Jeppiaar Institute of Technology: Unit III Random Processes
Jeppiaar Institute of Technology: Unit III Random Processes
Jeppiaar Institute of Technology: Unit III Random Processes
(Regulation 2017)
Unit III
stationary processes
Markov processes
Poisson processes
Discrete parameter Markov chains
Chapman Kolmogorov Equation
Limiting distribution
Random Telegraph processes
(ii) Random
Here both deterministic and random signals are functions of time. Hence it is
possible for us to determine the value of a signal at any given time. But this is not
possible in the case of a random signal, since uncertainty of some element is always
associated with it. The probability model used for characterizing a random signal is called
a random process or stochastic process.
A random process is a collection (ensemble) of real variable {X(s, t)} that are
functions of a real variable t where s ∈ S, S is the sample space and t ∈T. (T is an index
i) If t is fixed, then {X(s, t)} is a random variable.
ii) If S and t are fixed {X(s, t)} is a number.
Here after we denote the random process {X(s, t)} by {X(t)} where the index set T is
assumed to be continuous process is denoted by {X(n)} or {Xn}.
Random Variable
Random Process
A function of the possible outcomes of an experiment and also time i.e, X(s, t)
Outcomes are mapped into wave from which is a fun of time 't'.
Let X(t) = Maximum temperature of a particular place in (0, t). Here 'S' is a continuous
set and t ≥ 0 (takes all values), {X(t)} is a continuous random process.
Let X(t) be the number of telephone calls received in the interval (0, t). Here, S =
{1, 2, 3, …}
T = {t, t ≥ 0}
Deterministic Process
A random process is said to be stationary if its mean, variance, moments etc are
constant. Other processes are called non stationary.
Example :3.3.1
Show that a first order stationary process has a constant mean.
Let us consider a random process {X(t1)} at two different times t1 and t2.
A random process is said to be second order stationary, if the second order density
function stationary.
f (x 1 , x 2 ; t 1 , t 2 ) = f (x 1 , x 2 ; t 1 + C, t 2 + C )∀x 1 , x2 and C.
E (X12 ), E (X 22 ), E (X1 , X2 )denote change with time, where
X = X(t1); X2 = X(t2).
Process (SSS Process) if all its finite dimensional distribution are invariance under
translation of time 't'.
fX(x1, x2; t1, t2) = fX(x1, x2; t1+C, t2+C)
fX(x1, x2, x3; t1, t2, t3) = fX(x1, x2, x3; t1+C, t2+C, t3+C) In general
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fX(x1, x2..xn; t1, t2…tn) = fX(x1, x2..xn; t1+C, for any t1 and any
real number C.
Stationary Process (or) Strictly Stationary Process (or) Strict Sense Stationary
Process [SSS Process]
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1) Consider the RP X(t) = Cos (w0t +θ) where θis uniformly distributed in the
interval -π to π. Check whether X(t) is stationary or not? Find the first and Second
moments of the process.
S.T the RP X(t): Acos (w 0t +θ is not stationary if A and w0 are constants and θis
In 'θ'uniformly distributed
A Process is said to be second order stationary, if the second order density function
If a random process X(t) is WSS then it must also be covariance stationary. In X(t)
is WSS
i) E[X(t)] = µ= a const.
Which depends only on the time difference. Hence X(t) is covariance stationary.
If X(t) is a wide sense stationary process with auto correlation R ()τ =Ae−α(),
determine the second order moment of the random variable X(8) - X(5).
= A + A - 2Ae-3α
= 2A(1–e–3α)
The cross correlation of the two random process {X(t)} and {Y(t)} is defined by
RXY (t1, t2) = E[X(t1) Y (t2)]
Let us consider a random process X(t) = A as (wt + θ) where A &ω are custom and
'θ' is uniformlydistribution random Variable in the interval (0, 2π).
Ergodic Process are processes for which time and ensemble (statistical)
averages are interchangeable the concept of ergodicity deals with the equality of time and
statistical average.
