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[12] P. H. Winston, Artificial Intelligence. Reading, MA: Addison- mechanical assembly," IBM J. Res. Development, vol. 24, no. 1,
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M. T. Mason, Eds., Robot Motion: Planning and Control. Cam- and D. A. Gal, CAD, Robot Programming and Ada. NATO Ad-
bridge, MA: MIT 1983. vanced Studies Inst. on Robotics & Artificial Intelligence, Barga,
[14] M. A. Wesley, T. Lozano-Perez, L. I. Lieberman, M. A. Lavin, and Italy, June 1983.
D. D. Grossman, "A geometric modeling system for automated
Abstract—Path planning of a robot arm is concerned with the derivation optimal control of robots, more specifically robotic arms, is
of a history of positions and velocities to be followed by the robot arm.
known to be a very difficult problem due to a) their
Despite its close relationship to the robot arm dynamics, conventional path
planning does not take into account the robot arm dynamics, leading to the nonlinear, coupled dynamics; b) physical constraints, such
possible underutilization of the robot's capabilities. We have developed a as limits on the angular velocity and on the torque/force
minimum-time path-planning method in joint space with the consideration generated by each joint actuator [1]; and c) the danger of
of the robot arm dynamics as well as other realistic constraints. The main colliding with other objects in the workspace. The develop-
differences between this method and others are 1) an absolute tolerance in
ment of the optimal control of robot arms 1 has been
the path deviation at each corner point can be specified, 2) local upper
bounds on joint accelerations are derived from the arm dynamics so as to significantly hampered by these difficulties, and, therefore,
nearly fully utilize robot's capabilities, and 3) a set of local optimization there are only a few known attempts in this direction,
problems—one at every local corner point—are employed to replace the leading to suboptimal control solutions with performance
global minimum-time problem, thus making the minimum-time path-plan- indices of linear quadratic functional [2], minimum-time
ning problem simpler and easier to solve. As a demonstrative example we
[3], and weighted time-fuel [4].
have applied the method to the path planning of the first three joints of the
Unimation PUMA 600 series robot arm using its simulator on a DEC Recognizing the difficulties in the direct optimal control
VAX-11 / 780. The example has indeed shown significant improvements in of the robot arm, we have usually relied on an alternative
the total traveling time in addition to the ease and simplicity obtained from approach to the robot arm control problem using a two-
the decomposition of the global problem into a set of local optimization stage optimization, namely off-line path planning followed
by on-line path tracking. Depending upon the system
objective, both the path-planning and the path-tracking
problems have to be solved by optimizing suitable criteria
subject to the associated arm dynamics and other con-
joint. Note that these corner points are determined by a ates in a collision-free space and 2) the minimum-time
task planner, considering both the application task at hand traveling is important. Also, the path planning in joint
and the avoidance of collision with other objects in the space is easily achievable since one can get close approxi-
workspace. Thus one must either convert the Cartesian mations in joint space to the straight line paths in Carte-
path to joint paths and then solve the path-planning prob- sian space by a) including sufficient number of inter-
lem in joint space, or convert the joint force/torque bounds mediate knot points in the Cartesian paths (in addition to
to the Cartesian ones and then solve the Cartesian corner points), and b) employing a linear interpolation in
path-planning problem. The latter conversion is usually joint space so as not to exceed the specified maximum
done experimentally, since analytical conversion is too allowable tolerance in the transformation error.
complicated [12]. The former conversion is performed Conventional path planning in joint space uses a con-
point-to-point for sufficiently many points on the Carte- stant bound on the acceleration. This bound must repre-
sian path, and then the joint paths can be approximated sent the global least upper bound (GLUB) of all operating
with, for example, spline functions connecting the discrete accelerations in joint space so as to enable the robot arm to
points. follow the prespecified path under any operating condition
An on-line Cartesian path-tracking scheme was pro- (e.g., position, orientation, and payload). It implies that the
posed by Paul [7] but requires too much computation to full capability of the robot arm cannot be utilized if the
implement in real-time. The minimum-time path-planning conventional approach is taken [14]. If the GLUB were not
problem was investigated by Luh and Lin [8], where they used, then one would have to determine whether a planned
derived a method for obtaining a time history of positions2 path is dynamically realizable, and if not, how to modify
and velocities along the path with a minimum traveling the path [16]. This implies that an additional validation
time under the constraints of Cartesian limits on linear and and/or modification of a planned path is required for the
angular velocities and accelerations. In the Cartesian space conventional path planning. Moreover, the path deviations
path planning, the motion on the path segment is well allowed at corner points are not considered explicitly,
defined in the context of application, but—despite the which is for the sake of simplicity of the solution rather
existence of efficient inverse kinematics algorithms, e.g. than for the application reality.
