Entrep 10 - SLHT - Q2 - Week 1-3
Entrep 10 - SLHT - Q2 - Week 1-3
Entrep 10 - SLHT - Q2 - Week 1-3
A. Readings/Discussions
We are very lucky nowadays enjoying and benefiting from the advantages that
technology brings to our life. When we go to the supermarkets and department stores, lots of
goods and services are there available for your needs. With various shopping malls we have in
the entire Philippines, you will not think of going abroad to purchase the things that you want.
As an entrepreneur, you must realize that there are products that are grown like the
fruits, plants, vegetables and other natural resources. Other things made and manufactured
according to the needs and wants of our target market or customers. Likewise, the services are
also made and created according to the felt need of the community. Service is more delicate to
manage because it is a work that someone must provide to others with satisfaction.
PRODUCTS – anything that can be offered to a market that might satisfy your want or your
1. Grown Products – fruits, plants and vegetables and other natural resources
2. Manufactured Products – products that are produced according to the needs and wants.
3. Services – intangible products (products that do not sold physically)
E. Determine how much to procure.
F. Check the track record of each supplier.
G. Get the behavior of the patrons towards products and services.
H. Ensure the sustainability of the items.
The use of stock card is a good strategy to control records of stocks of goods and
materials. There are three types of inventories described below:
1. RAW - MATERIALS INVENTORY (RMI) – these are stockpile of materials for inputs of
2. WORK – IN – PROCESS INVENTORY (WIPI) – these are partially completed products
requiring further processing including sets of unfinished goods for production process.
3. FINISHED – GOODS INVENTORY – these are the final outputs of production ready for
delivery to the market or customers.
To control is not only to check physically but to list down stocks and balances on a
stock card before deciding to do the purchasing activity. It is important to declare the
minimum and maximum stock of every item needed in the business operation. The important
sources like the suppliers and stores (including business places) are reflected in the stock card
including the date of purchase and the price as reference.
In this stock card, it is important to update the daily record to tally the actual stocks
against what is reflected on the stock card. This would help an entrepreneur to know what,
when, where and how many items are to be purchased at a time to sustain the inventory of
goods and services. Every stock card must be a reliable piece of reference. All items received
and used should always be updated.
Below are examples of stock cards that you may use. Of course, you may also design your
own stock card.
1. STOCK CARD – 1 – is for itemized inventory record per item or individual
2. STOCK CARD – 2 – is for collective inventory record of all files of stock card – 1
Stock Card - 2
(Collective Items from Stock card -1)
Operation Year: _______________
Month Item Beginning Balance Total Deliveries Cumulative Balance
Total Withdrawals
Let us remember, in purchasing activity of the business, the supply of goods and
services are vital factors to consider. Supply is the amount of something the customers can
avail from the producers who make or grow goods and services. In the successful inventory
control management, always remember to take note of the date, items received and
withdrawn, supplier sources, minimum and maximum stocks, re-order stock, the price and
other data important in the inventory control. The stock card should always be maintained
as a tool or basis to control inventory.
B. Exercises
___________________________1. TUTORIAL
___________________________2. CHICKEN
___________________________3. COCONUT HUSK
___________________________4. RICE
___________________________5. BAGS
___________________________6. CONSULTANCY
___________________________7. CORN
___________________________8. MASSAGE
___________________________9. BOTTLE DISPENSER
___________________________10. NOTEBOOK
Exercise 1.2: Identification
____________________1. Maximizes the uses of our natural resources from raw materials.
____________________8. Get the behavior of the patrons towards the products or services.
Exercise 2
Directions: Match column A with the correct answer on column B. Write only the letter on the
space provided.
Patronizing local products and services has the net effect of job creation and
assuring local producers remain economically viable. The money generated by patronizing
local small businesses generates local taxes and fees that then are reinvested in the community,
supporting things such as local schools or infrastructure. In a short bond paper, make a
handmade/digital meme on how to patronize local products and services.
Criteria 5 4 3 2
Design of the Meme/ Meme is original and Meme is almost Meme is slightly Meme is copied.
Choice of images the picture has a solid original but there is a original, and the
and visual representation similar idea and the picture has a slight
words/Originality of the idea. picture has a visual representation of the
representation of the idea.
Appropriateness of The meme is greatly The memes are The meme is The meme seems to
the Meme enforcing positive written to encourage written in a confusing encourage poor
behavior. positive behavior way behavior rather than
improve behavior
Relevance Meme is greatly Meme is somewhat Meme is slightly Meme is off topic.
relevant to the topic. relevant to the topic. relevant to the topic.
Teneza, Celedonia T., Ed.D., Worktext in Technology & Livelihood Education in Business
Management III, published by Shekinah Publishing and Printing Press Co., Copyright, 2006
Teneza, Celedonia T., Ed.D., & Baes, Ma. Gradiva S., Worktext in Technology & Livelihood
Education in Business Management IV, published by Shekinah Publishing and Printing Press
Co., Copyright, 2006
Villanueva, Cristina R. & Rojo, Luz V., Technology & Livelihood Education
Teacher 1
Consolacion National High School-Day Class
This self-learning home task was designed to provide you a tool to facilitate learning in
the Entrepreneurship subject. The series of learning activities are provided in order to complete
the learning outcomes.
This self-learning home task was designed to provide you with meaningful opportunities
to acquire knowledge, skills and attitudes in Entrepreneurship in a guided and independent
manner at your own pace and time.
This self-learning home task was designed to provide your child and brief and concise
learning tool for a guided and independent learning at his/her pace and time. Your guided
supervision, support and coordination with the teacher are important towards effective learning.