Adec CSM Guidance 222017
Adec CSM Guidance 222017
Adec CSM Guidance 222017
Guidance on Developing
Conceptual Site Models
January 2017
Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, Spill Prevention and Response – Contaminated Sites
1 BACKGROUND ................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Exposure Pathways................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Complete pathways................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Graphical and Pictorial CSMs ................................................................................. 3
1.4 CSM Submittal to DEC ........................................................................................... 4
1.5 Site Characterization ................................................................................................. 7
Exposure Pathway Terms and Examples ........................................................................... 8
2.1 Source ......................................................................................................................... 9
2.2 Release Mechanism................................................................................................... 9
2.3 Impacted Media......................................................................................................... 9
2.4 Transport Mechanisms ............................................................................................ 9
2.5 Exposure Media ...................................................................................................... 11
2.6 Exposure Routes ..................................................................................................... 11
3 HUMAN HEALTH CONCEPTUAL SITE MODELS ..................................12
3.1 Direct Contact with Soil ........................................................................................ 12
3.1.1 Incidental Soil Ingestion........................................................................... 13
3.1.2 Dermal Absorption of Contaminants from Soil .................................. 13
3.2 Water Ingestion ....................................................................................................... 13
3.2.1 Ingestion of Groundwater ....................................................................... 13
3.2.2 Ingestion of Surface Water ...................................................................... 14
3.2.3 Ingestion of Wild and Farmed Foods .................................................... 14
3.3 Inhalation ................................................................................................................. 15
3.3.1 Inhalation of Outdoor Air ....................................................................... 15
3.3.2 Inhalation of Indoor Air .......................................................................... 16
3.3.3 Additional Pathways ................................................................................. 17
3.4 Human Receptors ................................................................................................... 18
3.4.1 Determining Current and Future Land Use .......................................... 19
3.4.2 Determining Insignificant Exposure ...................................................... 19
3.5 Default Cleanup Levels CSM ................................................................................ 20
4 ECOLOGICAL CONCEPTUAL SITE MODELS ......................................... 23
4.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 23
4.2 Ecological Characterization ................................................................................... 23
4.3 Identification of Potential Exposure Pathways .................................................. 24
5 REFERENCES ................................................................................................ 27
1 Example Human Health Conceptual Site Model (Graphical) ......................................... 5
2 Example Human Health Conceptual Site Mode (Pictorial) ............................................. 6
3 Default Human Health Conceptual Site Model for Tabled Cleanup Levels ............... 22
4 Example Ecological Risk Assessment Conceptual Model ............................................. 26
1 Exposure Pathway Terms and Examples ........................................................................... 8
2 Examples of Common Chemical Sources, Transport Mechanisms, and Exposure
Media at Contaminated Sites ............................................................................................. 10
A Human Health Scoping Form and Standardized Graphic ...........................................A-1
B Soil Contaminants Evaluated for Dermal Exposure ..................................................... B-1
C Bioaccumulative Compounds of Potential Concern ..................................................... C-1
D Volatile Compounds of Potential Concern ................................................................... D-1
E Contaminant Properties Used to Evaluate Transport Mechanisms .......................... E-1
A CSM is designed to show real or possible exposure pathways, not quantify the exposure or
health risks presented by that exposure, as is done in a risk assessment. A CSM should be
prepared for every site cleanup. The much more detailed effort of conducting a risk
assessment is usually performed when proposing an alternative cleanup level for soil or
groundwater based upon site specific conditions.
The preparation of a CSM does not need to be a complicated process. The CSM is used to
assist project managers in properly evaluating a site. It should be continually revised as new
site investigations produce updated and more accurate information. In general, a CSM can be
developed with only the most basic information about the site. The less information on hand,
the more the preparer needs to err on the conservative side, assuming that a person, plant or
animal could be exposed to the contamination. As more information is gathered, however, the
CSM can be refined. At closure, text accompanying the CSM should describe how exposure is
being managed or minimized across all complete or potentially complete pathways.
This document provides guidance on how to develop both human health and ecological
Conceptual Site Models for contaminated sites addressed under 18 Alaska Administrative
Code (AAC) 75. It can also be used for leaking underground storage tank sites addressed
under 18 AAC 78.
Cumulative Risk Guidance, ADEC September 15, 2016, adopted by reference in 18 AAC 75
A listing of all the ways in which exposure could take place, or the “exposure pathways”, is
essential to an accurate description of whom and what may be exposed to contamination.
Consultation with any possible users of the land may be necessary to get a clear picture.
Whether rural or urban, any site can have uses that are not obvious to someone unfamiliar
with the site and the community. Evaluation of exposure pathways should start with
identification of the many different kinds of potential users, including people that live at, visit,
or gather food from the site and plants and animals that may be present.
In the CSM, the distinction should be made between pathways which are complete and those
which are incomplete. A complete pathway is a way by which a receptor, human, plant or
animal, is or could be exposed to contamination.