[15]—its computational demand is too high for real-time In this paper we consider a remedy for the above draw-
implementation3 due to the required transformation of backs. We propose a path-planning method in joint space
Cartesian coordinate points to joint coordinate points, and by minimizing the total traveling time, given a set of corner
it also becomes difficult to handle the case when the robot points4 in joint space and realistic constraints, that is,
arm is at degenerate positions. those on the generated torques/forces and angular veloci-
Due to its ability to be directly implemented, the path ties and on the deviation at each corner point in the joint
planning in joint space is also attractive. Paul [9] suggested paths. Note that 1) limits on the generated torques/forces
a simple approach that eliminates stopping at each transi- in place of the accelerations introduce the robot arm
tion from one segment to another. The time for transition dynamics into path planning, thus eliminating the need of
is fixed and is determined to allow velocity changes from an additional validation/modification of the planned path,
maximum to minimum and vice versa. Lin et al. [10] used and 2) absolute deviation bounds at corner points express
an approximation with cubic spline functions and devel- the manufacturing reality more accurately and clearly than
oped a time-scheduling algorithm by minimizing the total the case with implicit bounds (e.g., a fraction of the corre-
traveling time subject to constant limits on speed, accelera- sponding segment). Furthermore, the path-planning method
tion, and jerk for each point. Taylor [11] proposed an to be developed here can be decomposed into a set of local
iterative algorithm to compute sufficient number of inter- optimizations at corner points under a certain condition. A
mediate knot points in joint space so that the transforma- set of local bounds on acceleration, velocity, and path
tion error—the difference between the original Cartesian deviation are used in the decomposed local optimizations.
path and the path obtained from transforming back the Since the optimization in path planning requires bounds on
joint path that is formed by a point-to-point transforma- accelerations, the bounds on torques are converted to a set
tion (from Cartesian to joint spaces) and linear interpola- of bounds on accelerations, each bound being valid only in
tions—may become smaller than the prescribed value. The the vicinity of a corner point. The conversion calls for the
path planning in joint space is simple and efficient, since it robot arm dynamics and therefore results in acceleration
is limited only by maximum joint torques and velocities, bounds that in turn yield paths that can nearly fully utilize
and since degeneracies of the robot arm do not present any the robot's capabilities.
difficulty. The minimum-time path planning in joint space, This paper is organized as follows. In Section II, the
which is dealt with in this paper, is particularly useful for minimum-time path-planning problem is defined. Törque-
specifying gross motion of the robot arm when 1) it oper- to-acceleration conversion of constraints is discussed in
Henceforth, the term "position" is used to mean both position and
orientation. Note that there could be an extreme case where a path segment is too
Notice that there are many computation-intensive tasks to be per- short to include the cruise stage. However, we do not consider here this
formed in real-time for intelligent robots, e.g., visual and tactile sensing extreme case since the intended use of the present method is concerned
and processing. with relatively long path segments as in [8].
Final target
P°int (0,1)f p(l)
< k ^
1 (
J ^ ^ ^ 1
P(0) 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
(1,0) 1 1
1 1 p
Starting point 0 90°
4 5°
(a) (b)
Final target p(2)
point ( 0 / 1 )
An intermediate
knot point Corner point corresponding to
the intermediate knot point
Starting point 4 5° 90°
(c) (d)
Fig. 1. Example for illustrating Cartesian paths and linearly interpolated joint paths, (a) Cartesian path generated by a task
planner, (b) Joint path corresponding to (a) with a linear interpolation, (c) Cartesian path with introduction of an
intermediate knot point, (d) Joint path corresponding to (c) with a linear interpolation.
