Learning Equals Behavior Alejandra Montesinos
Learning Equals Behavior Alejandra Montesinos
Learning Equals Behavior Alejandra Montesinos
1. FRIEND SAYS: My uncle completed the “Alpha Learning Course”. So, he has what it takes
to have a successful career in International business. Your answer? Is not only all the
information we can handle but also the experience. But we're not gonna be able to
succeed without the missing link which makes it possible to take theory into
2. FRIEND SAYS: The only purpose of a business is to make money Your answer? A
business can be created with the aim of supplying any social inquiry, achieving any
specific objective, or any benefit
3. FRIEND SAYS: I don’t know that because, my professor didn’t explain that in class Your
answer? It is not the obligation of the professor to teach all information about
something, if you’re interested or you have any concerns, you can search and learn it by
4. FRIEND SAYS: 2 Hours of practice per week, is enough to master the English Language
Your Answer? Is not about the time, is about the quality and interest dedicated to it
5. FRIEND SAYS: There is no purpose in creating job descriptions; it is a waste of time! Your
answer? Job descriptions help people interested in taking a new job find the right job
according to their needs
6. FRIEND SAYS: Some “plastic container producer” called me for an interview; I want to
work for a global company. I told them I am not interested. Your answer? If it's not what
you’re looking for, then try somewhere else
7. FRIEND SAYS: I am not a good communicator, but that’s ok! I will still be a manager,
because I have a business degree. Your Answer? Even if you didn’t have a business
degree you must have all skills needed to be in that position
8. FRIEND SAYS: The Company my Dad works for just demerged, so it is out of business!
Your answer? You have to take all skills and lessons learned to be more successful
and be prepared for the next, maybe challenging job
9. FRIEND SAYS: CEOs only care about creating value for shareholders! Your answer?
Besides, create value for shareholders, the role of a CEO is to take care of the
company in many aspects, including financial strategies, managing decisions,
updating all crowd about the goals and achievements of the company, planning
strategies, and above all, being a good leader
10. FRIEND SAYS: My Dad’s job at Ford is easy; everyone just does what he says! Your
11. FRIEND SAYS: In order to explain GRAPHS, you only need two words: INCREASE AND
DECREASE. Your answer? Those are not the only words that can be used in a
business vocabulary talking about graphs, but also upturn, downturn, leveled off,
12. FRIEND SAYS: In order to make more money, you only need to sell more pizzas, that’s the
only way! Your answer? There can be other ways to make money, but always take into
account the break-even point in terms of a business
14. FRIEND SAYS: There is no purpose in planning what we are going to do 2 years from now
in this business. We should react as we go! Your answer? Strategic planning and future
growth mind are very important things for a business to succeed because, with all that
information and projections, we can see if a company is profitable or not, if it has a
great break-even point
15. FRIEND SAYS: Why should managers motivate employees? Your answer? because
employees are the pillar for the success of a company
16. FRIEND SAYS: Global snacks companies, only care about finding markets for Canadian
potatoes. Your answer? Are global companies, they will not care about one specific
region or country
17. FRIEND SAYS: Companies NEVER invest their money in producing critical inputs. Your
answer? it is not good to generalize, depending on the basic resources and
objectives of each company, producing critical inputs can be a great relief and a
strategy to decrease current liabilities and production cost of any product
18. FRIEND SAYS: My professor said my business model would never fly! I guess I have to give
up on this! Your answer? There are no limits when it comes to growing, you just have to
look for the right methods and strategies to achieve success.
19. FRIEND SAYS: It is impossible for a company to be in charge of the whole logistics chain.
Your answer? Maybe a demerge strategy would fit them very well
20. FRIEND SAYS: Having the cost leadership position, means we will not make enough
profits. Your answer? It has nothing to do with it unless the person in charge has
no knowledge and leads the company to failure