L1 Financial Data and Their Properties

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Introduction to Financial

Data Analysis
Course Structure
• This course aims at providing basic knowledge of financial data
analysis, introducing the useful statistical tools for analyzing
financial data—R programming language, and gaining experience
in financial applications.
• From this course, hopefully you will learn how to use R to build up
and testing trading/research ideas in Finance
Part I: Basics in Programming in R and
Financial Asset Properties
• 1. Basic programming knowledge in understanding stocks and
portfolio performance by visualizing financial data
• Two keys for investing: Return and Risk, trade-off
• Return:
• Single asset returns, multiple asset returns
• Factor method in evaluate whether your investment beats the market. CAPM
and Fama-French model
• Risk:
• Variance, VaR Method, Expected Shortfall
• Balance between risk and return:
• Mean-variance efficient portfolio optimization.
Part II: Cross-sectional Portfolio

• 1. How to choose the right targets of investing in the huge

universe of financial assets?
• Cross-sectional analysis/Portfolio Analysis.
• Cross-sectional analysis aims to select out the financial assets that
perform better than other financial assets.
• A case study of size factor investing.
Part II: Understand Financial Data Time
Series Properties in Depth

• 1. Financial Data are usually time series, eg. Price, volume, returns
all have a timestamp.
• 2. Predict time series by understand the classic properties of
timeseries. Random walk, trend, AR, etc.
• 3. Statistical methods to judge whether the financial data are
• 4. How to find potential arbitrage opportunities
Introduction to R Programming
What is R?
• R is a programming language specially designed to resolve statistical
problems and allow the graphical display of data.
• R is rooted from S, a programming language originally created in Bell
Laboratories (formerly AT&T, now Lucent Technologies). The base code
of R was developed by two academics, Ross Ihaka and Robert
Gentleman, resulting in the programming platform we have today. For
anyone curious about the name, the letter R was chosen due to the
common first letter of the name of their creators.
• In the business side, large and established companies, such as Google
and Microsoft, already adopted R as the internal language for data
Why R Programming?
• 1. R is available for most operating systems.
• 2. R is a mature, stable platform, continuously supported and intensively
used in the industry.
• 3. Many researchers have developed nice packages for analyzing financial
data. E.g. tidyr, dplyr, TTR, timeseries, quantmod, etc.
• 4. Learning R is easy. Friendly to users without professional programming
• 5. Powerful statistical analysis compared to other programming language, eg.
• 6. The interface of R called RStudio is very friendly and productive.
Why R Programming?
• 7. The graphical interface provided by RStudio facilitates the use of R
and increases productivity. E.g. Base R plot, ggplot, ploty, shiny,
• https://plot.ly/r/ohlc-charts/,
• https://shiny.rstudio.com/gallery/#demos
• 8. R is compatible with different operating systems and it can interface
with different programming languages. If you need to use a code in
other programming language, such as C++, Python, Latex, it is easy to
integrate it with R. Therefore, the user is not restricted to a single
language and can use features and functions from other platforms.
• 9. R is free!!!!
What Can You Do With R and RStudio?
• Import, export, process, and store financial data based on local files or the internet
• Substitute and improve data intensive tasks from spreadsheet like software
• Develop routines for managing and controlling investment portfolios and executing
financial orders
• Implementation of various possibilities of empirical research through statistical tools,
such as econometric models and hypothesis testing
• Create dynamic websites with the Shiny package, allowing anyone in the world to
use a financial tool created by you
• Create an automated process of developing technical financial reports with package
• Write a technical book with bookdown
• Write and publish a blog about finance with blogdown
R Resources
• The CRAN website (https://cran.r-project.org/web/views/Finance.html) offers
a Task Views panel for the topic of Finance. On this page, you can find the
main packages available to perform specific operations in Finance. This
includes importing financial data from the internet, estimating econometric
model, calculation of different risk estimates, among many other possibilities.
Reading this page and the knowledge of these packages is essential for
those who intend to work in Finance. It is worth noting, however, this list
contains only the main items. The complete list of packages related to
Finance is much larger than shown in Task Views.
• R-Bloggers (https://www.r-bloggers.com/) is a website that aggregates these
blogs in a single place, making it easier for anyone to access and participate..
• Stack Overflow (https://stackoverflow.com/) is a question and answer site for
professional and enthusiast programmers.
R and RStudio Installation
• Refer to video
• “L1.1 How to Install R and RStudio”
Explaining the RStudio Screen
Explaining the RStudio Screen
R version 3.6.1 (2019-07-05) -- "Action of the Toes"
Copyright (C) 2019 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)

