Phy G10 0fficial
Phy G10 0fficial
Phy G10 0fficial
Astronomical data
Secondary Education
First year
fhe Academic
Secondary Education
First year
This collection covers the first year of each of the three basic education cycles,
as well as the first year of the secondary cycle. It will be followed, over the next
two years, by the textbooks addressed to the remaining two years of each cycle.
The publication of these textbooks follows directly from previous steps under
taken as part of the overall effort to rebuild the educational system. The Plan for
Educational Reform, the adoption of a new educational ladder, the new curricu
la and the new textbooks are all part of a continuous and coherent reform effort.
The reform process views the education of the individual learner as a means to
develop citizens capable of serving their country and self-confident adults ready
to face the challenges of the twenty-first century.
However, we do not claim that the textbook we present to you today is perfect,
or that it does not require any revisions whatsoever. Our work is certainly far from
complete. After thirty years of stagnation, it was important to act and to do so
promptly. We thus considered it appropriate to view this first edition as a starting
point and to subject the first collections to the classroom test. A textbook's
strengths and weaknesses can really only be identified in the classroom. It is
up to teachers and students to evaluate these new textbooks. Thanks to their
collaboration, we should arrive at concrete proposals for the improvement of sub
sequent editions.
It should also be pointed out that textbooks have become only one of many
available sources for the transfer of knowledge. Indeed, our students are con
fronted with a constant deluge of information from a variety of media. Conse
quently, it becomes imperative for students to "learn how to learn" from textbooks,
as well as from other sources. This means that we must adopt new work and
teaching strategies in order to transform the classroom into an interactive space
between a dynamic and enterprising learner and an informed teacher. The teach
er's role must lie in assisting the student to acquire knowledge and competencies,
to heighten his or her critical sense and to develop teamwork and participatory
skills. This is why the educational refqrm calls for teacher training, the establish
ment of a structure capable of advising teachers and providing guidance and
counseling to students, and the modernization of the exam and evaluation sys
tems to be undertaken alongside the development of new textbooks.
Our attention is now focussed on the next three years. This period will provide
an experimental phase, not only for the new textbooks, but also for all the activi
ties that have preceded or accompanied their launch. Thus, the next three years
should be viewed as an evaluation phase for the overall educational system of
Finally, I wish to thank sincerely all those who contributed to writing, editing,
designing and producing the new textbooks. We hope that our combined efforts to
build the future for the children of Lebanon will contribute to the reconstruction of
our country.
President, NCERD
This is based on the requirements of the new Lebanese physics cur
riculum. It consists of four parts: electricity, waves, optics, and
mechanics. Each part consists of a number of chapters, each of
which containing the following:
• Objectives for teaching the chapter, listed at its beginning.
0 • Problems that give the student the opportunity to apply the knowl
edge acquired from the chapter to concrete situations.
different cultural backgrounds have gradually developed science over
the years.
We hope that this book is easy to use and effectively serves the pur
pose for which it was designed.
,, 2 er rr mrr tr
Introduction 7
Part I: Electricity 13
Chapter 1 Electrostatics 15
1.1. Electrostatic interaction 16
1.2. Electric aspect of matter 17
1.3. Charging objects 18
1.4. Insulators and conductors 18
1.5. Charging by contact 18
1.6. Metal-leaf electroscope 19
1.7. Charging by induction 19
1.8. Quantity of electric charge 19
1.9. Coulomb's law 20
Electrostatics in our Iife 21
Home experiments 23
a, Chapter 2 Potential difference 26
2.1. Notion of potential difference or voltage 27
r= 2.2.
Sign and units
Measurement of potential difference
Laws of potential difference
2.5. Reference potential 32
Instruments for measuring potential difference 33
(..) Chapter 3 Electric current 42
3.1. Nature of electric current 43
3.2. Conventional direction of electric current 43
0 3.3. Magnitude of the electric current
3.4 Direct current and alternating current
Instruments to measure a current 47
3.5. Laws of current 49
Chapter 4 Resistors 53
.c 4.1
Ohm's law
4.3 Types of resistors 56
4.4 Measurement of the resistance 56
4.5 Resistance of a wire resistor 56
I- 4.6
Joule's law
Grouping of resistors
4.8 Applications Readings 60
11 5 &I I :r 1T I s :rrrrz
Chapter 7 Vibrations and waves 91
7.1. Vibrations 92
7.2. Characteristics of vibrations 92
7.3. Waves 94
7.4. Characteristics of a wave 95
7.5. Transverse and longitudinal w,aves 96
7.6. Electromagnetic waves 97
Ripple tank 99
Closed switch -
Load (element) �
Earth ground
Common ground
Rheostat i
� �
Electrolytic cell
Variable resistance
Direct current
Electrostatics 13
·Safety measures in
Working with electricity may be dangerous. The following rules should be imple-
mented to avoid accidents.
1. Never use a voltage higher than 20 V without consulting your teacher. In prin
ciple, the threshold of dangerous voltages is 20 V, but external factors may
come into action, for instance your hands might not be completely dry.
5. Get rid of any contact between a thin wire traversed by a current and sharp -
edged bodies.
7. Avoid accidental contacts between connection wires. These 'wires must not be
bared more than the length required for connecting them.
9. Never pull a wire; first pull the plug from its socket.
12. When making connections with stranded wires, the stranded ends should be
tightly twisted and coated with solder. Fine wires coming out of connections
may cause dangerous short circuits.
13. In case of fire, turn off all gas outlets and disconnect all electric circuits. To
extinguish the fire, use blankets or fire extinguishers; never use water.
• Identify the two types of charge.
• Explain how a neutral object can be charged.
• Distinguish between conductors and insulators.
• State and apply Coulomb's law.
When your hair is dry and you pass a plastic comb through it, it sticks to the
comb and you hear a crackling sound. When you take off a nylon garment in a
dark room, you see faint sparks and you hear a crackling sound.
Sometimes, when you get out of a car after sliding over a plastic covered seat,
and you touch the metal handle of the car, you get a slight shock. You feel a
similar shock when you rub your feet on a vinyl floor and touch a metallic
These and other phenomena involve electric charges that will be studied in this
Experiment 1.1
Rub two similar plastic rods on a piece of fur.
Suspend one of them so that it can move freely.
Approach the rubbed extremity of the second rod to that
of the first (Figure 1.1).
Experiment 1.2
Repeat experiment 1.1 by rubbing glass rods on a piece
of silk (Figure 1.2). glass rods
You will also observe that the two rods repel each other.
Bring one end of the rods close to the piece of silk.
You wi 11 observe that they attract each other.
neutron has no electric charge; it is neutral. Figure 1.4. An atom is made of a nucleus sur
- An atom contains an equal number of protons and electrons. rounded by electrons, which revolve around it.
Electrostatics 17
Experiment 1.4
Suspend a neutral metal-coated ball with an insulating thread.
Touch the ball with a negatively charged plastic rod (Figure 1.5).
You will observe that the ball is repelled.
Figure 1.5. The charged rod and the initial
ly neutral ball repel each other after they are
Some of the excess electrons in the rod move to the neutral ball. put in contact
Since the ball is metal-coated, the electrons move and redistri-
bute over its entire surface, which becomes negatively charged.
The rod and the bal I, both negatively charged, repel each other.
If the ball is touched by a positively charged rod, it will share
some of its deficit of electrons and will become positively
charged. Hence the rod and ball repel each other.
Experiment 1.5
Approach an uncharged metal-leaf electroscope to a positively
charged rod ( Figure 1. 7).
You observe that the leaves separate. Figure 1.7. Electroscope charged by induc
The positive charges of the rod attract the free electrons of the
conducting object (knob, stem, and leaves) they face. These Quarks
electrons gather at the knob leaving the leaves with a deficit of What is the smallest electric
electrons, hence the leaves become positively charged, and sep charge that exists in nature?
arate. Until 1963, physicists thought
that the charge of the electron
The process of charging the knob at a distance is called charg
was the smallest, indivisible
ing by induction. charge that existed. It was
referred to as the elementary
Question 1.2 Describe what happens when a negatively charged rod charge. In 1963, the American
approaches the knob of a neutral electroscope. physicists Murray Gell-Mann
and George Zweig proposed
the theory that neutrons and
protons were made of smaller
1.8 QUANTITY OF ELECTRIC CHARGE particles called quarks having
charges of ± e/3 and ± 2e/3.
Physicists later discovered
The excess or deficit of electrons in an object can determine the these particles experimentally.
quantity of electric charge of the charged object. However, quarks do not exist as
In the International System of Units (SI), the quantity of electric free particles.
charge is measured in coulombs (symbol C), named as such after
the French physicist Charles Augustin de Coulomb (1736-1806).
Electrostatics 19
The charge of an electron is approximately
- e = -l.6xlQ- 19 C.
where e is ca l led the e l ementary charge.
If an object has an excess or deficit of N electrons, its charge
is given by:
lql = N.e
Example 1.1
Find the number of electrons whose charge is (in absolute value) onE
Table 1.1.
Solution Constituent particles of the atom
lql = Ne For lql = lC, 1 = Nxl.6xlQ-19 C
N = 6.25xl018 electrons. Particle Charge in C Mass in kg
Electron-l.602xl0- 19 9. l lOxl0- 31
Table 1.1 gives the charges and masses of the constituents of Proton 1. 602x 10- 19 l.673xl0- 27
the atom. Neutron 0 l.675xl0- 27
i' • •
+o :-
The magnitude F of the e l ectric force of interaction between two + + - -
point charges q 1 and q2 is direct l y proportional to the product ++++
of their magnitudes and inverse l y proportional to the square of
the distance d separating them.
This law is expressed by the relation:
lq1 l . l q2I
F = k.
In the SI units, d is measured in meters (m), q 1 and q 2 in
coulombs (C), and F in newtons (N). In vacuum, the constant Figure 1.8 Coulomb's law.
k = 9xl09 SI units.
Example 1.2
Two point charges q1 = 2x10-BC and q2 = BxlO-BC repel each other wit
a force of magnitude F = 9xl Q-3N. Find the distance between them.
* Electrification is the process of charging objects by adding or removing
* There are two kinds of charge: positive and negative.
* Electrification takes place by friction, contact, or induction.
* Electric charge is conserved during electrification.
* Like charges repel and uni ike charges attract. I
ature that could reach 30000°C. charge leaks away gradually. In fuel
A lightning stroke could transfer to the Earth trucks (Figure 1.11), a chain suspend
an electric power of up to billions of kilo ed from the truck and touching the
watts, which makes it very dangerous for ground takes away the excess charge
buildings and their inhabitants. from the truck's surface to the Earth.
Since the charges in the cloud interact first
with the highest buildings in the neighbor
hood, high and pointed lightning rods are
fixed to the tops of high buildings and con Figure 1.11.
nected to the Earth by good conductors (Fig The metallic
ure 1.9). When lightning strikes such a rod, chain in the rear
charges are safely channeled to the Earth. of the fuel truck
conducts the
charge to the
Figure 1.12.
Figure 1.10.
Zouk Mikael's fuel power
The slightly con v
plant produces smoke par
ducting tires of a
ticles containing poisonous
plane allow the
charge to leak
away on landing.
negatively charged fine wire grid sur
rounded by a positively charged tube
--------- :i!:i!------------------��::!.'".?_i:t:!�:s
(Figure 1.13). Electrons move from the
grid to the tube, thus striking the smoke
particles and giving them a negative
charge. The smoke particles are then
attracted to the inside surface of the posi
tively charged tube. This tube is made to
vibrate, shaking off the dust that falls into
containers placed at the bottom of the
Figure 1.13.
Electrostatic pre
Experiment 1.6:
Construct your electroscope
You need a glass vessel, an L-shaped thin metal
lic rod, two thin aluminum leaves, and a piece
of cork or wood with a hole in it. Put these
pieces together as shown in Figure 1.14.
Check your electroscope by approaching it from
a charged rod. Does it work?
Figure 1.14. Home-made electroscope.
Experiment 1.7:
Charging a metallic rod
Rub a metallic rod, held with the hand, against
a piece of cloth. Approach the knob of an elec
troscope to it. What do you observe?
Repeat the experiment while holding the rod
with a piece of wood. What do you observe?
Can you explain your observation?
Experiment 1.8:
Can a charged body attract falling water?
Charge, by friction, a plastic ruler. Approach it
to a fine thread of falling water (Figure 1.15).
What do you observe?
Figure 1.15. Charged ruler attracts falling water.
Electrostatics 23
I wrr · rs z r rr a ts ss uttr ·r :r r
TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE Explain what you observed. What would
have happened if the two charges had equal
1. Complete the following: magnitudes?
a. Like charges ......... and unlike charges
Electrostatics 25
Potenti a I d ifferenc
• Explain the notion of electric potential difference
• Measure a potential difference.
• Apply the laws of potential difference.
Whenever an electric appliance is to be used for the first time, we wonder if we
can connect it directly to the mains or should use a transformer. We find out
by reading the indications printed on this apparatus: 110V or 220V
These indications are related to a physical quantity called electric potential
difference, which is the subject of this chapter.
Experiment 2.1
Take two containers A and B communicating by means of a tube
provided with a closed tap Rand containing the same liquid at the
same level (Figure 2. la).
Open the tap. You will observe that the level of the liquid remains
the same and that the I iquid does not flow.
Close the tap and pour an amount of liquid into one of the con
tainers (Figure
Open R. You notice that the liquid keeps flowing to the other con
tainers until it reaches the same level in the two containers, and
then stops flowing.
Potential difference 27
The electric state of an object is characterized by a physical
quantity called electric potential. The electric potential of an
object depends on the sign and quantity of its charge, as wel I
as on its form. Electrons move between two objects only if
there is a potential difference between them.
The potential of a point A is generally written as V A and the
potential difference or voltage between two points A and B as
We can verify this property by doing the following experiment:
(Figure 2.3). a
Experiment 2.2 p
In SI units, the electric potential and the potential difference Figure 2.4. The voltmeter with a numeric
are measured in volts (V) after the Italian physicist Alessandro display shows that VA8 = - VsA ·
Volta (1745-1827).
Potential difference
instruments will be dealt with later in this chapter (See pages
33 to 37 ). A voltmeter is represented as in figure 2.5.
Experiment 2.3
Set up a circuit that includes a battery G, a lamp L, and an open
- f' ro( j
I N 1 M
' I
Potential difference across the terminals of a switch
Experiment 2.4
In the setup of the last experiment, close the switch K (Figure 2.7) +
Potential difference 29
Potential difference across the terminals of a battery
Experiment 2.5
Using the preceding setup, with the switch being open, connect the
voltmeter to the terminals of the battery G (Figure 2.8).
You will notice that the voltmeter indicates a certain potential dif
Experiment 2.6
Set up the circuit of figure 2.9. This circuit contains a battery G,
a switch K, and 3 lamps L1, L2 , and L3 placed one after the other
(we say that the lamps are grouped in series).
[Remark. You could replace the lamp by another load: motor, elec
trolytic cell, etc.].
Measure the potential differences VAs , VAo, V 0e, and V es ·
Calculate the sum VA0 + V 0e + Ve 8 .You find that this sum is equal to
Experiment 2.7
Set up the circuit of figure 2.10. This circuit is formed of a bat
tery G and two lamps (or other loads) connected to the same
points M and N of the circuit: the lamps are then connected in
Measure the potential differences VAs , Vco and V EF . You will find
that they are equal.
Replace one of the lamps by a different load.
You will find that the potential differences take a different value
but remain equal:
Example 2.1
Given VAc = 5 V and VA 8 = 2 V. Calculate V8c , A D
By applying the law of addition of voltages, we can write:
v BC = v BA + v AC =- v AB + v AC M
Example 2.2
In the circuit of figure 2.11, you are given:
V0M = - 7. 5 V Vco = 10 V V8c = - 5 V and VAe = 10 V.
Calculate VcM , VeM , VA MI and VOA '
According the law of addition of voltages:
VcM = Vco + VoM = (10) + (- 7.5) = 2.5 V
v BM = v BC +v CM = (- 5) + (2.5) = - 2.5 v
v AM = v AB +v BM = (10) + (- 2, 5) = 7, 5 v
VoA = VoM + VMA = VoM + (- VAM) = (- 7.5) + (- 7.5) = - 15 V
Potential difference 31
Chassis ground
To install a car radio, we can connect the radio to the terminals
of the car battery (Figure 2.12).
The Earth being a conductor, it plays the same role as the body
of the car. It is represented in figure 2.16. I
The Earth, like the chassis ground, constitutes a potential ref
erence. Its electric potential is zero: V.a,th = 0.
