LOutline 2 1 F 15
LOutline 2 1 F 15
LOutline 2 1 F 15
Data Management
Lecture Outline 2 - Part 1
The importance of Data Management
The file approach vs. the Database approach
How Data is Categorized
Database Design
Relational Databases
Data Modeling
Database Management System
Business Intelligence, Data Warehouses, Data Marts, and Data Mining
Database Technology
Organized collection of data
For the most part stored in electronic form
Data organized to model relevant aspects of reality
Database management system (DBMS):
Group of programs that manipulate the database
Provide an interface between the database and its users and other
application programs
Database administrator (DBA):
Skilled IS professional who directs all activities related to an organization’s
Databases in Action
Data Management Concepts
Why manage data?
Without data and the ability to process the data: An organization could not
successfully complete most business activities
Data consists of raw facts
To transform data into useful information:
It must first be organized in a meaningful way i.e. Database
Database Management System (DBMS)
A Collection of programs that enables users to store, modify, and extract
information from a database
The Hierarchy of Data
Bit (a binary digit):
Circuit that is either on or off
Byte: Typically make up of eight bits
Basic building block of information
Name, number, or combination of characters that describes an aspect of
business object or activity
The Hierarchy of Data
The Hierarchy of Data
Levels of Data within a Database
Levels of Data within a Database
A database system organizes data
in a hierarchy that starts with a
data item.
Data items can be characters,
numbers, or symbols. Data items
can be grouped to form a field, or
attribute. Related fields or
attributes can be grouped to form
a single instance of an entity or a
Related records or multiple
instances of a given entity can be
collected to form a file, or table.
A collection of files/ tables or
entities containing information to
support a given system is
organized into a database. 11
Data Management in a Computer
See Supplementary Notes “Data Management in a Computer”
Data Entities, Attributes, and Items
Things we store information about. (i.e. persons, places, objects, events, etc.)
Have relationships to other entities (i.e. the entity Student has a relationship to
the entity Grades in a University Student database
General class of people, places, or things (objects) for which data is collected,
stored, and maintained
These are pieces of information (characteristics) about an entity (i.e. Student ID,
Name, etc. for the entity Student)
Data item:
Specific value of an attribute
Data Entities, Attributes, and Items
The Key field is the Employee Number. The attributes include Last
Name, First Name, Hire Date an Department number
Data Entities, Attributes, Items, Keys
Defining Database – Keys
Database Keys
Mechanisms used to identify, select, and maintain one or more records using an
application program, query, or report
Primary Key
A unique attribute type used to identify a single instance of an entity
Compound Primary Key
A unique combination of attribute types used to identify a single instance of an
Secondary Key
An attribute that can be used to identify one or more records within a table with a
given value
Foreign Key
An attribute that appears as a non-primary key in one entity (table) and as a
primary key attribute in another entity (table) 16
Data Management and Database
Management Systems
Database (Application) System is the combination of the
database, the DBMS, and the application programs that access
the database
File Approach to Storing Data
Database Approach to Storing Data
File Approach Characteristics
Each application has its own set of files
Inflexibility: committed to processing particular queries
Uncontrolled Redundancy: If these separate applications need to process the
same data there are duplicate copies of the data, waste of valuable storage
Need to input data to several files
Data inconsistency (one fact may have more than one value – various versions may occur).
Poor Enforcement of System Standards: Data names, formats, access
restrictions… etc. are not standardized across an organization. This makes
modifications difficult and hinders sharing of data.
File Approach Characteristics (con’t)
Limited Data Sharing: Each application has its own private file providing
little opportunity for users to share existing data. Any new applications
would not be able to use existing files leading to low productivity.
Program – Data Dependency: Descriptions of files, records, data items are
embedded within application programs. Any modification to data file
requires that the application program using that file must also be changes. In
other words, program maintenance will be excessive
Database Approach Characteristics
A centralized Database Management System (DBMS) exists, which handles all data
management activities.
The DBMS does not fragment data into separate files but regards data as being stored in a
large conceptual repository – database. The DBMS handles the addition, storage, update, and
retrieval of data.
Database Approach - Overview
Database Approach - Advantages
Improved strategic use of corporate data
Reduced Data Redundancy
Improved Data Integrity
Easier modification and updating
Data and program independence
Better access to data and information
Standardization of data access
Improved data safeguarding
Efficient use of resources
Database Approach – Disadvantages
File Processing vs Database Approach
File Processing Approach (Old School) Database Approach (Current)
Storage Media: Sequential tapes or files Direct Acess Storage Device (DASD)
Data: Stored in long sequential files (no relationship Stored in tables with relationships with other files
with other files)
Updates: requires multiple updates in many files Requires few or one update for a data field
Data Management