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 Cell destruction of the layers of the skin and the resultant depletion of fluids and
Classifications of burns
 Size
 Localized burns
o Body’s response is localized or contained to the injured area.
 Extensive burns
o 25% or more of the total body surface area (TSBA)
o Body’s response to injury is systematic.
o Affect all major systems of the body.
 Burn depth
1. First degree(superficial-partial thickness)
 Epidermis, possibly portion of dermis.
 Tingling, hyperesthesia
 Pain soothed by cooling
 Reddened, blanches with pressure
 Dry, minimal or no edema, possible blisters; complete recovery within a week,
no scarring, peeling.
2. Second degree (deep-partial thickness)
 Epidermis, upper dermis, portion of deeper dermis.
 Pain, hyperesthesia
 Sensitive to cold air
 Blistered
 Mottled red bas
 Weeping surface
 Recovery 2-4 weeks
 Some scarring and depigmentation
 Contractures, infection may convert it to full thickness.
3. Third degree (full thickness)
 Epidermis, entire dermis and sometimes subcutaneous tissue
 May involve connective tissue, muscle and bone.
 Pain free/Insensate
 Shock, hematuria, and hemolysis
 Possible entrance and exit wounds (electrical burn)
 Dry, pale white, leathery or charred, broken skin with fat exposed.
 Edema
 Eschar sloughs, grafting necessary
 Scarring and loss contour and function, contractures
 Extent of burn injury
1. Minor burn injury
 Second-degree burns of <15% total body surface body area (TSBA) in adults
or <10% in children.
 Third degree burn of <2% of TSBA not involving care areas.
 Excludes electrical injury, inhalation injury, or concurrent trauma and all poor-
risk patient.
2. Moderate, Uncomplicated Injury
 Second degree burns of 15-25% TSBA in adults or 10-20% in children.
 Third degree burns of <10% TSBA not involving special care areas.
 Excludes electrical injury, inhalation injury, or concurrent trauma and all poor-
risk patient.
3. Major Burn
 Second degree burns >25% TSBA in adults or >20% in children
 All degree burns of >10%
 All burns involving eyes, ears, face, hands, feet, perineum, joints
 liAll inhalation injury, electrical injury, or concurrent trauma, and all poor-risk

Estimating the extent of Body Surface Area Injury

1. Lund and Browder (L&B) Method

 Modifies percentages for body segments according to age
 More accurate estimate of burn size
 Uses a diagram of the body divided into sections with the representative % of
the TBSA for ages throughout the lifespan
 Should be reevaluated after initial wound debridement
2. Rule of 9’s
 Head - 9%
 Arms – 9% each
 Legs - 18% each
 Chest – 18%
 Back – 18%
 Groin – 1%


 Head – 18%
 Arms – 9% each
 Legs – 14% each
 Chest – 18%
 Abdomen - 18%
3. Palm Method
 In patients with scattered burns, a method to estimate the percentage of burn is
the palm method. The size of the patient’s palm is approximately 1% of TSBA

Assessment of Burn Injury

 S-ize
 C-ause
 A-ge
 L-ocation
 D-epth

Types of Burns

1. Thermal burns
 Exposure to flames, hot liquids, steam or contact to hot objects.
 MOST common type
2. Chemical burns
 Tissue contact, ingestion or inhalation of acids alkali.
 Systemic toxicity from cutaneous absorption can occur.
3. Electrical burns
 Heat generated by electrical energy as it passes through the body (direct
 Results in internal tissue damage
 Cutaneous burns cause muscle and soft tissue damage that may be extensive,
particularly in high voltage electrical injuries
 Alternating current is more dangerous than direct current because it is associated
with cardiopulmonary arrest, ventricular fibrillation, tetanic muscle contractions,
and long bone or vertebral fracture.
4. Radiation burns
 Exposure to UV light , x-rays, or radioactive sources
5. Smoke inhalation burns
 Inhalation of superheated air, stream, toxic fumes, or smoke causing respiratory
tissue damage
 Assessment
o Facial burn
o Erythema
o Swelling of oro/nasopharynx
o Singed nasal hair
o Stridor, wheezing and dyspnea
o Flaring nostrils
o Sooty sputum and cough
o Hoarse voice
o Agitation and anxiety
o Tachycardia
 Carbon monoxide poisoning
 Carbon monoxide is colorless, odorless and tasteless gas that has an affinity for
Hgb 200 times greater than that of oxygen.
 Oxygen molecules are displaced and carbon monoxide reversibly binds to Hgb to
form carboxyhemoglobin
 Can lead to coma and death
 Assessment :
o Bright cherry red, in face and upper torso
o Cherry red nail beds, lips and oral mucosa
o Headache
o Muscular weakness
o Palpitations
o Dizziness
 Management :
o Oxygen is administered until the carboxyhemoglobin level is less that 5%
 Smoke poisoning
 Inhalation of by-products of combustion
 A localized inflammatory reaction occurs causing a decrease in bronchial ciliary
action and a decrease in surfactant.
 Assessment:
o Mucosal edema
o Wheezing on auscultation
o After several hours, sloughing of the trachea-bronchial epithelium
o Hemorrhagic bronchitis
 Direct thermal heat injury
 Can occur to the lower airways by:
 Can occur in upper airways ,w/c appear erythematous and edematous, with
mucosal blisters and ulcerations
 Mucosal edema especially during the first 24 hours to 48 hours
 Monitored for airway obstruction
 ET intubation if obstruction occurs.

