Printed Slot and Wire Antennas - A Review
Printed Slot and Wire Antennas - A Review
Printed Slot and Wire Antennas - A Review
By Hisamatsu Nakano, Life Fellow IEEE , and Junji Yamauchi, Fellow IEEE
ABSTRACT | The first part of this paper focuses on printed slot reviewed. Although there has been done much work in this
antennas. Starting with discussions of a narrow modified slot field, due to limited space we mainly refer to the frequently
and a wide slot fed by a microstrip line, we proceed to a topic of cited papers. Note that an enhanced bandwidth reduces
generation of a circularly polarized beam. In addition, a rec- insensitivity to configuration parameters, and therefore
tangular slot antenna fed by a coplanar waveguide is described. increases fabrication tolerances in mass production.
The modification of a rectangular slot into an elliptical slot for Section II-A describes printed slot antennas fed by a
enhancing the bandwidth is also presented. The second part of microstrip line. First, a narrow slot antenna is presented
this paper covers wire antennas, first presenting the theoretical and then its configuration is modified to meet reduced
treatment and then the radiation characteristics of various size requirements. The frequency response of the return
configurations. It is described that a multiloop antenna exhibits loss characteristics is mentioned. A wide-slot antenna is
multiband characteristics; a spiral antenna has wideband char- also discussed, in which a fork-like tuning stub or a
acteristics with the help of resistive material; and a helical simple rotated slot is used to enhance the operating
element, having only the C region, radiates a circularly polar- bandwidth. Next, the generation of a circularly polarized
ized wave. An inverted F-antenna (IFA) backed by an electro- (CP) wave is summarized using two different structures.
magnetic band gap (EBG) reflector and a composite helical and The axial ratios of the dual-spiral slot and printed ring-slot
spiral (CHES) antenna are then presented, both radiating a antennas are discussed. Section II-B focuses on coplanar
tilted beam. Next, a curl antenna array that has an unrivaled waveguide (CPW) fed slot antennas. A key technique for
aperture efficiency of more than 90% is introduced. widening bandwidth is to use an appropriately designed
tuning stub. For a square slot antenna, a widened tuning
KEYWORDS | Circularly and linearly polarized waves; printed stub contributes to wideband operation, while for a
slot antennas; wideband and multiband operation; wire rectangular slot antenna, a T-shaped exciting stub achieves
antennas wideband operation. Further study shows that modifying
the rectangular slot to an elliptical slot also serves to
enhance the bandwidth.
I. INTRODUCTION Section III-A presents numerical analysis methods
Low-profile antennas are required for communication for wire antennas, where the wire is arbitrarily shaped
systems where the antenna installation space is limited [1], and is located 1) in free space, 2) on a dielectric sub-
[2]. Bandwidth enhancement is also a requirement, strate backed by a conducting ground plane, or 3) on a
particularly for ultrawideband (UWB) applications. semi-infinite dielectric material. The arbitrarily shaped
Printed slot and wire antennas meet these requirements. wire antenna for each of these three cases is formulated
In this paper, recent advances in these antennas are using an electric field integral equation, where the current
on the wire is treated as an unknown function. Section III-B
describes the antenna characteristics for representative
Manuscript received July 27, 2011; revised December 3, 2011; low-profile wire antennas, including loop, spiral, helical,
accepted December 7, 2011.
The authors are with the Faculty of Science and Engineering, Hosei University, inverted F, and composite helical and spiral (CHES)
Koganei, Tokyo 184-8584, Japan (e-mail: antennas. Techniques for realizing multiband operation
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/JPROC.2011.2180269 and wideband operation are discussed. In addition,
Fig. 3 (a) Microstrip-line-fed printed wide-slot antenna with a fork-like tuning stub, and (b) the measured return loss against frequency;
"r ¼ 4:4, h ¼ 0.8 mm, L ¼ W ¼ 53.7 mm, wf ¼ 1.5 mm, and ground-plane size ¼ 110 mm 110 mm. (From [8].)
Measured return loss results from several design ex- angles need different tuning-stub lengths [L in Fig. 4(a)] to
amples (denoted as antennas 1–3) are shown in Fig. 3(b). A obtain impedance matching.
conventional antenna with a simple straight tuning stub The measured and simulated return loss results are
(denoted as the Breference antenna[) is also illustrated for shown in Fig. 4(b). It is found that the widest bandwidth can
comparison. It is seen that antenna 2 has an impedance be obtained when the rotation angle is nearly 45 . This is
bandwidth of 1091 MHz for a VSWR (voltage standing wave due to the fact that resonant modes in the vicinity of the
ratio) ¼ 1:5 criterion, which is nearly ten times that of the fundamental mode can be excited by the rotated square wide
reference antenna (115 MHz). Antennas 1 and 3 also have slot. The impedance curve can have different loops on the
bandwidths that are larger than the reference antenna. This Smith chart depending on the rotation angle of the square
bandwidth enhancement is obtained mainly through the slot.
improved coupling between the microstrip feed line and
the wide slot provided by the fork-like tuning stub. 3) Printed Slot Antennas Generating a CP Wave: Up to
Jan and Su introduced a different approach to enhancing now, we have described antennas that radiate a linearly
the bandwidth [9]. They proposed a printed wide-slot polarized wave. However, applications, for instance, to
antenna with a slot rotated by an angle , as shown in satellite communications, require generation of a CP wave,
Fig. 4(a). The printed wide slot is chosen to be a square, in since we do not need to pay attention to the direction of
order to excite two modes with close resonant frequencies. polarization, as long as the rotational sense of the CP is the
The ground plane is also chosen to be square. Simulated same. There are several methods for obtaining a CP wave
results show that square slot antennas with various rotation in slot antennas.