Complete pathways should include both currently complete pathways and any that may be
complete in the future based on contaminant migration or changes in land use. Remember that
identifying a pathway as complete does not automatically mean there is actual harm or risk to
humans or the environment. It means that exposure across the pathway needs further
evaluation to determine if it presents a risk. Future restrictions placed on access to the site or
the water on site does not make a pathway incomplete, although at closure it is acceptable to
explain how exposure across a pathway will be controlled. Also, neither the quantity nor the
concentration of a given chemical at the site makes any difference in determining if a pathway
is complete. If chemical concentrations are below screening levels (1/10th of the ADEC
health-based cleanup levels specific to that pathway) then the exposure across that pathway
may be described as insignificant and no further evaluation of the pathway is necessary.
Often there will be insufficient information to determine if a pathway is complete. Take for
example a family living on a site with subsurface soil and groundwater contamination. If
contamination is measured in a drinking water well, then ingestion of the groundwater would
be a complete pathway. However, if it’s not clear whether the contaminants could evaporate
from soil into outdoor air (because, for example, the source is small, the contamination is
deep, or frozen ground limits volatilization of certain compounds) then breathing in
(inhalation) of volatiles in the outdoor air pathway still has the potential to be complete and
should be treated as such until further data is collected or approved modeling has been
Complete and potentially complete pathways should be considered complete for development
of the preliminary CSM. The preliminary CSM forms the basis of:
2. Cleanup/risk management
A CSM must be submitted as part of the site
a. Actions taken
characterization step in the cleanup process b. Report submitted to DEC
(see Section 1.4 for more detail on site
characterization). Throughout the rest of the 3. DEC determines closure, with or without
process, the CSM is updated and continues to conditions
be used as information is gained. A potentially
complete pathway may be dropped from * A “qualified environmental professional” is
further evaluation if sufficient evidence is defined in 18 AAC 75.333.
presented to demonstrate, to the satisfaction
of the State of Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), that it is not a
complete pathway. Sufficient evidence may include, for example, identification of
impermeable, confining layers in the ground; or determining bioaccumulative compounds are
not present at the site (such as for the ingestion of wild and farmed foods pathway).
the user with enough information to understand how decisions on complete pathways at a site
were made. A pictorial representation of a CSM may be used in addition to the graphical one.
A pictorial CSM is useful in explaining possible exposure at the site to interested members of
the public as well as those involved in the cleanup. An example pictorial CSM is shown in
Figure 2.
Preliminary and Revised CSMs must be submitted as required in 18 AAC 75.335. If a risk
assessment is being conducted it is the first document that must be approved by DEC as part
of the risk assessment process. This requirement does not supersede the CSM submittal
requirements at the workplan stage in 18 AAC 75.335.
For consistency between contaminated site projects, DEC has developed a preliminary
scoping form to assist consultants and contractors with a CSM (Appendix A). The preliminary
scoping form can be used at any point in the investigation; however, the best use of the
scoping form is to gain concurrence with the DEC project manager about the potential
pathways that need to be investigated at the site.
Surface Dermal
Migration to
Subsurface Dermal
Tanks, Drums, Air
Contaminated Migration to
Debris, Leaks Groundwater
Unknown Inhalation
Groundwater Surface
Flow Water
Surface Water
KEY: Surface Water
Complete Exposure Pathway
EPA 2015
To the extent possible, this information should be compiled from existing site characterization
reports, if any, and other historical documents and records. A site reconnaissance may be
necessary if the available reports are old and/or provide incomplete information. A site map
should be prepared showing the locations of engineered structures, past sampling locations,
spill locations, water bodies on and near the site, site topography, and other significant
features. For additional natural features which must be described and displayed on the site
map or on supplemental maps for an ecological CSM, see Section 3.2.
1. A source of contamination and the way it was released into the environment;
2. An environmental medium (i.e., soil, water, or air) and the way in which the chemical
moves through the medium;
3. A location at which a receptor may come in contact with the impacted environmental
medium; and
4. A way a chemical comes in contact with a receptor (i.e., ingestion, inhalation, and
dermal exposure).
Impacted Media Soil, sediment, groundwater, surface water, air, biota (plants and animals)
Exposure Media Soil, sediment, groundwater, surface water, air, biota (plants and animals)
2.1 Source
All sources of contamination at the site need to be identified. Many times the source is from a
tank, drum, transformer, garage, shop, storage area, or landfill. Other sources may include
discarded batteries, deteriorating buildings, or pesticide application. Information on how the
contaminant was released into the environment will be described next.
It is important to keep in mind soil, groundwater, surface water, and sediment have specific
definitions which should be considered when determining what type of media has been
impacted. Definitions for each type of media are included below:
Soil is unconsolidated geologic material, including clay, loam, loess, silt, sand, gravel,
tills, or a combination of these materials (18 AAC 75.990[117]).
