WHO Guidelines For Complementary Feeding

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WHO Guideline

for complementary feeding

of infants and young children
6–23 months of age
WHO Guideline for complementary
feeding of infants and young
children 6–23 months of age
WHO Guideline for complementary feeding of infants and young children 6–23 months of age

ISBN 978-92-4-008186-4 (electronic version)

ISBN 978-92-4-008187-1 (print version)

© World Health Organization 2023

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Report layout and design: Inís Communication


Publication history v

Acknowledgements vi

Abbreviations and acronyms vii

Glossary viii

Executive summary ix

1 Introduction and scope 1

2. Development and methodology 5

3. Recommendations 11
Continued breastfeeding 11
Milks for children fed milks other than breast milk 15
Age of introduction of complementary foods 20
Dietary diversity 24
Unhealthy foods and beverages 32
Nutrient supplements and fortified food products 36
Responsive feeding 43

4. Research gaps 49

5. Dissemination and plans for future updates 53

References 54

Annex 1. WHO guideline development group, steering group, systematic
review teams, and external resource persons  63

Annex 2. Management of declarations of interest 67

Annex 3. Core food groups and subgroups used in modelling study  68

Annex 4. Summary Judgement Tables 70

Annex 5. Link to systematic reviews and modelling reports 75

Web Annex. Evidence Summary Tables


iv WHO Guideline for complementary feeding of infants and young children 6–23 months of age
Publication history

This guideline, Complementary feeding of infants and young children 6–23 months of age,
supersedes the Guiding Principles for Complementary Feeding of the Breastfed Child (1) and
Guiding principles for feeding non-breastfed children 6–24 months of age (2). The guideline was
developed in accordance with the rigorous procedures described in the WHO handbook for
guideline development (3).


The development of this guideline was coordinated by the WHO Department of Nutrition
and Food Safety. Dr Laurence Grummer-Strawn and Dr Lisa Rogers oversaw its preparation.
Dr Chessa Lutter, RTI International and Dr Grummer-Strawn wrote the guideline. Dr
Francesco Branca, Director of the Department, supported its development. Technical
guidance was provided by members of the WHO steering committee: Dr Bernadette
Daelmans (Department of Maternal, Newborn, Child, and Adolescent Health and Ageing), Dr
Marie Noel Brune Drisse (Department of Environment, Climate Change and Health), Dr Jason
Montez (Department of Nutrition and Food Safety) and Dr Juana Willumsen (Department of
Health Promotion). Ms Sophie Schmitt from the Department of Nutrition and Food Safety
provided administrative support. The WHO Guidelines Review Committee reviewed and
approved the guideline.

The World Health Organization gratefully acknowledges the members of the WHO Guideline
Development Group (GDG): Dr Mona Alsumaie (Ministry of Health, Kuwait), Dr Richard
Aryeetey (University of Ghana, Ghana), Dr Nita Bhandari (Society for Applied Studies, India),
Dr Kaleab Baye (Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia), Dr Helen Crawley (First Steps Nutrition,
United Kingdom), Dr Kathryn Dewey (University of California Davis, United States of
America), Dr Arun Gupta (Breastfeeding Promotion Network of India, India), Dr Lora Iannotti
(Washington University, United States of America), Dr Rafael Pérez-Escamilla (Yale University,
United States of America), Inês Rugani Ribeiro de Castro (Rio de Janeiro State University,
Brazil), Dr Linda Shaker Berbari (Independent Consultant, Lebanon), Dr Frank Wieringa
(Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, France) and Dr Zhenyu Yang (Chinese Center
for Disease Control and Prevention, China). Dr Kathryn Dewey and Dr Richmond Aryeetey
served as co-chairs at the first meeting. All members provided state-of-the art technical
knowledge and insights throughout the development process and review of the guideline.
WHO also thanks Dr Nandi Siegfried, independent guidelines methodologist, who facilitated
decision-making during the meetings.

The World Health Organization thanks the following lead authors for their support in
conducting the systematic reviews and presenting the results to the GDG: Dr Reggie Annon,
Dr Ildikó Csölle, Dr Jai Das, Dr Natalia Elorriaga, Dr Ana Fernandez-Gaxiola, Dr Tarun Gere, Dr
Leila Harrison, Dr Aamer Imdad, Dr Emily Keats, Dr Zohra Lassi, and Dr Emily Rousham, and
Ms Mary Arimond for leading the dietary modelling study and presenting the results to the
GDG. Ms Hilary Creed de Kanashiro, Dr Rukhsana Haider, Dr Alissa Pries, and Dr Christine
Stewart are thanked for providing the peer-review of the guideline.

Lastly, the World Health Organization thanks the external resource persons who participated
in the first GDG meeting: Dr Maureen Black, Dr Kalaeb Baye and Dr Rosalind Gibson.

Financial support
The World Health Organization thanks the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the US
Agency for International Development for providing financial support. Donors do not
fund specific guidelines and do not participate in any decision related to the guideline
development process, including the composition of research questions, membership of
the guideline groups, conduct and interpretation of systematic reviews, or formulation
of recommendations.

vi WHO Guideline for complementary feeding of infants and young children 6–23 months of age
Abbreviations and acronyms

ASF animal-source foods

BMI body mass index

BMIZ body mass index Z score

DECIDE The Developing and Evaluating Communication Strategies to support Informed

Decisions and Practice based on Evidence framework

GDG Guideline development group

GRADE Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluations

HAZ height-for-age Z score

Hgb haemoglobin

IDA iron deficiency anaemia

LMICs low- and middle-income countries

MD mean difference

MDD minimum dietary diversity

MNP multiple micronutrient powders

NCDs noncommunicable diseases

NRV nutrient reference value

PECO population, exposure, comparator and outcome

PR prevalence ratio

RCT randomized controlled trial

RNA ribonucleic acid

RR relative risk

SCP super cereal plus

SDGs Sustainable Development Goals

SMD standard mean difference

SQ-LNS small-quantity lipid based nutrient supplements

SSB sugar-sweetened beverage

UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund

WAZ weight-for-age Z score

WHO World Health Organization

WHZ weight-for-height Z score


Animal milk Milks from any animal, such as a cow, goat, or camel.

Breast milk Milk from a lactating person; sometimes referred to as human


Complementary The process of providing foods in addition to milk when breast

feeding milk or milk formula alone are no longer adequate to meet
nutritional requirements.

Cow’s milk Milk from a dairy cow.

Follow-up formula Defined by the Codex Alimentarius Commission as a food

intended for use as a liquid part of the weaning diet for the
infant from the 6th month on and for young children. It includes
formulas for infants 6–11 months and children 12–35 months.

Infant formula Defined by the Codex Alimentarius Commission as a breast-

milk substitute specially manufactured to satisfy, by itself, the
nutritional requirements of infants during the first months of life
up to the introduction of appropriate complementary feeding.
In some countries infant formula is used for the first 12 months
whereas in others it is used for the first 6 months.

Low-fat milk Animal milk that has a reduced fat content.

Milk formula Combined term that includes both infant formula and follow-up

Plant-based milk Milk substitute derived from a plant or seed such as soy, almond
or coconut.

viii WHO Guideline for complementary feeding of infants and young children 6–23 months of age
Executive summary

This guideline, Complementary feeding of feeding of infants and young children

infants and young children 6–23 months of 6–23 months of age living in low, middle-
age, supersedes the Guiding Principles for and high-income countries. It considers
Complementary Feeding of the Breastfed the needs of both breastfed and non-
Child (1) and Guiding principles for feeding breastfed children. These are public
non-breastfed children 6–24 months of age (2). health recommendations, recognizing that
children should be managed individually
so that inadequate growth, overweight, or
Background other adverse outcomes are identified, and
appropriate action taken. This guideline
Complementary feeding, defined as the does not address the needs of pre-term
process of providing foods in addition to and low-birthweight infants, children with
milk when breast milk or milk formula or recovering from acute malnutrition
alone are no longer adequate to meet and serious illness, children living in
nutritional requirements, generally starts emergencies, or children who are disabled.
at age 6 months and continues until Except for children with disabilities, the
23 months of age, although breastfeeding needs of these other groups of children are
may continue beyond this period (4). This addressed in other WHO guidelines.
is a developmental period when it is critical
for children to learn to accept healthy foods
and beverages and establish long-term Guideline development and
dietary patterns (5). It also coincides with
the peak period for risk of growth faltering methodology
and nutrient deficiencies (6). The recommendations in this guideline
The immediate consequences of were developed using the procedures
malnutrition during these formative years – outlined in the WHO handbook for Guideline
as well as in utero and the first 6 months of Development (3). The steps included:
life – include impaired growth, significant identification of priority questions and
morbidity and mortality, and delayed motor, critical outcomes; retrieval of the evidence;
cognitive, and socio-emotional development. assessment and synthesis of the evidence;
It can later lead to increased risk of and formulation of recommendations,
noncommunicable diseases (NCDs). In the including research priorities. The Grading
long term, undernutrition in early childhood of Recommendations Assessment,
leads to reduced work capacity and earnings Development and Evaluation (GRADE)
and, among girls, reduced reproductive methodology was followed, to prepare
capacity (6). Inappropriate complementary evidence profiles related to preselected
feeding can result in overweight, type 2 topics, based on up-to-date systematic
diabetes and disability in adulthood (7). The reviews (9).
first two years of life are also a critical period The available evidence on the benefits and
for brain development, the acquisition of harms of various feeding practices was
language and sensory pathways for vision evaluated using quantitative and qualitative
and hearing, and the development of higher systematic reviews, some that were
cognitive functions (8). commissioned by WHO and others that
were recently published. In addition, dietary
modelling was conducted to analyse how
Purpose of the guideline changes in dietary practices as considered
in the guidelines would affect nutrient
This guideline provides evidence-based intakes, either creating or alleviating
recommendations on complementary nutrient deficiencies.

The Developing and Evaluating
Communication Strategies to Support
Informed Decisions and Practice based
on Evidence (DECIDE) framework, an
evidence-to-decision tool that includes
intervention effects, values, resources, a. Milks 6–11 months: for infants
equity, acceptability, and feasibility criteria, 6–11 months of age who are fed
was used to guide the formulation of milks other than breast milk,
the recommendations by the guideline either milk formula or animal
development group (10). milk can be fed (conditional, low
certainty evidence).

Recommendations b. Milks 12–23 months: for young

children 12–23 months of age
who are fed milks other than
breast milk, animal milk should
be fed. Follow-up formulas are

1 not recommended (conditional, low

certainty evidence) 1.

Continued breastfeeding
• Dairy products, including liquid
Breastfeeding should continue up animal milks are part of a diverse
to 2 years or beyond (strong, very low diet and can contribute to nutritional
certainty evidence). adequacy (see also Recommendation
Remarks 4a). They are particularly important
for non-breastfed children when
To carry out this recommendation, all other animal source foods (ASFs) are
breastfeeding women will require an not available.
enabling environment and supportive • Types of animal milks that could be
services (11). For example: used include pasteurized animal
milk, reconstituted evaporated (but
• Women who work outside the not condensed) milk, fermented
home need services such as onsite milk, or yogurt.
daycare, workplace breastfeeding • Flavoured or sweetened milks
rooms, and flexible work schedules. should not be used.
• All women need access to • If infants 6–11 months of age are fed
breastfeeding counselling services animal milks, full fat milk should be
to address questions and challenges used.
that arise when breastfeeding. • Safe storage and handling practices
• Pregnant women, mothers, families, of animal milks should be followed.
and health care workers need to
be protected from exploitative
marketing from manufacturers
and distributors of breast-
milk substitutes.
• Health care providers must be
knowledgeable and skilled in
supporting breastfeeding mothers
with evidence-based care.

The GDG decided there was insufficient evidence for children 12–23 months on full fat vs low-fat milk
and on animal vs. plant milk and, therefore, decided not to make a recommendation on these questions.
Because sweetened milks include added sugars, they are not appropriate for infants and young children
6–23 months of age.

x WHO Guideline for complementary feeding of infants and young children 6–23 months of age
Recommendation Recommendation

3 4
Age of introduction of Dietary diversity
complementary foods
Infants and young children
Infants should be introduced to 6–23 months of age should consume
complementary foods at 6 months a diverse diet.
(180 days) while continuing to
breastfeed (strong, low certainty a. Animal source foods, including
evidence). meat, fish, or eggs, should be
consumed daily
Remarks (strong, low certainty evidence).

• The recommendation is a public b. Fruits and vegetables should

health recommendation and be consumed daily (strong, low
recognizes that some infants may certainty evidence).
benefit from earlier introduction of
complementary foods. c. Pulses, nuts and seeds should
• Mothers concerned about the be consumed frequently,
adequacy of breast milk might particularly when meat, fish, or
benefit from lactation support. eggs and vegetables are limited
• Iron in breast milk is highly in the diet (conditional, very low
bioavailable, but some infants may certainty evidence).
be at risk of iron deficiency (ID), Remarks
especially if they were preterm or
low birthweight. Early introduction • Animal-source foods, fruits and
of complementary foods, even if vegetables, and nuts, pulses and
iron-fortified, does not adequately seeds should be key components
prevent iron deficiency anaemia in of energy intake because of their
high-risk populations. overall higher nutrient density
compared to cereal grains.
• Starchy staple foods should
be minimized. They commonly
comprise a large component of
complementary feeding diets,
particularly in low resource settings,
and do not provide proteins of the
same quality as those found in
animal source foods and are not
good sources of critical nutrients
such as iron, zinc and Vitamin B12.
Many also include anti-nutrients that
reduce nutrient absorption.
• When cereal grains are used, whole
cereal grains should be prioritized,
and refined ones minimized.
• Care should be taken to ensure that
pulses, nuts and seeds are given
in a form that does not pose a risk
of choking.

Executive summary xi
Recommendation Recommendation

5 6
Unhealthy foods and beverages Nutrient supplements and fortified
food products
a. Foods high in sugar, salt and trans
fats should not be consumed In some contexts where nutrient
(strong, low certainty evidence). requirements cannot be met with
unfortified foods alone, children
b. Sugar-sweetened beverages 6–23 months of age may benefit
should not be consumed (strong, from nutrient supplements or
low certainty evidence). fortified food products.
c. Non-sugar sweeteners should a. Multiple micronutrient powders
not be consumed (strong, very low (MNPs) can provide additional
certainty evidence). amounts of selected vitamins and
d. Consumption of 100% fruit juice minerals without displacing other
should be limited (conditional, low foods in the diet (context-specific,
certainty evidence). moderate certainty evidence).

Remarks b. For populations already

consuming commercial cereal
• Broad policy actions will be needed grain-based complementary foods
to support the implementation of and blended flours, fortification
these recommendations, including, of these cereals can improve
but not limited to agricultural micronutrient intake, although
policies that take into consideration consumption should not be
the nutritional requirements of encouraged (context-specific,
young children, policies regarding moderate certainty evidence).
front-of-package labelling and
marketing practices, among others. c. Small-quantity lipid-based
• Counselling caregivers about the nutrient supplements (SQ-LNS)
short- and long-term harms of may be useful in food insecure
foods high in sugar, salt and trans populations facing significant
fats, sugar sweetened beverages nutritional deficiencies
(SSBs), and non-sugar sweeteners is (context-specific, high- certainty
needed. evidence).


• WHO guidelines for micronutrient

supplementation provide
recommendations about the
contexts when such supplements
are recommended (12).
• None of the three products should
ever be distributed as stand-
alone interventions, rather they
should always be accompanied by
messaging and complementary
support to reinforce optimal infant
and young child feeding practices.
• None of the products are a substitute
for a diverse diet consisting of healthy
and minimally processed foods.

xii WHO Guideline for complementary feeding of infants and young children 6–23 months of age

Responsive feeding

Children 6–23 months of age should

be responsively fed, defined as
“feeding practices that encourage
the child to eat autonomously and
in response to physiological and
developmental needs, which may
encourage self-regulation in eating
and support cognitive, emotional
and social development” (13) (strong,
low certainty evidence).


• Delivering the intervention of

responsive feeding will require
health care workers and others
charged with delivering the
intervention to have the capacity to
provide the necessary guidance to
caregivers and families.
• Implementation of the
recommendation will require
caregivers to have time to be present
while the young child eats or self-
feeds and have resources so that
food loss during self-feeding does
not present a problem.

Research gaps
The GDG highlighted the very
limited evidence for many of the
recommendations. More studies using
similar research protocols (age groups,
outcomes, measurement techniques,
etc.) across different regions, countries,
population groups (by income levels,
educational levels, cultural and ethnic
backgrounds etc.) and contexts are
required. Most topics, except for those
related to nutrient supplements and
fortified food products, lacked robust or
sometimes any randomized controlled trials
to guide decision making.

Executive summary xiii

xiv WHO Guideline for complementary feeding of infants and young children 6–23 months of age
1 Introduction and scope

1.1 Background In 2012, the World Health Assembly

in its Resolution WHA65.6 endorsed a
Complementary feeding – defined as Comprehensive implementation plan for
the process of providing foods when maternal, infant and young child nutrition,
breast milk or milk formula alone are which specified six global nutrition targets
no longer adequate to meet nutritional for 2025 (15). Appropriate complementary
requirements – generally starts at feeding, essential to fostering healthy
age 6 months and continues until age growth, is directly related to three of these
23 months, although breastfeeding may six targets: 1) 40% reduction in the number
continue beyond this period (4). This is a of under-5s who are stunted; 2) reduce and
developmental period when it is critical for maintain childhood wasting to less than 5%;
children to learn to accept healthy foods and 3) no increase in childhood overweight.
and beverages and establish long-term Appropriate complementary feeding is
dietary patterns (5). It also coincides with also fundamental to achieving several
the peak period for risk of growth faltering of the targets in the second Sustainable
and nutrient deficiencies. Development Goal (16).

The immediate consequences of

malnutrition during these formative
years, as well as in utero and the first 1.2 Purpose and target
6 months of life, include impaired growth, audience
significant morbidity and mortality, and
delayed motor, cognitive, and socio- This guideline provides global, normative
emotional development. It can later lead evidence-based recommendations on
to increased risk of noncommunicable complementary feeding of infants and
diseases (NCDs). In the long term, early young children 6–23 months of age.
childhood undernutrition leads to reduced The recommendations are intended
work capacity and earnings and, among for a wide audience, including policy-
girls, reduced reproductive capacity (6). makers, and technical and programme
Inappropriate complementary feeding can staff at government institutions and
result in overweight, type 2 diabetes, and organizations involved in the design,
disability in adulthood (6). The first 2 years implementation and scaling of programmes
of life are also a critical period for brain for infant and young child feeding. The
development, the acquisition of language guideline may also be used by caregivers,
and sensory pathways for vision and health-care professionals, clinicians,
hearing, and the development of higher academic and research institutions, and
cognitive functions (8). training institutions.

The most recent UNICEF-WHO-World Bank

Group Joint Child Malnutrition Estimates 1.3 Objective
indicate that stunting affects 22.3% (148
million), wasting affects 6.8% (45 million), The objective of this guideline is to help
and overweight affects 5.6% (37 million) of Member States, United Nation’s agencies,
children under 5 years of age globally (14). nongovernmental organizations and
Risk of stunting and wasting is concentrated other stakeholders to make informed
during the first 5 years of life and children recommendations about complementary
in this age group are also at risk of obesity. feeding in their efforts to achieve the
Global Strategy for Infant and Young
Child Feeding (17), the SDGs (16), the

global targets set in the Comprehensive 1.6 Justification
implementation plan on maternal, infant
and young child nutrition (15), and the This guideline updates the Pan American
Global Strategy for Women’s, Children’s, Health Organization/WHO guideline Guiding
and Adolescents’ Health (2016–2030) (18). principles for complementary feeding of
the breastfed child (2003) and the WHO
guideline Guiding principles for feeding
non-breastfed children 6–24 months of
1.4 Population of interest age (2005) (1, 2). Both guidelines focused
The guideline covers infants and young on undernutrition and, therefore, while
children who were full term at birth and relevant to low- and middle-income
who live in low-income countries, middle- countries (LMICs) they were less relevant
income countries and high-income to high-income countries. The guidelines
countries. It considers the needs of both were developed prior to the publication of
breastfed and non-breastfed children and, the WHO handbook for guideline development
unless noted, applies globally to all infants and were therefore not subject to the same
and young children 6–23 months of age. It rigorous procedures as current guidelines.
provides public health recommendations, Additionally, over the past 20 years there
recognizing that children all infants and have been numerous new publications
young children should be managed related to complementary feeding.
individually so that undernutrition, Overweight and obesity have increased in
micronutrient deficiencies, overweight or children globally. Many children are only
obesity, or other adverse outcomes are partially breastfed and thus were not clearly
identified, and appropriate action taken. assigned to one or the other document.
This guideline does not address the needs For these reasons, the WHO Department
of pre-term and low-birthweight infants, of Nutrition and Food Safety decided it was
children with or recovering from acute timely to update the earlier guidance to
malnutrition and serious illness, children address both breastfed and non-breastfed
who are disabled, or children living in children and those living in low- , middle-
emergencies. Except for children with and high-income countries in a single
disabilities, the needs of these children are guideline.
addressed in other WHO guidelines.

