Mourou Lecture
Mourou Lecture
Mourou Lecture
The advent of ultraintense laser pulses generated by the technique of
chirped pulse amplification (CPA), along with the development of
high-fluence laser materials has opened up entirely new fields of optics. A
CPA laser exhibits stunning capabilities. It can generate the largest field,
the largest pressure, the highest temperature and accelerating field, mak-
ing it a universal source of high energy particles and radiation.
CPA technology produces a wide range of intensities extending from
10 to 1025 W/cm2. In the lower part of this range, the intensity regimes of
Kingdom Vulcan Laser, United States Perry et al., 1999, etc. Third,
because of their reduced size CPA lasers could be combined with large
particle accelerators. In the case of synchrotrons (Wulff et al., 1997; Lars-
son et al., 1998; Schoenlein et al., 2000), they could be used to study
time-resolved x-ray diffraction. With a linear collider such as SLAC one
could produce fields higher than the critical field (Bula et al., 1996) and
observe nonlinear QED effects such as pair generation from a vacuum. At
present all the colliders are considering the incorporation of CPA technol-
ogy to produce γ rays for photon-photon collisions to produce a γ-γ col-
lider, (Telnov, 1990, 2000, 2001; Yokoya, 2000).
As we shall describe later, the availability of ultra-high intensity lasers
has extended the horizon of laser physics from atomic and con-
densed-matter studies to plasma, nuclear, and high-energy physics, gen-
eral relativity, cosmology, and physics beyond the standard model. It has
also had a major effect in bringing back to university laboratories science
that formerly could only be studied with large-scale facilities. Also at a
relatively low peak power level, it made precision machining and ophthal-
mic procedures in the medical arena possible.
From Eqs. 4 and 5 we see that, to reach an efficiency close to unity, the
laser input fluence Fpulse must correspond to few times Fsat. Fig. 2 illus-
trates this point for two different initial gains G0 of 10 and 103.
Gérard Mourou Lecture 101
Figure 2. Ampli-
fier efficiency.
This illustrates
the importance
for the input
pulse fluence
Fpulse to be few
times the sa-
turation fluence
Fsat to obtain a
good extraction
Due to the spatial variation of the laser beam intensity, this will modify
the beam wavefront according to the B integral given by
Gm = B
For laser fusion, the beam is “cleaned” with spatial filters every time B
reaches 3. For high-field experiments in which the spatial and temporal
beam quality requirements are more stringent, B must be kept below 0.3
corresponding to a wavefront distortion of λ/20.
Figure 3. The intensity dependence of the Index of refraction, will create spatial variation
of the laser beam intensity, producing undesirable filaments and hot spot.
Gérard Mourou Lecture 103
Figure 4. Chirped pulse amplification concept. To minimise nonlinear effects the pulse is first
stretched several thousand times lowering the intensity accordingly without changing the
input fluence J/cm2. The pulse is next amplified by a factor of 106–1012 and is then recom-
pressed by a factor of several thousand times closer to its initial value.
This led the Rochester group to look for the ideal “matched stretch-
er-compressor.” It came in 1987, when Martinez (Martinez, 1987) pro-
posed a grating compressor with positive group delay dispersion for com-
munication applications as shown in Fig. 5. In communication systems
the wavelength of choice is 1.5 μm, a spectral region where the fibre
exhibits negative group velocity dispersion. After propagation in a fibre
the bits of information exhibit a negative chirp. It is therefore necessary
to use a dispersive delay line after propagation with a positive group
velocity dispersion to recompress the pulses. After examining this
arrangement, the Rochester group came to the conclusion that the Mar-
tinez “compressor” was in fact the matched stretcher of the Treacy com-
pressor that they were intently seeking. This can be easily shown by con-
sidering the arrangement shown in Fig. 5. When one uses a telescope of
magnification 1, the input grating located at a distance f from the first lens
will be imaged at the same distance.
