Baillagou-1985-Majors Factors Contributing To
Baillagou-1985-Majors Factors Contributing To
Baillagou-1985-Majors Factors Contributing To
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Printed in Great Britain. Pergamon Press Ltd.
even at low conversions ( - 30 %). When the reactor is in the neighbourhood of 105• Since the product quality
operated below the glass transition temperature of the is determined by the processing history experienced by
polymer, total conversion cannot be achieved because the reaction fluid, gel effect and thermal run-away must
monomer diffusion to reacting radicals is seriously generally be avoided. Sacks et al. ( 1973) have de
hampered by the high viscosity of the reaction mixture. termined the optimal temperature history in a batch
A related consequence of the decrease in the free reactor and shown that product quality is indeed
volume is the gel effect (Trommsdorff et al., 1947), intimately related to the control of the reactor.
which causes autoacceleration of the overall rate of The use of tubular reactors is inherently an attract
polymerization, observed even under isothermal con ive alternative for the mass production of high quality
ditions. This phenomenon, particularly strong in the polymers. Continuous operation allows high through
case of MMA polymerization, will be a focus of this puts at a low cost. This reactor is distributed; the
76 P. E. BAILLAGOU and D. s. SoONG
conditions. On the other hand, non-isothermal be First, a r�listic gel effect model has been developed to
haviour was investigated, but the gel effect was neglec describe the polymerization of methylmethacrylate
ted in the analysis. The kinetic models developed to over the entire course of reaction (Chiu et al., 1983).
date have been extensively used to predict molecular This model is here used for the simulation of non
weight averages. However, attempts to correlate the isothermal reactions in plug-ft.ow reactors. At this level
entire molecular weight distribution with reaction of approximation, the rheology is decoupled from
conditions have seldom been made. Incomplete mathe kinetic considerations. Autoacceleration, ignition and
matical models are also often found in tubular reactor thermal run-away phenomena can be traced distinctly
literature. Some papers emphasi.z.e the kinetics but to separate causes by simple kinetics analyses. Next,
ignore the transport problem by assuming plug-ft.ow. the complete kinetic model is employed together with a
The opposite has also been reported, i.e. extensive realistic viscosity constitutive relation for accurate
study of the velocity profile with a poor kinetic model. descriptions of the velocity, conversion and tempera
Most previous works on tubular polymerizers focus on ture profiles in tubular reactors. The predictions of this
the polymerization of styrene. This system is not model are compared with the plug-flow simulations.
representative of all the polymerization difficulties, Experiments have been conducted to verify model
because it exhibits only a very weak gel effect. In predictions and to pin-point the causes of problems
contrast, our project concentrates on the polymeriz often encountered in tubular polymerization pro
ation of methyl methacrylate, whose gel effect is much cesses. Finally, a new operating strategy, polymeriz
more severe. The polymerization of methyl meth ation at elevated pressures and above Tg temperatures,
acrylate poses particularly challenging problems in our is explored. The results of such experiments will be
studies. disclosed. The above segments of this ongoing research
The present program is divided into several phases. program will be published in a series of papers. This
kd R"
I 2
R + M P
p.; + M p� + 1
p� + M Dn + Pi Chain transfer to monomer
P,; + s
Dn+ Pi Chai.n transfer to solvent
p,; + Pm Dn+Dm Termination by disproportionation
p� + Pm 0n+m Termination by combination
I Initiator
R Primary radical
M Monomer molecule
S Solvent molecule
P� Macroradical of length n
paper only addresses issues concerning the major non perature rise, making run-away a likely event during
isothermal and nonlinear features of polymerization polymerization. Biesenberger and Capinpin exten
reaction with gel effect. sively studied the behaviour of a non-isothermal
polymerization reactor, its sensitivity to the operating
conditions and the consequences of temperature vari
ations on the conversion and molecular weight distri
LITERATURE REVIEW ON NON-ISOTHERMAL bution. They classified the principal non-isothermal
POLYMERIZATION REACTIONS phenomena into run-away, ignition (parametrically
Exothermic polymerization reactions occurring in a sensitive run-away) and dead ending (incomplete con
low thermal conductivity medium create a difficult version of the monomer due to initiator burning out
heat transfer problem which seriously limits achieve prematurely at high temperatures) (Biesenberger and
ment of isothermal conditions in tubular reactors. All Capinpin, 1974). A dimensional analysis inspired by
the rate constants of the elementary steps in a free explosion and combustion theories was also carried
radical mechanism are assumed to have an Arrhenius out by these authors. Using dimensionless groups, they
temperature dependence. However, the initiation pro derived criteria to predict run-away (RA), ignition (IG)
cess requires a much higher activation energy than and dead ending (DE) in non-isothermal polymeriz
termination. An increase in temperature consequently ation. These predictions were compared with com
affects kd much more than kt. Therefore, this strong puter simulations (Biesenberger et al., 1976) and with
positive feedback further accelerates the reactor tern- experiments (Sebastian and Biesenberger, 1976).
