The Development of An Online Decision Support Tool For Organizational Readiness For Change

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Khan et al.

Implementation Science 2014, 9:56

STUDY P RO T O CO L Open Access

The development of an online decision support tool for

organizational readiness for change
Sobia Khan 1*† , Caitlyn Timings 1† , Julia E Moore 1 , Christine Marquez 1 , Kasha Pyka 1 , Galina Gheihman 2 and
Sharon E Straus 1,2

Background: Much importance has been placed on assessment readiness for change as one of the earliest steps of
implementation, but measuring it can be a complex and daunting task. task. Organizations and individuals struggle.
with how to reliably and accurately measure readiness for change. Several measures have been developed to help organizations
assess. assess readiness, but these are often underused due to the difficulty of selecting the right measure. In response to this
challenge, we will develop and test a prototype of a decision support tool that is designed to guide. guide individuals
interested in implementation in the selection of an appropriate readiness assessment measure for their setting. setting.
Methods: A multi-phase approach will be used to develop. develop the decision support tool. First, we will identify
key. key measures for assessment organizational readiness for change from a recently completed systematic review.
Included measures will be those developed for healthcare settings ( eg , acute care, public health, mental health) and that have
been expected valid and reliable. Second, study investigators and field. field experts will engage in a mapping exercise to
categorize individual items of included measures according to key readiness constructs from an existing framework. Third, a
stakeholder panel will be recruited and consulted to determine the feasibility and relevance of the Selected measures using a
modified Delphi process. Fourth, findings from the mapping exercise and stakeholder consultation will inform the development
of a decision support tool that will guide. guide users in appropriately selecting change readiness measures. Fifth, the tool
will undergo usability testing.
Discussion: Our proposed decision support tool will address current challenges in the field of organizational change readiness by
helping individuals in selecting a valid and reliable assessment measure that is relevant to user needs and practice settings. We
anticipate that implementers and researchers who use our tool will be more likely to conduct readiness for change assessments in
their settings when planning for implementation. This, in turn, may ! to more successful implementation outcomes. We will test
this tool in a future study to determine its efficacy and impact on implementation processes.
Keywords: Readiness for change, Readiness assessment, Decision support tool, Implementation, Implementation support,
Implementation planning

Background organizational readiness for change is one such process

In recent years, healthcare systems have placed much
that can be performed in the initial phases of
im- portance on processes that motivate and enhance
implementation [4-6]. Organizations increasingly
change within organizations, and that can Ultimately
recognize the benefits of performing readiness for change
lead to better implementation outcomes [1-3]. Measuring
assessments to explore whether psychological and/or
and established
structural preparedness exists prior to implementation in
their practice settings [ 7-11 ];
however, readiness assessments using valid and reliable mea-
* Correspondence: sures are likely not being conducted [ 12].

Equal contributors
Li Ka Shing Knowledge institute, St. Michael's hospital, 30 Bond St, Toronto M5B Underutilization of valid and reliable organizational
1W8, Canada readiness measures may be the result of numerous
Full list. list of author information is available at the end. end of the article challenges in the field [ 12,13], rendering it difficult to
select an appropriate measure. Given
© 2014 Khan et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and Reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly credited. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver
( ! to the data. data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.
Khan et al. Implementation Science 2014, 9:56 Page 2 of

degree of readiness [12]. Recent systematic reviews

the time and fiscal restraints that many organizations face,
the process of selecting a valid and reliable assessment
Measure must be simplified to encourage the use of such
measures in healthcare practice.
Acknowledgment both the importance of readiness as-
sessments and the underuse of assessment measures in
practice, we seek to develop and test a rigorous decision
support tool prototype that is designed to encourage more
routine incorporation of a readiness assessment phase in
implementation by facilitating the selection of appropriate
readiness assessment measures.

