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TIN No: 921-022-416-000

DTI Business Name No: 3746785
Tel. No. (033) 332-1364

INSTRUCTIONS: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only the answer for each item
by shading the box corresponding to the letter of choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURE
ALLOWED. Use pencil No. 1 only.

1. It is an objective of law enforcement, which requires the detection, suppression, and prevention of crime have
been traditionally accepted as one of the primary goals of law enforcement.
A. crime prevention B. crime suppression
C. crime control D. all of these
2. The __________ used accurate time information to predict where and when crimes are likely to be
committed, thus helping to allocate uncommitted law enforcement officers rationally and effectively.
A. directed deterrent law enforcement
B. strategic law enforcement and policing
C. mobile checkpoint operations
D. crime mapping and statistics
3. It is a basic responsibility of the law enforcement agencies to implement the law; and this is especially
important due to its potential impact upon the community, if laws are vigorously enforced enough, or if they
are enforced too rigidly.
A. maintenance of order B. enforcement of law
C. implementation of law D. ensuring public safety
4. This is a Constitutional provision which states that, “the maintenance of peace and order, the protection of
life, liberty, and property, and promotion of the general welfare are essential for the enjoyment by all the
people of the blessings of democracy.”
A. Sec. 5, Art. II, 1987 Constitution
B. Sec. 4, Art II, 1987 Constitution
C. Sec. VI, Art. XVI 1987 Constitution
D. Sec. 12, Art. III, 1987 Constitution
5. It is the provision of the 1987 Constitution which provides that the “state shall establish and maintain one
police force, which shall be national in scope and civilian in character, to be administered and controlled by
a National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM).”
A. Sec. 5, Art. II, 1987 Constitution
B. Sec. 4, Art II, 1987 Constitution
C. Sec. 6, Art. XVI, 1987 Constitution
D. Sec. 12, Art. III, 1987 Constitution
6. It otherwise known as the “Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees,”
A. R.A. No. 6713 B. PD No. 765
C. R.A. No. 4864 D. Act No. 175
7. 7. It is “An Act Reorganizing and Modernizing the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI), and
Providing Funds Therefor.”
A. R.A. 4864 B. R.A. No. 10867
C. R.A. No. 157 D. all of these
8. It shall be administered in such a way as to foster the improvement of the individual efficiency and behavioral
discipline as well as the promotion of organizational effectiveness and commitment to service.
A. rationalized promotion system B. attrition system
C. performance evaluation system D. promotion system
9. He is the only Filipino member of the United States-Federal Bureau of Investigation (US-FBI), who is hired
by the Philippine government to organize the Division of Investigation of the Department of Justice (DOJ).
A. Augusto Torres B. Guillermo Francisco
C. Rafael Crame D. Flaviano Guerreo
10. These are the names of the police system in the country during the Spanish Era, EXCEPT:
A. Guardillo
B. Cuerpo de Carabineros de Seguridad Publica.
C. Guardia Civil
D. Militia

11. It is the policy-making and strategy-formulating body in the planning and formulation of policies and
programs on drug prevention and control.
A. Department of Health B. Dangerous Drug Board
C. PDEA, PNP & NBI D. all of these
12. It is “An Act Establishing a Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees, to
Upholds the Time-Honored Principle of Public Office Being a Public Trust, Granting Incentives and Rewards
for Exemplary Service, Enumerating Prohibited Acts and Transactions and Providing Penalties for Violations
Thereof and for Other Purposes.”
A. R.A. 6425 B. R.A. No. 3019
C. R.A. No. 6173 D. R.A. No. 9165

TIN No: 921-022-416-000
DTI Business Name No: 3746785
Tel. No. (033) 332-1364
13. It is headed by a superintendent, with the rank of Director, it is responsible in the recruitment and training of
all PDEA agents and personnel, and it formulates programs of instructions on basic and specialized anti-drug
training courses as well as career courses for all PDEA agents and personnel.
A. DDB training school B. DDB academy
C. PDEA academy D. PDEA training school
14. It is entitled as “An Act Establishing the Philippine Coast Guard as an Armed and Uniformed Service
Attached to the Department of Transportation and Communication.”
A. R.A. No. 5173 B. R.A. No. 9993
C. R.A. No. 3019 D. R.A. No. 6713
15. It is another important function of the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG), that is, cconsidering the archipelagic
character of the country, it is vital to enhance the security of its different maritime zones to protect the
integrity as a nation.
A. safety on the sea B. environmental protection
C. maritime security D. search and rescue duties
16. As provided for by Section 17, R.A. No. 9993, upon attaining fifty-six (56) years of age or upon accumulation
of __________ continuous satisfactory active service, whichever comes later, a PCG officer or non-officer
shall be compulsorily retired in the PCG service.
A. thirty (30) years B. twenty-five (25) years
C. twenty (20) years D. none of these
17. It is otherwise known as “An Act to Compile the Laws Relative to Land Transportation and Traffic Rules to
Create a Land Transportation Commission and for Other Purposes.”
A. R.A. No. 1364 B. R.A. No. 4316
C. R.A. No. 3614 D. none of the above
18. This sets out the standards of behavior expected of staff, it defines desirable behavior for all types of work in
the agency, and its existence should not be seen as an end in itself.
A. code of conduct B. ethical standards
C. professional conduct D. code of ethics
19. This function involves identification, assessment, and communication of transportation security risk, to
monitor and prevent unlawful interference, and to minimize the adverse impact of incidents involving the
transportation system.
A. transport security policy development
B. regulation and compliance
C. risk management
D. training standards management
20. This also takes into consideration its various customers and stakeholders and their needs and expectations to
the agency.
A. strategic and operational planning
B. procedural and tactical planning
C. extra departmental planning
D. management planning
21. This principle was initially adopted from psychologists, which refers to the number of subordinates an
individual supervisor can manage effectively.
A. span of control B. division of word
C. completed staff work D. personnel development
22. This is the whole personnel function of bringing in and training the staff and maintaining favorable
conditions of work inside and outside of the law enforcement agency.
A. directing B. controlling
C. staffing D. organizing
23. To some this denotes a military bearing; to others, it means a distinctive type of appearance and conduct; but
others feel command presence is composed of the same ingredients as leadership. In reality, it is a composite
of all those traits.
A. leadership B. command presence
C. management D. supervision
24. This may denote any training intended to produce a specific character or pattern of behavior, especially
training that produces moral, physical, or mental development in a particular direction.
A. work values B. professionalism
C. discipline D. integrity
25. These are fundamental assumptions that guide the law enforcement agencies and the individual law
enforcement officer in the exercise of discretion.
A. organizations values B. law enforcement values
C. individual values D. police values
26. This refer to a set of values or the values system that majority of the Filipinos have historically held important
in their daily lives.
A. Filipino values B. early Filipino values
C. Asian values D. traditional Filipino values

