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REPORT NO. DOT-TSC-OST-75-50 ' ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - . /)



P.J. Huck
~1.N.Iyeng ar
K.S. Makeig
J. Chipp s

lIT Resea rch Ins'ti tute

10 W. 35th Stree t
Chica go IL 60616

. .

;~ .
. .

) JULY 1976



Prepa red for

Offic e of the Assis tant Secre tary for
System s Devel opmen t and Techn ology
Offic e of System s Engin eering
Washi ngton DC 20590
This document is disseminated under the sponsorship
of the Department of Transportation in the interest
of information exchange. The United States Govern-
ment assumes no liaoility for its contents or use

The United States Government does not endorse pro-
ducts or manufacturers. Trade or manufacturers'
names appear herein solely because they are con-
sidered essential to the object of this report.
Technical ~eport Documentatian Page
1. Report No. 2_ Government Acce!.!i.ion No. 3. Recipient's Catalog No.

4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Dot ..
SYSTEMS - ECONOMIC, TECHNICAL AND 6. Perlorming Orgoni zotion Code
i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l B. Performing Organi zotion Report No.
7. Author's) t
P.J. Huck, M.N. Iyengar, K.S. Makeig and J. Chipps DOT-TSC-OST-7S-S0
9, Performing Organization Nome and Address 10. Work Unit No. (TRAIS)
lIT Research Institute* 11. Contract or Grant No.
10 W. 35th Street DOT-TSC-794
Chicago IL 60616 13. Type of Report and Period Covered
12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address
U.S. Department of Transportation Final Report
Office of the Secretary June 1974 - November 1975
Office of the Asst. Sec. for SY8. Dev. and Tech.
14. Sponsoring Agency Code
Office of Systems Engineering
Washington DC 20590
15. Supplemen'ory Notes
U.S. Department of Transportation t American Public \o7orks
Transportation Systems Center Association
contract to: Kendall Square Chicago IL
{ Cambridge MA 02142
1'6. Ab.lroct

Although utility tunnels are common in Europe and Asia, United States use is
largely confined to institutions where all utilities are under single ownership.
Cut-and-cover transportation projects appear to display nearly ideal conditions
for theu8e of utility tunnels. This project evaluated the economic, technical
and institutional feasibility of incorporating utility tunnels into cut-and-cover
transportation tunnel projects. Direct construction costs for the utility tunnel
and conventional utility treatment options were projected and found to be comparable.
In addition, significant reductions in urban disruption result when the construction
of the utility tunnel and transportation tunnel is properly integrated. The com-
bined tunnel system is the recommended option. The treatment of each utility, the
structure of the tunnel operating entity and recommendations for implementation
are 1nC1Udedo\!

17. Key Word. 18. Oi .tributian Statement

Utility' Tunnels
Cut-and-Cover Tunnels
19. Securi ty Clo55i1. (01 thi. report) 20. Security Cland. (of this page) 21. No. of Pages J 22. Price
I~'~~------ _ _- - I I - -
Unclassified Unclassif ied I
242 I

-.,rm DOT F 1700.7 (B-72) Reproduction of completed poge authorized


Recent years have seen an increased interest in the

use of utility tunnels with urban cut and cover projects.
Among the many contributing factors are congested under-
ground space, disruption during utility maintenance.,_ and
the cost of handling utilities during the construction of
transportation tunnels. Consideration of these and other
factors resulted in a decision by the Department of Trans-
portation - Office of the Secretary and the Transportation
Systems Center to fund the study reported herein. The
purpose of the study was to delineate the conditions under
which utility tunnels might be advantageously used in cut
and cover projects, and to detail how this should be done.

The area of study is not new. In addition to numer-

ous notes in the technical literature, four recent efforts
have been reported. These. are two special reports by the
American Public Works Association (APWA), and two feasi-
bility studies conducted ona specific example in the City
of Chicago. These efforts taketi together provide an
orderly evaluation of utility tunnels, and the design of
a specific example. The effort reported herein, considering
the integration of the utility tunnel and transportation
tunnel, while generalizing the previous works to provide
nationwide applicability, is a logical extension of previous

Individuals who gave additional assistance include:

David D'Appolonia - Soletanche and Radio
Gillbert Tallard - Soletanche and Radio
Petros P. Xanthakos - Xanthakos, Inc.
George J. Tamaro - ICaS Corporation of America.

The cooperation of the organizations listed below

was of great assistance in gathering information from

Preceding Page Blank I iii

the utility and engineering communities in the following

Atlanta, GA
Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority
Parsons Brinkcerhoff - Tudor-Bechtel, Consulting

Baltimore, MD
Daniel, Mann, Johnson and Mendenhall/Kaiser
Department of Public Works
Mass Transit. Administration
C & P Te"lephone Company of Maryland
Baltimore Gas and Electric.

Chicago, IL
Petros"P. Xanthakos, Inc.
Sumitomo Construction America, Inc.
Midwest Precast Company
Tone Boring Co., LTD.
Chicago Urban Transportation District
Consoer, Townsend and Assoc.
Bureau of Sewers
Bureau of Water
Bureau of Streets
Bureau of Street Traffic
Illinois Bell Telephone Co.
Peoples Gas Light and Coke Company
Commonwealth Edison Company
Western Union Company
Edward McLean, Inc.

Denver, CO
DeLeuw, Cather and Co.
Regional Transportation District
Denver Public Service Co.
Stearn Heat Public Service Co.
Gas Public Service Co.
Commercial and Industrial Services.

Lake Buena Vista, FL

Di~neyworld, Inc.
Reedy Creek Utilities Co., Inc.

Philadelphi~, PA
Meridian Engineering, Inc.
City of Philadelphia Department of Public Property
Philadelphia Gas Works
Philadelphia Water Department
Philadelphia Electric Co.
Bell Telephone Co.

Washington, DC
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority
Bechtel, Inc.

Acknowledgment of internal contributions from the

staffs at lIT Research Institute and APWA are also in
order for Owen Viergutz, Henry Tockman, Suzanne Vincent and
. Patricia Sullivan.


Approlim'le Conv"lionl 10 Mllric Me •• urll
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TEMPERATURE lellcl! 'c Celsius 9/5 Ithen Fata'anheil -,
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Section Page
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Project Background 2
1.3 Research Objectives 4
1.4 Summary 6f Results 4
2.1 Summary 14
2.2 Previous Monroe Street Recommendations 15
3.1 Utility Characteristics and 21
3.1 .. 1 "Natural Gas Configuration 26
3.1.2 Electric Power Configuration 37
3.1.3 Wire Communications 45
3.1. 4 Water Supply System 52
3.1.5 Sewer System Configuration 56
3.1.6 Other Utility Systems 59
3.1.7 Future Utility Expa.nsion 61
3.1.8 Conclusions and Recommendations 65
3.2 Tunnel Systems 69
3.2.1 Ventilation 71
3.2.2 Drainage 71
3.2.3 Emergency Overflow 72
3.2.4 Lighting 72
3.2.5 Corrnnunications 72
3.2.6 Fire Control 73
3.2.7 Vapor Detection 73
3.2.8 Access and Work Hatches 73
3.2.9 Security Monitors and Control 74
3.3 Tunnel Safety 75

CONTENTS (cont'd)

Section Page
3.4 Construction Sequence 89
3.5 Technical Conclusions 98


4.1 Tunnel Ownership a~d Operation 101
4.2 Utility Companies 106
4.3 Unions 114
4.4 The Public 116
4.5 Institutional Factors Summary and 117
5.1 Societal Factors 120
5.2 Legal Implications of a Utility 129
5.3 Economic Analysis 140
A - Annotated Bibliography A-l
B - Traffic Delay During Construction B-1
C - Report of Inventions C-l


3-1 Natural Gas Alternatives 1-5 30
3-2 Electric Power Alternatives 1-3 41
3-3 Communications Alternatives 1 and 2 49

3-3a Details of Cable Lateral and Splice 50

3-4 Water System Alternatives land 2 55
3-5 Gravity Flow Sewers in Supplementary 58
3-6 Transverse Tunnel Cross Section 67

3-7 Plan View of Recommended Utility Tunnel 68

3-8 Effect of Ventilation Rate in Keeping 87
Minor Leaks Be~ow the Lower Explosive
3-9 The Probability of Simultaneous (Same 87
Day-Same Section) Gas and Electric
Trouble Over a 50-Year Period
3-10 Construction Sequence for Option I .92

3-11 Construction Sequence for Option II 94

3-12 Construction Sequence for Option III 96

'5-1 Option I - Conventional Design 142

5-2 Option II - Utility Tunnel with Center 143

5-3 Option III - Utility Tunnel with Strip 145
Panel Wall


Table Page
2-1 Summary of Utility Tunnel Information 10
from Universities and Government
2-2 Degree of Accommodation of Utility 12
Services in Existing Utility Tunnels
3-1 Summary of Requirments for Existing 70
and Future Utilities in a Tunnel
3-2 Possible Failure Modes and Effects in 77
Utility Tunnel
5-1 Summary of Losses for Each Construction 128
5-2 Authority by Which Utilities Occupy 135
Public Streets Rights of Way
5-3 Relocation Responsibility 136
5-4 Structural Cost - Options I and III ' 146
5-5 Price References 149
5-6 Cost Estimates for the. Options 152
5-7 Utility Tunnel Requirements: Option III 155
5-8 Operation and Maintenance Cost 159
5-9 Cost Summary 162



A utility tunnel is defined as an underground

structure containing one or more utility 'systems, permitting
installation, maintenance, or removal of these systems
without requiring excavation or street cuts. The. concept
seems particularly adaptable for use with cut-and-cover
transportation tunnels, in which the initial excavation is
provided at zero additional cost. During under-the-roof con-
struction of a. transportation tunnel, a utility tunnel does in
fact exist on many transportation projects for brief periods.
The question then is, should one proceed with conventional
backfill operations, or instead add those appurtances neces-
sary to maintain a utility tunnel as a permanent feature.

Many factors must be taken into account when con-

sidering the cost of a utility tunnel. The value of and need
fora tunnel is less where few utilities exist. Regardless
of the number of utilities included, the cost of a tunnel is
much the same. It is therefore advantageous to include as
many utilities as possible. This limits any study of tunnel
feasibility to dense urban areas.

The initial cost of a tunnel is dependent upon the

security and safety desired, as well as the cost of materials
and labor. This tends to make the cost of a tunnel a
function of the type of utilities included and the quality
of monitoring instrumentation that is felt to be necessary.
Therefore, it.cannot be stated, even under specified
conditions, whether a utility tunnel is cost effective
when compared with conventional backfill. The cost of
conventional backfill itself is highly variable. Preliminary
results of a DOT/TSC study conducted by Birkmyer & Richardson
(1974) indicate that in three BART and two WMATA cut-and-cover

projects, utility handling costs ranged from 7.4 to 34.2
percent of total project costs. In addition to the amount
of work done, the treatment of utility betterments
significantly influences the cost of utility handling. On
some projects, the eritire utility plant may be replaced,
"while others may attempt to maintain the existing facilities.
Consideration must be given to the type of treatment that:
coriventiona1 backfilled utilities will receive opposed to
what is adequate treatment for those, in a tunnel. As with
most engineering decisions, the question of cost comparison
has no answer except a range of approximations. A community
can justify either answer depending on the goals and view-
points of city designers and responsible executives, both
public and' private.

The,work reported herein is not an isolated study,

but. draws heavily on several previous efforts. It is good
to identify at the outset this past related work. When
mentioned in the body of this report, these works will be
identified by the codes noted opposite the descriptions
below .
SR39 Special Report 39 - Feasibility of Utility Tunnels in
Urban Areas - funded by American Public Works
Association and DOT/FHWA, pub. February 1971 by APWA.
This multi-sponsored two year effort indicated the
need for and justification of utility tunnels in
certain urban settings. It gave guidelines and
described additional needed research.
SlR41 Special Report 41 - Proceedings: Conference on
Engineering Utility Tunnels in Urban Areas
New England College, Henniker, New Hampshire, August
16-21, 1971, funded by APWA and Engineering Foundation.
This conference dealt with the technical impediments,
research needs and implementation problems associated
with common utility tunnels. Technical problems
were felt to ,be readily solvable. Institutional,
legal and right of way questions were considered to
be more intractable, but still resolvable, and
solutions were suggested. A call to action resulted -
a demonstration project should be initiated to illus-
trate the economic and other benefits of the common
utility tunnel.
CUTD Central Area Transit Pro·ect Tunnel
Feasibi ity Study, city 0 C Dept. of Public
Works, Sept. 1973.
This was a two year effort to design a utility tunnel
for construction in conjunction with Chicago's
Central Area Transit Project (CCATP). The Monroe
Street segment was selected as being most difficult
and therefore the subject of detailed design.
Incorporating input from all public and private
utilities, preliminary design work was conducted and
the costs estimated. The economic feasibility and
benefits were not clearly established.
CT&A utility Tunnel Economic Feasibility Analysis in
Conjunction with the Construction of subwa~s by
The Cut and Cover Method, funded by DOT an NSF
the study was conducted by Consoer Townsend and
Associates for the CCATP general consulting firm of
DeLeuw Novick.
This study was to consider the economic feasibility
of the CUTD design, with particular emphasis on
indirect economic_ benefits. The previously designed
utility tunnel was treated as an add-on to the trans-
portation tunnel, incorporating minimum modification
to the structure or the construction procedures.
Using this procedure, an unfavorable benefit/cost ratio
resulted, and the report recommends that the utility
tunnel not be implemented on Monroe Street. IITRI
feels that inte~ration of th~ utility and transportation
tunnels would have resulted in a system with more
favorable benefit/cost ratio.

It can be seen that many organizations and investiga-

tors have contributed to work that preceded and is incorporated
in the present report. It will be further noted that, as the
obj~ctives of the preceding efforts were not identical to those
of the current work, so also the conclusions may differ. It
is not uncommon that engineering studies made under differing
circumstances will result in different answers, so that this
should not be. a matter of great concern.


The objectives of the research reported herein were

broad. The utility tunnel concept was to be evaluated within
the context of any cut-and-cover transportation project in
any U.S. city. Flexibility was complete with respect to
design, construction procedure, and utilities to be included.
The technical problems associated with any utility were to
be considered, including proposed future utilities now in
the developmental stage. Concentration on economic and
institutional problems was emphasized as these were of greatest
concern in SR4l. If the concept appeared to be viable,
typical designs and guidelines were to be provided to ease
implementation of a demonstration proj ect, s'hould such a
project be incorporated into the recommendations.


The results of the study can be stated briefly.

The utilit feasible.
Many examp es 0 utility tunne s exist in t is
country, even more in Europe and Asia. These
tunnels contain every type of utility, and their
use is increasing in popularity and acceptance.
The use of utility tunnels in conjunction with
cut-and-cover transportation tunnels can be
technicall and economicall advanta eous.
en using ut~ ity tunne s, t e transportation
tunnel construction procedure may be modified.
The effect is projected to decrease disruption
and social costs to the community. The
transportation project duration is decreased by
90 to 180 days by rescheduling of previously
sequential tasks.
It is not necessary to consider indirect benefit
elements to justify the use of the utility tunnel.
Capital costs of the utility/transportation tunnel
system are equal to cor!esponding conventional
system costs.
The utilit tunnel as ro osed is as safe or
sa er than utilities uSin~ conventional backfill
techniques. The safety 0 such a facility depends

upon the type of instrumentation and controls.
Because these costs are small in comparison to
structure costs, there is little danger of
inadequate installations heing provided. The
cornmon attitude now among utility tunnel workers
is that their facilities are overinstrumented.
The union utility y]orkers interviewed do not fear
workin in a stran e enviornment. The utility
tunne was viewe as a ong man ole with multiple
access. The working conditions were seen as
superior. An event on the street cannot trap
workers underground. Manhole pumping and
ventilation are not required before entering.
The advantages of working daytime hours in a
shirt-sleeve environment appeared to outweigh
the ten percent shift differential paid for
night work in a manhole.

The utility tunnel is particularly useful when
new utility types are installed. The economic
benefits resulting from less expensive installation
of new types of utilities at unknown future dates
are indeterminate and cannot be incorporated in
a B/C ratio. The needs of several future utilities
were evaluated. It appears that new communications
modes will be coming on-line within the next
decade. Depending upon economic conditions,
district heating and cooling may become more
Finall ,uti lit tunnels are not universall
app icable. Extremely restricted right-o -way,
as at the Charles Street station in Baltimore,
or very wide R/W, making possible total relocation
of utilities, both operate against the economic
justification for utility tunnels.

The decision to consider utility tunnels must be made

by individual transportation agencies. The utility tunnel
is neither the panacea claimed by its advocates nor the
economic disaster feared by opponents. The concept is

unusual if only for the remarkable volume of strongly ex-
pressed opinion it raises particularly in comparison tp the
general dearth of knowledge on the subject available in the
engineering community. This state of affairs will continue
until either many operating examples exist in this country,
or the concept is fi~ally discarded as non-viable.


The American Public Works Association'~ Special Report

Number 39, "Feasibility of Utility Tunnels in Urban Areas,"
and Special Report Number 41, "Proceedings From the Conference
on Engineering Utility Tunnels in Urban Areas", represent the
most thorough treatment given the subject to date. Most of
what is contained herein is taken from one or the other of
those documents.

Utility location and installation practices have

received considerable attention in recent years.
Historically, the bulk of present utility systems, both
above and below ground, were installed in days when land
was cheap and sparsely settled, and environmental concerns
were not receiving the attention they are today. Lately,
the need td place utilities underground for reasons of
safety, serviceability, and the increasing cost of above
ground right;of-way has become widespread, with the result
that a veritable maze normally exists under the street
rights-of-way in most high density urban areas.

Far from becoming unobtrusive after installation

underground, utility system presence is indicated by the
seemingly ceaseless opening of the streets to effect
repairs, provide new customer services, and to install new
or larger systems. Consequential traffic interferences,
noise and air pollution, street deterioration, and high
cost to both the utility and governmental jurisdiction are
equally obtrusive.

It is a~iomatic to say that utility service require-

ments are und'ergoing rapid growth, both in kind and degree.
Demands for all existing utility services are increasing.
New types of utilities, such as Community Antennae Television
(CATV), are being installed at increasing rates while other
new services, such as data transmission via telephone

circuits, are also adding to the requirements for more utility
installations. Finally, prototype utilities, such as
secondary quality water systems and pnemnatic solid waste
collection systems. are being proposed. tested. and in some
cases. installed.

The appropriateness of past and present utility

installation practices is being questioned. particularly
when the following factors are considered: aesthetics.
proliferation of utility types, services, and expansions;
the shortening of pavement life; the scarcity and cost of
available rights-of-way; the effect of street cuts on
traffic, commerce. and people; the increasing population
densities of urban areas; and many others.

Increasing interest in the use of utility tunnels

in conjunction with ney7 underground transportation system
construction. expansion. or renovation as one solution to
preceived unsatisfactory utility installations methods in
dense urban areas has recently been generated. In this
context, a utility tunnel is defined as an underground
structure containing one or more utility systems, permitting
the installation, maintenance. or removal of these systems
without requiring excavations or street cuts.

The utility tunnel concept is not new. Utility tunnel

use dates back to more than a century when the first water
pipe or electric cable was added to the sewers of Paris.
Today, many countries have walk-through tunnels which
house one or more urban utility lines.

While institutional use (i.e., hospitals, industrial

complexes, and universities) of utility tunnels in the
United States is not uncommon, municipal utility tunnel
application is rare. The most notable municipally owned
utility tunnel systems of importance in North American are
located at Fairbanks and Nome, Alaska; both were designed

primarily to keep water and sewer lines from freezing.
Utility tunnel use by universities and government institutions
was documented by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
in a survey of 26 institutions -- 20 reported utility tunnel
use. Table 2-1, "Swnmary of Utility Tunnel Information
From Universities and Government Installation", summarized
the results of the Oak Ridge study. A very recent illustra-
tion of utility tunnel construction and use can be found at
Walt Disney World in Florida. A 24 foot utility tunnel was
planned for the "interama" proj ect in Hi ami , Florida, .as well.

Motivation for past utility tunnel installation in

foreign countries varies. The principal motivation for the
comprehensive systems that exist has been to eliminate the
ever increasing utility cuts. Motivation for universities
and other institutional systems, on the other hand, was
orginal1y based on central steam heating systems and the
problems of maintaining directly buried steam lines. In
examples of comprehensive utility tunnel installation from
Japan and the German Democratic Republic, motivation for
their continued use is based on three principal factors:
a. Both countries suffered extensive World War II
damage requiring essentially complete
reconstruction of utilities. It was concluded
that it would be more economical to reconstruct
utilities in tunnels than by the traditional
practice of direct burial.
b. In both countries, rapid social and economic
growth is occuring, producing large increases in
demand for utility services.
c. Both countries wanted to reduce the incidence
of street cuts occasioned by the great increases
in demands for utility services.

Within the last decade) several st~dies related to

the utility tunnel concept for urban application have been
completed. The recent increase in the number of studies
being done indicates the mounting concern over the
inadequacies of direct utility burial. None of the studies


Heating Cooling Potable Fuel Electric Corrununi- Typical Size a

Institution System System Water Gas Power cations (ft)

Eielson Air Force Base Steam No Yes No No No 4.5 l( 5

Fort Wainwright Steam No Yes No No Yes 5 x 5
University of Alaska Steam No Yes No Yes No 6 x 6.5 I
University of Arizona Steam Yes Yes No Yes Yes 4 x 6.5 ,

University of California Hot Water Yes No Yes No No 8.5 x 11.5

Civic Center Area, Denver Steam Yes Yes h No Yes No 9 x 14 ,

U.S. Air Force Academy Hoc Water No Yes No Yes c Yes -

City & County Buildings, Denver Steam No Yes Yes No No -
State Capitol Buildings Steam No Yes No Yes Yes 5 x 7
o Florida Atlantic University Hot Water Yes No No Yes Yes 20 x 6.25
Georgia Institute of Technology Hot Water No No No Yes No -
Purdue University Steam No Yes d No Yes d Yes 6.67 x 6.67
Michigan State University Steam Yes No No No No 6 x 6.75
University of Minnesota Steam Yes No No Yes Yes 5 to 7' x 7
University of Missouri Steam No No No No No -
University of Oklahoma Steam Yes Yes No Yes No 4.5 l(6.5
University of Oregon Steam Yes Yes No Yes 'fes 6 x 7
University of Texas Steam Yes No No No No 6 x 6.5
NASA, HOllston Steam Yes No No Yes Yes 6. 5 to 13 x 7. 4
University of Washington Steam Yes No No Yes Yes 5 x 6.5
aFirst dimension is tunnel width and second dimension is tunnel· height for rectangular sections.
bSix-inch cold soft water supply in copper pipe.
cPrimary electric power not included. Secondary power only.
dNew tunnels do not have water and electric power. Water lines are being removed from old tunnels for lack of space.

Source: Oak Ridge National Laboratory

conducted in the United States have found economic
justification, based on tangible factors, to construct utility .
tunnels. This is in direct contrast to foreign experience
with utility tunnels where tangible economic justification
is claimed to have been documented and proven.

Existing utility tunnels generally accommodate potable

water, steam, hot water, chilled water, electric power,
telephone, telegraph. television coaxial cable and other
communication circuits. Gas lines are included less
frequently in utility tunnels. Inclusion of storm and
sanitary sewers is generally limited to situations where
gravity flow is possible. Utility tunnels may also contain
services found in institutional systems. such as compressed
air. clock and bell systems. fire alarm and closed circuit
TV systems, fuel oil. raw material. process, intermediate
and finished product liquids and gases. Tunnels in ·hospital
installations have also included medicinal gas distribution
systems. Table 2-2. "Degree of Accor.lOdation of Utility
Services in Existing Utility Tunnels", surranarizes the
experiences of many countries in accomodating utility systems
in a tunnel environment. Information in Table 2-2, was
presented by F. Josa to the 5th International Congress on
Underground Techniques and Town Planning which was held in
1969 at Madrid, Spain.

As Table 2-2 illustrates, many of the most common

objections to utility tunnels cited by utility and
governmental executives based on system incompatibility
have been overcome in a number of instances abroad. Referring
to probiems of utility system compatibility. the most often
mentioned problems are:
Possibility of gas explosions resulting from
leaking gas lines and consequent damage to
other systems.
Potential of electric and electromagnetic
interference in telephone and other communication


Utility Service
Utility Tunnel
Application Central Central Electric Telephone Other
Heating Cooling Water Sewer Gas Power and Communi-
. Telegraph cations

1. U. S. Institutional General General General Limited Limited General (Z) General General I

2. Cold Climate
Municipal and
Government General N.A. CD General General rl.A. Limited Limitea Limited

3. U. S. Utility Owned N.A. ® N.A. Limited N.A. Limited General General G) N.A.

4. Foreign:
a. England Limited Limited General Limited General General General General
N b. France N.A. N.A. General General Prohibited Limited General General

c. Spain N.A. N.A. General Limited Prohibited General <6>. General General

d. East Germany General N.A. General Limited General Genera'l ® General General

e. Russia General N.A. General Limited Prohibited General General General

f. Japan N.A. N.A. General Limited General General General General

-- - - - - -

CD. Accommodation by degree is defined as follows:

A. General - the utility is installed as a matter of general practice where the service is
required in the area served by the utility tunnel. ,
B. Limited - the utility is installed only where conditions are appropriate such as in·the
case of sewers. .
C, Prohibited - the utility is excluded as a matter of policy.
D. N.A. (Not Applicable) - utility not present in the area served.
GD. Generally limited to medium (-14 kv) distribution voltages.
CD. Not Applicable. Utility not present in area served.
(§). High pressure stearn lines ar'e include'd.
CD Including transmission voltages to 345 kv,
®. To 30 kv .

circuits and the temperature of potable and
chilled systems.

The American Public works Association's Special

Report Number 39, "Feasibility of Utility Tunnels in Urban
Areas", concluded:
An overview of past experiences and recent studies
weighs heavily in favor of compatibility of all
common utilities; especially for the controlled
utility tunnel environment that is possible with
current technology.

This report gives the most comprehensive treatment to

the subject of utility tunnels. The basic nature of the
utility system and its in-tunnel requirements, tunnel
operational, maintenance and safety problems, and tunnel
ownership, financing, legal and management concerns have
been examined. Because there are no comprehensive standards
pertaining to the combined installation of several utility
systems in one tunnel, identification of these characteristics
and requirements is not easily accomplished.

Tunnel feasibility from the technical, economic,

institutional, and financial points of view was studied .. In
general, the study concluded the following for each area
of_feasibility considered:
a) Technical Feasibility - No serious technical
problems were uncovered that would limit the
feasibility of the utility tunnel concept.
b) Economic Feasibility - Economic justification.will
most likely be found in the higher density urban
districts and in situations where massive
reconstruction of streets, utility systems, and
buildings is performed. Lack of available data
at present poses many problems in determining
economic justification.
c) Institutional Feasibility - Although complex, the
legal, ownership, regulatory, and management
problems are solvable. Until utility tunnel
experience is gained, liability problems cannot
be fully resolved.

d) Financial Feasibility - No financial problems are
anticipated if economic feasibility is proven.


In recent years, attention has been focused on the

concept of locating utility systems in tunnels. Although
not a new idea, applications in the United States have
been limited to large educational, industrial, and commercial
complexes. This is in contrast to the European and Japanese
experience where utility tunnels have been used extensively
and effectively in many urban settings .

.The chief benefit attributed to the utility tunnels

in use has been the reduction in necessary street cuts,
reduction in traffic interference, noise and air pollution, .
street deterioration, and high cost to the utilities,
government, and consumer. In addition, the growing
shortage and cost of available rights-of-ways together with
the proliferation of utility services increases the emphasis
of the need for improved location and placement of utilities
in urban streets, possibly in utility tunnels.

Past research on the subject has been generally

limited to surveys of utility tunnel practices in the United
States and abroad. Previous studies also indicate
that no insurmountable technical problems associated with
the utility tunnel concept exist; that sewerage systems
generally cannot be included in utility tunnels; that economic
justification is unlikely except for high density urban
areas; and that many of the questions raised about the
merits and demerits of utility tunnels cannot be
satisfactorily answered until a tunnel is built and put
into operation.


Two investigations of interest with respect to the

work reported herein were the CUTD report dated September
1973 and the CT&A (Consoer Townsend & Assoc.) report dated
March 1975. The first effort was a design feasibility study
conducted by the ~ity of Chicago. Over a two year period
the CUTD project team in collaboration with many representatives
of private utility companies and public agencies selected a
study segment, designed a utility tunnel and estimated its
cost. The design was comprehensive, extending to the detailed
planning of utilities passing through each intersection.
This design was reported to be satisfactory to each utility
except the gas company, which was finally excluded from
the tunnel.

Because the projected cost of the proposed utility

tunnel design was estimated at $21 million, compared with
$15 million for conventional utility handling, it was decided
to consider intensively the indirect benefits that might result
from a utility tunnel. The CT&A economic feasibility analysis
was initiated for this purpose.

The CT&A study was funded jointly by DOT and NSF,

through the CCATP and its chief consultant, Deleuw-Novick.
This program paralleled the IITRI effort in both subject and
time, so that cooperation and data sharing was possible.
The CT&A objective was to conduct a full economic analysis,
with particular emphasis to be paid to the indirect benefits
.that might be realized. The final recommendation of the
CT&A report is that the utility tunnel should not be
constructed. B.ecause IITRI disagrees strongly with this
recommendation, and both evaluations are based on the
same tunnel segment, a brief discussion is in order.

The basic area of disagreement is economic, which

results directly from the different constraints on the

IITRI and CT&A contracts. CT&A was directed to evaluate a
specific design. IITRI was directed to determine what the
best design would be, and then to evaluate i~. the broader
scope of the IITRI contract had significant effect.· Using
its own resources and the assistance of consultants from-
design and construction, a cons"truction proce"du"re was
assembled that treats the utility tunnel and transportation
tunnel as a single system, resulting in substantial savings.

The utility tunnel must .be maintained and operated

by some agency. This subject was one discussed in a.number
6fjoint meetings between CT&A, IITRI and the various
public and private utilities. The organizational structure
recommended in the CT&A report is an excellent model. After
the conclusion of the CT&A effort, the recommended staffing
levels were questioned, and IITRI was able to determine
that the actual number of employees should be much smaller
than had been thought. This is incorporated in the IITRI

IITRI did not attempt a quantative treatment of the

indirect and non-quantifiable benefits. This was felt to
be unnecessary since the economic analysis itself favored
the use of the tunnel, and qualitative treatment of the
non-quantifiable elements indicates that they also favor the
utility tunnel. It should not be assumed, however, that
the non-quantifiable factors are unimportant. The construc-
tion procedure recommended by IITRI will reduce the.economic
impact of the construction project on the business community
by nearly one full order of magnitude. With traditional
cut-and-cover methods, these losses are large in comparison
to the actual project construction cost. This should be a
matter of concern for the engineering community.

In short, the difference in the IITRI and CT&A

recommendations are solely the result of the broader scope
of the IITRI contract. It is felt that the CT&A project
team performed competently within their own contractual
constraints. Many of the IITRI recommendations are the
direct result of collaboration between the two teams, and
much of the data on construction costs is taken directly
from the CT&A and CUTD reports. In particular, the design
features discussed in section 3.2 are nearly identical with
the design recommendations made by CUTD.



The concept of placing utilities in a utility tunnel

is not new to the engineering cornrnu~ity. The motivation to
put this concept into practice has increased in recent-
years with the widespread construction of underground mass
transit. Many subway projects use cut-and-cover construction
in the major arterial right-of-ways of downtown urban areas.
This affords an excellent opportunity to take advantage of
the excavation and location to install a tunnel to house the
utilities found there. The methods that would be used to
construct such a tunnel would be the same as those used to
build a sUbway. The subway construction, therefore, could
be easily extended to include the utility tunnel. In most
cases, the tunnel would be an integral part of the structure,
with the roof of the subway also serving as the floor of the
utility tunnel. The design in this study uses the subway
walls as the sidewalls of the utility tunnel as well.
Attempts should be made to integrate as many of the subway
and tunnel features as possible. For example, a single
source of power could be used for illumination and ventila-
tion power in both the subway and utility tunnel. Drainage
systems might also be combined. Although separate, work
access stairs to the tunnel and pedestrian subway access
should be parallel. Any monitors located in the subway
could be controlled by the utility tunnel central control
panel. Every opportunity to reduce the cost of the two
systems by treating them as one should be used, provided
that this can b-e safely accomplished.

It is important to emphasize the point that the util-

ity tunnel should not be considered as a separate structure
from the subway. Cost figures are not appropriate where
estimates of the utility tunnel are added to the costs of a

subway structure. Construction procedures in this study
have been carefully detailed and designed so that the
additional cost of a utility tunnel that is built during
a cut-and-cover subway construction project is minimal.

Subway designs are well known. A detailed utility

tunnel design, construction procedures, utility configura-
tions, and tunnel operation procedures are discussed in this
chapter. The proposed utility tunnel will be located in a
right-of-way that is 66 feet from ~roperty line to property
line. This restricted right-of-way, which is found in most
densely populated urban areas, is the reason that the tunnel
will be located above the subway as opposed to along the
side. The utility tunnel will be. the shallower of the two
structures because the utilities are presently located very
near the street surface. In cities where the street right-
of-ways are wider, other configurations may be used.

The tunnel design proposed in this report is appro-

priate for the entire length of the subway system, if it is
desired. Modifications might be considered in tunnels of
exceptional length. These modifications might include
sectionalization of the tunnel to prevent the spread of
fires, flooding, smoke, and toxic fumes, and additional
space for auxiliary utility apparatus such as communications
repeaters and pumping stations.

The tunnel will be continuous its entire length, so

it will be possible for a person to walk from one end to
the other. It is questionable whether a person should be
able to traverse the entire width. The racking configura-
tions of many of the utilities, cables in particular, present
natural barriers. Additional devices, such as chain-link
fences or concrete dividers, may be used as desired or
necessary. In the proposed design transformer vaults provide
isolation and protection for almost all of the power utility

The tunnel will have a minimum internal clearance.
of 10.5 feet, and in most c~ses it will be ovei 12.5 feet.
The width will also vary, depending upon the width of the
subway. For the purposes of this study a width of 53.5
feet· and height of 10.5 feet inside dimensions was used.
These dimensions are based on the Monroe segment selected
for analysis. This segment is continuous station. On other
parts of the CCATP system a . .32 ft. wide twin-tube configur-
ation is used. In those segments, the utility tunnel wiil
be reduced to the same width by placing transformer vaults
outside the tunnel.

The roof of the utility tunnel will be constructed

from precast concrete elements which will allow over two
feet of space for laterals. Utility supports should not
extend to the roof in most cases. Additional room for
utility work space will be available in the form of side
spaces. These are areas where the tunnel extends 20 feet
into either side of the intersection to provide additional
room for utility turning movements. These will occur at five
of the seven intersections on the study segment.

The inside of the tunnel will be concrete. The walls

,vill be constructed by the diaphragm wall technique, so that
their surface is relatively smooth, but not finished. Other
ground support methods would be equally applicable if found
economically feasible. The floors and roof will be concrete,
probably pre-cast elements. The floors will be sloped for
drainage. Utility supports will be bolted into the roof,
walls, or center columns, or will be self-supporting and
bolted to the floor. In any case, they will be stationary.
Illumination will be similar to that of an office, with
additional lighting available for close work. There will
be numerous electrical outlets for power tools. In general,
the utility worker should find the tunnel a clean, well~
lit, comfortable environment in which to work.

Safety in a utility tunnel is emphasized becaus.e it
has been the major concern of many ,;..ho have considered the
concept. Safety details are di~cussed in Sections 3.1 to
3.3, both as individual utility hazards and the tunnel as
a whole. Instrumentation is possible to detect and prevent
many of the accidents that might occur from mechanical
failure of the utility facilities or the tunnel structure.
Ventilation and automatic shut-down will be used to prevent
the spread of a hazardous condition to other parts of the
tunnel. Fire fighting equipment and automatic sprinklers
will also be provided. A minimum of two means of egress will
be available to the workers at each intersection.

The construction and operation of the tunnel itself

is technically feasible, as the next sections will demon-
st't"ate. The economic justification of a utility tunnel
project is finally discussed in Section 5.


a. The technical feasibility of locating utilities in

tunnels associated with transportation tunnels depends upon
many factors, including the tunnel design and the adequacy
of the utility configurations. These configurations must
p!ovide for the optimum functioning of each plant, by means
of proper working space for utility maintenance, aoequace
support structures, and provision for the protection of
both the utility plants and tunnel environment.

The following sections discuss possible configura-

tions and requirements for each utility. The basic existing
network and procedures are described and the materials used
for each type of facility enumerated. There are several
procedural rules which will be followed by every utility in
a tuml€l. These corrrrnon rules are also describec in this
introductory section. Because of .its importance, a separate
section of this report is devoted to the subject of safety.

An unusual aspect of the utility. tunnel
discussed is its size. It is most economical to make the
utility tunnel width either one half of or equal to the
transportation tunnel width. It follows that working room,
safety, and possible future expansion of utility plant are
much improved over smaller existing U.S. utility tunnels.

b. Compatibility problems are closely related to

safety concerns in most instances. With the exception of
sewer lines, every utility considered in this study may be
included in a tunnel and, with the proper precautionary
measures, interference between them will be negligible.
The gravity flow sewer system is typically excluded because
of grade requirements, but general sewer requirements are
nevertheless discussed.

Experience demonstrates that many of the utilities

once considered incompatible are now being housed together.
Much of this is due to improved operating methods, shielding,
pipe and cable materials, and insulations. Improved compat-
ibility may also be a result of better monitoring techniques
and environmental control in the tunnels.