Figure 2.16. Representation of an Earth
Analog voltmeter
The description of an analog voltmeter varies from one type to
another, but they all share the following (Figure 2.17):
The terminal (+) of the voltmeter must be connected to the
pole(+) of the generator, and the terminal (-) to the pole(-) of The scale of a measuring
the generator (Figure 2.18). instrument is the largest
Analog voltmeters are constructed in such a way that the devi va I ue that it can mea
ation of the needle is always proportional to the measured sure. Thus, in an analog
potential difference. voltmeter, the scale is
the potential difference
that produces the maxi
Digital voltmeter
mum deviation of the
The digital voltmeter (Figure 2.19) displays the numeric value
of the potential difference together with its sign.
Potential difference
Lr "Ft m a rm r r t
- 30ol-),-
100'-- .,'J
30 10
L< Super
Whether digital (Figure 2.20) or analog (Figure 2.21), a multimeter can accomplish many tasks.
It has a terminal marked COM or(-) which has to be connected to the negative pole of the gen
erator. The other terminals carry the indications A, V and W.
All types of oscilloscopes share the same functions. Only the form and the positions of the but
tons differ. An oscilloscope (Figure 2.23) has four zones. Three of them are of special interest
to US:
Potential difference
, mm s w11 ere r s r "" : rr t
Vertical sensitivity:
Potential difference corresponding to a displacement of
1 division of the spot.
horizontal motion of the spot.
Measurement of a voltage
Press the POWER button to start the oscilloscope. A spot
appears on the screen.
Bring the spot to the point of intersection of the two axes of
the screen (buttons X-position and Y-position).
Since the vertical sensitivity has been selected, and since the
displacement of the spot is proportional to the potential differ-
ence, the position of the spot gives the value of the potential Figure 2.27. Measurement of the potential
difference. difference between the terminals of a battery
with an oscilloscope.
Visualization of a variable voltage
Set up the circuit of the figure 2.28.
Clench the button XY.
By operating progressively on the horizontal sensibility (time
base), the spot begins to move from left to right on the hori
zontal axis (the spot sweeps the screen). For an adequate
Figure 2.30.Saw teeth signal visualized on
speed, a horizontal line appears (due to the persistence of the the screen of an oscilloscope.
image on the retina).
Potential difference 37
Example 2.3
A flat battery carries the indication 4.5 V. You want to check the accuracy of the indication.
You have an analog voltmeter with several scales: 10 ml!, 1 II, 5 II, and 50 V. Which scale is
the most adequate for this measurement?
The most adequate scale is the 5V. That of 50V can be used, but the deviation of the nee
dle is smaller. As the error of the reading is one division, it will be smaller in the case of the
scale 5V. Thus the measurement will be more accurate.
The lOmV and 1V scales cannot be used because their use may damage the voltmeter.
Example 2.4
To measure a potential difference, you use a voltmeter whose dial contains 150 divisions.
The scale used is 20V. The needle deviates by 30 divisions. What is the value of the
potential difference?
Since the deviation of the needle is proportional to the measured potential difference, you have:
V = 30 x 20 = 4 v.
Example 2.5
You want to measure the potential difference between the terminals A and B of a lamp L (Figure
2.32). You use an oscilloscope whose vertical sensibility is 2 V/cm. The spot deviates by 2 cm.
a. In which way does the spot move?
·--------- -----------------------------
38 Potential difference
The potential difference between two points of an electric circuit repre
sents a difference of electric state between these two points.
* In SI units, the potential difference is measured in volts.
* We measure the potential difference between two points of a circuit by
means of either a voltmeter or an oscilloscope.
* The potential difference between the terminals of a connection wire or a
closed switch is zero.
* In a circuit formed of many elements grouped in series, the potential dif
ference between the terminals of a portion of this circuit is equal to the
sum of the potential differences between the terminals of each of the ele
ments contained in this portion.
* In a circuit formed of many elements connected in parallel between two
points, the potential difference between the terminals of each of these ele
ments is the same.
Potential difference 39
4. The (-) pole of a battery is connected
to the common ground and its (+) pole is
connected to the phase of a channel of an
In the circuit of figure 2.34, you have
oscilloscope. What do we observe on the
the following potential differences:
screen if the time base is on? What hap V As = 20 V, V cs = 20 V and V Ao = 30 V.
pens if we interchange the connections? Calculate V Ac , Vso, and V c o·
Using an oscilloscope, you want to mea
sure the potential difference between the termi
nals of a battery. Draw a diagram showing the con
nections between the battery and the oscilloscope.
2. In the circuit of figure 2.33, show the
Figure 2.34.
p B F
Figure 2.33.
I I 105
I I 1.5
40 Potential difference
In figure 2.36, the potential difference
a. Which potential difference does the oscil
between the terminals of the battery is V PN = loscope measure: V A8 or V 8 /
lOV and the four loads placed between C and b. The luminous line moves to the top by
D are identical. 2.5 cm. What is the value of the mea
a. Find the potential difference between the sured potential difference?
terminals of each load.
b.What is the value of the potential diffe
rence V A8 ? N + p
c. We connect A and B by a connection wire.
Does the potential difference across the
terminals of each load change? A B c
p + N
Figure 2.39.
c D
II A voltmeter V and an osci I loscope are
connected between the terminals A and B of
a lamp L 2 in the circuit of figure 2.40. The
spot deviates upward by 3 cm.
Figure 2.36.
a. The voltmeter does not have its zero in
the middle. Show, on the diagram, the+
In the circuit of figure 2.37, switch K is terminal of the voltmeter.
open. b. The voltmeter has the scales 3 V, 1 V, and
a. Show the connections to be made to an 0.3 V and its dial contains 100 divisions.
oscilloscope in order to observe, on the Used with a 3V scale, the needle deviates
screen, the shape of figure 2.38. by 30 divisions. Compute V As· Is the used
b. The vertical sensitivity of the oscilloscope is scale the most adequate? If not, what scale
2V/cm. What is the value of the measured do you propose to use? Find, in this case,
potential difference? the deviation of the needle.
c. Calculate the vertical sensitivity of the
osci Iloscope
i- '
a �
c I
Potential difference
• Know what an electric current is.
• Measure an electric current.
• Apply the laws of electric current.
0Q-• 0 00-· 0•
In an electrolyte Q-• 0 Q-
An electrolytic cell is a vessel containing a solution (electrolyte) 0o-· Q--•
0--• 0 Q-•
and two electrodes that conduct electricity. The electrolyte con 0o-·
tains positive and negative ions in random motion. -1 I·
When we connect the two electrodes to the terminals of a bat
Figure 3.2. Under the action of a potential
tery, potential difference is established. between the terminals difference, the electrons execute an ordered
(Figure 3.3). This causes the motion of positive and negative drift motion.
ions in two opposite directions, thus creating an electric current.
The electric current in an electrolyte is thus due to an ordered
displacement of positive and negative ions in opposite direc e
Electric current
Speed of establishment of the electric current
The speed of electrons in a metal should not be confused with
the speed of establishment of the electric current.
Consider few balls placed one next to the other in a groove (Fig
ure 3.4). Push ball A. Almost instantly, all the balls begin to
move, although the motion of the balls is not very fast.
_, A
r=k'==��===��� .LJI
Likewise, the current establishes itself very quickly in a con
ductor, at a speed of the order of 300000 km/s, while the elec
Figure 3.4. The .balls move almost instantly
trons move at a speed of the order of a few mm/s.
but with relatively low speeds.
If Q is the quantity of electricity crossing a section of the con An ampere corresponds to the
ductor in time t, the current is given by: flow of an electric charge of
one coulomb every second.
I = _g_
In SI units, t is measured in seconds (s), Qin coulombs (C), and
I in amperes (A), after the French physicist Andre-Marie Ampere
(1775-1836). Table 3.1
Small currents are often measured in sub-multiples of the Orders of magnitude of some
ampere: currents
the milliampere lmA= 10-3 A TV antenna < 1 µA
the microampere lµA= 10-6 A. Quartz watch a few µA
Telephone wire a few mA
If we measure the current in amperes and the time in hours, the Electric torch 0,5 A
quantity of electricity is then measured in ampere-hours (Ah). Ordinary lamp (220V) 0,5 A
This unit is used to characterize the quantity of electricity of a Television 0,7 A
Flashers of a car 1A
car battery:
Vacuum cleaner 3A
1 Ah= 3600 C Flat iron 4A
Electric radiator 10 A
Washing machine 15 A
Starter of a car 50 A
Lightning 6000 to 50000 A
·-----�-- ----------------------------------�-
Electric current
Example 3.1
I =QI t = 75 x 3 600/(80 x 60 x 60) = 0.93 75 A""0.94 A
I J�
Example 3.2
Calculate the number of electrons that cross, per second, the sec
tion of a conductor carrying currents of 4mA, 3A, and 1 OOA.
If N electrons cross the section of a wire int seconds, the quantity
of electricity that crosses it within this interval of time is, in abso Figure 3.6. A direct current is constant.
lute value, Q = N.e and the corresponding current is:
Electric current 45
Table 3.2
Direct Current
determined value of the electric ��
current; this current flows in
one direction and has a constant
value. It is a direct current. Figure 3.10. The battery supplies a direct cur
The potential difference between rent that flows in the circuit. Figure 3.11. The direct potential dif
the terminals of the load ference, visualized on the screen of an
traversed by a direct current oscilloscope, doesn't vary with time.
is also constant (Figure 3.11).
Alternating Current
The circuit of figure 3.12 con
tains, in series, a generator of a
bicycle, a lamp and a galvanome
ter with central zero. If we turn
the shingle with a uniform move
ment, the needle deviates alter
natively to the right and left of
zero; the current flows alterna
tively in two opposite directions.
The current produced by the gen
erator is alternating. Its value
varies with time. The Figure 3.12. The generator supplies an alter
potential difference between the nating current that flows in the circuit.
terminals of the load traversed
by an alternating current is also Figure 3.13. The alternating potential
variable (Figure 3.13). difference, visualized on the screen of an
oscilloscope, varies with time.
·-------- ------------------------------------
Electric current
The electric current is measured by means of an ammeter, a
galvanometer, or a multimeter used as an ammeter.
An ammeter is represented by the symbol of figure 3.14. Figure 3.14. Representation of an amme
Analog ammeter
On the analog ammeter (Figure 3.15), you can observe:
- Two terminals, one marked (+), the other marked (-).
- A selector of scale. - ,.3
l 0.3 0.1 ,...,., .. =
- A selector of current:(=) for direct current and(-) for alter-
nating current. .---�----------_,_________,_____ A__
- Graduations.
- A needle which indicates the value of the current.
- A mirror in the form of an arc. For a good reading, the nee-
dle and its image given by the mirror must coincide. •
Figure 3.15. Analog ammeter.
To measure the current in a load, you must connect the +
ammeter in series with this load, since the ammeter mea
sures the current that traverses it.
The(+) pole of the instrument must be connected to the pos
itive pole of the generator and the (-) pole to the negative +
The multimeter used as an ammeter Figure 3.16. Connecting an analog amme
The multimeter (Figure 3.17, see chapter 2) can also be used as an ter.
ammeter by putting the selector of scale in front of the zone
DC,A,mA,or µA
The galvanometer (Figure 3.18) is a very sensitive ammeter
with central zero. It is used to measure very low currents and
to detect their directions.
Electric current
Example 3.3
Which of an ammeter's scales: 4 mA, 400 mA, and 2A is the most
adequate for measuring the currents 3 mA, 70 mA, and 1.5 A?
The most adequate scales are 4 mA for I = 3 mA, 400 mA for I = 70 Figure 3.18. Galvanometer.
mA and 2 A for I = 1.5 A.
Example 3.4
The dial of an ammeter has 100 divisions. If in a measurement
where a scale of 0.1 A is chosen, the needle points to division 82.
a. What is the result of the measurement?
b. What would the needle indicate if the chosen scales were 5 A?
a. For the needle to deviate by 100 divisions, a current of 0.1 A
is needed.
To deviate it by 82 divisions, the current needed is:
I= 0.1 x 82/100
= 0.082 A = 82 mA.
b. If the chosen scale is 5 A, the needle points to the division
n 1 so that: n 1 = 0.082 x 100/5 = 1.64 divisions.
If the chosen scale is 10 mA, a similar calculation would
give: n 2 = 0.082 x 100/0.010 = 820 divisions.
This number exceeds the number of divisions in the dial (100
divisions) and thus cannot be obtained. The scale lOmA is to be
We should have expected this result because the current to
measure (82 mA) is larger than the maximum current that the
scale can show (10 mA) .
Electric current
Experiment 3.1
Set up the circuit of figure 3.19. This circuit consists of a battery,
a lamp, a fan, and a switch. Connect an ammeter successively Figure 3.19. Circuit to verify the law of
between the battery and the lamp, between the lamp and the fan, uniqueness of the current.
and between the fan and the battery.
Junction rule
Figure 3.20. Points A and B are junc
An electric junction is a point of a circuit where at least three tions whereas C and D are not.
wires are connected (Figure 3.20).
Experiment 3.2
Set up the circuit of figure 3.21. In this circuit, a lamp and a fan
are placed in parallel. Add a rheostat in series with a switch.
With the circuit closed, read the indications of the three ammeters:
You wi II observe that, whatever the position of the cursor of the
rheostat is, the sum of the currents entering a junction is equal to
the sum of currents leaving it: Figure 3.21. circuit with Junctions.
I = I 1 + I2
You would obtain the same result if you had more than two 1,
The result can be generalized and stated in the following form
called the junction rule: 14
The sum of the currents that enter a junction is equal to the sum
of the currents that leave it.
Electric current
The law of current in a series circuit and the junction rule in +
a parallel circuit mean that the charge does not accumulate
at a point: the quantity of electric charge in a circuit is con
Example 3.5
According to the junction rule: I= 1 1 + 1 2 1 2 = 2 - 0.5 = 1.5 A. Figure 3.23.
* The electric current is due to the flow of electrons in metals and ions in
* The conventional direction of the current is the direction of motion of
positive ions in an electrolyte.
* The current in a conductor is the quantity of electricity that traverses it per
unit time: I = Q/t. In SI units, I is measured in amperes, Q in coulombs
and t in seconds.
* The current in a load is measured by an ammeter connected in series with this
* The ampere-hour is a commercial unit of quantity of electricity.
* The current is the same at every point of a series circuit.
* The sum of the currents that arrive at a junction is equal to the sum of the
currents that leave it.
Figure 3.24
9. Complete the following sentences:
a. The speed of free electrons in a conduc
3. In the metallic conductor of figure 3.25, tor traversed by a current is a few
the electrons move in the indicated direc
tion. What is the direction of the electric cur b. The speed of establishment of the electric
rent? current is equal to ...............
c. The apparatus which serves to measure very
low currents is called a ...............
Electric current 51
rrrtrrr , twr nr
Figure 3.29
Figure 3.28
Figure 3.31
• Explain the notion of electric resistance
• Measure the resistance of a resistor
• Apply Ohm's law for a resistor
• Apply the laws of grouping of resistors.
• Apply Joule's law.
Resistors 53
is " , ,J
Some electric household appliances, such as electric stoves, irons, electric
water-heaters, and electric radiators, deliver heat when traversed by an elec
tric current. They transform electric energy into thermal energy. Such appli
ances are called resistors and have a common property called electric resis
Resistors are the subject of this chapter.
Experiment 4.1
Set up the circuit of figure 4.1 formed of a source of adjustable potential difference (from 1 to 20V for
example), a ferronickel resistor F or the wire of an iron, a switch K, an ammeter, and a protection resis
tance, all placed is series. Connect a voltmeter across the terminals of the wire F.
An experiment carried out by the authors with a ferronickel wire yielded the values shown in table 4.1.
Table 4.1.
l(mA) 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
V(V) 0.90 1.20 1.82 2.30 2.70 3.20 3.60 4.10
��-�-��-� I(A)
Ql Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5
Figure 4.1. Circuit to draw the current- potential characteristic of a resistor. Figure 4.2. Current-potential difference characteristic
of a resistor.
·----------- !)�---------------------�=sis!�!
Draw the graph of the potential difference versus the current
(Figure 4.2).
You will observe that the obtained graph is approximately a
straight line that passes through the origin.
This obtained line is called the current-potential difference
characteristic of the resistor F.
or v BA = v B - vA = - RI
This relation is called Ohm's law for a resistor, stated by Ohm
in 1826. It says that the potential difference between the ter
minals of a resistor is proportional to the current that traverses
Concept of resistance
The resistance of a resistor measures its opposition to the flow
of electric charges that constitute the current. This opposition
comes from the collision between the electric charge carriers
(the free electrons or the ions) and the particles of the resistor.