1.7 Related WHO Guidelines

1.5 Scope The following WHO guidelines are relevant
The guideline is intended to be food-based. to this guideline:
Although it considers nutrient needs of
• Guiding principles for complementary
infants and young children, it does not
feeding of the breastfed child (1)
specify levels of nutrients to be consumed
• Guiding principles for feeding non-breastfed
or avoided (such as micronutrient levels or
children 6–24 months of age (2)
energy). It also does not specify quantities
• WHO recommendations for postnatal care
of foods to be consumed as these would
for the mother and newborn (19)
vary by age, activity level, metabolism and
• Guideline: sugars intake for adults and
local contexts and so cannot be defined
children (20)
at a global level. However, in making
• Guideline: daily iron supplementation in
recommendations on what foods need
infants and children (21)
to be consumed, the GDG did consider it
• Guideline: assessing and managing children
important to ensure that nutrient needs
at primary health-care facilities to prevent
can be met. The guideline does not address
overweight and obesity in the context of the
issues of food safety.
double burden of malnutrition (22)
• Guideline: integrated management of
children in all their diversity with obesity
(forthcoming) (23)

2 WHO Guideline for complementary feeding of infants and young children 6–23 months of age
• Guideline: vitamin A supplementation in
infants and children 6–59 months of age
• Improving early childhood development:
WHO guideline (25)
• WHO recommendations on antenatal care
for a positive pregnancy experience (26)
• Guideline: carbohydrate intake for adults
and children (5)
• Guideline: saturated fatty acid and trans-
fatty acid intake for adults and children (27)
• Guideline: total fat intake for the prevention
of unhealthy weight gain in adults and
children (28)
• Guideline: use of non-sugar sweeteners (29)

Other relevant WHO documents include:

• The optimal duration of exclusive

breastfeeding: report of an expert
consultation (30)
• Healthy diet fact sheet (31)
• Guideline: sodium intake for adults and
children (32) (for persons 2 years of age
and older)
• Guideline: potassium intake for adults and
children (33) (for persons 2 years of age
and older)
• Guidance on ending the inappropriate
promotion of foods for infants and young
children (34)
• WHO global report on sodium intake
reduction (35)
• WHO Manual on sugar-sweetened beverage
taxation policies to promote healthy
diets (36)
• WHO: five keys to safer food manual (37)
• Nurturing care for early childhood
development: a framework for helping
children survive and thrive to transform
health and human potential (38)
• Guideline: delayed umbilical cord clamping
for improved maternal and infant health
and nutrition outcomes (39)
• WHO recommendations for care of the
preterm or low birth weight infant (40)
• Nutrient and promotion profile model:
supporting appropriate promotion of food
products for infants and young children
6–36 months in the WHO European
Region (41)

1 Introduction and scope 3

4 WHO Guideline for complementary feeding of infants and young children 6–23 months of age
2. Development and methodology

2.1 Guideline Development 2.1.2 Process for developing evidence-

based recommendations
To manage the development of the current
Potential members of the GDG were
evidence-based recommendations, WHO
identified based on their technical expertise
followed the procedures outlined in the
in different aspects of complementary
WHO handbook for guideline development (3).
feeding and experience in implementing
The steps in this process included:
guidelines. Candidates were identified from
academic institutions, Ministries of Health, (i) identification of priority questions and
and nongovernmental organizations. critical outcomes using the PECO format
Care was taken to ensure different WHO (Participant-Exposure-Comparison-
regions were represented as well as Outcome)
differing viewpoints on the topics covered.
A total of 13 candidates were identified (ii) retrieval of the evidence
and requested to provide documentation
(iii) assessment and synthesis of the
relating to any potential conflict of interest
evidence, and
(see 2.1.1 below). A list of GDG members is
included in Annex 1. (iv) formulation of recommendations and
articulation of research gaps.
2.1.1 Management of conflict of Evidence profile tables were prepared
interest for all critical outcomes for each
Potential conflicts of interests were systematic review using the Grading
managed by the steering group, in of Recommendations Assessment,
collaboration with the WHO Office of Development and Evaluation (GRADE)
Compliance and Risk Management and methodology. The certainty of evidence was
Ethics. All potential GDG members, first rated for each outcome individually and
authors of the systematic reviews, and overall across outcomes, based on 1) risk
reviewers were asked to complete the of bias, 2) indirectness, 3) inconsistency, 4)
standard WHO declaration-of-interests imprecision and 5) publication bias or other
form, sign confidentiality forms and considerations. Certainty was graded as
provide their curriculum vitae. Searches high, moderate, low, or very low.
were conducted to identify any public
statements made or positions held by the 2.1.3 Meetings held
potential GDG members with respect to
breastfeeding and complementary feeding. An initial meeting was held at WHO
All concerns were discussed with the Office in 2019 and six subsequent virtual
of Compliance, Risk Management and Ethics meetings in 2020–2023 to formulate
and managed on a case-by-case basis. A the PECO questions, review systematic
summary of declarations of interests by reviews, develop recommendations,
members of the GDG, systematic review identify research gaps, and address
authors and peer-reviewers, including how questions by the WHO Guideline Review
any identified conflicts of interest were Committee. Decision-making was led by the
managed, is presented in Annex 2. independent methodologist skilled in the
WHO methodology for the development
of recommendations.

2.2 Evidence gathering associated with beneficial dietary and
health outcomes?
reviews and modelling
Fruits and vegetables
2.2.1 Narrative review For infants and young children
6–23 months of age, is more frequent
In order to inform the development of this consumption of fruits and vegetables
guideline, WHO commissioned a narrative compared to less frequent consumption
review of literature published since 2003 associated with beneficial dietary and
on complementary feeding, which was health outcomes?
presented and discussed at the first
meeting of the GDG (4). This paper provided Nuts, pulses, and seeds
information relevant to deliberations of For infants and young children
the GDG and the formulation of the PECO 6–23 months of age, is more frequent
questions for the systematic reviews. The consumption or greater amounts of
following key questions were formulated: pulses, nuts and seeds compared to
1. Continued breastfeeding less frequent consumption or lower
amounts of pulses, nuts and seeds
For infants and young children and associated with beneficial dietary and
their mothers, is breastfeeding in health outcomes?
the second year of life, compared to
no breastfeeding after 12 months, 5. Unhealthy foods and beverages
associated with beneficial or adverse What is the impact of high consumption
health and development outcomes? of unhealthy foods and beverages
2. Milks 6–23 months for children who compared to lower consumption on risk
are fed milks other than breast milk of adverse dietary or health outcomes?

For infants 6–11 months of age, is 6. Nutrient supplements and

consumption of animal milk compared fortification
to infant formula associated with For infants and young children
beneficial or adverse outcomes for 6–23 months of age, is consumption
health and development? of micronutrient powders (MNPs)
For young children 12–23 months of compared to no consumption
age, is full-fat animal milk compared associated with beneficial or harmful
to follow-up formula, lower-fat milk, dietary and health outcomes?
or plant-based milk associated with For infants and young children
beneficial or harmful outcomes? 6–23 months of age, is consumption of
3. Age of introduction of fortified complementary food compared
complementary foods to an unfortified version of the same
complementary food associated with
For infants, is the introduction of beneficial or harmful dietary and
complementary feeding at 6 months health outcomes?
of age compared to earlier or For young children 12–23 months of age
later associated with beneficial is consumption of an unfortified versus
or adverse nutrition, health, and fortified milk associated with adverse
development outcomes? nutritional or health outcomes?
4. Dietary diversity For infants and young children
6–23 months of age, is consumption
Animal-source foods (ASFs) of small quantity lipid-based nutrient
For infants and young children supplements (SQ-LNS) compared
6–23 months of age, is more frequent to no consumption associated with
consumption or greater amounts beneficial or harmful dietary and
of ASFs compared to less frequent health outcomes?
consumption or lower amounts of ASFs

6 WHO Guideline for complementary feeding of infants and young children 6–23 months of age
7. Responsive feeding Seven questions were formulated:
For children from introduction of
complementary foods to 23 months 1. Can target nutrient needs be met using
of age, do interventions that include unfortified foods in ‘best-case’ food
elements of responsive feeding patterns? If so, what do these food
compared to interventions that do not patterns look like?
include those elements of responsive 2. What happens when certain food
feeding result in beneficial or harmful groups or subgroups are eliminated?
dietary and health outcomes?
3. What happens when staple foods
2.2.2 Systematic reviews are monotonous?

WHO commissioned 10 systematic reviews, 4. What happens if we modify the amount

several of which were subsequently of starchy staple foods?
published (42–45). The commissioned 5. What happens if we add unhealthy
reviews covered the topics of: foods or beverages?
1. continued breastfeeding 6. What happens if we add fortified foods
2. milks for infants 6–11 months of age or products?

3. milks for children 12–23 months of age 7. What are the nutrient gaps when we
approximate real-world food patterns,
4. age of introduction of complementary and can the gaps be filled by use of
foods fortified products?

5. animal-source foods The first six questions were explored

through linear goal programming using
6. nuts, pulses, and seeds the WHO Optifood modelling system (51).
7. fruits and vegetables Optifood is designed to generate food
patterns that meet or come as close
8. fortified complementary foods as possible to meeting target nutrient
reference values (NRVs). The last question
9. unhealthy foods and beverages, and was addressed through calculations.
10. responsive feeding. The best-case food patterns provided
by the Optifood model solutions were
For the topic of MNPs, a systematic review considered to be feasible because there
published in 2020 was utilized (46) and for was an empirical basis for the maximum
the topic of SQ-LNS, four recently published quantities and frequencies of consumption
systematic reviews were used (47–50). WHO of food groups and subgroups allowed.
also commissioned a systematic qualitative They were considered best-case patterns
review related to preferences, equity and because the quantities and frequencies,
rights, resource implications, acceptability, which defined model parameters, reflected
and feasibility of the topics considered global settings where the food subgroups
in the systematic reviews. All systematic were more frequently consumed and/or
reviews are available (see Annex 5). were consumed in larger median quantities.
They were also considered best-case
2.2.3 Food pattern modelling patterns because they allowed the inclusion
of all nutrient-dense food subgroups,
WHO commissioned work on dietary and which may not reflect the situation in
food pattern modelling to analyse how many settings.
changes in dietary practices, as considered
in the guideline, would affect nutrient For Optifood modelling, food patterns
intakes, either creating or alleviating were defined as the weekly quantities and
nutrient inadequacies. The reports from frequencies of consumption of food groups
this work are available at (see Annex 5). and subgroups for the modelled scenarios.
For question seven, food patterns were

Development and methodology 7

defined as the percentage of energy For breastfed children in each age group,
provided by food groups and subgroups, at a fixed percentage of energy from breast
the population level. milk, based on mean values in a recent
systematic review, was assumed (52). For
Core food groups and subgroups, specific each age/feeding group, three energy
foods within a core food group, were intake levels were modelled, corresponding
defined a priori. The six food groups to estimated energy requirements for a
included starchy staple foods (grains plus small, an average, and a large infant or
white roots and tubers, and plantains), child within the age group. The target
fruits, vegetables, dairy, all other protein nutrients for modelling included fat, vitamin
foods (meat, poultry, fish, eggs, nuts, and A, thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin B6, folate,
seeds, legumes, soy foods), and added choline, vitamin B12, vitamin C, calcium,
fats and oils. The list of food subgroups is iron, potassium and zinc. Desired intakes
provided in Annex 3. for each target nutrient were defined based
Dietary data were analysed from 16 low-, on NRVs. Results were also calculated
middle- and high-income countries in and reported for other selected nutrients
Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and that were not built into models as targets,
North America to determine if unfortified using the model results (that is, grams
foods could meet all target NRVs and best- of each food subgroup in the optimized
case food patterns based on data from food pattern).
countries with high consumption of each The modelling was designed to focus on
food subgroup modelled. These patterns feasible diets to reduce nutrient gaps and
were then modified by i) eliminating food did not focus on excess intakes. Fat was
groups, subgroups or sets of subgroups, included in the models as a target nutrient
ii) imposing monotonous staple foods or and fibre was also included. However, the
increasing the quantity of staple foods models did not consider intakes of sodium
or iii) including sentinel unhealthy foods or sugar. Furthermore, the modelling was
or beverages. Nutrient gaps in best- done for selected “sentinel” unhealthy
case and in modified food patterns were foods as it was not feasible to model all
characterized and modelling was conducted possible types of unhealthy foods.
to explore whether use of MNPs, a fortified
cereal grain-based complementary food
(Super Cereal Plus), or SQ-LNS could fill 2.2.4 Systematic review of values and
some or all the nutrient gaps. preferences

Lastly, scenarios approximating real-world Additional syntheses of qualitative evidence

food patterns were developed using data served to assess the balance of benefits
from Bangladesh, Malawi and Mexico. Data and harms, resource implications, equity
sets were selected because they contained implications, and acceptability associated
information on nutrient consumption with each of the recommendations.
needed to conduct modelling and were The findings of the WHO-commissioned
either publicly available or provided qualitative review were appraised using
by researchers. Food patterns at the the GRADE confidence in the GRADE-
population level were defined by estimating CERQual (Confidence in the Evidence from
the percentage of energy from food groups Reviews of Qualitative research) approach
and subgroups and calculating the nutrient (53). Overall confidence in the evidence
content of these diets. The nutrient gaps from reviews of qualitative research was
were characterized, and modelling was based on four components: methodological
used to explore whether fortified products limitations of the individual studies;
could fill the gaps identified. adequacy of the data; coherence of the
evidence; and relevance of the individual
Modelling was conducted for: i) breastfed studies to the review findings.
infants 6–8.9 months of age ii) breastfed
infants 9–11.9 months of age iii) breastfed
children 12–23.9 months of age, and iv) non-
breastfed children 12–23.9 months of age.

8 WHO Guideline for complementary feeding of infants and young children 6–23 months of age
2.3 Decision-making process Conditional recommendations indicate
that the GDG was less confident or certain
During the meetings, an evidence-to- about the balance between benefits and
decision tool – the Developing and harms of the recommendation. Context-
Evaluating Communication Strategies to specific recommendations indicate that the
support Informed Decisions and Practice GDG was certain that the desirable effects
based on Evidence (DECIDE) framework – of the recommendation outweighed any
was used to promote deliberations and undesirable consequences; however, not
consensus decision-making (10). This tool all populations needed the intervention.
includes the following considerations: The GDG also provided additional
the certainty of the evidence across remarks for further understanding of the
outcomes critical to decision-making; the recommendation. For further information
balance of benefits and harms; values and about the basis for each recommendation
preferences related to the recommended users of this guideline should refer to
intervention in different settings and these remarks, as well as to the judgement
for different stakeholders, including the summary tables presented in Annex 4.
populations at risk; the acceptability of
the intervention among key stakeholders; Most topics (except for those related to
resource implications for programme MNPs, fortified cereal-grain complementary
managers; equity; and the feasibility foods, fortified milks, and SQ-LNS) lacked
of implementation of the intervention. robust studies or sometimes even a
The GDG discussed the findings of the single randomized controlled trial (RCT)
systematic reviews and supplemental to guide decision making. Except for the
evidence, such as mathematical modelling. recommendations for these supplements
Following this discussion, the GDG reached or food products, almost all the evidence
consensus on the direction, strength, and for the other recommendations was rated
wording of the recommendation. Where as low to very low certainty.
GDG members did not fully concur with
the summary judgements for each of
these considerations, multiple judgements
were recorded. The GDG decided that
70% of members would need to vote
for the direction and/or strength of the
recommendation to be accepted. All
decisions were made by consensus, with
the exception for recommendations on
nutrient supplements and fortified food
products, which were agreed by over 70%
of members.

Interventions in these guidelines are listed

as recommended, not recommended, or
recommended under certain conditions
(context-specific). All recommendations
are accompanied by a description of the
certainty of the body of evidence (very
low, low, moderate or high). Strength
of the recommendation was classified
as “strong” or “conditional”. According
to the WHO handbook for guideline
development, strong recommendations
indicate that the GDG was confident that
the desirable effects of adherence to the
recommendation outweigh any undesirable
consequences. If an intervention is
not recommended, the reverse is true.

Development and methodology 9

10 WHO Guideline for complementary feeding of infants and young children 6–23 months of age
3. Recommendations

This chapter presents each of the 3.1 Continued breastfeeding

recommendations alongside the rationale
and a summary of the evidence from
systematic reviews for each of the practices 3.1.1 Recommendation
or interventions. As specified in the WHO
handbook for guideline development (3),
the GDG also discussed the certainty of Recommendation

the evidence, the balance of benefits and
harms, and the values and preferences
of caregivers, healthcare providers,
programme managers, and policy-
makers, the resource implications, and Continued breastfeeding
the acceptability of the recommendation. Breastfeeding should continue up
These discussions are also summarized to 2 years or beyond (strong, very low
alongside each recommendation. Because certainty evidence).
evidence from the qualitative reviews to
assess values and preferences, resource Remarks
implications, and acceptability associated
with the recommendations was lacking, To carry out this recommendation, all
the GDG often relied on its collective breastfeeding women will require an
experiences and expert opinion. This is enabling environment and supportive
noted when applicable. services (11). For example:

• Women who work outside the

home need services such as onsite
Equity daycare, workplace breastfeeding
rooms, and flexible work schedules.
The GDG also discussed equity. However, as • All women need access to
there was virtually no evidence to address breastfeeding counselling services
the issue of equity, separate sections on to address questions and challenges
equity for each recommendation are not that arise when breastfeeding.
included. The view of the GDG was that • Pregnant women, mothers, families,
a good diet increases equity because it and health care workers need to
supports healthy growth and development. be protected from exploitative
This is especially true for children living marketing from manufacturers
in resource-poor settings as they are and distributors of breast-
most likely to suffer the consequences of milk substitutes.
poor diets. Because access to a diverse • Health care providers must be
diet is limited in some settings – largely knowledgeable and skilled in
because of income constraints though supporting breastfeeding mothers
sometimes because of lack of availability – with evidence-based care.
the GDG recognized the need for broader
transformations related to economic
development and food systems that take 3.1.2 Background
into consideration the special nutritional
needs of infants and young children, Breast milk contributes to macro- and
women’s empowerment, and opportunities micronutrient needs through the second
for remunerative employment. The GDG year of life, particularly with respect to
was also clear that nutrient supplements energy, protein and essential fatty acids, as
and fortified food products would not be well as vitamin A, calcium, and riboflavin. A
necessary if infant and young children recent systematic review reported that, on
consumed a nutritious diet. average, breastfed children 6–8 months,

9–11 months, and 12–23 months of age to only 45% of children at 20–23 months.
received 77%, 63%, and 44% of their energy In Europe, the percentage of children
from breast milk, respectively (52). Data breastfed at one year of age ranges from
from LMICs suggests that between 15 and 1% in Tajikistan to 78% in Uzbekistan, with a
18 months of age, breast milk provides median of 28% (63).
approximately 70% of a child’s vitamin
A requirements, 40% of their calcium WHO and UNICEF have long
requirements, and 37% of their riboflavin recommended continued breastfeeding,
requirements (54). Breast milk is also an along with complementary foods, for
important source of choline and omega-3 2 years or beyond (17). Most national
fatty acids, such as docosahexaenoic acid recommendations in LMICs are aligned with
(DHA) and alpha-linolenic acid, nutrients the WHO and UNICEF recommendation. For
critical for brain development and function example, the Ministries of Health of Brazil
(55, 56). These nutritional qualities of breast and Kenya both recommend that children
milk are particularly important in resource- be breastfed for 2 years or more (64, 65).
poor settings where the predominant The American Academy of Pediatrics,
complementary foods are starchy staples. which previously called for 12 months of
breastfeeding, now supports continued
During the second year of life, breast milk breastfeeding “as long as mutually desired”
continues to provide immune protection for 2 years or beyond (66).
to the child through its large array of
non-nutritive substances, which include 3.1.3 Evidence
immunoglobulins, hormones, proteins,
human milk oligosaccharides, white blood The systematic review identified a total of
cells, anti-microbial peptides, cytokines, 146 studies, of which 93 provided data on
chemokines, micro RNAs and commensal outcomes in infants and young children
bacteria (57). Such protection is particularly and 54 provided data on outcomes in
important in settings where environmental breastfeeding mothers. However, for
hygiene is poor. Several studies have shown some outcomes only one or two studies
that, whereas appetite for other foods were available.
decreases during illness, energy intake from
breastfeeding is not affected. Hence, breast Compared to breastfeeding in the second
milk is an important source of nutrition year versus no breastfeeding during this
when children are ill (58, 59). period, the systematic review found no
evidence of any reduced or increased risk
Breastfeeding is also thought to influence of developmental delay (OR = 1.15 [0.54,
short- and long-term maternal health 2.43]), mean intelligence quotient (IQ)
outcomes (60, 61). In the absence of scores (SMD = -0.01 [-0.06, 0.08]), or highest
modern contraception, continued school grade achieved (MD = 0.02 [-0.19,
breastfeeding contributes to birth spacing 0.23]). The evidence was graded as very low
in the absence of hormones that are certainty for all outcomes.
necessary for ovulation. Over a longer
period, breastfeeding may contribute Compared to breastfeeding in the second
to reduced risk of some cancers, type 2 year versus no breastfeeding during this
diabetes, and cardiovascular disease (61). period, very low certainty evidence found
There have also been studies on continued higher cumulative odds of underweight
breastfeeding and maternal bone mineral (OR = 1.25 [1.08, 1.46]) and wasting
density, depression and weight status. (OR = 2.16 [1.18, 3.98]), although the review
noted that this association may be the
Although the rates of continued result of confounding, whereby children’s
breastfeeding vary widely globally, poor growth leads to longer breastfeeding.
they generally drop precipitously in the Although not statistically significant,
second year of life. Based on the Global continued breastfeeding in the second
Breastfeeding Scorecard (62) using data year compared to no breastfeeding was
primarily from LMICs, 70% of children suggestive of increased odds of stunting
12–15 months old are breastfed, compared (OR = 1.87 [0.95, 3.68]) though not of

12 WHO Guideline for complementary feeding of infants and young children 6–23 months of age
overweight and obesity (OR = 0.94 [0.79, Summary of the evidence
1.12]). However, body mass index (BMI) was
slightly lower in children and adolescents In young children, continued breastfeeding
who breastfed into the second year of life in the second year compared to no
(MD = -0.10 [-0.17, -0.03]). breastfeeding during this period was
associated with a reduced risk of acute
Two studies (6156 children) found a gastroenteritis and respiratory tract
reduced risk with continued breastfeeding infections. It was associated with increased
in the second year of life compared to no risk of underweight and wasting, though
breastfeeding on acute gastroenteritis the authors note that this may be the
(MD = -2.23 [-2.55, -1.91]) and respiratory result of confounding, whereby children’s
tract infections (MD = -2.43 [-3.99, -0.87]). poor growth leads to longer breastfeeding.
No effects were found for the other There was no association with stunting,
morbidity outcomes. No studies were overweight, or obesity. However, continued
identified that provided information on breastfeeding was associated with slightly
child mortality. All evidence was graded as lower BMI in children and adolescents.
very low certainty. The review found no evidence for
With respect to maternal health, there developmental outcomes or mortality.
was no association of breast cancer in With respect to maternal health, there was
mothers who breastfed their children no association of continued breastfeeding
individually (OR = 0.83 [0.61, 1.14]) or with breast, ovarian, uterine, or cervical
cumulatively (OR = 1.07 [0.95, 1.20]) for cancer, type 2 diabetes, maternal
>12 months compared to those who hypertension stroke, cardiovascular
breastfed for <12 months. Similarly, there mortality, concentrations of cholesterol,
was no evidence of any association of low-density lipoprotein, or high-density
continued breastfeeding with ovarian, lipoprotein. Duration of breastfeeding was
uterine, or cervical cancer, type 2 associated with a lower risk of obesity but
diabetes, or hypertension. Breastfeeding not with diabetes or cardiovascular health.
in the second year was not associated It was, however, associated with increased
with stroke (OR = 1.02 [1.00, 1.05]) or risk of osteoporosis.
cardiovascular mortality (OR = 0.97 [0.94,
1.00]). Cumulative breastfeeding was not Dietary modelling showed that, compared
associated with cholesterol (mg/dL) (SMD/ to those not breastfed, children breastfed
MD = -1.24 [-4.21, 1.74]), low-density into the second year of life had higher
lipoprotein (SMD/MD = -1.51, [-4.36, 1.34], levels of vitamin D and that non-breastfed
or high-density lipoprotein (SMD/MD = 0.66 children needed to consume a more varied
[-0.68, 2.01,]). Cumulative breastfeeding did, diet to meet nutrient needs.
however, increase the risk of osteoporosis
(OR = 1.66 [1.21, 2.26]). The certainty for all Certainty of the evidence
evidence on maternal outcomes was rated
as very low certainty. The overall certainty of evidence on the
benefits of continued breastfeeding was
Among children 12–23 months of age, very low.
dietary modelling found that all 13 target
nutrient intakes could be met for both
breastfed and non-breastfed children. 3.1.4 Balance of benefits and harms
Although not modelled as a target nutrient,
Overall GDG members decided that the
the intake of vitamin D was considerably
balance of benefits and harms probably
higher among breastfed children;
favours continued breastfeeding, with
carbohydrate intake was comparable for
several members expressing uncertainty in
both groups. Non-breastfed children,
that the quality of evidence was very low.
12–23 months of age, needed to consume a
more varied diet – including more types of
starchy foods, fruits, dairy, and fats/oils – in
order to meet nutrient needs.