" Gas mains are .thought to be incompatible with almost

every other utility by many people. This concern stems
primarily from safety considerations. Improved pipe joints
and sophisticated monitoring techniques have made the inclu-
sion of gas desirable. Existing conventional backfilled
systems experience difficulty with leaking gas which may
flood the conduits and manholes of other utilities. Small
gas leaks currently are ignored. These could easily be
identified and treated in a utility tunnel. In short, ga~
lines should be included in the utility tunnel to improve
safety and reduce street openings. Whether it will be
possible to include gas in any particular case depends
mostly on the policy of the local gas company.

Power and communication lines were thought to be
incompatible, but their location on opposite sides of the
tunnel, along with shielding, insulation, and proper
grounding provide adequate protection against conductive
and inductive interference. PowEr cables pose the additional
problem of heat dissipation. The temperature of the tunnel
will be controlled by a forced air ventilation system and
the heat generated by power cables will not be allowed to
raise the air temperature above a specified level. In some
cases, utility intake air is filtered and tempered.

Water mains in tunnels raised some concern about

flooding. The possibility of flooding still exists, but is
made remote by pumping and drainage systems, and water level

Occasional wetting of the utilities is noi a problem.

In at least one case, a utility tunnel is cleaned using
fire hoses. A matter of concern would be a constant drip on
another utility that might result in deterioration. To
avoid this problem, water lines should not run long distances
directly above other systems.

There should be little concern about the incompati-

bility of other systems. All of the systems in this study,
except sewer, will be able to share a common tunnel.

c. Work space in the tunnel will be allotted on the

basis of the methods of maintenance that presently exist.
It is expected that new procedures will 'evolve with in-
creasing utility tunnel experience to specifically fit the
new space requirements.

Basic work space requirements may be subdivided into

two groups, those for pipe utilities and those for cables.
Specific requiremerts are described in the utility configur-
ation sections of this report, but the general requirements
are as follows:
Space must be provided for cable pulling and
splicing operations of cable utilities.
Space, at least one pipe diameter along the
pipe and two diameters at valves, must be
allowc·d for tapping and maintenance of pipe
utili ties.

The basic requirements also include additional space

for lateral and cross-connections.

d. Laterals and service connections will be similar

for all the utilities. Efforts will be made to position
piped utilities in the tunnel to shorten the length required
for laterals and thereby provide a substantial savings when
either side of the street must be serviced, In a tunnel
situation, laterals may branch off the distribution line at
any spot along the entire plant length instead of being
restricted exclusively to manhole locations. Utilities on
racks or on the floor will require laterals to travel verti-
cally until the tunnel roof is reached.· The laterals will be
supported at this junction from the roof structure. The roof
is composed of precast concrete sections in the shape of
concrete box beams. Double tees were also considered, but it
was shown that concrete beams are structurally more competent
and provide more clearance for utility lateral cross-overs.
The laterals will run along the underside of the roof structure.
All laterals will be encased in ducting where they cross the
tunnel to protect both the laterals and the utilities below.

The laterals will pass through the utility tunnel

side walls by means of caulked sleeves or grouted voids.
The caulking or grout will securely hold the lateral in place
and prevent soit or groundwater from entering the tunnel.
The lateral will then travel through soil ~s in conventional
systems to its service connection. The tunnel wall may
either be provided with knock-outs at frequent intervals, or
a small drill can be used to punch a four inch diamenter
hole in less than five minutes.
e. Properly designed support structures will pre-
vent failures that result from vibration or movement.
This will keep cables properly spaced to prevent short
circuiting and overloading, and will provide easy access
to the utilities for maintenance. Support system that
might be found in a tunnel are spring devices from the roof,
concrete pedestals secured to the floor, or tray racks or
supports for cables. Cables need to be supported at 3-foct
intervals or almost continuously. Pipes must be supported
at junctions or 20-foot intervals. Some companies request
thrust restraints at sharp bends in pipe.

Cable racks might be of several varieties, depending

upon the specific requirements of the utility plant. The
racks may be secured to the wall or self-supporting. They
might provide for cables to be located all on one side of
the support, or a center racking scheme may be preferable.
The rack might su~port the tables at intervals, ot might
su~port split conduit, or may even support cable trays in
which the cables may rest. The decision as to whi~D type
of rack is most appropriate in a given situation will depEnd
upon the number and size of the cables, space requirements,
and the cost of materials.

Relative merits of different utility configurations

must be weighed according to the situation. Opinions may
vary from utility to utility and city to city. The follow-
ing sections discuss each utility and the advantages and
disadvantages of each alternative configuration. In most
cases, any of several alternatives are technically feasible,
and the choice should then be based on the opinion of the
utility company concerned.

3.1.1 Natural Gas Configuration

In densely populated urban areas the natural gas

distribution system is in a grid pattern, generally
following the street layout. These layouts include branched
and looped patterns to provide service in case of a failure
of one portion of the system. Gas mains are presently laid
by direct burial methods, generally under streets and side-
walks. Gas systems do not use manholes so that main
inspection is impossible without excavation.

The gas mains under consideration for inclusion in

a utility tunnel are generally low pressure (from 1/4 to
100 psi) mains made of welded steel pipe. Low pressure gas
systems commonly require pipes four to twenty-four inches
in diameter. Service connections are accomplished by means
of taps or valved branches, depending upon the customer
requirement. Metering and pressure reduction is provided
on the customer's property. A typical service connection
consists of welded branches which run under the sidewalk and
through the wall of the customer's building.

Valves are used to sectiona1ize the line and service

tees may be installed while the line is in service.
Auxilliary equipment, such as telemeters, pressure
regulators, and recording gages are also required in a gas
distribution system (Holder, 1971).

Corrosion protection is a principal concern. Where

mains are in contact with soil, protection is provided by
the extensive use of coatings. Pipe is also cathodically
protected. Mains in contact with air could be covered with
a film coating of a material such as epoxy resin (Hork, 1971).

The inclusion of gas lines in a utility tunnel must

be given careful consideration. Opposition to such a plan
has been expressed and fear of gas explosions prevades the

utility community. This fear has not been borne out by past
experience. Utility tunnels including gas mains exist at the
present time, and there has been 'little evidence to indicate
that this configuration is more dangerous than direct burial.
A discussion of some examples of gas lines successfully being
included in tunnels with other utilities follows.

Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc., has

built six utility tunnels used for river crossings. The
oldest has been in service since 1895. High-pressure gas
transmission lines', along with high-tension electric power
cables, high-pressure steam, fuel oil, telephone cables, and
air lines all have been operating in the same tunnel without
serious problems. The original cast iron mains have been
replaced with 20 to 24 in. welded steel, operated at pressures
up to 350 psi (Hark, 1971).

Gas lines have been included in England, East Germany,

and Japan. For over a century, skeptics in England have been
waiting for the first explosion of utility tunnel gas lines.
There. is hesitation to include gas lines in tunnels in other
countries, including France and Spain as well. About 10
percent of Japan's utility tunnels include gas lines. Although
Japanese gas companies think that there is no suitable detec-
tion equipment and an explosion is inevitable, there have
been no explosions in tunnels to date (SR39).

East Germany went to great lengths to study the feasi-

bility of including gas mains in utility tunnels. Their
inclusion was finally approved in the 1960's. The installa-
tions are strictly regulated and specifications concerning
ventilation and emergency shut-off valves have been stipulated
(SR39) .

The U. S. Department of Transportation has determined

that a high percentage of gas main ruptures are the result
of damage due to the activities of other utilities.

Unfortunately, contractors have often unwittingly damaged
gas mains which were than backfilled without being repaired.
Nany times damage is caused by exploration or repair proce-
dures conducted by other utilities. Earth settlement of
backfilled sections or movement caused by a change in the
soil s tress field may also cause· rupture (SR39).

Poor quality pipe or inadequa1;:e pipe jointing will

allow gas to escape int.o the surrounding soil. Gas can
travel through soil interstices where the odorizing agent
may be leached out. In this instance gas leaks are more
diffic~lt to detect and buried gas mains are extremely

There is instrumentation available, provided adequate

precautions are taken, that will allow gas ~ains to be safely
included in a utility tunnel with other utility plants. ' There
are several configurations that may be used for natural gas
that would adequately meet the needs of a distribution system.
These are designed.for a low-pressure system, utilizing
welded steel pipes 20 to 24 inches. in diamete~. Valved
laterals will be used at service connections. Different
alternative configurations for a natural gas utility in a
tunnel are discussed below.

Alternative 1. The gas main in this configuration

will be in direct contact with the tunnel atmosphere. There'
will be no separate compartment provided for the pipe. The
pipe itself will be either secured to the floor by means of
a concrete base or will be suspended from the ceiling or a
column. This latter position has certain advantages over the
former. A pipe resting on' a concrete base will be submitted
to traffic vibrations from the street above which are trans-
mitted through the tunnel walls and floor. These vibrations
are known to have caused gas pipe ruptures during subway
construction projects. It has been suggested that the gas
mains be positioned as high as possible in the tunnel, above
most of the possible sources of fire, because any gas leaking
from the pipe would accumulate at the roof and be more easily
vented out of the tunnel.

Corrosion protection in either case would probably be

provided by a thin coat of epoxy resin. Such protection is
merely a precaution, since the tunnel atmosphere will be
precisely controlled to eliminate moisture and corrosive

Support in the case of a suspended pipe will be pro-

vided at 29-foot intervals. Ceiling or wall supports will
allow for thermal expansion or contraction of the pipe,
eliminating the need for the pipe to rest on rollers. Thrust
restraints may be necessary at pipe bends on high pressure

If the pipe is to be supported on a concrete base,

rollers at 20-foot intervals will be necessary to handle the
thermal expansion effects. (See Figure 3-1).

Service connections will be taken from the top of the

pipe, as laterals with valved connections of welded steel,
and out through the wall of the tunnel. All auxiliary equip-
ment will be supported by the tunnel structure as needed.

The advantages of having the gas main exposed to the

tunnel environment are significant. Gas surveillance instru-
mentation will be installed in the tunnel to monitor the
tunnel atmosphere and detect gas leaks. If a significant leak
is detected, the tunnel emergency ventilation system will
change the air ,as quickly as possible before the gas has time
to accumulate in large quantitites. 'Gas utility ,workers will
then be summoned to inspect the pipe and locate the leak.
Direct access to the pipe will greatly reduce the amount of
time required to locate and repair a leak. The gas utility
will take advantage of the forced air ventilation system of

Alternative 1: Pipe Exposed Alternative 2: Multi-Plate

Alternatives .3 and 4: Alternative S: Protective

Rernoveable Lid With and Without COITlpartrnent
Sand Backfill

. ". . ' .... . ,. ., ..:... ~

Note: independent ventilation required for alternatives

2· through S.

Figure 3-1. Natural Gas Alternatives l-S

the tunnel which is considerably less expensive than
isolating the gas main and installing separate ventilation.

Alternative 2. The gas main in this configuration

will be resting on a concrete base, similar to that in the
first alternative, but enclosed in an arched shell of cor-
regated 12 gage steel. The steel will be bolted to the
floor at either side. It will be composed of standard multi-
plate arch so that one section at a time may be removed to
inspect the gas main. In this way, any gas leaking from the
pipe will be contained within the small area between the pipe
and its surrounding shell. The enclosure will be tightly
sealed and ventilated. (See Figure 3-1.)

Service connections will be taken from the top of the

pipe through sleeved or sealed laterals. These lateral
sleeves will be bolted to the main shell so that no gas will
escape and vented, to the air Qutside the tunnel by air
circulation, or a ventilation system completely separate from
that of the tunnel.

The advantage of having the pipe encased in corrigated

steel is that it would prevent or retard a gas leak from
permeating the tunnel atmosphere. The shell interior would
be equipped with gas monitoring instrumentation to detect
excessive vapor build-up. The shell would render no protec-
tion in the case of a gas explosion, but it would serve as
a shield against accidental damage by workers of other
utilities. Because of the small enclosure volume, dilution
of leaking gas is easily accomplished.

Alternative 3. The third alternative consists ofa

permanent structure with 6-inch concrete walls at least 2
feet from either side of the gas main. The walls are securely
fastened to the tunnel floor, with notches for a removable
cover. The cover would also be 6-inch thick concrete sections,
approximately 6-1/2 feet wide and in about 4 to 8 foot seg-
ments. Each segment would be secured to form an airtight
chamber with two feet, of clearance on all sides in which the
gas main could be housed, but from which the cover can be
easily removed.

The main w,ould be supported OI} a concrete base, as,

in alternatives one and two. Sleeved service connections
would be taken from the top of the pipe and up through the
cover to the tunnel roof. The compartment interior would
require the special gas instrumentation and ventilation of
alternative two. (See Figure 3-1.)

The advantages to th~s configuration are similar to

those of alternative two. The cost of materials is consider-
ably less for this arrangement than for that of a main'in
a steel shell, but what is saved in cost is most probably
sacrificed in the limited working space that would result
from walls in a fixed position. Hence, this alternative
most likely will occupy a considerably larger space in the
tunnel than any'configuration considered thus far. Another
disadvantage to this alternative is the probabil~ty that
special tapping tools and other equipment might have to be
designed to work in restricted space. As in alternative two,
the concrete structure would not provide any explosion

Alternative 4. This configuration is exactly the

same as the preceeding one with the exception that the area
within the concrete structure will be filled with soil,

probably sand. Although this seems cumbersome when repairs

are necessary, the rationale behind the design is the strong
opiniop expressed by some gas companies that leaking gas
should be prevented from corning in contact with air at any
cost. This configuration, it is hoped, will reduce the
likelihood of a g~s explosion by preventing a direct air-gas

There are several functional problems that come
immediately to attention. A section of pipe needing inspec-
tion or repair will require excavation, with the soil being
stored within the tunnel while the utility work is in prog-
ress. There would be little benefit to the gas utility with
this configuration, since inspection and repair methods would
be the same as if the pipe were buried directly in the ground.
Accidental dig-in damage would be eliminated.

Alternative S. The fifth gas system configuration

provides the main with a separate compartment. The compart-
ment incorporates the side wall and floor of the utility
tunnel and would isolate gas from the rest of th'e utilities
by means of a 2-foot thick wall and roof. The gas compartment
would be located about two feet below the roof structure of
the tunnei to allow the laterals of other utilities to .pass
above the gas without sharing the same air or space. Support
for the gas main c6uld be modeled after alternative one; it
could either be suspended from the roof of the compartment
or rest on a concrete base . . The compartment would be equipped
with a separate ventilation system and instrumentation. Gas
detectors and monitoring equipment would be located within
the chamber. Laterals would be taken directly out through
the sidewall on the near side of the utility tunnel or
carried in sleeves to the far side.

Access to the gas compartment must be provided. This

could be accomplished either through hatches directly form
the surface or through the tunnel by means of sealed doors.
Regardless of the access, the working space must be at least
seven feet in height and at least two feet on either side of
the pipe.

The major advantage of this configuration is that it

not,only prevents gas from leaking into the tunnel, but it
provides explosion protection to the other utilities. The

compartment would have to exist almost as a separate entity
from the rest of the tunnel, with separate ventilation,
lighting, drainage, and in some cases, access. The major
drawbacks would again be associated with space limitations
and new tool development.

Alternative 6. This configuration is·that of a double-

walled pipe. Both pipes will con~ist of the typical welded
steel pipe. used in natural gas distribution systems. The
annular space of about one inch .between the pipes will be
filled with water. The advantage to this is to prevent the
gas that might leak from the inner pipe from coming in
·contactwith the tunnel air. The water will only be pres-
surized enough to eliminate any trapped air in the annulus.
The inner pipe will be supported by flexible material at 20-"
foot intervals within the larger pipe. The entire system will
rest on a concrete base or will. be suspended
. "
from the tunnel
roof. The support structures and laterals will be handled as
those in alternative one. Tapping willbe accomplished by
the insertion of cut-off material such as a large seal ring
to isolate a segment of ~he pipe which may then be pumped.
dry. Special tools have to be developed to work within a
larger pipe.

The double-walled pipe will not provide protection

against explosion and it will be housed in the tunnel proper
along with all of the other utility plants. The high points
in the pipe will have risers so that escaping gas can be
detected by the rise of bubbles in the water. Gas detectors
will also be necessary within the tunnel itself. Although
this design prevents escaped gas from mixing with air, it
seems more reasonable to use the first alternative of a
single pipe thickness and spend the money it would cost to
use a double-wall on more sophisticated gas detection equip-
ment for the tunnel as a whole;

Alternative 7. The final alternative for a natural
gas system would be that of conventional direct burial outside
of the utility tunnel. This would dispel some of the concern
expressed by many utilities, but would not eliminate the'dis-
advantages of the direct burial method, which is also
hazardous to the tunnel.

One of the most connnon causes of gas main rupture is

damage by accidental puncture and damage by ground movement.
Although many utilities would be housed in a tunnel and the
need for many street cuts would be eliminated, excavation of
the gas main would still be necessary when repairs are
required. With excavation there is always a chance of punc-
ture or damage unless the location of the utility is precisely
known. Once excavated, the gas utility must be backfilled and~
with time, backfill may in rupture.

If a gas main is ruptured or if gas is leaking from

a joint connection and goes undetected, gas will travel
through the soil inters trices and will fill any voids in
the immediate area. This may either be a void in the soil
or a nearby utility tunnel. Regardless of the actual pipe
location, if gas enters the tunnel from the soil outside,
it may accumulate in large enough concentrations to cause an
explosion. The danger of a buried gas main is that the
odorizing agent may be leached out in the soil and the gas
may go undetected by its odor. For this reason it will be
necessary to install gas sensing instrumentation within a
utility tunnel, regardless of whether the gas pipe is inside
the tunnel structure or not.

Natural Gas Summary. Past experience has demon-

strated that gas lines may be incorporated into a utility
tunnel without serious problems, despite opinion to the
contrary. It has been successfully accomplished in
Japan, East Germany, and England. The requirement£ of

a modern natural gas distribution grid closely parallel
to those of most major utilities, so that joint occupancy
in a tunnel appears to be a reasonable concept, provided
that the other utilities are not unduely endangered or
that the costs are not prohibitive.

In speaking with gas company representatives, many

configurations were suggested but only the most feasible
alternat~ves have been discussed in this report. Although
.seven alternatives have been identified, all with seemingly
different requirements, a general statement as to the con-
figuration criteria that must be met for natural gas systems
can be outlined at this point.

a) Sophisticated gas vapordetectionequipement

in the tunnel is necessary , regardless of .
whether the gas line is located inside or
outside of the tunnel.
b) The prevention of a gas-air mixture must be
a prime objective in the selection of a high
quality pipe and the method of joining pipe
c) The complete" isolation of gas and air is not
as imperative as the need to quickly detect
a leak and prevent the tunnel atmosphere from
becoming toxic or explosive.
d) The complete protection of other utility
plants from a gas explosion is nearly impos-
sible as long as the gas main is housed in
the tunnel, but adequate shielding from
accidental damage by other utility workers
should be provided. This may be accomplished
by partial or complete isolation, or by
'chain-link fence partitions, etc.

There no.w exists instrumentation so that the inclusion

of a gas main in a utility tunnel, rather than resulting in
unduely hazardous conditions will be safer provided that the
proper precautions Ere taken.

3.1.2 Electric Power Configuration

Primary electric power distribution systems are

generally of the grid pattern, conforming to the street lay-
out in most urban areas. This system of c·onductors serves
distribution transformers from distribution substations.
These transformers reduce the bulk power of the 2.4 to 46 kv
primary cables to below 600 volts, which is used in secondary
cables that service customer premises.

There are five types of power cable construction, but

only three are found in a primary distribution system. These

a. Those insulated with oil/paper or lead sheath

jackets, 2-4 inches in diameter used for voltage
between 5 and 27 kv, primary cables.
b. Those solid dielectric, insulated with polyethylene
or rubber, 1-5 inches in diameter, used for voltage
between 5 and 69 kv, primary cables.
c. Those solid dielectric, insulated with polyethylene
or rubber 3/8 to 1-1/2 inches in diameter, used
for voltage up to 600 volts, secondary service

The choice of cable and insulation type depends on voltage,

installation conditions, load, and other factors, but
generally the higher capacity cables have lead sheaths and
those of lower capacity are insulated with rubber or plastiC.

There are many examples of both primary and secondary

electric power lines successfully housed in tunnels through-
out the world. Electric cables up to 30 kv are now included
in tunnels in East Germany. In Madrid, lines up to 138 kv
are permitted. The 345 kv electric cables installed in oil-
filled pipes in the Consolidated Edison Utility tunnel in
New York are likely the largest existing in a multi-service

tunnel. No interference with communications or over-heating
of the tunnel has occurred. In London, electric power and
communications cables are housed ,in the same tunnel with no
c9mpatibility problems. There seems to be confidence in new
materials and a growing conviction that higher voltage ca15les
can be installed in a conunon tunnel without mishap or inter-
ference problems.

The majority of service interruptions in conventionally

buried electric power lines are the result of accidental
damage by contractors or other utilities doing their own
. excavation .. Power lines may also fail due to corrosion,
sheath fatigue, and high side wall pressure.

There are various general requirements which must, be

met if electric power cables ar~ to be housed in a utility
tunnel structure. Space requirements are easily identifiable.
'Space must be applied for splicing and repair operations of
the cables. One cable must be able to be withdrawn so that it
can be bung with at least one foot of space around it to perform
splicing operations. Provisions must also be made for cable
pulling eyes and cable bends in secondary laterals. Auxiliary
equipment and transformers are housed in vaults. During the
CUTD study, the transformers were. redesigned to fit into an
area 7 x 11 feet in cross-sectional dimension.

The tunnel environment must be relatively dry and of

moderate temperature. High temperatures will reduce the
,capacity of the cables. Because of this concern, careful
attention must be paid to the heat generation of the cables
used. The heat dissipation for cables used in a primary
distribution hetwork ranges from 2 to 25 watts/circuit foot.
The thermal effects of placing distribution cable~ in a
utility tunnel were estimated by a private electrical utility
company' using the following assumptions to obtain maximum
summer air temperatures in the tunnel:

Outside air temperature is 35°C (95°F)
Average ambient gro1.llld temperature is
27.5°C (82°F)
Two-thirds of the cables installed are
12 kv, one third are secondaries
A system average loading on cables is assumed.

Based upon using cables sized to their ratin~s in

conduits, the following temperatures were estimated for
the tunnel air:

28-12 kv and 14 secondaries will cause an air

temperature of 104°F without air circulation.
16-12 kv cables and 9 secondaries would cause
~n ai~ temperature of 95°F in the tunnel with-
out air circulation.
Oversizing the cables will decrease the
temperature or increase the number of cables
permissible in a direct ratio to the circular
mil size. For example, using 750 MCM cables
for a 500 MCM secondary rating would allow 50
percent more secondaries, or would drop the air
temperature 0.24°F for each cable used.

This means that ventilation of the tunnel is a primary concern.

If circulating fans run all night during the cooler air
period, it would give enough extra thermal capacity to the
surroundings to drop the peak daytime temperatures about
5°F. This means that forced air ventilation would be
required in the tunnel for reasons other than the· inclusion
of the gas mains.

Safety requirements must also receive attention. High

voltage cables must be readily identifiable and situated so
that no danger exists to· other utility workers. Transformers
must be housed in vaults that provide protection to the rest
of a tunnel in the case of an explosion. Cables should be
checked for faults periodically to avoid the possibility of
fire and explosion. Gas and electric power should be separuted
in the tunnel and any power cables crossing another utility
plant must be encased in ducting.

Many questions have been raised as to the
compatibility of power cables and corrununications lines.
Even though magnetic and electric induction interference
is a possibility" experience (particularly in' the German
Democratic Republic) has demonstrated that adequate insulation
exists so ·that interference problems can be easily eliminated.
(Refer to Section 3.l.3-Wire Communications.)

Several options exist concerning electric power.cable.

and auxiliary equipment placement within a utility tunnel.
Generally, power cables will be placed on the opposite side
of the tunnel from gas and communication utilities 'to
minimize the possibility ~f explosion or inductive inter-
ference. Transformers will be located in closed vaults along
one side of the tunnel. Power cables using oil impregnated
paper as ~nsulatidn must be kept e~sentially flat to prevent
the migration of oil. Full length supp6rt of cables is
necessary, and those
in pipe must be supported
. every 20 feet
on rollers. Secondary and primary cables will be separated.
Various alterri~tives are described in the following sections.

Alternative 1. Power cables may be exposed their

full length and provided with cable racks at the three-foot
intervals. Primary and secondary cables will be separatid
so that the secondary cables having service connections
and laterals will be closer to the tunnel roof. The cable'
racks will support three cables each and will be fastened to
the tunnel wall. The vault will utilize both the floor and
sidewall of the tunnel as part.of its structure. Room will
be allowed for one 10 x 12 inch splice on each rack so that
any more than one splice per rack will have to,be staggered.
There will be a three-foot working aisle between tr?nsfomer
and cable racks to provide for repair ,and splicing. (See
Figure 3-2.)

~.:.~. ~
I, "

Transformer ." '4,

'/.... p
J, ~ •

Alternatives 1 and 2: Exposed Full Length
or in Ducting Between Vaults

fAA J A, <:'. (1, ,', "",6-, .'. ~. , .... ~ . ~" \' ,'I.' .:. G'· .::..:. : ~:. q-: .. ', -Q :. ': .... : :,11: ',:;V ::~.::
" -.\7 .;.. .. 11,1)_,,· '/0,,; <!>'4" .:j)'·D'tJ;,<" '.' /t..: .... ,. ".- "() '<I""'r:Q;" 0"
• I '~"'l'.;'.. !:~'/ ',,1.: 1 . "J-I-,. : 1 j' """:.>/ :..---/1.- ;\\.,'.:'-\ . . ,. ' ..'
•• ,. .....:

000 t - - - - - - = - - - - r - - - - - - - - - - -

Alternative 3: Concrete Duct Banks

Figure 3-2. Electric Power Alternatives 1-3

A modification of this exposed cable design would be
to have cable laying in split ducting on racks. This con-
figuration would have the advantage of keeping the cables
separate and in proper spacing to prevent short circuits and
overloading, would serve as additional insulation to protect
against overheating, and prevent flarrrrnable liquid spills
should one of the cables cooled with gas or oil fail. These
trays may be lined with fire-resistant material to further
limit the spread of fire.

Alterhative 2. The second configuration is much like

that of alternative one, except where the cables pass between
the transformer vaults and along the tunnel wall they will be
housed in steel conduit. The steel conduit will be supported
on rollers at 20-foot intervals'to allow for thermal expan-
sion and contraction. High voltage cables may be cooled with
a harmless gas pressurized within the pipe, but cables in a
primary distribution network are restr{cted t~ lower voltages
and the gas is not necessary. The steel conduit may. be
fastened to the wall, rest on racks, or may hang from the
roof depending upon the arrangement of cables within the
vaults. Normally, pipe sections are from 20 to 40 feet in
length. Cable pulling will be executed from the point where
the cables enter the vaults. Pulling up to 1000 feet of
cable is now possible~ so that pipe sections may be joined
once they are in the tunnel and the cables pulled through
the longer sections with no difficulty.

The advantages of having cable exposed in transformer

vaults and in steel conduit between vaults are due to the
increased safe~y aspect of eliminating exposed cables in the
tunnel proper. The conduit will guard against accidental
damage,overloading, bunching, etc., of the cables. Having
, "

the cable exposed in the transformer vaults will facilitate

inspection and failure detection, cable pulling operations,

splicing, and repair work. This arrangement will also reduce
the possibility of interference with communication utilities.
All laterals crossing other utility plants will be in ducting.

Alternative 3. In this configuration, the, power cables

would be located in steel pipe in concrete duct banks with the
primary and s'econdary cables occupying distinct positions.
The ,banks might be located anywhere there is room. Basically
nothing would change fot the power utilities from the present
conventional burial except that work could be done at any time
in the tunnel and damage from dig-ins would be eliminated.
Laterals would be taken from the transformer vaults and across
the roof structure to a service connection; (See'Figure 3-2.)

The advantage to this configuration is that it is the

safest, least conspicuous arrangement for power cables.
Induction interference would not be a problem; cable fatlures,
short circuits and overloads would not present the fire ha?ard
that it would were the cables exposed or in steel pipe. The
possibility of damage from other utility workers would be '
remote, and the problem of heat dissipation would be reduced.

Alternative 4. This alternative consists of conven-

tionally burying the cable outside of the tunnel~ This would
also include the location of transformer vaults and all power
utility auxiliary equipment either in the basement of the
buildings they service or somewhere in the street right-of-
way outside the tunnel. This arrangement may result in
crowding, since the location of transformer vaults outside
the tunnel ,walls would take up a considerable portion of the
space reserved for sewer lines.

Excavation or manhole work would be necessary to

repair or install new facilities. This work could only be
done at night unless an emergency dictates otherwise.

Manhole work is restrictive and is l~kely more dangerous
than _working iTJ the. careful~y monitored, environment of a

Primary Power Sununary. The configuration of a

primary distribution system, unlike gas and water utilities,
has the advantage of ~ot being restricted to one desigri with-
in a given tunnel section. The shoice of powe~ cable'
arrangement .is dependent upon the conditions at a specific'
-location within the tunnel, such as the amount of space
available, the number of primary and secondary cables, other
utilities included in the tunnel, the complexity of intersec-
. ,tions and the number of laterals and service connections
required at a given point. Where wall space is deemed
insufficient, additional cables may be hung in ducting from
the roof or may be erica~ed i~ concrete in the floor.

Although the act~al configuration of the electric

power cables is determined by the needs at anyone location
in the .tunnel, several general statements can be made at
this point ..
a) Sophisticated heat detection and sensing
equipment must be installed in the tunnel
which can trigger the emergency ventilation
system if the temperature increases beyond
a specified level.
b) Fire and smoke detection instrumentation must
be employed to guard against the spread of
electrical fires.
c) Adequate space must be provided for cable
splicing and pulling operations.
d) Adequate space must be provided for proper
heat dissipation and forced ventilation
should be used, when necessary, to keep the
tunnel. temperature at a suitable level.
e) Transformer vaults mus t be housed in a separate
compartment which would shield other utilities
from a possible explosion.
f) Identification of high voltage power cables
must be provided.

Whatever the configuration within a given tunnel, there is
a consensus that there are no technical reasons which would
prohibit the incorporation of electric power distribution
systems in the utility tunnels shared by other utilities,

3.1.3 Wire Communications Configurations

Wire communications systems include those of telephone,

telegraph, fire and traffic signal controls, security service,
data transmission and cable antenna television (CATV). The
largest to consider is the telephone system and will serve
as a basis for this discussion. All other wire communications
will often share ducts and will follow the telephone's
pattern of distribution so their requirements are essentially
the same.

The telephone system that would be incorporated in a

utility tunnel consists of intercity and local interoffice
truck circuits, which seek the shortest distance between two
offices, and local customer loop circuits. Circuitry in
urban areas is in the form of multi-pair cables encased in
lead, rubber, or plastic sheath. Each customer has one or
more individual pairs of wires from her property to a
switching machine or central office. The largest cable
currently in use is 3.1 inches in diameter and composed of
2700 pairs of individual insulated wires. The large urban
areas feeder routes are composed of 25 to 50 cables. Dis-
ruption of a branch or feeder may put a large number of
people out of service, which can only be restored when the
cable is replaced or wires reconnected (Lowe, 1971).
Telephone lines "are incorporated in practically every
utility tunnel in existence. They are housed with electric
power lines, gas mains, steam lines, oil lines, and water
lines with no apparent difficulty.

The space requir~mentsof the telephone system located
in a utility tunnel are difficult to enumerate. . They are a
function of the location of the tunnel relative to the
telephone system: There must be room for cable splicing
and installation, as wel~ as vault space for loading coils
and electronic amplification apparatus. 'These vaults occupy
,about 1000 cu. ft. and must be spaced at one-mile .intervals.
Space ,must be provided for up to 100 cabl~s in some instapces.
Individual cables must to be separated from their
support and be surrounded by at least one foot of working
space for splicing operations (Lowe, 1971) .

.. Most ~elephone and other wire cOIrnnunications systems

fail due to accidental damage by other utilities (SR39).
Since the cables are somewhat flexible, minor earth movements
have no effect on the operation of the system. Corrosion
protection is a major concern. Telephone cable electrolysi?
is. the result of the cable being exposed to moisture so that
an electro-chemical reaction takes place. To resolve this,
problem, humidity control, cOlltings, and cathodic and anodic
protection may be used.

Perhaps the primary reason that the idea of installing

wire cormnunications in a utility tunnel has met any opposi-
tion has been anticipated interference from the power utili'ty
plant. Without special treatment, the interference may range
from low level no~se to voltages or current~ high enough to
damage communications equipment and result in personal danger.
The magnitude of induced voltage increases with longer
exposure lengths, smaller separations, and larger amounts
of electrical power. . It relates' to the electric and magnetic
fields surrounding electric power conductors. Inductive
fields may be minimized through configuration design and
conductor shielding (Granquist, 1971).

Conductive interference is the result of conductive
coupling, which is caused by an existing potential gradient
between the ground contacts of the power and telephone
systems. It may cause heating and subsequent failure of
the communication system, or an intolerable noise level.
Several methods are available to decrease conductive inter-
ference, including resizing of the power conductor, addition
of blocking circuitry, better grounding, and maintenance of
proper impedances (Granquist, 1971).

If these interference problems are not corrected/

sufficient voltage levels may accumulate to endanger communi-
cations workers. One way in which these problems may be
reduced is to put either electric power cables or telephone
cables in ducting. Proper three-phase balancing of the
systems and filters to reduce harmonics also serve to
relieve the problem. With proper operating procedures, power
and communications systems are compatible, as evidenced by
many existing utility tunnels and other shared facilities.

The requirements of the wire communications are

similar to those of electric power in many respects. The
alternatives for telephone cables are discussed below.

Alternative 1. Telephone cables may be hung on racks

or may rest in split ducting which is hung on racks. There
is little that exposed telephone cables can do to endanger
other utility plants, so that having exposed communications
cables is not hazardous to the tunnel. The cables are
flexible and will require support every three feet.

Racking arrangements will place five cables on each

extension, with enough space on each rack for at least one
l2-inch diameter splice. The racks will remain at least two
feet from the precast roof beams to allow for room for
laterals which must cross above the communications plant.
The racks will either rack five three-inch cables on each
shelf on one side or will utilize the center racking arrange-
ment of three cables on either side of the rack support.
This racking would reduce the difficulties which might occur
by 'having to retrieve the innermost cable when the cables
are five-deep on a shelf. The outside of the double racking
arrangement would support other wire communications, so that
telephone cables would be racked on either side of one aisle_
Sp~ce'requirements and utility worker preference will

determine which racking arrangement will make optimum use

of tunnel space and repair time. (See Figure 3-3.)

The advantages of having exposed cable the entire

length are apparent. Inspection and repair work will be
easier and less costly than when cable is in ducting.,
Laterals and splice's may be located anY',~here along the,
entire cable length, which will relieve the congestion that
is now found in manholes. This design allows the telephone
cables to remain exposed within the tunnel without fear.of
interference from exposed power cables, since one or the
other must be in ducting to ,reduce inductive interference.

One hazard of having exposed telephone cables in

the tunnel is that they are vulnerable to accidental or
deliberate damage. This becomes a concern when the complex-
ity of multi-pair cab'le repair or the number of customers
without service in the event of damage is considered. A
chain-link fence or similar device could be used to isolate
the plant if such measures are deemed necessary.

Alternative 2. This alternative consists of housing

the telephone cables in ducting, most likely PVC pipe.
Laterals would travel along the precast roof sections and
exit through the tunnel walls. The racking configuration
would resemble ,that of the first alternative and would
depend upon the amount of space available in the tunnel and
the worker preference. Room for cable pulling and the
devices that are involved i~ 'the operation will be a function
of the racking arrangement. Splicing will be done at conduit
junctions. (See Figure 3-3a.)


Center Racking

Side Racking

Figure 3-3. Communications Alternatives 1 and 2





The advantage of this configuration is the additional
protection against electrical interference and damage provided
by the ducting. This alternative would definitely be more
costly than having exposed cables in the tunnel, but the
extra protection might prove to be worth the additional

Alternative 3. This alternative finds the telephone

cable conventionally buried in the ground. Usually the
cable is encased in concrete duct banks to guard against
moisture and confusion. Cable inspection is done either in
manholes or after excavation. Splicing is restricted to
the manholes from where all cable pulling takes place. Quite
often in pop~lated urban areas, the manholes are so crowded
with ducts crossing through them that the use of the bottom
ducts is lost because they become impossible to reach. In
some cases, communications and power utilities share split
manholes, where there is isolation of each plant within a

Wire Communications Summary. There is no technical

reason which would prevent the inclusion of the wire communi-
cation systems in a utility tunnel. Past experience has shown
that modern insulation and minor adjustments may .be made to
reduce the liklihood of electrical interference. Communication
cables, themselves, have very little effect on thE other
utilities in a tunnel. Moderate teIT.F~rature and humidity are
required for optimum performance, but these requirements are
common to most utilities. The cables may be protected
against corrosion by various methods now in use.

A general statement may be made about the wire com-

munications configuration at this point.
a) Specific racking arrangements will be determined
by the number of cables being used, the amount
of space available, and the most efficient method
of inspection and repair.

;b) Telephone and communication cables will be
located on opposite sides of the tunnel from
electric power lines. Protection from electric
inductive and conductive interference must
be provided.

c) Space must be provided on each rack for at least

one splice and working space must be available
for these operations.

d) Adequate space must be provided for cable pulling


3.1.4 Water Supply System Configurations

Water supply systems in urban areas that will be of

interest to this study are composed of distribution mains,
reserve reservoirs, pumping stations, and service connections.
Mo~t systems supply domestic, industrial, and firefighti~g

needs from the same network. There are, however, many syst.ems
which have .separate high pressure fire mains. Distribution
networks can be either branched or a grid pattern, with grids
predominating in urban areas, and the choice of pattern de-
pending upon urban density, street plans, or topography. Dual
main systems are most prevalent in urban areas because of the
cost of extra service length.

