AP Computer Science Syllabus

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AP Computer Science AB Syllabus

Course description:

This course is comprised of college material, and is conducted in a rigorous manner. It is

designed for students who have a strong background in mathematics and interest in the field of
computer science.
The course emphasizes proper programming methodology, algorithmic development, data
structures, and object oriented programming (OOP) and design. Students will become proficient
in creating and implementing classes. This includes creating new classes using inheritance and
implementing interfaces.

Topics studied in this course include a review of computer platforms and architecture; objects
and primitive data; program statements; writing and enhancing classes; inheritance; one and two­
dimensional arrays; advanced data structures such as: trees, linked lists, sets, and maps;
recursion; and searching and sorting techniques. A detailed scope and sequence is shown below.

Every area that is referenced in the AP Computer Science AB Course Description is studied.

Students will be expected to use their knowledge of proper programming and design techniques
when creating programs in this course. Programs are implemented using the JAVA programming

language. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to take the College Board AP
Computer Science AB exam.

All AP Computer Science classes are taught in a computer lab. Each student has a computer
workstation. Lessons are taught using Socratic methods. Portions of programs are presented and
discussed. Students create sample classes with the instructor. About two­thirds of each class
period is spent on the computer.
Major Texts
J. Lewis, W. Loftus, and C. Cocking, Java Software Solutions for AP Computer Science, 1st ed.,
Prentice Hall, 2004.

K. Lambert and M. Osbourne, Fundamentals of Java, Comprehensive Course, 2nd ed., South­
Western, 2003.

Wu, C. Thomas. An Introduction to Object –Oriented Programming with Java –2nd ed. New
York, NY: The McGraw­Hill companies, Inc., 2001

College Board. AP GridWorld Case Study. New York: College Entrance Examination Board,
K. Lambert and M. Osbourne, Activities Workbook for Fundamentals of Java, South­Western,

Teukolsky, Roselyn. Barron’ s AP Computer Science Levels A and AB 2007, 3rd ed.
Hauppauge, N.Y.: Barron’ s Educational Series, 2006.

S. Horowitz, Addison­Wesley’s Review for the AP Computer Science Exam in Java, Addison­
Wesley, 2004.

Course Planner
The resource list includes the following text references Fundamentals of Java (FJ), Java
Software Solutions for AP Computer Science (SS), An Introduction to Object –Oriented
Programming with Java –Thomas C. Wu (TCW)
Unit Title, Topics and Resource, Assessment,
(Weeks) Student Objectives and Strategies
Thomas C. Wu (Introduction to Object­ Resources:
Oriented Programming and Software • TCW – Lesson 1
Topics: [C1], [C2], [C7] Assessment:
• Classes and Objects • Draw an object diagram for a Person
• Messages and Methods class and two Person objects.
• Class and Instance Data Values • Draw an object diagram for Account
• Inheritance Object with instance methods deposit
Objectives: and withdraw.
1 • Name the basic components of • Draw object diagram with instance
(0­2) object­oriented programming. variables.
• Differentiate classes and objects. • Vocabulary Inheritance, superclass,
• Differentiate class and instance subclass.
data values. • Exercise 1.7 pg 34
• Draw object diagrams using icons
for classes and objects
• Describe the significance of
inheritance in object­oriented

1 Fundamentals of Java (First Java Resources:

(3) Programs) • FJ – Unit 1 – Lesson 2
Topics: [C4], [C5]
• The Java Virtual Machine and
Byte Code
• Write a program that displays you
name, address and telephone number
• Hello World
• Write a program that displays a yield
• Edit, Compile and Execute
sign enclosed in a triangle.
• Turtle Graphics
• Write a program that calculates and
• Explain the Java virtual machine prints the number of minutes in a year
and byte code. • Write a program that draws two
• Describe the structure of a simple vertical line segments showing Muller­
Java Program Layer Illusion.
• Edit, compile, and run a program
using a Java development
• Understand compile­time errors.
• Write a simple turtle graphics