This friction manifests itself through the heating of the resistor.
Sometimes, we characterize a resistor by its conductance G,
which is the inverse of its resistance R: G = 1/R.
In SI units, the conductance is measured in siemens (S).
Resistors 55
Commonly used resistors are of two types:
- The coiled metallic wires (Figure 4.5) are especially used in labora-
tories (for example in rheostats) They are also used in domestic appli- B
ances (stoves, water-heaters, electric radiators, etc.) for the heat they
generate when they are traversed by an electric current.
These conductors can withstand currents of few amperes.
- The miniaturized resistors (Figure 4.6) are used especially in elec- Figure 4.5. Coiled wire resistors.
tronic circuits (radios, televisions, computers, etc.). They are made of
a thin layer of carbon powder covering an insulating rod (generally
made of ceramic).
These conductors can only tolerate small currents, of the order of mil
The value of the resistance is clearly indicated on the metallic resis
tors. The resistance of carbon resistors is indicated by rings colored
according to an international code (see reading, page 63).
4.4 MEASUREMENT OF THE RESISTANCE Figure 4.6. Resistors whose resistance is
indicated by colored rings.
You can measure the resistance of a resistor with a multimeter
used as ohmmeter.
Experiment 4.2
Choose the highest scale on a multimeter. Set the instrument to zero
(Figure 4.7) by putting the two ends of the connection wires in con
tact, then by working on the setting button until the multimeter indi
cates zero.
Connect the terminals of the resistor to those of the connection
wires. The multimeter then indicates the resistance of the resistor.
Choose the most adequate scale, reset the multimeter to zero, and
repeat the measurement to obtain a more precise value of the resis-
Figure 4.7. Set the multimeter to zero. Each
time you change the scale, set the multimeter
back to zero.
The resistance of a homogeneous and cylindrical wire resistor
depends on three factors: its length, cross-sectional area, and
substance. A digital multimeter does not
need zero setting.
Experiments show that, at a given temperature, the resistance
of such a conductor is proportional to its length e and inversely
proportional to its section s:
·---------- !iE> _____________________�:.:l��!��!
R = pi.
where the constant p, which depends on the nature of the sub
stance, is called resistivity of this substance. Table 4.2
Resistivities of a few
In SI units, the resistivity is expressed in ohm-meter (Q.m). substances at 20 °C
Table 4.2 gives the resistivities of a few substances.
P = W/t = VI
V = RI and P = Rl2
Limits of functioning
Resistor manufacturers indicate on every resistor the maximum
power P max (Figure 4. 9) that it can take. Above this power, the
produced heat might damage the resistor.
Grouping in series
Experiment 4.3
Take two ferronickel wires of the same diameter and different lengths.
Set the multimeter to zero. Measure the resistance of each of the wires.
Connect the wires one after the other in order to form a single wire.
Measure the resistance of the obtained wire (Figure 4.10).
Compare the obtained value to that of the two wires taken separately.
You will find that it is approximately equal to their sum.
This experiment and many others show that the resistance equiv
alent to many resistors placed in series is equal to the sum of
their resistances:
Grouping in parallel
Experiment 4.4
Take three resistors of different resistances R 1 , R 2 , and R 3
Measure the resistance of each one.
Set up the circuit of figure 4.12 where the three resistors are con
nected in parallel.
Measure the equivalent resistance R by connecting the multimeter
between the two junctions A and B.
Compare the inverses of R 1 , R 2 , R 3 and R.
You will find that: ..l = ..l + ..l + ..l Figure 4.12 Resistors connected in
R R1 R2 R3 parallel.
Question 4.1
Show that the equivalent resistance is smaller than the smallest
of the resistances in parallel.
1. Experiment 4.3 verifies that the resistance of a wire resistor
is proportional to the length of the wire.
You can also verify that this resistance is inversely proportional
to the cross-sectional area by binding two metallic wires of the
same length and cross-sectional area s and measuring the resis
tance of the obtained wire of cross section 2s. You will find that
the obtained resistance equals half of the resistances of each
Example 4.1
In the circuit of figure 4.14, the potential difference across the terminals
P and N of the battery is 4. 5 V and the respective resistances of the resis
tors 01 , 02, and 03 are: R1 = 33 Q, R2 = 47 Q, and R3 = 82 Q
a. Show the resistors connected in series and those connected in
b. Determine the value of the equivalent resistance R of the grouping.
Figure 4.14
a. Resistors D2 and D3 are connected in parallel and their
combination is in series with D1.
R4 and R 1 are in series. Thus R = R4 + R 1
The equivalent resistance is: R = 29.9 + 33 = 62.9 Q.
Short - circuit
Observe an electrician checking a car battery. He fixes one end Figure 4.15. Short-circuiting a battery
of a thick connection wire to the negative pole of the battery
and touches the positive pole with the other end for a very short
time (a fraction of a second): this produces a spark (Figure 4.15).
-------- � 60
�-�-- ----------------------------
We say that the electrician has short-circuited the battery.
Appliances and circuits are usually protected from overcurrents Figure 4.16. Fuses and circuit breakers.
by fuses and circuit breakers installed between the terminals of
the load or the portion of the circuit to be protected (Figure
Question 4.2
How does a resistance connected in series in a circuit protect
the circuit from overcurrents?
Figure 4.17. Rheostats.
A rheostat (Figure 4.17) is a resistor of adjustable resistance.
We introduce it in a circuit in order to vary the current.
Hence: I = V inpu1/(R 1 +R 2 ) D
Figure 4.20.
c. Vautp ut = R 2 I = R 2 Vin pui/(R 1 +R 2 )
* A resistor is a conductor whose current-voltage characteristic is a straight line
passing through the origin. I
* A resistor is characterized by its resistance R > 0 which represents the opposi-
tion of the conductor to the flow of electric charges.
* The potential difference between the terminals of a resistor is proportional to the
current, which traverses it.
* We measure a resistance with a multimeter.
* The resistance of a conducting wire is given by R = p 1/s.
* In a resistor, electric energy is transformed into thermal energy of value:
W = Vlt = Rl2t.
* The laws of grouping of resistors are R = R 1 + R2 + R3 + ... for a grouping in
series and 1/R = 1/R 1 + l/R2 + 1/R3 + ... for a parallel one.
* The pairs of values (Pmax, Vmax) and (P max• 1max) constitute the limits of
functioning of a resistor.
* A rheostat is a resistor with adjustable resistance that allows for varying the
current in a circuit.
--·- ---------- -----..------
---------- E>�--------------�-----��.:i��!��
1. International code of colors
In everyday I ife, it is inconvenient to mea mum possible error). The values attributed
sure the resistance of a resistor every time to the different colors are given in table 4.3.
you need it. Resistor manufacturers often
indicate the resistance by printing, on the
resistor, colored rings according to an
international code.
the fourth is a little farther apart (Figure
Table 4.3
International code of colors
Resistors 63
should never be exceeded. This voltage
Example 4.3
What is the resistance of the carbon resis constitutes the threshold of dangerous
tor of figure 4.23? voltage
t----,1111 t--1
time it takes a current to flow in the human
-i body, the more dangerous its effects are.
3. Superconductors.
brown black orange
Superconductivity is the phenomenon of
the disappearance of opposition to the flow
Figure 4.23.
of the electric charge in a material. It
occurs at very low temperatures. This phe
In table 4.3, the brown corresponds to the nomenon was first observed in 1911 by the
value 1, the black to 0, the orange to 3 and Dutch physicist Kammerlingh Onnes
the gold to 5%. The resistance of the con (1853-1926), who was able to refrigerate
ductor is then: mercury in a liquid helium bath at the tem
R = 10 x 103 = 10000 Q with a tolerance of
perature of -269° C. Superconductivity has
5 x 10000/100 = 500 Q
become easier to obtain with the use of liq
Hence R = (10000 ± 500) Q
uid nitrogen, at -169° C. Superconductors
were obtained in 1987 with ceramic at -
2. Electrocution
148° C.
The resistance of the human body is not The resistivity of superconductors is 10-16
always the same. It varies between 50000 Q . times that of the best known conductors.
when the skin is dry and 1000 Q when it is Superconductors are extremely interesting
wet. for their practical applications. Imagine an
When an electric current passes through electric current that, once established in a
the human body, it can, according to its superconductor, maintains itself for years
value, cause dangerous effects like com at the same value, without loss of energy
plete paralysis or even death. and without need for voltage to maintain it.
A current of 5 mA is not dangerous, while a Even for very high currents, there is no
current of 20 mA can cause short and sud danger of heating in the superconductor.
den involuntary contractions of the muscles. This property is used in hospitals (e.g.
A current of 30 mA can cause asphyxia. diagnosis by magnetic resonance imaging
Complete paralysis and heart arrest occur M.R.I.) and in the construction of ultra-fast
with a current greater than 50 mA. trains in Japan (magnetic levitation).
From this data, we can estimate danger Scientists hope to use superconductors in
ous voltages. Take, for example, the most order to minimize the size of electronic
dangerous case (wet body of lOOOW and chips used in computers, as this would
a current of 50mA). The voltage will be: make information processing much faster.
V = RI = 1000 x 50 x 10-3 = 50 V.
For security reasons, the voltage of 24V
·-------- ------------·-----------------------
TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE g. Two resistors, connected in parallel, offer
a greater resistance to the electric current
A resistor KL, of resistance R, is tra than either one taken alone.
versed by a current I. If the potential differ
ence VKL is positive, in which direction does
the current pass in the resistor?
t. Three resistors, of respective resistances
2. Write down the expression of the voltage 11.3, 18.3, and 33 Q, are placed in parallel.
Vco between the terminals of a resistor tra The equivalent resistance is:
versed by a current flowing from D to C. a. < 11.3 Q
b. between 11.3 and 33 Q
3. Complete the following sentences: c. 62.6 Q.
a. A resistor transforms the ...............
energy that it receives to ............... A resistor is a symmetrical load, i.e. it
energy. does not have + and - poles. How is it con
b. The current - voltage characteristic of a nected in the circuit?
resistor is a ............ ............... passing
through the ............... of axes What causes heat dissipation in a resis
c. The equivalent resistance of many tor that is traversed by an electric current?
resistors in series is equal to the
............... of the ............... of these What happens if we connect an amme
resistors. It is ............... than the ter in parallel across the terminals of a lamp
............ of the considered resistances. in a closed circuit? Explain.
Resistors 65
resistance and the maximum voltage instead of the normal 220 V. A student
between its terminals. advised her parents to replace the 220 V
bu I bs with 110 V bu I bs. What are the advan
7. Why are high voltage lines, used to tages and the disadvantages of taking this
transport electric energy for long distances, advice?
made of metallic wires of large sections?
13. In order to reduce energy losses, copper,
8. By drawing the current - voltage character whose resistivity is low l.7xlo-s Q.m, is
istic of a resistor, a student has obtained the used in the transmission of electricity. Why
curve of figure 4.25. Explain what happened? don't we use silver, whose resistivity is lower
(l.6xl0-8 Q.m)?
n,-1w,, mm-se,1-+e"t• ,-,-• ,.,_,,,, e.rieeeffe\:M • ,-ee:e •• •••ee ee, e ee •-•A
9. Use the code of colors to find the value • An electric radiator consumes 1500 W
of the resistance of the conductor shown when it functions under a voltage of 220 V.
--1 111 -I
Calculate the current which traverses it.
• Calculate the voltage across the termi
nals of a resistor of 20 kQ resistance when a
current of 20 mA traverses it.
----------- 66 ___.______R_es_is_to_r_s
• A resistor, of resistance 47 n, is dam • The circuit of figure 4.29 contains in
aged when it dissipates a power greater than series: a constant voltage source V AB of 6 V,
0.5 W. Determine the maximum voltage that a resistor of resistance 82 n, and a rheostat
can be applied without damaging the resis whose resistance varies between O and 100
tor. n. What are the limits between which the
current varies?
• In the measurement of a resistance, we
have picked the values of the voltage
between its terminals and the corresponding A
currents. These values are given in table c
Table 4.4.
V(vl O 1 2 3 4 5 6
l(mA) 0 5 9 15 21 24 31
a. Propose a diagram for the experimental
setup. Figure 4.29
b. Draw the 1-V characteristic • In an electric circuit, two resistors 0 and
c. Find its equation. 02 are under the same voltage of 5 V. 01 is tra
d. Deduce the value of the resistance. versed by a current of 2 mA and 02 by a current
of 3 mA.
a. Are the two conductors connected in
• The resistance of a copper wire of length
series or in parallel?
10 m and diameter 0.2 mm is 5.33 n. Cal Justify your answer.
culate the resistivity of copper. b. Calculate the resistance of each
• A portion of an electric circuit is formed
of four resistors connected as shown in fig • You are given five identical resistors, each of
ure 4.28. The main current is I = 0. lA. Cal resistance r. How can you arrange all these resis
culate: tors (in series, in parallel, or both) in order to
a. The equivalent resistance between A and B. have an equivalent resistance of 7r/2, lr/3, or
b. The voltage V AB· 2r?
c. The currents 1 1 and 1 2
d. The voltages V AE• Vrn, V AF and VFB. • In figure 4.30:
a. Are r1 and r2 connected in parallel? Why?
b. Are r 1 and r4 and r4 connected in series?
E Why?
c. Answer the above questions if i3 = 0.
What is then the equivalent resistance
between A and B?
IA ,
Figure 4.28
Resistors 67
Figure 4.30
• Define a generator and a receiver.
• Know the characteristics of a generator and a receiver.
• Draw and read the current - voltage characteristics of a generator and of a receiver
• Apply Ohm's law to a generator and to a receiver.
,••.• .•
In dry cells (Figure 5.1) and accumulators (Figure 5.2), chemical
energy is transformed to electric energy (See the reading on the bat
teries at the end of this chapter). Figure 5.1. Dry cells.
In thermal power stations, (Figure 5.3) and in generators used at
homes (Figure 5.4), the thermal energy obtained by burning fuel oil
--=;;.=.;� I ==-
or gasoline is transformed into electric energy.
In artificial satellites, solar batteries (Figure 5.5) transform the solar
energy received from the Sun to electric energy.
_ ...!.�-
1..f -•'U,
Question 5.1
What is the form of the energy that, when transformed to elec
Figure 5.2. Car accumulator.
tric energy, is used as a source for the lights of your bicycle?
Question 5.2
Same question for the electric energy obtained in a hydroelec
tric plant.
Question 5.3
What type of current does the dynamo of a bicycle supply? A solar
battery? A hydroelectric plant? An accumulator?
In this book, we will limit ourselves to direct current generators, Figure 5.4. Domestic electric generator
represented by the symbol of figure 5. 6.
A DC generator has two poles. When these poles are not marked,
identifying them helps in connecting the generator in a circuit.
This is done by means of either a voltmeter or an oscilloscope.
Experiment 5.2
Identifying the poles of a generator using an oscilloscope.
Begin by setting the spot at the center of the screen, at the inter
section of the two axes.
- +
3DD\ It ..
Connect terminals B and A of the generator respectively to the 30 10 _ illl. _
' super
Figure 5.7. Identifying the poles of a gener
ator using a voltmeter.
Experiment 5.3
Set up the circuit of figure 5.9. Take as generator a flat battery of
4.5V, and use a rheostat of 0-10 W.
Close the switch. Give the rheostat's cursor different positions start
ing from its maximum position. Write down the corresponding indi
cations of the voltmeter and ammeter and record them in a table.
The measurements obtained by the authors are given in table 5.1. Ql Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5
l(A) 0.28 0.32 0.35 0.37 0.40 0.45 0.53 0.56 0.62
vPN(V) 3.74 3.66 3.61 3.56 3.49 3.40 3.28 3.20 3.08
72 ------------------------------
·---------------- Generators and receivers
generator is not proportional to the current it delivers to the
external circuit.
In practice, the internal resistance of a generator is always
small. It can be extremely small, as for example in the lead
accumulator of a car, where it is nearly 0.05 Q, but it is never
zero. In some cases, where the internal resistance of a genera
tor is negligible(r"" 0), we have what we call the ideal or per p + -N
fect generator. In diagrams, the ideal generator is represented as
in figure 5.11. Ohm's law becomes: V PN = E.
An electric razor, the motor of a video cassette recorder, an elec
tric pump, etc., transform electric energy into mechanical ener
gy (shaving, rotation of the cassette's tape, and pumping respec Figure 5.11 b
tively). They are examples of electric motors.