TIN No: 921-022-416-000
DTI Business Name No: 3746785
Tel. No. (033) 332-1364
27. These are defined as acceptable standards which govern the behavior of individuals within the organization,
and without such, individuals will pursue behaviors that are in line with their own values systems, which may
lead to behaviors that the organization does not wish to encourage.
A. law enforcement values
B. organizations values
C. police values
D. government official’s values
28. It is the cornerstone of the law enforcement officers’ profession by being honest, open, and fair in the
performance of duties; thereby, fostering confidence, mutual respect and trust by and between the police and
the community-members.
A. integrity B. temperance
C. diligence D. humility
29. This may be defined as a state of mind reflecting the degree to which an individual has confidence in the
members of his or her group and in the organization, believes in its objectives, and desires to accomplish by
the law enforcement officers.
A. morale B. ethics
C. conduct D. values
30. This may be defined as the function of management concerned with promoting and enhancing the
development of work effectiveness and advancement of the rank and file within the police or law enforcement
agencies through proper planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating reporting, and budgeting to
achieve the objectives of the police or law enforcement.
A. law enforcement management
B. police personnel management
C. leadership
D. supervision
31. This is defined as “love of one’s country,” and this captures the core meaning of the term in ordinary use; it
might well be thought too thin and in need of fleshing out
A. patriotism B. nationalism
C. radicalism D. Filipinism
32. This proposes that nationalism is a recent social phenomenon that needs the socio-economic structures
of contemporary society to exist.
A. present-day nationalism B. post-modern nationalism
C. contemporary nationalism D. Filipino nationalism
33. This is defined in official pronouncements as an “ardent love and profound affection for a national territory
and sovereignty, and the people of the present-day society, to which one belongs in the broad sense, as well
as identification with moral values and a culture, that are existing in the contemporary society.
A. post-modern patriotism B. present-day patriotism
C. contemporary patriotism D. traditional patriotism
34. It is the willingness and determination by every Filipino people to lay down one’s life for the fatherland,
the constant resolve to sacrifice one’s life and limb for the preservation of the country.
A. Filipino nationalism B. Filipino hospitality
C. Filipino ideology D. Filipino patriotism
35. They may have originated from the west, but the Philippines as an English-speaking neo-colonial state that
was thrust into the context of globalization could not remain for long unaffected by the impact of this cultural
and philosophical movement or trend.
A. traditional Filipinos B. modern-day Filipinos
C. post-modern Filipinos D. progressive Filipinos
36. City “A” has recorded a total of 175 crime volume covering the period from January to June 2008. If City
“A” has total population of 250,000, what is the Average Monthly Crime Rate?
A. 76.11 B. 67.11
C. 11.67 D. 11.76
37. There are referred to as areas of concentrated crimes, and experts and law enforcement executives uses the
term in many different ways.
A. hot spots B. delinquent spots
C. attractive nuisances D. patrol hazard
38. This also affects all members of the law enforcement agency but they are restricted to methods of action to
be taken at a designated location under specified circumstances, and represent the application of procedures
to a specific situation.
A. law enforcement plans B. strategic plans
C. tactical plans D. operational plans
39. This includes those that require action or assistance from persons or agencies outside of the law enforcement
agency, or that is related to some form of community organization or mobilization.
A. extra-departmental plans B. departmental plans
C. community plans D. police plans

