Uts Mid
Uts Mid
Uts Mid
What makes you separate being is the fact 3. Indivualistic- in western thinking
that you have your own body. Westerners there is a higher impress on the self-
are more likely to emphasis separateness expression, self-actualization. These two
that even though you’re connected with terms are important base of establishing
other people you should maintain who one is. So, if you're from the west,
individuality, maintain responsibility, there's a heavy emphasis on the person
choices and freedom. you want to be. What's important is for
you to pursue your goals, not really do
So basically, in a western understanding what your parents told you. or what other
of the self, There’s heavy emphasis on the people told you.
recognition that you are separate entity,
even though you belong in a certain group 4. Materialistic/Rationalistic- They
of people. For them what’s important is for believe that people have reasons or
you to realize that you have your own rational, meaning to say we are all
identity even though you come from a capable of legalizing this analytical
certain family and certain culture. thinking skills using deductive modes of
thinking. Meaning to say, an individual is
You have the capacity to make choices rational, he or she can decide for himself.
therefore what is important to you is to No one is dictating you of what you should
become a unique person but that thought do because you have the power of your
may not be the case in the eastern own then you have to take responsibility
concept of the self. over your own behavior.
EASTERN CONCEPT OF THE SELF: Personality is achieved through moral
PSYCHOLOGY The self is not something that is formed
o Dharma refers to rules that describe you up bringing and the environment.
goodness and appropriate behavior. They are more focused on personality that
o Karma refers to the movement from is achieved through moral excellence. In
past incarnations that affect the order for you to achieve moral excellence
present and the future. you need to be familiarize with the
o Maya refers to distorted perceptions of teachings of Confucius or Confucianism.
reality and experience that can be But they do believe that at the beginning
identified as such only with direct of your journey you will be able to be
attention to our own processes of equipped with this for a beginnings.
awareness that come about through
o FOUR Beginnings of the self:
internal concentration or meditation.
o Atman refers to a concept of o Jen – heart of compassion
universality in which the self is seen
o Yi – heart of righteousness
not as individual but as part of the
entire cosmos. o Li – heart of propriety
BUDDHISM o Chih – heart of wisdom
o In Buddhist traditions, the self is not an USING EASTERN PHILOSOPHY IN
entity, a substance or an essence. PSYCHOLOGY
o The self is a dynamic process and ever Naikan Therapy
• Views self-centeredness as a problem
o Anatta – a doctrine which is often that many people need to overcome.
defined as no-self or no-soul.
They view self-centeredness is the source
Buddhist relation where is the view the of all the problem; and this problem is
self not as an entity but rather as an ever- something that many people should learn
changing process. According to the to overcome. There is a heavy emphasis in
Buddhist relation if you emphasize that being aware of your thoughts and being
the self is an entity or a substance but able to connect with your self to the
rather it is something that changes from environment. So basically, did they give
time to time. Emphasize the person must importance at the mindfulness or having a
be able to let go of his materialistic needs meditation.
and he embarking is spiritual, journey,
worlds in life. Being connected to the The purpose of this therapy aims to teach
world. people how to relate better to others and
how to be more grateful to others. The
If you were a follower of Buddhism or a teacher or the sensei will be the one to
believer there is a heavy emphasis when it teach the trainees by using the three
comes in understanding your values in guide questions.\
your morals, basically is a journey. Here
they are emphasizing that the self is not Three guide questions:
eternal, not something that is fixed. The 1. What did I receive from this person?
south is ever-changing and more involved
in a continually changing process. 2. What did I return to this person?