Recommendations 13
3.1.5 Values and preferences limited, and nutrient gaps are large. They
also noted that the immunologic properties
The GDG noted that the value women of breast milk – including immunoglobulins,
place on continued breastfeeding is hormones, proteins, human milk
highly dependent on context. While some oligosaccharides, white blood cells, anti-
women may prefer to breastfeed for microbial peptides, cytokines, chemokines,
shorter durations, the high prevalence micro RNAs, and commensal bacteria
of breastfeeding into the second year in continue to be important in the second
some countries shows that it is valued in year of life. Continued breastfeeding also
many cultural settings and in other settings provides critical nutrients when children
when programmes and policies support are ill, as breast milk intake continues
continued breastfeeding. The duration even when other foods are rejected. The
of breastfeeding has been declining in systematic review found that continued
some countries and increasing in others. breastfeeding reduces the risk of acute
Maternal employment conditions and an gastroenteritis, respiratory tract infections
enabling environment for breastfeeding and acute otitis media. It found that
help to shape preferences. breastfeeding in the second year reduced
the risk of maternal obesity. Except for
3.1.6 Resource implications an increased risk of osteoporosis, no
other associations with adverse outcomes
While no direct evidence was identified, in maternal health were found. When
the GDG considered that the costs of considering the cost savings of continued
continued breastfeeding were likely lower breastfeeding and high value placed on
than the costs of purchasing alternative breastfeeding in many contexts, the GDG
milks. However, it was also acknowledged decided to make a strong recommendation
that there are opportunity costs incurred but noted the need to include remarks on
by many breastfeeding women in terms of the importance of the enabling policy and
time and ability to engage in remunerative legal environment for its facilitation.
activities where supportive policies and
programmes are not in place.

3.1.7 Acceptability
In considering whether continued
breastfeeding is acceptable to mothers,
families and health care workers, the
GDG considered that a recommendation
for continued breastfeeding would be
acceptable or probably acceptable.

3.1.8 Rationale
Although evidence from the systematic
review was considered to be of very low
certainty, in their deliberations the GDG
considered the results from the modelling
study and their knowledge of research on
the nutrient content of breast milk. The
GDG noted that breast milk continues to
provide a substantial amount of nutrients,
including energy, essential fatty acids,
vitamins, and minerals, throughout the
second year of life. This is particularly
important in contexts where the availability
of and economic access to a high quality
and a diverse diet, including dairy, is

14 WHO Guideline for complementary feeding of infants and young children 6–23 months of age
3.2 Milks for children fed 3.2.2 Background
milks other than breast milk For a variety of reasons, which may include
lack of a supportive environment, maternal
3.2.1 Recommendation choice or, more rarely, a medical condition,
not all infants and young children are
breastfed between 6 and 23 months of
Recommendation age. Some breastfed children also receive
other milks. Milk or another source of dairy

2 are necessary for all children 6–23 months

of age. For children who are breastfed the
milk they receive is breast milk, though
a. Milks 6–11 months: for infants other dairy foods could also be part of
6–11 months of age who are fed a diverse diet. For children who are not
milks other than breast milk, breastfed, milk or another source of dairy is
either milk formula or animal necessary and even more important if they
milk can be fed (conditional, low are not getting other animal-source foods.
certainty evidence).
According to the 2016 Lancet Breastfeeding
b. Milks 12–23 months: for young series, 37% of children aged 6–23 months
children 12–23 months of age in LMICs do not receive breast milk, with
who are fed milks other than variation in rates of 18% in low-income
breast milk, animal milk should countries, 34% in the LMICs, and 55% in
be fed. Follow-up formulas are high-income countries (67). Although breast
not recommended (conditional, low milk is always preferable, in such situations
certainty evidence) 2. another milk, such as milk formula, animal
milk, or another source of dairy is needed
Remarks to address the unique nutritional needs of
this age group.
• Dairy products, including liquid
animal milks are part of a diverse
diet and can contribute to nutritional Milks for infants 6–11 months of age fed
adequacy (see also Recommendation milks other than breast milk
4a). They are particularly important
Animal milks are an important source of
for non-breastfed children when
key nutrients, including protein, calcium,
other animal source foods (ASFs) are
riboflavin, potassium, phosphorus,
not available.
magnesium, and zinc (68) . Milk protein
• Types of animal milks that could be
stimulates insulin-like growth factor-1,
used include pasteurized animal
important for bone mass acquisition and
milk, reconstituted evaporated (but
growth (69). Most milk formulas are derived
not condensed) milk, fermented
from cow’s milk, though some are also
milk, or yogurt.
plant-based. They have been continually
• Flavoured or sweetened milks
altered to be as similar as nutritionally
should not be used.
possible to breast milk, though lack its
• If infants 6–11 months of age are fed
immunological properties and do not
animal milks, full fat milk should be
include all nutrients present in breast
milk. Because milk formulas have been
• Safe storage and handling practices
aggressively marketed and are associated
of animal milks should be followed.
with child morbidity and mortality, an
International Code of Marketing of Breast-
milk Substitutes was nearly unanimously

The GDG decided there was insufficient evidence for children 12–23 months on full fat vs low-fat milk
and on animal vs. plant milk and, therefore, decided not to make a recommendation on these questions.
Because sweetened milks include added sugars, they are not appropriate for infants and young children
6–23 months of age.

Recommendations 15
approved by the World Health Assembly in respect to saturated fatty acids, the WHO
1981 (70). guidelines on total fat recommend that
i) adults and children reduce saturated
The use of cow’s milk in infancy has been fatty acid intake to 10% of total energy
associated with both gastrointestinal intake (strong recommendation); ii) further
blood loss and iron deficiency anaemia reducing saturated fatty acid intake to
(IDA) (43) , although it is not clear how long less than 10% of total energy intake
this association lasts. During this period, (conditional recommendation); and iii)
it is also associated with increased solute replacing saturated fatty acids in the diet
load for kidneys. Despite these outcomes, with polyunsaturated fatty acids (strong
there continues to be differing opinions recommendation), monounsaturated
on nutrition and health outcomes related fatty acids from plant sources (conditional
to feeding cow’s milk between 6 and recommendation), or carbohydrates
11 months of age (71). from foods containing naturally occurring
The WHO Guiding Principles for Feeding Non- dietary fibre, such as whole grains,
breastfed Children 6–24 Months of Age states vegetables, fruits and pulses (conditional
that feeding animal milk and appropriate recommendation) (27).
complementary foods is a safe choice Some milks are fortified with additional
since the occult blood losses in infants nutrients and aggressively marketed as
6–11 months of age are very minor and not follow-up formulas. They are also widely
likely to affect iron status (2). Furthermore, consumed (73). A recent systematic
iron deficiency can be avoided by using review by the European Society for
iron supplements or complementary foods Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology
with adequate bioavailability of iron. The and Nutrition Committee on Nutrition
WHO Guideline for HIV and Infant Feeding found the composition of such formulas
recommends that for infants older than varied widely (74). Some products also
6 months, commercial infant formula had inappropriately high protein and
or animal milk (boiled for infants under carbohydrate concentrations as well as
12 months) are acceptable alternatives to added sugars. The Codex Alimentarius
breastfeeding (72). However, milk formula Commission has defined follow-up formula
is recommended when specific home as “a food intended for use as a liquid part
conditions are met, including safe water of the weaning diet for the infant from the
and sanitation in the household, sufficient 6th month on and for young children” (75).
infant milk formula is available to support The WHO and many paediatric societies
the normal growth and development, consider these products as unnecessary
and the mother or caregiver can prepare and not recommended (76, 77). In 2016,
it cleanly and frequently enough so the WHO published guidance to clarify
that it carries a low risk of diarrhoea that toddler milk formulas are breast-milk
and malnutrition, among other adverse substitutes and should be covered by the
outcomes. Code (76).

Milks for young children 12–23 months Plant-based milks, such as soy milk or
almond milk, are also increasingly marketed
of age fed milks other than breast milk
and there are questions about whether
Young children who are fed milks other young children should consume them.
than breast milk are usually given animal Compared to plant-based milk, dairy milk
milk to support continued growth and has more energy, fat, high-quality protein,
development. There have been questions and vitamins and minerals (78).
about whether children who consume
animal milk should consume milk of lower
rather than full fat, thus avoiding the higher
levels of saturated fat in full fat milks. Some
countries recommend that young children
consume whole milk until 24 months
of age and low-fat thereafter (66). With

16 WHO Guideline for complementary feeding of infants and young children 6–23 months of age
3.2.3 Evidence infant formula (RR = 1.86 [1.05, 33.10]),
though not for constipation (RR = 3.31 [0.89,
12.37]). Evidence for both outcomes was
Milks for infants 6–11 months of age fed
rated as very low certainty.
milks other than breast milk
A meta-analysis of three RCTs found no
The systematic review identified a total of
effect on weight-for-age (WAZ) (SMD = –0.02
nine studies of which four were RCTs and
[-0.26, 0.21]) and two RCTs found no
five were observational cohort studies. All
effect on length-for-age (LAZ) (SMD = 0.07
studies, except one, were from high-income
[-0.15, 0.30]). Evidence for both sets of
comparisons was considered of low
Meta-analyses of the two RCTs and two certainty.
observational cohort studies found that
With respect to neurodevelopmental
consumption of cow’s milk compared
outcomes or psychomotor or mental
to infant formula increased the risk of
developmental, data from a single RCT
anaemia (RR = 4.03 [1.68, 9.65]) and
did not show an effect on any outcomes
(RR = 2.26 [1.15, 4.43]), respectively.
assessed (low certainty evidence).
Evidence from both sets of studies was
considered of low certainty. Summary of the evidence
Three RCTs and two observational studies
reported on Hgb concentrations (g/ The systematic review on milks for infants
dL) in infants 6–11 months consuming 6–11 months of age found that cow’s milk
animal milk compared to infant formula. compared to milk formula may increase
In a meta-analysis of the RCTs, lower the risk of anaemia and IDA, and result in
concentrations of Hgb were found among lower serum ferritin concentrations. The
infants consuming animal milk (SMD = -0.32 results were mixed for Hgb concentrations.
(-0.59, -0.05]). A meta-analysis of the There were no differences between milks
observational studies found a similar result for the anthropometric or developmental
(SMD = -0.37 [-0.78, 0.05]). Evidence for outcomes assessed, gastrointestinal blood
both sets of comparisons was considered loss or diarrhoea.
of low certainty. Two cohort studies found
Certainty of the evidence
that consumption of animal milk compared
to formula milk increased the risk of IDA
The certainty of the evidence for all
(risk ratio = 2.26 [1.15, 4.43]) (low certainty
outcomes was graded as very low or
evidence). One cohort study and three RCTs
low certainty.
reported on serum ferritin concentrations
(µg/L). The cohort study showed lower
concentrations when the animal milk group Milks for young children 12–23 months
was compared to the milk formula group of age fed milks other than breast milk
(SMD = -0.81 [-1.13, -0.49]). However, a
The systematic review identified five studies
meta-analysis of the three RCTs showed
(796 children) that compared animal milk
no difference between the two groups
(full-fat or lower-fat) to follow-up formula.
(SMD = -0.30 [-0.94, 0.34]).
Only one study for the comparison of full
One RCT and one observational cohort fat versus lower fat milk and one study on
study found no difference in risk of the comparison of animal milk (full or lower
gastrointestinal blood loss when animal fat) to plant milk was found.
milk was compared to infant formula:
RR = 1.52 (0.73, 3.16) for the observational Animal milk compared to follow-up
cohort study (low certainty evidence) and formula
RR = 3.14 [0.98, 10.04) for the RCT (low
certainty evidence). A meta-analysis of three studies found
that among children 12–23 months,
One observational cohort study found consumption of animal milk compared
increased risk of diarrhoea with to follow-up formula fortified with iron
consumption of animal milk compared to

Recommendations 17
and other nutrients was not associated For the outcomes of nutrient intakes,
with weight (kg) (MD = 0.13 [-0.11, 0.36]) feeding practices, long-term food
or height (cm) (MD = 0.20 [-0.31, 0.72]) preferences, oral health, morbidity, dietary
(moderate certainty evidence for both diversity, allergy, phytoestrogen-related
outcomes). A single RCT found that animal outcomes, no data were reported. With
milk compared to follow-up formula was respect to gut health, as measured by stool
not associated with an increased WHZ frequency, no effect was found.
(MD = 0.3 [-0.01, 0.61]) or percentage body
fat (MD = 2.4 [-0.16, 4.96]) (low certainty Full-fat compared to lower-fat animal
evidence for both outcomes). Subgroup
analysis found no difference in terms of
type of funding (e.g., by the dairy or milk When consumption of full-fat versus lower-
formula industry versus a foundation, non- fat animal milk was compared, only one
governmental organization, or government) RCT (17 children) was identified. Of all the
for any of the comparisons. Two RCTs critical outcomes, data were reported for
compared the effect of animal milk versus only cholesterol (mg/dL) and serum lipid
follow-up formula on head circumference profiles (mg/dL). No effects were found
(cm) and found no difference between the for cholesterol (MD = 0.17 [-0.92, 0.58]),
groups (MD = 0.05 [-0.36, 0.26)] (moderate low-density lipoproteins, high-density
certainty evidence). lipoproteins, or the ratio of low-density
lipoprotein to high density lipoprotein.
With respect to vitamin D status (assessed
No data were found for any of the other
as serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D), two RCTS
critical outcomes, including growth,
found children consuming animal milk had
child development, or long-term food
lower concentrations of vitamin D (nmol/L)
preferences. The evidence for all outcomes
(MD = -16.27 [-21.23, -11.31]) and higher
was rated as low certainty.
risk of vitamin D deficiency (risk ratio = 2.64
[1.57, 4.45]). The evidence was rated as low
certainty for both outcomes. Animal milk compared to plant-based
One RCT reported no effect on mean
serum iron concentrations (µmol/L) with Only one study, an RCT with 21 children,
consumption of animal milk compared was found that compared animal milk (full-
to follow-up formula (MD = -0.70 [-2.63, fat or lower-fat) to plant-based milk. Of
1.23]) (low certainty evidence), though the critical outcomes, comparisons were
two RCTs found an increased risk of iron reported only on lipid profile outcomes and
deficiency (serum iron < 12 µ/L) and IDA no differences were found. No data were
among children consuming animal milks: found on any of the important outcomes.
RR = 2.33 [1.40, 3.86] for iron deficiency
and risk ratio = 6.16 [1.11, 34.20] for IDA. Summary of the evidence
The evidence was deemed low certainty
for the three outcomes. Five RCTs found With respect to milks for children
consumption of animal milk compared to 12–23 months, there was no difference
follow-up formula resulted in lower Hgb in anthropometric indicators between
concentrations (g/dL) (MD = -2.61 [-4.86, children who consumed animal milk versus
-0.37)] (low certainty evidence). No data follow-up formula. Children consuming
were reported for anaemia. animal milk were more likely to have
lower concentrations of vitamin D and
One RCT found no difference between the have vitamin D deficiency. Indicators of
two groups on child development indicators iron status were also generally poorer
(Bayley mental development index and among children consuming animal milk
psychomotor development index). The compared to follow-up formula. There
evidence was rated as moderate for the were no differences on child development
mental development outcome and low for indicators.
the psychomotor development index.
The only study that was available to study
the effect of full fat compared to lower-fat

18 WHO Guideline for complementary feeding of infants and young children 6–23 months of age
animal milk found no differences in opinion that the acceptability of animal milk
cholesterol or serum lipid profiles. Lastly, or milk formula likely differ by context and
the one study that evaluated the effect of household resources.
animal milk versus plant-based milk on lipid
profiles found no difference between the 3.2.8 Rationale
The different recommendations for
Certainty of the evidence 6–11-month-old infants compared to
12–23-month-old children reflect the
The evidence was considered low to different nutritional needs of the two
moderate for anthropometric outcomes. groups as well as the quantities of
For indicators of vitamin D and iron food each group is able to consume.
status, the evidence was rated as low. The evidence showed that for infants
The evidence related to developmental 6–11 months of age, milk formula has
outcomes was rated as moderate and low. some benefits over animal milk with
respect to indicators of iron and vitamin
3.2.4 Balance of benefits and harms D status. While milk formula provides
supplemental sources of iron and other
The GDG was of the opinion that there was nutrients, there are also other ways to
uncertainty in the balance of benefits and improve iron status, including through
harms of animal milk compared to milk ASFs, iron supplementation, MNPs or
formula for infants 6–11 months of age fortified food products. No differences in
and follow-up formula for young children growth were found between animal milk
12–23 months of age, as it would vary and infant formula or between animal milk
widely by context. However, there was and follow-up formula in developmental
some agreement that there were probably outcomes. Therefore, the GDG decided
some benefits for infants 6–11 months of to recommend that either animal milk or
age consuming milk formula rather than milk formula could be consumed in later
animal milk. infancy (6–11 months). In contrast, children
12–23 months consume more food and
3.2.5 Values and preferences therefore can derive more of their nutrient
needs from food, including dairy foods
No studies were identified that and other ASFs. Animal milk is generally a
describe how caregivers value different suitable alternative to follow-up formula for
milks. However, the GDG was of the opinion this age group.
that values and preferences for animal milk
versus milk formula likely differ by context.

3.2.6 Resource implications

Based on the high cost of milk formula
compared to animal milk, the resource
implications for recommending such milks
instead of animal milks are significant,
especially in low-resource settings.
Although there was uncertainty, the GDG
was of the opinion that consideration
of resource implications would favour
consumption of animal milks.

3.2.7 Acceptability
No studies were identified that describe
the acceptability of animal milk or milk
formula. However, the GDG was of the

Recommendations 19
3.3 Age of introduction of Concerns about introduction of
complementary foods before 6 months of
complementary foods age have primarily focused on four overall
potential risks: increased morbidity because
3.3.1 Recommendation of gastrointestinal diseases (such as
diarrhoeal diseases) in settings where food
and water hygiene is a concern, inferior
Recommendation nutritional quality of complementary foods

compared to breast milk in low-resource
settings, inadequate developmental
readiness to consume foods, and risk of
obesity (4).
Age of introduction of
complementary foods Concern about late introduction of
complementary foods has primarily
Infants should be introduced to focused on the inadequacy in breast milk
complementary foods at 6 months of key nutrients, particularly iron, needed
(180 days) while continuing to for continued growth and development
breastfeed (strong, low certainty and the potential increased risk of
evidence). some food allergies (4). There are also
concerns that delaying the introduction
Remarks of complementary foods could affect the
• The recommendation is a public acceptance of new flavours and textures. In
health recommendation and addition, accumulating evidence suggests
recognizes that some infants may that delaying the introduction of some nuts,
benefit from earlier introduction of such as peanuts, may promote rather than
complementary foods. prevent food allergies (81). This may also be
• Mothers concerned about the the case for other allergenic foods, such as
adequacy of breast milk might milk.
benefit from lactation support. Iron is of particular concern for exclusively
• Iron in breast milk is highly breastfed infants, especially for those
bioavailable, but some infants may weighing < 3 kg at birth, whose mothers
be at risk of iron deficiency (ID), were iron deficient during pregnancy, or
especially if they were preterm or who did not receive their full endowment
low birthweight. Early introduction of placental blood because of early
of complementary foods, even if umbilical cord clamping (82, 83). Iron
iron-fortified, does not adequately deficiency in breastfed infants can be
prevent iron deficiency anaemia in prevented more effectively by targeted
high-risk populations. iron supplementation than by introducing
complementary foods. WHO recommends
enteral iron supplementation for human
3.3.2 Background
milk-fed preterm or low-birth-weight infants
The age of introduction of complementary who are not receiving iron from another
feeding, when foods are introduced to source (40). Delayed cord clamping for all
complement a milk-based diet, is of critical newborns is also recommended (39). With
importance to the nutrition and health of respect to developmental readiness to
the growing infant. Various reviews have begin consuming foods, the ability to sit
been conducted and most conclude that, without support is considered an important
while there were harms related to the factor as it is associated with other aspects
introduction of complementary foods prior of physiological development, including
to 4 months, there were generally no harms gastrointestinal, renal, and immunological
of introducing complementary foods at system maturation (84).
around 6 months (79, 80).
Globally, early introduction of
complementary foods is common,