Figure 5. Treacy and Martinez grating arrangements. The Martinez grating pair used as
a stretcher and Treacy grating pair used as a compressor. It was discovered and demon-
strated by Pessot et al., (1987) that these two grating arrangements are in fact matched
over all orders. The pulse can be stretched and recompressed arbitrarily keeping the initial
pulse unchanged. This grating arrangement is used in most CPA systems.
to produce the first terawatt pulse on a table top system, the so-called T3 by
the Rochester group. It was subsequently used for subpicosecond pulse
amplification (Maine and Mourou, 1988; Maine et al., 1988) and for a pulse
duration of 100 fs by Pessot et al. (1989). This arrangement stands today as
the standard architecture used in CPA systems.
where Δωa is the gain bandwidth and G(ωa) the exponential gain. A gain
of ten orders of magnitude will narrow the gain bandwidth by a factor of 3
to 4. A fraction of this gain, however, can be recovered in the saturated
section of the amplifier.
Figure 6. CAN system is a fibre-laser based system built out of thousands of fibre lasers
coherently added to increase the average power and pulse energy linearly. The fibre
laser offers excellent efficiency (>30%) thanks to laser-diode pumping and provides a
much larger surface cooling area, therefore making operation at high peak power and
high average power possible with good efficiency and pristine beam quality.
Gérard Mourou Lecture 107
Note also that CAN uses the CPA concept. An initial pulse from an
oscillator laser is stretched and split into many fibre channels as many as
104. Each channel is amplified in several stages, with the final stages pro-
ducing pulses of ~1 mJ at a high repetition rate. All the channels are com-
bined coherently, compressed and focused to produce a pulse with a pos-
sible energy of >10 J at a repetition rate of 10 kHz. Of course, the cost of
the system will be expensive but at this level any system will have a signif-
icant cost.
Figure 9. OPCPA concept. In the OPCPA the pulse is amplified by optical parametric
amplification instead of regular optical amplification. Note that for efficiency the pump
pulse and the stretched pulse must have approximately the same duration and the same
spatial extend.
In both systems, the pulse duration will ultimately be limited by the grat-
ing bandwidth. At present no large gratings have the efficiency and the
bandwidth necessary for efficient pulse compression much below 30 fs.
Beam quality from CPA has been demonstrated to be excellent. The latest
studies have shown that OPCPA can also provide good spatial beam qual-
ity (Collier et al., 1999). The potential of this technique has been demon-
strated with the production of a 35 J, 85 fs pulse, equivalent to 0.4 PW,
using a 10 cm-diameter beam (Collier et al., 2004). The possibility of
reaching high energies seems to be more straight-forward with the
OPCPA because it can benefit from kJ, ns fusion lasers that are already up
and running. The pulse duration, however, will be limited by the grating
bandwidth. CPA implementations must wait for large Ti:Sapphire crystals
grown to 20×20 cm2 dimensions. These larger-scale crystals should
become available as the demand for higher peak power increases.
a solid and not guided anymore. The pulse was relatively long, around 50
fs, with an input energy of 500 μJ leading to an output pulse of 100 μJ in
20 fs. However this scheme is impaired by the beam bell shape intensity
distribution. This leads to variation in the nonlinear response across the
beam profile and a corresponding variation of the compression factor.
Figure 11. The pulse is focused on λ2 and create a mirror with an indentation deforms due
to (a). As it moves relativistically, it provides an isolated an individual pulse (b), (c).
The wavelength of the plasma waves is also around three orders of mag-
nitude smaller than the wavelength of the radiofrequency used in conven-
tional accelerators. The generation of low energy dispersion electron
bunches requires that the length of the bunch to be a small fraction of
these wavelengths and/or the use of complex techniques only compatible
with a large facility. In the case of plasma accelerators this condition
implies the use of electron bunches shorter than 10 fs to get an energy
dispersion below 10% typically. So far, these short pulses were produced
by controlling the wavebreaking of the plasma waves or by using laser
beam collision in the acceleration zone to produce a strongly localised
injection. In a relatively short time the major hurdles, one after the other,
have been surmounted.
