BSCS Revised Roadmap Batch 14 To Onwards

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Bachelor of Science in Computer Science


Revised: Spring 2019

Department of Computer Science,

School of Systems and Technology, University of

Management and Technology,

Lahore, Pakistan
Table of Contents
Curriculum Review Committee...................................................................................................3
Program Objective.........................................................................................................................6
Effectiveness of the Program……………………………………………………………………7
Program Structure.......................................................................................................................10
Major Changes in road map.......................................................................................................14
Semester-wise road map..............................................................................................................15

1. Curriculum Review Committee

1. Dr. Yaser Daanial Khan

2. Dr. Adnan Abid
3. Dr. Shoaib Farooq
4. Dr. Shahid Awan
5. Nabeel Sabir Khan
6. Tahreem Yasir

2. Preface

The curriculum has been designed keeping in view the recommendation of HEC and the emerging needs of the
industry. An effort has been made to incorporate state of art technologies and tools in the field of computer science
which can be most beneficial to students. Also a balance has been kept in the amount of theoretical knowledge
and its applications.

3. Acknowledgment (To the Rector for his vision, and Faculty members for their support)

We acknowledge the honorable rector of UMT for his vision and motivation to make our academic programs up-
to-date by including state-of-the-art courses, materials and practices. We also acknowledge the support of our
faculty members for sharing their experiences and pieces of advice to improve the curriculum.

4. Program Objectives

Curriculum has sufficient technical content to prepare students for industry and graduate studies, and has
adequate humanities and social sciences content to help students become well-rounded individuals. It has
been designed to train and develop skill of the students enabling them to achieve the following goals

● Effective Communication in career and educational environments

● A strong foundation in computing and mathematical theoretical concepts and applying these concepts to
problems requiring computer solutions.
● Proficiency in the use of system design notations and system design engineering process to develop
software systems and solving+ problems in computer science
● Apply their computer science knowledge and skills to develop a career in an information technology
oriented business or industry, or for graduate study in computer science or other scientific or technical

Curriculum meets the minimum requirements recommended in the HEC computing curriculum
recommendations, which have the following area-wise breakdown. Curriculum coverage is well-planned
over four years.

5. Effectiveness of the Program

At all the departments of School of Systems and Technology (SST) are following state of the art curriculums for
their respective programs, which have recently been revised in the light of latest Program Roadmap as
recommended by HEC of Pakistan. The outlines of all the foundation, core or elective courses in each program
has been designed using the latest research, methodologies, practices, skill set and technologies. The outlines of
foundation level undergraduate courses have been structured in a way so as to introduce students with the
essentials foundations of a particular area. The roadmaps of program offer courses through a closely knit
relationship among course where pre-requisites are to be studied and passed first before commencing an advanced
level course. For each program, roadmaps also focus on courses which are related to the respective program
majors and the offering these courses follow each other.
The program wise foundation and core courses have also been supplemented with respective labs in which
students practice and apply the methodologies and skills learnt in the theory component of the respective course.
In these lab sessions, student practice their skills on latest toolset and technologies available. At SST there are 4
computer and 1 digital system design classroom and 1 general purpose lab where state of the art tools have already
been installed to assist the students in improving their skills.
Technology Adoption:
In addition each classroom is equipped with power point projectors and classroom PC’s also contain the tools and
platforms where during the lecture instructor can also demonstrate the real examples to the students. At SST,
faculty uses a combination of projector and white board based instruction to teach the courses whereas to
communicate with students a customized version of Google’s Moodle has been used. A part from lab component,
quiz or exams students are also graded through programming projects and assignments which further improve
their analysis, design and programming skills. To maintain the quality and content in each section of a particular
course, course moderator activity has been implemented closely overlook the progress of content in each section
and report the same to the respective head.
Emerging Development Trends:
To prepare the students for their future endeavors and to keep up with the latest research and technological trends,
a number of elective courses are offered to Junior and Senior batch students which range from Big Data
Programming, Cloud Computing and Advanced Web Design to Natural Language Processing, Bioinformatics
and Smart Environments to Open Source Software Development, Digital Image Processing, Data Mining and
Machine Learning.
In addition, to further introduce the students and faculty with current industry and research practices several
seminars and workshops are regularly arranged by the faculty where distinguished field experts and professionals
are invited to discuss about the existing trend, tools and methodologies. Till date various seminars and workshops
ranging from Machine Learning, AWS Application Development, DevOps, Cloud Computing, Design of IOT
systems, Responsive Web Design and Cyber Security has been conducted.

Industry Linkages
"Bridging the gap between the Academia and the Corporate World"
UMT has established Industry Linkage office to promote the activities of SST and develop a strong link with
industry. Office of Industry Linkages has played its role in collaborating with various private and government
sector organizations to meet one of its prime objectives i.e. building up a strong university-industry linkage.
Experimental learning through workshops, industry visits, industry collaborations and inspirational lectures are
the key aspects of industrial linkage activities. Industry linkage office aims to bridge the gap between academia
and the corporate world. A formal relationship between academia and industry is bringing the practical aspect of
the industry to SST.
Industrial Projects:
The School of Systems and Technology (SST) has active collaboration with different national and multinational
software development companies. Different teams of students and faculty members are actively engaged in
offshore software development and research activities. This also helps in confidence building, internships and
future recruitment, and student induction in these companies. The major areas of collaboration are software
development, web application development, Mobile phone applications, data science, robotics, IOT, and machine
learning projects.
Industrial Partnerships:
University of Management and Technology (UMT) as part of its commitment to foster a generation of responsible
youth have started a program for ensuring a meaningful and consistent involvement of its students in community
services. A long term partnership with Akhuwat Foundation with a vision to channelize the positive energies of
students into a sustainable model for volunteerism, community services, and socially responsible youth
leadership, has been established. Similarly, a number of other partnerships are established with industrial and
society partners.
Industrial Visits:
The SST organizes time to time visits of students and faculty members to partner industrial organizations to foster
learning and share ideas. Frequent visits to Pakistan Telecommunication Corporation Limited and Punjab Safe
City have been organized.
Industrial Talks:
To keep students updated regarding the latest industrial trends and software development framework. A number
of technical talks are arranged during the running semesters. The distinguished speakers from industry are invited
for interactive and hand-on sessions.