Figure 5.14. When the three batteries are connected in series, the lamp shines normally
'------t � H �·
Today, the most commonly used battery is the 1839. In 1935, another Englishman, Bacon,
dry eel I (Figure 5.18) made of a carbon rod built up the first hydrogen-oxygen cell. These
(positive pole), surrounded by a jellied solu
tion of zinc chloride or ionized ammonium cells have a very good yield and do not pol
chloride placed inside a porous membrane. lute.
The whole is placed inside a zinc cylinder
that constitutes the negative pole of the bat
-++----++-1- plastic insulator
In the dry cell and in almost all other types
f----++-+- seperator
of batteries brine is used as an electrolyte. steel (+)
In alkaline batteries (Figure 5.19), the elec
trolyte is an alkaline solution (KOH, for
example). -tt---+1+ Zn + mercury + KoH
1---1-t---tt---,.,+ brass
membrane Fuel cells have been used by the Americans
to supply space capsules Gemini and Apollo
with electric energy. They are now used to
supply remote villages with electricity, in
_ zinc
sub-marines, and electric cars (in France
and Great Britain). Research is being car
Figure 5.18. Dry cell. ried out in order to improve these cells, with
The voltage across the terminals of a gen
erator varies very Iittle when we modify the
circuit to which it is connected. Is the inter
resistance of this generator big or small?
I 1 _____.
2. The (1-V) characteristics of three different
'-----�I I
tric elements have the respective equations: Figure 5.21
a. I= 15- lOV
b. I= 0.1 V Two motors (2 V; 1 Q) and (1 V; 2 Q) are
connected as in figure 5.22. Does a current
flow in the circuit?
Generators and receivers 79
(2 V, H2)
(1 V, 2 Q) 2
I (mA) 45 90 120 165 220
V (V) 0.7 0.8 0.85 0.9 1.0
equation. -V,
c. Deduce the internal resistance and the 2 Q1
back emf of the receiver.
3V, 10
Figure 5.26
In general, an elec
tric circuit is a com
bination of loads,
wires, and switches,
and at least one gen
Electric circuits 83
To draw the diagram of an electric circuit, physicists and
electricians have adopted symbols to represent the differ
ent elements.
Question 6.1
Explain the results obtained in experiment 6.1.
Example 6.1
A ._______,
When we close the switch, the same current I flows in all the
loads of the series circuit. The direction of the current is from Figure 6.8.
the positive pole to the negative pole of the battery.
Ohm's law, applied between the terminals of the battery, gives:
Vr N = V p - VN = E - rI
Electric circuits
Ohm's law, applied between the terminals of the switch and
the resistors, gives:
VPA = Vp - VA = 0
vAB = vA - v B = R 1I
VBN = VB - VN = R 2I
Hence: E = R 1 1+ R 2 1+ rl = (R 1 + R 2 + r)I
and: I= E/(R 1 + R 2 + r)
We deduce::
I= 6/(10 + 14 + 1) = 0.24 A
V PN = 6-1 x 0.24 = 5.76 V
VAB = 10 X O.24 = 2 .4 V
VBN = 14 x 0.24 = 3.36 V.
We can also solve the circuit by replacing the resistances R 1 �----1 R=24 n 1----�
Example 6.2
Series circuit containing a battery, a receiver, and resistors
The circuit of figure 6.10 contains a generator (12 V, 0. 5 Q), two
resistors R 1 = 4 Q and R2 = 5.5 Q, a motor (9 V, 10 QJ, and a (E,r,) N
switch K. p
Calculate the current I and the voltages, VPN , VpA , VA8 and VaN·
When we close the switch, the same current I traverses all the
loads of the series circuit. The direction of the current is from
the positive pole to the negative pole of the generator.
Figure 6.10.
Ohm's law applied to the terminals of the generator gives
V PN = VP - VN = E - r 1 I
and for the motor:
VAB = e + r 2 1
E - r 1 I = R 1 I+ (e + r2 D + R 2 1
Hence: E - e = (R 1 + R 2 + r 1 + r2 )1
Electric circuits
We deduce:
I= (12 - 9) I (4 + 5.5 + 0.5 + 10) = 0.15 A
V PN = 12 - 0.50 x 0.15 = 11.92 V
V PA = 4 x 0.15 = 0.60 V
V AB = 9 + 10 X O .15 = 10. 5 V
V 8N= 5.5 x 0.15 = 0.82 V.
I Example 6.3
A circuit contains a generator (6 V, 1 QJ, a receiver (2 V, 4 QJ and a
resistor of R3 = 3 Q connected in series, and two resistances R2 = 6 Q
and R 1 = 3 Q connected in parallel (Figure 6.11).
Find the currents in the different branches of the circuit and the
voltages between the terminals of the receiver and each of the resis
86 ----- - ·
Electric circuits
c o·
R,=3 Q
-R-,=-6-Q- (2V,4n)
Figure 6.11.
First step: the elements of the circuit are:
- the generator
- the receiver
- the three resistors
Fifth step: Ohm's law, applied between the terminals of the generator, gives:
Vco = E - rif
The resistance R equivalent to R 1 and R2 is given by:
1/R = l!R1 + l!R2
The addition of the voltage gives:
Vco = Vcp + VpA + VAB + Vao
E - r1I = 0 +RI+R3I + (e + r20
The uniqueness of the voltage between P and A and the junction
rule at P give, respectively:
R1I1 = R2I2 and I=.1J + 12
Electric circuits 87
* An electric circuit is a group of loads joined by connecting wires and
switches, containing at least one generator.
* The solution of an electric circuit consists of determining the currents in
the different portions of a circuit and the potential difference between its
different points.
Figure 6.12
R3 R2
c 14
Figure 6.15
Figure 6.16
Electric circuits
Can you imagine our world without radios, televisions, telephones, guitars, loudspeakers,
X-rays, means of telecommunications, and Internet?
All these sources of fun and wonder use sound, light, or other waves to stimulate our sens
es of hearing or seeing and allow us to communicate with others.
Indeed, all the information that reaches us through our eyes or ears travel in waveform.
90 ------ --------------------
·-----·-------------· Vibrations and waves
Vibrations and waves
• Distinguish between a vibration and a wave.
• Know that waves transport energy but not matter.
• Know the characteristics of a traveling wave.
• Distinguish between mechanical and electromagnetic waves.
A body suspended from a spring (Figure 7.1) oscillates up and
down when it is pulled down and then released.
A small mass attached to the free extremity of a string (Figure
7.2) swings (or oscillates) under the action of its weight when
shifted to one side and released.
Other objects, such as a long plastic ruler rigidly clamped at one
extremity (Figure 7.3) or a stretched guitar string (Figure 7.4)
behave in the same way; they vibrate after being displaced from Figure 7.1. Oscillating body.
their rest position and then released.
Vibrations or oscillations are regular to-and-fro motions of an
object between two extreme positions. I\
1 \tring
An oscillation or a vibration is a cycle.
Compare the answers obtained. You will find that the results are
approximately equal.
Divide the measured time by the number of oscillations. You will
find that the result T obtained is always the same.
Vibrations and waves
In this experiment, the time Tis called a period. Galileo Galilei
T he first to discover that a
In general, the period T is the constant interval of time a vibrat
pendulum always takes the
ing object takes to make one vibration.
same time to swing to-and-fro
In SI units, the period is measured in seconds (s). was the Italian physicist
Galileo Galilei (1564-1642).
His discovery was later used
Frequency to make clocks.
Frequency f is the number of cycles a vibrating object completes
per second. It is the inverse of the period:
f = number of cycles I time taken
f= ..l
In SI units, since the time is measured in seconds, the fre
quency is measured in 1/second or s-1 This unit is called the
hertz (Hz), after the German physicist Heinrich Hertz (1857-
1894), who discovered the existence of radio waves in 1887.
The amplitude of a vibratory motion is the maximum displace
ment of the vibrating object in either direction measured from
the equilibrium position. Figure 7.5. Pendulum clock.
The amplitude is equal to one half the distance traveled
between the two extreme positions of the vibrating object. For
example, in the oscillation of the mass tied to a spring, shown
in figure 7.1, the amplitude is the distance OA or OB.
Fix one end of a long rope (or string) to a fixed support.
Tie a ribbon at a certain point M and stretch the rope in a horizon
tal position (Figure 7. 7). Snap the other end O of the rope up and
down, only once. This produces a hump that travels along the rope
towards its fixed end.
As the hump passes by point M, the ribbon moves up and down
without traveling along with the hump.
Now swing your hand up and down several times so that the end
O of the rope oscillates around its rest position at an approximate
ly constant frequency. Several humps travel towards the fixed end,
causing the ribbon to move up and down several times without trav
eling along with the hump.
Figure 7.7. Hump traveling along a rope.
Place a piece of cork on the surface of water in a ripple tank, away
from the dipper. (Read about ripple tanks at the end of this chap
Set up the tank to produce circular waves.
Start the vibrations of the dipper.
The piece of cork moves up and down but does not move in the
direction of the propagation of the waves.
If you measure the distance between two consecutive crests or
troughs, you will find that it is always the same on the surface of the
water. This distance is traveled during a period T of the vibrating
source and is called the wavelength of the wave.
Figure 7.9 represents the wave train along one direction of propaga
tion. The pattern shown is a sinusoidal curve. The wavelength corre
!A �
sponds to the distance AB or CD. of\ /� B c �
The wavelength is represented by the Greek letter 'A (pronounced:
I! -V-
lambda). In SI units, 'A is measured in meters. 1 '
Speed of propagation
In a homogeneous medium, a traveling wave has a constant Figure 7 .9. Pattern of waves along one
speed of propagation direction of propagation.
Since a wave travels a distance "A during a time equal to one
period T, its speed is:
Example 7.2
The wavelength of a water wave in a pool is 0.8 m and its speed of Figure 7 .10. Speed v of propagation of the
propagation is 0.2 mis. Find the period and the frequency of the wave and speed u of motion of a particle of
the medium.
The relation between the speed, the wavelength and the period is:
v=AI T Therefore T=).Iv= 0.8 I0.2 = 4 s.
The frequency is given by: f = 1 IT= 1 I4 = 0.25 Hz.
Direction of
vibration of
Longitudinal waves
Sound waves
Sound waves are longitudinal. When a sound wave passes a
given region, it makes the particles of that region vibrate in the Figure 7.13. Longitudinal waves along a
slinky spring.
direction of motion of the wave (Figure 7.14).
Human vocal chords and loud speakers are examples of emitters ..,._________ .,.
of sound waves. When talking, the vibrations of the vocal chords
are transmitted to air molecules. Similarly, the vibration of the
membrane of a loudspeaker sets air molecules vibrating in the
direction of propagation of the sound.
Experiment 7.5
Connect a loudspeaker to the poles of a low frequency generator
(LFG). Use a sinusoidal voltage of frequency of 100 Hz; you hear a
Connect a microphone to an oscilloscope and place it at some dis
tance from the loudspeaker. You will observe, on the screen of the
oscilloscope, a sinusoidal wave (Figure 7.15).
Knowing the vertical sensitivity of the oscilloscope, measure the frequency
frequency of this wave; you find that it is equal to the frequency generator
given by the LFG.
Increase the amplitude of the sinusoidal voltage; you will hear a
louder sound and observe that the amplitude of the wave shown on �
the screen increases.
11--------. microphone
Figure 7 .15.
4 6
10·" 10·" 10
10 2 10 10 Wavelength
Y rays Radio waves (m)
Lon waves
_._ _ __ .. ......
• •
. · ·.·. ·
Visible spectrum
Ultra �
violet Infrared
Y(l0 1 'Hz) 7.5 6 4
Since it is difficult to perform measurements on the ripples while they are moving continuously, we
use a stroboscope to 'freeze' them.
A stroboscope is a lighting device that goes on and off regularly with an adjustable frequency which
can be made equal to that of the wave. When the stroboscope is used with a ripple tank, the waves
appear stationary.
Figure 7.19. Dipper used to produce plane waves. On the surface of the water,
these appear as rectilinear ripples.
Figure 7.18. Ripple tank.
! Summary
* A vibration or an oscillation is a to-and-fro motion of an object between two
: *
extreme positions.
A vibration produces a wave with the same frequency, period, and
* In a given medium, a wave propagates with constant speed and frequency.
* A wave is characterized by its frequency, period, amplitude, wavelength, and
* Waves can be transverse or longitudinal.
* Mechanical waves do not travel in vacuum; they need a material medium
to propagate in.
* Electromagnetic waves are produced by oscillating charges. They can
propagate in both vacuum and other mediums.
* In vacuum, all electromagnetic waves travel with the same speed.
* A ripple tank is an apparatus used in laboratories to produce and observe
water waves.
3. A wave travels in a certain medium. What 8. What does a traveling wave transport?
is the relation between its frequency, its
speed, and its wavelength? 9. Fill in the blanks:
a. The speed of propagation of a wave is
4. What is the difference between a trans ......... of the form of the wave, and
verse and a longitudinal wave? ........ on the nature of the medium.
b. Sound waves propagate in air in ........ .
5. The frequency of a wave is increased. directions.
Does its period increase or decrease?
10. True or False: cribed by a particle of the medium, under
a. Sound does not propagate in vacuum. going a vibratory motion of amplitude 2 cm?
b. A plane wave and a circular wave of the
same frequency propagate on the surface 6. List two differences between mechanical
of water with the same speed and the and electromagnetic waves.
same wavelength.
c. The wave that propagates on the surface PROBLEMS
of a liquid is a longitudinal wave.
d. The distance traveled by a wave during
a vibration of the source is called a Our favorite radio station operates at a
wavelength. frequency of 90 MHz (1 MHz = 106 Hz).
e. Light propagating in a material medium The wavelength of the emitted waves is
is a mechanical wave. 3.33 m. What are the period and the speed
f. White light propagating in vacuum is an of the wave?
electromagnetic wave.
.All electromagnetic waves travel in vacu
Fill in the blanks: um at the speed of c = 3xl0B mis. Find the
11. Electromagnetic waves are produced by wavelength of microwaves of frequency 1010
b. Sound waves are .......... waves.
c. A .... ..... is an apparatus used to study • A dipper sends 300 ripples per minute
waves. across a water tank. The distance separating
d. The number of oscillations completed two successive ripples is found to be 3 cm.
by a vibrating source in one second is Find the wavelength, the period, and the
the ........ of the source. speed of the produced waves.
• Distinguish between reflection and refraction of waves
• Define the index of refraction
Not all waves are circular. For example, we can produce plane
waves in a ripple tank by using a vertical plane strip as a dipper
(Figure 8.2). Spherical sound waves are produced when a fire
cracker explodes in air (Figure 8.3).
Figure 8.2. Plane waves in a ripple tank.
The direction of travel of the waves is always perpendicular to the wave
fronts: it is a ray.
In the case of light, this ray is called a light ray.
Expriment 8.1
Produce plane wavefronts on the surface of a ripple tank.
Place a metal strip or a ruler perpendicular to the surface of the water
and oblique with respect to the waves (Figure 8.4). incident ra s
You will observe that the waves move away from the strip.
The waves that strike the strip are called incident waves, and those
that move away from the strip are the reflected waves. The sudden
change of direction of the waves at the strip is called reflection.
Figure 8.4. Reflection of plane parallel
waves on a planobstacle.
From this observation, we conclude that:
Incident plane parallel waves are reflected as plane parallel waves.
Experiment 8.2
Repeat experiment 8.1 using a point source of waves.
Experiment 8.3
In an empty ripple tank, place a rectangular glass plate of thickness
Pour water into the tank unti I it just covers the glass plate (Figure 8. 7).
You will obtain two regions of different depths.
Plane parallel waves, of frequency f, strike the boundary between the Figure 8.7. Refraction of waves.
deep and shallow water obliquely.
You observe that the waves leaving the edge of the plate are also paral
lel to each other but have a direction different from that of the incident
waves (Figure 8.8).
Use a stroboscope to 'freeze' the waves.
Measure the wavelength t.1 of the incident waves and the wavelength t.2
of the waves that crossed the boundary.
You wi11 find that the two wavelengths are different: t.2 < t.1.
* A ray is a straight line perpendicular to wavefronts and falling along their
direction of travel.
* In the reflection of waves, the incident and reflected waves have the same
frequencies, wavelengths, and speeds.
* In the refraction of waves, the incident and refracted waves have the same
frequencies but different wavelengths and speeds.
* The index of refraction of a transparent medium is the ratio of the speed
of light in vacuum to its speed in the medium.
I· I I
reflection and refraction of waves?
3. True or False:
a. A reflected wave has the same
frequency as an incident wave. x
b. A refracted wave has the same Figure 8.11
wavelength as an incident wave.
c. The frequency of a wave refracted from
air into water is smaller than that of its 3. In figure 8.12, PQ represents the edge of
incident wave. a glass plate placed in a ripple tank so as to
d. The speed of propagation of a reflect make a region of shallow water. Complete the
ed diagram, showing the refracted waves.
wave is smaller than that of an
incident wave.
e. The speed of propagation of a
refracted wave in water is greater than
that of an incident wave in air.
