The Gita - Play Script - Role Allocation-Final
The Gita - Play Script - Role Allocation-Final
The Gita - Play Script - Role Allocation-Final
Who do we run to when we are dejected, confused or in doubt? Our mothers Of course! They
always guide us in the right direction. It was no different in case of the Pandava Prince Arjuna.
The righteous Pandavas and their cousins, the wicked Kauravas, were about to go to war. Just
as the war was to begin, Prince Arjuna asked Lord Krishna, his divine charioteer, to take his
chariot to the middle of the battle field to get a view of his opponents. When he saw his beloved
grandfather, Bhishma, his most respected teacher Drona and friends and relatives on the other
side, Prjince Arjuna became dejected and refused to fight.
Lord Krishna clears the doubts of the confused Pandava prince Arjuna, and teaches him how to
face war and life’s challenges. The conversation that takes place on the battlefield of the great
Mahabharata war in northern India around 3141 BC. between Lord Krishna and The Pandava
prince Arjuna, is the famous Bhagvad Gita, which literally means “Song of God”.
The Gita is a summary of universal ideas that are relevant even today and it has inspired many,
great leaders, writers and thinkers like Mahatma Gandhi and Nicola Tesla
Let us listen to a discussion happening in an SSE group 2 class about the Bhagavad Gita.
Guru (Ayingaran): Sairam everyone, good to see 100% attendance today. Continuing with our
discussion from last class about the Mahabharat war, today we are going to talk about the
Bhagvad Gita. How many of you have heard about the Gita?...Did you know that the sloka you
just chanted is from the Bhagavad Gita?
Student (Ishaan) : I have heard about the Gita- My grandpa has a big book that says “The Gita”
in the puja room, and he reads a few pages from it every morning.
Student (Rishi): My mother too reads it. She says she always finds solutions, to many of her
life challenges in there. She says we should all read a few verses from it regularly.
Student (Pranav) : Oh, I thought the Gita was only for old people? Raghu uncle, is it applicable
to children also?
Guru(Ayingaran): I am very happy to see that some of you have heard about the Gita. Very
good question Pranav. The Gita offers its knowledge to everyone, young and old. Anyone of any
religion or race can benefit from it, if they make an effort to read it. Today I have with me two
SSE Gurus, Ram & Ravi uncle, who will be participating in our discussions about the Bhagavad
Student (Tejas) :Ram uncle, can you please tell us what is in the Gita and how reading the Gita
will help us, students?
Ram uncle (Sooriyaa): Sairam everyone. Certainly. Today, we will try to explain some basic
teachings of the Gita. Your Guru, Raghu uncle, tells me that you have heard the Mahabharata
story until the point where Prince Arjuna tells Lord Krishna that he will not fight the war.
Student (Saran): I know, it reminds me of one of the five Ds that Swamy has taught us- To do
one’s DUTY.
Guru(Ayingaran): Excellent. That is what Lord Krishna is asking Prince Arjuna to do. So, as
children your duty is to go to school regularly, do your homework, attend SSE classes and help
your parents. You should do these activities without giving excuses and not run away.
Ram uncle (Sooriyaa): I will teach you a sloka about this from the Gita- --please repeat after
What it means is, focus on your work (karma), and not on the results (phala) of that work. Work
hard and don’t worry about the results. Don’t you think it applies to everyone?
Student (Ishaan): But Ram uncle, when we study, we want to get good marks. How can we not
worry about our marks?
Guru(Ayingaran): Excellent question Ishaan. It is true that you must study so that you can get
good marks. But it is your duty to do so and not think about marks because good marks will
come automatically if you work hard.
Ravi uncle (Sai Sarath): You should not try any short cuts and cheat in your exams to get good
marks. That is what Lord Krishna is telling Prince Arjuna. It is his duty to fight without worrying
about who will win or lose.
Ram uncle(Sooriyaa): The next advice that Lord Krishna gives Prince Arjuna is to concentrate
and stay focused. This can be achieved through meditation and yoga.
Ravi uncle (Sai Sarath): Another advice that Lord Krishna gives Prince Arjuna is about the
result of Karma.
Ravi uncle(Sai Sarath): Karma means action. Everything we do through mind, word and body.
Karma is the result of our good or bad thoughts. If we have good thoughts, our action will be
good and that will produce good outcome. Can you tell me how it helps you?
Student (Ishaan): We must develop positive thoughts. That will result in good action. We must
not think ill of others. As Swami says "Good thoughts alone would lead to good action."- "Help
ever and hurt never."
Student (Pranav): All this looks very straightforward, but why is Lord Krishna telling Prince
Arjuna this in the middle of the battle field?
Guru (Ayingaran): Ha! Ha! That is a good question Pranav. Prince Arjuna was in a very
confused state of mind. Like a mother guiding her child, Lord Krishna’s words helped him see
things in the right way, and understand what he should do and why he should do it, He also
explained to him some very deep and profound ideas about the soul, life and death.
Let me see what you have understood so far. What are some of the things we should practice
in life?
Student (Rishi) : Ram uncle, did Prince Arjuna listen to Lord Krishna’s advice?
Ram uncle(Soorya): Yes, Rishi- All of Prince Arjuna’s doubts were cleared at the end. With
Lord Krishna as his charioteer, he fought fearlessly and the Pandavas finally won the battle.
Guru(Ayingaran): Thank you Ram and Ravi uncle. Since you all paid attention in the class and
asked some very good questions, I am going to gift you all with a small book about the Gita. I
want you to read and think about Lord Krishna's teachings. We will continue the discussion in
our class next week.
Sairam everyone.
Students to offer flowers at Swami's paduka with "Patram Pushpam Phalam..." sloka playing in
the background.