Section III, and a solution to the path-planning problem is space). In order to have a better view of a straight line path
derived in Section IV. The proposed path planning is segment in joint space, consider a simple example in Fig. 1.
simulated on a DEC VAX-11/780 for the first three joints The example robot consists of two degrees of freedom: the
of the PUMA 600 series robot arm in Section V, showing one is rotational and the other extensory. Suppose the
the improvements in the total traveling time. desired Cartesian path is formed by connecting three points
(1,0), (1,1) and (0,1) with straight line segments (Fig.
1(a)). The corresponding joint path can be approximated
by first converting the three Cartesian corner points to
Considering the task to be performed and interactions joint points and then connecting them with straight line
with the working environment [13], the task planner gener- segments in joint space (see Fig. 1(b)). Note that additional
ates a desired (geometric) path for the robot arm in Carte- Cartesian intermediate knot points may be required to
sian space. The geometric path does not contain any timing meet the prescribed accuracy in the transformation error.
information but includes only spatial positions and orien- See Fig. 1(c) for one such example in which the middle
tations. The set of the desired corner points />(/), / = points of the Cartesian path is chosen as an intermediate
0,1, · · ·, M, in joint space can be obtained by transforming knot point. The knot point is then treated just like a
the Cartesian corner points (i.e., output of the geometric regular Cartesian corner point (Fig. 1(d)). Although selec-
path planner) and intermediate knot points into joint space. tion of intermediate knot points is an interesting research
The intermediate knot points in the Cartesian path are problem, we will not pursue it here since it is out of the
added to ensure that the transformation error must be scope of this paper.
smaller than the prescribed accuracy. The prescribed accu- Usually a joint path consists of three stages: accelera-
racy is supplied by the task planner. tion, cruise at a constant velocity, and deceleration.4 When
A path segment in joint space is formed by connecting, transition from one path segment to another is to be made,
with a straight Une, two adjacent corner points (see [18] for it should be accompHshed as fast as possible while meeting
the same concept of a straight line path segment in joint the tolerance requirement in the path deviation. When the
1 —
Deceleration Change_Segment Acceleration
-Transition TR(i)
Fig. 2. Transition TR(i) and change segment CS(i),
robot arm moves along a first segment at its cruise speed, subject to the limits on joint angular velocities, \vJ\ < υ^,
there are two possibilities for switching to the next seg- and bounds on joint torques/forces \uJ\ < uJmax9 j =
ment, depending upon the tolerance of the path deviation. 1,2, · · ·, AÏ, where n is the number of the robot arm joints.
If the tolerance is tight, then the robot arm must first slow
down before actual transition takes place. Otherwise, the The GMTPP problem naturally leads to a nonlinear
robot arm can initiate the transition directly from its cruise programming problem with high dimensionality. If a tradi-
speed along the first segment. Considering these two possi- tional trapezoidal velocity profile (i.e., constant accelera-
bilities, we define the following two terms, namely, transi- tion -> cruise -> constant deceleration) is assumed for each
tion and change segment. Transition TR(i) represents the segment, there will be 3M unknowns for the entire path
stage of departing from the constant-velocity cruise along planning. As evidenced in [8], this problem becomes very
the segment S(i) and arriving at the constant-velocity difficult to solve even when robot arm dynamics and the
cruise along the next segment S(i + 1). Transition is absolute path deviation are not considered. We have sought
desired to be made smoothly, without stopping, and within simple and, to some extent, heuristic solutions to the
the specified path deviation. Change segment CS(i) repre- problem under the following assumption.
sents the stage of departing from S(i) and then arriving at
S(i + 1). See Fig. 2 for an illustration of TR(i) and CS(i). A l ) Each segment S(i) i = 1,· · ·, M is assumed to con-
In general change segment CS(i) is a part of transition sist of three segments, namely acceleration, cruise
TR(i). The TR(i) and CS(i) would be the same if no with a maximum allowable velocity, and decelera-
acceleration or deceleration along the corresponding path tion for transition from S(i) to S(i + 1).
segments is needed to satisfy the constraint on the path Assumption Al is realistic for many robot applications,
deviation at the corner point />(/"), but they would be particularly for gross motion and minimum-time controls.
