Sample IMRAD
Sample IMRAD
Sample IMRAD
and international where the challenge to remediate is a must since metals are natural
components of the Earth's crust and are found in the environment only in moderate
amounts. However, “natural” contaminants can also have anthropogenic origins: in fact
human activities often cause the release of a large amount of naturally-occurring minerals
into the environment (Pinsino et. al, 2010). This is usually due to pollution related to
abundant in metals such as gold (Cuartero & Maayon), copper (Dumalag & Pilar),
chromite (Dumalag), manganese (Ivisan) and iron (Roxas City & Ivisan), such garnered
attention to mining industries and paved way for local officials to support for the “general
conduct of mining operation by the legally permitted mining company and was
strengthen by the proclamation of Provincial Ordinance (PO) No. 9 lifting of the 50-year
moratorium on large-scale mining in the province of Capiz. Such activity will make water
contamination inevitable.
Capiz is dubbed as the "Seafood Capital of the Philippines". It holds one of the
richest fishing grounds and is a major contributor in the aquamarine industry of the
Philippines. Farming and fishing are the primary sources of income for the people. The
combined natural bounty of land and sea sustain a vibrant food industry.
Biosorption Capacity of 2
only small amounts are required to aid in normal plant growth. Plants do secrete acids
from the roots and when combined with too much iron, it lowers the pH of the soil.
Bronzing and stippling of leaves is a sign of toxicity among plants. Excessive manganese
concentrations in plant tissues can alter various processes, such as enzyme activity,
absorption, translocation and utilization of other mineral elements (Ca, Mg, Fe and P),
causing oxidative stress (Ducic and Polle, 2005; Lei et al, 2007).
Higher levels of iron do not dissolve in water. Fish and other creatures cannot
process all the iron they take in from water or their food. The iron can build up in
animals' internal organs, eventually killing them. Higher levels of iron in fish and aquatic
plants also have negative effects on the people or creatures consuming them. Marine
organisms can take up from the sea and from their diet these metals, which may consist
are of environmental interest both as limiting nutrients (Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu, Co, Mo and Ni),
The presence of iron in potable water is rather unpleasant due to the bad odors it
spreads, its rusty taste and color, its feel on skin and hair, and its tendency to stain
of iron can lead to a condition known as iron overload which when left untreated can lead
to hemochromatosis, a severe disease that can damage the body’s organs and gene
Excess manganese interferes with the absorption of dietary iron resulting to iron-
stiff muscles) and excessive manganese intake can cause hypertension in patients older
than 40. Significant rises in manganese concentrations have been found in patients with
severe hepatitis and posthepatic cirrhosis, in dialysis patients and in patients suffering
heart attacks. Several studies have linked excessive manganese exposure may lead to
The search for new technologies involving the removal of toxic metals from waste
waters has directed attention to biosorption, based on the metal binding capacities of
that bacteria, actinomycetes, fungi, yeasts, algae and seaweeds can remove heavy metals
has been increasing interest in the use of biomass from microbial sources (Ahluwalia et.
al., 2007), particularly the microalgae to absorb heavy metal ions as part of remediation
efforts (Davis et. al, 2003) (Chojnacka et. al., 2004). The key advantage of micro algal
including polysaccharides, proteins, peptides and nucleic acids, which accounts for the
majority of metal adsorption by ion- exchange mechanisms (Skowronski et. al., 2000)
(Mehta & Gaur, 2005). The scientific community has shown great interest in this
technique in view of the results obtained. Moreover, Algae are of special interest in the
search for and development of new biosorbents materials due to their high sorption
Biosorption Capacity of 4
uptake and their ready availability in practically unlimited quantities in the seas and
prasinophyte characterized by an ovoid body shape and a distinct curved body when
5.0 µm in thickness (De la Peña & Franco, 2013). On the other hand,
Chaetoceros calcitrans has a cylindrical shape and a more or less equal extent in all
directions, and is a needle-shaped alga (Helcom, 2016). Since both are considered as
microalgae, generally, this study aims to find out the biosorption capacity of Chaetoceros
determine if there is significant difference in the amount of iron (mg/L) adsorp after 48
difference in the amount of manganese (mg/L) adsorp after 48 hours of exposure to the
different treatments and if there is a significant difference between the amount of iron and
All the materials used in this study, including all cleaned glasswares were packed
individually with old newspapers and were sterilized in an autoclave at 121ºC for 45 min
at 15 psi. while the plastic containers were cleaned thoroughly and were disinfected using
70% alcohol.