The importance of assessment readiness for change

Many healthcare organizations have prioritized the im-
plementation of evidence-based innovations to improve
the integration and cost effectiveness of services [7, 8 ,
14]. These innovations often necessitate some degree.
degree of behav- ioral change; for example, the
implementation of a new electronic health record system
that requires healthcare staff to learn new technological
skills and their transition patient charting practices to suit.
suit a new electronic sys- tem [ 2]. Several factors affect
whether this change in be- Havior will be successfully
achieved at the individual and organizational levels —
rendering implementation a complex and challenging
process that often leads to little change, if any at all. As
many as 60% to 80% of change strategies are not. not
successfully implemented in healthcare [ 3].
Acknowledgment that implementation is a time and re-
source-intensive process yielding sometimes unsuccessful re-
sults, implementation and researchers have increasingly
focused on examined the factors that ! to effective simple-
mentation in practice settings. This research has revealed
that one essential step of the implementation process is the
assessment of organizational readiness for change (referred
to interchangeably as ' readiness ' or ' readiness for change '
) — defined as ' the extent to which organizational
members are both psychologically and behaviorally
prepared to implement change ' [12 , 15 , 16]. Common
framework implementations such as the Knowledge-to-
Action (KTA) Cycle [ 4], Stages of Implementation [5],
and Intervention Mapping [6] explicitly include steps
involving readiness assessments. Moreover, determining an
organization 's level of readiness at the earliest stages of
implementation ( ie , exploration and planning) is
associated with better implementation outcomes [ 1-3].
Re- cognizing the important role readiness plays. plays in
effective im- pementation, some funds and decision
makers are now required organizations to assess. assess
and demonstrate readiness prior to implementation
interventions [ 7-11 ].
Despite existing evidence on the importance of
readiness, many organizational leaders do. do not. not
accurately assess. assess readi- ness for change prior to
implementation [12]; for example, it has been estimated
that half of unsuccessful implementa- tion efforts are due
to leaders overestimating their organi- zation ' s degree.
Khan et al. Implementation Science 2014, 9:56 Page 3 of
readiness measures. For example, In their review, Weiner
[12,13,17] have identified substantial challenges in the et al. [12] identified over 40 available- able measures for
field. field of readiness for change that can make it organizational readiness for change.
difficult to accept- ately assess readiness in practice;
Namely, discrepancies in operationalizing readiness for
change, and navigating a large volume of published
readiness for change measures in order. order to select
the ' right ' measure.

Operationalizing readiness for change in organizations One

significant challenge in consideration of organizational
readiness for change appears to be inconsistencies in a
def- inition of readiness for change, whereby different
assump- tions are being made on what constitutes
readiness for change at the organizational level. level [
13 ]. In an effort to ad- dress these conceptual
discrepancies, Weiner et al. [12 ] and Holt et al. [ 1 7]
independently conceptualized readi- ness for change
based on historical and theoretical defini- tions of
readiness as existing at two levels — individual and
organizational. Change at both levels is inextricably
linked because the organizational level. level is a
function of change at the level of the individuals that
belong to the organization, but also at the level. level of
the organization itself as a collective of individuals.
Further refining this conceptualization, Holt et al. [17]
suggested that readiness occurs both structurally, in
terms of the circumstances and materials required to
Enact change, and psychologically, in terms of the
capacity to process and accept change. According to Holt
et al. [17], organizational change is defined by four
key. key constructs that, taken together, constitute '
readiness for change ' :

1. Individual psychological (IP): Factors that reflect.

reflect the extent to which individuals hold. hold
key. key beliefs regarding the potential change;
recognize that a problem needs to be addressed;
and agree with the changes required by individuals
and the organization.
2. Individual structural (IS): Relevant dimensions
related to the individual 's _ knowledge, skills, and
ability to perform. perform once the change is
3. Organizational psychological (OP): Relevant
beliefs related to the organizational members '
collective commitment and collective Meaning.
4. Organizational structural (OS):
Considerations related to human and material
resources, communication channels, and
formal. formal policy. policy.

These four constructs have been used to inform our

understanding of organizational readiness for change.

