accurately discriminate between native and non-native haplotypes of
C. striata. We have successfully distinguished C. striata of Vietnam origin
As a sequence-free molecular approach, web-based restriction map introduced to Bangladesh. We validated our claim by checking eight COI
ping tools have made it possible to rapidly identify species or strains sequences of C. striata of Vietnam origin available in GenBank which
(Ferrito et al., 2019; Ovalle et al., 2014; Wong et al., 2014). The species contained the same three AluI restriction sites at the same position (231,
or strains are discriminated through specific restriction profiles obtained 386, 536 bp) suggesting that the technique may be applicable for most
with appropriate restriction enzymes. As we have identified 18 single C. striata in Vietnam. We, therefore, conclude that we have developed a
nucleotide substitutions in a 647bp fragment of the COI gene between PCR-RFLP technique that can reliably identify the Bangladesh and
the Bangladesh and Vietnam strains of C. striata, we hypothesized that Vietnam strains of C. striata.
there would be a good number of strain-specific restriction sites in the
two sets of sequences. From among 115 restriction enzymes tested, we CRediT authorship contribution statement
have chosen AluI, which created clearly distinguishing restriction pro
files of Bangladesh and Vietnam strain of C. striata. A restriction frag Md Samsul Alam: Conceptualization, Writing - review & editing,
ment of 305bp, which is present in all the 13 haplotypes of Bangladesh Supervision. Foyjunnesa Projna: Formal analysis, Sample collection,
origin is absent in the haplotypes of Vietnam origin. Hence, AluI can be Laboratory analysis, Data curation. Mst. Sadia Zafrin: Formal analysis,
used to distinguish the two strains of C. striata by restriction digestion of Sample collection, Laboratory analysis, Visualization. Rituparna Das:
M.S. Alam et al. Aquaculture and Fisheries xxx (xxxx) xxx
Formal analysis, Sample collection, Laboratory analysis, Visualization. Garg, R. K., & Mishra, V. (2018). Molecular insights into the genetic and haplotype
diversity among four populations of Catla catla from Madhya Pradesh revealed
Mohd Golam Quader Khan: Supervision, Validation, Writing - review
through mtDNA cyto b gene sequences. Journal of Genetic Engineering and
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Habib, M., Lakra, W. S., Mohindra, V., Khare, P., Barman, A. S., Singh, A., Lal, K. K.,
Punia, P., & Khan, A. A. (2010). Evaluation of cytochrome b mtDNA sequences in
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IUCN Bangladesh. (2015). Red list of Bangladesh volume 5: Freshwater fishes. Dhaka,
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