OC21 Thinking Practice Test Questions
OC21 Thinking Practice Test Questions
OC21 Thinking Practice Test Questions
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1 A community club offers the following sports:
A netball
B boxing
C swimming
D tennis
2 Four friends want to go to the movies. There are four kinds of movies showing: cartoon,
comedy, drama and action. Andrew likes all movies except dramas and action. Rishi
and Audrey only like comedies and dramas. Yifan would like to watch any movie so
long as it is not a cartoon or an action movie.
A comedy
B action
C cartoon
D drama
3 The school chess coach has told the team that if they want to do well in chess
competitions, they should go running or play tennis every day.
Which one of these statements, if true, best supports the coach’s claim?
4 A piece of a construction kit is shown below.
Which one of the following shows a side view of the construction kit piece?
5 There are five school teams: Red, Yellow, Green, Orange and Blue. A member of each
team competes in the 100 m race. You don’t see the race but a friend tells you the
following facts:
A Red
B Green
C Orange
D Blue
6 The arrow snake got its name because of its long and thin body and
quick-as-lightning movements. It is a popular belief that an arrow snake can
leap great distances, and even that its head can pierce the body of its prey.
Gabriel: “That can’t be true. I’ve seen arrow snakes plenty of times, and I’ve never
seen one jump – let alone pierce its prey!”
Which one of the following sentences shows the mistake Gabriel has made?
A He has ignored the reason the arrow snake got its name.
B He has denied the well-known fact that some snakes can jump.
7 Rainfall in 3 cities during the driest months of the year is shown below in the bar chart.
30 Chitaquin
25 Fentan
20 Shishain
May June July Aug Sept Oct
What is the total rainfall in the city with the highest total rainfall during the months of
May to October?
A 35
B 55
C 82
D 91
8 You cannot write good poetry without having interesting life experiences.
Rose: “My brother has been on some adventures and met some interesting people, so
his poetry is certain to be good.”
Elsie: “Well, my great aunt won prizes for her beautiful poetry, so she must have had
an interesting life.”
A Rose only
B Elsie only
9 Izzy is taller than Caitlin; Caitlin is shorter than Melissa. But when they stand on a short
flight of three stairs, one on each step, their heads are all level.
10 In a game, players take it in turns to draw shapes in a line.
11 Michael says: “I don’t like this book I’ve been told to read. I think students should be
free to choose what books they study at school.”
A Students are allowed to choose what they study in some other subjects.
B Students often want to read books that have been made into films.
C Other students in the class also disliked the book they were told to read.
12 Four boys are riding their bicycles and have a race to see who can go fastest. Marcel’s
bicycle is blue and Ralph’s is purple. The boy on the red bicycle, Barry, finishes the
race ahead of Ralph, but behind Will on his green bicycle. Marcel is level with the boy
on the purple bicycle.
A green
B blue
C purple
D red
13 The lights in four rooms of my house automatically switch on and off during day and
night, when I am away from home, so that it always looks like there is someone at
The diagram below shows when lights are on or off for each room.
What is the longest continuous period of time that more than 1 light is on in my home?
A 3 hours
B 4 hours
C 5 hours
D 6 hours
14 Ms Chen’s class will be allowed to watch a movie on the last day of term. There are
two classrooms available and two televisions, so the class can be split into two, and
watch two different movies, if needed.
Ms Chen does a survey of the class, asking them what they would like to watch. She
notices that most of the girls in the class want to watch Harry Potter, and most of the
boys want to watch Star Wars.
Ms Chen: “There are the same number of boys and girls in the class. So I should put
the girls in one classroom and show them Harry Potter, and put the boys in the other
classroom to watch Star Wars.”
Which one of the following sentences shows the mistake Ms Chen has made?
D Different numbers of boys and girls might miss the last day of term.
15 A secret agent uses a code to send messages. It involves shifting each letter of the
alphabet forwards or backwards two letters, so for example the letter ‘C’ could be
represented by either ‘A’ or ‘E’. There are no spaces between words in this code.
16 I have recently tiled the wall of my bathroom using a set of identical tiles. I have laid the
tiles so that the black sections on one tile do not join along the edge of the black
sections on another tile.
17 Patricia’s friend Aditya recently won a gold medal for the 200 metre freestyle.
He trains for six hours per day, six days a week.
