Educate With Firmness and Cariño PDF
Educate With Firmness and Cariño PDF
Educate With Firmness and Cariño PDF
1 firmness and
Ten rules that can be demanded of young
Barrie Foundation
EDUCATION Block 1: The first three years of life in children's education are fundamental
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The question is: how to get the toddler to follow these rules? Well,
by applying coherent and constant educational strategies over time,
for example:
3 Routine. Fixed times for walking, playing, eating, bathing and sleeping are the
cornerstone of family life. Of course, once habits are established, you have to allow
yourself some flexibility, such as when you go on a trip. The routine doesn't have to be
4Boundaries. The child must know that his behavior has limits that separate
what he accepts ble than it is not. You have to establish rules and let him know what is
expected of him.
8 Containment. Parents are the ones in charge, so they can never lose
their temper. A tantrum should not be responded to with a display of anger, nor a scream
with another scream.
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10 Relaxation. Rules yes, discipline, too. But in an atmosphere of affection
and general enjoyment. Participating in their games, allowing meals to be fun or bath
time being a festive and relaxed moment translates into quality of life for all members.
of the family.