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Theoretical Framework

There are various theories which this study adapted for its framework. These

theories are formulated by some theorists which focus on waste disposal.

The theory of Jean Jacques Rousseau is the Theory of Human Nature. Human

nature is sacrificed by the demands of the forms on the development of an


culture (EP 219). Human Nature is in constant conflict with expectations of society

(EP 219). The original nature of man is good but corrupted by the society (EP 220).

To be good is to exist accordingly to one’s intrinsic potentiality of one’s nature (EP

221). Natural order effects all aspects of human existence, brings individual into

contact with his own inner self, physical environment and his fellowman (HELOC


This theory obviously indicates a state of nature is not only desirable but at

times because human abilities go beyond what is right. He has to cultivate his virtues

and obey current rules when it comes to environmental issues like proper waste

disposal. This implies that when an individual is given an instruction to do a certain

task, he will certainly respond accordingly, following the same instruction in

performing the task.

On the other hand, one study about Solid Waste Collection by the private

sector: Household Perspective clearly explains the issue of poor solid waste

management. People always generate solid waste through their daily activities. The

solid waste collection service by the private sector is greatly influenced by household

attitudes and behavior. This study concludes that the above factors would be superior

if customers on households were more involved in planning and decision making. (I

Habitat International, 2006, pp. 769-780)

These studies are instrumental in explaining the phenomenon regarding

behavior and conduct as attitude towards proper waste disposal. These further

implied the rejection or acceptance of a certain waste disposal program relied much

in the degree of conduct an individual has and his attitude towards health matters.

Another analysis was conducted in two major scientific journals, Waste

Management Journal and Waste Management Research (2005-2011). It stated that

the burden posed on the municipal budget as a result of high cost associated to its

management that affect the different linkages. The objective of this study was to

determine the stakeholder’s action or behavior that strengthen the waste disposal and

management process and to analyze influential factors on the system in rural and

urban areas. (Guerero, Maas, Hogland, Waste Management 33 (1), pp. 220-232


The information’s disseminated by this kind of analysis would be very useful

in implementing policies regarding waste disposal and management in

municipalities. It would serve as a guide considering the factors that affects the

Waste Disposal and Management.

Paradigm of Conceptual Framework












Conceptual Framework

This study will focus on the effects of Improper Waste Disposal to the

community folks of District I Burauen, Leyte.

The effects of Improper Waste Disposal will be reflected through the

awareness of respondents as to Air Pollution, Water Pollution, Waste and Land

Pollution, Climate Change and Health Problems. All these have an impact on the

conduct and behavior of people on Waste Disposal and Management with the

cooperation of Barangay Officials through the policies implemented by the Local

Government Unit of Burauen, Leyte.

Validity and procedure of findings and conclusions will be ensured since it

will follow a step-by-step procedure. A proper Waste Disposable and Waste

Management program should be entrusted to the public to make it more effective and


In general, the benefits and advantages of this study to the community folks

and the whole LGU is that they will be able to develop concern, knowledge of the

environment, and intellectual culture. The public will have environmental-related

skills, they will develop a sense of responsibility towards the environment and

preservation of our natural resources for the next generation.

Significance of the Study

The importance of this study is to be able to determine the effects of improper

waste disposal. This study is deemed significant to the following people:

To the students, it is very essential to take a look at this problem. They must

know valuable information’s and must have a knowledge regarding this study.

To the parents, they must educate their children regarding proper waste

disposal and segregation.

To the households, they should follow the implemented programs about

waste disposal.

To the respondents, they should be aware of the proper waste disposal for

the sake of sanitation and health concerns.

To the community folks of District I, they should know the proper practices

regarding waste disposal.

To the barangay officials, they should utilize the available community

resources for the welfare of the people in the area.

To the Local Government Unit of Burauen Leyte, that improvements,

modifications, and refinements that will holistically suit with the demands and needs

of the public.

To the future researchers, that they will be able to come up with effective

solutions and policies in the aspect of proper waste disposal and segregation.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

The main concern of this study is to obtain facts and related information’s

about the effects of improper waste disposal among community folks of District I,

Burauen, Leyte. It also identifies significant relationship of effects of improper waste

disposal and profile of respondents as to age, gender, educational attainment,

economic status and number of family numbers. This study is conducted in District I

Burauen, Leyte and the respondents are 10 households.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined conceptually/ operationally for further


Disposal – the power or authority to dispose or make use of as one chooses;

site where solid waste is finally discharged and deposited.

Pollution – the action or process of land, air, water etc. dirty and not safe or

suitable to use.