Pipe materials include cast iron, welded steel,

asbestos-cement, and ductile cast iron. Plastic pipe is being
introduced for smaller sizes. Various coatings, both inter-
nal and exterior, are available to resist corrosion. The mini-
mum size is 8 inches; 24-inch pipe will be used for the pur-
poses of this report, although pipes up to 48 inches may be
encountered. (Amory, 1971)

Auxiliary equipment required for a water distribution

system includes valves, pressure controls, surge protection
devices, and pump stations. Valves are spaced so that no
single break in the line .will affect more than a SaO-foot
section of main. This means valves at every branch connection
and at least two at cross-connections. Fire hydrants are
generally spaced 150 feet apart. (Amory, 1971)
Support is required at every pipe joint, which is about
every 20 feet. Thrust supports· will be required at short bends
for some pipe configurations. Expansion ar.d contraction sup-
ports are generally not required.

The temperature of potable water must not exceed a

·c~rtain level, as it will beco~e undersirable for drinkin~ pur-

poses. Most palatable water is from 40°F to 50 0 F and should

not exceed 70 o F. The allowable tunnel temperature will depend
upon initial water temperature, minimum flow, and other fac-
tors, but must not show an increase of more than 50 F in excess
of that caused by exterior ambient conditions. To minimize
the fluctuating temperatures in a ·tunnel, the water line should
be. insulated, and proper tunnEL ventilation should also be
provided. Many of these same considerations also apply to
pipelines buried in the ground. (Amory, 1971)

Safety conserns have been expressed, both for the pipe-

line and for the tunnel. The pipeline must itself be protected
against corrosion, rupture extr-eme temperature change, and

possible contamination. The tunnel must be protected from

flooding. It is felt that main leaks or ruptures may not pose
.a serious .problem. This assumption stems from several reasons:
a) The volume of the tunnel is extremely large in
comparison to the volume of water that would flow
into it before emergency measures could be taken.
b) Adequate drainage will be provided in a tunnel,
sump pumps will be employed, -.and an emergency over-
flow system will be available for the flow in
excess of what the pumps can handle.
c) Many utilities will be hung and all are inunursible,
at least for brief periods of time, so that no
serious damage would result from an exposure to
water. Transformers will be located in water-
proof vaults. (SR39) .

Several options are available for the design of pipe

utilities in a utility tunnel, and are discussed below.

Alternative 1. The water main may rest on a concrete

base which is secured to the tunnel floor. This base may
either be continuous or intennittent (at 20-foot intervals),
Thrust restraints at sharp bend~ may be necessary with this
design. The pipe will also be insulated against temperature
change. (See Figure 3-4.)

. One of the disadvantages of having the water main resting

on a concrete base is that trafic vibrations from above will
be transmitted to the pipe and could cause a weakeningor·rup-

Service cpnnections will be tapped irito the top of the

line and will run along t~e roof sections anq out through the
tunnel. The insulation of service connections as well as
ventilation .and humidity control, will reduce any condensation
which might form on the pipe and result in damage to other
utility plants as water crosses over.

Alternative 2. The water main could be suspended from

the tunnel roof. Flexible supports will be required every
20 feet. These support springs will dampen the effects of
traffic vibration. Thrust restraints may be required at sharp
bend~. (See Figure 3-4.)

The pipe will be in close proximity to the tunnel roof,

which will reduce the length of pipe needed for laterals and
service connections. The space requirements for tapping, in-
spection, and pipe repair are the same for both configurations.

Alternative 3. This alternative finds the water mains

conventio'nally buried in the ground. This configuration dampens
the effects of vibration and drastic temperature change, but
has disadvantages. Any pipe repair, inspection, or tapping
can only be done once the pipe has been exposed by excavation.
This makes inspection nearly impossible and repair very costly.
If the water main is buried with a utility tunnel sharing the
right-of-way, a dual main system is mandatory. The buried
water main will also have to endure possible rupture as a re-

Alternative 1: Concrete Base Support

Alternative 2: Suspensicn Support

Figure 3-4. Water System Alternatives land 2

suIt of accidental damage of minor earth movements

Water System Summary. Several general statements

about the water distribution system cor.figuration in a
utility tunnel may be made at this point.

a) Flood detection instrumentation must be

installed in the tunnel.

b) Adequate drainage, Emergency sump pumps and

overflow system must be provided

c) The tunnel temperature must remain under

a specified level to successfully house
potable water.. Heat detectors should be
able to trigger emergency ventilation.
The pipes mus t also be; insulated against
temperature change.

d) A forced air, 24-hour ventilation system

must be installed in the tunnel,

Adequate tunnel alarm and drainage systems make the

inclusion of a water distribution system within a utility
tunnel a viable possibility.

3.1.5 Sewer System Configuration

Wastewater systems include both sanitary and storm col-

lection. These exist as separate or combined facilities, with
many modern cities switching to separate systems. Sewerage
collection systems in urban areas are arranged in networks
permitting gravity flow to treatment or disposal plants. Grades
are generally between 0.5 and 2.0 percent. Abrupt grade changes
are overcome by drop manholes or pumped lift stations. Collec-
tion networks must be deeper than the buildings that they service,
so they are often: the deepest utility found in the street right-
of-way. (HcPherson, 1971)

Sewer pipes vary in size from 8 inches to several feet

in diameter. Vitrified clay, concrete, asbestos-cement, cast
iron, corrugated metal, plastic, and lightweight fiberglass
are all used as pipe material. The choice of material depends
upon the pipe size and the composition of the material being
transported. Often they are lined to resist corrosion.
Due to the short sections of pipe (around 7 feet), sewer
lines require almost continuous sllpport, or at each junction
at the very least. Moderate temperatures are not as important
to sewage as to potable water and no insulation would be needed.
Careful attention should be paid to pipe junctions and connec-
tions, because leakage from sewer lines might conta~ina.te the
tunnel environment. This is not generally of concern, because
welded pipe arid modern technology have made leakage at junctions

Since sewer collection systems are gravity flow systems,

their grade requirements are relatively inflexible. This is
the primary reason that sewers have seldom been included in
utility tunnels in the past. Their inclusion is only possible
where their grade is coincident with that of the tunnel, or
where the tunnel is actually built with the grade required in
the sewer lines. Another occurance of sewers in utility tun-
nels is in those cold regions where sewer lines "'Quld other-
wise freeze. Aside from these rare instances, gravity sewers
do not seem to be a likely candidate for inclusion in a utility
tunnel (SR39)

A feasible method by which gravity flow systems may

be incluced is to provide a separate compartment alon~ the
sides of the transportation/utility tunnel structure shown
in Figure 3-5. This would require little additional structure,
and would permit total access to the system while eliminating
infiltration. To construct a structure such as that appearing.
in Figure 3-5, one must investigate the nature of the adjacent
buildings to ,determine Y1hether foundation problems would result.

Pr.essurized sewer lines might well be included in a

tunnel, although their use is not widespread at the present time.
They would require pump,i ng and grinders,. but this extra cost
would partially be recovered in the reduced size of pipe that
would be used. Pressurized systems should be considered asa
future possibility.


I .'
r SevIer Utility Tunnel

I ~.-.:.
... "'to"
."":'. '\,
- - - - ----- ~--­

------- ---

=-- ---=-=----
-- --=-=----
-- ---
Ln --


-- -------
----- ..

Subway Tunnel

--- --- -

--- -,- -- -
~:-:-:::..:. I

n : :
--~- -----
~~=- c -~~.;
§- ---~ .J

- - - - ----" ~.

~=- -=----=- -=-- 1-_.-~-.--

-- -- __- _t- :=-.:.~-~2~:.~~~~
~_-==-=- _-::=-J-=-

- ~
.........- - i . - ~-
-- - ---- .- -

Figure 3-5_ Gravity Flow Sewers in Supplementary Structure

Sewer System Conclusions. Gravity flow Eystems will
seldom be included in utility tunnels. Where a utility tunnel
is used, two sewer lines will be necessary in urban areas, one
on either side of the rights-of-way. This will allow access
to service connections at either side of the street.

Pressurized systems in a tunnel would follow the saIDe

criteria as that used for water utilities. Gravity flow systems
housed in compartments on either side of the street are subject
to the following criteria:
a) Adequate ventilation is essential.
b) Sewers must be ventEd to allow for escapir'g
c) G~s detectors will be installed in th~ tunnel
to monitor toxic fumes.
d) Underpinning requirements of adjacent buildings
must be evaluated.

Pressurized systems can easily be included in tunnels

with other utilities. The idea of housing gravity flow
systems in separate compartments adjacent to tunnels is a
viable possibility.

3.1.6 Other Utility Systems

A utility tunnel project should also consider inclusion

of both smaller and less corrnr,only used utilities. Among these
are central heating and cooling (steam lines and chilled water) ,
city power (electric), solid waste slurry, petroleum and
chemical transport, secondary quality water, pneumatic IDail'
handling and parcel delivery, and solid waste collection
systems. These may be divided into cable utilities and piped

The cable' utilities, basically-city power, will demand

little tunnel space and will operate at low voltages. It IDay
be prudent for them to share d\.Jcting with electric power utili-
ties. with some arrangement being made for city power workers to
have access to transformer vaults to do repair and splicing work
on their cables. All safety precautions dictated by electric
power should adequately meet the needs of the city power,

The pipe utilities listed above will have many of the

same requirements, such as support, thrust restraints, etc'l
as a water supply system. The largest, most common of .these
systems is central heating and cooling.

3:1.6.1 Central Heating and Cooling

Central "district" heating has a long history in

older urban areas, but central cooling is relatively new .
. Heating pressures are on the order of 300 psi. Central
cooling is accomplished by a chilled water system, operating
o 0
at temperatures between 40 F and 55 F and pressures on the
order of 125 psi. Both require supply and return lines.
Return is generally· a condensate requiring a smaller line in
the case of a stearn system. (Pohlkotte, 1971)

The network is entirely dependent upon the users, so

no definite pattern has been established. A requirement for
both is considerable iriiulation to pre~ent heat gain or loss,
The thickness of the insulation varies from 1 to 6 inches, ahd
it must be kept dry to keep its thermal condu~tivity at a
minimum. (SR39)

Th~ pipes are. predominanily welded steel.Those buried

in the 'ground are in cond;uit to protect the insulation. The
primary concern is the prevention of moisture from corning in
contact with the insulation. Provision for thermal expansion
and contraction of the pipe is also necessary, and those on
concrete bases will require rollers, while those susperided will
employ spring-device supports.

Laterals will be tapped into the mains arid provided with

valved connections. Condensate traps are necessary every 300
to 400 feet for stearn lines.

The effect of the inclusion of these lines on the tunnel

environment will most probably be an increase in temperature,

so adequate ventilation is extremely important. If the tunnel
temperature is held below a maximum of 90 0 F, no temperature
effects will be felt by most other utilities (electric power,
gas, communications) as they are designed to operate at this
lev~~ without loss of capacity. With sufficient insul~tion
and ventilation, central heating and cooling lines can be
housed in tunnels with other utilities without detriment.
In fact, being high maintenance systems, their presence in
an area is frequently a strong argument for a utility tunnel.

3. 1 . 6. 2 Other Pipe Sys terr.s

There are a few special requirements of the other pipe

systems which might be included in a utility tunnel. Pneumatic
mail handling systems and solid waste collection systems must
avoil! sharp bends. Petroleum and chemical pipe lines' trans-
porting hot material would need insulation. These systems,
with the exception of the solid waste slurry system, are not
new and have been used in Europe for many years. They would
be treated in a similar manner to that of the conventional
water supply system.

3.1.7 Future Utility Expansion

The expansion of a utility p:ant in a tunnel will be

influenced by two factors, the growing need for service and
the ~evelopment of new and improved systems. This progress
might either reduce or increase the space requirements ofa
p~rticular utility, depending upon the mode of operation.

For example, the communications industry is developing new

methods of transmitting a greater quantity of information
more efficiently. The work is being done primarily in the'
fields of fiber optics and waveguide systems. These systems
will have the capability of carrying more information in a
fraction of the space now required for multi-pair cables.
This will result in greater transmitting capacities in a
significantly reduced space, so that, although the corrmuni-
cation plant would be expanding its capacity, it would

actually be reducing its physical space requirements. These
systems are particularly well suited to a tunnel environment.

The electric power utiliti~s, on the o~her hand, could

increase their capacities only by adding more wire to their
cables. This would result in an expanded plant that would
require more space in a tunnel. These factors must all bE
taken into account when space is reserved by various utiiities.

The expected life of the tunnel is another essential

parameter to consider when planning for future expansion.
The designs studied in this report are expected to provide
service indefinitely.

The inclusion of more utilities as they develop or as

needs arise means that the existing space in the tunnel must
be used to its_ best advantage. This may mearl, for instance,
that instead of using current metho~s ~or cable pulling,
~,apping, and insulating pipe, new designs will need to be
developed so that utility maintenance may be accomplished in
smaller space. This will allow utility plants to be
positioned closer together and leave more roorr. for new
facilities. Millimeter Waveguide Systems

,Present intraurban communiccS,t ions networks are

primarily comprised of cables containing unshielded, twisted
copper wire pail'S, originally designed for signal transmission
at voice frequencies. Circular waveguide systems have been
dev~loped which enable broader band signal transmission.
One waveguide system, underway in the United Kingdom, has an
initial capacity of over 94,000 working telephone circuit~, and
will be expanded to 250,000 circuits at a later date.

The waveguide is formed from glass-reinforced plastic

with helical ~inding. There is also a dielectric-lined,
waveguide. The waveguide is encased in ducting (usually
PVC pipe) which is then pressurized with a harmless dry gas

to improve its performance and protect against external
moisture. Most consideration has been given to buried
waveguides, and the construction procedures closely parallel
those used for existing cable networks.

Some of the problems to consider when contemplating

the installation'of a waveguide system, whether buried or
in a utility corridor, are listed below;
a) system requires precise alignment of trans-
mission line, which accounts for a large
portion of installation cost when underground
b) increased attenuation in circular waveg~ides
is caused by bends
c) metallic waveguides are subject to corrosion,
crevice corrosion, stress cracking, etc.
d) any loc2l change in shape of a waveguide or
obstruction creates a discontinuity
e) variation with temperature (lOOmm/1Om wave ..
guide section)
f) loss of 2dB/km for A1MgSi tubes when inserted
in buried PVC ducts
g) cost of trenching, duct installation, and
backfill are major expenses
h) paths for circular waveguide systems will be
restricted to a bend radius > 100m
i) waveguides cost much less than coaxial cables
of compariable traffic capacity

From the above considerations it is concluded that a

utility tunnel offers a feasible location for future wave-
guide systems routing. Direct installation costs would be
considerably reduced, and waveguide alignment facilitated.
The bending radii of several hundred meters parallel those
used in rapid transit facilities. The only equifwent that
would be located in the tunnel would likely be the wave-
guide/duct combination which must be aligned to within a
few milliradians at each joint. It would be corrof;ion-proof
and electrically insulated.

63 Optical Fiber Transmiision

Optical fiber transmission systems use light as the

carrier for communication signals. In 1972, optical fiber
systems were developed which demonstrated their potential
as being economically competitive with conventional
communications systems. It is predicted that sometime around
1980, wide-band optical fiber links will become commercially

The advantage of optical£ibfr transmission is the

large information capacity and relatively inexpensive material
of which it is made. It also demonstrates a high quality
which is needed for computer data transmission, cable television/
and voic~ transmission.

The space requirements of an optical fiber system

would be much smaller than that cf conventional coaxial cables
of multi-pair wires of the existing communications system.
One hundred fibers could be bundled into a cable roughly
one-quarter of an inch in diameter. This quarter-inch cable
would have the same capacity as one million telephone wires.

Optical fibers could be easily incorporated in an

existing utility tunnel. They are also exceptionally com-
patible with other systems. An optical fiber system can
withstand temperture extremes of -SSoC to +8S C, is resistant
to vibrations, compaction, and is immune from humidity and
immersion damage. The sys tern is also. immune to electrical
disturbance. Optical fibers are difficult to splice and tap.
TherE: is no laser source c&pable of supplying an optical fiber
system. These aspects are currently being investigated and are
the primary reason optical fibers are not in common use at
this time.

3.1.8 Conclusions and Recommendations

There is no technical re.ason that the utilities just

described cannot be housed together in a utility tunnel. Past
experience has demoIIEtrated that tunneJ.s are technically
feasible and that the dEvelopment of the i~dustry is signi-
ficantly advanced to be capable of providing materials and
workmanship that will enhance utility compatibility.
Instrumentation is available that will eliminate the hazards
of housing utilities together.

From interviews with utility companies in cities

arour,d the country it has been found that views on methods
of incorporating utilities in tunnels vary considerably,
IITRI does not purport that a sing18 utility configuration
will satisfy all utilities for any situation, but will makE
general recoTIU11endations for an optimum utility arrangement
which will satisfy major requirements. The following is
an outline of those recommendations.

Recommended Configurations:

a. Gas - Alternative on~ of the gas distribution

configuration is recommended. This arrangement
finds gas located near the center line of the
tunnel, supported by rigid fixtures from the
center columns. Thrust supports are necessary at
sharp bends. The pipe is made of welded steel
which is coated to resist corrosion. Sophisticated
gas detection systems and forced air ventilation
is required'.
b. Electric Power - Alternative two of the power
distribution configuration is recommended.
This finds electric cable either racked on the
walls or suspended from the roof. Additional
lines in conduit in the floor may be necessary,
depending upon the size of the plant. Gables
will be exposed (or insulated with oil/paper)
in the transformer vault interiors and will be
housed in steel conduit bet~een the vaults,
supported every 20 feet. Shielding, etc., to
prevent electrical interference with ccmmuni-
cations is required. Forced air ventilation
is necessary to maintain moderate tunnel
c. Wire Communication - Alternative one of the
wire communications distribution configuration
is recommended. Telephone cables would be
hung on two racks, supported every three feet.
These racks would be separated by three feet
working space. One rack would be secured to
the wall and the other would be a center rack·,
with the other side occupied by other wire
communication cables. Adequate shielding against
electrical interference must be provided.

d. WatEr Supply System - Alternative two of the

water supply system configuration is recommended.
This finds water located near the center line
of the tunnel, supported by rigid fixtures from
the center columns.· The pipe is made of welded
steel which ~s coated to resist corrosion. Water
level detectors, drainage system, and pumps are
all required to guard against possible flooding.
Forced air ventilation is necessary to maintain
acceptable temperatures in the tunnel.

e. Sewer System - The recommendation for gravity sewer

systems is that they be located outside of the
tunnel and buried. in the grcund on either side.
Forced sewers or pressurized systems might be
included in the tunnel, but their use is not wide-
spread. If included, pressurized sewers would be
hung in the same configuration as water mains.

f. Central Heating and Cooling - Welded steel pipe

is recommended, with support at 20-foot intervals.
These pipes.would be suspended from the tunnel
roof and supported by a flexible steel spring
device, with thrust restraints at sharp bends.
Forced Eir ventilation and insulation is necessary,
as well as adequate drainage provisions.

g. Other Systems - Effort must be made to include

many of the minor utility systems. Cable systems
will be racked and pipe systems will be suspended,
and will follow the pattern of the other similar

A typical tunnel cross section employing these

configurations is illustrated in Figures 3-6 and 3-7.

These recommendations are subject to change to better

fit a given situation. Although tentative, they should be
carefully considered as the configurations that most effectively
satisfy safety, economic, and space concerns.

·tf';,v-- -'0. -'.~ ' . .0:. '.'.< ': &, ~.1... ':-, ,:ll,-,i ~>'(J '::', ".. ,~', ~,-,_ ,"Pl.':. : . . .. , '.. ',::~,~~ --:-~ -:; £- .:". \l .~ _~/~, .., -~ <y.'. '~.~;:- _~~'.

Ir' -" 1"'1" iF'

, . . b.'

~A,~,~;'",~·".-~'-",-~,~, I
'-o~ .~ Solid
Till .- -J' ~,.



.~ IChemical
Collection Steam 1·'