Considering the beam monochromaticity, it has been simultaneously
demonstrated (Mangles et. al., 2004; Geddes et. al., 2004; Faure et. al.,
2004) to be of the order of 1%. In addition, high energy electrons have
also been shown to the GeV level by several groups in the USA at the
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, the Texas Petawatt Facility, University of
Texas; in Korea at CoReLS; and in China at SIOM and Peking University.
That considered, the major stumbling blocks to laser-based accelera-
tion (the repetition rate, average power and poor efficiency) due to the
inherent low repetition rate of the driving laser are being addressed. Rev-
olutionary laser infrastructures based on phased-array-optical fibre, like
the Coherent Amplification Network (CAN) described in section II. F. are
being actively studied. (Mourou et al., 2013)
Accelerator technology has immense promise for innovation for vari-
ous applications ranging from science with High Energy Particle Physics,
to applications which include betatron and free-electron light sources for
diagnostics or radiation therapy and proton source for hadron therapy as
well as homeland security.
Figure 14. In this regime for intensity in the 1023 W/cm2, the radiation pressure is domi-
nant and scales with the laser-pulse energy.
Figure 15. In the single-cycle regime, the acceleration efficiency of ions varies sharply.
The fewer number of cycles translates into a larger laser vector potential and yields
higher proton cut-off energy. The proton energy is increased by reducing the number of
cycles from τ = 16T (black curve) where T is the period, to τ = 4T (blue curve). In particu-
lar, with the single-cycle pulse (red curve), the cut-off energy of the ions is increased by a
significant amount and becomes quickly relativistic.
the pulse intensity is enhanced for a given laser energy as the pulse dura-
tion is reduced; second, the elimination of multi-cycle averaging over the
oscillations of a longer pulse enhances the efficiency, coherence, and sta-
bility of the ponderomotive acceleration. See Fig. 15. With this combina-
tion, the ion acceleration in the limit of single-cycle laser pulses becomes
far more robust, stable and intense due to the simple fact that the electron
ponderomotive acceleration term ‹v×B› no longer requires cycle-averag-
ing as in the case of longer, multi-cycle pulses. The application of the sin-
gle-cycle regime introduces a more coherent electron acceleration and
sharper electron layer formation that creates the fields that will ultimately
accelerate the trailing ions.
We know that in an ideal RPA light sail regime, the resultant maximum
ion energy is inversely proportional to the total mass of the accelerated
target. In a simple picture, the optimum thickness is achieved by decreas-
ing it, namely, the lower the total mass, the higher the final maximum
energy. However, other physical processes, such as transverse instabili-
ties, will strongly affect the actual acceleration process and prevent it
from reaching the optimum acceleration, particularly with current state-
of-the art multi-cycle ultra-intense laser pulses. While for shorter pulse
durations, especially for single-cycle pulses, the duration is too short for
D. Neutron spallation
High intensity lasers can produce high energy protons in the several 100
MeV regime. These can be used to strike a target of a heavy metal, mer-
cury or tantalum. Each impact can produce 20–30 high energy neutrons
per spallation. This technique has the advantage of producing a beam of
neutrons that can be modulated. This process may be linked to conven-
tional nuclear reactor technology in an accelerator-driven system (ADS)
to transmute long-lived radioisotopes in used nuclear fuel into short-
er-lived fission products.
Since the dawn of the laser in 1960, scientists focused them to create
non-linear effects and very quickly, as intensity increased, plasmas. Plas-
mas are ionised media known before the existence of lasers to be good
emitters of X-rays. Naturally, laser-driven plasmas were studied for the
generation of incoherent as well as coherent X-rays. The first proposal of
a laser emitting X-rays was published in 1967 by Duguay and Rentzepis
(1967), only seven years after the demonstration of the first ruby laser by
Theodore Maiman. However, progress on the development of both inco-
herent and coherent X-rays was slow following delays in the evolution of
the laser intensity. The demonstration and then the implementation of
the CPA technique triggered a major change of paradigm for the field of
laser-driven X-ray sources. This section gives a short overview of the dif-
ferent X-ray sources generated by laser that are available today with spe-
cial attention on the impact of CPA technique.