Groundwater is :
o Subsurface water in the saturated zone, for purposes of evaluating whether the
groundwater is a drinking water source under 18 AAC 75.346; or
o Water beneath the surface of the soil, for purposes of evaluating whether the
water will act as a transport medium for hazardous substance migration (18
AAC 75.990[46]).
Surface water is water of the state naturally open to the atmosphere, including rivers,
lakes, ponds, reservoirs, streams, wetlands, impoundments, and seas (18 AAC
75.990[128]). Groundwater that is closely connected hydrologically to nearby surface
water (i.e. groundwater that daylights through seeps or springs) should also be
evaluated as surface water.
Sediment is material of organic or mineral origin that is transported by, suspended in,
or deposited from water. Sediments occur in both the freshwater and marine
environments and can include the area along the coastline that is exposed at low tide
and covered at high tide. Sediment includes chemical and biochemical precipitates and
organic material, such as humus (18 AAC 70.990[51]).
the soil migrates to the groundwater at a site. After a chemical is released in the environment it
may be:
Physically transported (e.g., volatilization, precipitation, movement
downstream in water or on suspended sediment, or movement through the
Chemically transformed (e.g., photolysis, hydrolysis, oxidation, reduction, etc.);
Biologically transformed (e.g., biodegradation);
Accumulated in one or more media.
Examples of common sources, transport mechanisms, and exposure media that are found at
contaminated sites are shown in Table 2. Other transport mechanisms are possible and should
be investigated on a case-by-case basis (see Section 3.2.3).
A complete pathway may not mean that there is a significant risk from exposure.
Exposure may not be significant in some cases because of the extent to which a contaminant
can be transported through a particular media. The CSM narrative should explain why the
pathway is considered insignificant. For example, how well a contaminant dissolves in water,
clings to soil, moves through water or air, or accumulates in biota may determine whether
there is potential for exposure to a particular media. Therefore, consideration of a specific
contaminant’s chemical and physical properties may be helpful in developing the CSM. Once a
pathway is considered complete, more work can be done to determine if exposure via the
pathway is going to pose a significant risk. For more information on this, see Appendix E.
Not all of the following exposure routes are expected to be encountered at every site. Also,
unique site-specific conditions may require additional exposure routes be investigated.
Complete pathways should include both currently complete pathways and any that may be
complete in the future based on contaminant migration or changes in land use. Remember that
identifying a pathway as complete does not
mean that negative health outcomes are
anticipated, but that the route of exposure Is the soil ingestion pathway complete?
may need evaluation. Consultation with
Are contaminants present or potentially present in
the public is recommended as an
surface soil between 0 and 15 feet below the
important method to help determine ground surface (ft bgs)?*
exposure routes.
If you answered “yes” to this question, the soil
3.1 Direct Contact with Soil ingestion pathway is complete.
Direct contact with soil comprises two Is the dermal contact with soil pathway
exposure routes, ingestion of soil and complete?
dermal absorption of contaminants from
soil. It is unusual for one of these Are contaminants present or potentially present in
pathways to be complete without the other surface soil between 0 and 15 ft bgs?*
being complete as well. For this reason Can the soil contaminants permeate the skin (see
Appendix B)?
they are often considered one pathway.
If you answered “yes” to the questions above, the
This pathway must be investigated if dermal contact pathway is complete.
contamination is found or suspected in the
surface soil (0 to 2 feet below the ground * Contamination at deeper depths may require
surface [ft bgs]) and/or the subsurface soil evaluation on a site specific basis.
down to a depth of at least 15 ft bgs.
Consider the pathway complete for
subsurface soil between 2 and 15 ft bgs unless permafrost, bedrock, or site conditions prohibit
excavation. Generally, 15 feet is the depth from which subsurface soil is brought to the surface
by excavation. In most cases it is unlikely the direct contact exposure pathway will be complete
for contaminated soil below 15 feet. However, contamination at deeper depths may require
evaluation on a site- specific basis (e.g., where deeper excavation is possible such as in areas
were utilities are located below 15 feet, or where the surface grade may be lowered such as on
hill slopes or bluffs). Please note that instituting dig restrictions to prevent exposure to
subsurface soil is not a basis for identifying this pathway as incomplete.
Once the above criteria have been used to determine if the direct contact pathway (ingestion
and dermal) is complete, concentrations of contaminants can be compared to human health
soil cleanup levels in Table B1 of 18 AAC 75. The pathway is still complete regardless of
concentration, but may be considered insignificant if concentrations are below 1/10th the
Table B1 human health soil cleanup values. The human health soil cleanup level is considered
protective of both ingestion of soil and dermal exposure to soil.
Contaminants from soil, sediment, surface water, or other plant and animal life can accumulate
in plants and animals that are eaten by people. Although there are many ways to determine a
chemical’s ability to bioaccumulate or biomagnify in the food chain, DEC considers the
compounds listed in Appendix C to be bioaccumulative. An explanation of how this list was
developed is also included in Appendix C.