~~ Transport
Q"\ , ~
-.j and
Trans- Return
former \vater Gas o·
o , , I

t Telephone

Figure 3-6. Transverse Tunnel Cross Section

Pl'onerty Line

.]!! 5.,.ew£t'_LiJ!e_

'0: ,.-~;;',:.~~! :"\;",e-:<T,d~: ~G,~·.':,:, "(-).~> ) ,\',' ::" '.. '..:', ~4,~),;::~:.\ .;,..; '''" " ;~~" '-".,~'-~~~ ,; ,~t-i!tv~;t~~ 1.~~=-:,',.r=;c:::~,~.:: ~ -~ ~.I '_:'.(',:~-<.~~:/. ~-r,:--'...> '6 "i "'~ ,~_~".). t" ',_t:! ~,.' :. 0 \':. oJ -f"-;, -~
Racked Power Cables --------
ItJl~~~~~~~ =.-==-
~~~~{~~~~~-=;~-~~--=-c Tyansfo't"meT'

~ ~ l

inP~~:~lc~~~~~JtL, II,} ,r .-10< J,.1 JJA1J ~r?J. I,]

Power Cables in Floor

Transfo .... me-· Vault

Wate"- Main


L.em:er Co lumns

Other Wil'e Communications

~. t;-E--$=&f£IIl2t £2E13f _U~~hK±Jt¥rJ2]¥T¥=t=±tEt I Eft

Telephone plant

. ii' '~~L?E)1te.t-.-f~~t?!,_,17~~· 't~~¢}:lii?t':jt~ ,_~7~·i:.!·:~:;:G':.: .~-~; "9', ~ ~'\tt:~;:,~l;>;~!~~-, :-ft!.~;~Jl,;}~.\, ~·;J·~\~J.ZgP;fiiP A}' ~_~_. ~. 7~~-'k.1trfB-
Burie~ Sewe Y Line

Figure 3-7. Plan View of Recommended Utility Tunnel

Table 3-1 summarizes the requirements for existing
and future utilities when housed in a tunnel. Support
intervals are Rtated. The possibility that the utility
system will affect the tunnel environment due to leakage,
rupture, condens1ltion, heat dissipation, and electromagnetic
interference is stated. The space neEded for the faciiity
and the working space needed for splicing and tapping is
described. Service characteristics and the special requir~­
ments of each utility are stated. Finally, environmental
provisions and controls needed for each uti:ity to function
most efficiently and safely are stated. These include
humidity, temperature, and ventilation controls in the
tunnel as well as insulation and tapping and splicing space
for the utility plant.


Tunnel systems include tr.ose features which will

provide for the efficient and safe functioning of a utility
tunnel. The tunnel design includes provisions for the
following tunnel systems:
a. Ventilation
b. Drainage
c. Emergency Overflow
d. Lighting
e. Communications
f. Fire Control
g.Vapor Detection
h. Access and Egress
i. Security Monitors and Control Center.

Much of the following discussion of these systems

is taken from the CUTD and CT&A reports on the design for
the Chicago utility tunnel (see Section l.O-Introduction
and Summary). The criteria used in these reports was felt
to provide the "ideal" 'systems design and deviations from
this design should be considered and areoften.desirable.
The adequancy or excessiveness of the model will be determined
Utility Interval Possible Effects Space Service
Sys terns Support on Tunnel Requirements Characteristics 1 2 3 4 5 6

condensation, 1 pipe dia. along pipe length potable water-must be

Water 20' , junct.
leak, rupture 2 dia. around valves <70 0 F, 40 0 -50 0 desirable xix x X

20'; junct. leak, rupture, 1 pipe dia. along pipe length low pressure 1/4 to 100 psi X X X
explosion (7) 2 dia. around valves
heat, EM room for splicing and primary 5 to 69 kv
Power 30-36" interference cable pulling secondary up to 600 volts X X X X X

room for splicing and low voltage X

Communication 30-36" none cab le pulling multi-pair cable X

Heating and 20' , junct, condensation, 1 pipe dia. along pipe length chilled water 40-55 F X X X
Cooling leak, rupture 2 dia. around valves heating 250-4000+F
heat, EM room for splicing and primary 5 to 69 kv
City Power 30-36" cable pulling secondary to 600 volts X X X X X

room for splicing and

CATV 30-36" none
cable pulling
low voltage X X
gravity flow or
Sewer I 7- 20' leak, rupture 1 pipe dia. along pipe length pressurized

Chemical 20'; junct. leak, heat 1 pipe dia. along pipe length depends on chemical X X X X
Transport rupture 2 dia. around valves
20' ; junct. condensation, 1 pipe dia. along pipe length not potable X
Water leak, rupture 2 dia. around valves
20' ; junct. none
1 pipe dia. along pipe length no sharp bends X
Mail 2 dia. around valves
precise alignment,
Waveguide 30-36" none 1 pipe dia. along pipe length. few bends X X X X
20' , j unct. leak, rupture 1 pipe dia. along pipe length Ino sharp bends X X
Collection ,
Optical Fiber 30-36" none
room for splicing and TcomPlicated splicing and X X
tapping tapp,ng

~':l - Humidity control of tunnel.

2 - Temperature control of tunnel.
3 - Ventilation of tunnel.
4 - Insulation required for utility.
5 - Tapping space required.
6 - Splicing space required.
by each city and they will adjust their plans accordingly.

The following details have been developed for the

tunnel systems:

3.2.1 Ventilation

a) forced air
b) seven changes per hour
c) fan shafts at mid-block
d) automatic emergency capacities
e) 33 inch fans to move 10,OOO CFM each
f) two air intakes at each intersection
(air enters at intersection, exhaust
at mid-block).

The ventilation system will be used for humidity,

temperature, and vapor accumulation control, It will be
integrated with the tunnel detector and sensors so that it
may be automatically, remotely, or manlJally triggered,

3.2.2 Drainage

a) pumping stations at each intersection

b) automaticall:: controlled emergency pumps
c) floors crowned transversely to drain to sides
d) . floors sloped longitudinally to drain to
pumping stations and overflow outlets
e) pumping stations to be incorporated with air
intake and personnel entranceways
f) each pump station has sump basin with 1,500
gallon capacity (minimum)
g) two pumps per station with 1,200 CPM capacity
able, to move one quarter of the flow from a
24-inch water main in the event of rupture
h) flood detector alarms when sump basins fill
i) pumps discharge into external city sewers
j) two independent power supplies for pumps.

The drainage system will be used for flooding control

from the rupture of water mains, central cooling mains,
liquid chemical and petroleum transport pipes, and waste
cOllection slurries.

3.,2.3 Emergency Overflow

a) gravity overflow drains

b) three 30-inch in diameter outfall lines to
handle flooding overflow quickly to·-avoid .
excess overloading of subway roof
c) tunnel floor sloped to several outlet points
(such as to overflow sewers or river)
d) the lowest point of tunnel will have flooding
held to four feet.,
e) flooding alarm activated when water reaches
top of sump basins.

The emergency overflow system is provided to accommo-

date any flooding that cannot be handled by the drainage system.

3.2.4 Lighting

a) continuous in general tunnel

b) each work aisle provided with separately
controlled additonal lighting
c) power tool receptable located in all work
corridors at 50-foot intervals
d) illurninatedexist signs
e) emergency back-up system.

Lighting will be comparible to that found in an office

situation, with supplementary lighting provided for intricate
splicing and tapping operations.

3.2.5 Communications

a) a~l entrances

b) talkback speakers at all intersections.

Tunnel communications will be a separate system

from the wire communications utility plant housed in the

3.2.6 Fire Control

a) automatic sprinkler system

b) fire alarm activated by water flowing in
sprinkler system
c) two fire extinguishers in each block for
each aisle and one at each intersection
d) manual fan control at each exit for exhausting
e) tunnel temperature monitor.

Fire control will be activated in the event of

electrical fire or any other fire. The water that results
from sprinkler activation will be drained from the tunnel
through the d~ainage system.

3.2.7 Vapor Detection

Gas, smoke and safe air quality detectors will

activate the ventilation system.

. The vapor detection system will monitor the levels

of gas vapors in the tunnel, as well as those resulting from
ignited insulation, sewage leaks, leaks from the chemical
transport systems, and smoke. It will act as a general air
quality monitor.

3.2.8 Access and Work Hatches

Personnel access
a) located at each intersection
b) monitored at Control Center
c) two exit stairways per block
d) illuminated signs.

The entire length of the tunnel is continuous so that

at least two means of egress are provided from any point in
the tunnel. Personnel access will be provided by means of
stairways that parallel the subway escalators.

\.Jork hatches
a) provided for tools and equipment
b) for cable pulling
c) as water proof service connections to buildings
d) ~ust be ventilated and locked
e) must allow water valves to be accessible from
the street.

The general dimensions and spacing of work hatches

are as follows:
a) two per block for power, rectangular
26 by 30 inches
b) one per block for water, rectangular
11 by 14 feet
c) two per-block for wire connnunications "
24 to 30-inch diameter
d) one per block fel" Western Union,
24 to 30-inch diameter.

The spacing of electric power hatches will be 100 feet

from an intersection and 200 feet between hatches. All others
are staggered but located directly over the work aisles in the

3.2.9 Security Monitors and Control Center

The control center will monitor all tunnel systems,

including those provided for security, and will remotely
control tunnel access hatches. The center will be located
at some convenient point outside the tunnel and will have
direct connnunications not only with tunnel personnel, but
with the utility companies and city fire department, tunnel
security forces, maintenance crews, and medical personnel.
The control panel will operate 24 hours a day by a operator.
This operator would alert the utility companies of any
irregularities in their facilities, but tunnel personnel would
never be allowed to maintain or repair the utilities. Walk
through inspections will not be provided, in as much as mainte-
nance and utility personnel will be in the tunnel.

Security would be provided by locked accessways and
24 hour surveillance by closed circuit television. Tunnel
personnel and utility workers would hav~ to check in and
out. No one would be allowed to enter the tunnel who has
not previously received clearance.

The amount-of security and safety precautions taken

in a utility may vary from city to city, depending upon
several factors, including what types of utilities will be
included and how much money is available to be spent on
moniioring and sensing apparattis. Operations of successful
tunnels in other locations should be evaluated and used as
a comparison. Both CT&A and CUTD suggest an inspection
crew of 16, with two inspectors conducting a walk-through
investigation of the tunnel 24 hours a day. This is thought
to be excessive. The central control panel should be manped,
but this duty will be shared with other committments. One
utility tunnel visited, six times longer than the design
example, was monitored by a single control panel whose.opera-
tor also handled other duties.


One of the most important aspects of utility tunnel

operation- is providing adequate safety for the utility plants
and the workers that will be maintaining them. The tunnel
systems must function to prevent a mishap from occuring, and
the workers must work carefully and obey all safety rules.
Beyond the avoidance of increased hazard during normal
conditions, continuity of public service is of particular
importance during disaster.

The tunnel systems are described in some detail in

the preceeding section of this report, "Tunnel System", The
specific problems that might be the utilities
were discussed in Section 3.1, "Utility Characteristics and
Requirements," of this report. This section will expand

both of the previous sections by detailing how the utility
tunnel can provide a safe environment for all concerned.

Many types" of failure can occur in a utility tunnel,

• • L ' .

either from structural failure, utility failure, or safety failure. These different types of faih're are
discussed in Table 3-2, Possible Failure Modes and Effects
in Utility, Tunnel. In this table are outlined the componentE
0r ~ources of failure, the bas~c cause or fault, the ~irect
effect, and the general effect on the· tunnel. One type of
failure might have a number of effects on a variety of .
utility or tunnel systems which, in turn, might be manifested
in different types of tunnel problems. For example,
differential settling of the tunnel structure, depending
. upon its severity, might result in pipe rupture or cable
failure~. This, in turn, could possibly lead to tunnel
flooding', gas leakage, fire, or a number of other events.
Manj cf these failures can be avoided by adequate structural
and tunnel system design. Some of the other ways to avoid
these failures are discussed below.

The tunnel must be safe for the utility worker. He

should not only be protected from such catastrophic events
as explosion, fire, and asphyxiation, but also accidents
that may result from falling objects, inadequate identifica-
tion of utilities, and mishandling of tools and torches. The
eff~cts of these types of accidents are magnified in a tunnel
situation, due to the close proximity of many different utility

Tunnel accidents or failures may also be the result

of allowing the. tunnel to reach a generally deteriorated
condition. Water and steam lines may drip on other utilities,
cables may sag, and walkways may not be kept free of clutter.
These things, although not an immediate threat to tunnel
safety, may develop· into a condition which is difficult to


No.1 Component or Source Basic Cause or Fault Direct Effect Effect on System

1 Tunnel structure Errors in structural design Inability to carry load Tunnel collapse or distress
Errors in construction

Explosion at street level Excessive load on structure


Nearby railTo~d or Excessive vibrations

vehicular traffic

Insufficient space in Inability to make simultaneous Known faults concinue longer

tunnel repairs on different utilities than necessary
-- Personnel casualties I
Difficulty in transporting
equip men t Damage to utilities
Projections from surfaces Obstructions to traffic Damage to equipment being
of tunnel transported

Insufficient water Excessive seepage into tunnel Frequent operation of sump

tightness pump
Humid atmosphere causes faster I
deterioration of materials I
----- --- --- --- -----
Gross leak in crOSSing under Floodin~ of tunnel

2 Take-ofE or side outlet Uneven settling Gas pipe breaks Gas released into tunnel I
from tunnel
GRS released into customer's

Water pipe breaks Flooding of tunnel

Flooding of customer's

Electric cables break Loss of power to customer

ArCing causes fire
- -- - -- -- - -- - - -~
- ----
TABLE 3-2 (Continued)

No. Component of Source Basic Cause or Fault Direct Effect Effect of System

Take-off or ~ide outlet [~om Uneven settling (cont'd) I

2 Communications cables break Loss of communicacions to
tunnel (cont'd) customer

Inadequate sealing Gas enters tunnel Explosive atmosphere in tunnel

Water enters tunnel Flooding of tunnel

Fire propagates into tunnel Fire in tunnel

Gas from tunnel propagates to Explosive atmosphere on

customers' premises customers' premises

Fire from tunnel propagates to Fire on customers' premises

customers' premises

3 Entries and exits from tunnel Insufficient number of entries Excessive time for emergency Personnel casualties
and/or exits exit !
Entries and/or exits fully or Excessive time for repair crew Explosive atmosphere in tunnel
partially blocked to reach source of fault
Floo'ding of tunnel I

Entries and/or exits difficult Excessive ti~e to correct

to open electrical failure
Excessive time tu ~orrect
communications failure
Entries and/or exits not
Personnel unfamiliar with
e~try and/or exit lucations
Fire propagates into tunnel from Fire in tunnel I
Failure to close

Toxic or flammable gases enter Explosion and/or fire in tunneL

Toxic atmosphere in tunnel
- ----
TABLE 3-2 (Continued)

N~: Component or Source

I Nasic Cause or Fault Direct Effect Effect on System

3 Entries and exits from tunne Access by unauthorized Inadvertent damage to utilities Explosion in tunnel
(cont'd) personnel controls. detectors, or alarms

Sabotage Fire in tunnel

Flooding of tunnel
Toxic atmosphere in tunnel

4 Ventilation system Inadequate design Gas can accumulate at high Explosion and/or fire
locations in tunnel or in
adjacent vaults Hypoxic atmosphere in vaults

Loss of power to blowers No ventilation or reduced Heating of electric conductors

ventilation increases reduces ampacity and causes
temperature and humidity in cable burnout
Blockage of air intake
openings by sno~ or malicious
\0 Short-circuiting of Humid atmosphere causes faster
ventilation air by improper deterioration of materials
openings to tunnel

Lack or failure of emergency Intolerable environment for

ventilation system workmen

Smoke accumulation in case of Extensive fire in tunnel
fire causes loss of visibility
and prevents access for fire

Unprotected or poorly Fire propagates into tunnel from Fire in tunnel
located air intakes outside

Toxic or flammable gases enter Explosion and/or fire in tunnel

Toxic atmosphere in tunnel

Failure of exhaust blowers to Increased spread of fire or More extensive fire in tunnel
shut off in case of fire or flammable gas in tunnel
flammable gas in tunnel
(except blowers nearest Reduceo access to suurce by
source) fire-fighting personnel
- - - - - ---- - ------
TABLE 3-2 (Continued)

No. So~~onent or Source Basic Cause or Ef[e~~ DirecL ~ffec[ Effe~L on System
5 Gas piping Failure of pipe supports Overstress of pipe wall Gas leak in tunnel resulting
from pipe failure
Differential settling of pipe
Restraint from thermal


Vibrations from vehicular Fatigue stress in pipe


Missing or damaged protective Pipe corrosion

Corrosive constituent'in gas

6 Valves in gas piping Failure of pressure regulating Overstress of pipe wall

valve causes excessive
o preBsure in pipe

Lack of shut off valves Excessive time to stop gas leak Accu~ulation of gas in tunnel;
explosion and/or fire

Inoperative shut off valves

Inacce5~ible ~hUl off valves

and no provision to operate
them from outsid,e or remotely

7 Gas Detectors Lack of gas detectors No warning of gas leak Accumulation of gas in tunnel;
explosion and/or fire

Inoperative gas detectors

Insensitive gas detectors

Poor location of gas deteccors

Fault in transmission line

from detector to panel

8 Fire detectors/alarms Lack of fire detectors No warning of incipient fire Extensive fire·in tunnel

Inoperative fire detectors ~

- - -
TABLE 3-2 (Continued)

No Component or Source Basic Cause or Fault Direct Effect Effect on System

8 Fire detectors! alanns Insensitive fire detectors No ~arning of incipient fire ~xtensive fire in tunnel
Poor location of fire detectors

Fault in transmission line

from detector to panel

9 Sprinkler system Lack of sprinkler system Inability to extinguish Assumulation of gas in tunnel;
incipient fire Explosion and/or fire
Inoperative sprinkler system

Poor locatiun of sprinkler


10 Fire extinguishers Extinguishers not provided

Extinguishers not accessible

Extinguishers inoperative

Extinguisher coo small

Worker not trained to use

11 Water piping Failure of pipe supports Overstress of pipe wall Flooding of tunnel resulting
from pipe failure
Differential settling of pipe

Excessive pressure surges

Vibrations from vehicular Fatigue stress in pipe


12 Valves in water piping Lack of shutoff valves Excessive time to stop water Flooding of tunnel !
flow in emergency
Inoperatiye shutoff valves

Inaccessible shutoff valves

and no provision to operate
them from oUUjide or remotely

13 Water leak detectors/alarms Lack of pressure sensors or

leak detectors
Inoperative pressure sensors
or leak detectors
- - - - - - - - - ---- - - - ---- -
TABLE 3-2 (Continued)

No. Component or Source Basic Cause or Fault ! Direct Effect Effect on System

13 Water leak detectors/alarms Fault in transmission line Excessive time to stop water
. «'ont' d) Flooding of tunnel
from sensor to panel flow in emergency

Fault in transmission line tc

automatic shutoff valves

14 Electric cables Failure of cable supports Overstress causes pipe failure Overheating and/or arcing of
and loss of insulating oil or conductors, burnout, and fire
gas in tunnel
Restraint from thermal High voltage on exposed surface
expansion and personnel casualties

Vibration from vehicular Fatigue stress causes pipe

traffic failure and loss of insulating
oil or gas

CD Leak in pipe from corrosion Loss of insulating o~l or gas

IV or other cause

Electric overload Excessive heat generation in


Breakdown of electric Arcing or short circuit


Sagging of electric cable Oil migrates from impreguated

II tray paper and causes short circuit

Faulty splice Excessive heat generation at


Inadvertent covering with Reduced heat dissipation from

thermal insulation surface

Inadequate grounding Pipe at high voltage Arcing·causes fire in. tunnel

Personnel casualties
TABLE 3-2 (Continued)

No Component or Source Basic Cause or Fault Direct Effect Effect on System

Arcing causes fire in tunnel

15 Communications cables Improper location in tunnel Induced voltage from electric
cables Loss of service
Personnel casualties

16 Communication cable ~rays Failure of tray supports Wire breaks Loss of service

Improper arrangement Trays intercept water from fire Loss of service

sprinklers and prevent Fire in tunnel
extinguishing incipient fire
17 Water drains Inadequate drains Accumulation of water in tunnel Flooding of tunnel
Clogged drains

18 Swnp pumps Power failure

Pump and/or motor failure

Level switch failure
Failure of high water alarm
19 Repair machinery and/or Lack of electric ground Equipment at line voltage Arcing causes fire in tunnel
Inadequate grounding Personnel casualties

Poorly located power taps Power cord is tripping hazard Personnel casualties

20 Lighting in tunnel Power failure Loss of light in tunnel Personnel casualties

Inadequate lighting Inability to fight fire

No emergency lights Inability to make repairs
Inoperative emergency lights

21 Maintenance and/or repair Loss of control in moving Impact of equipment on electric Arcing and fire in tunnel
personnel heavy equipment cables causes insulation
breakdown Personnel casualties

Unauthorized tampering with Release of gas in tunnel Explosion and/or fire

other utilities

Release of water in tunnel Flooding of tunnel

TABLE 3-2 (Continued)

No Component or Source Basic Ca'use or Failure Direc t Effec t Effect on System

21 Maintenance and/or repair Unauthorized tampering with Short-cir,cuiting or ove_rheating Arcing causes fire in tunnel
personnel other utilities of cables
Personnel casualties

Improper use of torch or Ignition of flammable material Fire in tunnel

welding equipment

Release of gas in tunnel Explosion and/or fire in tunnel

Release of water in tunnel Flooding in tunnel

Breakdown of electric' insulation Arcing causes fire in tunnel

by overheating
Personnel casualties

Faulty tap into gas pipe Relea'se of gas in tunnel Explosion and/or fire

Faulty tap into water line Release of water in tunnel Flooding in tunnel


"'" Faulty work on electric

Arcing causes ignition Fire in tunnel

High voltage on exposed surfaces Personnel casualties

Smoking in unauthorized area Ignition of flammable material Fire in tunnel

Error in color coding pipes Release of gas Explosion and/or fire

and/or electric cables

Release of water Flooding of tunnel

Exposure to high voltage Arcing causes fire in tunnel

Personnel casualties

~2 Procedures for routine Lack of procedures Release of gas Explosion and/or fire
maintenance and repair

Inadequate or faulty Release of water Flooding of tunnel


Lack of personnel training Exposure to high voltage Personnel casualties


~. ,
TABLE 3-2 (Continued)

No Componen~ or Source Basic Cause or Fault Direct Effect Effect on System

23 Procequres for responding Lack of procedures Delay in stopping gas leak Explosion and/or fire
to emergenc ies

Inadpquate or faulty Delay in stopping water flow Floodine of tunnel

Lack of personnel training Continued arcing and/or Fire in tunnel
overheating of cables

24 Communications to control Lack of cummunication ~y5tern Inabil ty or delay in· Extensive damage in tunnel
center commun cating under emergency
Inoperative main and standby condit ons Personnel casualties
communication systems
Inadequate number and/or
location of access poines
--- - -

rectify. To prevent t~is, utilities must be periodically
inspected by their workers and the tunnel itself must be
maintained. Proper design will minimize hazards such as
water lines placed over other utilities.

Failure of the tunnel safety systems may be avoided

by periodic testing. Standards must be carefully established
and the systems calibrated to verify their level of sensi-
tivity. This point cannot be overstated. Questions such
as how much smoke should be a110wedt(: accumulate before the
ventilation system is automatically triggered must be answered.
Gas leaks are dangerous to the tunnel, but often difficult
to detect. The lower explosive limit of a gas-air mixture is
5 percent, but detection instrumentation should be set as low
as 0.5 percent so the ventilation system can easily and quickly
dissipatE any leakage and gas workers can repair the pipe.
(See Figure 3-8) The tunnel operating entity should clearly
set levels of sensitivity that will guarantee that no hazard
is allowed to go undetected. (Newburger, 1971)

Figure 3-9 illustrates the probability of a

simultaneous gas leak and power failure in the same one mile
length of tunnel over a 50 year period. It should be noted
that the range of the graph, 200 miles, is much longer than
any tunnel that is presently being considered. The three
lines on the graph represent (1) when there is no ventilation
or monitoring in the tunnel, (2) when 95% of the leaks are
diluted by the ventilation system, and (3) when 95% of those
that are not diluted are detected and stopped by the moni-
toring system. As one can expect, the probability of such
a disaster occurir!g increases as the number of miles of tunnel
being considered increases, but the length of tunnel presently
being consi~ered is extremely small and chances of a simul-
taneous failure are negligible. In order to obtain a 50 per-
cent probability of one such event occuring during a 50 year
tunnel life, over 2 million miles of utility tunnels would
have to be considered. (Newburger 1971)

.-.. "')
u 8
0 Explosive
..--I 6 Mixture
'-' Region Initial
~ Detection
w Region
p:: 4

2 Alarm 2a/o ~i1tt:ur e
til Function
CIj Region 1/2% Mi

Tunnel Ventilation Rate

(1000 CFM)
L.E.L. = Lower Explosive Limit
U.E.L. = Upper Explosive Limit
Figure 3-8. Effect of Ventilation Rate in Keeping
Minor Leaks Below the Lower Explosive
Limit (After Newburger 1972)

r-:< .04
w C1j
ill ill<
w ;::I .03
ell a
CJl to
W 0
.,4 QJ
..--I !:: of leaks are minor
C1j diluted below L.E.L.
.0 ;::I
o s .01 Reduction Due to Monitorin
~Cfl of major leaks detected
stopped below L.E.L.

50 100 150 200

Miles of Utility Tunnel

Figure 3-9. The Probability of Simultaneous (Same

Day - Same Section) Gas and Electric
Trouble Over a 50-Year Period
(After Newburger 1972)
There are several criteria against which to measure
pipe standards to assure their best perform~nce in a tunnel.
They are as follows:

a) pipe quality - made of high quality extra

weight materials free from dents and gouges
b) pipe joints - welded joints tested by hydro-
static pressure or radiographic examination
c) pipe valved - to sectiona1ize the pipe in
case of failure in one area, should also
have remote surface controls
d) corrosion - carefully applied protection so
that there are no gaps.

This will regulate the quality of pipe systems used

in tunnels and will make the need for detectors infrequent.
(Newburger, 1971)

. Tunnel and utility personnel mayor may not want to

lock vaults, v'a1ves and accE'ssways. If utilities are
isolated by chain-link fence or the like, it may be unneces-
sary to lock such thirlgs as valves. If passage between utility
plants is possible, some type of c0ntro1 center remote control
of unlocking valves, etc. might be desirable in cases of
emergency. No locks in the tunnel might be preferred. The
fiLal configuration will be decided by the operating entity,
which includes input from the utilities.

Summar~ The following is a list of ways to avoid

or arrest tunnel accidents and establish safe operation:

a) Detection systems must be installed and

periodically tested.
b) Statistical tests should be applied to the
detection system design to insure full coverage
in spite of the probability of individual
~omponent failure.

c) High standards for utility quality should be

established and enforced.
d) At least two means of egress should be provided.
e) Entranceways and hatches should be identified
.and 10 cked ,

f) Workers should know exit locations and the
location of first aid and fire fighting
g) Emergency exterior manual controls should be
provided on steam and water utilities.

The most effective way to insure tunnel safety is to

conduct a comprehensive hazards analysis during the design
process itself. Awareness on the part of the designer can
be o.f great significance. -For example, one would intuitively
think the safest configuration for gas is outside the tunnel,
or, if inside the tunnel, behind a heavy, sealed partition.
In fact~ greater safety mi~ht be obtained by putting the gas
line inside, and spending the money thus saved on heavier pipe
and better leak detection systems. Putting the gas line out-
side the tunnel, subject to accidental dig-in or corrosion
may expose the tunnel to worse hazards.

If greater safety is desired, modified designs should

be considered that would provide such features as bulkheads to
sectionalize the tunnel to prevent the spread of fires and
flooding. It should be kept in mind that design should be
used to provide optimum safety while maintaining a cost
effective tunnel operation.


Much of the economic advantage found with the utility

tunnel results from a construction procedure that does not
require a utility backfill stage. Without the need to
backfill, temporary structures may be avoided and disruption
greatly reduced. The recommended constn:,ction procedure is
novel for the U.S., but is used in Europe and Asia with success.

Three designs were considered in the evaluation of

the construction procedure and costs. A fourth design, that
recommended by CUTD in 1969 is mentioned, but not evaluated.
The prices of construction materials have changed radically
since the CUTD design, making it no longer economic. The
options evaluated by IITRI are:
Option I Transit tunnel designed for conventional
utility handling

Option II Transit tunnel designed with a utility

tunnel, roof span full-street width

Option III Transit tunnel designed with a utility

tunnel, pre-founded center columns and
half-street width roof spans.

In all options the most economical design is attempted. Thus

diaphram walls at $17/ft are shown instead of the current
$29/ft for soldier pile and lagging. Either support method
however, would be appropriate for the proposed design.
Temporary elements are avoided when possible. Diaphram walls
are incorporated into the final structure, and at appropriate
levels permanent structural elements double as temporary
bracing. The critical point to be considered in the utility
tunnel options is the use of permanent roof decking to
replace temporary tinlber decking. Not only are the cos ts of
temporary decking and traffic control saved, but the early
reestablishment of normal surface traffic is highly desirable.

The intent ,in the feasibility analysis is to compare

the best conventional design with the best utility tunnel
design. It would be unacceptable to take a transit tunnel
designed for use with conventional utility handling and add
to it a utility tunnel structure.

The following paragraphs describe the construction

sequence for each of the options. In some cases a particular
step may ce moved from one stage to another with little
effect. The sequenc~ discussed below is not necessarily
the best possible. That is a subject for detailed tunnel
design, outside 'the scope of this investigation. What is
important to· this report is that the construction of the
utility tunnel is possible using the procedures indicated.

Stage 1

a. Adjust utilities and divert if necessary.

b. Construct guide walls to utility level: Size
and dimensions to be decided by diaphragm wall
\ contractor depending on type, size and equipment.
c. Cast diaphragm walls, terminating 3 to 4 feet
above tunnel roof elevation. Short soldiers
extending up to street level are cast into the
top of the diaphragm walls.

Stage 2

d. Install soldier pile timber lagging and construct

temporary steel and timber street decking.

Stage 3

e. Excavate to approximate tunnel roof level and.

install permanent steel beams to act as bracing.

Stage 4

f. Continue excavation and earth moving to second

(temporary) bracing level, install walers and
temporary tubular struts.

Stage 5

g. Continue excavation to underside of base slab and

place bottom slab of the tunnel.

Stage 6

h. Construct intermediate columns and place thE roof

slab of the tunnel (cast-in-place concrete or
precast sections).
i. Waterproof the roof of the tunnel.

Stage 7

j. Backfill area above tunnel - dismantle temporary

decking, pull soldier piles, restore utilities,
backfill and reconstruct street surface.

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Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage. 3

'Diaphragm t.Jalls Soldiers and Temporary Tunnel and Roof Beams

~-7 '7" -:To

, f ,
r------ I

. \ ,-.
'. ,
. ~

" J ~
. '--
• 4 '-
. / , '~
---- ": ",/
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j"..:. -'-' ..
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-', /.
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:. ~~,~?,'h ;,' :\':~~l'~;~-T~ ~;,~~~'.
Star;e l~ Stages 5 and 6 Stage 7
Temporary Bracing Base Slab, Anterior Columns, Utility Restoration
and Tunnel Roof
Figure 3-10. Construction Sequence For Option I
This option uses standard techniques throughout. The.
short soldier pile wall near the surface permits ground
support to be maintained even during backfilling of the
utili ties. Currently, the diaphragm walls on 42nd Sti.eet in
New York extend to the surface, and the upper eight feet will
. have to be cut off and removed.


Stage 1

a. Adjust utilities and divert if necessary.

b. Construct guide walls to utility level. Size
and dimension to be selected by diaphragm wall
contractor to accomocHte the size and type of
c. Build diaphram walls and terminate about 2 feet
below finished street surface.

Stage 2

d. Excavate street to expose shallow utilities and

install permanent street decking. Use new decking
as erection platform. Permanent street decking to
serve also as top bracing. Place wearing surface
and open street to traffic.

Stage 3

e. CarI'y out excavation and earth moving under roof

to first bracing level which is also the tunnel
roof level. Install concrete beams connecting
to the diaphram walls.

Stage 4

f. Continue excavation to third (temporary bracing)

and install walers and bracing struts.

Stage 5

g. Continue excavation to underside of base slab and

place bottom slab of tunnel.

-. "

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\ , I. I
,-- ' . I

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~' \ ( ../
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- I
----- . ..v


Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3

Sidewalls Permanent Deck Intermediate Deck Beams


~ ,r/ 777 ["7') TT7 p7

. -, .. \'-,
( ,~ , /'
.... I J ./
/~ r ,1,----; __ .. "', _ ,. ./ /.~ .. ,
,- .-'-
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. - I...,
.JC-... ~
; / -..........::
- ',...
_."_ ........ (.
• ,I t

Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6

Temporary Bracing Base Slab Inte~nal Col~mns, and
Intermediate Deck

Figure 3-11. Construction Sequence For Option I I

Stage 6

h. Construct intermediate columns and place the

roof slab of the tunnel (cast-in-place concrete
or precast sections).
i. Locate utilities in utility tunnel~

Note that utility restoration can be started earlier

if a light work platform is provided and the utility trays
and hangers are supported from the street decking or the
beams installed in Stage 3. Surface disruption is
eliminated after Stage 2. Construction scheduling will
require consideration of contractor storage areas and work
room. The most difficult point is the Stage 3 excavation.
A small excavator would work 2 face below and adjacent to
the existing utilities, casting spoil back to the closely
following Stage 4 excavation. As each utility is exposed
by the advancing face, any concrete encasement is broken
up and hangers are attached to the street decking elements.
Excavation under-the-roof, as opposed to clamming through
the roof is not a new concept. This was used in Oakland
and New York using a belt loader and Cat 977's loading
trucks respectively. Europe and Asia have seen greater use
of the method.


Stage 1

a. Adjust utilities and divert if necessary.

b. Construct guide walls to utility level. Guide
walls to be designed by the contractor for the
type and size of excavating equipment.
c. Build exterior diaphragm walls as continuous
units and the interior walls as a strip panel
unit. Terminate walls at app~opriate level.

Stage 2

d. Excavate street to expose utilities, and

cast cap beam on top of strip panel wall. Install

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Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3

Sidewalls and Central Permanent Deck Intermediate Deck
Strip Wall Beams


1 II r ? 7. /'/ fW

'- . ",
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1-' r ".I , ~
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Stage 4 Stage 5 Stage 6

Temporary Bracing Base Slab Intermediate Deck

FiE;ure 3··12. Construction Sequence For Option III

permanent street decking using existing street
as erection platform. Permanent street decking
to serve also as top bracing. Place wearing
surface and open street to traffic,

Stage 3

e. .Carry out excavation and earth moving under roof

to first bracing level which is also the tunnel
roof level.
f. Install permanent concrete beams connecting to the
diaphragm wan s .

Stage 4

g. Continue excavation to third (temporary) bracing

and install walers and bracing struts.

Stage 5

h. Continue ~xcavation to underside of base slab and

place bottom slab. of tunnel.

Stage 6.

i. Place roof slab of the tunnel (cast-in-place

concrete or precast sections).
j. Insta]l utilities in utility tunnel.

Summary - Construction Sequence. The three options

described above are not the only viable construction methods.
For example, the conventional system (option I) has all
excavation completed before construction of the transportation
tunnel . . It may be feasible instead to place the tunnel roof
immediately following the stage 3 excavation. In this
fashion, the utility restoration could parallel the stage 4
and 5 excEvation, and backfill operations could start as soon
as the interior columns are placed in stage 6. The lower
excavation would then be conducted under the roof, just as in
options II and III. Traffic disruptions would continue
nearly until the end of the contract. It was not felt that
the greater excavation costs would be offset by any signi-
ficant reduction in project duration or disruption.
Many features are shown in these options that do
not strongly'effect the utility tunnel d'ecision. In general,
attempts were made to avoid the use of temporary structural
components. Recent advances in the cost of steel prompted
the use of slurry wall sidewalls. The methods and materials
chosen provided a comparison between two systems thought to
represent good engineering practice, and providing similar
structures and services. No methods or materials were
suggested that r_ave not been proven in practice in this
country or Europe.

It is well to establish clearly just which elements

of the suggested procedures are actually important to the
utility tunnel concept.
a) The procedures for the utility tunnel and
the conventional systems are identical up
to the placing of street decking. Both
require initial utility handling and relo-
cation, initial excavation of the street
surface and placing load-bearing side walls,
b) The utility tunnel procedure as proposed
denies the contractor some access to the
street surface. The CUTD utility tunnel
design does, of course, -have, six work
hatches per block, ranging in size from
24 inch diameter to 11 by 14 feet.
Additional hatches could be provided if
this were desirable. For this program,
however, the more severe condition of no
access except an adit at the end of the
project was assumed.
c) Placing the permanent deck early requires
that the remaining excavation be conducted
without claming. Although this option
has been used in the past, it is not
common in the U.S. and new excavation costs
were computed for this work.


It has been clearly shown that the construction and

safe operation of a utility tunnel is technically feasible.
Designs of other tunnels around the world, including that

proposed by CUTD, were studied. The best features of these
tunnels were incorporated into a recommended IITRI design,
which is felt to optimize the use of space, time, and
safety methods. The recommended configurations and pro-
cedures should be generally applicable to any city in the
world. Each city will then modify the designs according
to their specific conditions and requirements.

Technical feasibility is only part of the study to

determine whether utility tunnels should be used in urban
areas. The institutional impact and economic analysis
must also be considered, and the next two chapters of this
report will be devoted to these factors.


Institutional factors play an important role in the

feasibility study of locating utilities in transportation
tunnels. Institutional considera'tions consist of several
major elements:

a. utility company and union attitudes and the

effect the tunnel project will have on them,
b. the type of tunnel ownership and financing
of the project,
c. the tunnel operating entity that is established
and the responsibilities of operation,
d. the effect of a utility tunnel project on
public opinion and the functioning of the
central business district.

The final element is touched upon in this section of the

report, but a more detailed discussion of this aspect can
be found in Section 5, Socio-Economic Impacts.

Meetings were conducted by lIT Research Institute

and APWA in cities across the country to investigate the
various opinions held about the utility tunnel concept by
city authorities, public and private utility companies and
their unions, and merchants and the general public. Con-
sideration was given to the effects of a cut-and-cover subway
project, with conventional utility restoration, in an urban
area. Proposed utility tunnel designs were then discussed.
Efforts were made by IITRI and APWA not to influence those
interviewed either for or against the concept; the purpose
of the meetings was simply to gather information. Many of
the changes suggested by thoreinterviewed have been incor-
porated into the final recommended utility tunnel design
appearing in this report. Suggestions from the construction
community and public were used in regards to the best way
to schedule a construction project of this type.

Material used in the Tunnel Ownership and Operation
(4.1) section was taken both from the literature and from
information obtained from these interviews. Recommendations
are based upon a thorough review of the literature plus uti-
lity company and public opinion.

The impact of a utility tunnel proj ect associated

with subway construction is difficult to evaluate. Anger
was expressed by merchants and the public which is
impossible to quantify. Many objections were voiced out of
ignorance or conservatism, but there was a great deal of
genuine concern expressed about the growing tangle of
utilities in public rights of way and a spirit of cooperation
sometimes prevailed.

A representative attitude of any parti~ular group of

utilities or engineers was no.t readily obtainable. The
attitude of any given utility from city to city ranged from
skepticism to unrealistic optimism. The following sections
concentrate on ob i ective facts as much as possible.


The construction and operation of an urban area

utility tunnel is a legally and financially challenging
proposition. The requirements of tunnel ownership and
operation can be defined according, to the legal regulations
and utility company attitudes at a particular location.
There are certain prerequisites which must be met before
these roles can be filled. Tunnel ownership must be based
on the ability of the owning party to raise necessary capital
for such a project. The utility tunnels under consideration
will be associated with transportation projects. If the
cost of constructing a utility tunnel is demonstrated to be
roughly that of the cost of conventional utility restoration
for a cut-and-cover subway project in a particular city, the
amount of capital needed to be raised might be insignificant.

The tunnel management would be established by the
owner, and must meet the approval of all of those. partici-
pating in the project. Agreement between public and pcivate
utilities and municipal government could be expedited by.
a judiciously designed program of management and ownership.
' . .
Feasible avenues for financing and managing a tunnel, along
with the legal precedents which 'may be set by the creation
of such an entity must be investigated for each city, and
an equitable arrangement must be made for financial and
operational responsibilities.

Several ownership options exist, depending upon the

particular situation. These are ownership by civic govern-
ment, private party, or by joint-agreement of utility
companies. These are. apparent reasons why the municipal
government is the most feasible tunnel owner. Working
relationships between city government and utility companies
have been established out of past nece'ssity. These channels
could easily be extended to include methods for financing
and operating a utility tunnel. Street rights-of-way are
already owned by the city, except in such rare cases where
utility companies have jointly purchased them. The city has