Vascular permeability

IV volume



Peripheral resistance

Cardiac output


Zone of Coagulation
Point of maximum damage.
Inner zone of injury where cellular death occur.
Zone of Stasis
Decreased tissue perfusion.
Middle area, inflammation and tissue injury.
Zone of Hyperemia
Outermost; tissue perfusion increased and sustains the least damage.

Fluid and Electrolyte Changes
Local edema caused by thermal injury is often extensive resulting in blister formation.
Patients with more severe burns develop massive systemic edema.
As edema increases, pressure on small blood vessels and nerves in the distal
extremities causes an obstruction of blood flow and consequent ischemia (tourniquet

Cardiovascular Changes
Cardiac output continues to decrease and the blood pressure drops. This is the onset
of burn shock.
Myocardial contractility may be suppressed by the release of the inflammatory
cytokine necrosis factor.
Respiratory Changes
Inflammatory mediators cause bronchoconstriction
Pulmonary hypertension can develop, resulting in a decrease in the arterial 02 tension
and a decrease in lung compliance.
ARDS can occur.
Metabolic Changes
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) increases up to 3 times its original rate.
Immunological Changes
Immune system function is depressed, resulting in immunosuppression and thus
increasing the risk of infection and sepsis.
Sepsis continues to be the leading cause of morbidity and with thermal.
Hemodynamic/ Systemic Changes
Initially hyponatremia and hyperkalemia followed by hypokalemia as fluid shifts occur
and K+ is not replaced.
Hematocrit level increases as a result of plasma loss; this initial increase falls to below
normal at 3rd to 4th day postburn as a result of the RBC damage and loss at the time of
Initially, body shunts blood from the kidneys, causing oliguria; then the body begins to
reabsorb fluid, and diuresis of the excess fluid occurs over the next days to weeks.
Evaporative fluid losses through the burn wound are greater than normal, and the fluid
losses continue until complete wound closure occurs.
If the intravascular space is not replenished with IV fluids, hypovolemic shock and
ultimately death will occur.
Gastrointestinal Changes
Blood flow to the GIT is diminished, leading to intestinal ileus, GI dysfunction and
Curling's ulcer.
 Begins at the time of injury, ends with complete
fluid resuscitation
 first 24-48 hours after the injury
Fluid shift from intravascular to interstitial space causing hypovolemia
Goal: Prevent hypovolemic shock and preserve vital organ functioning.
 First aid
 Fluid resuscitation
 Prevention of shock
 Prevention of respiratory distress
 Detection and treatment of concomitant injuries
 Wound assessment and initial care
On the scene care:
Emergency Procedure:
Extinguish the flames
 "Stop, drop, and roll"
 Smother the flames, a blanket, rug, or coat, may be used
Cool the burn
 Adherent clothing are soaked with cool water.
 Never apply ice directly to the burn.

