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Germline-Activating RRAS2 Mutations

Cause Noonan Syndrome
Tetsuya Niihori,1,2,* Koki Nagai,1 Atsushi Fujita,3 Hirofumi Ohashi,4 Nobuhiko Okamoto,5
Satoshi Okada,6 Atsuko Harada,7 Hirotaka Kihara,8 Thomas Arbogast,2 Ryo Funayama,9
Matsuyuki Shirota,10 Keiko Nakayama,9 Taiki Abe,1 Shin-ichi Inoue,1 I-Chun Tsai,2
Naomichi Matsumoto,3 Erica E. Davis,2 Nicholas Katsanis,2,* and Yoko Aoki1

Noonan syndrome (NS) is characterized by distinctive craniofacial appearance, short stature, and congenital heart disease. Approxi-
mately 80% of individuals with NS harbor mutations in genes whose products are involved in the RAS/mitogen-activating protein kinase
(MAPK) pathway. However, the underlying genetic causes in nearly 20% of individuals with NS phenotype remain unexplained. Here,
we report four de novo RRAS2 variants in three individuals with NS. RRAS2 is a member of the RAS subfamily and is ubiquitously
expressed. Three variants, c.70_78dup (p.Gly24_Gly26dup), c.216A>T (p.Gln72His), and c.215A>T (p.Gln72Leu), have been found
in cancers; our functional analyses showed that these three changes induced elevated association of RAF1 and that they activated
ERK1/2 and ELK1. Notably, prominent activation of ERK1/2 and ELK1 by p.Gln72Leu associates with the severe phenotype of the in-
dividual harboring this change. To examine variant pathogenicity in vivo, we generated zebrafish models. Larvae overexpressing
c.70_78dup (p.Gly24_Gly26dup) or c.216A>T (p.Gln72His) variants, but not wild-type RRAS2 RNAs, showed craniofacial defects and
macrocephaly. The same dose injection of mRNA encoding c.215A>T (p.Gln72Leu) caused severe developmental impairments and
low dose overexpression of this variant induced craniofacial defects. In contrast, the RRAS2 c.224T>G (p.Phe75Cys) change, located
on the same allele with p.Gln72His in an individual with NS, resulted in no aberrant in vitro or in vivo phenotypes by itself. Together,
our findings suggest that activating RRAS2 mutations can cause NS and expand the involvement of RRAS2 proto-oncogene to rare
germline disorders.

Noonan syndrome (NS [MIM: 163950]) is an autosomal- RIT1 (MIM: 609591) mutations in individuals with NS
dominant or -recessive disorder characterized by distinctive using WES.10 Subsequently, mutations in A2ML1 (MIM:
craniofacial features, short stature, and congenital heart dis- 610627), RASA2 (MIM: 601589), SOS2 (MIM: 601247),
ease.1,2 NS is one of the developmental syndromes caused LZTR1 (MIM: 600574),1 PPP1CB (MIM: 600590),11 and
by mutations in molecules involved in the RAS/MAPK MRAS (MIM: 608435)12 have been reported as causes of
(RAF/MEK/ERK) signaling pathway, termed collectively as NS or NS-like syndromes, although the contribution of
the RASopathies.3 The RAS/MAPK pathway regulates cell each locus to the pathogenicity of NS is modest. Such dis-
proliferation, differentiation, survival, and apoptosis.4 coveries suggest that the remaining 20% of individuals
Previous studies of genes associated with NS and related with NS that remain undiagnosed molecularly will likely
disorders, including Costello syndrome (CS [MIM: harbor rare, possibly private, mutations in a host of hitherto
218040]) and cardio-facio-cutaneous syndrome (CFCS uncharacterized genes. As such, we have undertaken an
[MIM: 115150]),5–9 have unified these clinically overlap- investigational paradigm in which we pair WES on individ-
ping disorders as RASopathies in which dysregulation of uals with NS-related disorders with in vitro and in vivo
the RAS/MAPK pathway is a common molecular basis. To studies of candidate pathogenic variants. In the present
date, mutations in genes encoding many components of study, we report the identification of three individuals
the RAS/MAPK pathway, including PTPN11 (MIM: with de novo RRAS2 (MIM: 600098) variants. Our genetic
176876), KRAS (MIM: 190070), SOS1 (MIM: 182530), and functional data support a causal role for de novo domi-
RAF1 (MIM: 164760), SHOC2 (MIM: 602775), CBL (MIM: nant alleles as drivers of NS-like pathology in humans.
165360), BRAF (MIM: 164757), NRAS (MIM: 164790), First, we performed WES on 27 individuals with clini-
RRAS (MIM: 165090), have been reported as causes of NS cally diagnosed or suspected NS or NS-related disorders
or NS-like syndromes.1 without known RASopathy mutations (details in Supple-
The emergence of whole-exome sequencing (WES) has mental Material and Methods). This study was approved
accelerated the discovery of RASopathy genes. We identified by the Ethics Committee of the Tohoku University School