Fundamentals of Java (Syntax, Errors Resources:

and Debugging) • FJ – Unit 1 – Lesson 3
Topics: [C4] , [C5] Assessment:
• Language Elements • Write a program that takes the length
• Basic Java Syntax and Semantics of an edge as input and prints the
• Terminal I/O for Different Data cube’s surface area as output.
Types. (Remember to analyze, design,
• Comments implement and test)
• Programming Errors • Write a program that prompts user for
• Debugging input of regular and over time hours.
Objectives: After that computes employee’s total
1 weekly pay.
• Construct and use numeric and
(4) • Use the TurtleGraphics package to
string literals.
display the employee’s wages in a
• Name and use Variables and
histogram. After taking inputs and
computing results, your program
• Create arithmetic expressions.
should create a pen that displays five
• Concatenate two strings or a
horizontal lines of varying length.
number and a string.
• Know how to use comments in a
• Tell the difference between syntax
errors, runtime errors and logic
2 Fundamentals of Java (Introduction to Resources:
(5­6) control Statements) • FJ – Unit 1 – Lesson 4,
Topics:[C1] Unit 2 Lesson 6
• Addition Operators Assessment:
• Standard Classes and Methods • A 2­minute telephone call to
• The If and if­else statements. Lexington, Virginia, costs $1.15. Each
• The while, the for statement. additional minute costs $0.50. Write a
• Nested Control Statements and the program that takes the total length of a
break Statements. call in minutes as input and calculates
• Errors in Loops and displays the cost.
• Logical operators • Write a program that prompts user for
• Nested if statements. input of base integer number. Then
prompts user to enter exponent, the
program displays base number to the
• Use the increment and decrement
power. The program halts when the
user enters ­1 for the power.
• Use if and if­else statements to
• Project Unit 1­4 pg 128
make choices.
• Written questions pg 121
• Use while and for loops to repeat a
• Construct appropriate conditions
for control statements using
relational operators.
• Detect and correct common errors
involving loops.
• Construct complex Boolean
expressions using the logical
• Understand the logic of nested if
statements and extended if
Fundamentals of Java (Introduction to Resources:
Defining Classes) • FJ – Unit 2 – Lesson 5
Topics: [C1] , [C2], [C4], [C6] Assessment:
• The internal structure of Classes • Modify the smiling faces program of
and Objects this lesson by completing the method
• The Structure and Behavior of drawLine. Add the instance variable
Methods. radius and color and the mutators
• Scope and Lifetime of Variables. setRadius and SetColor.

2 Objectives: • Develop a new class called Car. A car

• Design an implement a simple displays two wheels, a body (a long
(7) rectangle), and a passenger
class from user requirements.
• Use visibility modifiers to make compartment (a shorter rectangle). Be
methods visible to clients and sure to include the appropriate helper
restrict access to data within a methods. Test­drive your new class in
class. an interface similar to that of the
• Use instance variables, local smiling faces program.
variables and parameters

3 FJ – Arrays, Recursion, and Complexity Resources:

(Introduction to Arrays) • FJ – Unit 3 – Lesson 8
Topics: [C1] , [C2], [C4] Assessment:
• Conceptual Overview • Write a program that takes 10 floating­
• Simple Array Manipulations point numbers as inputs. The program
• Looping through Arrays displays the average of the numbers
• Declaration Arrays followed by all of the numbers that are
• Parallel Arrays greater than the average. As part of
• Two­Dimensional Arrays your design, write a method that takes
• Arrays and Methods an array of doubles as a parameter and
(8­9) returns the average of the data in the
• Arrays of objects
• Modify the program of Project 8.4 so
• Write programs that handle
that it displays not only the median
collections of similar items.
and mode of the list of numbers but
• Declare array variables and
also a table of the numbers and their
instantiate array objects.
associate frequencies.
• Use loops and write methods to
manipulate arrays.
• Create parallel arrays and two­
dimensional arrays.
Grid World Case Study (parts 1­4) Resources:
Topics: [C6] • Grid World Case Study part 1 ­ 4
• GridWorld Case Study part 1 – 4 Assessment:
• Work on GridWorld Case Study • Exercise from within the case study.
part 1­4 • Read the GridWorld case study
Objectives: thoroughly and get familiar with
• Review Testing classes, methods and interfaces.
(10­11) • Understand the Bug class, Runner
class, Grid interface.
• Extend the Bug class by creating a
specialized bug with new
• Class Modifications
• Inheritance