different otherwise. If we allow large bounds for the path On the other hand, the assumption may not be realistic
deviations at corner points, the total traveling time will be when the robot undergoes many short moves, i.e., fine
reduced due to the widened spatial freedom in robot motion planning. However, when we are concerned with
motion. However, there will be an increase in the probabil- such short, fine, and acrobatic motions, there are many
ity that the robot arm collides with obstacles. Hence, the more important and compelling requirements to be met
path deviation bounds at corner points must be set by the than the minimum-time motion. This implies that Al is
task planner as a design variable, weighing between the reasonable in the context of the minimum-time path plan-
total travehng time and the workspace requirement or ning, although it does not hold for a fine motion planning.
collision avoidance. Since A l may become invalid for short moves not only in
It is well known that robot arm dynamics are highly joint space but also in Cartesian space, use of Al in [8] is
nonlinear coupled functions of position, payload, mass, believed to be justified by the same reasoning as described
etc. Also, due to the joint actuator characteristics, there previously.
exist bounds on joint angular velocities and torques/forces Furthermore; under Al the GMTPP problem can be
[1]· decomposed into a set of local minimum-time path-plan-
Considering all the factors mentioned above, the global ning (LMTPP) problems. (In addition to the inclusion of
minimum-time path planning (GMTPP) problem in joint the robot arm dynamics, this is a novel departure from [8],
space can be stated as follows. leading to a much simpler algorithm which can yet include
the constraints on absolute path deviations.) Without loss
GMTPP Problem: Given a path composed of M seg- of generality, for each LMTPP problem we can choose
ments S(/), / = 1,2, · · ·, M, formed by connecting (M + 1) initial and final points q0(i) and qf(i) from S(i) and
corner points />(/), i = 0,1,· · ·, M with straight line seg- S(i + 1), respectively, at which the robot arm is to attain
ments in joint space, find a minimum-time travehng path the maximum allowable velocities wmax(i) and wmax(i 4- 1),
that the robot arm follows within the prescribed path respectively (i.e., points located at their respective cruising
deviation bounds at corner points e(i), i = 1,2, · · ·, M — 1 portions of the path). The method for setting q0(i) and
with the initial position and velocity </(0) = p(0), q(0) = 0 qf(i) will be discussed later in detail. The H>max(z), the
and the final position and velocityq{tf) = p(M% q(tf) = 0 maximum allowable velocity along S(i), can be repre-
where #·(/) represents a unit vector along S(i), i.e., r(i) = Since both the GMTPP and LMTPP problems are natu-
5(/)/|5(/·)| = (r 1 (/),r 2 (/),.·.,r w (/)) 7 , , and £(i) denotes rally related to accelerations rather than to torques/forces,
the magnitude of the maximum allowable velocity in the it is necessary to convert the constraints on torques/forces
direction of r(i). Using the limits on joint angular velocity to those on accelerations. For this conversion we consider
« W = ( ^ a x ^ L · " ^ ^ ? ( 0 c a n b e actually com- the nonlinear, coupled robot arm dynamics. Using the
puted by Lagrangian formulation, the dynamics of the robot arm
J + can be described by
m-*n'W»' - 'l-'1iM-'J-K (2)
D(q)q + h(q,q)+g{q) = u, (3)
where σ(ζ) is defined by where u is an n X 1 generalized force/torque vector, and
/ x / 1, if z > 0 q,q,q are n X 1 vectors of generalized coordinates, veloci-
σ(ζ) =
(θ, ifz<0. ties, and accelerations, respectively. The D(q) is an n X n
Then, the GMTPP problem is converted to a set of inertial matrix, h(q,q) is an n X 1 viscous friction, Corio-
LMTPP(0 for / = 1,2, · · ·, M - 1 as follows. lis, and centrifugal force vector, g(q) is an « X 1 gravita-
tional loading vector, and n is the number of joints of the
LMTPP(i) Problem: Given a path composed of two robot arm. The inertia, gravity loading, and Coriolis and
segments S(i) and S(i + 1), formed by connecting q0(i), centrifugal terms depend on the position of each joint as
p(i), and fy(/) with straight Une segments in joint space, well as on the mass, first moment, and inertia of each link.
find a minimum-time traveling path that the robot arm can Also note that these terms are functions of the robot arm's
follow within the prescribed deviation bound e(i) at the payload (i.e., tool and parts).
corner point p(i), subject to the limits on joint angular The constraints on torques/forces are related to acceler-
velocities \vj\ < ?;max and bounds on joint torques/forces ation by
Robot Arm
Set of corner
Geometric path points in
in Cartesian space joint space Bounds on
joint q(t)
Increase number of samples
to make transformation error
within bound
2en 2e Wn H>
€o , *
^ ^ + ^Ί + — + - .