R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.

You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.

R is a collaborative project with many contributors.

Type 'contributors()' for more information and
'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.

Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or

'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
Type 'q()' to quit R.
Panels of RStudio
• Script Editor: located on the left side and above the screen. This panel is used to
write scripts and functions;
• R prompt: located on the left side and below the script editor. It displays the
prompt of R, which can also be used to give commands to R. The main function of
the prompt is to test code and display the results of the commands entered in the
script editor;
• Environment: located on the top-right of the screen.
• Shows all objects, including variables and functions currently available to the user. Also note
a History panel, which shows the history of the commands previously executed by the user;
• Panel Packages: shows the packages installed and loaded by R. Four tabs:
• Files, to load and view system files;
• Plots, to view pictures;
• Help to access the help system;
• Viewer to display dynamic and interactive results, such as a web page.
• You can customize your R studio by using Tools->Global Options
Write Code in Prompt

• The use of double quotes (" ") or single quotes (' ') defines objects of the class character.
• Numbers are defined by the value itself.
• Each object in R has a class and each class has a different behavior.
• After sending the previous commands to R, the history tab has been updated.
• The print function is one of the main functions for displaying values in the prompt of R. The text
displayed as [1] indicates the index of the first line number.
• # marks comments in R

??print: to directly search the function of "print"

Write your first R script
• As a first exercise, click file, New File, and R Script.
• A text editor should appear on the left side of the screen.
• It is there that we will enter our commands, which are executed
from top to bottom, in the same direction that we normally read
• A side note, all .R files created in RStudio are just text files and can
be edited in other editors as well. It is not uncommon for
experienced programmers to use a specific software to write code
and another to run it.
Write Your Code in Script
Save Code
• Save the .R file to a personal folder where you have read and write
permissions. One possibility is to save it in the My Documents folder with a
name like 'MyFirstRScript.R’.
• Shortcuts for executing codes:
1. control + shift + s: executes (source) the current RStudio file;
2. control + shift + enter: executes the current file with echo, showing the
commands on the prompt;
3. control + enter: executes the selected line, showing on-screen commands;
4. control + shift + b: executes the codes from the beginning of the file to
the current line where the cursor is;
5. control + shift + e: executes the codes of the lines where the cursor is until
the end of the file.
Get Financial Asset Data
• Refer to video
• “L1.2 How to Get Assess to WRDS Wharton Database Service”
Get Financial Asset Data
• WRDS (Wharton Research Data Services)
• https://wrds-web.wharton.upenn.edu/wrds/
• WRDS provides a direct interface for R, enabling you to query WRDS data from within your R
program. WRDS data is stored in a PostgreSQL database and accessed using an R Postgres
• Once you have everything set up (as covered in the below sections), querying WRDS data
within your code is as simple as the following example, which queries the Dow Jones
Averages & Total Return Indexes using the R Postgres driver:
Example: Get Close Level of Dow Jones

• There are huge amount of data within the WRDS database. The
WRDS data are stored in SQL database format.

