Personal Pronoun & Verb To Be

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Personal/subject pronoun

Function (Función)
1. El pronombre en función de sujeto
El sujeto de una oración es la persona o cosa que realiza la acción del verbo. Se utilizan los pronombres en función
de sujeto cuando el pronombre es el sujeto de la oración. Este pronombre en inglés, a diferencia del español, debe
figurar siempre.
I am ill.(Yo estoy enfermo.)
Subject = I
You are tall.(Tú eres alto.)
Subject = you
He is handsome.(Él es guapo.)
Subject = he
We are tired.(Nosotros estamos cansados.)
Subject = we
2. El pronombre del sujeto lo usamos para sustituir al nombre del sustantivo en una oración.
Susan lives in GDL. Susan is my cousin = She is my cousin.(ella es mi prima)
My dog is white. My dog always eats dogfood = It always eats dogfood.(el siempre come croquetas)
Subject =it
My parents are lovely. My parents take care of us. = They take care of us. (ellos cuidan de nosotros)
Subject = they

Personal Pronouns - Subject

Replace the words in brackets by the correct personal pronouns. Note that Sue is the person speaking.
The (*) means that you are asked a question.

1. My name is Sue. (Sue) am English. And this is my family.

2. My mum's name is Angie. (Angie) is from Germany.

3. Bob is my dad. (My dad) is a waiter.

4. On the left you can see Simon. (Simon) is my brother.

5. (Sue and Simon) are twins.

6. Our dog is a girl, Judy. (Judy) is two years old.

7. (Sue, Simon, Angie and Bob) live in Canterbury.

8. (Canterbury) is not far from London.

9. My grandparents live in London. (My grandparents) often come and see us.

10. What can (*) tell me about your family?

El verbo to be es un verbo irregular, tiene dos funciones:
a) Como verbo (ser/estar)
b) Como auxiliar (pare negar, preguntar y para formar otros tiempos gramaticales)
● tiene las dos funciones en forma simultánea.
En presente simple tiene tres conjugaciones: am, is, are.

Full Form Contraction Español Full Form Contraction Español

I am I’m Yo soy/yo estoy He is He’s Él es/él está
You are You’re Tú eres/ tú estas She is She’s Ella es / ella esta
We are We’re Nosotros somos/estamos It is It’s Eso es /eso está
They are They’re Ellos son/están It = remplazar sujetos que no son una
También reemplazo sujetos persona y es singular.
que no son personas y están
en plural.

Uso del verbo to be

En verbo to be se utiliza en los siguientes casos:
1- El nombre NAME
a) I am Katie (soy Katie)
b) She isn’t Julie (ella no es Julie)
c) Is her name Sarah? (¿Su nombre es Sarah?)
2- La edad AGE
a) I am 27 years old (tengo 27 años)
b) He isn’t 20 years old (él no tiene 20 años)
c) How old are you ? (¿Cuántos años tienes?)
*en inglés usamos el verbo TO BE para expresar la edad, a diferencia del español que usamos el verbo
3- La nacionalidad NATIONALITY
a) I am Mexican. (Yo soy mexicano)
b) She isn’t Australian. (Ella no es australiana)
c) Are they Chinese people? (¿Ellos son chinos?)
*En inglés, las nacionalidades se escriben con mayúscula, a diferencia del español.
4- El lugar de origen WHERE ARE YOU FROM
a) I am from Mexico. (Yo soy de México)
b) He isn’t from the United States. (Él no es de los Estados Unidos)
c) Are they from China? (¿Ellos son de China?)
5- Descripción física (medida, peso, forma y color) PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION
a) The car is red (el carro es rojo)
b) I am young (soy joven)
c) He isn’t tall (é l no es alto)
d) What is it color? (¿Cuál es su color?)
e) Is he thin? (¿Él es/está flaco?)
6- Descripción del carácter, estados mentales o físicos. MOOD DESCRIPTION
a) I am not hungry (no tengo hambre) *las sensaciones físicas se usan con este verbo
b) They are crazy! (¡están locos!)
c) He isn’t angry. (él no está enojado)
d) Is Luis a shy guy. (¿Luis es un chico tímido?)
7- Ocupación (a qué se dedica) WHAT DO YOU DO
a) You are a student. (Tú eres un estudiante)
b) My mom is a teacher. (mi mama es una maestra/ Mi mamá es maestra)
c) Tom is an engineer. (Tom es un ingeniero/Tom es ingeniero)
*Cuando hablamos de ocupaciones, usamos el artículo a/an antes de mencionar la ocupación. Significan lo
mismo (un, uno, una) el uso depende del sonido de la siguiente palabra, si el sonido inicia con vocal usamos AN
ejemplo: an engineer, si el sonido de la siguiente palabra empieza con vocal usamos A ejemplo: a teacher.

A continuación, veremos cómo se utiliza la forma Afirmativa, Negativa e Interrogativa del verbo To Be

Afirmativa Negativa Interrogativa

I am in the school. I am not in the school. Am I in the school?

You are a student. You are not a student. Are you a student?

He is a doctor. He is not a doctor. Is he a doctor?

She is a teacher. She is not a teacher. Is she a teacher?

It is a pen. It is not a pen. Is it a pen?

We are in New York. We are not in New York. Are we in New York?

You are good Friends. You are not good friends. Are you good friends?

They are students. They are not students. Are they students?
Write down the missing sentences.
Affirmative form Negative form Question form
I I am hungry.
you You are Sam.
he He is not here.
she Is she loud?
it It is okay.
we Are we fine?
you You are not friendly.
they Are they happy?
Yes/No questions – be (am, are, is)
Subject and verb change their position in statement and question.
● Sentence: You are from Germany.
● Question: Are you from Germany?
We always use the short answer, not only Yes or No.
NOTE: If the answer is Yes, we always use the long form. → Example: Yes, I am.
If the answer is No, we use the contracted form (short form). → Example: No, I am not→ No, I'm not.
Verb Subject complement Yes/No Subject Verb

Are you from Germany? Yes, I am.

Are you from Germany? No, I 'm not.

Yes, he is.
Is he your friend?
No, he Isn’t

No, they aren’t.

Are Peter and John from England?
Yes, they are.

Answers the questions in English.

Principio del formulario
1. Are you from England? → Yes, _________________
2. Is she nice? → Yes,____________________
3. Are the friends at school? → No,________________
4. Is the dog in the garden? → Yes,__________________
5. Are you 12? → No, _______________
6. Is your school bag black? → No,___________________
7. Is he a teacher? → Yes, _______________
8. Are your parents from Italy? → No, __________________
9. Are we students? → Yes,_____________________
10. Am I your friend? → Yes, _____________________
Match the question with the correct answer.

Where is James from?_____ a) They are on holiday because today is

their birthday.

Where is James?_____ b) His wife's name is Kathy.

What is his wife's name?______ c) Steven and Jack are James and kathy's

Who are Steven and Jack?______ d) James is from London.

Why are the children on holiday?______ e) James is at work.

Who is older: Steven or Jack?________ f) Steven is older than Jack.

Final del formulario

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