6th Semester Outline Bs Math 2018 2022
6th Semester Outline Bs Math 2018 2022
6th Semester Outline Bs Math 2018 2022
BS Mathematics (2018-2022)
Mission Statement:
To prepare people having sound knowledge of mathematics
The program of Bachelor of Science in mathematics is launched to make up the
shortage of professional mathematicians, to support sciences, and to motivate
people toward advanced mathematics and research.
Program Objectives:
The objectives of the program are:
1. To establish the base for lifelong education by creating essential concepts and
equipping the students with necessary techniques needed to start careers in
teaching, research, and/or in any walk of life involving mathematics.
2. To prepare students to learn concrete ideas of mathematics, to analyze problems,
and to develop problem-solving skills.
3. To encourage students to become effective independent learners.
4. To encourage students to work in groups to get quick, true results.
5. To encourage people to help other disciplines as engineering, physics, economics,
finance, etc. using mathematics.
Program Design:
Program duration: 4 years (8 semesters)
Total credit hours: 139
Semester duration: 16 - 18 weeks
Eligibility Criteria:
Intermediate with mathematics or equivalent as per UO rules
Scheme of Studies
Credit Hours
Sr. No. Course Code Course Title
Theory Lab Total Page No.
1 MATH3135 Real Analysis ii 3 0 3 40
2 MATH3136 Number Theory 3 0 3 41
3 MATH3137 General Topology 3 0 3 42
4 MATH3138 3 0 3 43
5 MATH3139 Classical Mechanics 3 0 3 44
Total 15
Detail of Courses
The main objectives of this course are to:
Get firm grip on basic ideas of Riemann integral and their basic uses with
Apply and use the concepts of Riemann Stieltjes (R-S) Integrals.
Know concretely about function of bounded variation and properties.
Understand ideas of improper integrals.
Course Outline:
Riemann Stieltjes Integral: Riemann Stieltjes integrals, partitions, refinement, Darboux
upper and lower sums, related lemmas, Cauchy’s theorem and its applications,
continuity theorems, integral as a limits.
Fundamental Theorems of Calculus: First, second fundamental theorems and other
related lemmas.
Function of Bounded Variation: Monotonic theorem, bounded theorem, property
related theorems, bounded variation of division, continuity base theorems.
Uniform convergence: Point wise convergence and related theorems and application,
test for convergence Cauchy’s test, Weirestrass M-Test, Uniform convergence and
continuity, Uniform convergence and integration, Uniform convergence and
Improper integrals: Convergence and divergence and its application, (Convergence
theorem) Cauchy’s general principle of convergence, comparison tests, limit comparison
test, integral test
Recommended Books:
Bartle. R. (2008). Introduction to Real Analysis by Robert G. John Wiley & Sons.
Ruddin, W. (1976). Principles of Mathematical Analysis. McGraw-Hill.
The main objectives of this course are to:
Get firm grip on basic ideas of natural numbers, integers and their basic
Apply and use the concepts of modular arithmetic.
Know concretely about solutions of congruence polynomials and its uses.
Apply ideas of Diophantine equations and arithmetic functions in mathematics
and in real world problems.
Course Outline:
Divisibility: Definition of divisibility, greatest common divisor, Euclid’s lemma, prime
numbers, the fundamental theorem of arithmetic, the Euclidean algorithm.
Congruences: Definition and basic properties of congruence, residue classes and
complete residue systems, linear congruence, reduced residue system and the Euler-
Fermat theorem, Lagrange’s theorem, simultaneous linear congruences, the chinese
remainder theorem.
Quadratic Residues and Quadratic Reciprocity Law: Quadratic residues, Legendre’s
symbol and its properties, evaluation of (-1/p) and (2/p), Gauss’s lemma, quadratic
reciprocity law, applications of the reciprocity law.
Arithmetic Functions: The möbius function, the Euler totient function, the relation
between the möbius and the Euler totient function, the identity function, the unit
function, dirichlet inverses and the möbius inversion formula
Diophantine Equations: The equation ax + by = c, simultaneous linear equations,
elliptic curves
Recommended Books:
Ivan, N., Herbert, S. Z., and Hugh, L. M. (1991). An Introduction to the Theory of
Numbers. John Wiley & Sons.