DEC does not have cleanup levels specifically designed to be protective of the ingestion of
wild and farmed foods pathway. If this pathway is complete, further evaluation -- either
qualitative or quantitative -- may be necessary to aid risk management decisions.
This pathway should only be eliminated if there are no volatile compounds in soil. Those
chemicals listed in the cleanup tables in 18 AAC 75 that meet the definition of volatile are
listed in Appendix D. This pathway should also be investigated for gasoline range organics
(GRO) and diesel range organics (DRO).
A complete pathway does not mean that the exposure results in unacceptable risk at
the site. Information about chemical concentrations is necessary to make that determination.
Low concentrations of contaminants do not imply that the pathway is incomplete, but if they
are below 1/10th of the human health cleanup level, the pathway may be considered
insignificant. The CSM should display all complete pathways, even if they are considered
Significant “preferential pathways” could allow vapors to migrate into a building at distances
greater than 100 feet. In general, petroleum vapors are not expected to migrate as far because
these contaminants are less persistent and degrade more readily than halogenated compounds.
Preferential pathways may include subsurface fractures, utility conduits, and drains that
intersect subsurface vapors. In Alaska, the presence of permafrost or seasonal frost may result
in additional concerns about vapor intrusion into structures. A frozen surface in conjunction
with the thaw bulb that is typically present beneath buildings may create a preferential pathway
to the building.
Volatile contaminants that are of concern for this pathway are listed in Appendix D. DEC will
generally not require an evaluation for vapor intrusion if the only chemicals of concern at a site
are the GRO, DRO, and residual range organic (RRO) petroleum fractions. Other volatile
compounds to evaluate when petroleum contamination is present are shown in bold in
Appendix D.
DEC does not have regulatory cleanup levels for the vapor intrusion pathway; however, the
DEC Vapor Intrusion Guidance for Contaminated Sites (2016) provides target levels for
groundwater, soil gas, and indoor air. Soil data are not good predictors of soil gas
concentrations, and are therefore not used by DEC to predict risk posed by the indoor air
pathway. Once chemical concentrations are measured in groundwater, soil gas, and indoor air,
risk from the vapor intrusion pathway can be estimated using the target levels. Decisions about
site characterization, assessment, management and cleanup should take this additional pathway
under consideration. Absence of existing buildings on site does not necessarily preclude the
elimination of the vapor intrusion pathway from possible consideration.
Generally, DEC groundwater cleanup levels in 18 AAC 75, Table C, are deemed protective of
this pathway because dermal absorption is incorporated into the groundwater exposure
equation for residential uses.
DEC groundwater cleanup levels in 18 AAC 75, Table C are protective of this pathway
because the inhalation of vapors during normal household activities is incorporated into the
groundwater exposure equation.
DEC human health soil cleanup levels in Table B1 of 18 AAC 75 are protective of this
pathway because the inhalation of particulates is incorporated into the soil exposure equation.
Direct contact with sediment involves people coming into contact with sediment, such as
during some recreational, subsistence, or industrial activities. People then incidentally ingest
sediment from normal hand-to-mouth activities. In addition, dermal absorption of
contaminants may be of concern if the contaminants are able to permeate the skin (see
Appendix B). This type of exposure should be investigated if:
Climate permits recreational activities around sediment.
The community has identified subsistence or recreational activities that would result in
exposure to the sediment, such as clam digging.
Generally, DEC direct contact soil cleanup levels in 18 AAC 75, Table B1, are assumed to be
protective of direct contact with sediment.
Exposure to contaminants that have been taken up from sediment into plants and
animals that are eaten by humans is addressed under Ingestion of Wild and Farmed Foods,
Section 3.2.3.
Residential receptors are addressed through DEC’s default cleanup levels (Section 3.5) or by
developing soil cleanup levels under method four (18 AAC 75.340). Method three soil cleanup
levels can also be developed for commercial or industrial workers. For all other receptors,
DEC requires evaluation through a risk assessment.
Assuming that people will live at the site (residential land use) means that they are assumed to
have the most exposure. Therefore, assuming the land use is residential is protective of most
other land uses. However, an assumption of future residential land use may not be necessary if
residential use in the future is highly unlikely, such as in areas zoned for commercial or
industrial land use.