Department of Medical Genetics, Tohoku University School of Medicine, Sendai 980-8574, Japan; 2Center for Human Disease Modeling, Duke University
Medical Center, Durham, NC 27701, USA; 3Department of Human Genetics, Yokohama City University Graduate School of Medicine, Yokohama 236-0004,
Japan; 4Division of Medical Genetics, Saitama Children’s Medical Center, Saitama 330-8777, Japan; 5Department of Medical Genetics, Osaka Women’s and
Children’s Hospital, Osaka 594-1101, Japan; 6Department of Pediatrics, Hiroshima University Graduate School of Biomedical & Health Sciences, Hiroshima
734-8551, Japan; 7Department of Pediatric Neurosurgery, Takatsuki General Hospital, Osaka 569-1192, Japan; 8Department of Pediatrics, Onomichi Gen-
eral Hospital, Hiroshima 722-8508, Japan; 9Department of Cell Proliferation, United Center for Advanced Research and Translational Medicine, Tohoku
University Graduate School of Medicine, Sendai 980-8575, Japan; 10Division of Interdisciplinary Medical Sciences, United Center for Advanced Research
and Translational Medicine, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, Sendai 980-8575, Japan
*Correspondence: tniihori@med.tohoku.ac.jp (T.N.), katsanis@cellbio.duke.edu (N.K.)
Ó 2019 American Society of Human Genetics.

The American Journal of Human Genetics 104, 1233–1240, June 6, 2019 1233
Table 1. Clinical Features in the Scoring System of Noonan Syndrome Proposed by van der Burgt15 in Individuals with RRAS2 Mutations
Individual NS462 NS833 HU1

Sex female female male

Age at evaluation 6 years 4 years 3 years

Initial diagnosis NS or CFC NS undiagnosed

RRAS2 variant c.70_78dup (p.Gly24_Gly26dup) c.[216A>T;224T>G], c.215A>T (p.Gln72Leu)


Facial dysmorphology typical typical suggestive

Cardiac feature pulmonic stenosis  dilated cardiomyopathy

Short stature (SD)  (þ0.2) þ (2.4) þ (5.9)