TIN No: 921-022-416-000
DTI Business Name No: 3746785
Tel. No. (033) 332-1364
40. There are five basic steps in operations planning. Provision should be made to assure the accomplishment of
each of the steps if the planning process is to operate effectively, and this is the first step in the operations
A. recognize the need to plan
B. obtaining organizational concurrence
C. development of the details of the plan
D. formulation of the objectives of plans
41. It is an immediate reaction or response made by the law enforcement officer after the commission of an offense,
more particularly with the use of law enforcement motor vehicle, and with the aim of arresting a fugitive
A. pursuit operations
B. fresh pursuit operations of fleeing suspects
C. hot pursuit operations of suspect motor vehicles
D. all of these
42. It is the most common and the most practical of all searches, it can be used on motor vehicles as well as on the
wall, the person being searched takes the spread-eagle position, and this is the safest type of search, and the
purpose is to place the suspect in an off-balance position.
A. standing search B. kneeling search
C. wall search D. prone search
43. It is any abuse committed against an adult or emancipated minor committed by the parent, spouse, former
spouse, former cohabitant, or a person with whom the suspect has a blood relationship, has had a child with, or
has a dating or engagement relationship.
A. domestic abuse B. domestic violence
C. domestic injury D. domestic incident
44. These are surprise invasion of a place, building, or premises made by the law enforcement officer, and are often
observed in the early morning, with the aim of using the element of surprise to arrest suspects believed to be
likely to hide evidence, resist arrest, be politically sensitive, or simply be elsewhere during the day.
A. law enforcement operations B. police operations
C. raid operations D. arrest, search and seizure

45. This is also a tactic usually overlooked in raiding a building or structure, and this means to engage and
disengaged, in raid operations.
A. forward-flush the operations
B. step-back raid operations
C. side-ward flush operations
D. back-flush the raid operations
46. These are the brief detainment of an individual, whether on foot or in a motor vehicle, based on reasonable
suspicions for the purpose of determining the individual's identity and resolving the law enforcement officer’s
A. surveillance C. field interviews
B. field observation D. reconnaissance
47. This is the constitutional guarantee that provides that an individual person, such as “the right of the people to
be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures
A. Section 2, Article III of the 1987 Constitution
B. R.A. No. 7438
C. Revised Rules on Criminal Procedure
D. Revised Penal Code
48. The need to protect the safety of the police law enforcement officer or to preserve physical evidence can
justify a full search of an arrestee and a limited search of the arrest scene; hence, this can include the search
and seizure of the body and the premises under control of the subject person arrested.
A. plain view doctrine
B. search incidental to lawful arrest
C. fruit of poisonous tree doctrine
D. none of these
49. It is a legal metaphor used to describe evidence that is obtained unconstitutionally or illegally; it is a doctrine
that is very similar to the exclusionary rule, and under this doctrine,” evidence obtained from illegal arrest,
search or seizure is not admissible in the court of law.
A. search during buy bust operations
B. search and seizure incidental to arrest
C. rights of person to privacy and liberty
D. fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine
50. Three types of laws with which the law enforcement officers must be very familiar, as follows, EXCEPT:
A. substantive law B. procedural law
C. case law D. constitutional law
51. The law enforcement agencies will benefit from being part of a wider mission, gaining access to political
leverage and complementary expertise in components, EXCEPT:
A. civil affairs B. human rights

TIN No: 921-022-416-000
DTI Business Name No: 3746785
Tel. No. (033) 332-1364
C. peacekeeping elements D. power and functions
52. This also gives direction to law enforcement agencies in carrying out their mandated powers and functions,
and also advising them on conduct or behavior to be avoided.
A. humanitarian standards B. international standards
C. U.N. standards D. constitutional standards
53. This refer to the standard policies designed to give guidance and direction to law enforcement officers
regardless of the types of functions to be performed or law enforcement operations to be conducted.
A. procedural plans B. operational procedures
C. tactical operation D. law enforcement
54. The following are the principles in operational procedures: principle of legality, principle of necessity,
principle of proportionality, and __________.
A. principle of human rights B. principle of transparency
C. principle of accountability D. principles of self-defense
55. The use of firearm is justified only if the criminal offenders or lawless elements possess imminent danger of
causing death or injury to the law enforcement officer or other persons; and the use of firearm is also justified
under the following. EXCEPT:
A. doctrines of self-defense B. defense of a relative
C. defense of a stranger D. defense of innocent people
56. What was the title of the proclamation issued by King Richard of England sometime in 1195 that required
the appointment of knights to keep the Kings peace by standing as guards on bridges and gate and checking
the people entering and leaving the cities and towns?
A. keepers of the peace B. justice of the peace
C. peace officer D. watch and ward
57. The center which was created by Executive Order No. 62 to establish a shared database among concerned
agencies for information on criminals, methodologies, arrest and conditions on transnational crime.
A. Philippine Center on Transnational Crime
B. Philippine Center for organize crime
C. National Intelligence Central agency
58. He is the first commissioner of the acclaimed first formally organized police force in the world was:
A. Robert Peel B. Charles Rowan
C. Eugene Vidocq D. Olive Cromwell
59. This is a police strategy in the Philippines setting that was pattern from the Koban System of policing model
in Japan.
A. One PNP
B. Community Oriented Police System
C. Integrated Police System
D. none of the above
60. It is the principle of police accountability and disciplinary machinery is helpful in explaining the diversity,
and the problem is summarized in a Latin question, that is, “Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodies,” which literally
A. who will guard the guardians
B. administering and controlling the police
C. police accountabilities and discipline
D. police rules and regulations
61. It is the broadest branch of security which is concerned principally with the physical measures adopted to
prevent unauthorized access.
A. proprietary security B. private security
C. physical security D. all of these
62. This are individual who steals with preconceived plans and takes away any of all types of items or supplies
for economic gain.
A. causal pilferer B pilferer.
C. thief and robber D. systematic pilferer
63. It is a medium or structure which defines the physical limits of an installations, or area to restrict, or impede
access to business installations or premises.
A. security barrier B. natural barrier
C. perimeter barrier D. man-made barrier
64. It is house-like structures above the perimeter barriers, and as the height of tower increases, visibility,
likewise improves.
A. guard post B. tower house
C. guard towers D. guard sentry
65. It is an unobstructed area that should be maintained on both sides of the perimeter barrier.
A. clear zones B. unobstructed area
C. perimeter D. security zones
66. It is another security measure involved in personnel security, and it is primarily designed to enable the office
or unit to achieve and maintain a sound and effective security.