Before it can be assumed in the CSM that future land use will be commercial or industrial, a
formal determination of land use is necessary. DEC ultimately makes that determination,
which needs to be consistent with the definition in 18 AAC 75.990(19) and the process
outlined in 18 AAC 75.340(e)(3). DEC will base a land-use determination upon the following:
Consultation with the public, including the local zoning authority, if any;
A determination that the site does not serve a residential land use;
A determination that the site will not serve a future residential land use based on
consideration of the factors in the EPA’s Land Use in the CERCLA Remedy Selection
Process, OSWER Dir. No. 9355.7-04, dated May 25, 1995 (EPA 1995); land in an
undeveloped area for which it would be difficult to determine a future use pattern is
capable of being a residential area, unless demonstrated otherwise; and
Consent of each landowner of property with contamination left in place above cleanup
As noted in Section 1.2, if chemical concentrations are below screening levels (1/10th of DEC
health-based cleanup levels specific to that pathway) then the exposure across that pathway
may be described as insignificant and no further evaluation of the pathway is necessary. Other
considerations that may lead to identification of an insignificant pathway include:
The site is located in a remote area and is expected to remain remote (e.g., not
accessible by road) and short term exposure to contaminant levels present at the site
are not expected to cause effects;
People are not expected to be on the site for more than 10 days a year and short term
exposure to contaminant levels present at the site are not expected to cause effects; or
Contaminants are limited in extent, volume, and toxicity and are not expected to cause
a significant exposure threat
The values in 18 AAC 75 assume contaminants were released from a source to soil and/or
groundwater. The source and release mechanism are not defined in this default CSM. The
tabled cleanup levels are protective of long-term (chronic) exposure in a residential setting,
consistent with unrestricted land use. These receptors include both adult and child residents.
In general, other receptors are less exposed to contaminants than residents and, therefore,
these cleanup levels also would be protective for other types of receptors. However, the 18
AAC 75 cleanup levels do not take into account subsistence use (Section 3.2.3), vapor
intrusion into a building (Section 3.3.2), other less common human exposures (Section 3.3.3),
Alaska’s water quality standards for surface water (18 AAC 70) (3.2.2) or ecological effects
(Section 4). If there is a potential for exposure through any of these pathways, then further
evaluation is required.
For soil, the cleanup levels are developed for incidental ingestion, dermal contact and
inhalation of volatiles and particulates emitted from soil for a combined human health cleanup
level, and potential migration of contaminants to groundwater. Specific exposure scenarios,
chemical properties, and soil and aquifer parameters used to develop the cleanup levels are
outlined in the Procedures for Calculating Cleanup Levels (2016).
The cleanup levels for the human health pathway are designed to be protective for exposures
through three pathways: the incidental ingestion of soil, dermal exposure to soil, and the
inhalation of volatile and particulates. The assumptions used in the equations are for a
residential exposure scenario. The cleanup levels are calculated separately for each pathway
and a sum of ratio is used as the final cleanup level. The cleanup levels for the individual
pathways reflect the following:
a. The cleanup levels for incidental ingestion of soil is based off upper bound rates
from the general population and accounts for soil ingestion.
b. The cleanup levels for dermal contact is based off contact with chemicals in
contaminated soil and is calculated using parameters associated with the exposure
event (i.e. skin surface area, dermal absorbed dose, body weight etc.).
c. The cleanup levels for the inhalation pathway were developed to be protective of
the inhalation of chemicals volatilizing from soil to outdoor air and contaminants
adsorbed onto respirable particulates (PM10). Some of these cleanup levels are
capped at the soil saturation concentration where it is lower than the risk-based
These cleanup levels are calculated using standard risk equations and back-calculating a cleanup level that is
associated with DEC’s risk standards (cancer risk of 1 in 100,000 and a HQ = 1.0).
2. The cleanup levels for the migration to groundwater pathway are developed to be protective
of residential domestic use of the groundwater from a well located at the downgradient edge
of the contaminated soil source. The equations used to develop the tabled values for this
pathway incorporate a three-phase partitioning equation that estimates the contaminant
concentration in soil leachate and a water-balance equation that calculates a dilution factor that
accounts for the dilution of soil leachate in an aquifer. This exposure pathway is not evaluated
in the arctic zone because of the presence of permafrost and the lack of use of groundwater as
a source of drinking water. The migration to groundwater cleanup level equations make the
following assumptions:
The source is infinite;
There is uniform distribution of contaminants in the soil;
The soil contamination extends from the surface to the water table, but is not in
contact with groundwater or below the groundwater;
No chemical or biological degradation takes place in the unsaturated zone or
Equilibrium is instantaneous;
The aquifer is homogenous;
Non-aqueous phase liquids are not present at the site; and
The drinking water well is located (or could be located) at the edge of the
contamination source (i.e., there is no dilution from recharge downgradient of the
site; EPA 1996b).
Please note, cleanup levels for two compounds listed in the cleanup tables, polychlorinated
biphenyls (PCBs), and lead, are not derived from the CSM described above, but were
developed based on other considerations. They are still assumed to be protective of human
Soil Inhalation
Tanks, Spills,
Drums, Leaks, Outdoor
Volatilization Inhalation
Unknown Direct Air
Sources Discharge
Migration to
Groundwater Groundwater
22 January 2017
Guidance on Developing Conceptual Site Models
Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, Spill Prevention and Response – Contaminated Sites
This section discusses the types of information that should be collected and reviewed to
develop an ecological CSM for a contaminated site. Development of the CSM from this
information relies on training and professional judgment to qualitatively evaluate both the
potential exposure of ecological receptors to site-related contaminants and the site-specific
conditions. Not every site will require an ecological CSM. DEC’s Ecological Scoping
Guidance (March 2014) should be used to determine if an ecological CSM is necessary at a
site and in turn aid in the development of the ecological CSM.