+ —J- and ο π
c0 a cf 2a0 2cif wr 0n w7t
a_£0 \ 2 _^0_
«„(0 = P - Tflco U a0 /
i*(0 = P - 2 f l c o T 2 | b
9Λ*) =P + 2acfT2rf
f / ( 0 = /> + M1~^ Γ +
ho cf
r ( i ) = c0 + r 1 -
c0 *c0 </ 'c/l
2n>n 2wf
Fig. 5. Transition components in state space, (a) r0 component, (b) η-
component. 2) When <2C0T > w0, acfr < vty, i.e., cruise -> change seg-
ment -* acceleration -> cruise,
Then every vector can be uniquely decomposed into r0(i) 9o(0 = 1α(ί)=Ρ
and rf(i) components as follows (see Fig. 4) 2tf c o r °
)= -e0{i)r0(i) + ef(i)rf{i)
qA>)=P + ïacf{—Jrf
«o(» ) = -βοί'ΉΟ')
af(i ) = af(i)rf(i)
ί / ( 0 =ρ + 2af
ac(i ) = - « c o ( 0 » b ( 0 + acf{i)rf{i) 2M *//\ÛCO
)= w0(i)r0(i)
^.^.Jifi.iÄWj.fäfi. (9b)
wf(i ) = * / ( » > / ( ' ) 0
ac0 af \ ac0 j \ af J 2wf
p(')-4oU ) = io('>o(0 3) W h e n ac0r < w0, acfT > wy, i.e., cruise -»
deceleration -* change segment -> cruise,
9f(i)-p{i )-€,0>/(0 (8)
where scalar quantities with subscripts 0 and / represent «cou f
laiO-P- 2aco\l -
their respective r0 and rf components. The ζ0(ί) and £y(/) *cf 2an
denote the magnitudes of vectors p(i) - q0(i) and qf(i) -
p(i), respectively. One can plot each transition component 7
in state space as depicted in Fig. 5. In Step S4, the final
condition qf(i) is set as a position when the velocity
reaches w max (/ + 1) with constant acceleration af(i). This YV f
value of qf{i) is used as the initial position in the next «A') = «/(') = P - Yacfro
segment, i.e., q0(i 4- 1) = qf(i). Depending upon whether
Steps S2 and S4 are required or not, we can consider four
cases in the following analysis. Using the state space trajec- n o - , - ^ - 1 ^ - ^ . <*>
cf a
4) When ac0r ^ w0, acf7 > ny, i.e., cruise -> change seg- 1.2) Compute the traveling time Γ(0).
ment -> cruise, 1.3) Compute the initial position for<jr0(l) S(l).
Wn 2) Set / = i + l , then
4α(0 = <lb(i) = P - JT-ro
l 2.1) Compute the unit vectors r0(i) and rf(i).
2.2) Compute a position qc(i) with the maximum
f path deviation during transition.
2a cf 2.3) Compute velocity bounds for w0(i) and wf(i).
2.4) Compute the maximum deceleration a0(i)
r(/) = lo+Ì/ (9d) along S(i) and the maximum acceleration
w0 wf af(i) along 5 ( / + l).