TIN No: 921-022-416-000
DTI Business Name No: 3746785
Tel. No. (033) 332-1364
A. security orientation B. security reminder
C. security seminar D. security education
67. In the field of physical security, these are often used as a preventative and corrective measure against
intrusions, or other criminal activities on a physical piece of property.
A. security lights B. protective lighting
C. security lightings D. all of these
68. It is the condition, or a set of conditions that will worsen, or increase assets exposure to security hazard of
A. relative criticality B. relative probability
C. relative vulnerability D. none of these
69. It is an authenticated list of personnel given to security personnel allowing entry of an individual person or
groups of persons into a compound, building, premises, or any part of the installation thereof.
A. controlling B. access list
C. exclusion area D. controlled area
70. These are a simple type of detachable locks, with a hinged or sliding shackle designed to pass through a ring
or staple on a door, chest, etc.
A. padlocks B. security locks
C. combination locks D. warded locks
71. It is one of the most important interrelated functions in a plant security system, and it is as important as in a
business organizations as physical security, fire protection, guard forces, document security, and personnel
A. disaster management B. emergency planning
C. all of these D. none of these
72. The License to Operate (LTO) is a certificate document which is issued by the Chief, PNP, authorizing a
person to engage in employing security guard or detective to operate a private detective agency for who many
A. two years B. three years
C. one year D. six months
73. It is an act or conditions which may result in a situation conducive to a breach of the protection system, and
the subsequent loss, or compromise of documents or classified materials, company secrets, or damage to
personnel, property, facilities, or disruption of the objectives and purposes of the installation.
A. security hazard B. natural hazard
C. mana-made hazard D. all of these
74. The layout of this system is similar to continuous lighting. However, the luminaries are not continuously
lighted, but are either automatically or manually “turned-on” only, when intrusion is detected, or suspected
by the security, or alarm systems.
A. reserve lightings B. additional lightings
C. emergency lightings D. standby lightings
75. It is the communication channel that conveys the information from all sensors in the system to the signal by
means of wire, radio waves, existing electrical circuits, or a combination of these.
A. alarms B. sensor
C. circuit D. all of these
76. It is a heavily constructed fire and burglar-resistant container usually a part of the building structure used to
keep and protect cash, and it is an architectural term for an arched form used to provide a space with a ceiling
or roof.
A. security locks B. security cabinets
C. security vaults D. security storage
77. This refers to various methods for making sure that certain keys are only used by authorized people; and it
needs to include strategies for keeping track of which keys are carried by people, and to prevent them from
giving away copies to unauthorized users.
A. key control B. access control
C. lock control D. security control
78. It is physical security as applied to business groups engaged in industries, like manufacturing, assembling,
research and development, processing, warehousing, and even agriculture.
A. industrial security B. physical security
C. comprehensive security D. business security
79. It does not operate in a vacuum, but relies on the understanding and support of all persons involved in the
business or industry, and it is important that security managers build acceptance and trust, and that they act
as professionals who understand and respect the needs of others.
A. guarding system B. security system
C. survey and inspection D. monitoring system
80. Is a type of perimeter barrier made of chain link designed with mesh openings design not larger than two
inches square, and made of #9-gauge wire or heavier, twisted and barbed selvage at the top, and at the bottom.
A. concrete fences B. fences
C. wire fences D. barriers