The sections below describe the information typically found in an ecological CSM. Early in
the process, it is not necessary to fully develop all of the information listed below regarding
the characteristics of the site and surrounding habitats; it is acceptable to develop a simple
CSM based on readily available information.
For example, an initial ecological CSM for a site may consist of:
A site map;
Photographs of nearby habitats; and
One or two pages of text describing sources of contamination, transport pathways,
affected media, and potential receptors and exposure routes.
If warranted based on site concerns, the initial CSM can be supplemented and refined.
state and federally listed rare, threatened, and endangered species; (2) species that are
proposed or recommended for state or federal listing; and (3) other Alaska “species
of special concern.”
To the extent possible, this information should be acquired from existing site reports and by
communication with state and federal agencies, including the United States Fish and Wildlife
Service (USFWS), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Marine
Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries), and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game
(ADF&G). A site visit by an ecological risk assessor and/or trained ecologist may be
warranted to verify and supplement the information gained from these sources.
A habitat map should be drawn for the site and surrounding area. It may be based on such
sources as aerial photographs, United States Geological Survey (USGS) topographic maps,
or soil maps. Vegetative communities, wetlands, aquatic habitats, and other habitat types
should be shown. The site perimeter should be drawn on the habitat map. Alternatively,
habitat types can be illustrated on the site map described in Section 1.5 if the overall amount
of information displayed is not excessive.
Once the vegetative communities, water bodies, and species likely to be impacted are
identified, the next step is to identify complete exposure pathways. Any contact between
biota and COPCs in any medium by any route should be considered a complete pathway. In
general, a complete exposure pathway exists when:
A release to the environment has occurred as documented by site history or
preliminary characterization data;
Transport of the contaminant to a point of contact is possible;
A point of contact exists for the contaminant and potential ecological receptor; and
An exposure route, such as ingestion or inhalation, exists at the point of contact.
Current and future exposure pathways should be considered complete unless there is
evidence that the COPC will not enter the medium or the receptor will not contact the
medium, either directly or indirectly.
The following points should be considered when developing the ecological CSM:
Wildlife exposure routes usually include ingestion of food, drinking water, and
Soil or sediment exposure can be assumed negligible for species that have little exposure to soil
or sediment.
Guidance on Developing 25 January 2017
Conceptual Site Models
Surface &
Direct Contact
& Uptake – – –
Materials &
Landfill Wastes
Runoff, &
Ingestion – –
Infiltration Volatilization Food Chain – –
Direct Contact –
Ingestion – – – –
Food Chain –
Direct Contact – –
Sediment Ingestion – –
Food Chain – –
26 January 2017
Guidance on Developing Conceptual Site Models
Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, Spill Prevention and Response – Contaminated Sites
Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), September 2016, Procedures for
Calculating Cleanup Levels, Contaminated Sites Program.
DEC, September 2016, Procedures for Calculating Cumulative Risk. Contaminated Sites Program.
DEC, March 2014, Ecoscoping Guidance: A Tool for Developing an Ecological Conceptual Site Model.
Contaminated Sites Program.
DEC, November 2016, Guidance on Evaluating the Vapor Intrusion for Contaminated Sites,
Contaminated Sites Program.
DEC, January 2013, Sediment Quality Guidelines (SQG), Contaminated Sites Program.
Thomann, R.V. 1989. Bioaccumulation model of organic distribution in aquatic food chains. Environ.
Sci. Technol. 23:699-707.
United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), June 2015, OSWER Technical Guide
for Assessing and Mitigating the Vapor Intrusion Pathway from Subsurface Vapor Sources to
Indoor Air.
__________, September 2016, Persistent, Bioaccumulative, and Toxic (PBT) Profiler, Office of
Pollution Prevention and Toxics,
__________, July 2004c, Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund, Volume I: Human Health
Evaluation Manual (Part E, Supplemental Guidance, Dermal Risk Assessment), interim,
Office of Emergency and Remedial Response, Washington, D.C.,
__________, February 2000, Appendix to Bioaccumulation Testing and Interpretation for the Purpose
of Sediment Quality Assessment Status and Needs, Office of Water, Washington D.C.,
__________, 1998, Guidelines for Ecological Risk Assessment, Risk Assessment Forum,
Washington, D.C., EPA/630/R-95/002F.
__________, 1997, Ecological Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund: Process for Designing and
Conducting Ecological Risk Assessments, Interim Final, Environmental Response Team,
Edison, New Jersey.