Biosorption Capacity of 5
Collection of Microalgae
Algal Culture
Eighteen (18) plastic containers were prepared. Each of the 9 plastic containers
was filled with 50 mL of Chaetoceros calcitrans and another 9 plastic containers was
filled with 50 mL Tetraselmis tetrahele. A beaker was used to measure the test samples
respectively. With the use of a pipette with tip, 0.5 mL of FeCl 3, Na2SiO3, Trace metal,
Vitamins stock, NaNo3, NaH2PO4, and Na2 EDTA was measured and added to every
Using pipette with tip 1 mL of each sample in every container were gathered and
placed in a clean glass slide and were sent to the laboratory. Using a light microscope, the
microalgae were analyzed and counted. The microalgae were allowed to grow for 7 days.
After 7 days a microalgae cell count was done again to insure growth and equal number
of microalgae present in every container. After the desired algal count was determined, it
was transported to the Chemistry Laboratory (ESEP Bldg) of Capiz National High
100 mL each of iron chloride (1.25g/125 mL) and manganese sulfate (1.25g/125
mL) were purchased from the Central Science Laboratory of West Visayas State
University from Mr. Audie Suladay, Head of the Central Science Laboratory.
Biosorption Capacity of 7
Experimental Design
analysis was used to determine the biosorption capacity of Chaetoceros calcitrans and
Tetraselmis tetrahele.
in all replicates. Ten (10) mL was taken from every sample and was placed in a sterile
plastic container where it was sent to MRWD Laboratory for spectrophotometry analysis
The 490 mL water samples obtained in the pre testing was then added to the
Iron chloride and manganese sulfate were the 2 metals use in the study. There
Ozonated seawater with Iron chloride / manganese sulfate (50 ppm) and Treatment B: 50
sulfate (50 ppm) and a Control - 500 mL Ozonated seawater. All treatments were done
Control Control
Iron Manganese
Gathering of Data
After 48 hours, the microalgae were separated from the solution using a 4x4 filter
paper. Ten (10) mL of each treated sample were transferred to sterile plastic containers.
The samples were sent to MRWD for spectrophotometry analysis using the
Spectrophotometry Analysis
10 mL of each sample were transferred to a test tube. The test tube with iron and
spectrophotometer machine (Spectronic 20, milton roy company), where one Iron MR no
1 tablet, one Iron MR no 2 tablet, one Manganese no 1 tablet and one Manganese no 2
tablet were crushed and mixed to dissolve in the treated samples. The samples were
allowed to stand for 10 minutes (Iron solution) and 20 minutes (Manganese solution) to
allow color development. Phot 39 (Iron) and Phot 20 (Manganese) were then selected in
the spectrophotometer. The results were then displayed as mg/L Fe and mg/L Mn.