Tom, M. A. (1998). Introduction to Analytic Number Theory. Narosa Publishing
The main objectives of this course are to:
Describe topological spaces with examples.
Differentiate some simple topological spaces through homeomorphism.
Check connectedness and compactness of topological spaces.
Course Outlines:
Metric Spaces: Metric spaces, accumulation points, closure, interior, exterior, and
boundary of a set.
Topological Spaces: Topological spaces, accumulation points, closure, interior, exterior,
and boundary of a set, subspaces, base for a topology
Continuity: Continuous functions, homeomorphism
Connected and Compact Spaces: Separation, connected spaces, covers, compact
Separation Axioms: Hausdorff spaces, T1-spaces, regular spaces, normal spaces
Recommended Books:
Munkres, J. (2004). Topology. New Delhi, Prentice-Hall of India.
Lipschutz, S. (1965). General Topology. New York, Tata McGraw-Hill.
The main objectives of this course are to:
Describe basic ideas of probability distributions with examples.
Apply ideas of mathematical expectations.
Know special probability distributions and special probability densities.
Understand ideas of random variables and sampling distributions.
Course Outline:
Probability Distributions and Probability Densities: Probability distribution,
continuous random variables, probability density functions, multivariate distributions,
marginal distributions, conditional distributions
Mathematical Expectations: The expected value of a random variable, moments,
chebyshev’s theorem, moment-generating functions, product moments, moments of
linear combinations of random variables, conditional expectations
Special Probability Distributions: Distributions of the discrete uniform, bernoulli,
binomial, negative binomial, geometric, poisson, multinomial, and hypergeometric
Special Probability Densities: Distributions of uniform, exponential, gamma, beta, and
Functions of Random Variables: Distribution function technique, transformation
techniques of one- and several, moment-generating function technique
Sampling Distributions: The distribution of the mean, the chi-square distribution, the t-
distribution, the f-distribution, estimation of means, estimations of proportions,
estimation of variance, testing of statistical hypothesis concerning means, proportions,
and variances
Recommended Books:
Miller, I. and Miller, M. (1997). Mathematical Statistics. Prentice-Hall.
Seymour, L. and John, J. S. (2011). Introduction to Probability and Statistics.
The main objectives of this course are to:
Understand the dynamical motion of physical system.
Understand the difference between Newtonian, Lagrangian, and Hamiltonian
Discuss the motion of objects based on n-dimensions.
Understand the concept of linear and angular motion.
Course Outline:
Newtonian Mechanics: Newton’s laws, inertial and non-inertial frames of reference,
rigid body dynamics, moment of inertia, moments and products of inertia, inertia matrix,
angular momentum vector and rotational kinetic energy, principal axes and principal
moments of inertia, determination of principal axes by diagonalizing the inertia matrix.
Lagrangian Mechanics: Constrained motion, holonomic and non-holonomic
constraints, degrees of freedom, virtual work, d’ alembert principle, simple harmonic
oscillator, damped harmonic oscillator, simple pendulum, generalized coordinates,
transformation equations, scheronomic and rheonomic systems, generalized velocities
and generalized forces, Lagrange’s equations with applications to dynamical systems,
properties of Lagrange’ s equation, generalized momenta, Lagrange equations for non-
holonomic systems with and without Lagrange multipliers, Hamilton’s principle.
Hamiltonian Mechanics: The Hamiltonian, Hamilton’s equations, Hamiltonian for
conservative systems, Ignorable or cyclic coordinates, Liouville’s Theorem, Hamilton’s
Principle, Poisson’ s bracket, Properties of Poisson’ s bracket, Canonical
transformations, Conditions that a transformation to be canonical, Hamilton-Jacobi
Recommended Books:
Goldstein, H. (2001). Classical Mechanics. Herbert, Pearson.
Marion, J. (2004). Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems. Cengage