Measuring organizational readiness for change in practice

A second challenge in the field of organizational readi-
ness for change is the large number. number and
varied quality. quality of existing organizational
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Very few of these measures ( ie , 2% to 3%) have been Systematic review of instruments to assess organizational
done estimated for validity or reliability. Moreover, it readiness for knowledge translation in health care. Sub-
appears that Many measures were developed for one-time submitted for publication). The review was conducted
use in spe- cific projects and their psychometric properties using a standard systematic review methodology,
have not been tested [ 12 ]; This latter testing is required including an established and piloted search strategy,
to generalize the use of these measures to other settings. abstract screening and data abstraction by two
As a result, Multiple measurement tools have been created independent reviewers, and synthesis of results. The full
for niche purposes. Still other largely duplicate existing protocol for the systematic The review is published
measures Measures with minor adjustments; the reasons elsewhere [ 16 ]. The findings of this Systematic review
for develop- oping these measures rather than using will be used to inform the development of our decision
established ones are unknown [12 ]. This phenomenon support tool as it is the most recent review of
may relate to the varying conceptualizations of what organizational readiness for change measures to date, and
constitutes readiness for change [ 13 ], and a perception includes measures developed specifically for health- care
that current tools do not meet the assessment needs of the settings. The authors have also identified the validity and
organization. reliability for the various measures. Using the list of
In examining available measures, it is difficult to de- identified organizational readiness for change measures
cipher what constructs of organizational readiness ( i.e. Included in the review, we will identify valid and reliable
, IP, IS, OP, OS) they are intended to assess. This leads to Measures that were developed for use in healthcare set-
ambiguity regarding which measure(s) should be used to tings ( eg , acute care, public health). We will not include
appropriately and accurately measure aspects of readiness Designed measures to assess readiness for change in non-
for change that align with particular practice settings and organizational settings ( eg , community).
assessment priorities. To complicate matters further, some
existing measures assess. assess concepts such as Phase two: mapping elements to a conceptual framework
innovativeness or perceived need for change that are Using measures that meet the inclusion criteria described
related to organizational readiness but do not accurately above, we will conduct a mapping exercise to categorize
reflect readiness [ 12], ren- dering it difficult to reliablywhat underlying factors/dimensions of organizational readi-
determine an organization 's true level. level of readiness. ness each. each item included in each. each measure is
To address the challenges discussed above and to en- intended to assess. assess. The following information
courage organizational readiness assessments in practice, will be extracted in- dependently from each. each
We will develop and test a publicly available, online deci- measure by two real: setting. setting of validation,
sion support tool to aid individuals in selecting an ap- innovation-specific focus. focus (if applic- able), and the
propriate readiness for change measure for their setting. inclusion of items assessment specific aspects of
The purpose of the decision support tool is to guide users implementation beyond organizational readiness as de-
through the process of selecting valid and reliable fined by Holt et al. [17] ( eg , developing an
readiness assessment measures given their organizational implementation plan). Inter-rater reliability between the
context, priorities for change, and unique implementation two investigators will be computed using the kappa
charac- teristics. This paper details the proposed statistic; a score. score greater than 0.6 will be considered
methodology for developing and testing this decision sufficient to proceed.
support tool. We will map each item of each of the included readi-
ness assessment measures to one of the four readiness
Methods for change constructs as identified by Holt et al. [17], ie ,
To develop our decision support tool, we will use a four- individual psychological (IP), individual structural (IS), orga-
phase approach. This will involve selecting valid and reli- nizational psychological (OP), and organizational
able readiness assessment measures; conducting a structural (OS), to determine which construct the item is
mapping exercise to assess. assess the content. content of most closely measuring, similar to mapping exercises
each. each measure; engaging a stakeholder panel to rate conducted by Cane et al. [18] and Dixon et al. [19]. This
each of the selected measures; and creating and conceptual framework was chosen because it provides a
completing usability testing of an online tool for selecting multi-level depiction of organizational readiness that has
an appropriate measure. informed definitions of readiness in the field [ 13,20] .
Items that are inconsistent with any of the four constructs
Phase one: selection of valid and reliable readiness of organizational readiness will be categorized as ' other. '
assessment measures Before proceeding, the study investigators will reach.
Our collaborators, affiliated with the Université Laval (Dr. reach consensus on the specific definitions of each. each of
Marie-Pierre Gagnon and Ms. Randa Attieh), recently these constructs following from the work by Holt et al.
conducted a systematic review of the frameworks and [17] and Weiner et al. [12]. To facilitate the mapping
Measures available to assess organizational readiness for exercise, we will create an electronic mapping worksheet
change (Gagnon MP, Attieh R, Ghandour EK, et al . A (Figure 1 ). The worksheet will consist of the individual
Khan et al. Implementation Science 2014, 9:56 Page 5 of
items abstracted from each. each of the selected measures;
these items
Khan et al. Implementation Science 2014, 9:56 Page 6 of