Now, consider the calculation of a0(i) and af(i). We 2.5) Compute the acceleration ac(i) during change
can easily show that dT(i)/da0(i) < 0, / = 1,· · ·, M — 1 segment C5(/), and the traveling time T(i) by
for the cases 1) and 3). This property implies that a0(i) using the bisecting algorithm.
should take as large a value as possible. Likewise, af(i) 2.6) Compute the initial position </0(/ + l) of the
should take as large a value as possible. Hence, we can set next segment.
the values of a0(i) and af(i) to attain maximum magni- 2.7) If i < M, then go to Step 2.
tudes in the directions of -r0(i) and rf(i), respectively. 3) For the last segment (i.e., i = M)
To determine ac(i\ which consists of two components 3.1) Compute the maximum deceleration a0(M)
ac0(i) and acf(i)we have to use the polyhedron boundary toward (p(M),0).
of the accelerations given by (5). Then the problem be- 3.2) Compute the traveling time T(M).
comes a two-dimensional nonlinear optimization problem 4) Compute the total traveling time Ttotal = Efi0T(i).
of minimizing (9) with respect to ac0(i) and acf(i) subject As can be seen in the above, the present path-planning
to linear constraints (5). For a solution to this problem, we algorithm requires only rudimentary calculations and sim-
can get the following useful property. ple one-dimensional optimizations; this is in sharp contrast
Property: T(i) attains its minimum when the compo- to the method developed in [8] where a mathematical
nents of ac(i) are maximized within the feasible region. programming problem was solved for multiple variables by
It is easy to show dT(i)/dac0(i) < 0 and dT(i)/dacf(i) a complex approximate optimization technique.
< 0. With these inequalities, proof of the above property is
straightforward. The inequalities imply that for the mini- V. A PATH-PLANNING EXAMPLE
mum of T(i) the components of the acceleration ac(i)
should be maximized. But the values of ac0(i) and acf(i) Using a simulator of the PUMA 600 robot arm on a
are interrelated via the linear constraints (5). Hence the DEC VAX 11/780, we have simulated the proposed
minimum of T(i) occurs at the boundary of inequalities minimum-time path-planning algorithm. The PUMA arm
(5), resulting in a one-dimensional optimization problem. is manufactured by Unimation, Inc., and consists of six
The acceleration during change segment CS(i),ac(i), rotational joints, each of which is driven by a dc servomo-
can be obtained with a suitable bisection algorithm search- tor.
ing along the boundary of (5). Let Θ be the angle between We employed the Lagrangian formulation to derive the
a0(i) and af(i). The following iterations are performed for PUMA arm dynamics as in (10) with the coordinate system
k = 1,2, · · · . Divide the angle Θ and generate a set of using the Denavit and Hartenberg representation in Table
accelerations al having angles [(21 — l)/2k]0y I = I, which is then used to simulate the behavior of the first
1,2, · · ·,2* _ 1 , and the corresponding traveling times Tkl. three joints of the arm. The remaining three joints are not
Compare Tkl and choose the minimum (which occurs at considered here for simplicity
/ = /') and set it to Tk. If the bisecting angle 2~k0 gets n n n
smaller and improvement in Tk from Tk_l becomes insig- Σ dijfàqj + Σ Σ hijk(q)qjqk 4- g.(q) = ui9
j=\ j=lk=l
nificant, then the algorithm terminates with ac(i) = av.
For (the first) segment 5(1), we need a maximum accel- i = l,2,.··,/!. (10)
eration until the velocity reaches w max (l). No iteration is Typical terms have the following form:
necessary for this segment. We can simply compute the
maximum acceleration, and set qf(0) = qQ(V) f° r the next "ll(#) =
A l l ~*~ A33 **" A33 ~*~ 2A34"2 "*" A44"2
segment. For (the last) segment S(M\ we need to cruise
"•"A22 ~^~ A33 "*" A 3 4 " 2
with w max (M) followed by the maximum deceleration to
the final position p(M) and zero velocity. This segment "*vAll "*" ^ A l 4 a 2 + A44 ö 2 "*" A44 f l 2/^2 ~*~ A22^2
can be considered as a reverse procedure of the first _
"'"(All A33/C23 "*" 2A34fl2^-2*^23
segment. The maximum deceleration time is computed
backwards in time. ^211 =
(All _
A22 "*" 2Al4 f l 2 + A * A "*" A44 ö 2 J^V^l
The minimum-time path-planning algorithm discussed _ —
"KAll A33) ^23^23 A34fl2(QQ3 _
thus far can be summarized by the following algorithm:
1) Set i = 0. g2 = -(a2m3 + a2m2 + m2x2)C2g - rn3z3S23g,
1.1) Compute the maximum acceleration af(0).