__________, May 1995, Land Use in the CERCLA Remedy Selection Process, Office of Solid
Waste and Emergency Response, Washington D.C., OSWER Dir. No. 9355.7-04.
__________, December 1989, Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund Volume 1 Human Health
Evaluation Manual (Part A), Office of Emergency and Remedial Response,
Washington, D.C., EPA/540/1-89/002.
Site Name:
File Number:
Completed by:
The form should be used to reach agreement with the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC)
about which exposure pathways should be further investigated during site characterization. From this information,
summary text about the CSM and a graphic depicting exposure pathways should be submitted with the site
characterization work plan and updated as needed in later reports.
General Instructions: Follow the italicized instructions in each section below.
1. General Information:
Sources (check potential sources at the site)
USTs Vehicles
ASTs Landfills
Dispensers/fuel loading racks Transformers
Drums Other:
Can the soil contaminants permeate the skin (see Appendix B in the guidance document)?
b) Ingestion -
1. Ingestion of Groundwater
Have contaminants been detected or are they expected to be detected in the groundwater,
or are contaminants expected to migrate to groundwater in the future?
Could the potentially affected groundwater be used as a current or future drinking water
source? Please note, only leave the box unchecked if DEC has determined the ground-
water is not a currently or reasonably expected future source of drinking water according
to 18 AAC 75.350.
If both boxes are checked, label this pathway complete:
Have contaminants been detected or are they expected to be detected in surface water,
or are contaminants expected to migrate to surface water in the future?
Could potentially affected surface water bodies be used, currently or in the future, as a
drinking water source? Consider both public water systems and private use (i.e., during
residential, recreational or subsistence activities).
Is the site in an area that is used or reasonably could be used for hunting, fishing, or
harvesting of wild or farmed foods?
Do the site contaminants have the potential to bioaccumulate (see Appendix C in the guidance
Are site contaminants located where they would have the potential to be taken up into
biota? (i.e. soil within the root zone for plants or burrowing depth for animals, in
groundwater that could be connected to surface water, etc.)
c) Inhalation-
1. Inhalation of Outdoor Air
Are contaminants present or potentially present in surface soil between 0 and 15 feet below the
ground surface? (Contamination at deeper depths may require evaluation on a site specific basis.)
Are the contaminants in soil volatile (see Appendix D in the guidance document)?
Dermal exposure to contaminants in groundwater and surface water may be a complete pathway if:
o Climate permits recreational use of waters for swimming.
o Climate permits exposure to groundwater during activities, such as construction.
o Groundwater or surface water is used for household purposes, such as bathing or cleaning.
Generally, DEC groundwater cleanup levels in 18 AAC 75, Table C, are deemed protective of this pathway because
dermal absorption is incorporated into the groundwater exposure equation for residential uses.
DEC groundwater cleanup levels in 18 AAC 75, Table C are protective of this pathway because the inhalation of
vapors during normal household activities is incorporated into the groundwater exposure equation.
DEC human health soil cleanup levels in Table B1 of 18 AAC 75 are protective of this pathway because the
inhalation of particulates is incorporated into the soil exposure equation.
This pathway involves people's hands being exposed to sediment, such as during some recreational, subsistence,
or industrial activity. People then incidentally ingest sediment from normal hand-to-mouth activities. In
addition, dermal absorption of contaminants may be of concern if the the contaminants are able to permeate the
skin (see Appendix B in the guidance document). This type of exposure should be investigated if:
o Climate permits recreational activities around sediment.
o The community has identified subsistence or recreational activities that would result in exposure to the
sediment, such as clam digging.
Generally, DEC direct contact soil cleanup levels in 18 AAC 75, Table B1, are assumed to be protective of direct
contact with sediment.
(1) if the media acts as a secondary source. Health CSM Scoping Form.
tiona espasse
l use
Media Transport Mechanisms Exposure Media Exposure Pathway/Route
ce co
ion w
ial or
or re isitors, tr
or su
Direct release to surface soil check soil
trial w
(adu ents
lts or
Surface Migration to subsurface check soil
e r s
Migration to groundwater
check groundwater
(0-2 ft bgs) Volatilization check air
Runoff or erosion check surface water Incidental Soil Ingestion
Uptake by plants or animals check biota
soil Dermal Absorption of Contaminants from Soil
Other (list):___________________________________
Inhalation of Fugitive Dust
Direct release to subsurface soil check soil
Subsurface Migration to groundwater check groundwater
Soil Volatilization check air Ingestion of Groundwater
(2-15 ft bgs) Uptake by plants or animals check biota groundwater Dermal Absorption of Contaminants in Groundwater
Other (list):___________________________________
Inhalation of Volatile Compounds in Tap Water
Direct release to groundwater check groundwater
Volatilization check air Inhalation of Outdoor Air
water Flow to surface water body check surface water
air Inhalation of Indoor Air
Flow to sediment check sediment
Uptake by plants or animals check biota Inhalation of Fugitive Dust
Other (list):___________________________________
Direct release to surface water check surface water Ingestion of Surface Water
Surface Volatilization check air surface water Dermal Absorption of Contaminants in Surface Water
Water Sedimentation check sediment
Inhalation of Volatile Compounds in Tap Water
Uptake by plants or animals check biota
Other (list):___________________________________
Revised, 4/11/2010
Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, Spill Prevention and Response – Contaminated Sites
Soil contaminants are evaluated for dermal exposure when a specific absorption factor is available (EPA, 2004c). Where specific absorption factors were not
available for an organic compound and it is not considered a volatile, an absorption fraction of 0.10 is applied. It is generally accepted that volatile compounds
evaporate from skin before significant absorption occurs and are addressed through the inhalation exposure pathway.