20 WHO Guideline for complementary feeding of infants and young children 6–23 months of age
occurring among 29% of infants Early introduction of complementary
< 6 months of age in LMICs (85). The highest foods (≤ 4 months of age) compared to
percentages were in East Asia and the at 6 months of age (>180 days)
Pacific and Latin America, where about 47%
and 48% of infants < 6 months of age were Four RCTs compared introduction of
fed complementary foods, respectively. iron-fortified complementary foods at
Percentages were slightly lower in other ≤ 4 months versus at 6 months of age and
world regions; about 33% in Eastern and found no effect on length (cm) (SMD = 0.05
Southern Africa, 34% in West and Central [-0.16, 0.27]) or weight (kg) (SMD = -0.06
Africa, and 27% in Middle East and North [-0.26, 0.13]). Three RCTs evaluated the
Africa. They were lowest in South Asia at effect on head circumference (cm) and
19% and in the UNICEF region (composed found no effect (SMD = 0.03 [-0.20, 0.26]).
of Central and Eastern Europe and the One RCT found no effect on BMI (MD = 0.02
Commonwealth of Independent States) at [-0.41, 0.45]), BMI-for-age (MD = -0.15
about 22%. [-0.48, 0.18]), or overweight (kg) (RR = 3.70
[0.43, 31.61]). All evidence was rated as
In general, national guidelines in most low certainty evidence. With respect to
LMICs recommend that complementary anaemia, two RCTs found no effect of early
feeding begin at 6 months (4, 64, 65). introduction of a food fortified with iron
The American Academy of Pediatrics compared to later introduction (RR = 3.70
recommends the introduction of [0.43, 31.61]) and one RCT found no effect
complementary foods at approximately in severe anaemia (RR = 0.77 [0.45, 1.33]).
6 months, while the European Society for One RCT reported no effect on food
Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology acceptance score. Evidence for all outcomes
and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) Committee on was rated as very low certainty.
Nutrition recommends that complementary
foods should not be introduced before For maternal outcomes, one RCT found no
age 4 months but not delayed beyond age effect of introducing complementary foods
6 months (66, 77). at ≤ 4 months of age versus at 6 months on
amenorrhea (RR = 0.84 [0.50, 1.41]) or on
the duration of lactational amenorrhea.
3.3.3 Evidence
The systematic review presented data from Early introduction of complementary
a total of nine RCTs and 189 observational foods (< 6 months of age) compared to
studies from low-, middle- and high- ≥ 6 months of age (≥ 180 days)
income countries. The total number
of children across all studies summed A total of 40 studies (213 220 children)
to 817 490. Data from 78 studies were were identified to examine the
available for meta-analyses, comprising association between early introduction
seven RCTs and 71 observational studies. of complementary foods, defined as
Of these, 56 studies (seven RCTs and 49 < 6 months of age and later introduction,
observational studies) focused on early defined as ≥ 6 months of age. All were
introduction of complementary food, observational.
defined as either ≤ 4 months versus at
Ten studies examined the association
6 months or <6 months versus ≥ 6 months.
between introduction at < 6 months
Nine observational studies focused on
compared to ≥ 6 months on stunting
late introduction of complementary foods,
and found no association (OR = 1.16
defined as introduction at > 6 months
[0.77, 1.75]). Six studies studied this
versus ≤ 6 months. Thirteen observational
comparison for underweight and wasting.
studies focused on both early and
An association indicating more underweight
late introduction.
among infants with early compared to
later introduction was found (OR = 1.29
[1.08, 1.53]), though no association was
found with wasting (OR = 1.55 [0.91,
2.62]). Two studies examined HAZ for the

Recommendations 21
same comparison groups and found no and three studies found no association
association (MD = 0.03 [-0.13, 0.19]) and with wasting (OR = 0.42 [0.07, 2.56]). Two
one study found no association on WAZ studies found that late introduction was
(MD = 0.08 [-0.12, 0.27]). Evidence for all associated with lower length/height (cm)
outcomes was rated as very low to low (SMD = -0.12 [-0.21, -0.04]), but not weight
certainty. (kg) (MD = -0.11 [-0.69, 0.48]). One study
found an association with BMI (MD = -0.14
Six studies looked at length and weight and [-0.23, -0.05]), suggesting that later
found no difference between earlier and introduction was associated with lower BMI.
later introduction. Three studies looked at Three studies found no association with
the association with BMI and found that overweight (OR = 0.94 [0.69, 1.29]). Evidence
earlier introduction was associated with for all outcomes was considered low to very
higher BMI compared to later introduction low certainty.
(SMD = 0.13 [0.05, 0.21]). One study looked
at BMI Z-score and also found a similar With respect to other outcomes, two
association (SMD = 0.19 [0.09, 0.29]). observational studies found no association
One study found no association with with anaemia (OR = 2.49 [0.02, 359.68]),
head circumference. Four studies looked atopic dermatitis (OR = 0.98 [0.79, 1.20]),
at overweight, obesity, and overweight or lower respiratory tract infection
and obesity combined. No association (OR = 1.09 [0.86, 1.37]) (very low certainty
was found with overweight or obesity; evidence). One observational study found
however, for the combined category, early a positive association with episodes of
introduction was associated with higher diarrhoea, suggesting increased risk with
levels of overweight/obesity (OR = 1.34 late introduction (OR = 1.58 [1.10, 2.28]).
[1.09, 1.65]). Evidence for all outcomes was However, no associations with asthma,
rated as low to very low certainty. wheeze, or eczema were found. Evidence
for all outcomes was considered to be of
With respect to other outcomes, two low or very low certainty.
studies found no association with anaemia
(OR = 1.72 [0.90, 3.27]). However, one study Summary of the evidence
found an association with IDA, suggesting
that earlier introduction was associated Evidence from RCTs suggests that early
with lower risk (OR = 0.34 [0.18, 0.63]). Two introduction of complementary foods,
studies found no association with diarrhoea defined as ≤ 4 months, compared to
or food allergy and three studies found at 6 months has no effect on stunting,
no association with asthma or lower track underweight, wasting, measures of
respiratory infection. Lastly, one study overweight/obesity, anaemia, or severe
found no association with wheeze, eczema, anaemia.
respiratory illness or rickets. Evidence for all
outcomes was rated as very low certainty. When early introduction was defined as
< 6 months compared to ≥ 6 months,
observational studies suggest no
Late introduction of complementary association with stunting, underweight,
foods (> 6 months of age or > 180 days) wasting, HAZ, WAZ, length/height, or
compared to ≤ 6 months of age weight. Early introduction was associated
Seventeen observational studies with higher BMI. Results for indicators of
(83 808 children) were identified to iron status were mixed, with two studies
evaluate the effect of late introduction showing no association with anaemia and
of complementary foods, defined one study showing an association with
as > 6 months of age versus earlier increased IDA among children who received
introduction, defined as ≤ 6 months of age. complementary foods before 6 months
compared to at or after 6 months. No
Seven studies found no association associations were found with any of the
with stunting (OR = 1.19 [0.71, 2.00]), other outcomes studied.
four studies found no association with
underweight (OR = 1.35 [0.65, 2.78]), Observational studies found that late
introduction (> 6 months) compared

22 WHO Guideline for complementary feeding of infants and young children 6–23 months of age
to earlier introduction at ≥ 6 months complementary foods likely vary depending
was not associated with stunting, on culture. Many parents may want to start
underweight, wasting, or weight. However, earlier to show that their baby is precocious
late introduction was associated with and some may be concerned about the
lower length/height. Late introduction adequacy of breast milk to support their
was associated with lower BMI, though infant’s nutritional needs. Although many
not with overweight or obesity. There parents value the introduction at 6 months,
was no association between the groups for infants who are exclusively breastfed
with anaemia, atopic dermatitis, lower there are often large societal barriers to
respiratory tract infection, asthma, wheeze, this practice because supportive policies
or eczema. and programs are not in place. Very few
countries mandate maternity leave for
Certainty of the evidence 6 months and many offer as few as 6
weeks. Worksites often lack breastfeeding
Evidence from RCTs was graded as low to rooms for the expression and refrigeration
very low certainty. The same was true for of breast milk. Lack of support places
the observational studies. Authors of the an undue burden on mothers who wish
systematic review noted that most of the to exclusively breastfeed for 6 months.
observational studies were not statistically Also, manufacturers and distributors
powered to capture the association of complementary foods market their
between the timing of introduction of products in ways that suggest that
complementary foods and outcomes complementary foods should be introduced
reported and not adequately adjusted for before 6 months.
confounding variables.
3.3.6 Resource implications
3.3.4 Balance of benefits and harms
The GDG indicated introduction of
Based on the evidence, the GDG was of the complementary foods before 6 months
view that there were small but uncertain compared to at 6 months would be more
evidence of benefits from introducing costly because of the cost of the quality
complementary foods at 6 months and variety of foods to optimally feed
compared to earlier and uncertain benefits infants. However, introduction at 6 months
of introduction later than 6 months. could also be costly for women who are
Their view was that harms associated exclusively breastfeeding if they lack a
with introduction earlier than 6 months supportive environment and must forgo
was uncertain and that it varied and that paid work.
harms associated with introduction later
than 6 months were uncertain. The GDG
believed that, on balance, the balance of 3.3.7 Acceptability
benefits and harms favoured introduction The GDG noted that some health care
at 6 months rather than earlier or later, providers as well as caregivers may not
but that there was uncertainty. Early agree with introduction of complementary
introduction, especially in low-resource foods at 6 months compared to earlier
settings where access to high-quality foods introduction, particularly in high-income
is limited, runs the risk of displacing breast countries where paediatric societies often
milk that is a superior source of nutrients. recommend introduction between 4 and
Late introduction runs the risk of the infant 6 months.
not receiving enough energy and nutrients
to complement breast milk or another milk

3.3.5 Values and preferences

The GDG noted that values and preferences
related to the age of introduction of

Recommendations 23
3.4 Dietary diversity
• When cereal grains are used, whole
cereal grains should be prioritized,
3.4.1 Recommendation and refined ones minimized.
• Care should be taken to ensure that
pulses, nuts and seeds are given
Recommendation in a form that does not pose a risk

of choking.

3.4.2 Background
Dietary diversity
Infants and young children need to
Infants and young children consume a variety of foods to ensure their
6–23 months of age should consume nutritional needs are met and to support
a diverse diet. healthy growth and development (4). A diet
lacking in diversity increases the risk of
a. Animal source foods, including
nutrient deficiencies, many of which cannot
meat, fish, or eggs, should be
be satisfied through nutrient supplements
consumed daily (strong, low
or fortified food products because they
certainty evidence).
contain only a subset of the essential
b. Fruits and vegetables should nutrients and bioactive substances found
be consumed daily (strong, low in food. Different combinations of foods
certainty evidence), and consumed at the same time also can create
synergies that facilitate absorption of
c. Pulses, nuts and seeds should important nutrients. For example, vitamin
be consumed frequently, C-rich foods facilitate the absorption of
particularly when meat, fish, or non-heme iron. Consuming a diverse diet
eggs and vegetables are limited is important for reasons beyond meeting
in the diet (conditional, very low nutritional requirements; young children
certainty evidence). who receive a diverse diet are exposed to
different food tastes and textures.
WHO and UNICEF have defined eight key
• Animal-source foods, fruits and
food groups for children, which include:
vegetables, and nuts, pulses and
1) breast milk; 2) flesh foods (meat, fish,
seeds should be key components
poultry, and liver/organ meats; 3) dairy
of energy intake because of their
(milk, yogurts, cheese); 4) eggs; 5) legumes
overall higher nutrient density
and nuts; 6) vitamin-A rich fruits and
compared to cereal grains.
vegetables; 7) other fruits and vegetables;
• Starchy staple foods should
and 8) grains, roots, and tubers (86). They
be minimized. They commonly
have defined minimum dietary diversity
comprise a large component of
(MDD) as consumption of five out of the
complementary feeding diets,
eight groups (86)3.
particularly in low resource settings,
and do not provide proteins of the The GDG identified three specific food
same quality as those found in groups for systematic reviews: ASFs (meat,
animal source foods and are not fish, poultry, eggs, insects, and liver/organ
good sources of critical nutrients meats), fruits and vegetables, and legumes,
such as iron, zinc and Vitamin B12. nuts, and seeds. Although grains, roots,
Many also include anti-nutrients that and tubers are a part of dietary diversity,
reduce nutrient absorption. the GDG opted not to directly examine
evidence on this food group through a
PECO question. However, they did examine

MDD is a population-level indicator to measure a minimum dietary diversity and is not a dietary

24 WHO Guideline for complementary feeding of infants and young children 6–23 months of age
the effects of varying the quantities of such plant foods. The bioavailability of many
staple foods through dietary modelling. of these nutrients is also higher; for
example, the absorption of haem iron
Depending on the source, ASFs have high in animal products is twice that of non-
bioavailability of many limiting nutrients, haem iron in plants. ASFs are the main
especially iron, zinc, vitamin B12, calcium, source of vitamin B12. A long-chain fatty
and preformed vitamin A. Per gram, polyunsaturated acid, DHA, found in
eggs contain the most choline, a critical many ASFs is the predominant fatty acid
nutrient for brain development (87). in the brain, supporting neurogenesis,
They also provide a large proportion of neurotransmission, myelination, synaptic
requirements of protein, selenium, vitamin plasticity, among other functions. Eggs, in
B12, potassium, and riboflavin. Fatty fish particular, have a high concentration of
and other aquatic foods are good sources choline, a critical nutrient for many growth
of n-3 fatty acids important for brain pathways, neurotransmission, memory
development. Fruits and vegetables are and learning processes, as well as gene
important sources of vitamins A and C, expression (87). Along with human milk,
potassium, folate, phytochemicals, and eggs are considered a perfect protein
dietary fibre. As with other food groups, source (87).
legumes, nuts, and seeds are rich in
protein, healthy fats, fibre, minerals such as While ASFs, particularly red meat, have
magnesium, potassium, calcium, non-haem been identified as problematic aspects of
iron and zinc, B vitamins such as B1, B2, sustainable food systems (90), infants and
and B3, and vitamin E. young children have unique nutritional
needs that merit special consideration.
According to a recent UNICEF report, Meat is a particularly good source of
globally only 28% of children 6–23 months iron, zinc, and vitamin B12, nutrients that
of age met the indicator for MDD (88). It are often deficient in many populations
was lowest in South Asia, West and Central including those in high-income countries.
Africa, and Eastern and Southern Africa at Given their small gastric capacity, infants
about 25% whereas it was highest in Latin and young children can consume only small
America and the Caribbean (62%). In East amounts of meat and their consumption
Asia and the Pacific and the Middle East would have a small impact on sustainable
and North Africa, 39% and 36% of children agriculture. Therefore, how to ensure that
6–23 months met their MDD, respectively. infants and young children during the
Infants, age 6–11 months have the lowest complementary feeding period consume
diversity compared to children in the older ASFs, in the context of a family diet, needs
age groups. special consideration in discussions of
Both the Guiding Principles for sustainable diets.
Complementary Feeding of the Breastfed Because of their cost relative to other
Child and Guiding Principles for Feeding the types of food (91) consumption of ASFs
Non-Breastfed Child 6–24 Months of Age by young children is low in low resource
recommend that infants and young children settings. Between 2014 and 2019, among
should be fed a variety of foods to ensure children 6–23 months of age living in 73
dietary needs are met (1, 2). LMICs, 55% did not consume an ASF the
previous day (88). The highest percentage
Animal source foods of consumers was in Latin America and
the Caribbean (71%), followed by East Asia
Animal-source foods, such as eggs, dairy, and the Pacific (67%), and the Middle East
fish, and meat, are rich in both micro and North Africa (59%). In Eastern and
and macro-nutrients and provide high- Southern Africa, West and Central Africa,
quality proteins to support growth and and South Asia, less than half of children
development (89). They are also high in this age group consumed an ASF the
in micronutrients, including vitamins previous day. A recent systematic review
A, B12, and riboflavin and the minerals of child dietary patterns in Homo sapiens
calcium, zinc, and iron relative to those in evolution found that animal foods were the

Recommendations 25
most commonly mentioned food group, Globally, only 59% of children age 6 to
suggesting that current patterns of ASF 23 months of age consumed a vegetable
consumption diverge sharply from those of and/or fruit the previous day (98). In Latin
the evolutionary past (92). America and the Caribbean and East Asia
and the Pacific over 70% of children were in
Nuts, pulses and seeds this category. In the Middle East and North
Africa, this percentage reached 65%, and
Nuts, pulses, and seeds provide important in West and Central Asia it reached 44%. In
macronutrients with respect to energy, Eastern and South Africa, 38% of children
protein, essential fats, and fibre. They 6–23 months consumed a vegetable and/or
also provide important micronutrients, fruit the previous day. This percentage was
especially iron, zinc, and thiamine, which lowest in South Asia where only about one
are often limited in the diets of young in four children fell in this category.
children. They can be a good source
of iron, particularly when consumed Starchy staple foods
with other foods rich in vitamin C. Nuts,
legumes and other seeds also contain Grains, such as wheat, maize, and rice,
many bioactive phytochemicals and various are the most used starchy food used in
antioxidants (93). infant and young children’s diets. Less
used are grains such as barley, oats,
The consumption of nuts, pulses, and millet, sorghum, rye, and quinoa (99). The
seeds is likely to be particularly relevant nutrient content of grains varies widely
in LMICs where they are relatively less and depends also on the degree of milling.
costly compared to ASFs. They also have Grains contain protein, fibre, and a range
a relatively long shelf life; an attribute of micronutrients. However, the quality of
important in settings that lack refrigeration. the proteins is low compared to ASFs (100).
However, aflatoxins in peanuts, peanut Grains are also high in phytates, which
products, and some oil seeds such as interfere with micronutrient absorption.
cotton seed may be a problem in some Roots and tubers are also a starchy staple
countries (94). and potatoes are commonly consumed as a
According to a recent UNICEF report, 78% complementary food in Andean countries.
of children 6–23 months of age did not Diets heavily reliant on starchy staple foods
consume legumes the previous day; 75% as the main source of energy are lacking
in low-income countries, 80% in middle- in the level of nutrient density needed to
income countries and 69% in high-income satisfy nutrient requirements in this age
countries (88). group.

Based on nationally representative surveys

Fruits and vegetables in numerous LMICs, starchy foods are the
most commonly consumed food group.
Fruits and vegetables provide nutrients Globally, 79% of children 6-23 months
that can fill nutrient gaps common in the of age consumed a starchy staple the
complementary feeding diets of infants and day (93). Ninety percent of young children
young children. In addition to containing consuming a starchy staple the previous in
nutrients such as potassium, folate, vitamin East Asia and the Pacific, 83% in the Middle
A, vitamin C, and vitamin K, they are also East and North Africa, 74% in South Asia,
a good source of fibre and contain many and 79% is Sub Saharan Africa. Only 47%
phytochemicals (95). Repeated exposure of young children consumed dairy and
to fruits and vegetables, especially those vitamin-A rich fruits and vegetables, which
with a bitter taste, during infancy has also were the next most consumed food groups.
been associated with better acceptance
and improved intake of such foods later
in childhood (96). Consumption of fruits
and vegetables may also reduce risk of
NCDs (97).

26 WHO Guideline for complementary feeding of infants and young children 6–23 months of age
3.4.3 Evidence no effect on WAZ (MD = 0.15 [0.00, 0.30]),
HAZ (MD = 0.06 [=0.10, 0.22], or WHZ
(MD = -0.10 [-0.24, 0.04]) (low to very
Animal-source foods (ASFs)
low certainty evidence). Another RCT
The systematic review presented data from evaluated the effect of providing eggs on
50 studies from a diverse set of countries anaemia and Hgb concentrations among
of different income levels and involving children 6–12 months of age at baseline
427 674 children. Of these, 30 were and followed up at 6, 9, and 12 months. It
observational, 18 were RCTs, and two were showed no effect on Hgb concentrations
non-randomized experimental studies. Lack (mg/dL) (SMD = 0.20 [-0.31, 0.71]) or
of standardization of the interventions (e.g., anaemia (RR = 0.78 [0.14, 4.36]) (moderate
age of children at baseline, and type and certainty evidence). Three RCTs evaluated
amount of ASF, length of follow-up) and the effect of egg or egg yolk consumption
outcome measures limited the ability to on DHA, two of which evaluated the effect
meta-analyse the data and was possible for of only egg yolk consumption and one of
only one food. which compared egg yolk enriched with
DHA versus non enriched egg yolk. Both
breastfed and non-breastfed children fed
Randomized controlled trials
enriched egg yolks (four/week) versus
One RCT of infants 8–10 months of non-enriched egg yolks (four/week) had
age with follow up at 8 and 10 months improved DHA concentrations (SMD = 1.72
after the intervention found no effect [1.04, 2.40]) and (SMD = 1.21 [0.55, 1.86]),
on height, weight, triceps skinfold, respectively.
Hgb concentrations, or serum ferritin
With respect to insects, one study
concentrations among those consuming
assessed the effect of caterpillar cereal
27g/day of meat compared to those
consumption on various outcomes among
consuming 10g/d. All evidence was rated
children 6–18 months of age at baseline
as low to very low certainty. A second
and subsequently followed at 9, 12, and
RCT, evaluating the effect of providing
18 months. It found no effect on stunting,
lyophilized beef compared to a fortified
wasting, WAZ, HAZ, or WHZ. It did, however,
cereal to children 6–18 months of age, did
find that children who consumed caterpillar
not find an effect on stunting (RR = 1.02
cereal had a reduced risk of anaemia
[0.87, 1.21]) or wasting (RR = 0.70 [0.47,
(RR = 0.52 [0.33, 0.81]) and increased Hgb
1.04]). It also found no effect on WAZ,
concentration (mg/dL) (SMD = -0.35 [0.02,
HAZ, WHZ, or head circumference Z
0.69]). The evidence for all outcomes was
score. Evidence for these outcomes was
graded as very low certainty.
graded as low to very low certainty. A third
RCT reported on consumption of pork
and involved children 6–18 months who Observational studies
were followed for 12 months. It found
One cross-sectional study among children
an effect of consumption of 60 g of pork/
6–23 months of age compared those who
day on WAZ (MD = 0.08 [0.01, 0.15]), HAZ
consumed meat at a greater frequency
(MD = 0.11 [0.03, 0.19]), change in height
versus at a lesser frequency and found
(cm) (MD = 0.26 [0.05, 0.47]), and change in
no association with stunting (RR = 1.10
head circumference (cm) (MD = 2.98 [2.9,
[0.61, 1.96]) or wasting (RR = 1.28 [0.64,
3.06]) favouring the intervention group. The
2.56]). Although not statistically significant,
intervention had no effect on WHZ, head
frequent versus less frequent consumption
circumference Z-score, or change in weight.
of meat was suggestive of a reduced risk
The evidence was graded as moderate
of underweight (RR = 1.65 [0.96, 2.83]). A
certainty for all outcomes.
second study with a similar design also
Two RCTs, with a similar design, assessed found no association with stunting, wasting,
the effect of providing one egg/day for or underweight (RR = 1.01 [0.86, 1.20]),
6 months on different anthropometric (RR = 1.01 [0.63, 1.62]), and (RR = 1.09 [0.86,
outcomes among children 6–9 months of 1.38]), respectively. One cross-sectional
age at baseline. A meta-analysis showed study found that children 6–12 months