University Collaborations:
UMT has collaborated with North Eastern Illinois University (NEIU) for initiating a student exchange program.
MOU has been signed between UMT and NEIU. Students from both universities will be able to benefit from this
program. Student exchange is an investment for life. This experience can be beneficial in many different and
valuable ways e.g. Personal, Academic and Employment. There are several research collaboration formed with
many national and international universities both at faculty and school levels.
Industry Collaborated Events:
Several events are organized time to time in collaboration with software industry. Many times such events are
organized on request of industrial partners. Some recent events are listed below.
• First AI Meetup (March 2018)
• First Free Lancers Meetup (August 2018)

Modelling and Design

The problem solving and solution modelling and design skills are developed through different core and elective
courses offered to undergraduate students. The core competency of Object Oriented Programming and Software
Design and Modelling comes through following courses.
Software Engineering: This course covers the modeling and design of following components. Modeling with
UML, Requirements Elicitation, Analyses, System Design, Decomposing the System, Addressing Design Goals,
Object Design, Reusing Pattern Solutions, Specifying Interfaces, Mapping Models to Code, Testing, Rationale
The modelling of behavioral goals, quality goals, use cases, goal modelling heuristics are covered in software
requirement engineering course. Further object modelling for requirements engineering, object modelling
notations, object modelling heuristics, Identifying objects from goals. In Software Architecture and Design
course, Prototyping and Use Case modelling is taught. Whereas, Generic design processes and design
management are also covered in preceding course. The other skills of Software Verification and Validation,
Quality Assurance in Software Projects, Quality Management, Quality Assurance and Standards, Quality
Planning and Quality Control, Software Project Management, Scheduling, Project Monitoring and Control are
taught in relevant courses.
All of the aforementioned software design and modeling skills are aligned and relevant to the local and
international software industry. The contents of above mentioned courses are updated as per industry

6. Program Structure

Course Group Credit Hours % age

General Education 21 15%

University Electives 12 9%

Mathematics & Science Foundation 12 9%

Computing – Core 39 30%

Common Courses 84 63%

CS Core 24 18%

CS Electives 15 12%

CS Supporting 9 7%

Domain Courses 48 37%

Total 132 100%

Computing Courses
1. Programming Fundamentals
2. Object Oriented Programming
3. Data Structures and Algorithms
4. Discrete Structures
5. Operating Systems
6. Database Systems
7. Software Engineering
8. Computer Networks
9. Information Security
10. FYP 1
11. FYP 2

Courses 11
Credit Hours 39
Supporting Areas
1. Calculus 1
2. Probability and Statistics
3. Linear Algebra
4. Applied Physics

Courses 4

Credit Hours 12

Computer Science Courses

Core 1. Compiler Construction
3. Digital Logic Design
4. Analysis of Algorithms
5. Parallel and Distributed Computing
6. Artificial Intelligence
7. Theory of Automata

Courses 7
Credit Hours 24

Supporting Any 3 from following list

1. Differential Equations
2. Calculus 2
3. Graph Theory
4. Theory of Programming Languages
5. Numerical Computing (Numerical Analysis)

Courses 3
Credit Hours 9
General Education Courses

1. English 1 (English Composition & Comprehension)

2. English 2 (Technical & Business Writing)
3. English 3 (Communication & Presentation Skills)
4. Professional Practices
5. Introduction to Info. & Communication Technologies
6. Pakistan Studies
7. Islamic Studies

Courses 7

Credit Hrs 21

University Elective Courses

1. Foreign Language
2. Social Service
3. Management Related
4. Social Science Related
5. Economy Related
Courses 4
Credit Hrs 12

Technical Elective Courses
● Advanced Networks ● Distributed Systems
● Advanced Web ● Embedded Systems
Technologies ● Enterprise Application
● Big Data Development
Programming ● Enterprise Architecture
● Bioinformatics ● Expert Systems and Knowledge
● Block Chain Management
Technology and ● Free Space Optics
Applications ● Games Design and Development
● Cloud Computing ● Information Retrieval
● Cognitive Radio ● Information Systems
Communication and ● Internet of Things
Networks ● IPhone Applications Development
● Component Based ● Machine Learning
Software Engineering ● Mobile Application Development
● Computer Animations ● Multi-Agent Systems
● Computer Graphics ● Multimedia Security
● Computer Vision ● Natural Language Processing
● Cyber Forensics ● Network Flows
● Data Communications ● Next Generation Networks
● Data Mining ● Pervasive Smart Environments
● Data Science & Big ● Secure Software Development
Data Analytics ● System Integration and Architecture
● Data Science ● Web Technologies
● Data Warehousing
● Database
● Deep Learning and
Neural Networks
● Design Pattern and
● Digital Image
● Distributed Database

Courses 5
Credit Hrs 15
Total Courses 42
Total Credit Hrs 132

7. Major Changes in Structure

Newly Added Courses

● Introduction to ICT
● Applied Physics
● Foreign Language
● Professional Practices
● Social Service
● Parallel and Distributed Computing

Courses Removed
● Introduction to Computing
● Basic Electronics
● Computer Architecture
● Human Computer Interaction

Credit Hours
● Credit hours in revised Roadmap 132
● Credit hours in previous Roadmap 131

No. of Courses
● Number of courses in revised Roadmap are 42
● Number of courses in previous Roadmap are 41

1st Semester 2nd Semester

Pre- Course Cr. Pre- Course Cr.