Time Average
2 Markov Chain
A discrete parameter Markov Process is called Markov Chain.
Example :3.4.1
An Engineering analysing a series of digital signals generated by a testing system
observes that only 1 out of 15 highly distorted signals followed a highly distorted signal
with no recognizable signal, where as 20 out of 23 recognizable signals follow
recognizable signals with no highly distorted signals b/w. Given that only highly distorted
signals are not recognizable. Find the fraction of signals that are highly distorted.
i. Find the Prob. That it will rain for 3 days from today assuming that it is
ii. Find also the unconditional prob. That it will rain after 3 days with the initial Prob.
Of state ) and state 1 as 0.4 & 0.6 respectively.
Three boys A, B, C are throwing a ball each other. A always throws the ball to B &
B always throws the ball to C but C is just as like to throw the ball to B as to A. State that
the process is Markov Chain. Find the tpm and classify the status.
Time Average
Ensemble Average
The ensemble average of a random process {X(t)} is the expected value of the
random variable X at time t
Ensemble Average = E[X(t)]
Ergodic Random Process
{X(t)} is said to be mean Ergodic
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Let {X(t)} be a random process with constant mean µ and let XT be its time average.
Then {X(t)} is mean ergodic if
A random process {X(t)} is said to be markovian if
1.a1, a2, a3, … an are called the states of the Markov Chain.
2.The conditional probability P{X n = aj | X n −1 = ai} = Pij (n −1, n) is called the
one step
transition probability from state a i to state a j at the nth step. 3.The tmp of a
Markov chain is a stochastic matricx
i) Pij≥ 0
Poisson Process
The Poisson Process is a continuous parameter discrete state process which is very useful
model for many practical situations. It describe number of times occurred. When an
experiment is conducted as a function of time.
Let λ be the rate of occurrences or number of occurrences per unit time and Pn(t)
be the probability of n occurrences of the event in the interval (0, t) is a Poisson
distribution with parameter λt.
A random telegraph process is a discrete random process X(t) satisfying the
i. X(t) assumes only one of the two possible values 1 or –1 at any time 't'
iii. The number of occurrence N(t) from one value to another occurring in any
interval of length 't' is a Poisson process with rate λ, so that the probability of
exactly 'r' transitions is
Let Xn, n = 1, 2, 3, … be a Bernoulli Process and Sn denote the No. of the successes in
the 1st n Bernoulli trails i.e., S
Suppose that customers arrive at a bank according to a Poisson Process with mean rate of
3 per minute. Find the Prob. That during a time interval of 2 minutes (i) exactly 4
customer arrive(ii)Greater than 4 customer arrive (iii) Fewer than 4 customer arrive.
If customers arrive at a counter in accordance with a Poisson process with a mean rate of
2 per minute, find the Prob. that the interval 6/w two consecutive arrivals is (i) more than
1 minute (ii) B/W 1 & 2 minute (iii) 4 minutes or less
λ= 2
1.. The t.p.m of a Marko cain with three states 0,1,2 is P and the initial state distribution
is Find (i)P[X2=3] ii)P[X3=2, X2=3, X1=3, X0=2]
2. Three boys A, B, C are throwing a ball each other. A always throws the ball to B and
B always throws the ball to C, but C is just as likely to throw the ball to B as to A. S.T.
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the process is Markovian. Find the transition matrix and classify the states
3. A housewife buys 3 kinds of cereals A, B, C. She never buys the same cereal in
successive weeks. If she buys cereal A, the next week she buys cereal B. However if she
buys P or C the next week she is 3 times as likely to buy A as the other cereal. How often
she buys each of the cereals?
4. A man either drives a car or catches a train to go to office each day. He never goes 2
days in a row by train but if he drives one day, then the next day he is just as likely to
drive again as he is to travel by train. Now suppose that on the first day of week, the man
tossed a fair die and drove to work if a 6 appeared. Find 1) the probability that he takes a
train on the 3rd day. 2). The probability that he drives to work in the long run.