Policies Acknowledgement Form H3ME 914 FM3

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Middle East

Policies Acknowledgement Form FM3

Electronic Communications Policy

I understand that I am responsible for computing equipment provided to me by AECOM, and I will report to the
local office IT representative any malfunction, damage or theft of the equipment.
I have read the AECOM Electronic Communications policy and agree to the terms described. I also understand
that my network usage may be monitored by IT staff as part of the necessary management of computing
resources. I understand that the ultimate responsibility for adhering to this policy rests with me. Failure to adhere
to this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary actions, including termination of employment.

External Communications Policy

I have read the AECOM External Communications policy and agree to the terms described. I understand that
the ultimate responsibility for adhering to this policy rests with me. Failure to adhere to this policy may result in
appropriate disciplinary actions, including termination of employment.

Social Media Policy

I have read the AECOM Social Media policy and agree to the terms described. I understand that the ultimate
responsibility for adhering to this policy rests with me. Failure to adhere to this policy may result in appropriate
disciplinary actions, including termination of employment.

Insider Trading Policy

I have read the AECOM Insider Trading policy and agree to the terms described. I understand that the ultimate
responsibility for adhering to this policy and avoiding improper trading rests with me. Failure to adhere to this
policy may result in appropriate disciplinary actions, including termination of employment.

Global Ethical Business Conduct Policy

I have read the AECOM Global Ethical Business Conduct policy and agree to the terms described. I understand
that the ultimate responsibility for adhering to the principles and standards of the policy rests with me. Failure to
adhere to this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary actions, including termination of employment.

Employee Name

Employee Number

Base office/Country KSA - Riyadh



Policies Acknowledgement FormH3ME-914-FM3H3ME-914-FM3

Revision 0 September 30, 2013Form Page 1True1

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