Research Paper
Research Paper
Research Paper
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1 author:
Shrishthy .s
All content following this page was uploaded by Shrishthy .s on 05 May 2023.
In the twenty-first century, the entire world has become narrow, accessible, sharable and familiar for all the people living on this
earth as English is used as a common language even though there are some variations in habits, cultures, traditions, regions and
idiosyncratic aspects. As English has got the common qualities, it has been accepted as the global language among the speakers of
thousands of different languages. Since science and technology is progressing, there are tremendous changes taking place in the
lives of the human beings everywhere in the world. As a result, the whole world has become a global village and the people have
to maintain good relationship with the others. Moreover, business, trade and commerce have become international and most of the
business organizations have their offices in most of the countries. In order to maintain international relationship in science,
technology, business, education, travel, tourism and so on, English serves the purpose as a common language and a global
language. It is the language mostly used not only by the scientists, business organizations and the internet but also in higher
education, and tourism sectors. As English plays a dominant role in almost all the fields in the present globalized world, there is a
need to discuss its role as a global language. The present paper highlights the importance of English as a global language as most
of the world’s communications is done in English. It also reveals how English is being widely used in scientific research, business
and education. This paper also throws a light on how travel and tourism and entertainment fields are benefitted by adopting
English as their principal language of communication. This paper also highlights the importance of English in education and
employment. Finally, some useful suggestions are also given in order to extend the use of English into several other fields.
Introduction With the ever-growing levels of interconnectivity and globalization around the world, the significance of immediate
and appropriate modes of communication has been increasing very rapidly in this modern world. It is an undeniable fact that there
is a need for a common language to communicate with the present growing commerce and trade between companies from all over
the world. With the development of formalization as well as globalization, it is evident that most people all over the world are
communicating with the people of other regions in only one internationally recognized language, that is, English. English is the
language that is almost used between an agent and an international company. English, being the first world language, is said to be
the first global lingua franca and it is the most widely used language in the world in international trade, diplomacy, mass
entertainment, international telecommunications and scientific publications as well as publishing newspapers and other books.
1. Importance of English Language in our Life
There are numerous merits of English in our life. Some of them are discussed below:
1.1 International communication:English is the official language of 53 countries and spoken by around 400 million people across
the globe. It is the most common second language in the world. If you want to interact with someone from another country then
the chances are that you will both speak English to communicate. Everyone has to understand the English language because
people from different regions know different languages due to which they cannot understand each other, at that time English is the
only medium to interact with each other.
1.2 The Language of Business: It has become a necessity for people to speak English if they are in a global workforce. There are
various global companies and organizations all over the world in which English is mandated as well as their official corporate
language. In a survey of a local newspaper, it is stated that cross-border business communication is most often conducted in
1.3 Hollywood: Hollywood is the best platform for global entertainment, so it’s obvious that English would become the main
language for movie-making. However, the movies are often dubbed over or subtitled but they are really best enjoyed in the
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language in which they were intended. Many foreign actors have learned to speak in English for the simple reason that they must
know how to speak the language to be the part of the Hollywood. Millions of foreigners watch Hollywood films in English with
help of subtitles. So, we have to admit that English is the prevalent language in the world’s largest movie industry.
1.4 Global Language: As English is the global language, so we can use it around the world. It is the common language. Students
can go abroad for their studies if they have the proper knowledge of this language. If they have weak command over English then
they may face the difficulty of adjusting to the new environment.
1.5 The Language of the Internet: A large numbers of websites on the Internet nowadays are in English and it’s estimated that
more than half of the entire online material is published in English. It becomes the unofficial language of the internet. So, we can
say that internet speaks English. Learning English is important as it gives you access to over half the content on the internet
1.6 Social Status: There are numbers of business opportunities in the developing nations and if you have good knowledge of
English you can avail the chance. Moreover, if you speak fluent English, your job opportunities are much better than those who
are average in English, and it Is inevitably leading to a certain social status being assigned to fluent English speakers.