• SQL (Structured Query Language) is a programming language

used in programming and designed for managing data held in a
relational database management system. It is particularly useful in
handling structured data where there are relations between
different entities/variables of the data.
Example: Get one single stock’s High Low
Open Close Price: AAPL
• Refer to video
• “L1.3 How to Get Stock Prices From Wharton Database CRSP”
Example: Get one single stock’s High Low
Open Close Price: AAPL
• CRSP database in WRDS: The CRSP U.S. Stock database contains end-of-day and month-end prices on
primary listings for the NYSE, NASDAQ, and Arca exchanges, along with basic market indices.
• Coverage of CRSP: All securities listed in CRSP U.S. Stock databases are equity securities, not bonds.
• CRSP U.S. Stock database contains the following information:
• ** Price and quote data (e.g. Open, close, low, high, trade-only).
• ** Holding period returns with and without dividends.
• ** Excess returns and other derived data items.
• ** Market capitalization.
• ** Shares outstanding.
• ** Trading volume.
• ** Security delisting information.
• ** Corporate actions.
• ** Identifiers, descriptors, and supplemental data items.
• PERMNO represents permanent number. Stocks can reuse cusip, ticker, sedol when they are
merged/delisted/change name
• From ticker to the unique identifier(permno) in CRSP CRSP has a table called CRSP.DSENAMES, linking
common stock identifiers: such as cusip, ticker, sedol, name to a unique id CRSP use to identify stocks.
Example: Get one single stock’s High Low
Open Close Price: AAPL
• SQL quote
• “select field(s) from datatable where condition1 and condition2 ”
• fields are separated by “,”
• Example of conditions:
• date>=’2015-01-01’
• permno=‘14593’
• ticker in (‘AAPL’,’MSFT’)
• the filter condition’s fields like date and permno must exist in the
datatable you’re selecting from
Quote from WRDS
• q = “select fields(s) from datatable where condition1 and
condition 2”
• res = dbSendQuery(wrds, q)
• myvar = dbFetch(res, n=-1)
• dbClearResult(res)

• q is simply a long character

Write your quote flexible using paste0()
• paste0() function in R allows you to concatenate characters together
• Example: paste0(“text1”,”text2”) gives you “text1text2”
• text1=“test2”
• test2=“test1”
• What is the print of paste0(text1,text2,“text2”)?
• Create a long quote using paste0()
• text 1 = “select fields(s) from database where”
• text 2 = “ticker = ‘AAPL’ ”
• paste0(text1,text2)
A Case Study of Long-Short Trading Using
• An investor believes MSFT is a better stock than AAPL
• She could either long MSFT, or short AAPL or do both at the same time.
• The benefit of long-short strategy is that she could achieve market neutral
• Market Neutral: A market-neutral strategy is a type of investment
strategy undertaken by an investor or an investment manager that
seeks to profit from both increasing and decreasing prices in one or
more markets, while attempting to completely avoid some specific
form of market risk.
• AAPL and MSFT are both highly correlated with the entire market.
• When market is bearish, MSFT as a better stock, drop less in value compared to
AAPL, making the investor a profit.
• When market is bullish, MSFT as a better stock, gets higher returns compared to
AAPL, making the investor a profit.
A Case Study of Relative Performance of
• Step 1. Grab AAPL and MSFT price data from WRDS CRSP
• Step 2: check data quality *Remember to check the data quality first.
• Step 3: calculate returns of two stocks
• Step 4: calculate the relative performance of two stocks
Which means you readjust the proportion of your asset to portfolios every day.

Remember to name a variable first if you want to reuse it.