Remove restrictive objects

Cover the wound
 Minimize bacterial contamination,
 Maintain body temperature
 Decrease pain
 Ointments and salves should not be used.
Irrigate chemical burns
 Rinse all areas of the body that have come in contact with the chemical.
 In the shower or any other source of continuous
running water.
 The eyes should be flushed with cool clean water

R- Rescue the patient

A- Activate Alarm
C- Confine the fire
E- Extinguish the fire
Assessment Findings:
Third spacing/Edema
 Diagnostic tests:
Hyperkalemia (1<+ leaks into blood vessels)
Elevated hematocrit (Hemoconcentration) Metabolic acidosis (Loss of bicarbonate)
 Management:
Remove person from source of burn
 Thermal: smother burn beginning with the head.
 Smoke inhalation: ensure patent airway
 Chemical: remove clothing that contains chemical; wash area with copious amounts of
 Electrical: note victim position, identify entry/ exit routes of electricity; maintain airway;
assess heart rate and rhythm
 Wrap in dry, clean sheet or blanket to prevent further contamination of wound and
provide warmth.
 Assess how and when burn occurred.
 Provide IV route if possible
 Transport immediately
 Includes pre- hospital care and emergency room care.
 Amount of fluid administered is based on the client's weight and extent of injury (e.g.
Parkland Formula).
 Most fluid replacement formulas are calculated from the time of injury and not from the
time of arrival at the hospital.
 Begins when client is hemodynamically stable diuresis has begun.
 Ends at the completion of wound closure
 2- 5 days after the time of injury
 Interstitial fluid returns to the vascular compartment
 Goal: Wound closure. Prevention of complications
 Focus:
Infection control.
Wound care
Wound closure
Nutritional support
Pain management
Physical therapy
Assessment Findings:
Decreased Hematocrit (Hemodilution)
Increased urine output
Diagnostic tests:
Hypokalemia (K+ shifts back into the cells)
Metabolic acidosis
 Final phase of burn care
 From wound closure to return to optimal level
of functioning
 Goes beyond hospitalization.
 Goals: Gain independence and achieve
maximal function
 Focus:
 Prevention of scars and contractures
 Physical and occupational rehabilitation
 Functional and cosmetic reconstruction
 Psychosocial counseling
 Assessment:
 Dry, waxy- white, appearance of full-thickness burn changing to dark brown
 Drying out of wet, shiny and serious exudates (in partial thickness burns)
Adults with burns involving more than 15 %- 20 % TBSA.
Children with burns involving more than 10- 15 % TBSA.
Patients with electrical injury, the elderly, or those with cardiac or pulmonary disease
and compromised response to burn injury.
 The amount of fluid administered depends on how much intravenous fluid per hour is
required to maintain a urinary output of 30- 50 ml/hr.
Successful fluid resuscitation is evidenced by:
 Stable vital signs
 Palpable peripheral pulse
 Adequate urine output
 Clear sensorium
 Urinary output is the most sensitive assessment parameter for cardiac output and
tissue perfusion. Monitor hourly.
 If Hgb and Hct levels decrease or if the UO >50 ml/hr, the rate of IV fluid administration
may be decreased.
 Generally, a crystalloid (Ringer's lactate) solution is used initially. Colloid is used
during the 2nd day (5% albumin, plasmate or hetastarch)
 Formulas:
 Parkland/ Baxter Formula
Lactated Ringer's Solution:
4 ml- x kg body weight x % TBSA burned
Day 1: Half to be given in first 8 hours; half to be given
over next 16 hours.
Day 2: varies: colloid is added.
Example: Patient's weight: 70 kg; % TBSA
burn: 80 %
 1st 24 HOURS:

 4ml x 70kg x 80 0/0 TBSA = 22,

400ml of lactated Ringer's
1st 8 hours= 50 % = 11,200ml
2nd 8 hours= 25 0/0= 5,600ml
3rd 8 hours= 25 0/0= 5,600ml

 2ND 24 HOURS:
 (0.5mL colloid x weight in kg x TBSA) + 2000ml D5W run concurrently over the 24 hours
 0.5mt x 70kg x 80 0/0= 2,800ml colloid + 2000 ml D5W
 2,800/24 117mL colloid/ h
 2,000/ 24 h=84 rnL D5W/ h

• Brooke Army Formula

Colloids: 0.5ml x kg body weight x % TBSA burned.
1. Electrolytes (lactated Ringer's solution):
1.5mL x kg body weight x% TBSA burned.

2. Glucose (5 % in water): 2000 ml- for insensible loss.

Day 1: Half to be given in first 8 h; remaining half over
next 16 h.
Day 2: Half of colloids, half of electrolytes; all of insensible fluid replacement.
Second and third degree burns exceeding 50 %TBSA are calculated on the basis of
50 % TBSA.