1.7 Useful for Students: For the prosperous future of the students, they should have the better command over this language. They
must practice English from their school age so that when it’s time for their career building they have a good grip over the
language and can able to avail the bundle of opportunities. Also, there are large numbers of books that are written in the English
language. English literature is vast and rich. Many of the latest scientific discoveries are documented in English. So, students
should have knowledge of English so that they can understand all these material and enhance their knowledge. Besides this, many
universities and schools worldwide are offering an increasing number of courses taught exclusively in English. In order to take
advantage of a number of study opportunities and courses, English will be a necessity. Furthermore, for a research study or other
publication to get sufficient attention, it should be published in English.
1.8 Career Opportunities: If you have a vast knowledge of English then there are various fields in which you can pursue your
career. To begin with, Call centers and helpline centers, where you need to have good English speaking skills in order to
understand and make the other person understand the problem. Then comes the translation either translating English to some other
language or vice versa. Also, Anchoring carrier also requires a person with good speaking ability who can instantaneously frame
words and phrases in a good way
1.9 Interstate Communication: In India, people going from North to South for education or business mostly communicate in
English, due to which English has become a link language. Keeping this in mind, the Parliament has also recognized English as
an official language in addition to Hindi. The people from different states and with different languages cannot able to understand
each other but they can easily understand the English language, and it became the link between these people. In such cases, it is
very profitable for the interstate communications. Here, we cannot deny the importance of this language in our life.
1.10 Language of Tourism: English plays a vital role in the tourism for the both; tourist as well as local. Tourists and local people
can understand each other. English has the ability to motivate international tourists. With the better knowledge of the English
language, we can understand the culture of the place where we visit as a tourist. We can create better internal and external
2.Global Education
Global issues are referred to “issues of global significance” (Anderson 1996), or “problems in the world” (Mark,1993). The global
issues approach includes all problems affecting world citizens such as: globalization, poverty, Peace, environment, and human
and animal rights. They are not just a personal but also a professional concern of Teachers in every branch of education “involves
learning about those problems and issues which cut across national boundaries and about the Interconnectedness of systems –
cultural, ecological, economic, political, and technological.” It prepares students to be addition to input which is necessary,
learners need opportunities to produce the target language. Learners tend to have different understandings and views about the
things going on in their environment. This can provide certain conditions that are needed to negotiate for meaning in
communicative tasks provided the teacher employs appropriate tasks and strategies. name holding different portions of
information, and exchanging the information for the successful completion of the task as two of the important conditions required
for optimization of negotiation of meaning. With such an input a teacher can easily benefit from ‘jigsaw’ tasks, which are
inclusive of the ‘information exchange’ task, the ‘problem solving’ task, the ‘decision making’ task, and the ‘opinion exchange’
task. All of the above elements , including input, tasks, and conditions engage learners in a global education curriculum language
class in meaning-focused, communicative tasks rather than form-focused drills and exercises which is one of the implications of
the acquisition-learning hypothesis for TBLT.
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English language teachers can develop students’ cognitive skills coupled with education for global citizenship.This develops
global awareness and enhances the cognitive skills of learners. Global issues materials as input Give learners ample opportunities
to think critically, develop cognitive skills, and to negotiate meaning. Explicit Instruction of critical thinking and using strategies
such as questioning, negotiation, and cooperative tasks, make Learners think critically about the world issues as they exchange
ideas, evaluate each other’s ideas critically and Reason their own statements.
Content-based and task-based instructions are part of the communicative methodology which is effectively used In TESOL
classrooms with global content. Task- based language teaching is based on the use of communicative And interactive tasks as
central units for the planning and delivery of instruction. They provide an effective basis For language learning since they involve
meaningful communication, interaction and negotiation and enable the Learners to acquire the grammar as a result of engaging in
authentic language use Content-based teaching argues that language is most effectively learned in the context of relevant,
meaningful, Motivating content which stimulates students to think and learn through the use of the target language. Language
learners must be provoked, engaged and activated in the process of learning. This is a general Criterion recommended to all
English language educators.
Content educators such as Mohan (1986) advised the use of motivating themes and authentic materials in Language teaching.