Introduction to R Programming with a Case
Study of MSFT and AAPL
• Refer to
• Video
• “L1.4 AAPL and MSFT Case Study-1-Check the Data Quality”
• “L1.4 AAPL and MSFT Case Study-2-Long Short Performance”
Join Data
Introduction to R Programming
• Refer to “L1_R_Programming.html”
• Refer to Videos:
• L1.5 R Programming 1 to 7
Introduction to RMarkdown
• RMarkdown is a package in R allows you to write documents with
• You should prepare your homework in Rmarkdown format in the
• Refer to “L1_HW_RMarkdown_Template.html”
• Refer to the .rmd file that generate the html file above:
• Refer to video:
• “L1.0 How to Generate a Document Using RMarkdown”
Introduction to R Programming
• Refer to “L1_R_Programming_Dataframe.html”
• Refer to Videos:
• L1.6 R Programming DataFrame 1 to 2
A Case Study of Technical Analysis
• Technical analysis is the use of charts to study stock price and volume
data for the purpose of forecasting future trends.
• Those who follow technical analysis are using stock price and volume
data as an indication of the supply and demand for the stock.
• For example, a rising stock price may indicate that demand exceeds supply while
a falling stock price may indicate that supply exceeds demand.
• As a trading strategy, profiting from technical analysis relies on being able to
identify trends and the ability to catch on during the early stages of the trend.
• Moreover, the same technical indicators may be interpreted differently by
different chartists depending on their investment philosophies (e.g., trend
follower or contrarian).
A Case Study of Technical Analysis
• There are three broad groups of technical indicators:
• (i) trend indicator
• (ii) volatility indicator
• (iii) momentum indicator
• In this chapter, we go through one example each type starting with
simple moving average crossover (trend), Bollinger Bands (volatility),
and relative strength index (momentum).
• Note: When constructing trading strategies in practice, combining
indicators is often used
• For example, we can use the relative strength index to confirm signals identified
by the simple moving average.
Trend: Simple Moving Average Crossover
• A common technical analysis trend indicator is the Simple Moving
Average (SMA) crossover.
• The moving average is calculated by taking the average of a firm’s
stock price over a certain number of days.
• The term “simple” comes from the fact that this type of average
treats all days equally, regardless of how near or far are those
days from the present.
• SMA “crossover” uses two SMA lines, a shorter-term and a
longer-term, and make trading decisions when the lines cross.
Example of AAPL
• Classic SMA use an average over 50 (200) days for the shorter (longer)
• Implement a SMA crossover for AAPL stock from 2016-2019.
• If the 50-day moving average cross above the 200-day moving
average, which is called a bullish crossover, this may be taken as an
indicator to buy the stock.
• Conversely, if the 50-day moving average crosses below the 200-day
moving average, which is known as a bearish crossover, this may be
taken as an indication to sell the stock.
• Though the idea is simple, it is widely used by fund managers, not just
for timing the investment in certain asset, but also used for asset
allocation. (Eg, allocate more(less) to equity(bond) when the stock
index has this bullish cross-over)
Steps of SMA
• Step 1: Obtain Closing Prices for AAPL
• Step 2: Calculate the Rolling 50-Day and 200-Day Average Price
• Step 3: Subset to Only Show 2016 and 2019 Data
• Step 4: Plot the SMA
User Defined Function: Example
• Wrap up SMA into a user-defined function.
• The input of the function is the price of a stock
• Other arguments is two numbers of days to calculate the moving
User Defined Function: Syntax
• Define a function
FunctionName = function(x, argument1, argument2,…){
rst = some operations on x using argument1, argument2

