Check Point ClearPass Integration Steps

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The Check Point Firewall should run one of the following versions and should have the Identity


• R80.XX

• For other earlier R77 versions, contact Check Point support to get a required Hotfix for Check Point

Identity Awareness Gateway

ClearPass Configuration:

1. Endpoint Context Server:

First add a generic HTTP Endpoint Context Server. Go to Administration > External Servers >

Context Servers [Add].

Add the appropriate Server Name (IP Address), this will be translated into the Server Base URL. No

Username/Password credentials are required to communicate with the Check Point firewall.

is performed via the PSK configured in a later step.

2. Context Server Actions Login/Logout - Go to Administration > Dictionaries > Context Server

Now that the Firewall endpoint have been defined, the next step is to set the Check Point context

actions ‘Login & Logout’ to use this endpoint.

It’s very important to modify both the Login and Logout Server Actions. These are what update the
of a user’s session going active/inactive. ClearPass will then update the Check Point firewall which

permit/deny this user. The firewall should not be updated of a session starting and not clear it when

user disconnects.

Make a copy of the CheckPoint Login - Guest User & CheckPoint Logout.

a. CheckPoint Login - Guest User:

Create a copy of the Context Server Action for guest user and modify the settings as shown below. Use the same
IP as the Endpoint Context Server
Figure 8: Context Server for Guest user – Action Tab

<<IMPORTANT NOTE>>: To ensure the identity will not be verified against Check Point’s identity
sources, the “fetch-user-groups”

and “fetch-machine-groups” should be set to 0 (zero). This is very important for Guest Users.
Obviously for

Guest users their userIDs do not exist within identity stores like Active Directory as they are transient

Some guest accounts could exist within a directory but that is not usual. So as a part of the

identify these users and link them to a user group (a configurable Check Point attribute called access
The important points to call out below are some of the additional fields that have been added, for example
user-groups, this is set in our example to aruba-guest. We have also added machine-groups, this is set in
our example to aruba-guest-machine. These groups will have to be created on the Check Point firewall.
Take care as no validation is performed and the spelling needs to be exactly the same. The creation of this
item on the firewall is covered later in section Check Point Configuration – Guest user account.
Another field added is roles. Note that the roles field is set to ‘[]’, that's a left and right square bracket.
The final change is that the two group fields, fetch-user-groups and fetch-machine-group are set to 0
(that's a zero), which was explained earlier to skip the AD validation at the Check Point firewall.

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