TIN No: 921-022-416-000
DTI Business Name No: 3746785
Tel. No. (033) 332-1364
81. It may be defined as the function of management concerned with promoting and enhancing the development
of work effectiveness and advancement of the rank and file.
A. personnel management B. resources management
C. employees’ management D. police management
82. This method of giving orders may be indicated in dealing with irresponsible employees or the one who refuses
or neglects to obey standard operating rules or fails to respond to suggestions or implied orders.
A. request B. direct command
C. request for volunteer D. implied order
83. This is a form of discipline which takes the form of punishment or chastisement, and this form of chastisement
may involve punishment, admonishment, suspension, separation or dismissal from the service or criminal
A. negative discipline B. positive discipline
C. all of these D. none of these
84. This is like morale that involves the existence of a sense of common endeavor and responsibility within the
group, and it embodies devotion to the group enterprise, cooperation among its members, and pride in its
A. police ethics B. esprit the corps
C. police conduct D. professionalism
85. It shall be administered based on rules and regulations approved by the National Police Commission
(NAPOLCOM) for the members of the police organization in order to assess and measure individual
efficiency, competence and effectiveness.
A. performance evaluation system B. performance evaluation rating
C. all of these D. none of these
86. It is the National Police Agency (NPA) in Japan, headed by Commissioner General.
A. Todo Fukeau Kaisatru B. Kaisatsu Sucho
C. Shi Kaisatsubu D. Shi Kaisat Susho
87. It is the lowest police rank in the Thailand National Police Department (TNPD), and the equivalent rank of
Patrolman or Patrolwoman in the country’s police ranks classification system.
A. Junsa B. Bayangakara Dua
C. Phon Tamruat D. Constable
88. It is the Malaysian community police corps which was launched by the Royal Malaysian Police (RMP) in
Kuala Lumpur on August 9, 2005 to help combat the crimes in the country, meaning “Friends of Cops.”
A. Rakan Cops B. Kamra
C. Kaisatsu Seido D. New Cops on the Block
89. It t is the lowest rank of police in the Indonesian National Police ((NP), while the highest is Jenderal Polisi.
A. A. Junsa B. Special Constable
B. C. Phon Tamruat D. Bayangkara Dua
90. The Royal Hong-Kong Police Force (RHKPF) is under with this bureau, and headed by Director.
A. Security Bureau B. Safety Bureau
C. Peace and Order Service D. Security and Safety Bureau
91. The Singapore Police Force (SPF) has a heritage almost as old as that of modern Singapore, having been
formed in 1819 with a skeleton force of eleven men under his command as the first Chief of Police, SPF.
A. H.B. Longworthy B. Francis James Bernard
C. Augusto de Alboquerque D. James Pollard
92. It is a theory of policing wherein the police officers are regarded as state, or servants of the higher authorities.
A. Home Rule Theory B. International Theory
C. Continental Theory D. Law Enforcement Theory
93. As was one of the founders of the modern Conservative Party, he is regarded as the father of modern British
policing, owing to his founding of the London Metropolitan Police Service (LMPS).
A. Robert Peel B. Patrick Colgohoun
C. Allan Pinkerton D. Olive Cromwell
94. They are the three prominent personalities who help shaped the police and law enforcement service in the
United States, EXCEPT:
A. August Volmer B. Orlando Wilson
C. J. Edgar Hoover D. James Pollard
95. The Korean National Police Agency (KNPA) provides all policing services throughout the country. This
differs from the situation in many countries including France, where policing is split between the national
police and __________.
A. gendarmerie B. Gendarmes
C. police D. national guard
96. It is used to refer to a subset of law enforcement that applies to the process of regulating the general health,
safety, welfare, and morals of society, as it relates to criminal behavior.
A. policing activities B. law enforcement activities
C. police service D. law enforcement service
97. This is a system of policing that emerged during the Anglo-Saxon period. Under this system, all male
residents were required to guard the town to preserve peace and protect the lives and properties of the people:

TIN No: 921-022-416-000
DTI Business Name No: 3746785
Tel. No. (033) 332-1364
A. Hue and cry C. Frankpledge system
B. Royal Judge D. Tun Policing
98. The policing system during the Norman period which is claimed as the forerunner of the word Sheriff,
whereby England was divided into fifty military districts, each headed by a ruler in order to enhance policing
A. Magna Carta C. Shire Reeve System
B. Tun Policing D. Frankpledge System
99. He is the first Director of the Police Bureau in France.
A. Joseph Fouche B. James Pollard
C. Eugene Francois Vidocq D. Augustus
100. It is an ancient Greek word used in Greek political thought, and was derived from the word polis or “city-
state,” and it has a range of meanings from “the rights of citizens” to a “form of government,” wherein the
word police originated.
A. gendermarie B. politeia
C. politia D. polizia
101. To the laymen, it suggest little more than inspectional activity, whether carried out on foot, mobile or some
other way.
A. police operation B. police communication
C. police intelligence D. police patrol
102. It is known a doctrine of law wherein an individual is said to be maintaining on his premises, business or
residential a condition, instrumentality that is dangerous to young children.
A. persons & things B. attractive nuisances
C. hazardous places D. none of these
103. This term is frequently used to describe a specific condition or place that requires the patrol officer’s special
A. nuisance places B. taverns & clubs
C. patrol hazard D. al of these
104. This is a patrol activity which consists of driving around the district, waiting for something to happen.
A. reactive patrol B. foot patrol
C. police patrol D. police visibility
105. An alternative patrol system which means the fielding of the field units in their respective area of
responsibility with prescribed objectives and verifiable tasks schedule of the day.
A. proactive patrol B. walking beat patrol
C. undercover patrol D. air patrol
106. Crime results from the existence of the elements of crime, EXCEPT:
A. desire B. capability
C. intent D. opportunity
107. This is the primary purpose of police patrol.
A. detect the desire B. check the capability
C. eliminate opportunity D. maintain peace & order
108. To be effective, modern police patrol must perform three (3) major sphere of activity-often simultaneously
relatively with patrol operations, EXCEPT:
A. they must handle calls for service
B. they must participate in tactical responses
C. they must eliminate actual opportunity
D. they must engage in strategic-problem solving efforts
109. Patrol tagged as the __________ of the police organization.
A. heart B. mind
C. backbone D. none of these
110. It is important because time is of the essence in most police work.
A. constant availability B. patrol operations
c. police visibility D. patrol officers
111. The first and foremost in the police officers preparation for patrol duty is __________.
A. A. behavior preparation B. general preparation
C. attitude preparation D. pre-patrol preparation
112. It is the function that most completely describes the patrol officer’s jobs, because most of his duties depend
on what he has observed.
A. observation B. uses of senses
C. investigation D. first responders
113. This repressive police activity is accomplished by making their presence know in such a way that, even when
they are not in a specific location, a felon will refrain from misbehavior because, and this is actually refers
to this phenomenon as:
A. police omni-presence B. elimination of desire
C. lessening of capability D. control of opportunity
114. Its method is consisting of the fixed post, line beat, and random patrol, and it is restricted to small areas and
is used to deal with special problems of prevention and repression.

