Sofia designed a tiny house with a kitchen and small seating area, outdoor patio, loft bedroom with desk, and bathroom. She used a CAD program to design the layout and figure out how everything would fit. Tiny houses are popular because they have a low carbon footprint and are portable and affordable compared to traditional houses. Sofia's project turned out well after making changes to her original design and sketches. The best part of her design was the larger kitchen area with an island and barstools.
Sofia designed a tiny house with a kitchen and small seating area, outdoor patio, loft bedroom with desk, and bathroom. She used a CAD program to design the layout and figure out how everything would fit. Tiny houses are popular because they have a low carbon footprint and are portable and affordable compared to traditional houses. Sofia's project turned out well after making changes to her original design and sketches. The best part of her design was the larger kitchen area with an island and barstools.
Sofia designed a tiny house with a kitchen and small seating area, outdoor patio, loft bedroom with desk, and bathroom. She used a CAD program to design the layout and figure out how everything would fit. Tiny houses are popular because they have a low carbon footprint and are portable and affordable compared to traditional houses. Sofia's project turned out well after making changes to her original design and sketches. The best part of her design was the larger kitchen area with an island and barstools.
Sofia designed a tiny house with a kitchen and small seating area, outdoor patio, loft bedroom with desk, and bathroom. She used a CAD program to design the layout and figure out how everything would fit. Tiny houses are popular because they have a low carbon footprint and are portable and affordable compared to traditional houses. Sofia's project turned out well after making changes to her original design and sketches. The best part of her design was the larger kitchen area with an island and barstools.
Period 2 Sketches Different Views of your finished Tiny House
Kitchen + Small Seating Area Kitchen + Ladder to Loft
Top View
Outdoor Patio Ladder to Loft + Laundry Area +
Door to Bathroom
Closet in loft + Ladder goes up to
loft in left corner Loft/Bedroom with desk Answer these Questions • What did you learn about using a CAD program and why do you think a CAD program is used in design work? I learned that it is very helpful in figuring out how things will fit into your design in real life. I think people use it because it shows you a realistic version of your design. • What did you learn about ADUs or Tiny Houses why are they so popular? Tiny Houses have a very low carbon footprint, are very portable, and are more affordable than average houses. This is probably why they are also so popular. • How did your project turn out? I think my project turned out to be very successful. I had to make some changes to my original design and sketches, but I like the way it turned out in the end. • What was the best idea you had with your Tiny house design? The best idea I had with my Tiny house design was to make the kitchen the biggest part of my house and to add an island with barstools for lounging and eating.