the authority to regulate the positions the utilities must
occupy in the street (refer to legal discussion) and may
also determine the role of non-users who would benefit from
the tunnel. Public hearings or political action would
determine the zone of benefit and those occupying this zone
would be compelled to financially contribute to the. support
of the tunnel in some way.

The matt'er of financing the construction of a tmnel

by means of revenue or special assessment bonds would be under
civic jurisdiction. Reve~ue bonds qualify for federal tax
exemption, thereby reducing interest rates. The project may
also be qualified to receive federal, state, or provincial
grants through such agencies as the Federal Highway

Administration and the Department of Housing and Urban
Development. The civic government is usually more able to
withstand a debt than a private or joint-utility owner.
Payment of interest and bond retirement would be financed
in part by the rentals collected from the utilities, who
would guarantee payment by underwriting bonds, and the
financial support of the direct and indirect non-utility

Examples of civic ownership of common duct systems

in North America exist. The cities of Baltimore and Montreal
constructed common duct systems in the early 1900's. The
municipal authorities own the conduit and rent space to
utility users. The rent covers all cost of owning, operating,
and maintaining the system. In Montreal, the system is
managed by a commission of three engineers. The commission
is authorized to fix and collect rentals from both
participating private and public utilities. This rent not
only pays the operating cost (salaries, etc.) but pays the
interest and redemptions over the 40 year period of the city
debt. Rentals cease to include interest when redemption is
paid in full.

Civic ownership is advisable, due to the complexity

of ownership of various utilities and the relative ease by
which the utility tunnel could be financed and managed
through existing procedures. Government has an unfortunate
reputation for being inefficient, and some private utilities
have expressed fear of increased rental rates once the tunnel
is in operation. It must be emphasized at this point that
rental rates and the managing body will not be. established
at the whim of the tunnel owner, but will be designed to fit
the requirements of the utility needs at each particular
city. Nevertheless, other ownership options must be explored
before a decision is reached.

Joint ownership by the participating utility companies
would be one way of assuring adequate utility representation
in a managing entity. It may also alleviate much fear of red
tape encountered in government operations, but this type of
ownership has several disadvantages.

One obstacle to joint ownership is that there is no

existing legislation that enables a body as such to raise
capital or operate a tunnel. This would mean costly delays
while such legislation is enacted. The utility companies
lack the authority of the municipal government, particularly
where beneficiaries might ,have to support the project.
Private money costs more, than civic money, and the' tunnel
would have to be finance<ithrough the issuance of stocks and
bonds, the interest on which would have no tax exemption
status. 'Excess costs that are not covered by stock and bonds
would have to be covered by rate increases to the consumer.

There are also disadvantages to joint-ownership

which come from within the utility corporate structure.
Utility company investment and rate making are already
explicitly established and regulated, sci that a major funding
such as a utility tunnel would mean a change in corporate
policy. This process is a slow and arduous one. It
involves changing attitudes, which is bound to be time

Some difficulty might arise concerning the

incorporation of new utilities, not in common use at this
time, in a tunnel. Tunnel design provides space for
utility expansion. This space may not all be rented by
the time the tunnel is put into operation,so that those
utilities in the tunnel may be indirectly paying for this
extra space with their rent. There might be hesitation on
the part of one of the utility/owners to allow a new utility
in a competing field into the tunnel, particularly if the
tunnel is more than a few years old and the utilities have
been paying rent during that time.
Private ownership of a utility tunnel faces many of
the same problems that joint-ownership encounters, such as
lack of authority and means to obtain capital. Compounding
these problems is the fact that the government is hesitant
to provide grants for private ownership.

Consoer, Townsend, and Associates, in a report on

the feasibility of mass transit utility tunnels in the City
of Chicago, conducted a study for the Department of
Transportation and the National Science Foundation. In
their report they advised that the tunnel be owned by the
City of Chicago and operated by the Department of Public

The tunnel operating entity will be established by

the tunnel owner, subject to approval from the utilities
involved. CT&A suggests that the Department of Public
v]orks operate the tunnel, with the Bureaus of
Engineering and Construction both being involved
in tunnel operation and maintenance. The Chief Engineer
would operate the tunnel; the Bureau of Construction would
provide maintenance and repair services. A crew of operators
and inspectors is suggested by Consoer and Townsend, with
walk-through inspection and control panel monitoring. The
ancillary services would also be operated by the Department
of Public Works.

An advisory committee of utility company representatives

would cooperate with the managing entity on setting policy
for tunnel operation, as well as coordinate utility expansion
and repair work.

In general, the operating entity must meet the

following criteria:

a) have an organizational structure flexible

enough so that rigid utility control is
not necessary and disagreement will not
cause administration breakdown,
b) have authority to procure permits and
easements. for tunnel construction, approve
design criteria, installation and operation
of utilities,
c) coordinate the utility tunnel construction
with state and local authorities,
d) coordinate .the utility installation and future
expansion plans,
e) operate and maintain ancillary systems,
f) provide maintenance crew, operation and
inspection crew, security and access control,
g) establish rental rates and their collection,
h) approve tools and equipment used by 1easess, and
i) establish tunnel operation and work rules.

A carefu1·ba1ancebetween utility representation

and the operating entity must be maintained to provide for
the successful operation of the tunnel. This method of
cross-checking will prevent one body from domination over
another party involved in the tunnel project.


Cooperation and coordination of effort between utility

companies in a common tunnel is imperative. Although
utili ty companies may have j oint-pole and cornmon trench
agreements and like-utilities (eg. communications) will share
ducting on occasion the utility companies, by and large,
operate independently. This type of operation leads to
wastefulness and duplication of effort which might prove
costly to the consumer as well as the utility company itself.

Utilities and streets traditionally share rights of

way, especially in central business districts of large urban
areas. Unfortunately, the planning for these utility locations
has been poorly coordinated and there is a severe lack of
information about existing utility configurations. Hence,

the rights-of-way in central business districts are usually
a tangle of cables and pipes, making servicing and planning
for future expansion difficult.

Repair of these utilities or the installation of new

facilities invariably leads to disruotJon of street traffic.
Sixty percent of the street opening permits granted in the
City of Chicago have been to utility companies alone. Union
work rules generally prevent one type of utility worker from
exposing another utility plant unless it is necessary for
the repair or installation of their own facilities. This
leads to a mUltiplicity of street openings if several utilities
are working in the same area. Exceptions to this procedure
exist, but are usually associated with development of new
areas where few previously existing utilities can be found.
An example of th:i,s type of cooperation is the common
trenching that is sometimes practiced by power and '
communication utilities. When all new utilities are to be
installed in an area and both power and telephone cables
will be occupying the same pathways, sometimes one or the
other company digs a common trench and lays both cables.
The number of feet laid is carefully recorded and the utilities
take turns so that no one company does more work in common

The location of utilities in urban areas is unpredict-

able. In the existing tangle of utilities there is always a
likelihood that some will be damaged from installation and
repair operations, soils exploration, or drilling to determine
footing conditions. The expansion, addition of laterals,
splicing, restoration and relocation of utilities compounds
the problem. Support of utilities during a construction
project may also severely damage utilities. This may be the
result of vibrations from street traffic or construction
equipment, or the age and deteriorated condition of the plant.

In most cities, there exists no administrative body
to coordinate installation and repair activities or to plan
for future utility expansion. Occasionally utility companies
meet informally to discuss problems and voice complaints, but
the groups lack power and their accomplishments are
variable. Cooperation between utility companies must be
internally motivated and, unfortunately, this does not 6ft en
occur. Utility companies experience considerable dialogue
when subway projects are being proposed and the space avail-
able to the utilities in the street right-of-way has been

Utility companies were interviewed by IITRI and APWA

to learn their views of the utility tunnel concept and
whether they considered it an economically viable proposal.
There was also discussion of utility compatibility, -space
requirements, utility benefits, restoration problems and
future plans.

The utilities most likely to be included in a utility

tunnel are communications (telephone and telegraph), power
(electricity), gas, and liJater. Those that ~oJere
excluded due to incompatibility or technical limitations
are sanitary and storm sewers and possibly gas. Some of the
smaller utility systems might also be included in a utility
tunnel, such as city electricity (street lights, traffic
signals. police alarms), and pneumatic parcel and mail
transport. Consideration should be given to the ·systems in
the developmental stages and those which are not yet. in
common use, such as chemical transport, pneumatic sanitary
waste disposal, chilled and heated water, millimeter wave-
guide systems, and optical fiber communication systems.
Only the major utilities most likely to be initially included
in a utility tunnel were consulted in this study. Those
include telephone, telegraph, electricity, steam, gas and
water. The sanitary utilities (sewers) were also interviewed,
but felt that the construction of a utility tunnel would have
little direct effect on their plant.
A statement must be made as to the attitude of the
utility representatives that were interviewed. They spoke
for both public and private utili ties. Since the concept of
the utility tunnel is not a new one, most of those interviewed
had been exposed to the idea prior to their meetings with
IITRI and APWA, and already held strong opinions about the
desireability of utility tunnels. Some of the commonly held
beliefs are listed here.

a) Utility tunnels are good only for point to

point systems, but buildings along the way
cannot be efficiently serviced.

b) The risk of accidental or deliberate explosion

is much greater.

c) Costs are excessive.

d) Utility workers will fear working in a strange

environment near other utilities.

e) It will never work.

f) It will solve most utility problems.

There was a variation of opinion from city to city

for similar utilities, so that statements about the feasibility
of including a particular utility in the tunnel are nearly
impossible to make. Some of the mixed responses experienced
in the interviews from city to city are:
Power cables must be in/open trays - PVC - steel -
fiber ~ split - seamless ducting/to operate
effectively in a tunnel.

Communications cables should be/near power cables

but as far as possible from the gas main - as far
as possible from power cables and steam lines/to
operate effectively.

A water main rupture resulting in flooding of the

tunnel would/destroy all communications cables -
cause no damage since the cables are submersible.

The gas utility must be/buried outside of the tunnel

to prevent explosion and unconfinable leakage - located
inside of the tunnel to be provided with adequate vapor
detection instrumentation/to prevent explosion.

The response of city owned services was typically
more favorable to the tunnel idea than the private companies
in the same cities.

Util'ity companies have several major concerns about._

the utility tunnel concept. These are primarily economic,
safety-oriented, and space-oriented. A discussion of each
area follows.

Economic Concerns. Many questions arose concerning

the funding of a tunnel project. Who will pay the capital
and operating costs? How will rent be determined? What are
conventional (buried) versus utility tunnel restoration costs?
There is a general hesitation on the part of the utility
companies to v,iew the tunnel concept as economically
beneficial. A detailed compari 9 0n of conventional burial
vs. utility tunnel costs can be found in the economic analysis
section of this report. There was concern express'ed by some
electric power companies that putting cables on racks as
opposed to putting them in ducting would require more
expensive equipment, but the majority of the other cable
utilities disagreed. Concern was expressed by some utili-
ties, electric in particular, that their extended cab~e life
(up to 40 years) made cable replacement less freqtient r~su1-
ting in fewer street cuts than the gas company normally makes,
therefore a tunnel which excluded gas mains would not really
be of any benefit. One expressed a desire to include all
possible utilities so that the cost of constructing and opera-
ting a tunnel would be divided among more parties.

Concern over tunnel ownership was expressed. If the

tunnel is owned by the city then the rental rate might in-
crease with the rising cost of city operations. Many utili-
ties see joint-ownership of the tunnel by utility companies
as the most efficient and economical means of financing tun-
nel operations. Some utilities presently own their rights-
of-way and pay on the order of 3 percent of their revenues
in franchise tax on anything over 10,000 kw hours.

Generally, the economic concerns centered around
(1) initial and.operating costs, (2) utility restoration
costs, and (3) renting space and .billing procedures. The
first two concerns will have to be weighed from the economic
analysis. The renting and billing concerns can only be
resolved by serious open discussion and reference to
similar existing situations where utilities have shared space.

Safety Oriented Concerns. Safety in the tunnel is

a common concern of the utility companies. Two major
decisions to be made concern the question of whether to
include gas or power transformer vaults in the tunnel.
The monitoring systems provided for in the tunnel design
seem to satisfy most other safety needs, including that of
adequate security, although the suggested system seemed
elaborate and expensive to the utilities. Inclusion of gas
and transformer vaults seems to generate a fear of an in-
creased possibility of explosion. The transformer vaults
comprise compartments in the tunnel design, with a concrete
wall at least one foot thick between the transformers and
the other utilities. (See utility configurations for details.)

Inclusion of the gas line poses a serious problem.

One gas company refused to be included in a utility tunnel
unless they are provided with a separate compartment and at
least two feet of sand backfill around the main. Mr. Edward
McLean, a consulting industrial engineer with over 30 years
experience in the natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas
industries expressed the opinion that, with the proper
safeguards, there is no reason why a gas main cannot be
housed in a tunnel. He described industrial installations
where thousands of feet of gas main were run in tunnels
without mishap. He felt that gas detection equipment is
available to adequately safeguard a tunnel installation. The
conclusion reached by IITRI and APWA is that the gas lines
should be included within the tunnel, but that it is more

important to respect the opinions held by the local utilities
in any given situation. The design and operation of a
utility tunnel requires active cooperation from all participants.

The _primary objection of the gas utility in Philadelphia

is concern over gas leaks permeating the separate compartment
inthe tunnel or flooding sleeved iaterals, but it was felt
that these problems could be solved by providing adequate-
safety measures. They question the cost effectiveness of
such measures.

Cqnsidering that natural gas utility makes most of

the street openings for repairs seems to indicate that
the issue.of.gas inclusion in a tunnel is one of significant
importance so that all attempts should be made to find a
satisfactory configuration which will include gas within the

there was a consensus among the utilities that any

laterals passing over another utility's plant should be
housed in ducting for safety purposes.

Space Oriented Concerns. More cooperation and

flexibility from the utility companies has been encountered
concerning the space limitations of a tunnel than in any
other aspect of the project. Side spaces for splicing and
cable pulling are viewed as adequate. There was concern
expressed about the tremendous space occupied by transformer
vaults, but one power company redesigned their vaults to
make better use of available space in the tunnel. They also
consented to move ali vaults to one side of the street, which
would facilitate space allotments and planning for the other
tunnelled utilities.

There was concern expressed that the bending radius

of telephone cables might be too large for tunnel conditions,
or that there might not be a space or provision to place

pulling eyes. Alternative methods of cable pulling have
been discussed and it is felt that these space problems can
be easily resolved.

The specific space and racking requirements for

each utility is covered in section 3.1 of this report.

Utility Opinion Summary. In some cities, the utility

companies were unanimous in condemning the utility tunnel
concept as impossible. In other cities they were eager to
begin construction of the project, but the general feelings
expressed by most of the utility company representatives are
those of wary hesitation. They would like to have full
knowledge of the necessary investments required of them and
the benefits they will receive before making any kind of
definite commitment. The outstanding exception to this
feeling was AT&T. Although concerned about cost and
compatibility problems, they are even more concerned about
growing congestion in underground rights of way. Most
representatives feel that utility tunnels are good and
desireable. They also feel that they are inevitable and
AT&T will help in whatever way they can to create a liaison
between different utilities on right of way practices and
use of utility tunnels.

It is felt that utility tunnels will be most feasible

in heavily congested urban areas. The concept is especially
applicable in those areas where subway construction
necessitates a "support and maintain in place" method of
operation. In those cases where there are few operating
utilities or where it would be easy or cost effective to
abandon or relocate utilities from underground transit
rights of way, utility tunnels are viewed as undesirable.

The utilities expressed the opinion that there are

no insurmountable technical difficulties associated with
housing most utilities in a tunnel, but the benefits of such

a configuration must be clearly demonstrated before
utilities will change their mode of operation.


The utility tunnel represents a change in the working

environment of utility union members. The tunnel would
present an unfamiliar work environment and cooperation
between unions who normally do not work together would be
necessary. Therefore, consideration of union opinion con-
cerning the utility tunnel concept is essential.

The major factors influencing union members are the

change in working conditions, procedures, and work rules that
would result from utilities existing in a free-access location.
Most utility work, such as cable pulling and splicing, is now
being done in manholes between? p.m. and? a.m. because traffic
conditions during the day restrict manhole access. Since most
utilities pass through the same manholes, different work
rules often apply to the same area. For example, some communi-
cation workers in Chicago are prohibited from using open flame
underground, whereas power cable splicing frequently involves
the use of torches, even in the vicinity of gas mains which
might be passing through the manhole. This conflict in work
rules would also exist in a utility tunnel, and steps would
have to be taken to outline standard procedures which would
be agreeable to all unions involved.

Working conditions in a utility tunnel have definite

advantages over working underground, according to the
unions. The atmosphere would be controlled and adequate
lighting would always be available. A great advantage would
be that the entire length of the utility would be exposed
in the tunnel. The only exception would be power lines that
might be located in ducting in the tunnel floor. Cable
pulling, in this case, would probably be easier, although

more workers might be required. The task of cable pulling
would be eliminated for those cables which are racked, and
the only additional task would involve racking these cables.
Additional safety is provided by the tunnel monitoring systems,
which is particularly significant if open flames is to be used
in the vicinity of gas lines. A manhole provides only one
means of egress, which might prove fatal if an event on the
surface should block the opening. The utility tunnel would
not only have numerous access hatches, but 'the entire length
would be available as a means of egress should an emergency

Union members anticipate no interference from the other

utilities in the tunnel, as they now operate with a "two-way
street" attitude. Joint-pole agreements and the sharing or
leasing of ducts exists to some extent between utilities at
the present time. Previous studies have'stressed the fact
that difficulties would arise when different utility union
members work in a COIIIDlon structure, but union members agree
that they have worked around other utilities in the restricted
space provided by manholes with no problems.

The unions Hould object to the utility tunnel concept

if it meant a decrease in jobs, but they anticipate that .the
money saved by reduced maintenance costs would be spent by the
utility companies on expanding existing facilities and devel-
oping future utility systems. The job of utility inspection
in a tunnel would still be the domain of the union members
and utility workers. Any walk-through inspection of the
tunnel would not provide for utility inspection, although any
utility malfunc~ion discovered during tunnel inspection would
be immediately reported to the utility companies.

Utility unions should be consulted during the designing

stage and when plans for tunnel operation are being formulated,
They will be the force who ultimately decides how much space
each utility will require and whether the designs are adequate
to meet their needs.
The consensus among the utility union members is that
any disadvantages encountered while working in a tunnel
would be far out-weighed by the advantages. They feel that
they would not be exposed to an environment any more hazardous
than that encountered in manholes, and the monitoring
systems provided for the tunnel design would perhaps
furnish more safety.· Cooperation between utility union
members can be expected in the evaluation of institutional
factors concerning the utility tunnel concept.


The one group experiencing both the advantages and

inconveniences of a particular construction mode or utility
configuration in urban areas most acutely is the public. The
public is effected both as consumer and merchant. Traffic
delays, service disruption, noise pollution, parking space
reduction, and dirt all result from utility repair in the
street right~-of-ways. The consumer is reluctant to
patronize a store that is inconvenient to reach and the
merchant experiences a drop in. business. The problems are
compounded by cut-and-cover or open cut construction. Radical
utility relocations, or installation and repairs may close a
street or portion of the street for weeks. Many utilities
are located near the curb or under the sidewalks, which make
access to a store or business not only inconvenient but
dangerous, both in fact and appearance. Dirt may be tracked
into the store. Broken pavement by the side of an excavation
provides material for vandals to throw at nearby windows.
Timber walkways are unstable and become slippery when wet.

Public frustration and outcry follow closely from

daily inconvenience. The public is angered when freshly
paved streets are violated by the later addition of an
underground cable traversing the road. They have been
motivated to form citizen action groups to have a voice in
the disruption of their streets.

In Washington D.C., an ad hoc group composed of local
merchants works closely with the Washington D.C. Highway
Department concerning such things as utility relocation,
construction plans, and s·treet opening permits. Their
interests are considered when proposed street and utility
work is still in the planning stages. The two groups work
together to devise plans that will cause the least disruption
possible to the public while satisfying the utility
companies and city planners. The merchants in Washington
seem to prefer an intense disruption of business for a
short time as opposed to prolonged inconvenience and
repeated street cuts.


Several preliminary conclusions can be drawn from

this study of the institutional factors related to the
construction of a utility tunnel. Civic owership appears
to be the most feasible option for a utility tunnel. In
this way, whatever capital needs to be raised will be done
at the least cost to the consumers and utility companies
and the least amount of new legislative action. The tunnel
operating entity would be established by the tunnel owner
with frequent input and approval from the utility companies.
This entity would likely follow the suggestion of Consoer,
Townsend, and Associates and be under the jurisdiction of
the local Department of Public Works, if the tunnel is
civically owned. The entity would establish tunnel operation
and maintenance procedures, coordinate utility work, and fix
and collect rentals.

Interviews with representatives from public and

private utility companies, the engineering community, and
merchants and general public were conducted. Their opinions
aided in establishing some of the guidelines for tunnel
design and operation in this report.

The utility companies showed the widest range of
opinion, from strong disapproval to strong support for a
tunnel project. They were generally more willing to
volunteer the cooperation of other utilities than themselves,
but with the exception of the gas companies, outright
rejection of the idea was rare. Public utilities exhibited
more enthusiasm than private utilities. Gas companies
generally did not want to participate, while power and the
telephone were usually the most cooperative. Water and
steam representatives generally felt that'they could be
included if a tunnel was built.

There was concern expressed by the utilities on three

major issues: economics, space available, and safety
measures. It was felt, after discussion of the tunnel
configuration and systems, that if the project is economically
justifiable then the technical and physical limitations are
not a serious impediment.

The utility union personnel felt that any disadvantages

encountered while working in a tunnel would be far out-weighed
by the advantages. The tunnel environment would provide
pleasant working conditions. The monitoring systems would
make the tunnel a safer place to work in than a manhole. Work
could be done at anytime during the day, instead of 7 p.m. to
7 a.m., as is done presently. Cables and pipes would be easier
to care for with the free access that the tunnel provides.

Public opinion is opposed to street disruption of any

kind or at any time. Prolonged disruption has devastating
effects on stores and business. If utilities must be
repaired, the public would rather not be aware of the repair
work as it is being done. If a subway must be built they
would "rather see it under decking as soon as possible. They
would be justifiably enraged if poor planning of utility
repair or expansion id anything to hinder the rapid

completion of the construction project, or required street
cuts in new pavement. Merchants feel that there is a
rational method by which a dialogue between the public
and the urban planners can be established. This
communication would aid in the future developement of
city and private services and would benefit all concerned.



The cut-and-cover construction of a subway or utility

project will subj~ct various areas of the central business
district of a city to inimediate and undesirable conditions
of varying duration. These conditions affect the social and
economic vitality of the business district. Any responsible
project will make "all available effort" to minimize the
harm to the area. The adjustments, which are possible, will
vary with the type of construction method employed.

In evaluating the utility tunnel versus conventional

backfill options, merchants and engineers face major
differences in surface disruption time and the resultant
socio-economic impacts.

The utility tunnel configuration would permit

complete surface restoration of a half mile project within a
total of one year, totally disrupting only one block sections
for a maximum of six weeks each. Conventional cut-and-cover
construction would disrupt each one block section for four
weeks, but surface disruption would continue for two years.
Thus, the alternatives are six weeks total disruption of
only one block at a time to completion of surface work in
one year, as opposed to four weeks per block plus disruption
along the entire length of the project for two years to

The socio-economic results of two years of stress and

inconvenience are the differences compounded during 24 months
versus 1-1/2 months.
Pedestrians, motorists, merchants and workers all
oppose street disruption. Sidewalks are lost f(,r periods of
time, street detours impair mobility and the whole nature

of the downtown area changes during construction from an
active urban area to a dirty job site.

Noise and ~ibrations interfere with peace of mind

and normal activity patterns within adjacent buildings.
This lasts for six weeks with utility tunnel construction, and
18 months longer using conventional backfill methods.

The worker or shopper is confronted with the

problems of:
a) How much. more time will it take me?
b) Where is the new entrance located?
c) Is the business open?
d) How much further will I have to go?
e) Is it worth all this extra bother?

These feelings result in an avoidance of the downtown

area, and consequently a loss of sales and economic vitality.
It is difficult to measure the cost of the loss of patronage,
but the more consumers become frustrated with the inconvenience
the longer it will take them to return to the downtown area.

The physical disruptions inherent in utility and

subway projects are as follows:
street excavation
sidewalk excavation
dust, dirt
barriers (visual and physical disruptions)
blocked entrances.

There are several immediate physical and
socio-economic impacts due to the above disruptions.

Cars, trucks, buses,' taxis, must detour the
construction iite. No parking is allowed on
the timber-decked streets. The available
number of lanes are reduced and subject to
rerouting, which may result in congestion and
confusion. Shipping and delivery of goods and
freight becomes more difficult in terms of
blocked entrances and "additional time (labor
costs). Pedestrians are discouraged by the
conditions they are confronted with and
patronize the disrupted streets to a lesser
extent. (In normal times pedestrians walk
only two to three blocks for shopping; under stress
conditions they are not likely to want to
walk in the disrupted area at all.)

Outdoor Activities
Gardens, restaurants, parks, plazas lose their
attractiveness during the construction period.

Visual Blight
The presence of barriers, machines, dirt, etc.
decrease the emotional and esthetic appeal of
the area.

Hazards and Possible Accidents

Physiological Stress
The poll~~ions of fumes, dust, dirt, and noise
subject the body to irritation.

Psychological Stress
The excess time, distance and confusion resulting
from the construction project distrubs both
shoppers and employees alike. Irritability of
sales people results in loss of good will and

Institutions and Other Business Requiring Low

Noise Levels
Schools, hospitals, theaters, museums must operate
in quiet areas, which becomes increasingly difficult
during construction.

Hotels, tourist attractions, and convention centers
suffer from lack of accesibi1ity as well as from
the noise, and dirt. Loss of entrances create delays
and aggrevations.

Restaurants and Other High Volume Traffic Dependent

These establishments are hardest hit, being
dependent on street access and foot traffic for
their business.

Crime and Vandalism

Exposed construction material and scattered debris
are open invitations to vandals to destroy property.

Public Service
Police patrol, fire, ambulance, and mail services,
are all curtailed due to street disruption.

If the construction period extends for several
months (4-12) the loss of store front and office
tenants will adversely affect the real estate

Retail Trade
The stores on the streets being excavated
will exhibit definite sales loss~s. Adjacent
streets will sutfe~ less, d~pending on the
amount of congestion and the length of time
for which intersections are blocked. Marginal
stores will be unable to stay in business if
the construction period extends much beyond six
months time.

Marginal Small Business

If duration exceeds six months, 20 to 30 percent
will fail.

If retail trade loses business, unemployment will
increase. The number of construction jobs
generated by the project will not offset these
figures. This, also means increased unemployment
and welfare claims.

Tax Bases
Lower sales and unemployment mean lower sales tax,
city tax, employee head tax, and federal income
tax. The property values may not lower, but any
loss of tenants will make it more difficult for
landlords to pay property tax.

General Ambience of CBD and Its Competitive Position

As the disruptions of the project increase the
CBn becomes less attractive. Ninety percent of the
retail sales ,lost from the CBD goes to suburban stores.
In recent years, this loss has ,been somewhat less, but
it is essential to the survival of the innercity
that consumers are encouraged to patronize downtown

One of the problems found in researching the economic
impact on area merchants is that there is an unfortunate
lack of information on the direct costE of these disruptions.
Little has been written on the subject of what happens to
the CBD during the construction period. By reviewing impact
statements on other projects and through discussions with
merchants affected by previous construction projects the
following conclusions may be offered:

Retail sales will lose 20 to 30 percent of their

business; the higher figure reflecting two year
construction disruption.
Offices and store fronts may be vacated if
cotistruction goes beyond 12 months. If
construction lasts six months or less, no appreciable
decline in leases will occur (with the exception
of small marginal operations).
Marginal operations could go bankrupt - losing
20 percent or more of their sales if the project
last more than several months. Since this
20 percent is their profit, losses over a two year
period would probably render them unable to repay
even emergency small business loans.
Banks will have to erect temporary windows or
new entrances to maintain their walk-in business.
Although much business could be transacted
through the mails, some damage is inevitable.
Hotels and tourist attractions would show moderate
loss~s on the whole - direct inconvenience might

result in losses of 15 to 20 percent.

Professional services, doctors, lawyers,
accountants would lose some business, especially
if the disruption lasts more than six months.

Restaurants and high volume stores would be
hardest hit. From 50-75 percent of their
business would disappear until their accessibility
is restored.
The dollar amount of these losses'to individual businesses is
a function of the duration of the surface disruptions. A brief
disru~tion may be endured; longer disruptions will possibly
result in busines~ failure. 'The loss t6 the business district
as a whole is based on the duration, and percentage ,of the
total area blocked.

Huch of the new office space in Chicago is leased

but not yet occupied. Only 30 percent of the tenants in
these new buildings are now paying rent. If a project lasted
more than a year, offices with flexible location needs would
shift to a more attractive suburban location. Only 85 percent
of the more prestigious locations are leased. Office leasing
has lagged behind the economy, and some urban landlords have
lowered lease rates to compete with suburban areas. Any
extended disruption to the area will damage these attempts to
regain part of the market.

General office activity and recreational activity

would be distrubed. Some of the noise can be reduced but
the lack of patronage of area theaters and parks will damage
this industry, as well.

A secondary aspect of the change in patronage is

the resulting change in social mixture of the CBD. The
lower class ethnic groups have fewer alternatives for
shopping or movie theaters and they will continue patronage
of the area. Thi~ makes a visible difference in the quality
of the downtown area life and defeats the efforts to fully
integrate the city. These hidden costs are not directly
quantifiable, but affect the ability of an area to recover
from disruption.

A stronger, and more rapid recovery is possible
when the construction lasts less than one year. Second
year losses may increase by five to ten percent. Recovery
based on an operational transit system is optimistic. This
would reinstate accessibility but that alone is not
sufficient to revitalize the economy of the CBD. Obvious~y,
there are serious socio-economic problems to be faced by
any city considering a massive disruption to the CBD.
The public benefits when the project affects smaller
areas for a shorter period of time. Project planning should
strive to increase accessibility to businesses that offer
essential retail goods and social services without harming
the health and economic welfar~ of the citizens.

The perceived quality of the district is essential to

market capture and maintenance of the desired ethnic and
economic mix of the people patronizing the area. Retailers
and large companies, as well as private professionals, will
take these general qualities into consideration when selecting
'a suitable location for their business. Shorter term
disruption will minimize the loss to the area. The total
recovery of an area after construction has been completed
is a complex issue involving many factors other than simply
the duration of the project. Recovery is also baSed on the
economic cycle of the nation as a whole. Nevertheless, every
effort on the part of the urban planners and engineering
community should be made to employ innovative construction
techniques to minimize the disruption to urban areas and
thereby reduce the severity of the impact.


Time Type Percent

1-1/2 months Retail Sales 20

Marginal B'usiness 10-25
Banks 1.,.3
Postal Delivery
Hotels 10-15
Restaurants 50-75

6 months Re tail Sales 25

Marginals 20-30
Restaurants 50-75
Professionals 10
Hotels 20
Banks 3-5

1 year Retail Sales 25

Marginals 30
out of business
Leases not remewed

2 years More leases lost

Retail Sales 30
Professionals 15
Restaurants (in debt)
Marginals bankrupt



The construction of large scale general public

improvements such as a cut-and-cover transportation tunnel
represent a wholesale disturbance of complex and sometimes
delicate utility systems found .in the rights of way.
Utility handling, while assuring the continuity of utility
service to adjacent customers, is an important and
expensive aspect of any such construction. The decision
to construct a cut-and-cover transportation tunnel, however,
is also a decision for the overall relocation of utilities.
As such it affords an opportunity for the reordering of the
central area rights of way to better fulfill the future
space needs of existing and new utility facilities. It was
noted in APWA Special Report No. 44, Accommodation of Utility
Plant Within The Rights Of Way of Urban Streets and Highways:
State of the Art, that ...

" . Urban redevelopment project offers some cities the

opportunity to correct R/W utility accommodation
practices made in central areas and CBD's when they
were originally developed.

Prudence would suggest that opportunities to more

~ationally reorder the allocation of space to utilities

in congested rights of way should be exercised whenever


This discussion will be directed to various aspects

attendant upon the use of utility tunnels. These will
include an overview of legal implications, cost sharing,
past joint use experiences and other relevant considerations.
It is not meant to be a comprehensive legal statement, but
is a reiteration of the research done by APWA on the matter
of the legal implications of a utility tunnel.

States and their delegated political subdivisions or
agencies possess and exercise sovereign and complete control
over public rights of way within their respective
jurisdictions: It is generally accepted and often codified
that public utilities designed to serve public purposes may
also make use of designated classes of public right of way
subject to various qualifications and regulations.

When the utility obtains the express or implied consent

of the legal authority having jurisdiction over the
right of way and expends money on the basis of that consent,
it gains a legal interest or privilege in its location
for limited purposes and is also subject to corresponding
duties or obligations. Thus, the legal jurisdiction may
not rescind its consent and obligate the utility to move iis
facilities without a valid reason. No .utility: however,
can exercise a vested right to remain in a given location
_within a public right of way in the face of a valid reason---
regardless of local franchise agreement conditions or
expense. Government may not agree to limit or-impair its
'police power'~--its power to make all reasonable regulations
necessary to preserve the health, safety, welfare and
convenience of the public. The control of public rights of
way are generally recognized within the scope of 'police
power' .

The courts have uniformly held that legally authorities

can require utilities to relocate any facilities within a
right of way to another position within the right of way
at their own expense, whenever the necessities of street
improvement or betterment require. Utilities may also be
required to relocate when governmental functions other than
street betterments are involved as long as they are not
merely the "proprietary" activities of the legal authority
or are to benefit other privately owned utilities. Definition
of 'proprietary' activities in this case is not uniformly

interpreted in the courts. Federal participation in
betterments or improvemen't is not an inhibition of the
local exercise of 'police' powers.

The exercise of police power by a local authority

must be determined by the balance of the burden imposed
upon a private individual (or utility) against the benefit
accruing to the public through the limitation of his rights.
Some, exercise of this power in connection with the
relocation of utilities at their own expense to make way
for the construction of subways have been upheld 'in
the courts.* Subway construction in these cases were
classified as governmental functions. In at least one
case, utility relocation costs were found to be payable
by a transportation authority for subway entrance changes
in a public right of way because the construction was
defined as a proprietary function of the city.**

In the case of Peoples Gas Light and Coke v. Chicago

(413 Ill. 457,109 N.E. 2nd 777, 1953), the following
ruling was made:
The Supreme Court of Illinois affirmed the
Circuit Court which had dismissed the company's
complaint, holding that providing ways for travel
below the surface of the streets of a municipality
is a proper street use and that the same principles
apply as would apply on the surface - namely, that
the city was acting in its governmental, not
proprietary, capacity, and that the utility is
required by common law principles to move its

'~PeopleGas Licht and Coke Co. v. Chicago, 413 Ill. 457,109

N.E. 2d 777 (1953)
New Jersey Bell Tel. Co. v. Delaware River Joint Comm'n,