Pectus abnormalities  pectus excavatum pectus excavatum

Family history simplex simplex simplex

Intellectual disability (ID), cryptorchidism,  mild ID severe ID, cryptorchidism

and lymphatic dysplasia

of Medicine. Written informed consent was obtained from child of non-consanguineous parents. He had short stature,
all subjects involved in the study or from their parents. We pectus excavatum, intellectual disability, and cryptorchi-
filtered the identified variants by minor allele frequency dism (Supplemental Note; Tables 1 and S1). His facial
(MAF) in population databases such as 1000 Genomes, appearance was not typical for NS at age 3 years, however,
dbSNP, ExAC Browser, and Human Genetic Variation Data- retrospective inspection of the images taken in his infancy
base (absent or <0.01) and by functional prediction revealed that he had a facial gestalt of NS. Therefore, he ful-
(missense, nonsense, indel, or splicing). We prioritized filled the criteria for NS proposed by van der Burgt.18 In
genes whose products are members of the RAS/MAPK total, we identified rare RRAS2 variants in 3 of 219 individ-
pathway. We found a RRAS2 (GenBank: NM_012250.6; uals suspected of having NS or NS-related disorders. These
c.70_78dup) variant in individual NS462 and two RRAS2 data suggest that, similar to other recently discovered
variants (c.216A>T and c.224T>G) in individual NS833 NS-associated genes, RRAS2 mutations likely account for a
(Table 1). Segregation analysis in the parents revealed small fraction of NS.
that all three variants arose de novo. Parentage in each fam- Individual NS462, who harbored RRAS2 c.70_78dup, was
ily was confirmed by the thousands of variants in common 6 years old at her last clinical examination; she is the second
between child and parent in the trio exomes. RRAS2, also child of healthy non-consanguineous parents. She pre-
called TC21, encodes a member of the RAS GTPase super- sented with macrocephaly, pulmonic stenosis, hemangi-
family and is expressed ubiquitously, with the highest omas, mild myopia, and left hearing impairment (Tables 1
levels in the heart, placenta, and skeletal muscle.13 and S1). Microarray analysis did not reveal gross duplication
RRAS2 is an evolutionarily conserved protein and exhibits or deletion. Her initial diagnosis was CFCS or NS. RRAS2
55% amino acid identity to RAS proteins.14 c.70_78dup, which encodes p.Gly24_Gly26dup, maps to a
Subsequently, we sequenced all coding exons of RRAS2 in phosphate-binding loop (P loop) in a domain that is
191 molecularly undiagnosed individuals suspected of hav- conserved across the RAS family (Figures 1A–1C). This
ing NS or NS-related disorders, but we did not identify any duplication has already been identified in a human uterine
additional rare (i.e., <0.01 MAF in population databases) leiomyosarcoma cell line, SK-UT-l,19 and it is known to
nonsynonymous variants. In parallel, we performed WES activate ERK20 and its transforming activity.19 We also
on samples from an undiagnosed individual HU1 with se- sequenced DNA from the individual’s hair and fingernails
vere failure to thrive and his healthy parents. We identified and confirmed the presence of RRAS2 c.70_78dup, suggest-
a de novo RRAS2 c.215A>T variant in HU1 and confirmed ing that the variation was not a somatic mutation in periph-
the segregation of the variant by Sanger sequencing. eral blood (data not shown).
The c.215A>T (p.Gln72Leu) variant has been found in Individual NS833 was 4 years old at the time of last exam-
epithelial ovarian tumors,13 juvenile myelomonocytic ination, and she is the first child of healthy non-consan-
leukemia,15 and other cancers (reported in COSMIC: guineous parents. She presented with macrocephaly with
COSG1128). Importantly, the codon Gln72 corresponds enlarged ventricles, short stature (2.4 SD), pectus excava-
to codon Gln61 in KRAS, HRAS, and NRAS, a hotspot for tum, skin manifestations, and mild intellectual disability
mutations in several cancers (Figures 1A–1C).16 This variant (Figures 1D and 1E; Tables 1 and S1). She was diagnosed
has also been reported to induce activation of ERK17 and to with NS at 2 years 4 months. WES detected two RRAS2
elevate neoplastic transformation.13,17 Individual HU1 was variants, c.216A>T and c.224T>G. Sanger sequencing
3 years old at the time of last examination and was the third confirmed the presence of c.216A>T and c.224T>G in