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A. fixed surveillance B. beat patrol
C. bicycle patrol D. foot patrol
115. It is used as a simple and inexpensive means of transportation to carry police officers to their districts.
A. bicycle patrol B. motorcycle patrol
C. foot patrol D. all of these
116. It is the most extensively used and the most effective means of transportation for police patrol.
A. moving patrol B. mobile patrol
C. vehicle patrol D. jeep patrol
117. It is useful for rescue and evacuation, medical evacuation, general patrol, criminal apprehension, crime
prevention and repression, emergency transportation, surveillance and other activities.
A. helicopter B. air patrol
C. airplane D. eye in the sky
118. While it is true that the patrol officer cannot detect the desire of the criminal, yet, they can destroy the
opportunity to commit a crime, in police patrol operations, this refers to the phenomenon as:
A. psychological atmosphere of omni-presence
B. elimination of desire, capability and opportunity
C. repression of criminal activities
D. arrest of offenders and delinquents
119. The patrol officer to be seen alert and constant patrolling to make his presence psychologically be felt despite
of his physical absence, hereby creating, EXCEPT:
A. feeling of trust and confidence to the police
B. feeling of security on the part of the citizen
C. feeling of fear on the part of the would-be violator
D. feeling of confidence that the police are available
120. This is done by patrolling the streets within the perimeter of the beats, not at random, but with a definite
target location where he knows his presence is necessary.
A. zigzagging B. freewheeling
C. all of the above D. none of the above
121. Its objective is for the patrol officer to survey the situation and condition of the boundaries of his area of
A. crisscross B. freewheeling
C. counterclockwise D. clockwise
122. It is done at the last eight (8) of the tour of duty in order to ensure that nothing unusual happened in his area
of responsibility.
A. clockwise B. watching clock
C. counter clockwise D. none of these
123. It is patrolling the length of a street of the beat, and therefore, the easiest to observe the moment of the patrol
A. freewheeling B. straightway
C. zigzagging D. crisscross
124. It is more or less similar to zigzagging, and what is important is that the moment techniques of a patrol officer
must have a purpose and objective, it is not aimless nor at random.
A. crisscross B. zigzagging
C. all of these D. none of these
125. The observation of the patrol officer in patrolling their respective beats must keenly be aimed at this, and it
is the sources of hazards.
A. material things B. dangerous persons
C. persons & things D. other police officers
126. It is locally referred to as Community Oriented Policing System (COPS), it is now being widely applied by
the law enforcement agency particularly in highly urbanized places in the country.
A. participative law enforcement
B. establishment of Community-Police Assistance Center
C. maintenance of Police-Community Precinct
D. community-mobilization in crime prevention
127. It includes the objectives of protecting lives and properties and providing all the other services which are
required or expected from police officers.
A. maintain peace & order B. enforce the law
C. ensuring public safety D. serve & protect
128. This type of assignment is particularly effective for “saturation coverage” of high crime area.
A. low visibility patrol B. specific patrol
C. high visibility patrol D. undercover patrol
129. If it is effectively implemented, it is the most recognizable form of police activity, furthering the community
as well as being in perception.
A. patrol function B. mobile function
C. law enforcement function D. police function

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Tel. No. (033) 332-1364
130. It is generally accomplished whether having officers present at specific locations maintaining a highly visible
profile or by publicizing highly active undercover operations.
A. omni-presence B. repression of crime
C. law enforcement D. crime prevention
131. It is primary used for traffic control and enforcement, their speed and maneuverability make them
indispensable police vehicle.
A. motorcycle patrol B. bicycle patrol
C. tricycle patrol D. mobile patrol
132. Its objective was to use the watercraft in the anti-smuggling operation along rivers and bays, as well as against
robberies committed on bonded warehouse located along the river bank.
A. bay & river patrol B. sea patrol
C. air patrol D. coastal patrol
133. The bicycle patrol has the combined advantage of __________ because the bicycle can be operated very
quietly and without attracting attention.
A. speed & mobility B. mobility & stealth
C. speed & maneuverability D. speed & flexibility
134. Where __________ are needed such as in large area that must be covered by few foot patrol officer, the speed
of a mobile car allows them to service the whole area and do so efficiently.
A. speed & stealth B. speed & safety
C. speed & mobility D. speed & maneuverability
135. It has been used for parade and crowd control for centuries; its height and size has a strong psychological
advantage in dealing with unruly mobs.
A. horses B. mobile
C. bicycle D. foot
136. It is really nothing new, and in today’s parlance, one can say that it is simply the “Koban of Japan”, the
“Neighborhood Watch of Singapore,” etc.
A. police patrol operation B. detective beat system
C. New COPS on the Block D. police beat system
137. It is one of the basic pieces of equipment which a number of policemen nowadays fail to appreciate and
A. log book B. notebook
C. police blotter D. tickler
138. It is a new policing concept that combines the familiarity, thrust and sense of belongingness characterized by
the “beat cop” with the expertise of the professional policing model.
A. community-oriented policing system
B. problem-oriented policing system
C. New COPS on the Block
D. police beat system
139. It is police officers who are patrolling the streets or locality around the clock by maintaining direct contact
with local residence to prevent crime.
A. foot patrol B. patrol officer
C. beat cop D. beat patrol
140. This is the NCOBs center of command and control of its activities and as the police base from which citizens
may seek police assistance whether in person, by radio or telephone.
A. block box B. community-precincts
C. police box D. kababayan centers
141. This project concerns a wide variety of activities such as physical fitness and sports development, clean and
green, values formation and livelihood projects.
A. public relations B. police social services
C. public social services D. community-relations
142. Police officers on patrol may interview within the bounds of the law as deterrent to persons who intend to
commit crime, and that is.
A. street interrogation B. street interview
C. street investigation D. street questioning
143. Police officers on patrol have to observe this particular undertaking to offer crime prevention advises and
organized anti-crime groups.
A. neighborhood visitation B. office visitation
C. house visitation D. barangay visitation
144. New COPS on the Block will provide __________ to keep watch over the assigned area.
A. twenty-four hours patrolling
B. constant availability and mobility
C. twenty-four hours service
D. round the clock patrolling
145. The policeman will be the role model player for the community to emulate, and he will perform public safety
services through the following, EXCEPT:
A. elimination of actual opportunity