3 FJ Arrays, Recursion and Complexity Resources:

(12) (Classes) • FJ – Unit 3 – Lesson 9
Topics: [C1], [C6] Assessment:
• Class (static) Variables and • Design a hierarchy of classes that
Methods. represents the classification of
• Code Reuse through Inheritance artifacts, such as vehicles.
• Inheritance and Abstract classes • Add a method perimeter to the shape
• Acceptable Classes for Parameters hierarchy from this lesson. This
and Return Values. method should return the
• Exceptions circumference of a circle and a wheel
Objectives: and the perimeter of a rectangle.
• Know when it is appropriate to • Using Compute Weekly Pay Case
include class (static) variables and Study form this lesson, modify the
methods in a class. payroll system of the case study so that
• Understand the use of inheritance taxes are deduced from gross pay. The
by extending a class. tax rate is a flat 10 percent.
• Understand the use of
polymorphism and know how to
override methods in a superclass.
• Understand the implications of
references types of equality,
copying and mixed­mode

FJ Arrays, Recursion and Complexity Resources:

(Arrays) • FJ – Unit 3 – Lesson 10
Topics: [C1], [C2] Assessment:
• Advance operations on Strings • Write a program that inputs 10
• Searching Arrays integers into an array, sort the array
• Sorting Arrays with a selection sort, and displays its
• Insertions and Removals contents before and after the sort.
• Working with Arrays of Objects • Modify Student Test Score Case Study
• The Class java.util.ArrayList for this lesson so that it displays a list
Objectives: of the words in the text area and their
associated frequencies. A word’s
• Use string methods appropriately.
frequency is the number of times it
• Write a method for searching an
appears in the text. You should use an
array of String of the worlds and a
• Write methods to perform
3 parallel array of int for the
insertions and removals at given
(13) frequencies. The program should sort
positions in an array.
the list of worlds before output. If the
• Understand the issues involved
number of unique worlds exceeds 50,
when working with arrays of
sop the processing of input and display
a message in the message box.

3 FJ Arrays, Recursion and Complexity Resources:

(14) (Recursion, complexity and Searching and • FJ – Unit 3 – Lesson 11
Sorting) Assessment:
Topics: • Write a recursive method that returns a
• Recursion string with the characters in reverse
• Complexity Analysis order and test the method with a Tester
• Binary Search program.
• Quicksort • Write a tester program to help assess
Objectives: the efficiency of the Tower of Hanoi
program. This program should be
• Design and implement a recursive
similar to the one developed from the
method to solve a problem
Fibonacci method.
• Understand how computer
executes a recursive method.
• Understand the behavior of a
complex sort algorithm such as the

4 FJ Using Abstract Data Types (Object Resources:

(15­18) Oriented Analysis and Design, Linear • FJ – Unit 4 – Lesson 12, 13, 14, 15
Collections: Lists and Stacks, Unordered Assessment:
collection Sets and Maps) • Modify case study Maintain a List of
Topics: [C1], [C2], [C4] Tasks from this lesson so that it allows
• Analysis , Design and the user to scroll through all the tasks
Implementation in a message box. When the user
• Overview of Collections selects a new button named View All,
• Lists and Iterators the TaskListView responds by sending
• Stacks the message toString to the
• Queues and Priority Queues TaskListModel, which returns a string
• Sets and sorted Sets consisting of all the tasks. This string
is then displayed in a message box.
• Maps and sorted maps
Objectives: • Write a program that tests its inputs
for palindromes. (Hint: Use a string
• Understand the general role of
tokenizer and a stack.)
analysis and design in the software
development process.
• Write a program that maintains a wait
list of students for admission to a
• Understand the difference between
college course. Seniors are given first
aggregation, inheritance and other
priority, followed by juniors,
relationships among classes.
sophomores and freshmen. The
• Distinguish fundamental
program should allow the user to
categories of collections, such as
perform the following tasks:
linear, hierarchical, graph and
unordered. a. Enter a Student’s name and
class, adding that student to the
• Understand the basic features of
wait list
lists and their application
• Recognize the difference between b. Remove the next student from
index­based operations and the wait list
content­based operations on lists. c. Clear the wait list.
• Understand behavior of a stack
and recognize applications in When any of these operations is
which a stack would be useful. performed, a display is updated with
• Understand the behavior of a the appropriate information. The
queue and recognize application in structure and user interface of this
which a queue would be useful. program can be similar to that of the
emergency room scheduler.