1234 The American Journal of Human Genetics 104, 1233–1240, June 6, 2019
Figure 1. RRAS2 Mutations Identified in
Individuals with Noonan Syndrome
(A) Exon-intron structure of RRAS2 (upper)
and functional domains of RRAS proteins
(lower). RRAS2 variants in individuals with
Noonan syndrome (NS) were located in
phosphate-binding loop or switch II region.
(B) Crystal structure of human RRAS2.
Phosphate-binding loop, switch I, switch
II, GDP, and residues mutated in individ-
uals with Noonan syndrome (NS) are high-
lighted in pink, purple, blue, yellow, and
red, respectively.
(C) Partial amino acid sequence alignment
of human RRAS2, RRAS, MRAS, KRAS,
HRAS, and NRAS. High conservation of res-
idues of Gly24-Gly26 and Gln72 through
all paralogs are shown. Conservation of
residues at Phe75 was limited in the RRAS
subfamily. Red circles indicate hotspot res-
idues mutated in various cancers in KRAS,
(D and E) Photos of individual NS833. She
had the definitive facial appearance of NS
at 4 years of age.
(F–J) Photos of individual HU1 at (F)
neonatal period, (G) 7 months, (H)
22 months, and (I and J) 3 years of age.
(K) Axial slice of brain magnetic reso-
nance image of HU1 taken at 6 months
of age shows ventriculomegaly and
widened subarachnoid spaces in the fron-
tal and temporal lobes.

are pathogenic but that the fifth is

benign (Figure 2A). Next, we conduct-
ed immunoblotting of the cell lysates
expressing WT or mutant RRAS2 us-
ing anti-phospho-MEK1/2 and phos-
pho-ERK1/2 antibodies. We observed
increased levels of phospho-MEK1/2
and phospho-ERK1/2 in the cells
the same allele in NS833 (Figure S1). The c.216A>T expressing RRAS2 p.Gly24_Gly26dup, p.[Gln72His;
(p.Gln72His) variant has been found in endometrioid carci- Phe75Cys], p.Gln72His, and p.Gln72Leu. These results
noma (reported in COSMIC: COSG1128) and results in an suggest that p.Gly24_Gly26dup, p.[Gln72His;Phe75Cys],
amino acid change at the same residue as p.Gln72Leu, p.Gln72His, and p.Gln72Leu mutants had increased affin-
which activates ERK. In contrast, c.224T>G (p.Phe75Cys) ity toward RAF and activate MEK/ERK.
has not been reported thus far. In this context, we presumed Our pull-down assays and immunoblotting data sug-
that aberrant activation of the RAS/MAPK pathway under- gested downstream activation of the RAS/MAPK pathway.
lies NS of the individuals with RRAS2 variants. To confirm these findings, we performed reporter
To test the pathogenicity of the discovered RRAS2 muta- assays using ELK-1, a transcriptional factor downstream of
tions, we performed pull-down assays with the Raf-Ras- RAS/MAPK, whose transactivation in cells expressing
binding domain (RBD, residues 1–149) of RAF1.21 We RASopathy-gene mutations is known to increase.5 We trans-
transfected a RRAS2 wild-type (WT) or mutant cDNAs in fected HEK293 cells with WT or mutant RRAS2 expression
HEK293 cells and pulled-down activated RAS. The RRAS2 constructs, a pFR-luc trans-reporter vector, a pFA2-ELK1
levels in cells expressing p.[Gln72His;Phe75Cys] and vector, and a phRLnull-luc vector and measured their
p.Phe75Cys were decreased compared to WT (consistent relative luciferase activity (RLA). Consistent with our earlier
results across three independent experiments). Further- data, we observed a significant increase in RLA in cells trans-
more, compared to WT RRAS2 we observed increased bind- fected with RRAS2 p.Gly24_Gly26dup, p.[Gln72His;\dis-
ing of activated RAS for each of RRAS2 p.Gly24_Gly26dup, playstylePhe75Cys], p.Gln72His, and p.Gln72Leu but not
p.[Gln72His;Phe75Cys], p.Gln72His, and p.Gln72Leu but in cells transfected with p.Phe75Cys alone (Figure 2B).
not p.Phe75Cys alone, suggesting that the first four alleles These results suggest that RRAS2 p.Gly24_Gly26dup,