Recommendations 27
of age who consumed red meat versus diet, no changes in intakes from these
those who did not have a reduced risk of nutrients occurred.
anaemia (RR = 0.74 [0.59, 0.94]). Another
cross-sectional study among similarly aged Summary of the evidence
children compared those who consumed
liver at a greater frequency to those who Evidence suggests that consumption of
consumed at a lesser frequency and found ASFs improved growth outcomes, reduced
no association with anaemia (RR = 0.94 the risk of anaemia and increased Hgb
[0.74, 1.20]). Evidence for all outcomes concentrations. Children who consumed
was graded as very low certainty. Lastly, eggs of chickens fed with DHA-enriched
one cross-sectional study among children feed also had improved DHA status. The
6–23 months of age found no association modelling study found that when meat,
with stunting among those who consumed poultry, fish, and eggs were excluded from
more varied sources of compared to those the diet for 6–8-month-old children, the
who consumed less varied source of ASFs. diet could not fulfil nutrient needs for iron,
zinc, and vitamin B12. For 9–11-month-
One observational study found that old children, the gap in meeting iron
children 6–23 months of age who requirements increased. All best-case diets
consumed fish ≥4 times/week versus included beef, lamb, game, liver, or small
1–3 times/week had lower rates of fish.
wasting (RR = 0.52 [0.34, 0.80]), but not
underweight. The evidence was rated as Certainty of the evidence
low to very low certainty.
The authors of the systematic review
Lastly, one cross-sectional study in children reported that the certainty of evidence was
6–23 months of age who consumed fish very mixed and rated the overall certainty
at a greater versus lesser frequency found as low, largely because for all but one
no association with stunting, wasting, or food/outcome pair, only one study was
underweight (very low certainty evidence). identified making it impossible to conduct
Dietary modelling
In the dietary modelling study, all best-case Nuts, pulses, and seeds
diets that minimized nutrient gaps on 13 The systematic review presented evidence
key nutrients included beef, lamb, game, from two studies. One cross-sectional
liver, or small fish. This best-case diet for study, involving 392 children who were
each age/feeding group was compared to 6–23 months of age at time of enrolment
alternative diets in which meat, poultry, fish, and conducted in Indonesia, examined
and eggs were excluded. When these foods the frequency of consumption of legumes.
were excluded from the diet in 6–8-month- Another cross-sectional study, involving 205
olds, the percentage of the NRV for iron children 6–12 months of age and conducted
decreased (from 27.8% to 20.9%) and in Brazil, examined the frequency of
gaps appeared for zinc and vitamin B12. consumption of pulses (beans).
When they were excluded from the diet in
9–11-month-olds, the percentage of the With respect to wasting, underweight, and
NRV for iron also decreased (from 41.1% to stunting, the study in Indonesia found
30.1%). When these foods were excluded that frequency of legume consumption,
from the diet in breastfed 12–23-month- categorized as ≥3 times/week, 1–2 times/
olds, gaps in iron and vitamin B12 appeared week, and never, was not associated with
and when excluded from the diet in non- any of the outcomes; p=0.542 for wasting;
breastfed 12–23-month-olds, a gap in p = 0.174 for underweight, and p = 0.618
vitamin B12 occurred. The vitamin B12 gap for stunting. The second study conducted
does not appear for breastfed 6–8-month- in Brazil, found that daily versus less than
olds and breastfed 12–23-months-olds if daily bean consumption was not associated
only meat, poultry and fish are excluded. with anaemia prevalence (OR= 0.8
When only eggs were excluded from the

28 WHO Guideline for complementary feeding of infants and young children 6–23 months of age
[0.36–1.78]). All evidence was considered as linear growth were positively associated
very low certainty. with fruit and vegetable consumption
in children 9–23 months of age. In age
Data from dietary modelling showed that adjusted models, those who consumed
when legumes, nuts, and seeds were vegetables/leaves 0–2 days/week versus
excluded from the diet, no changes in ≥ 3 times/week had a mean HAZ of -1.01
nutrient intakes occurred for any age/ (p = 0.052) and -0.59 (p < 0.06), respectively.
feeding group (except for trivial decreases This demonstrates a trend toward
in iron intake in 6–8 and 9–11-month-olds), lower HAZ with less fruit and vegetable
because when legumes, nuts and seeds consumption. With respect to linear growth,
were eliminated, foods from other nutrient- frequent consumption of vegetables
dense food groups could fill the gaps. had an inverse relationship to linear
growth (means: 8.3 cm and 7.4 cm height
Summary of the evidence
increments over the preceding 7 months
for rare and frequent consumption,
The systematic review found that the
respectively, p = 0.041), indicating slower
frequency of legume consumption was not
linear growth among frequent consumers
associated with anthropometric outcomes,
and contradicting the results on HAZ. The
though only one study was identified.
authors of this study concluded that the
Also, consumption of beans (daily versus
result may be due to confounding in that
less than daily) was not associated with
ill or malnourished children were provided
anaemia. Dietary modelling showed that
with more breast milk and other nutrient-
when legumes, nuts, and seeds were
rich foods so that the positive effects on
excluded from the diet other nutrient-
growth were obscured. The evidence was
dense foods could fill any resulting nutrient
considered very low certainty.
In Norway, vegetable consumption several
Certainty of the evidence times/day compared to < once/day was
not associated with low iron stores (serum
All evidence was rated as very low certainty. ferritin < 20 μg/L). The evidence was
considered very low certainty.
Fruits and vegetables
The study in Brazil evaluated the
The systematic review identified six association of vegetables and fruit
studies (23 346 children) with children consumption with anaemia. For vegetables,
6–23 months of age at time of enrolment. there was no difference between children
Six of the studies examined the frequency who consumed versus did not consume
of consumption of vegetables and five of dark green vegetables the previous day
the studies examined the frequency of (OR = 1.21 [0.67, 2.21]). All evidence was
consumption of fruit. All study designs were considered very low certainty.
observational; five cross-sectional and the
remaining study a longitudinal cohort. They With respect to change in vegetable
took place in Brazil (205 children), China consumption, a study in Norway found
(13 107 children), Indonesia (392 children), that for boys and girls, overall vegetable
Norway (two studies, one with 9940 consumption at 18 months was positively
children and one with 90 children), and associated with overall vegetable
Senegal (543 children). consumption at 7 years. The evidence,
however, was considered very low certainty.

Vegetable consumption
Fruit consumption
In Indonesia, the frequency of eating green
leafy and orange vegetables, defined as ≥4 The study in Indonesia reported that
times/week, 1–3 times/week, and never, frequency of eating fruits, defined as ≥3
was not associated with wasting (p = 0.542), times/week, 1–2 times/ week, or never
underweight (p = 0.969), or stunting was not associated with wasting (p=0.356),
(p = 0.491). In Senegal, however HAZ and underweight (p=0.995), or stunting

Recommendations 29
(p=0.623). However, among breastfed Summary of the evidence
children 9–23 months of age in Senegal,
fruit consumption was associated positively More versus less frequent consumption
with both HAZ (p = 0.059) and linear growth of fruit and vegetables had mixed results
(p = 0.027). with respect to anthropometric outcomes.
The evidence was also mixed for anaemia,
The study in Brazil evaluated the though there is some indication that fruit
association of fruit consumption with consumption may be related to reduced
anaemia and found no difference in anaemia. Overall fruit and vegetable
anaemia between children who consumed consumption at 18 months was positively
versus those that did not consume fruit associated with later consumption of both
in the previous 24 hours (p = 0.537). food groups. Dietary modelling indicated
However, when looking at daily versus less that when fruits were excluded from the
than daily frequencies, fruit consumption diet, no changes in nutrient intake for any
was associated with anaemia. In a model age/feeding groups occurred. However,
adjusted for per capita family income and vegetables did help improve intake
consumption of iron supplements, children for some nutrients, especially among
who consumed fruit less than daily had an 6–8-month-old infants. Vegetables helped
increased odds of anaemia (OR = 1.88 [1.03, improve iron intake in all three age groups.
3.42]). All evidence was considered very low
certainty. Certainty of the evidence

Different varieties of vegetable and fruit The overall certainty of the evidence from
consumption the systematic review was judged to be very
There was no evidence of an association
between differing varieties of fruit or Starchy staple foods
vegetable consumption with any of the
primary or secondary outcomes. Dietary modelling of varying the frequency
of consuming starchy staple foods showed
Dietary modelling that among infants 6–8 and 9–11 months
of age, the best-case diet contained only
Results from dietary modelling showed 53 g/week and 90 g/week, respectively.
that when vegetables were excluded from Increasing these amounts of starchy staple
the diet in infants 6–8 months of age, the foods would result in infants 6–11 months
percentage of the NRV for iron that could of age not being able to meet the NRVs
be met decreased (from 27.8% to 17.4%) for calcium, potassium, zinc, thiamine,
and also decreased for calcium, potassium, riboflavin, choline, and vitamin B6.
and zinc. When vegetables were excluded
from the diet in infants 9–11 months, 3.4.4 Balance of benefits and harms
the percentage of the NRV for iron that
could be met also decreased (from 41.1% Although the evidence from the systematic
to 32.3%). Lastly, when vegetables were reviews on benefits and harms of
excluded from the diet for breastfed consuming ASFs, nuts, pulses, and seeds,
children 12–23 months, the percentage and fruits and vegetables was of low
of the NRV for iron also decreased. When certainty, dietary modelling showed that
fruits were excluded from the diet, no ASFs and fruits and vegetables provided
changes in nutrient intakes occurred for important vitamins and minerals and that
any age/feeding group, except in infants best case diets included very small amounts
9–11 months of age where a trivial decrease of starchy staple foods. Therefore, the
in the percentage of the NRV met for iron, GDG was of the opinion that the balance
because when fruits were eliminated foods of benefits and harms favours or probably
from other nutrient-dense food groups favours the consumption of ASFs and
could fill the gaps. probably favours consumption of nuts,
pulses and seeds and fruits and vegetables,
though there was uncertainty. All three

30 WHO Guideline for complementary feeding of infants and young children 6–23 months of age
food groups contribute to dietary diversity vegan populations, who exclude all types
and the overall quality of the diet. The GDG of ASFs. Fruits and vegetables are likely to
noted that aflatoxin contamination in foods be acceptable. Some caregivers may have
such as peanut, peanut products, and some concerns about feeding pulses, nuts, and
oil seeds such as cotton seed may be a seeds because of choking risk.
problem in some countries.
3.4.8 Rationale
3.4.5 Values and preferences
Although there was a low certainty of
No studies were identified that described evidence from the systematic reviews,
how caregivers value ASFs, fruits and the GDG was of the opinion that strong
vegetables, and pulses, nuts, and seeds recommendations are warranted for ASFs
consumption by young children. There may, and fruits and vegetables. ASFs provide an
however, be concerns about choking on array of proteins, vitamins and minerals,
nuts and concerns about allergies despite and essential fatty acids. The modelling
evidence to the contrary. study showed that consumption of ASFs
was essential to close nutrient gaps,
3.4.6 Resource implications particularly that of iron, a nutrient critical
for cognitive development. Fruits and
In the qualitative systematic review, there vegetables provide an array of vitamins
were some findings related to costs of and minerals and their consumption during
a diverse diet. In one study, the cost of the complementary feeding period is also
a diet that included whole grain flour, associated with consumption at older ages,
Irish potatoes, pulses and seeds, ASFs, which has been shown to benefit health.
and vitamin A-rich fruits and vegetables Results from the systematic review and
that would meet Recommended Dietary modelling study are less clear for nuts,
Intakes for 20 selected nutrients varied but pulses, and seeds. However, these foods
overall was expensive for children 6–23 also provide an array of proteins, vitamins
months of age. Further analysis showed and minerals, and essential fatty acids as
that alternative optimal formulations for well as energy. Therefore, the GDG decided
improving dietary adequacy of limiting to make a conditional recommendation for
nutrients was of relatively higher cost. consumption of nuts, pulses, and seeds.
The study also found a strong association
between household income and household
dietary diversity. On average, poor
households consumed 1.5 fewer food
groups compared to non-poor households.

3.4.7 Acceptability
Most of the world’s population consumes
a broad range of ASFs. However, cultural
and religious beliefs in some populations
limit the kinds that are acceptable. For
example, lacto-vegetarians exclude
meat, fish, poultry, and eggs, but allow
dairy products, whereas ovo-vegetarians
exclude meat, poultry, seafood, and
dairy products, but allow eggs. For
some populations, it is acceptable to eat
beef but not pork for religious reasons.
Consequently, there is a wide spectrum of
which ASFs are acceptable. Therefore, the
recommendation to consume ASFs is likely
to be broadly acceptable, except among

Recommendations 31
3.5 Unhealthy foods and high in energy and low in nutrients (57).
Their consumption is due to several
beverages factors, primarily palatability, convenience,
often low cost compared to more
3.5.1 Recommendation nutritious foods, ubiquity, and aggressive
promotion (105). While some of these foods
and beverages are developed and targeted
Recommendation to young children, the vast majority are

developed and marketed to the general
population and included in complementary
feeding diets.

Unhealthy foods and beverages While fruit juice provides vitamins, there are
concerns about its consumption as it is high
a. Foods high in sugar, salt and trans in free sugars and because consumption
fats should not be consumed could displace other foods needed to meet
(strong, low certainty evidence). nutrient requirements. In the context of
taxation, WHO includes 100% fruit juice in
b. Sugar-sweetened beverages its definition of an SSB (36).
should not be consumed (strong,
low certainty evidence). Accumulating evidence shows that
unhealthy snack foods and beverages
c. Non-sugar sweeteners should may have negative effects on young child
not be consumed (strong, very low health, displace healthier foods, and
certainty evidence). may be associated with undernutrition,
d. Consumption of 100% fruit juice overweight, and adverse cardiometabolic
should be limited (conditional, low outcomes (101, 102). Among young children
certainty evidence). in Nepal, unhealthy snack foods and
beverage consumption contributed 47%
Remarks of total energy intake among the highest
third of consumers compared to only 5% of
• Broad policy actions will be needed total energy intake among the lowest third,
to support the implementation of corresponding to 279 kcal and 33 kcal,
these recommendations, including, respectively (106). Children in the highest
but not limited to agricultural third of consumers also had lower intakes
policies that take into consideration of 12 nutrients, a higher risk of nutrient
the nutritional requirements of inadequacy for 8 nutrients, and lower LAZ
young children, policies regarding (-0.3 SD).
front-of-package labelling and
marketing practices, among others. A cross-sectional survey among caregivers
• Counselling caregivers about the of children 6–23 months of age in urban
short- and long-term harms of areas of Senegal, the United Republic of
foods high in sugar, salt and trans Tanzania, Nepal, and Cambodia revealed
fats, sugar sweetened beverages the extent of consumption of commercially
(SSBs), and non-sugar sweeteners is produced snack foods and sugar-
needed. sweetened beverages (SSBs) (103). The day
prior to the interview, more than half had
consumed such a snack food in three of the
3.5.2 Background four countries, reaching 91% in Nepal. The
day prior to the interview, more than 20%
Infants and young children are consuming
of young children in Phnom Penh, Dakar,
increasing amounts of unhealthy foods
and Dar es Salaam consumed a commercial
and beverages, often referred to as highly
processed or ultra-processed, that contain
high amounts of free sugars, salt, and Both the Guiding Principles for
unhealthy fats such as saturated fats and Complementary Feeding of the Breastfed Child
trans fats (101–104). They are also generally and Guiding Principles for Complementary

32 WHO Guideline for complementary feeding of infants and young children 6–23 months of age
Feeding of Non-Breastfed Children 6 -24 years of age at exposure and two were
Months of Age recommend avoiding drinks not reported on because of critical risk
with low nutrient value, such as tea, coffee, of bias. Of the remaining studies, two
and sugary drinks such as soda. They reported that the cumulative consumption
also state that juice consumption should of SSBs in early life was associated with
be limited. The WHO Guideline for sugars later obesity (aOR = 2.99 [1.27, 7.00]).
intake for adults and children recommends Another showed that SSB consumption of
a reduced intake of free sugars throughout > 1/week versus ≤ 1/week in infancy was
the life course and reducing the intake of associated with later overweight/obesity
free sugars to less than 10% of total energy (aOR = 1.6 [1.04, 1.93]). Yet another study
intake throughout the life course, and if showed that any consumption of SSBs
possible, a further reduction to below 5% in infants 1–12 months of age versus no
of total energy intake (20). The recently consumption was associated with obesity
published WHO guidance on Use of non-sugar at 6 years (aOR = 1.71 [1.09, 2.68]). Three
sweeteners suggests that they not be used studies reported different effects based
as a means of achieving weight control or on either the time-point of assessment,
reducing the risk of NCDs (29). or the assessed outcome and two studies
reported no associations. In children 2– < 5
3.5.3 Evidence years of age, evidence from 10 studies
was evaluated. Of these, four reported
The systematic review extracted data from that SSB consumption was associated with
a total of 166 articles from 119 studies. Five higher BMI Z-score (BMIZ) or overweight/
studies were RCTs and the remainder were obesity whereas five studies reported no
observational cohort studies. Nearly 80% of association. The remaining study reported
the studies were conducted in high-income no association between SSB consumption
countries with the remainder conducted and odds of overweight and obesity
in middle-income countries. Sample combined, but greater odds of obesity
sizes ranged from 70 to 32,000. In the alone. Thirteen studies on SSBs and BMI or
systematic review, the authors noted that overweight/obesity in children 5– ≤ 10 years
there was no single classification system or of age reported estimates of association.
criteria for unhealthy foods that covered Of these, one was an RCT and the rest
all relevant exposures. Therefore, they observational. Results from the RCT showed
used four measures to classify foods and SSB intake among children was associated
beverages as unhealthy. The first was the with greater odds of obesity (aOR = 1.22
NOVA classification (107) and the second [1.04, 1.44] but not overweight. Among
was the WHO/UNICEF indicator to define the observational studies, eight reported
unhealthy food consumption (86). The third no associations with BMI or overweight/
and fourth categories were based on the obesity and the remaining four reported
nutrient content of foods and beverages positive associations suggesting that SSB
and included foods high in free sugars, consumption was associated with increased
artificial sweeteners, saturated or trans fats, risk of high BMI or overweight or obesity.
or salt and ‘fast foods’, ‘convenience foods’, A meta-analysis of three studies that
and ‘extra foods’ as defined by the authors. looked at the association of high versus
Synthesis of evidence was limited because, low consumption on percentage body
across studies, the interventions were very fat found a positive association (β = 1.86
different as were the periods of follow-up [0.38, 3.34]). Evidence for all outcomes was
and comparators. considered low certainty. Eight studies, all
considered at serious risk of bias, examined
the association of SSB consumption
Sugar-sweetened beverage
and dental caries, with five reporting a
positive association.
A total of 35 studies reported on SSB
With respect to dietary modelling, SSBs
consumption and measures of growth
were excluded in the best-case diets. Using
and body composition; however, only
these best-case diets and holding energy
10 of these were among children < 2
intake constant, SSBs were added to the

Recommendations 33
diet at 1, 3 and 7 servings/week. Among three reporting no association and one
infants 6–8 months of age, inclusion of SSBs reporting a positive association between
on a daily basis introduced gaps in the diet sweet foods consumption from 3 and
for calcium, potassium, zinc, thiamine, and 12 months and WHZ at 3 years of age. No
magnesium and the percentage of the NRV association with other types of snack foods
for iron decreased from 27.8% to 21.6%. In was observed.
infants 9–11 months, inclusion of SSBs daily
decreased the percentage of NRV of iron In children aged 2– < 5 years of age, seven
from 41.1% to 34.8%. studies examined the association of high
versus low consumption of unhealthy
foods with BMI, overweight/obesity, and
Consumption of beverages with non- percentage body fat. Two studies reported
sugar sweeteners that consumption of sugar added to milk
and fruit was associated with higher BMI
Five observational studies reported
in boys and girls aged 2– < 6 years at
results on non-sugar sweetened beverage
baseline but only in boys at 6– < 10 years.
consumption and BMI or overweight/
Frequency of fast-food intake (high versus
obesity outcomes, though none were
low) was associated with higher risk of
among children < 2 years of age. Four
change in BMI status (normal to overweight
studies looked at the association between
or overweight to obese) among children
high versus low non-sugar sweetened
3–5 years of age followed up 1 year later
beverage consumption and BMI; three
(RR = 1.38 [1.13, 1.67]). Three studies
showed no association, and one showed an
presented results that differed by quantity
increase in BMI. With respect to percentage
consumed, outcome or age of follow-up. In
body fat, three studies were identified, and
one study, consumption of foods high in fat
none found an association between high
was associated with higher BMIZ, but not
versus low consumption. All evidence was
with overweight and obesity. Another study
graded as low to very low certainty.
found that the frequency of energy-dense
food consumption was not associated with
Fruit juice consumption BMIZ; however, the percentage energy
intake from ultra-processed foods at 4
Ten studies across all ages examined
years was positively associated with BMI
the association between high versus low
z-score at 7 years. One study reported no
consumption of 100% fruit juice and BMI or
effects of added sugars at 2 years of age on
overweight/obesity. Of these, nine found
change in BMIZ at 5 and 6 years of age and
no association and the remaining study
that consumption at 1 year of age was not
found mixed results, depending on the
associated with change in BMIZ at 7 years.
age at which the outcome was assessed.
However, the change in intake between 1
Four studies reported effects of 100% fruit
and 7 years of age was positively associated
juice on whole body fat and none found
with change in BMIZ. The remaining studies
an association. A meta-analysis of three
reported no association between unhealthy
studies reporting on the effect of 100% fruit
food consumption and BMI or overweight
juice consumption of children < 10 years
and obesity.
of age on BMIZ produced a result close to
0 (β = 0.01 [0.00, 0.01]). The certainty of Five studies examined the association of
evidence for all the outcomes was graded unhealthy food consumption in children
as low to very low. 5– ≤ 10 years of age with weight-related
outcomes. One reported an association
Unhealthy food consumption of salty, high-fat snack frequency with
change in BMI from 8 years to 12 years
Twenty-one observational cohort studies (β = 0.71 [14, 1.28]. Another found lower
examined the association of high versus odds of overweight/obesity when savoury
low consumption of unhealthy foods on snacks were consumed several days/week
BMI, overweight/obesity, and percentage (aOR = 0.48 [0.23, 0.99]) or never (OR = 0.27
body fat. In children < 2 years of age at [0.10, 0.72]) compared to every day of the
baseline, four studies were identified with week. However, there was no association