125 NJ L 235 15 A 2d 221 (1940)
Philadelphia Electric Co. v. Philadelphia, 301 Pa 291, 152
At123 (1930).
**City of New York v. New York Tel Co. 278 NY 9, 14 N.E.
2d 831 (1938).

facilities at' {ts own cost. Such a requirement does
not violate the company's property or contract rights
or deny it equal protection of the laws ..

The foregoing indicates that legally authorized

local jurisdictions may exercise the power to require
utilities to relocate their facilities within public
rights of way. The expense of relocation may be an
obligation on the utility when the local jurisdiction so
elects in the exercise of its "governmental" functions.
The expense of relocation may not be an obligation of the
utility if the local authority requires relocation to serve
its "proprietary" functions. A case on behalf of the local
authority in the case of a utility relocation for a subway
construction at utility expense is found in the case of
Philadelphia (301 Pa. 291, 152 Atl. 23, 1930), in which the
following ruling was made:

The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania reversed the

Common Pleas Court and held that the company could
n~t abrogate its contractual obligation to comply
w1th the condition compelling it to pay for the
construction of a municipal work such as a subway.

In this case the findings of the court were based upon the
franchise agreement under which the utility operated in
public rights of way as it was interpreted as a contract.

Franchise agreements are the most popular and

prevalent tool used for the regulation of public utilities
by governments. As noted in the previous legal citation,
franchise agreements may have some implications for the
integration of utilities in transportation tunnels. Most
notably, the issue of allocation of utility relocation costs
is of concern to both governments and utilities. In general,
most franchise agreements between governments and utilities
require the utility to relocate at the jurisdiction's
request, and at the utility's expense. One example of the

wording of) a franchise granted by the Phoenix, Arizona is
as follows ...
A. The entire cost of relocation shall be borne by
the City if the Grantee is required by the City
to relocate facilities which are located in
private easements or rights of way obtained
by the Grantee prior to the dedication of the
public street, alley or easement from which the
facilities must be relocated. These prior
rights of the Grantee would also be unaffected
by any subsequent relocation.
B. Except as covered in paragraph A above, the
Grantee shall bear the entire cost of relocating
facilities located on public rights of way, the
relocation of which is necessitated by the
construction of improvements by _or on behalf of
the City in furtherance of its governmental
functions. The City will bear the entire cost of
relocating any facilities, the relocation of
which is necessitated by the construction of
improvements by or on behalf of the City of
Phoenix in furtherance of a proprietary function.
The following items are clearly governmental
functions of the city:
1. Any and all improvements to City streets,
alleys and avenues designed to improve
the flow of vehicular and pedestrian
2. Installation of sewers and storm drains
and related facilities;
3. Installation of pipe and other facilities
to serve domestic and municipal water
to the extent that those facilities are
used to serve municipal facilities
utilized in furtherance of the City's
governmental functions;
4. Establishing and maintaining municipal
5. Providing fire protection;
C. With respect to all other instances requiring
relocation of utility facilities or necessitating
protecting the utility facilities or providing
temporary service where the improvements being
installed by or on behalf of the City do pot
require relocation, the cost of relocation
or providing temporary service or protecting
facilities will be resolved on a case by case basis.
This example was selected because it clearly defines the
relationship of "governmental" and "proprietary" functions
of the jurisdiction. In this case, if subway construction

was p1anned,the costs o~ utility relocation would be
clearly those of the affected utilities.

The use of franchise agreements is a commonplace

tool for the ~ontro1 of utility usage of the public rights
of way. The 1973 APWA survey findings, indicated in
Table 5-2 demonstrates that locally negotiated franchises
are most prevalent, while state-wide franchises are second.
The responsibilities for utility relocation and the expenses
of relocation were surveyed for a number of jurisdictions.
The results of this effort appear in Table 5-3. In the
majority of the franchises reviewed, the local authority
clearly spelled out its right to require the relocation of
utility facilities for good cause. The majority also stated
that the obligation for the cost of relocation would be that
of the utility involved.

Because standards for utility location have been

developed in a number of jurisdictions, some information
exists to suggest that utilities may be required to locate
their facilities at a specific location within the right
of way. The 1973 APWA survey indicated that 41 percent
of the respondent communities have some form of utility
location standards; 38 percent have not developed standards;
and 21 percent are now working on these criteria. Of the
communities with firm criteria, 31 percent require mandatory
compliance while 69 percent employ their standards only as
In conclusion, sufficient"legal documentation exists
to suggest that utility/transportation tunnel integration is
possible, and under the proper conditions, enforceable by
local governments and governmental authorities. Indeed,
where specific statutes, state constitutional provisions, or
franchise contract stipulations do not expressly address
this issue on~'way or the other, there appears to be little

(214 replies)

Authority Percent

Franchise By State 25.2

...... Franchise By Municipality 62.6

State Legislation 20.6

Municipal Ordinances 57.0
Other 4.2

Franchise Rp-quirement
Responsible For Relocation Relocation At Utility
At Jurisdiction Request Expense
Yes No Yes No
San Diego County CA X X
San Diego CA X ,X
Oakland CA X X
Austin TX X X
Fremont CA X X
t,; Bellevue NC X X
Decatur GA X X
Portland OR X X
Minneapolis MI.~ X X
Travis TX X X
Tempe AZ X X
Phoenix AZ X Depends on Conditions
Wichita KS X X
Montgomery County AL X X
Hammond IN X X
Covington KY X X
Louisville KY X X
TABLE 5-3 (Continued)

Franchise Requirement
Responsible For Relocation Relocation At Utility
Jurisdictions At Jurisdiction Request Expense
Yes No Yes No
Natick MA X X
Stillwater MN X X
Paterson NJ X X
Camden NJ X X
New York NY X Depends on Conditions
Syracuse NY X X
" Cheektowaga NY X X
Raleigh NC X X
Chester PA X X
Scranton PA X X
Boroughs of Alden and
Clifton Heights PA X X
Philadelphia PA X X
Pittsburgh PA X X
Mifflin County PA X X
Nashville TN X X
Bremerton WA X X
White County WV X X
- - - - - -
TABLE 5~3 (Concluded)

Franchise Requirement
Responsible For Relocation Relocation At Utility
Jurisdictions At Jurisdiction Request Expense
Yes No Yes No
Benwood WV X X
Merced CA X X
Tampa FL X X
t'lacon GA X X
Chicago IL X X
New Orleans LA X X
Lafayette LA X X
Belfast ME X X
Detroit MI X X
Los Angeles CA X X
Kansas City KS X X
Westchester County NY X X
Milwaukee WI X X
Hannibal MO X X
Plattsmouth NE X X
Teague TX X X
-- ------ - - --
doubts that governments reserve the right, under common
law, to regulate the use of public right of way if it is to
the benefit of life, health, property, safety, or convenience
of the public. In Port of New York Authority vs. Hackensack
Water Company, Public Service Electric and Gas Company, and
New Jersey Bell Telephone Company (1963), the Court held
that: (1) the utility's interest in public right of way is
subordinate to the public's enjoyment of it and the utility
runs the risk that public welfare may require changes calling
for the relocation of utility facilities; and (2) the true
connection between police power and relocation of utility
facilities is not that the duty to relocate is generated in
each specific instance by decision under police power to
impose it but rather the meaning is that the utility interest
in the street was intended to be subordinate to police power,
that is, that the government's authority to exert police
power in the street for public welfare was not bargained away
by grant to the utility company. As in the case of Philadelphia
Electric Company vs. Philadelphia, this doctrine should
equally apply to subsurface public right of way.

In short, if the building of a subway transportation

system could be proven to be a necessary "governmental"
function for the benefit of life, health, property, safety,
or convenience of the public, utilities, it would appear,
could be required to relocate at their expense in a manner
to be determined by the governmental authority. This could
mean relocation in a joint-use transportation/utility tunnel
where tranditional relocation methods were proven to be not
feasible, as in the case of limited right of way space
resources in densely populated CBD's.

It is likely that related federal government monetary

policies will have a substantial impact on decisions to
fund projects involving utility systems and transportation
tunnel integration as well. In the case of federally funded

highway projects, for example, the Code of Federal
Regulations, Title 23, Highways, Subpart A, Section 645.103,
Federal funds may participate, at the pro rata share
applicable, in an amount actually paid by a State,
or £Q.litical subdivision thereof, for the costs
of utility relocations under one or more of the
following conditions:
2) where the utility occupies either publicly'
owned or privately owned land or public
right of way, and the State's payment of
the costs of relocation is made pursuant
to State law and does not violate any
legal contract between the utility and
the State, provided an affirmative finding
has been made by FHWA that such a law
forms a suitable basis for Federal-aid
fund participation ...
Thus, federal money can be used for utility relocation on
highway projects if state or local contracts with:utility
companies (franchises) do not stipulate that utilities
must bear the brunt of relocation and the costs incidental
thereto. In Phoenix, Arizona, for example, where the costs
of utility relocation is clearly the responsibility of the
City, the City is eligible for reimbursement of utility
relocation costs under prevailing federal regulations for
federally approved highway construction projects.


This section summarizes the economic analyses

conducted for the tunnel designs previously described.
The comparison between options was made by estimating the
cost of the entire basic structure plus the costs of utility
handling. Common elements in the total system, such as
trackwork, street paving and others were ignored. Construc-
tion estimates were obtained from contractors, bid prices
from transit systems under construction, and the literature.
The utility tunnel appurtenances and utility loading were
adapted from the CUTD (1973) report on a deta{led utility

tunnel design proposed for Monroe Street in Chicago, It
was felt that this proposed utility tunnel design and the
utilities therein provide an excellent example that can
easily be generalized for application in any urban area.

Emphasis is placed on quantifying the direct costs

accruing to the tunnel owner and other organizations involved
in the project. The benefit analysis has been accepted from
previous work (CT&A, 1975) with little change. The traffic
delay cost for the construction period was not considered
in the CT&A study, which assumed traditional construction
methods. This element was therefore quantified using
numerical relaxation techniques as shown in Appendix B.
Throughout, dollar figures are indexed to 1975.

Three design options were evaluated in this analysis.

Option I (Figure 5-1) is a conventional subway design in
which the utilities are located in the backfill above the
subway roof. Twenty-four inch thick slurry walls are
provided to function as outer walls of the transportation
tunnel and for roof support. The roof of the transportation
tunnel could be either precast concrete panels or a cast-in-
place slab. The choice would be determined by economics.
Steel plate girder and precast roof elements were selected
for this estimate. The floor of the tunnel is a cast-in-
place concrete slab. Center columns are provided to support
the roof.

Option II (Figure 5-2) incorporates a clear span

utility tunnel above the transportation tunnel. Slurry
walls of the same thickness as Option I are provided to
support the permanent street level roof deck and to function
as outer walls for the transportation and utility tunnel.
The permanent street level deck consists of precast concrete
elements. Concrete beams running across the width of the
tunnel are provided to support the intermediate deck, which


r- 54" x 300# It Girder @ 15" c-c


2' Diaphragm
Wall x 42'
~ 2' x 3' @ 15' c-c

3' Cast-in-Place
~'"" ~,~

"- J

Figure 5.,.l. OPTION I - Conventional Design

recast Panel


I ecas t Intennediate

.po. X 48' Diaphragm
"- X 3' Columns 11s
@ IS' c-c


3' Cast-in-place
bottom slab

...... '-- '--

Figure 5-2. OPTION II - Utility Tunnel With Center Columns

is also precast concxete elements. The base slab and
center colurr:ns are the same as in Option I. Option II was
eliminated during preliminary analysis as the design required
a very expensive roof deck.

Option III (Figure 5-3) is similar to Option II. The

major design variation is the incorporation of central strip
panel walls extending to the roof deck to replace the center
columns. The strip panel wall is a two feet by six feet
slurry wall that extends to three feet below the roof deck.
Cap beams are provided on top of the strip panel walls and
run the entire length of the tunnel. By providing a central
support to the roof deck (street level) the unsupported
width of the deck is reduced to half and the thickness of
the roof deck is also reduced. The roofs of the utility
(deck at street level) and transportation tunnel are precast
concrete panels. The base slab is the same as in Option I.

The cost of under roof excavation as proposed in

Option II and III is $13.26 per cubic yard, $1.96 per cubic
yard more than the cost used for common' excavation. A
detailed breakdown of the structural costs for Option I and
III is presented in Table 5-4. Sources of unit cost elements
are listed in Table 5-5.

Utility Handling (Options I and III

Utility handling costs were estimated for the following

Option I Replace 20 percent of power and communi-
cations cables, replace 100 percent of
gas and city services.
Option I Replace 100 percent of all utilities.
Option III - Replace 100 percent of all utilities.
Depreciation of existing utilities scheduled for replacement
was not considred. The question of what constitutes a utility

I 27 , X 4' x 29'
Pr ecast Box

8" x 24" X 15'

Pre cast Decking

24" x 42" @ 15' c-c

Concrete Beams

2 • X 48' Diaphragm
Wal 15
VI 2' x 6' @ 15' c-c
53' Cast-in-Place Strip Panel Wall

/-.... ",,?V?V'

- - -
Figure 5-3. OPTION III - Utility Tunnel With Strip Panel Wall

OPTION I - 'Conventional :OPTION III - Utility Tunnel

Unit Cost Unit Cost

Element Description or Source Cost Description or Source Cost

Side Walls and 2' diaphragm wall (3) 2' diaphragm wall (3)
Bracing 42' K 2 (2880') l7/SF $ 4, H2 ,640 48' K 2 (2880') l6/SF $ 4,423,680

Soldiers and Lagging (6) $ 564,480 Not applicable

WF 36 K 135 walers (7)

2(2880) K 135 ~ 8 2.10/lb $ 204,120 . Same as Option I $ 204,120

140 lb/ft struts at

15' C-C .44 ft long (7)
2880 ~(15K8) K44K140 1. 86/lb $ 274,982 I Same as Option I $ 274,982

~ Street Deck 36 WF ,w/10" planking 4' K 27" precast bOK (9)
CI'I (temporary)
56 x 2880 ~ 9
$ 2,329,600
I 57.5 K 2880 l3.5/SF I $ 2,235,600

2' K 3' cap beam

140 Ib/CY steel (1)
2880 x 2 x 3 ., 27 = 640 200/CY $ 128,000
640 x 140 0.45/1b $ 40,320

Page Total $ 7,485,822 $ 7,306.702

Total $ 7,485,822 $ 7,306,702
TABLE 5-4 (Continued)

OPTION I - Conventional OPTION III - Utility Tunnel

Unit Costl I Unit Cost
Element Description or Source Cost Description or Source Cost

Intermediate Deck 300 1b/ft Pl. girder 24" x 42" conc. beam
(transportation @ 15' C-C (4) 170 1b/CY steel (1)
tunnel roof) 300 x 54 x 2880 ~ 15 $ 1,555,200 2 x 3.5 x 54.5 x 2880 c (15 x 27) 200/CY 542,578
0.50/Ib $
2713 x 170 O.45/lb $ 207,545
Pre-cast 12" x 24"
hollow core (9)
Pre-cast 8" x 24"
53.5 x 2880 3.IO/SF $ 477,648 hollow core (9)
53.5 x 2880 2.80/SF $ 431,424

Interior Columns 2' x 3' w/200 1b/CY (1) 2' x 6' @ 15' C-C slurry (3)

2' x 3' x 17 x 2880 + (15 x 27) 200/CY $ 145,067 I 2880 x 45 x 6 7 15 16.60/SFi $ 860,544
725 x 200 0.45/lb $ 65,250

J3ase Slab 3' cast in place

w/I50 Ib/CY steel (2) Same as Option I
2880 x 3 x 53.5 27 80/CY $ 1,369,600 $ 1.369,600
17,120 x 150 0.45/1b $ 1,155,600 $ 1,155,600

Page Total $ 4,768,365 $ 4,567,291

Total $12.254,187 $11,873.993

TABLE 5-4 (Continued)

OPTION I - Conventional OPTION III - Utility Tunnel

Unit Cost Unit Cost
Element Description or Source Cost Description or Source Cost

Excavation Upper six feet (5)

53.5x6x2880 ~ 27 12.50/CY $ 428,000 Same as Option I $ 428,000

Common excavation (5) Common excavation (5)

53 . 5 x 30 x 2!l!lU ~ 27 1l.30/CY $ 1,934.560 53.5 x 30 x 2880 ~ 27 13.26/CY $ 2,270,112

Excess Backfill Granular material (10) Not applicab Ie

12 x 53.5 x 2880 '" 27 9.80/CY $ 671,104
- - - - - - -

Page Total $ 3,033,664 $ 2,698,112

Total $15,287,851 $14,572,105

( )Numbers indicated in parentheses are

referenced in Table 5-5

Ref. Unit
if Materials Price Source
1. Cast-in-place concreLe rein- $200/cy. P.P. Xanthakos, Inc.
forcement $0.45/1b. P.P. Xanthakos, Inc.
2. Cast-in-place concrete for base $80/cy. P.P. Xanthakos, Inc.
slab (no form work)
3. Slurry walls:
Option I: $l7/sq.ft. Sumitomo Construction
America, Inc.
t-' Option II: Sidewalls $16/sq.ft. Sumitomo Construction
Stripwalls $16.60/sq.ft. Sumitomo Construction
4. Steel plate girders $0.50/1b. P.P. Xanthakos, Inc.
5. Utility Excavation $12.5/cy. IITRI projection
Common Excavation $11. 3/ cy. Abstract of Washington
Metro Area Transit
Authority Bid
Under Roof Excavation $13.26/cy. IITRI projection
6. Steel soldier piles & lagging $l4/sq.ft. P.P. Xanthakos, Inc.
7. Temp. bracing-
1. Cost of steel tubes $0.26/1b. P. P. Xanthakos, Inc.
2. Installation & removal chrgs. $0.20/lb. P.P. Xanthakos, Inc.
3. Steel walers $0.5 Ib/ P.P. Xanthakos, Inc.
8. Temp. wooden decking &
traffic control $130/sq.yd. Avg. bid price (Bechtel)

TABLE 5-5 (Concluded)

Ref. , Unit
iF Materials Price Source
9. Precast panels:
Option I: 12" x 2' hollow
core sections $3.l0/sq.ft. ,Midwest Precast - Chicago
Option III:
Street decking:
t-' 27" x4' box I
o beam panels
Tunnel Roof:
I Midwest Precast - Chicago
' ..

8" x 2' hollow !
core sections . $ 2. 80/sq. ft. Midwest Precast - Chicago ,

10. Backfill. $ 9.80/sq.ft. Avg. bid price - (CurD,

Bechtel) I

- - - -
betterment is not treated uniformly throughout the country.
Here we assume that new cable does not constitute a better-
ment, thus giving an artificial economic advantage to the
conventional 20% rep lacement case, and making this economic
feasibility analysis somewhat conservative.

Table 5-6 gives a detailed cost comparison for the

options. The utility handling costs for the three schemes
Option I (20% replacement) $12,979,588
Option I (100'/0 replacement) $14,473,132
Option III $12,819,288.

It can be concluded from the analysis that the cost

of relocating utilities in a utility tunnel with total
replacement of all utilities is similar to replacing 20%
of the cable utilities and 100% of the public utilities in
the conventional scheme.

Utility Tunnel Requirements (Option ,III)

1. Appurtenances
The utility tunnel is well lit and adequately
furnished with fire sprinklers, extinguishers, etc, for
emergencies. Cable racks are provided for telephone and
telegraph cables. Provision is made to handle the 24"
diameter gas and water mains. The total estimated cost
for appurtenances in $895,980.

2. Auxiliary Systems
The auxiliary system requirements for the utility
tunnel are:
Pumping stations:
Six pumping stations are provided. Each
station has two 1,200 gpm pumps.


Option I Option L Option III

Cost Elements (20% replacement) I (100% replacement)
Cost $ Cost $ Cost $
a.Work common to three alternatives $3,358,421 $3,358,421 $3,.358",421
b".lOO% replacement of cables 1,050,000 1,050,000
c. 20% replacement of cables 210,000
(due to accidental damages)
d.Conventional method requirements 2,008,805 1,568,000
e.Additional vaults 330,000 330,000 500,000
a.Work common to three alternatives 1,549,136 1,549,136 1,549,136
vi b.100% replacement of cables 1,430,000 1,430,000
N c.20% replacement of cables 286,000
(due to accidental damages)
d.Conventional method requirements 256,065 94,500
3. Telegraph
a.Work common to three alternatives 246,599 246,599 246,599
b.100% replac~ment of cables 182,754 182,754
c.20% replacement of cables 36,550
(due to accidental damages)
d.Conventional method requirements 97,260 63,000
a.Work common to three alternatives 2,549,370 2,549,370 2,549,370
5.City Sewers
a.Work common to three alternatives 582,306 582,306 582,306
TABLE 5-6 (Concluded)

Option I Option I Option III

Cost Elements (20% replacement) (100% replacement)
Cost $ Cost $ Cost $
6.City Water
a.Work common to three alternatives $ 778,000· $ 778,000 $ 778,000
b.Conventional method requirements 25,000 25,000 -
c.Utility tunnel installation - - 55,000
7.City Electric
a.Work common to three alternatives 223,151 223,151 223,151
b.Conventiona1 method requirements 442,895 442,895 -
c.Utility tunnel installation - - 314,551
LV - - - -- - --- - ---
Ventilation System:
The ventilation system essentially consists of
14 fan shafts and 13 air intakes capabie of handling air at
the rate of 10,000 C.F.M.
Flooding Overflow:
This consists of gravity overflow drains and
three 30 inch diameter outflow lines.

49 - medium sized roadway hatches
7 - gas section hatches
The total cost for the auxiliary system is $434,950.

3. Detection and Communication Systems

Automatic dial telephones and talk back speakers are
installed at each intersection for communication. Thermo-
stats, detection sensors, alarms for gas sections, etc. is
provided for sensing hazardous conditions in the utility
tunnel when and if they occur and warning the control panel

4. Control Center Allowance

The control center monitors the detection system,
communication system, etc. One center can control about
5 miles of the tunnel. The cost of the control panel depends
on the length of the tunnel to be monitored. Costs estimated
by CT&A (1975) for the panel are adapted and distributed in
this study.
A detailed cost breakdown for the utility tunnel
requirements is presented in Table 5-7.


Item Unit Unit Cost Quantity Cost

l. Appurtenances
lighting l. f. $ 30(1) 3,080 ft. $ 92,400
(2,800' tunnel +
200' side space)
automatic fire sprinklers l. f. $ 35(1) 3,080 ft. $107,800
and extinguishers
contingencies l. f. $ 160(1) 3,080 ft. $492,800 I

cable racks (excluding total proj ect $142,000 (1)'

duct banks)
additional cost for gas total project $ 60,980(2)
2. Auxiliary System
VI pumping stations each $25,000 * 6 $150,000
fan shafts each $11,000 * 14 $154,000
air intakes each $ 6,000 13 $ 78,000
flooding overflow total proj ect $ 36,150*
roadway hatches each $ 200* 49 $ 9,800
hatches for gas sections each $ 1,000" 7 $ 7,000
3. Detection and Communication
Systems ,

automatic dial telephones total project $ 20,000

talk back speakers total project $ 20,000
detection sensors, etc. total· project $ 45,000
exit signs each $ 150 14 $ 2,100
TABLE 5-7 (Concluded)

Item Unit Unit Cost Quantity Cost· ,


4. Control Center Allowance total project $172,000

Total Cost Utility $1,'590,030

Tunnel Requirements
- -- - ---

(l)Projected CUTD costs for 1975.

(2)Projected CT&A costs for 1975 .
.*CUTD Costs projected to 1975. No significant changes in bid prices of these items was
noticed from 1973 prices.
0'\ '

Operating and Maintenance Costs for the
Utility Tunnel

A. Operating Costs
1. Salaries
No staff will be required for full time duties on
the first tunnel segment. City staff will be assigned part-
time responsibilities for the successful operation of the
utility tunnel. A console operator. will be shared with
other legs of the tunnel when built.

2. Ancillary Services
The administrative support services required for the
operation of the utility tunnel are the Finance Department.
Civil Service Department, Purchasing Department, Law Depart-
ment and Engineering Department. The services of these
departments will be hired from the city on a part-time basis.

3. Rentals
Telephone lines will be leased from the telephone
company for transmittal of signals to the control room. The
rental charges for these lines have been adapted from the
CT&A (1975) calculations. Control room space rental charges
have been computed at $5 per sq. ft. , which is a competative
price for a downtown area.

4. Utilities
The utility tunnel will require electric pow~r for
lighting pumps, ventilation, etc., and water supply for
testing fire sp,rinklers and sump pump systems. The cost
estimates for the utilities has been adapted from CT&A

B. ~intenance Costs
Contract maintenance services will be obtained as
and when required to service the mechanical and electrical

equipment in the tunnel. Estimates for these services has
been made based on the CT&A estimate .. -

Table 5-8 gives a detailed ,cost estimate for 0&11

elements. The total operating and maintenance cost is
estimated at $113,620 per annum.

Economic Summary

1. Construction Costs
The structural costs of Option I and III are:
Structural Cost Option I: $15,287,851
Structural Cost Option III: $14,572,105.

Structural Costs for Option III is about $700,000 less than

I, not including the cost of repaving the street and water-
proofirig. It is anticipated that. the cost of a waterproof
" membrane and wearing surface for Option III will be comparable
to base and paving for Option I.

2. Traffic Delays
Detailed analysis of traffic delay and, the, associated
costs are presented in Appendix B of this report.

The estimated traffic delay costs during construction

for the proposed options are:

Option I $9,090,000
Option III $4,415,000.

The benefits realized by adopting Option III are

$4,675,000. These are 'short-term benefits to the society
during construction.

The long-term benefits realized during the economic

life of the tunnel (40 years) due to the absence of street
dig~~ns are adapted from the benefit study conducted by



A. -Operating Costs{7I') Per Annum

l. Salaries
$ 11,000
2. Ancillarl Services
• Finance Department 1,600/
• Civil Service Department 2,100/
• Purchasing Department 3,500/
• Law Department 1,900/
• Engineering Department 550/
Total Ancillary Services $ 9,650
3.- Rentals
• Telephones and leased line
facili ties 2,400/
• Control room rent 1,800/
Total Rentals $ 4,200
4. Utilities
• Electric power 20,750/
• Water 1,000
Total Utilities $ 21,750
5. SUEElies
Total Operating Costs $ 47,600
B. Maintenance Costs{7I') Per Annum
a. Contract Services
1. Control console (incl.
sensors & alarms) $5,000
2. Fire sprinkler system $2,640
3. Ventilation system $3,500
4. Sump pumps $3,750
Total Contract Services $ 14,890
The costs calculated by CT&A have been modified and adapted.

TABLE ~~8 (Concluded)

·B. Maintenance Costs (Cant 1 d) Per Annum

b. Electrical
l. Electricians $5,700
2. Foreman to super-
vising electricians $1,630
3. Material costs $4,800
Total Electrical $ 12,130
Total Maintenance Cost $ 27.020
c. Insurance Cost
Total Operating &
Maintenance Costs SU3.1520

.'.: 160
3. UtilityHandling

The total savings realized by locating the utilities

in the utility tunnel as opposed to direct burial, assuming
total replacement of cable utilities in both cases is
$1,653,832. Cost analysis based on 20% replacement of cable
utilities for the conventional option and total replacement
in the utility tunnel results in a savings of $160,300 for
the utility tunnel.

The cost of disruption to the business community

during construction is truly significant. Attempts were
not made in this study to quantify these costs. However,
review of gross receipts of several retail stores located
on existing cut and cover projects indicates that annual
losses may be as high as several million dollars for some
business types. If it could be quantified in dollars the
cost of Option I would be significantly more than III.

Additional savings in utility tunnel appurtenances

could be achieved by combining the requirements of the
subway system and the utility tunnel. For example. the
pumping system of the subway could be combined with that
of the utility tunnel at lower costs than two separate sets
of pumps.

Table 5-9 gives a summary of the total direct and

indirect costs for the project for Options I and III. The
annual O&M. street dig-ins and utility tunnel repair costs
have been capitalized for 40 years based on 6% interest rate.
(Cost treated as an annuity.) Both the CT&A studies and
IITRI studies concluded that 6% interest for public works
using civic money was a fair choice. It can be concluded
that the savings to the taxpayer by adopting Option III is
about $4.245.000.


Option I Option I Option III

Cost Elements (20% replacement) (100% replacement)
Direct Costs
l. Construction (Structural)(l) $15,287,851 $15,287,851 . $14,572,105
2. Utility Tunnel Requirements - - 1,590,030
3. Utility Handling 12,979,588 14,473,132 12,819,288
4. Utility Tunnel O&M - - 1,709,561
Sub-Total $28,267,439 $29,760,983 $30,690,984
Indirect Costs
5. Traffic Delay: (3)
I-' a. Construction 9,090,000 9,090,000 4,415,000
N b. Street Dig-Ins(2) 30,093 30,093 -
6. Utility Repairs (Underground
vs Utility TunneV(2) 469,829 469,829 -
Total Cost $37,857,361 $39,350,905 $35,105,984
Note: A 40 year tunnel life
- - -

(l)Does not include cost of street resurfacing, waterproofing, sidewalks, subway

tunnel appurtenances, etc.
(2)Cost adapted from CT&A report.
(3)Traffic delay - Appendix B.

This analysis indicates that the usual approach to

economic feasibility analysis of utility tunnels is incorrect.
Typically great effort is devoted to consideration of indirect
benefits to ascertain whether they equal the high cost of a
utility tunnel. IITRI,· instead, reviewed the cost of utility
tunnels, and found that a minor change in cut and cover
construction procedure, i. e., excavation below the roof,
resulted in significantly reduced construction disruption
and elimination of temporary decking. The effect is that
the utility tunnel, rather than being an expensive luxury,
is not significantly different in cost from the conventional
option. The basic analysis includes a rather large penalty
for excavation under the roof. Even if the existing utili-
ties are maintained in place, the total cost still favors
the utility tunnel. Therefore, on the basis of economics
alone, the integrated utility/transportation tunnel system
is recommended. In addition, numerous environmental and
non-quantifiable factors not accounted for by dollar costs
all argue for the utility tunnel.


A valid and convincing test of the combined

utility/transportation tunnel concept will require its
application in an actual transit project. The imple~

mentation of a demonstration project is now well within

the state of the art. Contractors who have used
construction techn:i.ques similar to those presented in
this report are active in this country. Operating examples
of utility tunnels may be found in many major U.S. cities.
It is believed that the next step should be the design and
construction of a demonstration project.

In any selection of alternative civil engineering

design concepts the total impact upon society should be
considered. The economic analysis presented in the example
des{gn pr~sented in this report indicates a difference in
traffic delay costs between the conventional and the combined
systems of 8.5 million dollars per mile. Extensive literature
exists on traffid costs, they can be well defined, and should
not be ignored. Instead, mechanisms for treating such non-
recoverable costs should be evolved. Other impact elements
are less well defined. For example, utility companies take
advantage of cut and cover projects to install excess capacity
in anticipation of future growth. The allocation of these
costs is not an easily treated subject. The utility company
is given an opportunity to avoid the cost of future
excavation. Perhaps this savings should properly be shared
with the transportation agency that makes it possible.
Traditionally, it is not. In the case of a utility tunnel,
the additional capacity could be deferred until needed. The
cost of this hardware over the time period it remains unused
represents a benefit to the utility tunnel. This was not
included in the economic analysis since the allocation of
such benefits in actual practice appears to be based on factors

other than engineering economics. For example, a consistant
definition of what constitutes a utility betterment has not
emerged. Since a conservative approach should be taken in
the evaluation of new construction techniques, this and
similar benefits to the utility tunnel are not claimed in
the economic evaluation.

General recommendations regarding the implementation

of the combined utility/transportation tunnel can be made.

* A consensus regarding the proper role of

utility tunnels in transportation systems
will result only from the construction and
operation of actual examples. It is not
felt that additional feasibility analyses
are required at this time to display the
benefits to be derived. The combined system
should be implemented as a demonstration on
an urban transportation system.
,,< When so implemented, all possible societal
impacts should be considered. Non-recoverable
cost elements should be incorporated into
benefit/cost ratios, and a mechanism for
dealing with them should be evolved and
incorporated into the financing of transporta-
tion projects.
* Federal assistance should be provided in the
implementation of the demonstration project.
This should include funding, coordination
of the independent tunnel users and technical
-;~ The local agencies and private organizations
that would be involved should be exposed to
utility tunnel operations and users. This
will resolve questions and identify useful
solutions to problem areas.
,,< The design of the utility tunnel and its
oper~tional procedures should reflect input
from all the potential users. The designer
should retain the flexibility to accept
reasonable requests and suggestions from the
ultimate users.

* The designer should be familiar with the
concept and its application. This might
include personal visits to operating
tunnels, access to specialized consultants
and discussions with contractors who have
actually used the early closur~ techniques
. elsewhere in the world.

* The demonstration tunnel should be of such

length as to make efficient use of operating
personnel and ancillary equipment. This is
longer than a single construction contract.

It is believed that the combined utility/transportation

tunnel concept is an attrative alternative to conventional
cut and cover tunneling in areas where construction disruption
may be severe. Demonstration of this concept will require
physical implementation in the real world.


The primary finding of this study is that the

utility/transportation tunnel concept is economically
feasible. Different types of utility tunnels have existed
for decades, and experienced successful operation. The
statement is frequently found in the literature that "no
insurmountable technical problems exist" that would prohibit
the use of utility tunnels. In. light of the facility with
which these problems have been solved around the world, this
statement may only be described as overly-conservative.
The solution of safety and compatibility problems are
primarily economic in nature; one can construct an "ideally"
safe tunnel if funds are available for such a purpose.
Whether the construction of a tunnel is of actual benefit
to the community and utility companies should be the
determining factor .

.In the economic analysis, two utility handling options

were evaluated for an example project 2900 feet in length. The
options were subway with conventional utility treatment, and
subway with utility tunnels. Although two methods of
construction were considered for the latter option, the
system without center columns was discarded due to the
prohibitive cost of the free span roof ·e1ements. Both the
conventional and utility tunnel options discussed in this
report employ the most economical and innovative construc-
tion techniques available at this time. The basic direct
costs of these options were identified by IITRI consultants
as the cost of labor and materials. The economic analysis
reveals that the construction of a utility tunnel, rather
than being much more expensive than a conventional cut and
cover project, is actually comparable in cost. The out-
standing economic benefits are derived from non-quantifiable
and indirect cost savings. The indirect costs are identified
as traffic delays, lost business and the like. The non-
quantifiable costs, such as strife and disruption of urban

area business routine during construction, are intangible.
Benefit, then, would be a direct result of a decrease in
these disruptions.

The two options are completed in approximately the

same length of time, with the utility tunnel option III
being somewhat briefer. The major difference between the
two schemes, is that conventional utility treatment calls
for the street to be partially closed to traffic at least
18 months longer than the utility tunnel option. This is
reflected in the indirect and non-quantifiable costs. The
ramifications of this period of street closure are signifi-
cant. The effects of reduced traffic delays and socio-
logical impact of this shortened closure period are
discussed in the body of this report. Briefly, the savings
in decreased traffic delay during construction is estimated
at 4.5 million dollars. The benefits accrued to the
utilities such as longer cable life, etc., in the utility
tunnel option would result in another one million dollar
savings over conventional burial. The non-quantifiable
benefits to business, industry, the consumer are 'also
apparent. Business could resume its normal operation sooner
as a result of shorter street closure. Protection of the
utilities in a tunnel would also mean fewer service disrup-
tions due to accidental damage, which is a common occurrence
when utilities are buried. Although the details of the
economic benefits of utility tunnels are discussed throughout
this report, particularly in Section 5, it can be simply
stated in these conclusions that over 5.5 million dollars
can be saved in indirect benefits alone by the use of
utility tunnels. Add to these the massive non-quantifiable
benefits to the consumer and central business district,
and a 'strong case supporting the construction and use of
utility tunnels emerges.

The early demonstration of the utility/transportation
tunnel system in actual practice is therefore recommended.


1) American Public Works Assoc. (1971), (SR39)

Feasibility of Utility Tunnels in Urban Areas,
APWA Special Report No. 39, Feb. 1971, 16 7p.
2) Amory, W., "Utility Tunnel Concept For Water
(A Sunnnary)", APWA Special Report No. 41, Aug. 1971
p. 53.

3) Amory, W., "Safety and Temperature Considerations

For Water Pipelines in Utility Tunnels," APwA
Special Report No. 41, Aug. 1971, p 91-92.
4) Chicago Urban Transportation District (1973),
Central Area Transit Project, Utility Tunnel
Feasibility Si9d~, City of Chicago, Dept. of Public
Works, Sep. 7, l65p.

5) Gaulin, J. (1971), "Management of Utility Tunnels,"

APWA Special Report No. 41, Aug. 1971, p. 121-124.
6) Granquist, T. A., "Communications, Power, and Tunnels,"
AP'i-1A Special Report No. 41, Aug. 1971, p. 80-82.
7) Holder, R. H., "Utili ty Tunnel Concep ts for Gas,"
APWA Special Report No. 41, Aug. 1971, p. 50-52.
8) Lowe, A. F., "Utility Tunnel Concepts for Telephone,"
APWA Special Report No. 41, Aug. 1971, p. 44-47.
9) McCoy, C., "Sewerage Pipeline Safety and Grade
Elevation Considerations," APWA Special Report No. 41,
Aug. 1971, p. 93-94.
10) McPherson, M. B., "Utility Tunnel Concepts for Sewers,"
APWA Special Report No. 41, Aug. 1971, p. 54-58.
11) Meese, W. J., "Safety and Safety Standards for
Electric Supply and Communication Facilities in
Utility Tunnels," APWA Special Report No. 41, Aug.
1971, p. 95-98.
12) Midwest Precast Co., 1975, personal communication.
13) Mork, N. A., "Gas Pipeline Safety in Utility Tunnels,"
APWA Special Report No. 41 Aug. 1971, p. 83-90.
14) Newburger, J. A, "Reliability and Emergency Procedures
for Joint Utility Tunnels," APHA Special Report No. Ifl,
Aug. 1971, p. 139-145.

15) Outlaw, E. G., "Utility Tunnel Concepts for
Electricity, II' APWA Special Report No. 41, Aug.
1971, p. 48-49.
16) Pohlkotte, R. H. "Utility Tunnel Concepts for
Cooling and Heating," AFWA Special Report No. 41,
Aug. 19 71 , p. 59- 62 .
17) Sumitomo Construction America, Inc., 1975,
personal communication.
18) Newburger, J. A., "Reliability and Emergency
Procedures for Joint Utility Tunnels," APWA
Special Report No. 41, Aug. 1971, p. 139-145.
19) Wenger, D. (1971), "Utility Tunnel concept
Organization and Jurisdiction," APWA Special
Report No. 41, Aug. 1971, p. 172-177.
20) Xanthakos, Petros P., 1975, personal communication.

171/1.7 2

The following bibliography is the result of a

literature search conducted by APWA concerning the feasibility
of utility tunnels and related areas and systems. Each
reference contains an abstract and key words along with the
usual information. It is arranged alphabetically by author.

Abbott Jr., Actor T., "Joint Utility Corridors Pros and
Cons," Right of Way (June 1970), p. 47-50.
Kinds of joint corridors are discussed. Advantages
cited are: capital cost saving, space conservation, and
aesthetics. Disadvantages suggested are: construction
coordination requirements, non-coincident routing, mutual
interference, and (particularly in utilidors) hazard to
other plant. ." .
Key' Words:' Utility corridors, types, space conservation,
capital cost saving, construction, routing, mutual inter-
ference; hazards.

Abbott, Arthur Vaughan, "Construction of Underground

Conduits," Telephony, Part II (New York: McGraw Publishing
Company, 1903),180p.
Better duct construction can allow lower cost cable
to be used. One cable per duct is preferred. Wood, cement,
clay duct materials are discussed. Originally iron pipe
encased in concrete was used, then a mandrel for casting was
developed. Various cross-section for multi-duct clay units
are discussed. Joint experiments are traced. Concrete
bedding (capping and other laying techniques are mentioned).
Manhole design/construction emphasizes the trade-off between
working space needs and economy. Various frame and cover
designs are discussed. Aerial distribution systems are
evaluated. Obstacles and congestion facing underground
installations, cost estimates, annual charges (depreciation
and maintenance) and a sample construction contract are
included. Illustrations are provided throughout.
Key Words: Underground conduits, low cost cable, duct
materials, laying techniques, construction, space needs,
underground congestion, cost estimates, construction
obstacles, construction contract, aerial distribution

Allee, K. M., "The Incorporation of Existing Underground

Mains Into Modern Construction of Housing Centres in the
City---Described by the Example of the Housing Area,"
Hilmar Barthel, Ing. Dipl.-Ing. Dec., p. 176-193.
The report described the reconstruction works of
heavily damaged housing areas in Berlin, gives an analysis
of required mains for sewers, water and gas supply and
discusses the possibility and benefit of using partly the
old pre-war equipment. Difficulties encountered in the"
formation and connection of network sections are also
Key Words: Reconstruction, sewer mains, town planning,
installation, housing area network.

Almy, Richard R., Valuation Considerations of Utilidor

Feasibility as they Relate to Finance, Management and
Taxation, A.P.W.A. Research Foundation Project 68-2
(Chicago: APWA, July 31, 1970), l4p.
Assuming that financial and technical feasibility
have been established in a given case, the necessary cost
sharing should be apportioned according to benefit. Elements
and kinds of costs and benefits are discussed, and value is
distinguished. The problem is to identify the beneficiaries,
the type of benefits, and their quantification. Nine
financing possibilities are discussed.
Key Words: Utilidor feasibility, finance, management,
taxation, cost sharing, c'ost benefits, financing

American Public Works Association, 1972, I.M.E. Policy

Statement on Pipeline Safety (unpublished).
This report summarizes the data received from the
following: (a) Chapters - Oklahoma, New England, Oregon,
Northern California, Southern California, Hawaii, Central
California, Florida, Ontario, Washington State, Nebraska.
(b) Municipalities - Baton Rouge, La; Los Angeles, Ca;
King County, Wash; West Hartford, Conn; Sparks, Nevada;
Akron, Ohio; Birmingham, Mich. (c) North Dakota State
Department of Health: Information is given concerning
accident statistics, required practices, and "one call"
Key Words: Accident statistics, required practices, "one-
call" programs.

American Public Works Association. 1960. Specifications for

Trench Excavation and Backfill and Restoration of Pavement
and Sidewalks. July 20, 1960: p. 1-8.
These specifications coverall work undertaken in
public streets or easements. Stipulations are: required
safety measures, maximum amount of open trench, expenditious
cleanup, backfill and cover requirements. methods of removal
and replacement of existing works.
Key Words: Specifications, streets, easements, safety
measures, cleanup, backfill and cover requirements, methods
of removal and replacement.

American Public Works Association for the Symposium on