rR - 2fkd(IJ-k i[R0)(H] ( 2)
( 6}
kd - initiator decomposition
k i - initiation
kp - propagation
The above modeling work was somewhat refined by kinetics is due to the reduction of the free volume of the
Brooks (1983) who showed that the boundary between mixture with conversion. This phenomenon, called gel
ignition and extinction can be more accurately located, effect, occurs even under isothermal conditions and is
if changes of densities and heat capacities with tem entirely different in nature from the previously dis
perature are taken into account in the analysis. His cussed thermal autoaccelerations. The origin of the gel
conclusions are consistent with the important ideas effect was discovered by Trommsdorff (1947). The rate
already formulated by Biesenberger and co-workers. of polymerization is not accelerated by an increase of
Work done in the U.S.S,R. about non-isothermal the rate of initiation, but by a decrease of the rate of
polymerizations was reviewed by Stolin et al. (1979). termination. The termination steps are more severely
Again, the analogy with combustion theories allows diffusion controlled than the propagation reaction,
the utilization of Semenov and Frank Kamenetsky's because they involve reactions between macroradicals
work in the treatment of thermal effects on the free whose mobility is seriously reduced by the diminishing
radical polymerization kinetics. free volume of the polymerizing mixture. When the
Another cause of non-linearity in polymerization conversion in the reactive fluid approaches its glass
Table 3. Mass and energy balance equations for a plug-flow reactor at steady-state
( l )
dz uz
d I Ij l duz
- --( r -(I)
-- ) ( 2)
dz uz dz
d l duz
- --( r - ll.o -- ) ( 3)
dz ll.o dz
dT l
( 4)
- -- ( -- )
dz Uz pcv
rx � (kp+kt )(l-x)ll.0 ( 5)
- -kd [I} ( 6}
( 7}
rll.0 - 2fkd[ I )-kcll.0
x conversion
[M J .. monomer concentration
axial_ ve1-ocity
p density of t:he mixt:ure
transition at the reaction temperature, movement of stants. Conservation of energy accounts for the heat
the monomer molecules is also impeded. The rate of generated by the propagation reaction and heat re
propagation thus decreases and the reaction stops moval through the wall of the reactor and by convec
before complete depletion of monomer or initiator. tive fluid flow. The gel effect is modeled by the
Accurate constitutive equations must be derived to constitutive equations derived by Chiu et al. (1983).
describe the dependence of the apparent propagation Volume contraction due to reaction as well as the
and termination rate constants on conversion, tem temperature dependence of the densities of monomer
perature and molecular weight. Several models have and solvent are allowed for in the model. The density
been proposed in the literature. These are reviewed by of the mixture is a function of the conversion, the
Carratt (1983). All models agree on the principle of amount of solvent introduced in the feed and the
relating the termination rate to macroradical diffusion. temperature. Heat capacities of the monomer, solvent
Differences exist in the choice of the theory to describe and polymer are taken to be constant, independent of
the diffusion processes. temperature. Monomer and polymer are assumed to
have the same heat capacity on a unit mass basis.
The complete mechanism of MMA polymerization
MODEL DERIVATION is summarized in Table 1. Application of simple kinetic
This model describes the non-isothermal bulk or laws to the polymerization mechanism allows the
solution polymerization of methyl methacrylate in a derivation of the rate of accumulation for the species
plug-flow reactor at steady state. Axial diffusive mass (Table 2). The rate of accumulation of the total
and heat transfer are neglected. Since the quasi-steady concentration of radicals l::'=i [P.] = A.0 [eq. (7),
state approximation is not used, three differential mass Table 2] was obtained by adding all the free radical
balance equations are required (conservation of kinetic equations.
monomer, initiator and total radical concentrations). The set of coupled first order differential equations
Non-isothermal effects are accommodated by coup is listed in Table 3. The Arrhenius temperature depen
ling the mass balances to an energy balance equation dences of the rate constants are shown in Table 4.
through the Arrhenius expressions for the rate con- Table 5 gives the physical properties of the chemical
f - 0.58
m - 9.48•103 exp (-13.38 (kcal/mole)/RT(°K))
(Stickler and Meyerhoff, 1978).
8 1.01•10 3 exp [-11.40 (kcal/mole)/RT(°K))
(Gopalan and S anthappa, 1957).
- 3 .956•10-4 exp (4.09 (kcal/mo1e)/RT(°K))
(Be�ington, et al., 1954).