34 WHO Guideline for complementary feeding of infants and young children 6–23 months of age
between fast food intake and overweight juice was not associated with any of the
or obesity. Three reported no association outcomes evaluated. Among breastfed
between unhealthy food intake and BMI or infants 6–11 months of age, dietary
overweight/obesity. modelling showed that inclusion of sentinel
unhealthy food items increased nutrient
Across all age groups, four studies gaps for iron and zinc as well as several
examined unhealthy food consumption other nutrients and this was also true for
in relation to body fat, three measured iron among breastfed infants 9–11 months.
percentage body fat and one assessed fat There were few impacts on nutrient intakes
mass index. The three studies assessing for non-breastfed children 12–23 months of
percentage body fat reported no age.
association. The study examining fat mass
index reported an association between Certainty of the evidence
annual consumption of ultra-processed
foods and higher fat mass index in children All evidence was determined to be of low
6 years of age at baseline and 5 years later or very low certainty. Downgrading of
(β = 0.05 [0.04, 0.06]. evidence from high to low was primarily
the result of risk of bias across studies
As with SSBs, the dietary modelling study
stemming from non-randomization
excluded unhealthy foods and beverages
resulting in confounding and selection bias.
from the best-case diets, but sentinel
unhealthy items (sweet biscuits/cookies,
and fried crisps/chips) were added at 1, 3.5.4 Balance of benefits and harms
3, and 7 serving per week while holding
The GDG was of the opinion that the
energy intake constant. Among infants
evidence from the systematic reviews
6–8 months of age, there were minimal
showed no benefits and uncertain evidence
impacts of inclusion of a single serving
of harms for the consumption of unhealthy
of unhealthy foods once a week. But
foods as well as beverages with non-sugar
when either of these food groups were
sweeteners during the complementary
included 7 times a week, the NRVs could
feeding period. With respect to SSBs, it
no longer be met for calcium, potassium,
showed no benefits and moderate evidence
zinc, and thiamine and the gap in iron
of harms. There was no evidence of benefits
intake worsened. There were few impacts
or harms associated with consumption
of inclusion of unhealthy food items for
of 100% fruit juice. The modelling study
children 12–23 months up to 7 servings/
showed that nutrient gaps were introduced
among infants and young children with the
Summary of the evidence introduction of unhealthy foods and SSBs.
On balance, the GDG deemed the balance
Overall, the review presented mixed of benefits and harms favours or probably
evidence with respect to the association favours less consumption of unhealthy
of unhealthy foods and beverages on foods as well as beverages with non-sugar
the outcomes studied. Several studies sweeteners. It favours or probably favours
found that consumption of SSBs and no consumption of SSBs. It favours or
unhealthy foods might increase BMI, BMIZ, probably favours less consumption of 100%
percentage body fat, dental caries and fruit juice.
odds of overweight or obesity. Only one
of five studies found that consumption 3.5.5 Values and preferences
of beverages with non-sugar sweeteners
had an adverse outcome (higher BMI). The qualitative review found that among
Consumption of sweet foods in infancy caregivers in the United Republic of
may be positively associated with WHZ Tanzania, Cambodia, Nepal, and Senegal,
later in life and there may be adverse a sizable proportion fed unhealthy
anthropometric outcomes among children foods to their children because of the
2– < 5 years of age and among children high preference of children for these
5– ≤ 10 years. Consumption of 100% fruit foods. Child preference for unhealthy

Recommendations 35
foods was also mentioned as a reason adults and children (20), the WHO Manual on
why they were provided by caregivers in sugar-sweetened beverage taxation policies to
South Africa. Overall, the studies were promote healthy diets (36), and the Nutrient
rated low confidence for answering and promotion profile model: supporting
preference and values for unhealthy foods appropriate promotion of food products for
recommendations because they were few infants and young children 6–36 months in the
and did not span different global regions. WHO European Region (41), all of which aim
to reduce sugar consumption.
3.5.6 Resource implications
Caregivers mentioned the affordability of 3.6 Nutrient supplements and
unhealthy food products as a reason for
feeding them to their children, though this fortified food products
is not the case in all countries. Cost is also
dependent on the type of food product. 3.6.1 Recommendation

3.5.7 Acceptability

The GDG acknowledged that unhealthy
food products and beverages are likely
to be acceptable because of their high
palatability, convenience, and low-cost
relative to healthier foods. In addition, Nutrient supplements and fortified
packaging that implies that the food is food products
safe has been shown to increase the
acceptability of snack foods in some In some contexts where nutrient
settings (108). As a result, efforts will need requirements cannot be met with
to be made to support caregivers to carry unfortified foods alone, children
out this recommendation. 6–23 months of age may benefit
from nutrient supplements or
fortified food products.
3.5.8 Rationale
a. Multiple micronutrient powders
Unhealthy foods, often highly processed, (MNPs) can provide additional
contain high amounts of free sugars, amounts of selected vitamins and
salt, trans fats, and saturated fats. Sugar- minerals without displacing other
sweetened beverages contain high foods in the diet (context-specific,
concentrations of free sugars in the moderate certainty evidence).
form of added sugars. They are high in
energy, while providing little in the way b. For populations already
of nutrients. Both displace healthy foods, consuming commercial cereal
making it difficult to meet nutrient needs grain-based complementary foods
when they are consumed. Accumulating and blended flours, fortification
evidence shows they are associated with of these cereals can improve
both undernutrition and overweight. The micronutrient intake, although
consumption of non-sugar sweeteners consumption should not be
early in life may create a later preference encouraged (context-specific,
for foods that are high in sugars. Although moderate certainty evidence).
100% fruit juice contains free sugars as the
c. Small-quantity lipid-based
whole fruit has been concentrated, unlike
nutrient supplements (SQ-LNS)
SSBs, they provide some nutrients and do
may be useful in food insecure
not appear to affect adiposity in children.
populations facing significant
The recommendation to not consume
nutritional deficiencies
SSBs and limit consumptions of 100% fruit
(context-specific, high- certainty
juice is consistent with the aims expressed
in the WHO Guideline on sugars intake for

36 WHO Guideline for complementary feeding of infants and young children 6–23 months of age
are intended to be mixed with a child’s
Remarks typical complementary food in the home.
• WHO guidelines for micronutrient A recent systematic review, which used
supplementation provide survey data and modelled data for
recommendations about the countries without data, estimated the
contexts when such supplements global prevalence of deficiency in at least
are recommended (12). one of three micronutrients (iron, zinc
• None of the three products should and vitamin A) to be 56% among children
ever be distributed as stand- 6–59 months of age (110). However, the
alone interventions, rather they authors acknowledge that this estimate is
should always be accompanied by uncertain because of the lack of population-
messaging and complementary based data on micronutrient deficiencies.
support to reinforce optimal infant
and young child feeding practices. The Guiding principles for complementary
• None of the products are a substitute feeding of the breastfed child and Guiding
for a diverse diet consisting of healthy principles for feeding non-breastfed children
and minimally processed foods. 6–24 months of age recommend the use of
• The GDG decided not to make a fortified complementary foods or vitamin-
recommendation on fortified milks. mineral supplements as needed.

Multiple micronutrient powders (MNPs)

3.6.2 Background
MNPs are single-dose packets or sachets
Consumption of a diverse diet of locally that contain multiple vitamins and
available nutrient-rich complementary minerals in powdered form. Multiple
foods should always be the first priority formulations are available with the number
to satisfy the young child’s needs for of micronutrients added ranging from
growth and development. However, three to 22. At a minimum, they contain
in settings where such foods are not iron, vitamin A, and zinc. The sachets are
regularly available or affordable, nutrient designed to be mixed with semi-solid foods
supplements and fortified food products for children 6 months of age and older.
may help fill nutrient gaps (109). In such The WHO guideline on use of multiple
settings, micronutrient deficiencies such as micronutrient powders for point-of-use
iron and zinc are often prevalent because of fortification of foods consumed by infants
low stores at birth, inadequate intake from and young children aged 6–23 months
foods, and increased nutrient requirements and children aged 2–12 years, states that
resulting from malabsorption and infection. in populations where anaemia is a public
Four types of fortified products, designed to health problem4, point-of-use fortification
fill nutrient gaps during the complementary with iron-containing micronutrient powders
feeding period, were reviewed as part of in infants and young children aged
this guideline. These include MNPs, fortified 6–23 months is recommended and should
cereal grain-based complementary foods, include at least iron, vitamin A and zinc (12).
fortified milks, and SQ-LNS. Fortified cereal It is a strong recommendation based on
grain-based complementary foods and moderate certainty evidence.
fortified milks are commercially available
throughout the world, whereas SQ-LNS
and MNPs are purchased by third parties Cereal grain-based complementary
as part of nutrition programmes and foods
distributed to recipients without charge,
Fortified cereal grain-based complementary
though there have been some attempts to
foods have been marketed commercially
market MNPs. Both SQ-LNS and MNPs are
since 1928 and are widely distributed
considered home fortificants in that they
globally in food aid programmes (4). These

Populations where the prevalence of anaemia in infants and young children < 2 years of age or children
< 5 years of age is 20% or higher.

Recommendations 37
cereals are based on wheat, corn or rice The intervention group received MNPs
and blended with soy and fortified with with at least three micronutrients (iron,
micronutrients. Over the years, the micro- zinc, and vitamin A) and the control group
and macro-nutrient formulations have received no intervention, a placebo, or iron-
changed to improve the bioavailability only supplements. The search found 29
of different mineral compounds and to RCTs, involving 33 141 children < 2 years
include milk protein for its nutritional of age. Of these, seven were individually
benefit and palatability. randomized and 22 were cluster
randomized. All were conducted in Africa,
Fortified milk Asia, or Latin America and the Caribbean.
Trial sample sizes ranged from 45 to 4292
A wide variety of fortified milks are children.
commercially available and marketed
globally as a way to fill nutrient gaps in the A meta-analysis of 16 RCTs to evaluate
diets of young children (111). the effect of MNPs versus no intervention
or placebo on anaemia found moderate
certainty evidence that they reduced
Small quantity lipid-based nutrient anaemia by 18% (RR = 0.82 [0.76, 0.90])
supplements (SQ-LNS) (moderate certainty evidence). A meta-
analysis of seven RCTs found high-certainty
SQ-LNS are a food-based product designed
evidence that they reduced iron deficiency
to prevent malnutrition in vulnerable
by 53% (RR = 0.47 [0.39, 0.56]). A meta-
populations by providing multiple
analysis of 21 RCTs also found low certainty
micronutrients, protein, and essential
evidence that Hgb concentrations (mg/
fatty acids. Typical formulations provide
dL) increased (MD = 2.74 [1.95, 3.53]) with
about 100 to 120 kcals/per day and include
MNPs. A meta-analysis of seven RCTs found
oil (rich in omega-3 fatty acids), legumes
moderate certainty evidence that serum
(e.g., peanut, chickpea, lentil, or soy),
ferritin concentrations (µg/L) improved
and milk powder. They also include 22
(MD = 12.93 [7.41, 18.45]). No effects were
micronutrients, of which 18 provide about
found on zinc status (MD = 1.07 [-3.46,
1 NRV for young children. They have been
5.61]), vitamin A status, child growth,
used in food-aid programmes throughout
diarrhoea (OR = 1.05 [0.82, 1.35]), or upper
LMICs. Recently, SQ-LNS have been
respiratory infections (OR = 0.89 [0.76,
included in recommendations for nutrition-
1.06]). One study (894 children) found an
specific interventions to optimize health
effect on receptive language z-score and
and growth of children (112).
expressive language z-score favouring
the intervention: 0.17 (0.07, 0.27) and
3.6.3 Evidence 0.13 (0.04, 0.22), respectively. No studies
reported on the outcomes of mortality,
Multiple micronutrient powders (MNPs) adherence, severe anaemia, ear infections
or iron overload.
Evidence from a systematic review
published in 2020 was used to evaluate Dietary modelling examined the weekly
the effect of MNPs on the critical outcomes best-case diet (which excluded fortified
of anaemia, ID, Hgb concentrations, WAZ, products) for each age/feeding group
and all-cause mortality (46). Secondary compared to alternative diets in which
outcomes, including adherence, severe MNPs were added into the diet. Among
anaemia, LAZ, WHZ, all-cause morbidity, 6–8-month-olds, inclusion of MNPs three
side effects, diarrhoea, upper respiratory times per week increased the percentage
tract infections, ear infections, iron intake of the NRV of iron from 27.8%
overload, serum retinol concentrations, to 67.4% and eliminated the iron gap
retinol binding protein, serum zinc when they were included daily. Among
concentrations, mental development 9–11-month-olds, inclusion of MNPs 3 times
and motor skill development were per week increased iron intake from 41.1%
also evaluated. to 80.1% of the NRV and their inclusion
daily fully met the NRV.​

38 WHO Guideline for complementary feeding of infants and young children 6–23 months of age
​ imulated real-world diets from three
S cereal, fortified pearl millet and fortified
LMICs were compared to alternative legume or cereal-legume blend. The
patterns in which MNPs were added to number of studies for each fortified food
the diet daily. The simulated real-world ranged from one to five and the number
patterns had deficits for nine to 11 of 13 of fortificants varied widely. For example,
key nutrients in Bangladesh and Malawi in six studies only iron was included as a
and for three to seven key nutrients in fortificant whereas three studies included
Mexico across the three age groups. In all 10 or more micronutrients. Therefore,
three countries, inclusion of daily MNPs the meta-analyses included studies
improved the percentage intake of the using different formulations, making it
NRV for B vitamins and zinc and eliminated impossible to separate out the effects of
or nearly eliminated the gaps in iron. different micronutrient formulations on the
Deficits remained for choline, calcium and outcomes.
potassium in Bangladesh and Malawi and in
6–8 month-olds in Mexico. A meta-analysis of six RCTs (1250 children)
found that the intervention reduced
Summary of the evidence anaemia by 43% (RR = 0.57 [0.39, 0.82]) and
a meta-analysis of 11 trials (2175 children)
MNPs improved indicators of iron status, found that the intervention increased
but did not affect zinc status, vitamin A Hgb concentrations (mg/dL) (MD = 3.44
status, child growth, diarrhoea, upper [1.33, 5.55]). Serum ferritin concentrations
respiratory infections, or receptive or µg/L) were examined in six RCTs and
expressive language. Dietary modelling favoured the intervention (MD = 0.43 µg/L
showed that the addition of MNPs to (log) [0.14, 0.72]). For anaemia and Hgb
simulated real-world diets reduced and/ concentrations, the certainty of evidence
or eliminated nutrient gaps for several key was moderate, whereas it was low for
nutrients, including iron, B vitamins and serum ferritin concentrations. A meta-
zinc. analysis of three RCTs found moderate
certainty evidence that consumption of a
Certainty of the evidence fortified cereal compared to a non-fortified
cereal reduced iron deficiency (RR = 0.39
The evidence for reductions in iron [0.21, 0.75]).
deficiency was judged to be high certainty.
For anaemia, serum ferritin concentrations, Two RCTs found low certainty evidence
or WAZ it was judged to be moderate that there was no effect on serum zinc
certainty. For Hgb concentrations, it was concentrations (g/dL) (MD = 0.13 [-0.82,
judged to be low certainty. 0.56]) and five trials found moderate
certainty evidence of no effect on serum
retinol (µmol/L) (MD = 0.03 [-0.02, 0.08]),
Fortified cereal grain-based zinc deficiency, vitamin A deficiency or
complementary foods growth outcomes. Two RCTs did, however,
The systematic review identified 16 trials, of find moderate certainty evidence that
which eight were individually randomized consumption of a fortified cereal compared
RCTs, seven were cluster randomized to an unfortified cereal resulted in
RCTs, and one was non-randomized and improved mental skill development scores
controlled. Of these, all but one were (MD = 0.80 [0.12, 1.48]) and motor skill
conducted in LMICs; sample sizes ranged development scores (MD = 1.13 [0.35,
from 40 to 1465 children 6–60 months of 1.91]). However, no effect was found on fine
age. Three studies were short-term (three and gross motor scores. All developmental
subsequent feeding sessions to three outcomes were rated as moderate to low
consecutive days), most were longer-term certainty. Lastly, one trial (97 children)
(ranging from 10 weeks to 18 months) reported no difference in diarrhoea
and one had a variable duration. The episodes, fever or acute respiratory
types of interventions included fortified infection.
wheat-based products, fortified maize/
corn-based products, fortified rice or rice

Recommendations 39
With respect to dietary modelling, daily Unfortified versus fortified milk
inclusion of Super Cereal Plus (SCP) to a
feasible best-case diet introduced gaps in The systematic review on unfortified versus
potassium, zinc, thiamine and choline. For fortified milks for children 12–23 months
breastfed 6–8-month-olds and 9–11-month- of age identified eight studies that included
olds, it reduced iron intake from 27.8% to 2905 children. All were RCTs except for
15.8% and from 41.1% to 38.4% of the NRV one, which was included for qualitative
of iron, respectively. Simulated real-world assessment.
diets from three LMICs were compared One RCT found no difference between
to alternative patterns in which SCP was unfortified versus fortified milk on weight
added to the diet daily. The simulated real- (kg) (MD = 0.04 [-0.83, 0.91]). A second
world patterns across three age groups had RCT found no difference between the two
deficits for nine to 11 of 13 key nutrients in milks on stunting (RR = 0.98 (0.74, 1.28]) or
Bangladesh and Malawi and between wasting (RR = 1.06 [0.78, 1.44]). All evidence
three to seven key nutrients in Mexico. was deemed to be low certainty. However,
For Bangladesh and Malawi, where diets the same RCT, reported a difference
were dominated by staple foods, inclusion in WHZ (MD = -0.12 [-0.23, -0.01]), WAZ
of daily SCP increased the percentage of (MD = -0.20 [-0.29, -0.22]), height velocity
children meeting the NRV of B vitamins and (MD = -0.50 [-0.74, -0.26]) and weight
minerals, except for potassium. However, velocity (MD = -0.21 [-0.31, -0.11]) favouring
deficits remained for five to seven key consumers of fortified milk.
nutrients, including large deficits for iron. In
Mexico, where simulated diets were more With respect to indicators of iron status, a
diverse, inclusion of SCP increased intakes meta-analysis of three RCTs showed that
of iron and zinc, but decreased intakes of children consuming unfortified milk were
several nutrients, particularly potassium, more likely to be anaemic (RR = 2.29 [1.12,
because of displacement. Deficits in intakes 4.69]). One study showed they were more
remained for two to five key nutrients, likely to have IDA (RR = 4.15 [2.93, 5.87]) and
including large deficits in iron.​ low Hgb concentrations (mg/dL) (MD = 5.91
[9.84, 1.99]) but not iron deficiency (serum
Summary of the evidence ferritin concentrations < 12 µg). All evidence
was rated as low certainty, except that
Consumption of a fortified cereal grain- for Hgb concentrations that was rated as
based complementary food to children moderate certainty.
aged 6–23 months compared to no
consumption improved indicators of iron One trial was identified that examined
status, though not zinc, vitamin A or growth the effect of unfortified milk versus milk
outcomes. Children consuming a fortified fortified with lactobacillus and fluoride on
cereal-based complementary food had oral health. Unfortified milk was associated
better mental skill development scores and with an increased number of decayed,
motor development scores, but not fine missing, or filled teeth (MD = 1.30 [0.37,
and gross motor scores when assessed 2.23]). One RCT found no difference in
separately. Dietary modelling found that respiratory infections (episodes/year)
when SCP was added to the diet daily, (MD = 0.03 [-0.14, 0.20]. Two studies
intakes of some nutrients were improved, examined the effect on episodes of
though deficits remained, especially in iron. diarrhoea and found that children
receiving fortified milk had fewer episodes
Certainty of the evidence (MD = 0.80 [0.27, 1.33]). Evidence for both
outcomes was rated as low certainty. No
The overall certainty of the evidence evidence was found for long-term food
depended on the outcome studied. preferences or NCDs.
Evidence for all the outcomes was judged to
be of low certainty, except for anaemia that Summary of the evidence
was deemed of moderate certainty.
Children consuming unfortified milk
compared to fortified milk were more

40 WHO Guideline for complementary feeding of infants and young children 6–23 months of age
likely to be anaemic and have IDA, but not severe stunting, severe wasting, and severe
ID. There was no difference between the acute malnutrition. They also had higher
two milks on weight, stunting or wasting. language Z-score (MD = 0.07 [0.04, 0.10]),
However, children consuming unfortified social-emotional Z-score (MD = 0.08 [0.05,
milk compared to fortified milk had lower 0.11]), motor Z-score (MD = 0.06 [0.03,
WAZ, WHZ, height velocity, and weight 0.09]), gross motor Z-score (MD = 0.06 [0.03,
velocity. There was no effect of fortified 0.09]), and fine motor Z-score (MD = 0.09
milk compared to unfortified milk on oral [0.04, 0.13]). There was no difference
health or respiratory infections. Children between the two groups in executive
consuming fortified milk had fewer function.
episodes of diarrhoea.
With respect to micronutrient status,
Certainty of the evidence children who received the intervention
compared to children not receiving the
The overall certainty of the evidence intervention were less likely to be anaemic
depended on the outcome studied. (PR = 0.84 [0.81, 0.87]), iron deficient
Evidence for all of the outcomes was judged (PR = 0.44 [0.39, 0.50]), or to have IDA
to be of low certainty, except for anaemia (PR = 0.36 [0.30, 0.44]). They were also less
that was deemed of moderate certainty. likely to have low serum vitamin A retinol
binding protein concentrations (PR = 0.44
[0.27, 0.70).
Small quantity lipid-based nutrient
supplements (SQ-LNS) No short- or long-term effects of SQ-LNS
on child overweight or high BMI were
The published systematic reviews sought
observed. In follow-up studies in Ghana
to address the effects of SQ-LNS provided
and Bangladesh, no greater preference
to children 6–23 months of age in LMICs
for, or consumption of, sweet foods and
on mortality, growth, development, and
beverages, or high-fat foods was observed
anaemia and micronutrient status (47–50,
in the intervention group.
113). Inclusion criteria for the reviews
included prospective RCTs conducted in In dietary modelling, the weekly best-
LMICs. Enrolled children were 6–24 months case diet for each age/feeding group
of age and received at least 3 months of was compared to alternative diets in
supplementation. which SQ-LNS was added, holding energy
constant. For 6–8-month-olds, inclusion
A meta-analysis of 18 trials in 11 countries
of SQ-LNS (containing 6 mg of iron) three
(41 280 children) found mortality was
times per week increased iron intake
reduced by 27% among children receiving
from 27.8% to 46.8% of the NRV. Including
SQ-LNS compared to children not receiving
SQ-LNS in the diet daily further increased
the intervention (RR = 0.73 [0.59, 0.89]).
intake to 58.5% of the NRV. However, it
Six trials reported no effect on diarrhoeal
introduced gaps in potassium and choline
or malarial morbidity and two trials in
due to the displacement of other foods.
Bangladesh reported effects on diarrhoeal
For 9–11-month-olds, inclusion of SQ-LNS
prevalence and duration of pneumonia,
three times per week increased iron intake
diarrhoea, and dysentery favouring
from 41.1% to 61.6 % of the NRV and daily
the intervention.
inclusion further increased it to 85.0% of
For growth outcomes, meta-analyses found the NRV.​
that children who received the intervention
Simulated real-world diets from three
compared to children not receiving the
LMICs were compared to alternative
intervention were less likely to be stunted
patterns in which SQ-LNS was added to
(PR = 0.88 [0.85, 0.91]), wasted (PR = 0.86
the diet daily. The simulated real-world
[0.80, 0.93]), underweight (PR = 0.87 [0.83,
patterns across the three age groups had
0.91]), or have a small head size (PR = 0.91
deficits for between nine and 11 of the 13
[0.86, 0.95]). Supplemented children
key nutrients in Bangladesh and Malawi
also had a greater LAZ, WAZ, WAZ, head-
and for three to seven key nutrients in
circumference-for-age Z-score and less
Mexico. In all three countries, inclusion of