Segregation – the practice or policy of keeping people of different races,

religions etc., separate from each other.

Waste – loss of something valuable that occur because too much of it is being

used or because it is being used in a way that is not necessary or effective.

Waste Management – refers to the systematic administration of activities

that provide segregation, storage, transfer, processing, treatment, and disposal of

solid waste. It also involves other waste management activities that do not harm the


Recycling – refers to the treating or waste materials through a process of

making them suitable for beneficial and or other purposes.

Recycled Material – refers to postconsumer material that has been recycled

and returned to the economy.

Solid Waste – refers to all discarded household, commercial waste, non-

hazardous institutional and industrial waste, and non-toxic waste.

Hazardous Waste – refers to solid waste or combination of solid waste that

because of its quality, concentration, chemical or infectious characteristic may pose a

potential hazard to human health.

Reuse – to use again especially in a different way or after reclaiming or


Reduction – the act of making something in smaller size, amount, and


Recovery – the act or process of returning to a normal state after a period of

difficulty, the act or process of becoming healthy after an illness or injury.

Review of Related Literature
Related Literature
Disposing of waste has large environmental impacts and can cause serious

problems. Some waste will eventually rot, but not all, and in the process, it may

smell or generate methane gas, which is explosive and contributes to greenhouse

effect. There are much buried wastes in landfills sites – holes in the ground,

sometimes old quarries, sometimes specially dug. Len chute produced as waste

decomposes may cause pollution (Environmental impacts/Green choices, 2018).

The importance of Proper Waste Disposal is critical due to the fact that

certain types of wastes can be hazardous and can contaminate the environment if it is

not handled properly. (Wikipedia, 2018). Catastrophic effects of Improper Waste

Management Systems are observed in following areas – water pollution, air

pollution, waste and land pollution, climate change and health problems. When

people dispose waste properly and protect the environment, this almost carries with it

improvements to public. Reducing pollution lowers the chances of respiratory illness

and a cleaner water lessens the risk of drinking dangerous chemicals (Heubseh,


The process of segregation is as simple as its definition. It can easily be

carried out at home using just two dust bins – one for dry waste and the other for wet

waste. Dry waste (non-biodegradable) follows a completely different process of

recycling from wet waste (biodegradable). Start segregating waste in the kitchen dust

bin and to the rest of the house (DOH BIN, 2018).

This includes everyday items like food debris, used plastic bags, soda cans

and plastic, water bottles, broken furniture, grass clipping, product packaging, broken

home appliances and clothing (ESCHOOL TODAY, 2017). A number of waste

prevention techniques are available, and they are commonly summarized as the so

called 4’RS, Reduction, Reuse, Recycling, and Recovery. Companies sometimes

forms on the first three in resolving waste management problems (Business Tools,


Waste management or waste disposal are all activities and action required to

manage waste from its inception to its final disposal. This includes amongst other

things collection, transport, treatment, and disposal of waste together with

monitoring and regulation. It also encompasses the legal and regulatory framework

that relates to waste management encompassing guidance on recycling. With rational

and consistent waste management practices there is an opportunity to reap a range of

benefits such as economic, social, environmental and intergenerational equity

(Wikipedia, 2018).

The biggest challenge to growing Local Government Unit is come up with

Solid Waste and Pollution Control Strategies that would effectively reduce the

rubbish released to the environment. Unfortunately, this challenge cannot be

effectively addressed by each LGU alone. LGU’s need to combine their regulatory

and enforcement powers with public education, awareness and involvement

campaigns to be able to properly implement solid waste and pollution control

programs. Finally, a good solid waste and pollution strategy will not be an effective

one until it is fully implemented, accepted and institutionalized by the people and

institutions. As noted by several local chief executives with exemplary solid waste

programs, their strategies were not about good engineering and slogans nut rather

strong political will be implementing what is good for the environment and people

(Torres, 2000).

Related Studies

There were some findings from a study in Dar es Salham Tanzania by Salha

M. Kassim entitled Solid Waste collection by the private sector: Household


It was mentioned that people always generate waste through daily activities.

The solid waste needs to be properly managed in a way that minimizes risk to the

environment and human health, which means storage, collection and proper disposal.

At the same time solid wastes create livelihoods for the urban which has poor terms

of employment and business. This paper looks into one aspect of Solid Waste

Management, namely collection service.

