Personal Pronoun & Verb To Be
Personal Pronoun & Verb To Be
Personal Pronoun & Verb To Be
Function (Función)
1. El pronombre en función de sujeto
El sujeto de una oración es la persona o cosa que realiza la acción del verbo. Se utilizan los pronombres en función
de sujeto cuando el pronombre es el sujeto de la oración. Este pronombre en inglés, a diferencia del español, debe
figurar siempre.
I am ill.(Yo estoy enfermo.)
Subject = I
You are tall.(Tú eres alto.)
Subject = you
He is handsome.(Él es guapo.)
Subject = he
We are tired.(Nosotros estamos cansados.)
Subject = we
2. El pronombre del sujeto lo usamos para sustituir al nombre del sustantivo en una oración.
Susan lives in GDL. Susan is my cousin = She is my cousin.(ella es mi prima)
My dog is white. My dog always eats dogfood = It always eats dogfood.(el siempre come croquetas)
Subject =it
My parents are lovely. My parents take care of us. = They take care of us. (ellos cuidan de nosotros)
Subject = they
9. My grandparents live in London. (My grandparents) often come and see us.
A continuación, veremos cómo se utiliza la forma Afirmativa, Negativa e Interrogativa del verbo To Be
You are a student. You are not a student. Are you a student?
We are in New York. We are not in New York. Are we in New York?
You are good Friends. You are not good friends. Are you good friends?
They are students. They are not students. Are they students?
Write down the missing sentences.
Affirmative form Negative form Question form
I I am hungry.
you You are Sam.
he He is not here.
she Is she loud?
it It is okay.
we Are we fine?
you You are not friendly.
they Are they happy?
Yes/No questions – be (am, are, is)
Subject and verb change their position in statement and question.
● Sentence: You are from Germany.
● Question: Are you from Germany?
We always use the short answer, not only Yes or No.
NOTE: If the answer is Yes, we always use the long form. → Example: Yes, I am.
If the answer is No, we use the contracted form (short form). → Example: No, I am not→ No, I'm not.
Verb Subject complement Yes/No Subject Verb
Yes, he is.
Is he your friend?
No, he Isn’t
What is his wife's name?______ c) Steven and Jack are James and kathy's