Course Course
Req Code Hr. Req code Hr.
CC1021 Programming Fundamentals 3 ISL101 Islamic Studies 3

EN11 Composition and

CC1021L Programming Fundamentals Lab 1 EN125 3
1 Communication

Calculus and Analytical

MA100 3 MA103 Calculus 2 3
Geometry (Calculus 1)

IT1091 Introduction to ICT 2 PF CC1022 Object Oriented Programming 3

Object Oriented Programming

IT1091L Introduction to ICT Lab 1 PF CC1022L 1

English Grammar and

EN111 3 CC1041 Discrete Structures 3

NS125 Applied Physics 2

NS125L Applied Physics Lab 1

Semester Total 16 Semester Total 16

3rd Semester 4th Semester

Pre- Course Cr. Pre- Course Cr.

Course Course
Req Code Hr. Req code Hr.
Computer Organization and
OOP CC2042 Data Structures and Algorithms 3 DLD CS2032 3
Assembly Language
Data Structures and Algorithms Computer Organization and
OOP CC2042L 1 DLD CS2032L 1
Lab Assembly Language Lab

CS Supporting 1
MA210 3 DSA CC2141 Database Systems 3
(Linear Algebra)

SD422 Foreign Language 2 DSA CC2141L Database Systems Lab 1

CS Supporting 2 (Numerical
HU4092 Professional Practices 3 CS2051 3

AP CS2031 Digital Logic Design 3 Technical Elective 1 3

AP CS2031L Digital Logic Design Lab 1 MA150 Probability and Statistics 3

Semester Total 16 Semester Total 17

8. Semester-wise road map

Total Credit Hours 132

5th Semester 6th Semester

Pre- Course Cr. Pre- Course Cr.

Course Course
Req Code Hr. Req code Hr.

DSA CC3011 Operating Systems 3 CC3071 Computer Networks 3

DSA Operating Systems Lab 1 CC3071L Computer Networks Lab 1

EN12 Research Paper Writing and

CS3043 Theory of Automata 3 EN220 3
5 Presentation

CS Supporting 3 (Differential
MA230 3 DIS CS3151 Artificial Intelligence 3

CC2101 Software Engineering 3 DIS CS3151L Artificial Intelligence Lab 1

DSA CS3044 Analysis of Algorithms 3 TOA CS3045 Compiler Construction 3

SS3080 Social Service 1

Technical Elective 2 3

Semester Total 16 Semester Total 18

7th Semester 8th Semester

Pre- Course Cr. Pre- Course Cr.

Course Course
Req Code Hr. Req code Hr.

Parallel and Distributed

OS CS4172 3 CC3121 Information Security 3

Technical Elective 3 3 Univ. Elective 2 3

Technical Elective 4 3 Univ. Elective 3 3

POL101 Pakistan Studies 3 Technical Elective 5 3

CC4181 FYP 1 3 CC4182 FYP 2 3

Univ. Elective 1 3

Semester Total 18 Semester Total 15


9. Course Outlines

Programming Fundamentals
Credit Hours: 3 (3,0) Prerequisites:
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
C 2
Understand basic problem solving steps and logic
C 3
2. Apply basic programing concepts
C 3
3. Design and implement algorithms to solve real
world problems.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective
Course Content:
Introduction to problem solving, a brief review of Von-Neumann architecture,
Introduction to programming, role of compiler and linker, introduction to algorithms,
basic data types and variables, input/output constructs, arithmetic, comparison and logical
operators, conditional statements and execution flow for conditional statements,
repetitive statements and execution flow for repetitive statements, lists and their memory
organization, multi-dimensional lists, introduction to modular programming, function
definition and calling, stack rolling and unrolling, string and string operations,
pointers/references, static and dynamic memory allocation, File I/O operations
Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Practical labs, Semester Project, Presentations
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam

Reference Materials:
1. Starting out with Python, 4th Edition, Tony Gaddis.
2. Starting out with Programming Logic & Degins, 4th Edition, Tony Gaddis,
3. The C Programming Language, 2nd Edition by Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie
4. Object Oriented Programming in C++ by Robert Lafore
5. Introduction to Computation and Programming Using Python: With Application to
Understanding Data, 2nd Edition by Guttag, John
7. C How to Program, 7th Edition by Paul Deitel & Harvey Deitel
8. Problem Solving and Program Design in C++, 7th Edition by Jeri R. Hanly & Elliot B.
Object Oriented Programming
Credit Hours: 3 (3,0) Prerequisites: Programming Fundamentals
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
C 2
1. Understand principles of object oriented paradigm.
C 3
2. Identify the objects & their relationships to build
object oriented solution
C 3
3. Model a solution for a given problem using object
oriented principles
C 4
4. Examine an object oriented solution.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective
Course Content:
Introduction to object oriented design, history and advantages of object oriented design,
introduction to object oriented programming concepts, classes, objects, data
encapsulation, constructors, destructors, access modifiers, const vs non-const functions,
static data members & functions, function overloading, operator overloading,
identification of classes and their relationships, composition, aggregation, inheritance,
multiple inheritance, polymorphism, abstract classes and interfaces, generic programming
concepts, function & class templates, standard template library, object streams, data and
object serialization using object streams, exception handling.
Teaching Methodology:

Lectures, Written Assignments, Practical labs, Semester Project, Presentations

Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam

Reference Materials:
1. Starting Out with C++ from Control Structures to Objects, 9th Edition, Tony Gaddis
2. C++ How to Program, 10th Edition, Deitel & Deitel.
3. Object Oriented Programming in C++, 3rd Edition by Robert Lafore
4. Java: How to Program, 9th Edition by Paul Deitel
5. Beginning Java 2, 7th Edition by Ivor Horton
6. An Introduction to Object Oriented Programming with Java, 5th Edition by C. Thomas