Figure 1 Mapping worksheet.

will be presented in random order, and reviewers will be Representing three participant groups: practitioners and
blinded to the measure from which the items were derived.
managers from various types of healthcare organizations (
A simple coding system will be developed for each of
e. g. , acute care, public health, long-term care); healthcare
the four constructs of the organizational readiness for
po- licymakers; and funders. To recruit stakeholders, we
change framework (1 = IP; 2 = IS; 3 = OP; and 4 = OS). We
will use a purposive sampling approach. Recruitment will
will include an additional code for constructs lying outside
be supple- mented by snowball sampling techniques as
of these definitions (5 = other), given that many measures
required. Poten- tial participants will be invited to
contain items that do not assess readiness [12 ].
participate by e-mail.
Four to six reviewers will independently review and
Using a modified Delphi approach [23], individuals who
code each. each item from each. each measure; as this
agree to participate will be asked for feedback on the in-
methodology is similar to closed-sorting content validation
cluded readiness assessment measures in two rounds. In
tasks, two to 24 re- Viewers are sufficient for this exercise [
the first round, participants will be sent copies of the
19 , 21, 22 ]. Reviewers to participate in the mapping
individual Measures included in the mapping exercise by
exercise will be selected from among the study
e-mail, and will be asked to complete an electronic rating
investigators as well as from external ex- perts in the field.
form devel- developed by the study investigators. They
We will use the results of Attieh et al. ' s Systematic
will be asked to rate the feasibility and relevance of each
review [13] to purposively identify individuals who have
of the measures on a seven-point Likert scale. Study
published at least two articles on the topic of organizational
investigators will analyze the survey by computing median
readiness in healthcare ( ie , ' field experts ' ). Po- Tentatively
and response count on feasi- bility and relevance ratings.
eligible reviewers will be invited by e-mail to partici- pate in
Content analysis will be con- ducted on open-ended
the mapping exercise as an external reviewer, and will be
comments. In round two, the results From round one will
given a brief. brief overview of the study. Individuals who.
be disseminated to participants in a one-page summary
who agree to participate will be sent an information
distributed through e-mail. Share Shares will have an
package, in- instructions for completion, and a copy of the
opportunity to review the findings and re-rate their
electronic map- ping worksheet. Each reviewer (both
responses or confirm their initial ratings. They will be
internal and external) will conduct mapping independently
asked to provide justification for changing their ratings (if
over a two-week time period, and will send. send their
applicable) in open-ended response boxes. Study investiga-
completed worksheets by e-mail to a designated study
tors will use the same methods described above to analyze
investigator to collate the results.
the results of round two.
To determine the level. level of agreement among the
Measures will be ranked by study investigators in order
re- viewers, data will be entered into SPSS 22.0 and an
of most to least recommended based on average final
inter- class. class coefficient (ICC) and 95% confidence
stakeholder ratings; measures scoring highest on
interval (CI) will be computed. An overall ICC >0.70 will
feasibility and relevance, in their them categories, will be
be considered satis- factory to move. move forward. Any
ranked as first or ' most highly recommended ' . These
discrepancies will be resolved through deliberation with
rankings will be provided to users of the decision support
the reviewers in consultation with all study investigators
until final consensus is reached. Fol- Low deliberations,
the proportion of items measuring each of the four Phase four: development and usability testing of an online
constructs of organizational change readi- ness ( ie , IP, decision support tool