Pipeline Safety. 1972. Statement on Pipeline Safety.
April 18, 1972: p. 1-9.
The longtime close connection of APWA with pipeline
protection interests is noted. Responses from its chapters
to a request for definitions and solutions are presented.
Four main causes of damage are noted. The key need is
utility coordination. Also required are: call-before-you-
die promotions; improved permit programs; more adequate
records. Model legislation and nine improvements are
Key Words: Pipeline safety, damage causes, utility
coordination, model legislation, proposed improvements.
permit program.

Anderson, Howard M., "Looking Downward with Radar," Chil tons

GAS (May 1973), 3p.
Electromagnetic subsurface profiling is accomplished
by transmitting/receiving on a sled that can be ,drawn across
a grid pattern. Changes in subsurface composition modify
the extent and nature of signal reflection.
Key Words: Electromagnetic subsurface profiling, signal
reflection, subsurface composition.

Anon, "Damage to Post Office Cables by Fire in London

Subways," Post Office Elec. Eng. Journal, V. 22 (Oct.
1929). p. 213-219.
The report describes causes and damages of the
recent serious breakdowns of cables due to fire and explosion
in London subways. And it is the tidal flood in the subway
that causes the damage and leakage of the gas lines. Then
it ends up with the explosion in the subway.
Key W6rds': Post, office cables, restoration work, pipe

Apple, M.K.' and E.L. Isaac, "Special Equipment Required for

Laying and Pulling Cables in Conversion of Overhead to
Underground," Pacific Coast Elect. Asso. Ann. Conf. Eng.
Oper. Section, San Francisco, CA. (Har. 26, 1970), J2p.
The report presents the research on new equipment
and tools 'during the past year that has been in the
development for installing underground pipe type transmission

cable for 115 KV and 230 KV lines. A series of pictures that
show the operation and the outline figure of new equipment
are also attached along with this report.
Key Words: Equipment, overhead cable, pipe installation,
cable conductor, pulling sheave, guide wheel, reel carrier,
transmission cable, underground circuit.

Artingstall, Wm., "Design and Construction of the Telephone

and Telegraph Tunnel Under the Chicago River at Harrison
Street," Municipal and County Engineering, Vol. LVII, No.2
(Aug. 1919), p. 53-59.
The author describes one of the engineering exceptions
that, in laying conduit for cables, it is not always true
that the near the conduits are kept to the surface of the
ground, the less will be the cost of the installation. This
exception has just been completed by the Chicago Plant
Division of the Western Union Telegraph Company.
Key Words: Conduit, cable, trunk lines, cost of installation.

Ayers, F.E., "Plotting Underground Utilities in the City of

Ottawa," The Engineering Journal (Feb. 1963), p. 30-32.
In 1957 a committee, including gas, telephone,
electric, city roads, sewers, and water, was set up to
arrange ideal locations, utility problem discussion, and
production of composite plans. A section was established in
the city department (of Works and Planning) to make surveys
and drawings at a scale of 1" = 20 ft. Cost sharing is
based upon volume of underground owned by each participant.
Updating arrangements operate.
Key Words: Underground utilities, planning, cost sharing,
problem discussion, utility locations.
Bagge, Carl E., "A Challenge to the Past: Multiple Use of
Rights of Way," Right of Way (Dec. 1969), p. 17-23.
Various disciplines are involved and are inter-
dependent. The gap must be bridged between systems planning
and environmental planning. The various reasons for past
reluctance to mUltiple use, present modest efforts toward
joint use, public concern for the environment, and land
shortage are each discussed. Planning previously covert,
must be done overtly so as to avoid wastage. Services
planning must be included in comprehensive regional planning.
Key Words: Systems planning, environmental planning, mUltiple
use, joint use, land shortage, regional planning.

Bahniak; F.T.', "Con' Edison's Newest EHV Conduit," Transmission
and' Distribution '(Jan. 1964), inquiry number T&D 7719,
p. 31-35.
The Hudson Avenue Tunnel is a multi-purpose trans-
mission structure. It,is a huge tunnel through splid rock
under New York's East River. It houses 345-kv cables, steam
lines and fuel oil pipes. The author gives general
descriptions on the usage of electricity, steam and fuel
oil. Design figures and construction methods for the tunnel
are presented in this, report.
Key Words: Conduit, utility, gas pipe, steam pipe, fuel
oil main, electric cable, installation, facility, transmission
lines, mUlti-purpose transmission tunnel, transmission

Bardout', M. G., "Construction of a Tunnel for Telephone

Crossing Under the Seine Between Saint Michel Place and
Place Du Chatelet," Records of the Technical Institute of
Building Trades and Public Works, Vol. 9, No. 6 (Oct,
1956), p. 924-945.
,Owing to underground congestion by sewer, electric,
gas and multi-duct telephone installations, crossing
location is difficult to obtain. Consideration was given
to laying.' the installation in prefabricated units in a
trench on the river bed, but a tunnel of 2:2 m (7.2 ft)
diameter was selected having a length of 630 m (2079 ft.).
Construction is described in detail. (The article does
not indicate whether other utilities were also included
in the tunnel (does it?».
Key Words: Tunnel construction, underground utility
congestion, prefabricated units.

Barnes, C.C., "Power Cables: Their Design and Installation,"

(Second Edition; New York: Barnes & Noble, Inc., 1966),
author's preface, p. vii.
Noting increased demands upon distribution cables,
, the book covers basic design procedures and important recent
developments: '
Key Words': Power cables, design, installation, recent
deve 10pmEmts~
~ • -' t"


Barron, D.A., "Post Office Cabling in the Mersey Tunnel,"
(Part 2), The Post Office Electrical Engineers' Journal,
Vol. XXXII (July 1939), p. 79-84.
The author describes the cabling and jointing work
recently included in the Mersey Tmme1. This work presented
many unusual difficulties due to limited times and access, .
restricted space, and the cold air current necessary for the
ventilation of the tunnel.
Key Words: Mersey Tunnel, cabling tunnel, jointing work.

Bartlett, Vernon Ferdinand, and William Henry Cadwell,

"The Coaling-Jetty, Circulating-Water System and Cable-
Tunnels at the Battersea Power Station of the London Power
Company," Minutes of Proceedings, p. 74-120.
Design of a jetty to serve two-2000 ton ships per
tide and its construction using Coffer-Dam are discussed,
including intake screening provisions (pp. 74-82). 16.5
million gal/hour of cooling water is required (from the
500 MGPH flow in the Thames); intake chambers, screening
chambers, culvert, suction chamber, pump house, and outlet
are described (p. 82-90). 66 kv cables in a ten foot
tunnel under the Thames serve northward, and a seven-foot
square reinforced concrete tunnel to the transformer station
at the southern corner of the site then branches to ducts
under the road (p. 90-93). Cost data is provided.
Discussion by Sir Henry Japp, emphasizes the careful soils
investigation that preceeded design. Discussion also deals
with architectural, structural, and urban siting matters.
Key Words: Jetty, design, screening, provisions, intake
chambers, pump house, soils investigation, architectural,
structural, construction.

Benson, Edmond K., "Rapid Duct Survey ," Materials Protection

(Feb. 1963), p. 59-62.
Using a standard lead slug, new type reference
electrode, and a strip chart recorder, quicker and more
accurate surveys can be made of corrosion in a multiple-
duct (non-stray current area) network.
Key Words: Rapid duct survey, strip chart recorder, corrosion,
mUltiple duct network.

Blain, Ray, "Underground Cable. Construction," Telephone
Engineer, Vol. 34, No.3 C1ar .. 1930), p. 32-36.
Manhole design and construction, duct material and
laying techniques, and lateral runs are eac~ discussed.
Key Words: Underground cable construction, manhole design,
duct material, laying techniq~es. .

Blain, Ray,. "Underground Conduit Cons truction," Te lephony

(Ap r. 20, 1935), p. 15 - r 8 .
Urging consideration of undergrounding, the use of
clay runs with from one to nine ducts·is recommended.
Construction details and precautions and manhole requirements
are discussed.
Key ,Words: Underground conduit construction, clay runs,
construction details, precautions, manhole requirements.

Bo.egley Jr., W. J., and W. L. Griffith, Feasibility of

Retrieving Utilit s-tem Ca ita1 and Maintenance Costs
from Annual Reports Oak Ridge, TN: Oak Ridge
N.ational Laboratory, June 1970), SOp. ..
Need for-uniform accounting system-s, such as developed
by the National Association of Railroad and Utility
Commissions, is stressed. While the reports required by
the FPC have more uniformity than those required by individual
states, less (useable) detail is provided for urban
distribution systems. .
Key Words: Utility system, cost recovery, uniform accounting

Boeg1ey, W.J., & Griffith, W.L., 1970, The Potential Use of

Utility Tunnels in Urban Areas. The American Society of
Mechanical Engineers, Aug. 3, 1970: 9p.
(Essentially the same as Boegley Jr., W.J., and W.L.
Griffith, "Underground Utility Tunnels," Mechanical
Engineering (Sep. 1971), p. 27 -32_
Key Words: Utility tunnels, urban areas.

Boegley Jr., W.J., and W.L. Griffith, "Underground Utility
Tunnels," Mechanical Engineering (Sep. 1971), p. 27-32.
Reference is made to their study of feasibility of
walk-through utility tunnels that could also serve as
nuclear attack shelters. Discussion of early tunnels (Paris
1851; Nottingham, 1861) mentions various included utilities.
A survey of 19 cities and 27 universities indicated that 21
use tunnels. The White Plains, N.Y., Utility Tunnel Study
includes costs, cross-sections, and cost recovery proposals.
Key Words: Utility tunnels, feasibility, nuclear attack
shelters, utility tunnel examples, costs, cost recovery.

Boegley, Jr., W.J., and W.L. Griffith, "Utility Tunnels

Enhance Urban Renewal Areas," The American City (Feb.
1969) .
Consolidation of utilities underground is suggested
in conjunction with urban renewal projects. Three
advantages and four disadvantages are listed. Oversizing
to accomodate future expansions is urged.
Key Words: Utility tunnels, urban renewal, future utility
expans ions.

Bogdanowski, J., "Boring Beats Trenching for UC Construction

in Congested Areas," Electric Light and Power (Oct. 15,
1957), p. 136-140, 169.
Congested conditions preclude open cut installations,
and most jobs involve rock in New York City. Several
different sized machines are in use. Cost is usually less
than for trenching under railroads, parkways, and congested
city streets.
Key Words: Boring, trenching, costs, congested conditions.

Boryer, W.T., "Some Features of Deep Level Tunnelling in

London," Engineering Services, p. 14-18.
130 cable accomodations in 7 and 12 foot diameter
tunnels for the Post Office Department is described. Seepage
and bulkheading are discussed. Stairways, eating, and wash-
room facilities are provided for staff. Cost calculations
lead to the conclusion that tunnels are economic in London
on any street having 60 more cables.
Key Words: Tunnelling, seepage, bulkheading, cost cal-
culations, economic feaSibility.

Bray, Oscar .S., "The Mystic Cable Tunnel.Design and
Construction," Meeting 17, Dec. 1945, P .;68-81.
Tunnel was selected over cable or overhead choices
to carry 18 circuits under the river.. Eight foot inside
diameter, thirty feet below low water , .1100 feet long, the
tunnel design and constructl.on is described.
Key Words: Tunnel, design, const:ruction ."

Bredemeier, Kenneth, "Indus.try, Unions, Eye Safety Measures,"

The Washington Post· (Apr. 19, 1972), p. C2.
62% of serious gas line accidents are caused by
earthmoving work. , Hand excavation, and "one call" improve-
ments were suggested at a National Transportation Safety
Board Conference. "
KeyWords: Gas line accidents, "one call," hand excavation,

Brown, Verne R., "Our Public Rights of Way," Right of Wax.

(Apr. 1973), p. 11-13.
Private right of way acquisition is impracticable.
Public rights of way first accomodate the travelling public,
then the general public ( aesthetics) then
mass transportation and finally utilities. The ten research
needs developed by the APWA June', 1967 Symposium, are'
Key Words: Private right of way, acquisition, public right
of way, research needs.

Brown, Verne R., "Utility Space Allocations on Public Rights

of Way," Right of Way (Feb. 1973), p. lL~-18.
In November 1971, a subcommittee of the Florida
Utilities Coordinating Committee (established in 1932)
was appointed to study standardized utility spacea110cations.
Urban and Rural designs were considered so as to provide
sufficient space for future expansions and to adhere to
safety requirements. Sidewalks "troughs" and "conduits" were
designed. The recommendation is'for a fifteen-foot minimum
utility z6ne. -
. .
Key Words: Utility'space,a110cation, public right of way,
standardization, design, safety requirements, utility zone.

Brush, Edward E., "Electronics See Beneath the Surface,"
American Road Builder (July 1973), p. 10, 11.
Great potential costs from unknown subsurface
conditions can be attenuated by use of electronic equipment
for subsurface surveying. Seismic equipment (shock waves
travel at different speeds in different materials) and
resistivity measurement can provide more complete and
reliable information at less cost than borehole techniques.
Key Wrods: Subsurface surveying, seismic equipment,
resistivity measurement, borehole techniques.

Buller, F.R., "Artificial Cooling of Power Cable,"

(Aug. 1952), p. 634-641.
Noting that congestion is forcing consideration of
smaller cables, better cooling is required. Several
formulae are developed for various types of duct and tunnel
Key Words: Power cable cooling, duct installations, tunnel
. installations.

Buller, F. R., "Pulling Tension During Cable Installation in

Ducts or Pipes," General Electric Review (Aug. 1949),
p. 21-23.

Increased costs have invoked desire to have fewer

manholes. The resultant longer runs require application of
additional friction formulae.
Key Words: Cable installation, pulling tension, ducts,

Buller, F.R. and J.R. Neher, JlThe Thermal Resistance

Between Cables and a Surrounding Pipe or duct Wall,"
A.I.E.E. Transactions, Vol. 69 (1950), p. 342-349.
Noting that present semi-empirical methods are not
adequate (especially for oil or gas filled pipe-cables) ,
theory is developed and tests run to provide formulae for
calculating the connection, conduction, and radiation
heat transfer from cables to ducts.
Key Words: Cables to ducts, connection, conduction,
radiation, heat transfer.

Burden. B. C., "The Buried pndergrotmd. Cable Plant," Telephony
(Sep. 6, 1930), p. 16-20.
Survey data from using companies lists. five advantages
and four disadvantages of buried vs, aerial, and discusses
steps to improve these, conditions. Six types of burial
(ranging from direct burial to steel armored) are evaluated.
Key Words: Cable plant, buried, aerial, advantages,
disadvantages, types of burial.

Burden, B.C., "Miscellaneous Features of Conduit Construction,"

Fortnightly Telephone Engineer (June 1, 1941) p. 7-10.
Reasons for undergrounding are considered. Various
types of duct materials and multipe-duct configurations are
Key Words: Conduit construction, tmdergrotmding, duct
materials, duct configurations.

"Cable in Shafts and Tunnels," Underground Systems Reference

Book, p. 8-58.
Economically justified tmmel installations may be:
near power plants; under rivers, under interchanges, etc.
Types of armor, installation method, and supports are
Key Words: Tunnel installations, economic justification,
methods, materials, supports.

"Cable Tunnel Under the Thames," Engineering (Dec. 24, 1948),

p. 619.

A fifteen year old ten-foot tunnel under the Thames

is filled and so a new one of eight-foot diameter has been
added. Dimensional details are given.
Key Words: Cable tunnel, dimensions.

Carcich, Italo G., Leo J. Hetling, and R. Paul Farrell, "The

Pressure Sewer: A New Alternative to Gravity Sewers," Civil
Engineering - ASCE (May, 1974), p. 50-53.
By installing grinder pumps in individual houses, a
small diameter sewage collection system can be installed that
avoids the excessive deep cuts inherent in gravity systems in
hilly terrain. Costs are claimed to be much lower for

initial installation.
Key Words: Pressure sewer, cost reduction, grinder pumps,
gravity sewer systems.

Carter:, H. G., "Total Underground Research and Development,"

Transmission & Distribution. (Sep. 1966), p. 40-42.
The author points out that a successful study program
of public opinion and desires, of equipment, tools and
materials has resulted in a significant reduction in under-
ground costs and high public acceptance. The report begins
with a joint marketing survey and an equipment methods
study. And finally, an extensive testing program is
Key Words: Installation cost, construction technique.

Caye, Weyant D., "Harlem River Submarine Conduit Crossing,"

The Municipal Engineers Journal, Paper 170 (Oct. 25, 1933),
p. 96-112.
"Nerve cables" serving police alarm systems, burglar
and protection, signal, quotation tickers, telephone and
telegraph, are all housed in a crossing operated by the
Empire City Subway Company. A seven foot diameter cast iron
pipe housing 206 ducts was designed for this 600 foot long.
27 foot below mean low water, crossing. Existing gas and
power crossings in the area required cooperation and assistance
from some nine agencies.
Key Words: Utility ducts, utility cooperation, iron pipe

"Chapter VII--Conduit, Ducts, Galleries, and Cable Chambers,"

Int. Telegraph and Telephone Consultive Committee, Ch. 7 and
7A of Recommendations for the Protection of Underground Cables
Against Corrosion, Int. TelecoUlID. Union, Geneva, 1961 and 1965.
At the beginning of this chapter the author gives brief
descriptions on the various systems of duct, galleries, and
cable chambers. Then it follows discussions of precautions
that should be taken during the construction of ducts or the
laying of cables in ducts. In addition, an Annex which dis-
cusses the protective measures against explosive gases and
toxic gases that may be encountered in cable chambers for
telecommunications cables is also attached.
Key Words: Galleries, multi-way duct, cable netowrk, conduit,
cable chambers, telecommunication cables.

Chi1berg, G. L., "New Aspects of Buried Urban Telephone
Distribution," Electrical Engineering (Nov. 1963) p.
Reasons given for undergrounding are appearance,
serviceability, lower first cost, reduced maintenance.
Desigri discussion iric1ud~s 10c~tion, joint trench, code
separation. Modern construction tools; materials, and
methods are described. The increasing usage of underground
is noted. .. .

Key Words: Undergrounding,· ·methods, materials) construction

tools, design, location, serviceability,· maintenance ,costs.

City Engineer Attebery, APWA Underground Accident Report,

(Phoenix~ Arizona; Apr .. 4, 1972), unpublished.

Information was obtained from Gas, Water, Sewer,

Telephone, Electric Agencies, and includes some dig-in
data (including re~sons); breakages; damage costs.· Steps
are suggested to reduce dig-iris/damages.
Key Words: Underground utility accidents, breakages, damage
costs, damage reduction.

"City-Within-A-City Rising in Dallas," Engineering News-

Record (Mar. 28, 1957), p.45 and 46.
Business offices, ~tores, and ~ hotel on a 120~acte
site near downtown will be served by underground utility
tunnels housing chilled water, steam, and return lines in a
7-1/2 foot high, 12 foot wide structure. Truck tunnels 32
feet wide by 14 feet high also serve each building. Where
locations coincide, utility tunnel is under truck tunnel.
Key Words: Utility tunnel, truck tunnels, location conflict.

Cole, Russell A., "Concrete Cable- Tunnels Show Economy,"

Electrical World (Sep. 27, 1930), p. 586-588.
Along Detroit streets too crowded for regular conduits,
a tunnel system 1100 feet long with 400 feet of branch tunnels
was designed so that tunnel walland conduit were monolithic.
Depth was about 67 feet.
Key Words: Cable tunnels, economics, utility overcrowding.

"Conduit and Manhole Construction," Report No. 130, C

Underground Systems Committee, p. 1077-1088.

Types of duct materials, manhole designs, under-
ground structures, for transmission and for distribution
are discussed in detail. Tests for expansion effects are
Key Words: Conduit construction, manhole construction,
materials, design, structures, expansion effects.

"Construction Notes from Here and There:," Concrete Pipe News

(Apr. 1956), p. 45.
Illustrations of utilidor cross-sections show water,
sewer, steam, and other utilities accommodated in Alaska.
Key Words: Utilidor, utility accommodation, construction
notes, illustrations.

Corey, John B. W., "Feasibility of Utility Tunnels," A. W. W. A.

Journal, p. 226-229.
A.P.W.A. Special Report No. 39 is used as a basis for
this article which emphasizes the chambers for valves and
appurtenances are cited as requirements, as is security
against vandalism, sabotage, and acts in ignorance by
different utility employees.
Key Words: Utility tunnel, feasibility, valve chambers,
security measures.

"Corridor Manholes Serve as Cable Room," Electrical World

(1932), p. 99.
Lack of space for a cable room was overcome by
construction of a three-compartment manhole under a hallway.
Key Words: Corridor manholes, cable room, construction,

Davis, Telford R., "New Heating Tunnels Laid at Indiana

University," Heating & Ventilating (May 1937), p. 45-46.
Thirty year old tunnel replaced with larger new lay-
out, for steam and power distribution to the expanding
Key Words: Heating tunnels, expansion.

"Deep Underground Ccindui t. Installation," Edison Electric
Institute Bulletin (Jan. 1942). . .'
Employment of a casing and soil removal is recommended
when pushing large duct lines. Better control b{ direction
is among the listed advantages.
Key Words: Conduit installation, soil removal, large duct
lines, listed advantages.

DeWolf, R.D., "Chicago Tunnel Development--and Unusual

District Heating PI-an," Heating and Ventilation (June
1934), p. 28-30.
The author describes the tunnel system development
in Chicago. The system is a district heating plan in the
famous Loop area of Chicago. A series of problems en-
countered with the development of the tunnel system and the
ways to overcome the difficulties are discussed. And, a
possible solution to meet with the increase transportation
demand for the heating purpose, an assignment to separate
the _usage of the tunnels is recommended. '
Key Words: Chicago tunnel system, central heating plant,
transmis~ion, steam transmission system, pipe relocation,

Dillon, W.E., H.A. Bunting, and M.S. Chen, "Thermal Network

Technique for Calculating the Temperature Rise of Duct
Bank Cable System," p. 24Al-24A4.
This paper investigates the steady state and
transient temperature rise of a cable system in a duct
bank. Thermal resistances and capacitcimces of ducts are _
defined and analog network is developed. Calculating load
capacities and thermal responses of cables is accomplished
by a digi t'al computer program.

Dorsey, J.S. ~ "Design to Avoid Interference," Gas (Mar.

1969), p. 67-72.
The greatly increasing use of cathodic protection for
pipelines can be harmful to other substructures. Re-
commendations are: remoteness, low voltage, deep anodes,
design cognizant of potential interferences, corrosion
engineer and pipeline -designer work together.
Key Words: Pipelines, cathodic protection, safeguards to
other substructures.

Dove, Lloyd A., "Utility Tunnels: Undergrotmd Movement with
Revolutionary Potential," APWA RepOrter (Jan. 1971),
This is an interim report on the APWA Research
Foundation study of the feasibility of utility tunnels in
urban areas. European practice is noted as a guide for
U.S. and Canadian application but generalization is not
possible owing to individual circumstances. The compatibility
aspect is considered as between highway systems and utilities
and between various utilities themselves. Operational,
engineering economics and legal considerations are listed.
Demonstration projects are called for.
Key Words: Utility tunnels, feasibility, urban areas,
operational, engineering, economic, and legal considerations.

Dunn, G.P. and J.C. Nash, "Toll Conduit Construction on

Private Property," Bell Telephone Quarterly, p. 39-56.
Some reasons for using private right-of-way instead
of public highways are: traffic interference; other utilities
(especially electric) with potential interference; potential
future highway widening; better alignment capability (shorter,
obstruction avoidance). Underground design was felt to
simplify property acquisition from what overhead would
involve. Special problems and construction techniques are
Key Words: Conduit construction, private property,
interference factors, construction techniques, special
problems, property acquisition.

Egan, A. J ., "Communication Conduits and Cables," Engineers

& Engineering (Feb. 1932), p. 17-19.
Undergrotmd plant is described as being as large as
102 ducts and cables of up to 1800 pairs. Use of terra
cotta multiple ducts on a concrete base is preferred.
Detailed discussion of installation, maintenance, and
testing follows.
Key Words: Communication conduits, cables, underground,
multiple use ducts, installation, maintenance testing.

Feasibility of Utility Corridors, Report No.1, Technical.
Aspects, Utility Corridors Task Force (May 4, 1971), .
p. 1-19.
The study initially addresses transmission facilities
only, in an area eighteen miles square adjacent to Detroit.
The. problems and advantages of utilidor.s are listed.
Technical solutions appear available, but implementation
. will require ·solving legal, economic. planning, and
administrative a s p e c t s . · · · .
Key Words: Utility corridors," feasibility, transmission
facili ties implementation. . .

Fehner, E. C., "Titan Termination Da"ta Control and Inter-

connection" IEEE Transactions on· Aerospace-Support
Conference Procedures, p. 1161-1174.
Title I ICBM hardsites require 52 miles of cabling~
1350 multiconductor cable configurations, 6600 different
cables, and over 700,000 terminations. Interconnection
data handling was automated; prefabrication of cables was
maximized to simplify installation. These techniques
speeded successful completion.· ..
Key Words: Multiconductor cable configurations, prefabricated
cables, installation.

Fox, A.L., "Some Recent Developments in Underground Conduit

Construction in the Bell System," Bell Telephone Quarterly,
Whereas total waterproofing is deemed unnecessary
for telephone lines, small joint openings .al1ow entry of
silt which may create a problem for installation of· cable.
in future years into such "spare" ducts. A mortar bandage
was developed for the jointing of tile duct runs.
Key Words: Underground conduit construction, telephone,
silt, duct jointing.

Frost. G., "Service Tunnels in German Democratic Republic,"

4th Int. Conf. on Underground Town Planning and Construction,
Warsaw (1965, in French), V.4, p. 259-268.
The paper contains a critical examination of advantages
connected with service tunnels and presents some tunnels
constructed in German Democratic Republic.
Key Words: Service tunnel, advantage.

"Gas Explosion Problems-May Get HUD Funds," E.N.R.
(July 12, 1973), p. 16.
U.S. Senate Bill ($1 million) for research jointly
by HUD and National Transportation Safety Board.
Key Words: Gas research, explosions.

Gaulin, Jacques, "Controlling Urban Excavation," APWA

Reporter (Feb. 1974), p. 18-19.
Montreal's by-law and procedure for regulation of
temporary street occupation and retaining wall tie-back
installations are discussed.
Key Words: Urban excavations, control, regulation.

Goeller Jr., R. A., "Flexible Electrical Design at Fordham,"

Electrical Construction and Maintenance (Mar. 19'65),
p. 124-125.
Underfloor electrical ducting was employed in the
renovation and expansion of Dealy Hall at Fordham University.
Key Words: Underfloor electrical ducting~ design,

Halmos Jr., E. E. ,"Underground Construction: A Safety

Problem," Contractors & Engineers Magazine - (July 1972),
p. 35
Referring to the tremendous cost and danger of
accidents to underground utilities, it is suggested that
inaccurate or incomplete drawings, insufficient location
.detail, and contractor carelessness·are main causes;
Utilidor concepts are held forth as a hope-for-improvement.
Interest by government or technical societies is weighted, -
and increased Congressional interest in safety is noted.
Key Words: Underground construction, safety problems,
utilidor concepts, cost and danger of accidents.

Harrison, G.B.W. and A. Miller, "A New 54-Way Duct Route in

Central London," Post Off. Elec. Eng. Journal, V. 31 (1938),
p. 142-146.
A description is give;n of the difficulties encountered
in providing a new heavy duct route in busy West End

thoroughfares, and also of the special measures taken .to anti-
cipate and overcome difficulties both above and below ground.
Key Words: Duct route, open trench,tunnelling shaft, manhole,
main trunk cable.

Higgins, P. Kerr, "Some Tips on Conduit Work," Telephon'e

Engineer (June 1925), p. 24-28.
Manhole construction, including manufacture of brick,
is discussed. Pulling-in and handling of cable emphasizes
care to avoid kinking, spreading, racking, and eplicing of
cables in manholes emphasizes need for maintepance accessi-
Key Words: Conduit construction, manhole construction,
construction methods, maintenance accessibility.

Hiller, Stanley, "New Concepts for Consolidation of Utility

Lines," APWA Yearbook (1962), p. 162-165.
A group of utilities on each side of the street in
the sidewalk area share service lateral trenches to pairs
of lots. One excavation is made and each utility is installed
one above the other. Corrments by James. E .. McCarty emphasize
that the key is coordination through consolidation': the
resultant cost makes undergrounding acceptable to developers.
Key Words: Utility line consolidation, cost factors,
coordination, shared service areas.

Hock, Irving, "The 3-D City," .APWA Reporter (Jan. 1971),

p. 26.
Referring to underground shopping concourses in
Russia., Sweden, Canada, and some U.S. cities,' it is noted
that undergrounding of utilities is cheaper :i,n conjunction
with such commercial projects.
Key Words: Utility undergrounding, cost reduction, under-
ground comrnercialprojects.

Hoffer, William, "Gas Explosions: The Rising Toll," Washington

Post (Sunday, Mar. 25, 1973), p. CS.
Citing the great number of gas explosions', most from
.careless construction w9rk-damage, a call is made for greater
safety procedures. program must be supported
by better records and emergency pro'cedures.

Key Words: Gas explosions, recommended safety procedures,
improved location records, emergency procedures.

Hoffman, Robert J., "Engineering Utility Twmels In Urban

Areas," Conference on the Urban Environment (Storrs, CT:
The University of Connecticut), . p. 41-55.
The great and increasing number of underground
utiliti~s, congestion, street repair requirements, .
accident hazards are noted. The cost of locating and
staking existing lines is observed as is delay costs to
motorists. The systems approach is introduced with examples
of utility tunnels throughout the world and favorable
maintenance experience with them. Advantages and dis-
advantages are listed and discussed. Economic, financial,
legal factors are the major problem.
Key Words: Utility tunnel engineering, urban areas,
utility tunnel system examples, cost factors, legal
factors, financial factors.

Hoffman, Dr. Z., "Pipeline Damage - Service Time. and Repair

Cost," Water and Sewer Works (date unknown), p.60.
A twelve-year study notes the kinds of failures
and their causes for water mains of various materials.
KeyWords: Pipeline damage, causes of pipe failure, repair

Holder, DAvis C., "Utility Tunnels as Public Shelters,"

(Boulder; co: University of Colorado, School of
Architecture, review cop'y Dec. 1968), 52p.
The desirability of providing distributed inter-
connected shelters for people, and protection of utilities
in time of attack, is discussed. The compatibility of
the two uses is arranged, and cost estimates are developed,
revenues and rates discussed.
Key Words: Utility tunnels, bomb shelters, utility
protection, joint-use compatibility, cost estimates,

Hubbard,- C. H., "Utility Chooses Pre-Cast Cable Ducts for
Substations," Power Engineering (Dec. 1962) , p. 62.'
Instead of previously used creosoted lumber ducts,
the Public S~rvice Company of Indiana·· is now using six-
foot long pre-cast sections with dry tongue and groove-end
joints. The ducts have drain holes; a lid fits into grooves
in the sides; the finished surface serves as a sidewalk.
Key Words: Pre-cast table ducts, utility use of.

Huelsman, Albert W., "Joint Utility Tunnel," Concrete Pipe

News, p. 73-75.
200 lineal feet of 54" diameter concrete pipe houses
sewer, water, and electric power, crossing 1-94 near
Waukesha. Cost was apportioned to the users.
Key Words: Joint utility tunnels, cost apportionment.

Ito, K., "Cable Tunnel Construction by Shield Method,"

Japanese Telecommunication Rev., 8, (4), p. 191-197.
The author introduces the application Shield Method
to the construction of the cable tunnel. He also 'points out
that when a large number of cables are laid on one route the
cable tunnel is more economical than a conduit, and the cable
tunnel is preferable because of ease of cable installation
and maintenance. An economic comparison between the shield
method and the open-cut method is also attached.
Key Words: Cable tunnel, shield method, underground conduit
construction, shield machin'e, advantage, communication cable
tunnel, segment material.

Jepson, Thomas S., "Precas t Duct Underground Saver," ,

Electric World (June 6, 1960) ,- p. 57-58.
Four-duct runs of 4-1/2 in. diameter are precast.'
Manufacture and laying procedure are described. The larger
diameter was chosen because of the trend to larger compound,""
insulated conductors.
Key Words: Pre-cast duct, laying procedures, compound
insulated conductors.

Jervey, W. T., "Concrete for Cable Conduit," Bell Laboratories
Record (Nov. 1961), p. 407-409,.
Clay had been widely used but breakage and jointing
problems lead to new studies. Plastic sheathing of cables
eliminates ,the hazar,d of concrete reacting with lead
sheathing. Several joint designs were tested, and a double
tenon with plastic sleeve was selected.
Key Words: Concrete cable conduit, joint design testing,
plastic sheathing of cables.

Johnson, B. R., "New Underground Telephone System for Atlantic

Steel, Atlanta, Ga.," Southern Power & Industry (Apr.
1950), p. 74-75.
Damage from construction crews, electrolysis, and
overloading were eliminated by installation under 30" cover
of two-inch diameter asbestos-cement duct nms, with manholes .
Key Words: Underground telephone system, installation,
justification for.

Jones, G.W., T.H. Haines, T.F. Smith, and W.J. Huff,

"Investigations During 1938, 1939, and 1940 of Combustibles
in Manholes in Boston, Massachusetts," R.I. 3604 (United
States Department of the Interior and Bureau of Mines,
Jan. 1942), 3Jp. .
In cooperation with Edison Electric of Boston,
these government agencies had made continuous surveys since
1929 to determine the general hazards of combustibles in a
typical large city and to establish the value such surveys
may have in hazard elimination. Key manholes in the system
of 19,000 total manholes were chosen for sampling, and
tests are now limited to areas that have shown trouble in
the past. Experience has shown that explosions can be
virtually eliminated through surveys and corrections. Over
the years of the testing program, percentage showing
combustibles dropped from 4.8 to 0.7. Gas leak repairs
have been made' as a reuslt of cooperative testing. The
value and need of coordinated, systematic, and continuous
testing has been shown.
Key Words: Research, manholes, combustibles therein,

Kassner, John J., "Relocating Substreet Utility Lines,"
Civil Engineering - ASCE (Apr. 1968), p. 86-88.
The mass of underground installations demands a
coordinated undertaking when redevelopment projects require
relocations. Owing to the multiple ownerships, the city
should coordinate the work which should be undertaken as a .
single project. The consultant should playa key role, and
an example of this is given in the N.Y.C. ·new Police
Headquarters project.
Key Words: Utility relocation, coordination.

Kearney, Stephen, "Underground Services Mapped for Emergency

Needs," Engineering News - Record (July 3, 1941), p. 67-68.
Maps at 50 ft. to 1 inch show. sewers, water, gas,
telephone, electric, and other underground works. Complicated
intersections are mapped at 20 ft. to 1 inch.
Key Words: Underground services, mapping.

Kent, Erwin,' "An APWA Interview with Erwin Kent and

C'onso1idated Edison ,." (Jan. 1970), 5p ..
Strongly advocates joint usage of right-of-way and
of tunnels. Electric, gas, water, telephone, steam, oil,
are all seen as compatib 1e. Highway lands should be used
except on scenic parkways.
KeyWords: Joint-use utility tunnels, utility systems,
compatibility, feasibility.

Kovacshazy, F. " "Some Problems' Concerning the Development

of the Budapest Public Utility Conduits,"V. 2, of Int.
Conf. on Underground Town Planning and Construction, 4th,
Warsaw, 1965, p. 53-70.
. The author discusses the standard Hungarian system
developed for locating the town underground public utility
conduits and lines, -- he is treating in detail the develop-
ments in methods of laying them without using the open
working separate trenches and without any disturbance of the
pavement and the soil surface.
Key Words: Public utility conduits, trench, inadequacy of
capacity, duct, standard order of location.

Krakauer, Jay F., "Some Geographic Factors in the Development
of Utility Substructures in New York City and a Plan for ..
Directory Subsurface Expansion," The Municipal Engineers
Journal (Sep. 23, 1942), p. 28-44.
Noting that New York has a multitude of independent
utilities with no planned coordination, their history is
traced from the time of New Amsterdam being laid out on a
long narrow peninsula with °a street pattern suited to it.
The subsequent services required to follow that pattern ,
with major concentrations on the longitudinal streets rather
than on the cross streets. Lack of accurate records costs
contractors and the city huge amounts because of the
uncertainty of relocational/maintain in place requirements.
Recommendations include coordinated planning and centralized
control (subsurface zoning), comprehensive substructure
records and map s .
Key Words: Utility location, problems, insufficient
coordination, historical review, insufficient records,
cost factors, coordinated planning, centralized control,

Kranz, R.R., "Principles of Subsurface Utility Planning,"

Civil Engineering (Oct. 1937), p. 705-708.
Noting the complication of underground installation,
the author suggests four rubrics for planning: designating
the authority or agency to acln1inister the plan; mapping of
existing installations; location assignment; and future
major installation plans. Discussion then focuses on the
progress that Cincinnati had made to date.
Key Words: Subsurface utility planning, necessary require-
ments, problems.

Kugelman, C. W., "Recent Bridge Construction at Portsmouth,

OR," Telephone Engineer, p. 38-39.
Special clamps and fittings were obtained in order
to carry 1700 feet of cable over a new suspension bridge.
Four 4 inch ducts were run under the sidewalk in a concrete
arch bridge of 160 ft. span.
Key Words: Special cable clamps, special cable fittings.

Lande; Kent 0., "Underground Utility Coordination" (1971),
p. 15,-18."
Cooperation and coordination in usage of common
rights-of-way, adequate records, custom made standards for
each community, and coordinating conunittee are reconunended.
Key Words: Underground utility coordination, right of way
use, adequate records, coordi11:ation committee.

Lane, Richard A., and G.D. Schrader, "Cable Tunnel Under

Schulyk:tll River," Electric Light and Power (July 1949),
p. 54-58, 60-61, 96.
Two existing 66 kv overhead crossings and a 13.2 kv
submarine cable were in hazard from crossing another 66 kv
line and river improvements (dredging). A study was made
to determine what ultimate accommodation should be provided
in what cross-section of tunnel. It" is noted that three of
the four 66 kv positions and eleven of the eighteen l3.2kv
positions are already occupied, and operating well. Detailed
description is given of the construction.
Key Words: Electric cable tunnel, construction description.

"Largest Single Construction Job Ever Carried Out In Quebec

City," Roads & Engineering Construct"ion ,(Dec. 1950),
p. 79-83, and 112,
Detailed description of the construction and
construction equipment is given on this 12,000 feet of
10 ft. x.7 ft. utility tunnel for the new canyons of Laval
University.' The tunnel will house electrical, telephone,
watermains, storm sewers, and heating. Junction chambers
are spaced about 400 ft. apart for future lateral tunnels
to e~ch building.
Key Words: Utility tunnel, construction description,
construction equipment.

Lawrie, Robert J., "Precast Concrete Duct Speeds Underground

Work," Electrical Construction and Maintenance (Har. 1970),
p. 118-120."
Installation speed, inventory control, less coor-
dination requirements are cited as advantages. Snagging
problem at joints was overcome by placing a rolling ball
at the head of the pull~in lead.
Key Words: Precast concrete duct, installation speed, in-
ventory control, coordination requirements, snagging problems.

"Legal Problems Encountered in Street Cuts and Restoration,"
Pennsylvanian (May 1973), p. 24-25.
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation controls
installations in State highways, and on occasion permits' the
municipality to exercise the control in the highways that
pass through. them. Problems with this have been failure to
obtain a permit, requirements for the utility to obtain a
certificate of public convenience, improper signing, blasting,
restoration, and recording.
Key Words: Street cuts and restoration, legal problems.

Location of under~roundUtilities, (New York; City Planning

Division), (July 937) , 15 p.
A committee prepared this manual which emphasizes
planning and recording of underground plant. Eleven "General
Principles" include: Having such plans as an adjunct to the
master plan; standards and minimum scale for plan; data
obtaining procedure; minimization of street openings. Ten
"Standards for Plans" detail drawing materials, details to
include, referencing of sheets, use relative to permit issue.
Ten "General Standards of Design" include discussion and
ill~stration of location assignment, potential for combined
tunnels, anticipation of future requirements such as service
expansion and pedestrian tunnels.
Key Words: Underground utility location, manual of planning,
planning principles, design standards.

Luthim, John C., "Financial Aspects of Water Main Extension,"

Journal of the AWWA (Oct. 1971), p. 661-670.
Policy committee-report concerning economic investment
by publicly and privately owned utilities. Practices and
rules in the various states were surveyed, including the matter
of payments by developers. A mathematical model is preserited
which considers utility plant (in-tract and back-up facilities),
depreciation construction advances (with and without refunds),
to meet cash-flow and revenue requirements.
Key Words: Water main extension, financial concerns, state
financial practices, revenue requirements.

Manson, R.E., "Utility Tunnel STudy for the Central Business
District," City of Akron, Dept. of Planning and Urban
Renewal (Apr. 1966), 34p.
This report presents the results of a study which
contains a discussion of the advantages, disadvantages,
and problems which may be encountered in the construction
and maintenance of a downtown utility tunnel iq the City of
Akron. And the purpose of this study is to investigate the
adaptibility of the utility tunnel to the future development
of the ~entral Business District.
Key Words: Utility tunnel, adaptibility, advantage, dis-
advantage, maintenance, feasibility.

Matheson, Donald Stewart, "Subaqueous Tunnelling in

Compressed Air, with Reference to the Barking Power Station
Cable Tunnel Under the River Thames," Selected Engineering
Papers (London; The Institution of Civil Engineers, 1927),
26 p. .

The alternative to tunne1 would have required an

additional 30 miles of land cable, to cross on an existing
bridge, so the cost was too great. Twelve-foot diameter
shafts and seven foot diameter tunnel about 2,500 feet long
was chosen. The p~per details the fiel~ layout, construction
progress, and medical data concerning work under 35 psi
Key Words: Subaqueous tunnelling, cable, field lay-out,
construction progress, medical worker. data.

McCombs, Philip A., "Gas Leaks Deadly Peril in D.C. Area,"

(The Washington Post, July 18, 1973), p. A6.
Of 80,000 leaks reported annually, 20,000 could be
serious. Contractors are responsible for about 15,000
damaging accidents. Call-in system is urged.
Key Words: Gas leaks,responsibility for, call~in systems.

McKelway, G.H., "Submarine Conduit Line," Electrical World,

Vol. 86. " No. 15 (Oct. 10, 192.5), p. 752-753.
Requiring additional crossing under the Wallabout
Canal, New York telephone decided to install a 24 duct conduit
line to allow for future increase in service.
Key Words: Submarine conduit line, utility service demands .

. A-28
McFalls, R.K., "Engineering .Considerations for Joint-Use
Utility Tunnels," Paper presented at the International
Symposium on Systems Engineering and Analysis, Purdue
University, Oct. 23-27, 1972.
Major aspects of utility tunnels are discussed,
including their history and current practice, motivating
factors for joint-use utility tunnels, advantages, problems,
.and the current status.of utility tunnels; characteristics
