Audit Plan 45001

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Audit Plan

Audit 1. Assess the current situation of each area of the

Objectives organization.
2. Perform a comparison of the current situation of the
organization with respect to the requirements of ISO
3. To be able to implement a Quality System based on the ISO
45001:2015 standard.
4. Identify the non-conformities found in each of the areas of
the organization.
5. Propose corrective actions for nonconformities.
Audit Scope This audit, unlike many others, the auditor was the one who
sought out the client and offered the audit services in order to
subsequently propose a Quality System based on the ISO
45001:2015 standard.
The areas to be audited are as follows:
1. General Management
2. Administrative
3. service
4. Operations
At the end of the audit, a final report containing the following
information will be submitted to Senior Management;
 Audit plan
 Reference Document (ISO 45001:2015 Standard)
 Observations obtained
 Non-conformities detected
 Proposed corrective actions

Persons Involved John Marlon Torres (Tec. H:S:E:Q)

Documents ISO 45001:2015 will be used as a reference document.


Audit Team The person who will perform the audit of the Educational
Members Institution Augusto E. Medina of Comfenalco. This person will
be in charge of preparing the audit plan, applying the checklists
and finally preparing the final report.
Language Audit The language used will be Spanish.
Audited Divulga's organizational units to be audited are:
Organizational 1. Senior Management
Units 2. Administrative
3. Product and Service
4. Operations

Estimated date The estimated date for the application of the checklists will
and duration of be:
activities 1. Senior Management : October 5, 2020
2. Administrative: October 5, 2020
3. Product and Service: October 5, 2020
4. Operational: October 5
The duration of the activities will be no more than two hours
for the entire system.

Schedule The meetings with management will be two, one at the

meetings with beginning of the audit on October 5 and one at the end of the
the audit on October 7, 2020.
Confidentiality The Divulga organization has requested special care of the
requirements documentation, especially that which involves the procedures
for the performance of the service.
Distribution of the The delivery of the final report is estimated for the month of
audit report and date October 7 . The report includes the detected
of issue nonconformities as well as proposed corrective actions.

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