4. Fill in the blanks:
a. The wavefronts of ........ waves are
concentric circles. Q
b. The wavefronts of ........ waves are
parallel straight lines.
c. The wavefronts of spherical waves are
Figure 8.13
Optics is a very old science. In the 3rd century BC, the mathematician Euclid stud
ied geometrical optics and believed that light is emitted from the eye and envelops
the object the eye sees. In the 9th century, the Arab scientist lbn-AI-Haitham, known
in the West as Alhazen, after dissecting the eye, discovered that it was a receiver of
light. He described its structure and gave the relation between the distance of a lens
to an object and its image. During the 17th century, the French philosopher and
mathematician Rene Descartes (1596-1650) improved on the work of lbn-AI
Haitham and established the final form of the latter's relation. Later in the same cen
tury, the English physicist Isaac Newton (1642-1727) discovered the dispersion of
Optics is the science that allows us to understand how we see objects around us and
observe the universe. Among its many contributions, it has allowed us to see very
distant stars, which are millions of light-years away, and viruses, magnified thou
sands of times.
1 09
Propagation of light
• Know that Iight propagates in straight Iines
• Identify different types of beams of Iight
• Distinguish between an object and an image
• Identify real and virtual images
Experiment 9.1
Place a triangular obstacle P between a lit candle B and a screen E par
allel to P (Figure 9.1).
Experiment 9.2
Let a candle C illuminate a large circular hole H made in a cardboard P
(Figure 9.2).
You observe an illuminated circular region on another board P' placed
behind P and parallel to it.
Experiment 9.3
Drill 3 holes, one in each of 3 cardboards P 1 , P2 , and P3.
Place the cardboards parallel to each other.
Light a candle and place it to the left of the cardboards (Figure 9.3).
Look through the third hole from the right.
You can only see the flame if your eye, the three holes, and the flame
all lie on the same straight line. If you displace one of the cardboards,
your eye, or the candle up or down, or right or left, you will not be able
Figure 9.3. Light from the candle can be
to see the flame any more.
seen if the flame, the three holes, and the eye
lie on a straight line.
Propagation of light
_________ JJJ___________
The above experiments clearly show that light propagates in
straight lines. This is referred to as the principle of rectilinear
propagation of light.
Figure 9.6. Convergent beam of light. Figure 9.7. The beam issued from F towards the screen is divergent.
Summary I
* Light propagates in straight lines.
* Beams of light can be converging, diverging, or parallel.
* Real images are formed by converging beams of light emerging from optical
systems and can be collected on a screen.
* Virtual images appear to issue divergent beams of light emerging from optical
systems and cannot be collected on a screen.
Propagation of light
1. Describe a si mpie experiment that 1. The famous mathematician Euclid believed
demonstrates the pri nci pie of recti Ii near that objects are seen when light is issued from
propagation of Iight. our eyes towards the object. Do you agree with
him? If not, give a counter example.
2. Draw a convergent beam, a divergent beam,
and a cylindrical beam. 2. A girl climbs a hill. Which part of a tree,
located on the other side of the hi11, does she
3. A square plate is placed between a point see first? Why?
source of light and a screen. What is the shape
of the shadow thrown on the screen? Assume 3. When do we observe an eclipse of the
the source lies on the axis of the plate and that moon? Draw the pictures corresponding to a
the plate is parallel to the screen. partial and total eclipse.
4. Is the shadow, formed in question (3) 4. When do we observe an eclipse of the sun?
above, of the same dimensions as the plate? Of Show, by a graphical construction, places on
larger dimensions? Of smaller dimensions? Earth where partial and total eclipses of the Sun
Illustrate by drawing a figure. can be seen.
5. Is the image seen through a plane mirror 5. A thin piece of paper burns if sunlight is
real or virtual? Explain. focused on it by means of a magnifier. Why does
not the paper burn by exposing it to direct sun
6. Complete the following sentences: light?
a. A point object is the vertex of a ........
beam. 6. When sunlight is focused by means of a
b. A real point image is the vertex of a magnifier, what are the object, the optical
........ beam. system, and the image? Is the image real or
c. Light rays are perpendicular to the virtual?
........ of the I ight waves.
d. The path followed by light from one
point to another is not changed when
the ........ of propagation of Iight is PROBLEMS
e. A ......... image is visible to the eye, but • A square plate P of center O and side 10cm
it cannot be formed on a ........ is placed between a point source S and a screen
E. The plate and the screen are parallel and
7. True or False. Correct the false statements: 40cm apart, and SO= 20cm. Determine the side
a. In a transparent medium, light moves faster of the shadow seen on the screen, Knowing that
than it does in vacuum. S is placed along the axis of the plate P.
b. In the same medium, the principle of
rectilinear propagation of light is • A pinhole camera consists of a cube with a hole
always valid. in one face and a pane of dark glass making the oppo
c. For light to propagate, a transparent site face. This pinhole camera is used to take a pic
medium is required. ture of a person of height l .8m standing 6m away
d. The speed of light in air is greater than from the camera. The depth of the camera, from hole
its speed in vacuum. to screen, is 40cm. Find the height of the image of
the person.
• State and apply the laws of reflection.
• State and apply the principle of reversibility of light.
• List the characteristics of the image given by a plane mirror.
• Compare the fields of vision of plane and convex mirrors.
surface at the point of incidence is called the normal to the surface
(Figure 10.2).
The plane formed by the incident ray and the normal is called the
plane of incidence.
The angle i between the incident ray and the normal is called the A 0
angle of incidence and that between the reflected ray and the
Figure 10.2. Graphical representation of
normal, r, is called the angle of reflection. reflection.
··-------------------�----------------� -----w--
Reflection of light
Experiment 10.1
Place a plane mirror M vertically in such a way that its straight edge
coincides with the diameter of a graduated disk lying on a horizontal
plane (Figure 10.4).
Direct a narrow beam of light, or a laser beam, towards the center O of
the disk. Adjust the beam to graze the surface of the disk.
This incident beam is represented by the ray AO (Figure 10.5).
Observe the reflected beam OB. It also grazes the surface of the disk.
Measure angles AOH and HOB. You will find that they are equal.
Change the value of angle AOH. You will still find that the two angles
are equal.
Figure 10.4. Experiment to prove the
laws of reflection.
Question 10.1
Find the angle of deviation of the incident ray upon reflection (i.e.
the angle between the incident ray and the reflected ray). Figure 10.5. Laws of reflection.
Experiment 10.2
Repeat experiment 10. l interchanging the incident and reflected
rays (Figure 10.6).
You will observe that M reflects BO along OA.
117 --------·
Reflection of light
This means that if the incident ray falls along the initial path
of the reflected ray, the latter follows the path of the initial
incident ray.
This result is known as the principle of reversibility of light:
The path of light is independent of its direction of ropagation.
A plane mirror is a polished plane surface that reflects light falling Figure 10.6. Reversibility of light.
on it.
The most common plane mirrors are made of thin glass plates
covered on one side with a silver or tin compound protected by
paint (Figure 10.7).
Other examples of plane mirrors are smooth plane metallic
surfaces and still water surfaces.
What you saw from the side of A is actually the image of the
flame of candle A through the plane mirror. The image of the
flame does not emit light although it appears to do so: it is a
virtual image.
This result is general :
If an object is placed parallel to a plane mirror and in front of it
its image has the following properties:
- It is virtual.
- It is of the same size as the object.
- Its distance from the mirror is equal to that of the
object from the mirror. Figure 10.8. Image formed by a plane
- It is not inverted along the vertical direction. mirror.
- It is laterally inverted (the image of a right hand is a left hand).
Reflection of light
Construction of the image
Reflection of light
____________ 1_!�------------·
Field of vision of a convex mirror
Experiment 10.4
Verification of the laws of reflection
Figure 10.12. Field of vision of a convex mirror.
Place a plane mirror M vertically on a piece of cardboard lying on
a horizontal table.
points A' and B' lie on the same straight line. Along this line, and 0
in front of the mirror, insert two additional pins C and E.
On the board, draw the lines D and D' passing respectively through B'
A&B, and C&E. You will find that D and D' intersect at point O on
the mirror. Draw the normal OH to the mirror. A'
D represents the incident ray, D' the reflected ray, and OH the
Figure 10.13.
Measure the angles of incidence and of reflection.
You find that the two angles are equal, which verifies the second
law of reflection.
�--------- ------------------------------------
Reflection of light
* Reflection is the sudden change in the direction of propagation of light
falling on a polished surface.
* When an incident ray falls on a reflecting surface, it is reflected and obeys the
following laws:
- The incident ray, the reflected ray, and the normal at the point of
incidence all lie in the same plane.
- The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.
* The path of a ray of light is independent of its direction of propagation: this
is the principle of reversibility of light.
* The image of an object, given by a plane mirror, is virtual and symmetric
of the object with respect to the mirror.
* For the same position of an observer, the field of vision of a convex mirror
is larger than that of a plane mirror of the same dimensions.
Reflection of light
---------- J_?J_ --------·
- In front of the mirror. eye with the same speed?
- On the surface of the mirror.
- Behind the mirror. 7. The field of vision of a plane mirror is
c. A cinema screen receives light from a determined with respect to a given position of
projector and reflects it to the an observer. Does this field include the
spectators. The reflection is: observer himself? Verify by constructing a
- Regular, like that on plane mirrors. figure.
- Diffuse.
- An optica I i11usion.
d. On a vertical paper facing a vertical
plane mirror, we read the number 118.The
number we read through the mirror is:
- 811 • The angle between an incident ray and
- 181 the corresponding reflected ray is 70°. What
- 118 are the angles of incidence and reflection?
e. Sarni is 50 cm from a vertical mirror. He
moves 20 cm away. The distance between • You are given a circular plane mirror of
his image and himself is then: diameter d and a convex spherical mirror of the
- 100 cm same diameter. On the same sheet of paper, draw
- 120 cm the limits of the field of vision of each mirror for
- 140 cm the same observer. Compare the two fields.
Figure 10.14 6cm
Experiment 11.1
Use a ray box or a laser source to direct a thin beam of light
Figure 11.1 An oblique rod, partly immersed
obliquely on the plane surface of a graduated right semi-cylindrical
in water, appears sharply bent at the water
piece of glass (Figure 11.2). surface.
You wi11 observe that part of the I ight is reflected on the surface
(according to the laws of reflection) while the other part bends upon
entering the piece of glass.
Draw a diagram to represent the bending of the light.
Refraction of light
____________ 1�-�----------·
starer: rr mm r
Experiment 11.2
Repeat experiment 11.1 (Figure 11.4) by directing the beam of
I ight so that it grazes the surface of the table and strikes the semi
cylindrical glass at its center 0.
The refracted ray OR also grazes the surface of the table. ill
Record the values you obtain in a table, together with the values of
their sines.
Calculate the ratio sin i 1 I sin i2 . You will find that it is approximately Figure 11.4. Verification of the laws of refrac
constant. tion.
If the index n2 of glass is known, compare the ratios sin i 1 I sin i2 and
n2 I n 1 .
Example 11.1
Light crosses from air with an angle of incidence i1 = 60 ° to anoth
er medium where the angle of refraction is i2 = 30 °. Determine the
index of refraction of the second medium.
apply the 2 n d law of refraction: �= �
sin i2 n1
n2 = n 1 �
sin i 2
For air n 1 = 1, Therefore
n2 lx sin 60: 2 _1:::--
= '13 = 1.73
sin 30 = -1
Symmetric form of the second law of refraction
The second law of refraction is often written in the symmetric form:
sin i 2 n 1
n1 . sin i 1 = n 2 . sin i 2
The symmetric form of the 2nd law of refraction does not specify which
one is the medium of incidence and which is the medium of refraction.
This means that the two mediums can be interchanged without violat
ing the laws of refraction, which verifies the principle of reversibility of
Important special cases
1. If i 1 = 0, sin i 1 = 0 then sin i 2 = 0 and i 2 = 0
This means that an incident ray normal to the interface between
air and a transparent medium is not deviated.
2. If each of the angles i 1 and i 2 is small (less< 10° ), then the
angle, expressed in radians, is approximated by its sine: sin i 1 .:::
i 1 and sin i 2.::: i 2. The second law of refraction becomes:
Refraction of light
Experiment 11.3
Using the same experimental setup as in figure 11.5, change the
position of the source of I ight, keeping the beam perpendicular to
the cylindrical surface (Figure 11.6). In, I
Rotate the source around the glass so that the angle of incidence (n,)
You will notice that the angle of refraction (in air) is always larger
than the angle of incidence (in glass).
You will also notice that, when the angle of incidence reaches a cer
tain critical value 'A, the emerging beam of light grazes the plane Figure 11.5. n 1 and i 1 refer to medium 1, and
surface of the glass and that, for angles of incidence larger than 'A, n1 and i 1 to medium 2.
light does not emerge from the semi-cylindrical glass at O; all the
light is then reflected at point O on the interface between glass and
air (Figure 11.6).
Experiment 11.4
Using the setup of the previous experiment, direct the beam of light
in air on the plane surface of the semi-cylindrical piece of glass.
Start with normal incidence and gradually increase the angle of
The beam of light always refracts into the glass toward the normal,
and total internal reflection does not occur.
Question 11.1
Is total internal reflection possible when light crosses from diamond to
ethyl alcohol? From ethyl alcohol to diamond? From glass to flint? (Refer
to table 8.1 of chapter 8).
Question 11.2
Show that, when light crosses from an optically light medium to an
optically denser medium, if i 1 = 90 °, then i2 = 'A.
Figure 11.7. Prisms
Experiment 11.5
Direct a beam of white light to the surface of a prism as in figure Figure 11.8. Representation of a prism.
Refraction of light
-�----- -----------
A prism bends a ray of light twice towards its base: once at each
of its plane surfaces.
Let us compare the bending of two rays contained in the beam
of white light: a red ray and a violet ray. Red light has a larger
wavelength than violet light. Since the index of refraction
decreases with increasing wavelength, the index of refraction of
the prism is therefore lower for red I ight than for violet I ight. The
red ray then bends less than the violet ray. Figure 11.10. Rainbow.
The rainbow
The dispersion of white light coming from the Sun causes the
formation of rainbows (Figure 11.10).
Sunlight is intercepted by raindrops in the atmosphere. Some of
the light refracts into the raindrop, reflects on the drop's inner
surface, and refracts again into the air (Figure 11.11). Each of
the two refractions contributes to the angular separation of the
Figure 11.11. Dispersion of white light by
colors of white I ight.
moisture droplets to form a rainbow.
An optical fiber, also called light rod, is
usually made of a flexible transparent Optical fibers are used in medicine for
glass of index of refraction n 2 coated the examination of the inner surfaces
with another transparent substance of of hollow organs of the human body
index n 1 so that n 1 < n 2 . The light rod (endoscopes): the stomach (gastro
is made very thin, as thin as 15 mm, scope), the urinary bladder (cyto
and is coated with a layer of opaque scope), the lungs (bronchoscope), etc.
paint (Figure In the gastroscope, an optical fiber is
11.12). inserted into the stomach through the
throat. Light is reflected by the stom
Light enter ach wal I to the fiber and forms an
ing one end image on the film of a camera attached
of the light to the upper
rod suffers end of the
successive fiber. This
total internal Figure 11.12. Longitudinal sec enables doc
retlections at tion of an optical fiber. tors to detect
the boundary irregularities
separating glass from its coating. Light on the inner
is therefore guided along curved paths
(Figure 11. 13). Figure 11.13. Path of I ight in
an optical fiber.
----- ·- --·------------
130 ------- -- - -
Refraction of light
m t " r:rr r a an ;;
surface of the stomach. nal reflections inside the glass fiber that
can transmit a large number of calls in
Another important application lies in both directions and at the same time.
telecommunications. One optical fiber
replaces the thousands of wires used to
connect telephone stations. The tele
phone signals are transmitted as laser
light that undergoes successive total inter-
* Refraction is the sudden change in the direction of light when it crosses obliquely
the surface separating two transparent media.
* 1st law of refraction: the incident ray, the refracted ray and the normal to the
I refracting surface at the point of incidence all lie in the same plane.
2nd law of refraction: n 1 sin i 1 = n 2 sin i2
For small angles of incidence the second law reduces to Kepler's law: n 1 . i 1 = n2 . i2
Total internal reflection occurs when light in an optically denser medium strikes the
surface of separation with another medium at an angle of incidence greater than
the critical angle.