In addition, it is common practice to use the log Kow to characterize the hydrophobicity,
and thereby bioaccumulation potential, of organic compounds (EPA, 2000). The minimum
criteria defining bioaccumulation potential for nonionic organic compounds is a log Kow
greater than 3.5. The value of 3.5 was used as a minimum threshold based on observed
relationships between the Kow of an unmetabolized chemical and its potential for
biomagnification. Specifically, uptake efficiency tends to increase with increasing log Kow
for values between 3 and 6 (Thomann, 1989). For inorganic compounds, the BCF approach
has not been shown to be effective in estimating the compound’s ability to bioaccumulate.
Information available, either through scientific literature or site-specific data, regarding the
bioaccumulative potential of an inorganic site contaminant should be used to determine if
the pathway is complete.
The ADEC list was developed by including organic compounds that either have a BAF or
BCF equal to or greater than 1,000 from the 2015 EPA national bioaccumulation factor
supplemental information table (Excel) (January 2016) for human health water quality
criteria. Compounds without a BCF or BAF were retained when the log Kow generated
from the ADEC cleanup level calculator was greater than 3.5. These compounds were
entered into EPA’s Persistent, Bioaccumulative, and Toxic (PBT) Profiler (EPA 2016) to
estimate the BCF. Compounds were included in the list when the BCF was greater than
1,000 and excluded when the BCF was less than 1000. The PBT Profiler is located at Compounds with a log Kow greater than 3.5 that are not found
in the PBT Profiler are included in the list of bioaccumulative compounds below.
Inorganic compounds are also identified as bioaccumulative if they are listed as such by EPA
1The weight of evidence for trophic magnification was deemed sufficient to consider PFOS to be
bioaccumulative by the Stockholm Convention Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee (OECD
2The weight of evidence for trophic magnification was deemed sufficient to consider PFOA to be
bioaccumulative by the Stockholm Convention Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee (UNEP
A chemical is identified here as sufficiently volatile and toxic for further evaluation if the
Henry’s Law constant is greater than 1 x 10-5 atm-m3/mol or vapor pressure is greater than 1
millimeter of mercury (mm HG), and the vapor concentration of the pure component
exceeds the indoor air target risk level when the subsurface vapor source is in soil or
saturated vapor concentration exceeds the target indoor air risk level, when the subsurface
vapor source is in groundwater (EPA, 2015).
Acenaphthene* Fluorene*
Acenaphthylene* Formaldehyde
Acetone Heptachlor
Aldrin Heptachlor Epoxide
Anthracene* Hexachlorobenzene
Benz[a]anthracene Hexachlorobutadiene
Benzaldehyde* Hexachlorocyclopentadiene
Benzene Hexachloroethane
Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether Hexane, N-
Bromobenzene Hexanone, 2-
Bromodichloromethane Hydrazine
Bromoform Isopropanol
Bromomethane Mercury (elemental)
Butadiene, 1,3- Methanol
Butanol, N-* Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone)
Butylbenzene, n-* Methyl Isobutyl Ketone (4-methyl-2-pentanone)
Butylbenzene, sec-* Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE)
Butylbenzene, tert-* Methylene Chloride
Carbon Disulfide Methylnaphthalene, 1-*
Carbon Tetrachloride Methylnaphthalene, 2-*
Chlordane Naphthalene
Chlorobenzene Nitrobenzene
Chloroform Nitrosodimethylamine, N-
Chloromethane Nitrotoluene, o-*
Chloronaphthalene, Beta-* Phenanthrene*
Chlorophenol, 2-* Phosphorus, White*
Cumene Polychlorinated Biphenyls
Cyanide (CN-) Propyl benzene
Cyclohexane Pyrene*
DDE, p,p'- Styrene
Dibenzofuran* TCDD, 2,3,7,8-
Dibromochloromethane* Tetrachloroethane, 1,1,1,2-
Dibromoethane, 1,2- Tetrachloroethane, 1,1,2,2-
Dibromomethane (Methylene Bromide) Tetrachloroethylene