Fig. 4. (a) Microstrip-line-fed printed square slot antenna with a rotated slot, and (b) the measured and simulated results of return loss,
where ¼ 45 and L ¼ 31.5 mm. (From [9].)
Fig. 5. (a) Dual-spiral slot antenna fed by a triplate transmission line, and (b) the return loss. (From [10].)
Hirose and Nakano [10] have proposed a dual-spiral The measured axial ratio is shown in Fig. 6(b). This design
slot antenna fed by a triplate transmission line (TTL). can also be applied to an annular-ring-slot antenna. Details
Generation of a CP wave can be expected by analogy from on this antenna can be found in [11].
its wire counterpart. The use of the TTL contributes to
generating a unidirectional beam. The configuration is B. Slot Antennas Fed by a CPW
shown in Fig. 5(a), where the thickness of the TTL is 4 mm. The planar CPW system is an attractive feed system,
To obtain a good axial ratio, a traveling-wave magnetic due to its ease of integration with radio-frequency/
current is necessary, since it provides a phase rotation of 2 microwave circuitry, thereby lowering the manufacturing
rad along an effective one-wavelength circumference of the cost [12], [13]. Some attempts to broaden the bandwidth
spiral. This can be achieved by properly choosing the length have been performed using the CPW system [14]–[18].
of the spiral arm. Fig. 5(b) shows the return loss under CP Chen [14] has introduced a CPW-fed square slot
radiation; the bandwidth for a 14-dB return loss antenna with a widened tuning stub. The impedance
(VSWR ¼ 1:5) criterion is 4.2%. bandwidth is mainly determined by the width and length
Wong et al. have presented a printed ring-slot antenna of the tuning stub. The maximum impedance bandwidth
that introduces asymmetry in the slot structure [11], as reaches 1320 MHz (1560–2880 MHz; approximately 60%).
shown in Fig. 6(a). A meandered slot section is used to A similar approach has been adopted by Lin and Hung
perturb the symmetry of the ring-slot antenna, splitting the [15]. They developed a compact UWB aperture antenna
fundamental resonant mode into two orthogonal degenerate using a T-shaped feed stub. The configuration of this an-
resonant modes for CP radiation. The optimal value of the tenna is shown in Fig. 7(a). The measured and simulated
meander length ‘2 in this study is obtained through return loss of the optimized configuration is shown in
numerous experiments, and is found to be approximately Fig. 7(b). The input impedance is well matched, so that
40% of L2 (the square ring-slot’s inner linear dimension). the 10-dB return loss bandwidth covers the entire UWB
Fig. 6. (a) Circularly polarized printed ring-slot antenna, and (b) the measured axial ratio in broadside direction of the circularly polarized printed
ring-slot antenna. (From [11].)
Fig. 7. (a) Proposed antenna, and (b) the return loss, where LL ¼ 35, WW ¼ 30, Ls ¼ 23, Ws ¼ 13, L ¼ 10:8, W ¼ 4, T ¼ 2, S ¼ 3:6, h ¼ 1:6,
and G ¼ 0:4 (unit: millimeter). (From [15].)
band (3.1–10.6 GHz). The difference in the bandwidth So far, we have restricted our discussion to rectan-
between the two models in [14] and [15] mainly results gular slot antennas. In contrast, Li et al. have studied
from the optimization of the aperture shape. elliptical/circular slot antennas for UWB applications,
A different approach was developed by Chiou et al. [16]. where a U-shaped tuning stub [17] is employed [18]. Two
They introduced four metallic strips, which protrude from types of feed systems, the microstrip line and the CPW
the four corners of a square slot toward the slot center, as systems, are investigated. The antenna geometry is illus-
shown in Fig. 8(a). The measured return loss is given in trated in Fig. 9, and the measured and simulated band-
Fig. 8(b). The presence of the loading strips causes a new widths of the return loss are tabulated in Table 1. These
resonant mode to be excited. By selecting an appropriate values meet the requirements for UWB applications.
length for the loading strips, this new resonant mode can be
shifted close to the antenna’s fundamental resonant mode,
resulting in a wide impedance bandwidth. From the results,
it can be seen that an enhanced impedance bandwidth is
A. Integral Equations for Wire Antenna Analysis
obtained when the loading strip length ‘1 is chosen such
In 1965, Mei derived an integral equation for an
that ‘1 =‘2 is in a range of approximately 0.6–0.8 (‘2 : pro-
arbitrarily shaped wire of length L [19]
truding signal strip length). The maximum impedance
bandwidth is as large as 1410 MHz or approximately 62.9%, ZL Zs
0 Mei 0 0 j
centered at roughly 2.2 GHz, which is also roughly two Iðs Þ ðs; s Þds ¼ B cos s Ei sin ðsÞd (1)
times that of an antenna without the loading strips ð‘1 ¼ 0Þ. 0 0
Fig. 8. (a) CPW-fed strip-loaded square slot antenna, and (b) the measured return loss against frequency for the proposed antenna
with a fixed tuning-stub length ‘2 ¼ 24.5 mm. (From [16].)
where s ðs; s0 Þ and ðs; s0 Þ are Hertz vector potential
functions, which include surface wave effects. Equation
(2) has been solved using the method of moments (MoM)
[24], where each of the impedance matrix elements Zm;n
(m ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; N: n ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; N) is composed of four
terms, all involving a triple integral calculation. In 2005,
these four terms were reduced to three terms: one in-
volving a single integral calculation, one a double integral
Fig. 15. Curl antenna array. (a) Configuration. (b) Measured gain and
aperture efficiency for 168-curl antenna array. (From [50].)
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