The importance of Solid Waste Management is now recognized at

international, national, and community level. The agenda 21 declaration of the

United Nations (UN 1993). The global partnership for environment and

development: A guide to agenda 21 (pp. 88-89) New York: United Nations addresses

the issue of environmentally sound management of solid waste service, with

emphasis on the extension of solid waste service coverage to all urban and rural areas


Solid Waste Management is a service for which local governments are

usually responsible. However, due to inadequate capacity in public sector, in many

developing countries the private sector has stepped in to fill the gap in service

provision. Dar es Salaam (DSM) Tanzania, is one such developing country city in

which the private sector has become involved in solid waste collection services. The

sector compromises non-government organizations (NGO’S), Community – based

organizations (CBO’S) and local private companies (Kassim, S.M, & Ali, S.M

(2003). Private Solid waste collection service, Dar es Salaam Tanzania.

In proceedings of the 29th WRDC International Conference: Towards millennium

development goals. (Abuja Nigeria, Water and Engineering Centre WEDC). The

private sector in solid waste collection in DSM Program (SDP) through

environmental Planning and Management (EPM). (UNCHS., 1994a). Sustainable

Human Settlements Development: Implementing agenda 21 UNCHS. (1994a).

UNCHS Activities; New Anvoy to UNCHS from the United Republic of Tanzania.

(Habitat News 16, 1-3)

Contracting out of solid waste collection services to the private sector has

emerged to fill the gap in service delivery. In 1991 the city was generating 1,400 tons

of solid waste per day out of which only 5% was being collected.

Currently daily solid waste generation is estimated at about 2500 tons and

approximately 48% of the total waste generated is collected. At present privatization

covers 44 out of 73 city and 45 active registered private companies are involved

(Chinam, E.B.M, 2003). An overview of solid waste collection that benefits the poor,

Dan es Salaam, Tanzania, Collaborating Working Group on Solid Waste

management in Low and Middle-Income countries (CWG). This paper presents the

findings of a study that explored the household’s perspective on solid waste

collection services provided by the private sector. The study showed that the solid

waste collection service by the private sector is greatly influenced by household’s

attitudes and behavior. Their participation, demand for service, awareness,

satisfaction level and views on cost recovery are important in the sector.



This chapter presents the methodology in the conduct of this research. It

focuses on the approach used to explain how and where the collection of data will be


Research Design

The research design that will be employed in the study is a descriptive survey

and will use the questionnaire as the instrument for data gathering. Moreover, the

study will adapt a non-experimental design. It will be conducted in the natural

setting. The design was chosen for the purpose of knowing, describing and exploring

the effects Improper Waste Disposal to the community folks in District I Burauen,


Research Respondents

The respondents of the study will be 10 households/ community folks of

District I Burauen, Leyte. The respondents will check the questionnaires according to

their age, gender, educational attainment, annual income, and number of family


Research Locale

This study will be conducted in District I Burauen, Leyte. This community

has a simple chapel, business establishments, a government hospital, it has an

elementary school and secondary school with about a hundred graduates each year

and numerous sari-sari stores. According to the survey of 2018 made by the barangay

council, this community have a total of 1,765 population and most belong to average

employed class and it is composed of 377 households. This area was chosen because

I am a resident of the district. I want to become part of educating the public about

environmental issues and concerns regarding with proper disposal and segregation.

Research Sampling

This study will adapt the purposive type of sampling which is probable in

nature. This will be conducted in accordance with the criteria’s set. The researcher

will use this type of sampling because this afforded accessibility of suitable

respondents even if they will have busy schedules in their works and other activities.

It will be considered that most households have been educated regarding the waste

disposal and segregation because their comfort and availability were primarily

considered. Furthermore, this will feed the researcher from burden of looking

appropriate respondents and this will provide a higher reliability of responses.

Research Instrument

This study will utilize the instrument from empirical study regarding the

effects of Improper Waste Disposal among community folks of District I Burauen,

Leyte. The instrument will be researcher-made questionnaire containing 3 parts.

Part I will be composed of questions which will be answered honestly by the

respondents. In this part of the questionnaire, the age, gender, educational attainment,

annual income and number of family members will become the basis of the profile of

community folks in District I Burauen, Leyte.

Part II will focus on questions that will try to solicit awareness of respondents

about the effects of environmental issues/ concerns regarding Improper Waste

Disposal as to Water pollution, Air pollution, Land and Waste pollution, Global

warming and health problems.

Part III will present the questions that will determine the causes of Improper

Waste Disposal among respondents. This part will also include situations which will

determine the views of respondents about the different factors contributing to it. The

respondents will just spontaneously answer by checking the blanks indicated for their



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