The American Journal of Human Genetics 104, 1233–1240, June 6, 2019 1235
titative measurements of the craniofacial skeleton demar-
cated by a transgene expressing GFP under the col1a1
promoter Tg(1.4col1a1:egfp) are a useful method for as-
sessing the effect of alleles that impact craniofacial develop-
ment.25 Given the in vitro data, we asked whether expres-
sion of each of the human RRAS2 mutant mRNAs might
recapitulate aspects of pathology observed in affected indi-
viduals. To test this possibility, we injected WT mRNA of
human RRAS2 or mRNA encoding each of the variants (or
combination thereof) into transgenic embryos. We noticed
that injection of 25 pg of p.Gln72Leu mRNA was lethal, but
injections of the same dose of WT or the other mutant
mRNAs represented the highest non-lethal dose. Therefore,
we started with embryos which were injected with 25 pg of
WT or mutant mRNA except for p.Gln72Leu. At 11 h post
fertilization (hpf), we observed significant elongation of
the yolk in RRAS2 p.Gly24_Gly26dup, p.[Gln72His;
Phe75Cys], and p.Gln72His embryos compared to WT
(Figure S2); differences between p.Phe75Cys and WT were
not significant. We then raised embryos to 3 days post fertil-
ization (dpf) and measured the ceratohyal angle, a mandib-
ular structure which reflects the width and bluntness of the
head.26 The ceratohyal angle was significantly increased
in larval batches injected with mRNA encoding p.Gly24_
Gly26dup, p.[Gln72His;Phe75Cys], and p.Gln72His (Fig-
ures 3A and 3B) but was indistinguishable from WT upon
injection of p.Phe75Cys mRNA. These results were consis-
tent with our in vitro data and prior genetic observations
in tumors, all of which point toward the mutants driving
hyperactivation of MAPK signaling.
As a second test, we also measured body length and
relative head length (head length divided by body
length) at 3 dpf. Expression of RRAS2 p.Gly24_Gly26dup,
Figure 2. Functional Assays of RRAS2 Variants p.[Gln72His;Phe75Cys], and p.Gln72His led to significant
(A) Representative immunoblots of three independent experi- decreases in body length compared to WT RRAS2 (Figures
ments. HEK293 cells transfected with WT or mutant RRAS2 con-
structs or empty vector (Mock) were used for pull-down assays
3C and 3D). Relative head length in RRAS2 p.Gly24_
and immunoblotting. RRAS2-guanosine triphosphate (GTP) Gly26dup, p.[Gln72His;Phe75Cys], and p.Gln72His larvae
which was pulled down using RAF1-RBD agarose, total RRAS2, were also greater than in WT larvae (Figure 3E). Finally,
phospho-MEK1/2, total MEK1/2, phospho-ERK1/2, total ERK1/2, we also observed an increased incidence of pericardial effu-
and b-actin as a loading control were shown. WT, wild-type.
(B) Stimulation of ELK transcription by RRAS2 mutants. ELK-GAL4
sion in RRAS2 p.Gly24_Gly26dup, p.[Gln72His;Phe75Cys],
and GAL4-luciferase trans-reporter vectors were transiently and p.Gln72His larvae (Figure S3) that might underscore a
co-transfected with RRAS2 constructs into unstimulated HEK293 structural heart defect.
cells. Relative luciferase activity (RLA) was normalized to the To test the p.Gln72Leu variant, we established the high-
activity of a co-transfected control vector (phRLnull-luc) express-
ing Renilla reniformis luciferase. Folds under each bar were calcu-
est tolerated dose of mRNA and injected it into embryos
lated as a multiple of WT. Data are presented as mean 5 SD; n ¼ to observe developmental defects in live larvae. The em-
3 per group. WT, wild-type. ***p < 0.001 compared with WT. bryos injected with 5 pg of p.Gln72Leu mRNA were viable
and showed significantly increased ceratohyal angles
p.[Gln72His;Phe75Cys], p.Gln72His, and p.Gln72Leu as compared to the uninjected controls (Figure 3B, right),
well as other RASopathy mutations stimulate the signaling although the body length and relative head size of
pathway leading to ELK1 activation. p.Gln72Leu-injected larvae were not different from
Our in vitro data suggest that aberrant activation of RAS/ those of uninjected controls (right panels of Figures 3D
MAPK are likely drivers of the pathology seen in our and 3E). Together, these data suggest that expression
NS-affected case subjects. To test this model in vivo, we of RRAS2 encoding p.Gly24_Gly26dup, p.[Gln72His;
turned to zebrafish, a useful model for testing defective Phe75Cys], p.Gln72His, and p.Gln72Leu induced craniofa-
RAS signaling,22–24 whose genome also contains a rras2 cial patterning defects in zebrafish larvae that correspond to
ortholog (96% identical; 98% similar for human versus symptoms relevant to our affected individuals and further
zebrafish protein). We took advantage of the fact that quan- support our in vitro studies.

