5-Unit IV - Economic Generation and Utilization
5-Unit IV - Economic Generation and Utilization
5-Unit IV - Economic Generation and Utilization
( EEE3003 )
Load on power station varies time to time due to uncertain demand of the
consumers and is known as variable load on the station.
Load Curve:
The curve showing the variation of load on the power station with respect
to time.
Load Curve:
Daily Load curve:
load variation during the whole day.
Monthly load curve:
obtained from daily load curve of that month. Average values of power over a
month at different times of the day are calculated and plotted. Used to fix the
rates of energy.
Yearly load curve:
obtained from monthly load curve of that particular year. Used to determine
annual load factor.
Importance of load curve:
• The daily load curve shows the variations of load on the power station
during different hours of the day.
• The area under the daily load curve gives the number of units generated
in the day.
1. Connected load.
It is the sum of continuous ratings of all the equipments connected to
supply system.
2. Maximum demand.
It is the greatest demand of load on the power station during a given
3. Demand factor.
It is the ratio of maximum demand on the power station to its connected
4. Average load.
The average of loads occurring on the power station in a given period (day or
month or year) is known as average load or average demand.
5. Load factor.
The ratio of average load to the maximum demand during a given period is
known as load factor.
6. Diversity factor
The ratio of the sum of individual maximum demands to the maximum
demand on power station is known as diversity factor.
Like other commodities, electrical energy is also sold at such a rate so that it
not only returns the cost but also earns reasonable profit. Therefore, a tariff
should include the following items :
(i) Recovery of cost of producing electrical energy at the power station.
(ii) Recovery of cost on the capital investment in transmission and
distribution systems.
(iii) Recovery of cost of operation and maintenance of supply of electrical
energy e.g., metering equipment, billing etc.
(iv) A suitable profit on the capital investment.
Desirable Characteristics of a Tariff
(i) Proper return
(ii) Fairness
(iii) Simplicity
(iv) Reasonable profit
(v) Attractive
Types of Tariff
Simple tariff
When different types of consumers are charged at different uniform per unit
rates, it is called a flat rate tariff.
Block rate tariff
It is similar to two-part tariff with the only difference that the maximum
demand is actually measured by installing maximum demand meter in the
premises of the consumer.
Power factor tariff
Tariff A= 4000+3x
Tariff B= 6(400)+8(x-400)
X= 960 Units
And: 25 units.
Rs 92 per KW of max demand plus Rs 5.3 per Kwhr.
Refer: V K Mehta