Chretien, Jean-Pierre RTLM Propaganda The Democratic Alibi'
Chretien, Jean-Pierre RTLM Propaganda The Democratic Alibi'
Chretien, Jean-Pierre RTLM Propaganda The Democratic Alibi'
Jean-Pierre Chrétien
December 28, 2010
The station also advised of the ne- tano Habimana was defending the lo-
cessity to approach foreign journalists gic of Hutu Power to fight the logic
with great caution. « Today, everyone underlying the Arusha accords. « This
knows that it was an ethnic war »’ Ga- Rwanda is mine. I am of the majority.
higi explained on 15 May 1994 (Chré- It is I, first and foremost who will de-
tien 1995 : 137). In other words, racism cide, it is not you. »
is either coded or benignly portrayed The aim of this thesis regarding
as natural, in accordance with ethno- Hutu majority is very clear : to achieve,
graphic beliefs prevailing among Euro- through propaganda methods identi-
peans. According to this way of thin- fied earlier, a massive and violent mo-
king, hatred was quite natural between bilization of the Rwandan Hutu in sup-
these ethnic groups, public anger was port of extremist factions, such as the
spontaneous and authorities did eve- Coalition pour la Défense de la Répu-
rything in their power to prevent the blique (CDR), which was the soul of
worst from happening. This would be- RTLM. On 3 April 1994, Noël Hiti-
come the central theme of information mana spelled it out very clearly :
campaigns led by those who had close « The people are the actual shield.
ties to the genocidal regime and over- They are the truly powerful army ...
saw the refugee camps of Kivu between On the day when people rise up and
1994 and 1996. don’t want you [Tutsi] anymore, when
In the months preceding the geno- they hate you as one and from the bot-
cide – from October 1993 to April 1994 tom of their hearts, when you’ll make
– and during the slaughter in April them feel sick, I wonder how you will
and May 1994, the essential reference is escape. »
that of the majority people and the le- Hence, it was freely recognized that
gitimacy of self-defence against a « feu- the systematic slaughter of Tutsi was
dal clique ». The reference normalized legitimate : « The proof that we will
the massacre perpetrated by the ma- exterminate them is that they represent
jority, which becomes an expression of only one ethnic group. Look at one per-
democratic anger. « If the Hutu who son, at his height and physical features,
represent 90 per cent in our country look closely at his cute little nose and
... if we can be defeated by a clique then break it, » Kantano Habimana
of 10 per cent, the Tutsi population, it proclaimed on 4 June 1994 (Chrétien
means that we have not demonstrated 1995 : 193). As early as 13 May, he ob-
our full strength, » said the leader of served :
MRND, Joseph Nzirorera, on 28 May « The Tutsi are very few. They
1994 (Chrétien 1995 : 118-19). Just were estimated at 10 per cent. The war
two weeks earlier, on 14 May, Kantano must have brought them down to 8 per
Habimana talked about the fact that cent. Will these people really continue
« the small-size family in Rwanda » is to kill themselves ? Do they not risk ex-
that of the Inkotanyi [the RPF guer- termination if they persist in this sui-
rillas symbolizing all the Tutsi] ... « It cidal behaviour of throwing themselves
is a minuscule group descending from against far more numerous people ? »
those we call Tutsi. The Tutsi are few, (Chrétien 1995 : 205)
estimated at 10 per cent, » he ad- Three days later, Habimana pro-
ded. Already, on 23 March 1994, Kan- claimed the expected victory of the
tors defining democratic culture (hu- French army, alludes to « popular exul-
man rights, respect for minorities, re- tation », « the relief of villagers » and
fusal to recognize the exclusion of com- the concern of « Rwandan authorities »
munities, rule of law, social justice) to « track down the enemies of the
were considered to be ancillary under nation who threaten the population »
the tropical sky. (Hélène 1994). On 4 July, French mis-
Georges Ruggiu’s biography is sionary Father Maindron, even though
mainly the account of a young Third he had witnessed events in the Kibuye
World activist who, when he first lan- region, declared to a French journa-
ded in Kigali, compared the suburbs of list that the killing was « a sponta-
the capital to the Brazilian favelas he neous popular rage » (Luizet 1994).
had visited.2 In Belgium, he had had He was echœd by the prefect of Cyan-
the opportunity through the social- gugu, when he talked to French sol-
Christian movement to mingle with diers about « legitimate self-defence ...