Global issues are real issues: the spoiling of the rainforests, the thinning of the ozone layer, Acid rain, nuclear waste disposal,
exponential population growth, the spread of AIDS, state violence and Genocide in Kurdistan, Tibet and Bosnia, ecological
disaster compounded by war in Ethiopia and Somalia; the List is depressingly long Language learners will be motivated when
they find out that their prior Knowledge, experience, concepts and ideas are being used as an avenue to understand global content
being Taught in the classroom. When they deal with the content relevant to real life situations, they actively participate And
follow instruction in the classroom. ‘Content less’ materials are not considered meaningful by learners and, Therefore fail to
provoke their curiosity. It cannot hold their interest. Similarly, task-based language teaching method relies heavily on the
learners’ involvement and values their World knowledge and experience which they bring to the classroom. In the task-based
method, as the learners Exchange their knowledge, experience and opinion, they also use their existing knowledge of English, and
are Exposed to a new language. This develops different strategies for improvement of their language skills. Applying Task-based
language teaching (TBLT), English teachers use global issues, and authentic topics, issues Which learners are trying to make
sense of such as poverty, inequality, environmental change and so forth to Encourage the development of skills necessary for the
successful completion of the real- life tasks. Learners, Meanwhile, are exposed to the target language in a naturally occurring
context – material that is not specifically Prepared for the language classroom. World problems as the content of general English
education meets both the need for more meaningful content, And argues that the educational content of general English education
lacks meaning .Education is Meaningful to the extent that it engages learners in reflecting on their relationship to the world they
live in and Provides them with a means to shape their world Language pedagogy approaches the need to focus its concern with
language data, information, and opportunities For practice. Task-based as well as content-based language teaching has argued for
the importance of Incorporating authentic data which can be provided by global issues into the classroom. As a syllabus designer
dealing inevitably with global issues such as content and topic, we have to consider the selection, sequencing and Justification of
the content of the curriculum, and the selection, according to task-based language teaching Approach. Accordingly, in selecting
teaching materials with global issue content, a prospective teacher or Organization should consider some general principles such
as the vocabulary load and the patterns which are to Be gradually mastered This fosters the aims of our language learning
classroom, because the Attention of learners will be focused more on predetermined linguistic content. However, it does not mean
that Every lesson, every reading passage, every group discussion should be about global concerns . World issues which have been
brought up in the classroom must meet the needs and interests of the Learnersnote language learning tasks should be Presented in
the form of a problem-solving negotiation between the knowledge that the learner holds and new Knowledge.
Critical thinking and global education curriculum are essential components that should be integrated in language Classes. Critical
thinking never emerges automatically or accidentally. Rather it is a result of attentive application Of language teaching strategies
as well as appropriate input in the classroom. Language classes can also Introduce global issues such as: world peace,
environmental issues, child labor, poverty, and so on as the content. This input can be provided by a teacher, a textbook, and even
by learners themselves from a rich variety of Resources. The authentic nature of global problems, the diverse ideas existing about
the causes, the Open-endedness of possible solutions, and the differing knowledge levels of students about the problems allow
The teacher to enhance the learners’ cognitive skills such as critical thinking, creative thinking and so on. Critical Thinking is one
of the two known learning platforms. Critical thinking is also important in the acquisition of Language skills. It is based on
reasoning on the lesson, sentence, word, phrase till a logical understanding is Firmly in place in the mind which is often emerged
through questioning, root exploration, assessing the validity And so forth. Some of the advised strategies that can be used in the
language classes for attaining both global Awareness and critical thinking are questioning either in the form of reciprocal peer
questioning in small groups Followed by class discussions or readers’ questions on an assigned reading passage, “Discussion
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Method”, and “Cooperative Learning Strategies” . These strategies encourage language learners to question the validity of ideas
in texts Or judge the ideas of other people.
Critical thinking has been proved to be important in acquisition of second language learning skills particularly Writing and
reading. In writing, it helps learners to analyze the essay question, identify the key Issue, consider its different aspects, use their
life experience for better understanding, and develop their own Well-reasoned opinion before coming to a conclusion. Critical
thinking improves speaking skills in similar Ways. Firstly, critical thinking which is mostly developed in discussion tasks
develops the areas of organizing key Concepts, formulating arguments, testing ideas, problem solving and evaluating evidence.