GridWorld Case Study (part 5) Resources:

Topics: [C6] • GridWorld Case Study, The College
• Explain girds data structure Board
Objectives: Assessment:
• Understand the BoundedGrid • New variations to the bug class.
(19­20) Implimentations. • Display of Classes extended from
• Consider alternate implementation Critter class.
for BoundedGrid class • Understanding of grid data structure.
• Understand implementation of
UnboundedGrid class.

FJ Implementing Abstract Data Types Resources:

(Implementing Lists, Stacks, and Queues) • FJ – Unit 5 – Lesson 16
Topics: [C3] Assessment:
• Interfaces, Multiple • Complete the classes FSAIndexedList,
Implementations and Prototypes. SLIndexedList, FSAPositionalList,
• The Fixed­Size Array DLPositionalList and test them with an
Implementation of Indexed Lists appropriate tester program.
• Complexity Analysis of Indexed • Add an iterator method to the interface
List Implementation IndexedList. Then implement this
• Fixer­Size Array Implementation method in the class FSAIndexedList
of Positional Lists using the techniques described in the
• Iterators lesson. Test you iterator with an
5 • Implementation of Stacks and appropriate tester program.
(21­22) Queues
• Use an array to implement an
indexed list.
• Use an array to implement
positional list.
• Use arrays or linked structures to
implement stacks and queues.
• Understand the run­time and
memory trade­offs of array­based
and link­based implementations of
linear collections.