The difference in the pre-test and post-test results were utilized as quantitative
One Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and DMRT was utilized to determine
The means of the microalgae were compared to determine which of the samples
have the highest biosorptive capacity for Iron. Table I, showed that Treatment A:
Chaetoceros calcitrans got the highest mean of 0.1286 mg/L, followed by Treatment B:
Tetraselmis tetrahele with a mean of 0.115667 mg/L and the Control with a mean of
Biosorption Capacity of 10
less than the α(0.05) thus rejecting the null hypothesis., therefore there is a significance
Test has shown that the difference lies between Treatment A, Treatment B, and the
Table 1. Difference (mg/L) in the Amount of Iron Adsorp after 48 Hours of Treatment
Difference in (mg/L)
Treatments 1 2 3 Mean ± SD
TA: Chaetoceros
0.128 0.126 0.132 0.1286a±0.0030
TB: Tetraselmis
0.111 0.117 0.119 0.115667b±0.004163
0 0 0 .000000c±.000000
Ozonated water
0.000 significant
*Mean with different letter superscript indicates significant difference
Biosorption Capacity of 11
The means of the microalgae were compared to determine which of the samples
got the highest biosorptive capacity for Manganese. Table 2, showed that Treatment A:
Chaetoceros calcitrans got the highest mean of 0.02667 mg/L, followed by Treatment
B: Tetraselmis tetrahele, with a mean of 0.02317 mg/L and the Control with a mean of
less than the α(0.05) thus rejecting the null hypothesis, therefore there is a significance
Test has shown that the difference lies between Treatment A, Treatment B, and the
Table 3 showed that in the Iron (mean ± SD) column, Chaetoceros calcitrans got
the highest mean of all treatments with a value of 0.1290 mg/L, followed by Tetraselmis
tetrahele with a value of 0.1157 mg/L and the control got the lowest mean with value of
0.0000mg/L. While in the Manganese (mean ± SD) column, it showed that Chaetoceros
calcitrans got the highest mean of all treatments with a value of 0.02667 mg/L, followed
by Tetraselmis tetrahele with a value of 0.02317 mg/L and the control got the lowest
mean with value of 0.0000mg/L. Duncan’s Multiple Range Test has shown that the
Biosorption is a technique that can be used for the removal of pollutants from
waters, especially those that are not easily biodegradable such as metals and dyes. A
variety of biomaterials are known to bind these pollutants, including bacteria, fungi,
Based on the results presented in tables 1, 2 and 3, there was a decrease in the
amount of Iron and Manganese after 48 hours of exposure especially using Chaetoceros
calcitrans. On the other hand, Tetraselmis tetrahele showed also biosorption potential.
The result was so promising since microalgae has the ability to tolerate those metals, has
high yields of recovery per unit mass and has a high specific outer area coupled with a
cell wall loaded with ionisable groups (Gakwisiri et. al, 2012).
Furthermore, microalgae has proven to possess high metal binding capacities due
to the presence of polysaccharides, proteins or lipid on the surface of their cell walls
containing some functional groups such as amino, hydroxyl, carboxyl and sulphate,
which can act as binding sites for metals (Priyadarshani et al, 2011).
(biosorption)(Fourest and Roux, 1992). This is due to affinity of algal surfaces for heavy
metals leading to their adsorption and precipitation. The biosorption is passive non-
modification of cell wall can greatly alter the binding of metal ions. A number of
methods have been employed for cell wall modification of microbial cells in order to
enhance the metal binding capacity of biomass and to elucidate the mechanism of
biosorption (Monika, et. al., 2014). Of the many types of biosorbents recently
investigated for their ability to sequester heavy metals, microalgal biomass has proven to
be highly effective as well as reliable and predictable in the removal of heavy metals
According to Yalcin et al., (2007), algae are able to eliminate different forms of
time interval, more amounts of Iron and Manganese will be absorbed by the microalgae
Based from the data gathered, Chaetoceros calcitrans and Tetraelmis tetrahele
showed biosorption capacity on Iron and Manganese, thus, these two microalgae can be
2. The Researcher recommends allotting a longer time interval in the exposure of Iron
by other metals.
Biosorption Capacity of 15
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Metals from Wastewater by Using Microalgae. IJCPS Vol. 3, No. 6, Nov-Dec
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Biosorption Capacity of 16
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The researcher would like to extent their heartfelt gratitude to the following
To the almighty God, for giving the Researcher the strength and courage to finish
this study;
To Mrs. Ruth B. Barrios, Principal III, for allowing the Researcher to conduct this
Biosorption Capacity of 17
To Miss Lima Q. Jocson and Mrs. Selma P. Equibal, Research Advisers, for their
constructive criticisms and unceasing support during the conduct of the study;
To Engr. Wilhelmina S. Co, Research Consultant, for sharing her expertise and
Iloilo for allowing the Researcher to purchase the microalgae; Mrs. Kim Caumban,
Secretary of the Research Department for facilitating letter of the Researcher and Mrs.
Annie V. Franco, Senior Technical Assistant, of the Phycology Department for the help
extended in preparing and assisting the Researcher during the algal culture and for
University for allowing the Researcher to purchase Iron and Manganese in aqueous metal
solution and for solving the amount needed for the study;
MRWD the use of the laboratory and its equipment and Mrs. Victoria Pabelonia, Quality
Control Officer, for extending her precious time and expertise in testing the water
allowing the Researcher to use the Chemistry laboratory and its equipment during the
To Nong Jalem Paguiton and Nong Paul Ferrandiz, for helping out transport the
Biosorption Capacity of 18
financial support.