Recommendations 41
daily SQ-LNS eliminated gaps in B vitamins 3.6.4 Balance of benefits and harms
(except in 1-year-olds in Bangladesh) and
zinc and reduced or eliminated calcium The GDG believed the balance of benefits
gaps. Potassium gaps were reduced for and harms of MNPs, fortified cereal grain-
most groups. Iron gaps were reduced in based complementary foods, fortified
infancy and eliminated or nearly eliminated milks and SQ-LNS probably favoured
for 1-year-olds. Gaps remained in iron in their consumption, although there was
infancy and in choline and potassium in uncertainty for MNPs and fortified milks.
most age groups. There were additional The benefits for all products were deemed
gaps in key nutrients for 1-year-olds in to be moderate although there was
Bangladesh, while all gaps were eliminated variability or uncertainty depending on the
for 1-year-olds in Mexico. product. The harms were judged to be none
or uncertain.
Summary of the evidence
3.6.5 Values and preferences
Evidence from RCTs shows that compared
to controls, children consuming SQ-LNS Four studies reported on the value and
have reduced mortality, are less likely to preferences of fortified products by
be stunted, wasted, underweight, have caregivers and their children. Overall,
small head size, or severe undernutrition. caregivers reported that children preferred
Supplemented children had higher the taste of the fortified products while, for
developmental scores. SQ-LNS also reduced the caregivers, the preference for fortified
anaemia, ID and IDA. Indicators of vitamin products depended on the taste, aroma,
A status were also higher among children colour, content of fortified products and
supplemented with SQ-LNS compared ease of preparation. Any changes in taste,
to controls. There was no difference in colour, or smell resulted in dislike of the
diarrhoeal or malarial morbidity. There fortified products and discontinuation of
were also no long-term preferences for its use. The findings imply that caregivers
unhealthy foods or beverages. have preferences for products and if
the characteristics of these products are
Dietary modelling found that daily not present in the fortified version, they
supplementation of SQ-LNS reduced, are likely not to give it to their children.
but did not eliminate, the iron gap for The certainty of evidence for values and
infants 6–8 months of age. However, preferences was deemed by the GDG
it also introduced gaps in potassium to be low to very low. It concluded that
and choline. For 9–11-month-olds, daily there is considerable variability in whether
supplementation of SQ-LNS reduced the caregivers would want to use fortified
iron gap. In simulated real-world patterns products.
in Bangladesh, Malawi and Mexico, daily
supplementation of 6–23-month-olds with
SQ-LNS eliminated gaps for the B vitamins, 3.6.6 Resource implications
except for 1-year-olds in Bangladesh Three studies reported on resource
and reduced or eliminated calcium implications and revealed that resources
gaps. Potassium gaps were reduced for influenced the utilization of nutrient
most groups. supplements and fortified food products.
The promotion of fortified products by
Certainty of the evidence
health workers or in the community,
capacity-building in social and behaviour
The evidence was considered of high
change communication, and cash transfer
certainty because of the large number
to caregivers contributed to their utilization.
of RCTs, standardized outcomes across
MNPs and SQ-LNS are currently provided
studies allowing for meta-analysis, and the
to young children without cost in almost all
fact that they were conducted in a variety
cases. Fortified cereals are also provided free
of LMICs throughout Africa, Asia, and Latin
of charge through many social programmes;
America and the Caribbean.
however, they are also available
commercially for purchase. Therefore, the

42 WHO Guideline for complementary feeding of infants and young children 6–23 months of age
resource implications for these products 3.7 Responsive feeding
are relevant to budgets of international
organizations and national governments.
Their distribution is dependent on supply 3.7.1 Recommendation
chains, local or international, and the
logistics of ensuring distribution to low-
resource settings. Therefore, the cost Recommendation

involved is not only the cost of production
and packaging, but also the costs relating
to transport and distribution. There are
also opportunity costs of implementing this
intervention rather than focusing budgets Responsive feeding
and activities on other interventions. The Children 6–23 months of age should
GDG was of the opinion that the resource be responsively fed, defined as
implications for MNPs, fortified cereal grain- “feeding practices that encourage
based complementary foods, fortified milks, the child to eat autonomously and
and SQ-LNS were moderate and varied by in response to physiological and
context. developmental needs, which may
encourage self-regulation in eating
3.6.7 Acceptability and support cognitive, emotional
and social development” (114)
With respect to MNPs, the overall findings (strong, low certainty evidence).
of numerous publications on acceptability
showed they were acceptable to children Remarks
aged 6–23 months. Numerous trials have
• Delivering the intervention of
demonstrated a high level of acceptability
responsive feeding will require
of SQ-LNS among children and their
health care workers and others
caregivers. When delivery issues were
charged with delivering the
not a problem, compliance was generally
intervention to have the capacity to
good. Research also noted that provision of
provide the necessary guidance to
SQ-LNS might increase attendance at health
caregivers and families.
clinics or community social behavioural
• Implementation of the
change communication sessions. The GDG
recommendation will require
believed that the acceptability of nutrient
caregivers to have time to be present
supplements and fortified complementary
while the young child eats or self-
food products was both uncertain and
feeds and have resources so that
variable, and likely depended on the specific
food loss during self-feeding does
product in question. It considered the
not present a problem.
certainty of evidence on acceptability as low.

3.6.8 Rationale 3.7.2 Background

Young children have large nutrient needs It is increasingly recognized that, in addition
that must be met with a relatively small to what a child eats, how a child is fed is
amount of food. Therefore, children, an important component of infant and
especially those living in low-resource young child feeding. Responsive feeding
settings where staple foods provide the large involves reciprocity between the child
part of energy needs, are at risk of nutrient and caregiver during the feeding process.
deficiencies. Nutrient supplements and Responsive feeding is grounded on the
fortified food products can fill some nutrient following three steps: the child signals
gaps during the complementary feeding hunger and satiety through motor actions,
period. The robust evidence of effectiveness facial expressions, or vocalizations; the
from the large number of RCTs for many of caregiver recognizes the cues and responds
the supplements and food products also promptly in a manner that is emotionally
contributed to the decision-making. supportive, contingent on the signal, and

Recommendations 43
developmentally appropriate; and, the of undernutrition and included seven or
child experiences a predictable response to more components of responsive feeding:
signals (115). Responsive feeding has been responsive feeding and development
shown to promote healthy growth and stimulation programmes (five trials
development and to encourage children’s conducted in LMICs). The interventions
self-regulation, which is important to consisted of group sessions and home
prevent both under- and overfeeding visits delivered by trained village women or
(116). It is considered as a core element of family welfare assistants. The comparators
nurturing care (38, 117). were regular programmes that included
general advice on complementary feeding
Data on responsive feeding are unavailable but without a focus on responsive feeding.
because an easy-to-use indicator and The third group focused on preventing
measurement tool to assess this important obesity and included five to eight
aspect of infant feeding is lacking (118). components of responsive feeding. The
Although measures have been developed latter group of interventions were delivered
in Cambodia and Sri Lanka, most measures through e-health interventions, Facebook
for children < 2 years of age have been peer groups or health professionals. All 18
developed in high-income countries. Few studies in the third group were conducted
have been validated against observations, in high-income countries.
which is the gold standard for assessment.

Both the Guiding principles for Interventions focused on one

complementary feeding of the breastfed component of responsive feeding
child and Guiding principles for feeding the
non-breastfed child 6–24 Months of age One RCT in which the intervention was
recommend responsive feeding. It is also delivered by health professionals found
recommended in the WHO Guideline on that the number of vegetables consumed
improving early childhood development (25). after 24–35 days of repeated exposure
increased the amount consumed in a meal
by 37.6 g (14.0 g, 61.2 g) among children
3.7.3 Evidence 6–7 months of age in the intervention
The systematic review identified diverse group and two RCTs found that the number
components of responsive feeding across of novel vegetables consumed after one
26 RCTs involving 10 009 children. Six RCTS month of repeated exposure also increased
(five cluster and one individual) were from by 15.6 g (7.2 g, 23.9 g). The evidence
LMICs and 20 (five cluster and 15 individual) was considered low certainty for the first
were from high-income countries. The outcome and moderate certainty for the
component “recognition of hunger and second outcome. One RCT found that novel
satiety” was identified in all the trials except fruit consumption was not associated with
one. Most of the trials also included the the intervention (MD = 0.05 g [-34.2, 35.2])
components “not pressuring child to eat; (very low certainty evidence). Another RCT
praising; encourage self-feeding” and found that advice and regular counselling
“pleasant and stimulating family eating delivered to the caregiver by a research
environment”. dietitian had no effect on the consumption
of textured foods among infants
Trials were classified according to type 8–15 months (MD = 0.30 g [-0.80 g, 1.40 g])
of interventions into three groups. The (very low certainty evidence).
first focused on one component of
responsive feeding: advice on step-by step
repeated exposure to vegetables during
introduction of complementary foods or
advice and counselling for promoting the
introduction of textured foods (three trials;
two conducted in high-income countries
and one in a middle-income country).
The second focused on the prevention

44 WHO Guideline for complementary feeding of infants and young children 6–23 months of age
Interventions to prevent undernutrition, found no effect on the enjoyment of food
delivered by women/mothers in scale when measured at 12 months and
the village or family assistants, and 24 months (MD = 0.10 [-0.01, 0.21]) and
including seven or more components (MD = -0.04 [-0.21, 0.13]), respectively.
of responsive care and developmental There was also no effect on the food
stimulation fussiness scale at 12 and 24 months.
One trial showed that fruit and vegetable
To prevent undernutrition, three RCTs consumption (times per day) was increased
found no effect of the intervention for at 12 months (MD = 0.51 [0.07, 0.95]), but
number of mouthfuls eaten among not at 24 months. All evidence was rated as
children 20–23 months of age (MD = 1.98 moderate certainty.
[-0.84, 4.8]). Among children in the same
age range the intervention had a positive
Interventions to prevent obesity,
effect on self-fed mouthfuls (MD = 14.42
delivered by health professionals,
[6.45, 22.39]). Children in the intervention
and including between five and eight
group also had fewer episodes of food
refusals (MD = -0.69 [-1.28, -0.09]). Three components of responsive feeding
RCTs found that dietary diversity score One trial found that at 12 months, children
was improved in children 17–21 months in the intervention group had higher
in the intervention group (MD = 0.25 [0.04, enjoyment of food (MD = 0.22 [0.04,
0.45]) (moderate certainty evidence). One 0.40]) (moderate certainty evidence).
RCT found that vegetable intake was also Three trials showed that the enjoyment
improved at 9 months and 15 months food scale was greater among children
(RR = 2.85 [1.23, 6.58]) and (RR = 1.73 [1.21, 24–30 months of age in the intervention
2.46]), respectively (moderate certainty group (MD = 0.11 [0.02, 0.20]) (low certainty
evidence). However, two RCTs found no evidence). Children in the intervention
effect on vegetable intake among children group at 12 months and 24–30 months also
20–23 months of age. One RCT found a scored lower on the food fussiness scale
positive effect on fruit intake at 9 months (MD = -0.31 [-0.50, -0.12]) and (MD = -0.16
and at 15 months of age (RR = 1.53, [-0.26, -0.07]), respectively. The evidence
1.18, 1.99]) and (RR = 1.27 [1.07, 1.50]), was rated as high for the 12-month-old
respectively. Two RCTS also showed children but low for the 24–30-month-old
improved fruit intake among children children. The evidence for both age groups
20–23 months of age. Evidence for all was rated as low certainty.
outcomes was rated as moderate certainty.
Two trials found no effect of the
For energy and nutrient intakes, one RCT intervention on food preferences at
found the intervention resulted in higher 12 months, measured as perception of
intakes of energy, protein, iron, zinc and vegetables liked, (SMD = 0.15 [-0.01, 0.03])
calcium for children 9–15 months of age (moderate certainty evidence) and one
(low to moderate certainty evidence). The trial found no effect at 3½ years or at 5
intervention was not associated with the years (low certainty evidence). One trial
consumption of unhealthy foods: two RCTs found that at 24 months there was no
showed no effect on the consumption of effect of the intervention on measures of
sweet snacks and sugar-dense foods for perception of fruits liked. However, at 3½
children 20–23 months (MD = 0.11 [-0.50, years and 5 years, the measure was higher
0.28]) (very low certainty evidence). in the intervention group (MD = 7.0 [3.4,
10.6]) and (MD = 5.2 [1.6, 8.8], respectively
Interventions to prevent obesity, (moderate certainty evidence). In 24-month-
delivered through e-health, and old children, the intervention had no effect
including five components of responsive on measures of perception of meat and
feeding fish liked (moderate certainty evidence) or
energy-dense sweet and savoury foods at
With respect to prevention of obesity, one 24 months, 3½ years, and 5 years of age
trial where the intervention was delivered (low certainty evidence).
when children were 6–12 months of age

Recommendations 45
Three trials found no effect of the self-feeding and reduced child food
intervention on vegetable intake among refusals, and increased dietary diversity,
9–12-month-olds or 20–24-month- frequency of consumption of some healthy
olds and two trials found no effect on foods, energy, and nutrient intakes.
vegetable intake at 3½ years or 5 years However, there were no effects on the
(low certainty evidence). Three trials found consumption of sweet snacks and sugar-
no effect of the intervention on fruit dense foods.
intake at 9–12 months and 20–24 months
(SMD = -0.15 [-0.06, 0.35]) and (SMD = 0.09 With one exception, e-health interventions
[-0.03, 0.22]), respectively. The evidence for aimed at preventing obesity had no effect
both outcomes was deemed low certainty. on the outcomes evaluated. The effects
Two trials also found no effect on fruit of interventions delivered by health
intake for children 3½ and 5 years of age. professionals and that included multiple
components of responsive feeding differed
Two trials found no effect of the by both the outcome and age at which the
intervention on meat, poultry, and fish outcome was evaluated.
intake. Three trials found no effect on water
intake at 9–12 months or at 20–24 months Certainty of evidence
(moderate certainty evidence). However, an
effect was found favouring the intervention Depending on the outcome, the evidence
group at 3½ years (MD = 24.2 [26.4, 74.8]), was judged to be of moderate to low
but not at 5 years (moderate certainty certainty. The overall certainty of the
evidence). evidence was judged to be moderate by the
With respect to unhealthy food
consumption, the trials showed mixed
3.7.4 Balance of benefits and harms
results. Two trials found no effect of the
intervention on SSB intake at 9 months, The benefits of responsive feeding were
12–24 months, 3 ½ years, and 5 years judged to be moderate whereas the harms
of age. Two trials found no effect on the were judged to be trivial, none or uncertain.
consumption of sweet snacks/sugar-dense Overall, the balance of benefits and harms
food in children 9–16 months and 3 ½ was judged to be favourable to responsive
years of age. However, one trial showed feeding. The GDG noted, however, that
an effect of the intervention at 20 months there were no studies from Africa.
and between 5 and 8 years with children
in the intervention group consuming lower
amounts of sweet snacks/sugar-dense 3.7.5 Values and preferences
foods (SMD = -0.25 [-0.48, -0.01]) and The GDG decided that from the caregiver’s
(SMD = -0.22 [-0.40, -0.04], respectively). perspective, the values and preferences for
responsive feeding were possibly important
Summary of the evidence but probably not important and likely to be
variable, depending on context.
Summarizing the results of the systematic
review is challenging in that the
components of the interventions differed, 3.7.6 Resource implications
as did the method of delivery across the
None of the studies examined the
studies. The few trials that examined the
cost to the caregiver for implementing
effect of an intervention that focused on
responsive feeding. The GDG considered
only one component of responsive feeding
that the resource requirements for
found that repeated exposure to vegetables
recommending responsive feeding were
increased their consumption, though had
likely to be moderate, but that there was
no effect on fruit consumption.
variability. The resource implications
Interventions aimed at preventing would largely be related to food loss
undernutrition that included seven or more because as young children get more
components of responsive feeding and autonomy over their eating, not all the
developmental stimulation likely increased food they are served reaches their mouth.

46 WHO Guideline for complementary feeding of infants and young children 6–23 months of age
In resource-constrained households, this
could be costly. It may also take more
time for caregivers to practice responsive
feeding and health workers to convey the
concept of responsive feeding as it is not
likely to be familiar in many contexts.

3.7.7 Acceptability
Among parents from Spain who were
asked if the child should eat all their food,
some neither agreed nor disagreed, while
those who accepted the responsive feeding
recommendations of psychosocial care
said they must apply pressure or else
their children would not eat enough. The
latter view was also reported among South
African caregivers, who also mentioned the
need for pressure or else children would
not eat well. These caregivers believe that
what babies eat is important for their
health and that an unwillingness to eat is
a sign of ill health. Hence, they will force-
feed their babies if they refuse to eat.
The GDG believed the acceptability of the
intervention would likely vary.

3.7.8 Rationale
Although the results of the systematic
review were mixed, the GDG considered
responsive feeding to be an important
component of complementary feeding.
Practiced appropriately, it may prevent
undernutrition, by ensuring the child
consumes enough food, as well as
overweight and obesity, by ensuring that
a child does not eat too much food. It
encourages child self-regulation of energy
intake and promotes child development.

Recommendations 47
48 WHO Guideline for complementary feeding of infants and young children 6–23 months of age
4. Research gaps

During the guideline development dietary intakes (such as recommended

process, the GDG was asked to identify nutrient intakes)?
important research gaps. These gaps • What are the effects of continued
may be particularly important where the breastfeeding (beyond 12 months)
certainty of available evidence was rated on maternal health (such as cancer,
as “low” or “very low”. The GDG considered diabetes)?
whether further research should be
prioritized, based on whether such research
would a) contribute to improvements in Operational
complementary feeding and the health
and development of children, b) be likely • What are the gaps in policies for
to promote equity and c) be feasible supporting continued breastfeeding
to implement. (beyond 12 months)?
• How can policies be optimized to ensure
In its discussions over the course of six support for continued breastfeeding?
meetings, the GDG noted the limited • What supportive policies are most
evidence available for most topics (except effective to achieve continued
for those related to MNPs, fortified cereal breastfeeding (beyond 12 months)?
grain-based complementary foods, fortified • What are the barriers to continued
milks and SQ-LNS) and consequent lack of breastfeeding in different contexts
information to guide decision making. For (beyond 12 months) and how should they
some topics, the evidence was more than be addressed?
20 years old.

The GDG called generally for studies

that used similar protocols (age groups, Milks for infants and young
outcomes, measurement techniques,
etc.) across different regions, countries, children 6–23 months of age
population groups (by income levels,
educational levels, cultural and ethnic
backgrounds etc) and contexts. Biological

The GDG called specifically for research • For infants 6–11 months of age who
on the following questions, distinguishing consume non-fortified animal milk, what
between questions pertaining to biological other foods need to be added to the diet
outcomes of the intervention and questions to avoid iron deficiency?
relating to operational issues connected • What are the effects of different types
with implementation of the interventions. of milk (for example, full-fat vs low-
fat animal milks, plant-based vs animal
milks) in young children 12–23 months of
age on health and nutrition outcomes?
Continued breastfeeding • What is the optimal/maximum quantity
of milk that children 6–23 months
of age should/can consume (that is,
Biological should maximum limits be set to avoid
• What are the effects of continued displacement of other foods)?
breastfeeding (beyond 12 months) on
long-term child health and development
outcomes (such as cognitive, metabolic,
behavioural, immunity) and total

Age of introduction of Operational
complementary foods • What is the feasibility and affordability of
consuming ASFs, fruits and vegetables,
and nuts, pulses, and seeds as
Biological complementary foods in settings where
the availability of such foods is poor?
• What are the risks of late introduction • How can affordability, availability and
(>6 months) of complementary foods on access to a healthy and diverse diet
nutrition and health outcomes (such as be improved?
iron deficiency)?
• What are the effects of earlier
introduction of complementary foods
(before 6 months vs at 6 months) on Unhealthy foods and
specific health outcomes (for example, beverages
celiac disease, food allergies)?

Dietary diversity • What are the short-, medium- and
long-term effects of unhealthy dietary
patterns (high in sugars, salt, or trans-
Biological fat) on nutritional, developmental and
• What are the effects of varying levels of health outcomes?
consumption of vegetables, fruits, nuts, • What are the effects of consuming
pulses, and seeds during 6–23 months unhealthy foods and beverages during
of age on dietary patterns and taste the complementary feeding period
preferences later in childhood? (6–23 months of age) on dietary patterns
• What are the effects of consuming and taste preferences for unhealthy
fruits and vegetables and nuts, pulses, foods (such as sweet foods) in later life?
and seeds during the complementary • What are the effects of consuming foods
feeding period (6–23 months of age) and beverages sweetened with non-sugar
on specific health outcomes (for substances during the complementary
example microbiome)? feeding period (6–23 months of age) on
• What is the efficacy and acceptability health outcomes and taste preferences?
of providing less commonly consumed
ASFs (such as fish, seafood, insects) Operational
during the complementary feeding
period (6–23 months of age) on nutrition, • How effective are regulatory measures
developmental and health outcomes (such as marketing restrictions, taxation)
(e.g., child growth)? in reducing the consumption of
• What are the effects of consuming unhealthy foods and beverages among
different types, quantities, and forms young children?
of ASFs, fruits and vegetables, and nuts,
pulses, and seeds in the complementary
feeding period (6–23 months of age)
on nutrition, developmental and
Nutrient supplements and
health outcomes? fortified food products
• What are the effects of different types
and degrees of complementary food
processing on nutrition, developmental Operational
and health outcomes?
• What are the costs and cost-effectiveness
of providing nutrient supplements and
fortified food products compared to

50 WHO Guideline for complementary feeding of infants and young children 6–23 months of age
other approaches for improving diets of
children 6–23 months of age?
• What are the implications of providing
nutrient supplements and fortified food
products (MNPs, SQ-LNS, and fortified
cereal-grain based complementary foods)
through the public sector with respect to
programme sustainability?