* White light is dispersed into its component colors by a prism.
* Optical fibers are used in medicine and telecommunications. 1
--- I
TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE Refraction changes the ........ but
not the ........
A cylindrical beam is incident from air
onto water. Is the refracted beam cylindrical,
b. For light to pass from medium (1) of
converging, or diverging? ndex n 1 to medium (2) of index n2 < n 1,
the angle of incidence must be
2. Do you observe total internal reflection ........ than the ........ angle.
as light crosses from water of index nw = 1.33 c. The critical angle of refraction 'A,
to a glass of index ng = 1.50? Why? What if between two mediums of indices n 1
light crosses from the glass to water? and n2 such that n2 < n 1 is given by
3. Complete the following sentences: sin 'A,= .........
On hot days, one feels as if water were cov i1 10' 20° 30° 40° 50° 60' 70° 80°
ering sand or asphalt roads ahead. Explain.
12 8' 15.50 22.50' 29° 35° 40.50° 45.50 50'
Show, by ray tracing, why a fish in a pool
appears closer to water surface than it really is.
a. Are these results consistent with the second
In an experiment on the dispersion of law of refraction?
sunlight by a prism, list the colors of the b. If so, find the index of refraction.
spectrum, starting by the least deviated one.
You are standing on the shore of a lake. • A coin is placed at the bottom of a con
Would a fish, observing you from the lake, see tainer of depth d filled with a liquid of index
your head higher or lower than it really is? of refraction n. Show that rays issued from a
point of the coin, close to the normal, appear
In the tenth century, lbn-al- Haytham was to come from a point of distance d I n from
able to explain why one can see the Sun shortly the surface.
after sunset by assuming that the atmosphere
consisted of successive layers of transparent air
of decreasing densities as you go upwards. ABC is a section of a right isosceles prism
Assume that the index of refraction of air increas (Figure 11.15) whose index of refraction is n =
es with increasing density, and explain how lbn 1.5. Trace the path of a ray of light incident on
al-Haytham would have reasoned. Apply the the prism normal to AC.
same assumption to the fact that we start seeing
the Sun before sunrise.
• An observer has his eye level with the 45
Refraction of light
Light crosses from medium 1 of index • Figure 11.17 represents a section of a glass
• cube, perpendicular to its edge, and SI an incident
3f to medium 2 of index ; . Determine the ray lying in this section. The cube is immersed in
water. The critical angle for total internal reflection
angle of refraction if the angle of incidence is from glass to water is 'A = 63°.
30 °, 45°, and 60° respectively. a. The refractive index of water is 4/3.
Calculate that of glass.
b. If IA = AD I 5, how should the angle of
• In problem 6, can one observe total inter
nal reflection if Iight crosses from medium 2 to incidence be chosen so that the refracted
medium 1? From medium 1 to medium 2? If ray reaches face AB?
yes, determine the critical angle. c. This being the case, draw the path followed
by light for i = 45° and i = 90°.
• A ray of light is incident in air on the face
AB of an optical fiber (Figure 11.16) with an
angle of incidence i8 . A B
a. Determine the angle of refraction r in
terms of n 2 and i8. I
b. Calculate cos r in terms of n 2 and i 8.
c. Show that ray I I' undergoes successive glass
total internal reflections if
sin i8 < � (n22 - n 12 )
D c
Figure 11.17.
r' n1
Figure 11.16.
We are all familiar with magnifying glasses, cameras, microscopes, eye
glasses, and spy glasses. In each of these instruments, lenses play an
essential role. The purpose of this chapter is to study lenses.
---+R 1 =oo
R 2 =oo
R2 R2
o, o, o, 0 1 02
Lenses 135
A biconvex lens is represented in figure 12.3. 0 1 and 0 2 are the cen
ters of the two spherical surfaces that limit the lens. The two radii
R 1 and R 2 of these spheres are called the radii of curvature of the {l) 12)
The line joining 0 1 and 0 2 is called the principal axis of the lens.
In commonly used lenses, the thickness A 1 A2 along the principal
axis is very small compared to the distance 0 1 0 2 making the lens a
thin lens. Points A 1 and A2 nearly coincide at a point O called the
optical center of the lens.
12.3 CONVERGING AND DIVERGING LENSES Figure 12.3. Geometrical features of a lens.
Experiment 12.1
With one hand, hold a lens of one of the forms shown in figure
12.2a, b, or c (Figure 12.4).
Intercept sun rays with the lens placed perpendicular to their direc
With the other hand, hold a screen, a piece of cardboard for
Change the screen-lens distance to minimize the size of the spot
Repeat the experiment by letting the light fall on the other side of
the lens.
You observe the same resu It. Figure 12.4. Converging lens and its focus.
-----------..---------------------------- - --
Experiment 12.2
Repeat experiment 12.1 by using one of the lenses shown in
figure 12.2d, e, or f. (Figure 12.6).
For any position of the screen, sunlight is diverged by the lens, and
the illuminated area on the screen is always bigger than the lens.
Furthermore, the light emerging from the lens seems to come from
a small region behind the lens, on the side of the sun.
Figure 12.6. Diverging lens and its focus.
Repeat the experiment by letting light fall on the other side of the
lens. You observe identical results.
Converging lenses
Figure 12.8. Light passing through the opti
cal center of a converging lens is not deviated
Experiment 12.3 by the lens.
This experiment shows that any ray passing through the optical center
of a converging lens leaves the lens without deviation.
We have seen that an incident ray parallel to the principal axis
emerges from the lens passing through the focus F'. Due to the rever
sibility of light, any incident ray passing through the focus F emerges
parallel to the principal axis. Figure 12.9 .. Three incident rays and their
It is therefore possible to trace the emerging rays corresponding to corresponding rays emerging from a conver
three different incident rays. Figure 12.9 shows these rays. ging lens.
7 '.'.
Diverging lenses
diverging lens
Experiment 12.4 screen
Repeat experiment 12.3, replacing the converging lens by a diver
ging lens (Figure 12.10).
You will also observe that the beam leaves the lens without deviation
This experiment shows that any ray passing through the optical
Figure 12.10. Light passing through the opti
center of a diverging lens leaves the lens without deviation. cal center of a diverging lens is not deviated
We have seen that an incident ray parallel to the principal axis by the lens.
emerges from the lens seeming to come from the focus F'.
Due to the reversibility of light, any incident ray directed towards
the focus F emerges parallel to the principal axis.
All this provides us with the possibility of tracing the emerging
rays corresponding to three different incident rays. Figure 12.11
shows these rays.
12.5 OBJECTS AND IMAGES Figure 12.11.. Three incident rays and their cor
responding rays emerging from a diverging lens.
Experiment 12.5
On an optical bench (Figure 12.12), mount three movable stands
carrying a screen S', a converging lens of known focal length f, and
a screen S in which an arrow AB is cut. Let the light issued from a
lamp fall on the slit AB.
- For large values of p (p > 2f), a real image A'B' is seen on screen
S'. It is smaller than AB and inverted. The image is shown in figu Figure 12.13. Image of an object placed at a large
re 12.13 as obtained by ray tracing. distance from a converging lens.
- For smaller values of p (f < p < 2f), the image is still real and
inverted, but it is magnified (Figure 12.14).
- For still smaller values of p (p < f), no real image is seen on the
screen. If you look through the lens from the side of screen S', you
see a straight and magnified image behind the lens. This image is
virtual (Figure 12.15).
Lenses 139
Table 12.1
Image-lens distances corresponding to different
object lens distances
You find that the sum l+ l, has approximately the same value
p p
for all values of p.
Calculate the inverse of the focal length 1/f = 1/0.112 = 8.93.
You find that:
p p' f
The relation
positive sense
, pf positive sense
P= - B
p-f p
Example 12.1
Determine the position and nature of the image of an object placed
20cm from a converging lens of focal length 10 cm.
Since the lens is converging f > 0
Apply Descartes' position formula
p' = .E.!.. => p'= 20xl0 = 20cm
p-f 20-10
p' > 0 => the image is real
The calculated value of p' is positive, therefore the image is real.
The distances from each of the object and the image to the lens
are equal whenever p = 2f
--------- 140 ______ . ------- �M�e�
Question 12.1
Using Descartes' formula in a converging lens, show that, if p = 2f, then p = p'.
Example 12.2
A diverging lens of focal length 1 Ocm gives a virtual image of an object at 5cm from the lens. Find the
position of the object
Since the lens is diverging and the image is virtual, we have:
f = -10 cm and p' = -5 cm
Applying Descartes' formula 1- .l = l_ => p =....121.= (-5) x (-10) = 10 cm
p p' f p'-f (-5) - (-10)
The object is placed at 10 cm in front of the lens
ratio : Y=A'B' . We can verify experimentally (or prove mathematically) that this ratio is equal
to that of the distances of the object and the corresponding image from the lens.
Question 12.2
Referring to figure 12.13, prove that A'B'
-=- = - -
Example 12.3
The length of the object in example 12.1 is 2cm. Find the length of the corresponding image.
Apply the formula of the linear magnification:
The image is inverted with respect to the object and has a length of 2cm.
Note that the object and the image have the same length. This is always the case when p = 2f.
Lenses for vision correction are usually described by their power. The power of a lens is defined as
the reciprocal of the focal length:
P =T
In SI units, f being measured in meters, the power is measured in diopters (d) or m-1.
The power is positive for converging lenses and negative for diverging lenses
* A spherical lens is a transparent medium bounded by two spherical I
surfaces or by a plane surface and a spherical surface.
* Thin lenses are either converging or diverging.
* Converging lenses may have three different forms: biconvex, piano-convex,
or converging meniscus.
* Diverging lenses may also have three different forms: biconcave, plano-
concave, or diverging meniscus.
* A converging lens gives a real image of an object as long as p > f
* A diverging lens always gives a virtual image of an object.
* Descartes' formula lip + lip' = llf applies to all thin lenses provided the
sign convention is followed. -,-, ,
* The linear magnification of a thin lens is defined by the ratio Y = :: =-f
--••u--•- 142_•-------------------�=�-��
I Pl "I 5 'J
Figure 12.18
Lenses 143
• Fill in table 12.2. • A converging lens, of focal length f = 20
cm, gives an image of an object that is four
times larger. Find the positions of the object
Type Converging lens Diverging lens
for which the image is:
p' -30 cm 20 cm a. Real.
b. Virtual.
p 20 cm 20 cm
y 1/2
• A diverging lens off= -20 cm gives a vir
f +15 cm tual image of an object that is four times smal
ler. Find the positions of the object and its
Real image?
Inverted image ? Non
Table 12.2
___________1titi______________________ �:-"_���
• Explain the process of accommodation.
• Define the near point and the far point of clear vision.
• Know some defects of the eye and the corresponding corrections.
• Know the principle of a magnifier and its usage.
• Define the angular magnification of the magnifier.
145 ---------
The eye and the magnifier
The human eye is the organ of vision. It allows us to see objects around us.
Some of the defects of the eye can be corrected by the use of lenses.
People use optical instruments to see the details of small or distant objects.
The simplest of these instruments is the magnifier.
In this chapter, we will study the eye and the magnifier.
The crystalline lens of the eye is elastic. Under the action of muscles
called ciliary muscles, it can be contracted to reduce its focal length
and relaxed to increase it.
Consider an eye looking at a distant car and seeing it clearly with the
ciliary muscles relaxed. In this case, the image of the car is formed
at the focus of the crystalline lens, which coincides exactly with the Figure 13.2. For clear vision, the image is
always formed on the retina.
retina (Figure 13.2).
As the car approaches, and according to Descartes' formula, its
image will be formed behind the retina, which is always at the same
Lens Retina
distance from the crystalline lens. This happens if f, the focal length, A
is constant. To obtain an image on the retina (i.e. for clear vision),
the ciliary muscles compress the crystalline lens to reduce its focal
length. If the car moves away from the observer, its image is formed
ahead of the retina; the muscles relax to focus the image on the reti
Any eye has a range of vision within which it can see objects
The most distant point an eye can see clearly without accom
modation is called the far point located at the maximum dis
tance Li of clear vision from the eye. For a normal eye, the far Figure 13.4. The near point is the closest
point is at infinity and the focus of the lens lies on the retina, point at which the eye can see clearly with
i.e. the normal eye can see very distant objects clearly without maximum accommodation.
accommodation (Figure 13.3).
As the object gets closer, the eye accommodates to see it clear Table 13.1.
ly again. The closest point at which the eye can see clearly with
Variation of 8 with age
maximum accommodation is called the near point, located at Age (years) 8 (in cm)
the minimum distance 8 of clear vision from the eye (Figure 10 7
13.4). 20 10
30 14
For the normal eye of an adult, 8 ranges between 20 and 25 40 22
cm; it increases with age as can be seen from table 13.1. 50 40
The zone between Li and 8 is called the range of distinct vision.
---------------------------- -147
A myopic or shortsighted eye cannot see distant objects clearly. Its
crystalline Jens is more converging than for normal eyes: the image
of an object at infinity is formed, without accommodation, in front
of the retina (Figure 13.5) and the far point is not at infinity.
Accommodation does not correct myopia since it increases the
already large convergence of the crystalline lens. This defect is
corrected by using eyeglasses with diverging lenses that .,____,./
decrease the convergence of the eye and place the far point at
The correcting diverging lens (L 1) gives an image of an object at Figure 13.5. A myopic eye is over-converg
infinity at the far point of the eye (Figure 13.6) so that the eye ing
can see the object clearly without accommodation and thus act
like a normal eye.
If f 1 is the focal length of the correcting lens and a the distance
between the lens and the eye, then (see figure 13.6):
The near point of a myopic eye is closer than that of a normal eye. /"- ,,
With the use of correcting glasses the near point moves away from Figure 13.6. Correcting a myopic eye using
the eye and 8 increases. a diverging lens.
When you look at close tiny objects like an ant, a pin, etc., you
cannot see the details clearly because you see them through
smal I angles. Figure 13.8. Image of a tiny object seen
In order to improve the observation of small objects, a magnifi through a magnifier.
er is used. A magnifier is a converging lens of small focal length
(few cm) which gives of a tiny object placed between its focus
and its optical center, a virtual, erect, and magnified image
(Figure 13.8) seen through a larger angle (Figure 13.9).
The details of an object are best seen with the naked eye when
it is placed at the near point of the eye (Figure 13. 10): Figure 13.9. Angles under which the object
a rd "" tan a= AB I 8 and the image are seen, a.< a.'.
If a' is the angle through which the image is seen under a mag
nifier and a the angle through which the object is seen at the
near point, the angular magnification of the magnifier is defined
Telescopes are optical instruments used to examine the details of distant objects.
Astronomical telescopes give magnified and inverted images of planets and stars. Their objective lens
is a converging lens of a large focal length (from a few centimeters to a few meters) almost equal to
the length of the telescope tube. The eyepiece is also a converging lens of a small focal length that
plays the role of a magnifier. The path of a beam of light inside an astronomical telescope is shown in
figure 13.14.
Terrestrial telescopes give magnified and erect images of far away objects on Earth. The objective lens
is a converging lens of a focal length of 10 cm to 20 cm. The eyepiece used here is a diverging lens.
Figure 13.15 gives the ray diagram for a Galilean telescope, the best known type of terrestrial tele
The eye and the magnifier
The eye and the magnifier
7 ?51 7 Tl # i?J
QUESTIONS • The limits of distinct vision of a certain
eye are 8 = 11 cm and ,1 = 101 cm.
Read about photographic cameras and a. Do you consider this eye as normal,
a. List the similarities in the constitution of myopic, or presbyopic?
the eye and the camera b. This eye uses a lens placed at 1 cm
b. Explain the difference between the from it. It can then see clearly at
focusing of a camera and the infinity without accommodation. What
accommodation of the eye. is the nature of the lens? What is its
focal length?
2. Contrary to the myopic eye, the hyper
metropic eye is less convergent than the • An elderly person cannot read in a book
normal eye. unless he places it at 102 cm from his eyes.
a. Does accommodation allow the eye to Determine the nature and the focal length of
see clearly at infinity? Explain. the lens that he should place 2 cm from his
b. What type of lens would allow that eye eyes so that he can read at 22 cm. Are these
to see clearly at infinity without lenses helpful for viewing distant objects?
accommodation? Why?
3. Why don't we use the magnifier to
examine tiny objects at great distances? • An object of dimension 0.2 mm is exam
ined by an observer using a magnifier of f =
3 cm. The observer places her eye at the
PROBLEMS a. Show that the angle a' through which
the image is seen is independent of
the position of the object between the
• Consider a normal eye of ,1 = oo and 8 = other focus and the lens. Determine
15 cm. The distance between the crystalline this angle a'.
lens and the retina is 15 mm. Determine the b. The near point of vision of the person's
focal length of the eye when: eye is at 24cm. Calculate the angular
a. Viewing very distant objects. magnification of the magnifier.