The Researcher
Biosorption Capacity of 19
B. Letters
C. Scanned Logbook
Biosorption Capacity of 20
Appendix A
Table 1. ANOVA Table on the Difference (mg/L) in the Amount of Iron after 48 Hours of
TA 0.13 0.13 0.13 MEAN= 0.1287
TB 0.11 0.12 0.12 MEAN= 0.1157
(-) 0.00 0.00 0.00 MEAN= 0.0000
Treatment Mean
TA 0.1287
TB 0.1157
(-) 0.0000
: Sirichai Statistics Version 6.00 :
09-07-2016 20:17:48
Problem Identification: Procedure : Analysis of Variance I
Table.... Analysis of Variance
Source df SS MS F F.05 F.01 F-Prob
Biosorption Capacity of 29
TA 0.1287 A
TB 0.1157 B
(-) 0.0000 C
Table 2. ANOVA Table on the Difference (mg/L) in the Amount of Manganese after 48
Hours of Treatment
TA 0.03 0.03 0.03 MEAN= 0.0267
TB 0.02 0.02 0.02 MEAN= 0.0232
(-) 0.00 0.00 0.00 MEAN= 0.0000
Treatment Mean
TA 0.0267
TB 0.0232
(-) 0.0000
: Sirichai Statistics Version 6.00 :
09-07-2016 20:21:32
Problem Identification: Procedure : Analysis of Variance I
Table.... Analysis of Variance
Biosorption Capacity of 30
Table 3. Two Way ANOVA Table on the Comparison of Iron and Manganese
Biosorptive Capacity of Chaetoceros calcitrans & Tetraselmis tetrahele.
Sirichai Statistics Version 6.00 :
09-07-2016 21:02:56
Problem Identification : Procedure : Two Factors Factorial
SOURCE df SS MS F F.05 F.01
Treatment 5 0.0502 0.0100 1761.55 3.11 5.06
A 2 0.0481 0.0240 4215.22 3.89 6.93
B 1 0.0000 0.0000 7.37 4.75 9.33
AxB 2 0.0021 0.0011 184.98 3.89 6.93
ERROR 12 0.0001 0.0000
TOTAL 17 0.0503 0.0030
Biosorption Capacity of 31
*ERROR MEAN SQUARE= 5.70333167228612E-06 *
*STANDARD ERROR OF MEAN= 9.74964244838934E-04
A1 .12216666 A
A2 1.3500000 B
A3 .01158333 B
A1 .12216666 A
A2 1.3500000 B
A3 .01158333 B
* *
*ERROR MEAN SQUARE= 5.70333167228612E-06 *
*STANDARD ERROR OF MEAN= 7.96054972437772E-04 *
* *
B1 5.0611111 A
B2 4.7555556 A
B1 5.0611111 A
B2 4.7555556 B
* *
*ERROR MEAN SQUARE= 5.70333167228612E-06 *
*STANDARD ERROR OF MEAN= 1.37880765788006E-03 *
* *
TA1 .12866666 A
TB1 .11566666 B
TA2 2.7000000 C
TB2 2.3166666 C
TC2 000000000 D
TC1 000000000 D
TA1 .12866666 A
TB1 .11566666 B
TA2 2.7000000 C
TB2 2.3166666 C
TC2 000000000 D
TC1 000000000 D
Appendix B
Principal III
Roxas City
Biosorption Capacity of 35
Good day!
May 5, 2016
Capiz NHS
Roxas City
Biosorption Capacity of 36
Good day!
Good day!
Biosorption Capacity of 37
July 21,2016
Dept. Head, Sci. and Tech
Capiz National High School
Fuentes Drive, Roxas City
Good day!
Biosorption Capacity of 38
Dept. Head, Sci. and Tech
July 22,2016
Division Manager
Roxas City
Good day!
Biosorption Capacity of 39
Biosorption Capacity of 40
Appendix C
Scanned Logbook
Biosorption Capacity of 41
Biosorption Capacity of 42
Biosorption Capacity of 43
Biosorption Capacity of 44
Biosorption Capacity of 45
Biosorption Capacity of 46