Practical Training Report
Practical Training Report
Practical Training Report
I hereby declare that the Practical Training Report entitled ("CODECLAUSE INTERNSHIP IN PYTHON
DEVELOPMENT") is an authentic record of my own work as requirements of 6-weeks Industrial Training during
the period from 12th of June to 24th of July for the award of degree of B.Tech. (Computer Science &
Engineering), Dronacharya College of Engineering.
Date: Signature:
Name: Yash Nehra
Roll no.:23172
Certified that the above statement made by the student is correct to the best of our knowledge and
5.1. WORK
The continuous growing of people’s music library requires more advanced ways of computing
playlists through algorithms that match tracks to the user’s preferences. Several approaches
have been made to enhance the user’s listening experience; while most of them rely on the
music content provided by the user, this project presents an online application that sources the
audio content from publicly available resources (YouTube). A playlist generation algorithm is
developed that uses only one seed track to compute a playlist of arbitrary length. For sourcing
the audio content, YouTube’s track coverage is analyzed and statistics show that, in a real-life
usage scenario, almost 80% of the tracks are available while the rest have rather lower
popularity. The resulting application is a fully functional but feature limited online music player
that can also serve as a framework for future playlist generating algorithms or other content
sources.Media usage is changing rapidly these days. This process has been ignited by several
technological advances, in particular, the availability of broadband internet, the World Wide
Web, affordable mass storage, and high-quality media formats, such as mp3. Many music lovers
have now accumulated collections of music that have reached sizes that make it hard to
maintain an overview of the data by just browsing hierarchies of folders and searching by song
title or album. Search methods based on song similarity offer an alternative, allowing users to
abstract from manually assigned metadata, such as, frequently imprecise or incorrect, genre
information. In a context where music collections grow and change rapidly, the similarity-based
organization has also the advantage of providing easy navigation and retrieval of new items,
even without knowing songs by name. This opens possibilities, such as sophisticated
Music has always been a means of entertaining people even from the earliest
save the music on vinyl plates, later electromagnetic charged stripes, CDs until
the technology brought us to saving tracks digitally. When dealing with a huge
collection of tracks, people encounter management problems they did not have
before.So they have to develop new ways of using the music collection for their
entertainment. Playlists are a good approach for saving successions of tracks that one
likes. The most dominant problem of existing playlist generation mechanisms is,
automatically added, they don’t adapt to the user’s current mood etc. A new
each other based on their “similarities”; but how to compute these similarities?
One way, that did not prove to be very productive, is to analyze the audio content
of the track – its audio frequencies. This way, tracks are split in categories like
“Heavy Metal” and “Blues”, but people do not like all tracks of a certain gender and
these genders might be inaccurate. Another way, which is given more and more
attention by researchers and companies worldwide, is computing
similarities between tracks based on user input. As an example: if two users add the
same two tracks to their playlists, one can deduce that these tracks are similar
and so, also other people that pick one of them are likely to enjoy the
The music player allows a user to play various media file formats. It can be used to play
audio as well as video files. The music player is a software project supporting all known
media files and has the ability to play them with ease.
• User may attach Folder to Play add various media files within it.
• User may see track lists and play desired ones accordingly.
• Interactive GUI.
• It Displays the media playing time with Track Bar so that user may drag the media play
as needed.
• Set volume
• participants might pay more attention to the graphics than the audio
This chapter debates the necessity of a new solution to make the world
of intelligent track comparison even more accessible to the end user,followed byan app
roach sketch.
