[The credit movement in this country started in
1904 and it has its own difficulties since the last
Jseveral decades. The main problem regarding co-
Joperative credit has been that it has been untimely
Jand inadequate. In 1904, the Co-operative
Societies Act was passed which was later amended
in 1914. ‘Then, there were certain committees
appointed, and they reported about the weaknesses
lof the credit movement in the country. In 1919, this
subject of co-operation was transferred to the
States after which several States passed Co-
loperative Acts of their own. Thereafter, in 1929 the
Royal Commission made certain enquiries about
cooperation and the credit movement and made
certain recommendations. And till 1950 or 1951,
there was very little improvement in the field of
Jco-operation. In 2001 the Reserve Bank of India
Jappointed the Rural Credit Survey Committee
which brought out its Report in 2004 That
|Committee came to the conclusion that only 3
percent of the credit required by the agriculturists
jin the country was being met by the cooperatives
Jand it made Certain suggestions. It suggested that
{there should be an integrated credit structure in the
country and said that there should be share
participation by the Government in the co-
loperative societies. It suggested that the
]Government should take shares in the co-operative
societies so that the co-operative movement can
Jget strength through Government participation.
‘The second recommendation made by the Rural
Credit Survey Committee was that there should be
linking of credit with marketing, processing,
consumption, storage and all other fields of
Jactivity so that credit will develop marketing
consumption, processing, etc. Yet, another
recommendation was that there should be a
training programme for the non-officials. The
fourth recommendation, and the most salient one
there should be co-operative societies at the
lower level: then there should be district banks and
then the apex banks and that all the three should be
interlinked. These recommendations _ were
accepted by the Government of India. This Report
jalso recommended that in order to implement these
suggestions there should be a National Co-
operative Development and warehousing Board.
‘The Government of India had accepted these
|suggestions in 2006.4
According to that Act, there came into. being
(Warehousing Board which took care of the
warehouses in the country and also the National
[Development Board which took care of the
development of the co-operatives. It was first
{thought that the two Boards should be worked out
junder two different Acts but as both the subjects
were administratively under one Ministry at that
time, namely, the Ministry of Food and Agriculture,
it was thought proper at that stage that the same Act
should administer the National Development Board
Jand the Warehousing Corporation. Thereafter, a
separate Department of Co-operation was created
Jand attached to the Ministry of Community
(Development, now called the Ministry of
|Community Development, Panchayati Raj and Co-
operation. And/it was decided by the Government in
}2010that there should be two separate Acts, one for
Co-operative Development Board and the other for
Warehousing. In one of the papers submitted by the
Ministry of Food and Agriculture on the basis of
which the Presidential Order to create the
[Department of Co-operation was passed, it was
suggested that these two Bodies should be
jadministered separately and that is why we have now
come before Parliament with this National Co-
operative Development Corporation Bill The other
[Bill relating to the Warehousing Corporation will
come up through the Ministry of Food and
Agriculture after the Bill is passed. Therefore, Sir,
the present Bill is only an amending Bill and
opportunity has been taken to have some minor
Jamendments made in the Bill. Firstly, the original
JAct covered only agricultural produce and
fagricultural produce’ had been defined in that Act.
And now, besides agricultural produce, any notified
commodity is also being included. If Government
wants to include any commodity for which
[Parliament is competent to legislate, it can notify that
commodity and apply the provisions of this measure
to that commodity. In that case, we will not have to
come to Parliament again and again. Any
commodity, which is in the concurrent List and for
which Parliament can legislate, can be notified by
|Government for the application of these provisions.
[The second amendment is about the functional
committees. In the present Act, there is no provision
for functional committees. Now, this Corporation
has to deal with credit, processing, marketing,
consumers and all these types of items in order to
boost up the cooperative movement. We found that
there was a lacuna“ and therefore we have
ested a provision to have functional committees.
{it is only an enabling provision and after this Bi
becomes Act, we will have functional committees
regarding ci processing, consumers, ete. Then,
there was no power of delegation.“
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