Data Structures and Algorithms
Credit Hours: 3 (3,0) Prerequisites: OOP
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT
1. Implement various data structures and their algorithms, and C 2,3
apply them in implementing simple applications.
2. Analyze simple algorithms and determine their complexities. C 4,5

3. Apply the knowledge of data structures to other application C 3

4. Design new data structures and algorithms to solve problems. C 6

* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

Course Content:
Abstract data types, complexity analysis, Big Oh notation, Stacks (linked lists and array
implementations), Recursion and analyzing recursive algorithms, divide and conquer
algorithms, Sorting algorithms (selection, insertion, merge, quick, bubble, heap, shell,
radix, bucket), queue, dequeuer, priority queues (linked and array implementations of
queues), linked list & its various types, sorted linked list, searching an unsorted array,
binary search for sorted arrays, hashing and indexing, open addressing and chaining, trees
and tree traversals, binary search trees, heaps, M-way tress, balanced trees, graphs,
breadth-first and depth-first traversal, topological order, shortest path, adjacency matrix
and adjacency list implementations, memory management and garbage collection.
Teaching Methodology:

Lectures, Written Assignments, Practical labs, Semester Project, Presentations

Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam

Reference Materials:
1. Data Structures and Algorithms in C++ by Adam Drozdek
2. Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java by Mark A. Weiss
3. Data Structures and Abstractions with Java by Frank M. Carrano & Timothy M. Henry
4. Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ by Mark Allen Weiss
5. Java Software Structures: Designing and Using Data Structures by John Lewis

Discrete Structures
Credit Hours: 3 (3,0) Prerequisites:
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Understand the key concepts of Discrete Structures such as C 2
Sets, Permutations, Relations, Graphs, and Trees etc.
2. Apply formal logic proofs and/or informal, but rigorous, C 3
logical reasoning to real problems, such as predicting the
behavior of software or solving problems such as puzzles.
3. Apply discrete structures into other computing problems such C 3
as formal specification, verification, databases, artificial
intelligence, and cryptography.
4. Differentiate various discrete structures and their relevance C 4
within the context of computer science, in the areas of data
structures and algorithms, in particular.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective
Course Content:
Introduction to object oriented design, history and advantages of object oriented design,
introduction to object oriented programming concepts, classes, objects, data
encapsulation, constructors, destructors, access modifiers, const vs non-const functions,
static data members & functions, function overloading, operator overloading,
identification of classes and their relationships, composition, aggregation, inheritance,
multiple inheritance, polymorphism, abstract classes and interfaces, generic programming
concepts, function & class templates, standard template library, object streams, data and
object serialization using object streams, exception handling.
Teaching Methodology:

Lectures, Written Assignments, Practical labs, Semester Project, Presentations

Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam

Reference Materials:
1. Starting Out with C++ from Control Structures to Objects, 9th Edition, Tony Gaddis
2. C++ How to Program, 10th Edition, Deitel & Deitel.
3. Object Oriented Programming in C++, 3rd Edition by Robert Lafore
4. Java: How to Program, 9th Edition by Paul Deitel
5. Beginning Java 2, 7th Edition by Ivor Horton
6. An Introduction to Object Oriented Programming with Java, 5th Edition by C. Thomas Wu

Computer Networks
Credit Hours: 3 (3,0) Prerequisites:
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Describe the key terminologies and technologies of computer C 2
2. Explain the services and functions provided by each layer in C 2
the Internet protocol stack.
3. Identify various internetworking devices and protocols, and C 4
their functions in a network.
4. Analyze working and performance of key technologies, C 4
algorithms and protocols.
5. Build Computer Network on various Topologies P 3
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective
Course Content:
Introduction and protocols architecture, basic concepts of networking, network
topologies, layered architecture, physical layer functionality, data link layer functionality,
multiple access techniques, circuit switching and packet switching, LAN technologies,
wireless networks, MAC addressing, networking devices, network layer protocols, IPv4
and IPv6, IP addressing, sub netting, CIDR, routing protocols, transport layer protocols,
ports and sockets, connection establishment, flow and congestion control, application
layer protocols, latest trends in computer networks.
Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Practical labs, Semester Project, Presentations
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam

Reference Materials:

1. Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet, 6th edition by

James F. Kurose and Keith W. Ross
2. Computer Networks, 5th Edition by Andrew S. Tanenbaum
3. Data and Computer Communications, 10th Edition by William Stallings
4. Data Communication and Computer Networks, 5th Edition by Behrouz A. Forouzan

Database Systems
Credit Hours: 3 (3,0) Prerequisites: DSA
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Explain fundamental database concepts. C 2
2. Design conceptual, logical and physical database C 5
schemas using different data models.
3. Identify functional dependencies and resolve C 2
database anomalies by normalizing database tables.
4. Use Structured Query Language (SQL) for database C 4
definition and manipulation in any DBMS
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective
Course Content:
Basic database concepts, Database approach vs file based system, database architecture,
three level schema architecture, data independence, relational data model, attributes,
schemas, tuples, domains, relation instances, keys of relations, integrity constraints,
relational algebra, selection, projection, Cartesian product, types of joins, normalization,
functional dependencies, normal forms, entity relationship model, entity sets, attributes,
relationship, entity-relationship diagrams, Structured Query Language (SQL), Joins and
sub-queries in SQL, Grouping and aggregation in SQL, concurrency control, database
backup and recovery, indexes, NoSQL systems.
Teaching Methodology:

Lectures, Written Assignments, Practical labs, Semester Project, Presentations

Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam

Reference Materials:

1. Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation, and

Management, 6th Edition by Thomas Connolly and Carolyn Begg
2. Database Systems: The Complete Book, 2nd Edition by Hector Garcia-Molina, Jeffrey
D. Ullman, Jennifer Widom
3. Database System Concepts, 6th Edition by Avi Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth and S.
4. Database Management Systems, 3rd Edition by Raghu Ramakrishnan, Johannes Gehrke

Operating Systems
Credit Hours: 3 (3,0) Prerequisites: DSA
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Understand the characteristics of different C 2
structures of the Operating Systems and identify the
core functions of the Operating Systems.
2. Analyze and evaluate the algorithms of the core C 4,5
functions of the Operating Systems and explain the
major performance issues with regard to the core
3. Demonstrate the knowledge in applying system C 3
software and tools available in modern operating
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective
Course Content:
Operating systems basics, system calls, process concept and scheduling, inter-process
communication, multithreaded programming, multithreading models, threading issues,
process scheduling algorithms, thread scheduling, multiple-processor scheduling,
synchronization, critical section, synchronization hardware, synchronization problems,
deadlocks, detecting and recovering from deadlocks, memory management, swapping,
contiguous memory allocation, segmentation & paging, virtual memory management,
demand paging, thrashing, memory-mapped files, file systems, file concept, directory and
disk structure, directory implementation, free space management, disk structure and
scheduling, swap space management, system protection, virtual machines, operating
system security
Teaching Methodology:

Lectures, Written Assignments, Practical labs, Semester Project, Presentations

Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam

Reference Materials:
1. Operating Systems Concepts, 9th edition by Abraham Silberschatz
2. Modern Operating Systems, 4th edition by Andrew S. Tanenbaum
3. Operating Systems, Internals and Design Principles, 9th edition by William Stallings

Software Engineering
Credit Hours: 3 (3,0) Prerequisites:
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Describe various software engineering processes
and activities C 1
2. Apply the system modeling techniques to model a
C 2
medium size software system
3. Apply software quality assurance and testing
principles to medium size software system. C 3
4. Discuss key principles and common methods for
software project management such as scheduling, size C 4
estimation, cost estimation and risk analysis
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective
Course Content:
Nature of Software, Overview of Software Engineering, Professional software
development, Software engineering practice, Software process structure, Software
process models, Agile software Development, Agile process models, Agile development
techniques, Requirements engineering process, Functional and non-functional
requirements, Context models, Interaction models, Structural models, behavioral models,
model driven engineering, Architectural design, Design and implementation, UML
diagrams, Design patterns, Software testing and quality assurance, Software evolution,
Project management and project planning, configuration management, Software Process
Teaching Methodology:

Lecturing, Written Assignments, Project, Report Writing

Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam

Reference Materials:

1. Software Engineering, Sommerville I., 10th Edition, Pearson Inc., 2014

2. Software Engineering, A Practitioner’s Approach, Pressman R. S.& Maxim B. R., 8th
Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2015.

Information Security
Credit Hours: 3 (3,0) Prerequisites:
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Explain key concepts of information security such C 2
as design principles, cryptography, risk management,
and ethics
2. Discuss legal, ethical, and professional issues in A 2
information security.
3. Apply various security and risk management tools C 3
for achieving information security and privacy.
4. Identify appropriate techniques to tackle and solve C 4
problems in the discipline of information security.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective
Course Content:
Information security foundations, security design principles; security mechanisms,
symmetric and asymmetric cryptography, encryption, hash functions, digital signatures,
key management, authentication and access control; software security, vulnerabilities and
protections, malware, database security; network security, firewalls, intrusion detection;
security policies, policy formation and enforcement, risk assessment, cybercrime, law and
ethics in information security, privacy and anonymity of data.
Teaching Methodology:

Lectures, Written Assignments, Semester Project, Presentations

Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam

Reference Materials:

1. Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 3rd edition by William Stallings

2. Principles of Information Security, 6th edition by M. Whitman and H. Mattord
3. Computer Security, 3rd edition by Dieter Gollmann
4. Computer Security Fundamentals, 3rd edition by William Easttom
5. Official (ISC)2 Guide to the CISSP CBK, 3rd edition

Introduction to Information and Communication Technologies
Credit Hours: 3 (2,1) Prerequisites:
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*

* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective


Course Content:
Principles of writing good English, understanding the composition process: writing
clearly; words, sentence and paragraphs; Comprehension and expression; Use of
grammar and punctuation. Process of writing, observing, audience collecting, composing,
drafting and revising, persuasive writing, reading skills, listening skills and
comprehension, skills for taking notes in class, skills for exams; Business
communications; planning messages, writing concise but with impact. Letter formats,
mechanics of business, letter writing, letters, memo and applications, summaries,
proposals, writing resumes, styles and formats, oral communications, verbal and non-
verbal communication, conducting meetings, small group communication, taking
minutes. Presentation skills; presentation strategies, defining the objective, scope and
audience of the presentation, material gathering material organization strategies, time
management, opening and concluding, use of audio-visual aids, delivery and
Teaching Methodology:

Lecturing, Written Assignments, Project, Report Writing, Final Exam

Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Presentation, Final Exam

Reference Materials:

1. Practical Business English, Collen Vawdrey, 1993, ISBN = 0256192740

2. Effective Communication Skills: The Foundations for Change, John Nielsen, 2008,
ISBN = 1453506748

Professional Practices
Credit Hours: 3 (3,0) Prerequisites:
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*

* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective


Course Content:
Computing Profession, Computing Ethics, Philosophy of Ethics. The Structure of
Organizations, Finance and Accounting, Anatomy of a Software House, Computer
Contracts, Intellectual Property Rights, The Framework of Employee Relations Law and
Changing Management Practices, Human Resource Management and IT, Health and
Safety at Work, Software Liability, Liability and Practice, Computer Misuse and the
Criminal Law, Regulation and Control of Personal Information. Overview of the British
Computer Society Code of Conduct, IEEE Code of Ethics, ACM Code of Ethics and
Professional Conduct, ACM/IEEE Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional
Practice. Accountability and Auditing, Social Application of Ethics.
Teaching Methodology:

