Sa2 English
Sa2 English
Sa2 English
N P S International School
❖ \\'.f1ite yo ur name on the Q uestio n Pape r & 1\mwer Sheets in the space provided.
❖ \v'rite in dark blue o r b lack pen. D o no t use highligh ters, co rrection fluid o r correction
rnp e.
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. I ,, . have
loo mi, w 111 fro nt of ti1em. " l cc berg ng H ahe ad! one 1s repo rted to
~-- -... .... .:....,
. Ho wev er, by this point, moving
call ed: th e ship ';; wa rn ing bell wa;; rung 35
!ale : ~11an oc1w rinp : a ship rhe size of
~:~- th e spe ed t_hey wer e, it was too
which they had . "i·hc ship ck
©- 1t amc too k 01~ ,cud sp,t ce, Pcirber o f
gas h in the hull. ,\Jrh o ugh
£.be· JCC'hng und er rhe water, ca usin g a lon g
nts whi ch cou ld be shu t off
Tita nic had wa te r-tig ht com par tme
, n~ o ne had anticipa ted this
indi vid uall y if they bec ame floo ded 40
several of the m at o nce . r\s wat er po ure d from o ne
hap pen ing to
tab le. T he Cap tain , E dwa rd
c) 5:.0mp-1 nm cor to the nex t, the ship became uns
into ac tio n. Ma ny
J. Sm ith, gave ord ers tha t the life boa ts were to be put red pas sen gers
cha os, as the bew ilde
acc o unt s from survivo rs men tio n the
aware o f wha t had hap pen ed. On e
and eve n the crew , gra dually bec ame 45
Tita nic trag ed y was that ther e wer e
o f the mo s t sho cking fact s abo ut the
. In tota l, o nly 705 p eop le
@ no t eno ugh life boa ts to sav e al tho se on b ard
n bein g take n firs t. Far mo re fu·s t-
wer e resc ued , wit h women an chil dre ~
@ _class pas sen g:er,; were sav ed than
thir d-cl ass. per hap s bec aus e the stee rag
acc ess to first clas s so
@ acc amm ocia tion was furt her from the lifeboa ts and
of hitt ing the iceb erg, Tita nic had
area s was rest rict ed. Wit hin thre e hou rs
two as she did so. Several ship s
sun k und er the icy wat er, spli ttin g in
and cam e to h elp, the firs t o f whi ch
hea rd the clistress call s sen t by Tita nic
rs to arri ve. The survivo rs in the
was Carparh.ia, but it too k sev eral hou 55
and eve ntua lly arri ved in New Yor k, sh ock ed
lifeboa ts were take n abo ard
® and trau mat ised b y their orde:.!l
t and 24- hou r broadc asti ng, new s
4 In th e clays bef ore sa tellites, the inte rne
the 'fac ts' rep orte d at firs t wer e
of the trag edy eme rge d slowly and
spa per eve n h ad a hea dline whi ch
so m ewh at mud dled . O ne Lon don new 60
lly bec ame clear. .At leas t 1,50 0
read 'E,· ery o nc Saf e'. T he trut h eve ntua
on the 15t h Apr il 19 12, pro vin g
people.: lo st thei r lives dur ing the trag edy
sink able. Ho wev e r, the disaster did
the uns ink able ship to be und oub tedl y
in plac e in ord er to imp rov e safe ty
t.rigger man y new regu lati o ns to b e put
ng at the b otto m of the oce an, the
dur i ng voyage s in the futu re. Still sitti "'65
ryo ne o at disa stro us c::i) J
rem ain s of The Tita nic is
day in rhe .,\tl an tic Oce an and how
a sta r rem ind er to eve
bet te r pre par atio n could hav e sav ed
the Li ve~ of man y.
Page 3 of 6
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( • , , I, - • I I ~, ,I,
a. Explain in your own words the meaning of the phrase 'maiden voyage' as used in
paragrap h I .
b. Provide two reasons why th e Titanic was referred to as the 'The Ship of Dreams '.
Explain the response in your own words. (2)
c. Explain in your own words what caused the Titanic to sink? Provide four reasons. (4)
d. Give three reasons why a third-class male passenge r may have been less likely to smvive
compared to other passenge rs on the T itanic. (3)
e. How do you the passenge rs' feelings changed during their voyage? Explain using
evidence from across the text to support your opinions. (2)
f. Explain the meaning o f 'stark' in paragrap h 4.
g. Imagine you are a first-clas s passenger on the Titanic. Write a dia1y entry of 120-150
word s describing the grandeu r and opulence of the ship on clay 1 when you oai·ded at
Southam p ton. (6)
h. Using material from only paragrap hs 1 and 2, summari se why the Titanic was famous.
Yo ur sum..'Tlary must be in continuo us writing, using your own wo as far as possiule ,
and no t longer thar@words. (6)
2. Yo u arc a repo rter o f an English newspap er. \'(/rite a report in about 180-200 ,vords
giving in fo rmatio n abo ut th e sinking o f the Titanic to the public. (15)
Up to IO marks will be awarded for co ntent and up to 5 m arks will be awarded for the
quality o f yo ur writing.
i) In th e days before satellites , the internet and 24-hour broadcas ting, news of the
tragedy emerged slo wly and the 'facts' repo11ed at first were somewh at muddled .
ii) As water poured from one compart ment to the next, the ship became unstable.
iii) At 11 .40 p.m., the ship 's loo kouts spotted the outline of a dark shape loomjng in
front o f them. (3)
Page 4 of6
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ap pro pri ate pu nc tua tio n ma rks in the fol low ing sen ten ces
3c. Us e
the kid s really enj oye d it
i) \Y./e had a gre at tim e in Fra nce
m e peo ple wo rk bes t in the mo rnings o the rs do bet ter in the eve
ii) So
s ups et abo ut sam
iii) Di d you und ers tan d wh y I wa
iv)T he girl s fat her sa t in a cor ner
4. An sw er the fol low ing qu est ion
Pag e 5 of 6
I /,,,,,,,,~
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Out of warrens in the wall, tiny robot mice darted. The rooms were a crawl with the
small cleaning animals, all rubber and metal. They thudded against chairs, whirling
their..,!prn1stach!d runners, kneading the rug nap, sucking gently at hidden dust._ Ihen,
like mysteriou~ invaders, tl1ey popped into their burrows. Their pink electnc ~yes
faded. The house was clean.
Identify two figurative devices used in the above extract from 'There will Come Soft
Rains' b y Ray Bradbury and explain their effect. (4)
d. 'Don't take people for granted. No matter how much they love you, people get
tired eventually.' How has this quote been expressed in tl1e play 'Mother's Day'?
Explain with three examples. (6)
Lb p ~
e. "I'm sure you must be weaty,~r, with soaring up so high.
\'(!ell you rest upon m y little bed? said the spider to the fly.
"There arc pretty curtains drawn around; the sheets are fine and thin,
And if you like to rest a while, I'll snugly eruck you in!"
"Oh no, no," said the Little fly, "for I've often heard it said,
They never, never wake again who sleep upon your b ed!"
Identify an example of each of the three pillars of persuasion used b y the spider to
lure Lhe fly into his den. (6)
f. 1\nswer the fo llowing questions based o n the poem 'Road to Lacovia'. (10)
ii) \'(lhich two themes are brought out in the poem? Support with evidence from the
poem . (4)
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