of utilities as they would apply to placement in a utility
tunnel, including district heating, district cooling,
electric power, gas, sewers, telephone, and water; operation
of a utility tunnel system, including corrosion protection,
electrical protection, electromagnetic interference, fire
protection, safety, reliability, and maintenance and
ventilation. Finally, several sample utility tunnel
configurations are presented along with the authbi's overall
conclusions about the utility tunnel concept.
Key Words: Utility tunnels, history, current practice,
advantages, problems, utility characteristics in tunnel,
district heating and cooling, electric power, gas, sewers,
telephone, water, utility tunnel system requirements, corrosion
and electrical protection, electromagnetic interference, fire
protection, safety, reliability, maintenance, ventilation,
sample utility tunnel configurations.

Mellanby, J., "Cable Capacity of Conduits," Electrical Times

(J an. 31, 1963), p. 17 5 - 176 .

The number of cables that can be theoretically and

practicably installed in a conduit, and the radius require-
ments of bends, are discussed.
Key Words: Conduit cable capacity,bend radius requirements,
cable installation.

Mermel, T.W., "Joint Use of Rights-of-Way Can Reduce Costs

of Services," Civil Engineering - ASCE (Mar. 1969), p.
Greater planning and coordination for jOint use of
rights.,-of-way is required with emphasis on undergrounding
rather than cosmetics for overhead installation. Efficient
cooperative use can make underground installation cost-
competitive, especially in urban areas. Community convenience
and values must take precedence.
Key Words: Joint-use right-of-way, reduced costs, planning
requirements, coordination requirements, cost effectiveness

Miller, Leroy W., "Utility Tunnel Ownership and Right of Way
Considerations," Public Works (Dec. 1972),p. 67-69.
Utility occupancy (by franchise or agreement) of'
public right-of-way may be a deterent to getting relocations
into tunnelS. Who bears relocation costs, who is given construct tunnels,purposesof r~gulation and
denials, whether tunnel ownership is a proprietary or govern-
mental function, liability, are some of the legal quest~ons
raised. '
Key Words: Utility t1.ll1nel ownership, right-of-way
considerations, legal implications, utility relocatio,n.

"Minnegasco Reports on Urban Plastic Plow-In," Gas Age,

(Oct. 1964), p. 29.
Plowing-in plastic pipelines cuts installation time
to less than a third, and costs less, than conventional '
excavation for steel pipe.
Key Words: Plastic pipeline plowing-in, installation ,cost
reduction, steel pipe.

Minor, H.H., and E.S. Dreischmeyer, "New-Underground

Distribution Utilizes Non-Leaded Cables," Electrical West,
Vol. 88, No.4 (Apr. 1942) ,3 p :
Overload on the system required replacement, and under-
groW1d was selected using mUltiple soapstone duct; the down-
town of Fresno was done in two steps.'
Key Words: Underground distribution, non-leaded cables,
multiple soapstone duct. construction phases.

Missimer, Hertel C., "Avoiding Utility Interference Under-

ground," Civi 1 Engineering - ASCE (Sep. 1965),
p. 36-38.

To avoid large scale utility structure replacement.

foresight ·cooperation, and coordination are required. The
Planning Corrrrnission in Philadelphia is charged with pre-
paration of long range plans and so plays an important role
in utility coordindation activities i a Muni'cipal Board of
Highway Supervisors does the fine tuning relative to short
range plans and current undertakings. Maps are at a scale
of I" = 20 ft; utilities can "reserve" future locations.
Construction phase is handled by'a Utilities Technical
Committee. '

Key Words: Underground utility, interference, planning,
coordination, reserved utility locations, construction

"Modern Methods Speed Underground Duct Work," Electrical

Construction and Maintenance (Nov. 1960), p. 86-88.
Two and one-half million feet of 4" fibre duct
installed for power, lighting, and communications at
O'Hare International Airport. Ten foot lengths (instead
of 8 foot), 85 piece palletized delivery, machine handling,
steel strapping of placed ducts to hold configuration_
pending concreting, expedited the project.
Key Words: Underground duct, construction methods, design.

Morgan, N. L., "Temperature Survey of Power Cable Ducts,"

The En~ineering Journal, Volume XV, No. 11 (Montreal:
Nov. 1 32), p. 497-511.
Temperature affects the life of a cable, so this
survey in London, Ontario was made to determine temperatures
of various parts of the system. Underground temperature of
the earth was related to maximum and minimum surface
temperature times and to peak load times. Varying thermal
resistivity of the surrounding soil was seen as being
a factor that could limit a particular section of the system.
Key Words: Power cable ducts, temperature survey, 'thermal
resistivity, cable life.

Mourawiow, I. N., "Complex Constructing and Designing of

Underground Conduit Nets in MOscow," Int. Conf. on Under-
ground Town Planning and Construction, 4th, Warsaw, V4, p.
281-296 (1965), USSR.
The paper explains methods of complex arrangement of
underground public utility nets either in common trenches
or in collectors laid under streets or introduced amidst
housing terrains. The modern methods of execution of works
are presented.
Key Words: Common trenching, utility location, utility
collectors, methods of work, design.

Mudie, Jerry G., "Utilidor Problems, Possibil:ities, Revealed
in Detroit Urban Study," APWA Reporter (June 1972) p. 12-14.
The Urban Detroit Area (defined as 35 counties in
Michigan, Ohio, and Ontario) was studied by Dr. Constantine
Doxiadis relative to its continued urban development and the
resultant utility needs. The technical feasibility of shared
corridors in a grid pattern was confirmed. Cost will limit
utilidor applications. Several legal/administrative problems
are listed.· Four study committees are operating on legal,
economic, planning and. administrative aspects. Comprehensive
planning is emphasized. .
Key Words: Utilidor, problem~, possibilities, technical
feasibility, cost, legal/administrative problems.

"Multiple Use Explored for Shrinking Rights-of-W'ay ," Electrical

World (Sep. 1, 1969), p. 26 and 31.
More usage of highway lands for utilities is urged.
Joint development by the highway authority and the utilities
must start at the early planning stages. Environment pre-
servation is stressed.
Key Words: 'Shrinking right of way, multiple use, planning,
environmental preservation.

"Municipal Conduct System of the City of Baltimore, Md. ,"

Electrical World (Jan. 4, 1908), p. 13-16.
In order to force the removal of overhead w~r~ng,
t,he city provided duct space in tlU1nels, with the upper part
reserved for electric and power, and the lower for telegraph
and·telephone. Sixteen users are listed with a tabulation
of lease rates. Generous manhole provisions aids
installations' and maintenance. 'Construction and design are
described in ,detail. .
Key Words: Municipal conduit systems, construction, design,
lease rates, maintenance.

Neck, L., "Modern Cable Layout in Manholes and Cable

Chambers," Post Off. Elec. Eng. Journal, 29 (Apr. 1936,
pt. 1), p. 29-33. .
In this article the author shows how recent new
designs for manholes have enabled improved accomodation to
be provided therein for cables. Easy access to all joints
is afforded and the result is neat and efficient. He suggests

that similar methods might, with advantage, be applied to cable
Key Words: Cable chamber, junction manhole, advantage, cable
layout, conduit.

Nettleton, L.A., "Heat Dissipation from Network cManholes,"

Electrical World (Sep. 16, 1933), p. 369- 372.
Better design of manholes and covers can provide enough
ventilation for transformers, without forced air systems.
Load variations relative to seasons of the year dictate the
maximum requirement. Formulae are given for calculat.ion of
Key Words: Manholes, heat dissipation, design, heat
calculation formulae.

Neyens, James F., "Pump Station Explosion at Moline, Illinol,s

- A Reminder of Gas Hazards," Digester (Winter 1967-68),
p. 11-13. .
Pumping station destroyed by explosion of apparent
gasoline infiltration to sewer system emphasizes the hazard
in sewerage.
Key Words: Pump station explosion, sewage hazards, .gasoline

Nicholson, C.T. and T.J. Brosnan, "An Investigation of the

Relationship Between Temperature and Movement of Cables in
Ducts," Transactions, AlEE, Vol. 63 (Oct. 1944), p.
Sheath temperature rise was measured as electrical
load was applied to the cable and corresponding physical
change measured in terms of longitudinal expansion and of
change in configuration of bends in manholes . . Influence of
the degree of "bond" between cable and sheath was also
Key Words: Cables, ducts, sheath temperature, cable move-
ment, cable sheath bond.

Norrie,Char1es Matthew, "The River Hoogh1y Tunnel," Minutes
of Proceedings, Institute of Civil Engineers, p. 281-326.
Reasons for selecting twme1instead' of overhead
crossing of electric power lines in this Calcutta installation
are touched upon. Illustrations and detailed discussion of
safety measures, compressed air systems, construction progress
and medical experience, are included., Inside diameters of
8 feet for shafts and 6 feet for tunnel were questioned as
to adequacy and convenience of cable installation, but
operation was reported as being quite satisfactory. It was
also observed that in the future (when operating consolidations
occurred as with the Post Office. Department in the Unit~d
Kingdom) other lines such as telephone would be added to ,the
tunnel usage.
Key Words: Tunnel, safety measures, construction, compressed
air systems.

Novotny, John J. ,"Steam Tunnels at the University of

Wisconsin," Power Plant Engineering (Oct. 1, 1930),
p. 1092-1095.
First consideration is gi'v8n t~ potential future
expansion of the campus buildings. The ttmnels hous.e steam,
electric, telegraph, telephone, compressed air lines. Design
pays attention to adequate drainage. Tunnel lighting is
suspended 'from the roof rather than being imbedded in it.
Brackets and pipe chairs were designed to accomodate the
various lines. Cost figures are supplied.
Key Words: Steam tunnels, costs J joint-use.,

"Oil-Filled Cables 66 kv Installation in Tunnel Under the


River Tyne at Newcastle."

Part of ~ nine mile rpute foi this connection between
a switching stai:ion and transformer station is through an
existing six foot diameter utility tunnel 1000 ft. long
under the river. Design and ins tallation of the cable' is
Key Words: . Ut'ili ty tunnel, cable installation, tunnel

Olmsted, Leonard M. Editor, "Trends in Underground Distribution,"
Electrical World (Aug. 12,1957), p. 87-102.
Results of a survey show the practices and require-
ments of 42 utilities concerning underground electric,
including service connection mains, transformers, and net-
works. The experience, and cost-reduction efforts, of
Commonwealth Edison Co, Chicago, includes cable burial and
transformer vault installations for reSidential distribution.
Fused cutouts used by calectric for sectiona1izing 4000v
distribution, and conversion of aerial radial systems to
network, for future undergrounding in Elizabethton, Tenn.
are described. Conversion to aluminum and interchange-
ability with copper, is discussed under Consolidated Edison
,Company experiences.
Key Words: Underground distribution, cable burial, trans-
former installation, cost reduction.

Papamarcos, John, "Sharing Rights of Way," Power.Engineering

(June 1970), p. 26-33.
Notwithstanding the Deerfield conference of a year
earlier, little cooperative inter-utility planning is being
done. "Energy Coordibrs" are advocated. The Regional
Planning Authority is seen as the key to coordination.
Recreational uses should be made of lands occupied by
utilities. The APWA Research Foundation study of Utilidors
is well reported. Bell System advises that it is looking
at extra shielding to increase compatibility. Better
sharing arrangements have been made with railroads than
wi th highways.
Key Words: Right of way sharing, utility planning.

Paul, James C., "Feasibility of Utilidors," Engineering

Foundation Research Conference (Deerfield, ~~.
July 28 - Aug 1, 1969), 9p.
The Toronto, Canada Utility Coordinating Committee,
which has existed for thirty-five years and already has
done such things as establish standard locations for various
utilities, presently considers the cost and other problems
of utilidors to be excessive at this time. Provision for
expansion (foreseeable for twenty or thirty years) should be
made when a utility is undergrounded. Separate locations
are the best guarantee of service continuity. But continued
study with open mind is required owing to urban development
magnitude, demand for improved environment by the public,
and labours demand for improved working conditions.
Key Words: Utilidors, feasibility, cost, utility expansion.

Pegg,' R. N..,. "Th.e . P·rinciples and Theory of Underground Town
Planning," Public Utilities.
. ~The·author presents principles and theories for the
purpose of underground utility design and constructions. Some
design and constructive examples that had been conducted in
the City of London are also illustrated.
KeyWords: Public utility plant, cable, distribution network,
cable duct, subway.

Pequignot, C.A. Editor, "Tunnels and Tunnelling," (London:

Hutchinson and Co. (Publishers) Ltd. 1963), S40p.
The chapters deal with: historical development, geology,
surveying, rock, soft ground, compressed air, prestressed
concrete, economics; railway, road, electric, sewer, mining,
military, and canal applications.
Key Words: Tunnels, construction, historical development,
electric & sewer applications.

Pickering, Ellis E. 1970. Feasibility of Utility Tunnels

(Utilidors) In Urban Areas. American.Public Works Association.
Sept. 29, 1974: 1-16.
Reporting on the study being conducted by the Stanford
Research Institute for the APWA Research Foundation to deter-
mine feasibility of constructing utilidors in conjunction with
transportation facilities, four factors emphasiz~ng the, and
eight issues requiring investigation, are listed. Experience
in England, Spain, France, Japan and elsewhere are cited
and illustrated. Absence of. utilidors in Canada and the
United States is attributed to fragmented utility ownership.
Likely economic areas, potential benefits, and problems are
Key Words: Utility tunnels, feasibility, problems. economics,

Poertner, Herbert G., "Feasibility of Utilidors in Urban

Areas, ~' American Public Works Association. Presented July 31,
1969 at· the Conference on Joint Utilization of Right-of-Way
'for Utilities and MuniCipal Services in Urban, Suburban and
Rural,EnvJronments, sponsored by the Engineering Foundation .
. This pre-study discus.sion of APWA research proj ect
N.o . 6.8-2" lists specifi,cs to investigated, justification,
potential opportunities, scope of the first phase of the
study, methodology, and anticipated results. (Subsequent

. A-36
reports on this project were abstracted earlier).
Key Words: Uti1idors, feasibility.

Porter, J.W., "Its Just as True Today," Concrete Pipe News

(Dec. 1956), p. 135-137.
Specification of precast conduits and especially the
bedding requirements is discussed. The rieed for full .
enforcement in the>field is stressed.
Key Words: Precast conduit specifications, bedding

"Precast Duct Entrances," Electrical World (1928), p. 629.

Great reduction in cable sheath troubles after 16
months experience with special cable entrances in 75 man-
Key Words: Pre-cast duct entrances, cable sheath problems.

"A Preliminary Survey Surrunary of Current Practice in Managing

Utility Locations in 12 Metropolitan Areas,"
The need and efforts to effectively use urban space,
on a community-wide basis, are reported from selected
corrununities. Partially coordinated master and accident
record systems are given. Some cost estimates are included
for various constructions.
Key Words: Utility location management, reporting system,
need for coordination.

"Prevention of Damage to Pipelines," Report No. NTSB-PSS-73-1

(Washington DC: National Transportation Safety Board,
June, 1973), 32 p.
The need for completeness in a damage program is
emphasized: all facets must be covered. Special merit of
Utility Coordinating Committees includes the communication
and cooperation developed among the various agencies by such
joint participation.
Key Words: Pipeline damage prevention, programs, cooperatiqn.

"Public Improvements for the Permanent Headquarters of the
United Nations," The Municipal Engineers Journal, p. 132-
Vehicular tunnel 1377 ft long on 1st Avenue provided
space above for steam, power, and other utilities, and a
future interceptor sewer below. 'Heavy existing utility
installations had to be relocated before construction
started, and was by a joint contract. Much consolidation
was achieved, into a trench on each side of the street.
Key Words: Vehicular tunnel, utility accommodation, utility
relocation, utility trench consolidation.

Radnai, F., "The Practice of Laying Public Utility Conduit

into Service.Tunnels in Budapest," of Int.·Conf·. on Under-
ground Town. Planning and Construction, 4th; Warsaw, Vl
(1965), p. 23-52.

The paper explains the natural characteristics of

Budapest, its technical underground equipment, the expected
long term development of public facilities, and emphasizes
in a.motivated examination the necessity of introducing the
public service tunnels as a remedy against the difficulties
arising nowadays with the operation of underground public

Key Words:' Public. utility conduit, tunnel network of public

services, traffic junction.

Radnai, F., "Questionnaireon the Laying of Public Utility

Ducts in Conunon Public Service Tunnels," of Int. Conf. on
Underground Town Planning and Construction, 4th, Warsaw,
V2 (1965), p. 207-212.
The author collected a great quantity of practical
questionnaire arising at design and exploitation of service
tunnels. The questionnaire includes categories about
technology, safety rules, service cable connections,
cons truction, operation, questions of economy, an,d so forth.

Rattay, Wolfgang, "Planning, Building and Operation of

Collecting Channels for Supply Mains in Towns of the German
Democratic Republic," (Berlin: German School of Architecture,
unpublished), lOp.
Urban development and increased service demands are
increasing the desirability of combined use facilities,

.and three examples are described. The school is undertaking
an extensive study of: thermal effects on lines; electric
influence on lines; the effects of escaping gas.
Key Words: Joint-use utility facilities, thermal affects,
electric influence, escaping gas. .

Rei ter., Glenn M. and Lawrence Hirsch, "Use of Plastic Pipe

for sewers Public Works, (Apr. 1973)
J" p. 88-91.

Increasing costs ofa sewer system installation led

to the investigation and substitution of (ABS) plastic
pipe, with a cost saving of as much as 30%. .
Key. Words: Plastic Bewer pipe, cost saving.

Report of Joint Committee of Institution of Civil Engineers

and Institution 6f Municipal Engineers. "Location of Services," (Westminister: the Institution of
Civil Engineers, revised edn:Ju1y 1963), 13p.·
Interest in developing standard practice led to
locationa1 and installation order. proposals for electricity,
gas, water, telecommunications. Installations under the
pavement, except for sewers is discouraged. Pros and cons
of "subways" are cited, with the conclusion that owing to
hazards and costs they should be used only in crossing major
traffic intersections. Coordination of work and competent
standard drawings (records) are urged.
Key Words: Underground utility location,. standardization
practices, records.

Riddle, William G., "Minimum Size for Water Mains and

Standards for Future Growth," Public Works (Nov. 1972),
p. 81-83.
AntiCipating growth, meeting fire flow requirements,
maintaining carrying capacity, are discussed to support
a plea for larger sized mains.
Key Words: Water mains, stand~rds.

"Rig and Wrench Speed Tunnel Conduit Installation," Electrical
Construction and . Maintenance (Jan. 1970), p. 92-95.
Five inch diameter rigid steel conduit for 12 kv and
4160 volt f~eders were installed in 2,300 feet of 9-1/2 ft~
tunnel at the rate of 500 feet per 8 hour shift with three
men. .
Key Words: Tunnel conduit installation, installation rate.

Robinson, C. F., "Ferman Installations," The

Military Engineer, Vol. 39, No. 265.(N6v: 1947),
p. 469-474.

Placing of aircraft, oil and other critical production

facilities underground is described. Various geological
conditions, and existing mines· and other underground space
were employed. The susceptibility of railroads to bomb
damage detracted from the success of the underground program,
as all supplies. and products relied on' this type 6f trans-
portation. . .' . ..

Key Words: Underground facilities, 'space uses.

Ross, Everett C. ,"Engineered Work Measurenient Program Brings

Savings to Municipal Utility," Public Power (July 1970),
'p. 6-10.
Conversion from 4 kv'to 12 kv distribution, and use
of Methods-Time-Measurement are discussed. "How Riverside
achieves economies in underground construction" lists five
points concerning substructures, trenches, conduits, six
points on cable, splices, terminals, five points on
transformers, sectionalizing, protective devices.
Key Words: Underground construction' economics, work'
measurement program.

"Rules and Regulations Governing Private Development of

Sanitary or Storm Sewers in the Atlanta Metro Sewer System,"
(Atlanta, GA: Dept. of Public Works, Water Pollution Control
Division), p. 10-13, 18.
Easements, house connections, permits, fee assessed
(for usage, pavement restoration and inspection), construction
specifications, storm design, flood works, are covered.
Key Words: Sanitary storm sewers, construction specifications,
design, flood control, pavement restoration, fees.

Supply and Comrrxnication Lines, N.B.S. Han 00
DC: U . S. Government Printing Office, Nov. 1,

"Saving Time and Expense in Underground Work," Electrical

World (Aug. 2.7, 1932), p .. 274-275.
A cylindrical air motor with brush, re~m, or carborun-
dum wheel attachment, may be used to clean out silted or
obstructed ducts.
Key Words: Obstructed ducts, cleaning.

Scott; Hugh P. ,. "The Swing to URB, ,. Electrical Construction

and l1aintenance (Feb. 1970), p. 100-105.
Underground residential distribution is increasing and
has several attractions. Problems discussed are: non-stand-
ardization of components, separate v.packaged components, cable
splices, front-lot v: rear lot locations, damage from subsequent
excavations, and joint usage installations.
Key Words: Underground residential distribution, problems,

Scott, Hugh P., "The Swing to UPJ)," Electrical Construction

and Maintenance (Jan. 1970), p. 87-91.
Consulting electrical engineers Ken Oliphant and Carl
Martineau, who have designed over twenty major URD projects,
were interviewed. Underground transformers specifically
designed for such use and "packaged" transformer-vault combina-
tions, are discussed. Secondary runs being shortened, direct
burial cable, above ground connections, type of conductor, are
also assessed.
Key Words: URD projects, design. assessment of.

Seigel, Max H .• "Network of Uncharted Utility Lines is "

The New York Times (Feb. 18, 1973).
Considerable hand digging required in the Second Avenue
subway construction owing to lack of information on old under-
ground installation ..
Key Words: Locating underground installations.

Selbe, Rex L. ,"New-Fast-Setting Ce~ent:the .Road toa
Motorists' Heart," American City (nov:-1972), p. 63.
"Development of Duracal" by U. S. Gypsum - setting time
30 to 45 mtnutes, 3000 psi in, one hour.
Key Words: Fast-setting cement.

Shae, C. H., "Cable Sheath Troubles at Duct Edges," Elec1trical

World (Apr. 7, 1928), p. 706.
More careful design .of manholes (allo~ing expansion
room) or duct edge protectors in old manholes, is recommended
to eliminate the abrasion of the sheath caused by expansion
and contraction. . .
Key Words: Manhole design, duct edge protectors.

Shugrue, 'J. F., "Multiple Use of Rights of vJay," Right of Way

(Feb. 1970), p. 10-12.
The past practice of arbitrarily proscribing utilities
from highway rights-of-way, modern relocation cost sharing
legislation, and studies for coordinated highway and utility
usage, are discussed.
Key Words: Right 6f ~ay, joint utility use.

Sillers, Thomas J. and Homer J. Vick, "Und'erground Dis tribu-

tion - Present and Future," Proceedings of the American Power
Conference 196,4 Vol. XXVI (Chicago: Illinois Institute of
Technology, 1964), p. 1038-1040.
Description of a turnkey project for Wisconsin Power and
Light Company, involving "random lay" joint use with telephone
for a 108 lot subdivision.
Key Words: Underground distribution, joint-use "random lay."

Soons, A. T., "Tunnelling Work in Und~rground Line Construction,"

Post Off. Elec. Eng. Journal, V. 30 (July 1937, Pt. 2), p. 94-
A description is given of a scale model used to demon-
strate underground tunnelling construction. The conditions
required for tunnelling as an alternative to trenching and the

practical considerations for the tunnel constructions are
presented. The author also describes the method of construc-
tion of tunnels for underground duct work.
Key Words: Tunnelling, underground line construction, pilot-
holes, working shafts, trenching, excavation.

Soons, A. T., "Slewing and Lowering Existing Ducts and qables."

The author describes a practical method of slewing and
lowering a cable route in self aligning earthenware ducts and
stresses the precautionary measures necessary.
Key Words: Ducts, cables, slewing, lowering precautions.

Springer, G. B., "Chicago's Tunnels for Electric Light and

Power Cables," Engineering World (Aug .1, 1919), p. 53-58.
The report describes the details of Commonwealth
Edison Company's tunnels in the City of Chicago, In some of
these tunnels, it is most desirable to build in clay both from
the standpoint of obtaining a dry tunnel and also from .the
economical point of view. Construction methods employed and
the experiences in constructing Chicago tunnels are presented.
In addition, relative advantages of buil~ing tunnels are also
Key Words: Power cable, advantages of tunnel and conduit,
economical point of view, expense of repair, cost·of reinstai,
lation, submarine cable.

Stastny, Francis J., "Joint Utilization of Rights-of-Way,"

Transportation Eng~neering Journal - ASCE (May 1972), p. 299-
Increased interest in the long-time practice of joint
usage of right-of-way is prompted by increasing land costs.
But in rural areas, lower costs and less coincidence of routing
reduce this interest. Several problems arising from joint
usage are discussed.
Key Words: Right of way, joint-use, justification, special

Standard S ecifications for Construction of Public 1m

Div. 3, Sect. 7 Des Moines: Bureau 0 Engineer~ng,
Des Moines, March 1972).
A two year maintenance period for contracts is pre~
scribed, except where, the cause for repairs is, beyond the
contractor's control.
Key Words: Maintenance. contracts, prescribed period.

"Statement of Facts Concerning a Gas Explosion Occurring

December 21, 1962," (Grand Island, Nebraska, unpublished).
Rupture of a gas c~nnec~ionduring eicavation for a
watermain installation permitted gas to seep into the base-
ment of 594 East Texas Street.
Key Words: Gas explosion, causes.

Stoppoloni, Mario, "Venice Has Success With Prefabricated

Duct Line," Electrical World C'lov.23, 1946), p. 80,81.
Concrete pad is placed in bottom of excavated trench,
prefabricated rings (about 2 in. long) are set at about
20 inch centers, sidewall~ poured, and prefabricated (sidewalk)
slab covers are used. The rings are set above the pad to
allow drainage. Less pulling pressure is required to install
the cables than r~quired in ~he ~ase of a continuous duct.
Key Words: Prefabricated duct line, construction description.

Suloway, Harshall, "Utility Problems in the Designing' and

Construction of Urban Highways," 50th Annual meeting, p. 11-
The Board of Underground Work ~f Yublic Utilities' of
Chicago (organized in 1910) involves twelve private and public
agencies in the coordination of work pre-planning. The system
is described, with emphasis on the planning of the Transit
projects, noting that.required utility relocations will likely
require to be done by the prime.contractor under the super-
vision of the various utilities engineers. The effectiveness
of the Board rests on a sense of common cause.
Discussion of the paper includes the jurisdictional
problems with unions, and the advantages of the coordinated
Key Words: Utility location coordination, records, juris-
dictional problems,pre-planninE.

"Summary Report on the Use of Underground Space to Achieve

National. Goals, ": (New Yo.rk : American Society of .Civil
Engineeri,·.1973),p. 16. '. .'
Noting that many billions of dollars could be saved
annually- by installing .life-support services underground, a
policy pronouncement by.government is urged so that sufficient
(private) funds will be devoted to the Research and Development
programs needed to make underground construction competitive.
Required R&D includes: equipment improvement, better ground
treatment and excavation disposal, standardization of tunnel
sizes, better work safety, better space management arrange-
Key Words:' Unde~ground construction, equipment improvement,
ground treatment, e;xcavation disposal, work safety, space
management, standardization tunnel sizes.

~~__~r-~~",,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~n~a~n~d Management,
DC:' Transporta-

Twelve 'classes of input variables for a computer program

are described, for staged overlay pavement design.
Key Words: Computer program, input variables, overlay pavemept

Templeman, G. E., "The Nunicipal Underground Conduit System

of Montreal," The Engineering Journal, V. VIII, No.9 (Montreal:
Sep. 1925), p. 367~376.
Noting that some thirty companies had the right to
install lines, civic authorities obtained legislation in 1899
permitting them to compel undergrounding. Telephone had
previously gone underground, but'all'others are included in a
plcnned joint system. Each must advise of its quantity require-
rrent for reservation of duct space, Typical cross sections
are illustrated; construction is described,operation features
are mentioned. Cooperation between the Commission and various
utilities is called excellent.
Key Words: Montreal conduit system, duct space coordination,
construction, operation, design.

"Tunnelers Hole Through East River Utility Bore," Engineering

News-Record (Nov. 28, 1963), p. 21.
Reference is made to construction progress on a 12 ft.
by 12 ft. tunnel of 1,823 ft. length-initially to carry fuel-oil
and steam lines and water high-voltage transmission lines.
Key words: East River utility bore, construction progress.

Turley, T. G., "Cabling Problems in Subways and Tunnels,"
The Institution of Post Office Electrical Engineers, No. 187
(June 1945).
History and Post Offi~e usage of underground in London,
cabling operations,and tunnel mainte~ance are discussed at
length. Noting that some municipally owned tunnels now
exist, that rent to various. users, and that extensive rebuild-
ing of townscdfords an opportunity to consider tunnel alter-
natives to congested underground multiple installations, the
author favors rectangular concrete tunnels to house gas, water
and various cables. Coordinated planning would still enable
"piecemeal" construction.
Key Words: Tunnels, subways, cabling problems, tunnel'
maintenance, cabling operations, space renial, coordinated

"UHV Joint Research Program Hoves Into Secqnd Stage After

Encouraging Results," Electrical World (Jan. I, 1971).
p. 4l.

Joint research by ASEA and AEPS on 765 kv lines and

transformers. '. .

Key Words: Transmission lines, transformers.

"Underground Conduit and Manhole Construction," The Electrical

News, Vol. 35, No. 15, Toronto (Aue. 1926), p. 29-33.
This news report presents the recent tendency (1926)
toward the increase in duct deparation as they enter.the
manhole in order to provide better training of the cable~ in
the manholes. Higher voltages and concentrations of larger
amounts of power in a single cable is widely applied. Manhole
constructions.concerning the position of duct entrances on
the ~ides of manholes are discussed. And, according to the
discussion, round covers for the manhole design are favored
by this report.
Key Words: Duct, conduit, manhole, power cable, duct.

"Urban and Public Utility 'Tunnels Constructed at a Shallow

Depth," Construction and Design of Tunnels; Se<;:tion 4, Chapter
6, p. 811-828.
This article is a section of a ~hapter in the book of
"Construction and Design of Tunnels." In this section, the
author presents the constructing methods of public utility

tunnels especially the constructions under heavy traffic and
dense pedestrian area in big cities. Samples of construction
in cities of Vienna and Budapest are discussed in this section.
Key Words: Utility tunnel, urban, conduit, subway, shielf
tunnelling, open trench, closed monolithic reinforced-concrete
frame, jamming effect.

"URD Components Maintain High Reliability," Electrical World

(J an . 5 )
J p. 42.

Good performance is reported on such under Braund resi-

dential distribution equipment as plug-in elbows.
Key Words: Underground residential distribution,equipment

"Utilities Put R!W in Land Bank," Electrical World (Jan. 1,

1971) .
Two Connecticut power companies will purchase approxi-
mately 40 miles of abandoned railroad rights-of-way, turn them
over to the state, for a "transportation" corridor to include
transmission line installations.
Key Words: Transportation corridor, transmission line

"Utility Trench at Sea-Toe Airport," Western Construction

(July 1969), p. 60, 62.
Describes construction progress on a 14 ft. by 13 ft.
utility trench 1500 ft. long to serve the air terminal.
Key Words: Utility trench.

"Utility Tunnel Conference," Pipeline (Autumn 1971).

Allocation of space vertically is discussed from the
safety viewpoint during repairs. Systematic placement of
utilities within tunnels is advocated.
Key Words: Utility space allocation, safety during ,repairs,
systematic utility loc~tion.

"Utility Tunnel Status Described," 4rnerican :Public ,Wo;rks,
'Association, Reporter,
A report made to AWWA by John B.W. Corey based upon
APWA ~tudy of feasibility of utility tunnels notes; utility
tunnels are not new, most needed in congested parts of the
United States, a proposed system is under consideration for
White Plains, New York.
Key Words: Utility tunnel, feasibility, White Plains, New
York system.

Warren, Bacil B., "Arizona Subway," Power (Mar. 1938),

p. 70-72.
Replacement of old "helter-skelter" mains with 5773
feet of tunnel for steam, water, electricity, telephone and
gas, has given a savings of 50% in cost from corrosion and
heat loss. Serving a ~uch expanded campus has been simple
by including lateral tunnels in the new buildings contracts.
Key Words: ,Utili ty tunnel, cost savings, lateral tunnels.

1972 Western Regional Conference; APWA, San Diego, May 7-10,

1972, "Economic and Fianancial Con$iderations for Utility
Tunnels~" by M.A. Nishkian, Sp. .
Three classes of benefits are suggested; (1) quanti-
fiable for monetary evaluation, (2) quantifiable but
insufficient data to assign monetary value, (3) identifiable
but non~quantifiable. Advantages outw~igh disadvantages in
particular urban (high density) districts.
Key Words: Utility tunnels, financial considerations, economic
considerations, benefits, utility tunnel advantages.

1972 Western Regional Conference, APWA, San Diego, May 7-10

1972, "Technological and Legislative Needs," by R.L .. Johnson,
14 p.
Hotivation for early tunnel installations (Paris"
London, etc.) are e~amined, along with, ten technological
problems then being faced. It is noted that, whereas the
same problems are still in existence, much technology has
been'advanced in the matter of equipment, materials, and
applications to various types of utilities.' Electric, gas
oil, improvements are cited. Government interest, shortage
of space, traffic interference, should involve legislative
interest---starting with, development of a planning process
and support fram APWA.

Key Words: Utility tunnel, ownership, right of way
considerations, planning, right of way regulation, legal

1972 Western Regional Conference, APWA, San Diego, May 7-10,

1972, "Utility Tunnel Ownership and Right-of-Way Considera-
tions, "by Leroy W. Miller, 2Op.
While utilities are used to share space, joint tunnel
ventures may be dubious because of requirements to relocate
if the government so requires. Joint comprehensive planning,
and government construction of tunnels with requirement on
utilities to use them is not a new concept, but government
financing may have legislative problems. The utility right
to occupy streets and the government right to regulate it is
discussed. Easement and private lease occupancy, establish~
ment of fee or costs, relocation requirements, liability
exposure, and the Doctrine of Sovereign Immunity, are dealt
with. It is concluded that no legal problems should preclude
usage of utility tunnels.
Key Words: Utility tunnel, ownership, right of way consider-
ations, planning, right of way regulations, legal considerations.

"When Gas Pipelines Blow Up," Business Week (Aug. 4, 1973),

p. 50.

Noting the increase in fatal accidents from gas line

explosions, the Transportation Department's Office of Pipeline
Safety contends that its power is restricted to regulation of
the utility operators whereas the problem is with contractor's
excavation. Model legislation was objected to.
Key Words: Gas pipelines, explosions, model legislation.

"Why Not Put Power Lines in Tunnels?" American Water Works

Association News (June 14, 1971), 2p.
Electric and telephone lines may soon be included in
utility tunnels. Previous economic analysis has not included
monetary value for traffic delays/street damage, noise, and
protection of the facilities.
Key Words: Utility tunnels, electric, telephone, economic

Zwerling, Stephen, "BART: Manhattan Rises on San Francisco
Bay," Environment, Vol. 15, No. 10 (Dec. 1973), p. lLf-19.
The contention is that the system was really intended
to re-vitalize downtown San Francisco whereas the public was
told it was to relieve traffic congestion. The lack of
examining alternatives to rapid rail, and the ignoring of
public views, are criticized.
Key Words: BART, public opinion, alternatives to rapid



The characterization of area-wide traffic delay in a
very densely traveled area such as the Chicago CBD requires
a highly heuristic approach. The intersection spacing and
traffic signal timing presents a traffic network that is
interrelated both in upstream and downstream conditions.
The signal timing scheme is a fixed time, double offset
system designed to move traffic in platoons two blocks long.
However, midway through the proposed construction period the
city will install a computer controlled fully demand actuated
signal system.

The traffic flow is operating at very high levels of

service (D&D) throughout the period from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Parking and standing vehicles are encountered in every block
with random pedestrian interference throughout the area.
The impact area is taken as that area bounded by Franklin
Street and Michigan Avenue on the west and east and Randolph
and Van Buren Streets on the north and south. This impact
zone contains 84 street links and over 45 signal controlled

Two basic construction schemes have been considered

the first is characterized as:
timber decking of Monroe Street - 2ft above grade
reduction of traveled way to two 9-1/2 foot lanes
uni-directional optimization of traffic signals
manual control at all Monroe Street intersection.

This construction phasing would last for two years at which

time Monroe Street would be restored to these lanes. The
second scheme would be:

Reduction of traveled way on Honroe Street
to two 9-1/2 foot lanes for 60 days - to
permit construction of side-walls.
Complete closure of Monroe Street. - one
block at a time - for permanent decking
operation. Twenty days per block closure
for decking.
Timber decking of cross streets during
decking operations.
Uni-directionaloptimization of traffic.
Manual control at all Monroe Street
In addition to the revised traffic operation on Monroe Street
it is assumed that State Street will become a transit Mall
prior to initiation of this project.

Using these basic assumptions it is possible to perform

a numerical relaxation of displaced traffic volume and
estimated travel speed during any particular construction
phase. The traffic volume displaced is assumed to take th~
form of a negative exponential decay function with an
average stabilization period of two weeks. The travel·
demand is a tri-maximum distribution with peaks at both
rush periods as well as at mid-day. Presented in Table B-1 are
the existing traffic volumes and speeds in the impact area.
The source for the data was the City of Chicago 1974 Loop
Traffic Study and various other city studies factored to
1975 levels. These conditions represent the typical weekday
operation for the area. The impact of the first construction
scheme is presented in Table B-2. There is an obvious
increase in traffic volumes throughout the area and a net
reduction in travel speeds. Table B-3 presents the impacts of
the second c.onstruction alternative and depicts a similar
condition although with higher localized congestion.

Summarizing the increase in traffic congestion the
results are: Scheme I - Reduction to 2 lanes
3,560 Vehicle-hours additional delay
1,425,000 vehicle hours delay throughout duration
of project.

Scheme II - Permanent Decking Operation

5,495 Vehicle-hours additional delay
692,000 Vehicle-hours delay throughout duration
of project.

It can readily be seen that although the daily delay is

substantially higher for the second scheme due to localized
effects the traffic operation are returned to normal in a
much shorter time frame resulting in approximately a 50
percent reduction on total delay.

In order to quantify this travel delay in terms of

economic impact the values shown in Table B-4 were used to
represent typical vehicle operating costs. The hourly value
for a passenger automobile (occupancy 1.4 people) is $6.12,
a single unit truck is $9.86 and a taxi $7.64. The resulting
cost of the motoring public of either of the construction
alternatives is:
Scheme I - $9,090,000
Scheme II - $4,415,000.
While these costs are not realizable in terms of reducing
or increasing construction costs, they do represent a real
economic burden to the metropolitan area.


Current Traffic Volumes Travel Speeds Average

Street Link Link Transit
A.M. Noon P.M. ADT A.M. Noon P.M. Time
(mph) (mph) (mph) (m1n. )
Franklin Street NB 490 400 425 6,240 9.0 7.0 7.0 3.91
" " SB 590 420 540 6,760 9.0 8.0 9.0 3.46
Wells Street NB 370 300 330 4,800 9.0 8.0 10.0 3.33
" " SB 450 320 410 5,200 9.0 8.0 10.0 3.33
LaSalle Street NB 750 610 660 9,600 8.0 7.0 9.0 3.75
" " SB 910 650 830 10,400 10.0 9.0 10.0 3.10
Clark Street* SB 1,150 820 1,050 13,200 10,79 9.20 9.75 3.03
DearbornStreet* NB 1,050 860 920 13,500 7.72 6.6B 6.54 4.30
I State Street NB 595 490 520 7,640 8.0 7.0 8.0 3.91
" " SB 730 520 665 8,360 10.0 9.0 10.0 3.10
Wabash Avenue NB 670 550 590 8,640 . 8.0 7.0 7.0 3.91
" " SB 815 580 750 9,360 10.0 8.0 10.0 3.22
Michigan Avenue NB 1080 890 950 13,920 8.0 7.0 7.0 3.91
" " SB 1,320 940 1,200 15,080 10.0 9.0 10.0 3.10
VanBuren Street* WB 525 480 540 6,790 9.94 11.56 12.79 3.15
Jackson B1vd.* EB 1,500 1,250 1,260 17,250 8.30 8.51 6.28 4.68
Adams Street* WB 790 650 920 11,200 9.61 8.75 9.40 3.8:)
Monroe Street* EB 950 750 770· 11,000 9.79 . 5.66 4.66 51

Madison Street"r WE 890 890 760 12,400 10.03 7.16 9.86 3.98 I

Washington Street* EB 790 890 960 13,550 9.20 5.99 6.38 5.00 i

Randolph Street* WB 1,120 1,050 960 14,800

- -
11. 33 8.81 9.76 3.61
NB -Northbound SB - Southbound EB - Eastbound WB - Westbound
* Existing data supplied by City of Chicago - 1974 Loop Study.

Average Average Link

Street Link ADT Travel Speed Transit Time

(mph) ~ml.n~)
Franklin Street NB 7,490 6.15 4.89
" " SB 8,110 6.95 4.32
Wells Street NB 5,520 7.65 3.92
" " SB 5,980 7.65 3.92
LaSalle Street NB 10,560 7.20 4.17
" " SB 11,440 8.70 ,"
Clark Street SB 14,520 8.90 3.36
Dearborn Street NB 14,850 6.30 4.78
State Street NB -- . -- --
" " SB -- -- --
Wabash Avenue NB 9;930 6:50 4.60
" " SB 10,760 7.90 3.78
Michigan Avenue NB 16,710 6.15 4.89
" " SB 18,100 7.75 3.88
VanBuren Street WB 7,470 10.30 3.50
Jackson Blvd. EB 20,700 6.15 5.84
12,880 7.90 4.58
" Adams Street WE
Monroe Street EB 4,400 3.20 11. 29
Madison Street WE 14,260 7.70 4.69
Washington Street EB 16,260 5.75 6.25
Randolph Street WE 16,280 8.95 4.01

NB - Northbound
SB - Southbound
EB - Eastbound
WB - Westbound


Average Average Link

Street Link ADT Travel Speed Transit Time

(mph) (min. )
Franklin Street NB 8,110 5.37 4.59
SB 8,790 6.07 4.94
Wells Street NB 5,760 7.20 4.17
" SB 6,240 7.20 .' 4.17
LaSalle Street NB 11,040 6.80 4.41
" II
SB 11,960 8.22 3.65
Clark Street SB 15,180 8.42 3.56
Dearborn Street NB 15,530 5.93 5.06
State Street NB -- -- --
" II
SB -- -- --
Wabash Avenue NB 10,370 6.1.4 4.89
" " SB 11,230 7.46 4.02
Michigan Avenue NB 18,100 5.37 5.59
" " SB 19,600 5.77 4.43
VanBuren Street WB 7,810 9.72 3.70
Jackson Blvd. EB 22,430 5.39 6.68
Adams Street WE 13,440 7.40 4.86
Monroe Street EB 0 -- --
Madison Street WE 14,880 7.23 4.98
Washington Street EB 17,620 5.04 7.14
Randolph Street WB 17,020 8.48 4.25

NB - Northbound
SB - Southbound
EB - Eastbound
WO Westbound

(Dollars/Min. )

Passenger Single-Unit
Automobile Truck Taxi

Fuel 0.04 0.04 0.04.

Tire, Oil and Routine 0.Q01 0.0025 0.001
Depreciation 0.001 0.00l8 0.0013
Time Cost* 0.06 0.12 0.085

TOTAL 0.102 0.1643 0.1273

*Driver/Passenger Waiting Time.

Source: HRB Research Record. Number 314. 1970

- A general - purpose model for motor
vehicle operating costs.

Figure B-1 Location of Impact Zone


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