IS, OP, or OS) and the ' other ' category will be calculated In phase four, study investigators will use the results from
per readiness for change assessment measure. the previous phases to develop. develop a prototype of the
readiness for change decision support tool. The mapping
Phase three: engagement. engagement of a stakeholder panel
exercise findings will be the primary source of data used
After the completion of the mapping exercise, we will
to create an algorithm for decision outcomes. To develop
organize a stakeholder panel consisting of 20 to 25
the algo- rithm, we will assume that the ideal readiness
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measure can be selected by ranking the importance of and individual usability testing. Heuristic testing,
each. each of the four constructs of organizational conducted By a human factors engineer, will be conducted
readiness [ 1 7] to the organization, in order of most to to assess general usability of the tool, including examining
least important. Recommended measures should include the tool for consistency, organization, clarity of
higher. higher propor- tions of items addressing readiness information, aes- thetics, layout, legitimacy, and structure
constructs that align with organizational priorities. [25]. This process will lead to revision of the tool [24].
Decision outcomes will also Consider type of innovation Following this, individ- ual usability testing of the tool
and presence/absence of an established implementation will be conducted.
plan. All possible combination- tions of decision In individual usability testing, individuals representative
outcomes will be considered. After the development of the po- tential end users of the decision support tool
algorithm, we will engage in: (i) the design of the decision (practitioners/ managers, policymakers, and funders) will
support tool prototype, and (ii) usability testing of the be recruited to participate in one-hour semi-structured
prototype. interviews using a ' think aloud ' methodology [ 26]. The
goal of the individual sessions. sessions is to have
(i) Design of the decision support tool prototype participants use the tool and comment. comment on any
The decision support tool prototype will be designed as positive or negative aspects of usability measures or the
an electronic survey to be completed by users. We an- user experience that may promote/hinder effective
ticipate that the prototype will likely include two sec- utilization of the tool. We will aim to recruit eight to
tions. In the first section, users will be asked a series of ten individuals representing potential end users, which we
designed questions to solicit information related to an- ticipate will uncover over 85% of usability issues
them implementation context. The second section of prevalent in the decision support tool [ 27 ]. Two cycles of
the tool will be used to identify the user ' s priorities for individual usability testing may be required if major
readiness assessment. To inform section two of the usability issues are identified; therefore, we anticipate
prototype, we will develop a series of priority recruiting a total of 16 to 20 participants in total. All
statements representing each of the four readiness usability testing sessions. sessions will be conducted
constructs (IP, IS, OP, OS) (Table 1) that users will be online using WebEx live video conference- logging, and
asked to assess. assess and rank. rank from highest to will be audio recorded. Audio recordings will be
lowest priority based on their knowledge of their transcribed verbatim, de-identified, and qualified-
organization. tively analyzed by two analysts using a Framework Ap-
Once the users complete the prioritization task, the tool proach [28] with descriptive content. content analysis.
will identify one or more recommended measures for their Following usability testing, the decision support tool
use. The results output will report on the feasibility and will be revised and finalized. The end product of the
relevance of the measure(s) as rated by stakeholders, as readiness for change decision support tool will be hosted
well as the validity and reliability of the measure(s). online, and will be freely and publicly available.