C. X-ray CPA
Recently, it was proposed to use the CPA technique directly in the X-ray
range for both free-electron lasers (FEL) and plasma-based X-ray lasers
(PBXRL). Although the physics behind the X-ray amplification in FEL and
PBXRL is different, the general concept is very similar: While amplifying
an ultrashort X-ray pulse, typically femtosecond, most of the energy
stored in the medium is left untouched because of a temporal mismatch
(Wang et al., 2014; Oliva et al., 2012). By stretching the incoming femto-
second X-ray pulse, then amplifying and finally compressing the pulse,
most of the stored energy may be transferred to the X-ray pulse. The con-
cept was successfully demonstrated on an FEL (Gauthier et al., 2016).
Thanks to the CPA these sources are now mature and used for applica-
tions in various domains from biology, chemistry and physics.
most weakly bound electron tunnels through the energy barrier formed
by the Coulomb field in the presence of the driving electric field. It then
accelerates in the oscillating field as a free particle to eventually recom-
bine with the parent ion, thus emitting a high energy photon. This pro-
cess is periodically repeated every half optical cycle of the fundamental
radiation, thus leading to a periodic emission of very short radiation
bursts, with duration in the attosecond range, as first experimentally
demonstrated by Paul et al. (2001).
For a number of important applications, such as pump–probe experi-
ments, it is essential to isolate a single pulse of the train, which can then
be synchronised with another optical pulse (Sansone et al., 2010a). The
first experimental demonstration of isolated attosecond pulses was
reported by Hentschel et al. (2001). A few developments in femtosecond
laser technology were essential to achieve the generation of isolated atto-
second pulses, in particular the stabilisation of the carrier-envelope phase
(CEP) of the driving pulses (Jones et al., 2000) and the generation of
high-peak-power sub-5-fs pulses (Baltuška et al., 2003). The most com-
mon way to generate high-peak power, few-optical-cycle pulses is to
apply suitable post-compression schemes. The most common technique
is based on spectral broadening in hollow fibres filled with noble gases, in
combination with broadband dispersive delay-line with chirped mirrors
(Nisoli et al., 1996, 1997).
Attosecond pulses were first employed for the investigation of ultrafast
electron dynamics in atomic physics. Particularly interesting is the meas-
urement of the delay in photoemission (Schultze et al., 2010; Klünder et
al., 2011), the analysis of the process of tunnel ionization (Dudovich et al.,
2006; Uiberacker et al., 2007), the investigation of electronic correlation
in helium (Ossiander et al., 2017) to name but a few examples. The first
application of attosecond pulses to molecular physics was reported in
2010, with the measurement of the electron localisation process in H2
and D2 molecules after ionisation induced by isolated attosecond pulses
(Sansone et al., 2010b). By employing high harmonic spectroscopy, atto-
second charge migration was measured and controlled in ionised iodo-
acetylene by analysing the harmonic light emitted after excitation of the
neutral molecule with a strong NIR pulse (Kraus et al., 2015). Particularly
interesting is the possibility to investigate the ultrafast electron dynamics
in complex molecules where sudden ionisation by attosecond pulses may
produce ultrafast charge migration along the molecular skeleton induce a
nuclear rearrangement (Cederbaum et al., 1999; Remacle et al., 2006).