Responsive feeding

• What are the core components of
responsive feeding that are most critical
for nutrition and development in all
children? What additional components
are needed in specific settings?

• What are the implications of practicing
responsive feeding with respect to
caregivers’ time (for example, time for
attentive feeding) and resources (such as
food waste)?
• Are standardized protocols needed/
useful for describing the recommended
components of responsive feeding,
duration, and intensity of interventions?
• What is the feasibility of, and costs
associated with integrating responsive
feeding interventions into healthcare and
other settings?

Research gaps 51
52 WHO Guideline for complementary feeding of infants and young children 6–23 months of age
5. Dissemination and plans for future

5.1 Dissemination
The current guideline will be made available
on the WHO website, including the WHO
Nutrition website and the WHO e-Library
of Evidence for Nutrition Actions (eLENA).
In addition, it will be disseminated through
a broad network of international partners,
including WHO country and regional offices,
ministries of health, WHO collaborating
centres, universities, other United
Nations agencies and nongovernmental

5.2 Plans for future updates

to the guideline
The WHO steering committee will continue
to follow research developments in
complementary feeding, particularly for
questions in which the certainty of evidence
was found to be low or very low. If the
guideline merits an update, or if there are
concerns about the validity of the guideline,
the Department of Nutrition and Food
Safety will, in collaboration with other WHO
departments or programmes, coordinate
the guideline update, following the formal
procedures of the WHO handbook for
guideline development (3). As the guideline
nears the 10-year review period, the
Department of Nutrition and Food Safety
will be responsible for conducting a search
for appropriate new evidence.


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62 WHO Guideline for complementary feeding of infants and young children 6–23 months of age
Annex 1. WHO guideline development
group, steering group, systematic
review teams, and external resource

GUIDELINE DEVELOPMENT Dr Arun Gupta (2019–2023)

Breastfeeding Promotion Network of India
Dr Mona Alsumaie (2019–2023) India
Community Nutrition Promotion Dr Lora Iannotti (2019–2023)
Department Brown School, Institute for Public Health
Ministry of Health Washington University
Kuwait United States of America
Dr Richmond Aryeetey (2019–2023) Dr Rafael Pérez-Escamilla (2019–2023)
University of Ghana Office of Public Health Practice
Ghana Global Health Concentration
Dr Kaleab Baye (2022–2023)5 Yale School of Public Health
College of Natural and Computational United States of America
Sciences Dr Inês Rugani Ribeiro de Castro
Addis Ababa University (2019–2023)
Ethiopia Department of Nutrition and Public Health
Dr Linda Shaker Berbari (2022)6 Institute of Nutrition
Independent Consultant Rio de Janeiro State University
Public Health and Nutrition Policy – Infant Brazil
and Young Child Feeding Dr Frank Wieringa (2019–2023)
Lebanon Joint Research Unit (UMR 267) QualiSud
Dr Nita Bhandari (2022–2023) Institut de Recherche pour le
Society for Applied Studies Développement (IRD)
India France

Dr Helen Crawley (2019–2022) Dr Zhenyu Yang (2019–2023)

First Steps Nutrition National Institute for Nutrition and Health
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Chinese Center for Disease Control and
Northern Ireland Prevention
Dr Kathryn Dewey (2019–2023)
Department of Nutrition
University of California, Davis
United States of America

Dr Kaleab Baye joined the GDG midway through its development.
During the development of the guideline, Dr Shaker joined UNICEF as a staff member and, therefore, did
not continue as a member of the GDG.

PERSONS Department of Nutrition and Food Safety
Dr Kaleab Baye (2019) Dr Francesco Branca
College of Natural and Computational Director
Sciences Dr Laurence Grummer-Strawn
Addis Ababa University Unit Head
Mr Jorgen Johnson
Dr Maureen Black (2019) Consultant
Fellow Emeritus, RTI International
Professor of Pediatrics, University of Dr Chessa Lutter
Maryland School of Medicine Consultant (through RTI international
United States September–December 2019; direct contract
January 2020–August 2023)
Dr Rosalind Gibson (2019)
Department of Human Nutrition Dr Jason Montez
University of Otago Technical Officer
New Zealand
Dr Lisa Rogers
Technical Officer

OBSERVERS Dr Nandi Siegfried

Dr France Begin (2019–2023)
Nutrition Programme Ms Christine Jolly
United Nations Children’s Fund Secretary
United States of America
Ms Sophie Schmitt
Dr Linda Shaker Berbari (2019–2023) Secretary
Nutrition Programme
United Nations Children’s Fund Department of Maternal, Newborn, Child and
United States of America Adolescent Health
Dr Bernadette Daelmans
Ms Aashima Garg (2019–2023) Unit Head
Nutrition Programme
United Nations Children’s Fund
United States of America MODELLING STUDY
Ms Lauren Landis (2019–2023) Ms Mary Arimond, Independent Consultant,
Nutrition Division United States of America
World Food Programme
Italy Dr Eileen Ferguson, London School of
Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, United
Ms Grainne Mairead Moloney (2019–2023) Kingdom
Nutrition Programme
United Nations Children’s Fund Ms Doris Wiesmann, Independent
United States of America Consultant, United States of America.
Ms Deborah Wilson (2019–2023)
Nutrition Division
World Food Programme REVIEWERS
Italy Ms Hilary Creed de Kanashiro, Instituto de
Ms Maria Xipsiti (2019–2023) Investigación en Nutrición, Peru
Food and Agricultural Organization Dr Rukhsana Haider, Training & Assistance
Italy for Health & Nutrition Foundation,

64 WHO Guideline for complementary feeding of infants and young children 6–23 months of age
Dr Alissa Pries, Helen Keller Foundation, 4. Animal milks compared to follow-on
United Kingdom formula, low-fat milk, plant-based milk or
fortified milk and its associated outcomes
Dr Christine Stewart, University of California in children 12–23 months of age.
at Davis, United States of America.
Ana C Fernández-Gaxiola,1 Luz María
De-Regil,2 Sandra Gallegos-Lecona1.
National Institute of Public Health,
1. Qualitative systematic reviews of Mexico City, Mexico
complementary feeding recommendations’
LMD Inc, Toronto, Canada (currently
impact on preferences, equity and rights, with WHO Department of Nutrition and
resources implication, acceptability, and Food Safety).
5. Optimal Timing of Introduction of
Reginald Adjetey Annan , Nana Ama
1 Complementary Feeding: A Systematic
Frimpomaa Agyapong1, Linda Nana Esi Review and Meta-Analysis.
Aduku1, Odeafo Asamoah Boakye1 and
Jai K. Das1, Zahra A. Padhani2, Faareha
Michael Wiafte Akenteng1.
A. Siddiqui1, Rehana A. Salam3, Zohra S.
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science Lassi4, Durray Shahwar A. Khan1, Ammaar
and Technology (KNUST), Kumasi, Ghana. M.A. Abbasi1, Emily C. Keats4, Sajid Soofi1,
Robert E Black6, Zulfiqar A Bhutta.2, 5
2. Continued breastfeeding in the second
year of life versus no breastfeeding after
Division of Women and Child Health,
12 months for child development, growth, Aga Khan University, Karachi, Pakistan
morbidity and mortality, and maternal 2
Institute of Global Health and
health. Development, Aga Khan University,
Karachi, Pakistan
Tarun Gera1, Dheerraj Shah2, Rajesh K 3
Melanoma Institute Australia, University
Meena2, Harshpal S Sachdev3 of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
Pediatrics, New Delhi, India
Robinson Research Institute, University
University College of Medical Sciences, of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia
New Delhi, India
Centre for Global Child Health, The
Sita Ram Bharti Institute of Health Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto,
Sciences & Research, New Delhi, India. Canada
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of
3. The effect of consumption of animal Public Health, Johns Hopkins University,
milk compared to infant formula for non- United States of America.
breastfed/mixed-fed infants 6–11 months
of age. A systematic review and 6. WHO systematic review for
meta-analysis. complementary feeding of animal-source
Amer Imad1, Julie Melissa Ehrlich1, Joseph
Catania1, Muizz Zaman1, Emily Tanner- Zohra S Lassi1, Komal Abdul Rahim2,
Smith2, Abigail Smith1, Olivia Tsistinas1, Christina Oh3, Kimberly Charbonneau3,
Zulfiqar Ahmed Bhutta3. Aatekah Owais3, Emily Keats3, Zulfiqar A
SUNY Upstate Medical University, New
York, United States of America
Robinson Research Institute, the
University of Oregon, Oregon, United University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia
States of America
Department of GI & Surgery, Aga Khan
Institute for Global Health & University, Karachi, Pakistan
Development, The Aga Khan University,
Centre for Global Child Health, The
Islamabad, Pakistan. Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto,

Annex 1. Contributors 65
7. The consumption of varying 4
Cochrane Metabolic and Endocrine
frequencies, varieties, and quantities of Disorders Group, Medical Faculty of the
fruits & vegetables and pulses, nuts & Heinrich-Heine- University Düsseldorf,
seeds among children 6–23 months of age Düsseldorf, Germany
and their association with dietary and 5
Institute for Evidence in Medicine,
health outcomes: a systematic review and University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
meta-analysis*. 6
Physiological Controls Research Center,
Obuda University, Budapest, Hungary
Leila Harrison1, Christina Oh1, Kimberly D.
Charbonneau1, Aatekah Owais1, Emily C.
Department of Statistics, Corvinus
Keats1 and Zulfiqar A. Bhutta1 University of Budapest, Budapest,
Centre for Global Child Health, The 8
Cochrane Hungary, University of Pécs,
Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Pécs, Hungary
Canada 9
Department of Public Health Medicine,
* Paper combined two University of Pécs, Pécs, Hungary.
systematic reviews.
10. Safety and effectiveness of responsive
8. The impact of greater consumption of feeding for infants and young children:
unhealthy foods and beverages in children Systematic review and meta-analysis.
under 10 years on risk of malnutrition and
diet-related non-communicable diseases: Natalia Elorriaga1,2, Ariel Bardach1,2,
a systematic review and meta-analysis. María Victoria Lopez1, Milagros García
Diaz1, Federico Rodríguez Cairoli1, Marión
Emily K Rousham1, Sophie Goudet1, Figarella de Aguirre1, Gabriela Olivera y
Oonagh Markey1, Ben Boxer1, Paula Luna1, Daniel Comandé1, Vilma Irazola1,2,
Griffiths1, Emily Petherick1, Rebecca Agustín Ciapponi1,2
Pradeilles1. Contributors: Christopher
Carroll2, Megan Stanley1, Kathrin
Institute for Clinical Effectiveness
Burdenski1, Natalie Pearson1, Kaleab and Health Policy (IECS), Buenos Aires,
Baye.3 Argentina
Center for Research in Epidemiology
Centre for Global Health and Human and Public Health (CIESP), National
Development, Loughborough University, Scientific and Technical Research Council
Loughborough, United Kingdom (CONICET), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
School of Health and Related Research,
The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, 11. Qualitative systematic reviews
United Kingdom of complementary feeding
Center for Food Science and Nutrition, recommendations’ impact on preferences,
Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia. equity and rights, resource implications,
acceptability, and feasibility
9. Systematic review on the health
outcomes associated to fortified Reginald Adjetey Annan1, Nana Ama
complementary foods. Frimpomaa Agyapong1, Linda Nana
Esi Aduku1, Odeafo Asamoah Boakye1,
Ildikó Csölle1,2, Regina Felső1, Éva Michael Wiafe Akenteng1
Szabó3, Maria-Inti Metzendorf4, Lukas
Schwingshackl5, Tamás Ferenci6,7, and
College of Science, Kwame Nkrumah
Szimonetta Lohner8,9 University of Science and Technology
(KNUST), Kumasi, Ghana.
Department of Paediatrics, University of
Pécs, Pécs, Hungary
Szentágothai Research Centre,
University of Pécs, Pécs, Hungary
Department of Biochemistry and
Medical Chemistry, University of Pécs,
Pécs, Hungary

66 WHO Guideline for complementary feeding of infants and young children 6–23 months of age
Annex 2. Management of declarations
of interest

Interests of the GDG for the Guideline on Complementary Feeding Infants and Young Children
6–23 Months of Age declared or otherwise identified independently during the development of this
guideline are summarized below.

Member Interests declared/identified Action taken

Dr Kaleab • Received funding from the Joined GDG six years after receipt of
Baye Nestle Foundation that ended funding.
in 2016.
Therefore, he did not join as a
GDG member until 2022, when
the four-year lookback period
required by WHO rules ended.
Dr Kathryn • Author of numerous The sources of research funds were not
Dewey publications on SQ-LNS, considered to represent a conflict of
including several systematic interest for this guideline.
reviews that were used as
However, because of her extensive
evidence for the guideline
publications on the topic and authorship
• Recipient of grants for research of systematic reviews used as evidence,
on SQ-LNS. she did not participate in the discussion
and decision-making on the SQ-LNS

No other members of the GDG declared any interests, nor were any interests independently

Members of the external peer review group

No members of the external peer review group declared any interests, nor were any
interests independently identified.

Members of the systematic review teams

No members of the systematic review teams declared any interests, nor were any interests
independently identified.

Annex 3. Core food groups and
subgroups used in modelling study

Starchy staple foods

Whole grains, including flours, pasta, rice, and other grains
Refined grains, including flours, pasta, rice, and other grains
Whole grain dry breakfast cereals, including oats
Refined grain dry breakfast cereals
Whole-grain savoury bakery products (breads and similar)
Refined-grain savoury bakery products (breads and similar)
White-coloured starchy roots, tubers, and plantains
Vitamin A-rich fruits (e.g., apricot, cantaloupe, mango, papaya, passion fruit)
Other vitamin C-rich fruits (e.g., guava, kiwi, longan, litchi)
Avocado and coconut (flesh) and any other high-fat fruits
Other fruit (e.g., apples, peaches, pears, pineapple, others)
Medium to dark green leafy vegetables
Other Brassicas (e.g., broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussels sprouts, kohlrabi, but not roots/
Vitamin A-rich orange vegetables (e.g., carrots, squash, pumpkin, and orange-fleshed sweet
Peppers and tomatoes
Immature peas and beans (seeds and pods)
Other vegetables (e.g., cucumbers, onions, corn, mushrooms, turnip, iceberg lettuce, other)
Dairy products
Yogurt (also including other fermented dairy such as kefir or buttermilk)
Protein foods
Legumes/pulses, and flours made from these
Soy foods

68 WHO Guideline for complementary feeding of infants and young children 6–23 months of age
Peanuts/groundnuts, tree nuts, and seeds, and pastes made from these
Beef, lamb, mutton, goat, and large and small game meat
Poultry and wild birds
Fish, small, eaten with bones
Fish, larger, not eaten with bones
Added fats and oils
Solid fats and highly saturated oils
Most vegetable oils (unhydrogenated)

Annex 3. Core food groups and subgroups used in modelling study 69

Annex 4. Summary Judgement Tables

A summary of the judgements made for each of the seven domains is presented in Tables
A4.1 to A4.7 below.

Table A4.1 Continued breastfeeding: summary judgement

Continued breastfeed in the 2nd year of life compared to no

Domain breastfeeding after 12 months of age
Benefits Uncertain
Harms Small, uncertain
Certainty Very low
Balance Probably favours continued breastfeeding, uncertain
Values & preferences Possibly important uncertainty or variability
Resources Moderate savings, varies
Cost-effectiveness Probably favours continued breastfeeding, varies
Acceptability Yes, probably yes
Feasibility Yes, varies

Table A4.2 Milks for children fed milks other than breast milk: summary

At 6–11 months, consumption of At 12–23 months, consumption

animal milk compared to milk of animal milk compared to
Domain formula follow-up formula
Benefits Uncertain Trivial, uncertain
Harms Uncertain Moderate, small
Certainty Low Low
Balance Probably favours milk formula, Uncertain
Values & Possibly important uncertainty or Important uncertainty or variability
preferences variability
Resources Large savings, varies Large savings, varies
Cost- Uncertain Favours consumption of animal milk,
effectiveness varies
Acceptability Probably yes, varies Yes, probably yes
Feasibility Yes Yes

70 WHO Guideline for complementary feeding of infants and young children 6–23 months of age
Table A4.3 Age of introduction of complementary foods: summary judgement

Introduction of complementary
feeding at 6 months of Introduction of complementary
age compared to earlier feeding at 6 months of age
Domain introduction compared to later introduction
Benefits Small, uncertain Uncertain
Harms Uncertain, varies Uncertain
Certainty Low Very low
Balance Favours introduction at 6 months, Probably favours introduction at
uncertain 6 months, uncertain
Values & Possibly important uncertainty or Possibly important uncertainty or
preferences variability variability
Resources Varies Varies
Cost- Probably favours introduction at Uncertain
effectiveness 6 months, uncertain
Acceptability Probably yes, varies Probably yes, varies
Feasibility Yes Yes

Table A4.4 Dietary diversity: summary judgement

consumption of Greater consumption Greater consumption
animal-source of fruits and of nuts, pulses, and
foods compared to vegetables compared seeds compared to
Domain less consumption to less consumption less consumption
Benefits Moderate, uncertain Moderate, uncertain Uncertain
Harms Trivial Trivial, uncertain Uncertain
Certainty Low Very low Very low
Balance Favours/Probably Probably favours fruit & Probably favours
favours animal-source vegetable consumption, consumption of nuts,
food consumption uncertain pulses, and seeds,
Values & Important/Possibly Important/Possibly Important no important
preferences important uncertainty important uncertainty uncertainty or variability
or variability or variability
Resources Large/moderate costs, Varies, Uncertain Moderate costs, varies
Cost- Favours/Probably Favours/Probably Probably favours
effectiveness favours consumption favours consumption of consumption of nuts,
of animal source fruits and vegetables, pulses and seeds,
foods uncertain uncertain
Equity Increased/Probably Probably increased Probably increased
Acceptability Yes Yes/Probably yes Yes
Feasibility Yes/Probably yes Yes Yes

Annex 4. Summary Judgement Tables 71

Table A4.5 Unhealthy foods and beverages: summary judgement

Greater Greater Greater

consumption consumption consumption Greater
of foods high of sugar- sweetened consumption
in sugar, salt, sweetened with non-sugar of 100%
and unhealthy beverages sweeteners fruit juice
fats compared compared compared compared
to less to less to less to less
Domain consumption consumption consumption consumption
Benefits None None None None
Harms Uncertain Moderate/ Uncertain Uncertain
Certainty Low Low Low Low
Balance Favours/Probably Favours no SSB Does not favour Favours/
favours less consumption consumption Probably
unhealthy foods of beverages favours less
consumption sweetened 100% fruit juice
with non-sugar consumption
Values & Possibly Possibly Possibly Possibly
preferences important important important important
uncertainty or uncertainty or uncertainty or uncertainty or
variability variability variability variability
Resources Varies Varies Varies Varies
Cost- Favours/Probably Favours/Probably Favours/Probably Favours/
effectiveness favours no favours no favours no Probably
consumption consumption consumption favours no
Equity Probably Probably reduced, Probably Probably
reduced, varies, varies, uncertain reduced, varies, reduced, varies,
uncertain uncertain uncertain
Acceptability Varies Varies Varies Varies
Feasibility Yes Yes Yes Yes

72 WHO Guideline for complementary feeding of infants and young children 6–23 months of age
Table A4.6 Nutrient supplements and fortified food products: summary judgement

Consumption Consumption
Consumption of fortified of small-
of fortified animal milk quantity
complementary compared to lipid-based
Consumption of foods compared consumption nutrient
micronutrient to consumption of unfortified supplements
powders of unfortified milk (age compared
compared to no version of that 12–23 months to no
Domain consumption food only) consumption
Benefits Moderate Moderate, varies Moderate, Moderate, varies
Harms Uncertain None, uncertain None, uncertain None, uncertain
Certainty Moderate Moderate Low High
Balance Probably favours Probably Probably favours Probably
micronutrient favours fortified fortified milks, favours small-
powders, complementary uncertain quantity
uncertain foods lipid-based
Values & Possibly Possibly important Possibly Possibly
preferences important uncertainty or important important
uncertainty or variability uncertainty or uncertainty or
variability variability variability
Resources Moderate costs, Moderate costs, Moderate costs, Moderate
varies by context varies by context varies by context costs, varies by
Cost- Varies, uncertain Varies, uncertain Varies, uncertain Varies, uncertain
Acceptability Varies, uncertain Varies, uncertain Varies, uncertain Varies, uncertain
Feasibility Probably yes, Probably yes, Probably yes, Probably yes,
varies varies varies varies

Annex 4. Summary Judgement Tables 73

Table A4.7 Responsive feeding: summary judgement

Interventions that include elements of responsive feeding

Domain compared to interventions that do not include those elements
Benefits Moderate
Harms Trivial, uncertain
Certainty Moderate
Balance Favours responsive feeding
Values & Possibly important/Probably no important uncertainty or variability
Resources Moderate costs, varies
Cost-effectiveness Probably favours responsive feeding
Acceptability Varies, uncertain
Feasibility Probably yes, varies

74 WHO Guideline for complementary feeding of infants and young children 6–23 months of age
Annex 5. Link to systematic reviews
and modelling reports

Systematic review – Continued breastfeeding


Systematic-review – Milks-6-11-months

Systematic-review – Milks-12-23-months

Systematic-review – Age of introduction of complementary foods


Systematic-review – Animal-Source-Foods

Systematic-review – Fruits-and-Vegetables-and-Nuts-Pulses-and-Seeds

Systematic review – Unhealthy foods and beverages


Systematic-review – Fortified-Complementary-Foods

Systematic review – Responsive feeding


Qualitative-review – Preferences-equity-resources-acceptability-and-feasibility

Digital modelling – Full report

Digital modelling – Annex 9


Digital modelling – Annex 10


Digital modelling – Annex 11


76 WHO Guideline for complementary feeding of infants and young children 6–23 months of age

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