1236 The American Journal of Human Genetics 104, 1233–1240, June 6, 2019
Figure 3. Morphology of Zebrafish Larvae Injected with Wild-Type (WT) or Mutant RRAS2 mRNA at 3 Days Post Fertil-
ization (dpf)
(A) Tg(1.4col1a1:egfp) transgenic embryos, in which cartilage cells are marked by EGFP, were injected at the 1- to 4-cell stage with RNA
encoding RRAS2-WT or variants identified in affected individuals. The angle of the ceratohyal cartilage was measured at 3 dpf. Represen-
tative images of an uninjected control (UI) and RRAS2-variant mRNA injected larvae are depicted. Scale bar: 200 mm.

(legend continued on next page)

The American Journal of Human Genetics 104, 1233–1240, June 6, 2019 1237
We describe de novo RRAS2 mutations identified in three been reported in zebrafish models of RASopathies express-
individuals showing a NS phenotype. All three individuals ing BRAF, MAP2K1 (MIM: 176872), MAP2K2 (MIM:
with RRAS2 mutations had macrocephaly and typical or sug- 601263),31 RIT1,10 and NRAS.26 In addition, reduced
gestive facial appearance of NS. Regarding the other features, body length has been seen in zebrafish models expressing
they had clinical manifestations sufficient to fulfill the diag- PTPN1128 and HRAS29 mutations. Such similarities among
nostic criteria by van der Burgt, though they were not com- RASopathy models suggest common underlying mecha-
mon among all individuals. HU1, who had more severe nisms led by the dysregulation of the RAS/MAPK pathway.
phenotype such as failure to thrive and severe develop- In summary, we identified four de novo RRAS2 variants in
mental delay, harbored a p.Gln72Leu variant. This variant three individuals with NS, three of which are likely drivers
elicited a potent effect in our in vitro and in vivo assays, sug- of pathology through the hyperactivation of the RAS/
gesting a possible genotype-phenotype correlation. Howev- MAPK pathway. Together with an accompanying study
er, the identification of a larger RRAS2 allelic series will be showing RRAS2 mutations in individuals with NS or
required to enable establishment of such correlations. NS-like phenotype,32 these findings broaden our under-
Individual NS833 has two de novo variants, p.Gln72His standing of roles of RRAS2 in human development, ex-
and p.Phe75Cys, in cis. p.Gln72His has been found in en- panding the mutational landscape of NS and related
dometrioid carcinoma and is likely pathogenic because of disorders. Our work also highlights how, given the rarity
its homologous position to the hotspot Gln61 in KRAS, of the remaining genes for this group of disorders, the com-
NRAS, and HRAS.16 Our functional data agree with that bination of genetic, in vitro, and in vivo studies might be
prediction. In contrast, the second variant is likely benign. necessary to establish the identity of causal loci.
Multiple in silico analyses predicted that p.Phe75Cys exerts
an adverse effect (Table S2), which is only partially consis- Supplemental Data
tent with our functional analyses wherein we observe
decreased protein levels compared to WT. It is formally Supplemental Data can be found online at https://doi.org/10.
possible that this variant is detrimental to protein function 1016/j.ajhg.2019.04.014.
but not in a fashion that would give rise to NS-associated
pathologies, especially since the allele is absent from pop- Acknowledgments
ulation databases.
The authors thank the individuals who participated in this study
Our zebrafish model expressing RRAS2 mutations
and their families. We also thank Drs. Kenji Kurosawa, Seiji Mizuno,
showed elongated shapes of developing embryos, reduced Hiroshi Kawame, Tsutomu Ogata, Yoichi Matsubara, and other phy-
body length, macrocephaly, and craniofacial defects. Injec- sicians for sending samples of patients, and Ikumi Umeki, Yoko
tion of the same dose of p.Gln72Leu mRNA as those of the Tateda, Kumi Kato, Miyuki Tsuda, Mami Kikuchi, Makiko Naka-
other variants induced embryonic death, suggesting gawa, and Kiyotaka Kuroda for their technical assistance. We also
stronger impact of this mutation. We observed significant acknowledge the technical support of the Biomedical Research
differences in ceratohyal angle in larvae with lower dose Core of Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine. This
injection of p.Gln72Leu mRNA, but not in body length work was supported by US National Institutes of Health grant
and relative head size. Increases of ceratohyal angle may MH106826 to E.E.D., AMED under grants to Y.A. (JP18ek0109241
and JP18ek0109278) and N.M. (JP18ek0109280, JP18dm0107090,
be a sensitive marker in zebrafish models of RASopathies.
JP18ek0109301, JP18ek0109348, and JP18kk020501), and Japan
Zebrafish models expressing BRAF, HRAS (MIM: 190020),
Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) KAKENHI Grant
and PTPN11 mutations were approved for functional
Numbers JP16K15522 to Y.A., JP17H01539 to N.M., JP17H06994
studies by ClinGen’s RASopathy Expert Panel.27 Notably, to A.F., and JP15KK0293 to T.N.
craniofacial defects, including wide heads and/or hypopla-
sia of the ventral side of the head, have been observed in
zebrafish models expressing PTPN11,28 HRAS,29 NRAS,26 Declaration of Interests
RIT1,10 and zebrafish a2ml130 mutations. Furthermore, N.K. is a paid consultant and holds founder stock in Rescindo
elongation of developing embryos at 10–12 hpf has Therapeutics. The other authors declare no competing interests.

