5-Unit IV - Economic Generation and Utilization

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Generation and Utilization of Electrical


( EEE3003 )

Thursday, September 7, 2023


Economic Generation and Utilization


Comparison between AC and DC systems for transmission

efficiency, Load and load duration curve, demand and diversity
factors, Plant capacity and plant use factors, choice of type of
generation, choice of size and number of unit cost of energy
generated, Tariffs-KW demand constant and KVA demand
constant. Introduction to Energy conservation –Economic choice
of equipment-Tools for Energy auditing, Causes of low power
factor-methods of improving power factor, Case studies.
Introduction to Power Systems

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Structure of Power System:
The function of electric power system is to connect the power station to the
consumer load by means of interconnected systems of transmission and
distribution network.
• Power station
• Transmission lines
• Distribution systems.
Variable load on Power System:

Load on power station varies time to time due to uncertain demand of the
consumers and is known as variable load on the station.

Load Curve:

The curve showing the variation of load on the power station with respect
to time.
Load Curve:
Daily Load curve:
load variation during the whole day.
Monthly load curve:
obtained from daily load curve of that month. Average values of power over a
month at different times of the day are calculated and plotted. Used to fix the
rates of energy.
Yearly load curve:
obtained from monthly load curve of that particular year. Used to determine
annual load factor.
Importance of load curve:

• The daily load curve shows the variations of load on the power station
during different hours of the day.
• The area under the daily load curve gives the number of units generated
in the day.

• Units generated/day = Area (in kWh) under daily load curve.

• The highest point on the daily load curve represents the maximum
• The area under the daily load curve divided by the total number of hours
gives the average load.
• Average load = Area (in kWh) under daily load curve/24 hours.
• Load factor = Average load / Max. demand
Important Terms and Factors:

1. Connected load.
It is the sum of continuous ratings of all the equipments connected to
supply system.
2. Maximum demand.
It is the greatest demand of load on the power station during a given
3. Demand factor.
It is the ratio of maximum demand on the power station to its connected
4. Average load.
The average of loads occurring on the power station in a given period (day or
month or year) is known as average load or average demand.

5. Load factor.
The ratio of average load to the maximum demand during a given period is
known as load factor.
6. Diversity factor
The ratio of the sum of individual maximum demands to the maximum
demand on power station is known as diversity factor.

7. Plant capacity factor

It is the ratio of actual energy produced to the maximum possible energy that
could have been produced during a given period.
8. Reserve capacity

9. Plant use factor

It is ratio of kWh generated to the product of plant capacity and the number of
hours for which the plant was in operation.

10. Units Generated per Annum

11. Load Duration Curve
When the load elements of a load curve are arranged in the order of
descending magnitudes, the curve thus obtained is called a load duration
Numerical Examples:
Numerical Examples:

Tariff and Power factor


 The rate at which electrical energy is supplied to a consumer is known as

Objectives of tariff

Like other commodities, electrical energy is also sold at such a rate so that it
not only returns the cost but also earns reasonable profit. Therefore, a tariff
should include the following items :
 (i) Recovery of cost of producing electrical energy at the power station.
 (ii) Recovery of cost on the capital investment in transmission and
distribution systems.
 (iii) Recovery of cost of operation and maintenance of supply of electrical
energy e.g., metering equipment, billing etc.
 (iv) A suitable profit on the capital investment.
Desirable Characteristics of a Tariff
 (i) Proper return
 (ii) Fairness
 (iii) Simplicity
 (iv) Reasonable profit
 (v) Attractive
Types of Tariff
Simple tariff

When there is a fixed rate per unit of

energy consumed, it is called a simple
tariff or uniform rate tariff.
Flat rate tariff

 When different types of consumers are charged at different uniform per unit
rates, it is called a flat rate tariff.
Block rate tariff

When a given block of energy is charged at

a specified rate and the succeeding blocks
of energy are charged at progressively
increased rates, it is called a block rate
Two-part tariff

 When the rate of electrical energy is charged on the basis of maximum

demand of the consumer and the units consumed, it is called a two-part
Maximum demand tariff

 It is similar to two-part tariff with the only difference that the maximum
demand is actually measured by installing maximum demand meter in the
premises of the consumer.
Power factor tariff

The tariff in which power factor of

the consumer’s load is taken into
consideration is known as power
factor tariff.
Three-part tariff

When the total charge to be made from

the consumer is split into three parts:
fixed charge, semi-fixed charge and
running charge, it is known as a three-
part tariff.
Example 1.
A consumer has a maximum demand of 200 kW at
40% load factor. If the tariff is
Rs. 500 per kW of maximum demand plus Rs 8
per kWh, find the overall cost per kWh.
 No of units/annum= 700800
 Annual charge= 5706400
 Cost/unit= Rs 8.1

Solved in class. Pls refer class notes *

Example 2
A supply is offered on the basis of fixed charges of Rs 4000
per annum plus Rs 3 per unit or alternatively, at the rate of
Rs 6 per unit for the first 400 units per annum and Rs 8
per unit for all the additional units. Find the number of
units taken per annum for which the cost under the two
tariffs becomes the same.

Tariff A= 4000+3x
Tariff B= 6(400)+8(x-400)
X= 960 Units

Solved in class. Pls refer class notes *

Example 3

 The following two tariffs are offered :

 (a) Rs 200 plus Rs 10 per unit ;
 (b) A flat rate of Rs 18 per unit ;
 At what consumption is first tariff economical ?

 And: 25 units.

Solved in class. Pls refer class notes *

Example 4
An electric supply company having a maximum load of 50 MW generates
18 × 10^5 units per annum and the supply consumers have an aggregate
demand of 75 MW. The annual expenses including capital charges are :
For fuel = Rs 90 lakhs
Fixed charges concerning generation = Rs 28 lakhs
Fixed charges concerning transmission= Rs 32 lakhs
and distribution.
Assuming 90% of the fuel cost is essential to running charges and the
loss in transmission and distribution as 15% of kWh generated, deduce a
two part tariff to find the actual cost of supply to the consumers.

Rs 92 per KW of max demand plus Rs 5.3 per Kwhr.

Solved in class. Pls refer class notes *


 Ans:

 Refer: V K Mehta

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