Ethical approval
(ii) Usability testing of the protoype
Usability testing will be completed to systematically The proposed study has received approval from the
evalu- ate the usability of the decision support tool Research Ethics Board of St. Michael 's _ Hospital in
prototype. The results of usability testing yield. yield toronto, Canada
practical recommendations that can be applied to the
structure, design, and redesign of the tool. Task-oriented Discussion
measures such as navigation, suc- cessful use, and errors The proposed study will result in the development of a
in use ( ie , usability measures), as well as user decision support tool that will guide individuals inter-
experience indicators such as user preference, ested in or preparing for implementation in the
satisfaction, and understanding [ 24] will be determined. selection of a readiness for change assessment measure
Usability testing will be done. done using expert, heuristic that is not. not only valid and reliable, but also
testing appropriate for their needs

Table 1 Readiness constructs and related statements for prioritization

Readiness construct Example statements
Individual psychologicalIt _ is important to assess. assess the beliefs, attitudes, and/or perceptions of individual staff members regarding the intervention.
Individual structural It is important to assess. assess the knowledge, skills, and/or abilities of individual staff members to deliver the intervention.
Organizational psychologicalIt _ is important to assess. assess how effectively staff in the organization work together to achieves a common. common goal.
Organizational structural It is important to assess. assess the availability of human (eg, staff, champions, leaders) and/or material (eg, information
technology, equipment, finances) resources. resources to support the intervention.
Khan et al. Implementation Science 2014, 9:56 Page 9 of

on this manuscript were made by another. another editor. The remaining authors have
no conflicts of interest to declare.
and organizational setting. setting. We will use rigorous
methods of tool development to ensure that our readiness
for change decision support tool can accurately select and
recommend appropriate readiness assessment measures to
a wide range of end. end users in the healthcare field.
field. Moreover, assessment The feasibility of our tool
through usability testing will en- sure that the final
product will be easy to use and navigate, and will suit. suit
the needs of our target end. end users.
Given the findings of the recent systematic reviews on
organizational readiness, it appears that readiness for
change is still a field. field in its infancy [ 12 , 13 , 17 ].
There seems to be minimal understanding of how to
effectively define and measure readiness, despite the
importance of readi- ness for change in the
implementation process having already been established [
12 , 13 , 17 ]. However, while there is still work to be
done to advance the field, a small num- ber of valid
measures exist [ 12 , Gagnon MP, Attieh R, Ghandour
EK, et al . A systematic review of instruments to assess
organizational readiness for knowledge transla- tion in
health care. Submitted for publication.] that orga-
nizations can use to perform. perform readiness for
change assessments in their settings. Navigating the
volume of lit- erature to find these measures can be a
daunting task for Researchers and practitioners who are
searching for an ap- propriate readiness assessment
measure to utilize for them projects and contexts.
We hope that in developing this decision support tool,
we will enhance. enhance knowledge on organizational
readiness and bridge many important gaps that currently
exist between research and practice. By addressing these
challenges, we hope that our decision support tool will
increase users ' con- fidence in using existing readiness for
change measures, and increase their understanding of how
and why these measures assess. assess organizational
readiness. After tool develop- option and usability testing
is completed, we plan. plan to assess. assess the impact.
impact of our decision support tool on enhancing readi-
ness for change measurement by incorporating the tool
into future implementation studies. Upon final release of
the tool, we plan. plan to make it available online for
public use.
Once we have established inclusion criteria and pro-
cesses for adding measures to the readiness for change
decision support tool on an ongoing basis, we expect that
it will be relatively simple. simple to maintain. maintain
the tool and to poten- tially expand the types of
measures included in the tool to newly released/updated
readiness measures in healthcare, as well as those
validated for other settings and sectors. Ultimately, it is
our aim for the products of this research to foster a
shared. shared understanding of organizational change
readiness, and to encourage the use of readiness for
change assessment in practice.

Competing interests
Dr. Sharon E. Straus is an Associate Editor of Implementation Science . All decisions
Khan et al. Implementation Science 2014, 9:56 Page 10

Authors' contributions
SK and CT conceived of the study. SK, CT, JEM, CM, KP, GG, and SES participated in
the design of the study and collectively drafted the research protocol. All authors
read and approved the final manuscript.

We would like to acknowledgment Dr. Marie Pierre Gagnon and Ms. Randa Attieh
from Université Laval in Montreal, Québec, Canada for their collaboration and
support of our study. Dr. Sharon E. Straus holds. holds a Tier 1 Canada Research
Chair in Knowledge Translation and Quality of Care and the Mary Trimmer Chair in
Geriatric Medicine Research at the University of Toronto.

Author details
Li Ka Shing Knowledge institute, St. Michael's hospital, 30 Bond St, Toronto
M5B 1W8, Canada. 2 University of Toronto, 563 Spadina Crescent, Toronto M5S
2J7, Canada.

Received: 7 February 2014 Accepted: 29 April 2014

Published: 10 May 2014

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Cite this article as: Khan et al.: The development of an online decision support tool for organizational readiness for change. Implementation Science 2014 9:56.

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