Critical Thinking and discussion support each other, and critical thinkers are ‘signposted’ to appraising the arguments on The
basis of the collected and collated data. Secondly, it empowers the speaker to identify the arguments in Conversations and to
evaluate the trustworthiness of the reasons. Finally, in addition to the inevitable limitations Of spoken language , second language
learners tend to have linguistic limitations on contributing to discussions And debates both in academic settings and real life
situations within society. Critical thinking compensates for Some linguistic inadequacies.
2.5 Methods of Application & Application Strategy
In order to put the said strategies and methods into practice, a lesson plan was drawn up for each lesson. Then The performance of
students was evaluated throughout the course. A passage of the provided syllabus and the Method and strategies applied are
illustrated below. This passage which presents the global problem of migration Was adopted from ‘the International Fund for
Agricultural Development’ website on migration.
-Class Application
To introduce the topic as a warm up activity there is no need to define the problem, but rather it can be started From scratch. For
instance, the meaning of the term migration was asked in the beginning. Then, to help the Students to refer to their experience, it
was asked where they had observed this phenomenon? Then, we went Deeper and asked if it could be a problem? To progress
further, learners were divided into groups of 3-5 and then Read the distributed passage on massive migration from rural areas. The
topic was found suitable since the Participants were from various countries and exhibited versatile cross-cultural background.
Learners were encouraged to ask each other the following proposed questions.
They also were encouraged to think of further extended questions on the topic. The participants learn to think And contribute their
opinions in group discussion. While the teacher monitored the discussions, the primary focus Was on the content being expressed.
Since more streamlined vocabularies were deemed fit, they were asked to Share the relevant words by hanging their list on the
wall. Then, some of the learners from the student group Were called in front of the class and the remaining students asked their
questions related to the topic. Meanwhile, The learners were asked to be creative and were told to give ideas, both pros and cons.
At the end of the class, a Student was asked to give a short talk about the topic and possible causes discussed. For such a purpose,
for example, the teacher raised questions about the topic on the global issue that was due to be discussed. Then, the students
focused mainly on the lesson material in terms of content. Finally, the learner used the language as freely and communicatively as
possible by involvement in activities like discussion and Conference.
What we have seen in this course is that the English language is and always has been a diverse entity. It has changed dramatically
over the centuries since it first arrived on the shores of Britain from the north of Europe, and these changes mean that the
language that was spoken at that time is almost incomprehensible to us now. As the language has spread beyond Britain it has
continued to change, and to change in different ways in different contexts. It has diversified to such an extent that some scholars
suggest that it is no longer accurate to talk of a single ‘English’; that instead there are many different English languages around
the world today. At the same time, however, English exists in the world today as a means of international communication – as a
way for people from different social groups to communicate with each other – and to fulfil this function it would seem that
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variation in the language needs to be curtailed to a certain extent. That is to say, if the language becomes too diverse it will not
remain mutually comprehensible across different social groups. So we have two impulses at work that are seemingly
incompatible, or perhaps even in conflict, and the question we are faced with is how to render them as consistent, as both being
part of the existence of a single entity we call ‘English’. This is one of the central issues in English language studies today – and
it’s a very modern issue because it has come about as a direct result of the unprecedented position that English now occupies in
the world: as a language with global scope which is implicated in the history and present-day existence of societies all around the
world.English is and always has been a very diverse language. The language has become the most popular second language
around the world. People is getting used to using English as a tool for many different activities in their daily lives.
Communication and business are just a few examples of why people use English between countries. This is why people should
start to learn and practice this language since they are kids. In this world, successful people are the ones that can communicate
with everyone and the main language of communication in the world is English. English has changed over the past centuries, but
until now, it has changed in a good way. We don’t know for sure what is going to happen in the future, but we must make sure
that our kids will be prepared for it and there is no better way to prepare them than teaching them different languages, especially
English.English is a very important language for everyone to learn, English is the 2 nd most spoken language in the world. We
learned a lot this project, we learned a lot of information about the English languageWe applied all the knowledge we have
learned all throughout the study.
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