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Tel. No. (033) 332-1364
B. control and management of traffic
C. information relative to public safety
D. quick response to emergencies
146. It is the backbone of the police tactics.
A. police patrol operations
B. police communication systems
C. police intelligence analysts
D. police-community relations
147. It is necessary to get the desired information to the receiving party without having the message later re-
checked over the air for possible errors.
A. clarity B. specificity
C. brevity D. accuracy
148. It is increasingly important to the expanding volume of radio traffic, and this makes it essential that there be
no unnecessary or repetitious words in the transmission.
A. specificity B. brevity
C. clarity D. accuracy
149. It is necessary for rapid and efficient service, and it is more a form of respect that flowery words, in fact it
demands that, it must not be expressed in words.
A. courtesy B. discipline
C. loyalty D. respect
150. It is often mentioned in report writing and note taking, but it is also an essential in police communications.
A. accuracy B. specificity
C. clarity D. brevity
151. Webster lists it as the science of meaning.
A. phonetics B. semantic
C. all of these D. none of these
152. It is the science of sounds, and it is the understanding of a communication through the proper sounding of
A. ten codes B. abbreviations
C. semantic D. phonetics
153. These are the ways that helps improve semantics.
A. learn thru experience B. think before talking
C. all of these D. none of these
154. It is consisting of many contiguous inhabited area defined by identifiable boundaries of a police block by
which a policeman can effectively patrol during his tour of duty.
A. mobile patrol system B. beat patrol system
C. foot patrol system D. police beat system
155. Improving the __________ of the police is the concern of every policeman and not just those assigned in
police-community relations offices.
A. service B. effectiveness
C. image D. competency
156. This is a radio with an antenna and a battery pact in a single package and sometimes called the portable radio.
A. handheld B. mobile radio
C. base radio D. all of these
157. A 25 watts radio transceiver usually installed at the tactical operation center of the police station. The message
is transmitted done by pressing the push-to-talk button.
A. handheld radio B. mobile radio
C. base radio D. none of these
158. This is a routine call, and it is to be answered by observing all the traffic laws, the red lights and siren will
not be used in this type of code.
A. Code 2 B. Code 1
C. Code 3 D. Code 0
159. This means urgent, and it is to be answered immediately an in a manner that will enable the unit to get to the
scene as quickly as possible with safety, by observing all traffic laws, and without the use of siren.
A. Code 2 B. Code 4
C. Code 3 D. Code 1
160. This means emergency, and is to be answered immediately by driving to the scene as quickly and safely as
possible, the red lights and the siren are to be used to obtain the right of way.
A. Code 4 B. Code 5
C. Code 3 D. Code 6
161. It should be used whenever possible and the employment of a standardized set of its use is important if clarity
and brevity is to be achieved.
A. punctuations B. spellings
C. grammar D. abbreviations
162. All things being equal, __________ has the supreme authority and priority on police communications.
A. A. radio control B. ground commander

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B. C. radio operator D. desk officer
163. It is usually picking some papers or information that is not too important.
A. Code 5 B. Code 15
C. Code 10 D. Code 0
164. They are expected to provide voluntary manpower services through the organization of neighborhood watch
program, patrol system, etc.
A. people B. citizens
C. community D. barangay tanod
165. While the people need the police, the police are more in need of the full support from the people, for
__________ to succeed.
A. policing activities B. police functions
C. investigative functions D. law enforcement
166. It should be established in an area bigger from the police beat system area, and it could be designated as
sectors or area by geographical directions.
A. police beat system B. police patrol operations
C. detective policing D. detective beat patrol
167. It is a simple activity whereby policemen who have just finished, as well as those due to start of their tour of
duty are made to stand in formation at the police unit or office.
A. announcements of duties B. de-briefing
C. roll call training D. guard mounting
168. This is principal duty of every officer and members of the police organization.
A. observance of human rights at all times
B. to serve and protect the community-members
C. proactive and reactive policing activities
D. protection of life, liberty and property
169. Its need cannot be over emphasized, owing to the fact that the police cannot single-handedly solve the
problem of criminality in the country considering its deficiencies in organic manpower and resources.
A. police-community relations
B. citizen-police partnership
C. effective patrol operations
D. neighborhood anti-crime watch
170. In addition to the basic police uniform, including the prescribe headgear, these items should be prominently
displayed or worn.
A. firearm, baton, whistle & flashlights
B. individual items of equipment
C. notebook, ball-pen & sketchpad
D. all of the above
171. This is the art of using and solving codes and ciphers, and it came from the Greek kryptos, meaning hidden,
and graphia, meaning writing.
A. cryptography B. cryptanalysis
C. encoding D. deciphering
172. It is the breaking of a code or a cipher.
A. cryptography B. deciphering
C. decoding D. cryptanalysis
173. The radio operators, however, overcome most of them, most of the time by preparing to communicate before
doing so and by employing the basic techniques of expression which have been proven successful.
A. communication barrier B. communication obstacle
C. communication failure D. communication hindrance
174. Such acts will be interpreted as impatience, disinterest, and discourtesy and will contribute greatly to
communication failures.
A. making deductions B. jumping to conclusion
C. formulating findings D. arriving recommendations
175. This is a principal obstacle to good communications, and this may result from any causes; mostly, however,
results purely from a lack of effort to engage actively in this process.
A. failure to understand B. failure to give way
C. failure to listen D. failure to hear