• Call a function
myval = FunctionName(x=price, argument1=50, argument2=200)
Volatility: Bollinger Bands
• The Bollinger Bands have three components:
• 1. The first component is a 20-day simple moving average (SMA).
• 2. The second component is an upper band, which is two standard
deviations above the 20-day SMA.
• 3. The third component is a lower band, which is two standard deviations
below the 20-day SMA.
• Bollinger Bands are considered as volatility indicators because the
Bollinger Bands widen (narrow) with more (less) volatility in the
• When the bands narrow, it may be used as an indication that
volatility is about to rise.
Steps of Bollinger Bands
• Step 1: Obtain Closing Prices of AAPL
• Step 2: Calculate Rolling 20-Day Mean and Standard Deviation
• We use the rollmean command with k=20 to calculate the 20-day moving average.
• For the standard deviation, we use the rollapply command, which allows us to apply a
function on a rolling basis.
• The FUN=sd tells R that the function we want to apply is the standard deviation and the
width=20 tells R that it is a 20-day standard deviation that we want to calculate.
• Step 3: Subset to 2016
• Step 4: Calculate the Bollinger Bands
• The bands that are two standard deviations around the average. Using January 4, 2016
as an example, this means that the upper Bollinger Band is equal to 119.8524
(=110.726+2*4.563188), and the lower Bollinger Band is equal to 101.5996 (= 110.726-
• Step 5: Plot the Bollinger Bands
Interpreting the Bollinger Bands
• Assuming a normal distribution, two standard deviations in either
direction from the mean should cover pretty much the majority of
the data.
• Most of the closing prices fell within the Bollinger Bands.
• Then the stock price was right around the upper band, this may
be taken as an indication that the stock is overbought.
• Conversely, when the stock price moved right around the lower
band, this may be taken as an indication that the stock is oversold.
Momentum: Relative Strength Index
• A common technical analysis momentum indicator is the Relative
Strength Index (RSI).
• The RSI compares the magnitude of a stock's recent gains to the
magnitude of its recent losses and turns that information into a
number that ranges from 0 to 100.
• The RSI is used in conjunction with an overbought line and an oversold
line. The overbought line is typically set at a level of 70 and the
oversold line is typically set at a level of 30.
• A buy signal is created when the RSI rises from below the oversold line
and crosses the oversold line.
• A sell signal is created when the RSI falls from above the overbought
line and crosses the overbought line.
Momentum: RSI
• The RSI is calculated as

• where RS is equal to the up average divided by the down average

with the averages calculated using the Wilder Exponential Moving
• The typical calculation is to use a 14-day period.
RSI: formula
RSI Calculation in Table
RSI Calculation in Table
• Here's how lines 14 and 15 were calculated:
Steps of Constructing RSI
• Step 1: Obtain Closing Prices
• We also calculate the difference in AAPL’s price using the lag command.
The difference between the closing price today and yesterday’s closing
price is reported in the column labeled delta.
• Step 2: Create Dummy Variables to Indicate Whether Price Went
Up or Price Went Down
• We construct the up variable, which takes on a value of 1 if the price of
AAPL went up and zero otherwise.
• We also construct the down variable, which takes on a value of 1 if the
price of AAPL went down and zero otherwise.
• To create these dummy variables we use the ifelse command.
Steps of Constructing RSI
• Step 3: Calculate delta(changes in prices) for Up Days and
delta(changes in prices) for Down Days
• To construct a series of delta on up days, we multiply delta with up.
• To construct a series of delta on down days, we multiply delta with down,
and negative it.
• If it is an up day, up will equal one, so up.val will equal the detla. On a
down day, up will equal zero, so up.val will equal zero. The down day
prices are calculated in a similar way.
• Step 4: Calculate Initial Up and Down 14-Day Averages
• We use the command rollapply on the average function FUN=mean.
• This is similar to using the rollmean command above, but I just thought
of switching it up for a little variety.
Steps of Constructing RSI
• Step 5: Calculate the Wilder Exponential Moving Average to Calculate Final
Up and Down 14-Day Averages
• To make the calculation easier, we extract the up.val and down.val columns in aapl.rsi
into separate independent vectors.
• We then need to calculate the Wilder Exponential Moving Average for the up and down
• This average calculation assumes that the initial average the day before would have a
weight of 13 out of 14 days and the current average will have a weight of one out of 14
• For t>=15: WEMV(t) = WEMV(t-1) * 13/14 + Value(t)* 1/14
• For t = 14, WEMV(t) = SMA(t)
• We use for loop to calculate this WEMA
• We apply this same logic for the up average and down average.
• The calculated values under the Wilder Exponential Moving Average are reported under
the up.avg and down.avg columns
Steps of Constructing RSI
• Step 6: Calculate the RS and RSI using the formula as before.
• Step 7: Subset to Show 2016 Data
• Step 8: Plot the RSI
Homework template
• Refer to “L1_HW_RMarkdown_Template.html”
• Knit your work with command line code
• rmarkdown::render(“filename.Rmd”)

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