Patricia: “I’m going to start a new programme, swimming for six hours a day, six days
a week. Then I’ll get a gold medal too!”
Which one of the following sentences shows the mistake Patricia has made?
B Patricia’s training programme alone may not guarantee her a gold medal.
C The training programme may prevent Patricia from doing other things she likes.
D Patricia may not be able to afford the cost of the training programme.
18 An actor came to visit a local school. She gave the principal this advice: “It is important
for children to be given the chance to perform in a school play or concert.”
Which one of these statements, if true, best supports the actor’s claim?
19 A dentists’ surgery opens at 8:00 am and closes at 5:00 pm each day. Each
appointment is 20 minutes and every dentist has a 60-minute lunch break but no other
What is the maximum number of appointments that can be made in the surgery in a
A 63
B 72
C 81
D 90
20 There are six lunch boxes lined up on a shelf and each is a different colour: blue,
green, orange, purple, red and yellow. There is one box between the green box and the
orange box. The purple box’s only neighbour is blue, and there are three boxes
between the red box and the blue box.
21 The school principal, Ms Flint, is looking at the school records for last term to see
which class has the best-behaved students.
She notices that students in Class 1, who are taught by Mr Avery, were given
47 lunchtime detentions in total last term. Students in Class 2, who are taught by
Mr Bailey, were only given 18.
Ms Flint: “That’s interesting – it clearly shows that students in Class 2 are much better
behaved than students in Class 1.”
Which one of the following sentences shows the mistake Ms Flint has made?
A Good behaviour may not be the most important thing for students in Class 1 to
focus on.
B There may be good reasons why students in Class 1 have problems with
C Students in Class 1 might do just as well as students in Class 2 in their
D Students in Class 1 may be more likely to be given detention when they are badly
behaved than students in Class 2.
22 The side view of an airport terminal building is shown below.
Which one of the following is the only possible view of the terminal building from
23 The Kingdom of Chromatica has five traditional festivals which are held every year.
During these festivals, all the citizens of Chromatica wear the same colour. The colours
are shown in this table:
Festival Colour
Chromatican Independence Day Red
The King’s Official Birthday Yellow
Women’s Day Blue
The Ice Carnival Blue
Chromatican New Year Red
Shiro is visiting Chromatica and sees that everyone is wearing the same colour, so he
knows they are celebrating a festival, but he doesn’t know which one. Even after
checking the table above, he’s still not sure.
What can we say about the colour that Shiro saw everyone wearing?
24 Darren has a deck of fifteen special playing cards:
He shuffles the deck randomly, and then draws a number of cards from the top.
Lily: “To be certain of having all three colours, he has to draw eleven cards.”
Tom: “To be certain of having three different numbers, he needs to draw seven cards.”
A Lily only
B Tom only
25 In a competition, 10 students were allowed two attempts at running 200 metres as fast
as possible. The fastest time in the two attempts was counted as their ‘result’. The
attempts for the 10 students are shown in the table.
A student 4
B student 5
C student 9
D student 10
26 Dylan was keen to get fitter and stronger so he took up running. His friend Angela said
to him: “If you want to strengthen your whole body, you should take up swimming as
well as running.”
C Being able to swim well is good for your own personal safety.
D People who run too much can sometimes damage their knees or ankles.
27 The majority of the Bulbo trees in the world are in the Manu Forest in Peru.
Ravi: “So if you were to randomly choose a tree from all the Bulbo trees in the world, it
would probably be in Peru.”
Luca: “And if you were to randomly choose a tree in the Manu Forest, it would
probably be a Bulbo tree.”
A Ravi only
B Luca only
28 A pyramid of 9 layers is shown below.
Which one of the following arrangements shows all 9 layers of the pyramid?
29 The Crown Jewels of the Kingdom of Animalia have been stolen!
The horse says that the rabbit stole the jewels. The rabbit says that the tiger did it. The
owl claims to be innocent. The tiger says that the rabbit is lying.
If only one of them is telling the truth, who stole the Crown Jewels?
A the horse
B the rabbit
C the owl
D the tiger
The Korra Ferry is used on Sundays. It is also sometimes used on other days, but
only if the bridge that would normally be open is damaged.
Robbie: “If the ferry operates for two days in a row, it must mean that both the bridges
are damaged.”
Declan: “If you don’t use the Archer Bridge, you’ll never be able to cross the river on
A Robbie only
B Declan only