 Opioid administration (Morphine Sulfate or Meperidine) via the IV route.
 Morphine sulfate remains the analgesic for treatment of acute burn pain.
 Avoid 1M or SC routes because absorption through the soft tissue is unreliable when
hypovolemia and large fluid shifts are occurring.
 Avoid administering medication by oral route, because of GI dysfunction.

Note: Oral route is preferred when patient is already for discharge and when IV is already
 Medicate client 30 minutes prior to painful procedures or wound care.
 Position burned areas in proper alignment.

 Essential to promote would healing and prevent infection.
 Maintain NPO status until bowel sounds are heard; then advance to clear liquids as
 Nutrition may be provided via enteral tube feeding, peripheral parenteral nutrition, or
total parenteral nutrition.
Indications for parental nutrition:
Weight loss greater than 10 % of normal body weight.
Clinical Status
Prolonged wound exposure
Malnutrition or debilitated condition before injury.
High in protein
High carbohydrates (5000 calories per day)
High calories, vitamins and minerals.
Protein requirements may range from 1.5 to 4.0 g of protein per kilogram of body weight every 24
Schedule would care and other treatment at least 1 hour before meals.
 Assess for signs & symptoms of paralytic ileus
 Assist with insertion of NGT to prevent/ control Curling's / stress ulcer; monitor patency & drainage.
 Administer prophylactic antacids, Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPI) or H2 blockers as ordered
 Monitor bowel sounds
 Test stools for occult blood
The cleansing, debridement and dressing of the
burn wounds
Place client in controlled sterile environment.
1. Hydrotherapy
 Wounds are cleansed by immersion, showering or spraying done for 30 minutes or less, to
prevent increased sodium loss through the burn wound.
 Client should be pre- medicated prior to the procedure
 Not used for hemodynamically unstable or those with new skin grafts.
 The temperature of the water is maintained at 37.8 C.
 During the bath, the patient is encouraged to be as active as possible. It provides an
excellent opportunity for exercising the extremities.
2. Wound dressing
 Burned areas are patted dry and topical
agents are applied.
 Light dressing:
 Joint areas to allow motion o Areas with splint
to conform to the body
 Circumferential dressing:
o Distally to proximally o Fingers and
toes should be wrapped individually.
 Occlusive dressing :
o Thin gauze impregnated with a topical
antimicrobial agent o Used over new
skin grafts o Protects the graft and
promotes adherence of graft to
recipient site. o Remains in place for 3
to 5 days.
o Administer analgesic 20 minutes prior to
dressing changes.

3. Debridement
 Removal of eschar
To prevent bacterial proliferation under the eschar.
To promote wound healing.
 Natural debridement
 The dead tissue separates from the underlying viable tissue spontaneously.
 Bacteria that are present at the interface of the burned tissue and the variable tissue
underneath gradually liquify the fibrils of collagen that hold the eschar in place for the
first or second post- burn week.
 Mechanical Debridement
 Involves the use of surgical scissors, scalpels, and forceps to separate and remove the
 Debridement by these means is carried out to the point of pain and bleeding.
 Coarse-mesh dressings applied dry or wet-to-dry (applied wet and allowed to dry) will
slowly debride the wound of exudate and eschar when removed.
 Surgical debridement
 Operative procedure involving either primary excision of the full thickness of the skin
down to the fascia or shaving of the burned skin layers to freely bleeding, viable tissue.
 Early excision is carried out before the natural separation of eschar is allowed to occur.
 The procedure creates a high risk of extensive blood loss (as much as 100 to 125 ml- of
blood per percent of body surface excised.)
4. Escharotomy
 A lengthwise incision is made through the burn eschar to relieve constriction and
pressure and to improve circulation.
 Usually performed in circumferential burn wounds.
 After escharotomy, assess pulses, color, movement, and sensation of affected extremity
and control any bleeding with pressure.
 Pack incision gently with fine mesh gauze for 24 hours after escharotomy, as
 Apply topical antimicrobial agents as prescribed.
5. Fasciotomy
An incision is made, extending through the SQ tissue and fascia.
Performed if adequate tissue perfusion does not return after an escharotomy.
Performed in OR under General Anesthesia.
6. Topical Antimicrobial Agents
 Silver Sulfadiazine (Silvadene) cream
Most bactericidal agent
Minimal penetration of eschar
Use with either open treatment, light or occlusive dressings.
Applied 1 to 3 times daily after thorough wound cleansing.
Observe for and report hypersensitivity reactions (rash, itching, burning sensation in
unburned areas).
May cause transient leukopenia that disappears 2-3 days of treatment.
Anticipate formation of pseudoeschar, which is removed easily after 72 hours.
Store drug away from heat.
Mafenide Acetate 5% or 10%
Cream (Sulfamylon)