The process of electron transfer in molecular complexes is of crucial
importance in biochemistry since it triggers the first steps in a number of
biochemical processes, such as photosynthesis and electron transport
along DNA. Experimental evidence of charge migration initiated by iso-
Figure 16. Electron density around the amine group of phenylalanine changes sign in ~2 fs.
lated attosecond pulses were first reported in 2014 in the amino acid phe-
nylalanine- (Calegari et al., 2014). Charge migration was evidenced as an
oscillatory evolution in the yield of a doubly-charged molecular fragment.
Fig. 16 shows the calculated temporal evolution of the electronic wave
packet generated by the attosecond pulses.
Attosecond technology has also been employed to study ultrafast pro-
cesses in condensed matter. The first application of attosecond pulses to
solids was reported in 2007, with the observation that photoelectrons
from the 4f band of tungsten reach the surface ~100 attoseconds later
than those from the Fermi-edge (Calegari et al., 2014). Another very inter-
esting application was reported in 2013, with the observation of an insu-
lator-to-conductor transition in fused silica (Schultze et al., 2013). It was
demonstrated that the ac conductivity of fused silica can be increased by
more than 18 orders of magnitude, within 1 fs, by using few-optical-cycle
NIR pulses (Schiffrin et al., 2013). The process of tunnel ionisation has
been investigated in solids by measuring the transmission of isolated
attosecond pulses through a single-crystalline, free-standing Si mem-
brane as a function of the delay with respect to a NIR pump pulse, which
excites electrons from the valence band to the conduction band (Schultze
et al., 2014). A photo-assisted tunnelling injection mechanism called the
dynamical Franz-Keldysh effect has been observed in thin films of poly-
crystalline diamond (Lucchini et al., 2016). This effect is based on elec-
tronic intra-band motion, which competes with inter-band transitions.
More recently, the role of inter- and intra-band dynamics in electron
transfer between valence and conduction bands in GaAs monocrystalline
samples has been investigated by employing attosecond pulses (Schlaep-
fer et al., 2018).
Gérard Mourou Lecture 125
Over the last decade, ion acceleration driven by ultra-intense laser pulses
has been emerging as a very exciting potential alternative to conventional
acceleration technology. By offering radically new characteristics (Fuchs
et al., 2006; Macchi et al., 2013), such as extremely compact acceleration
(over less than 1 mm), ultra-short (less than 1 ps) and ultra-dense
bunches (over 1013 particles/bunch in a single shot), laser ion acceleration
offers very promising applications as in hadron therapy and for the pro-
duction of medical radioisotopes. But already, laser-accelerated ions are
used in ground-breaking applications in proton radiography (Chen et al.,
2012), to study the concept of rapid ignition for Inertial Confinement
Fusion (Roth et al., 2001), and in the so-called field of “laboratory astro-
physics” (Remington et al., 1999; Albertazzi et al., 2014; Gregori et al.,
A new emerging prospect in this laboratory astrophysics domain (Chen
et al., 2018) is to investigate the question of the nucleosynthesis of heavy
elements. At present, there is no complete physical scenario capable of
explaining and reproducing the observed abundances of super-heavy ele-
ments in our Solar System as well as in other systems (Arnould et al.,
2007; Thielemann et al., 2011; Reifarth et al., 2014). These super-heavy
elements (i.e. roughly half of the elements heavier than Iron, and almost
all of those beyond Bismuth) are postulated to be generated through the
r-process (Arnould et al., 2007). This process proceeds through multiple
neutron capture in a nucleus, rapidly increasing its mass number (A) until
a β--decay (emission of an electron and a anti-neutrino) takes place,
which leads to an increase in atomic number (Z). It is generally accepted
that this process can occur only under extremely high neutron flux of
more than 1020 n/[cm2.s] (Cowan et al., 1985) in order for multiple neu-
tron captures to take place despite the small cross-sections involved. The
main problem is that almost all of our knowledge relative to the dynamics
of the r-process rests on theory and simulations, but their accuracy is
hindered by large uncertainties (Mumpower et al., 2016; Panov, 2016) in
the nuclear data for the involved heavy nuclei (e.g. neutron capture rates,
β-decay and α-decay half-lives, masses). This is due to the fact that no
facility based on conventional technology- can even come close to such
an extreme neutron flux.