176. It may use a single word or a number to stand for a complete message.
A. code system B. cipher system
C. 900 codes D. 10 codes
177. It uses a separate letter, number of other symbol for each letter of the plaintext—ordinary language message.
A. code system B. cipher system
C. all of these D. none of these
178. This is a message in code or cipher, and the receiver must have the key to unlock the secret information.
A. all of these B. decipher
C. cryptogram D. decode

TIN No: 921-022-416-000
DTI Business Name No: 3746785
Tel. No. (033) 332-1364
179. It is the changing of plaintext into codes and ciphers.
A. encoding B. enciphering
C. all of these D. none of these
180. It is finding the secret information in the cryptogram.
A. decoding B. deciphering
C. all of these D. none of these
181. It involves the formal and informal transmission and exchange of information throughout the various
divisions and subdivisions within the organization
A. intra-departmental communication
B. inter-departmental communication
C. inter-agency communication
D. intra-agency communication
182. It involves the change of information among the members of two or more police organizations.
A. inter-departmental communication
B. intra-departmental communication
C. inter-agency communication
D. intra-agency communication
183. The public becoming ever more mobile; there is increasing need for inter-community police communications.
A. police communication B. police television
C. police teletype D. police radios

184. In communication, it is referred to by theorists as the static that interferes with transmission of message.
A. external factors B. barrier
C. none of these D. noise
185. As information is passed from individual to individual, usually a distortion or dilution of content occurs.
A. selecting B. filtering
C. all of these D. channeling
186. It is not a favorable situation for any single segment of society, and the police officer should avoid developing
an insulated barrier between them and the other stakeholders.
A. ostrocism B. delineation
C. isolation D. integration
187. It may results from lack of discretion in separating relevant and irrelevant information.
A. over-protecting B. over-carrying
C. over-loading D. over-acting
188. It can be made with relative ease since concurrence by those affected is not sought, and they have the
advantage of speed and are well adapted to emergency conditions.
A. free rain communication B. democratic communication
C. vertical communication D. autocratic communication
189. It provides national teletype communications to subscribing stations all throughout the country.
A. National Police Teletypewriter Network
B. National Police Television Network
C. Information Technology & Communication System
D. Directorate for Information & Technology
190. This file is digital magnetic tape storage and is attached to the computer. It contains the daily log and can
later provide various types of information for research and planning.
A. A. computer hard disk B. computer storage file
B. C. computer storage disk D. computer storage disc
191. This contains two TV type screen, one is the Video Data Terminal which shows all the information about the
request for service, including a case number, time of arrival, priority and radio code.
A. operation center B. command operations center
C. command base operation D. command dispatch console
192. This is the coming thing in police communications systems, and at present the factors that will determine the
feasibility of its installations are cost versus overall savings.
A. mobile tele-printer B. mobile base radio
C. mobile communications D. mobile computer
193. It is the worst enemy of law enforcement, since the longer the elapsed after the commission of a crime, the
more it costs, not only to apprehend the criminal, but to secure a conviction in court.
A. hour B. date
C. time D. days
194. This is quite expensive to maintain and because of this, there has been a tendency in many places to
discontinue some these units.
A. A. mobile radio B. field telephones
B. C. mobile computer D. mobile tele-type
195. It has been with use for some time as a medium of education, but its use as a means of police communications
system is relatively new.
A. A. police communications B. police technology

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Tel. No. (033) 332-1364
B. C. police radios D. police television
196. The following are the procedures in receiving a call, EXCEPT:
A. turn the radio on and adjust the volume control knob
B. select the channel by turning the frequency knob
C. listen is your call word and answer back
D. use phonetic alphabet and prowords
197. To keep the voice transmission as short a possible the radio operator use __________, to take the place of
long sentences.
A. keywords B. phonetics
C. semantics D. prowords
198. It is used by the operator to spell difficult words and thereby prevent misunderstanding on the part of the
receiving operator.
A. semantic alphabet B. phonetic alphabet
C. prowords & keywords D. phonetic number

199. It is a diagram indicating the network of radio users with their corresponding call signs operating within a
common radio frequency.
A. net diagram B. call signs
C. all of these D. none of these
200. This flows from top of an organizational pyramid to the bottom-downward communication, as well as from
bottom communication, and it descends from the various levels of authority.
A. vertical communication B. circular communication
C. diagonal communication D. horizontal communication



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