installed on computers. There are also online solutions, the most popular
of which, which acts as a personalized radio station that plays preferre
dmusic. On the other hand it does not allow playback of a certain track. There
are also other solutions, like the genius function of iTunes or the Music
Explorer; both use the user’s music collection to generate playlists. The
the user can use only tracks that he/she already has on his/her PC to generate
playlists. Of course this limits the power or the algorithm very much. There
are already services that provide the music content (like or
YouTube to name a few) so it’s a natural conclusion to try to use these service
the utility of such an application, just imagine the following scenario: one
al mp3 player with himself during office time. If one takes enough time to prep
are ones playlists in order to fit ones current mood, it is a pretty decent soluti
on. But what if new tracks appear that one might like? One first has to
already sounds very difficult, right? Now the suggested scenario is the
following: one opens a web site, types in a track that reflects ones current moo
d and hits “play”. That’s it! The player chooses tracks that one likes, also plays
new tracks that one did not hear before, and can go like this for hours and ho
urs without repetition. One can go on with one’s work and in order to stop the
music, one only has to hit stop or close the browser. The simplicity of the sol
ution speaks for itself. The goal of this thesis is to analyze and implement an a
to find answers for are: How should the user interaction be designed to
maximize the user satisfaction? Where to source the audi data from,
while ensuring a maximum coverage? And finally, how to promote the applicatio
ossibilities are evaluated and the best solution is implemented. The logic
on their similarity. At the same time, user behavioral data is gathered that
helps further releases to be even more user friendly. Another important
version 1.0 for future releases. These future releases will be able to interact wit
h the user for finding the best track video on YouTube or to determine the mu
sic preferences of users and even adapt the space to the new usage statistics.
The analysis of the currently available tools to accomplish the task is one of the
should never change, regardless of its future complexity. The several possible
balancing of computing tasks between server and client are the first parameters
that have to be defined for a solid base. Also the programming language plays
fully retained by the client side as well as servicing UI requests and only notify
the server of such activity. In order to achieve the high goals that were set, th
is important to determine which components are possible and also easy to mod
interfaces. It turns out that the music content related jobs can easily be modula
rized, as well as the DB relatedjobs and the playlist computing tasks. The
the logging task. Also the communication with the client is modularized,
making it particularly easy to implement new clients running on the same servic
Proposed Model
• The application is a simple HTML file that you open in your browser.
• You only need to download our zip file from the button near the beginning of the
• Unfortunately, due to security restrictions in modern browsers it won't work if you just
access it through local host. Or you can just use our demo, nothing is uploaded so your
music is safe.
• When you drop a mp3 file, it extracts information like song and artist name, if
• The application then initializes the Wavesurfer.js audio player, which generates the
• From there on we can do everything you would expect from a native audio player - play
• Our playlist section also gives users the option to remove songs from the player or
Implementation/Work/Design in Progress
• The pop up effect for the playlist and other highlights and small animations were done
• A JavaScript library that provides a simple API, and powerful features to make working
Audio let
• Audio let is a JavaScript library for real-time audio synthesis and composition from
• Audio5js is a Javascript library that provides a seamless compatibility layer to the HTML5
Audio playback API, with multiple codec support and a Flash-based MP3 playback
Follow these steps to add sound to a Web page:
• Let your Web page’s user know they can stop sound from playing in your Web page by
• Enter the <embed> tag and a link to the sound file you want to use.
folder as the Web page; that way the link is simply the filename.
• The sound should play. Test the link right away to be sure it will work.
• If the sound doesn’t play, experiment to make sure you have the path right and that
• To make sure you have the link right, put the file in the same folder as your Web page
and simplify the link. To make sure that sound playback works on your machine,
navigate to the file in Windows Explorer and click it. It should play. If not, identify and fix
hardware platforms. Even though it is less neither stable nor compatible, as more and more
major web browsers start to support or improve the current support of the Web Audio API
audio engine as well as animation, the future of the development capability is brighter.
The Web-Based Music Player is used to automate and give a better music player experience
for the end user. The application solves the basic needs of music listeners without troubling
them as existing applications do: it uses technology to increase the interaction of the system
with the user in many ways. It eases the work of the end-user by capturing the image using a
camera, determining their emotion, and suggesting a customized play-list through a more
advanced and interactive system. The user will also be notified of songs that are not being
played, to help them free up storage space .