5 FJ Implementing Abstract Data Types Resources:

(23­24) (Implementing Sets and Maps) • FJ – Unit 5 – Lesson 17
Topics: [C1] , [C3] Assessment:
• The Set and Map Prototypes • Modify the program TESTCODES
• List Implementation of Sets and from this lesson to implement the
Maps linear method of resolving collisions.
• Hashing Implementation of Maps The code for this method should be
and Sets. packaged in a private Java helper
Objectives: method. Use an array of sufficient
• Explain why a list implementation capacity to observer any clusters that
of sets and maps is simple but develop. Track and display the number
inefficient. of comparisons required to resolve
• Develop hash function to collisions as well. Test this method
implement sets and maps. will load factors of .33, .5, .75 and 1.
• Understand why a hashing
implementation of sets and maps
can be very efficient.
FJ Implementing Abstract Data Types Resources:
(Implementing Trees and Priority Queues) • FJ – Unit 5 – Lesson 18
Topics: [C1] , [C3] Assessment:
• An overview of Trees • Write the implementation of a sorted
• Binary Tree Traversals set class using a binary serch tree.
• A linked Implementation of Your solution should consist of an
Binary Trees interface, SortedSetPT, an
• An Array Implementation of implementing class, TreeSetPT, and a
Binary Trees tester program. You should decide
• Implementing Heaps wich methods should be included in
5 Objectives: the sorted set’s interface. Be sure to
(25­26) throw an appropriate exception if a
• Use the appropriate terminology to
client’s item is not comparable.
describe trees.
• Distinguish different types of
hierarchical collections, such as
general trees, binary search trees,
and heaps.
• Use binary search trees to
implement sorted sets and sorted
• Use heaps to implement priority
6 FJ Graphics, Files, Apples and Swing Resources:
(27) (Files) • FJ – Unit 6 – Lesson 20
Topics: [C1], [C6] Assessment:
• File Class • Write a program that reads names
• File input from a text file. The names are
• File output separated by new line characters, are
• Other Input/Output Situations in sorted order, and some are duplicate
Objectives: names. The program should write the
• Understand the use of the classes names to a different text file without
for the processing files in the the duplicate names. Allow the use to
java.io.package. specify the file names in text fields.
• Open and use input file streams for • Assume that a text file or names has
reading one character, one line, or each name on a separate line and that
one work at a time from text files. names are in random order. Write a
• Use data input and output streams program that inputs the names, sorts
for the transfer of specific types of them, and write them back to the same
data to and from files. file.
• Use file dialogs to open
connections to input and output
Preparation for the AP Exam Resources:
Topics: [C6], [C7] • Barron’s AP Computer Science
• Revisit GridWorld Case Study Levels A and AB
• Appropriate free­response • Review for the AP Computer
• Appropriate multiple choice Science Exam in Java
answers. Assessment:
Objectives: • Exercise from the text
• Review GridWorld Case study and • Previous free response questions from
gain complete understanding of AP Central.
it’s classes and methods. • Practice Exams
• Review multiple choice and open
ended questions.
6 FJ Graphics, Applets and Swing (Simple Resources:
(32­33) Two­Dimensional Graphics, Introduction • FJ – Unit 5 – Lesson 18
to HTML and Applets, Swing and AWT) Assessment:
Topics: [C1], [C6] • Write a program that allows the user to
• The Conceptual Framework for change the pen color and the
compute Graphics. background color of the application
• The Method repaint window and to view its size. The
• The Method getGraphics program should provide two menus of
• Responding to Mouse Events. colors. When the user selects a color
• Simple Text elements from the Pen menu, the program sets
• Linking to other documents. the window’s graphics context to that
• Applets. color. When the user selects a color
from the Background menu, the
• The Swing and AWT philosophy
program sets the window’s
• GUI components.
background to that color. The program
also displays the height and width of
• Understand difference between the window’s graphics context at the
Cartesian coordinates and screen center of the window. These values
coordinates. should be updated whenever the user
• Use methods to draw images in resizes the window.
two­dimensional graphics. • Redo the Fahrenheit to Celsius
• Create a program that graphs data temperature conversion application
with charts. with Swing/AWT so that your
• Use the appropriate markup tags to program adheres to the
include images in Web pages.
• Convert Java applications to an model/view/controller pattern as
applet and embed the applet in a described in the case study.
web page.
• Understand how to structure a
GUI­based program using Java’s
Swing and AWT packages.

Final Group Project Resources:

Topics: [C6], [C7] • Workbook for Fundamentals of Java
• Will vary from Group to Group Assessment:
Objectives: • All steps taken to create the
• As part of there final grade application.
students will work in groups to • Snap of final run of student
create an application, based upon application.
their interest and teacher’s

[C1] The course teaches students to design and implement computer­based solutions to problems in a
variety of application areas.

[C2] The course teaches students to use and implement commonly used algorithms and data structures.

[C3] The course teacher students to develop and select appropriate algorithms and data structures to solve

[C4] The course teaches students to code fluently in an object­oriented paradigm using the programming
language Java. The course teaches students to use standard Java library classes from the AP Java subset
delineated in Appendixes A and B of the AP Computer Science Course Description.

[C5] The course teaches students to identify the major hardware and software components of a computer
system, their relationship to one another, and the roles of these components within the system.

[C6] The course teaches students to read and understand a large program consisting of several classes and
interacting objects, and enables students to read and understand the current AP Computer Science Case
Study posted on AP Central.

[C7] The course teaches students to recognize the ethical and social implications of computer use.

Computer Facilities:

There are two computer labs available to students enrolled in computer science courses. Each lab
contains 20 PCs. Each lab also contains scanners, CD­RW drives, a data projector, and laser
Each student has an account on a networked server. They store their program files in their
individual accounts. They have access to a public drive for instructor­supplied programs and
files. The computer labs are open before and after school and during some lunch periods.

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