·b. Viewing objects at the near point.
When you are on a bus, you are in motion with respect to a per
son standing on the sidewalk, and at rest with respect to a per
son on the same bus.
Roll a ball on the surface of a courtyard and observe its motion
(Figure 14.1). The path described by the ball is called its tra
The trajectory of a moving object is the Iine or path described
by this object during its motion.
Figure 14.1. Motion of a ball on the school
When the trajectory is a straight line, the motion is rectilinear. playground.
Question 14.1
In each of the following cases, identify the trajectory of the body and
say if the motion is rectilinear.
a. Motion of a freely falling body between the point where it
is dropped and the ground.
b. Motion of the Earth around the Sun.
c. Motion of a lift between two floors of a building.
d. Motion of a ball on a billiard table between two
consecutive collisions with two other balls.
e. Motion of a car between Beirut and Tripoli.
we study the motion of the Moon around the Earth.
From now on, we will use a terrestrial frame of reference i.e. a
frame attached to the Earth. By taking the instant of the �Mo
launching as the origin of time, we define a time reference with
which we can describe the motion at any instant. Figure 14.2. Different origins and frames of
The time interval between the beginning of the motion of a par
ticle and its arrival at another point is called the duration of the
Example 14.1
Choose, for each of the following motions, an origin of time and a
frame of reference
a. Motion of a lift from the ground floor to the fifth floor.
b. Motion of a ball launched vertically upwards.
c. Motion of a billiard ball between two successive collisions
with other balls.
a. You may choose the starting instant of the motion as the origin
of time, and the vertically upward axis or the building as the frame
of reference.
b. Origin of time: instant t = 0, the launching instant.
Frame of reference: vertical axis directed upward, your body, or the
Example 14.2
)( .. ..x,
At a certain instant, the abscissa of a moving particle with respect
U Figure 14.5. The abscissa and the position
to the frame of reference (0, is x = 3 (Figure 14.6). Determine its vector of a particle depend on the chosen
abscissa with respect to (01 , such that 010 = 2. frame of reference.
Let M represent the particle. M
On the axis ( 01, T\ X=+3
X1 = + 2 + 3 = + 5
Figure 14.6.
,, " ,,
Instantaneous speed
Example 14.3
Figure 14. 9 shows the motion of a puck, left without initial speed
on an inclined air table. The time interval between two consecutive
dots is r = 60 ms.
a. Determine the average speed of the puck between t0 and t3,
t1 and t4, and t2 and t6.
b. Determine the instantaneous speeds of the puck at the instants
t1, t2, and t3. What can you deduce? Figure 14.9. Recording of the motion of the
b.The instantaneous speeds at instants t1 , t 2 and t 3 are:
V1 V0,2 = M0M2 I (t2 - t0) = 13 I (2x60) = 0.108 mm I ms
V2 V1,3 = M1M3 I (t3- t1) = 18 I (2x60) = 0.150 mm I ms
V3 (t4 - t2) = 22 I (2x60) = 0.183 mm I ms
V2,4 = M2M4 I
We deduce that v is increasing.
The knowledge of the instantaneous speed v is not sufficient to
describe the motion of the object. The chosen origin and the
direction of motion must also be known. This information is
given by the velocity vector v--rFigure 14-10) that has the follow _____ ..
direction of motion
ing elements: v
- An origin (the position of the puck at the considered instant). O M x
- A line of action (the rectilinear trajectory).
- A direction (that of the motion at the considered instant).
- A magnitude (the speed at that instant). Figure 14.10. Representation of the veloci
ty vector. The chosen scale is 1 cm to Sm/s. A
The chosen scale determines the length of the velocity speed of Sm/s is represented by a vector of
length lcm.
Example 14.4
A train moves on rectilinear rails. At an instant t, it passes by the
midpoint M of its path and its velocity can be represented by the
vector MN'of length MN= 2 cm drawn to the scale 1 cm to 10 mis
(Figure 14.11).
v M
Determine, at instant t, the direction of the motion and the magni )( ... l(
tude of the velocity in km/h. A N 2 cm t B
The direction of the motion at instant t is that of its velocity at Figure 14.11.
the same instant t, (from B to A).
Referring to the chosen scale, the magnitude of the velocity is:
v = 2 cm x 10 m/s I 1 cm = 20 m/s
Since 1 m/s = 10-3 km x 3600/h = 3.6 km/h
v = 20 x 3.6 = 72 km/h
ure 14-12).
In physics, acceleration is a quantity used to describe the vari Figure 14.12. The starting and stopping of
ations of the velocity with respect to time. a car.
Instantaneous acceleration
The instantaneous acceleration a, at an instant t, is approximate
ly equal to the average acceleration between two instants t 1 and
t2 very close to t so that t 1 < t < t2 .
Acceleration vector -
To describe the motion of a particle, we need, in addition to its
velocity vector, the acceleration vector which has the following -v
-·accelerated motion
elements (Figure 14.13)
retarded or decelerated motio�
- An origin (the position of the particle).
- A line of action (the straight line on which the particle moves).
- A direction (that of the motion if the speed increases and Figure 14.13. Representation of the
opposite to it if the speed decreases). acceleration vector.
- A magnitude (the value of a).
The chosen scale determines the length of the acceleration vec
tor a7
Example 14.5
In example 14.3, determine the average acceleration of the puck
between the instants t 1 and t3 and between t2 and t4 (Figure
The average accelerations are respectively:
a1,3 = (v3 - v1) I 2 'C = (0.183 - 0.108) I (2 x 60 x 10-3)
= 0.62 m I s2
a 2 , 3 = (v 3 - v 2) I 'C = (0.183 - 0.150) I (60 x 10-3)
= 0.55 m I s 2
Example 14.6
Calculate the average acceleration of a car moving along a rectilin
ear path in the positive direction, whose speed changes from 120
km/h to 130 km/h during 5 s. Figure 14.14. Recording of the motion of
the puck.
The given speeds are, in m/s: (1 km/h =1/3.6 m/s)
v1 = 120 x 103 I 3600 = 33.33 mis
V 2 = 130 x 103 I 3600 = 36.11 m/s
The variation of the speed is:
11v = v 2 - v1 = 36.11-33.33 = 2.78 m/s
11t = 5 s,
Therefore a a = 11v I 11t = 2.78 I 5 = 0.56 m/s2
* The notion of rest and motion is relative and depends on the chosen frame
I of reference.
iI * The motion of an object is rectilinear when the trajectory is a straight line.
* The position of a particle at a given instant is determined by the position
* In a rectilinear motion, the average speed of a particle which moves a
distance d during the time interval �t is defined by the ratio Va = jt
* The instantaneous speed (at an instant t) is approximately equal to the
average speed between two instants very close tot which lies between them.
* The speed can be represented by a vector called velocity.
* In SI units, the speed is measured is mis or (m.s-1).
* In rectilinear motion, the average acceleration of a particle whose speed
varies by �v during the time interval �t is defined by the ratio
* In SI units, the acceleration is measured in m/s2 or (m.s-2)·
* The acceleration can be represented by a vector.
4. Define velocity.
Figure 14.18
Description of motion
--------- _1_�-�- --------·
• A car driver moving at a speed of 100 km/h c. Calculate the accelerations at points A 1,
spends 2 s looking at a damaged car at the side A2, A 3, A4, and A 5. What can you
of the road. Calculate the distance covered by his conclude?
car during these 2s.
Figure 14.20
• • • • • •
Figure 14.19.
speed at point A 6. <{ •
b. Use figure 14.21 to calculate the 0
<{ • .;
speeds at points A 1, A 2, A3, A4, and A 5.
figure 14.21 figure 14.22
Experiment 15.1
Verify that the air table is horizontal (Figure 15.1) and choose a
period of impulses 'L
Launch the puck with your hand.
The positions of the center M of the puck are recorded on a paper
at equal intervals of time 't.
Measure the distances covered during each of the intervals 't. They
are approximately equal. Calculate the average speeds between t 1 Figure 15.1. Horizontal air table.
and t 5 and between t 2 and t 7 , and the instantaneous speeds v 1 , v 2 ,
..., v 7, at instants t 1 , t 2 , ... t 7.
Table 15.1
x (mm) 0 12 24 37 50 63 76 88 10 2
xi - x i (mm) 12 12 13 13 13 13 12 14
Rectilinear motion
From this experiment you will conclude that:
a.The trajectory of the puck is a straight line, and the
motion is therefore rectilinear.
b.The distances covered during equal intervals of time are
c.The average speed between any two instants is nearly the
same whatever the interval of time considered is.
d.The instantaneous speed is nearly constant and is equal
to the value of the average speed between any two
You may conclude that the instantaneous velocity vector is the
same at all instants: vt_ = vt_ = . . . = v; because all the elements
of the velocity vector remain the same.
Question 15.1 40
uniform rectilinear motion?
t 2t 3t 4t st 6t 1t at t
15.3). Join the obtained points. These points lie on a straight 0,3
0,2 • • • • • • • •
line passing through the origin.
Rectilinear motion
velocity v = !lx I !lt
=> x = v.t + x0
This is the time equation of uniform rectilinear motion.
If x0 = 0 , then x = v t, which is consistent with the results of the
Figure 15.5. Inclined air table with a= 3 °
Experiment 15.2
Incline the air- table by an angle a= 3 ° (Figure 15.5).
Record the motion, without initial velocity, of the puck on the
2 •
Figure (15.6) is a real recording of this motion with a period 't = 60ms.
2 •
2 •
----------- 1'7'()____________�:.:���:��-�.?!���
rrr: rr : :77 n
Table 15.2
x (mm)
Take as frame of reference the rectilinear trajectory of the
puck, oriented positively in the direction of the motion, and
having as origin O the starting point M 0 .
Take as origin of time t = 0, the instant at which the puck is
at M 0.
Figure 15.8. Variation of v with respect to
With this choice, the abscissa and the speed at t = 0 have the t. The obtained curve is a straight line pass
va I ue of zero. ing through the origin.
Table 15.3
Also note that the ratio 2x is also constant and equal to the
acceleration a. Hence, t
2x =
a => x = l2 at
t 2
x = � a.t2
·----------- 172 ----------------------------
Rectilinear motion
* Rectilinear motion is said to be uniform if the instantaneous speed of the mov
ing object is constant.
* In uniform rectilinear motion, the instantaneous speed of a moving object is equal
to the average speed between any two instants.
* In uniform rectilinear motion, the distance traveled by a moving object is
proportional to the time needed to travel this distance.
* In a frame of reference where the x - axis is the trajectory of the uniform
rectilinear motion directed positively in the direction of motion:
- The speed is v = M
- The time equation is x =vt + x0 where Xo is the abscissa at t = 0.
* Rectilinear motion is said to be uniformly accelerated if its acceleration remains
constant with time.
* If the x - axis is the trajectory of the motion, is oriented positively in the direc
tion of motion, and has the starting point as origin of abscissas, and if t = 0 is
taken at the starting point, the equations of motion of the uniformly accelerated
rectilinear motion are
v =a t and x = a.t 2
Rectilinear motion
b. The acceleration is of the same sign as the
velocity PROBLEMS
c. The acceleration is proportional to time.
• The time equation of a body in recti-
linear motion is x = 10 t + 2 in SI units.
a. What is the nature of its motion?
QUESTIONS b. Determine the positions of the body at
t = 0 and at t = 1 min.
The graphs of figure 15. 9 represent rec c. What is the direction of motion on the
ti Iinear motions. Which of them corresponds x - axis?
to a uniform rectilinear motion? d. What is the acceleration vector?
he graphs of figure 15.10 represent the vari • A car moves at a constant speed of 80
ation of the speed v of a moving point as a func km/h on a rectilinear path. How long does it
tion of time for the given graph of rectilinear take to travel 100 km?
motion. Indicate the type of motion correspond
ing to each graph. Justify your answer. • A cubic block, initially at rest, slides
with constant acceleration on an inclined
plane 10 m long in 2 s. Calculate the accel
eration of the block.
Figure 15.9.
Figure 15.10.
• An electron starts from rest, travels a dis b. Calculate the average speed of the puck
tance of 15 cm with constant acceleration, between any two instants you choose.
and hits a television screen at a speed of Conclude.
3xl06 m Is. Calculate the acceleration of the c. Calculate the instantaneous speed of
electron. the puck at any three instants you
choose. Conclude.
• d. Calculate the average acceleration of
Before taking off, a plane starts from rest
and travels 800 m in 20 s. Assume the accel the puck between any two instants you
eration to be constant and calculate choose. Conclude.
a. The acceleration of the plane before it e. What is the nature of the motion?
takes off.
b. Its speed at the instant it takes off. • Figure 15.12 is a recording of the motion
of the center C of a puck without initial speed
• Figure 15.11 shows the recording of the on an inclined air table, with 'C = 1/50 s.
motion of the center C of a puck thrown on a Answer the same questions as in problem 7.
horizontal air table. The marks on the paper are
separated by equal time intervals t = 1/50 s.
The successive positions of C are: C0 (t0 ),
C 1 (t 1 ), C2 (t 2 ), ...C i (t i ) ..., where t 0 is taken as
origin of time.
a. Compare the distances traveled by the
puck in equal time intervals. Conclude.
•• • • • • •
Figure 15.12
• • • • • • • •
Figure 15.11.
20 40 60 80
igure 15.14 shows the graph (v, t) rep
resenting the variations of the speed of a car Figure 15.14.
on a rectilinear trajectory between points A
and B.
• •
• .
Figure 15.13.
When the racket exerts a force on the bal I, the player feels the
action of the ba11 on the racket in the form of a vibration; if the
force is strong enough, it deforms the net of the racket.
Thus, the racket and the ball exert forces on each other at the
same time. We say that there is an interaction between them. Figure 16.3. The ball falls due to the attrac
tion of the Earth.
Experiment 16.1
Fix a nail and a magnet, each on a piece of cork.·
Place them apart on the surface of water placed in a container
(Figure 16.5).
Keep the magnet fixed and leave the nail free. You observe that the
magnet attracts the nai I. Figure 16.4. The racket changes the motion
of the ball.
This experiment shows that the magnet attracts the nail and
the nail attracts the magnet at the same time. Therefore there
is an interaction between the magnet and the nail.
In electrostatics (see chapter 1), we have seen examples of Figure 16.5. The magnet and the nail
interactions between charges (Figure 16.6) attract each other.
We conclude that a force does not exist alone; forces always
exist in pairs.
In other words, if body A acts on body B, then, at the same
time, body B acts on body A (Figure 16.7).
Note: the pair of forces of interaction do not act on the same body.
Experiment 16.2
Take a spring balance graduated from Oto 5 N.
Fix its upper end Band release its lower end C. The spring balance
indicates zero (Figure 16.8).
Pull the end C vertically downward (Figure 16.9), then obliquely
(Figure 16.10) so that in each case the spring balance indicates 2 N.
c c
Figure 16.9. The spring is vertical due to Figure 16.10. The spring is oblique due to Figure 16.11. Elements of a vector. The
the vertical force exerted by the hand. the oblique force exerted by the hand. chosen scale is 2 cm IN.
Contact forces
Force of traction: the force exerted by the hand for expanding
the spring is called the force of traction.
In a moving train, the locomotive exerts a force of traction on Figure 16.12. Force of traction exerted by
the first wagon (Figure 16.12) which, in turn, exerts a force of the locomotive on the first wagon.
traction on the second wagon and so on.
Tension: when a solid hangs at the free end of a string fixed at the
other end, the string exerts on that solid a force called the tension of
the string. (Figure 16.13).
The cable of a lift in rectilinear motion exerts a tension on the cage.
Push: to move a wheelbarrow, a pushing force is exerted (Figure
Figure 16.13. Tension of a string.
Friction: to push a box on a horizontal ground, a force greater than the
force of friction between the box and the ground has to be exerted
(Figure 16.15). If the ground is lubricated, the frictional force
becomes smaller.
Forces at a distance
A body dropped in air falls to the Earth.
In experiment 16.1, we have seen the interaction at a distance between
the nail and the magnet.
In electrostatics, we have studied the interaction at a distance between
electric charges. Figure 16.15. The pushing force must be
The force of attraction exerted by the Earth on objects on or around it, greater than the force of friction.
the force of attraction exerted by a magnet on magnetic substances, and
the force of attraction or repulsion between electric charges are called ��
forces at a distance.