Rwandan militant students who were against an enemy from within » (Smith
members of the sole party (MRND). As 1994).
if spontaneously, without possessing an What is manifest today is the ob-
extensive knowledge of Rwandan his- vious continuum from the propaganda
tory, he adhered to the dogmas of the devised by RTLM through to current
majority people and of a democracy theses denying the genocide. In fact,
that in his view would be set back these viewpoints do not attempt to
by the Arusha compromise. His popu- deny the massacres, but rather to jus-
list beliefs almost naturally connected tify them in terms of « ethnic hatred »,
with the racial ideology of the extre- « spontaneous rage », « legitimate po-
mists with whom he associated. pular uprising » or « international dis-
From a broader standpoint, we information ». An editorial by Jacques
know that this belief was also brought Amalric (1994) was prescient :
forth by President Mitterrand to vin- « Are we next going to lend cre-
dicate France’s steadfast support for dence to Capitaine Baril’s utterances,
Habyarimana and later for the Kam- who would have Tutsi being respon-
banda government, including the Ope- sible for their own extermination ...
ration Turquoise endeavour. When sur- We can fear the worst, after hearing
veying the French written press in May the content of some private conversa-
and June 1994, one notices that various tions, supposedly held confidentially :
articles printed in Le Monde, Libéra- “Things are not as simple as you be-
tion or Le Nouvel Observateur com- lieve. It is not a question of all inno-
bine ethnographic factors (under the cents on one side and culprits on the
« old demon » of Hutu-Tutsi anta- other.” »
gonism) with suggestions of « popu- In fact, racist propaganda wea-
lar defence ». One Belgian media re- ring the mask of democracy – the
port plainly condemned the « sanctio- common thread of extremist media –
ned racism » prevalent in Rwanda and was also voiced by official channels
within a number of the country’s Wes- and managed to find assent, whether
tern partners (Cros 1994). On 26 June, through distraction or genuine conver-
reporter Jean Hélène from Le Monde, sion, among Western partners. This
who was on site in Cyangugu with the would largely explain why it took two
months to clearly identify, in Western ned in our book les médias du génocide
media, the nature of the events taking (Chrétien et al. 1995), we indicated the
place in Rwanda. The president of Mé- appropriate page number.
decins Sans Frontières very adequately 2 Ruggiu, G. Dans la tourmente
summarized the situation : « Neither rwandaise. Unpublished journal. 127
France, nor the international commu- pp. This journal was presented as evi-
nity gave themselves the means to cha- dence to the International Criminal
racterize the genocide and to promptly Tribunal for Rwanda on 16 June 2003
assume its implications » (Biberson as exhibit no. K0269165-K0269292.
Alfred Grosser (1989) wrote : « No, Amalric, J. 1994. Génocide et neu-
it is not true that the slaughter of Afri- tralité. Libération, 5 July.
cans is felt in the same way as is the Biberson, P. 1994. Rwanda : le
slaughter of Europeans. » This rings piège humanitaire. Le Figaro, 15 July.
terribly true in the case of Rwanda. Chrétien, J.P., J.F. Dupaquier, M.
Although this could be blamed on a le- Kabanda and J. Ngarambe. 1995.
vel of indifference toward far away tra- Rwanda : les médias du génocide. Kar-
gedies, more likely it is due to signi- thala (with Reporters Sans Frontières),
ficant exotic ethnographic factors that Paris, France.
still hinder a more sensible perception
Chrétien, J.P. and U. Rafiki. 2004,
of African societies. But first and fore-
L’église de Kibeho au Rwanda, lieu de
most in this case, it is because of the
culte ou lieu de mémoire du génocide
effectiveness of modern propaganda –
de 1994 ? Revue d’histoire de la Shoah,
propaganda that was well thought out,
181, July-December (Génocides lieux
constructed, refined and of unyielding
et non-lieux de mémoire) : 277-90.
efficiency, both within and outside the
Cros, M.F. 1994. Un racisme de
country. This propaganda succeeded in
bon aloi. La Libre Belgique, 1 June.
camouflaging genocide and making it
appear to be a vast democratic mobili- Des Forges, A. 1999. Leave None to
zation, consequently trapping an entire Tell the Story : Genocide in Rwanda.
population. Human Rights Watch and the Inter-
NOTES national Federation of Human Rights
1 The RTLM broadcasts cited in Leagues, New York, NY, USA.
this article were transcribed from tape Grosser, A. 1989. Le crime et la mé-
recordings used during preparation of moire. Flammarion, Paris, France.
expert testimony for the Media Trial in Hatzfeld, J. 2003. Une saison de
2002 by J.F. Dupaquier, M. Kabanda, machettes. Le Seuil, Paris, France.
J. Ngarambe and J.P. Chrétien. The Hélène, J. 1994. Liesse chez les Hu-
tapes that remain are part of the docu- tus, soulagement chez les Tutsis. Le
mentation of the International Crimi- Monde, 26-7 June.
nal Tribunal for Rwanda. We have no- Luizet, F. 1994. Le ’journal de guer-
ted variations in the numbering of the re’ du père Maindron. Le Figaro, 4
tapes between 2000 and 2002. Thus ci- July.
tations are based on the date of broad- Mucchielli, R. 1972. Psychologie de
cast and the name of the journalist. la publicité et de la propagande. Les
When the transcripts were also mentio- éditions ESF, Paris, France.