where /-.-,, is the ( /', k)th element of the 4 x 4 inertia
3 *3 0 0 90 -45 to 225
M y 7* 7*
M (Kg m2)
[Kg) (m) M (Kg m2) (Kg m2)
tensor, Ji9 for the /th joint; d2, a2 are lengths related to of mass, and inertia for each joint given in Table II. These
the arm coordjnate frame; (xi9 yi9 zt) is the center of mass are approximate figures acquired from the manufacturer's
for link /; and for /, j = 1,2,3 Cz = cos(#z), St = sin (#,·), specification.
C/y = cos(^/ + qj), Sjj = sin(qi + q}). As shown in Table III, we selected a set of corner points
For the PUMA simulator the above dynamic equations />(/), /' = 0,1,· · ·, Af, and path deviation bounds at these
are computed with the numerical values of the mass, center corner points e(i), i = 1,· · ·, M — 1. The bounds on the
T ■
crxntt (sec.) (sec.)
control input torques are assumed to be \uY\ < 100 N · m, transition needs shorter transition distance and hence longer
\u2\ < 150 N · m, and |w3| < 50 N · m, and the maximum cruising distance. Including both the transition and cruise
angular velocity is set to 90°/s for each joint. Observe that characteristics for the example, the present path-planning
the choice of these simulation values is arbitrary for the method showed a significant improvement in the total
sake of numerical demonstration, and any of such choices traveling time Ttotal (a 23% reduction).
does not change the basic performance of our path-plan- The effects of the path deviation bound at each corner
ning method. The path planner computes the desired path point are simulated and presented in Table V. Here, all
(i.e., q and q) which requires the minimum total traveling e(i) are set to an equal value for / = 1,· · ·, M — 1. As
time, using the algorithm developed in the previous sec- expected, the larger the deviation bound, the less the total
tions. In order to examine the performance of the mini- traveling time because of the spatial freedom in motion.
mum-time path planner we compared it with a path-plan- Particularly, one can see a drastic improvement in Ttrans at
ning method with global bounds on the acceleration with the beginning and then a slow improvement or a near
the same simulation data.8 The corresponding simulation saturation as the deviation tolerances increase. Note, how-
results are given in Table IV. It shows that the minimum- ever, that rcruise is relatively insensitive to the magnitudes
time path planner developed in this paper exhibits excel- of e(i), i = 1,2,· · ·, M.
lent transition characteristics when compared with the one As a whole, for the example considered here our mini-
with global acceleration bounds. For this particular exam- mum-time path planning has indeed shown a significant
ple, the transition time Ttrans, is reduced to about one third improvement in the total traveling time.
of that with the global acceleration bound. The cruise time
with local acceleration bounds is somewhat longer than the VI. CONCLUDING REMARKS
case with a global acceleration bound, because the fast
We have developed a minimum-time path-planning
Obviously, the path solution with global acceleration bounds is differ- method in joint space with robot arm dynamics included.
ent from the solution to the GMTPP problem. An absolute path deviation bound for each corner point
can be specified as a design variable. Local upper bounds tions in the area of path control or tracking, where a
on joint accelerations are derived from robot arm dynamics perfect or at least a good path planner is always assumed
so as to nearly fully utilize the robot's capabilities, and a to exist. Contrary to this assumption, there have been only
set of local one-dimensional optimization problems can a few published results in path planning. The imbalance
replace the global minimum-time problem. The local opti- between the two has to be resolved for the optimal or
mization problem is computationally simple with a small near-optimal utilization of robots' capabilities. Conse-
number of variables for each pair of segments, whereas the quently, a balanced combination of path planning and
global optimization problem is computationally demanding robot control is essential for future automation with robots.
since 1) a large number of variables should be considered The minimum-time path planning presented here has aimed
simultaneously, and 2) special optimization techniques are at this objective.
required to get approximate solutions. Furthermore, for the
GMTPP problem the number of variables in the optimiza-
tion process varies with the number of segments that form
the entire path, whereas it does not for the LMTPP prob-
lem. The simulation results for the present method show
that the transition times are considerably improved, lead- REFERENCES
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