To reverse this, ultra-intense lasers offer a radically new prospect as
they could be used to generate ultra-bright neutron beams in order to
make direct measurements of neutron capture, i.e. (n,γ) nuclear reactions,
as well as subsequent β-decay rates of the radioactive isotopes that are
created by the neutron capture (Chen et al., 2018). For this, the required
short duration and high neutron flux could be generated, from laser-ac-
celerated protons, through spallation. Another advantage offered by
Figure 17. Accelerating mirror as an analog black hole. Left: Black hole Hawking evapora-
tion and the trapping of the partner modes near the horizon. Right: An accelerating mir-
ror also has a horizon and can also emit Hawking particles and trap their partner modes.
The analogy between these two systems may be appreciated via Einstein’s equivalence
tions at their later stage and to reveal crucial details on how information
may be preserved during black hole evaporation.
According to Einstein’s equivalence principle, an accelerating mirror
moving near the speed of light shares some common features with a true
black hole (Einstein, 2002). In both cases, there exists an event horizon.
Interacting with quantum fluctuations in vacuum near the horizon, both
will emit Hawking particles and trap their partner modes (Fig. 17) until
the black hole evaporates entirely or the accelerating mirror suddenly
stops. By then the partner modes will be released. The purpose of this
proposed experiment is to see whether and how the Hawking particles
and their partners are entangled and therefore how the information would
be preserved.
It is known that an intense laser traversing a plasma would push the
intercepting plasma electrons to its back, the “plasma wakefields”. Under
extremely intense lasers, such density perturbations can be so concen-
trated that it can serve as a flying reflecting mirror. By properly tailoring
the increase of the density of a thin-film target using nanofabrication
technology, a relativistic plasma mirror accelerates as the driving laser
continues to enter higher density regions. At the time when the laser
leaves the thin-film target, the plasma mirror would abruptly stop its
motion, which mimics the ending of the Hawking evaporation.
Nuclear power wrestles with the problem of its spent fuel waste that still
needs to be technically addressed (and a societal will needs to be forged).
Among the three scenarios of nuclear waste disposal depicted in Fig. 18,
i.e. (1) The no reprocessing approach (requiring 130,000 years for stor-
age); (2) The spent fuel reprocessing (10,000 year storage requirement);
and (3) The transmutation (which shortens the need for storage to 300
years and reduces the volume requirement by 100 times), one can find a
laser-assisted path that allows for approach (3), which may be the most
environmentally forward-looking.
The vision and its technology based on the combination of a CPA high
power laser amplified within an OPCPA configuration by a pump created
from efficient, high fluence fibre laser technology permits a new high rep-
etition rate laser-driven neutron source for transmutation shown in Fig.
19. The OPCPA laser irradiates a nanometric foil ejecting deuterons onto
a thin target to generate energy efficient neutrons by the fusion of D-T.
The nascent investigation of laser ion acceleration through the physics of
the Coherent Acceleration of Ions by Laser (CAIL) method (Tajima et al.,
2009; Steinke et al., 2010) opens an efficient, compact, and economic
path to the required neutron generation. Here CAIL introduces direct
Gérard Mourou Lecture 131
Figure 18. The radiotoxicity of spent nuclear fuel may be reduced from the level of no re-
processed case by about 1000 times if we transmute the spent fuel. This is why a substan-
tial benefit may be gained by the transmutation. (Gales, 2018; Nifenecker et al., 2003).
Figure 19. Neutrons are generated by an OPCPA laser irradiation of a nanometric deuteron
foil, deuteron acceleration and interaction with tritiated solid target (Yan et al., 2009).