Lecturing, Written Assignments, Presentation, Final Exam

Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Report Writing, Presentation, Final Exam

Reference Materials:

1. Professional Issues in Software Engineering by Frank Bott, Allison Coleman, Jack

Eaton and Diane Rowland, CRC Press; 3rd Edition (2000). ISBN-10: 0748409513
2. Computer Ethics by Deborah G. Johnson, Pearson; 4th Edition (January 3, 2009).
ISBN-10: 0131112414
3. A Gift of Fire: Social, Legal, and Ethical Issues for Computing and the Internet (3rd
Edition) by Sara Baase, Prentice Hall; 3rd Edition (2008). ISBN-10: 0136008488
4. Applied Professional Ethics by Gregory R. Beabout, University Press of America
(1993). ISBN-10: 0819193747.

Digital Logic Design
Credit Hours: 3+1 Prerequisites: Applied Physics
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Acquire knowledge related to the concepts, tools and
techniques for the design of digital electronic circuits
2. Demonstrate the skills to design and analyze both
combinational and sequential circuits using a variety of
3. Apply the acquired knowledge to simulate and
implement small-scale digital circuits 4. Understand the
relationship between abstract logic characterizations and
practical electrical implementations.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

Course Content:
Number Systems, Logic Gates, Boolean Algebra, Combination logic circuits and designs,
Simplification Methods (K-Map, Quinn Mc-Cluskey method), Flip Flops and Latches,
Asynchronous and Synchronous circuits, Counters, Shift Registers, Counters, Triggered devices
& its types. Binary Arithmetic and Arithmetic Circuits, Memory Elements, State Machines.
Introduction Programmable Logic Devices (CPLD, FPGA); Lab Assignments using tools such as
Verilog HDL/VHDL, MultiSim

Teaching Methodology:

Lectures, Written Assignments, Practical labs, Semester Project, Presentations

Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam

Reference Materials:
1. Digital Fundamentals by Floyd, 11/e.
2. Fundamental of Digital Logic with Verilog Design, Stephen Brown, 2/e.

Computer Organization and Assembly Language
Credit Hours: 3+1 Prerequisites: Programming Fundamentals
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Acquire the basic knowledge of computer organization,
computer architecture and assembly language
2. Understand the concepts of basic computer organization,
architecture, and assembly language techniques
3. Solve the problems related to computer organization and
assembly language
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

Course Content:
Introduction to computer systems: Information is bits + context, programs are translated by other
programs into different forms, it pays to understand how compilation systems work, processors
read and interpret instructions stored in memory, caches matter, storage devices form a
hierarchy, the operating system manages the hardware, systems communicate with other systems
using networks; Representing and manipulating information: information storage, integer
representations, integer arithmetic, floating point; Machine-level representation of programs: a
historical perspective, program encodings, data formats, accessing information, arithmetic and
logical operations, control, procedures, array allocation and access, heterogeneous data
structures, putting it together: understanding pointers, life in the real world: using the gdb
debugger, outof-bounds memory references and buffer overflow, x86-64: extending ia32 to 64
bits, machine-level representations of floating-point programs; Processor architecture: the Y86
instruction set architecture, logic design and the Hardware Control Language (HCL), sequential
Y86 implementations, general principles of pipelining, pipelined Y86 implementations
Teaching Methodology:

Lectures, Written Assignments, Practical labs, Semester Project, Presentations

Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam

Reference Materials:
1. Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective, 3/E (CS:APP3e), Randal E. Bryant and
David R.O' Hallaron, Carnegie Mellon University
2. Robert Britton, MIPS Assembly Language Programming, Latest Edition,
3. Computer System Architecture, M. Morris Mano, Latest Edition,
4. Assembly Language Programming for Intel- Computer, Latest Edition

Artificial Intelligence
Credit Hours: 3+1 Prerequisites: Data Structures and Algorithms
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
Understand key components in the field of artificial C 2
Implement classical artificial intelligence techniques C 3
Analyze artificial intelligence techniques for practical C 4
problem solving
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

Course Content:
Introduction (Introduction, basic component of AI, Identifying AI systems, branches of AI, etc.);
Reasoning and Knowledge Representation (Introduction to Reasoning and Knowledge
Representation, Propositional Logic, First order Logic); Problem Solving by Searching
(Informed searching, Uninformed searching, Local searching.); Constraint Satisfaction
Problems; Adversarial Search (Min-max algorithm, Alpha beta pruning, Game-playing);
Learning (Unsupervised learning, Supervised learning, Reinforcement learning) ;Uncertainty
handling (Uncertainty in AI, Fuzzy logic); Recent trends in AI and applications of AI algorithms
(trends, Case study of AI systems, Analysis of AI systems)

Teaching Methodology:

Lectures, Assignments, labs, Projects, Presentations, etc. Major component of the course should
be covered using conventional lectures. Practical contact hours are compulsory (~45 hours in a
Course Assessment:
Exams, Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations. Course will be assessed using a
combination of written examinations and project(s). Practical evaluation, using rubrics, is
encouraged and suggested to make up around 20% of the course.
Reference Materials:
1. Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, Artificial Intelligence. A Modern Approach, 3rd edition,
Prentice Hall, Inc., 2010.
2. Hart, P.E., Stork, D.G. and Duda, R.O., 2001. Pattern classification. John Willey & Sons.
3. Luger, G.F. and Stubblefield, W.A., 2009. AI algorithms, data structures, and idioms in
Prolog, Lisp, and Java. Pearson Addison-Wesley.

Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisites: Data Structures and Algorithms
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Explain what is meant by “best”, “expected”, and “worst” case
behavior of an algorithm
2. Identify the characteristics of data and/or other conditions or
assumptions that lead to different behaviors. 3. Determine
informally the time and space complexity of simple algorithms
4. List and contrast standard complexity classes
5. Use big O, Omega, Theta notation formally to give asymptotic
upper bounds on time and space complexity of algorithms
6. Use of the strategies(brute-force, greedy, divide-andconquer,
and dynamic programming) to solve an appropriate problem
7. Solve problems using graph algorithms, including singlesource
and all-pairs shortest paths, and at least one minimum spanning
tree algorithm
8. Trace and/or implement a string-matching algorithm
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

Course Content:
Introduction; role of algorithms in computing, Analysis on nature of input and size of input
Asymptotic notations; Big-O, Big Ω, Big Θ, little-o, little-ω, Sorting Algorithm analysis, loop
invariants, Recursion and recurrence relations; Algorithm Design Techniques, Brute Force
Approach, Divide-and-conquer approach; Merge, Quick Sort, Greedy approach; Dynamic
programming; Elements of Dynamic Programming, Search trees; Heaps; Hashing; Graph
algorithms, shortest paths, sparse graphs, String matching; Introduction to complexity classes;

Teaching Methodology:

Lectures, Written Assignments, Semester Project.

Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Final Exam

Reference Materials:
1. Introduction to Algorithms (3rd edition) by Thomas H. Corman, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald
L. Rivest and Clifford Stein
2. Algorithm Design, (1st edition, 2013/2014), Jon Kleinberg, Eva Tardos,
3. Algorithms, (4th edition, 2011), Robert Sedgewick, Kevin Wayne

Theory of Automata
Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisites:
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Explain and manipulate the different concepts in automata
theory and formal languages such as formal proofs, automata,
regular expressions, Turing machines etc; 2. Prove properties of
languages, grammars and automata with rigorously formal
mathematical methods
3. Design of automata, RE and CFG
4. Transform between equivalent NFAs, DFAs and REs
5. Define Turing machines performing simple tasks.
6. Differentiate and manipulate formal descriptions of languages,
automata and grammars with focus on regular and context-free
languages, finite automata and regular expressions.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

Course Content:
Finite State Models: Language definitions preliminaries, Regular expressions/Regular languages,
Finite automata (FAs), Transition graphs (TGs), NFAs, Kleene’s theorem, Transducers
(automata with output), Pumping lemma and non-regular language Grammars and PDA: CFGs,
Derivations, derivation trees and ambiguity, Simplifying CFLs, Normal form grammars and
parsing, Decidability, Context sensitive languages, grammars and linear bounded automata
(LBA), Chomsky’s hierarchy of grammars Turing Machines Theory: Turing machines, Post
machine, Variations on TM, TM encoding, Universal Turing Machine, Defining Computers by

Teaching Methodology:

Lectures, Written Assignments, Practical labs, Semester Project, Presentations

Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam

Reference Materials:
1. Introduction to computer theory, Daniel I. A. Cohen, 2nd Edition
2. Automata, Computability and Complexity: Theory and Applications, by Elaine Rich, 2011
3. An Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata, by Peter Linz, 4th edition, Jones &
Bartlett Publishers, 2006
4. Theory of Automata, Formal Languages and Computation, by S. P. Eugene, Kavier, 2005,
New Age Publishers

Compiler Construction
Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisites: Theory of Automata
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Understand the basic techniques used in compiler
construction such as lexical analysis, top-down,
bottom-up parsing, context-sensitive analysis, and
intermediate code generation
2. Understand the basic data structures used in
compiler construction such as abstract syntax trees,
symbol tables, three-address code, and stack machines.
3. Design and implement a compiler using a software
engineering approach
4. Use generators (e.g. Lex and Yacc)
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

Course Content:
Introduction to interpreter and compiler. Compiler techniques and methodology; Organization of
compilers; Lexical and syntax analysis; Parsing techniques. Types of parsers, top-down parsing,
bottom-up parsing, Type checking, Semantic analyser, Object code generation and optimization,
detection and recovery from errors.

Teaching Methodology:

Lectures, Written Assignments, Practical labs, Semester Project, Presentations

Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam

Reference Materials:
1. Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools, A. V. Aho, R. Sethi and J. D. Ullman,
Addison-Wesley, 2nd ed., 2006
2. Modern Compiler Design, D. Grune, H. E. Bal, C. J. H. Jacobs, K. G. Langendoen,
John Wiley, 2003.
3. Modern Compiler Implementation in C, A. W. Appel, M. Ginsburg, Cambridge
University Press, 2004.

Parallel and Distributed Computing
Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisites: Operating Systems
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Learn about parallel and distributed computers.
2. Write portable programs for parallel or distributed
architectures using Message-Passing Interface (MPI)
3. Analytical modelling and performance of parallel
4. Analyze complex problems with shared memory
programming with openMP.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

Course Content:
Asynchronous/synchronous computation/communication, concurrency control, fault tolerance,
GPU architecture and programming, heterogeneity, interconnection topologies, load balancing,
memory consistency model, memory hierarchies, Message passing interface (MPI),
MIMD/SIMD, multithreaded programming, parallel algorithms & architectures, parallel I/O,
performance analysis and tuning, power, programming models (data parallel, task parallel,
process-centric, shared/distributed memory), scalability and performance studies, scheduling,
storage systems, synchronization, and tools (Cuda, Swift, Globus, Condor, Amazon AWS,
OpenStack, Cilk, gdb, threads, MPICH, OpenMP, Hadoop, FUSE).

