Wireless Network Security Using Cryptography
Wireless Network Security Using Cryptography
Wireless Network Security Using Cryptography
Abstract— As wireless sensor networks continue to grow, so reprogrammed and reconfigured [1]. These kinds of
does the need for effective security mechanisms. Sensor operations are very sensible to potential attacks. A number of
networks may interact with sensitive data and/or operate in solutions that discussed this issue have been proposed so far
hostile unattended environments; it needs to be secured. It is [2]. In next section we will survey the WSN architecture in
an important challenge to find out suitable cryptography for WSNs. Section 4 and 5 deal with security requirements and
wireless sensor networks (WSN) due to limitations of energy, Key management issues in WSNs, respectively. Section 7
computation capability and storage resources. Hybrid, El- and 8 will present Elliptic Curve Cryptography and Energy
Gamal, RSA and Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) are Analysis. Section 10 concludes the paper and proposes some
public key cryptography algorithms. We present a comparison future work [3].
of two public-key algorithms, RSA and ECC. We found ECC
to have a significant advantage over RSA as it reduces II. WSN ARCHITECTURE
computation time and also the amount of data transmitted and
stored. In a typical WSN we see following network components:
Field devices: Field devices are established in the
process and must be able of routing packets.
Keywords- Wireless Security; Elliptic Curve Cryptography;
Access points or Gateway: Access points or
key management
Gateway enables communication between Host and
I. INTRODUCTION field devices.
Network manager: A Network Manager is liable for
Wireless sensor networks comprise of small nodes that configuration of the network, management of the
communicate through wireless links. They are used to carry routing tables, monitoring, scheduling
a wide variety of applications; many of them have in any communication between devices and reporting the
case some security requirements. Public keys and private health of the network.
keys are two ways in cryptographic algorithm to implement
Security manager: The Security Manager is liable for
authentication and encryption. Using public keys, the key
the generation, management and storage of keys [4].
value of every node is public hence it is known by all other
nodes. When a node requests to communicate privately with
other node, the source node will use public key to encrypt
data of the target node and only the target node can properly Field Device
decrypt the data using private key. In this case, two Security Manager
communicating nodes are not using the same keys during the Field Device
session which is called asymmetric key encryption. But if
two communicating nodes want use private keys, nodes have Field Device
nodes for encrypting and decrypting data use the same keys. Figure 1. WSN Architecture.
In wired data networks trusted server is used to help nodes to
establish trust relationships, but there is no trusted authority III. SECURITY REQUIREMENTS
in WSN because sensor nodes have limited CPU power,
memory and energy, that are why cryptographic algorithms In order to secure of WSNs, there are security objectives
must be selected warily. Enabling security in WSNs is very that provide security services, such as Confidentiality which
scenario reliant in all its approaches. There are different confidential information should never be revealed, and the
requirements, for instance, requirements appear in the authenticity and integrity of information should always be
control domain and operation. Sensor nodes must be assured [3].
VI. ELLIPTIC CURVE CRYPTOGRAPHY Different elliptic curve is produced by changing the
A fundamental building block for digital communication values of ‘a’ and ‘b’. In elliptic curve cryptography,
is the Public-key cryptography systems. Public-Key calculating the public-key can be done by multiplying the
cryptography (PKC) systems can be used to provide secure private key with the generator point ‘G’ in the curve. The
communications over insecure channels without exchanging generator point ‘G’ is the point on the curve. The private key
a secret key. Implementing Public-Key cryptography is the random number in the interval [1, n-1],‘n’ is the
systems is a challenge for most application platforms when curve’s order [17].
several factors have to be considered in selecting the The strength of ECC security comes from the difficulty
implementation platform. The most popular public-key of Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem. If ‘P’ and ‘Q’
cryptography systems nowadays are RSA and Elliptic Curve are points on the curve, then kP=Q where ‘k’ is a scalar.
Cryptography (ECC). Thus, point multiplication is the basic operation in ECC. For
Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) was proposed in 1985 example, the multiplication of a scalar ‘k’ with any point ‘P’
by Neal Koblitz and Victor Miller. Elliptic curve on the curve in order to obtain another point ‘Q’ on the curve
cryptographic schemes can provide the same functionality as [5].
RSA schemes which are public-key mechanisms. The VII. ENERGY ANALYSIS
security is based on the difficultly of a different problem,
which is called the Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm According A.S.Wander, etc in Energy Analysis of
Problem (ECDLP).In order to solve the ECDLP, the best Public-Key Cryptography for Wireless Sensor Networks
algorithms have fully exponential time. In contrast, the paper they compares the energy consumed by RSA and ECC
integer factorization problem has to be solved with for energy cost of key exchanges not including
subexponential-time algorithms [15]. It makes Elliptic Curve authentication and certificate verification also for generating
Cryptography offers similar security. It is offered by other and verifying signatures.
traditional public key cryptography schemes used nowadays, Sign operation and RSA verify both are required for
with smaller key sizes and memory requirements (As shown authentication but where the cost of an RSA verifies is small;
in Table.1) [16]. For example, it is generally accepted that a sign operation is more expensive. As shown in the table.2
1024-bit RSA key provides the same level of security as a transitioning energy cost of signing from RSA-1024 to RSA-
160-bit elliptic curve key. The advantages can be achieved 2048 increases, although ECDSA-224 signing is less
from smaller key sizes including storage, speed and efficient expensive than ECDSA-160 signing. The RSA-based key
use of power and bandwidth. The use of shorter keys means exchange protocol trusts in entity A to encrypt a randomly
lower space requirements for key storage and quicker generated secret key using entity B's public key, and entity
arithmetic operations. These advantages are essential when B’s private key used to decrypting. However, both entities
public-key cryptography is applied in constrained devices, perform a single ECDH operation to get the secret key in
such as in mobile devices or RFID. In brief, ECC based ECC protocol [18].
algorithms can be easily included into existing protocols to
get the same backward compatibility and security with
smaller resources. Therefore, more low-end controlled Algorithm Signature Key Exchange
devices can use such protocols to be considered unsuitable - Sign Verify Client Server
for such systems.
RSA-1024 304 11.9 15.4 304
ECDSA-160 22.82 45.09 22.3 22.3
128 bit 256 bit 2048 bit Long period security Preceding sections illustrated security, ECC and some
related work about wireless communication that are based on
elliptic curve cryptographic techniques. Presently, RSA
A group structure used to implement the cryptographic algorithm demands a key length be not less than 1024 bits
schemes is provided by using Elliptic curves and is for long term security and we know that ECC with only a
determined over a finite field. The elements of the group are 160 bits modulus offers an the same level of security as RSA
the points on the elliptic curve. They act as the identity with 1024-bit modulus. Thus, using ECC in wireless
element of the group. On the other hand the group operation communication system is extremely recommended. This
can be executed by arithmetic operations based on finite work will provide a secure protocol for wireless
field. It is discussed in detail in the next section [15]. communication based on ECC techniques. The key
There are many ways to calculate the points over the distribution and storage problems, which are typical in
prime field elliptic curve. A direct method is by applying the secret-key settings it is solved by the public-key
next equation [17]. cryptography conception. The proposed protocol will
y2=x3+ax+b where 4a3+27b2≠0
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