The simulation of the CAIL process has been performed with the EPOCH
PIC code (Brady et al., 2011). A linearly polarised laser of intensity 7.7x1017
W/cm2 and wavelength 1 micron h been focused into a 3 micron beam
footprint; this corresponds to a0 = 0.8 where a0 = eE/(me c ω0) =
0.85λL(I/1018)1/2 where λL is the laser wavelength in μm and I is the laser
intensity in W/cm2. The foil is composed of deuterium with a target den-
sity of 1.0x1023 cm–3. The efficiency of the energy conversion from the
laser to ions of 20% has been shown numerically and it sensitively
depends on the pulse length and target thickness. It has been shown pre-
viously (Steinke et al., 2010) that a0 = σ results in the highest efficiency
where σ = ne/ncr · d/ λL where ne is the electron density, ncr the critical
density (= me ωL2/4πe2 = 1.1x1021 /λ2 μm where ωL is the laser frequency
and λ μm is the laser wavelength in μm), d is foil thickness and λL is laser
wavelength. The theoretically maximum energy is given under the opti-
mal condition of σ = a0 as
Such research opens the way to aspire for the future application of emerg-
ing laser technology toward the practical transmutation technology of
nuclear waste.
CPA has revolutionised the field of optics by providing the largest fields,
the largest pressures, the largest temperatures and accelerations. The
range of its applications has been considerable starting from the eV, the
visible photon energy, and extending to the GeV, possibly the TeV. It is
enlarging the field of optics from atomic to subatomic physics to include
nuclear physics, high energy particle physics, astrophysics and cosmol-
ogy. The applications are remarkably ubiquitous, going from the simple
micromachining and eye surgery to the fundamental with TeV energy, like
astrophysics, cosmology, gravitation or nonlinear QED. At intensities
slightly above the solid or tissue damage threshold, it can be the perfect
scalpel, cutting without any collateral damage. Through its interaction
with gas, plasma, and solids, CPA can become a universal source of high
energy radiations and particles. High harmonic generation in gases can
yield attosecond X-UV pulses. The strength of its wake field in plasmas is
such that it can accelerate particle with formidable gradients of GeV /cm,
thousand times larger than conventional accelerating technique. The
large energy acceleration provided by the laser through the Einstein
equivalence principle, can be used to simulate a black hole and study, for
instance, the loss of information paradox in a black hole. In addition, the
electron being accelerated by a CPA laser in a gas can become by its lat-
eral motion a powerful betatron source that emits radiation in the keV to
100 keV regime. Interacting with a solid target, high energy protons can
be also efficiently produced. At very high intensity, the protons can
become relativistic at an energy of 1 GeV. The protons in turn can pro-
duce neutrons. The latter can find a number of applications in the medical
field like proton therapy or the production of nuclides for nuclear phar-
macology. High energy protons can also be utilised for transmuting radio-
toxic elements such as minor actinides which compose 60,000 metric
tons of nuclear waste worldwide.
The CPA System provides ultra-high peak power in the PW level. How-
ever due to its low repetition rate in the Hz regime, its average power is in
the 10–100 W range; which is far from enough for the applications such
as particle collider or nuclear waste treatment. In addition, it is still
plagued by a major flaw i.e, a very poor wall-plug efficiency of <1%. In this
document we describe the project CAN which has the capability to pro-
vide both peak power, average power and efficiency.
Going to the Schwinger limit and beyond finally, current technology
seems to limit the focused peak intensity to 1025 W/cm2. To go higher, a
novel compression technique is needed and presented. The intensity is
obtained not by an augmentation of the energy but by the reduction of the
laser pulse duration to the single cycle. By using relativistic mirrors, a
gigantic ponderomotive force in the X-ray regime can be created with
pulses as short as a zepto–attosecond. Once tightly focused it could eas-
ily produce intensity at or above the Schwinger limit. The ultra-high
intensity could engender in a solid density a wake field with an accelera-
tion gradient of TeV/cm, opening a fundamentally new vista beyond the
Schwinger regime.
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Gérard Mourou Lecture 139