Lesson Plan in Values Education

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Republic of the Philippines

Region XII
Capitol Compound, Amas, Kidapawan City

School Grade &

Calunasan High School 8 DARWIN
DAILY Section
Teacher Learning
PLAN Teaching Dates May 26, 2022
Quarter 4
& Time 8:30-9:30
Week No. 4 Day 2 Duration 1 hour

At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
a.define vocation;
b.appreciate each vocation by living a life of faith;
c.make a jingle which expresses the idea about vocation and perform it in front


Religious Education
Topic: The Four Vocations of the Catholic Church
Reference: http://rcdow.org.uk/vocations/my-vocation/what-is-a-vocation/
Materials: IMs, PowerPoint presentation, Laptop
Values Integration: Faithfulness
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Prayer: Jansen, kindly lead the prayer. Amen..
- Good Morning Class!
- Please remain standing for we are going ton have our warm-up.

2. Warm-up
- How’s your day class?
- Well, it’s good to hear that
So, since you were all fine, I want you to be more energetic before we will start our
discussion. Let us have our energizer.
- (The teacher will present a video)
- Did you enjoy our energizer class?

Thank you!

B. Review
Before we will begin with our new lesson for today, who can tell me about our lesson last
meeting? Yes Paul… And who is Sr. Sto. Niño? Yes Trishia?
- Very Good!
Do you have any question related to our previous topic?
Okay, then let’s proceed.
Our new Lesson is somewhat related with our previous topic which is about Sr. Sto.
Niño. They both tackle about the goodness of Christ by touching the lives of the people.

C. Motivation
How many are you in this section?
Everyone! Kindly count from 1 to 51.
Let’s start from this side. Go!
Are you done counting?
Thank you!
As you can see, I have here a box. Inside this box are numbers from 1 to 51. Please don’t
forget your number because later on, I will no longer call you by your name but rather, based
on your number. I will show you a
video which is related to our topic and please do observe and reflect about it because after
the video presentation, I will ask five students to share about what they see, what they
think, what they feel, what their reflection and on what their imagery about the video
presentation by just picking random numbers inside the box. This type of activity is called as
“Five by Five”.
Am I understood?

- Based on the the activity what do you think is our lesson this morning?
- Very Good ( our lesson this morning is about Vacation)

E. Lesson Proper
Now class, talking about vocations, what is your understanding about the word “vocation”?
Yes Rupert? Brilliant idea Rupert!
What do you think is the reason why there is God’s calling?

Amazing idea! To have broader idea about the definition of vocation, girls, kindly read the
Who among you here have experience God’s calling?

Or is there a point in your life in which you can say that God is calling you?Yes, Gilbert!
That’s right Gilbert, there are variety of experiences in our lives for which we could significantly
say that God is calling us and one of those experiences is that of what you are experiencing right
now. Vocation is something
that is unplanned, it does appear at any moment of time, and when someone experienced this,
he/she will seek something that could answer the questions that comes out into his/her mind.
God's first call for every person is to simply follow Him. You were created to be in relationship
with God, and that is His greatest
desire for you.

What do think is the reason why becoming single is also a vocation?

Yes, Trixie!
Thank you for that idea! In each vocation, the person lives a life of faith and prayer to
continually grow in
relationship with God. The Church recognizes that each vocation is equal in the sense that
no vocation is better or less than any other. However, because God calls you to a particular
vocation - whether marriage, priesthood, religious life or single life - that vocation is the best one
for you, and the one
that will 'fit' you best and make you the most happy.

F. Application
Now class, go to your respective cleaning groups. Make a Jingle which expresses the idea
about “Vocation”. Each group must perform in front.

Teamwork -10 pts.
Creativity -10 pts.
Content -20 pts.
Readiness -10 pts.
Total -50 points

Class, did you understand our lesson for today?Again, who can give any idea about vocation?
Yes, Dia! Which among the four vocations you think you
suited? Why? Yes, Gella!
Wow, thank you Gella!
In what way you can show that you respond to
God’s call?
Yes, Ryan!
Okay, very well said! You may now seat Ryan.
I have prepared an activity which is called 3-2-1.
In your activity sheet, fill in the 3 things you learned, 2
things that caught your interest, and 1 thing that was
not clear to you. Do this in 3 minutes.

Can you now conclude that responding to God’s
call is a good attitude? Why?
Yes, Jansen!
Very good!
In short, we must put into practice the value of faithfulness towards ourselves and to others.
This is because a vocation is more than an ordinary call. A vocation is a call from God, and
anyone who has felt God's call knows that the process is anything but simple.
While most people think of a vocation as what they are called to do in life, it is important to
understand that the first and most important call from God is a call to be -the universal call to


Direction: Write your answer on the space provided.

_______1. A life for which one believed that remaining single is the true and right way to faithfully live his
or her baptismal call.
_______2. A type of vocation in which religious priest, brother or sister (nun) commits his/her life
to sharing in the life and mission of their religious community.
______3. Who calls everyone to follow Him?
______4. A vocation for which a male ordained minister of the church give their lives in the total service to
the church, embrace the gift of celibacy and commit to a life of prayer.
______5. A word that comes from the Latin word vocare’.

Search about “Priesthood”.

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