Teaching Methodology:

Lectures, Written Assignments, Practical labs, Semester Project, Presentations

Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam

Reference Materials:
1. Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms, A. S. Tanenbaum and M. V. Steen, Prentice
Hall, 2nd Edition, 2007
2. Distributed and Cloud Computing: Clusters, Grids, Clouds, and the Future Internet, K Hwang,
J Dongarra and GC. C. Fox, Elsevier, 1st Ed.

Technical Elective Courses

Database Administration & Management
Credit Hours: 3 (3,0) Prerequisites: Database Systems
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*

* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective


Course Content:
Introduction to advance data models such as object relational, object oriented. File
organizations concepts, Transactional processing and Concurrency control techniques,
Recovery techniques, Query processing and optimization, Database Programming,
Integrity and security, Database Administration, Physical database design and tuning,
Distributed database systems, Emerging research trends in database systems.

Teaching Methodology:

Lecturing, Written Assignments, Project & Research

Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Presentation, Final Exam

Reference Materials:

1. Fundamentals of Database Systems, by Ramez Elmasri and Shamkant Navathe,

Addison Wesley, 5th Edition.
2. Database System Concepts by Henry F. Korth and Abraham Silberschatz, 4th edition,
McGraw Hill, 2002, ISBN: 0-07-12268-0

Web Technologies
Credit Hours: 3 (3,0) Prerequisites:
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*

* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective


Course Content:
Introduction to Web Applications, TCP/IP Application Services. Web Servers: Basic
Operation, Virtual hosting, Chunked transfers, Caching support, Extensibility. SGML,
HTML5, CSS3. XML Languages and Applications: Core XML, XHTML, XHTM MP.
Web Service: SOAP, REST, WML, XSL. Web Services: Operations, Processing HTTP
Requests, Processing HTTP Responses, Cookie Coordination, Privacy and P3P, Complex
HTTP Interactions, Dynamic Content Delivery. Server Configuration. Server Security.
Web Browsers Architecture and Processes. Active Browser Pages: JavaScript, DHTML,
AJAX. JSON, Approaches to Web Application Development. Programing in any
Scripting language. Search Technologies. Search Engine Optimization. XML Query
Language, Semantic Web, Future Web Application Framework.
Teaching Methodology:

Lecturing, Written Assignments, Presentation, Final Exam

Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Report Writing, Presentation, Final Exam

Reference Materials:

1. Web Application Architecture: Principles, protocols and practices by Leon Shklar and
Richard Rosen, Wiley; 2nd Edition (May 5, 2009). ISBN-10:047051860X
2. Web Technologies: A Computer Science Perspective by Jeffrey C. Jackson, Prentice
Hall; 1st Edition (August 27, 2006). ISBN-10:0131856030

Big Data Analytics
Credit Hours: 3 (2, 1) Prerequisites: Probability and Statistics,
Programming Fundamentals

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):

At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Provide fundamental information to get insight into the C 1
challenges with big data.
2. Understand techniques for storing and processing large C 2
amounts of structured and unstructured data
3. Application of big data concepts to get valuable C 3
information on market trends
4. Implement and deploy a sample project for extracting
useful information from a mid-sized dataset. C 4

* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective


Course Content:
Introduction to Big Data Analytics, Big Data Platforms, Data Store & Processing using Hadoop,
Big Data Storage and Analytics, Big Data Analytics ML Algorithms, Recommendation,
Clustering, and Classification, Linked Big Data: Graph Computing and Graph Analytics,
Graphical Models and Bayesian Networks, Big Data Visualization, Cognitive Mobile Analytics.

Teaching Methodology:

Lecturing, Written Assignments, Project, Report Writing

Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam

Reference Materials:
1. Mining of Massive Datasets, Jure Leskovec, Anand Rajaraman, Jeff Ullman, 2nd
edition, 2011
2. Hadoop: The Definitive Guide, Tom White, 4th edition. 2009.
3. Data-Intensive Text Processing with Map Reduce, Jimmy Lin and Chris, 2010.

Computer Graphics
Credit Hours: 3 Prerequisites:
Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs):
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level*
1. Comprehend the structure of modern computer graphics systems
2. Explain the basic principles of implementing computer graphics
3. Compare key algorithms for modelling and rendering graphical data
4. Develop design and problem solving skills with applications to
computer graphics
5. Construct interactive computer graphics programs using OpenGL
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective
Course Content:
Fundamental Concepts: forward and backward rendering (i.e., ray-casting and rasterization),
applications of computer graphics: including game engines, cad, visualization, virtual reality,
polygonal representation, basic radiometry, similar triangles, and projection model, use of standard
graphics APIs (see HCI GUI construction); basic rendering: rendering in nature, i.e., the emission
and scattering of light and its relation to numerical integration, affine and coordinate system
transformations, ray tracing, visibility and occlusion, including solutions to this problem such as
depth buffering, painter’s algorithm, and ray tracing, the forward and backward rendering equation,
simple triangle rasterization, rendering with a shader-based API, texture mapping, including
minification and magnification (e.g., trilinear MIP-mapping), application of spatial data structures
to rendering, sampling and anti-aliasing, scene graphs and the graphics pipeline; geometric
modeling: basic geometric operations such as intersection calculation, proximity tests, polynomial
curves and surfaces, approximation techniques such as polynomial curves, bezier curves, spline
curves and surfaces, animation as a sequence of still images.
Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Project, Report Writing

Course Assessment:
Midterm exam, Final Exam, Assignments

Reference Materials:
1. Computer Graphics with Open GL (4th Edition) by Donald D. Hearn, Prentice Hall, 2010, ISBN-
10: 0136053580. 2. Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics by S. J. Gortler, The MIT press, 2012.
3. Fundamentals of Computer Graphics, 3rd Edition, A K Peters, 2009. 4. Computer Graphics:
Principles and Practice, 3 rd Edition, Addison Wesley, 2013. 5. Real-Time Rendering, 3rd Edition,
A K Peters, 2008.


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