80 P. E. BAILLAGOU and D. s. SooNG
pH(g/cm ) 0.9665 0.0011 T(°C) (our data for
p8(g/cm )
0.883 0.0009 T(°C) (our data for to1uene)
C - - 0.1946 - 0.916•10 3 T(°C) (our data. assum:Lng
3. 46 • 10
4.4533 • 1018 [I]F exp( )
R{T+273 .15)
15 2. 8 • 10 4
2 • 5 29 2•10 exp ( - )
(1 - 91p)
D - exp (2.303 ������ )
A + B(l )
A 0 .168
B 0.03
species involved in the process. The gel effect constitut Residence time (min)
Most of the previous modeling and experimental
efforts about polymerization kinetics were devoted to � 140 GE l
Residence time(minl
. 0�______,
0 200 400 600
0.8 Axial dis1ance (cm)
CF.S 40:1-F
82 P. E. BAILLAGOU and D. s. SooNG
c: c:
0 0
� �
> c
c: "'
0 ...,
(_) c::
� 167
Residence lime(minl
iscP.������'0��2�0'--���---"3�0,__. 200 400
Axial distance (cm I
Fig. 2. Non-isothermal polymerization of MMA. lnftuence
of the feed temperature on the conversion, temperature and
160 cumulative radical concentration profiles (or histories) simu
IG 2 3
GEI 4 lated by a plug ftow (or batch reactor) model
GEi U = 15 Btu/h ft2 °F, [AIBN]F = 0.0258 mol/1, s = 0, Tbath
= 70°C. TF (0C): {1) 100, (2) 96, (3) 95, (4) 90, (5) 80.
Residence Residence tm
i elminl
"' 10
. c:
0 0
� �
> c
c Q)
0 04 u
u c
0.2 e
0 :>
0 200 400 600 u
Axial distance !cm)
.t 140
:::> by Sebastian and Biesenberger (1978) who experimen
tally observed the transition from controlled to un
� �20
controlled operation caused by small variations of the
I- initiator concentration in the feed. Their experimental
temperature histories are quite similar to our simu
100 lation results for the same conditions (Fig. 3). As the
initiator concentration in the feed increases, the tem
perature maximum at the begining of the reactor
80 becomes more pronounced, and the peak suddenly
0 becomes much sharper. This first run-away is para
AKiol distance (cm)
metrically sensitive and is therefore an ignition, ac
cording to Biesenberger's terminology. The high acti
vation energy of the initiator decomposition, re
The control of reactor temperature can be easily lost sponsible for the strong temperature dependence of
during two delicate phases of the polymerization the rate of initiation, is the source of this parametric
process. At the beginning of the reaction, the radical sensitivity. However, further increases in the initiator
population builds up very rapidly, until a steady state is concentration do not alter the temperature maximum,
reached, at which point the loss of radical popuJation and change the location of the peak only slightly. The
by termination balances the rate of production by parametric sensitivity disappears and the hot spot
initiation [eq. (7), Table 3]. This rapid establishment of following ignition is simple run-away. A similar pat
the radical population releases much heat in a narrow tern describes the influence of all other parameters of
region of the reactor. This is the major cause of the the process.
early run-aways described by Biesenberger. The tem The high temperatures generated during a run-away
perature plots (Figs 1-5) show that the transition to or an ignition considerably enhance the rate of in
run-away behaviour can be induced by very small itiator depletion. The initiator concentration vanishes
changes in any of the parameters or operating con rapidly and causes depletion of the radical population.
ditions investigated here. This behaviour was reported The reaction stops by exhaustion of initiator before
84 P. E. BAILLAGOU and D. S. SooNG
0 2'JO 400 600
A"-•al distance lcml
Residence time{minl
0 200 400 600
10 20 30 Axial distance (cm)
(b) Fig. 4. Non-isothermal polymerization of MMA. Influence
180 of the overall heat transfer coefficient on the conversion,
temperature and cumulative radical concentration profiles (or
IG histories) simulated by a plug flow (or batch reactor) model.
(AIBNJF = 0.0258 mol/J, s = 0, TF = 80°C, Tbath = 80°C.
160 U (Btu/h ft2 °F) (1) O, (2) 15, (3) 20, (4) 30, (5) 60, (6) oo .
4 GE!
3 GE!
� 140
� effect occurs at an advanced stage of the reaction when
enon of dead ending can be observed in the conversion Two entirely different mechanisms are found to be
curves (Figs 1-5) corresponding to uncontrolled tem responsible for the non-linearities exhibited by poly
perature. It is particularly severe in cases of early run merization reactions. The hot spots observed in the
aways. When the radical population grows under simulations are attributed to either the rapid forma
control, the temperature profile levels off to approach a tion of the radical population at the beginning of the
plateau, often after a broad, yet small maximum. The reaction or to the gel effect. The consequences of both
conversion increases gradually with distance when the phenomena are amplified by the positive feedback
temperature is steady. inherent in the kinetics. The existence of these two
The other difficult phase of the reaction occurs at the separate mechanisms inducing autoacceleration has
onset of gel effect. The heat generated by the autoac not been clearly identified in the literature. Pre
celeration of the· reaction causes the temperature to vious studies about non-isothermal polymeriz
rise. Gel effect induced (labeled GEI on the plots) run ation (Biesenberger and Capinpin, 1974; Biesenberger
aways are not parametrically sensitive. Since the gel et al., 1976; Brooks, 1983) ignore or neglect the gel
Free-radical polymerization 85
10 20
10 or=-
Co) Cc)
"' 10
0.6 s
� �
> c:
0 04 '-'
u <=
0.2 e
� -7
S! 10
0 :::>
0 200 400 600 u
Axial distance Ccml
Axial distance (cm) REFERENCES
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