Example 16.1
Consider a solid attached to the end C of a spring whose other end
A is fixed. Draw the free body diagram showing the forces exerted Figure 16.17. Forces exerted on a solid
on the solid, the spring, and the so/id-spring system. attached to the end of a spring.
a. The system chosen is the solid attached to the spring (Figure
The solid interacts with the spring and the Earth. The external forces
applied on the solid are: the vertical upward tension F of the spring,
exerted by the spring on the body, and the downward weight W of
the solid, exerted by the Earth on the solid and of magnitude
W= mg.
b. The chosen system is the spring, assumed to be of negligible mass.
The spring interacts with the support and the solid (Figure 16.18).
The external forces acting on the spring are: force rexerted by the Figure 16.18. Forces exerted on the spring.
solid and force rexerted by the support.
c. The system chosen consists of the solid and the spring. The system
interacts with the Earth and the support (Figure 16.19). The exte
nal forces acting on the system are: force F" exerted by the support,
and the pull exerted by the Earth (weight of the system). In this case
the forces exerted by the solid on the spring and by the spring on the
solid are internal forces of the system (not shown in the figure) which
are not taken into consideration.
Example 16.2
A body, initially at rest on a horizontal floor, is set in motion by a Figure 16.19. Forces exerted on the solid -
horizontal force �exerted by a person. Draw the free body diagram spring system.
showing the forces exerted on the body in the two following cases:
a. Friction is negligible.
b. Friction is not negligible.
of motion
a. The body interacts with the Earth, the horizontal floor (with-
out friction), and the person.
The external forces exerted on the body are (Figure 16.20):
- The weight of the body, which is a force directed vertically
- The normal force exerted by the frictionless floor on the
body. This force is perpendicular to the floor and prevents
the motion of the body towards the center of the Earth. Figure 16.20. Forces applied on a body in
- The horizontal force of traction "Pot the person which rectilinear motion under the action of a hori
produces the motion. zontal force.
Ti 'G,
Consider the situation shown in figure 16.22 where two persons pull
one side of a rope with forces and and a third person pulls the
other side of the rope with a force "'G in such a way that the three forces
keep the rope in equilibrium.
Suppose that a fourth person produces the same effect as the first two,
i.e. he/she pulls with a force that balances
Force Tdhas (Figure 16.23):
- The same Iine of action as Tj7 and "'G,
- The same direction as T! "G,
and Figure 16.22. Resultant of two collinear
- A magnitude equal to the sum of the magnitudes of fj7 and "G. forces.
Force t. which has the same effect as and 'fi ft, is called their resul
Experiment 16.3
Place three spring balances S1, S2, and S3 on a horizontal table,
as shown in figure 16.24.
Note their readings T1, T2, and T3.
Place a piece of paper on the table beneath the spring balances,
and draw, on this paper, the directions of the springs.
Replace spring balances S1and S2 by a spring balance S4 in such
a way that S3 keeps the same direction and gives the same read- Figure 16.24. Resultant of two concurrent
ing. forces of different directions.
Read the indication of S 4 and draw its direction on the paper. The
T1 T2
line of action of S 4 is different from those of S 1 and S 2 and the
reading of S 4 is not equal to the sum of the readings of S 1 and S 2 .
Complete the parallelogram of sides Ti and "'G (Figure 16.26). � is Figure 16.25.
the diagonal of the parallelogram.
Force T,ihas the same direction, the �me I� of action, and the
same magnitude as the resultant of T 1 and T2 .
We conclude that the resultant of two concurrent forces is the
force represented by the diagonal of the parallelogram whose
sides are the two forces.
their resultant and a protractor to measure the angle that this resultant
makes with
Figure 16.27.
* A force exerted on a body may deform it, cause it to move, or modify its
* If body A acts on body B, then body B acts on body A at the same time.
* Forces always exist in pairs.
* A force is represented by a vector.
* Forces are either forces of contact or forces at a distance.
* The resultant of two collinear forces of the same direction is the single
force of the same direction as the individual forces and of a magnitude
equal to the sum of the magnitudes of the two forces.
* The resultant of two concurrent forces is represented by the diagonal of the
parallelogram that has these two forces as sides.
Figure 16.29.
5. A mass is suspended from the lower
extremity of a string whose upper extremi ceiling
Figure 16.33
Figure 16.30.
iron ball
Figure 16.35
Figure 16.31
Figure 16.37
Figure 16.32
2N �
Figure 16.42
Figure 16.39 .
Newton's laws
Until the 17th century, scientists shared Aristotle's belief that a force was
needed for motion to continue: "No force, no motion".
In the 17th century, thanks to the works of Galileo and Newton, the causes of
motion were better understood, and we accept today that: "No force, no
change of the state of motion".
In this chapter, we will study the laws of motion as established by Galileo and
Newton, and Newton's law of gravitational attraction.
= = = ...
will find that they are approximately equal. the brakes suddenly, your
AB BC CD = Constant. body tends to stay in motion:
The motion of the puck is therefore uniform and rectilinear. Inertia causes your body to be
projected forwards.
Newton's laws
x• • • • • • • • • • •
Figure 17.4. The weight of the Figure 17.5. Recording of the motion of the puck.
suspended mass pulls the puck horizontally.
Experiment 17.2
Set the air table horizontal.
Join the puck to a mass m by means of a string passing over the
groove of a pulley (Figure 17.4)
Adjust the pulse generator to a value 'C, and release the puck.
You will obtain the recording of the motion shown in figure 17 .5.
Measure the distances between consecutive points. You find that
these distances are not equal.
Following the same method used in experiment 15.2 (chapter 15,
page 170), calculate the acceleration of the motion; it is nearly
Inertia and mass
Repeat the experiment by suspending larger masses and calculate
Mass is a property of all material
the corresponding accelerations. You will find that the accelerations bodies. It is more than a
increase with the suspended mass. constant in Newton's second law
that relates the force to the
acceleration it produces.
The physical significance of the
The external forces applied on the puck during its motion are: mass lies in inertia. The greater
- Its weight vi
(a force exerted by the Earth on the puck and the mass of a body, the greater
directed vertically downwards) (Figure (17 .6) its inertia, and the greater its
- The tension Tof the string (a horizontal force along the line of opposition to change its state of
action and in the direction of motion). rest or motion.
- The normal action l'f
(vertical, upwards) of the ejected air.
The puck moves under the action of these forces of non-zero
Forces W� and l'f
are opposite and have the same magnitude;
therefore, they cancel each other. The puck moves under the N
action of force T jl
Since (as obtained above) acceleration increases with the
suspended mass, we conclude that acceleration increases with
the force of traction thus verifying the second Jaw of Newton.
,,.,1 '"'""""'
�--= "�: ..,,.. ... .,,
·--' ""
Weight of a body Figure 17 .6. Free body diagram of
If left alone, a body falls freely and is subjected to the action of applied forces on the puck.
its weight only: =
1, F (a) (b)
Figure 17.7. A body in free fall is under the Figure 17.8. Interaction of two bodies.
action of its weight only.
Figures 17.9 and 17.10 show how Newton's third law is applied to
walking and to swimming. In both cases, motion is produced by the
force of friction.
Important remarks
Figure 17.10. While swimming, you push
1. Fore� Fis applied on Band force Pis applied on A. This means that
the water backward with your arms and legs.
the two forces of interaction are not applied on the same body.
Simultaneously, the water pushes you
2. Newton's third law is applicable to bodies A and B whether they are forward.
at rest or in motion.
Experiment 17.3
Hook two spring balances S 1 and S 2 together and place them on a
table (Figure 17.11).
Pull their free ends and note their readings.
You find that the readings are the same.
Figure 17.11. The two spring balances exert
=-1 ;tj
on each other forces of opposite directions but
S 1 exerts on S 2 a force F 1 and S 2 exerts on S 1 a force F2 . of the same magnitude.
The two forces have equal magnitudes, the same line of action, and
opposite directions:
� �
F 1 = -F 2
Newton's third law is also known as the principle of action and N
reaction and is stated as follows :
To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Example 17 .1
In each of the following interactions find the pair of exerted forces?
a. A body plac ed on a horizonta l table �,_
b.A body suspended from a string. '
Figure 17.12. Interaction between a table
Solution and the body resting on it.
a. The table exerts a vertical upward force � on the body. This
force prevents the body from falling (Figure 17.12). The body
exerts on the table a force - I'?
Remark: the magnitude of the force exerted by the body on
the table is numerically equal to the magnitude of the weight
since the whole system is at rest, but this force is not the
weight itself. The latter is the force of attraction exerted by the
Earth on the object, and its "reaction" is the force of attraction
exerted by the body on the Earth (Figure 17.13).
b. The body exerts on the string a downward vertical force
equal to its weight, and the string pulls the mass with a center of
the Earth
vertical upward force of the same magnitude (Figure 17.14).
This last force is the tension in the string. Figure 17.13. Two pairs of forces relative to
two different interactions.
Why does the Moon rotate around the Earth without straying in
space? If the Earth didn't exert a force on the Moon, then,
according to the first law, the Moon should continue in uniform ' F
rectilinear motion and get away from the Earth. (Figure 17.15).
When. dropped, why does a body fall vertically downwards?
According to the first law, a body initially at rest remains at rest
if it is not acted upon by any force.
Newton was the first scientist to establish that the motion of the Moon Figure 17.14. Interaction of a string with a
body suspended from it.
around the Earth and the motion of a body near the surface of the Earth
This force of interaction pulls the M oon towards the Earth and prevents
it from continuing its motion in straight line and pulls a body falling
toward the center of the Earth.
universal gravitation.
F =_F'
Newton used this law to explain the motion of planets around the
Sun and that of ordinary bodies on the surface of the Earth.
Figure 17.16. Force of gravitational
This law is valid as long as the dimensions of the interacting bodies are attraction.
very small compared to the distances separating them.
As far as universal gravitation is concerned, a homogeneous spherical
body is treated as if all its mass is concentrated at its center.
cente, of \
Assu me the Earth to be a homogeneous sphere of radius R and
mass M . Consider a body of mass m at a height z above the
\ the Earth
surface of the Earth (Figure 17 .17) .
A body is represented by a point, and we assume that the Earth
\ I
behaves as if a11 its mass was concentrated at its center. \"'°', ----/
Apply the law of gravitational interaction. The magnitude of the Figure 17.17. Attraction of a body by the
force exerted by the Earth on the body is Earth.
F = G m.M
(R + z)2
This force represents (approximately) the weight W of the body. Mass and weight
The mass is the property of a
But W = m.g where g is the gravitational acceleration, gives body, which depends on the
F = W = mg body regardless of where it is
placed. It is always constant.
F =W =mg= G m. M
(R + z)2 The unit of mass is the kilogram.
The weight of a body is the force
Then the value of g can be expressed as. of attraction exerted by the
Earth on this body. It depends
g = G�M
(R z)2 on the distance of the body from
the center of the Earth, and
This expression shows that g varies with altitude z. therefore varies from one place
At sea level z = 0 to another. It is a vector and its
g is also expressed as g = g0. R 2/(R + z) 2 magnitude is measured in
go R 2 newtons.
g0 = G. M =Constant � g = -·-2
R2 (R + z)
Newton's laws 193
Example 17 .2
Newton's laws
* Newton's first law, or the principle of inertia, states: under the action of
many forces whose resultant is zero, an object, initially at rest, remains at
rest, and if initially moving, keeps moving in a uniform rectilinear motion.
* Newton's second law, or the fundamental principle of dynamics, states: if
an object of mass m is under the action of many forces whose resultant F
is not zero, it moves with an acceleration a7 of the same Iine of action and
direction as and so that t=
m a?
W g;
* The weight of a body is given by = m where tis the acceleration of
* Newton's third law states: when body�A exerts force Fon body B, then,
simultaneously, B exerts on A force F' of the same line of action and
magnitude as F but opposite to it: = P -F.'
* The law of gravitational interaction states: any two bodies A and B of masses
m A and m 8 attract each other with equal and opposite forces lying on line AB,
and of magnitude F proportional to the two masses and inversely proportional to
their distance d = AB; F = G mAm8/d2
* The weight of a body varies with altitude.
2. Discuss
the following
Figure 17 .20.
3. Figure 17.21 shows the recordings of two 7. Can we apply the principle of inertia to
motions on an air table with the same period. the following systems?
What is the type of motion in each case? a. A freely falling object.
Explain. b. A parachutist in vertical downward
motion at constant speed.
c. A book at rest on a table.
I ·I
d. A puck moving on a horizontal air
• • • • table .
I .I
the following situation? Explain.
• • • • a. For the same force of traction exerted by
the engine of a car accelerating from Oto
Figure 17.21. 20 km/h, it takes longer when the car
carries four passengers than when it carries
4. A car pulls a trolley on a slope (Figure only two.
17.22). Two spring balances S 1 and S2 b. Many a novice has experienced a sore
connect the car and the trolley. shoulder after firing a shotgun.
a. The car-trolley system is at rest. Do S 1 and c. It is almost impossible to stop a car on
S2 read the same value? hard smooth ice.
b. Same question if the system is in motion.
• The Earth, of mass M = 5.98 x 1Q24 kg,
and the Moon, of mass M' = 7.34 x 1022 kg, are
represented by two particles separated by a
distances d = 384000 km. Calculate the
Figure 17.22. magnitude of the force exerted by the Moon on
the Earth.
5. True or False. Correct the false statements: • Figure 17.23 shows the recording of a puck's
a. When the forces acting on a body motion on a horizontal air table. The time elapsed
balance, its speed is variable. between two points is 0.04 sec. Calculate the
b. When the forces acting on a body speed of the puck. What is the resultant of the
balance, the body stops immediately. forces acting on the puck?
c. Two persons A of mass mA and B of mass
m 8 < mA are standing on an ice rink. A
/1 · · I/
pushes B who recoiIs and A does not move.
d. Both persons in question c recoil. • • •
6. Choose the correct answer:
When a horse pulls a wagon, the force that
Figure 17.23.
moves the horse is the force exerted by:
------------------------ ----------------
Newton's laws
• A body �f weight 200 N is suspended b. Write, as a function of time, the equations
by means of three strings (Figure 17.24). of the velocity and position, the initial
Strings s 1 and s 2 form an angle of 120 ° and position of the body being taken as origin
they are symmetric with respect to s3 . of distances.
Determine graphically the values of the c. Calculate the time needed by the body to
tensions of s 1 and s 2 . travel a distance of 10 m. What is its speed
M Rainbow 130
Magnification 141,149 Ray 103
Magnifier 149 Rectilinear propagation of light 111
Mass 190 Reduced eye 146
Measurement Reflection
of electric current 47 laws of 117
of potential difference 33 tota I interna I 128
of resistance 56 Refraction
Motion laws of 126
uniform 168 Resistivity 57
uniformly accelerated 170 Resistor 53
Multimeter 34 Resultant of two forces 182
Myopia 148 Reversibility of light 118
Rheostat 61
Ripple tank 99
Near point 147
Newton, Isaac 155,194 s
Newton's laws 188 Safety measures 14
Short circuit 60
Snell, Willebrord 126
0 Speed 160
Object 113 Speed of establishment of a current 44
Ohm's law 55 Speed of propagation of a wave 95
Ohmmeter 56 Spectrum 98,129
Optical center 136 Stroboscope 164
Optical system 113 Superconductor 64
Osei Ilation 92
Oscilloscope 35
Overcurrents 61 T
Telescope 151
Time equation 169,171
p Trajectory 157
Period 93
Plane mirror 118
Pole 71 u
Uniqueness of potential difference 31
Uniqueness of current 49
Vibration 92
Volt 28
Volta, Alessandro 77
Voltmeter 29,33
Watt 57
Wave 94
Wave front 103
Wave length 95
Weight 190
Zweig, George 19
Conversion of units
I centimeter
l0- 5
0.394 3.28x10-2
ft mi
meter 100 1 10-3 39.4 3.28 6.2lxl0-4
kilometer 10 5 1000 1 3.94xl04 3281 0.621
inch 2.54 2.54xl0-2 2.54xlo-s 1 8.33x10-2 l.58xlo-s
I foot 30.48 0.305 3.05xl0- 4
12 1 l.89xl0-4
I mile l.6lxl05 1609 1.609 6.34xl04 5280 1
I g kg oz lb
gram 1 0.001 3.527x10- 2
kilogram 1000 1 35.27 2.205
ounce 28.35 2.835x10- 2
1 6.250x10-2
I pound 453.6 0.4536 16 1
calorie 3.969xl0-3 4,186 1 l.163xl0-6
kilowatt-hour 3413 3.6xl06 8.600xl05 1
Prefixes for multiples and sub-multiples
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