(B) Quantification of the ceratohyal angle. Left: we injected 25 pg mRNA encoding each indicated RRAS2 condition. n ¼ 61–80 embryos
per batch. n.s., not significant; **p < 0.001 by Dunnett’s test. Right: 5 pg of p.Gln72Leu endoding mRNA was injected. n ¼ 39–56
embryos per batch. *p < 0.01 by Student’s t test. The thick line in the box represents median value; the bottom and top lines of the
box represent first and third quartiles, respectively; the whiskers extend from the hinge to the lowest or highest value that is within
1.5-fold of interquartile range from the hinge; the filled circles are outliers.
(C) The body (lower arrow) and head (upper arrow) length were measured at 3 dpf. Representative images of an uninjected control (UI)
and RRAS2-mRNA injected larvae are shown. Scale bar: 500 mm.
(D and E) Quantification of body length (D) and relative head size, which was the value of the head length divided by the value of the
body length (E). Left: we injected 25 pg of each RRAS2 mRNA. n ¼ 61–82 embryos per batch. n.s., not significant; **p < 0.001 by
Dunnett’s test. Right: 5 pg of p.Gln72Leu encoding RNA was injected. n ¼ 36–53 embryos per batch. n.s., not significant by Student’s
t test. The thick line in the box represents median value; the bottom and top lines of the box represent first and third quartiles, respec-
tively; the whiskers extend from the hinge to the lowest or highest value that is within 1.5-fold of interquartile range from the hinge; the
filled circles are outliers.

1238 The American Journal of Human Genetics 104, 1233–1240, June 6, 2019
Received: March 5, 2019 Gain-of-function mutations in RIT1 cause Noonan syndrome,
Accepted: April 18, 2019 a RAS/MAPK pathway syndrome. Am. J. Hum. Genet. 93,
Published: May 23, 2019 173–180.
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