Penetrates eschar
Agent of choice for electrical burns.
Painful during and for a while after application. Administer analgesic 30 minutes
before application.
May cause metabolic acidosis.
Not used if >20% TBSA
Open: 2 times a day. Dressed: 4 times a day
Provide daily baths for removal of previously applied cream.
Silver Nitrate 0.5 % Solution
Bacteriostatic, fungicidal
Does NOT penetrate eschar.
Keep dressing wet; cover with
dry gauze.
Remoisten every 2 hours. v/
Redress twice daily.
Handle carefully, solution
leaves a gray or black stain on
skin, clothing and utensils.
Monitor serum sodium (Na+)
and potassium (K+).
Other Topical Dressings v/
Cerium nitrate
Povidone iodine (Betadine)
Assess vestibular/ auditory
Assess renal functions
Polymyxin B
Bacitracin ointment
Wound Closure
Prevents infection and loss of fluid.
Minimize heat loss through evaporation.
Promotes healing.
Prevents contractures.
Performed on the 5th to 21st day depending on the extent of the burn.
1. Autografting
 Permanent wound coverage.
o Surgical removal of a thin layer of the client's own unburned skin, which is then
applied to the excised wound.

o Monitor for bleeding beneath an autograft can prevent adherence.

o Immobilized after the surgery for 3-7 days to allow time to adhere and attach to
the wound bed.
Care of the graft site
Occlusive dressings are commonly used initially after grafting to immobilize the graft.
The first dressing change is usually performed 2 to 5 days after surgery, or earlier in
the case of purulent drainage or a foul odor.
Care of the donor site
A moist gauze dressing is applied at the time of surgery to maintain pressure and to
stop any oozing.
A thrombostatic agent such as thrombin or epinephrine may be applied directly to the
site as well.
Because a donor site is usually a partial thickness wound, it will heal spontaneously
within 7 to 14 days with proper care.
Donor sites are painful, and additional pain management must be a part of patient's
2. Allograft (Homograft)
 Temporary wound covering.
 Donated human cadaver skin is harvested w/in 24 hours after death.
 Monitor for wound exudates and signs of infection.
 Rejection can occur w/in 24 hours.
3. Xenograft (Heterograft)
Temporary wound covering.
Porcine (pig) skin is harvested after slaughter and preserved.
Rejection can occur w/in 24- 72 hours.
Replaced every 2-5 days until the wound heals naturally or until closure with autograft
is complete.

4. Biosynthetic and Synthetic

Temporary wound covering.
Artificial skin graft
Visual inspection of wound is possible, as dressings are transparent or translucent.
 Very young children who have been severely burned have a higher mortality rate than
older children adults with comparable burns.
 Lower burn temperatures and shorter exposure to heat can cause a more severe burn
in a child than in an adult because a child's skin is thinner.
 Severely burned children are at increased risk for fluid and heat loss, dehydration, and
metabolic acidosis than an adult.
 The higher proportion of body fluid to mass in children increases the risk of
cardiovascular problems.
 Burns involving more than 10 % of TBSA require some form of fluid resuscitation.
 Infants and children are at increased risk for protein and calorie deficiency because they
have smaller muscle mass and less body fat than adults.
 Scarring is more severe in a child.
 An immature immune system presents an increased risk of infection.
 A delay in growth may occur following a burn.
Main goals: To restore form, function, and feeling through 7 phases of burn
Rescue- Get the individual away from the source of injury and provide first aid.
Resuscitate- Immediate support must be provided for any failing organ system.
Retrieve- After initial evacuation to an accident and ER, patients with serious burns
may need transfer to a specialist burns unit for further care.
Resurface- Skin and tissues that have been damaged by the burn must be repaired.
Rehabilitative- Begins on the day a patient enters hospital and continues for years
after he or she has left.
Reconstruct- Scarring that results from burns of the leads to functional impairment
that must be addressed.
Review- Burn patients, especially children, require regular review for many years so
that problems can be identified early and solutions provide

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